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I dedicate this to my beloved mother:

Alejandra P. Castillo



________1. A piping arrangement in w/c a drain from a fixture, appliance or a device
discharge indirectly into a fixture, receptacle or interceptor @ a pt. below the flood level rim of
the receptacle so installed to prevent backflow or siphonage.
_________2. A receptacle design to collect surface or storm water from as open area.
_________3. The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the
outlet of water pipe & the flood level rim of the receptacle into w/c is discharging.
_________4. The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the
lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying a tank plumbing fixture or device & the flood
level rim receptacle.
_________5. A fitting or device supplied with the water or other fluid under positive pressure
w/c passes through an integral orifice or “constriction” causing a vacuum.
_________6. The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the distributing
pipes of a potable supply of water from any source or sources other than its intended source.
_________7. Condition or any arrangement where reverse flow can occur.
_________8. Occurs due to an increase reverse pressure above the supply pressure. This may
be due to pumps, boilers, gravity or other source of pressure.
_________9. A device or means to prevent flow of liquid from returning source of supply. Also
called vacuum breaker.
_________10. The flowing back of used, contaminated or polluted water from plumbing fixture
or vessel into a water supply pipe due to negative pressure in such pipe.
_________11. A device installed in a drainade system to prevent reverse flow.
_________12. A part of the vent line, w/c connects directly w/ an individual trap underneath or
behind the fixture and extends to the branch or main vent pipe @ any pt. higher than fixture or
fixture traps it serves. This is sometimes called individual vent.
_________13. A valve open and closed by the fall and rise, respectively, of an attached ball
floating on the surface on the liquid.
_________14. A type of pipe connection in w/c a ball shaped embedded in a cuplike shell and
allows movement in every direction.
_________15. A room equipped w/ a shower stall bathtub.
_________16. Any two or more similar adjacent fixtures w/c discharge into a common
horizontal soil or waste branch.
_________17. That portion of a pipe w/c, for short distance, is sufficiently enlarge to receive
the end of another pipe of the same diameter for the purpose of making a caulked or push on
_________18. A total straightening or bending lead pipe.
_________19. Synonymous with faucet, cock, tap, plug. The word faucet is preferred.

__________20. A plumbing fixture used for washing the middle private part of the body,
especially the genitals. Also called “sitz” bath.
__________21. A pipe that is not drilled for bolt holes.
__________22. A flange that closes the end of the pipe. There is no opening the passage of air
or liquid.
__________23. A controlled outlet of a pipeline to discharge liquid or ditritus.
__________24. A loop of pipe rising approximately 35ft, @ its top most pt. above the highest
fixture it supplies.
__________25. An outlet on a boiler to permit emptying or discharge of sediment.
__________26. A vessel designed to receive the discharge from a boiler blow – off and to cool
the discharge to a temperature when permits discharge to the drainage system.
__________27. Any part of the piping system other than a riser, main or stack.
__________28. A length of soil or waste stack corresponding in general to a story he but in no
case less than 2.43m w/in w/c the horizontal branch from 1 floor or story of a building are
connected to the stack.
__________29. A horizontal vent connecting one or more individual vertical back vents stack or
stack vent.
__________30. Any joint obtained by joining metals parts w/ alloys w/ melt @ temperature
higher than 449 centigrade, but lower than the melting temperature of the parts to be joined.
__________31. A structure having walls and a roof designed and used for the housing shelter
enclosure or support of persons, animals or property.
__________32. That part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system w/c receives the
discharge from soil, wastes & other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys
it to the building sewer beginning 0.6m outside the bldg wall.
__________33. That part of the horizontal piping of drainage system w/c starts from the end of
the bldg drain & w/c receives the discharge of a bldg drain & conveys it to a public sewer,
private sewer individual sewage disposal or other pt. of disposal.
__________34. That portion of an underground system, w/c drain by the gravity into the bldg
__________35. The pipe carrying potable water from the water meter or other source of water
supply to a bldg or other pt. of use or distribution on the lot. Bldg supply shall also mean water
service connection.
__________36. Plugging an opening w/ oakum, lead or other materials that are pounded into
the annular space.
__________37. A fitting, screwed or caulked over the end of a pipe for closing the pipe end.

__________38. A receptacle in w/c liquids are retained for a sufficient period of time to allow
settleable materials to deposit.
__________39. A lined & covered excavation in the ground w/c receives the discharge of
domestic sewage or other organic wastes from a drainage system, so design as to retained the
organic matter and solids, but permitting the liquids to seep through the bottom and side.
__________40. A vertical shaft for installation of different pipe stacks.
__________41. A valve that automatically closes to prevent the flow of liquid or gas in reverse
__________42. A vertical pipe to convey rain.
__________43. A stop valve placed @ the connection of the water service pipe to water main.
__________44. A branch vent that serves 2 or more traps & extends from the downstream side
of the highest fixture connection of a horizontal branch to the vent stack.
__________45. Cooling water & condensate drainage from refrigeration, & air conditioning
__________46. Is the water conductor from the roof of the bldg storm drain, combined bldg
sewer, or other means of disposal & located inside of the bldg.
__________47. Marking on a backflow prevention device or vacuum breaker is a pt. established
by the manufacturer & usually stamped on the device by the manufacturer w/c determined the
minimum elevation above the flood level rim of the fixture or receptacle served @ w/c the
device may be installed
__________48. Any connection or arrangement between two otherwise separate piping
systems, one of w/c contains potable water and the other either water of questionable safety,
steam, gas, or chemical whereby there may be a flow from one system to the other, the
direction of flow depending on the pressure differential between the two system.
__________49. A branch leading from a soil, waste, or vent pipe, building drain, or building
sewer, and terminating @ a developed length of 2’ or more by means of a plug cap, or other
closed fittings.
__________50. The length of the pipeline measured along the centerline of the pipe ad fittings.
__________51. A backflow prevention device consisting of two – independently acting check
valves, internally force leaded to a normally closed position between two tightly closing shut-off
valves and w/ means of testing or tightness.
__________52. A measure of the probable discharge into the drainage system by various types
of plumbing fixtures.
__________53. The edge of the receptacle from w/c water overflows.
__________54. A floor drain, w/c is equipped w/ an integral water supply, enabling flushing of
the drain receptor & trap.
__________55. A device located @ the bottom of a tank for flushing water closets & similar
__________56. A device, w/c discharges a predetermined quantity of water to fixtures for
flushing purposes & is by, directs water pressure.
__________57. The fall (slope) of a line of a pipe in reference to a horizontal plane.
__________58. A body of ground water overlain by material sufficiently impervious to
severance hydraulic connection w/ over lying ground water.
__________59. Ground water in the zone of saturated extending down to the first impervious
__________60. A drain pipe extending laterally from a soil or waste stack or bldg drain, w/ or
w/out vertical sections or branches w/c receives the discharge from one or more fixture drains
and conduct it to the soil or waste or to the bldg drain.
__________61. Is supplied to plumbing fixtures to a temperature of not less than 120°F and not
more than 140°F except that commercial dishwashing machines & similar equipment shall be
provided w/ water 180°F for sterilization process.
__________62. A device designed and installed so as to separate & retain deleterious,
hazardous, undesirable matter from normal wastes while permitting normal sewage or liquid
wastes to discharge into the drainage system by gravity.
__________63. A pit or receptacle having porous walls, w/c permit the contents to seep into
the ground.
__________64. An exterior vertical drainage pipe for conveying storm water from roof or gutter
__________65. The percentage of the total connected fixture unit flow, w/c is likely to occur @
any pt. in the drainage system.
__________66. At common law or in equity jurisprudence; whatever is dangerous to human life
detrimental to health;
__________67. The practice, materials & fixtures used in the installation, maintenance,
extension, alteration & removal of all piping, plumbing fixtures, plumbing appliances &
plumbing appurtenances.
__________68. A water tight receptacle w/c receives the discharge of a bldg sanitary drainage
system or part thereof, & is designed & constructed so as to separate solids from the liquid

digest organic matter through a period of detention, & allow the liquid of discharge into the soil
outside the tank through a system of joint or perforated piping, or seepage pit.
__________69. A general term for any vertical line including the offset of the soil, waste, vent
or inside conductor piping.
__________70. A fitting or device, w/c provides a liquid seal to prevent the emission of sewer,
gases w/out materially affecting the flow of sewage or wastewater through it.
__________71. Any pressure less than exerted by the atmosphere.
__________72. A pipe or pipes installed to provide a flow of air from a drainage system or to
provide a circulation of air w/in such system to protect trap seals from siphonage &
__________73. A water closet installed I such a way no part of water closet touches the floor.
__________74. Is that portion of the plumbing system that receives discharges of all soil &
waste stacks w/in bldg, & conveys the same to the house sewer.
__________75. Is also known as Collection Line of a Plumbing System.
__________76. Are installed underground, or may be suspended below the floor or inside the
__________77. House drain is usually suspended from the basement ceiling to avail of the
gravity flow of waste to the main sewer.
__________78. Reduces the scouring action in the pipe, thus the solid waste are carried along
the bottom of the pipe & because the water flow w/in the larger pipe is shallow, and slow, they
become of the pipe.
__________79. Should be size correctly to have a flow about 50% of the pipe diameter.
__________80. Is a type house drain that receives discharges of sanitary waste as well as storm
water. This is the oldest form of house drain & no longer permitted.
__________81. Is a type of house drain that receives the discharges of sanitary & domestic
wastes only. The wastes is conveyed to a septic tank or public sewer.
__________82. It conveys all storm clear water, or surface water waste except sanitary wastes.
It terminates into lakes, river or natural basins.
__________83. Is a house drain that receives discharges from industrial equipment that contain
some objectionable acid wastes. Industrial wastes that contains acid waste terminates into a
separate drainage basin.
__________84. Could be estimated by dividing the total pitch in cm by the length of the longest
branch in meter.

__________85. Is a device installed in a house drain immediately inside the foundation wall of
the bldg.
__________86. Is a device used in a drainage system to prevent the reversal of flow.
__________87. Is the most preferred type because it has the characteristics non-interferences
in the movement of air inside the drainage system.
__________88. Is not the preferred type because of its poor performance.
__________89. Consist of a running trap installed under the basement floor to protect it from
__________90. Is a receptacle used to receive water to be drained from the floor into the
plumbing system.
__________91. Is a receptacle used to catch surface water drained from cemented courts,
driveways & yards.
__________92. Is a device designed to convey wastes from garage, wash rack, grease pits &
repair floors into the house drain.
__________93. Is a device used in kitchens serving hotels, dining rooms, clubhouse &
___________94. Is that portion of the horizontal drainage system,w/c starts from the outer
face of the bldg & terminate @ the main sewer in the street or septic tank. This is also called as
___________95. Is connected to the main sewer by boring a small hole through the concrete
pipe, using a sharpened steel chisel or electric drill.
___________96. Is connected to the main sewer entering @ 45° angle or directly from the top.
___________97. Is that unit of the plumbing system that conveys rain or storm water to a
suitable terminal.
___________98. Is not permitted to discharge into a septic tank.
___________99. Is a collector of water coming down from downspout leading the accumulated
water away from the house @ a relatively low rate of flow.
___________100. Is sometimes located under the basement floor or w/in the walls of the
___________101. Is installed outside the foundation wall of the bldg.
___________102. Is adopted when the street drainage is higher in elevation than the basement
floor of the bldg.
___________103. Is a combination of two chemical elements HYDROGEN & OXYGEN
___________104. It appears in natural state as liquid, solid(ice) or gas(water vapor or steam)
___________105. In its liquid form, water is 839 times heavier than air but in its vapor it is

133 times lighter than air.

___________106. Water weighs 3.77kg per US gallons or 1000kg/cubic meter.
___________107. Are carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, methane, oxygen & nitrogenous &
organic compounds
___________108. Are calcium, magnesium, iron, & manganese & other carbonates & silicates,
alkyl benzene, sulfate from detergents & synthetic organic from insecticide & pesticides.
___________109. Such as bacteria, algae, fungi, silt, protozoa & other colloidal matters making
the water colored & acidic.
___________110. By entrainment of radioactive substances from mining or processing ores, by
wastes from industrial use of radioactive materials.
___________111. Is a mineral present in water through artificial means.
___________112. Should not be used for distribution of soft acid water, or for water having a
high concentration of dissolved oxygen or chlorides.
___________113. By – product of the reaction of lead of soft acid or high Do or chlorides.
___________114. Are supplying water for public use should be located @ a minimum distance
of 100 meters radius from residential areas.
___________115. Is nothing more than a very shallow well w/ water, taken from water stratum
composed of cervical limestone, sand or gravel, lying a few meters the earth.
___________116. A complete chemical analysis for each type of water sold, shall be made @
least twice a year.
___________117. This type of water distribution, obtain its supply of water through a large
intake pipe, installed in a lake basin extended down the water.
___________118. Water is drawn from a drilled distribution done by indirect pressure. For this
type , a turbine pipe is employed mounted on top of the standpipe extended down the well
below the water table.
___________119. Refers to the pipe connection from the public water main or any source of
water supply to the bldg served.
___________120. Refers to the vertical supply pipe w/c extend upward from one floor to the
next floor.
___________121. Are horizontal pipes that serves the faucets or fixtures.
___________122. The air pressure water distribution is a new concept in water distribution
where compressed air is used as the delivery agent.
___________123. This type of water distribution is used on tall buildings that could not be
served by adequately by the street main.

___________124. Installed to operate in sequence according to the volume demand.

___________125. Refers to the resistance produced by the flowing water w/ fittings & interior
surface of the pipe.
___________126. Is the force required to move the water inside the pipe. It is the only means
necessary to overcome friction.
___________127. Is the pressure exerted by the water @ rest.
___________128. Refers to the pressure range measured over a period of 24hrs. pressure from
residential house ranges from 30 to 40 psi.
___________129. Is a valve that keeps the pressure constant @ 40psi or can be reset to any
pressure desired.
___________130. Refers to the maximum & minimum pressure @ w/c proper function of the
water supply system can be maintained.
___________131. Is the loss in the rate of flow, due to friction between the water & the walls
of the pipe.
___________132. To the variation in the pressure between the water main and the outlet end
of the water service. Is generally caused by friction.
___________133. Can be checked by installing an air chamber pipe @ the back of the faucet.
The compressed air inside the pipe chamber serves as cushion to prevent water hammering.
___________134. Refers to the maximum water discharge of fixtures in terms of fixtures units.
___________135. Is not likely to exceed 25% of the Maximum Demand, especially for average
size residential bldg.
___________136. Public water distribution system usually has an average water pressure of
50psi that is only adequate to serve building less than 5storey high.
___________138. Diameter service pipe could supply 2 branches @ 20mm diameter, capable of
delivering up to 18gal of water per minute to serve up to 20 fixtures.
___________139. Is also subject to noise, vibrations & hammering.
___________140. This pump is used in smaller water distribution system for elevating water in
wells or other sources.
___________141. This pump is associated w/ tall building water distribution system.
___________142. Is used to completely closed, or completely open line but not necessarily to
control the flow of water. It is connected to main supply & pump line wherein operation is
___________143. Is used where the stem must be installed pointing downward.

___________144. Closes in the same manner as wedge type, except that is parallel faces drop
in vertical position, & is force apart by the disc spreader.
___________145. Is actuated by a stem screw, and hand wheel, suited on installation that calls
for throttling. Affords a greater resistance to flow than a gate valve because of the change in
the directions.
___________146. Has a wide bearing surface producing good resistance to the cutting effects
of scale, dirt & other kind of foreign matter found inside pipe.
___________147. Has a pressure tight bearing between the disc & the seat recommended for
cold water & temperature service.
___________148. Is used for various types of services on oil, gasoline, steam, & hot or cold
___________149. Operates in the same manner as a globe valve. It is available in a similar
range of disc & seat design. It is used in 90° turn in a line to reduce the number of joints.
___________150. Is located @ lower end of pump used to prevent loss of priming the pump. It
is also known as Retention Valve.
___________151. Is use to prevent the reversal flow of the gas or liquid in the line.
___________152. Is used on cold water system, heating system, compressed air lines w/
excessive pressure.
___________153. Is inserted into the water main & serve as a control of water service.
___________154. Is installed between the curb & the sidewalk line accessible to cast iron stop
box equipped w/ removable cover.
___________155. Is a controlling stop of the entire water supply in the bldg.
___________156. Is a device used to measure the amount of water that passes through the
water service.
___________157. This is commonly used in small residential houses & other industrial
installation w/ the following features: it provides constant circulation of water, hot water is
quickly drawn from the fixture @ any time desired.
___________158. Consist of heater w/ storage tank & pipe connections to carry the hot water
to the farthest fixture w/ continuous piping, to return the unused hot water back to the heater.
___________159. Increase the corrosive property of water that no galvanized iron metal could
w/stand its corrosive effect.
___________160. This is an efficient type of hot water distribution generally used in bldg of
extreme hgt.
___________161. The large pipe of the installation is installed @ the top of the riser, & the
diminishing pipe sizes, passes through the lower floors.

___________162. The large pipe is installed @ the bottom of the riser & the diminishing sizes
passes through the upper floors of the building.
___________163. This is a mechanical device used to circulate hot water to the plumbing
___________164. Is used because it is compactly designed and easy to repair.
___________165. This is used to serve the domestic hot water system. It should be strong
enough to resist the high pressure of boiling water stored in it.
___________166. Small hot water tank made of copper or stainless steel normally of cylindrical
___________167. Large hot water tank made of heavy duty stainless steel sheet of diameter
varying from 60 to 130 cm & not more than 5 meters long.
___________168. The kind of building served, the expected number of occupants & users, the
heating capacity of the supply device.
___________169. The average rated maximum consumption of hot water per person is about
___________170. The average working load is about 35%
___________171. The average working load is 50% of the rated consumption per person.
___________172. Should be near & accessible to where most hot water is needed.
___________173. Use to protect the tank from rupture or explosion brought by uncontrolled
temperature & pressure.
___________174. Is used to protect the hot water space heating system.
___________175. Is a type of heating system where water is confined w/in a system @ low
___________176. Is a type of heating system not in a closed system w/c operate on a much
higher temperature.
___________177. Is used mainly for space heating, cooking & laundering. It is produced in a
boiler & passes through steam headers & branch take off to the steam appliance.
____________178. Are wrought iron or steel w/ threaded joints.
____________179. Is the most satisfactory valve to use for steam piping.
____________180. Should not be used w/ fiber disk washers because fiber disk washere wear
rapidly under conditions of high pressure & temperature.
____________181. Is used for heating. Fuel gas is manufactured or natural. In its natural state,
it is colorless & odorless w/ specific gravity of about ½ of the ordinary air.
____________182. Is not poisonous but can cause suffocation in a closed space.

____________183. May be poisonous, since it may contain carbon monoxide.

____________184. Is generally distributed by steel gas mains.
____________185. Pipes cannot be used for transporting gases above ground unless they are
completely enclosed in a conduit or casing of sufficient strength to provide protection from
external damaged & deterioration.
____________186. Can be used @ a remote location cause pneumatic valves to shut, stopping
gas flow. Switched should be non – electric so that arcs or sparks are not created around
flammable gases.
____________187. Hazardous gas cylinders should housed in a gas cylinder cabinet. These
cabinet can be equipped w/ sprinkler protection & ventilation.
____________188. Can be used to limit hazardous gas flow to just over maximum flow needed,
must be installed immediately downstream of each hazardous gas cylinder.
____________189. Must be present in areas were corrosive materials or gas is used.
____________190. An integrated system of underground or overhead piping or both connected
to a source of extinguishing agent when actuated by its automatic detecting device.
____________191. Fire involving ordinary combustible materials such as wood, cloth, paper,
rubber & plastic.
____________192. Fire in inflammable liquids & gases.
____________193. Fire involving energized electrical equipment.
____________194. Fire involving combustible metals, such as magnesium, Na, K & other similar
____________195. Temperature @ w/c a liquid is transformed or converted to vapor.
____________196. A type of standpipe system in w/c the pipes are normally not filled w/
water. Water is introduced to the system thru fire service connections when needed.
____________197. Piping installation wherein both mains & the distribution pipes are
constantly filled w/ water.
____________198. System filled w/ water & connected to a constant water supply for the use
of fire service.
____________199. Chemical compound that is commonly intended of producing explosion.
____________200. It is activated by the presence of fire, signal is transmitted to designated
____________201. Practice of drill for the orderly and safe evacuation of occupants of building.

_____________202. Wall designated to prevent the spread of fire, having a fire resistance
rating not less than 4hours w/ sufficient structural activity to remain standing even if
construction on either side collapses under fire conditions.
_____________203. A gas, fumed, or vapor used for the destruction or control of insects, fungi,
vermin & other pests.
_____________204. Any flammable gas liquefied through pressure. The liquid vaporizes under
normal atmospheric pressure.
_____________205. Unobstructed route of exit from any point in a building.
_____________206. Are those w/ low combustibility that no self propagating fire.
_____________207. Are those w/c are liable to burn w/ moderate rapidity or to give off a
considerable volume of smoke, but from neither poisonous fumes nor explosions are to be
expected in the event of fire.
_____________208. Are those w/c are liable to burn w/ extreme rapidity or from w/c
poisonous gases or explosions are to be expected in the event of fire.
_____________209. Consisting a combination of an automatic or smoke detection system,
automatic exhaust system and an automatic water curtain in a way that:
a. Downdraft ave. velocity not less than 91.5m/min = 1.5m/sec for not less than 30
b. Water flow in sprinkler system
c. Smoke must be detected before it enters the stairways.
d. Maximum reability of power supply of all control devices.
_____________210. Consisting of a combination of an automatic fire or smoke detection
system & a system of high velocity water spray nozzle meeting the ff:
a. An open type & shall have a solid conical spray pattern w/ discharged angles
between 45° & 90°.
b. The number of nozzles & water supply shall be sufficient to deliver a discharge of
81.5 liters/Esq./min through the well way.
c. Spray nozzle shall be located as to effectively utilized the full advantage of the
cooling & counter draft effect.
d. Spray nozzles shall discharge at a minimum of 1.75kg/ pressure.
e. Control valves shall be readily accessible to minimize water damage.
_____________211. Consisting of an automatic self-closing rolling shutter w/c completely
encloses the top of each escalator provided by the ff:
a. The shutter shall operate @ a speed of not greater than 9m/min.
b. The electrical supply of the control devices shall be designed and installed properly
to provide maximum reliability.

c. Rooling shutters shall be operated @ least once a week to make sure that they
remain in proper operating condition.
______________212. Place of assembly (more than 1000 persons) - @least 4 separate exits
______________213. Place of assembly (300 to 1000 persons) - @least 3 exits
______________214. Place of assembly (50 to 300 persons) - @least 2 main exits
______________215. There shall be one dry standpipe outlet connection located @ every floor
level landing above the first floor @ every required enclosed stairway or smoke proof
enclosure. No point more 40 meters travel distance from a dry standpoint outlet connection.
______________216. All horizontal runs of dry standpipes system shall have a 20% slope for
the purpose of draining.
______________217. The size of standpipe shall be not less than 102mm in the buildings w/c
the highest outlet is 23m or less above the Fire Service connection.
______________218. The size of standpipe shall be not less than 153mm in the buildings w/c
the highest outlet is higher than 23m above the Fire Service Connection.
______________219. Each standpipe shall be equipped w/ an approved 6.4 cm outlet not less
than 61 cm nor more than 122cm above the floor level of each storey.
______________220. An approved durable sign w/ raised letters of @ least 25mm in height,
shall be permanently attached to all fire service street connections. Such signs shall read “DRY
______________221. Wet standpipe shall be located so that all portions of the buildings are
w/in 6 meters of a nozzle attached to 22 meters hose.
______________222. The size of the standpipe shall be not less than 64 mm in diameter when
height of the riser is 15 meters or more above the source & shall not be less than 51 mm in
diameter when the height of the riser is less than 15 meters above the source.
______________223. All interior wet standpipes shall be equipped w/ a 38 mm valve in each
storey , including the basement or cell roof of building & located not less than 91 cm or more
than 182 cm above the floor.
______________224. Wet standpipe shall deliver not less than 132 liters of water per minute @
not less than 1.8 kg/ residual pressure from each of any two outlets flowing
simultaneously for 30 mins.
______________225. Shall have a capacity sufficient to furnish @least 265 Liters of water per
minutes for 30 minutes.
______________226. Each wet standpipe outlet shall be supplied w/ hose not less than 38 m in

______________227. A device that contains w/in it chemicals, fluids, or gases for extinguishing
fires, the means for application of its contents for the purposes, & is being capable of being
readily move from place to place.
______________228. Any act that would remove or neutralize a fire hazard.
______________229. Any material or mixture consisting of a fuel and oxidizer used to set off
______________230. Descriptive materials that are easily to set fire.
______________231. Any liquid having a flash point @ or above 37.8° C.
______________232. Any liquid w/c causes fire when in contact w/ organic matter or w/
certain chemicals.
______________233. A vertical panel of non – combustible or fire resistive materials attached
to & extending below bottom chord of trusses, to divide the underside of the roof into
separate compartments so that heat & smoke will be directed upwards to a roof vent.
______________234. Descriptive of any material w/ by its nature or as a result of its reaction
w/ other elements produces a rapid drop in temperature of the immediate surroundings.
______________235. A normally open device installed inside an air duct system w/
automatically closes to restrict the passage of smoke or fire.
______________236. A continuous passageway for the transmission of air.
______________237. A hot piece or lump that remains after a materials has partially burned &
is still oxidizing w/out the manifestation of flames.
______________238. An extremely hot luminous bridge formed by the passage of electric
current across a space between two conductors or terminals due to incandescense of the
conducting vapor.
______________239. The active principle of burning, characterized by heat & light combustion.
______________240. A building unsafe in case of fire because it will burn easily or lacks
adequate exist or fire escapes.
______________241. A fire resistive door prescribed for openings in fire separation walls or
______________242. Any conditions or act w/c increases or may cause an increase in the
probability of the occurrence of fire.
______________243. The portion of the roadway or public – way that should opened &
unobstructed @ all times for the expedient operations of fire fighting unit.
______________244. The minimum temperature @ w/c materials gives off vapor in sufficient
concentration to form an ignitable mixture w/ air.
______________245. A process where piece of metal heated prior changing its dimension or

______________246. A kind of stable explosives compound w/c explodes by percussion.

______________247. A box or cabinet where fire hoses, valves & other equipment are stored
and arranged for fire fighting.
______________248. A cylindrical device turning to an axis around w/c a fire hose is wound &
______________249. A piece of metal or an electrical conductor used to by pass a safety device
in an electrical system.
______________250. A strong oxidizing organic compound w/c releases oxygen readily. It
causes fire when in contact w/ combustible materials specially under conditions of high
______________251. The use of one or more electrical appliances or devices w/c draw or
consume electrical beyond the design capacity of the existing electrical system.
______________252. A material that readily yields oxygen in quantities sufficient to stimulate
or support combustion.
______________253. Descriptive of any substance that ignites spontaneously when to expose
to air.
______________254. A process where impurities and deleterious materials are removed from a
mixture in order to produce a pure element or compound. Also refer to partial distillation &
______________255. Melting or fusing of metallic ores or compounds so as to separate
impurities from pure materials.
______________256. A passage hall or antechamber between the outlet doors & the interior
parts of house or building.
______________257. An integrated network of hydraulically designed piping installed in a
building w/ outlets arranged in a systematic pattern w/c automatically discharges water when
activated by heat or combustion products from a fire.
______________258. A system of vertical pipes in a building to w/c fire hose can be attached
on each floor, including a system by w/c water is made available to the outlets as needed.
______________259. Features such as sprinkler systems, hose boxes, hose reels or standpipe
systems & other firefighting equipment.
______________260. Is a pipe that does not connect directly w/ drainage system but conveys
liquid waste by discharging into a plumbing fixture , interceptor or receptacle directly
connected to the drainage system.
______________261. Is that portion of the drainage pipe installation designed to maintained
balance atmosphere pressure inside the system to prevent problems like:
a. Trap seal loss

b. Retardation of Flow
c. Deterioration of the Materials
______________262. Most common & serious problem encountered in a drainage system. Can
be attributed to inadequate ventilation of the trap & the subsequent minus & plus pressure
inside the system. 1. siphonage
2. back pressure
3. evaporation
4. Capillary Action
______________263. Is the result of minus pressure in the drainage system. Closing one end of
the trap by connecting a pipe w/out ventilation will create an unequal atmospheric condition.
______________264. Occur in unventilated traps w/c serves as oval bottom of fixtures like
lavatories or slop sink.
______________265. Is the result of a minus pressure in the pipe created by heavy discharge of
water from a fixture installed on a line serving another fixture @ a lower floor.
______________266. Caused by plus pressure. When large amount of water flow drops
downward rapidly forming a slug like, the air inside the pipe will be compressed downward.
______________267. Considered a minor problem & is less probable to drain the water inside
the trap. Happens only on floor drain w/c are not regularly used to admit water, but exposed to
extreme temperature.
______________268. Draining of water seal caused by foreign objects like thread or string
suspended over the outlet arm of the strap.
______________269. Portion of the soil stack above the highest installed fixture branch
extending through the roof.
______________270. Portion of the vent system, serving terminal for the smaller forms of
individual vent & group fixture trap ventilation. Sometimes referred to as Collecting Vent Line.
______________271. Portion of the vent system that serves as a single trap. Also called Back
vent. It is sometimes called closer to the trap directly underneath & back to the fixture, &
reconnected into the main vent above the overflow line of the fixtures serves.
______________272. Portion of the vent system that ventilate two fixture traps that discharges
into a sanitary cross with deflectors. It is classified as another form of an individual vent, w/
identical form of back venting, having the same principles in the functions.
______________273. Employed where two or more fixture traps are installed on a horizontal
soil or waste branch. This type of ventilation is common used in buildings w/ more facilities &
battery of fixtures.

______________274. Installed to ventilate the soil & waste pipe & the connecting branches
rather than the fixtures traps.
______________275. Type of ventilation use on fixtures in a room way from partitions.
Common to beauty parlor, barber shop, dental clinic & operating rooms.
______________276. Are receptacles for wastes that are discharged into the drainage system.
Fixtures may be as varied in form & color an imagination & skill of their designers &
manufacturers can make them,
______________277. This term is also sometimes used to denote the room or compartment in
w/c the fixture is placed.
______________278. Has a lipped basin w/ flushing rim.
______________279. Comprises flat wall slab w/ partitions on sides & floor channel to drain of
the discharge through a trapped toilet.
______________280. Unsanitary designed since walls are not thoroughly washed @ each
______________281. This type of flush might be regarded as standard.
______________282. Are fitting used for water service & venting. They range in size from 3/8
inch to 6 inches.
______________283. Are fitting used in waste water systems. They have threads @ a slight
angle so that horizontal drainage pipe will slope about ¼ inch per foot. They range in size
from 1 ¼ to 12 inches.
______________284. Are used when a pipe run branches @ a 90° angle. T size is specified by
the rough section (run) & then the outlet.
______________285. Are used to change the direction of a pipeline. They come in a variety of
sizes & patterns.
______________286. Are used to connect two lengths of pipe.
______________287. Are used to join the ends of two pipes that can be turned or
______________288. Union has three distinct parts: a shoulder piece w/ female threads; a
thread piece w/ female & male threads; and a ring or collar w/ an inside flange that matches
the shoulder of the shoulder piece & a female thread that matches the male thread of the
thread piece.
______________289. Unions are used to connect dissimilar metal, water supply pipes to
prevent electrolysis (corrosion).
______________290. Union has two parts, each with a female thread, that are screwed to the
pipes to be joined.
______________291. Connects pipe of different sizes

______________292. Connects pipe of different sizes

______________293. Connects pipe of the same sizes
______________294. Is used to make an extension from fitting or to join two fittings. Are
pieces of pipe 12” or less in length, threaded on each end.
______________295. Are used to seal off openings in other fittings or pipe ends.
______________296. joins two different pipelines in the same plane, making them
perpendicular to each other.
______________297. Is used to reduce a fitting outlet or to connect a pipe to a larger outlet.
______________298. Is used to remove the ridges or burrs from the inside of pipe; it can be
fluted or spiral in design.
______________299. Are containers w/ a pump & nozzle used to apply cutting oil when cutting
threads in steel pipe.
______________300. Each water closet should have a flushing device to supply adequate
volume & rate for satisfactory flushing of the interior of the fixture.
______________301. Should be protected against contamination from back siphonage of water
from fixtures.
______________302. Seats should be @least 1 in above the ream level of the water closet.
______________303. In flush tanks should be design to operate automatically.
______________304. Between flush tanks & water closets or urinals should be adequate.
______________305. The promotion of hygiene & prevention disease by maintenance of
sanitary conditions. It also relating to disposal especially of domestic waterborne waste or
sewerage, characterized by being in cleanliness.
______________306. The art & technique of installing in building the pipes, fixtures & other
apparatus for bringing in the water supply, liquid substances &/or ingredients & removing them
& such water, liquid & other carried-wastes affecting health & sanitation & hazardous to life &
______________308. The national Plumbing code of the Philippines – January 29, 1959
______________309. Properties of water – specific wgt of water – forms of water – freezing
point – boiling point.
______________310. A liquid substance or compound readily present in nature w/ basic
molecular composition of HYDROGEN & OXYGEN.
______________311. – Freezing temp – boiling point – weight of water.
______________312. – LIQUID (rain) – SOLID (ice) – GAS (Water Vapor or steam)

______________313. – Pure water – natural water – purified water – potable water –

contaminated water – polluted water – hard water – soft water.
______________314. – Turbidity – color – odor – taste – temperature – solid content.
______________315. – Hardness – alkalinity & acidity – carbon dioxide – dissolve oxygen –
organic nitrogen – chemical oxygen demand (COD) – iron & manganese – toxic substance –
phenolic substances.
______________316. – bacteria – virus – protozoa – rotifier – crustaceans – fungi – algae
______________317. Screening – aeration – coagulation – sedimentation – filtration –
______________318. Water supply service – level 1
______________319. Water supply service – level 2
______________320. Water supply service – level 3
______________321. Poisonous to micro organism w/c could destroy in the system in the
smaller amount, they could decrease the growth rate or selectively destroy the more
susceptible micro organism. Ex. Lead, mercury, silver, arsenic.
______________322. Are classified on the basic of their biological, chemical & physical
______________323. Materials that emit ionizing energy that can harm living organism.
______________324. The flow of water w/c has gradual & regular variation over time & space
is called.
______________325. Cesspool – privy – septic tank – public sewer line – private sewage
disposal system.
______________326. Path lines – streamlines – stream tubes – laminar flow – turbulent flow –
critical flow – Reynolds number.
______________327. Methane gas (CH4) – carbon dioxide (CO2) – Carbon monoxide (CO) –
Hydrogen (H2) – Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) – Sulfur Dioxide (HO2).

______________328. Steps involved in the treatment of waste water – screening

______________329. Steps involved in the treatment of waste water – pre sedimentation – pre
______________330. Steps involved in the treatment of waste water – primary sedimentation,
______________331. Steps involved in the treatment of waste water – coagulation, filtration ,
sedimentation, chlorination.
______________332. Steps involved in the treatment of waste water – activated sludge, waste
stabilization, anaerobic digestion.

______________333. Steps involved in the treatment of waste water – filtration, sludge

disposal process, soil conditioning = pataba sa lupa daw!
______________334. The trace of a single particle.
______________335. Instantaneous picture of the velocity direction of a number of particle.
______________336. The space w/in the boundaries of the streamline.
______________337. Flow under goes irregular fluctuations’ & mixture.
______________338. Smooth fluid travels or regular paths.
______________339. Waste in plumbing drainage is prohibited waste when you discharge.
______________340. Is that portion of the plumbing system that receives discharges of all soil
& waste stacks w/in the building, & conveys the same to the house sewer.
______________341. Is also known as Collection line of a Plumbing System.
______________342. – toxic waste – hazardous waste – radioactive waste.
______________343. Bacterial process – disinfection, odor, color, chlorine , chloramines.
______________344. Water supply service (DOH manual for sanitation) – point source – serves
15 to 25 household per system.
______________345. Water supply service (DOH manual for sanitation) – commercial faucet
system or stand post. – rural & urban areas w/ clustered houses densely enough to justify a
single piped water system.
______________346. Water supply service (DOH manual for sanitation) – water works system –
urban areas – densely populated area.
______________347. When water is heated, its molecular particles expanded & move in a
direction opposite w/ each other. As the molecular activity intensifies the volume of water
increases. – the movement of the hot water in a distribution system is the result of expansion &
contraction of the water molecules.
______________348. Steam is used mainly for space heating, cooking & laundering. It is
produce in a boiler & passes through steam headers & branch take off to the steam appliance.
______________349. For large high pressure, high temperature systems, use bolted – flanged
______________350. Biological properties – single cell plant
______________351. Biological properties – small multi cellular

______________352. Biological properties – leech

______________353. Biological properties – shell
______________354. Biological properties – non photo synthetic plants
______________355. Biological properties – photo synthetic
______________356. Requires dissolve oxygen

______________357. Not requires oxygen

______________358. W/ or w/out oxygen
______________359. Water treatment - Removed of fine particles
______________360. Water treatment – remove odor & taste - remove CO2 cause poison –
remove iron & manganese – avoid formation of hardness.
______________361. Water treatment – physical process – removes particles heavier than
water (bacteria)
______________362. Water treatment - Chemical process – removes lighter particles
______________363. Water treatment - Line – aluminum sulfate – magnesium carbonate
______________364. Water treatment - Rapid mixing after chemical addition.
______________365. Water treatment - Is gentle mixing to speed aggregation of colloidal
______________366. Water treatment - Biological process – water is allowed to pass slowly
through layer of sand.






