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" A dii0 quidem immortelibus qnaa"
potesfc homini major esso poena,
futoto atque* dementia. ?
OICBBO. De Xlarmpicum Me8$onm> XV III., 39.
"What greater puninhmont "
can the immortal gods inflict on man tluiu
madiQoss or insanity I
A prima descend! t origine nrandl
Causarum series." LUCAH. Pha^-saUa, FX 608,
" Bven from the first beginnings of the world
Descends a chain
A proximis c|ri!s<jn0 minimo anteiri vult,"
LIVY. Histories, VL> &L
Every one lias a special objection to being oxceltad )>y his own rolatlon. w
A se suinquo orsw prlmura douxum simro oo&roait quod ; j?leri$c[tte
hand minTO aroaum est <pam provinciam rogoro,"
"Beginning with "himself and his family, he first made himself master in
mB own Imiwe ; a thing which is, in many c?woa t difficult as the m
ruling of a province."
u Ab allo exspootes, alter! quod foooris**' PaswMtJS SYBUS, 1.
" Look to be treated
by othew as you have treated othen*,"
Ab ovo usque ad mala/' HOEAOB, Satires, J, 8* 0.
H From the
eggs to the apples," (From momliig till night, In allusion to
the Roman etna*)
Abiit, exoessife, emiit, eruplt," OZCVEO. In C&MWnam, IL, 1, 1.
" He is
gone, ho has fted h0 has eluded ow vigilance, ho has broken
through our guards,"
Abmjntem liedit, cum ebrio qui Htigal" PUBWWUS SXEUS, S,
He who qnwrela with a drunken man injure* one who Is absent'*
M Absantem <mi rodit ami
Qui non dejtadit alio oulpanw, soltttos
Qwi aaptet riias hominum, fioaarnqta dioftcls,
Tittgera qui HOE visa potdt, oommissa twsert
Qiai noqult Mo igr 0st buno tu, BomMW, oaveto."
; f

HOEAO* Bating X 4 81*

He who maligns an absent ftitad'0 Wr fSiine,
Who $aya no word for him whsu others blatiie,
Who eomrfcu a reoklwa Uugh by random hits,
Just for the sake of waking among wtte
Who feigns whut he V saw, a itwet blahs, n
Are him, Roman I that miw iMte or stab** -^(
" Abseates tinnitu aurium H
praosontire normonoH <lo o rocoptum et.
PLINY TUB ItonM. Natural Histtiryr #*VW/7 M f,

"It is generally admitted that the nbatwt arc

warned by a ringing in the
ears, when they arc being talked about"

" Abstineas
igito darnnandie ; hujus ouim vol
Una potens ratio osfc, no orimina noatra otjuantut
Ex nobis geniti quoniam docilee imifcandiB

Turpibus ac pravis omnes sumus," J'UYBKAJU NatvK** XIFn SB,

"Befrainthen from doing ill for one all-powerful raH<m> U*t our

dren should copy our misdeeds; wo are all too promo to

whatever is base and depraved."

" Ac veluti in populo onm ooorta est

magno saop
Seditio, saovitque animis ignobil volgus, faces et aaza volants (furor arma niinifltrat) ;
Turn piotate gravem ao wierHis si forte virum quom
Oonspexore, silent, auribus adatatit ;
Hie regit diotis animos, et pootora muloot/'
" As when sedition oft Kas stirred
In. some great town the vulgar brd,
And brands and stones already fly*
For rage bas weapons always nigh-
Then snould sonao man of worth appear
Waose stainless virtu all rover,
They hush, they hist ; his olear voice ml
Their rebel wills, their anger cools.'*

Ac venemba Geres, ita oulmo surgeret alto,
Expliouit vino oontraotae seria frontis."
And draughts to Ceres, so she'd top the ground
With good tall ears, our frets and worries drowned,"

Aocendamque animos insani Martis amoro/'
ViJaoitu Mntid, FJIn 060*
I will inflame their minds with lust of furious strife/*

Aocendebat haeo, onerabatqiae Sojanua, p@ritia moram f Ibiril o4l4 in
longum jaoiens, qnm reoonderet auot&que ptomwot."
TAOIIJUS* AmmM ln Si, t

