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Y cells, due to substantial amacrine input to these Ideally, one would want to have the answer to this
cells, are the basis for the psychophysical question for the cat retina from which so much of
" o n - o f f " transient sensitivity losses. the results on gain control in ganglion cells have
While the above results indicate the rapidity of been obtained. While there are some fragmentary
some gain control processes in the retina, they do results on the cat, the technical difficulties of
not rule out the existence of slower gain controls. i n t r a c e l l u l a r r e c o r d i n g have p r e v e n t e d a
These slower processes have not been studied with comprehensive study of gain control in cat retinal
the Crawford paradigm, but they should be. interneurons. We will therefore concentrate on the
Adelson's (1982) results on the time course of results from the retinas of two cold-blooded
human light adaptation indicate the presence of vertebrates which have been studied the most: the
slower adaptation processes than have been studied mudpuppy (Normann and Werblin, 1974; Werblin,
in ganglion cells up to now. It is well known but 1974; Werblin and Copenhagen, 1974; Thibos and
poorly documented that when the mean level of Werblin, 1978a, b) and the channel catfish (Naka
illumination is stepped up or down by two or more et al., 1979).
log units in an adaptation experiment, the gain may
take several minutes to settle down or up to its new
steady value. Such slow adaptation processes 4.1. Amacrine Cells
require further research.
In the mudpuppy the amacrine cells have a steep
response versus illumination curve which can be
4. GAIN AS A FUNCTION OF shifted along the log illumination axis by steady
I L L U M I N A T I O N IN A M A C R I N E CELLS, background illumination. This is illustrated in Fig.
B I P O L A R CELLS, AND H O R I Z O N T A L 45 from the work of Werblin and Copenhagen
CELLS (1974). This "curve shifting" is evidence for a gain
control at or prior to the amacrine cell (see Section
The phenomena of gain control in ganglion cells 1.2.2.).
require an explanation in terms of the functional In the catfish, Naka et al. (1975) divided the
connections of the retinal network a n d / o r the amacrine cells into two classes, the type N and type
intrinsic p r o p e r t i e s o f the r e c e p t o r s and C cells. The type C cells correspond to what Werblin
interneurons in the retina. The fundamental and colleagues (Werblin and Dowling, 1969;
question is, where does the control of gain begin? Werblin and Copenhagen, 1974) call amacrine cells;


8 5.0
~.~ 4.5 ~-

/ / .s
4 - / I
I / "-"~-~-~- 2.5 ~"
I / ~ z . o
2 - I I ~"--,.~- ---,.5
0 ~ ' =l ' I J I t n
Lo 2.0 3.0 4.0 .... J [ ] Io mv
Flo. 45. Curve-shifting in mudpuppy amacrine cells, recorded intracellularly. Diffuse illumination was used as a test
stimulus. The dashed curves are inferred in regions where no data were taken. The peak value of the response is plotted
against log flash illumination. The retinal illumination from the tungsten source used was about one quantum per rod per
second for log I = 0. This works out to roughly 6" 103 quanta (522 nm) (mm 2 s)-~ for log I = 0. From Werblin and Copenhagen

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