_______________367. A receptacle attached to plumbing system other than a trap in w/c

water or waste may be collected or obtained for ultimate discharge into the plumbing system.
_______________368. Anyone of a special class of plumbing fixture w/c is intended to perform
a special function, included are fixtures having the operation or control dependent upon one or
more energized components such as motors, controls, heating elements, or pressure or
temperature sensing elements.
_______________369. Porcelain enamel ware, such as bathtubs, sewer pipes, toilet bowls,
wash basins, etc.
_______________370. The water supply & drained fittings w/c are installed on the fixture to
control the flow of water into the fixture & the flow of waste water from the sanitary drainage
_______________371. A manufactured device or prefabricated assembly of component parts
w/c is an adjunct to the basic piping system & plumbing fixtures.
_______________372. A bathroom containing a water closet, a lavatory & a bathtub.
_______________373. A bathroom containing a water closet & a lavatory.
_______________374. A bathroom fixture containing of a lavatory set into or onto the top of a
cupboard or cabinet.
_______________375. Refers to the plumbing fixtures that rest on the floor.
_______________376. Refers to a plumbing fixture w/c is supported from the wall.
_______________377. Applies to fixtures in residences & apartments & to fixtures in non-
public toilet room of the hotels & motels & similar installations in building where the plumbing
fixtures are intended for utilization by a familiar or an individual.
_______________378. Applies to fixtures in general toilet rooms of schools, gymnasiums,
hotels, railroad stations, public building, bars, public comfort rooms & other installation where
a number of fixtures are installed so that their utilization is similarly restricted.
_______________379. Plumbing fixtures shall be manufactured of dense, durable, non –
absorbent materials & must have smooth, impervious surfaces, free from unnecessary
concealed fouling surfaces.
_______________380. Special use fixtures may be made of soapstone, chemical stoneware or
may be lined w/ lead, copper base alloy, nickel copper alloy, corrosion – resisting steel or other
materials specially suited for the use w/c the fixture is intended.
_______________380. Restaurant kitchen & other special – use sink may be made of approved
type bonderized & galvanized sheet steel of not less than gauge ________
_______________381. Use of water closets having invisible seals or unventilated space or
having walls, w/c are not thoroughly washed out @ each discharge shall be provided.

_______________382. Is a water flushed plumbing fixture designed to receive human waste

directly from the user. Also known as toilet or a room in w/c the fixture is located.
_______________383. Is used for tankless water closets. Divides the valve into upper & lower
chamber w/ equal pressure on both sides of the diaphragm holds it closed on its seal.
_______________384. The double molded cap divides the valve into an upper & lower
chambers when the valve is in closed position.
_______________385. A flush tank is locate high up behind the toilet bowl.
_______________386. Flush tank is attached @ the back of the closet bowl.
_______________387. Toilet is similar to freestanding model, except that the tank & bowl are
single piece.
_______________388. Toilet has a tank sitting on top of bowl; bowl is mounted on bathroom
_______________389. Has a triangular shape tank; good for small bathroom.
_______________390. One piece w/ tank rising only slightly above height of the toilet bowl.
_______________391. Water rushing down from toilet tank washes out washes in bowl
through trapway, w/c is located in front, giving toilet a characteristic bulge. A sizable area of
bowl is not covered by water, model is inexpensive & of simple design.
_______________392. The trapway is located @ the back. The design causes the water to
siphon the wastes through the trapway. It has a larger & more water surface in bowl than in
wash down type toilet.
_______________393. This is an improved version of the reverse trap w/ a built in water jet
that starts the siphon action. The trapway is much larger, so is the water surface of the bowl.
Flushing is quieter & smoother.
_______________394. Flushing is activated by a whirlpool like action of water, typically from a
low – slung tank. It has an all water surface inside the bowl. Its flushing operation is virtually
silent. Model is expensive.
_______________395. Noisy but highly efficient. Strong jet is activated into bowl forces
contents out. Used w/ flush valve; high pressure required. This type of water closet is common
in most commercial plumbing installations.
_______________396. Water closets are generally 2 to 2 3/4” longer than round front bowl
type to allow users of the fixtures more space.
_______________396. Are installed in most plumbing installations except those in residential
or dwelling type building.
_______________397. Pan, washout & Valve Plunger offset, w/out other water closet having
invisible seals or unventilated space or walls not thoroughly washed @ each flush shall not be
used. – Long hopper water closets or similar appliances shall not be installed. –

________________398. Is also prohibited by most health authorities for permanent

________________399. Is a plumbing fixture designed for washing of hand & face.
________________400. A faucet in w/c the flow of water is controlled by means of washer that
is forced down (or compressed) onto its seat.
________________401. A single handle, non compression faucet that contains w/in the faucet
body ports for both hot & cold water, & a mechanism for opening & closing these ports. This
may be achieved by means of either a cartridge or a disk.
________________402. These fittings are installed @ the bottom of the bowl. The most
common is the Pop – up Waste fitting.
________________403. The most common type of the lavatory fittings. This is a combination
faucet & used for lavatories that have the faucet mounting holes drilled on 4 inch centers.
________________404. A combination compression, type faucaet. This faucet fits lavatories
where the faucet mounting holes are drilled on 8 or 12 inch centers.
________________405. Is a water flushed plumbing fixture designed to receive urine directly.
________________406. Urinal has an integral (built – in) trap of 2 inch P – trap. The outlet
openings to this consist of several small holes cast into the china @ the bottom of the urinal.
________________407. A stall is set into the floor of the toilet room. The strainer is connected
w/ a caulked joint to separate P – trap. W/ is installed below the floor level.
________________408. Is one in w/c the bowl is elongated & attached to the floor. Conceals
the internal elements of the urinal located @ the lower part of it.
________________409. This type of urinal has lengths ranging from 3 to 6 foot long. The
flushing water enters a trough through the perforated flush pipe attached to the back edge of
the fixture.
________________410. Is characterized by restricted opening over the inlet of the trap @ the
bottom of the urinal
The flushing water enters the top of the urinal, flows out into the fixtures through the opening
into the top rim of the urinal, spreads across the back of the urinal & flows by gravity out
through the urinal trap into the sanitary drainage system.
________________411. Urinal flushes the fixture trap clear of waste in the same manner as the
flushing action of the siphon jet water closet.
These urinals have a large opening over the trap inlet in the bottom of the urinal.
________________412. Urinal is flushed w/ a large jet of water that actually blows the water
out of the fixture trap in the same manner as the flushing action of a blowout water closet.
- Have a large opening over the trap inlet @ the bottom of the fixture.

________________413. Is used to flush waste out of the bowl, the user of the fixture presses &
holds the push button, allowing water to flow into the bowl & once released the flow stops.
________________414. A mechanism that allows the flow & shutting off the valve @ a
predetermined setting.
________________415. An automatic valve having an electric motor activates the flushing
mechanism of the valve in place of the handle assembly. – is connected to an electric timer
mechanism, w/c activates the operator to flush the urinal at a predetermined time intervals.
________________416. Urinal designed for women. – one type of this fixture is the floor set &
the other is the wall-hung w/c is supported by a chair carrier.
________________417. Is low set bowl equipped w/ cold & hot running water w/c is used for
bathing external genitals or posterior parts of the body.
________________418. Is a receptacle for water that is shaped to fit a human body & is used
for bathing.
________________419. A right hand bathtub has the drain located @ the right end of the tub
as you face the length of the tub.
________________420. A left hand bathtub is one where the drain is located @ the left end of
the tub as you face it.
________________421. Is permanently attached or built – in to the walls & floor of the
bathroom. – are made from enameled cast iron & enameled pressed steel.
________________422. Is an integral bathtub & shower wall combination that is made from
________________423. Consist of a faucet assembly & mixing spout. – these are mounted on
the wall on the drain end of the tub w/ a spout above the flood level rim of the tub (hence the
name over rim). – compression faucet bathtub – single handle bathtub fitting.
________________424. – compression faucet fitting- single handle fitting.
________________425. – combination waste & overflow fitting.
________________426. Is a bath in w/c the bathing water is showered on the user’s body from
________________427. The enclosure is constructed of fiberglass usually in one piece to
completely waterproof the shower bath area.
________________428. Mat be built in almost any shape to fit the available space w/in the
bathroom. Shower base may be constructed of terrazzo or fiberglass or any waterproof
________________429. Is a shallow, flat bottom plumbing fixture that is used in cleaning dishes
& in lieu of food preparation.

________________430. These are manufactured in enameled cast iron, enameled pressed steel
& stainless steel.
________________431. Is an electric grinding device used w/ water to grind food wastes into
pulp & discharge these wastes into the drainage system.
________________432. Is an electric appliance for washing dishes.
________________433. Is a fixed tub, installed in the laundry area, used for washing & other
household items such as clothes, fabrics, cloth, diapers etc.
________________434. Is a receptacle used to receive water that is to be drained from the
floor to the drainage system. Are considered plumbing fixtures.
________________435. These are fixtures that are installed in janitors closets & building
maintenance areas for use by the building maintenance personnel.
________________436. An integrated system of underground & overhead piping, w/ one 0r
more automatic supplies, to w/c fire sprinklers are attached in a systematic pattern.
________________437. A nozzle w/c distributes water in a specific spray pattern.
________________438. One of the many outlet nozzles in a fire protection sprinkler system.
________________439. A fire sprinkler w/ a normally closed nozzle w/c can be individually
opened by heat by either melting a fusible element or rupturing a liquid filled glass bulb.
________________440. A fire sprinkler w/ normally open nozzle.
________________441. The principal artery of the system of continuous piping to w/c branch
lines are connected.
________________442. A part of the piping system to w/c fire sprinklers are connected.
________________443. A water main w/c extends vertically one full storey or more to convey
top individual floor mains & branch lines.
________________444. This type of sprinkler is designed for installation above the piping &
protects the floor area below the piping.
________________445. This type of sprinkler is designed to be installed below the piping, w/
the water stream directed downward against the deflector, w/c is flat toothed disk that
develops the sprinkler’s spray pattern.
________________446. Designed to discharge to spray pattern resembling one – quarter of a
sphere to protect the floor area beneath a fire sprinkler on a wall.
________________447. The discharge in a vertical (upward & downward) direction against a
________________448. Located on the side walls in w/c the nozzles discharge in a horizontal
direction against a deflector.
________________449. A type of sprinkler used in the USA prior to the 1950’s & remains in
common use in Europe, used in either upright or in a pendent position.

________________450. Pendent or upright type w/ shield attached.

________________451. These are sealed assemblies consisting of a length of airfield or
nitrogen – filled pipe equipped w/ an automatic sprinkler. – Dry pendent – Dry upright
________________452. Sprinklers intended to resist corrosive environment. They are provided
w/ a special type of coating or plating.
________________453. Consist of a network of pipes containing water under pressure.
Automatic sprinklers are connected to the piping such that each sprinkler protects an assigned
area of the coverage.
________________454. Water is held back from the piping network by a special dry pipe valve.
Under normal conditions, pressurized air or nitrogen w/in the systems keeps the dry valved
________________455. A special deluge valve holds back the water from the piping under the
normal conditions & a separate fire detection system is used to activate the system under fire
________________456. This is similar to deluge sprinkler system except that automatic
sprinklers are used rather than open sprinklers.
________________457. A system in w/c the piping serves a non-fire protection purpose in
addition to serving the fire sprinkler system. The piping in the system is used to circulate the
water w/in a building for a series of water source heat pumps.
________________458. This is similar to a wet pipe sprinkler system except that the piping
contains an anti – freeze solution instead of water. The anti – freeze solution permitted by the
standard are heavier than water.
________________459. A sprinkler system w/c protect the exterior of a building or object from
the hazard of exposure to an adjacent fire. Such system usually employs open sprinklers,
although some used automatic sprinklers.
________________460. A type of wet pipe sprinkler system w/c employs residential sprinkler
(i.e. a type of automatic sprinklers w/ special response & distribution characteristics. – are
designed to used a small amount of water to its greatest effectiveness against a growing fire so
as to maintain life safety in the room of fire origin.
________________461. A type of wet pipe or preaction sprinkler system w/c employs large
drop sprinklers; such automatic sprinklers have the special ability of producing large water
droplets in their water sprays.
________________462. A type of wet – pipe sprinkler system employing ESFR, w/c are a type
of automatic sprinkler w/ high thermal sensitivity & fire flume penetration ability.
________________463. Locations (buildings or rooms) where the total amount of class A
combustible materials, including furnishing decorations, & other contents, is of minor quantity.

________________464. Locations where the total amount of class A combustibles & class B
flammables are present in greater amounts than expected under light hazard occupancies.
________________465. Locations where the total amount of class A & class B materials are in
storage, production or other use, etc. these include celluloid works, Foam plastics & foam
rubber factories, paint & varnish factories, wood works, oil & flammable liquid hazard.
________________466. Fires of ordinary combustible materials, such as wood, cloth, paper,
rubber, & many plastics.
________________467. Fires in flammable liquids, oils base paints, lacquers & flammable
________________468. Fires that involve energized electrical equipment. In such fires, it is
important that the extinguishing medium is not a conductor of electricity.
________________469. Fires in combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, zirconium,
sodium, lithium & potassium.
________________470. Are most effective for class B (fires in w/c the flammable liquid oil,
grease, paint, etc. is factor). – the foam is made by the generators, in w/c water is mixed w/
detergent or other chemicals to produce as much as 1000 gals of foam for each gallon of water.
________________471. Is a generic name for gases containing the elements of fluorine,
chlorine, bromine or iodine. The most commonly used gases for fire extinguishing purposes.
________________472. The carbon dioxide system store carbon dioxide in a liquid state in
pressurized tanks. When discharged through nozzle the liquid vaporized & smothers fire by
displacing oxygen.
________________473. Are used specially for class D fires (fires where combustible metals or
flammable liquids are factor). – contain bicarbonate, chlorides, phosphates & other propriety
________________474. Are used as first line for fire protection. Often they avert a major
disaster. They are normally precharged w/ water & chemicals & are hand operated.
Extinguisher contains various media for different classes of fires.
_______________475. Classes of fire Extinguishers - Water/water based agents (wood, trash,
paper, textiles)
_______________476. Classes of fire Extinguishers - CO2, sodium, potassium, bicarbonates,
foam, dry chemicals (near electrical equipment)
_______________477. Classes of fire Extinguishers - Non- electrical conducting – CO2, Sodium,
Potassium (near electrical Equipment)
_______________478. Classes of fire Extinguishers - Multipurpose – dry chemicals, ammonium

_______________479. Classes of fire Extinguishers - dry powders –graphite, Sodium Chloride

(Combustible Metal)
_______________480. These detectors are either of self – restoring or non – restoring design.
_______________481. This sensor reacts to the rate @ w/c the temperature rises. A sealed but
slightly vented air chamber w/in the device expands quickly when the temperature in the
vicinity of the device rises quickly.
_______________482. This device reacts to both a fixed temperature & a rate of rise. – It may
be design on the principle of differential expansion between two different metals or on the rate
of expansion of the air chamber.
_______________483. This variety operates on the principle of scattering of light. Under
normal conditions the light beam generated from a light. – Emitting Diode ( LED ) is reflected by
a mirror w/in the detector chamber away from a photosensitive diode.
_______________484. This type operates on the principle on changing conductivity of air w/in
the detector chamber.
_______________485. A device containing a bell that is struck one each time electrical power is
_______________486. A device containing a bell that rings continuously as long electrical
power is applied.
_______________487. A device consisting of an electromagnetic coil that, when electrical
power is applied to it will cause a thin metal piece to vibrate.
_______________488. A device that produces a pleasing or musical tone each time electrical
power is applied.
_______________489. A device consisting of an electromagnetic coil that will cause metal
diaphragm to vibrate & produce a sound that amplified by a____________
_______________490. A device that produces a continuous, high pitch sound.
_______________491. A flashing strobe or steady illuminated light w/ wordings such as “FIRE,
_______________492. The construction walls, partitions, ceilings & floor shall meet or exceed
the fire resistance ratings specified in the governing codes. The required ratings vary w/
building occupancy size & height & type of construction.
_______________493. A building size must have proper _________ by removal, dilution,
and/or confinement to the smoke. Such control could be as simple as opening windows or as
complicated as pressuring the building.
_______________494. All exist shall be located so that the maximum _________ to access the
exit, measured from the most remote point to an approved exit along the natural &

________________495. There shall be two separate means of egress from any space, except
where a space is so small that a second exit would not provide an appreciable increase in safety
________________496. Such as stairways shall be used solely for exit purposes & penetration
by ducts, conduits, boxes & pipes shall be limited & protected.
________________497. Egress passages should be illuminated to a minimum of 1 foot candle
(1 fc), & preferable 3 fc, w/ clearly identified & illuminated signs.
________________498. Shall be sealed to limit fires to a single floor.
________________499. Elevator shafts shall be vented & pressurized, depending on HVAC
systems. Elevators are not recognized as exits. Escalator floor openings shall be protected w/
fire shutters, unless they are protected by water curtains as part of the sprinkler system.
________________500. Is the most basic & fundamental component of life on earth.
________________501. Water has the ability to absorb heat w/out becoming much warmer
itself. It has greater ________________ than any other substance except ammonia.
________________502. It is the ability of water to stick itself & pull itself together.
________________503. The ability of water to climb upon a surface against the pull of gravity.
________________504. Water has the ability to dissolve almost any substance; it is known as a
universal solvent.
________________505. Water that is colorless & odorless & not found in nature as purified
water (a product of water purification)
________________506. Readily found in nature, as impounded from precipitation, contains
impurities (physical, chemical , bacteriological or radiological).
________________507. Water w/c undergoes treatment, physical, biological or chemical
means to improve water quality.
________________508. Water w/ any material or substances that affects the quality of water
& affects the health of an individual.
________________509. Water w/ the presence of any foreign substance (organic, inorganic,
radiological, biological) w/c tends to degrade its quality so as to constitute health hazard &
impair the potability of water.
________________510. Water w/ the presence of elements such as calcium (Ca), Magnesium
(Mg), Iron (Fe) & Aluminum (Al) w/c causes hardness.
________________511. Bonus,..hacube!
________________512. Water w/out the presence of calcium & magnesium.
________________513. Water from laundries, wash basins, sinks, shower, bathtubs.
________________514. Water –plus – human waste that is flush out of toilets & urinals.
________________515. Rain, surface run – off

_______________516. Uses of water – the most abundant chemical in our body as well as in
our diet. The amount or really “pure” water that we need for drinking & cooking is very small
only about 3 g/od.
_______________517. Water is nearly ideal medium for the dissolution & transport of organic
waste, & its high heat storage capacity makes the attainment of the comfortable temperature
for bathing easy.
_______________518. Largely through in associations w/ cleaning, water acquired a
ceremonial significance that remains particularly evident in religious services.
_______________519. Waterways have been developed for this purpose to allow the passage
of water vessels & to able to transport large quantities of goods as well as people.
_______________520. It stores heat readily, removes large quantities of heat when it
evaporates, & vaporized readily @ temperatures commonly found in human skin surface.
_______________521. In almost landscaping application, indoors or out, water becomes a
center of interest. Our association of water w/ nourishing, cleansing, & cooling make water a
very powerful design element a fact recognized by landscape designers throughout history.
_______________522. Water is an essential element of fire protection. The vast quantities of
water potentially required for firefighting must be delivered quickly;
_______________523. Physical characteristics of water – caused by the presence of suspended
materials, such as clay, silt, other inorganic material, planktons or finely divided materials.
_______________524. Physical characteristics of water – this is often caused by dissolved
organic matter, as from decaying vegetation.
_______________525. Physical characteristics of water – it can be caused by an organic
compounds, inorganic salts, or dissolved gases.
_______________526. Physical characteristics of water – in general, water supplied between
50° & 60° F (10° C & 16° C) is preferred.
_______________527. Physical characteristics of water – this is usually caused by
concentrations of detergents. The foam itself does not pose a serious health threat, but it may
indicate that other, more pollutants associated w/ waste are also present.
_______________528. Chemical characteristics of water – this is caused by bicarbonate,
carbonate or hydroxide components. Testing for these components of water’s alkalinity is a key
to w/c treatments to use.
_______________529. Chemical characteristics of water – is cause by calcium & magnesium
salt & can be classified as temporary (carbonate) & permanent (bicarbonate).

_______________530. Are occasionally present in water supplies. Authorities have established

information about concentration of such substance such as arsenic (As), Barium (Ba), Cadmium
(Cd), Cyanides (CN), Fluoride (F), Lead (Pb), Selenium (Se) & Silver (Ag).
_______________531. Can enter water as it passes through geological deposits formed by
marine sediment, or because of pollution from sea brine or industrial or domestic wastes.
_______________532. Can enter water from natural _______ deposits or from copper piping
that contains corrosive water.
_______________533. Is frequently present in groundwater. Corrosive water in iron pipes will
also add iron.
_______________534. Can both pose a psychological threat (it is natural laxative) & produce
color & taste effects similar to those produced by iron.
_______________535. High concentrations pose a threat to infants, in whom it can cause “blue
baby” disease.
_______________536. This is a growing threat to water supplies, are particularly common in
wells near homes that have been treated for termite control.
_______________537. Is primarily harmful to people w/ heart, kidney, or circularly ailments.
_______________538. Have laxative effects, it can groundwater from natural deposits of salt,
_______________539. It sometimes enters groundwater in areas where it is found in
_______________540. Coli form Group (E. Coli), w/c is present in fecal matter of humans as
well as those of birds & other animals; cases disease
_______________541. The mining radioactive materials & the use of such materials in the
industry & power plants have produced ______________ in some water supplies.
_______________542. This process removes some suspended matter from water simply by
allowing time & the inactivity of water to do the work of settling out heavier suspended
_______________543. This process also remove suspended matter, along w/ some coloration.
A chemical such as alum (hydrated aluminum sulfate is added to turbulent water).
_______________544. This process can improve the taste & color of water, remove iron &
manganese & decrease in corrosiveness.
_______________545. This is less esthetic than aeration but more oxidation process. It is
commonly used in cooling lower treatment & in addition ozonation has a very wide range of
treatment applications.
_______________546. This is very common treatment can remove suspended particles, some
bacteria & some color.

_______________547. Used for rainwater application, low maintenance, easily constructed

devices that should be cleaned as often as the turbidity of water demands.
_______________548. It requires control & the attention of the operator, & this is rarely used
for individual water systems.
_______________549. This can be either vacuum or the pressure type. They require periodic
attention to make it effective.
_______________550. Also called Pasteur Filters – these are usually made in small sizes so that
they can be attached to water faucets.
_______________551. A combined process that removes iron /or manganese from water. The
chlorine chemically oxidizes the iron or manganese, w/c form precipitates. Chlorine also kills
iron bacteria & disinfects.
_______________552. These are particularly effective for removing taste & odors. Water is
passed through granular carbon, w/c attracts large quantities of dissolved gasses, soluble
organics & finds solids.
_______________553. Sometimes used to reduce the mineral content in water. An inert semi-
permeable membrane has higher pressure supply water on one side, as the pressure slowly
forces water through this filtering membrane, most of the minerals ( dissolved solids ) are
removed. Dissolved chemical, however remain.
_______________554. This is the most important related water treatment. It is also effective in
removing less desirable tastes & odors.
_______________555. The higher the concentration the faster & more complete the rate of
_______________556. The longer the chlorine contacts the organisms in water, the more
complete the disinfection
_______________557. The higher the temperature during contact, the more complete the
_______________558. The lower the pH, the more effective the disinfection.
_______________559. This is the most widely used disinfectant in municipal water system in
most parts of the world. – is normally pumped into the system from a solution of sodium hypo
chloride or as a gas.
_______________560. These compounds, resulting from the reaction of ammonia w/ chlorine
in water solution, are commonly used in municipal water supply systems because of its superior
stability of chloramines compounds over chlorine.
_______________561. Exhibits stronger disinfecting characteristics than chloramines, but there
is little evidence of extensive use of the disinfectant .

_______________562. This common relative of chlorine has been used for years by campers for
disinfecting drinking water of unknown quality.
_______________563. Is used to disinfect some municipal water supply systems. It is very
effective bactericide; however, it must be generated on site & has a relatively short life. It can
be removed by irradiation or activated carbon.
_______________564. This is a simple approach to purification that produces the equivalent of
bottled water for drinking, cooking & laboratory uses.
_______________565. It lowers the rate of tooth decay.
_______________566. It is important to ____________in order to keep water systems
operating freely & to prevent corrosive water from increasing the concentration of hazardous
materials ( as from copper pipes) – is a slow degradation of a metal by a flow of electric current
from the metal to its surroundings.
_______________567. The more acid (low pH). The more corrosive the water.
_______________568. As dissolved mineral salts increase the water’s conductivity, they
encourage the flow of electrical current of corrosion.
_______________569. Destroys the thin protective hydrogen film on immersed metals, thus
promoting corrosion.
_______________570. Forms carbonic acid, w/c attacks metal surfaces.
_______________571. Increase temperature increases corrosion.
_______________572. A method is used for microbial control, removing organics &
precipitating in organics.
_______________573. Is a mechanism of contaminant removal making use of the
phenomenon, the act of physical adhesion of molecules or colloids to the surface of the
medium w/out chemical reaction.
_______________574. Is a method of treating relatively small – scale water supplies. In this
process; the water is exposed to __________________ after it has been filtered.
_______________575. Is done by heating seawater & then pumping water into allow pressure
tank, where the water partially vaporized.
_______________576. Portion of the rainwater w/c has percolated into the earth to form
underground deposits called aquifers (water – bearing soil formations).
_______________577. Are holes in the earth from w/c a fluid may be w/drawn using manual or
mechanical means such as draw bucket, pump, etc.
_______________578. This water comes from rain that is absorbed into the ground & slowly
filtered through the different layers of the ground & into the ground water reservoir known as

_______________579. These can be constructed by hand tools or power tools. It can be dug to
a depth of about 15meters (50 feet) & can have the greatest diameter that a space may allow.
_______________580. These are the simplest & usually the least expensive. A steel drive well
point is fitted on one end of the pipe section & driven into the earth. The drive point is usually
1 ¼ in to 2 inches (32 to 51 mm) in diameter. The point may be driven into the ground to a
depth of up to 15 meters (50 feet).
_______________581. These are dug w/ earth augers, are usually less than 30 meters (100
feet) deep. They are used when the earth to be bored is boulder free & will not cave in the
diameter ranges from 2 to 30 inches.
_______________582. These may require more elaborate equipment of several types,
depending on the geology of the site. They measure up to 300 meters (984 feet).
_______________583. A mixture of surface run – off & groundwater.
_______________584. Access to water supply facilities – the farthest user is not more than 250
meters from the point source.
_______________585. Access to water supply facilities – the farthest house is not more than 25
meters from communal faucet system.
_______________586. Access to water supply facilities – the house has a service connection
from the system.
_______________587. Rate of consumption – @ least 20 liters/capita/day
_______________588. Rate of consumption - @ least 60 liters/capita/day
_______________589. Rate of consumption - @ least 100 liters/capita/day
_______________590. A protected well or a developed spring w/ an outlet but w/out a
distribution system, generally adaptable for rural areas where houses are thinly scattered.
_______________591. A system composed of a source, a reservoir, a piped distribution
network & communal faucets. Usually, one faucet serves 4 to 6 households.
_______________592. A system w/ a source, a reservoir, a piped distribution network &
households taps. It is generally suited for densely populated urban areas.
_______________593. The water service pipe, water distribution pipes, & the necessary
connecting pipes, fittings, control valves & all appurtenances in or adjacent to the structure or
_______________594. A water supply pipe that extends one full story or more to convey water
to branches or to a group of fixtures.
_______________595. A pipe w/in the structure or on the premises w/c conveys water from
the water service pipe or meter to the points of utilization.

_______________596. The pipe from the water main or other source of potable water supply
to the water distribution system of the building served.
_______________597. – direct pressure (Upfeed) system – indirect system
_______________598. Is a device used to connect one or more pipes &/or used to top change
the direction of a straight run of pipe.
_______________599. Is a fitting used to change direction especially in sanitary drainage
_______________600. A pipe fitting or a performed piece of tubing w/c provides 180° change
in direction.
_______________601. Is a fitting having a 90° change in direction w/ a very short radius. It is
suitable for use in water supply system as well as vent system.
_______________602. An elbow having both ends internally threaded & of the same diameter.
_______________603. A malleable iron fitting for threaded pipe, having a 45° or 90° bend, w/
an inside thread on one end & an outside thread on the other.
_______________604. Is fitting used to connect a branch pipe into a straight run of piping @
45° angle.
_______________605. A single fitting w/c is a combination of a wye branch & 1/8 bend; used in
a drainage system in changing the direction such as from horizontal (branch) to stack or from
vertical (stack) or horizontal (house drain/building drain)
_______________606. A one piece fitting composed of 1/8 bend & wye branch where the
branch inlet is parallel to the drum; used when two stacks are provided where one stack is used
as a vent & the other for soil or waste or both soil or waste stack.
_______________607. A combined fitting composed of a 1/8 & wye branch but the branch inlet
is provided w/ spigot rather than a bell; it is used in lieu of ventilation system, usually installed
@ the uppermost portion of the vent stack or main vent.
_______________608. Is a fitting used to connect a branch pipe into straight run of piping @ a
right angle.
_______________609. A tee having all openings the same size.
_______________610. A malleable iron fitting for threaded pipe in the form of a tee having an
outside thread on one end & an inside thread on the other and on the branch.
_______________611. A tee used as fitting for a soil type; designed w/ a slight curve in the 90°
transition so as to channel flow from a branch line toward the direction of the main flow.
_______________612. Used as fitting , designed w/ a slight curve in each of the 90° transitions
so as to channel flow from a branch line toward the direction of the main flow.
_______________613. A ball end tee, w/c has a branch that is tapped to receive a threaded
pipe fitting or a threaded pipe.

_______________614. A short internally threaded section pipe, used to join two pipes. – are
provided w/ tiny ridges in the inside surface the fitting to allow pipe to seat.
_______________615. It has similar application as the coupling but it ends are enlarged to
provide additional mechanical strength.
_______________616. A type of fitting to connect pipes of different materials such as from
galvanized steel pipe to plastic or synthetic pipe, the galvanized pipe being threaded & the
plastic having no threads; a type of transition fitting.
_______________617. A short length of pipe w/ external threads @ each end; used to join
couplings or fittings.
_______________618. A type of nipple w/ the entire length externally threaded.
_______________619. A type of nipple having both ends externally & the midsection
_______________620. An internally threaded fitting used to closed the end of a pipe.
_______________621. An externally threaded usually w/ square head; used to close the end of
a pipe.
_______________622. A pipe fitting, w/c is threaded on both the inside & the outside so that it
can be used to connect two pipes (or other fittings) of different sizes.
_______________623. A fitting w/ a projecting collar along the edge; used on installation
requiring an increased area converge for added mechanical strength.
_______________624. A pipe fitting, used to connect the ends of two pipes, neither of w/c can
be turned; consist of three pieces, the two end of pieces (having inner threads). – are tightened
around the pipe ends to be joined, & a center piece, w/c draws the two end pieces together as
it is rotated, affecting a seal.
_______________625. A pipe elbow having a union type coupling on one end, so that the
coupling end may be connected to the end of the pipe w/out running the pipe.
_______________626. A change in direction of pipe line (other than 90°), e.g. by a combination
of elbows or bends, w/c brings 1 section of the pipe of line w/ but into a line parallel to another
_______________627. A pipe fitting w/ inside threads, larger @ one end than @ the other.
_______________628. A tapered coupling used for joining a pipe to another of larger size.
_______________629. The property of metal that permits mechanical deformation by
extrusion, forging, rolling etc. w/out fracturing.
_______________630. The resistance of a material to deformation by compression or
_______________631. The property of a material w/c fractures under low stress w/out
appreciate deformation.

_______________632. Property of material described as capable of being stretched or

deformed w/out fracturing.
_______________633. Property of a material that enables it to deform in response to the
applied force & to recover its original size & shape upon removal of the force.
_______________634. The property of a material w/c enables it to retain its appearance &
integrity when exposed to the effects of the sun, wind, moisture & changes in temperature.
_______________635. The property of material that enables it to resist being worn away by
friction when rubbed w/ another object.
_______________636. The resistance of a surface or a material to shock, such as hard blow.
_______________637. The property of piping material that enables it to wear away by rusting
or by the action of chemicals.
_______________638. The degree of w/c a surface, such as porcelain, enamel, will resist attack
by acids.
_______________639. The rate of transfer of heat by conduction.
_______________640. The change in length or volume w/c a material or body undergoes being
_______________641. An index of material resistance to the transmission of heat.
_______________642. The capacity of a material or construction to w/stand fire or give
protection from it.
_______________643. Ability of material to conduct electricity
_______________644. The property of material that allows it to resist being torn apart or for it
to be divided into pieces.
_______________645. The ability of piping material to w/stand the effect of heat w/out
causing deformation to the material.
_______________646. A property of material characterized by its resistance to tearing under
shearing stress.
_______________647. A characteristic of material that causes resistance of liquid to flow.
_______________648. The resistance of a material to rupture caused by over pressure of air or
liquid inside the pipe.
_______________649. Is a pipe fabricated from an alloy containing carbon & silicon. – known
technically as Gray Cast Iron
_______________650. Commonly called High – Silicon Iron pipe, is a gray cast iron alloy
containing between 14.5 & 15 % silicon & small amount of manganese, sulfur & carbon. – is
used for drainage of corrosive liquids & in exposed or underground applications where it may
be subject to physical damage.

_______________651. Is made of mild steel that is drawn through a die & welded. – its wall
thicknesses ranges from the schedule 10 (lightest) to schedule 80 (heaviest).
_______________652. Made by drawing flat strip of steel through die to form the round shape
& then electric butt – welded down the seam. Manufactured in 20 – foot lengths
_______________653. Made by piercing red hot solid, cylindrical billet of steel w/ a series of
mandrels while passing the metal through rollers. Manufactured in 20 – foot lengths, although
random lengths ranging from 16 feet may be available.
_______________654. Is better fitted for plumbing installation than steel pipe. It is constructed
of wrought iron, dipped in molten zinc, & may be identified by its dull, grayish color.
_______________655. Is cast iron in w/c the carbon is reformed by magnesium inoculation,
resulting in a material having strength w/out otherwise changing its basic properties.
_______________656. Is fabricated in great variety of compositions, many of w/c are suitable
for drainage & vents as well as for water supply systems – hot & cold condition.
_______________657. Is manufactured in two general types. Thermostat (TS) & Thermoplastic
(TP). Is not affected by heat & will remain permanently rigid.
_______________658. A rigid strong & economical pipe. This pipe has an chemical resistance,
good crush resistance & impact strength, fire resistant (self extinguishing), is functional up to
1230° F in pressure system & pressure 180° F in non pressure systems, such as Drain Waste &
Vent (DWV) applications used in pressure supply & drainage systems of carry water for uses
such as golf course sprinklers & agricultural irrigation & in underground gas distribution
systems, industrial piping, corrosive fume ducting & crude oil transportation.
_______________659. A kind of plastic pipe w/c has excellent chemical, crush & fire resistance,
high impact & tensile strength, & is non – toxic; CPVC – can be used for hot & cold water
_______________660. Has good chemical resistance, excellent impact strength, especially @
low temperatures & maintains rigidity @ high temperatures.
_______________661. It has good crush resistance, fair impact strength & moderate chemical
resistance. – is lightweight but brittle @ low temperatures. – is used for drainage & sewage
systems, underground downspout drains, underground electrical conduits, septic tank
absorption fields & foundation drains.
_______________662. Is popular as a material for tubular products such as PO – traps, because
of its high chemical resistance.
_______________663. This is strong, tough & abrasive resistant fluorocarbon material. – it has
excellent resistance to most acids, bass & organic solvents & is ideally suited for handling

Wet or dry chloride, bromine & other halogens. It can be used in temperatures of up to 280°F
_______________664. Excellent resistance to paraffin’s & solvents, high resistance to surge
fatigue, non – toxic & approved for potable water. – is used for proper system; solvent
handling; agricultural chemicals, crude oil & natural gas distribution systems, - is also used for
manufacturing faucet bonnet & value stems.
_______________665. Excellent chemical & crush resistance has impact strength & flexibility &
good low temperature performance. – is used in low pressure water system, such as gold
course sprinkler; used to carry corrosive liquids & gases;
_______________666. Can be joined w/ heat fusion, flare or compression fittings. – has
excellent chemical resistance to acids & alkalis but is not suited for fuel, gasoline or kerosene
distribution system.
_______________667. Is used in water supply system hot & cold, sanitary (drainage, waster &
vent) systems.
_______________668. Used in municipal & residential installation. Available in both rigid &
flexible forms w/ diameters of ¼ ‘’, 3/8 ‘’, ½ ‘’, ¾ ‘’ & 1’’.
______________669. Used often in residential water lines. Are manufactured in hard (rigid 20’
lengths) & soft (60’,100’ & 200’, the latter in smaller sizes). Available in both rigids & flexible
forms in ¼ ‘’ to 1’’ diameters.
_______________670. Hard (20’ lengths & under). Recommended for light domestic water
lines & is not permitted in some city codes.
_______________671. Rigid only & comes in lengths of 20’. This is a seamless tube made from
almost pure copper (99.9 %) & is only available only in drawn, soft, form w/ plain ends.
This type of tubing is available in diameters from (2 to 6 inches) (50 to 150 mm).

