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What You'll Need: 6.

00 Crochet Hook 50g 8ply Yarn Scissors Tapestry/Wool Needle Size: Fits 13 years and up {I just

made a smaller version for my sister to model} ~ Note ~ {Chains at the start of a round count as the first Double

Crochet of that round} Round 1~ Start of by making a Slip Knot, then crochet 4 Chains. Crochet 11 Double Crochets

into the first chain you made. Slip Stitch into the top of chain 4. You should have 12 double crochets now. Round 2~

Chain 3. Crochet 2 Double Crochets into every stitch all around. Slip Stitch into the top of chain 3. You should have

24 double crochets now. Round 3~ Chain 3. *Crochet 1 Double Crochet, then crochet 2 Double Crochets in the next

stitch. Repeat from the * all around. Slip Stitch into the top of chain 3. You should have 36 double crochets now.

Round 4~ Chain 3. *Crochet 1 Double Crochet into the next 2 stitches, then crochet 2 Double Crochets in the next

stitch. Repeat from the * all around. Slip Stitch into the top of chain 3. You should have 48 double crochets now.

Round 5~ Chain 3. *Crochet 1 Double Crochet into the next 3 stitches, then crochet 2 Double Crochets in the next

stitch. Repeat from the * all around. Slip Stitch into the top of chain 3. You should have 60 double crochets now.

Round 6~ Chain 3. *Crochet 1 Double Crochet into the next 11 stitches, then crochet 2 Double Crochets in the next

stitch. Repeat from the * all around. Slip Stitch into the top of chain 3. You should have 65 double crochets now.

Round 7,8,9~ Chain 3. Crochet 1 Double Crochet into every stitch all around. Slip Stitch into the top of chain 3.

Round 10,11,12~ Chain 3. Crochet 1 Double Crochet into every stitch all around, but only through the back loop. Slip

Stitch into the top of chain 3. Round 13~ Chain 3. On this row you will also only be crocheting through the back

loop.*Crochet 1 Double Crochet into the next 11 stitches,then crochet 1 Double Crochet Decrease into the next 2

stitches. Repeat from the * all around. Slip Stitch into the top of chain 3. Round 14~ Chain 3. On this row you will also

only be crocheting through the back loop.*Crochet 1 Double Crochet into the next 10 stitches, then crochet 1 Double

Crochet Decrease into the next 2 stitches. Repeat from the * all around. Slip Stitch into the top of chain 3. Round 15~

Chain 3. Crochet 1 Double Crochet into every stitch all around, but only through the back loop. Slip Stitch into the top

of chain 3. Fasten off. Weave in any loose ends. Take your Tapestry/Wool needle, and thread a long piece of yarn

through it. You want to use to strands of yarn at the same time. Using your needle, push it from inside of the turban

towards the outside right above the 6th last row. Now wrap it around the edge of the turban and pull tight. Push the

needle back through the top again. Repeat winding until the "knot" of your turban is nice and secure and looks prett

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