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Air pollution today has always been a problem in the environment and also the
economy. Not only that, it also affects our health and can cause sickness. Air purifiers are
made today to help prevent that but some of them can give off chemicals that can be
harmful to our health and body. To avoid that we are using Lavender, Activated Charcoal
and Peace Lilies to make an alternative natural made air purifier that won’t be bad for our
health and won’t cost a lot to buy. Households tend to have pollution inside their homes
rather than outside of their homes which where our topic will be focusing on.

Background of the Study

Air pollution is one of the man-made disasters that up until now that still isn’t solved
because of arrogant people. A lot of people may think that air pollution is just car exhaust,
factory fumes, cigarette smoke, and etc. but it’s not all that.

It's enough to make you want to stay indoors, where you might think you're safe.
But what you face indoors may be even more damaging. Indoor air pollution, the
degradation of indoor air quality by harmful chemicals and other materials, can be up to
10 times worse than outdoor air pollution. This is because contained areas enable
potential pollutants to build up more than open spaces do like cooking residues, paints,
varnishes, fungal spores from mold are a common problem — particularly in old buildings
or humid environments. And first-hand smoking that can lead to third-hand smoking.

It is bad enough that there are also pollutants inside our home but what’s worse is
that people choose to close their windows afraid that they’ll waste energy when using the
air conditioner but that won’t help at all. Not only that, 90% of the people chosen to stay
indoors than outdoors which won’t make their situation any better.

The World Health Organization has said that household cooking with coal or
biomass-burning stoves led to 4.3 million deaths in 2012, compared with 3.7 million
deaths from outdoor air pollution. If this keeps up then many people will die from Indoor
Air Pollution rather than Outdoor Air Pollution.

Statement of the Problem

The main problem that the research is trying to solve is it follows the formulation
of the title and should be faithful to it. It specifically points out the important questions
that the study needs to answer.

The Significance of the Study

The study of lavender, activated charcoal, and peace lilies as a component in

making household-air purifier can be an alternative natural made air purifier that won’t be
bad for your health and won’t cause a lot to buy. The project’s goal is to make an air
purifier with a natural ingredient to filter the pollutants and harmful chemical. But also, to
replace chemical made air purifier into a safer, cheaper air purifier which will be very
effective. The output of this study is to purify the air using a natural and safe ingredient to
filter pollutants and harmful chemical to your home.

Scope and Limitations

This study will focus on developing a purely organic and natural air filtration
system in the form of an air purifier. This device will let users (almost everyone) to freely
use everywhere they desire with an affordable price that has the ability to eliminate
even the toughest negative chemicals and bacteria airborne and present. In addition,
users can also choose from different varieties of scents and flavors which contains the
same cleansing ingredients and the beneficial scent-producing products without any or
minimal problem or inquiries. Moreover, the proposed device will help the cautious
mothers, families, workers, and individuals to find the most effective purifier that isn't
cheap quality like its price and trust a product that we insure would not endanger their
health, at all.

One of the ingredients is Lavender because it's a great plant for air purification
but it’s important to see if you are allergic to it. It is an excellent insect repellent, its
aroma relaxes the lungs, which helps you sleep better at night and the aroma also helps
you if you suffer from anxiety.

Activated Charcoal is a natural air purifier. A fantastic way to purify indoor air is
with activated charcoal also referred to as active carbon. It's odorless, highly-absorptive
and works wonders with eliminating toxins from the air.

Peace lilies because suck up the VOC benzene, a carcinogen found in paints,
polishes and furniture wax. It also helps get rid of trichloroethylene (which can come
from dry-cleaning) and acetone, which is emitted from electronics, nail polish-removers,
some household cleaners, and adhesives. Not only that it also removes harmful toxins
like acetone, ammonia, benzene, ethyl acetate, formaldehyde, methyl alcohol,
trichloroethylene, and xylene.

Definition of Terms

Acetone – A volatile fragrant flammable liquid ketone C 3 H 6 O used chiefly

as a solvent and in organic synthesis and found in abnormal quantities in
diabetic urine.

Activated Charcoal – A fine black odorless and tasteless powder made from
wood or other materials that have been exposed to very high temperatures in an
airless environment.

Air Pollution – Occurs when harmful or excessive quantities of substances

including gases, particulates, and biological molecules are introduced into Earth's

Air Purifier – A device which removes contaminants from the air in a room.

