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Problem Solving (Adrian Recamadas)

Cylinder conditions at the start of compression in an SI engine operating at WOT on an air-standard Otto Cycle are
60°C and 98 kPa. The engine has a compression of 9.5:1 and uses gasoline with AF = 15.5. Combustion efficiency
is 96%, and it can be assumed that there is no exhaust residue.


 Temperature at all states in the cycle

 Pressure at all states (kPa)
 Specific work done during the power stroke (kJ/kg)
 Heat added (kJ/kg)
 Specific Net work (kJ/kg)
 Indicated Thermal Efficiency (%)

T1 = 60°C +273 = 333K

P1 = 98 kPa
K = 1.35
Ƞc = 0.96


Temperature and Pressure at all the states in the cycle:

T2 = T1(v1/v2)k-1 = T1(rc)k-1 = 333(9.5)1.35-1 = 732K – 273 = 459°C

P2 = P2(rc)k = 2047 kPa
QHVƞc = (AF+1)cv(T3-T2)
(43000 kJ/kg)(0.96) = (15.5+1)(0.821 kJ/kgK)(T3 – 732K)
T3 = 3779K – 273 = 3506°C
P3 = P2(T3/T2) = (2047 kPa)(3779/732) = 10568 kPa
T4 = T3(1/rc)k-1 = 3779(1/9.5)0.35 = 1719K – 273 = 1446°C
P4 = P3(1/rc) = 10568(1/9.5)0.35 = 506 kPa

Specific Work during the Power Stroke (Expansion Process 3-4)

W3-4 = R(T4 – T1) / (1-k) = (0.287 kJ/kgK)(1719 – 3779) / -0.35 = 1689 kJ/kg

Heat Added (Combustion Process 2-3)

qin = cv(T3 – T1) = (0.821 kJ/kgK)(3779-732)K = 2501 kJ/kg

Specific Net Work done:

w1-2 = R(T2 – T1)/ (1-k) = (0.287 kJ/kgK)(732-333)K/ -0.35 = -327 kJ/kg

wnet = w1-2+w3-4 = (-327+1689) kJ/kg = 1362 kJ/kg

Thermal Efficiency of the Engine

Ƞi =wnet/qin = 1362 kJ/kg /2502 kJ/kg = 0.545 or 54.5%

The engine in P.3-1 is a 3-liter, V6 engine operating at 2400 rpm. At this speed the mechanical efficiency
is 84%.


 Brake Power
 Torque
 Brake mean effective pressure
 Friction power loss
 Brake specific fuel consumption
 Volumetric efficiency


Vd = 3L/6 = 0.5L(0.0001m3/1L) = 0.0005m3

Ƞm = 0.84
N = 2400 rpm


Brake Power

rc = (Vd+Vc)/Vc = 9.5 = (0.0005+Vc)/Vc

Vc = 0.0000588m3
V1 = Vd+Vc = 0.0005+ 0.0000588 = 0.0005588 m3
m = PV/RT = (98kPa)(0.0005588m3)/(0.287 kJ/kgK)(333K) = 0.000573 kg
W = mwnet = (0.000573 kg)(1362 kJ/kg) = 0.780 kJ/cycle
Ẇi = WN/n = [(0.780 kJ/cycle)(2400/60 rps)/(2 rev/cycle)](6cyl) = 93.6 kW
Ẇb = ƞmẆi = (0.84)(93.6kW) = 78.6 kW


Ẇb = 2πTN = 2πT(2400/60)

T = 0.313 kNm

Brake mean effective pressure

T = bmep(Vd/4π)

Bmep = T(4π/Vd) = 0.313kNm(4π/0.0005m3) = 1311 kPa

Friction power loss

Ẇf = Ẇi - Ẇb = 93.6 – 78.6 = 15.0 kW

Brake specific fuel consumption

mm = 0.000573kg = ma + mf = ma(1+FA) = ma[1+(1/15.5)]

ma = 0.000538 kg, mf = 0.000035kg
ṁf = (0.000035 kg/cycle-cyl)(6 cyl)[(2400/60 rev/sec)/(2 rev/cycle)] = 0.0042 kg/sec = 15120 gm/hr
bsfc = ṁf/Ẇb = (15120 gm/hr)/78.6 kW = 192.5 gm/kW-hr

Volumetric efficiency

Ƞv = ma/ρaVd = [(0.000538kg)/(1.181 kg/m3)(0.0005 m3)](100) = 91.1%

Problem Solving (Sarmiento, Carlos Dominic)
A CI engine operating on the air-standard Diesel cycle has cylinder conditions at the start of compression
of 65˚C and 130 kPa. Light diesel fuel is used at an equivalence ratio of β = 0.8 with a combustion
efficiency tic = 0.98. Compression ratio is 19.