_______________672. 50’ coils & rigid 20’ lengths. Most refrigeration copper has moisture
removed & ends sealed for better performance of refrigerants.
_______________673. Is manufactured from an alloy containing 85 % & 15 % zinc. – is
generally used in local branch lines and in alteration to match existing work.
_______________674. Is made from 99.7 % plg lead; various alloys are available for special
applications. – is used for connections to floor mounted water closets, for radioactive wastes, &
for special laboratory corrosive wastes.
_______________675. Are used for underground public sewers, house sewers & house drains.
They are commonly used for storm as well as sanitary sewer installations.

_______________676. Is manufactured in sizes ranging from 3 to 36 inches in diameter for

pressures of 50 to 200 pounds. – is avoided in most construction as well as plumbing
application because of health hazards it causes.
_______________677. Are mostly used for storm drainage application but sometimes used for
water supply & sewage installation.
_______________678. Is seldom used for water supply because of its cost & also because of
the difficulties encountered making joints when this material is used since the metal is
extremely soft.
_______________679. This material has appeared in the market in quantities only sufficient to
augment, - And it is not used extensively are that its cost remains high & that chemical
contained in the water may attack the metal.
_______________680. Is comparatively a new element, the fact that it can be claimed for
seawater @ low cost tends to promote its use.
_______________681. Is fabricated from low expansion borosilicate glass having low alkali
content. This pipe is primarily use for drainage of various corrosive liquids.
_______________682. Is fabricated from low expansion same as question no. 681 hacube!
_______________683. Shall be run in a practical alignment & @ a uniform slope of not less
than 2% or 20mm/m towards the point of disposal, provided that, where it is impractical due to
depth of street of sewer.
_______________684. Drainage piping shall be provided w/ approved inlet fittings for fixture
connections, correctly located according to the size & type of fixture proposed to be connected.
_______________685. Shall be made of appropriate use of approved fittings & shall be of the
angles presented by a 22 1/2° or 1/6 bend, 45° or 1/8 bend & 60° or 1.6 bend or other
approved fittings of equivalent sweeps.
_______________686. That part of the lowest piping of a drainage system w/c receives the
discharge from soil, waste & other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building & conveys the
drainage to the building sewer.
_______________687. That part of the drainage system w/c extends from the end of the
building drain & conveys the discharge to a public sewer, private sewer, individual sewage
disposal system, or other point of disposal.
_______________688. That portion of a drainage system w/c does not carry drain by gravity
into the building sewer.
_______________689. A branch leading from soil, waste or vent pipe, a building drain or a
building sewer, & terminating @ a developed length of 2’ or more by means of a plug, cap or
other closed fitting.

_______________690. Any pipe that carries waste water or waterborne waste in a building
drainage system.
_______________691. Is that makes an angle of less than 45 ° w/ the horizontal.
_______________692. Is a pipe w/c make an angle of less than 45° or less w/ the vertical.
_______________693. The minimum sizes of vertical &/or horizontal drainage piping shall be
determined from the total of all fixture units connected thereto, & additional, in the case of
vertical drainage pipes, in accordance w/ their height or length.
_______________694. Includes the water supply distributing pipes; the fixture & the fixture
trap; the soil, waste & the vent pipes; the building sewer; the storm drainage, w/ their devices,
appurtenances & connections w/in the building & outside the building w/in the property line.
_______________695. Does not include the mains of the public sewer systems or a private or a
public sewage treatment or disposal plant.
_______________696. Are installed by the plumber to remove the waste water & water borne
waste from the plumbing fixtures & appliances, & to provide circulation or air w/in the drainage
piping .
_______________697. Pipes installed to remove the waste water & water borne waste from
plumbing fixtures & convey this waste to the sanitary sewer & other point of disposal.
_______________698. A pipe that conveys the discharge of water closets or similar fixtures
containing fecal matter, w/ or w/out the discharge of other fixtures to the building drain or
building sewer.
_______________699. A pipe that conveys only liquid waste free of fecal matter.
_______________700. A waste does not connect directly w/ the drainage system , but the
discharge into the drainage system through the air break or air gap into a trap, fixture, reported
or interceptor.
_______________701. Any liquid waste containing animal or vegetable matter in suspension or
solution. It may include liquids containing chemicals in solution.
_______________702. A special type of fitting or fittings utilized in the drainage system. – are
similar to cast iron fittings, except that instead of having a bell & spigot, drainage fittings are
recessed & tapped to eliminate ridges on the inside of the installed pipe.
_______________703. A measure of the probable discharge into the drainage system by
various types of plumbing fixtures.
_______________704. Any part of the piping system except a riser, main or stack.
_______________705. A distance along a soil or waste corresponding in general to story height
, but not less than 8 feet (2438mm), w/in w/c the horizontal branches from one floor or storey
of a structure are connected to the stack.
_______________706. An excreta disposal system serving a dwelling unit.

_______________707. The drainage pipe of the plumbing system taking the waste water from
the plumbing fixture & delivering it to the sewer or some other outlet.
_______________708. An excreta disposal system a group of dwelling units.
_______________709. A pit for the reception or detention of sewage.
_______________710. The pipe from w/in the distribution box to the drain field.
_______________711. A small concrete receptacle between the septic tank & the drain field in
w/c lines of drain tiles extend & w/c acts as surge tank to distribute the flow of sewage equally
to each line of drain tiles.
_______________712. The sewage containing human excrement & other liquid household
waste. – also called sanitary sewage.
_______________713. A system of collection, treatment & disposal of sewage.
_______________714. A common sewer to w/c all abutters have equal rights of connection
_______________715. A toilet facility located @ the public places like markets, but stations,
buildings, etc. intended for public use.
_______________716. A lined & covered excavation in the ground w/c receives the discharge
of domestic sewage or other organic wastes from a drainage system, so designed as to retain
the organic matter of solids, but permitting the liquids to seep through the bottom & side; also
_______________717. A structure w/c is not connected to a sewerage system & is used for the
reception, disposition & storage of feces or other excreta from the human body, also an
outhouse used for the deposition of excrement.
_______________718. A watertight receptacle w/c receives the discharge of a plumbing system
or part thereof, & is designed to accomplished the partial removal & digestion of the suspended
solid matter in the given sewage through a period of detention.
_______________719. The septic tank capacity may be determined using sewage flow quantity
value per given occupancy or type of building.
_______________720. The invert level of the inlet shall not be less than _______ above the
liquid level of the tank.
_______________721. The septic tank shall be provided w/ an _______________ 0.36 sq. m
(4sq.ft) in minimum area or by an equivalent removal cover slab to the inlet & outlet devices &
to the compartment of the tank for inspection & cleaning.
_______________722. Shall be constructed of sound & durable materials, not subject to
excessive corrosion or decay & shall be watertight.
_______________723. The septic tank shall be located not less than ____________ from any
well, cistern or other sources of drinking water supply; not less than 1.5 meters from any water
service line; & not less than 3.0 meters from any water main.

_______________724. Shall be cleaned before excessive sludge or scum is allowed to

accumulate & seriously reduce the setting efficiency.
_______________725. The size of any house sewer shall be determined on the basis of the
total number of fixture units drained by such sewer. Minimum size shall not be less than ____
_______________726. Is a fitting installed by plumbers on a piping system to control the flow
of fluid w/in that system in one or more in the ff ways – to turn the flow on – to turn the flow
off – to regulate the flow by permitting flow in on direction only (that is, to prevent backflow, to
regulate pressure or to relieve temperature &/or pressure.
_______________727. Are valves that control the flow of liquid moving through the valve by
means of a gate valve wedge disc w/ fits against a smoothed machine surface, called seat, w/in
the valve body. Also referred to a full way valve.
_______________728. A compression type valve in w/c the flow of water is controlled by
means of circular disc that is forced (compressed) onto or w/drawn from an annular ring,
known as valve seat, w/c surrounds the opening through w/c the water flows.
_______________729. A valve that permits the flow of water w/in the pipe in only one
direction & closes automatically to prevent backflow ( the flow in a reverse direction)
_______________730. A valve in w/c the flow of fluid is controlled by a rotating drilled ball that
fits tightly against a resilient ( flexible) seat in the valve body. A ball valve is basically a core cock
w/ a spherical seat.
_______________731. A globe valve in w/c the outlet & the inlet openings are @ 90° angle to
one another; used for plumbing individual fixture control such as lavatory, water closet etc.
_______________732. A valve w/ a rotating disk is by means of a shaft from the disk connected
to the handle.
_______________733. A type of check valve installed to prevent the backflow of sewage from
flooding the basement or lower floors of the building.
_______________734. An automatic device used for converting high fluctuating inlet water
pressure to a lower contact pressure.
_______________735. A safety device that automatically provides against excessive
temperatures, excessive pressures or both. This is installed in water heating equipment to
protect from the danger of over heating & explosion
_______________736. A type of compression stop valve w/ a side port into the valve body.
_______________737. Are two types of angle compression stop valves. A ___________ is
installed in the outside of the building so that a garden hose may be attached. A ____________
is a valve that is installed on a tank (such as a water heater) for draining &/or flushing.
_______________738. A valve that is installed @ the base or foot of the suction line of a pump
in a water cistern

_______________739. A valve used to control the water level in a tank or other container. It is
operated by a float & the closing or opening w/c is dependent on the rise & fall of the float ball.
_______________740. A valve used for flushing a fixture by using water directly
From the water supply pipes or in connection w/ a special flush tank.
_______________741. A valve w/ mix liquid, by either automatic or manual regulation.
_______________742. Used for drawing water directly from the main; primarily used in
connection w/ the protection or suppression system.
_______________743. Is used for measuring the flow of water through small water services;
also called displacement meters.
_______________744. Is used in buildings in w/c water is used in large & constant volume.
_______________745. Is a meter that unites the disk & turbine meter in one body.
_______________746. As an essential element in soil & waste piping system can be defined as
“that portion of the drainage system installation design to maintain atmospheric pressure w/ it”
_______________747. Can never be dissociated w/ ventilation system it rather plays a very
important role in achieving an efficient plumbing system.
_______________748. Are important devices in plumbing system & the use of w/c should not
be neglected.
_______________749. Trap seal may be lost as a result of a minus pressure known as
_______________750. The lost of the seal of a trap as a result of removing the water from the
trap that is caused by the discharge of the fixture to w/c the trap is connected.
_______________751. The loss of the trap seal siphonage caused in an indirect manner or by
the momentum of water, as it passes through a fixture trap outlet, it is difficulty encountered in
some plumbing system installations.
_______________752. A pressure w/in the sanitary drainage or vent piping system that is
greater than atmospheric pressure. Also called plus pressure.
_______________753. Sometimes results when foreign object such as rugs, strings or lint is
stuck & suspended in a trap where one end is on the inlet side & the other end on the outlet
side (trap arm).
_______________754. _______________ in a trap as a cause for trap seal loss is a
phenomenon of nature. The atmosphere absorbs moisture & the amount absorbed increases
the higher temperature.
_______________755. Wind of high velocity passing over the top of the soil pipe roof terminal
affects the trap seal. A downdraft occurring in the plumbing system tends to ripple the liquid
content of the trap force a quantity of it on the outlet arm of the trap.
_______________756. Same as no. 755 hacube!!

_______________757. A vertical vent pipe installed primarily for the purpose of providing
circulation of air to or from any part of the building drainage system.
_______________758. The extension (to the open air) of a soil or waste stack above the highest
horizontal branch drain or fixture branch connected to the stack.
_______________759. A vent installed in a pipe to vent a fixture trap connected to the vent
system above the fixture it serves.
_______________760. An arrangement of venting so installed that one pipe that one pipe will
serve two traps.
_______________761. A branch vent that serves two or more traps & extends from in front of
the last fixture connection of the horizontal branch to the vent stack.
_______________762. A vent arrangement for a group of plumbing fixtures; consist of a vent
pipe w/c is connected to the waste or soil branch immediately before the first fixture of the
_______________763. A type of ventilation system used on fixtures in a room away from a wall
or partition.
_______________764. A branch from the vent stack, connected to a horizontal branch
between the fixture branch & the soil or waste stack, whose primary function is to provide for
circulation of air between the vent stack & the soil or waste stack.
_______________765. A pipe connecting upward from a soil or waste stack for the purpose of
preventing pressure changes in the stack.
_______________766. A pipe, usually oversized, w/c functions both as a fixture branch & as a
vent, e.g. waste pipe that also serves s a vent.
_______________767. Is a specially designed single stack soil & waste system using aerator @
each floor where soil & waste enter the stack & deaerator fittings @ the base of stacks.
_______________768. Is designed w/ an offset chamber to slow the soil & waste matter @
each floor, never allowing it to reach its terminal velocity thus backpressure.
_______________769. Is a tool is operated by hand, & is made for tightening or loosening
bolts, or anything that needs to turn.
_______________770. These are air admittance valves that are positioned in soil & waste stack,
to introduce additional air into the system on demand & release excessive pressure so as to
prevent the occurance of either of siphonage or backpressure.
_______________771. A type of ventilation system, w/c serves as vent as waste conductor.
_______________772. A vent w/c carries neither nor waterborne wastes.
_______________773. A vent pipe w/c is connected @ the waterborne wastes.
_______________774. A vent pipe w/c terminates at the upper side of the fixture and does not
connect to the drainage system, with the intent of cheating.

_______________775. A vent pipe w/c terminates @ the upper side of the fixture & does not
connect to the drainage system, w/ the intent of cheating.
_______________776. A vent connecting one or more individual vents w/ a stack or stack vent.
_______________777. Also called an individual vent.
_______________778. A vent connecting to the drain pipe through a fitting @ an angle not
greater than 45° to the vertical.
_______________779. A vent w/c rises well the above the highest water level of fixture & then
turns downward before it connects to the main vent or tack vent.
_______________780. A pipe on the fixture side of the trap through w/c vapor or foul air is
removed from the room or fixture.
_______________781. A pipe used to provide air in sump pit & prevent pressure buildup.
_______________782. A vent stack w/c runs parallel to a soil stack (or a waste stack) & is
connected to it frequent intervals.
_______________783. A vertical vent that is a continuation of drain, a soil pipe, or a waste pipe
to w/c the vent connects.
_______________784. Is an engineered drainage system developed to improve & simplify soil,
waste & vent plumbing in multi – stored buildings.
_______________785. A hand tool having one jaw movable & the other relatively fixed, the
two parallel jaws is opened or closed when place on a pipe & rotated in one direction.
_______________786. A variation of pipe wrench w/ a swiveling serrated jaw & a knurled
control knob located between the frame forming the head & the handle of the wrench.
_______________787. A tool fast & easy grip used in constricted spaces or closed to a wall. It
has a solid housing w/ keeps it from breaking or warping under normal use.
_______________788. A variation of pipe wrench; has a deeper & broker hook jaw housing w/c
provides a smooth, flat surface that is may occasionally used as hammer. – same as pipe
wrench but a closer scrutiny would reveal a slight difference.
_______________789. A unique type of pipe wrench in w/c the turning force applied is
multiplied. The principle of level action in a simple machine had been applied in this type of
patented plumbing tool.
_______________790. A unique type of pipe wrench featuring a jaw opening parallel to the
handle & a narrower hook jaw w/c provides easy entry into tight spaces.
_______________791. It has unserrated jaws, used to burn fittings of minimum strength, such
as copper & brass valve & drain trap fitting or sinks & lavatories.

______________792. A tool w/c resembles a pipe wrench, except for its smooth jaws. It is used
to hold or turn a hardware having flat surfaces, such as nuts & drain fittings. An open end or
adjustable wrench may be substituted for this purpose.
______________793. Any one of the several types of wrenches having one jaw fixed & the
other adjustable; set to a desired size or openings by means of knurled.
______________794. A type of wrench used in No – Hub soil pipe installation. It is used to
ensure tight, leak – free joints.
______________795. A type of wrench used to install or extract 1 through 2 inches nipples. It is
composed of serrated slotted disks of different diameters attached to a shaft, these disks
expand by eccentric action & provides tight grip between the interior walls of the pipe & the
______________796. A wrench w/ a hexagonal jaw w/c is multi – side, used to provide secure
grip on all hexagonal nuts, square nuts, unions & valve packing nuts.
______________797. A wrench screws w/ hexagonal shaped recess in its head.
______________798. This is used to remove square & octagonally – shaped threaded faucets. It
has a right angle bar w/ one end for square nuts & the other octagonal.
______________799. A tool design to fasten the closet seat to the closet bowl.
______________800. A tool used to tighten the nut that secures the basket to the sink.
______________801. This wrench has a swiveling jaw that enable a plumber to reach into
places not easily accessible w/ conventional wrenches.
______________802. These are available in sets & fir nearly all tub, tub & shower valves. They
are hexagonal on both ends & hollow core to fit over faucet stem handles.
______________803. A hand tool for cutting pipe or tubing; one end of the tool, w/c partially
encircles the pipe carries one or more sharp wheels, the cutting edge of the wheels is forced
against the pipe by a screw on the other end of the tool; cutting us done by rotating the tool
around the pipe progressively.
______________804. A tool for cutting plastic & metal pipe. It use blade w/ 16 teeth per inch
for sawing1/8 to ¼ inch tubing & thin – walled pipe.
______________805. A tool used to make watertight joints between flexible copper tubing &
fitting or valve. The end of the tubing is slipped into yoke & a countersunk compressor screw is
slowly tightened forming a bell – shaped tube end.
______________806. Any of the several types of adjustable tools for cutting treads on pipe
ends; used in plumbing.
______________807. A tool usually made from carbon steel, used to cut internal threads.

_______________808. A tapered bit having sharp, spiral fluted cutting edges along the shaft;
used to enlarge an opening, to remove burrs from the inside of a pipe especially after cutting,
_______________809. A type of pipe reamer used to remove the internal & external burrs of a
pipe that had resulted from cutting; usually applicable on plastic & other thin – walled pipe or
_______________810. A tool used to remove broken threaded ends of pipe, plugs, fittings, etc.
_______________811. A tool used to bend flexible copper tubing w/out distortion.
_______________812. A tool used to straighten or to expand flexible pipe.
_______________813. One of a number of pins in a set in a staggered arrangement in a block
w/c are used in bending iron or lead pipe.
_______________814. A hand – operated, single stage expander used to expand tubing such as
copper, aluminum & soft steel tube.
_______________815. A vise for holding pipe or tubing during cutting or threading operations;
the pipe is held in a V – shaped serrated jaws or (for larger pipes) bye chains.
_______________816. It has internal legs & tray hat folds in for easy carrying set – up. Large
vise base overhangs front legs for clear tool swing;
_______________817. Are made of strong , dependable iron. It has hardened alloy steel jaws &
convenient pipe rest & bender.
_______________818. It has crank handle on base, rugged cast iron base has jaw of hardened
alloy steel w/ handy pipe rest, pipe bender.
_______________819. A handy stand chain vise is made of sturdy cast iron frame w/ allow steel
jaws. It is equipped w/ pipe rest, pipe bender & tool tray.
_______________820. A light, strong, portable post chain vise w/c fits any kind of post. It is
equipped w/ tray for oil can & handy pipe bender.
_______________821. Made of durable performance – proven material & designed to resist
strain, heat & warping during tacking.
_______________822. These are tools used to clean, declog obstruction & maintain the
efficient function of piping system.
_______________823. For cleaning back to back mounted fixtures e.g. sinks, where cable needs
to be led down the pipe.
_______________824. For use in exploring & breaking up stoppages or returning sample to
surface to determine the correct tool.
_______________825. For use as second tool in line, breaks up remains of stoppage left by
straight auger.

_______________826. For heavy & dense root stoppages in pipes that require hooking &
breaking up.
_______________827. For searching of cable w/c is broken or lost in line.
_______________828. For following up after auger had been used & to open up floor drains.
_______________829. For blockages caused by hardened, glazed material such as chemical
_______________830. For lines w/c have become badly greased w/ detergents & have to be
_______________831. For cleaning any stoppage caused by roots, rags, sticks, etc.
_______________832. For cleaning lines blocked heavily w/ roots. Unique design permits
cutter to be removed from damaged pipe w/out locking.
_______________833. For main sewers block by roots, leaf debris, sticks, sawdust, cloth,
_______________834. For use in cleaning pipes of general material clinging to pipe walls.
_______________835. For grease blockage in lines leading from garbage unit or waste pipe.
_______________836. For final removal of material adhering to the walls
_______________837. For use when rigorous action is required for cleaning scale in pipes &
boiler tubes.
_______________838. For use in finish cleaning in boilers & heat exchangers.
_______________839. A tool consisting of a rubber suction cup attached to a handle; set over a
plumbing trap (or the like) & worked w/ a pumping action to clear the trap of minor
_______________840. A metal pot & a spoon like scoop used for melting & pouring molten
lead into a caulked joint & other related application.
_______________841. A torch w/c generates high intensity flame; used for heating soldering
irons, melting lead in a melting pot, burning off paint, etc.
_______________842. A device primarily used for soldering fitting to tubing. Different nozzles
may be attached to give flame various shapes, sizes & different heat intensities.
_______________843. Used to test the plumbing system for leaks & other defects.
_______________844. System safe leak detection kit (Ridge Tool Co.)
_______________845. A chisel w/ a cutting edge formed of tampered steel, used for cutting
metal especially cast iron.
_______________846. A chisel like tool used to pack & compress hemp rope into the bell of a
cast iron pipe for the purpose of making a joint.
_______________847. Used upon pouring of molten lead to ensure air bubbles in the material
are removed & provide a leak free joint.

_______________848. A tool w/ a handle & shank, w/ a tapered wedge – shaped tip w/c fits
into the recess in the head of screw. The tip of the screwdriver may vary according to




___________849. Means subsurface water that occurs beneath a water table in soils & rocks or
in geological formations.
___________850. Means relative ease w/ w/c a contaminant located @ or near the land
surface can migrate to the aquifer or deep well.
___________851. Means to sludge produced on individual onsite wastewater disposal system,
principally septic tanks & cesspools.
___________852. Means water – borne human or animal waste, excluding oil or oil wastes,
removed from residences, building institutions, industrial & commercial establishments
together w/ such groundwater.
___________853. Is the volume of the pores expressed in the percentage of the bulk volume:
(pores plus solids)
___________854. Is defined as the amount of oxygen consumed when a biodegradable
substance is oxidized in an aquatic system.
___________855. The ability of a body of water to support fish & other aerobic organisms is
indicated by how much DO contains.
___________856. Are bacteria such as Escherichiacoli (e – coli) found in the large intestines, &
therefore feces of human & other animals.
___________857. The passage of moisture through the interstices of pores of the soil.
___________858. Is defined as the property of soils w/c permits the passage of moisture,
solutions, or similar fluids.
___________859. w/c is the following is one of the most convenient energy source produced
from bioconversion.
___________860. Pipe that pass under or through a wall must be protected from:
___________861. W/c of the following is not a protozoan disease in the digestive system?
___________862. w/c of the following are the most numerous microorganisms in the soil?
___________863. First antibiotic discover was:
___________864. Consist of sewage treatment unit w/c conveys the raw sewage to the
disposal system.
___________865. What is the thread per inch for pipe 1/8 inch size?
___________866. Soft copper is:
___________867. What type of cast iron pipe that uses neoprene sleeve & steel band w/ screw
___________868. Vertical support for lead pipe shall be supported @ interval not exceeding
___m @ the center w/a rigid vertical back up.
___________869. Where joints occur, suspended cast iron pipe shall be supported @ not more
than __________ interval.

____________870. Color coding for K type of copper.

____________871. Copper tubing shall be supported @ approximately ____________meters
____________872. A plumber finds that the thickness of schedule 80 pipe is 60 mm, but the
plumber wants to use a schedule 40 pipe for his project, what is the thickness of the schedule
40 pipe.
____________873. All shower compartments, regardless of shape shall have a min. finished
interior area of ____________square meters & shall be capable of encompassing a 762 mm
diameter circle.
____________874. When the shower receptors are built above ground, the sub floor & rough
side of walls to a height of no less than __________mm above the top of the finished dam or
threshold shall be first lined.
____________875. In water test, the water shall be kept in pipe system or in portion under test
for @ least ____________ minutes before inspection starts.
____________876. Permit one flow in one direction only & moves vertically w/n a valve body.
____________877. The air test shall be made by attaching an air compressor testing apparatus
to any suitable opening, & after closing all other inlets & outlet to the system, air is forced into
the pipe system until there is a uniform gauge pressure of __________kpa or sufficient to
balance a column of mercury 254 mm in height.
____________878. Color coding for type L copper.
____________879. Automatic device w/ convert high &/or fluctuating inlet water pressure to a
lower or constant outlet pressure.
____________880. What is the thread per inch for pipe 1 ¼ inch pipe?
____________881. The water used test shall be obtained from a potable source of supply. A
_____ kpa air pressure may be substituted for the water test.
____________882. What is AVB in a backflow prevention device?
____________883. For piping 51 mm & larger in diameter ( copper tubing), shall be supported
@ _____________m intervals.
____________884. What is the minimum air gap of lavatories & other fixtures w/ effective
openings not greater than 13 mm in diameter?
____________885. Water closet & urinal tank shall be listed w/ a ballcock. The ballcock shall be
installed w/ a critical level @ least ______________ mm above the full opening of the overflow
____________886. Potable water inlet to gravity tank shall be controlled by a _____ float
switch or electrode type of water level control to prevent the tank from overflow.

____________887. The water pressure is adequate if its pressure in the main or other source of
supply will not provide a water pressure of @ least ___________Kpa.
____________888. What is water fixture units of a privately used bathtub?
____________889. No galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe shall be used
underground and shall be kept @ least _________ mm above the ground.
____________890. What is the drainage fixture unit value of floor drain?
____________891. Check valve that used to prevent the back flow of the sewage.
____________892. When potable water is discharge to the drainage system, it shall be by
means of approved air gap of 2 pipe size diameter from the supply of the outlet & the top
surface of the drainage inlet, but in no case shall be less than ________ mm.
____________893. What is the size of the cleanout if the size of the pipe is 64 mm?
____________894. What is the thread per inch of a 64mm cleanout?
____________895. Bell & spigot cast iron soil pipe (CISP) & other similar joints shall be firmly
packed w/ oakum or hemp & filled w/ molten pig lead to a depth of not less than ________
____________896. Thread on plastic pipe shall be factory cut or molded. Thread plastic shall be
schedule ____________ minimum wall thickness.
____________897. Wiped lead joints shall have an expose surface on each side of a joint not
less than _________ mm & @ least as thick as the material being joined.
____________898. What is the water supply fixture of a public urinal wall (wall)
____________899. Use to transfer the center of openings for pipes from one floor to the next
____________900. Solder & fluxes w/ lead content w/c exceeds __________ are prohibited in
piping systems use to conveyed potable water.
____________901. What is CS & PS means?
____________902. If is a physical separation, w/c may be a low inlet indirect waste receptor
from the fixture, appliance or device indirectly connected.
____________903. If the highest group of the fixture contains flushometer valves, the pressure
for the group should not be less than _________ kpa.
____________904. If it is more than 45° from the vertical then it is considered as.
____________905. Where the local water pressure is in excess of __________ kpa, an
approved type pressure regulator preceded by an adequately size strainer shall be installed to
reduced the pressure on the building side of the regulator to the required supply pressure.
____________906. Type of water meter where there is a larger fluctuation of water demand.
____________907. The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between
the lowest opening from any pipe, plumbing fixture, appliance conveying waste to flood rim
level of the receptor.

____________908. A pipe flange that is not drilled for both holes.

____________909. Each pressure relief valve shall be an approved automatic type w/ drain, &
each such relief valve shall be set @ a pressure of not more than ____________
____________910. Horizontal drainage pipes shall be run in practical alignment & @ the
uniform slope between manholes of not less than ________mm/m toward the point of
____________911. Cast iron fittings up to including ____________ mm in size, when used
connection/ potable piping shall be galvanized.
____________912. Number of water supply fixture unit for hose bibb or still cock (standard
____________913. Number of water supply fixture unit for sink or dishwasher (private use)
____________914. Each horizontal drainage pipe shall be provided w/ a cleanout @ its upper
terminal & each run of piping w/c is more than _______ meters in total development length
shall be painted w/ a cleanout.
____________915. Has a rotating disk in the shaft & also used for throttling.
____________916. Each cleanout of piping 51 mm or less in size shall be installed so that there
is a clearance of not less than _____ mm in front of the cleanout.
____________917. Cleanout in piping larger than 51 mm shall have a clearance of not less than
____ m in front of the cleanout.
____________918. The rim over w/c water would spill on the floor.
____________919. Color coding for type DWV copper tube.
____________920. The flow of water or other liquid, mixtures or substances into the
distributing pipes of a potable supply of water from any source other than intended source.
____________921. Any two or more similar adjacent fixtures w/c discharge into a common
horizontal soil or waste branch.
____________922. What is the right term for plugging an opening w/ oakum, lead or other
materials that are pounded into the annular space?
____________923. It is vertical shaft installation of different pipe stack.
____________924. A valve that automatically that closes to prevent the flow of liquid or gas in
a reverse direction.
____________925. Where the local pressure is in excess of _______kpa, an approved type
pressure regulator preceded by an adequately size strainer shall be installed to reduce the
pressure on the building side of the regulator to the required supply pressure.
____________926. Type of water meter where there is a larger fluctuation of water demand.

____________927. The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between
the lowest opening from any pipe, plumbing fixture, appliance conveying waste to flood rim
level of the receptor.
____________928. A pipe flange that is not drilled for both holes.
____________929. Each pressure relief valve shall be an approved automatic type w/ drain, &
each such relief valve shall be set @ a pressure of not more than ________
____________930. Horizontal drainage pipes shall be run in practical alignment & @ the
uniform slope between manholes of not less than ___________mm/m toward the point of
____________931. Copper tubing shall be supported @ each storey or @ a maximum interval
of _______ meter on center.
____________932. What is the thread per inch for pipe 3/8 inch size?
____________933. What type of cast iron pipe that is sealed w/ compression gasket?
____________934. No building sewer or other drainage piping or part thereof, constructed of
materials other than that approved for use or w/in the building shall be installed under or w/in
____ meters of any building or structure.
____________935. No building sewer or other drainage piping or part thereof, constructed of
materials other than that approved for use or w/in the building shall be installed under or w/in
0.60 meters of any building or structure nor less than __________ meter below the finish
ground surface.
____________936. Nipple that is thread on its entire length.
____________937. For vertical hanger & supports plastic pipe shall be supported @ every ___
____________938. Supports of cast iron soil pipe shall be adequate to maintain alignment & to
prevent sagging & shall be placed w/in _______________ 0.45 meter of the hub or joint.
____________939. Hubless cast iron soil pipe or compression gasket joints must be supported
@least @ every other joint except that when the developed length between supports exceeds
___________ meters, they shall be provided @ each joint.
____________940. Minimum air gaps for water distribution of sunk & laundry trays when
affected by side walls.
____________941. A full way valves:
____________942. Water inlets to water supported aspirators shall be equipped w/ a listed
atmospheric vacuum breaker mounted @least _________ mm above the aspirator unit.
____________943. It is a type of ladder w/c is adjustable in height w/ fixed bed section &
sliding, lockable fly section.

____________944. Is a temporary or movable platform & structure for plumber to stand on

when working above floor level.
____________945. Soft copper is:
____________946. A variation of pipe wrench w/ a swiveling serrated jaw & a knurled control
knob located between frame forming the head & the handled of the wrench.
____________947. Level that can be align to multiple fixture such as sprinklers or battery of
____________948. A type of scaffolds that has lockable caster.
____________949. Type of ladder used for commercial purpose (medium duty) w/ a rated
capacity of 225 lb.
____________950. Is a drawing showing a small part of a floor plan, elevation or section
drawing @ an enlarged scale.
____________951. NFPA classifies fires as Class _____ by flammable liquids, gasses or grease.
____________952. PEX denotes as:
____________953. Is a nipple that is threaded its entire length.
____________954. Class _____ fire extinguishers are identified by the color yellow inside a star.
____________955. Is a pivoting hook mechanism attached to the fly section of an extension
ladder to hold the fly section @ the desired height.
____________956. Is a soil or waste stack that extends horizontally from the buildings drain &
receives only the discharge from the fixture on the same floor as the branch?
____________957. Is a scaled view created by passing an imaginary cutting plane through a
portion of a building.
____________958. Is a person who estimates the cost of construction projects wants to bid?
____________959. The colors used to identify the drawn copper tube for Type M is?
____________960. Is a full way valve used to regulate fluid flow in w/c a threaded stem raises
& lowers a wedge shaped disk.
____________961. Is a steel pipe made by piercing a solid cylindrical steel billet w/ a series of
mandrels while passing the billet through rollers.
____________962. PVC pipe & fittings are _______________ colored.
____________963. NFPA classifies fires as Class ____________ by electrical fires.
____________964. Is an adjustable height ladder w/ a fixed bed section & sliding, lockable fly
____________965. An eye protection device w/ flexible frame, they are secure on the face w/
an elastic headband.
____________966. Is a pipe that conveys only liquid waste that is free from fecal matter?
____________967. Is a device used to measure the volume of water that passes through the
water service.
____________968. It is a pipe that conveys potable water for public & community use from the
municipal water supply source.
____________969. This is used to remove square & octagonally – shaped threaded faucets. It
has a right angle bar w/ one end for square nuts & the other octagonal.
____________970. A tool fast & easy grip used on constricted spaces or close to a wall. It has a
solid housing w/c keeps it from breaking or wrapping under normal use.
____________971. Another variation of pipe wrench featuring a jaw opening parallel to the
handle & a narrower hook jaw w/c provides easy entry into tight space.
____________972. A wrench for screws w/ hexagonally shaped recess in its head?
____________973. It has internal legs & tray hat folds in for easy carrying & set up. Large vise
base overhangs front legs for clear tool swing.
____________974. What type of wrench is used to assemble Hubless joint?
____________975. The best solder for bracing / soldering for joints is.
____________976. The effective thread length of a ¾ diameter steel pipe.
____________977. Screwed steel pipe 2 ½ ‘’ diameter should have this number of threads for
effective jointing.
____________978. It has a deeper & broader hook jaw housing w/c provides a smooth, flat
surface that is may used be occasionally used as a hammer.
____________979. A type of wrench used in No – Hub soil pipe installation. It is used to ensure
a tight, leak free joints.
____________980. This wrench has swiveling jaws that enable a plumber to reach into places
not easily accessible w/ conventional wrenches.
____________981. A handy stand chain vise is made of sturdy cast iron frame w/ alloy steel
jaws. It is equipped w/ pipe rest, pipe bender & tool tray.
____________982. A tool designed to fasten the closet seat to the bowl.
____________983. It is composed of serrated slotted disks of different diameters attached to a
shaft, these disk expand by eccentric action & provides tight grip between the interior walls of
the pipe & the disk.
____________984. It has unserrated jaws, use to turn fittings of minimum strength, such as
copper & brass valve & drain fitting or sink & lavatories.
____________985. A hand tool having one jaw movable & the other relatively fixed, the two
parallel jaw is opened or closed when placed on a pipe & rotated in one direction.
____________986. ASTM stands for:
____________987. Is a drawn copper tube that is heated to a specific temperature & cooled @
pre – determined to rate to impact hardness characteristic?
____________988. ABS pipe are ______colored plastic pipe.