"All this was Mamed and aggravated Sfitjimw, who with hii thoyoiigh
comprehension of the character of Tibertuts, nowect for a, ditit ftitttw
hatreds which the emperor might twasuw up wd
might exhibit wbi
Mly matured. "(Church
Aooeptisaima semper
Munera sunt auotor qua/o protiosa fwiV
Ovip, XVlLi 1L
" Those
gifts are over most wcwtabk
Which take their value only worn the givw."
Acoipo nuno Danaum insidias, et orimino ab uno
Disoe oinnis/' Vmcaii. Jfineid, II, 65*
Now while my tongue declares
Tho tale you ask of Danaati snares,
And gather from a single charge
Their catalogue of crimes at large,**' (Gonwigton.)
Acfiipitri timidas crodis, toioso, colnmbas?
Plenum montano oredis ovilo lupo ?
OVID* De Arte Amandi, IF,, %',
Madman ! Wouldt trust tho hawk
with timid dovos,
Or wilh the crowded fold, the mountain wolf?"
H Aoolinis falsis animus moliora rcousat." HOBAOB, tiatwcs, n,,26.
The mind inclined to what m false recoils from better tlriugH."
" Aoorrima
proximorum odia," TACITUS, liuiory^ 1 V, t 70,
" No hatred
is so bitter m that of near relations,"
Acherontis pabulum/'
PL4OTU0. Coswa, Act IZ, $c. L, 12, (Ckoatrata.)
"Food for Acheron."
Aoribus inourloso fino.
initiis, Avmals, F/., 17.
Keen at the start, but carolOHS at the end,"

Aota deos nung[uaan mortalia fallunt." OVID. Tristia t I,, 2, 97,
Nought that men do can e'er escape the gods/'
Aotum, aiunt, BO agaa/*
Phormio, Act IX, Sc, JIT*, 72,
"What in done let iw leave alone/*
" Aofea no
agamus ; roli^ua paremus."
Oiowno. A&Atttcwn, IX, 6, 7*
**Lt u not go over th old ground, but rather prepare for
what is to co&o."
Aotutum fortunae solont inutarior. Varia vita esi"
rriAUOfWfl, TrmulmtiWi Act II., ^. I. 9* (JUtoptow.)
" forsooth our fortunes are most variable. Life is full of change."
Ad auotors redit
Scoloris coaoti oulpa.** SIOTOA, Treaties^ 880, (Xfokw,)
n The blame Mis on the
instigators when a crinw is committed under com-
A<1 damnum adderetur injuria/' Oioaio, Pro TulUo, XVIL, 41<
" That would be
adding insult to injury/'
Damnum," HOBAOJB. O#M, III. 5, SO,
" You tte
adding injury to fafcmy/'
Quid faoios tibJ,
Jnjttrlfto q,ui addidaris dontuEwMAm t **
PIIABPBUS, Fablw, *F*> S, 4
What you1 do to yotwwif, iwing th*t you we adding insult
to injury t'
Ad Kalendas G-raocas." AUGUSTUS, (totatft<, II., S7*)
" At the Greek Kalends,**

Ad Graeoas, boiao rex, fiant mandata

WJ*|> Of AJWttn.
Your commands, noble king, shall fo
obydi nfc th<* <J

" Ad majorem Dei gloriam." Cawmes ct Becrta Omcilii Tridwtini.
glory of God,"
To the greater
"Ad omnia alia aetate sapimus reotlus ;

Solum unum hoc vitium sonootus adforfc bominibua >r


Attentiores sumus ad rem omnos qtiam sat est*

Act F, ^ c. Ill, 46

IB all matters el
Increase of age increases wisdom in ua ;

This only vice age brings along with it ;

We're all more worldly-minded than we need ',"

"Ad quae noscenda iter

ingradi, transmitters maw soknans^ e iiJ)
oculis posita negligemus.
"We are always ready to take a journey or to cross the wan for thi pur-
pose of seeing things to which, if they are pttt "before our eys, w<^ jtay
no attention/'
" Ad tristem partem strenua est suspioio." PtjBHMtrs SYROS^ 6,