1: offering or expressing a choice
 several alternative plans

2: different from the usual or conventional: such as

a: existing or functioning outside the established cultural, social, or
economic system
 an alternative newspaper
 alternative lifestyles

b: of, relating to or being rock music that is regarded as an alternative to

conventional rock and is typically influenced by punk rock, hard rock,
hip-hop, or folk music
 an alternative band
;also: of, relating to, or being the music of a genre other than rock music
that is similarly regarded as an alternative to the conventional music of
that genre
 alternative country

c: of or relating to alternative medicine

 alternative therapies

3: occurring or succeeding by turns: ALTERNATE

1: A pungent colorless gaseous alkaline compound of nitrogen and
hydrogen NH 3 that is very soluble in water and can easily be condensed
to a liquid by cold and pressure
2: Ammonia Water – a water solution of ammonia.
Bacteria – Member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms that have
cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus, including some that can
cause disease.
Benzene – A colorless volatile flammable toxic liquid aromatic
hydrocarbon C 6 H 6 used in organic synthesis, as a solvent, and as a
motor fuel.

1 a: to put an end to or get rid of: REMOVE
 eliminate errors
b: to remove from consideration
 eliminate someone as a suspect
c: to remove from further competition by defeating
 the team was eliminated in the first round of the playoffs

2: to expel (waste) from the living body

3: mathematics: to cause to disappear by combining two or more

 eliminate an unknown quantity

Ethyl Acetate – A colorless fragrant volatile flammable liquid ester

C 4 H 8 O 2 used especially as a solvent.

1: to force out: EJECT
 expelled the smoke from her lungs

2: to force to leave (a place, an organization, etc.) by official action : take

away rights or privileges of membership
 was expelled from college

Formaldehyde – A colorless pungent irritating gas CH 2 O used chiefly in

aqueous solution as a disinfectant and preservative and in chemical

Insect Repellent – A substance applied to skin, clothing, or other surfaces

which discourages insects from landing or climbing on that surface.
Lavender – A small aromatic evergreen shrub of the mint family, with narrow
leaves and bluish-purple flowers. Lavender has been widely used in perfumery
and medicine since ancient times.

Methyl Alcohol
1: another term for Methanol – a light volatile flammable poisonous liquid
alcohol CH 3 OH used especially as a solvent, antifreeze, or denaturant
for ethanol and in the synthesis of other chemicals.

2: a colorless, volatile, water-soluble, poisonous liquid, CH4O, obtained by the

destructive distillation of wood or the incomplete oxidation of natural gas, or
produced synthetically from carbon monoxide and hydrogen, used chiefly as a
solvent, a fuel, and an automobile antifreeze and in the synthesis of

Peace Lilies – Any of various plants of the genus Spathiphyllum having a white
or green spathe and a spike of fragrant flowers and often cultivated as an
ornamental. spathe flower, Spathiphyllum.

Toxins – A poisonous substance that is a specific product of the

metabolic activities of a living organism and is usually very unstable,
notably toxic when introduced into the tissues, and typically capable of
inducing antibody formation.

Trichloroethylene – A nonflammable toxic liquid C 2 HCl 3 used especially

as an industrial solvent.

Xylene – Any of three toxic flammable oily isomeric aromatic

hydrocarbons C 8 H 10 that are di-methyl homologs of benzene and are
usually obtained from petroleum or natural gas distillates; also: a mixture
of xylenes and ethylbenzene used chiefly as a solvent.

The Assumption of the Study

What we expect to come out of this research is to hope that we were able to
convince and persuade to buying our product for the benefits of their home, health and
the health of others.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter contains all the collected and compiled information and articles from

different authors and researchers. This chapter would elaborate the research branches

that may contribute to the study itself. Through this chapter, we will find out more about

this topic coming from different researchers.

Local Studies

A study from Resources for the Future Company (2003) states that the air quality

problems in the Philippines arise principally from domestic sources. Given its geography

and meteorology and the absence of emissions from neighbors to the west, the country

does not suffer from the continental problems of long-range transport of particles, ozone,

or acid deposition. Because of its more southerly location, the Philippines is less affected

by emissions of yellow sand (loess) that blow across much of East Asia, especially Korea

and Japan. Similarly, the Philippines is less affected than other Southeast Asian countries

by smoke from forest fires in Indonesia, although the most extreme events of 1997 did

have some impact in the southern provinces. Our geographic focus is the Metro Manila

airshed, which stretches from Pampanga and Bulacan in the north to Batangas in the

south, and from Bataan and Cavite in the west to Rizal, Laguna and part of Quezon in

the east.

