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Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music

Quarter II


The learner demonstrates understanding of...

1. Characteristic features of Afro-Latin American music and Popular


The learner...
1. Performs vocal and dance forms of Afro-Latin American music and
selections of Popular music.

The learner...
1. Observes dance styles, instruments, and rhythms of Afro Latin
American and popular music through video, movies and live
2. Describes the historical and cultural background of Afro-Latin
American and popular music.
3. Listens perceptively to Afro-Latin American and popular music.
4. Dances to different selected styles of Afro-Latin American and popular
5. Analyzes musical characteristics of Afro-Latin American and popular
6. Sings selections of Afro-Latin American and popular music in
appropriate pitch, rhythm, style, and expression.
7. Explores ways of creating sounds on a variety of sources suitable to
chosen vocal and instrumental selections.
8. Improvises simple vocal/instrumental accompaniments to selected
9. Choreographs a chosen dance music.
10. Evaluates music and music performances using knowledge of musical
elements and style.

From the Department of Education curriculum for MUSIC Grade 10 (2014)


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MUSIC Teacher’s Guide


Sessions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5


A. Topic: African Music and Latin American Music

Sub-topics: African Music

1. Historical and cultural background
2. Musical instruments
3. Rhythms: Maracatu
4. Vocal forms: Blues, soul, spiritual, call and response

Latin American Music

1. Historical and cultural background

2. Musical instruments
3. Vocal and dance forms: Cumbia, tango, cha-cha,
rumba, bossanova, reggae, foxtrot, paso doble

B. Materials: DVD/CD recordings, video clips, and internet recordings

of African and Latin American Music

CD/VCD/DVD/Karaoke players, computers, laptops,

netbooks, tablets, i pads, mobile phones, MP3/MP4 players

Photographs of Africa and Latin American culture and art,

and African and Latin American musical instruments

C. Reference: Music Grade 10 LM pages 38 - 64



1. Review: Concepts of Music of the 20th Century

2. Motivation
a. Show video/film clips or any recording from YouTube of excerpts
of African and Latin American Music.


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Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music

Example: Lion King for African Music; Rio for Latin American Music
b. Play selected recordings of African and Latin American music.
Examples: folk songs, instrumental music.
c. Let the students listen to the music or watch the vido clips. On a
piece of pad paper, let them describe the music that they listened to
or watched in their own words. (5 minutes).
d. Call some volunteer students to read their descriptions or
observations. Connect these to the new lesson.


1. Ask the students to listen to CD/DVD recordings or watch MTVs from

YouTube of African and Latin American music.

2. Have them analyze the characteristics and styles of each through

discussion and sharing of insights.

3. Group Discussion: Let the students compare their insights with their

classmates in terms of the elements and characteristics of each.

4. Have them share impressions, experiences, thoughts, and feelings after

listening to the music and discussing all these.


Integration of Music with Arts, Literature, and History through the use of
music recordings and video clips.

Infusion of values: Belief in the power of the mind and its ability to achieve
one’s goals and creativity.


Music has always been an important part in the daily life of the African,
whether for work, religion, ceremonies, or even communication. Singing,
dancing, hand clapping and the beating of drums are essential to many African
ceremonies, including those for birth, death, initiation, marriage, and funerals.
Music and dance are also important to religious expression and political
events in Africa.


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The music of Latin America is the product of three major influences –

Indigenous, Spanish-Portuguese, and African. Sometimes called Latin music,
it includes the countries that have had a colonial history from Spain and


1. What are the classifications of African music?

2. What are the characteristics of each classification of African music?

3. Name some African musical instruments under the following categories:

a. idiophones
b. chordophones
c. membranophones
d. aerophones

4. Describe how African musical instruments are sourced from the environment.

Give examples.

5. What are the different vocal and dance forms of Latin American music?

6. What are the characteristics of each vocal and dance form of Latin American

7. Which type of music was popularized by Bob Marley?

8. Which type of music was popularized by Antonio Carlos Jobim?

9. Who is known as the “Philippines’ Queen of Bossa Nova”?


Class Activity

1. Play one recording of African and Latin American music.

2. Have the students participate in a class discussion on the distinctive features

and qualities of each musical genre and style.


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Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music


Activity 1: Making Improvised African and Latin American Instruments

Individual or Group Activity

1. Ask the students to make improvised African and Latin American musical
instruments using dried vegetables, animal hide, wood, strips of roofing
metal, tin cans, bamboo, and other materials from the environment.

