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Paul Soldner:

Can you describe the ceramic to someone who cannot see it? Imagine you are talking on the telephone!

The ceramic has a rosy creamy colour replicating a shell from the seaside. It has sharp jagged parts sticking out of it. It
looks dangerous as you might prick your finger on one of the jagged parts on it.
Some parts have been tainted a pastel pink.

How is the art work made? What materials has the artist used? How has the piece
been constructed? What colours and textures have been used?

The ceramic seems to have a rough texture and the edges are very sharp. This
was sculpted from clay, piece by piece then put together to form the
masterpiece we have here. There is an
engraving at the side that makes the side a little bumpier. I could see that there
was a glaze put over it as it was shiny.

What is the subject in the painting? What objects are represented? What do you
think the artist is saying about our world today?

This was based off a shell from the beach so it has a tropical colour scheme

What mood or feeling does the ceramic give you? What is your overall idea about
the technical quality and contextual quality of the work?

I think this piece of ceramic has an overall aura of happiness to it, so I also
feel happy when looking at this. The quality of the work is great and I think
that Paul Soldner has spent a lot of his time on this.

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