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ANSYS is a general-purpose finite-element modeling package for numerically

solving a wide variety of mechanical problems. These problems include static/dynamic,
structural analysis (both linear and nonlinear), heat transfer, and fluid problems, as well
as acoustic and electromagnetic problems.

ANSYS finite element analysis software enables engineers to perform the following

 Build computer models or transfer CAD models of structures, products,

components, or systems.
 Apply operating loads or other design performance conditions.

 Study physical responses, such as stress levels, temperature distributions, or

electromagnetic fields.

 Optimize a design early in the development process to reduce production costs.

 Do prototype testing in environments where it otherwise would be undesirable or

impossible (for example, biomedical applications)

1.1 In general, a finite-element solution may be broken into the following three

(i) Preprocessing: defining the problem

The major steps in preprocessing are

(i) define keypoints/lines/areas/volumes,

(ii) define element type and material/geometric properties, and (iii) mesh

lines/areas/ volumes as required.

The amount of detail required will depend on the dimensionality of the analysis,
i.e., 1D, 2D, axisymmetric, and 3D.

(ii) Solution: assigning loads, constraints, and solving

Here, it is necessary to specify the loads (point or pressure), constraints

(translational and rotational), and finally solve the resulting set of equations.

(iii) Post processing: further processing and viewing of the results

In this stage one may wish to see (i) lists of nodal displacements, (ii) element
forces and moments, (iii) deflection plots, and (iv) stress contour diagrams or
temperature maps.

1.2 ANSYS graphical user interface

There are two methods to use ANSYS. The first is by means of the graphical user

interface or GUI. This method follows the conventions of popular Windows and X-
Windows based programs. The GUI method is exclusively used in this book. The second
is by means of command files. The command file approach has a steeper learning curve
for many, but it has the advantage that the entire analysis can be described in a small text
file, typically in less than 50 lines of commands. This approach enables easy model
modifications and minimal file space requirements. The ANSYS environment contains
two windows: the Main Window and an Output Window .Within the Main Window there
are five divisions

(i) Utility Menu: The Utility Menu [A] contains functions that are available throughout
the ANSYS session, such as file controls, selections, graphic controls,
and parameters.

(ii) Input Line: The Input Line [B] shows program prompt messages and allows to type in
commands directly.

(iii) Toolbar: The Toolbar [C] contains push buttons that execute commonly used ANSYS
commands. More push buttons can be made available if desired.

(iv) Main Menu: The Main Menu [D] contains the primary ANSYS functions, organized
by preprocessor, solution, general postprocessor, and design
optimizer. It is from this menu that the vast majority of modeling
commands are issued.

(v) Graphics Windows: The Graphics Window [E] is where graphics are shown and
graphical picking can be made. It is here where the model in its various stages of
construction and the ensuing results from the analysis can be viewed.

The Output Window, shown in displays text output from the program, such as listing of
data, etc. It is usually positioned behind the Graphics Window and can be put to the front
if necessary.

1.3 Saving and restoring jobs

It is a good practice to save the model at various stages during its creation. Very
often the stage in the modeling is reached where things have gone well and the model
ought to be saved at this point. In that way, if mistakes are made later on, it will be
possible to come back to this point. To save the model, from ANSYSUtilityMenu select,
File→Save as Jobname.db. The model will be saved in a file called Jobname.db, where
Jobname is the name that was specified in the Launcher when ANSYS was first started. It
is a good idea to save the job at different times throughout the building and analysis of
the model to backup the work in case of a system crash or other unforeseen problems.
Alternatively, select File → Save as.

Select appropriate drive [A] and give the file a name [B]. Clicking [C] OK button
saves the model as a database with the name given.
Frequently there is a need to start up ANSYS and recall and continue a previous job.
There are two methods to do this:
(1) Using the Launcher. (i) In the ANSYS Launcher, select Interactive and specify the
previously defined jobname. (ii) When ANSYS is running, select Utility Menu:
File: Resume Jobname.db. This will restore as much of the database (geometry,
loads, solution, etc.) as was previously saved.
(2) Start ANSYS and select Utility Menu : File →Resume from and click on the job
from the list that appears

1.4 Organization of files

A large number of files are created when ANSYS is run. If ANSYS is started
without specifying a jobname, the name of all files created will be File.*, where the *
represents various extensions described below. If a jobname is specified, say Beam, then
the created files will all have the file prefix, Beam again with various extensions:

beam.db – database file (binary). This file stores the geometry, boundary conditions,
and any solutions. beam.dbb – backup of the database file (binary).

beam.err – error file (text). Listing of all error and warning messages.

beam.out – output of all ANSYS operations (text). This is what normally scrolls in
the output window during ANSYS session.

beam.log – log file or listing of ANSYS commands (text). Listing of all equivalent
ANSYS command line commands used during the current session.