2. Have them create a rhythmic or harmonic accompaniment for any African

and Latin American songs that they know using these improvised African
and Latin American instruments. Let them use the internet for reference.

3. Have them answer: “How did you relate in making improvised African and
Latin American musical instruments found in the environment?”

Activity 2: Choreography to Express the Music

Individual or Group Activity

1. Have the students conceptualize a choreography to show some dance steps
set to African and Latin American music.

2. Let them answer: “How does it feel to conceptualize the dance movements
in each music category?”


Group Activities

1. Class Singing Concert – live performance

a. Divide the class into four groups. Ask each group to draw lots to sing a
song from one of the following musical genres:

For African Music - Kumbaya, Waka Waka, or Mbube

For Latin-American music - One Note Samba; We are One (Ole Ola)
the official song of the 2014 FIFA World Cup held in Brazil, written and
co-produced by Pitbull and featuring Jennifer Lopez and Brazilian star
Claudia Leitte. Let them research the lyrics and music.

b. Let the students decide among their group members which of them will
sing, plan the choreography or movements to accompany the song, play


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MUSIC Teacher’s Guide

a musical instrument, and record the group’s performance on video.

c. Ask the students learn their assigned song, using the lyrics on the
following pages.

d. Have them practice it, with the choreography and accompaniment. Then,
let them perform in class.

2. Dance Interaction

a. As they performs in class, have the performers invite the other class
members to join them in the dance movements or choreography that
they have prepared. They can do a “flash mob” style of dancing.

b. Have the group leaders do an impromptu selection of the “Best Dance

Performance” among their classmates.

3. Music Video Award

a. During the class performance, let the assigned group member(s) to record
their group’s performance using a mobile phone, tablet, or video camera.

b. Have them simulate a “Music Video Award” event by joining the other
groups in presenting their respective videos in class.

c. Ask the class members choose the “Best Song Performance” based on
how well the group presented their assigned music genre.


Kum Bay Ya is a spiritual song that was first recorded in the

1920s. It became a popular standard campfire song in Girl or Boy
Scouting and during summer camps. The song is originally a simple
petition to God to come and help those in need. This inspiring hymn
is heard in many countries of Central Africa. It has great personal
meaning and the singer often creates his own words as he works or
pray. The words “Kum Bay Ya” mean “come by here” or “stay


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Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music


Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;

Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya;
Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Someone’s laughing, my Lord, kum bay ya

Someone’s laughing, my Lord, kum bay ya
Someone’s laughing, my Lord, kum bay ya
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Someone’s crying, my Lord, kum bay ya

Someone’s crying, my Lord, kum bay ya
Someone’s crying, my Lord, kum bay ya
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Someone’s praying, Lord, kum bay ya
Someone’s praying, Lord, kum bay ya
Someone’s praying, Lord, kum bay ya
O Lord, kum bay ya.

Someone’s singing, my Lord, kum bay ya

Someone’s singing, my Lord, kum bay ya
Someone’s singing, my Lord, kum bay ya
O Lord, kum bay ya.

WAKA WAKA (This Time for Africa)

FIFA World Cup 2010 Official Anthem

"Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)" or in Spanish, "Waka

Waka (Esto es África)" is a song by Colombian singer-songwriter
Shakira. It feautures South African band, Freshlyground, and
pairs an African Colombian rhythm with a Soca-inspired beat.
Its lyrics encourage one to aim for one’s goals, like a soldier on
a battlefield. The song was used as the official song of the 2010
FIFA World Cup held in South Africa.


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You're a good soldier You know it's serious

Choosing your battles We're getting closer
Pick yourself up This isn’t over
And dust yourself off The pressure is on
And back in the saddle You feel it
You're on the frontline But you've got it all
Everyone's watching Believe it


Samba de Uma Nota Só ("One-Note Samba") is a song com-

posed by Antonio Carlos Jobim, with Portuguese lyrics by New-

ton Mendonça and English lyrics by Jobim. The song title refers
to the main melody line, which at first consists of a long series of
notes of a single tone.

This is just a little samba

Built upon a single note
Other notes are bound to follow
But the root is still that note

Now this new note is the consequence

Of the one we've just been through
As I'm bound to be
The unavoidable consequence of you

There's so many people

Who can talk and talk, and talk
And just say nothing
Or nearly nothing

I have used up all the scale

I know and at the end
I've come to nothing
I mean nothing


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Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music

So I come back to my first note

As I come back to you
I will pour into that one note
All the love I feel for you

Any one who wants the whole show

Re mi fa so la ci do
He will find himself with no show
Better play the note you know

So I come back to my first note

I must come back to you
I will pour into that one note
All the love I feel for you

Any one who wants the whole show

Re mi fa so la ci do

He will find himself with no show
Better play the note you know

Evaluation of Performing Activities

Rating scale:
5 = Very Good 2 = Poor
4 = Good 1 = Needs Follow-up
3 = Fair

Ask the students to answer the following:

Rate scores are based on the groups’ performance quality.

