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Teachers: Subject:

Claudia Tapia Debates in the Classroom, and Persuasive

Essays. 10th grade English.

Common Core State Standards:

· 9-10.W.1:
● Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using
valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.
○ a. Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or
opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships
among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
○ b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each
while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that
anticipates the audience’s knowledge level and concerns.
○ c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create
cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between
reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims.
○ d. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to
the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
○ e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the
argument presented.
● Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically
such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development,
substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task; use appropriate eye
contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.

Objective (Explicit):
· Students will be able to recall the information of their essay and present/argue their side within
a in class debate.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

- Students will be measured on their presentation of the knowledge they should have on
the subject they are debating on.
- Students mastery will be measured on having two connections to the text within their
arguments that connect back to the book.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

This object is relevant to students, their lives, and the real world because it allows them to
learn how to argue their opinions and using relevant facts to back up this argument.


Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)

“Do you feel prepared for today’s debate? What side are you on before this debate
starts? Will you have your mind changed?

Instructional Teacher Will: Student Will:

Take the alloted time to get their stuff together.
Teacher will ask students if they are read Will move chairs and tables in any way they may
to present and give the groups the need them.
opportunity to set themselves up and get Make sure to double check they are ready to take
adjusted before they present. notes if they are not presenting.

Tell the students that are not presenting

that they must be ready to take notes.

Co-Teaching Strategy
One teach, one assist. Creates a more detailed observation of all students in the class.

Differentiation Strategy
Can play music in the background and students should know that when the music stops they must
be ready to do whatever it is that has been asked of them. Similar to musical chairs.

Guided Teacher Will Student Will:


Co-Teaching Strategy
One teacher can watch while the other teacher leads, for maximum learning experience teachers
will switch half way through the day.

Differentiation Strategy
¨Make sure that students that need their notes have access to them. For example, having one
(maybe two if needed) index card with points they want to make.
Access to laptop or computer for articles to use as examples.

Independent Teacher Will: Student Will:

Practice Teacher will make sure that Students will be engaged by having
students stay on task and will not questions prepared to ask the students
attack each other during debates. that are debating.
This will be done by making sure
to steer the conversation back to Students debating will be prepared with
topic at hand. their notes and essay and examples of
their side of the debate.

Co-Teaching Strategy
Here we can have one teach and one assist as the debate goes on.

Differentiation Strategy
Students will be able to bring index cards that have their prior information written on it.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

Day will end with students writing a get out the door ticket on whether or not the agree
with one side or the other, or if their opinions were changed from the debate. If we are
running out of time students will write agree on a post-it note and stick it on the side
(Pro or Con) on the paper that will be hanging on the door as they exit.

Teachers: Subject:
Claudia Tapia 10th Grade English

Common Core State Standards:

· 9-10.W.3
- Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique,
well‐ chosen details, and well‐ structured event sequences.
- a. Engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation,
establishing one or multiple point(s) of view, and introducing a narrator and/or
characters; create a smooth progression of experiences or events.
- b. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection,
and multiple plot lines, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.
- c. Use a variety of techniques to sequence events so that they build on one
another to create a coherent whole.
- d. Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory
language to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or

Objective (Explicit):
- Students will write a creative short (1 page max) story on what their life would be like if they
had a Bionic life.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

“I woke up and looked around, white surrounded me and I had no idea where I was…”
Students will have dialogue integrated within this essay, at least two different speakers must be
present (the narrator counts as one).
Students will make a connection to one of the body parts, or the chip that Mira has. Use this as
the premise of the story.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

Write outline on the story

Create characters.

Key vocabulary: Materials:

Creative- Relating or involving the imagination and Paper/ laptops.
original ideas. Books for reference
Short story- A story with a fully developed theme
but shorter than a novel

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)

Free-write: "What did you think of the book, and how will you provide examples of it into your essay?"
Create a short story based on the statement:
“How would you react if you woke up from a coma without arm, leg, or knee?”