Depending on the operations carried out, other files may have been written. These files
may contain, for example, results. It is important to know what to save when, for
instance, there is a need to clean up a directory or to move things from the /scratch

directory. If the GUI is always used, then only the .db file is required. This file stores the
geometry, boundary conditions, and any solutions. Once the ANSYS program has started,
and the job name has been specified, only the resume command has to be activated to
proceed from where the model was last left off. If, however, ANSYS command files are
planned to be used, then only command file and/or the log file have to be stored. The log
file contains a complete list of the ANSYS commands used to get the model to its current
stage. That file may be run as is, or edited and rerun as desired.


2.1. PREFERENCES: Define Analysis Type

The "Preferences" dialog box allows you to choose the desired engineering
discipline for context filtering of menu choices. By default, menu choices for all
disciplines are shown, with non-applicable choices "dimmed" based on a set of element
types in your model. If you prefer not to see the dimmed choices at all, you should turn
on filtering. For example, turning on structural filtering completely suppresses all
thermal, electromagnetic, and fluid menu topics.
Choose Main Menu> Preferences. The Preferences for GUI Filtering dialog box

2.2. PREPROCESSING: Defining the problem

2.2.1. Define the Element Types

1. Choose menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Element Type>

2. Click on Add. The Library of Element Types dialog box appears.

3. In the scroll box on the left, click once on "Structural Solid."

4. In the scroll box on the right, click once on "beam3."

5. Click on Apply to define it as element type 1.

6. Click on Close in the Element Types dialog box.

2.2.2. Define Material Properties

1. Choose menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Material

Models. The Define Material Model Behavior dialog box appears.
2. In the Material Models Available window, double-click on the following options:
Structural, Linear, Elastic, Isotropic. A dialog box appears.

3. Type the text EXX in the EX field (for Young's modulus), and .3 for PRXY.

Click on OK. This sets Young's modulus to the parameter specified above.
Material Model Number 1 appears in the Material Models Defined window on the

4. Choose menu path Material> Exit to remove the Define Material Model
Behavior dialog box.

2.2.3. Define Real constants

1. ANSYSMainMenu→Preprocessor→Real Constants

2. Select Real Constants in the ANSYS Main

3. Menu as shown
(1) Click Add/Edit/Delete button to open the Real Constants window and click
(2) Then the Element Type for Real Constants window opens. Click OK button.
(3) The Element Type for Real Constants window vanishes and the Real
Constants Set Number 1. for PLANE82 window appears

2.2.4. Create Keypoints

1. Choose menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create>

Keypoints> In Active CS. The Create Keypoints in Active Coordinate System
dialog box appears.
2. Enter 1 for keypoint number. Type a 0 in each of the X, Y, Z location fields.

3. Click on Apply.

2.2.5. Create Lines

1. Choose menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Lines>

Lines> Straight Line. The Create Straight Line picking menu appears.
2. Click once on keypoints 1 and 2 to create a line between keypoints 1 and 2.

3. Click on OK.

2.2.6. Set Meshing Density

1. Choose menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> Size Cntrls> Lines>
Picked Lines. The Element Size on Picked Lines picking menu appears.
2. select the line, then press ENTER.

3. Click on OK in the picking menu. The Element Sizes on Picked Lines dialog box

4. Enter number of element divisions and click on OK.

2.2.7. Generate Mesh

1. Choose menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor> Meshing> Mesh> lines> all
lines. The Mesh lines picking box appears.
2. Click on Pick All.

3. Choose menu path Utility Menu> Plot> Elements.

2.2.8. Apply Displacement Boundary Condition

1. Choose menu path Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Structural>
Displacement> on keypoints. The Apply U,ROT on Nodes picking menu
2. Click on Pick All. The Apply U,ROT on Nodes dialog box appears.

3. In the scroll list for DOFs to be constrained, click on "ALL DOF."

4. Click on OK.

2.2.9. Apply Pressure

1. Choose menu path Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Structural>
Pressure> on lines or on beams or on areas. The Apply PRES on Nodes picking
menu appears.
2. Click on Pick All. The Apply PRES on lines dialog box appears.

3. Enter value for Load PRES value and click on OK.

2.2.10. Exit ANSYS

1. Choose QUIT from the ANSYS Toolbar.

2. Choose Quit - No Save!

3. Click on OK.


To do the analysis of a cantilever beam using ANSYS software.

Here the specification for cantilever beam is given for analysis, there by the
corresponding shear force and bending moment diagram is to be drafted.

