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Prepared To Fulfill the English Course Tasks

Lecturer Pengampu: Steven Leo A, S.Pd.

By :
Riski Maulana
Ayu Olyvia Farazilla
Alfin Zakaria
Wardatul Hasanah
Niza Firanda

DIII Study Program of Nursing

Bondowoso University

By praise gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT, because with His grace and
guidance alone, so that the task of this course can be resolved properly. This task is structured to
fulfill the task of English language course which is one of the subjects given in the Study Program of
Nursing DIII of Bondowoso University. English course is a course that learn about
the use and delivery of correct English in the world of nursing. The author believes, without any help
from all parties, this paper will experience many obstacles. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration the
authors would like to thank:
1. Yuana Dwi Agustin, SKM, M. Kes, as Chairman of Nursing Program of DIY of
Bondowoso University.
2. Steven Leo A, S.Pd. as a lecturer pengampu writing this paper.
3. All parties who have assisted the work of this paper.
Hopefully all the contributions given to the author get rewarded from Allah SWT, and the
authors are looking forward to constructive criticism and suggestions from all parties to improve the
next step writer.

Bondowoso, December 2017

table of contents

TITLE ....................................................................................................................... i
PREFACE ................................................................................................................ ii
CONTENTS ............................................................................................................ iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------ 1
1.1. Background -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2. Problem Formulation --------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.3. The purpose -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ---------------------------------------------------- 2
2.1 How does the definition of hypertension ------------------------------------ 2
2.2 Explain the treatment of hypertension --------------------------------------- 2
2.3 Technical ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
2.4 Traditional ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
2.5 How hypertension prevention ------------------------------------------------- 6
CHAPTER III CLOSING -------------------------------------------------------- 7
3.1 Conclusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
3.2 Suggestion ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7
BIBLIOGRAPHY ------------------------------------------------------------------ 8

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