____________989. Class ___________ fire extinguishers are identified by the color red inside a
____________990. Is a ladder that is permanently attached to a structure, tank or vault.
____________991. PPE usually seen on entrance before entering the construction site stands
____________992. Any vertical line of soil, waste or vent pipe extending through one or more
____________993. Is a pipe extending from the corporation cock to the water supply
distribution system of the building.
____________994. OSHA stands for:
____________995. Is a drawing of piping system w/out regard to scale & exact location of the
fixture shown in the drawing ba!
____________996. Is a person who enter into the agreement w/ an employer:
____________997. Is a gate valve in w/c one piece solid bronze wedge fits against the seat to
restrict the flow:
____________998. Is a nipple that is threaded on the ends & has short unthreaded pipe in the
____________999. Is a steel pipe manufactured by drawing flat steel strips trough a die to form
a cylindrical shape.
____________1000. The colors used to identify the drawn copper tube for Type L is?
____________1001. Is a plumbing design in w/c centrally located manifolds distribute water to
each fixture w/ dedicated hot & cold water lines:
____________1002. It is a plastic resin that cannot be re – melted after it is formed & cured in
its final shape.
____________1003. Class __________ fire extinguishers are identified by the color blue inside
a circle.
____________1004. Is securing equipment or materials in preparation for lifting by means of
rope, chain or web sling:
____________1005. Is a pipe that ventilates the drainage system of the building:
____________1006. Is a pipe that conveys the discharge of water closet other similar fixtures
containing fecal matter, w/ or w/out the discharge of other fixtures?
____________1007. Is a valve installed on water service to turn on or off the flow of potable
water in the building?
____________1008. Is a civil drawing that the shaped & size of the building lot & the location
on the building lot.
____________1009. NAMPAP stands for:

_____________1010. Is a person who has completed apprenticeship training in a trade & is

skilled in a particular field?
_____________1011. CPVC pipe & fitting are ___________ colored thermoplastic materials
especially formulated to w/stand higher temperatures than other plastic.
_____________1012. It is a plastic resin that can be heated & reformed repeatedly w/ little or
no degradation in physical characteristics’.
_____________1013. class ______ fire extinguishers are identified by the color green inside a
_____________1014. It is a type of ladder that stands independently of support.
_____________1015. Is a pipe that conveys rainwater from the roof to the storm drain.
_____________1016. What is the minimum size of water supply inlet for urinal stall:
_____________1017. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipes used for drain waste vent (DWV) are
manufactured based on the standard set by this organization.
_____________1018. To boost the water pressure of hot, use.
_____________1019. Is the drainage pipe that extends from the trap of a fixture to the junction
of the next drainage pipe:
_____________1020. Is a fitting or device that, when properly vented, provides a liquid seal to
prevent the emission of sewer gasses.
_____________1021. uPVC means:
_____________1022. It is used to reduce water hammer?
_____________1023. ____________is the accumulation of solids separated from liquids during
the treatment process that have not undergone stabilization process.
_____________1024. Water is purified by _________in various processes, so as to remove
particles of vegetable matter, mud & other particles of matter present in water, most
commonly used materials are sand & gravel.
_____________1025. An arrangement of venting so installed that one vent pipe will serve two
_____________1026. The minimum water pressure allowed by Maynilad, Manila water, etc. to
each customer faucet.
_____________1027. Is a pipe on the fixture side of the trap through w/c vapor or foul air is
removed from a room fixture.
_____________1028. Ponds w/c add oxygen to the water using mechanical or diffused air
_____________1029. A piece of pipe lesser than 12’’ length & threaded on both ends.
_____________1030. Three Solid matters present either suspended or settled in the liquid

_____________1031. It is the process design configuration whereby the aeration tank organic
loading is higher @ the influent than that @ the effluent ends.
_____________1032. The length of a pipeline measured long the center line of the pipe & pipe
_____________1033. Minimum fixture drains size for water closets:
_____________1034. The total quantity of oxygen required to completely satisfy the first stage
_____________1035. May be used either for the collection of water w/out consideration of
pressure, or for storing water under air pressure or under a static head for future distribution
by pneumatic or gravity means. Material are PVC, G.I, reinforced concrete, stainless steel or
plain steel.
_____________1036. Is the art & technique of installing pipes, fixtures & other apparatuses in
buildings & bringing the supply liquids substances &/or ingredients & removing them:
_____________1037. Is a preliminary treatment process that remove large suspended or
floating solids from the raw wastewater.
_____________1038. It is customary that a full open type of valve in several locations in a
water distribution system. W/c location in the following list DOES NOT require one?
_____________1039. Water is treated by giving __________ to kill the harm full bacteria
present & to cure the turpid taste or “mud taste”, remove clay, salts, iron, etc. commonly used
treating liquid is chlorine.
_____________1040. A ___ is water equipment used whenever the water supply @ its natural
pressure cannot be directly piped to a building, tank or reservoir.
_____________1041. A method of introducing a controlled amount of chlorine to the water in
order to attain a desired degree of disinfection.
_____________1042. When there is a low pressure from the water main, what will you use to
supply higher levels.
_____________1043. Is any number that can be represented by a decimal?
_____________1044. Number that is expressible in the form of “a + b”.
_____________1045. Numbers that can be expressed as a fraction of two integers.
_____________1046. Integer greater than 1 that is divisible only by 1 & itself.
_____________1047. Is a symbol that represents just one object?
_____________1048. Is an irrational radical numbers.
_____________1049. The path of the projectile is?
_____________1050. In a conic section, if the eccentricity e>1, then, the locus is an?
_____________1051. Velocity tells us how the position of something while acceleration tells us
how the ___________ changing.

_____________1052. Megawatts is a unit of?

_____________1053. Area of surface of revolution is govern by
_____________1054. A solid w/ 20 faces is known as?
_____________1055. The payment for the use of borrowed money is called?
_____________1056. The pressure available @ the fixture or water outlet.
_____________1057. Wastewater containing human excrements & liquid household waste.
Also called domestic sewage.
_____________1058. A loosely lined excavation in the ground, w/c receives the discharge of a
septic tank to seep through pit bottom & sides.
_____________1059. A pipe connecting upward from soil or waste stack below the flow &
below the horizontal connection to an adjacent vent stack @ a point above the floor & higher
than highest spill level of fixtures for preventing pressure changes in the stacks.
_____________1060. A vertical opening through a building for elevators, dumbwaiters, light,
ventilation or similar purposes.
_____________1061. The extension of a soil or a waste stack above the highest horizontal drain
connected to the stack.
_____________1062. Any pipe w/c conveys the discharge of water closet, urinal or fixture
having similar functions w/ or w/out the discharges from other fixtures to the building drain or
building sewer.
_____________1063. An adjustable tubing connections, consisting of a compression nut, a
fiction ring, & a compression water, designed to fit a threaded adapter fitting or standard taper
pipe thread.
_____________1064. Tube made of plastic material & colored black. The cross – sectional
shape is normally oval & is denoted by its outside diameter or O.D. normally used as water
service connection from main to meter.
_____________1065. Tube made of plastic material & colored black. The cross – sectional
shape of its circular & is denoted by its diameter or O.D.
_____________1066. An underground drain pipe that receives only seepage water convey it to
a sump for disposal by gravity flow or by lift pump.
_____________1067. The pipe that the street water main or other source of water supply to
the building service.
_____________1068. A term used to describe soil or waste system where all piping’s are
threaded, tubing or other such rigid construction using recessed drainage fittings to correspond
to the types of piping’s.
_____________1069. In what year the National Master Plumbers Association of the Philippines
(NAMPAP) & had it registered w/ the securities & exchange Commission.

_____________1070. City ordinance _________, otherwise known as “the plumbing code for
the city of manila” was enacted in consultation w/ NAMPAP.
_____________1071. In 1954, the third congress of the republic of the Philippines in its second
session, approved after the third reading House Bill No. ___, this became the republic act no.
_____________1072. On June 18, 1995, Republic Act 1378, otherwise known as the ________
Was signed by president ramon mag(say)2.
_____________1073. National master plumbers association of the Philippines also assisted in
the passage of the creating the ______________
_____________1074. In what year, the board of examiners for master plumbers & the NAMPAP
prepared a curriculum for plumbing engineering that was approved by the department of
education & was first introduced @ the FEATI UNIVERSITY.
_____________1075. On __________, the first amendment to the National Plumbing Code was
approved, w/c affected the inclusion of “Asbestos – Cement Pipe” as an approved plumbing
_____________1076. Before martial Law in 1972, Republic Act No. 6541 known as the
______________ was passed w/ the “National Plumbing Code of 1959” as referral code in full
_____________1077. After careful review, the Professional Regulation Commission under
Chairman HERMOGENES POBRE adopted the revised plumbing Code of 1999 w/c his Excellency,
President Joseph Estrada approved last ______________ pursuant to section 4 of R.A. 1378 as
the plumbing law.
_____________1078. Another registered master plumber after definite steps have already
been taken toward his/her being commissioned to performed the contract.
_____________1079. Plumbing fixtures, devices & appurtenances shall be supplied w/ water in
_____________ & @ pressure adequate to enable them to function satisfactorily & w/out
undue noise under all normal conditions of use.
_____________1080. What is the thread per inch for pipe 1/8 inch size?
_____________1081. What type of cast iron pipe that uses neoprene sleeve & steel band w/
screw clamp:
_____________1082. Vertical support for lead pipe shall be supported @ interval not
exceeding __________m @ the center w/a rigid vertical backup.
_____________1083. Where joints occur, suspended cast iron pipe shall be supported @ not
more than _____________ interval.
_____________1084. Color coding for K type of copper.

_____________1085. Copper tubing shall be supported @ approximately ________ meters

interval for piping 38 mm diameter & smaller.
_____________1086. For what period of time must a drain, waste & vent system hold its test
pressure to prove that there are no leak in the system?
_____________1087. When water is used to test underground plumbing drains & vents, the
use of a standpipe is required for entry & observation of water used for test. How tall is
required to be?
_____________1088. W/c of the following are the most numerous microorganism in the soil?
_____________1089. W/c of the following is the most convenient energy source produced
from bioconversion?

_____________1090. First antibiotic discover was?

_____________1091. Pipe that pass under a through a wall must be protected from?
_____________1092. Consist of sewage treatment unit w/c conveys that raw sewage to the
disposal system.
_____________1093. Liquid wastes conducted away from the residence, business buildings,
industrial establishments, institutions & w/ such ground surface & storm water as may be
_____________1094. Cheapest light in weight, & could take slight soil movement w/out danger
of cracking or pulling out of its joint.
_____________1095. A line followed by a fluid particles in motion is:
_____________1096. The destructive forces, pounding noise & vibrations w/c developed in a
piping system when column of non – compressible liquid flowing through a pipe line @ a given
pressure & velocity is stopped abruptly.
_____________1097. The water from w/c the pump suctions when it is not in operation.
_____________1098. Type of water meter that is usually sized from 1 ½ “ – 20”.
_____________1099. Refers to all ailments w/c may be transmitted by any means from person
or from animal to person.
_____________1100. The physical characteristics of sewage is determined by:
_____________1101. PEX pipes abbreviates:
_____________1102. It includes the discharge from latrine, urinals, bathrooms, kitchens &
stable is called:
_____________1103. Disinfection of water is done by:
_____________1104. The pipe w/c installed for the purpose of escaping foul gases from the
septic tank & digesting tank.
_____________1105. The sewage w/c is produced @ the moment is called:

_____________1106. CCIP means:

_____________1107. Sewer w/c obtain the sewage directly from the residential building is:
_____________1108. Used to deliver water @ a point higher than the position of the pump
itself when the plunger descends, the valve is closed & the water in the cylinder is forced out
through the valve & up to the storage.
_____________1109. Type of water meter that is usually sized from 5/8 “ – 2”.
_____________1110. The unit kinematics viscosity in metric system.
_____________1111. A fluid that is frictionless & incompressible.
_____________1112. PAGASA:
_____________1113. Disease transmitted by contaminated drinking water:
_____________1114. The root of all waterborne disease:
_____________1115. The vertical pipe provided outside the wall of the building to carry the
discharge from the water closet, urinal, bathrooms, etc.
_____________1116. ANSI means:
_____________1117. The combination of sanitary sewerage & storm water is:
_____________1118. Indicate the nature of sewage whether it is fresh or septic:
_____________1119. What happen during aeration:
_____________1120. The rate of absorption of water from soil:
_____________1121. The accumulated suspended solid of sewage deposited in tanks, beds, or
basin, mix w/ water to form a semi – liquid mass.
_____________1122. Determine the water nature through acidity or alkalinity is:
_____________1123. It includes the urea, proteins & amino acids is:
_____________1124. Screwed steel pipe 2 ½ ‘’ diameter should have this number of threads for
effective jointing.
_____________1124. What is the minimum size of water supply inlet for urinal stall:
_____________1125. What is minimum size of water supply inlet for urinal stall:
_____________1126. What do you call the stop valve installed in a service pipe near water
_____________1127. What causes the bad taste & odor of water:
_____________1128. Waste in the plumbing drainage are prohibited waste when you
_____________1129. What is the minimum size of water supply inlet for shower install:
_____________1130. What do you call this valve @ the suction line of the pump to prevent the
loss of prime of the pump?
_____________1131. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipes used for drain waste vent (DWV) are
manufactured based on the standard set by this organization.

_____________1132. The recommended hot water supply to an hotel washing machine is:
_____________1133. The effective thread length of a 3” diameter screwed steel pipe is:
_____________1134. Gasses found in the sewer air septic tank except:
_____________1135. A male thread fitting w/ square head used for closing another female
fitting is called:
_____________1136. Recommended hot water supply to a hotel lavatory (private).
_____________1137. Copper pipe are sized:
_____________1138. To boost the water pressure of hot water, use:
______________1139. A fluid that has a velocity of 18 m/s will have an equivalent head of:
______________1140. Electric heater heaters are manufactured based on the standard set by
this organization.
______________1141. How does a safety mechanism of a hot water system work?
______________1142. Stainless steel plumbing fixtures are manufactured based on standard
set by this organization:
______________1143. It is an individual or company responsible for the performance of the
construction work.
______________1144. CISP stands for:
______________1145. It is a scaled view that shows the shape & size of the exterior walls &
roof of the building.
______________1146. All shower compartments, regardless of shape shall have a min. finished
interior area of ___________ sq. meters & shall be capable of encompassing a 762 mm
diameter circle.
______________1147. When shower receptors are built above ground, the sub floor & rough
side of walls to a height of no less than ________ mm above the top of the finished dam or
threshold shall be first lined.
______________1148. ABS is the acronym of ___________
______________1149. Permit one flow in one direction only & moves vertically w/in a valve
______________1150. The air test shall be made by attaching an air compressor testing
apparatus to any suitable opening, & after closing all other inlets & outlets to the system, air is
forced into the pipe system until there is a uniform gauge pressure of _____________ kpa or
sufficient to balance a column of mercury 254 mm in height.
______________1151. Color coding for type L Copper tube.
______________1152. Automatic device w/c convert high &/or fluctuating inlet water pressure
to a lower or constant outlet pressure.

______________1153. The water used test shall be obtained from a potable source of supply. A
____ kpa air pressure may be substituted for the water test.
______________1154. What is AVB in a backflow prevention devices?
______________1155. For piping 51 mm & larger in diameter (copper tubing), shall be
supported @ _____ m intervals.
______________1156. What is the thread per inch for pipe 1 ¼ “size.
______________1157. What is the minimum air gap of lavatories & other fixtures w/ effective
openings not greater than 13 mm in diameter.
______________1158. Water closet & urinal tank shall be listed w/ a ballcock. The ballcock
shall be installed w/a critical level @least _______mm above the full opening of the overflow
______________1159. Potable water inlet to gravity tank shall be controlled by a_________
floats switch or electrode type of water level control to prevent the tank from overflow.
______________1160. The water pressure is adequate if its pressure in the main or other
source of supply will not provide a water pressure of @least ______kpa.
______________1161. How many working days is required by the administrative by the
administrative authority I filling the request for the inspection before it is intended?
______________1162. What is the fixture supply units of a privately use bathtub?
______________1163. No galvanized wrought iron or galvanized steel pipe shall be used
underground & shall be kept @least ____________ mm above the ground.
______________1164. What is the drainage fixture unit value of floor drain?
______________1165. Check valve that used to prevent the backflow of the sewage.
______________1166. When the potable water is discharge to the drainage system, it shall be
by means of approved air gap of 2 pipe size diameter from the supply of the outlet & the top
surface of the drainage inlet, but in no case shall be less than ___mm.
______________1167. What is the size of the cleanout if the size of the pipe is 64 mm?
______________1168. The vertical difference between the pumping water level & the static
water level is:
______________1169. Is a temporary or movable platform & structure for plumber to stand on
when working above the floor level?
______________1170. It is a type of ladder w/c is adjustable in height w/ fixed bed section &
sliding, lockable fly section.
______________1171. Levels that can be aligned to multiple fixtures such as sprinklers or
battery of urinals.
______________1172. A type of scaffolds that has lockable caster.
______________1173. Color Coding for type L copper tube.

______________1174. What class is use for ordinary combustible such as wood paper, rubber
& plastics?
______________1175. Used to established level preferences up to 8 feet in length.
______________1176. Color Coding for type DWV copper tube.
______________1177. Level use for short distance only.
______________1178. Available size of inflatable test plug.
______________1179. It is a type of ladder of fixed length only one section.
______________1180. A variation of pipe wrench w/ a swiveling serrate jaw & a knurled
control knob located between the frame forming the lead & the handled of the wrench.
______________1181. A unique type of pipe wrench in w/c turning force applied is multiplied.
The principle of lever action in a simple machine have been applied in this type of patented
______________1182. It is an individual or company responsible for the performance of the
construction work.
______________1183. CISP stands for:
______________1184. It is a scaled view that shows shape & size of the exterior walls & roof of
the building.
______________1185. The effective thread length of a 3” diameter screwed steel pipe is.
______________1186. The recommended hot water supply to a hotel lavatory (private).
______________1187. A type of wrench having a heavy sprocket chain that is slipped around a
pipe & then attached to the wrench handled. It is used in piping work especially large size pipe
metal pipes & in areas that is not easily accessible.
______________1188. A wrench w/ hexagonal jaw w/c is multisided used to provide secure
grip on all hexagonal nuts, square nuts, unions & valve packing nuts. The extra – wide opening
offset is ideal for securing drain nut on sinks & tubs.
______________1189. A tool used to tighten the nut that secure the basket to the sink.
______________1190. Is a three dimensional drawing in the plumbing system?
______________1191. Is an adjustable cast iron box that is flashed w/ finished grade & is
capped w/ removable iron cover?
______________1192. Is a fitting device that, when properly vented, provides a liquid seal to
prevent the emission of sewer gasses.
______________1193. Is the drainage pipe that extends from the trap of a fixture to the
junction of the next drainage pipe?
______________1194. To boost the water pressure of hot water,use
______________1195. Stainless steel plumbing fixtures are manufactured based on standard
set by this organization.

______________1196. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipes use for drain waste vent (DWV) are
manufactured base on the standard set by this organization.
______________1197. What is the minimum size of water supply inlet for urinal stall?
______________1198. Is a pipe that conveys rainwater from the roof to the storm drain?
______________1199. It is a type of ladder that stands independently of support.
______________1200. Class ________ fire extinguishers are identified by the color green inside
a triangle.
______________1201. It is a plastic resin that can be heated & reformed repeatedly w/ little or
no degradation in physical characteristics.
______________1202. CPVC pipe & fitting are _________ colored thermoplastic materials
specially formulated to withstand higher temperatures than other plastic.
______________1203. Is a person who is completed apprenticeship training in a trade & is
skilled in a particular field?
______________1204. ANSI stands for:
______________1205. NAMPAP stands for:
______________1206. Is a civil drawing that the shaped & sized of the building lot & the
location on the building lot.
______________1207. Is a valve installed on the water service to turn on or off the flow of
potable water in the building.
______________1208. Is a pipe that conveys the discharge of water closet other similar fixtures
containing fecal matter, w/ or w/out the discharge of other fixtures?
______________1209. Is a pipe that ventilates the drainage system of the building?
______________1210. Is an eye & face protection device that covers the entire face w/ a
plastic shield.
______________1211. Is a temporary wiring used to supply power to portable electric tools &
______________1212. Is securing equipment or materials in preparation for lifting by means of
rope, chain or web sling.
______________1213. Class __ fire extinguisher indentified by the color blue inside a circle.
______________1214. It is a plastic resin that can be re – melted after it is formed & cured in
its final shape.
______________1215. Is a plumbing design in w/c ,?.. located manifolds distribute water to
each fixture w/ dedicated hot & cold water lines.
______________1216. The colors used to identify the drawn copper tube for type L is.
______________1217. Is a steel pipe manufactured by drawing flat steel trough a die to form a
cylindrical shape.

_______________1218. Is a nipple that is threaded on the ends & has short unthreaded pipe in
the middle?
_______________1219. Is a gate valve in w/c one piece solid bronze wedge fits against the seat
to restrict the flow?
_______________1220. Is a person who enter into an agreement w/ an employer.
_______________1221. OSHA stands for:
_______________1222. Is a drawing of piping system w/out regard to scale & exact location of
the fixture shown in the drawing?
_______________1223. Is a pipe extending from the corporation cock to the water supply
distribution system of the building?
_______________1224. Any vertical line of soil, waste or vent pipe extending through one or
more stories.
_______________1225. PPE usually seen on entrance before entering the construction site
stands for:
_______________1226. Is a ladder that is permanently attached to a structure, tank or vault?
_______________1227. Class _______ fire extinguishers are identified by the color red inside a
_______________1228. ABS pipes are _____________ colored plastic pipe.
_______________1229. Is a drawn copper tube that is heated to specific temperature & cooled
@ predetermined rate to impart hardness characteristic?
_______________1230. ASTM stands for:
_______________1231. A hand tool having one jaw movable & the other relatively fixed, the
two parallel jaw is opened or closed when placed on a pipe & rotated in one direction.
_______________1232. It has an unserrated jaw, use to turn fittings of minimum strength, such
as copper & brass valve & drain trap fittings or sink & lavatories.
_______________1233. It is composed of serrated slotted disk of different diameters attached
to a shaft, these disk expand by eccentric action & provides tight grip between the interior walls
of the pipe & the disk.
_______________1234. A tool designed to fasten a closet seat to the closet bowl.
_______________1235. Screwed steel pipe 2 ½ “ diameter should have this number of threads
for effective jointing.
_______________1236. A male threaded fitting w/ square head used for closing another fitting
is called.
_______________1237. Electric water heaters are manufactured based on the standard set by
this organization.
_______________1238. The best solder for brazing / soldering joints is.

_______________1239. How does a safety mechanism of a hot water system work?

_______________1240. Wastes in plumbing drainage are prohibited waste when you
_______________1241. What causes the bad taste & odor of water?
_______________1242. What type of wrench is used to assemble Hubless joint?
_______________1243. NFPA classifies fires as class ______________ by electrical fires.
_______________1244. PVC pipe & fittings are _____________colored.
_______________1245. Is a steel pipe made by piercing a solid cylindrical steel billet w/ a series
of mandrels while passing the billet through rollers?
_______________1246. The colors used to identify the drawn copper tube for type M is.
_______________1247. Is a person who estimates the cost of construction projects the
contractor wants to bid.
_______________1248. Is a scaled view created by passing an imaginary cutting plane through
a portion of a building?
_______________1249. Class ____ fire extinguishers are identified by the color yellow inside a
_______________1250. PEX denotes as:
_______________1251. NFPA classifies fires as class __________ by flammable liquids, gasses
or grease.
_______________1252. A rigid plastic pipe used predominantly for drain – waste – vent (DWV)
_______________1253. A removable panel in a wall or ceiling that permits repair or
replacement of concealed components.
_______________1254. A device screwed into the spout outlet of most sink faucets that mixes
air w/ the water to achieve less water splash & smoother flow.
_______________1255. A loud noise cause by a sudden stop in the flow of water, w/c causes
pipe to move.
_______________1256. A device installed @ an appliance or fixture to absorbed the hydraulic
shock created by a sudden shutoff of water, such as occurs when operating a clothes washer.
_______________1257. What is minimum width of the septic tank:
_______________1258. Defined as that branch of science w/c treats of water or other fluid in
_______________1259. Defined as that branch of physical science w/c deals w/ the mechanics
lf liquids & gases & is based on the same fundamental principles that are employed in the
mechanics of solid.
_______________1260. The study of mechanics of fluids @ rest.

_______________1261. Is concerned w/ the relations between velocities & accelerations & the
forces exerted or upon fluids in motion.
_______________1262. A fluid that has a velocity of 18m/s will have an equivalent head of:
_______________1263. What is the meaning of CPVC.
_______________1264. How do you connect pump in series?
_______________1265. A pump used in underground.
_______________1266. Pressure difference @ two ends of a pipe network is called.
_______________1267. The volume of a liquid passing through a cross section in unit time is
_______________1268. What really seals a caulked joint?




_______________1269. The art & technique of installing pipes, fixtures, & other apparatuses in
buildings for bringing in the supply of liquids, substances &/or ingredients & removing them.
_______________1270. Water, liquid & other carried – wastes hazardous to health, sanitation,
life & property
_______________1271. In 1902, the __________ was duly recognized by the government in
the city of manila.
_______________1272. Became the first chief of the division of plumbing construction &
_______________1273. In 1935, the ______was formally organized.
_______________1274. In 1954, the Third Congress approved House Bill No. 962 w/c in ____,
became R.A. 1378 “Plumbing Law of the Philippines” upon the ratification of President Ramon
_______________1275. On __________, the National Plumbing Code of the Philippines
prepared by NAMPAP was promulgated & approved by malacanang. Also the National
Waterworks & Sewerage Authority (NAWASA) was created.
_______________1276. The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) adopted the Revise
Plumbing Code of 1999 w/c President Joseph Estrada approved December 21, 1999 pursuant to
Section 4 of R.A. 1378 known as ____________
_______________1277. How many days after the approval of the Republic Act that regulates
the trade of Master Plumber that a Board of Examiners for Master Plumber was created?
_______________1278. What entity or group that will be consulted before a member of the
Board of Examiners be appointed by the president?
_______________1279. A fixture design for washing of hands or face, sometimes called
_______________1280. A stack as defined in the Code is:
_______________1281. No or Dry chemical closet shall installed in any building unless first
approved by the:
_______________1282. Request for inspection by the Master Plumber to the Administrative
Authority are required to be made in advance @least before the work to be tested.
_______________1283. The vertical distance that waste travels through open air between the
waste pipe & the indirect waste receptor is.
_______________1284. A Drainage connecting the compartments of a certain fixture to its
trap is called
_______________1285. Storm water is:
_______________1286. A pit or receptacle @ low point to w/c the liquid waste are drain.
_______________1287. What pressure is required to test water supply system?

_______________1288. Sizes of vertical & horizontal drainage pipe shall be determined from.
_______________1289. CPVC water pipe may be used for hot & cold water distribution system
_______________1290. Building sewer shall be tested by completely filling the sewer w/ water
from the__
_______________1291. A set of regulation adapted by an administrative agency that has
jurisdiction over materials & design specification in plumbing.
_______________1292. The maximum lead content allowed in pipe used to convey potable
_______________1293. No building water service pipe shall be less than.
_______________1294. Upon issuance of plumbing permit, Plumbing installation shall be
commenced w/in?
_______________1295. An automatic fill device, most commonly found in toilet tanks
_______________1296. A term used w/c is contrary to sanitary principles or injurious to health
_______________1297. A watertight receptacle that receives sewage is.
_______________1298. A pipe w/c makes an angle of 45 degrees from the vertical is
_______________1299. The part of the lowest horizontal piping of the plumbing system w/c
receives the discharge from soil, waste & other drainage pipes inside of the building & conveys
it to the house sewer.
_______________1300. A joint made by firmly packing w/ oakum & filled w/ molten lead to a
depth of not less than one inch, is for
_______________1301. The distance between the water heater & the union on the water lines
shall not be more than.
_______________1302. What valve is required ahead of its water supplied – appliance slip
joints or supply piping for non – metallic fixtures & appliance.
_______________1303. Every building where plumbing fixtures are installed shall have a sewer
service connection to a:
_______________1304. Allowing for friction & other pressure losses the available water
pressure for fixture is:
_______________1305. The maximum trap loading for a 2” trap is:
_______________1306. When no public sewer intended to serve any lot or premises is
available in any thoroughfare or right of way abutting such lot or premises, drainage piping
from the building shall be connected to:
_______________1307. A unit w/c is equivalent to the flow rate of one (1) cubic foot of water
per minute or 7 ½ gpm of water is:

_______________1308. Roof joint, shall be:

_______________1309. What Republic Act (R.A) that regulates the trade of Master Plumber?
_______________1310. Considered as the graphic language of the engineers.
_______________1311. An ordinary fitting having a back outlet (opposite to the branch). The
axes of the all outlets lie in the same plane & are @ right angle to each other.
_______________1312. What is the purpose of the plug?
_______________1313. It is a fitting that has a main function of connecting the male end of a
pipe to a fitting of a larger size.
_______________1314. It is a type of elbow w/ a third opening perpendicular to the plain of
the run.
_______________1315. Why are special fittings needed to connect iron & copper pipes?
_______________1316. What do you call the process in w/c the steel & wrought iron pipe rust?
_______________1317. The minimum depth of a pure of pure lead in a caulked joint.
_______________1318. Threaded pipe joint cement or mixture shall be used on __________
_______________1319. What is required for a soft copper water piping?
_______________1320. How are asbestos cement sewer pipe joints made?
_______________1321. At what locations are plumbing traps required?
_______________1322. What is the relationship between the trap & drain size?
_______________1323. What is trap seal primer?
_______________1324. What is the proper setting for traps?
_______________1325. W/c of the following is permitted?
_______________1326. What is the minimum cleanout size for pipes w/ diameter larger than
4” in diameter?
_______________1327. Same as no. 1326 hacube!
_______________1328. What is the maximum distance of a cleanout above a waste or soil
_______________1329. It is permissible to conceal cleanout plugs?
_______________1330. Where is a trip lever mechanism usually found?
_______________1331. What is a tub spout?
_______________1332. Where could be an insulating jacket be installed?
_______________1333. Water Closets for public use shall be elongated & w/ a _____seat.
_______________1334. Forced – draft & direct – opening ventilation shall extend through the_
_______________1335. How shall backflow be installed?
_______________1336. Are waste from drinking fountain needed to be trapped?
_______________1337. It is a joint primarily on the fixture side of a trap made tight w/ a
rubber plastic type washer & a slip nut.

_______________1338. How many meals per day must an eating place serve before it is
considered necessary to have an interceptor installed?
_______________1339. Where is the practical place for a grease trap?
_______________1340. If more than one fixture discharges into a grease interceptor, what are
the trapping & venting requirements?
_______________1341. Is there such thing as hair interceptor?
_______________1342. What type of drainage waste are considered special?
_______________1343. What are considered as hot wastes?
_______________1344. Is it permissible to place building sewer & drainage piping in the same
trench w/ the water service pipe?
_______________1345. Fitting prohibited in the drainage system,
_______________1346. Allowed in a Sanitary Drainage System.
_______________1347. Are traps necessary for storm water drain connected to storm sewer?
_______________1348. What is the ideal time for a septic tank be cleaned?
_______________1349. In storage racks, plastic pipes should ideally have how many supports
@ the bottom evenly spaced?
_______________1350. What is the main purpose of the smoke test?
_______________1351. To change the direction of a single piping line from vertical to
horizontal, use a ______
_______________1352. Part on a boiler that permits emptying or discharging of sediment.
_______________1353. It is the unobstructed open edge of a fixture.
_______________1354. For driven pipes, the drive pipe shall be __________ larger than the
pipe to be laid.
_______________1355. What do you call the space between the pipe & the pipe sleeve?
_______________1356. Waste from what fixture may discharge directly to the building
drainage system.
_______________1357. Where can you find a bubbler?
_______________1358. If offset on the stack between floors is present, no fixtures or
horizontal branches connected ____________above or below the offset.
_______________1359. For a vertical drain pipe, what is the ideal airspace?
_______________1360. Also called as the traditional vent piping system.
_______________1361. Generally considered standard weight pipe.
_______________1362. For plastic pipes, what does SDR ratings stands for?
_______________1363. What does the abbreviation PEX or sometimes XPLE stands for?
_______________1364. It is the common code for standard cast iron pipe.
_______________1365. It is the common code for extra – heavy cast iron pipe.

_______________1366. The meaning of RCP.

_______________1367. Where is a bell hole present.
_______________1368. For a PVC glued joint, what is the color of a primer.
_______________1369. A bowl – shaped container w/ a handle & often a cover, kept in the
bedroom under a bed or in a cabinet of a nightstand & generally used as a urinal @ night.
_______________1370. What is more corrosive?
_______________1371. Air gap & air break are more less the same, what is their distinct
_______________1372. A pit having porous walls w/c permit the content to seep into the
_______________1373. Type of offset the realigned the pipe to its initial line.
_______________1374. Pipe wrench is deadly used in what direction?
_______________1375. Another term for pipe thread lubricants.
_______________1376. Two most common of forms of Teflon threads sealant.
_______________1377. A self – sealing gasket is found in a __
_______________1378. Ideal way to permit thermal expansion.
_______________1379. What is the reason why hangers or supports are installed next to a
_______________1380. Pipe material that has a high resistant to corrosion & high
_______________1381. Piping system where there is a risk of excessive heat or fire will use
valves made from.
_______________1382. Globe valves, gate valves & plug valves are what type of valves?
_______________1383. As metal cools after being flame cut it______
_______________1384. 200 ft of run & 84 in of drop, determine the grade.
_______________1385. HWT is a common abbreviation for a_________
_______________1386. What type of fitting is needed to join copper w/ galvanized piping?
_______________1387. Minimum drain pipe for kitchen sink.
_______________1388. Calculate the water pressure in water @ a 150m depth.
_______________1389. A pressure gauge on a non – pressurized holding tank reads 24.3 kpa.
Find out how many meters of water are in the tank?
_______________1390. The specific gravity of a certain type of oil is 0.80. What is the mass of 1
liter of the oil?
_______________1391. The simplest & the cheapest bonnet design of valve is.
_______________1392. What causes the bad taste & odor of water?
_______________1393. Closet rings or closet flanges shall have how many bolts?

_______________1394. For a tile – flooring comfort room, w/ basic working tools & procedure,
what should be done first?
_______________1395. What is the advantage of small tile flooring than large tile flooring?
_______________1396. It is a plastic or metal strip installed @ the edges of a tile works.
_______________1397. Pressed or folded sheet installed @ the ridge of the roof.
_______________1398. What is needed to resist the force induced by the water in a piping
_______________1399. It is an outer casing w/c holds water or through w/c water circulates to
cool device. A water – filled void surrounding a device having inlet & outlet to allow water to be
pump through the void.
_______________1400. Crimping is the process of _____________pipe.
_______________1401. w/c fitting is used in joining galvanized steel pipe w/ plastic pipe?
_______________1402. Where does an air cap chamber be installed?
_______________1403. Airbreak is applied In what component of the plumbing system?
_______________1404. An area drain is used to collect____
_______________1405. How is developed length measured?
_______________1406. Double offset may be used in the ff ways except
_______________1407. What fits into bell?
_______________1408. The definition of battery of fixtures considers the ff except
_______________1409. w/c of the ff uses the operating principle of a ball valve?
_______________1410. A gooseneck is a
_______________1411. What is the appropriate location of a back vent?
_______________1412. materials used in making caulked joint.
_______________1413. w/c water treatment method is used to turn hard water into soft
_______________1414. w/c device when installed in the water supply system prevents water
_______________1415. Characterized a tapped tee.
_______________1416. Swimming is considered an
_______________1417. Trap provide its seal.
_______________1418. What is the primary purpose of installing a trap in the plumbing
_______________1419. w/c type of support may be used on vertical pipes & stacks?
_______________1420. What system of drainage is provided to allow water to seep through a
system of perforated pipes?
_______________1421. The term stack is used exclusively in what vertical systems of pipes?

_______________1422. Where does the digestion process in a septic tank takes place?
_______________1423. Theoretically, w/c part of the water & distribution system pipe is the
_______________1424. w/c among these sanitary drainage fittings has the best flow
_______________1425. A service tee has
_______________1426. Roughing – in involves the installation of what components?
_______________1427. What method of testing is appropriately used in sanitary drainage
_______________1428. w/c fixture uses a flush valve?
_______________1429. Where do you install a float valve?
_______________1430. The abbreviation B & S stands for
_______________1431. Expansion loop is used in what kind of piping system?
_______________1432. Branches & stacks are sized based on what parameter/s?
_______________1433. w/c material is not recommended for water supply system installation?
_______________1434. Causes of backflow
_______________1435. A hose bib is a kind of faucet w/
_______________1436. Devices that prevent water hammering
_______________1437. type of vent may be connected to a branch vent.
_______________1438. What system of piping consist of threaded pipes & uses recessed
drainage fittings; used in soil & waste piping system.
_______________1439. Component of a typical water closet
_______________1440. Has the highest frictional coefficient value
_______________1441. Definition of insanitary
_______________1442. Examples of Plumbing Appurtenances
_______________1443. Plumbing Unit Consist of
_______________1444. The word spigot is synonymous w/
_______________1445. What type of support is used in horizontal piping’s?
_______________1446. A yoke is inter – connection between
_______________1447. The simplest & cheapest bonnet design of a valve
_______________1448. Wastes in plumbing drainage are prohibited wastes when you
_______________1449. What is the minimum water supply inlet for the kitchen sink?
_______________1450. What do you call the valve installed @ the suction line of a pump?