Ex = 210 Gpa = 210000N/mm2


All the dimensions throughout the analysis are in ‘millimeters’



(i) Main menu → preferences → structural

2. PRE PROCESSOR – Define the Problem
(i) Main menu → Pre Processor → Element type → add / edit /delete→ add
→ beam 2D elastic 3 → ok → close
(ii) Main menu → Pre Processor → real constants → add /edit /delete→ add
→ ok → AREA = 100, IZZ = 104/12, HEIGHT=10.
(iii) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models →
structural →linear → elastic → isotropic → Ex = 210000, PRXY=.3→
(iv) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → key points → In
active CS→ kp1=0,0. apply→ kp2=100,0 → OK
(v) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create →Lines→line→
straight lines→ click kp1, kp2→ press ok
(vi) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → size cntrls → manual size →
lines → all lines → no of element divisions → 200
(vii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → mesh → lines → click the
line → press ok
(viii) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply →
structural → displacement → on key points → select kp1→ click ok → all
(ix) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads→ Apply →
structural→ force / moment → select kp2 → ok→ Fy= -1000.
3. SOLUTION – Solve the problem
(i) Solution → solve → current LS→ ok
4. GENERAL POST PROCESSOR – Obtaining results
(i) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(ii) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2

(iii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(iv) General Post Processor→ element table → define table → add→ by
sequence number → node I SMISC 2 → apply
→ node J SMISC 8 → OK
(v) General Post Processor→ Plot results →Contour plot→ Line Elem Res
→ node I SMISC 2 → node J SMISC 8 → OK
(vi) Utility Menu → Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(vii) General Post Processor→ Plot results → Contour plot→ Line Elem Res
→ node I SMISC 6 →node J SMISC 12 → OK
(viii) Utility Menu → Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives

Thus the shear stress and bending moment diagrams of cantilever beam was drawn
and analysis is carried out using ANSYS software.

1: Maximum Deflection Diagram: Cantilever Beam

Fig 2.2: Shear Force Diagram: Cantilever Beam

Fig 2.3: Bending Moment Diagram: Cantilever Beam

To do the analysis of a simply supported beam using ANSYS software.

Here the specification for simply supported beam is given for analysis, there by
the corresponding shear force and bending moment diagram is to be drafted.

Ex = 210 Gpa = 210000N/mm2


All the dimensions throughout the analysis are in ‘millimeters’



(i) Main menu → preferences → structural

2. PRE PROCESSOR – Define the Problem
(i) Main menu → Pre Processor → Element type → add / edit /delete→ add
→ beam 2D elastic 3 → ok → close
(ii) Main menu → Pre Processor → real constants → add /edit /delete→ add
→ ok → AREA = 100, IZZ = 104/12, HEIGHT=10.
(iii) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models →
structural →linear → elastic → isotropic → Ex = 210000, PRXY=.3→
(iv) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → key points → In
active CS→ kp1=0,0. Apply→kp2=50,0 Apply → kp3=100,0 → OK
(v) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create →Lines → line→
straight lines→ click kp1, kp2→ press apply→ click kp2, kp3→ press ok
(vi) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → size cntrls → manual size →
lines → all lines → no of element divisions → 200
(vii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → mesh → lines → click the
line → press ok
(viii) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply →
structural → displacement → on key points → select kp1,kp3→select
UX,UY =0 → click ok .
(ix) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads→ Apply →
structural→ force / moment → select kp2 → ok→ Fy= -1000.
5. SOLUTION – Solve the problem
(ii) Solution → solve → current LS→ ok
6. GENERAL POST PROCESSOR – Obtaining results

(ix) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok Note DMX=_______
(x) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(xi) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(xii) General Post Processor→ element table → define table → add→ by
sequence number → node I SMISC 2 → apply
→ node J SMISC 8 → OK
(xiii) General Post Processor→ Plot results →Contour plot→ Line Elem Res
→ node I SMISC 2 → node J SMISC 8 → OK
(xiv) Utility Menu → Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(xv) General Post Processor→ Plot results → Contour plot→ Line Elem Res
→ node I SMISC 6 →node J SMISC 12 → OK
(xvi) Utility Menu → Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives

Thus the shear force and bending moment diagram for simply supported beam was
drawn and analysis is carried out using ANSYS software.

Fig 3.1: Maximum Deflection Diagram: Simply Supported Beam

Fig3.2: Shear Force Diagram: Simply Supported Beam

Fig 3.3: Bending Moment Diagram: Simply Supported Beam


To do the analysis of a fixed beam using ANSYS software.

Here the specification for fixed beam is given for analysis, there by the
corresponding shear force and bending moment diagram is to be drafted.

