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11/6/2018 Bulgarian Phrases and Common Sentences

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Bulgarian Phrases
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Chinese Phrases This page contains a table including the following: Bulgarian phrases, expressions and words in Bulgarian,
French Phrases
conversation and idioms, Bulgarian greetings, and survival phrases. It also helps if you simply want to know what to

German Phrases
say when chatting in Bulgarian!

Hindi Phrases Most of the sentences below are used for everyday life conversations, so they might come handy if you memorize
Italian Phrases them.
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English Greetings Bulgarian Greetings:
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Hi! Sdrawei!

Search Good morning! Dobro utro!

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Good evening! Dobar wecher!

Welcome! (to greet someone) Dobre doshal!

How are you? Kak si?

I'm fine, thanks! Dobre,mersi!

And you? A ti?

Good/ So-So. Dobre./ Biva.

Thank you (very much)! Mnogo blagodaria!

You're welcome! (for "thank you") Ti si dobre doshal! (Blagodaria)

Hey! Friend! Sdrasti!Priiatel!

I missed you so much! Lipswash mi mnogo!

What's new? Neshto nowo?

Nothing much Ne mnogo.

Good night! Leka nosht!

See you later! Do po-kasno.

Good bye! Chao.

Asking for Help and Directions 1/5
11/6/2018 Bulgarian Phrases and Common Sentences

English Phrases Bulgarian Phrases

I'm lost Sagubih se

Can I help you? Moje li da Vi pomogna?

Can you help me? Moje li da mi pomognete?

Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? Kade e (baniata/aptekata)?

Go straight! then turn left/ right! Varvete napravo!Posle savivate na liavo/diasno!

I'm looking for john. Tarsia John.

One moment please! Edin moment,molia.

Hold on please! (phone) Pochakaite molia.

How much is this? Kolko struva tova?

Excuse me ...! (to ask for something) Isvinete...

Excuse me! ( to pass by) Isvinete moje li...

Come with me! Ela s men.

How to Introduce Yourself

Do you speak (English/ Bulgarian)? Govorite li (angliiski/ balgarski)?

Just a little. Malko.

What's your name? Kaks se kaswate?

My name is ... as se kasvam...

Mr.../ Mrs.…/ Miss… Gospodin/ gospoja/ gospojitsa

Nice to meet you! Priatno mi e da se saposnaem!

You're very kind! Vie ste mnogo mil/liubesen!

Where are you from? Ot kade ste?

I'm from (the U.S/ Bulgaria) AS sam ot (Amerika/ Balgaria).

I'm (American) As sam amerikanets.

Where do you live? Kade jiweete?

I live in (the U.S/ Balgaria) As jiweia w (Amerika/ Balgaria).

Did you like it here? Hareswa li wi tuka? 2/5
11/6/2018 Bulgarian Phrases and Common Sentences

How to Introduce Yourself

Bulgaria is a wonderful country Balgaria e welikolepna strana.

What do you do for a living? Kakwo rabotite?

I work as a (translator/ businessman) As sam (prewodach/ bisnesmen)

I like Bulgarian As hareswam balgarskiiat.

I've been learning Bulgarian for 1 month As ucha balgarski ot edin mesets.

Oh! That's good! O tova e dobre.

How old are you? Na kolko godini ste?

I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old. As sam na (dwadeset, trideset...) godini.

I have to go Triabva da tragwam.

I will be right back! Ste se warna.

Wish Someone Something

Good luck! Uspeh!

Happy birthday! Chestit rojden den!

Happy new year! Chestita nova godina!

Merry Christmas! Vesela Koleda!

Congratulations! Posdrawlenia!

Enjoy! (for meals...) Da vi e vkusno!

I'd like to visit Bulgaria one day Edin den iskam da posetia Balgaria.

Say hi to John for me Posdravi John ot men.

Bless you (when sneezing) Nasdrave.

Good night and sweet dreams! Leka nosht i sladki sanishta.

Solving a Misunderstanding

I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something) Sa sajelenie ne vi chuh.

Sorry (for a mistake) Sajaliavam.

No Problem! Niama nikakav problem.

Can You Say It Again? Moje li da go povtorite.

Can You Speak Slowly? Moje li da govorite po-bavno.

Write It Down Please! Molia sapishete.

I Don't Understand! Nishto ne rasbrah. 3/5
11/6/2018 Bulgarian Phrases and Common Sentences

How to Introduce Yourself

I Don't Know! Ne snam

I Have No Idea. Niamam nikakva predstava.

What's That Called In Bulgarian? Kak e tova na balgarski?

What Does "gato" Mean In English? Kakvo osnachava "dobre" na angliiski?

How Do You Say "Please" In Bulgarian? Kak e "please" na balgarski?

What Is This? Kakvo e tova?

My Bulgarian is bad. Balgarskiiat mi e losh.

I need to practice my Bulgarian Triabva poveche da si uprajniavam balgaskiiat.

Don't worry! Ne se trevoji.

Bulgarian Expressions and Words

Good/ Bad/ So-So. Dobar/ losh/ taka i taka

Big/ Small Goliam/malak

Today/ Now Dnes/ sega

Tomorrow/ Yesterday Utre/ vchera

Yes/ No Da/ ne

Here you go! (when giving something) Sapoviadai.

Do you like it? Haresvali vi?

I really like it! Naistina mi haresva.

I'm hungry/ thirsty. Gladen sam./ Jaden sam.

In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night. Sutrin/ Vecher/ Pres nochta.

This/ That. Here/There Tova/ Onova. Tuk/ Tam

Me/ You. Him/ Her. Men/ Ti. Nego/ Neia

Really! Naistina li?

Look! Vij!

Hurry up! Pobarsai.

What? Where? Kakvo?Kade?

What time is it? Kolko e chasat?

It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm. Deset chasa e. Sedem i polovina e.

Give me this! Dai mi tova. 4/5
11/6/2018 Bulgarian Phrases and Common Sentences

How to Introduce Yourself

I love you! Obicham te.

I feel sick. Bolen sam.

I need a doctor Triabva, mi, lekar.

One, Two, Three edno, dve, tri

Four, Five, Six chetiri, pet, shest

Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten sedem,osem,devet,deset

I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Bulgarian phrases, expressions and
words. Make sure to memorize them to be able to use them in your daily conversation. If you want to practice what
you have learnt here, go to Language Test.

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