1. How well did our group perform our assigned music?

a. African music _______________
b. Latin American music _______________

2 How well can I identify the different musical genres

based on instrumentation, melody, rhythm, text,
timbre, harmony, and purpose? _______________


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MUSIC Teacher’s Guide

3. How well can I describe the characteristics of

each genre as I listened to the melody,
harmony, rhythm, and lyrics? _______________

4. How well did our group perform the different

dance moves for our assigned song? _______________

5. How well can I (individually) sing the following

musical genres?
a. African music _______________
b. Latin American music _______________

Teacher’s Rating of the Performance

1. Musicianship (60%) _______________

(musical elements, technique)

2. Presentation impact and showmanship (20%) _______________

3. Ensemble coordination and organization (20%) _______________


Have the students choose a new favorite musical genre. On a one fourth (1/4)
sheet of pad paper, have them describe the character and classification of African
and Latin American music and tell which is their favorite, and why.


1. Mini Concert: Divide the class into two groups. Assign African music to
one group, and Latin American music to the other group. Have them prepare
for a mini concert of their assigned genre in the next meeting.

2. Research Work: Ask them to research or read on jazz, popular music, and
OPM and write their personal impression about each genre. Let them submit
it next meeting.

3. Video Analysis: Ask the students to watch the animated movies Lion King
by Disney and Rio by Blue Sky Studios on the internet. Have them write a
reaction paper regarding the musical forms and styles incorporated in these


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Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music


Sessions 6, 7, and 8


A. Topic: Jazz
Popular Music
Original Pilipino Music (OPM)

Sub-topics: Jazz – ragtime, big band, bebop, jazz rock

Popular Music – ballad, standard, rock and roll,
alternative music, disco
Original Pilipino Music (OPM)

B. Materials: DVD/CD recordings / video clips / recordings from YouTube
of Jazz Music, Popular Music, and OPM

CD/VCD/DVD/Karaoke players, computers, laptops,

netbooks, tablets, i pads, mobile phones, MP3/MP4 players

Pictures of Jazz, Popular Music, and OPM singers,

composers, lyricists

C. Reference: Music Grade 10 LM pages 65 - 87



1. Review:
a. Define and describe Afrian and Latin American music.
b. Give examples of musical instruments of Africa and Latin America.

2. Motivation:
a. Show video/film clips/MTVs or any recording from YouTube of
Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, One
Direction, The Vamps, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, K pop, J pop,
Freddie Aguilar, Francis Magalona, and Eraserheads.


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MUSIC Teacher’s Guide

Or present in class video clips from the animated movie The Princess
and The Frog and let the students listen to the background music
which is jazz.

b. Elicit responses through individual recitations or plain imitation of

a short song melody.


1. Let the students listen to DVD/CD recordings or watch MTVs from

YouTube of pop, rock, jazz, folk, country and western, rock and roll,
hiphop, rap, and classical music.

2. Have them analyze/discuss the characteristics of each genre through

comparison of their similarities and differenes.

3. Discuss the different aspects of the history of each musical genre in

relation to Social Studies, and describe how each one is influenced by

modern culture, society, and technology.

4. Let the students identify aurally the different genres of today’s music.

5. Call on volunteers to perform two or three of these genres in class.


1. The lesson on Musical Genres of the 20th Century, dealing with folk and
alternative music, as well as the modern idioms of jazz, popular music,
and rock, may be integrated with Social Studies in reference to today’s
society, culture, and technology.

2. Role Playing - Call on volunteer students to depict the socio-historical

context of jazz and popular music, specifically rock and roll.

Infusion of values: Ability to adapt to different situations in life and open-

mindedness to new ideas.


The emergence of 20th century musical genres is a reflection of modern

life, balancing the traditional norms of society with the advances in science


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Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music

and technology. Other than the genres that evolved from the traditionally
classical styles, the new musical forms that developed included Country
and Western, Jazz, Rock and Roll, Rock, and Alternative Music.