_______________1451. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipes used for drain waste vent (DWV) are
manufactured based on the standards set by this organization.
_______________1452. Water for domestic use comes from these sources
_______________1453. Gas that is not commonly found in sewer air of septic tank.
_______________1454. A male thread fitting w/ square head used for closing another female
fitting is called.
_______________1455. To boost the water pressure of hot water, use
_______________1456. What is the meaning of U in uPVC?
_______________1457. Storm water is:
_______________1458. A device located @ the bottom of a flush tank for flushing water
closets & similar fixtures.
_______________1459. The vertical distance between the top dip & the crown weir.
_______________1460. A malleable iron fitting for threaded pipe w/ a 45° or 90° bend, w/ an
inside thread on one end & outside thread on the other.
_______________1461. A property of pipe having the ability to resist being worn away by
friction when rubbed w/ another object.
_______________1462. A vertical length of soil or waste stack @ eight feet in height, w/in w/c
horizontal branches from one storey or floor of the building are connected to the stack.
_______________1463. The top edge of a plumbing fixture or receptacle from w/c water
_______________1464. A piping material made from mild steel that is drawn through a die &
welded. It is dipped in bath of zinc, w/c treatment serves to some degree the pipe against the
effects of acids.
_______________1465. A type of urinal in w/c a bowl is elongated & attached to the floor.
_______________1466. A covered, usually a small tank used chiefly for storing rainwater for
domestic use other than for drinking purposes.
_______________1467. The extended portion of a pipe that is closed on one end to w/c
connections are made on the extended portion, thus permitting stagnation of wastewater or air
_______________1468. A valve placed on water main on w/c the building water service is
_______________1469. A faucet to w/c a hose may be connected.
_______________1470. An outhouse used for the deposition of excrement.
_______________1471. A pipe w/c carries the discharges of toilets or similar fixtures, w/ or
w/out the discharge of other fixtures, to a sewer or approved drain.

_______________1472. A water supply pipe that extends vertically one full storey or more to
convey water to fixture branches or group of fixtures.
_______________1473. A fitting w/ a projecting collar along the edge; used on installation
requiring increased area coverage for added mechanical strength.
_______________1474. Minimum pressure that should be maintained for fixtures containing
_______________1475. A type of valve in w/c the flow of liquid is controlled by a rotating
drilled ball that fits tightly against a resistant seat in the valve body.
_______________1476. The process of plugging an opening w/ oakum, lead or other materials
that are pounded into the annular space in a bell & spigot cast iron pipe.
_______________1477. A common measure of the probable discharge into the drainage
system by various types of plumbing fixtures equal to a discharge of 7.5 gals per minute.
_______________1478. A short length of pipe w/ external threads @ each end; used to join
couplings or fittings.
_______________1479. Porcelain enamel ware, such as bathtubs, toilet bowls, washbasin, etc.
_______________1480. A piece of metal fitted under another piece of flat metal or wood over
w/c water is expected to run & is usually found in roofs is called.
_______________1481. All water supply, drainage, venting system & all fixtures & their traps
complete w/ their connections.
_______________1482. Air pressure in drainage pipes greater than atmospheric pressure.
_______________1483. Maximum lead content allowed in pipe used to convey potable water.
_______________1484. Set up of half bath
_______________1485. What causes the bad taste & odor of water.
_______________1486. An opening in construction in any part of the plumbing system of
sufficient size for a man to gain access thereto
_______________1487. Water that is satisfactory for drinking, cooking & meets the
requirements of the health authority.
_______________1488. A wye connection used in the fire lines where to lines of hoses may be
_______________1489. An underground soil formation that contains sufficient saturated
permeable material that yields significant quantities of water.
_______________1490. The slope or fall of a line in reference to the horizontal plane, usually
expressed in
_______________1491. The lowest portion of the inside of any pipe that is not vertical

_______________1492. A water system used when there is insufficient water pressure,

_______________1493. A pit or receptacle w/c receives sewage or liquid waste, located below
the normal grade of the gravity system, & w/c must be emptied by mechanical means.
_______________1494. Water that is available from well, driven into water – bearing
subsurface strata.
_______________1495. The rate of flow of liquid measured per unit of time, usually in gallons
per minute.
_______________1496. A space entirely devoid of gas, liquids or solids.
_______________1497. A piece of pipe over 300 mm in length but less than the commercial &
functions as extension in the piping system.
_______________1498. In water lines, a loud thumping noise that results from a sudden
stoppage of the flow.
_______________1499. A water tank installed above the roof of the building or by separate
_______________1500. What is the minimum overlap of an extension ladders less than 36 feet
_______________1501. What is the usually primary cause of trouble in excavating operations
for water lines pipe?
_______________1502. In laying water supplies pipes, what is the maximum depth of a trench
in w/c the workers should be allowed to work w/out hard hats?
_______________1503. What will be the minimum distance that the excavated materials be
placed from the edges of the trench?
_______________1504. What will be the distance considered appropriate that the ladders be
installed along the depth excavated trench as access & exit from the trench?
_______________1505. As a Plumbing Engineer, you hire men to stock pile water supply &
Plumbing Pipes, what safety feature you require to your men to wear.
_______________1506. As a Plumbing Contractor, you have to erect buggies runway to deliver
Plumbing Materials to higher stories. What will be the minimum slope that is the necessary to
provide cleats for surer footing?
_______________1507. An accident happen in your construction. What is your objective in
investigating the cause?
_______________1508. Hard hats in construction are usually no worn by:
_______________1509. A construction workers including Mayabang should wear safety.
_______________1510. It is a type of ladder that stands independently of support.
_______________1511. Class ____ fire extinguishers are identified by the color green inside a

_______________1512. Is an eye & face protection device that covers the entire face w/ a
plastic shield.
_______________1513. Is securing equipment or materials in preparation for lifting by means
of rope, chain or web sling.
_______________1514. Class ___ fire extinguishers are identified by the color green inside a
_______________1515. OSHA stands for
_______________1516. Is a ladder that is permanently attached to a structure, tank or vault.
_______________1517. Is a temporary or movable platform & structures for plumbers to stand
on when working above floor level.
_______________1518. Class ____ fire extinguishers are identified by the color red inside a
_______________1519. An eye protection device w/ flexible frame, they are secured on the
face w/ an elastic headband.
_______________1520. Is an adjustable height ladder w/ a fixed bed section & sliding, lockable
fly section.
_______________1521. NFPA classifies fires as Class ___________ by electrical fires
_______________1522. Is a pivoting hook mechanism attached to the fly section of an
extension ladder to hold the fly section @ the desired height.
_______________1523. Class _______ fire extinguishers are identified by the color yellow
inside a Star.
_______________1524. NFPA classifies fires as Class ____ by flammable liquids, gasses or
_______________1525. Costs of accidents in plumbing construction are categorized into direct
& indirect costs. W/c is considered as direct cost?
_______________1526. Accident prevention in plumbing work is the responsibility of:
_______________1527. Who would be accountable if an accident happens in a particular work
_______________1528. Tangible causes of accident in Plumbing Work area due to unsafe
conditions & unsafe acts. W/c one is considered unsafe condition?
_______________1529. Is considered an unsafe act, w/c causes accident in plumbing job?
_______________1530. Majority of all accidents w/c occur in plumbing work is caused by:
_______________1531. All plumbing construction workers should wear safety.
_______________1532. On carrying heavy plumbing pipes to a considerable distances, what
will be the best method.

_______________1533. When one person is carrying a 20 feet iron pipes, what would be the
best method?
_______________1534. If your journeyman plumber is placing or removing pipes from a pile,
where would be his safe location?
_______________1535. In selecting a hook & chain that are to be used for lifting pipes, you
choose a hook whose strength is:
_______________1536. As a plumbing engineer, you have to use a ladder to carry the pipes to
the second floor of the building, what will be the horizontal distance from the foot of the ladder
to the wall that you consider proper?
_______________1537. What should be the maximum length of the ladder when fully
extended of an extension ladders?
_______________1538. When using an extension ladders, what will be the maximum sliding
sections allowed.
_______________1539. A gas that is produce in the septic tank by the combination of hydrogen
& carbon.
_______________1540. A gas that is produced in the septic tank as combination of oxygen &
_______________1541. A gas that is by – product of methane.
_______________1542. Maximum depth of liquid where oxidation of the effluent is still
_______________1543. Floating waste water in the septic tank.
_______________1544. What is the purpose of the aeration?
_______________1545. It is due to the weight of the atmosphere on the earth surface.
_______________1546. A plumbing permit shall become null & void if the work authorized
therein is not commenced w/in.
_______________1547. Part of roofing or area gutter system that takes water from a roof or
above – surface area to a storm drain or other disposal system.
_______________1548. A valve installed on hot water heater tank to release the buildup of
temperatures or pressure inside the tank.
_______________1549. A treatment process in w/c suspended matter in sewage subsides & is
deposited by gravity.
_______________1550. The smallest form of precipitation.
_______________1551. Identify the following program – gate valve
_______________1552. Identify the following program – combination wye
_______________1553. Identify the following program – flushometer
_______________1554. Identify the following program – double wye

_______________1555. Popularly known as the inventor of the modern Flush Toilet.

_______________1556. A receptacle attached to a plumbing system other than a trap in w/c
water or waste may be collected for ultimate discharge into the plumbing system.
_______________1557. A water closet flushing design wherein flushing is activated by a
whirlpool – like action of water.
_______________1558. A faucet in w/c flow of water is controlled by means of washer that is
forced down onto its seat.
_______________1559. Refers to a plumbing fixture that rest on the floor.
_______________1560. Equipment for restaurant kitchen & other special use sinks.
_______________1561. A plumbing fixture designed for washing of hands & face.
_______________1562. Fittings installed @ the bottom of the water closet.
_______________1563. A type of bathtub w/c is permanently attached or built into the walls &
floors of the bottom.
_______________1564. A valve in w/c the flow of fluid is controlled by a rotating drilled ball
that fits tightly against a resilient seat in the body.
_______________1565. A chemical composition equal to or less than ___percent lead is
considered as “lead free” solder.
_______________1566. The minimum depth of a trap seal
_______________1567. A vent pipe serving a single island fixture must extend ___ before
offsetting horizontally or vertically downward.
_______________1568. The minimum size of the fixture supply for stall urinal is _____
_______________1569. Water hammer arrester shall conform to.
_______________1570. The process of connecting a pipe w/ an oakum & lead that is pounded
into place:
_______________1571. A wet vent may _____
_______________1572. An interceptor located inside a building & having a flow rate less than
50 gpm is a____
_______________1573. A circuit vent may vent up to.
_______________1574. The maximum depth of a trap seal shall be ____ inches unless special
circumstances dictate otherwise.
_______________1575. w/c of the following does not requires the display of license – contracts
– vehicle signs – yellow page – proposals.
_______________1576. Gas appliance connectors shall passed through any of the following
except – walls – Fireplaces – Appliance housing – Floors.

_______________1577. A piping material made from mild steel that is drawn through a die &
welded. It is dipped in bath of zinc, w/c treatment serves to some degree protects the pipe
effects of acids.
_______________1578. A form of extractive metallurgy, its main use is to produce metal from
its ore,
_______________1579. A type of urinal in that rest on the floor & w/c the bowl is elongated. A
front piece conceals the internal elements of the urinal located @ the lower part of it.
_______________1580. A covered usually small tank used mainly for storing rainwater for
domestic use other than for drinking purposes.
_______________1581. The extended portion of the pipe that is closed on one end to w/c no
connections are made on the extended portion.
_______________1582. A valve place on the water main on w/c the building water service is
_______________1583. A fitting w/ a projecting collar along the edge used on installation
requiring increased area coverage for added mechanical strength.
_______________1584. A type of valve in w/c the flow of liquid is controlled by a rotating
drilled ball that fits tightly against a resistant seat in the valve body.
_______________1585. The process of plugging an opening w/ oakum & lead that are pounded
into the annular space in a bell & spigot cast iron pipe.
_______________1586. A common measure of the probable discharge in to the drainage
system by various types of plumbing fixtures equal to a discharge of 7.5gals per minute.
_______________1587. A short length pipe w/ external threads @ each end used to join
couplings or fittings.
_______________1588. ____ plumbing fixture trap, except as otherwise provided in this code
shall be protected against siphonage & backpressure.
_______________1589. No water closet or bidet shall be set closer than ___ from its center to
any side wall obstruction.
_______________1590. w/c of the following is prohibited traps – s trap – p trap – bell & crown
vented traps.
_______________1591. Minimum water seal for fixture trap is:
_______________1592. w/c of the following are considered suds – producing fixture.
_______________1593. w/c of the following must not be discharged into the sanitary drainage
system but disposed off directly into the ground:
_______________1594. Rainfall intensity normal used around Manila area.
_______________1595. In case of renewal of a plumbing permit, how much shall be paid?
_______________1596. The maximum distance between manholes not exceed.

_______________1597. If discharged into the drainage system any evaporative cooler or

similar conditioning shall be drained by means of:
_______________1598. What is a cost of a plumbing permit to construct a 1.50m x 2.40m x
4.8m septic tank?
_______________1599. Building sewer shall be run in practical alignment @ a uniform slope of
not less than.
_______________1600. Threaded plastic pipe shall be __________ minimum wall thickness
_______________1601. Where practicable, all plumbing fixtures shall be drained into the
public sewer or private sewage disposal system___.
_______________1602. What is the water supply fixture unit/s of shower head, public use.
_______________1603. Material not listed in the code for use in water piping is
_______________1604. Who can apply & receive a plumbing work permit?
_______________1605. Material for building drain or sewer shall not be used above ground or
whenever piping is pressurized
_______________1606. Exterior piping that conveys building storm water to a point of
_______________1607. Interior horizontal drainage system that connects to branch piping &
vertical conductors.
_______________1608. Located outside of a building – conveys storm water vertically from
upper horizontal storm drain piping to a building storm sewer.
_______________1609. Located inside of a building – conveys storm water vertically from
upper horizontal storm drain piping to a building storm drain.
_______________1610. Horizontal interior piping that connects roof drains or similar inlet
points to a conductor or building storm.
_______________1611. Is inserted into a large diameter hole cut through the metal deck.
_______________1612. Overflow design that uses a slot in the perimeter of a building so water
will spill over the edge of the roof is called ___
- May also be used on some smaller commercial buildings as the primary roof drain.
_______________1613. Allows for sand & debris to be separated before it enters the building
_______________1614. All of the drainage piping w/in the building that conveys sewage,
rainwater, & other liquid waste to a legal point of disposal exclusive of public & private pipe
lines of systems.
_______________1615. A system of piping in w/c all piping is of a thread type w/ recessed
drainage fittings.

_______________1616. An electrically or mechanically operated device used to elevate sewage

& liquid wastes from a lower level to a point of discharge into a sewer of other disposal system.
_______________1617. The greatest stress a material can w/stand w/out the permanent
deformation after stress release.
_______________1618. A metallic sleeve or fitting used to connect dissimilar plumbing
_______________1619. A valve used to control the water level in a tank or other container. It is
operated by a float & is considered a positive operating.
_______________1620. A valve used for flushing water closets & similar fixtures.
_______________1621. The fall or slope of a line of pipe in reference to a horizontal plane. In
drainage systems it is usually expressed as the fall in a fraction of an inch per foot length of
_______________1622. A container design to intercept & hold grease or fatty substances
(portions of food waste) from a line to w/c it is connected.
_______________1623. An installed pipe of fitting that forms an angle of less than 45 degrees
w/ the horizontal.
_______________1624. A vent installed in a pipe to vent a fixture trap connected to the vent
system above the fixtures it serves.
_______________1625. The floor or lowest part of the internal cross – section of a conduit or
_______________1626. The principal pipe of a system of continuous piping to w/c branch
connections can be made.
_______________1627. The principal vent pipe of a system to w/c vent connections can be
_______________1628. An opening in a plumbing system or sewer large enough to permit a
person gain access to the system for purposes of inspection &/or cleaning.
_______________1629. All water supply, drainage, & venting system & all fixtures & their traps
complete w/ their connections.
_______________1630. Water that meets the standard of a government agency & is used for
culinary, domestic, & drinking purposes.
_______________1631. A receptacle designed to receive discharges from indirect waste piping.
_______________1632. The installation of all parts of a plumbing system or a particular unit
that can be completed before the installation of fixtures: it includes soil, vent, waste, & water
supply piping & supports.

_______________1633. The water supply line from the sources of supply to the building
_______________1634. A suction resulting from the flow of liquids in pipes.
_______________1635. A connections in w/c one pipe slides into another to make a tight joint
w/ a threaded retainer or an approved gasket.
_______________1636. A pipe that carries the discharges of toilets or similar fixtures, w/ or
w/out discharges of other fixtures, to a sewer or approved drain.
_______________1637. The vertical extension of a soil or waste pipe above the highest
horizontal drain connected to the vent stack.
_______________1638. The changed of size & shape of a body produce by the action of the
_______________1639. The reactions of body to the external forces (in this case, metals).
_______________1640. A stress that resist a force attempting to crush a body.
_______________1641. A stress that resist a force that tends to pull a body apart.
_______________1642. A tank or pit below the normal grade of gravity receiving liquid wastes
or sewage from w/c the wastes or sewage must be mechanically pumped to a higher level
receiving point.
_______________1643. Devices used for supporting or securing fixtures, piping & fittings to
ceilings, floors or walls.
_______________1644. A valve installed on top of the hot water heater tank to relieve the
build up or dangerous temperatures or pressure inside the tank should its heating system fall to
turn off automatically.
_______________1645. The overall tensile stress that a material will develop. It is considered
to be the load in pounds per square inch @ w/c test materials rupture.
_______________1646. A designed fitting normally shaped w/ a U – type part that
continuously retains a liquid seal & prevents the back passage of air w/out affecting the flow of
liquids in the system.
_______________1647. The process whereby steel & iron pipe rust.
_______________1648. The deviations from parallel flow in a pipe changes.
_______________1649. A pipe or system of pipes provided to ventilate a plumbing system.
_______________1650. Any drain pipe that in addition to receiving discharge waste also serves
as a vent.
_______________1651. The adhesion of metal w/ solder @ a finish thickness of @least ¼ inch
@ the point where the pipe are joined. The joint shall be smoothly finished w/ a wiping cloth.

_______________1652. Work of an acceptable nature & character that will fully secure the
expected results of the locality codes for the safety, welfare & health of all persons.
_______________1653. A pipe from a soil or waste stack w/ an upward connection to a main
vent pipe for purposes of preventing pressure variances in the stack.
_______________1654. A plumbing tool used for making internal threads in G.I. pipes.
_______________1655. What is the artificial process by w/c sewage is subjected to in order to
remove or so alter its objectionable constituents as to render it less offensive or dangerous?
_______________1656. In the activated sludge process of sewage treatment it is essential to
_______________1657. Septic tanks are primarily used for
_______________1658. The biochemical treatment of sewage effluents is essentially a process
_______________1659. What is the purpose of aeration in water purification?
_______________1660. The constituents of the air, water & soil w/c render them unsuitable
for their use is.
_______________1661. What is the most environmental concern to the public regarding
disposal of untreated wastewater?
_______________1662. w/c of the sewage disposal system will endanger groundwater by
_______________1663. w/c of the bacteria does not belong in the bacteriology process of
decomposing organic matters in the septic tank? – Aerobic bacteria – anaerobic bacteria –
pathogenic bacteria – facultative bacteria.
_______________1664. The sewage in the septic tank that turns dark & smell unpleasantly due
to anaerobic decomposition is called.
_______________1665. Is the mechanics of water or other liquid whether @ rest or in motion.
_______________1666. Is the science of water @ rest, a good example is a gravity tank filled
w/ water & supplying water to close valve. Until the valve is open, the water is @ rest, but its
weight has potential energy & exerts a definite force, or static pressure against the close valve.
_______________1667. Is a science of water in motion. When the valve in the preceding
examples open, the potential energy of static pressure becomes kinetic energy. The weight of
water caused it to move up thru the piping & out of the nozzles or opening.
_______________1668. Is a general term & is a generally associated w/ the science of the force
exerted by the water in motion, such as driving a turbine connected to an electric generator.

_______________1669. Is due to the weight of the atmosphere on the earth surface.

_______________1670. Is a space entirely devoid of gas, liquids or solids.
_______________1671. Exist when the total suction is below atmospheric pressure. As
determined on test, is the reading of a liquid manometer @ the suction of the pump converted
to the feet of liquid, & referred to datum, minus the velocity head @ the point of gauge
_______________1672. Exist when the total suction head is above atmospheric pressure. As
determined on test, is a reading of a gauge @ the suction flange of the pump converted to feet
or meter of liquid & referred to datum, plus the velocity head @ the point of gauge attachment.
_______________1673. Is figured from the average velocity obtained by dividing the discharge
in cubic feet per second or cubic meter per second by the actual area of the pipe cross – section
in square feet or square meter & determined @ the point of the gage connection.
_______________1674. Is the reading of the pressure gage @ the discharge of the pump,
converted to feet of liquid & referred to datum, plus velocity head @ the point of gage
_______________1675. Is the measure of the energy increase per pound imparted to the liquid
by the pump & is therefore the algebraic difference between the total discharge head & the
total suction lift.
_______________1676. Is the total suction head on feet or in meter of liquid absolute
determined @ the suction flange & referred to datum, less the vapor pressure of the liquid in
feet or meter.
_______________1677. A pump in w/c the pressure is developed principally by the action of
back & forth movement of piston.
_______________1678. A single suction pump having its suction nozzle on the opposite side of
the casing from the stuffing box & having the face of the discharge nozzle perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis of the shaft.
_______________1679. A centrifugal pump whose drive unit is supported by the pipe having its
suction & discharges flanges on approximately the same center.
_______________1680. A pump w/ the shaft normally in a horizontal position.
_______________1681. A centrifugal pump characterized by a housing w/c is split parallel to
the shaft.
_______________1682. A centrifugal pump w/ one or more impellers discharging into one or
more bowls & a vertical educator or column pipe used to connect the bowls to the discharge
head on w/c the pump driver is mounted.

_______________1683. Is a pump that takes suction from a public service main or private – use
water system for the purpose of increasing the effective water pressure.
_______________1684. A vertical turbine pump w/ the pumped & motor closed coupled &
design to be installed underground, as in the case of deep well pump.
_______________1685. An underground formation that contains sufficient saturated
permeable material to yield significant quantities of water.
_______________1686. A timber, concrete or masonry enclosure having a screened inlet kept
partially filled w/ water by an open body of water such as pond, lake or steams.
_______________1687. The water w/c is available from well, driven into water – bearing
subsurface strata.
_______________1688. The level, w/ respect to the pump, of the body of water from w/c it
takes suction when the pump is not in operation.
_______________1689. The level, w/ respect to the pump, of the body of water from w/c it
takes suction when the pump is in operation.
_______________1690. The vertical difference between the pumping water level & the static
water level.
_______________1691. Is a positive displacement pump consisting of a fixed casing containing
gears, cams, screws, vanes, plungers or similar elements actuated by rotation of the drive shaft.
_______________1692. This type consists of an eccentrically bored cam, rotated by a shaft
concentric in a cylindrically bored casing, w/ an abutment or follower so arranged that w/ each
rotation of the drive shaft a positive quantity of liquid is displaced from the space between the
cam & follower & the pump casing.
_______________1693. This type consist of two or more gears, operating in closely fitted
casing so arranged that when the gear teeth & is carried around in the tooth space to the
opposite side & displaced as the teeth mesh again.
_______________1694. This type is driven by compound, cross – compound, triple expansion
steam engines. In large sizes such units are known as piping engines.
_______________1695. A plumbing permit shall become null & void if the work authorized
therein is not commenced w/in,.
_______________1696. The minimum standard quantity of plumbing fixtures that discharges
wastes into a plumbing installation.
_______________1697. The interval distance of vertical pipe supports for plastic pipes.
_______________1698. The minimum distance between the odor or entry to the drain opening
for special shower compartments

_______________1699. The minimum finished interior area for all shower compartments,
regardless of shape.
_______________1700. The minimum size of the building service pipe.
_______________1701. The conversion factor from psi to kpa.
_______________1702. The water supply fixture unit equivalent for a public use lavatory.
_______________1703. The water supply fixture unit equivalent for a private use water closet
w/ flush tank.
_______________1704. The minimum trap size used for water closets.
_______________1705. The factor used to convert gallons per minute to liters per second.
_______________1706. The number of threads per 25.4 mm for a 51 mm diameter cleanout.
_______________1707. The maximum fixture unit loading for a 102 mm stack.
_______________1708. The maximum permissible distance for a 51 mm vent pipe.
_______________1709. The minimum clear horizontal distance of the septic tank water supply
_______________1710. The minimum clearance required from the bottom of the water pipe
above of the sewer or the drain line.
_______________1711. The estimated waste/sewage flow rate value used for offices.
_______________1712. The minimum vertical termination height of the vent above the roof.
_______________1713. The minimum size of the fixture branch supplying water to a shower.
_______________1714. An elbow w/ male thread on one end & female thread on the other
_______________1715. A steel pipe coated w/ zinc to resist corrosion.
_______________1716. A part of the valve used to guide & support the valve stem.
_______________1717. A fitting w/ a number of branches in line connecting to a smaller pipes.
_______________1718. The maximum travel distance from a stand pipe.
_______________1719. A type of fire involving energized electrical equipment.
_______________1720. That part of the piping of the building drainage system that takes
surface water, groundwater, cooling water, or similar discharge to public or approved discharge
_______________1721. That portion of a building drainage system that cannot drain by gravity
into the building drainage system.

_______________1722. Protruding metal or roughness on the walls of a pipe resulting from

pipe cuts.
_______________1723. A steel that contains high percentages of carbon as distinguished from
the other elements.
_______________1724. A covered excavation in the ground that receives waste from the
drainage system & retains organic matter & solids. The liquids seep into the ground.
_______________1725. A vent designed to serve two or more traps extending from in front of
the last fixture connection of a horizontal branch to the vent stack.
_______________1726. A covered usually small tank used chiefly for storing water for domestic
_______________1727. A metallic plug or cover w/c can be removed for the purpose of
cleaning or examining the interior of the pipe. It is joined by means of a screw thread to an
opening in pipe.
_______________1728. Regulations adopted by an administrative agency that has jurisdiction
for a particular locality.
_______________1729. A fixture that combines a sink & laundry tray ba! (bisaya ba! Hacube!)
or two or three compartment laundry trays into one unit.
_______________1730. A sewer that receives both sewage & storm water.
_______________1731. A waste from several compartments, such as double laundry tray,
connected to a single trap.
_______________1732. In a water supply system, the clear obstructed vertical distance from
any water supply pipe or faucet to a plumbing fixture or container & the flood level rim of the
_______________1733. Piping installed in a straight line, vertically, horizontally, or @ a given
_______________1734. Steel w/ distinctive element properties other than carbon.
_______________1735. Work, materials, methods, & procedures those are acceptable by city,
country, state, or federal approving authority for a given locality & a type of work job.
_______________1736. A receptacle of device designed & placed to collect surface water from
a given open area.
_______________1737. The reverse flow of liquid in a pipe.
_______________1738. A device or means to prevent backflow into the potable water supply
_______________1739. Air pressure in plumbing pipes that is greater that the surrounding
atmospheric pressure.

_______________1740. The flowing back by negative pressure of contaminated or polluted

water from a plumbing fixture into a potable water system.
_______________1741. A device installed in piping to prevent the back or reverse flow of
storm or sewage into drainage systems or their branches.
_______________1742. A ball or device w/c opens or closes a faucet, in accordance w/ a
predetermined release procedure & floats on the surface of an enclosed container.
_______________1743. A pipe section that, for a short distance, has an enlarged end portion
for another pipe of identical diameter to form a joint.
_______________1744. A controlled outlet on a boiler that permits discharge of sediment or
emptying of the unit.
_______________1745. Any part of piping system connected.
_______________1746. A vent w/c connects one or more events w/ a stack vent.
_______________1747. Any structure design & built for support, shelter, recreation, &
enclosure or persons, animals, or property when considered for plumbing installation
_______________1748. @ the lowest horizontal point of the building, a drain that receives soil
or waste, from the interior of the building & conveys it to an approved point of discharge.
_______________1749. A vent w/c serves two fixtures by a connection @ the function of the
fixture drains.
_______________1750. Part of the roofing &/or area gutter system that takes water from a
roof or above – surface area to a storm drain or other disposal area or system.
_______________1751. The extended portion of a pipe that is closed @ one end to w/c no
connections are made. There is no circulation of free air.
_______________1752. The total length of a pipe line measured along the center line & the
firings of the pipe.
_______________1753. The nominal commercial designation, normally the inside diameter of
the pipe, unless otherwise specifically stated in a particular plumbing code.
_______________1754. A water supply source serving one more than fixture.
_______________1755. A water supply source connecting the fixture & the pipe.
_______________1756. The minimum distance of the water closet or bidet from its center to
any sideway or obstruction.
_______________1757. What is the artificial process by w/c sewage is subjected to in order to
remove or so alter its objectionable constituents as to render it less offensive dangerous?
_______________1758. In the activated sludge process of sewage treatment it is essential to
_______________1759. Septic tank is primarily used for.

_______________1760. The biochemical treatment of sewage effluents is essentially a process

_______________1761. What is the purpose of the aeration in water purification?
_______________1762. The constituents of air, water & soil w/c render them unsuitable for
their intended use is
_______________1763. What is the most environmental concern to the public regarding
disposal of untreated wastewater?
_______________1764. w/c of the sewage disposal system will endanger groundwater by
_______________1765. w/c of the bacteria does not belong in the bacteriology process of
decomposing organic matters in the septic tank?
- Aerobic bacteria – anaerobic bacteria – pathogenic bacteria – facultative bacteria
_______________1766. The sewage in the septic tank that turns dark & smell unpleasantly due
to anaerobic decomposition is called?
_______________1767. Is the mechanics of water or other liquid whether @ rest or in motion.
_______________1768. Is the science of matter @ rest, a good example is gravity tank filled
water & supplying water to a closed valve. Until the valve is open, the water is @ rest, but its
weight has potential energy & exerts a definite force, or static pressure against the close valve.
_______________1769. Is a science of water in motion. When the valve in the preceeding
example opens, the potential energy of static pressure becomes kinetic energy. The weight of
water caused it to move up thru the piping out of the nozzles or opening.
_______________1770. Is a general term, & is generally associated w/ the science of the force
exerted by water in motion, such as driving a turbine connected to an electric generator.
_______________1771. Is due to the weight of the atmosphere on the earth surface.
_______________1772. Is a space entirely devoid of gas, liquids or solids.
_______________1773. Exist when the total suction is below the atmospheric pressure. As
determined on test, is the reading of a liquid manometer @ the suction of the pump, converted
to the feet of liquid, referred to datum, minus the velocity head @ the point of gauge
________________1774. Exist when the total suction is above the atmospheric pressure. As
determined on test, is the reading of a gage @ the suction flange of the pump converted to feet
or meter of liquid & referred to datum, plus the velocity head @ the point of gage attachment.
________________1775. Is figured from the average velocity obtained by dividing the
discharge in cubic feet per second or cubic meter per second by the actual area of the pipe

cross section in square feet or square meter & determined @ the point of the average
_______________1776. Is the reading of the pressure gage @ the discharge of the pump,
converted to feet or liquid & referred to datum, plus velocity head @ the point of gage
_______________1777. Is the measure of energy increase per pound imparted to the liquid by
the pump & is therefore the algebraic difference between the total discharge head & the total
suction lift.
_______________1778. Is the total suction head on feet or in meter of liquid absolute
determined @ the suction flange & referred to datum, less the vapor pressure of the liquid in
feet or meter.
_______________1779. A pump in w/c the pressure is developed principally by the action of
back & forth movement of the piston.
_______________1780. A single suction pump having its suction nozzle on the opposite side of
the casing from the stuffing box & having the face of the discharge nozzle perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis of the shaft.
_______________1781. A centrifugal pump whose drive unit is supported by the pipe having its
suction & discharges flanges on approximately the same center.
_______________1782. A pump w/ the shaft normally in a horizontal position.
_______________1783. A centrifugal pump characterized by a housing w/c is split parallel to
_______________1784. A centrifugal pump w/ one or more impellers discharging into one or
more bowls & a vertical educator or column pipe used to connect the bowls to the discharge
head on w/c the pump driver is mounted.
_______________1785. Is a pump that takes suction from a public service main or private use
water system for the purpose of increasing the effective water pressure.
_______________1786. A vertical turbine pump & motor closed coupled & designed to be
installed underground, as in the case of deep well pump.
_______________1787. An underground formation that contains sufficient saturated
permeable material to yield significant quantities of water.
_______________1788. A timber. Concrete, or masonry enclosure having 2 screened inlet kept
partially filled w/ water by an open body of water such as pond, or lakes or steams.
_______________1789. The water w/c is available from well, driven into water – bearing
subsurface strata.
_______________1790. The level, w/ respect to the pump, of the body of water from w/c it
takes suction when the pump is not in operation.

_______________1791. The level, w/ respect to the pump, of the body of water from w/c it
takes suction when the pump is in operation.
_______________1792. The vertical difference between the plumbing water level & the static
water level.
_______________1793. Is a positive displacement pump consisting of a fixed casing containing
gears, cams, screws, vanes, plungers or similar elements actuated by a rotation of the drive
_______________1794. This type consist of an eccentrically bored cam, rotated by a shaft
concentric in a cylindrically bored casing, w/ an abutment or follower so arranged that w/ each
rotation of the drive shaft a positive quantity of liquid is displaced from the space between the
cam & follower & the pump casing.
_______________1795. This type consist of two or more gears, operating in a closely fitted
casing so arranged that when the gear teeth & is carried around in the tooth space to the
opposite side & displaced as the teeth mesh again.
_______________1796. This type is driven by compound, cross – compound, or triple –
expansion steam engines. In large sizes such units are known as pumping engines.
_______________1797. A plumbing permit shall become null & void if the work authorized
therein is not commenced w/in.
_______________1798. The minimum standard quantity of plumbing fixtures that discharges
wastes into a plumbing installation.
_______________1799. The interval distance of vertical pipe supports for plastic pipes.
_______________1800. The minimum distance of water closet or bidet from its center to any
side wall or obstruction.
_______________1801. The minimum distance between the door or entry to the drain opening
for special shower compartments.
_______________1802. The minimum finished interior area for all shower compartments,
regardless of the shape.
_______________1803. The minimum size of the building service pipe.
_______________1804. The conversion factor from psi to kpa.
_______________1805. The water supply fixture unit equivalent for a public use lavatory.
_______________1806. The water supply fixture unit equivalent for a private use water closet
w/ flush tank.
_______________1807. The minimum trap size used for water closets.
_______________1808. The factor used to convert gallons per minute to liters per second.
_______________1809. The number of threads per 25.4 mm for a 51 mm vent pipe.
_______________1810. The maximum fixture unit loading for a 102 mm stack.

_______________1811. The maximum permissible distance for a 51 mm vent pipe.

_______________1812. The minimum clear horizontal distance of the septic tank water supply
_______________1813. The minimum clearance required from the bottom of the water pipe
above of the sewer or drain line.
_______________1814. The estimated waste/sewage flow rate value used for offices.
_______________1815. The minimum vertical termination height of the vent above the roof.
_______________1816. The minimum size of the fixture branch supplying water to a shower.
_______________1817. An elbow w/ male thread on one end & female thread on the other
_______________1818. A steel pipe coated w/ zinc to resist corrosion.
_______________1819. A part of the valve used to guide & support the valve stem.
_______________1820. A fitting w/ a number of branches in line connecting to smaller pipes.
_______________1821. The maximum travel distance from a stand pipe.
_______________1822. A type of fire involving energized electrical equipment.
_______________1823. The part of the piping of the building drainage system that takes
surface water, groundwater, sub surface water, cooling water, or similar discharge to a public
or approved discharge point.
_______________1824. That portion of the building drainage system that cannot drain by
gravity into the building drainage system.
_______________1825. Protruding metal or roughness on walls of a pipe resulting from pipe
_______________1826. A steel that contains high percentages of carbon as distinguished from
the other elements.
_______________1827. A covered excavation in the ground that receives waste from the
drainage system & retains organic matter & solids. The liquids seep into the ground.
_______________1828. A vent designed to serve two or more traps extending from in front of
the last fixture connection of horizontal branch to the vent stack.
_______________1829. A covered, usually small tank used chiefly for storing water for
domestic use.
_______________1830. A metallic plus or cover w/c can be removed for the purpose of
cleaning & examining the interior of the pipe. It is joined by means of a screw thread to an
opening in the pipe.