Instructional Teacher Will: Student Will:


Pass out handouts that include the Highlight the due date of the short
statement How would you react if story
you woke up from a coma without Make note that it does not have to be
arm, leg, or knee?” Explain that longer than 1 page, but be aware that in
students do not have to write any can be.
more than one page unless they
want to. Give the rest of the class Grab a pen/pencil and begin writing
period to let students write. their stories when the teacher says it is

Co-Teaching Strategy
Alternative teaching can be used in this situation if more than one student requires additional help
on the assignment.

Differentiation Strategy
If students need to or want to they may add pictures into their short stories
to help better explain themselves.

Guided Teacher Will: Student Will:

Create a short outline before they begin
Demonstrate what the story can writing their short story.
look like and read aloud the Turn in outline at end of class.
example they have created. Observe what the teacher’s example
looks like and begin creating their own.


Differentiation Strategy
Instead of creating a typical outline students can journal their thoughts quickly down before
beginning to write their short story.

Independent Teacher Will: Student Will:


Make sure to walk around to Students will write their short stories
check that students are staying on while in class. If they need help they
task. may ask the teacher or another student.
Offer help if you see something Students will make sure that their
that could be changed, or if outline is similar enough to what they
another student asks a good write down and should know what is
question make sure to address it appropriate to mention in the short
to the whole class if relevant. story.
Students should make sure that they are
reaching the criteria of the rubric given
to them.

Co-Teaching Strategy
¨Team teach can be used.

Differentiation Strategy
I can share my own strengths and weaknesses with the students that may need
extra assistance. As well as help them with theirs.
Students may add a reflective piece at the end of their short story to tell the teacher
how this assignment went for them and if they wanted to do anything different for it.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

All students will take short story home to finish for homework. Will be due next day in
class. Make sure students drop off their free write notebooks at the door before they
leave for class.
Teachers: Claudia Tapia Subject:
10th Grade English. Introduction to Bionic

Common Core State Standards:

· 9-10.L.6 Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain‐ specific words and
phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness
level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or
phrase important to comprehension or expression.

Objective (Explicit):
· Students will create a set of notes based on characters, and themes within the text and
describe at the end how these can relate to society.
Students will comprehend the information that they are taking notes on and make sure to develop
questions on concepts they don’t understand.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

- Student will take notes in their notebooks that will be turned in for review later in the
- Students expected to ask questions on anything involved in the book.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

Make sure students remember that they can take notes in whichever way is best for them.
Although they must ask at least one question at the end of the page in relation to

Key vocabulary: Materials:

Prejudice Pen or Pencil
Discrimination Paper to take notes on.


As we’ve mentioned in previous classes, there are often times where something tragic can
happen to us. In these cases we have to learn how to adjust to whatever has changed. You
can see this in history or even throughout a novel. Today we are going to take notes on the
characters and themes that we will be able to focus on with Bionic. At the end of class I will
give you time to start reading, but you will need to leave your notebooks here so I can be able
to check that you did take notes on these subjects.

These notes will be important as you can use them within your analysis of the text and for
future reference when it comes to the final project.
Instructional Teacher Will: Student Will:
Teacher will make sure to explain Students will be ready to take notes
that the student does not need to within their notebooks and will write
copy everything off of the slide. down any questions they have during
Visuals will be used in the lecture. Let the teacher know of any
presentation to keep attention immediate confusion that way
I will make sure to answer any clarification can occur.
questions students may have on
each slide and ask them if they
have any questions after a certain
point in the lecture.
Give students at least 3 minutes
per slide.

Co-Teaching Strategy
One Teach, One Observe. One of the advantages in co-teaching is that
more detailed observation of students engaged in the learning process can
occur. With this approach, for example, co-teachers can decide in advance
what types of specific observational information to gather during instruction
and can agree on a system for gathering the data. Afterward, the teachers
should analyze the information together.

Differentiation Strategy
Students can record the lecture, in these cases they will be able to inform
me in advance that way they do not need to leave their notebooks at the end
of class. This powerpoint will also be available online for students to access
in future references.

Guided No actually Guided practice today, just note N/A

Practice taking.




