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KELAS : 3A-1

NIM : P1337430116013

WRITING TOPIC : Some students prefer to learn alone, while others prefer to learn

with their friends. Discuss the advantages of each type of

studying. Then indicate which you prefer and why.

Some people have their own way of learning. There are students who would

rather learn alone and learn with others, all of them have their own advantages.

The first advantage of learning alone is that we can be more focused and calm.

Also, learning time can be flexible at any time because it suits our desires. Another

advantage is that learning alone can train our independence to find solutions to the

lessons faced. Furthermore, learning alone can make us more relaxed because there is

nothing to interfere with so that we can focus and easily absorb lessons in our own


While learning together with friends has some advantages too. First, we can

exchange ideas and knowledge. In learning with others, we get different points of

view and it is certainly will increase our knowledge, this can make a better

understanding of the topics we learn. Besides, group learning can increase self

confidence and improve our communication skill in front of people.

In my experience, I prefer study with others because I can exchange ideas

with friends about the lessons discussed. Then if there is something I don’t

understand, I can ask a friend who might be more understanding than me. In addition,

learning with others can be more fun because it is so pleasant that it does not saturate

learning time. Also, friendship can becomes tighter, tasks that are done in groups will

certainly be easier to done. When we participate in groups learning we will find out

other ways our friends can understand a material more quickly so that from the

various example we can see in our study with others, we can choose which is the

most appropriate forr ourselves and which we can apply to ourselves.

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