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Nama : Andryan Adi Wijaya

NIM : 170301012
Kelas : IA.Sore

My name is Andryan Adi Wijaya, my nickname is Andryan. I am student of Muhammadiyah

University of Gresik. I take management majors. I choose management because absolutely
I want to be a manager. At first I was think that economic is not as complicating as technic
majors, but its not completely true. Particularly at accounting course. We need more
precision and patient so that we can find the correct result. However its not make my
enthusiasm become fade because everything is need process.
In this University, I’m not only learn about economics, but also attitude to be better moslem.
We also taught about sharing and tolerance. Campus also provides extra curricular activity
like music, sports and speaking skills. This university is completely suitable for employer
who wants upgrade their education because almost all lecturers in this university
understand our role as a student and also employer.
Before lecture activities, there was a student orientation period which knows as “mataf” or
“masa ta’aruf” that held about 3 days. The purpose of this activity is to introduce the
campus from the bottom to the top. Eventually all the things that we get from this university
is to improve our knowledge so we can face the challenge in the future.

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