Ex = 210 Gpa = 210000N/mm2


All the dimensions throughout the analysis are in ‘millimeters’



(i) Main menu → preferences → structural

2. PRE PROCESSOR – Define the Problem
(i) Main menu → Pre Processor → Element type → add / edit /delete→ add
→ beam 2D elastic 3 → ok → close
(ii) Main menu → Pre Processor → real constants → add /edit /delete→ add
→ ok → AREA = 100, IZZ = 104/12, HEIGHT=10.
(iii) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models →
structural →linear → elastic → isotropic → Ex = 210000, PRXY=.3→
(iv) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → key points → In
active CS→ kp1=0,0. Apply→kp2=250,0 Apply → kp3=500,0 → OK
(v) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create →Lines →line→
straight lines→ click kp1, kp2→ press apply→ click kp2, kp3→ press ok
(vi) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → size cntrls → manual size →
lines → all lines → no of element divisions → 200
(vii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → mesh → lines → click the
line → press ok
(viii) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply →
structural → displacement → on key points → select kp1 and select kp3→
click ok → all DOF=0.
(ix) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads→ Apply →
structural→ force / moment → select kp2 → ok→ Fy= -1000.
7. SOLUTION – Solve the problem
(i) Solution → solve → current LS→ ok
8. GENERAL POST PROCESSOR – Obtaining results

(i) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +

undeformed → click ok Note DMX=_______

(ii) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(iii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(iv) General Post Processor→ element table → define table → add→ by
sequence number → node I SMISC 2 → apply
→ node J SMISC 8 → OK
(v) General Post Processor→ Plot results →Contour plot→ Line Elem Res
→ node I SMISC 2 → node J SMISC 8 → OK
(vi) Utility Menu → Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(vii) General Post Processor→ Plot results → Contour plot→ Line Elem Res
→ node I SMISC 6 →node J SMISC 12 → OK
(viii) Utility Menu → Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives

Thus the shear force and bending moment diagram for fixed beam was drawn and
analysis is carried out using ANSYS software.

Fig 4.1: Maximum Deflection Diagram: Fixed Beam

Fig 4.2: Shear Force Diagram: Fixed Beam

Fig 4.3: Bending Moment Diagram: Fixed Beam

To do the analysis of a rectangular plate with hole using ANSYS software.

Here the specification for rectangular plate with hole is given for analysis, there
by the stress and deflection is calculated below.

Ex = 210 Gpa = 210000N/mm2


All the dimensions throughout the analysis are in ‘millimeters’



(i) Main menu → preferences → structural

2. PRE PROCESSOR – Define the Problem
(i) Main menu → Pre Processor → Element type → add / edit /delete→ add
→ solid quad 4 node 42 → options select Element behavior(k3) =plane
strs w/thk →ok→close
(ii) Main menu → Pre Processor → real constants → add /edit /delete→ add
→ ok → THK=10.
(iii) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models →
structural →linear → elastic → isotropic → Ex = 210000, PRXY=.3→
(iv) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → areas →
rectangle→By2corner→wp x=0, wp y=0 width=200 height=100→ok
(v) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → areas →
circle→solid circle→wp x=100, wp y=50 Radius=20 →ok
(vi) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → operate → Booleans →
subtract → Areas →click rectangle first → ok → select circle → ok
(vii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → size cntrls → manual size →
areas → All areas → element edge length=5
(viii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → mesh → areas → free →
click the area → press ok
(ix) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply →
structural → displacement → on line → select lest side line → click ok →
all DOF=0.
(x) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads→ Apply →
structural→ pressure → on line → select right side line → ok→

9. SOLUTION – Solve the problem
(ix) Solution → solve → current LS→ ok
10. GENERAL POST PROCESSOR – Obtaining results

(i) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +

undeformed → click ok Note
(ii) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(iii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(iv) General Post Processor→ Plot results →Contour plot→ Nodal solu →
DOF solution → displacement vector sum → OK
(v) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed results → DOF
resuls → vsum
(vi) Utility Menu → Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(vii) General Post Processor→ Plot results → Contour plot→ Nodal solu →
stress → Von mises stress → OK
(viii) Utility Menu → Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives

Thus stresses in a plate with a hole was Analysed and results were plotted using


Nodal Displacement Plot

Fig 5.3: Von-Mises Stress



To do the analysis of a rectangular bracket using ANSYS software.

Here the specification for rectangular bracket is given for analysis, there by the
stress and deflection is calculated below.

Ex = 210 Gpa = 210000N/mm2


All the dimensions throughout the analysis are in ‘millimeters’



(i) Main menu → preferences → structural

2. PRE PROCESSOR – Define the Problem
(i) Main menu → Pre Processor → Element type → add / edit /delete→ add
→ solid 8 node 82 → options select Element behavior(k3) =plane strs
w/thk →ok → close
(ii) Main menu → Pre Processor → real constants → add /edit /delete→ add
→ ok → THK=10.

