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Result of interview ikom lecture

Using of ESP for students IKOM (learners) at the time in the classroom, lectures ESP using
PPT (power point) with basic text using the english language in teaching. And also the
lectures of ESP using the english while teaching. For the text students IKOM use english
text. But sometimes the lecturer still mix their language using bahasa.

Debate is one of skill from speaking itself that can train the students to improve their
speaking and arguing statement. By applying the method or did debate, its really helpful for
them especially for speaking. Using ESP in students IKOM during 3,4,5,6,7,8 of semester. It
is helping for thesis writing and will be useful when students are faced with a stranger of

But many students are still do not know how to apply ESP that taught by ESP of LC, because
the method are being taught by LC is less focussed on the needs of students. ESP of LC is
still focussed on GE (General English). So, students get less the usefulness of ESP obtained
from 1,2,3 of semester. Many still lack that is founded on students IKOM such as listening
and reading. And the most the difficult to be understood by students IKOM is on writing
skills, because the felt ESP of LC is not focussed on students IKOM needs.

So, LC should be focus on what the purpose of students needs. So, they have the benefit
subjests of ESP obtained at 1,2,3 of semester, because ESP is specific purpose of the future of
students IKOM needs.

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