According to Kylie Domingo, air fresheners are pervasive within indoor built

environments, such as workplaces, schools, housing, transportation, hotels, hospitals,

care facilities, and a range of private and public buildings. Air fresheners are designed to

impart an aroma to the air environment or to mask odors, with the intent of creating a
pleasing indoor space. However, despite the intent, air fresheners can emit and generate

a range of potentially hazardous air pollutants that can impair air quality. Even so-called

green and organic air fresheners can emit hazardous air pollutants. Air freshener

ingredients are largely unknown and undisclosed, owing to regulatory protections on

consumer product ingredients and on fragrance formulations. In studies, fewer than ten

percent of all volatile ingredients are typically disclosed on air freshener labels or material

safety data sheets. From an indoor air quality perspective, air fresheners have been

indicated as a primary source of volatile organic compounds within buildings. From a

health perspective, air fresheners have been associated with adverse effects, such as

migraine headaches, asthma attacks, mucosal symptoms, infant illness, and breathing

difficulties. This article investigates the seeming paradox that products designed to

improve the indoor environment can pose unintended and unknown risks. It examines the

science, health, and policy perspectives, and provides recommendations and research


According to Ermelinda Floretes states air freshener is made from assorted sorts

of ingredients including different sorts of indispensable oils. By directing out the aroma.

air freshener is able to cover up the bad odor. So as to relieve the uncomfortable feeling

caused by the unwanted olfactory property. They typically present aroma and other

olfactory property counteract ants into the air. They do so through an assortment of

merchandise formats including aerosols tapers assortment and gels The research

workers decided to make an air freshener spray made from Sampaguita ( Jasminum

sambac ) petals and Orange ( Citrus sinensis ) desquamations infusion.

It is also said to be bad for us because according to a study conducted by

Lawrence Aduana and the Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC), 86% of air

fresheners tested contained phthalates. Phthalates, which are also found in many

plastics, aerosol sprays, paints, pesticides, cosmetics, and fragrances, are notoriously

disruptive to the body. And it may cause serious illnesses like allergic skin reactions, eye

and respiratory irritation, fatigue and many more if we inhale some of the chemicals in it.

Local Literature

According to United States Environmental Protection Agency and Air Oasis

Researchers, the most effective ways to improve your indoor air are to reduce or remove

the sources of pollutants and to ventilate with clean outdoor air. Using a household-air

purifier can help to improve indoor air quality. A portable air purifier is designed to filter

the air in a single room or area. The ability of a household-air purifier to work coincides

with the benefits that the user will receive. When you use a household-air purifier, benefits

include improved health, particularly for people who suffer from respiratory problems.

People who suffer from asthma, for example, may greatly benefit from the improved air

quality in homes that use air purifiers. People with allergies can also expect some relief

or reduced symptoms because, as previously noted, many indoor air allergens that affect

people who suffer from these ailments are removed by the use of a purifier.

Christian Alpuerto, states we use air freshener to eliminate bad odor or bacteria

in our homes. The first modern air freshener, as we know it, was introduced in 1948. Its

original function was based on a military technology for dispensing insecticides. It was

adapted into a pressurized spray using a propellant. The idea behind the product was to
deliver a fine mist of aroma compounds to remain suspended in the air for an extended

period of time. The air freshener was born and this first type of dispenser became the

industry standard. In the 1980s, the air freshener market shifted away from aerosols, due

to concerns over the destruction of the ozone layer. Many other air freshener delivery

methods have become popular since, including scented candles, solid gels, reed

diffusers, liquid wick air fresheners, potpourri, and heat release air freshening products

such as scented oils.

Foreign Studies

According to Andrea Satterfield (2015), people don’t often think about what goes

into our air. Smokes, car fumes, and years upon years of pollution and everyday debris –

these are what we are breathing day in and day out. Most commonly associated with the

gorgeous, white flowers that you see in a condolence line of bouquets at a funeral, peace

lilies (Spathiphyllum) are known to have cleansing, healing properties. Their mere

presence is meant to evoke emotions of peace and harmonious thoughts.

According to Jeremy Bowen, this type of air cleaning technology is very simple

but also very efficient in removing odors and toxins from the air. Activated charcoal has

been treated with oxygen in order to open up the millions of pores in between the carbon

atoms in the charcoal, which is what enables the charcoal to absorb odors and fumes

effectively. They are also capable of removing organic molecules, much like solvents.

This is a very simple but effective means of neutralizing odors and trapping gases in the

air of a space.
According to Joe Bowman (2016), lavender (Lavandula spica L.) was

recommended for people suffering from insomnia or other sleep disorders. People stuffed

their pillows with lavender flowers to help them fall asleep and get a better night’s rest.

Today, aromatherapists use lavender to treat headaches and nervousness or

restlessness. Massage therapists sometimes apply lavender oil to the skin, which might

function both as a calming agent and as a sleep aid. In 1963, Klaus Hammes created a

“simple filter system” for German residential users. This system was comprised of a filter

pad that used magnets to attach it to the air outlet of residential coal ovens. This filter

system helped reduced asthma flare-ups and relieved allergy symptoms. In 1960 to 1970,

they introduced a cabin air filter Mercedes-Benz in North America to be used in their

automobiles. Today, air purifier systems for home and commercial use are readily

available and the best ones are generally recommended for helping with symptoms of

asthma and allergy.

