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Conservative Political Theory


ism is a politi
cal and
and social
social philos
hy that
that promo
tes the mainte
nce of tradit
institutions and supports minimal and gradual change in society. Political science often credits the
Irish politician EDMUND BURKE with many of the ideas now called conservative.
Conservative political theory thrives on traditionalism, i.e. on traditional values. For conservatives, all
that is old is good and thus has to be preserved; all that is present is to be protected; all that is new is
to be avoided; all that is innovative is to be opposed.
Conservatism is –

1. Authoritarian
Authoritar ian in so far, as it advocates ‘reform from above’ and rejects ‘ revolution fro below’
2. Libertarian
Libertari an in so far, as it seeks the greatest possible economic liberty and the least possible
governmental regulation.
3. Paternalistic
Paternalist ic in so far, as it argues that the wealthy have an obligation to look after the less
well-off, the duty being the price of privilege.

The central themes of the conservative ideology are tradition, human imperfection, organic society,
authority and property. Conservatives view authority as the basis for social cohesion, arguing that it
gives people
people a sense
sense of who they are and what is expected
expected of them and reflects
reflects the hierarchical
nature of all social institutions.

Conservative ideas and doctrines first emerged in the later 18th and early 19th century. They arose as
a reac
on agai
nstt the
the grow
g pace
pace of econ
ic and
and soci
al chan
ge,, whic
h was
was in many
ways symbolized by the French revolution. Using BURKE’S notion of ‘change in order to conserve',
conservatism is allowed to adapt values such a tradition, hierarchy and authority to the emerging
conditions of mass politics, thereby broadening its social and electoral base.

However, conservative thought has always been open to the change that it amounts to nothing more
than ruling–class ideology. In proclaiming the need to resist change, it legitimises the status-quo and
defends the interest of dominant or elite groups. Other critics allege that division between traditional
conservatism and libertarian conservatism run so deep that the conservative tradition has become
entirely incoherent.

In their defense, conservatives argue that human beings are morally and intellectually imperfect, and
seek the security that only tradition, authority and shared culture can offer. Experience and history,
conservatives tell, will always provide a sounder basis for political action than will abstract principles
such as freedom, equality and justice.

Marxist Political Theory

Marxism is an ideology that developed out of, and drew inspiration from the writings of Karl Marx
(1818-83). The core of Marxism is a philosophy of history that outlines why capitalism is doomed and
why socialism and eventually communism are destined to replace it.

The Marxists (Marx, Linen, Mao and the likes) do not regard individual or group interests and conflicts
as natural. According to the Marxists, the conflicts among the individuals are man-made.
man-made. The Marxists
hold the view that conflicts among the individuals or groups are irreconcilable.

Micheal Duverger says, “Politics for the Marxists is conflict, struggle, in which power allows those who
possess it to ensure their hold on the society and to profit by it.”

According to the Marxists, the so-called common interest, for all practicable purposes, becomes and
is always the interest of the economically dominant class, that politics is class politics in a class
The characteristic features of Marxist political theory are:-

1. The conflicts among the individuals and groups are a feature of the class society.
2. The common interest is nothing but the interest of the economically dominant classes.
3. The state is never a neutral institution. Rather, it protects and promotes the interests of the
possessing classes and exploits and suppresses the non-possessing classes.
4. Politics arises in the class society. It is an activity of the possessing classes, and among
those who have the economic power.
5. Politics is a competition among the people of the possessing classes. Among themselves,
they clash for the power; against the non-possessed classes, they wage the class war.
6. The class war is a phenomenon that exists only in class society. In the classless society
(socialist society and communist society) there is no class struggle.
7. Revolution serves as locomotive of history, pushing the lower stage of social development (or 
material development) of society to its higher stage.
8. Politics ceases to exist in the classless society, though it remains in the form of the
dictatorship of the proletariat in the socialist society so as to abolish capitalism and establish
socialism in full. That is what makes politics an instrument of class struggle as also a means
to bring about socio-economic changes.

Approaches to Political Theory - Normative

and Empirical
The two approaches- normative and empirical belong to different times, differing in their nature and in
their methodologies while addressing the political phenomenon.

1. Broadly speaking, the empirical approach seeks to discover and describe facts whereas the
normative approach seeks to determine and prescribe values.
2. The empirical approach aims at making an empirical statement which is concerned with ‘is’
whereas the normative approach aims at making a normative statement which is concerned
with what ‘ought to be’ or ‘ should be’.
3. The crucial point is that empirical statement is concerned with a situation which can be
observed by our sense-experience, which can be verified by repeated observation and whose
accuracy can be tested. On the other hand, a normative statement tends to express
preference for a particular type of order as dictated by a sense of duty or universal need or by
commitment to moral principle or ideal. Normative statements are not capable of being
discovered, described or verified by our sense-experience.
4. A normative statement requires something to be done in order to serve an intrinsic value-
which is an end-in-itself (eg. the truth, the good, the beautiful). On the other hand, an
empirical statement requiring something to be done is intended to serve an instrumental value
 – which is a means to some higher end (eg. ‘Do regular exercise to improve your health’). In
short, it is the content of a statement, not its f orm, which makes it empirical or normative.
5. The empirical approach remains largely descriptive while the normative approach is mainly
prescriptive. Empirical approach seeks to discover laws that are unalterable (eg. Law of 
gravitational force). Hence, they are beyond man’s control; one can discover and describe
them. Normative approach is concerned with laws and conditions largely created or adopted
by human society, which are alterable (eg. Laws governing property and public order). One
can examine how far they are morally right or wrong and then prescribe the right course.
The champions of empirical approach have been very vocal in criticising the normative approach on
the ground that there is no ‘scientifically valid’ or reliable method of determining what is morally right
or wrong. The supporters of normative approach do not condemn the empirical approach as such, but
they criticise its indifference towards values, particularly its ignorance of discrimination between higher 
and lower values.

The Issue Empirical Approach Normative Approach

Chief Concern FACTS VALUES
(It is so) (It “should be” or “ought be”
Nature Scientific & Descriptive Critical & Perspective
(Instrumental Values) (Intrinsic Values)
Based on Sense, experience & logic Speculation & logic

Criterion of Validity True or False Right or Wrong

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