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Scabies, also known as the seven-year itch, is a contagious skin infestation by

the mite Sarcoptes scabiei.[3][1] The most common symptoms are severe itchiness and a pimple-
like rash.[2] Occasionally, tiny burrows may be seen in the skin.[2] In a first-ever infection a person
will usually develop symptoms in between two and six weeks.[2] During a second infection
symptoms may begin in as little as 24 hours.[2] These symptoms can be present across most of
the body or just certain areas such as the wrists, between fingers, or along the waistline.[2] The
head may be affected, but this is typically only in young children.[2] The itch is often worse at
night.[2] Scratching may cause skin breakdown and an additional bacterial infection of the skin.[2]

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