_______________1831. Regulations adopted by an administrative agency that has jurisdiction

for a particular locality.
_______________1832. A fixture that combines a sink & laundry tray or two or three
compartment laundry trays into one unit.
_______________1833. A sewer w/c receives both sewage & storm water.
_______________1834. A waste from several compartments, such as double laundry tray,
connected to single trap.
_______________1835. In a water supply system, the clear unobstructed vertical distance from
any water supply pipe or faucet to a plumbing fixture or container of the flood level rim of the
_______________1836. Piping installed in a straight line, vertically, horizontally, or @ a given
_______________1837. A steel w/ distinctive element properties other than carbon.
_______________1838. Work, materials, methods, & procedures those are acceptable by city,
country, state, or federal approving authority for a given locality.
_______________1839. A receptacle of device designed & placed to collect surface water from
a given open area.
_______________1840. The reverse flow of liquids in a pipe.
_______________1841. A device or means to prevent backflow into the potable water supply
_______________1842. Air pressure in plumbing pipes that is greater that the surrounding
atmospheric pressure.
_______________1843. The flowing back by negative pressure of contaminated or polluted
water from a plumbing fixture into a potable waters system.
_______________1844. A device installed in piping to prevent the back or reverse flow of
storm or sewage into drainage systems or their branches.
_______________1845. A ball or device w/c opens or closes a faucet, in accordance of a
predetermined release procedures & floats on the surface of an enclosed container.
_______________1846. A pipe section that, for a short distance, has an enlarged end portion
for another pipe of identical diameter to form joint.
_______________1847. A controlled outlet on a boiler that permits discharge of sediment or
emptying of the unit.
_______________1848. Any part of piping system connected.
_______________1849. A vent w/c connects one or more vents w/ a stack vent.

_______________1850. Any structure designed & built for support, shelter, recreation, &
enclosure or persons, animals, or property when discovered for plumbing installation
_______________1851. At the lowest horizontal point of the building, a drain that receives soil
or waste, from the interior of the building & conveys it to an approved point of discharge.
_______________1852. A vent w/c serves two fixtures by a connection @ the function of the
two fixture drains.
_______________1853. Part of the roofing &/or area gutter system that takes water from a
roof or above – surface area to a storm drain or other disposal area or system.
_______________1854. The extended portion of a pipe that is closed @ one end to w/c no
connections are made. There is no circulation of free air.
_______________1855. The total length of a pipeline measured along the centerline & the
fittings of the pipe.
_______________1856. When you installed an ejector pump, in what order is it installed?
_______________1857. A male threaded fitting w/ square head use for closing another female
fitting is called.
_______________1858. The recommended hot water supply for hot water lavatory.
_______________1859. Copper pipes are sized.
_______________1860. To boost the water pressure of hot water,use
_______________1861. w/c type of wrench is used to assemble hub less joint that needs
accurate stress.
_______________1862. When silt & dirt is removed from water, the process is called.
_______________1863. The recommended hot water supply to a therapeutic bath
_______________1864. What is the setting distance from the floor for a bidet waste drain
_______________1865. Electric water heaters are manufactured based on the standard set by
this organization.
_______________1866. How does a safety mechanisms of a hot water system work?
_______________1867. Plumbing pipe color coded in Aqua – blue stripe or band is identified a
_______________1868. Stainless steel plumbing fixture are manufactured based on the
standard set by this organization.
_______________1869. The best solder for brazing/soldering joints is
_______________1870. A loan in w/c the borrower pledges some asset (e.g. a car or property)
as collateral for the loan.
_______________1871. Minimum size for vent for a water closet.

_______________1872. The distance of the relief valve from the water heater.
_______________1873. The simplest & the cheapest bonnet design of valve.
_______________1874. What causes the bad taste & odor of water?
_______________1875. Waste in plumbing drainage are prohibited waste when you discharge.
_______________1876. What is the minimum size of water supply inlet for the kitchen sink?
_______________1877. What is the minimum size of water supply inlet for a shower stall?
_______________1878. What do you call this valve installed the suction line of a pump to
prevent the loss of prime of the pump?
_______________1879. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipes used for drain waste vent (DWV) are
manufactured based on the standard set this organization.
_______________1880. Water from domestic use comes from these sources except –
groundwater – rainwater – surface water – sea water.
_______________1881. What is the setting height from the floor for a wall hung lavatory water
supply inlet?
_______________1882. The effective thread length of 3” diameter screwed steel pipe is
_______________1883. The recommended hot water supply on a hotel washing machine.
_______________1884. Gases not found in sewer air of septic tanks are
_______________1885. What is the setting height from the floor for a water supply inlet of a
flush tank water closet?
_______________1886. What is the sewage disposal system w/c is dug on the ground, w/
stones or bricks laid in such a manner as to allow contaminated sewerage to leach into the
undersurface of the ground.
_______________1887. What is the sewage disposal system where 2 hole is dug on the ground
& a concrete vault constructed for the collection of raw sewage sealed w/ a wooden shelter?
_______________1888. What is gas produced in a septic tank that is a combination of carbon &
_______________1889.what type of bacteria requires oxygen for their action in the
decomposition of sewage?
_______________1890. What type of bacteria requires no oxygen for their action in the
decomposition of sewage?
_______________1891. w/c type of filtration unit does not belong in connection w/ a septic

_______________1892. DWV in the drainage installation of plumbing system is called?

_______________1893. What is the most critical problem of environmental health?
_______________1894. What is the cause of the prevalent water borne disease such as
dysentery , typhoid, diarrhea , & other intestinal disorder in urban areas?
_______________1895. The connection between the city water main & the building is called.
_______________1896. What is the name of that piece of pipe less than 12 inches in length &
externally threaded on both ends?
_______________1897. How many gallons are in one cubic meter?
_______________1898. The major reason for placing the installation of a fire stand pipe under
the jurisdiction of the Master Plumber is because of his knowledge of
_______________1899. What do you call the metallic sleeve, joined to an a opening in pipe,
into w/c a plug is screwed that can be removed for the purpose of cleaning or examining the
interior of the pipe?
_______________1900. What do you call that device w/c discharges a predetermined quantity
of water to fixture for flushing purposes & is activated by direct water pressure?
_______________1901. All joints & connections shall be made permanently
_______________1902. All horizontal drainage piping shall be run in practical alignment @ a
uniform grade of not less than
_______________1903. The minimum size of trap & branch for the floor drain is
_______________1904. The distance between the cleanout in horizontal waste & soil pipe lines
shall not exceed.
_______________1905. An opening in construction in any part of the plumbing system of
sufficient size for a man to gain access thereto.
_______________1906. Hemp or old hemp rope soaked in oil to make it waterproof & used in
_______________1907. Water that is satisfactorily for drinking, cooking & meets the
requirements of health authority.
_______________1908. The installation of all pipes in the plumbing system that are in
partitions & under floors, before the setting of the fixtures or finishing.
_______________1909. The vertical distance between the dip & the crown weir of the trap.
_______________1910. A wye connection used in fire lines where two lines of hoses may be
_______________1911. A pipe w/c conveys only a liquid waste, free of fecal flow

_______________1912. A pump in w/c the pressure is developed principally by the action by

the centrifugal force.
_______________1913. An underground soil formation that contains sufficient saturated
permeable material that yields significant quantities of water.
_______________1914. The identifying color for pipes containing water.
_______________1915. A valve designed to allow fluid to pass through in one direction only.
_______________1916. A type of stand pipe system in w/c the pipes are not normally filled w/
_______________1917. A mechanical device use to measure the volume of water passing
through pipe.
_______________1918. One gallon of water is equivalent to
_______________1919. The slope or fall of a line of pipe in reference to a horizontal plane,
usually expressed in
_______________1920. The lowest portion of the inside of any pipe that is not vertical
_______________1921. A fixture designed for the washing of the hands or face.
_______________1922. The part of the lowest horizontal piping of a plumbing system w/c
receives the discharge from the drainage pipes inside of a building & conveys it to the house
_______________1923. The floor drain shall be considered a
_______________1924. The plumbing fixture units is equivalent to
_______________1925. A water distribution system used when there is insufficient water
_______________1926. The minimum size of the standpipe for building up to 22 meters high.
_______________1927. An automatic integrated system of underground & overhead pipings
w/c sprays water over a large area in the event of fire.
_______________1928. Part of the water purification process that removes larger suspended
_______________1929. A water closet that is otherwise known as the “eastern type”
_______________1930. Pipes & fittings installed in the system to provide air circulation in the
drainage system to protect the loss of trap seal.
_______________1931. A portion of the vent pipe system through w/c the liquid waste flow.
_______________1932. The reversal of the normal flow of waste in a pipe due to some
restriction w/in the pipe.

_______________1933. Sprinkler system shall be installed @ buildings w/ a height from the

ground floor to the top most floor of more than
_______________1934. A deep sink used by janitors for emptying pails of water & mop
_______________1935. A tool used for removing clogs in drain pipes.
_______________1936. A pipe w/c convey the rainwater from the roof gutter & downspout to
the building storm drain.
_______________1937. The vertical drainage pipe is known as
_______________1938. The end of the cast iron pipe that fits into a bell or hub.
_______________1939. A fitting used to join 3 or 4 pipes @ perpendicular directions.
_______________1940. The organic matter that floats to the surface of septic tank.
_______________1941. The device used for removing fats & grease from waste water.
_______________1942. A plumbing fixture use for washing the middle part of the body,
especially the hip area.
_______________1943. An outhouse or structure for the deposition of the excrement.
_______________1944. A water that extends vertically one full storey or more to convey water
to branches or fixtures.
_______________1945. A controlled outlet on a pipe line used to discharge water or detritus.
_______________1946. A receptacle in w/c liquids are retained for a sufficient period to
deposit settleable material.
_______________1947. A valve @ the end of the pipe wherein water can be drawn from or
held w/in a pipe.
_______________1948. A pit or receptacle w/c receives sewage or liquid waste, located below
the normal grade of the gravity system, & w/c must be emptied by mechanical means.
_______________1949. A cast – iron bell – end tee w/ the branch tapped to receive a threaded
pipe or fitting.
_______________1950. A pump, w/c produces partial vacuum in an enclosed space, used to
remove air or steam from a system.
_______________1951. The water that is available from a well, driven into water – bearing
subsurface strata.
_______________1952. The mechanics of water or other liquid whether @ rest or in motion.
_______________1953. The vertical distance between the pumping water level & the static
water level.

_______________1954. The rate of flow of liquid measure per unit of time, usually in gallons
per minute.
_______________1955. A space entirely devoid of gas, liquid, or solids.
_______________1956. An elbow w/ male thread on one end & female thread on the other
_______________1957. The piece of pipe less than 300 mm in length threaded on both ends.
_______________1958. The piece of pipe over 300 mm in length & functions like a nipple.
_______________1959. A fitting used to close the end of the pipe.
_______________1960. In water lines, a loud thumping noise that results from a sudden
stoppage of flow.
_______________1961. The trade name of a chemical used as water softener.
_______________1962. A vertical turbine pump w/ the pump & motor closed coupled &
design to be installed underground, as in the case of the deep well pump.
_______________1963. A water tank installed above the roof of the building or by a separate
_______________1964. A tank in w/c is an unfired pressure vessel, initially full of air,
Into w/c water from the main is pumped.
_______________1965. A tool used to remove the burns from the inside of the pipe or to
enlarge an opening.
_______________1966. A valve screwed into the street water main to supply the house service
_______________1967. A tool used to screw a pipe into or out of their fittings.
_______________1968. A short internally threaded pipe used to connect two pipes in a straight
_______________1969. The chemical introduced in the coagulation process of water
_______________1970. What sewage disposal system consist of a sewage treatment unit w/c
conveys the raw sewage to the disposal system?
_______________1971. What is the sewage disposal system where a hole is dug on the ground
w/ stones & bricks laid in such a manner as to allow raw contaminated sewage to leach into the
undersurface of the ground?
_______________1972. What gas produced in the septic tank is combination of hydrogen &

_______________1973. What gas produced in the septic tank is combination of oxygen &
_______________1974. What gas is the by – product of methane?
_______________1975. What gas in the septic tank evolves as a moist gas from organic waste?
_______________1976. What gas in the septic tank is colorless & has an offensive odor?
_______________1977. What gas in the septic tank is colorless & has an irritating odor?
_______________1978. What is the minimum safe distance that a septic tank can be located
from a source deep well to prevent contamination?
_______________1979. What is the maximum depth of liquid where oxidation of the effluent is
still effective?
_______________1980. Treatment in a sewage treatment plant that removes floating &
settable solids is called.
_______________1981. A sewerage treatment that removes dissolved solid is called
_______________1982. What type of bacteria requires oxygen for their action in the
decomposition of sewerage?
_______________1983. What type of bacteria requires no - oxygen for their action in the
decomposition of sewerage?
_______________1984. What type of bacteria will be active in the decomposition of sewage?
_______________1985. Exterior piping that conveys sewage & wastewater from the BD to the
point of disposal.
_______________1986. Lowest horizontal portion of the drainage system.
_______________1987. Also known as soil stack (SS); the vertical extension of BD that receives
discharge from horizontal branches.
_______________1988. The vent for the WS; begins where the WS ends & terminates to open
air through the roofs or connects w/ the VS.
_______________1989. The main vent for DWV system: receives other vents & terminates to
open air through the roof or connects w/ the SV.
_______________1990. Serves a single trap; often called a waste arm when installed to serve
_______________1991. Serve more than one fixture drain.
_______________1992. Connects a fixture branch or fixture drain to waste stack or building
_______________1993. Serves a continuation of a fixture drain; but can also be the vent that
serves a bathroom group that is being wet vented.
_______________1994. Vent for a fixture branch

_______________1995. Many types available; all serve to relieve pressure of a specific area of
a system.
_______________1996. A branch vent that serves a specific design.
_______________1997. Same as circuit vent, except this design is on the highest branch
interval, typically does not require a RV, & connects to a SV & not the VS.
_______________1998. Piping arrangement that oversize the pipe to serve as a drain & a vent;
the only vent that conveys wastewater.
_______________1999. Conveys only wastewater or liquid waste free of fecal matter.
_______________2000. Used for ensuring the circulation of air in a plumbing system &
relieving the negative pressure exerted on trap seals.
_______________2001. A fitting or a device design & constructed to provide, when properly
vented, a liquid seal w/c prevent the backflow of foul air or methane gas w/out materially
affecting the flow of sewage or wastewater through it.
_______________2002. The vertical main of a system of soil, waste or vent pipings extending
through one or more stories & extended through the roof.
_______________2003. Any part of the piping system other than a main, riser or stack.
_______________2004. Part of the lowest horizontal piping of a plumbing system, w/c receives
the discharge from the soil, waste & other drainage pipes inside of a building & conveys it to
the house sewer outside of the building.
_______________2005. Extends from the house drain @ a point 0.60 meters from the outside
face of the foundation wall of a building to the junction w/ the street sewer or to any point of
discharge, & conveying the drainage of one building site. No house/building sewer shall be
smaller than 150 mm in diameter, nor less in size than the house/building drain.
_______________2006. – use 45° wye branches; combination wye – 1/8 bend branches, or
other approved fittings of equivalent sweep
45° wye branches or other approved fittings of equivalent sweep
Use 45° or 60° wye branches, combination wye – 1/8 bend branches, sanitary tapped tee
branches, or other approved fittings of equivalent sweeps.
_______________2007. Water is pulled from the trap into the drainage system
_______________2008. Excessive pressure in the drain forces the sewer gas into occupied
_______________2009. Water in the trap is pulled upward & into the drain as result of debris
in the trap.
_______________2010. Water in the traps evaporates.
_______________2011. Each fixture trap shall have a trap seal of water of not less than 51 mm
& not more than 102 mm ( except where a deeper seal is found necessary by the
administrative Authority for special conditions.
_______________2012. The vertical distance between a fixture outlet tailpiece & the trap weir
shall not exceed 0.60 meters in length.

_______________2013. Clean – outs are required @ the upper terminal of every horizontal
sewer or waste line, @ each run of piping more than 15 meters (50 feet) on total developed
length, & @ every fraction thereof.
_______________2014. Size of clean – outs shall be conformity w/ the size of pipe served.
_______________2015. Is a pipe or pipe installed in a drainage system a. to provide the flow of
air to from a drainage system so as to ventilate it, b. to provide a circulation of air w/in such a
system to eliminate trap siphonage & reduce back pressure & vacuum surge, & c. to ensure the
rapid & silent flow of waste.
_______________2016. Portion of the drainage pipe installation intended to maintain a
balanced atmospheric pressure inside the system.
_______________2017. A pipe or opening used for ensuring the circulation of air in plumbing
system & for relieving the negative pressure exerted on trap seals.
_______________2018. Is an anaerobic suspended growth biological treatment unit for
sewage. Are usually principally for the treatment of waste from the individual residences.
_______________2019. Semi – liquid substance that accumulates @ the bottom of the septic
_______________2020. Refers to lighter organic material that rises to the surface of the water.
_______________2021. Sewage that turns dark & smell unpleasantly due to anaerobic
_______________2022. Decomposition caused by anaerobic bacteria , accompanied by bad
_______________2023. Soil profile made of sand, silt & clay work best. If there is to much clay
in the soil, the waste may percolate poorly. If the soil contains to much sand & large particles,
wastewater may pass through to the groundwater w/out being treated by soil microbes.
_______________2024. Water are greater depths allows wastewater to remain in the
unsaturated soil, where it can be treated most effectively before reaching groundwater.
_______________2025. Only part of the micro – organism & chemicals are removed from
waste water as it moves downward.
_______________2026. Are designed to treat & dispose of a specific volume & type of
wastewater in the conditions found @ the site.
_______________2027. Must eventually be pumped. Sludge & scum accumulate &, if allowed
to remain, will eventually caused the tank to overflow & clog the drain field.
_______________2028. Materials percolate into the soil through the cribbing (an open lattice
box ) & solids “dry out”.
_______________2029. Is the modern version of pit privy. Its construction is the same as that
of the pit privy w/ the exception that the pit is formed as a watertight vault.

_______________2030. The airplane toilet, the coach – toilet & the self contained toilets of
recreation vehicles. – used to carry the waste to a holding tank & render it inoffensive until it
can be pumped.
_______________2031. A composting toilet consist of a large tank located directly below the
toilet room. Wastes enter the tank through a large – diameter chute that connects to the toilet.
_______________2032. The septic tank shall be provided w/ an _________ 0.36 m² (4ft²) in
minimum area or by an equivalent removable cover slab to the inlet & outlet devices & to the
compartment of the tank for inspection & cleaning.
_______________2033. Shall be constructed of sound & durable materials, not subject to
excessive corrosion or decay & shall be watertight.
_______________2034. The septic tank shall be located not less than ____ from any well,
cistern or other sources of drinking water supply; not less than ___ from any water service line;
and not less than ____from any water main.
_______________2035. Septic tanks shall be inspected @ least once a year & be cleaned when
the bottom of the sum mat is w/in 75 mm of the bottom outlet device or the sludge & scum has
reduced the liquid capacity by 50 %.
______________2036. Is a clear, tasteless, & colorless.
It is a compound of 2 gases, two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen.
______________2037. Water that does not contain a significant amount of dissolved materials.
It is characterized by easiness of producing lather from detergents & absence of scale formation
in boilers, heaters, & pipes.
______________2038. Water w/ the presence of elements such as Ca, Mg, & Al w/c causes
______________2039. Water w/c is satisfactory for drinking, culinary, & domestic process &
meets the requirements of the health authority having jurisdiction.
______________2040. Water that runs in streams or is found in depressions, such as on lakes,
reservoirs, ponds, or oceans.
______________2041. Portion of rainwater w/c has percolated to form underground deposits.
______________2042. Any undesirable physical, chemical or microbiological substance in a
water supply.
______________2043. If a contaminant is considered dangerous to human health.
______________2044. Particulate materials w/c are in an insoluble form.
______________2045. Solids materials that are an intimate part of a liquid system, having a
mean diameter of less than 0.000001 mm.
______________2046. Living water contaminants that are capable of reproduction &
propagation throughout the water system.
______________2047. Gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide & hydrogen sulfide.
______________2048. Process of removing suspended matter from water by allowing time &
the inactivity of water to do work of settling out heavier suspended particles.
______________2049. Is a mechanical process or reduction of suspended solids. Slow sand
filtration – it consist basically of allowing the water to flow over a graded sand bed on top of

w/c large colonies of minute vegetable growth. Rapid Sand & Pressure Filtration – similar to
slow sand types by operate under a greater head of water.
______________2050. Process of injecting coagulant (alum) into the water to make the
dissolved minerals lump together.
______________2051. Process of exposing the water to fresh air for purification.
______________2052. The most important health related water treatment. Chlorination has
become the standard approach to removing harmful organism from water.
______________2053. Used water or liquid waste of a community w/c includes human &
household waste together w/ street washings, industrial waste & such ground & storm water as
may be mixed w/ it.
______________2054. It includes human excreta as well as discharge from kitchens, baths, etc.
______________2055. It is the waste from the manufacturing processes.
______________2056. Underground conduit used for the removal of sewage.
______________2057. The process of collection & removal of sewage.
______________2058. It is the liquid flowing in the sewer during & following the period of
rainfall & resulting there form.
______________2059. Treatment methods in w/c the application of physical process dominate.
For example, screening, mixing , flocculation, sedimentation, floatation, filtration.
______________2060. The first device encountered by wastewater entering the plant. Its
primary purpose is to remove large objects that damage or foul pumps, valves, or other
mechanical equipment.
______________2061. Inert dense material such as sand, broken glass, silt & pebbles is called
______________2062. Device that chop up wastewater solids by revolving cutting bars.
______________2063. Is not a treatment process per se but a technique that can be used to
improve the effectiveness of both secondary & advanced wastewater treatment processes.
______________2064. Treatment method in w/c the removal or the conversation of
contaminants is brought about by the addition of chemicals or by other chemical reactions.
______________2065. Treatment method in w/c the removal contaminants is brought about
by biological activity.
______________2066. Consist of bed of coarse material such as stones, over w/c wastewater is
applied – requires less mechanical elements & less stages – produces water w/ 95% purity –
requires a large ground area for its building.
______________2067. Is biological wastewater treatment technique in w/c a mixture of
wastewater & biological is agitated & aerated.
______________2068. Separating as much water as possible by gravity or flotation.
______________2069. Converting the organic solids to more refractory forms so that they can
be handled or used as soil conditioners w/out causing a health hazard through processes
referred to as digestion.
______________2070. Treating the sludge w/ chemicals or heat so that the water can be
readily separated.

______________2071. Separating water by subjecting the sludge to vacuum, pressure, or

______________2072. Convening the solids to a stable form by wet oxidation or incineration.
______________2073. Disposal by dilution is the process whereby treated sewage or the
effluent from treatment plants is discharged into bodies of water.
______________2074. Is composed of Broad irrigation & Sub – surface irrigation.
______________2075. In this process sewage is made to flow over cultivated lands.
______________2076. Is the application of sewage into land through a system of open joint
pipes & drains.
______________2077. Most common pump used in residential & commercial buildings.
______________2078. Used in actuating large forming presses. Rotary Pump used in
transporting liquids.
______________2079. Is a continuously acting pump that moves liquid by accelerating it
radially outward in a rotating member ( impeller) to a surrounding case. This type of pump is by
far the most common in use buildings because of its simple construction & relatively low cost.
______________2080. The casing of a pump is the housing that encloses the impeller & collects
the liquid being pumped. It is the impeller that imparts the energy to the liquid.
______________2081. Has a spiral – shaped casing & is most commonly used. The water enters
the impeller from only one side.
______________2082. The water enters the both sides of the double suction impeller so that
hydraulic unbalance is practically eliminated.
______________2083. Rotating disk w/ vanes attached to it.
______________2084. Disk that encloses the impeller vanes.
______________2085. Impeller w/ no shrouds, this type is usually used where the water being
pumped contains suspended solids.
______________2086. Impeller w/ two shrouds, it requires little maintenance & usually retains
its operating efficiency longer than open impellers.
______________2087. Impeller w/ one shroud.
______________2088. Is one that is parallel to the shaft axis so that pump may be opened
w/out disturbing the system piping.
______________2089. Split perpendicular to the shaft axis, resulting in a simpler joint design.
______________2090. Is one in w/c the electric motor drive is connected to the pump by
means of flexible coupling.
______________2091. Is one in w/c the same shaft is used for both the motor & pump.
______________2092. Is one in w/c the pump is separately coupled w/ a face mounted motor.
______________2093. Is one where the pump is located w/ a shaft in a horizontal position in a
dry location. This is the most common arrangement.
______________2094. Are supported directly by the system of piping. The pump – motor
assembly is usually mounted vertically in order to save floor space & center the weight between
______________2095. Are those w/c immersed in the liquid to be pumped.

______________2096. Is one w/c has only one impeller.

______________2097. Is one w/c two or more impeller.
______________2098. They are designed primarily to pump water from deep wells & slender.
______________2099. Is the rate of flow of liquid through the impeller expressed in gallons per
minute, gpm (mᵌ/hr).
______________2100. Is the energy per unit weight of a fluid due its pressure head, its velocity
head & elevation head above some datum.
______________2101. Energy per unit weight of fluid on the discharge side of pump.
______________2102. Energy per unit weight of the suction side of the pump.
______________2103. Brake horse power Pp required to drive a pump also varies w/ capacity.
______________2104. In percent w/ w/c the pump operates is the ratio of the output power to
the input power multiplied by 1000.
______________2105. Is a pump used to increase the pressure in a water supply line. – require
no special design features.
______________2106. Are designed for connection to automatic sprinkler systems; they are
rarely, if ever, used.
______________2107. Is a small pump connected to a fire sprinkler system & intended to
maintain pressure in a fire protection piping system to an artificially high level so that the
operation of a single fire pump automatic controller, causing the fire pump to start.
______________2108. Are centrifugal pumps of special design, having impellers that can pump
out large pieces of solid matter w/out clogging.
______________2109. An open top circular or rectangular cold waste storage vessel w/ a loose
lid or cover.
______________2110. A closed rectangular vessel used for the circulation & storage of hot
water or oil.
______________2111. A closed cylindrical vessel w/ parallel sides & domed ends used for the
circulation & storage of hot water.
______________2112. A plumbing tool used for making internal threads in G.I. pipes.
______________2113. What is the minimum overlap of an extension ladders less than 36 feet
______________2114. What is the usually the primary cause of trouble in excavating
operations for water line pipes?
______________2115. In laying water supply pipes, what is the maximum depth of trench in
w/c the workers should be allowed to work w/out hard hats?
______________2116. What will be the minimum distance that the excavated materials be
placed from the edges of the trench?
______________2117. What will be the distance considered appropriate that the ladders be
installed along the depth excavated trench as access & exit from the trench?
______________2118. As a plumbing engineer, you hire men to stock pile water supply &
plumbing pipes, what safety feature you require to your men to wear?

______________2119. As a Plumbing Contractor, you have to erect buggies runway to deliver

plumbing materials to higher stories. What will be the minimum slope, that is necessary to
provide cleats for surer footing?
______________2120. An accident happen to your construction. What is your objective in
investigating the cause?
______________2121. Hard hats in construction are usually no worn by:
______________2122. A construction workers including Master Plumber should wear safety:
______________2123. It is a type of ladder that stands independently of support.
______________2124. Class ___ fire extinguishers are identified by the color green inside a
______________2125. Is an eye & face protection device that covers the entire face w/ a
plastic shield.
______________2126. Is securing equipment or materials in preparation for lifting by means of
rope, chain or web sling.
______________2127. Class ___fire extinguishers are identified by the color green inside a
______________2128. OSHA stands for:
______________2129. Is a ladder that is permanently attached to a structure, tank or vault.
______________2130. Is a temporary or movable platform & structures for plumbers to stand
on when working above floor level.
______________2131. Class ___ fire extinguishers are identified by the color red inside a
______________2132. An eye protection device w/ flexible frame, they are secured on the face
w/ an elastic headband.
______________2133. Is an adjustable height ladder w/ a fixed bed section & sliding, lockable
fly section.
______________2134. NFPA classifies fires as Class ______ by electrical fires.
______________2135. Is a pivoting hook mechanism attached to fly section of an extension
ladder to hold the fly section @ the desired height.
______________2136. Class ____ fire extinguishers are identified by the color yellow inside a
______________2137. NFPA classifies fires as Class ____ by flammable liquids, gasses or
______________2138. Costs of accidents in plumbing construction are categorized into direct
into direct & indirect costs. w/c is considered as direct cost?
______________2139. Accident prevention in plumbing work is the responsibility of :
______________2140. Who would be accountable if an accident happens in a particular work
______________2141. Tangible causes of accident in plumbing work area due to unsafe
conditions & unsafe acts. w/ one is considered unsafe condition?
______________2142. Same as question no. 2141 hacube!

______________2143. Majority of all accidents w/c occur in plumbing work is caused by:
______________2144. All plumbing construction workers should wear safety.
______________2145. On carrying heavy plumbing pipes to a considerable distances, what will
be the best method?
______________2146. When one person is carrying a 20 feet iron pipes, what would be the
best method?
______________2147. If your journeyman plumber is placing or removing pipes from a pile,
where would be his safe condition?
______________2148. In selecting a hook & chain that are to be used for lifting pipes, you
choose a hook whose strength is:
______________2149. As Plumbing Engineer, you have to use a ladder to carry the pipes to the
second floor of the building, what will be the horizontal distance from the foot of the ladder to
the wall that you consider proper?
______________2150. An 8.0 meters aluminum ladder is used in delivering plumbing fixture to
the second floor of the building. How far should the foot of the ladder be placed from the wall
of the building.?
______________2151. When using an extension ladders, what will be the maximum sliding
sections allowed.
______________2152. What should be the maximum length of the ladder when fully extended
of an extended ladders?
______________2153. What is the sewage disposal system w/c is dug on the ground, w/ stones
or bricks laid in such a manner as to allow contaminated sewerage to leach into the
undersurface of the ground?
______________2154. What is the sewage disposal system where a hole is dug on the ground
& a concrete vault constructed for the collection of raw sewage sealed w/ a wooden shelter?
______________2155. What gas is produced in the septic tank that is combination of carbon &
______________2156. What type of bacteria requires oxygen for their action in the
decomposition of sewage?
______________2157. What type of bacteria requires no oxygen for their action in the
decomposition of sewage?
______________2158. w/c type of filtration unit does not belong in connection w/ a septic tank
– seepage pit – drain filed – deep well pump – filter trench
______________2159. DWV in the drainage installation of Plumbing System is called.
______________2160. What is the most critical problem of environmental health?
______________2161. What is the cause of the prevalent water borne diseases such as
dysentery, typhoid, diarrhea & other intestinal disorders in urban areas.?
______________2162. The connection between the city water main & the building is called?
______________2163. How many gallons of water will a tank w/ dimensions of 1200 mm in
length & 90 cm in diameter hold?

______________2164. What is the name of that piece of pipe less than 12 inches in length &
externally threaded on both ends.?
______________2165. How many gallons are in one cubic meter?
______________2166. The major reason for placing the installation of a fire standpipe under
the jurisdiction of the Master Plumber is because of his knowledge of
______________2167. What do you call that metallic sleeve, joined to an a opening in pipe,
into w/c a plug is screwed that can be removed for the purpose of cleaning or examining the
interior of the pipe?
______________2168. What do you call that device w/c discharges a predetermined quantity
of water to fixture for flushing purposes & is activated by direct water pressure?
______________2169. All joints & connections shall be made permanently
______________2170. All horizontal drainage piping shall be run in practical alignment @ a
uniform grade of not less than
______________2171. The minimum sized of trap & branch for the floor drain is.
______________2172. The distance between cleanout in horizontal waste & soil pipe lines shall
not exceed
______________2173. An opening in construction in any part of the Plumbing System of
sufficient size for a man to gain access thereto
______________2174. Hemp or old hemp rope soaked in oil to make it waterproof & used in
______________2175. Water that is satisfactory for drinking, cooking & meets the
requirements of health authority.
______________2176. The installation of all pipes in the Plumbing System that are in partitions
& under floors, before the setting of the fixtures or finishing.
______________2177. The vertical distance between the dip & the crown weir of the trap.
______________2178. A wye connection used in fire lines where two lines of hoses may be
______________2179. A pipe w/c conveys only liquid waste, free of fecal flow.
______________2180. A pump in w/c the pressure is developed principally by the action of
centrifugal force.
______________2181. An underground soil formation that contains sufficient saturated
permeable material that yields significant quantities of water.
______________2182. The identifying color for pipes containing water.
______________2183. A valve designed to allow fluid to pass through in one direction only.
______________2184. A type of standpipe system in w/c the pipes are not normally filled w/
______________2185. A mechanical device used to measure the volume of water passing
through pipe.
______________2186. One gallon of water in equivalent to
______________2187. The slope or fall of a line of a pipe in reference to a horizontal plane,
usually expressed in

______________2188. The lowest portion of the inside of any pipe that is not vertical
______________2189. A fixture design for the washing of the hands or face.
______________2190. The part of the lowest horizontal piping of a plumbing system w/c
receives the discharge from the drainage pipes inside of a building & conveys it to house sewer.
______________2191. The floor drain shall be considered a
______________2192. The plumbing fixture unit is equivalent to
______________2193. A water distribution system used when there is insufficient water
______________2194. The minimum size of the standpipe for building up to 22 meters high.
______________2195. An automatic integrated system of underground & overhead pipings w/c
spray water over a large area in the event of fire.
______________2196. Part of the water purification process that removes larger suspended
______________2197. A water closet that is otherwise known as the “eastern type”
______________2198. Pipes & fittings installed in the system to provide air circulation in the
drainage system to protect the loss of trap seal.
______________2199. A portion of the vent pipe system through w/c the liquid waste flow
______________2200. The reversal of the normal flow of waste in a pipe due to some
restriction w/in the pipe.
______________2201. Sprinkler system shall be installed @ buildings w/ a height from the
ground floor to the top most floor or more than.
______________2202. A deep sink used by janitors for emptying pails of water & mop cleaning.
______________2203. A tool used for removing clogs in drain pipes.
______________2204. A pipe w/c convey the rainwater from the roof gutter & downspout to
the building storm drain.
______________2205. The vertical drainage pipe in known as
______________2206. The end of a cast iron pipe that fits into a bell or hub.
______________2207. A fitting used to join 3 or 4 pipes @ perpendicular directions.
______________2208. The organic matter that floats to the surface of a septic tank.
______________2209. The device used for removing fats & grease from waste water.
______________2210. A plumbing fixture used for washing the middle part of the body,
especially the hip area.
______________2211. An outhouse or structure for the deposition of excrement.
______________2212. A water supply that extends vertically one full storey or more to convey
water to branches or fixtures.
______________2213. A controlled outlet on a pipe line used to discharge water detritus.
______________2214. A receptacle in w/c liquids are retained for a sufficient period to deposit
settleable material.
______________2215. A valve @ the end of the pipe wherein water can be drawn from or held
w/in a pipe.

______________2216. A pit or receptacle w/c receives sewage or liquid waste, located below
the normal grade of the gravity system, & w/c must be emptied by mechanical means.
______________2217. A cast iron bell – end tee w/ the branch tapped to received a threaded
pipe or fitting.
______________2218. A pump, w/c produces partial vacuum in an enclosed space, used to
remove air or steam from a system.
______________2219. The water that is available from well, driven into water bearing
subsurface strata.
______________2220. The mechanics of water or other liquid whether @ rest or in motion.
______________2221. The vertical distance between the pumping water level & the static
water level.
______________2222. The space entirely devoid of gas, liquid or solids.
______________2223. An elbow w/ male thread on one end & female thread on the other end.
______________2224. The piece of pipe less than 300 mm in length threaded on both ends.
______________2225. The piece of pipe over 300 mm in length & functions like a nipple.
______________2226. A fitting used to close the end of a pipe.
______________2227. In water lines, a loud thumping noise that results from a sudden
stoppage of flow.
______________2228. The trade name of a chemical used as water softener.
______________2229. A vertical turbine pump w/ the pump & motor closed coupled & design
to be installed underground, as in the case of the deep well pump.
______________2230. A water tank installed above the roof of the building or by separate
______________2231. A tank w/c is an unfired pressured vessel, initially full of air, into w/c
water from the main is pump.
______________2232. A tool used to removed burns from the inside of the pipe or to enlarge
an opening.
______________2233. A valve screwed into the street water man to supply the house service
______________2234. A tool used to screw a pipe into or out of their fittings.
______________2235. A short internally threaded pipe used to connect two pipes in a straight
______________2236. The chemical introduced in the coagulation process of water
______________2237. What sewage disposal system consist of a sewage treatment unit w/c
conveys the raw sewage to the disposal system?
______________2238. What is the sewage disposal system where a hole is dug on the ground
w/ stones & bricks laid in such a manner as to allow raw contaminated sewage to leach into the
undersurface of the ground?
______________2239. What gas produced in the Septic Tank is a combination of hydrogen &

______________2240. What gas produced in the septic tank is a combination of carbon &
______________2241. What gas is the by – product of methane?
______________2242. What gas in the septic tank evolves as a moist gas from organic waste?
______________2243. What gas in the septic tank is colorless & has an offensive odor?
______________2244. What gas in the septic tank is colorless & has an irritating odor?
______________2245. What is the minimum safe distance that a septic tank can be located
from a source deep well to prevent contamination?
______________2246. What is the maximum depth of liquid where oxidation of the effluent is
still effective?
______________2247. Treatment in a sewage treatment plant that removes floating & settable
solids is called.
______________2248. A sewage treatment that removes dissolved solid is called.
______________2249. What type of bacteria requires oxygen for their action in the
decomposition of sewerage?
______________2250. What type of bacteria requires no oxygen for their action in the
decomposition of sewerage?
______________2251. What type of bacteria will be active in the decomposition of sewage?
______________2252. What is the artificial process by w/c sewage is subjected to in order to
remove or so alter its objectionable constituents as to render it less offensive or dangerous.
______________2253. In the activated sludge process of sewage treatment it is essential to
______________2254. Septic tank are primarily used for:
______________2255. The biochemical treatment of sewage effluents is essentially a process
______________2256. What is the purpose of aeration in water purification?
______________2257. The constituents of air, water & soil w/c render them unsuitable for
their intended use.
______________2258. What is the most serious environmental concern to the public regarding
disposal of untreated wastewater?
______________2259. w/c of the sewage disposal system will endanger groundwater
______________2260. w/c of the bacteria does not belong in the bacteriology process of
decomposing organic matters in the septic tank.
______________2261. The sewage in the septic tank that turns dark & smell unpleasantly due
to anaerobic decomposition is called.
______________2262. Is the mechanics of water or other liquid whether @ rest or in motion.
______________2263. Is the science of water @ rest, a good example is a gravity tank filled w/
water & supplying water to close valve. Until the valve is open, the water is @ rest, but its
weight has potential energy & exerts a definite force, or static pressure against the close valve.

