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Bite of a virus carrying

Precipitating Factors: Predisposing Factors:
mosquito Age, Heredity, Sex, Age
Aedes Aegypti Mosquito

Mosquito injects fluid into patient’s skin

Virus enters into the host’s blood stream

Platelet will provide a shield for
the virus from exposure and
binding to neutralize pre-existing
Infects cells and replicate in sufficient amount

Initiates an immune response

Activation of memory T-cell

Macrophages or monocytes response during re-exposure --- Stimulates release of
engulfed the virus having the cytokines
platelet (phagocytosis)
Virus- anti body complex
High fever, body
(Binding of ab-virus)
weakness, headache
and dizziness

AB- enhance uptake

Cytokines destroy cell membrane

Cytolysis and cell wall (viral antigens found
in monocytes)

Complement system activation

Coagulopathy Thrombocytopenia Vasculopathy

Vascular endothelial activation
(PT/APTT) (< 100x109/L) (plasma leakage)

Fluid shifting ICF to ECF Management:

Promote bedrest
Rapid replacement of body fluids
Blood transfusion

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