(iii) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models →
structural →linear → elastic → isotropic → Ex = 210000, PRXY=.3→
(iv) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → areas → rectangle
→ By dimensions→ x1=0 x2=40 y1=0 y2=150 →ok
(v) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → areas → rectangle
→ By dimensions→ x1=0 x2=100 y1=110 y2=150 →ok
(vi) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → areas → circle→
solid circle → wp x=20, wp y=0 Radius=20 →ok
(vii) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → areas → circle→
solid circle → wp x=100, wp y=130 Radius=20 →ok
(viii) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → operate → Booleans → add
→ Areas →pick all
(ix) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → areas → circle→
solid circle → wp x=20, wp y=0 Radius=10 → ok
(x) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → areas → circle→
solid circle → wp x=100, wp y=130 Radius=10 → ok
(xi) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create →lines → Line fillet
→select right and bottom lines click ok → Fillet radius =7
(xii) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → areas → Arbitrary
→ by lines → click arc and two lines → ok
(xiii) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → operate → Booleans → add
→ Areas →pick all
(xiv) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → operate → Booleans →
subtract → Areas →click rectangle first → ok → select two circles → ok
(xv) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → size cntrls → manual size →
areas → All areas → element edge length=4
(xvi) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → mesh → areas → free →
click the area → press ok

(xvii) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply →
structural → displacement → on line → select bottom circle 4 lines →
click ok → all DOF=0.
(xviii) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads→ Apply →
structural→ pressure → on line → select top two cicle line → ok→
3. SOLUTION – Solve the problem
(i) Solution → solve → current LS→ ok
4. GENERAL POST PROCESSOR – Obtaining results

(i) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +

undeformed → click ok Note DMX=_______
(ii) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(iii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(iv) General Post Processor→ Plot results →Contour plot→ Nodal solu →
DOF solution → displacement vector sum → OK
(v) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed results → DOF
resuls → vsum
(vi) Utility Menu → Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(vii) General Post Processor→ Plot results → Contour plot→ Nodal solu →
stress → Von mises stress → OK
(viii) Utility Menu → Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white →
save the image in local drives

Thus the stresses in rectangular bracket were studied and result was plotted.


To do the analysis of a hollow cylinder using ANSYS software.

Here the specification for hollow cylinder is given for analysis, there by the stress
and deflection is calculated below.

Ex = 210 Gpa = 210000N/mm2


All the dimensions throughout the analysis are in ‘millimeters’



(i) Main menu → preferences → structural
2. PRE PROCESSOR – Define the Problem
(i) Main menu → Pre Processor → Element type → add / edit /delete→ add
→ 2-D 6-Node Triangular Structural Solid(plane2)→ options select
Element behavior(k3) =axissymetric →ok → close
(ii) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models →
structural →linear → elastic → isotropic → Ex = 210000, PRXY=.3→
(iii) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → areas → rectangle
→ By dimensions→ x1=0 x2=20 y1=0 y2=5 →ok
(iv) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → areas → rectangle
→ By dimensions→ x1=15 x2=20 y1=0 y2=100 →ok
(v) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → areas → rectangle
→ By dimensions→ x1=0 x2=20 y1=95 y2=100 →ok
(vi) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → operate → Booleans → add
→ Areas →pick all
(vii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → size cntrls → manual size →
areas → All areas → element edge length=2
(viii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → mesh → areas → free →
click the area → press ok
(ix) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply →
structural → displacement → symmetry B.C. → on line → select left top
line and bottom line.
(x) Utility Menu → select → entities →By location →Y coordinates =50 →
(xi) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply →
structural → displacement → on nodes → select pick all → UY=0 →
click ok.
(xii) Utility Menu → select → entities →By location →Y coordinates → select
all → cancel

(xiii) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads→ Apply →
structural→ force/moment → on keypoint → select top corner point →
(xiv) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads→ Apply →
structural→ force/moment → on keypoint → select bottom corner point
→ Fy=-100
3. SOLUTION – Solve the problem
(i) Solution → solve → current LS→ ok
4. GENERAL POST PROCESSOR – Obtaining results

(i) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +

undeformed → click ok Note DMX=_______
(ii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(iii) Utility Menu → plot ctrls → style → symmetry expansion →2D axi-
symmetry → select ¾ expansion → press ok → change the view to
(iv) General Post Processor→ Plot results →Contour plot→ Nodal solu →
DOF solution → displacement vector sum → OK
(v) Utility Menu → Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(vi) General Post Processor→ Plot results → Contour plot→ Nodal solu →
stress → Von mises stress → OK
(vii) Utility Menu → Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
Thus the stresses in axi-symmetric component were studied and result was plotted.


To do the dynamic analysis of a cantilever beam using ANSYS software.

Here the specification for cantilever beam is given for analysis, there by the
corresponding mode shape is to be drafted.

