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Semestrial test paper

I. Choose the correct item 2 marks

1. I … him a quick note, and left it on the table. a. received b. wrote c. answered
2. There’s no need to … ! We can all hear you very well. a. yell b. whisper c. yawn
3. He speaks five European languages, but his mother … is Japanese. a. speech b. language c. tongue
4. Paula is in a meeting at the moment, but I’ll ask her to … you back as soon as it’s over. a. hang c.get
5. He’s a very bossy child: he’s always … the other children what to do. a. talking b. telling c. speaking
6. They were very … when their son from Australia came for their a. surprised b. impatient c. disappointed
50 wedding anniversary.
7. She felt very close … her younger sister. a. at b. to c. by
8. She put her toys away in a … in her room. a. cupboard b. sink c. wardrobe
9. Could you please cut … the amount of paper that you use? a. down on b. out of c. into
10. The car park is for the use of members of … only. a. crew b. staff c. team
11. Kate feels much more … about the future now that she has a good job. a. optimistic b. cheerful c. depressed
12. The boss was in a … mood so he agreed to give me the day off. a. bad b. glad c. good
13. Come with me! I want to introduce you … my uncle from America. a. at b. to c. for
14. Waiter! This food is awful! I’d like to … a complaint. a. make b. put c. do
15. I’d like to … a table for five for Tuesday evening, please. a. book b. take c. apply
16. Sheila had butterflies in her … before the interview. a face b. palms c. stomach
17. I think it’s polite to shake hands … someone when you meet them for the first time. a. with b. at c. for
18. It should be easy to find a … as a waiter. a. profession b. trade c. job
19. Sarah invited me in her … where her family spend their time. a. kitchen b. living room c. games room
20. Ann doesn’t work …time; she works only 5 hours a day. a. part b. full c. whole

II. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold: 2 marks
1. He would be better at his job if he took his time and wasn’t so … . PATIENT
2. He found the extra bedroom really … when he had guests. USE
3 An individual’s … has nothing to do with their education. INTELLIGENT
4 The … of this book took several years. TRANSLATE
5 You should never judge people by their … APPEAR
6. It’s … to cheat in the test. HONEST
7. I’m sorry for her; she seems to be … of keeping a job for more than a week. CAPABLE
8. Jane would like to become an interior … . DESIGN
9. This factory is over 100 years old, so it has been declared ... by the authorities. SAFE
10. They need to put a … covering over the swimming pool. PROTECT

III. Read the letter and put the verbs into the Infinitive (with or without to) or –ing form of the verbs in the list.
1 mark
1. follow 2. talk 3. speak 4. work 5 study 6. leave 7. stay 8. attend

Dear Daniela,

How are you? I’m sorry I haven’t emailed you since I left Brighton, but I’ve had so much work to do. I really miss you and
my old friends.
Things at my new school are a little bit different. There are many rules 1) … . The teachers don’t allow 2) … in class. We are
only permitted 3)… when we raise our hand or if the teacher asks us a question. On the first day, the headmaster advised us all 4) …
hard. In fact, he recommended 5) … for at least three hours every evening! We are not allowed 6) .. the school at lunchtime. We are,
however, encouraged 7) … late after school in order 8) … one of the school’s clubs. Next week I’m starting chess.
Who’s your teacher this year? I hope she’s nice. Send me an email when you get the chance, telling me about yourself.
IV. Write a letter of reply to Jessica. 150- 180 words. 4 marks

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