Calculate: (a) Temperature at each state of the cycle (˚C)

(b) Pressure at each state of the cycle (kPa)
(c) Cutoff ratio
(d) Indicated thermal efficiency (%)
(e) Heat lost in exhaust (kJ/kg)


(a) & (b) T1 = 65˚C = 338 K; P1 = 130 kPa

T2 = T1 (rc) k-1
= (338 K) (19)0.35-1 = 947 K
= 674˚C
P2 = P1 (rc) k
= (130 kPa) (19)1.35
= 6922 kPa

AF= AFstoich/Ф
= 14.5/0.8
= 18.125

QHVnc = (AF + 1)cp(T3 – T2)

(42500 kJ/kg)(0.98)
= (18.125 + 1) (1.108 kJ/kg-K) (T3 – 947) K
T3 = 2913
K = 2640˚C

P3 = P2 = 6922 kPa

V4 = V1 = RT1/P1 = (0.287) (338)/130 = 0.7462 m3kg

V3 = RT3/P3 = (0.287) (2913)/6922 = 0.1208 m3/kg

T4 = T3 (V3/V4) k-1
= (2913 K) (0.1208/0.7462)0.35
= 1540 K
= 1267˚C
P4 = P3 (V3/V4) k
= (6922 kPa) (0.1208/0.7462)1.35
= 592 kPa

(c) Cutoff ratio,

(d) β = T3/T2
= 2913/947
= 3.08

(c) (nt)DIESEL = 1- (1/rc)k-1[(βk-1)/(k(β-1)]

= 1-(1/19)0.35[{(3.08)1.35-1}/(1.35)(3.08-1)] = 0.547
= 54.7%

(d) Qin = cp (T3 – T2) = (1.108 kJ/kg-K) (2913-947) K = 2178 kJ/kg

Wnet = Qinnt = (2178 kJ/kg) (0.547) = 1191 kJ/kg
Qout = Qin – Wnet

= 2178 – 1191

= 987 kJ/kg

An SI engine operating at WOT on a four-stroke air-standard cycle has cylinder conditions at the start of
compression of 100˚F and 14.7 psia. Compression ratio is 10 and the heat added during combustion is
800 BTU/lb. During compression the temperature range is such that a valve for the ratio of specific heat
k = 1.4 would be correct. During the power stroke the temperature range is such that a value of k = 1.3
would be correct. Use these values for compression and expansion, respectively, when analyzing the
cycle. Use a value for specific heat of cv = 0.216 BTU/lb-R., which best corresponds to the temperature
range during combustion.


(a) Temperature at all states in cycle (˚F)

(b) Pressure at all states in cycle (psia)
(c) Average value of k which would give the same indicated thermal efficiency value as the analysis in
parts (a) and (b)

(A)T1 = 100˚F = 560 R; P1 = 14.7 psia
T2 = T1 (rc) k-1 = (560 R) (10)1.4-1
= 1407 R = 947˚F
P2 = P1 (rc) k
= (14.7 psia) (10)1.4
= 369 psia
Qin = cv (T3-T2)
= 800 BTU/lbm
= (0.216 BTU/lbm-R) (T3-1407 R)
T3 = 5110 R
= 4650˚F
(B) At constant volume,
P3 = P2 (T3/T2)
= (369 psia) (5110/1407)
= 1340 psia
T4 = T3 (1/rc) k-1
= (5110 R) (1/10)1.3-1 = 2561 R
= 2101˚F
P4 = P3 (1/rc) k
= (1340 psia) (1/10)1.3
= 67.2 psia
(C)W1-2 = R (T2 – T1)/(1-k)
= [(0.069 BTU/lbm-R) (1407-560) R]/ (1-1.4)
= -146.1 BTU/lbm

W3-4 = R (T4 – T3)/ (1-k)

= [(0.069 BTU/lbm-R) (2561-5110) R]/ (1-1.3) = 586.3 BTU/lbm

nt = Wnet/Qin
= (586.3-146.1)/800
= 0.550 x 100%
nt = 55.0%

nt = 0.550
= 1 – (1/rc)k-1
= 1- (1/10)k-1
= k = 1.347
Problem Solving (Etis, Josh Mari G.)
An SI engine operates on an air-standard four stroke Miller Cycle equipped with a turbocharger with late
intake valve closing (cycle 6-7-8-7-2-3-4-5-6). Air-fuel enters the cylinders at 700C and 140 kPa, and heat
in by combustion equals qin = 1800 kJ/kg. Compression ratio rc = 8 and expansion ratio re = 10, and
exhaust pressure Fex= 100 kPa.

