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Writing 35-45

You recently bought a T-shirt from a company on the internet. You are not at all happy with
the purchase. Write an e-mail to the company. Include the following points:

-Took too long to arrive.

-fits well, but is not good quality.

-would like a refund.

Dear mr/mrsSir/Madam, Commented [C1]: Esto ya lo has dado … y en el B2

deberías haberlo visto
I bought a t-shirt from your company. I The ad said it was going to arrive last week but
it arrived yesterday. The fit is good,It fits well however, the quality is bad. I would like a refund.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Mark: 4/6

Writing 100 ( a Frightening Experience)

A Frightening Experience

Three weeks ago, my friend and I went to a new disco in my city. The owner had the
disco built in a troubled troublesome neighbourhood.

Before going to the disco, we ate at a bar, however, we used to eat a fast food
restaurant. AfterwordAfterwards, we went to the disco as before we had booked the tickets

At half past six, I went back alone at home alone. While I was going to my house, I got
lost and I didn’t see anybody therefore I was scary.

Finally, I was told by a man that If he had been me, he would have called a taxi. So a
taxi carried took me to my house.

Mark: 11/14

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