Ex = 210 Gpa = 210000N/mm2

PRXY=0.3 Density=7.85 *10-9 N/mm3

All the dimensions throughout the analysis are in ‘millimeters’



(i) Main menu → preferences → structural

2. PRE PROCESSOR – Define the Problem
(i) Main menu → Pre Processor → Element type → add / edit /delete→ add
→ beam 2D elastic 3 → ok → close
(ii) Main menu → Pre Processor → real constants → add /edit /delete→ add
→ ok → AREA = 100, IZZ = 104/12, HEIGHT=10.
(iii) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models →
structural →linear → elastic → isotropic → Ex = 210000, PRXY=.3→

(iv) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models
→ structural →density=7.85*(10e-10) → close
(v) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → key points → In
active CS→ kp1=0, 0. apply→ kp2=100,0 → OK
(vi) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create →Lines → line→
straight lines→ click kp1, kp2→ press ok
(vii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → size cntrls → manual size →
lines → all lines → no of element divisions → 200
(viii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → mesh → lines → click the
line → press ok
(ix) Solution → analysis type → new analysis → modal → ok
(x) Solution → analysis type → analysis options → sub space → No of
modes to extract =5 → No of modes to expand=5 →ok → ok
(xi) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply →
structural → displacement → on key points → select kp1→ click ok → all
3. SOLUTION – Solve the problem
(i) Solution → solve → current LS→ ok
4. GENERAL POST PROCESSOR – Obtaining results

(i) General Post Processor→ results summary → click ok

(ii) General Post Processor→ read results → first set
(iii) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(iv) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(v) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(vi) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______

(vii) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2

(viii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(ix) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(x) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(xi) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(xii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(xiii) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(xiv) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(xv) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(xvi) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(xvii) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(xviii) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(xix) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(xx) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
RESULT: Thus the modal analysis has been done on cantilever beam and mode
shapes have been obtained.


To do the dynamic analysis of a cantilever beam using ANSYS software.

Here the specification for simply supported beam is given for analysis, there by
the corresponding mode shape is to be drafted.

Ex = 210 Gpa = 210000N/mm2

PRXY=0.3 Density=7.85 *10-9 N/mm3

All the dimensions throughout the analysis are in ‘millimeters’



(i) Main menu → preferences → structural

2. PRE PROCESSOR – Define the Problem
(i) Main menu → Pre Processor → Element type → add / edit /delete→ add
→ beam 2D elastic 3 → ok → close
(ii) Main menu → Pre Processor → real constants → add /edit /delete→ add
→ ok → AREA = 100, IZZ = 104/12, HEIGHT=10.
(iii) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models →
structural →linear → elastic → isotropic → Ex = 210000, PRXY=.3→

(iv) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models
→ structural →density=7.85*(10e-10) → close
(v) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → key points → In
active CS→ kp1=0,0. apply→ kp2=100,0 → OK
(vi) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create →Lines → line→
straight lines→ click kp1, kp2→ press ok
(vii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → size cntrls → manual size →
lines → all lines → no of element divisions → 200
(viii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → mesh → lines → click the
line → press ok
(ix) Solution → analysis type → new analysis → modal → ok
(x) Solution → analysis type → analysis options → sub space → No of
modes to extract =5 → No of modes to expand=5 →ok → ok
(xi) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply →
structural → displacement → on key points → select kp1 and kp2→ click
ok → Ux,Uy=0.
5. SOLUTION – Solve the problem
(i) Solution → solve → current LS→ ok
6. GENERAL POST PROCESSOR – Obtaining results

(i) General Post Processor→ results summary → click ok

(ii) General Post Processor→ read results → first set
(iii) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(iv) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(v) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(vi) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______

(vii) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2

(viii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(ix) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(x) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(xi) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(xii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(xiii) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(xiv) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(xv) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(xvi) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(xvii) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(xviii) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(xix) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(xx) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
RESULT: Thus the modal analysis has been done on simply supported beam and mode
shapes have been obtained.


To do the dynamic analysis of a fixed beam using ANSYS software.

Here the specification for fixed beam is given for analysis, there by the
corresponding mode shape is to be drafted.

Ex = 210 Gpa = 210000N/mm2

PRXY=0.3 Density=7.85 *10-9 N/mm3

All the dimensions throughout the analysis are in ‘millimeters’



(i) Main menu → preferences → structural

2. PRE PROCESSOR – Define the Problem
(i) Main menu → Pre Processor → Element type → add / edit /delete→ add
→ beam 2D elastic 3 → ok → close
(ii) Main menu → Pre Processor → real constants → add /edit /delete→ add
→ ok → AREA = 100, IZZ = 104/12, HEIGHT=10.
(iii) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models →
structural →linear → elastic → isotropic → Ex = 210000, PRXY=.3→