Lance A. Wallace, stated that air cleaners employing filters are of two general

types. Portable air cleaners are self-contained devices that can be placed in a room,

such as the bedroom of an allergic child, and operated there to reduce particle levels in

the room. In-duct air cleaners are installed in the ductwork of a home with central forced

air and are designed to reduce particle levels throughout the house. This review will deal

with both types. He also stated that Filters are of two general types—mechanical and

electrical. The mechanical filter simply intercepts particles in the air passing through the

filter. The ordinary furnace filter represents the most common type of filter: the fibrous

filter. Fibrous filters consist of layers of fibers, crisscrossed in more or less random ways

so as to allow air molecules to find a tortuous path through the filter, while at the same
time removing particles that intercept the fibers. The thicker or more tightly weaved the

filter, the more success it will have in removing particles. However, increased thickness

or tightness of the weave requires more energy to move the air through the filter, so there

is an economic cost in going to more efficient mechanical filters. The second type of filter

employs an electrical charge to enhance the collection of particles. For example, the

fibers can be permanently charged. This type of filter is often called an electret. Since

some air particles are charged, they will be attracted to charges of opposite polarity on

the filter. Even for uncharged particles, the existence of a charge on a nearby fiber will

induce a dipole moment (pushing like charges to the back of the particle and unlike

charges to the front, as seen from the fiber) and the net result is an attraction to the fiber.

Since the electric charge on the filter doesn’t affect the pressure drop, there is no energy

penalty. Electrets are widely used in automobiles to filter the air coming into the

passenger compartment.

Foreign Literature

According to Lance A. Wallace, we breathe about 13 cubic meters of air each day,

and many of the particles in the air deposit in our lungs. Hundreds of studies worldwide

have documented increases in morbidity and mortality associated with increases in

particle levels outdoors. However, people spend almost 90% of their time indoors, and

indoor air has its own list of sources that may be as bad or worse than outdoors—for

example, cigarette smoke.

According to Angelika Heil (1998), Air Cleaners and Air Filters are an effective

supplement to source control and ventilation and helps to improve indoor air quality.
HEPA filters have been proven that has the highest efficiency in removing particles. HEPA

will significantly reduce indoor air pollution and the ensuing haze risk. Unfortunately, these

devices are costly and also its maintenance. But this will only depend on where will it be

used and what for. The point of using the three of those is the fact that is a purifier that

could potentially save instead of harm and kill slowly. An air purifier highlighted with those

main ingredients does not only reduce the chances of negative effects but also keeps not

only the users safe but also nature.


Kind of Research

This research presents the experimental method that is used for gathering the

needed information for the study. The study itself will determine the effectiveness of

household air purifier by giving randomly picked students to try our product and later on

answer a short survey which they will rate later on how good the self-made household-air

purifier is.

Using this method, we are able to make a conclusion about how our household-air

purifier can affect each individual when using it.

Research Design

The researchers will get Lavender and Peace Lilies from a nearby plant nursery,

and the activated charcoal can either be bought or be self-made which the instructions to

make it will be given later on. From the given materials, Random Complete Block

Sampling is the method that will use in this study.

The researchers will pick 15 Grade 9 students randomly participant of DSM

through the lottery method. They will be given a survey which they will determine the

effectiveness of air purifier by their rating.

Materials and Methods of the Study

Preparation of the area

Before starting on our work we must first a clean safe area to work on. The

researchers us Detergent and Bleach to scrub the filth off the work area.

Gathering of the Ingredients

First, gather all the necessary things needed which are: Lavender, Activated

Charcoal, Peace Lilies, Pot, Water, Clean Bottle, and Humidifier.

Boiling of Water

After collecting the ingredients, the researchers then proceed to boiling our water.

The researchers then wait for it until it reaches the boiling point.
Add the Ingredients

Once it reaches its boiling point the researchers then add the ingredients into the

pot and let it stay there for 20 minutes.


Once the 20 minutes are over the researches then turned off the heat and let it

cool down. After that the researchers then transferred the product into a clean bottle.

Preparing and organizing for the questionnaires

The researchers then proceed to making the questionnaires for the survey and

they will rate ranging from 1 being the lowest to 5 being the highest.

Participants will be chosen

The researchers will randomly pick 15 Grade 9 students to try out the product for

5 days and once the 5 days are over the researchers will then come back to give the

questionnaires for them to answer.

Gathering of data

The researchers will then gather all the data they have and sort them from lowest

to highest according to the average of their respondents.


The researchers will draw the conclusion based on the result of the experiment.
Preparation of the area

Gathering of the Ingredients

Boiling of Water

Add the Ingredients


Preparing and organizing for the questionnaires

Participants will be chosen

Gathering of data


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