______________2264. Is a science of water in motion. When the valve in the preceding

example opens., the potential energy of static pressure becomes kinetic energy.
______________2265. Is a general term, & is generally associated w/ the science of the force
exerted by water in motion, such as driving a turbine connected to an electric generator.
______________2266. Is due to the weight of the atmosphere on the earth surface.
______________2267. Is a space entirely devoid of gas, liquids or solids.
______________2268. Exist when the total is below atmospheric pressure. As determined on
test, is the reading of a liquid manometer @ the suction of the pump, converted to the feet of
liquid, & referred to datum.
______________2269. Exist when the total suction head is above atmospheric pressure. As
determined on test, is a reading of a gage @ the suction flange of the pump converted to feet
or meter of liquid & referred to datum, plus the velocity head @ the point of gage attachment.
______________2270. Is figured from the average velocity obtained by dividing the discharges
in cubic feet per second or cubic meter per second by the actual area of the pipe cross section
in square feet or square meter & determined @ the point of the gage connection.
______________2271. Is the reading of a pressure gage @ the discharge of the pump,
converted to feet of liquid & referred to datum, plus the velocity head @ the point of gage
______________2272. Is the measure of the energy increase per sound imparted to the liquid
by the pump & is therefore the algebraic difference between the total discharge head & the
total suction lift.
______________2273. Is the total suction head on feet or in meter of liquid absolute
determined @ the suction flange & referred to datum, less the vapor pressure of the liquid in
feet or meter.
______________2274. A pump in w/c the pressure is developed principally by the action of
back & forth movement of piston.
______________2275. A single suction pump having its suction nozzle on the opposite side of
the casing from the stuffing box & having the face of the discharge nozzle perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis of the shaft.
______________2276. A centrifugal pump whose drive unit is supported by the pipe having its
suction & discharges flanges on approximately the same center.
______________2277. A pump w/ the shaft normally in a horizontal position.
______________2278. A centrifugal pump characterized by a housing w/c is split parallel to the
______________2279. A centrifugal pump w/ one or more impellers discharging into one or
more bowls & a vertical educator or column pipe used to connect the bowls to the discharge
head on w/c the pump driver is mounted.
______________2280. Is a pipe that takes suction from a public service main or private – use
system for the purpose of increasing the effective water pressure.
______________2281. A vertical turbine pump & motor closed coupled & design to be installed
underground, as in the case of deep well pump.

______________2282. An underground formation that contains sufficient saturated permeable

material to yield significant quantities of water.
______________2283. A timber, concrete or masonry enclosure having a screened inlet kept
partially filled w/ water by an open body of water such as pond, lake or steams.
______________2284. The water w/c is available from a well, driven into water – bearing
subsurface strata.
______________2285. The level, w/ respect to the pump, of the body of water from w/c it
takes suction when the pump is not in operation.
______________2286. The level, w/ respect to the pump, of the body of water from w/c it
takes suction when the pump is in operation.
______________2287. The vertical distance between the piping water level & the static water
______________2288. Is a positive displacement pump consisting of a fixed casing containing
gears, cams, screws, vanes, plungers or similar elements actuated by the rotation of the drive
______________2289. This type consist of an eccentrically bored cam, rotated by a shaft
concentric in a cylindrically bored casing, w/ an abutment or follower so arranged that w/ each
Rotation of the drive shaft a positive quantity of liquid is displaced from the space between the
cam & follower & the pump casing.
______________2290. This type consist of two or more gears, operating in closely fitted casing
so arranged that when the gear teeth unmesh on one side liquids fill the space between the
gear teeth & is carried around in the tooth space to the opposite side & displaced as the teeth
mesh again.
______________2291. This type is driven by compound, cross – compound, or triple –
expansion steam engines. In large sizes such units are known as pumping engines.
______________2292. A plumbing permit shall become null & void if the work authorized
therein is not commenced w/in,..
______________2293. The minimum standard quantity of plumbing fixtures that discharges
wastes into a plumbing installation.
______________2294. The interval distance of vertical pipe supports for plastic pipes.
______________2295. The minimum distance of the water closet or bidet from its center to
any sidewall or obstruction.
______________2296. The minimum distance between the door & entry to the drain opening
for special shower compartments.
______________2297. The minimum finished interior area for all shower compartments,
regardless of shape.
______________2298. The minimum size of the building service pipe.
______________2299. The conversion factor from psi to kpa.
______________2300. The water supply fixture unit equivalent for a public use lavatory.
______________2301. The water supply fixture unit equivalent for a private use water closet
w/ flush tank.

______________2302. The minimum trap size used for water closets.

______________2303. The factor used to convert gallons per minute to liters per second.
______________2304. The number of threads per 25.4 mm for a 51 mm diameter cleanout.
______________2305. The maximum fixture unit loading for a 102 mm stack.
______________2306. The maximum permissible distance for a 51 mm vent pipe.
______________2307. The minimum clear distance of the septic tank water supply wells.
______________2308. The minimum clearance required from the bottom of the water pipe
above of the sewer or drain line.
______________2309. The estimated waste/sewage flow rate value used for offices.
______________2310. The minimum vertical termination height of the vent above the roof.
______________2311. The minimum size of the fixture branch supplying water to a shower.
______________2312. An elbow w/ male thread on one end & female thread on the other end.
______________2313. A steel pipe coated w/ zinc to resist corrosion.
______________2314. A part of valve used to guide & support the valve stem.
______________2315. A fitting w/ a number of branches in line connecting to smaller pipes.
______________2316. The maximum building height for a stand pipe.
______________2317. A type of fire involving energized electrical equipment.
______________2318. That part of the piping of the building drainage system that takes
surface water, ground water, sub surface water, cooling water, or similar discharge to a public
or approved discharge point.
______________2319. That portion of a building drainage system that cannot drain by gravity
into the building drainage system.
______________2320. Protruding metal or roughness on the walls of a pipe resulting from pipe
______________2321. A steel that contains high percentages of carbon as distinguished from
the other elements.
______________2322. A covered excavation in the ground that receives waste from the
drainage system & retains organic matters & solids. The liquids seep into the ground.
______________2323. A vent designed to serve two or more traps extending from in front of
the last fixture connection of a horizontal branch to the vent stack.
______________2324. A covered, usually small tank used chiefly for storing water for domestic
______________2325. A metallic plug or cover w/c can be removed for the purpose of cleaning
or examining the interior of the pipe. It is joined by means of screw thread to an opening in a
______________2326. Regulations adopted by an administrative agency that has jurisdiction
for a particular locality.
______________2327. A fixture that combines a sink & laundry tray or two or three
compartment laundry trays into one unit.
______________2328. A sewer w/c receives both sewage & storm water.

______________2329. A waste from several compartments, such as double laundry tray,

connected to a single trap.
______________2330. In a water supply system, the clear unobstructed vertical distance from
any water supply pipe or faucet to a plumbing fixture or container & the flood level rim of the
______________2331. Piping installed in a straight line, vertically, horizontally, or at a given
______________2332. A steel w/ distinctive element properties other than carbon.
______________2333. Work, materials, methods, & procedures those are acceptable by city,
country, state, or federal approving authority for a given locality & a type of work or job.
______________2334. A receptacle of device designed & placed to collect surface water from
a given open area.
______________2335. The reverse flow of liquid in a pipe.
______________2336. A device or means to prevent backflow into the potable water supply
______________2337. Air pressure in plumbing pipes that is greater that the surrounding
atmospheric pressure.
______________2338. The flowing back by negative pressure of contaminated or polluted
water from a plumbing fixture into a potable water system.
______________2339. A device installed in piping to prevent the back or reverse flow of storm
or sewage into drainage systems of their branches.
______________2340. A ball or device w/c opens or closes a faucet, in accordance w/ a
predetermined release procedure & floats on the surface of an enclosed container.
______________2341. A pipe section that, for a short distance, has an enlarged end portion for
another pipe of identical diameter to form a joint.
______________2342. A controlled outlet on a boiler that permits discharge of sediment or the
emptying of the unit.
______________2343. Any part of the system connected.
______________2344. A vent w/c connects one or more vents w/ a stack vent.
______________2345. Any structure designed & built for support, shelter, recreation, &
enclosure or persons, animals, or property when considered for plumbing installation
______________2346. @ the lowest horizontal point of the building, a drain that receives soil
or waste, from the interior of the building & conveys it to an approved point of discharge.
______________2347. A vent w/c receives to fixtures by a connection @ the function of the
two fixtures drains.
______________2348. Part of the roofing &/or area gutter system that takes water from a roof
or above – surface area to a storm drain or other disposal area or system.
______________2349. The extended portion of a pipe that is closed @ one end to w/c no
connections are made. There is no circulation of free air.

______________2350. The total length of a pipeline measured along the centerline & the
firings of the pipe.
______________2351. The nominal commercial designation, normally the inside diameter of
the pipe, unless otherwise specifically stated in a particular plumbing code.
______________2352. All of the drainage piping w/in the building that conveys sewage,
rainwater, & other liquid wastes to a legal point of disposal exclusive of public & private
pipelines of systems.
______________2354. An electrically or mechanically operated device used to elevate sewage
& liquid wastes from a lower level to a point of discharge into a sewer of other disposal system.
______________2355. The greatest stress a material can w/stand w/out permanent
deformation after stress release.
______________2356. A metallic sleeve or fitting used to connect dissimilar plumbing
______________2357. A water supply source serving one more fixture.
______________2358. A water supply source connecting the fixture & supply pipe.
______________2359. A flow of waste, used for sizing plumbing jobs in a plumbing system,
equal to one cubic foot per minute or 7.5 GPM.
______________2360. A valve used to control the water level in a tank or other container. It is
operated by a float & is considered a positive operating valve.
_______________2361. The level @ w/c water begins to overflow the top or rim of a plumbing
_______________2362. A valve used for flushing water closets & similar fixtures.
_______________2363. The fall or slope of a line of pipe in reference to a horizontal plane. In
drainage systems it is usually expressed as the fall in a fraction of an inch per foot length of
_______________2364. A container designed to intercept & hold grease or fatty substances
(portions of food waste) from a line to w/c it is connected.
_______________2365. An installed pipe of fitting that forms an angle of less than 45 ° w/ the
_______________2366. A vent installed in a pipe to vent a fixture trap connected to the vent
system above the fixture it serves.
_______________2367. The floor or the lowest part of the internal cross – section of a conduit
or pipe.
_______________2368. The principal pipe of a system of continuous piping to w/c branch
connections can be made.
_______________2369. The principal vent pipe of a system to w/c vent connections can be
_______________2370. An opening in a plumbing system or sewer large enough to permit a
person to gain access to the system for purposes of inspection &/or cleaning.
_______________2371. All water supply, drainage, & venting system & all fixtures & their traps
complete w/ air connections.

_______________2372. Water that meets the standard of a government agency & is used for
culinary, domestic, & drinking purposes.
_______________2373. A receptacle designed to receive discharges from indirect waste piping.
_______________2374. A vent w/c provides circulation of air between the vent & drainage
_______________2375. A drain w/c receives water collected on roof surface & discharges it
into a collection unit or downspout.
_______________2376. The installation of all parts of a plumbing system or a particular unit
that can be completed before the installation of fixtures: it includes soil, vent, waste, & water
supply piping & supports.
_______________2377. A sewer that carries only sewage wastes & excludes storm, surface, &
_______________2378. A watertight receptacle that receives sewage.
_______________2379. The water supply line from the sources of supply to the building
_______________2380. Liquid waste that contains vegetable or animal matter in suspension or
solution, including liquids containing chemicals in solution. These liquids are the wastes being
carried away from the public & industrial buildings & from residences.
_______________2381. A suction resulting from the flow of liquids in pipes.
_______________2382. A connection in w/c one pipe slides into another to make a tight joint
w/ a threaded retainer or an approved gasket.
_______________2383. A pipe w/c carries the discharge of toilet or similar fixtures, w/ or
w/out discharges of other fixtures, to a sewer or approved drain.
_______________2384. The vertical extension of a soil or waste pipe above the highest
horizontal drain connected to the vent stack.
_______________2385. The change of size or shaped of a body produced by the action of a
_______________2386. The reactions of a body to external forces ( in this case, metals)
_______________2387. A stress that resist a force attempting to crush a body.
_______________2388. A stress that resist a force that tends to pull the body apart.
_______________2389. A tank or pit below the normal grade of gravity receiving liquid waste
or sewage from w/c the wastes or sewage must be mechanically pumped to a higher level
receiving point.
_______________2390. Devices used for supporting or securing fixtures, piping, & fittings to
ceilings, floors, or walls.
_______________2391. A valve installed on top of the hot water heater tank to relieve the
build up or dangerous temperatures or pressure inside the tank should its heating system fail to
turn off automatically.
_______________2392. The overall tensile stress that a material will develop it is considered to
be the load in pounds per square inch @ w/c test materials rupture.

_______________2393. A designed fitting normally shaped w/ a U – type part that

continuously retains a liquid seal & prevents the back passage of air w/out affecting the flow of
liquids in the system.
_______________2394. The process whereby steel & iron pipe rust.
_______________2395. The deviations from parallel flow in a pipe changes.
_______________2396. A pipe or systems of pipes provided to ventilate a Plumbing System.
_______________2397. Any drain pipe that in addition to receiving discharge waste also serves
as a vent.
_______________2398. The adhesion of metal w/ solder @ a finish thickness of @least ¼ inch
@ the point where the pipes are joined.
_______________2399. Work of an acceptable nature & character that will fully secure the
expected results of the locality codes for the safety, welfare, & health of all persons.
_______________2400. A pipe from a soil or waste stack w/ an upward connection to a main
vent pipe for purposes of preventing pressure in stack.
_______________2401. The walls of every excavation over _____ deep shall be supported by
adequate shoring & timbering to prevent collapse.
_______________2402. The person responsible for monitoring a permit – required confined
space is called.
_______________2403. A safety harness is required when working from a ladder when a
worker’s feet are:
_______________2404. An extension ladder must extend above a roof by @ least.
_______________2405. The safe oxygen level of a confined space is between.
_______________2406. The two common types of ear protection equipment are ear plugs & :
_______________2407. ___that comply w/ OSHA standards:
_______________2408. The minimum temperature in degrees @ w/c material will give 00
flammable vapor.
_______________2409. Warning signs are ____ in shape.
_______________2410. Ladders should be protected by the application several coats of ____
_______________2411. A No Smoking Sign is an example of
_______________2412. What class of hard hat usually used in building construction?
_______________2413. What is the recommended slope of ladders?
_______________2414. Types of gloves that protect against cuts, slashes & abrasion.
_______________2415. Fires involving solid materials usually of an organic nature e.g. wood,
paper, textiles, etc.
_______________2416. Safety is the responsibility of?
_______________2417. Protect eyes from burns caused by infrared or intense radiant light, &
protect face & eyes from flying sparks, metal spatter, & slag chips produced during welding,
brazing, soldering, & cutting.
_______________2418. Protect eyes from intense concentrations of light produce by lasers.
_______________2419. Protect the face from nuisance dusts & potential splashes or sprays of
hazardous liquids.

_______________2420. Protect eyes, eye sockets, & the facial area immediately surrounding
the eyes from impact, dust, & splashes.
_______________2421. Made w/ metal/plastic safety frames.
_______________2422. Causes of eye injuries – dust & other flying particles, such as metal
shavings or saw dust – molten metal that might splash – acids & other caustic liquid chemicals
that might splash
_______________2423. What are some of the causes of head injuries – falling objects –
bumping head against fixed objects, such as exposed pipes & beams
_______________2424. Class of hard hat ( formerly class A ) general service (e.g. mining,
building construction, shipbuilding, lumbering, & manufacturing) – good impact protection but
limited in voltage protection.
_______________2425. Class of hard hat ( formerly class B ) electrical work – protect against
falling objects, high – voltage shock/burns.
_______________2426. Designed for comfort, offer limited protection – protects heads that
may bump against fixed objects, but do not protect against falling objects or electrical shock.
_______________2427. A part of the shoes or strapped to the outside of shoes to protect the
instep from impact & compression.
_______________2428. What are some of the hand injuries you need to guard against? – burns
– bruises – abrasions – cuts – punctures – fractures – amputations – chemical exposures
_______________2429. Laminate resist permeation & breakthrough by an array of toxic/
hazardous chemicals.
_______________2430. Provides the highest permeation resistance to gas or water vapors;
frequently used for ketones (M.E.K., Acetone) & esters (Amyl Acetate, Ethyl Acetate).
_______________2431. Shall mean a lifting machine w/ a carriage, platform or cage w/c moves
on guides.
_______________2432. Shall mean scaffolds in w/c the supports for the platform are step
ladders, tripods or similar movable contrivances.
_______________2433. Shall mean a scaffold suspended by means of ropes or chains capable
of being lowered or raised by winch, pulley , block or such other means.
_______________2434. Shall mean a platform supported on two rows of uprights or standards
parallel to the wall of a building connected by horizontal ledgers & is independent from the
building wall.
_______________2435. Shall mean a platform supported by a single row of uprights or
standards tied along the wall, connected horizontally by a ledger & supporting putlogs w/c rest
on ledger on one side & in holes left in walls on the other.
_______________2436. Shall mean a scaffold member that holds standards or uprights in a
fixed position to prevent any lateral movement.
_______________2437. Is highly resistant to permeation by chlorinated & aromatic solvents.
_______________2438. Provides protection against a wide variety of solvents, harsh chemical.
Fats & petroleum products & also provides excellent resistance to cuts, snags, punctures &

_______________2439. Protects against cuts, slashes & abrasion.

_______________2440. Protects against cuts & lacerations.
_______________2441. Shall mean the vertical member of shoring & timbering w/c directly
resist pressure from side of an excavation.
_______________2442. Shall mean the longitudinal member of shoring & timbering w/c
directly resist pressure from sheating.
_______________2443. Shall mean the transverse member of shoring & timbering w/c directly
resist pressure from sheating or wales.
_______________2444. Shall mean a temporary structure of timber or metal work w/ a
platform used in construction, alteration or demolition of a building, or other maintenance
work used to support workers or to allow the hoisting & lowering of workers, their tools &
_______________2445. Shall mean the vertical member of scaffold transmitting the load to the
ground or to a base plate.
_______________2446. Shall mean a scaffold bracing, w/c extends horizontally from standard
to standard forming right angles w/ the putlogs & forms a tie between the standards.
_______________2447. Shall mean a scaffold member spanning between a ledger & a building
wall or between two ledgers upon w/c the platform rests.
_______________2448. A device located @ the bottom of a flush tank for flushing water
closets & similar fixtures.
_______________2449. Storm water is.
_______________2450. Considered as boundary for inadequate water pressure.
_______________2451. A malleable iron fitting for threaded pipe w/ a 45° or 90° bend, w/ an
inside thread on one end & outside thread on one end & outside thread on the other.
_______________2452. A piping material made from mild steel that is drawn through a die &
welded. It is dipped in bath of zinc, w/c treatment serves to some degree the pipe against the
effect of acids.
_______________2453. A type of urinal in w/c the bowl is elongated & attached to the floor. A
front piece conceals the internal elements of the urinal located @ the lower part of it.
_______________2454. A valve placed on the water main on w/c the building water service is
_______________2455. An outhouse used for the deposition of excrement.
_______________2456. A pipe w/c carries the discharge of toilets or similar fixtures, w/ or
w/out the discharge of other fixtures, to a sewer or approved drain.
_______________2457. A common measure of the probable discharge into the drainage
system by various types of plumbing fixtures equal to a discharge of 7.5 gals per minute.
_______________2458. Porcelain enamel ware, such as bathtubs, toilet bowls, wash basins,
_______________2459. A piece of metal fitted under another piece of flat metal or wood over
w/c water is expected to run & is usually found in roofs is called.

_______________2460. All water supply, drainage, venting system & all fixtures & their traps
complete w/ their connections.
_______________2461. Air pressure in the drainage pipes greater than atmospheric pressure.
_______________2462. Determine the power of the pump needed to convey water @ a
velocity of 15 m/sec on 50 mm diameter pipe w/ a required pump head of 14 meters.
_______________2463. The minimum water pressure for a flush tank.
_______________2464. Considered the boundary for excessive water pressure.
_______________2465. In a 4 storey building w/a gravity tank on the roof deck, what floor has
the most water pressure?
_______________2466. The maximum rating of a pressure relief valve.
_______________2467. Determine the water pressure on the 4th floor of a building w/ 3.5 m
floor to floor height having a main water line pressure of 150 kpa.
_______________2468. What is the most practical set – up on a ¾ bath?
_______________2469. w/c of the following is a prohibited fitting? – Double Wye Branch -
Double Tee Branch - Double Hub Branch – All of these.
_______________2470. The principle of the pressurized water system is.
_______________2471. w/c of the following is the most practical layout for a rectangular ¾
bath room?
_______________2472. CCIP means.
_______________2473. W/c will cause a slower drain in the floor drain?
_______________2474. Any branch in the building drain other than the primary branch.
_______________2475. SVTR stands for.
_______________2476. CISP means.
_______________2477. How the safety mechanism of a hot system work?
_______________2478. What type of bacteria requires no oxygen for their action in the
decomposition sewage.?
_______________2479. What delivers water under pressure?
_______________2480. How are pipes that discharge into the drainage system but w/c are not
connected directly to the drainage system classified?
_______________2481. What tube is made of plastic material & colored black whose cross –
sectional shape is normally oval & is denoted by its outside diameter & is normally used as
water service connection from the main to the meter?
_______________2482. What do you call a combination of elbows or bends w/c brings one
section of pipe out of line but into a line parallel w/ the other section of the pipe?
_______________2483. W/c is NOT a plastic pipe?
_______________2484. Unless prohibited by structural conditions, what is the reference of
each vertical vent pipes before off setting horizontally to join the stack vent or vent stack?
_______________2485. w/c of the following types of work required a plumbing permit? – the
clearance of the drain pipe – the replacement of the faucet stem – the replacement of a faulty
gate valve – the replacement of an electric water heater.

______________2486. What do you call the pipe or tubing that connects the outlet of a
plumbing fixture to the trap?
______________2487. w/c of the following also serves as a drains ? – common vents – dry
vents – wet vents – relief vents.
______________2488. w/c of the following is a common form of protection from corrosion for
pipes passing through concrete?
______________2489. w/c of the following is NOT an element in the computation of the size of
grease interceptors?
______________2490. What must the interceptors used in bottling establishments be capable
of separating from other solids before discharging the waste into the drainage system?
______________2491. What will be the basis in the design of water piping system in localities
where the water pressure is fluctuating all throughout the day?
______________2492. After how many days shall a plumbing permit expire & become null &
void if the plumbing work authorized therein has not been started?
______________2493. What is a recession in a wall for holding pipes & conduits passing from
floor to floor.
______________2494. The appropriate sealant that will be used to cover void spaces between
pipes & sleeves through concrete floors in the ground.
______________2495. In the water test of the entire plumbing system all openings should be
tightly closed except @,.
______________2496. A kind of cleanout plugs that will be installed in case where raised heads
may cause hazards to passing personnel or vehicles.




_______________2497. Is defined as the art & science of installing pipes, fixtures.

_______________2498. Is a title given to a person who is skilled in field of sanitation. Was derived from
the ancient roman word _____ w/c was taken from latin word ____
_______________2499. Refers to an individual who work in a sanitary field of ancient rome. Plumbum
on the other hand, meant lead.
_______________2500. Is being discharged by water closet.
_______________2501. Are coming from various fixtures.
_______________2502. Any pipe that conveys waste from various fixture other than water closet.
_______________2503. Those pipes that convey waste coming from the water closet.
_______________2504. For drainage of solid waste.
_______________2505. For waste coming from various fixtures other than water closet.
_______________2506. Refers to the ventilation of piping system.
_______________2507. Is the unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the
lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying, water to a tank, plumbing fixture, or other device &
flood level rim of the receptacle.
_______________2508. Is the flow of water, or other liquid mixtures or substances into the distributing
pipes of a potable supply of water from any source.
_______________2509. Refers to the back flow of used contaminated or polluted water from a
plumbing fixture or vessel into a water supply due to a negative pressure in such a pipe.
_______________2510. Refers to any group of two or more similar adjacent fixtures w/ discharge into a
common horizontal waste pipe or soil branch.
_______________2511. Is synonymous w/ faucet, cock, tap, plug etc. the word faucet is preferred.
_______________2512. A flange that closes the end of a pipe. There is no opening for the passage of
_______________2513. A controlled outlet of a pipe of a pipeline used to discharge water.
_______________2514. Is any part of the piping system other than the main riser or stack.
_______________2515. Is the length of a soil or waste stack corresponding in general to a storey height,
but in no case less than 2.40 meters w/in w/c the horizontal branches from one floor or storey of a
building are connected to the stack.
_______________2516. Is a vent connecting one or more individual vents w/ a vent stack or stack vent.
_______________2517. Is plugging an opening w/ oakum, lead or other materials, that are pounded
into the place or opening.
_______________2518. Is a branch vent that serves two or more traps, & extend from the front of the
last fixtures connection of a horizontal branch to the vent stack.
_______________2519. Is a vertical vent that is the continuation of the drain to w/c the vents connects.
_______________2520. Is a fixture combining one sink & tray or a two or three compartment sink or
tray in one vent.
_______________2521. Is a specially design system of waste piping embodying the horizontal wet
venting of one or more sinks or floor drains by means of a common waste.
_______________2522. Is a drain from two or more or three fixture connected to a single trap. It is also
called a dual vent.
_______________2523. Is any physical connection between two otherwise separate piping system, one
contains potable water, & the other from unknown or questionable safety, whereby, water may flow
from one system to the other direction of flow depending on the pressure differential between the two

_______________2524. Is the extended portion of a pipe that is closed @ one end permitting the
stagnation of water or air therein.
_______________2525. The length along the center of the pipe & fitting.
_______________2526. Refers to the nominal internal diameter (ID) of such pipe.
_______________2527. Includes all piping w/in the public or private premises that conveys sewage,
rainwater, or other liquid waste.
_______________2528. A vent that does not carry water or water borne wastes.
_______________2529. Is the minimum cross sectional area @ the point of water supply discharge.
_______________2530. Shall apply to that portion of a plumbing system that has been installed &
approved prior to the contemplated addition, alteration or correction.
_______________2531. Is a pipe connecting several fixtures.
_______________2532. Is the drain from the trap of a fixture to the junction of that drain w/ any other
drain – pipe.
_______________2533. Is a water supply pipe connecting the fixture w/ the fixture branch.
_______________2534. Is a quantity of terms of w/c the producing effects on the plumbing system of
different kinds of plumbing fixtures are expressed on some arbitrarily chosen scale.
_______________2535. Is the total discharge flow in gallons per minute of a simple fixture dividing by
7.5 gallons that provides the flow rate of that particular plumbing fixture as a unit flow.
_______________2536. Is a device located @ inside the tank for the purpose of maintaining water level
for effective flushing of the water closet.
_______________2537. A metallic sleeve.
_______________2538. Is a device located @ the bottom of the tank for flushing water closets & similar
_______________2539. Is a device w/c discharges a predetermined quantity of water to the fixture for
flushing purposes activated by direct water pressure.
_______________2540. Is the slope or fall of pipe in reference to a fraction of an inch per foot length of
_______________2541. A branch vent that performs its function for two or more traps.
_______________2542. Means any pipe or fitting w/c makes an angle of more than 45° w/ the vertical.
_______________2543. Is the lowest portion of the inside of any pipe or conduit that is not vertical.
_______________2544. Is the discharge from any fixture, appliance or appurtenance in connection w/ a
plumbing system w/c does not receive fecal matter.
_______________2545. Is a pipe on a fixture side of the trap through w/c vapor or foul air is removed
from a room or fixture.
_______________2546. Is the same as circuit vent except that it loops back & connects w/ a stack vent
instead of a vent stack.
_______________2547. It is a secondary pipe. It receives sewage only from building sewer.
_______________2548. Is the principal artery of the system to w/c branches may be connected.
_______________2549. Is a sewer line or system directly controlled by the public authority.
_______________2550. Is the principal artery of the venting system to w/c vent branches may be
_______________2551. Are installed receptacles, devices or appliances w/c are supplied w/ water, or
w/c receives or discharges liquid or liquid borne waste.

_______________2552. Includes the water supply distribution pipes, house drain & house sewers
including their respective connections plumbing fixtures & traps, soil waste & vent pipes, house drain &
house sewer including their respective connections.
_______________2553. Is to provide circulation of air between drainage & vent systems.
_______________2554. Sometimes called individual vent. – is that part of the vent pipeline w/c
connects directly w/ an individual wastes or group of waste.
_______________2555. Is a water supply pipe w/c extend vertically one full storey or more to convey
water to branches or fixtures.
_______________2556. Is the installation of all parts of the plumbing system w/c can be completed
prior to the installation of fixtures.
_______________2557. An open returned bend usually w/ inside threads, but applied also to 180° bend
in pipe.
_______________2558. Is a common sewer directly controlled by public authorities where all abutters
have equal rights of connection.
_______________2559. Sewage containing human excrement & liquid household waste. It is also called
domestic sewage.
_______________2560. A sewer intended to receive sanitary sewage w/ or w/out industrial waste &
w/out the admixture of surface water, storm water or drainage.
_______________2561. Any branch in a building drain other than the primary branch.
_______________2562. Is a comprehensive term including all construction or collection, transportation,
pumping, treatment & final, disposition of sewage.
_______________2563. Is a Y connection used on fire lines so that two lines of hose maybe connected
to a hydrant or to the same nozzle.
_______________2564. A vertical pipe usually used for the storage of water, frequently under pressure.
_______________2565. Is a vent connecting to the drain pipe through a fitting @ an angle not greater
than 45° or to the vertical.
_______________2566. Is any pipe that conveys the discharge of water closets or fixture having similar
_______________2567. Is the vertical main of a system of soil, waste or vent pipe.
_______________2568. Is a term applied to the location of fixtures in relation to the stack so that by
means of proper fittings.
_______________2569. Is the extension of a soil or waste stack above the highest horizontal drain
connected to the stack.
_______________2570. Is a method of venting a fixture or fixtures through the soil or waste stack.
_______________2571. Are underground drain pipes that receive sub – surface or seepage water only &
convey it to the place of disposal.
_______________2572. A pit or receptacle @ a low point to w/c the liquid waste are drained.
_______________2573. Is a fitting or device so designed as to provide when properly vented a liquid
seal that will prevent the back passage of air w/out materially affecting the flow of sewage through it.
_______________2574. Is the maximum depth of vertical liquid that trap will retain, measured between
the crown weir & the top of the dip of the trap.
_______________2575. Is a vertical pipe installed primarily for the purpose of providing circulation of
air to different parts of the drainage system.
_______________2576. Pipes installed to provide a flow or circulation of air w/in the plumbing system
to protect trap seals siphoning or back pressure.

_______________2577. A pipe installed in a vertical position on @ 45° .

_______________2578. Is a pipe that conveys liquid waste from fixture that is free of fecal
_______________2579. Is a pipe that conveys water from the water service pipe to the plumbing
fixtures & other water outlets.
_______________2580. Is the pipe from water main or other source of water supply to the building
_______________2581. Is a vent that receives the discharges from wastes other than water
_______________2582. Is also affected by corrosion caused by the carbon dioxide, sulfur oxide,
& methane gases forming solutions of carbonic acid & sulfuric acid.
_______________2583. Is generally used for building installation.
_______________2584. Classified as extra duty pipe used for underground installations.
_______________2585. Is made from alloy of cast iron & silicon. – it is wildly used in chemical
laboratories, industries & other installations where acid waste are being discharge.
_______________2586. Is made of Asbestos Fibers & Portland Cement. – is twice as that of the
standard cast iron pipe. – could be used as soil, waste, ventilation & downspout. – is
remarkably superior for embedment in concrete structure for having the same material
_______________2587. Are suitably grouted & firmly packed w/ oakum or old rope.
_______________2588. Is the cheapest among the sewer pipes. – it is sometimes
recommended for house sewer & for septic tank installation. – light in weight.
_______________2589. Is one of the oldest materials used for sewer lines. – it is made out
from clay, cast into length of 75 cm treated w/ glazing compound. – is highly resistant to most
acid wastes.
_______________2590. Is also one of the oldest plumbing materials used by the Egyptians’
_______________2591. Is highly resistant to acid & is suitable for underground installation.
_______________2592. Is made out from mild steel, drawn through a die & welded, cast into
6.0 meters long. – this type of pipe is easily corroded by alkaline & acid water. – steel pipe
deteriorate faster when used as hot water supply line.
_______________2593. Is better in quality than steel pipe for plumbing installation.
_______________2594. Is one of the most expensive type of pipe.
_______________2595. Are of the recessed type similar in design w/ galvanized steel pipe.
_______________2596. Is a durable & extremely corrosive resistant material. – K type is the
heaviest – L lighter than K – M is the thinnest & available only in a rigid formed.
_______________2597. Was limited by the code to less than 25 – storey.
_______________2598. Is used for well fitted hub & spigot connections.
_______________2599. Is recommended when the length of a pipe needed is more 150 cm
long wherein cutting is not necessary.
_______________2600. Is preferred when a piece of pipe needed is shorter than 150 cm long.
_______________2601. Is used in lieu in a single hub to do away w/ caulking joints. – it is
cheaper & easily connected using a neoprene rubber sleeves.

_______________2602. Is a new concept in plumbing for all types of building.

_______________2603. The simplest way of joining plastic pipe is by cementing.
_______________2604. Is a hole in the ground curbed w/ stones, bricks, concrete hollow
blocks, or other materials.
_______________2605. Is a concrete sealed vault w/ a wooden shelter constructed for the
collection of raw sewage.
_______________2606. Is a device or receptacle used to expedite the decomposition of the
elements contained in a raw sewage waste.
_______________2607. Is a public sewage system, operated & maintained by the government.
_______________2608. The prevailing types recommended by the sanitary authorities.
____________________is classified into three types according to the kind of waste it disposes.
- Combination public sewer
- Sanitary sewer
- Storm drain
______________2609. Is the oldest type of public sewer that conveys both storm water &
sanitary wastes.
______________2610. Is a public sewer facility that carries regular sanitary waste only. It
terminates in a modern sewage dispersal plant.
______________2611. Is classified into two types. – the intercepting or trunk line sewer & the
tributary or contributing sewer.
______________2612. Is a sanitary sewer that conveys sanitary waste to a dispersal plant. It is
commonly made of concrete pipe that varies.
______________2613. Is classified as an intercepting sewer branch.
______________2614. Is another kind of public sewer line that carries storm water. It
terminates in a natural drain such as canals, cakes or rivers.
______________2615. Is classified as a device of the main & storm sewer.
______________2616. Refers to the pump that will discharge waste in the sump & transfer it to
the house drain installed over head.
___________________is necessary when the public sewer line was installed @ a depth from 2
to 4 meters below the street level.
______________2617. Is a receptacle or vault used to collect organic waste discharge from the
house sewer.
______________2617. Hacube!! Sewage that was discharge into the tank is retained & during
its retention period, about 60 to 70 percent suspended solid of the sewage is removed largely
by sedimentation to form a semi – solid substance.
______________2618. Both the scum & sludge are processed by anaerobic bacteria &
transforming them into liquid & gases.
______________2619. The septic tank therefore, combines two process: ______ in the upper
portion of the tank & _____________ of the accumulated sludge @ the bottom.
______________2620. The anaerobic bacteria on the other hand, functions in the ____.
Likewise, facultative bacteria also functions even ____.

