Our Body Is An Amazing Entity and Here Is An Infographic Demonstrating 15 Facts We May Not Know About Our Own Bodies

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Circuitry of The Body: Basics (Lecture Notes)
The human body is made up of a complex network of body systems that work in tandem like
circuits. In this unit you will learn about the many systems of the body, both in humans and
animals! There are twelve of these organ systems. They are called the circulatory, respiratory,
digestive, excretory, nervous, endocrine, lymphatic, muscular, skeletal, reproductive,
immune, and integumentary systems. Each of our body's organ systems have specific structures
that perform vital functions. Some important organs in our body include: the heart, liver, kidney,
lungs, skin, brain, eyes, and ears. These organ systems work together to keep organisms in
balance. If we are not in balance, we are more susceptible to disease and
Our body is an amazing entity and here is an infographic demonstrating 15 facts we may not know about
our own bodies.

Comprehension Check: Based on the infographic, which system of the body do you interpret to be the
most significant? What lead you to this conclusion? Write down your answer, explain, and discuss
your answer with a partner.

Now that we are aware of many new facts, lets see if we can predict whether the statements below are
true or false; before watching the video clip.

Prediction Inquiry
Directions: Mark T or F on the blank.
*If false-underline or highlight which part of the statement is false*
Snails have more teeth than humans.
The human nose can remember over 50,000 different scents.
An octopus has one heart like humans.
The blue whale is not larger than dinosaurs were.
There are five times more bacteria in the human body than there are cells.
Catfish have more taste buds than humans.
While watching the clip, correct your answers with another color.
Sound Bite-Context Clue:
1. Who is the artist of this song?

2. What is the name of the song?

3. Based on the lyrics of the song, what do you deduce our lesson will be about?

List the 7 steps to a healthier heart

Pre-Lecture (Class Discussion): Why is knowing about our heart and the components in its
system important?

What system includes the heart and blood vessels, in which blood
circulates throughout the body?

This system known by names.

A) Pertaining to one of its components “ ” it is popularly known
as the .

B) Pertaining to function it is known as the .

Breakdown of Key Terms

 Many of the contextual concepts of body systems can be broken down if you become
familiar with , which are word parts that make vocabulary more digestible.
*Match the word parts with its definition using arrows*
Endo Around
Epi Atrium
Myo Within
Cardi/o On
Atri/o Cavity/Ventricle
Ventricul/o Heart
Peri Muscle
We can use these word parts as and tools in our toolbox for encoding new material and as
strategies for comprehension.

What is the structure and function of our heart like?

*Complete the chart below*
Layer Location Description Function
Innermost layer of Thin, smooth layer
the heart wall of epithelial cells

Myocardium Contracts to pump

blood into the
Epicardium Thin, serous

Surrounds the heart Anchors the heart to

and proximal ends surrounding
of the aorta structures such as
the sternum and

The Heart Continued…

 The heart has a total of chambers
 It has two types of these chambers.


*An easy way to remember the order when labeling a diagram is to note that the letter A comes
before V in the Alphabet. Thus, Atria come before Ventricles. *
Blood in oxygen = side of the heart Lungs
Blood in oxygen= side of
the heart Remainder of the body
Label the diagram using the bold words in the paragraph below, color parts of the heart red
where oxygenated blood is and blue where deoxygenated blood is.
If our bodies function in this way what about insects, birds, amphibians, and other
Question to ponder: Do you think humans are animals-why/why not?

Write down your answer above and take the Poll on http://circuitry-of-the-body.weebly.com/
Lesson One via Survey Monkey

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