Ask the students to answer the following:

1. How did the different forms of popular music reflect life in the 20th century?

2. Differentiate the characteristics of Philippine pop, rock, and rap music.

3. What role did media like radio, television, and recordings play in the
development of these different musical genres?

4. Describe the “Manila Sound” in Philippine pop music.

5. Name some well-known OPM performers.


Class Activity: Listening

1. Play one recording of each of the following: Jazz, Popular Music (standards,
rock and roll, disco), and OPM (ballad, Pinoy rock, Pinoy rap). Instruct the
class to listen carefully to each recording.

2. Have the students participate in a class discussion on the distinctive features

and qualities of each musical genre and style.


Activity: Choreography to Express the Music

Individual or Group Activity

1. Ask the students to conceptualize a choreography to show some dance

steps set to Jazz, Popular (Pop) Music, and OPM.

2. After this activity, ask the students: “How does it feel to conceptualize the
dance movements in each music category?”


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Group Activities

1. Class Singing Concert – live performance

a. Divide the class into four groups.

b. Each group will be asked to draw lots to sing a song from one of the
following musical genres:

For Jazz - choose from Someone to Watch Over Me by Ella Fritzgerald

(lyrics provided on the next page)
or All That Jazz from the movie Chicago

For Pop and OPM - choose your own song

c. Have the students decide among their group members who will do the

- sing
- plan the choreography or movements to accompany the song
- play a musical instrument
- record the group’s performance on video.

d. They will then learn their assigned song, using the lyrics provided or
researched on the internet. Let them practice it, with the choreography
and accompaniment.

2. Dance Interaction

a. As they perform in class, ask the performers to invite the other class
members to join them in the dance movements or choreography that
they have prepared. They can do a “flash mob” style of dancing.

b. Assign the group leaders to do an impromptu selection of the “Best

Dance Performance” among their classmates.

3. Music Video Award

a. During the class performance, ask the assigned group member(s) to

record their group’s performance using a mobile phone, tablet, or video


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Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music

b. Tell them to simulate a “Music Video Award” event by joining the

other groups in presenting their respective videos in class.

c. Ask the class members to choose the “Best Song Performance” based
on how well the group presented their assigned music genre.

Someone To Watch Over Me

There's a saying old, says that love is blind

Still we're often told, "Seek and ye shall find"
So I'm going to seek a certain lad I've had in mind

Looking everywhere, haven't found him yet

He's the big affair I cannot forget
Only man I ever think of with regret

I'd like to add his initial to my monogram

Tell me, where is the shepherd for this lost lamb?

There's a somebody I'm longin' to see

I hope that he, turns out to be
Someone who'll watch over me

I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood

I know I could, always be good
To one who'll watch over me

Although he may not be the man some

Girls think of as handsome
To my heart he carries the key

Won't you tell him please to put on some speed

Follow my lead, oh, how I need
Someone to watch over me

Won't you tell him please to put on some speed

Follow my lead, oh, how I need
Someone to watch over me
Someone to watch over me


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MUSIC Teacher’s Guide

Evaluation of Performing Activities

Rating scale:
5 = Very Good 2 = Poor
4 = Good 1 = Needs Follow-up
3 = Fair

Rate scores are based on the groups’ performance quality.

1. How well did our group perform our assigned music?

a. Jazz _______________
b. Popular Music _______________
c. OPM _______________

2. How well can I identify the different musical genres

based on instrumentation, melody, rhythm, text,
timbre, harmony, and purpose? _______________

3. How well can I describe the characteristics of

each genre as I listened to the melody,
harmony, rhythm, and lyrics? _______________

4. How well did our group perform the different

dance moves for our assigned song? _______________

5. How well can I (individually) sing the following

musical genres?
a. African Music _______________
b. Latin American Music _______________

Teacher’s Rating of the Performance

1. Musicianship (60%) _______________

(musical elements, technique)

2. Presentation impact and showmanship (20%) _______________

3. Ensemble coordination and organization (20%) _______________


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Quarter II: Afro-Latin American and Popular Music


Make the students choose a new favorite musical genre. On a one fourth (1/4)
sheet of pad paper, have them describe the character and classification of this
genre and tell why it is their favorite.


A. Research Work

1. Divide the class into three groups. Assign one musical genre to each
group: jazz, popular music, and OPM.
2. Have the students research further on their assigned genre and the well-
known musicians who composed/performed in this style.
3. Ask the students to briefly describe the life and works of their favorite
artists in this genre.
4. Let them submit their resarch work in the next meeting. Ask 5 students
to read their work in class.

B. Video Analysis

1. Ask the students to watch the Disney animated movie The Princess and
The Frog on the internet.
2. Have them write a reaction paper regarding the musical forms and styles
incorporated in the movie.


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