______________2621. Is regarded as stabilization.

______________2622. A sewage that turns dark & smell unpleasantly due to anaerobic
______________2623. Is combination of hydrogen & carbon, a principal component of natural
______________2624. Is a combination of carbon & oxygen. It is the simplest oxide of carbon.
______________2625. Is a by – product of methane, classified as poisonous gas.
______________2626. Evolves as a moist gas from organic waste.
______________2627. Is a colorless gas w/ offensive odor.
______________2628. Is also a colorless gas having an irritating odor.
______________2629. Refers to the lighter organic materials that rises to the surface of water.
______________2630. Another kind of bacteria that split & digest the effluent.
______________2631. Most of the failures encountered in plumbing installation, were due to
the _______ & the ______
______________2632. Is smaller in size than the soil pipe. Smaller because of the kind of waste
it receives from the various plumbing fixtures.
______________2633. The drainage installation of a plumbing system comprises three major
component parts.
______________2634. Refers to an installation that receives & conveys discharges from water
closet w/ or w/out waste coming from other fixtures.
______________2635. Is any pipe in the drainage installation that receives the discharges of
any fixtures ________ & conveys the same to the soil branch, soil pipe or house drain.
______________2636. Refers to the slope sink, lavatory urinals, bathtub & the lie except water
______________2637. In a plumbing system functions as air passage or conduit to ventilate the
drainage & waste pipe installation.
______________2638. Any pipe that receives & conveys human waste is affixed by the word _
______________2639. Refers to the horizontal pipe affixed by the word soil. – on the other
hand, if this soil branch does not receives discharges from water closet but from other fixtures
______________2640. Is a vertical pipe installation where the soil branches terminate. – the
pipe is called STACK being installed vertically & the word soil is affixed because it receives
human waste from the soil branch.
______________2641. When a waste pipe is not vertically connected to a soil stack or house
______________2642. Was designed for vertical run w/ lateral branches only.
______________2643. Its use on horizontal installation will create a titled or crooked joint
______________2644. Is a receptacle of a plumbing system accessible on floor, walls or ceiling.
______________2645. Occurs when the grade or slope of the pipe is increase from 2% to 4%.

______________2646. Means the loss or escape of standing water inside the P – trap. It is also
referred to as Water Seal Escape .
______________2647. Means the flush or wash out, to remove dirt or grease by flowing
______________2648. A waste load in determining the size of the waste pipe.
- Is classified into to two types depending upon the kind of fixtures it will serve direct
waste & indirect waste.
______________2649. Is one w/ terminal directly connected to the plumbing system.
______________2650. Refers to a connection w/ terminal not directly connected to the
plumbing system.
______________2651. The minimum size of waste pipe for sink is 38 mm or ½ inch but because
of the materials suspended in it, the practice is to use 50 mm or 2 inches pipe.
______________2652. Is tapped either on floor or walls. Traps on the floor shall be 75 mm or
100 mm & 50 mm for the traps installed on walls w/ a cleanout plug.
______________2653. Any pipe that receives & conveys discharges of water closet, w/ or
w/out the discharge coming from other fixtures to the house drain or house sewer.
______________2654. Is affixed to pipe installation that carries human waste coming from
water closet.
______________2655. Soil pipe installed vertically.
______________2656. Soil pipe installed horizontally.
______________2657. Is one among the serious problem of plumbing installation. It annoys the
occupants. The water rushing down through the soil pipe w/in the wall creates various
unwanted irritating noise. – causes the dripping of the water inside the ceiling.
______________2658. Is that portion of the plumbing system that receives discharges of all soil
& waste stacks w/in the building.
______________2659. House drain is sometimes referred, it can be installed under the ground,
or maybe suspended under the floor or inside the ceiling.
______________2660. May be classified into four types combine drain, sanitary drain, storm
drain, industrial drain.
______________2661. Is a type of house drain that receives discharges of sanitary waste as
well as storm water.
______________2662. Drain receives the discharges of sanitary & domestic waste only.
______________2663. Is not allowed in the sanitary drain.
______________2664. Is a house drain that receives discharges from industrial equipment that
contain some objectionable acid wastes.
______________2665. Conveys all storm water, or surface water waste except sanitary waste.
______________2666. Is the most practical method to use in determining the size of a house
______________2667. Is defined as the device installed in the house drain immediately inside
the foundation wall of the building.

- It serves as a barrier & prevents the gases coming from the public sewer or septic tank
in circulating through the plumbing system.
______________2668. Is a device used in drainage system to prevent the reversal of flow
______________2669. Has the characteristics of non – interferences in the movement of air
inside the drainage system.
______________2670. Consist of a running trap installed under the basement floor to protect it
from freezing. – has a minimum drain size of 100 mm or 4 inch.
______________2671. A receptacle used to receive water to be drained from floor into the
plumbing system. – is usually installed on basement floor, near the heating equipment, below
the kitchen sink, & vicinity of the laundry.
______________2672. Is recommended minimum size for floor drain. It should be installed not
more than 20 cm below the floor line.
______________2673. Is defined as a receptacle used to catch surface water drain from
cemented courts, driveways & yards.
______________2674. Is a device designed to convey wastes from garage, wash rack, grease
pits & repair floor into the house drain.
______________2675. Is defined as, that portion of the horizontal drainage system, w/c starts
from the outer face of the building & terminate @ the main sewer in the street or septic tank.
- w/c starts 90 cm from the outer face of the building. – is sometimes called the building
______________2676. Is financed & maintained by the government.
______________2677. Is connected to the main sewer by boring a small hole through the
concrete pipe, using a sharpened steel chisel or electric drill.
______________2678. Is that unit of the plumbing system that conveys rain & storm water to a
suitable terminal.
______________2679. Is a collector of water come from the downspout leading the
accumulated water away from the house @ a relatively low rate of flow.
______________2680. Is sometimes located under the basement floor or w/in walls of the
______________2681. Is classified into three types - the inside storm drain – outside storm
drain – overhead storm drain.
______________2682. Is installed outside the foundation wall of the building – this type of
drainage is possible on location where the lot is not totally occupied by the building.
______________2683. Is adopted when the street drainage is higher in elevation than the
basement floor of the building.
______________2684. Is installed providing a slope of not more than 2% per meter run.
______________2685. Is popularly known as water conductor or downspout either concealed
or expose type. It connects the roof terminal to the storm drain.
______________2686. Is a device scientifically designed to prevent the back flow of gases
coming from the septic tank or sewer line passing through the outlet of the fixture.
______________2687. Was called goose neck. Attribute to its form like the neck of the goose.

_______________2688. The column of water that is retained between the overflow & the dip
of the trap.
_______________2689. Is classified into two – the common seal – the deep seal.
_______________2690. Has 5 cm deep water seal between the over flow & the dip.
_______________2691. Has from 7.5 to 10 cm column of liquid content between the overflow
& the dip.
_______________2692. Is the most common & practical shape available in various sizes from
32 mm to 50 mm diameter.
_______________2693. Is also classified as a water seal device.
- Is intended for fixture that are set on the floor like bathtub, foot & sitz batch, & other
similar fixtures.
- Is used on fixtures that discharges substantial amount of water.
- Can also serve as terminal for soda fountain, bar wastes & any type of indirect waste
_______________2694. Like fixtures in residential houses, apartment & private bath room of
hotels & similar installations.
_______________2695. Applied to fixtures in office buildings, factories, dormitories & the like,
for occupant use only.
_______________2696. Such as schools, gymnasium, hotels & railroad & bus terminals, Public
Comfort rooms.
_______________2697. Is that portion of the drainage pipe installation, designed to maintain
balance atmospheric pressure inside the system to prevent problems like;
- Trap seal loss
- Retardation of flow
- Deterioration of the terminals
_______________2698. Most common & serious problem being encountered in drainage
_______________2699. Is the result of minus pressure in the drainage system.
_______________2700. When the water seal escape from the P – Trap.
_______________2701. Occur in unventilated traps w/c serves as oval bottom fixtures like
lavatories on slope sink.
_______________2702. Is the result of a minus pressure in the pipe created by heavy discharge
of water from a fixture installed on a line serving another fixture @ a lower floor.
_______________2703. Is caused by plus pressure.
_______________2704. Is considered a minor problem & is less probable to drain the water
inside the trap.
_______________2705. This kind of trap seal loss is one improbable thing to happen by
removing the entire water seal inside the P – Trap.
_______________2706. This kind f trap seal loss also seldom happen & is rarely experienced by
_______________2707. Is due to the effect of atmospheric pressure & or gravity.
_______________2708. The vent pipe used to ventilate the soil & the waste pipes.

_______________2709. Their main function is to maintain the balance atmospheric pressure.

_______________2710. Is that portion of the vent pipe system that ventilates two fixtures
traps that discharges into a sanitary cross w/ deflectors.
- This type of venting is common to fixture trap apartment & hotel toilet particularly, on
fixtures w/ position & measurements.
_______________2711. Is employed where two or more fixture traps are installed on a
horizontal soil or waste branch.
_______________2712 is permitted provided that a branch soil or waste pipe to w/c two & not
more than 8 water closets, pedestal urinals, trap standard slope sinks, or shower stalls are
connected in a series, may be vented by a circuit or loop vent.
_______________2713. Is installed to ventilate the soil & waste pipe & the connecting
branches rather than fixtures traps.
_______________2714. Is one type of ventilation use on fixtures in a room away from
_______________2715. Is defined as that portion of the vent pipe system where liquid waste
regularly flows.
_______________2716. Is sometimes referred to as DWV, w/c means Drainage ,Waste ,& Vent.
_______________2717. Was introduced by fritz sommer of Switzerland. – cold water supply in
_______________2718. Is a combination of two chemical elements called hydrogen & oxygen.
- It appears in its natural state as liquid, solid (ice), or gas (water vapor or steam)
_______________2719. Are carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide methane, oxygen & nitrogenous
& organic compounds.
_______________2720. Are calcium, magnesium sodium, iron & manganese & other
carbonates & silicates, alkyl benzene sulfate from detergents & synthetic organic from
insecticides & pesticides.
_______________2721. Such as bacteria, algae, fungi, silt, protozoa & other colloidal matters
making the water colored & acidic.
_______________2722. Substances from mining or processing ores, by waste from industrial
_______________2723. Should not be used for distribution of soft acid water.
_______________2724. Solution of lead & water.
_______________2725. Is nothing more than a very shallow well w/ water.
_______________2726. Is frequently used on food, beverages & drinking water.
_______________2727. Obtain its supply of water through a large intake pipe, installed in the
lake basin extended down the water.
_______________2728. Is when the water drawn from a drilled distribution is done by indirect
_______________2729. Refers to the pipe connection from the public water main or any
source of water supply to the building served.

_______________2730. Refers to the vertical supply pipe w/c extend upward from one floor to
the next.
_______________2731. Are horizontal pipes that serves the faucets or fixtures.
_______________2732. Refers to the public water connection w/c are laid underground along
the streets where the house service is connected.
_______________2733. Is an innovation of the air pressurized water distribution.
_______________2734. Is a triplex pump installed to operate in sequence according to the
volume of demand.
_______________2735. The pressure exerted by water @ rest.
_______________2736. Refers to the pressure range measured over a period of 24 hours.
_______________2737. This valve will keep the pressure constant @40 psi or can be reset to a
any other pressure desired.
_______________2738. Refers to the maximum & minimum pressure @ w/c proper function of
the water supply system can be maintained.
_______________2739. Is the loss in the rate of flow due to friction between the water & the
walls of the pipe.
_______________2740. Refers to the variations in pressure between the water main & the
outlet end of the water service.
_______________2741. Refers to the maximum water discharge of fixtures in terms of fixtures
_______________2742. This is one factor to be considered in determining the size of the water
service pipe.
_______________2743. Is not likely to exceed 25 % of maximum demand, especially for
average size residential buildings.
_______________2744. Is used on small water distribution system for elevating water in wells
or other sources.
_______________2745. Is associated w/ tall buildings water distribution system.
_______________2746. Is used to completely close, or completely open the line but not
necessary to control the flow of water. - is connected to the main supply & pump line
wherein operation is infrequent.
_______________2747. Is used where the stem must be installed pointing downward.
_______________2748. This type of valve is used in cold – liquid & sewage disposal installation.
_______________2749. Is actuated by a stem screw & hand wheel, suited on installation that
calls for throttling.
_______________2750. Has a wide bearing surface producing good resistance to the cutting
effects of scale, dirt & other kind of foreign matter found inside the pipe.
_______________2751. Has a pressure tight bearing between the disc & the seat
recommended for cold water & any temperature service.
_______________2752. Is used for various types of service on or, gasoline, steam, & hot or cold
_______________2753. Is used in making 90° turn in a line to reduce the number of joints.

_______________2754. Is located @ the lower end of the pump used to prevent loss of priming
the pump.
_______________2755. Is sometimes referred to as retention valve.
_______________2756. Main function is to prevent the reversal flow of the gas or liquid in the
_______________2757. Is used on cold water systems, heating systems, compressed airlines, &
other pipelines w/ excessive pressure.
_______________2758. Is inserted into the water main. – it serve as a control of the water
_______________2759. Is installed between the curb & the sidewalk line accessible to cast iron
stop box equipped w/ removable cover. - it serves as control stop of the service
between the curb & the building.
_______________2760. Is a controlling stop of the entire water supply in the building.
_______________2761. Is a device used to measure the amount of water that passes through
the water service.
_______________2762. Is commonly used in small residential houses & other industrial
_______________2763. Is an efficient type of hot water distribution generally used in building
of extreme heights.
_______________2764. Is a mechanical device used to circulate hot water to the plumbing
_______________2765. - small hot water tank – large hot water tank.
_______________2766. Is generally made of copper or stainless steel vent. – varies in size from
30 to 60 cm in diameter & a length not more than 180 cm long.
_______________2767. Is made of heavy duty stainless steel sheet of diameter varying from
60 to 130 cm long & not more than 5 meters long.
_______________2768. Is to protect the hot water surface heating system, while the
temperature & pressure relief valve protects the hot water supply system.
_______________2769. Where water is confined w/in a system @ low temperature.
_______________2770. Not in a closed system w/c operate on much higher temperature.
_______________2771. Are receptacles intended to receive water, liquid or water – carried to
receive waste & discharge them into the drainage system.
_______________2772. Is a plumbing fixture used to convey organic body waste to the
plumbing system.
_______________2773. Is intended for installation on a limited space.
_______________2774. Is more comfortable but occupies a larger space.
_______________2775. Is the cheapest, the smallest & the simplest form of water closet
designed w/out water tank.
_______________2776. Is another simple type of water closet w/out water tank installed flat
on the floor.

_______________2777. Is another type of water closet considered as sanitary & efficient in

_______________2778. Water closet eliminates the use of toilet water tank.
_______________2779. Is a bowl or basin used for washing face & hands.
_______________2780. Is much more closely related to a shower than to a toilet although it
appears more likely as a toilet bowl.
_______________2781. Is a traditional design of storing water in an elevated reservoir.
_______________2782. Provides a continuous flow of water from the deep well through the
domestic & fire reservoir.
_______________2783. That regulates the supply for the pressure tank.
_______________2784. Is used to store air under pressure that will balance out – surge from
the two domestic pumps & reduce the frequently starting, & stopping of the motor.
_______________2785. Is a pipe installed in buildings not as part of the water supply or
disposal system, but primarily, for use as water conveyance in case of fire.
_______________2786. Is always located near the stairs for use by fireman in case of fire
_______________2787. Is immediately connected to the street fire hydrant, or to any other
water source by their fire hose.
_______________2788. Consist of horizontal pattern of pipes placed near the ceiling of
industrial & commercial buildings, warehouse, stores, theaters & other structure where fire
hazard require the use.
_______________2789. Refer to the piping installations wherein both the mains & the
distribution pipes are constantly filled w/ water.
_______________2790. Refers to the piping installations where there is no water standing in
the distribution pipe, except the occurrence of fire.
_______________2791. Is one of the common types of fire protection installed in the buildings.
_______________2792. Is the determining factor of any project study where final decisions are
_______________2793. Is determined by measuring the distance from the house drain
terminal point to the main sewer or to the septic tank.
_______________2794. Is based on a carefully prepared plan & isometric drawing.
Engr. Leo SawaL , MSSE
Wastewater Engineering




_______________2795. Branch of environmental engineering dealing with water pollution control.

_______________2796. Any liquid wastes collected in sewer system and conveyed to a treatment
plant for processing.
_______________2797. Coming from residential, commercial, institutional and similar facilities
BOD range 300 – 500 mg/L
TSS 300 mg/L
COD 500 – 1000 mg/L
_______________2798. Wastewater in which industrial wastewater predominates
- Wastewater with extremely high or low pH
- Wastewater with color and high temperatures
- Wastewater with high heavy metals
- Wastewater with inorganic chemicals (Phenols)
_______________2799. Rain water
_______________2800. the rate of growth is always constant

dP/dt = K
K = determine graphically
Pt = Po + Kt
where: Pt = Population @ some time in the future
Po = Present Population
_______________2801. the rate of growth is always constant

dP/dt = K
K = determine graphically
Pt = Po + Kt
where: Pt = Population @ some time in the future
Po = Present Population
_______________2802. involves graphical projection of the past
population of the past population growth
curve, following whatever tendencies the
graph indicates.
_______________2803. the logistic curve used in modeling population
trends has an S shape. The hypothesis of logistic
growth may be tested by plotting recorded
pupulation data on logistic paper.
P = [ P sat / (1 + e (a+b dt)))
_______________2804. assumes that the city has a limiting
saturation population, and its rate of growth is
a function of its population deficits.

P = P + ( Psat – Po) (1 – e K”dt)


_______________2805. Due to suspended solids

_______________2806. Due to dissolved solids that remain after SS removal
_______________2807. CH3NH2, (CH3)3H - Fishy
_______________2808. NH3 - Ammoniacal
__________________________2809. NH2 (CH2)4NH2 - Decayed Flesh
_______________2810. H2S – Rotten Eggs.
_______________2811. CH3SH – Decayed Cabbage
_______________2812. (CH3)2S, (C6H5)2S – Rotten Cabbage.
_______________2813. C9H9N – Fecal Matter.
_______________2814. is negative logarithm of hydrogen ion concentration.
_______________2815. pH less than 7.0
_______________2816. pH over 7.0
_______________2817. Refer to measure of organic matter resistant to biological degradation
(i.e. Alpha Butyl Sulfonate or Surfactant, insecticides like aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, lindane, DDT).
It defines as the oxygen equivalent of the organic matter that can be oxidized that is measured
by using a strong oxidizing agent in acidic medium.
_______________2818. Applicable to small concentration. The test is performed by injecting a known
quantity of sample into a high temperature furnace. The organic carbon is oxidized to CO 2 in the
presence of catalyst, the CO2 is measured by means of infrared analyzer.
_______________2819. In this test, organic substances and to minor extent, inorganic substances are
converted to stable end products in a platinum-catalyzed combustion chamber. TOD is determined by
monitoring the amount of oxygen content present in the nitrogen carrier gas.
_______________2820. Organic matter of animal or vegetable origin in wastewater is generally a
combination of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.
_______________2821. A measure of the approximate quantity of dissolved oxygen that will be
required by bacteria to stabilize organic matter in wastewater or surface water.
_______________2822. Stage of Growth of Microorganisms – adjustment stage of
_______________2823. Stage of Growth of Microorganisms – microorganisms multiply (F >> M)
_______________2824. Stage of Growth of Microorganisms – food = microorganisms
_______________2825. Stage of Growth of Microorganisms - food <<< microorganisms
_______________2826. Refer to dissolved FOG in wastewater.
Source are animal and vegetable matter
Objectionable because of the following:
• it adheres to sewer pipe;
• it is detrimental to the bacteria;
• it form excessive scum in sedimentation tanks
• it clog filter media, it reduces reaeration capacity of natural body of water.
DENR Standards is less than 5 mg/L;
Instrument used: Soxhlet Extraction Flask
_______________2827. Sources: Protein, Amines, Amino Acids, Urea.

Type: Organic Nitrogen, Albuminoid Nitrogen, Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrite Nitrogen

and Nitrate Nitrogen.
Objectionable because it promotes eutrophication or algal bloom.
Nitrate poisoning known as “Blue Baby Syndrome” or “Methemoglobinemia”.
Unit of measure: mg/L
_______________2828. Source: Detergents, Fertilizer
Form: Phosphate (PO4-3)
Measurement: Colorimetric
Important in bacterial propagation
Promotes eutrophication or algal bloom
_______________2829. Non-Toxic Metals
Sodium, Iron, Manganese, Alumium, Copper and Zinc.
Toxic Metal
Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Mercury and Silver
Standards are set in DAO no. 35
Treatment by precipitation, coagulation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis
_______________2830. Bacteria – measured by MPN
Coliform indicater: Escherichia coli
Classifications of coliform
Type of Tests: Most Probable Number
Membrane Filter Technique
Standards: Less than 10,000 MPN/100 ml
_______________2831. single cell microorganisms, colorless
rod shape (bacilli), spherical (cocci), spiral (spirilla)
_______________2832. smallest biological structures
can only be seen by electronic microscope
_______________2833. lowest form of animal life
Unicellular, more complex than bacteria and viruses
free living or parasitic, pathogenic or non-pathogenic, microscopic and macroscopic,
highly adaptable
_______________2834. parasitic worm
_______________2835. dependent on the host for survival
_______________2836. harmless non-pathogenic bacteria that lives on
dead organic matter or in soil.
_______________2837. – lives in the presence of oxygen
_______________2838. lives without the presence of oxygen
_______________2839. lives with or without oxygen
_______________2840. active @ 20oC
_______________2841. active between 20 – 45oC
_______________2842. above 45oC

________________2843. spent nuclear fuel from nuclear reactors and the solids and liquid waste from
reprocessing of spent fuel.
________________2844. The pulverized rock and leachate from uranium mining and milling
________________2845. Radioactive waste that is not HWL but contains more than 100 nanocuries
per gram of element heavier than uranium.
_________________2846. those that are not classified above, but of radioactive source.
________________2847. Clean Water Act R.A. 9275
DENR DAO no. 35, Effluent Standards
Presidential Decree no. 984
________________2848. Method of Analysis - Colorimetric Method

________________2849. Method of Analysis - Azide Modification

________________2850. Method of Analysis - Carmine Method

________________2851. Method of Analysis - Atomic Absorption Spectro.

________________2852. Method of Analysis - Gas Chromatography

________________2853. Method of Analysis - Diphenyl Carbazide Method

________________2854. Method of Analysis - Visual Comparison

________________2855. Method of Analysis - Specific Ion Electrode

________________2856. Method of Analysis - Winkler Method, Membrane Electrode (DO Meter)

________________2857. Method of Analysis - Multiple Tube Fermentation Technique or MF

________________2858. Method of Analysis - Atomic Absorption Spectro.

________________2859. Method of Analysis - Bruccine Method

________________2860. Method of Analysis - Gravimetric Method

________________2861. Method of Analysis - Gas Chromatography

________________2862. Method of Analysis - Gas Chromatography

________________2863. Method of Analysis - Glass Electrode Method

________________2864. Method of Analysis - Chloroform Extraction Method

________________2865. Method of Analysis - Stannous Chloride Method


________________2866. Method of Analysis - Imhoff Cone Method

________________2867. Method of Analysis - Methylene Blue Method

________________2868. Method of Analysis - MPN or Membrane Filter

________________2869. Method of Analysis - Cold Vapor Technique

________________2870. Method of Analysis - Gravimetric Method

________________2871. sample is taken at random with no particular time.

________________2872. sample is taken over a period of time. equal amount of sample is taken every
________________2873. sample volume taken is directly proportional with incoming flowrates.
________________2874. average flowrate over a period of time
________________2875. highest flowrate measured in 24-h period.
________________2876. maximum daily design flow over a period of time.
________________2877. A biological treatment process in which a mixture of the wastewater and
active sludge is aerated in a reactor basin or aeration tank. The active sludge converts organic matter
to carbon dioxide and water.

________________2878. Bacteria that use inorganic materials for energy and growth

________________2879. Addition of Chlorine to a water/wastewater until the chlorine demand has

been satisfied.

________________2880. The random movement of microscopic particles suspended in a liquid


________________2881. An activated sludge that settles poorly because of floc with low bulk density

________________2882. A naturally occurring zeolite that has ion exchange ability. It is used in
removing the ammonium ion.

________________2883. A virus pathogenic to coliforms

________________2884. A genius of bacteria that occur as filaments having a sheath of deposited

iron. They cause color, odor, and objectionable tastes
________________2885. The removal of all salts from a water

________________2886. A filter usually used in water treatment that utilizes a builtup layer of
diatomaceous earth as a filter media

________________2887. Organic catalysts that are proteins and are produced by living cells

________________2888. The synthesis of complex organic materials from carbon dioxide, water and
inorganic salts using sunlight as the energy source and a catalyst such as chlorophyll

________________2889. A calcined material that is mainly calcium oxide, CaO

________________2890. The concentration of an activated sludge after settling one liter of the mixed
liquor in 30 mins. In a one liter graduated cylinder. It is the reciprocal of the sludge volume index.

________________2891. Sludge bulking caused by the presence of the filamentous bacteria

Sphaerotilus in large numbers
________________2892. The gelatenous material resulting from the attrition of bacterial slime layers.
An important constituent of activated sludge floc and trickling filter growths
________________2893. Sedimentation; Screening and Comminution; Flotation; Filtration Variations;
Flotation; Chemical-Polymer Addition; Coagulation/Sedimentation; Land Treatment System

________________2894. Activated Sludge Variations; Trickling Fiter; RBC; Lagoons and Oxidation
Pond; Physical-Chemical System

________________2895. Chlorination; Hypochlorination; Ozonation; Land Treatment Systems

________________2896. Nitrification and Denitrification Process; Ammonia Stripping; Ion Exchange;

Breakpoint Chlorination

________________2897. Metal-Salt Addition; Lime Coagulation/Sedimentation; Biological Chem

Phosphorus Removal; Land Treatment

________________2898. Carbon Adsorption; Tertiary Ozonation; Land Treatment

________________2899. Chemical Precipitation; Ion Exchange; Land Treatment

________________2900. Ion Exchange; Reverse Osmosis; Electrodialysis

________________2901. Device used to remove coarse solid from wastewater
Types: Bar Screen (Manual or Motorized)
Fine and Coarse Screens
________________2902. Device used to shred or reduce the size of particles into smaller particles
________________2903. Device used to remove wide assortment of inorganic solids such as pebbles,
sand, silt, egg, glass
Quantities: 4-200 m3/106 m3 (Typ. 15)
________________2904. Unit Operation designed to concentrate and remove suspended organic solids
from wastewater
________________2905. The________was developed in 1914.The name “_______” was given by two
scientists,E. Ardern and W. T. Lockett, to describe the process whereby the production of flocculating
and settleable solids (microorganism) are kept in suspension.
________________2906. The activated sludge process as developed in England by Ardern
and Lockett was originally a “FILL & DRAW” batch process and

is now popularly known as _______

________________2907. is similar to that for conventional activated sludge (CAS) but with no primary
tanks.Extended aeration provides 24-h aeration (versus 6h for CAS), which results in process stability but
________________2908. is an advanced ‘hybrid’ sequencing batch reactor process using more
sophisticated biotechnology and molecular tools for microbial applications in wastewater
treatment…. wherein selective and specific bacterial species are naturally propagated in the bio
________________2909. process provide a perfect quiescent settling condition ideal for efficient
solids separation and liquid clarification. No influent flow of wastewater is permitted during the settle
and decant phase… thus ensuring complete treatment w/o short-circuiting
________________2910. Amount of Chlorine Required to kill off All bacteria
________________2911. Chlorine content remaining after disinfection. (0.20 mg/L)
________________2912. Dosage rate of Chlorine Cl Dosage = Chlorine Demand + Chlorine Residual
________________2913. Refer to concentrating impurities into solid form and then separating these
solids from the bulk liquid.
________________2914. Solid concentration of sludge is increased, by thickening, aerobic digestion or
anaerobic digestion. Chemicals like polymer may be added to help conditioning sludge.
By Product Solid Content: 1.5 to 4.5%
________________2915. Moisture content of thickened sludge is removed either by pressing,
centrifugation or evaporation. By Product Solid Content: 18 – 22%
________________2916. Further reduction of moisture content of sludge by heating, evaporation,
incineration. By Product Solid Content: 35 – 40%
________________2917. Ultimate disposal of sludge to agricultural land or sanitary land fill.
________________2918. consists of converting ammonium to the gaseous phase and then dispersing
the liquid in air, thus allowing the transfer of the ammonia from the wastewater to the air.
________________2919. oxidation process converts Ammonia to Nitrogen Water
________________2920. at slightly acidic, orthophosphates combine with trivalent Aluminum or Ferric
________________2921. refer to collection of purely domestic wastes from residential areas
________________2922. refer to collection of purely rainwater
________________2923. refer to combined collection system of storm water and domestic
________________2924. Connects to the building plumbing, an dused to convey wastewater from the
buildings to lateral or branch sewers.
________________2925. Lateral sewers from the first element of a wastewater collection system and
are usually in streets or special easements.
________________2926. Used to convey wastewater from one or more lateral sewer to trunk sewer or
intercepting sewers
________________2927. Trunk sewers are large sewers used to convey wastewater from main sewers
to treatment or disposal facilities or to large intercepting sewers
________________2928. Are larger sewers used to intercept a number of main and trunk sewers and
convey to treatment and other disposal facilities
________________2929. located in every change of size, slope or direction
– maximum distance is 60 m

_______________2930. where the difference in elevation between the incoming and outgoing sewer
exceeds 0.50 m flow from incoming sewer can be dropped to the elevation of outgoing sewer
______________2931. Used in environmentally aggressive waters or soils with high sulfate content
______________2932. Used for river crossings. Susceptible to acid corrosion, and hydrogen sulfide
______________2933. Readily available. Susceptible to acid corrosion, and hydrogen sulfide attack
______________2934. Especially suited to long transmission mains without building connection.
Susceptible to acid corrosion, and hydrogen sulfide attack
______________2935. A plastic pipe used for sewers as an alternative to asbestos cement and
vitrified clay pipes. Lightweight but strong. Highly resistant to corrosion.
______________2936. Resistant to corrosion to both acid and alkalis. Brittle and susceptible to
______________2937. Is a valuable tool for estimating runoff magnitudes of various frequencies
thay may occur on a specific stream.
______________2938. Public Water Supply Class I. Drinking Water Supply. Requires Disinfection
______________2939. Public Water Supply Class II. Drinking Water Supply. Requires complete
______________2940. Recreational Water Supply Class I. For Bathing, swimming, skin diving, etc.
(tourism purposes)
______________2941. Fishery Water – for propagation & growth of fish & other aquatic resources
Recreational Water Class II - (boating, etc.) ; Industrial Water Supply Class
I - for manufacturing processes after treatment
______________2942. For agriculture, irrigation, livestock, watering, etc.
Industrial Water Supply Class iI -(cooling, etc.)
______________2943. For propagation , survival and harvesting of shellfish for commercial purposes.
Tourist zones and national marine parks and reserves under Proclamation
- Coral reef parks and reserves

_____________2944. Recreational Water Class I (used by public for bathing, swimming, skin diving,
etc.) - Fishery Water Class I - (spawning area for chanos chanos or “Bangus”)
_______________2945. Recreational Water Class II (boating, etc.)
Fishery Water Class II- (commercial and sustenance fishing)
Marshy and/or mangrove areas declared as fish and wildlife sanctuaries.
_______________2946. Industrial Water Supply Class II (cooling)
Other coastal and marine waters.
_______________2947. To maintain the minimum conditions necessary to assure the suitability of the
water for its designation use or classification
_______________2948. Fish and other beneficial aquatic organisms in a surface water body require the
presence of dissolved oxygen. An oxygen deficient environment favors the growth of organisms that
produce noxious odors associated with pollution. Most of the technological uses to which water is put
are seriously impaired if the oxygen supply is depleted

_______________2949. The amount of oxygen that is dissolved in water. Oxygen is slightly soluble in
water. Therefore, it is relatively easy to deplete the dissolved oxygen in the water.
_______________2950. is caused by its utilization in aerobic metabolism by microorganisms feeding
upon organic matter introduced by wastewater discharges. Amount of oxygen used.
_______________2951. Measure the amount of pollution present in terms of the oxygen demand that
would be exerted by the biodegradable material in it. Focuses on biodegradable material because these
are the only ones that have effect upon the oxygen inventory of the receiving water body.
_______________2952. is the removal of contaminants from untreated water to produce drinking water
that is pure enough for its intended use, most commonly human consumption.
_______________2953. refers to water treatment processes that combine or coagulate small particles
into larger particles, which settle out of the water as sediment.
_______________2954. Many water treatment facilities use filtration to remove all particles from the
water. Those particles include clays and silts, natural organic matter, precipitates from other treatment
processes in the facility, iron and manganese, and microorganisms. Filtration clarifies water and
enhances the effectiveness of disinfection.
_______________2955. are used to remove inorganic contaminants if they cannot be removed
adequately by filtration or sedimentation.
- can be used to treat hard water. It can also be used to remove arsenic, chromium, excess
fluoride, nitrates, radium, and uranium.
_______________2956. is an earth science. It compasses the occurrence, distribution, movement, and
properties of the waters of the earth.
_______________2957. is the professional in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural
sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgment to developed ways to utilize
economically the materials and forces of nature for the benefits of mankind.
_______________2958. is a global sun-driven process whereby water transported from the oceans to
the atmosphere to the land and back to the sea.
_______________2959. is a global sun-driven process whereby water transported from the oceans to
the atmosphere to the land and back to the sea.
_______________2960. is when the sun heats up water in rivers or lakes or the ocean and turns it into
vapor or steam. The water vapor or steam leaves the river, lake or ocean and goes into the air.
_______________2961. Water vapor in the air gets cold and changes back into liquid, forming clouds.
_______________2962. occurs when so much water has condensed that the air cannot hold it
anymore. The clouds get heavy and water falls back to the earth in the form of rain, hail, sleet
or snow.
_______________2963. When water falls back to earth as precipitation, it may fall back in the
oceans, lakes or rivers or it may end up on land. When it ends up on land, it will either soak
into the earth and become part of the “ground water” that plants and animals use to drink or it
may run over the soil and collect in the oceans, lakes or rivers where the cycle starts
all over again.
_______________2964. The perpendicular distance between its bases.
_______________2965. The perpendicular distance from its vertex to the plane of its base.
_______________2966. The process of investigating principles & solving problems
independently of set rules.

_______________2967. The difference in direction of two lines proceeding from the same
point called vertex.
_______________2968. The surface included w/in the lines that bound a plane figure.
_______________2969. The science of numbers & the art of computation.
_______________2970. The side on w/c it may be supposed to stand.
_______________2971. A plane figure bounded by a curve line, called the circumference. Every
point of w/c is equally distant from a point w/in, called the center.
_______________2972. A fraction whose numerator or denominator is called a fraction.
_______________2973. A fraction of a fraction.
_______________2974. A number used to designate objects or quantities.
_______________2975. A body having a circular base, & whose convex surface tapers
uniformly to the vertex.
_______________2976. A measure of volume involving three dimensions, namely length,
breadth & thickness.
_______________2977. A scale in w/c the order of progression is uniformly ten.
_______________2978. The process of reasoning by w/c a truth or principle is established.
_______________2979. The name of the unit of a concrete number.
_______________2980. The part of a fraction that is below the line signifying division.
_______________2981. A line passing through its center & terminated @ both ends by the
_______________2982. A straight line passing through the center of a sphere, & w/c is
terminated @ both ends by its surface.
_______________2983. A number that can be exactly divided by two.
_______________2984. One of two or more quantities w/c, when multiplied together,
produce a given quantity.
_______________2985. Factors are numbers that, when multiplied together, make the
_______________2986. A number that expresses part of a whole thing or quantity.
_______________2987. That branch of pure mathematics that deals w/ the measurements,
properties, & relationships of points, lines, angles, surface, & solids.
_______________2988. The greatest number that will exactly divide two or more numbers.
_______________2989. The side opposite the right angle.
_______________2990. A fraction whose numerator equals or exceeds its denominator.
_______________2991. A number that represents the whole things.
_______________2992. The least number that is exactly divisible by two or more numbers.
_______________2993. The science of quantity.
_______________2994. That by w/c the extent, quantity, capacity, volume or dimensions in
general is ascertained by some fixed standard.
_______________2995. The process of measuring.
_______________2996. Any number exactly divisible by that number.
_______________2997. A unit or collection of units.

_______________2998. The part of a fraction that is above the line & signifies the number of
parts of the denominator taken.
_______________2999. Rate per hundred.
_______________3000. The product arising from multiplying a number.

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