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This questionnaire is part of a study being conducted by our group for English of Technical
Purpose (UHB30102) Section 12. The objectives of this questionnaire are to:
1. To determine whether collaborative learning among UTHM Students can improve the
student’s language acquisition.
2. To identify the advantages and disadvantages of collaborative learning in English
3. To find out the areas that can be improved when having collaborative learning in
English courses.
Please answer all the questions below, Your cooperation is much appreciated. Thank you!
1. Gender
( ) Male
( ) Female

2. Faculty
( ) FKEE
( ) FKMP
( ) FPTV
( ) FPTP

3. Year of Study
( )1
( )2
( )3
( )4

Part A : To determine whether collaborative learning among UTHM Students

can improve the student’s language acquisition.

Please answers each questions below to fulfil part A statement.

1. Collaborative learning in English has helped me understand the course materials.

( ) Strongly disagree
( ) Disagree
( ) Undecided
( ) Agree
( ) Strongly agree
2. What are the ways in which introducing collaborative learning makes teaching more
pleasurable and more effective?
(You may choose more than 1 option)

( ) Developing English social skills in collaborative learning

( ) Groups of students compete against each other.
( ) Students design challenging and differentiated individual or group tasks to achieve
identified learning goals.
( ) Embedding assessment into learner experiences for effective
collaborative learning in English courses

3. How collaborative learning in English courses has helped you to improve your
speaking skill?
(You may choose more than 1 option)

( ) Learn and observe from friends while they speak in front of other group members
( ) Support one another even when you speak broken language
( ) Use tasks and activities that foster critical thinking in English language
( ) Offer reflective learning opportunities such as recording the group members
presentation for peer feedback in identifying key weaknesses be improved.

4. How collaborative learning in English courses has helped you to increase your
vocabulary range?
(You may choose more than 1 options)

( ) Stimulate the learners schematic knowledge by support from each group members
( ) Begin free discussion and try to use their words learned from the class in the
( ) Discuss the meaning of the new words and learn to pronounce it correctly.
( ) Others __________________________

Part B : To identify the advantages and disadvantages of collaborative learning

in English courses.

Please answers each questions below to fulfil part B statement.

1 . In your opinion, what are the benefits of collaborative learning in English courses
among UTHM students? (You may choose more than 1 options)
( ) Group work increases comprehensive of the subject matter.
( ) Group work increases self-esteem.
( ) Collaboration increases chances of greater achievement in assessments.
( ) Group work helps students to be more productive as compared to do
individual work
2 In terms of difficulty, how has it been for you to agree with your group members
to do a meeting or decide places for discussion?
( ) Strongly disagree
( ) Disagree
( ) Agree
( ) Strongly agree

3. How would you rate the level of difficulty to decide upon an English project
group work?
( ) Very easy
( ) Easy
( ) Difficult
( ) Very difficult

4. Why do you think collaborative activities are good for those who are
introvert/passive behaviour? (You may choose more than 1 options)

( ) secure learning environment

( ) Provide familiar structures in different contexts
( ) students can play an active role in group work when all members give full
cooperative and support one another.
( ) __________________________

5. Do you think collaborative learning in English courses can contribute in fostering the
development of interpersonal relationships?

( ) Yes
( ) No

6. How does collaborative learning helps students to understand language better and
(You may choose more than 1 options)

( ) Students can recognise and explore different learning styles

( ) Students can synthesise information by having effective group discussion
( ) Students can gain extra knowledge and experience that comes from activities
assigned to them.
( ) _________________________________
7. From your past experience, what makes students think that collaborative learning in
English courses might not work well?
(You may choose more than 1 options)
( ) Certain individual do not feel comfortable participating in a group setting.
( ) Problems may arise if group members cannot agree or compromise
( ) It can often be difficult to gather all members at the same time.
( ) Delegation of work might be difficult to be done fairly to all group members.
( ) While working in a group, there is no place for individual or independent
( ) When in a group especially a large one, it is very easy for an individual to
avoid doing work and leave it to others to complete.
( ) It takes a lot of time since there is the need for agreement and coordination
from all members of the team.

Part C : To find out the areas that can be improved when having collaborative
learning in English courses.

Please answers each questions below to fulfil part C statement.

(You may choose more than 1 options)

1. From your experience, how collaborative learning in English courses can be

improved to ensure it effectiveness?

( ) lectures should be more strict in enforcing students to use English language

during group discussion.
( ) lecturers should be more aware of students who are not participating in
complete tasks in group.
( ) Students should build trust and promote open communication when do group
( ) Lecturers should encourage students to use real world problems and apply it to
group work assessment.

2. What should be prioritized in group interaction so that the students can improve
collaboration learning in English courses?

( ) Clarifying points that need to be done in every meeting.

( ) Having the same or background information before attending any group
( ) All group members shall understand each part of the assignment that discussing
in group.
( ) Students should set criteria’s or goals that involve in collaborative learning in
English courses.
( ) Generate options or courses of action for while doing job in each assessment
( ) Evaluate the options using data and objectives when involve in English case
study or research.


1. As a lecturers, how do you find introducing collaborative learning makes

teaching language more pleasurable and effective to the students?

2. How collaborative learning in English courses has helped students to facilitate

they language acquisition?

3. Why do you think collaborative activities are good for those who are
introvert/passive behaviour?

4. How does collaborative learning helps students to understand language better

and faster?

5. From your experience as a lecture, how collaborative learning in English

courses can be improved to ensure it effectiveness?

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