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Name: Ahlam Mohammed Grade level: 3 Date: 24-10-2018

Subject: Science Number of Students: MST: Ms. Aminah


Unit: Lesson 3
From Parents to Young
OBJECTIVES: Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes): By the end
of the Lesson the Student will be able to:
- Explain the meaning of inherited traits.
- Explain how some traits are inherited from parents.


Teacher Science Book


Student Science book


Worksheets/ -

materials Video, PowerPoint & activity

Student Papers, pencil, glue, pictures, words


Technology PowerPoint about inherited trails and a video about it.

Others -

Word Glossary definition Image

Inherited traits Any characteristic that is passed from

one generation to the next.

Dimples A dimple is a small indentation in a


Genetic The study of heredity, or how the

characteristics of living things are
transmitted from one generation to
the next.
Students’ Prior Knowledge (What do the students already know that enables
them to understand the lesson?):

The student already knows that they already have traits inherited from their parents.

Possible Problems and Misconceptions (What are some problems that students
will face because it is assumed that they have the previous knowledge?):

Probably not knowing

Solutions (How/ What can be done to resolve the problems/misconceptions?):

First, I will show them the PowerPoint and the PowerPoint will have pictures and
explanation and, I will show them a video and explain it.

Lesson Schedule (DETAIL)

Targeted teacher language (what will the teacher say throughout the lesson?

I will explain the lesson first to the students by showing them a video and then a
PowerPoint. After that, I will let the students to start doing the activity individually if they
had any difficulty I will move around the groups to help them.

Student Language (What language will the students use throughout the lesson?

Students will use English language.

Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): 5
First, I will start the lesson by telling the students about the meaning of
inherited traits taken from parents. I will explain these traits to them and I will
give them some examples from real life. After that, I will ask the students
some questions about the lesson and let them provide me with some examples
from real life. Then, I will start teaching them even more about the lesson by
showing them the video and the PowerPoint. The PowerPoint shows pictures
that explain the lesson and also the video.
Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures): 15 to 20
First, I will start the lesson by showing them a video about the lesson. I will
Explain it to the students to give them an idea about the lesson; how some
traits are inherited from parents. After that, I will teach the lesson by using the
PowerPoint and teach the students the inherited traits. I will explain and make
sure that they understand the lesson. After that, I will explain to them the
activity that they will do and make sure they understand what they have to do.
Then, I will let them go back to their seats and start doing the activity. There
are 2 activities, activity one for the low groups and one for the high groups.
The high groups will have a picture and they will write down the inherited traits
that they see in the pictures by themselves. It will be challenging for them and
for the low group they will put the right inherited word in the right place by
gluing the word to the right place and stick it.

close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment): 5

In the end of the lesson, I will put a Game test about the lesson to review the
lesson and to see if the students understand the lesson.

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