Independent Teacher Will: Student Will:

Practice Make sure to indicate that Students will practice what they have
students should write a short learned by writing a short reflection at
reflection at the end of their notes. the end of their notes indicating what
they have learned from the lecture and
what they want to know more about.
Feedback will be given the next
morning in class as the opening


Differentiation Strategy
Students can take their notebooks home with them if they need to go over
their notes and can feel free to email their questions to me or write on a
separate page.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

Students will turn in their notebooks at the end of class with at least two-three questions they
have. Make sure to mark the page that you ended on in the book so you don’t lose your spot.
Students will be engaged while reading the text for the quiz that is going to happen at the end
of the week.

Teachers: Claudia Tapia Subject: 10th grade English

Dealing with Adversity

Common Core State Standards:

· 9-10.L.3 Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different
contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading
or listening.

Objective (Explicit):
· Students will be able to describe the process of telling a good story versus a bad story and
how the language functions differ in each context.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

Students will show evidence of Mastery in their reflection of the class period. Also by
participating in class.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

Understand how adversity is included within the text. Be able to provide examples.

Key vocabulary: Materials:

Adversity Paper, pen/pencil.

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)

Students will have a free-write up on the board that they need to answer. It will say: “Think of
something or someone that has hurt you and how you responded to it. How do you respond to
it now?”
If students will like to share they may, but no one is forced to share anything they don’t want
Go into today’s activity.

Instructional Teacher Will: Student Will:


Help guide students by choosing different Students will listen to instructions before
people to speak about the freewrite. breaking off into pairs.
Explain to students the activity for the day.
One student will take notes while the other student
Get into pairs, there may be one group of explains their answers to the two different
three if there are uneven numbers in the questions presented.
class. One person must be ready to share
and the other ready to listen.

Remember what we did about EQ and

personality and bring this into

Understanding will be checked with

participation and with a short reflection at
the end of class.
Remind students not to get extremely
personal or say anything worrying to their
peer but if they need to talk about anything
they can speak with me after class.

Co-Teaching Strategy
Stationed teaching. One teacher may get half of the room while the other teacher takes control of
the other half.

Differentiation Strategy
If a student does not feel comfortable with this activity they can still participate but on their own.
This will just require more writing or typing of the students behalf.
Guided Teacher Will: Student Will:

The teacher will show an example Students will observe teacher and how
of answering the question “Tell us the demonstrate the activity.
about someone you are grateful
for” Make sure to choose who is going first
and who is going second.
Teacher will show an example of
“Tell us about someone that hurt Take notes on what they notice about
you.” speech, storytelling, and maybe even
Make sure to mention listeners
part as they should not speak at After everyone has gone be prepared to
all until it is there turn to be the ask questions that have been presented
speaker. by teacher.

Questions to be asked afterwards:

Can you tell me the difference in
speech and the speed in which
stories were told?
Why do we believe the harder
stories seem… (this question will
change due to the answers given
by students in the first question).
Was the person telling you a story
or giving you a list of

Co-Teaching Strategy

Differentiation Strategy
Same as above. Students will be able to work alone. Worse case students can work outside if they
do not feel comfortable hearing others stories either.

Independent Teacher Will: Student Will:

Make sure students are okay and Students will collect their notes and
do not go off topic. Tell students write a reflection that is due at the end
that it is now their time to reflect of the class period that relates to the
on the activity and how it relates book and other questions the teacher
to the overall theme of adversity may present.
presented in Bionic. Should also reflect on themselves and
how they reacted in this type of
Students should have listened to one
another intently and maintained eye
contact, and an open mind to this

Co-Teaching Strategy

Differentiation Strategy
The students that do not participate but choose to write instead must also reflect on the reason for
this.Although they do not need to go into detail about why. If they are visual learners they can
draw pictures instead but they will still need a small summary.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

Students will end the class period by turning in their reflections as they finish them or are
exiting the door. It is essentially a ticket out of class for all of them. Summarize how the activity
correlates to the the theme of Adversity and overcoming these feelings of emotions that are
developed throughout time.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Introduction to
the Text Bionic Free-Write: Free-write:
Free-write: Free-write: "Who would you be if you
by Wyen. Start "Have you "who would you
September 17 "What is had everything?" Quiz on first 80
reading book at experience be if you had
Predjudice?" pages of novel (P. 1-80)
end of class Prejudice?" nothing"