(iv) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models →
structural →density=7.85*(10e-10) → close
(v) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → key points → In
active CS→ kp1=0, 0. apply→ kp2=500,0 → OK
(vi) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create →Lines → line→
straight lines→ click kp1, kp2→ press ok
(vii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → size cntrls → manual size →
lines → all lines → no of element divisions → 200
(viii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → mesh → lines → click the
line → press ok
(ix) Solution → analysis type → new analysis → modal → ok
(x) Solution → analysis type → analysis options → sub space → No of
modes to extract =5 → No of modes to expand=5 →ok → ok
(xi) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply →
structural → displacement → on key points → select kp1 and kp2→ click
ok → All DOF=0.
7. SOLUTION – Solve the problem
(i) Solution → solve → current LS→ ok
8. GENERAL POST PROCESSOR – Obtaining results

(i) General Post Processor→ results summary → click ok

(ii) General Post Processor→ read results → first set
(iii) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(iv) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(v) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(vi) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______

(vii) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2

(viii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(ix) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(x) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(xi) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(xii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(xiii) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(xiv) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(xv) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(xvi) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(xvii) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(xviii) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(xix) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(xx) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
RESULT: Thus the modal analysis has been done on fixed beam and mode shapes have
been obtained.


To do the dynamic analysis of a rectangular component using ANSYS software.

Here the specification for rectangular component is given for analysis, there by
the corresponding mode shape is to be drafted.

Ex = 210 Gpa = 210000N/mm2

PRXY=0.3 Density=7.85 *10-9 N/mm3

All the dimensions throughout the analysis are in ‘millimeters’



(i) Main menu → preferences → structural

2. PRE PROCESSOR – Define the Problem
(i) Main menu → Pre Processor → Element type → add / edit /delete→ add
→ solid quad 4 node 42 → options select Element behavior(k3) =plane
strs w/thk →ok →close
(ii) Main menu → Pre Processor → real constants → add /edit /delete→ add
→ ok → THK=10.

(iii) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models →
structural →linear → elastic → isotropic → Ex = 210000, PRXY=.3→
(iv) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models →
structural →density=7.85*(10e-10) → close
(v) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → areas →
rectangle→By2corner→wp x=0, wp y=0 width=200 height=100→ok
(vi) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → size cntrls → manual size →
areas → all areas → element edge length=1
(vii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → mesh → areas → free →
click the areas → press ok
(viii) Solution → analysis type → new analysis → modal → ok
(ix) Solution → analysis type → analysis options → sub space → No of
modes to extract =5 → No of modes to expand=5 →ok → ok
(x) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply →
structural → displacement → on key points → select kp1 and kp2→ click
ok → All DOF=0.
9. SOLUTION – Solve the problem
(i) Solution → solve → current LS→ ok
10. GENERAL POST PROCESSOR – Obtaining results

(i) General Post Processor→ results summary → click ok

(ii) General Post Processor→ read results → first set
(iii) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(iv) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(v) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(vi) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok

Note DMX=_______
(vii) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2

(viii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(ix) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(x) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(xi) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(xii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(xiii) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(xiv) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(xv) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(xvi) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(xvii) General Post Processor→ read results → next set
(xviii) General Post Processor→ plot results → deformed shape → def +
undeformed → click ok
Note DMX=_______
(xix) Utility Menu → Plot controls → animate → Deformed shape → time
delay .2
(xx) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives

Thus the modal Analysis of 2D component was done and results were plotted.


To do the harmonic analysis of a cantilever beam using ANSYS software.

Here the specification for cantilever beam is given for analysis, there by the
corresponding harmonic response is to be drafted.

Ex = 210 Gpa = 210000N/mm2

PRXY=0.3 Density=7.85 *10-9 N/mm3

All the dimensions throughout the analysis are in ‘millimeters’



(i) Main menu → preferences → structural

2. PRE PROCESSOR – Define the Problem
(i) Main menu → Pre Processor → Element type → add / edit /delete→ add
→ beam 2D elastic 3 → ok → close

(ii) Main menu → Pre Processor → real constants → add /edit /delete→ add
→ ok → AREA = 100, IZZ = 104/12, HEIGHT=10.
(iii) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models →
structural →linear → elastic → isotropic → Ex = 210000, PRXY=.3→
(iv) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models
→ structural →density=7.85*(10e-10) → close
(v) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → key points → In
active CS→ kp1=0, 0. apply→ kp2=100,0 → OK
(vi) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create →Lines → line→
straight lines→ click kp1, kp2→ press ok
(vii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → size cntrls → manual size →
lines → all lines → no of element divisions → 200
(viii) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → mesh → lines → click the
line → press ok
(ix) Solution → analysis type → new analysis → harmonic→ ok
(x) Solution → Analysis Type → Analysis Options → select the Full Solution
method, the Real + imaginary DOF printout format → ok →ok
(xi) Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural → Displacement → On
Nodes → select kp1 → give real part =0, img part =0
(xii) Main menu → Pre Processor → loads → define loads → apply →
Force/Moment → On Nodes → select kp2 → real part = --100 img part =0
(xiii) Solution → Load Step Opts → Time/Frequency → Freq and Substps →
specify a frequency range of 0 - 100Hz, 100 substeps → select steped
method → ok
3. SOLUTION – Solve the problem
(i) Solution → solve → current LS→ ok
4. GENERAL POST PROCESSOR – Obtaining results

