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寒假 Book A 第 32 讲 答案

Lesson 32 – Fun with Revision

1a Complete the words with double letters.

1 blood / bleed, 2 wedding, 3 arrival, 4 recommend, 5 goods, 6 pill,

7 suggest, 8 heel, 9 pass, 10 accommodation, 11 knee, 12 illness

1b Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 fever, 2 currency, 3 encouraged, 4 traditional, 5 delay, 6 silk,

7 breathe, 8 herbs, 9 allow, 10 thumb, 11 culture, 12 painful,
13 persuade, 14 operate, 15 transfer, 16 reserve, 17 prevent, 18 tablet

2a Choose the correct option to complete the text.

1 B, 2 C, 3 A, 4 B, 5 C, 6 C, 7 B, 8 A, 9 A, 10 B, 11 C, 12 A, 13 C

2b Complete the dialogue with the gerund or the to-infinitive of the verbs in

1 to go, 2 to see, 3 travelling, 4 going, 5 to do, 6 Travelling, 7 to decide, 8 to cycle,

9 to do, 10 Riding, 11 to find, 12 to help, 13 to talk, 14 asking, 15 to follow, 16 to look

3a Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
For each question, choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.
1 C, 2 A, 3 B, 4 C, 5 D, 6 D, 7 B, 8 A, 9 A, 10 C, 11 C, 12 D, 13 B, 14 C

4a You will hear an interview with Sarah Marcus, a US marathon runner. For each
question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

1 A, 2 B, 3 C, 4 A, 5 B, 6 C

Audioscript: [male adult interviewer, British accent – female adult speaker, American
Int: Sarah Marcus, a marathon runner from the USA, is talking to us today about
this challenging sport. Hi, Sarah.
Sarah: Hello.
Int: Sarah, you’re 35 years old and you’ve run lots of marathons. How did it all
Sarah: I used to do a lot of sport when I was at school and when I went to university,
I joined the athletics club. I ran the 200- and 400-metre races but I wasn’t
寒假 Book A 第 32 讲 答案

fast enough to get into the university team. A friend advised me to try
running a longer race, so I decided to try a marathon.
Int: Do you remember your first marathon?
Sarah: Of course. I remember all of them. It was in London and I finished in three
hours and nine minutes. It wasn’t a great time but I was happy with it.
Finishing a marathon is hard to achieve. It isn’t important how fast you do it.
Int: Which is your favourite marathon? You’ve run quite a few so far.
Sarah: They’re all different in their own way but the New York marathon is special.
Int: Is it because it’s held in your country?
Sarah: There are other US marathons like the ones in Boston and Chicago, so that’s
not the reason. It was one of the first marathons I ran and I really enjoyed it.
It’s so much fun. People who take part wear silly costumes and it’s a great
experience to run with them through the streets of New York City.
Int: This year has been a difficult one for you. Tell us about it.
Sarah: Well, it started with flu which I had in January for about a month. I
recovered from it but then I had an accident. I was running down a hill and I
fell. Fortunately, I didn’t break any bones, but I hurt my knee badly. I’ve had
an operation so I haven’t been able to enter any marathons this year. I just
need to take it easy for the next few months.
Int: I’m sorry to hear that, Sarah. Will you be able to run again?
Sarah: Oh, yes, I’m sure I will. The doctors have given me some special exercises to
strengthen my knee. They’re also encouraging me to start some gentle
jogging very soon. Then next year, I’ll start doing some longer jogs and –
when I’m ready – I’ll do a marathon again. I’ll train slowly for the next few
Int: So, how important is training for marathon runners?
Sarah: Very! I always advise younger runners to train hard throughout the year. But
both running and resting are essential parts of training. I always stop
running for a few days after a long-distance run. And I don’t run a marathon
every month, but sometimes I run a half-marathon the month before a race.
Int: Thanks very much, Sarah, and good luck with your recovery.
Sarah: Thank you.


4b You will hear some information about a cooking competition. For each question,
fill in the missing information in the numbered space.

1 four / 4, 2 herbs, 3 vegetables, 4 South Asia,

5 Delicious, 6 8-month, 7 weekend for four people, 8 Market Square

寒假 Book A 第 32 讲 答案

TV announcer: And now, news about a competition that will interest those who like
to cook.
If you’re between 11 and 18 you can enter the Lifestyle TV cooking competition that
is taking place in May. A maximum of 14 teams can take part in this contest, and in
each team there can be between two and four people.

This is the second year of the competition. Last year the topic was “Best Chocolate
Cake” but this year the teams will be cooking meat and fish dishes, with a special
emphasis on herbs, spices and vegetables. There will be lots of different ingredients
for cooks to choose from. However, the title of the competition this year is “Recipes
from South Asia”, so make sure you choose your ingredients carefully.

As in the first competition, there will be two judges; Anthony Baker, who is a
well-known chef and whose restaurant Big Spoon has won many awards; the other
judge will be Martha Young, the presenter of the TV series “Delicious World” and the
author of several cookery books including “Tasty and Healthy”.

There are lots of exciting prizes. The team which wins first prize will get the chance to
study for eight months at the top “Young Chefs” cookery school. Other prizes include
a weekend for four people in Paris as well as meal vouchers for the best restaurants
in London.

You can send your applications to our studio or email them to us. The event will take
place on Sunday the 14th of May in Market Square.

If you have any questions, please go online at ... (fade out)


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