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Ayngan Jolina K.

Reflection Paper

"A garden requires patient labor and attention". We spent our day in clearing and removing the grass for
the start of our project which is gardening. It was great start where we are able to start to improve our
garden and performed our dream project for our chosen barangay. As I started removing grass, I
reflected on how gardening helps us better understand certain aspects of ourselves. In one area of the
yard, for instance, I discovered a bed completely overgrown. As I pulled out the dead plants, the outline
of the bed slowly emerged until at last it was clearly visible. Left unmaintained, however, there was little
sight of the previous cultivation. I realized that we was not the first person to disapprove of the
inconvenient placement. Somebody had taken care of that holly bush years before. But here it was again.
Gardening reminds us that much of life is maintenance. Whether of the soil or the soul, cultivation is not
a one-time thing. It’s an ongoing labor, a continual process. After we are done removing all the bush,
there were a lot of blank and empty spaces in the yard. The clearings brought to mind another thought,
also triggered by the fact. Sometimes we have to go to work in our lives and strip them out to make
room for new things to grow, to make room for things that are more beneficial, for things that are more

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