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Write the answers for following questions in one or two words.

1. These are natural chemicals and are your body's chemical messengers:
2. Hormones travel in this to reach tissues and organs:
3. This gland secretes several important hormones which stimulate other endocrine
4. This gland is also known as the master switchboard because it’s the part of the brain
that controls the endocrine system:
5. This gland is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels:
6. This gland produces the hormones thyroxine and and triodothyronine which control the
rate of energy release inside cells: T
7. When we are in danger the brain stimulates these glands to secrete the hormone
adrenaline, to prepare us for the “flight” and “fight” response:
8. The endocrine system works very closely with this system:
9. This disease has two types, type 1 and type 2. It is caused by issues with insulin and the
10. The pancreas regulates blood sugar levels by releasing this hormone:
11. Men produce this hormone in their testes:
12. Women produce this hormone in their ovaries:
13. This organ sends instructions to the endocrine system:
14. This condition is also referred to as gigantism:
15. The endocrine system constantly adjusts hormone levels so that the body can function
normally and achieve this:
16. This is caused when a person has too much prolactin hormone:
17. This is caused when a person has too much thyroid hormone:
18. This is caused when there is too little thyroid hormone:
19. This is caused by hormone levels that are too high or too low or if your body does not
respond normally to hormones:
20. This term describes an endocrine disease that results when a gland produces too much
or too little of a hormone:
21. The endocrine glands produce them:
22. This gland produces growth hormones which is important for controlling growth and
23. This gland control everyday important functions such as eating, sleeping, body
temperature and heart rate:
24. This organ can receive feedback from the endocrine glands:
25. In Diabetes, the pancreas does not produce this:

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