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Race to benefice to the Adopt Puppy Foundation.


Hello people! Our names are lolo and llolo. Tlapacoyan Central Park is in the upper part of
We’re university students and we’re from the city. We will run directly to the area
Tlapacoyan Ver, we are professionally runners where the village fair is held every year. there
and started to run when we were about 15 we are going to stay to celebrate.
and 17 years old. Now we wanted to do
something to help other people who can’t
run. We will train 5 days a week from tomorrow
until the day of the event because we need to
be in good shape. We will run around 10km
We’re going to raise money to donate to the each day. We have to train hard to win!
Adopt puppy foundation, in September we’re
going to organize a 10 km race from the park
to the fair, where they will participate 200
people. The money raised in this race will be
donated to charity.

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