Start day with

Discuss what free-write. Have
students think students discusss On this day
Intro to the text.
Predjudice is. their examples/ students answer
Just a powerpoint Quiz on the first 80 pages today. Students
Describe what experiences. the free write
Introduction week day and a long will answer free-write and be able to
Prejudice really Bring in seperate above. There is
class period of beging reading for next week.
is. Have texts that deal time to read in
taking notes
examples pulled with prejudice class as well.
from text. such as "To Kill a
Free-write: Free-write: "Do you think you
Free-write: "What is the
"Have you ever Introduce Final understand people? Do you think
September 24 "What is difference
expereicned project. people understand you?" Quiz on
discrimination?" between
discrimination?" second 80 pages of novel (P. 80-160)
Predjuice and

No free-write
today. Have
students ask any
questions that
Have students
they may have, On this day
describe what
and make sure to students will learn
they believe
be clear on the and discuss the
discrimination is.
Have students three different difference
If they want to
share out what topics that they between
share their
they believe will be able to predjuice and
discrimination is. choose from. Discrimination.
they can, but
If they want to Split students up Have students On this day we will take Persoanlity
must make sure
share their free- into the six view the chart on Quizzes and also EQ tests. Sort of a fun
that they do no
write responses groups. 3 con, this website relaxing day for the students but also a
make other
Discrimination Vs. they may, but are and 3 pros for the https://keydifferen good way to connect back to the idea of
Predijuice not obligated to 3 different topics. understanding others that is prevelant in
do so. use Have them e-between- the book. Remind students that three
Throughtout this
examples from choose their roles prejudice-and- outside articles need to be turned in the
class period show
text and how in the project. following Monday.
examples from
discrimination Researcher, ml and make
inside and
can be seen, ask writer, and connections to
outside of the text
why it may be like speaker the text and any
of discrimination.
this (although all other texts they
Connect to real
should speak have read to
world if possible
during debate). better understand
(probably is
Teams will write the concept.
collective essay's
on the topic and
side that they
have been given.
"Write about
your first love-
"Think of
Person, Place,
Free-write: something or
Or thing. If you
Free-write: "Name three someone that
don't have a No free-write on this day. Final quiz
"Why is Do's and Three has hurt you
October 1 'first love' write on last 80 pages of novels. (PGS.
Diversity Dont's of and how that
about what you 160-240).
Important?" Persuasive made you feel
think it might
writing" versus how it
feel like using
makes you feel
the main
characters from
the novel."
On this day we
Students will turn
are going to
in the three
discuss the
articles for their Students respond
Go over packet relationship Students will have no freewrite on this
side of the to free-write. If
that discusses between Mira and day but will be taking a quiz on the last 80
arguments. they want to
what persuasive her boyfriend. We pages of the novel. Students will also
Discuss why share they may,
writing is and how will discuss the write a reflection at the end of class about
Understanding Others diversity is although sicne it
it can be used positive and how they believe I could present the
important and may be a hard
with their negative aspects teaching of this novel next time. Should it
how it can be topic to discuss
debates/ team of this be broken down into smaller chucks yes
seen in the text they do not need
essays relationship and or no?
with Mira, and to completely
how it impaires
even with her
(or repairs) Mira's
Free-write: "Do
you feel that
you are your
group is
prepared for
"What did you
your debate or
think of the
will you need to
book, and how Debate and Debate and
use thi swole Debate and Essay due from both
October 8 will you provide Essay Due from Essay due from
class period to teams
examples of it both teams both teams
get your stuff in
into your
order? Do you
essay?" Create
feel this in-class
short stories
work day will be
helpful?" In
class work day/
Final Workshop
Students will
answer these
Rough draft due
by beginning of
presented above Students debate Students with the
class. In class Students debate mental health
and will have the on student topic of "Is plastic
Final Week - students will awareness in high school. "Is there a
rest of the day to athletes taking surgery a good
Presentations create a short need for better mental health awareness
work on their steriods, and thing" will debate
one paragraph in high school?"
projects with their enhancments. on this day
story in relation to
groups and ask
Mira's situation.
questions if
Introduce next
October 15
Peer Review
sheets and
Notes reflecton from
are due today.

You can view the unit Calendar here

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