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26 Nacionales, Sean Allin Mathieu L.

12 - Saint Alphonsus Liguori

“School Life through the Years”

Bible Verse: Philippians 2:4

My life in Claret has been a roller coaster ride because I’ve been through a lot of
hardships, but in the end I prevail. I met a lot of friends and teachers who taught me how to live
my life accordingly in which I became the best person I could be. But it was not easy; it’s not a
piece of cake.

I started studying in Claret in 2007 wherein I was in the preparatory level and at an early
age, we were taught about the CHEERS. CHEERS stands for “Compassion, Humility,
Excellence, Empowerment, Respect for Life, and Service to others”. These values helped me
form an unbreakable relationship with God that would also make a good relationship with other
people. Living up to the CHEERS was not easy because there were certain situations that
tempted me to disobey it such as being selfish, having a greed for money, stealing and
disobedience. Despite of that, God helped me fight these challenges through the course of time
and with patience, I learned to control myself and stay away from the things that would destroy
my dignity as a human person. Being human entails us to fin the purpose and meaning of life and
as Claretians, we are taught to be charismatic, which means to influence others with good values.

Looking back at Philippians 2:4, it shows that we should learn to value other people’s
presence and interests because we are not the only ones living in this world. With the CHEERS, I
can develop into a social being that would help me build positive relationships with the people I
would meet. I am currently in Grade 12 and it’s my thirteenth year in Claret and I am sad
because I will be leaving Claret, but still I became an inspiration to others. I’m glad I applied
everything I learned in my days in Claret and I hope that I can do the same in my college life.

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