(i) TimeHist Postpro → Variable Viewer →Add (the green '+' sign in the
upper left corner) → Nodal Solution → DOF Solution → Y-Component of

displacement → select node 2 → click the 'List' button → close → click
the 'Plot' button, (2 buttons to the left of 'Add')
To get a better view of the response, view the log scale of UY
Utility Menu → PlotCtrls → Style → Graphs → Modify Axis → change
the Y-axis scale to 'Logarithmic' →Utility Menu > Plot > Replot

(ii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives

Thus the Harmonic Analysis of given cantilever beam was done and results were


To do the thermal analysis of a square component using ANSYS software.

Here the specification for square component is given for analysis there by the
corresponding temperature distribution is to be drafted.

Conductivity of steel: 58.4 w/m k

All the dimensions throughout the analysis are in ‘millimeters’



(i) Main menu → preferences → thermal

2. PRE PROCESSOR – Define the Problem
(i) Main menu → Pre Processor → Element type → add / edit /delete→ add
→ solid quad 4 node 55 → →ok →close
(ii) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models →
thermal → conductivity → isotropic → Kxx=58.5 → close

(iii) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → areas →
rectangle→By2corner→wp x=0, wp y=0 width=1 height=1→ok
(iv) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → size cntrls → manual size →
areas → all areas → element edge length=.05
(v) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → mesh → areas → free →
click the areas → press ok
(vi) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply → thermal
→ temperature → on line→ select left line, bottom line and right side line
→ click ok → temp=100
(vii) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply → thermal
→ temperature → on line→ select top line → click ok → temp=500
3. SOLUTION – Solve the problem
(i) Solution → solve → current LS→ ok
4. GENERAL POST PROCESSOR – Obtaining results

(i) General Post Processor→ plot results → contour plot → nodal solu →
DOF solution → nodal temperature
(ii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(iii) General Post Processor→ plot results → contour plot → nodal solu →
thermal gradient → thermal gradient vector sum
(iv) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(v) General Post Processor→ plot results → contour plot → nodal solu →
thermal flux → thermal flux vector sum
(vi) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives

Thus the conductive heat Transfer analysis of component was done and results were


To do the thermal analysis of a square component using ANSYS software.

Here the specification for square component is given for analysis there by the
corresponding temperature distribution is to be drafted.

Conductivity of steel: 58.4 w/m k

All the dimensions throughout the analysis are in ‘millimeters’



(i) Main menu → preferences → thermal

2. PRE PROCESSOR – Define the Problem
(i) Main menu → Pre Processor → Element type → add / edit /delete→ add
→ solid quad 4 node 55 → →ok →close
(ii) Main menu → Pre Processor → Material props → Material models →
thermal → conductivity → isotropic → Kxx=58.5 → close

(iii) Main menu → Pre Processor → modeling → create → areas →
rectangle→By2corner→wp x=0, wp y=0 width=1 height=1→ok
(iv) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → size cntrls → manual size →
areas → all areas → element edge length=.05
(v) Main menu → Pre Processor → meshing → mesh → areas → free →
click the areas → press ok
(vi) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply → thermal
→ temperature → on line→ select left line → click ok → temp=100
(vii) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply → thermal
→ temperature → on line→ select top line → click ok → temp=500
(viii) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply → thermal
→ Convection → on line→ select left line → click ok → film coefficient
=10 and bulk temperature=100
(ix) Main menu → Pre Processor →loads → define loads → apply → thermal
→ Convection → on line→ select bottom line → click ok → film
coefficient =0
3. SOLUTION – Solve the problem
(i) Solution → solve → current LS→ ok
4. GENERAL POST PROCESSOR – Obtaining results

(i) General Post Processor→ plot results → contour plot → nodal solu →
DOF solution → nodal temperature
(ii) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(iii) General Post Processor→ plot results → contour plot → nodal solu →
thermal gradient → thermal gradient vector sum
(iv) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives
(v) General Post Processor→ plot results → contour plot → nodal solu →
thermal flux → thermal flux vector sum

(vi) Utility Menu→ Plot controls → write meta file → invert black/ white→
save the image in local drives

Thus the convective heat Transfer analysis of component was done and results were


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