Calculate: (a) Temperature at each state of the cycle [oC]

(b) Pressure at each state of the cycle [kPa]

(c) Work produced during expansion stroke [kJ/kg]

(d) Work of compression stroke [kJ/kg]

(e) Net pumping work [kJ/kg]

(f) Indicated thermal efficiency [%]

Given: T7 = T8 = 70oC = 343 K

P7 = P8 = 140 kPa

rc = 8

re = 10

Fex = P5 = P6 = 100 kPa

qin = 1800 kJ/kg

Using Air-Standard, k = 1.35


(a & b) T2 = T7 (rc)k-1 = (343 K) (8)1.35-1 = 710 K = 437 oC

P2 = P7 (rc)k = (140 kPa) (8)1.35 = 2319 kPa

qin = cv (T3 – T2)

1800 kJ/kg = (0.821 kJ/kgoK)(T3 –710)K

T3 = 2902 K = 2629 oC
𝑇 2902
[V=C] P3 = P2 (𝑇3 ) = (2319 kPa) ( 710 ) = 9479 kPa

1 𝑘−1 1 1.35−1
T 4 = T3 ( ) = (2902 K) ( ) = 1296 K = 1023 oC
𝑟𝑒 10

1 𝑘 1 1.35
P4 = P3 (𝑟 ) = (9479 kPa) (10) = 423 kPa

𝑃 100
[V=C] T5 = T4 ( 5 ) = (2319 kPa) ( )= 306 K = 33oC
𝑃4 423

T6 = T5 = 33oC

𝑅(𝑇4 −𝑇3 ) (0.287 )(1296−2902)𝐾
(c) W3-4 = 1−𝑘
= 1−1.35
= 1317 kJ/kg

𝑅(𝑇2 −𝑇7 ) (0.287 )(710−343)𝐾
(d) W7-2 = = = -301 kJ/kg
1−𝑘 1−1.35

(e) Wpump = W6-7 + W5-6

W5-6 = P(v6 – v5)

W6-7 = P(v7 – v6)

𝑅𝑇5 (0.287 )(306 𝐾)
V5 = 𝑃5
= 100 𝑘𝑃𝑎
= 0.8790 m3/kg

𝑅𝑇7 (0.287 )(343 𝐾)
V7 = = = 0.7032 m3/kg
𝑃7 140 𝑘𝑃𝑎

𝑣 0.7032 𝑚3 /𝑘𝑔
V6 = 𝑟7 = 8
= 0.0879 m3/kg

W5-6 = 100 kPa (0.0879 m3/kg – 0.8790 m3/kg) = -79.1 kJ/kg

W6-7 = 140 kPa (0.7032 m3/kg – 0.0879 m3/kg) = 86.1 kJ/kg

Wpump = 86.1 kJ/kg + (-79.1 kJ/kg) = 7.0 kJ/kg

(f) 𝜼𝒕 = 𝑞𝑖𝑛

Wnet = W3-4 + W7-2 + Wpump = 1317 kJ/kg + (-301 kJ/kg) + 7.0 kJ/kg

= 1023 kJ/kg

1023 kJ/kg
𝜼𝒕 = 1800 𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔
= 0.568 = 56.8%

A six cylinder, two-stroke cycle CI ship engine with bore B = 35cm and stroke S = 105 cm produces 3600
kW of brake power at 210 RPM.

Calculate: (a) Torque at this speed [kN-m]

(b) Total Displacement [L]

(c) Brake mean effective pressure [kPa]

(d) Average piston speed [m/sec]

Given: B = 35 cm

S = 105 cm

Wb = 3600 kW

N = 210 RPM

Nc = 6 cyl


(a) Wb = 𝑁𝝉
𝑟𝑒𝑣 𝑟𝑎𝑑
3600 kJ/s = 210 ( 𝑠
) (2𝜋 𝑟𝑒𝑣 ) 𝝉
𝝉 = 164 kN-m

𝜋 𝜋 1000 𝐿
(b) Vd = Nc( 4 )B2S = (6 cyl) ( 4 ) (0.35)2 (1.05 m) = 0.606 m3 (𝑚3
)= 606 L

(c) 𝜏 = 2𝜋
𝒃𝒎𝒆𝒑(0.606 𝑚3 )
164 kN-m = 2𝜋
bmep = 1700 kPa
1.05 𝑚 𝑟𝑒𝑣 𝑚𝑖𝑛 2 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑠
(d) ̅̅̅̅
𝑼𝒑 = SN = (𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒) (210 𝑚𝑖𝑛) (60 𝑠) ( 𝑟𝑒𝑣 ) = 7.35 m/sec

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