"A suspicions mind always looks on the black side of thing**"

" Ad unguem
Faotus homo,'' HOBAQB* Mating t, 5, 82.
1 '
A gentleman to the finger tips,"
Ad vivendum velut ad natandtim la melior ^"ui oneto liborior.**


" He isthe better equipped for life, as for avrimmingr who few tho leM to

Toltum habitumaue Ixoioinis, dtxm tu vidisee "baatus

Non. magni pendis, gnia oontl^t," HoBAOl. Satin*, JJ, 4 01*
Then the man's look, his manner th wo may
Mere things of cours, perhapi, in your ettwm,
So privileged as yon are/' (Ooninffion*)
Addito salis grano/'
Pnnnr HB BLDBB, JZVii^al History^ XIIIL^ 77,
" With the addition of a
grain of salt/'
(H&nce, probably t7w$hrae t >
Onm gfww mUn '*.)

Adeo faoiliua est multa faoero qiaam din/ 1

QtiiNmtLiAH, Dd InBtiMwm Owtorto, J IS t 7,

It is much easier to try one's hand at many things! than to
one's powers on one tiling/'

Adeo in teneris oonsttosoere multum est."

Georgics, IZ, 272.
Such force hath custom tender plants upon." {/. J3. HQS&)
" Adeo maxima quaeqne ambigua stint, dum alii quoquo modo aucUta
pro compertis nabont, alii vera in oontrarium vortunfc, et gliaoit

utrumqueposteritatc." TAOITTJS. Annals, IIZ, 19.

So obscure are the greatest events, as somo take for granted any hearsay ,
whatever its source, others turn truth into falsehood, and both errors
find encouragement with posterity." (Ohuroh and Itrodribb.)
Adeo res redifc
Si quis quid reddit, magna habonda st gratia."
TBBJBNOB. Phormio, Act Z, $c, IZ, 6. -(Dawns.)
M If a man
pays you what he owes, you're much
Beholden to him." (G-eorg Gotman.)
u Adeo
sanctum ost vetus omne poema/'
HOBAOB, JSpistolae, II. , 1, 54.
4 *
So holy a thing is every ancient poem."
Adeo yirfcutes
iisdem temporibus optima aestimantur quibus facillime
gignuntur/' Ikajratra. Agricola, Z
Virtues are held in the highest estimation in the very timefj which most
readily bring them forth."
Adoone homines immutarier
Bx arnore, ut non oognosoas eimdom ess ? "
TMBBHOT* SunuchuSf Act IZ, Be, Z, 19,- -(Poww^o.)
That love
Should BO change men, that one can hardly swear
They aw the same 1" (Qtwge Colrnan.)
Adhuo neminom ooguovi pootam , ,
qui sibi non optimus videretur*
S!o se res habet ;
to tua t me dolect'ant moa/'
OIOBEO. TuBculmm Di&putatioms, F., 22, 68.
1 have never yet known a poet who did not think himself the greatest in
the world. That is the way of things you take delight in your ;
works, I in mine/
Adhuo sub juflioe lia est/
HOIUOB* D^ Arte Poetica, 78.
" The ease is (still before the court/*
idhuo tua measis in herba st/
Ovi* nereides* XFIZ, 268.
Tow harvest is still to the blade/'
" Adibo huno, quern qtiidem ego hodie faoiam Mo arietem
Phryxi itaaue tondebo auto usqne ad vivam outem.

tUOTUB. BwcMU, Act IZ, &e, ITI^ 7.-

" I'll
go to him whom I intend to make
Phrixua'a ram to-day for of his gold :

I'll ahoar him to the quick/' (Som,U '.

bonus gaudot; pessimias quisque oorreotorem asperrima

SBKBOA. D$ Ifa, IIZ, 36, 4
The good man low reproof ; the bad man will never bear correction

BIB, turn mim
Hanguw Integer,eat
Hei ttiao quaorondae oonvonife oporam dnn ;

Domum igitur, quum sonox m, tuno hi oil am

To oollocoH, dum potostur id jam luoro ;
Quod vivls*" PLAUTOS. Mercator, Act Z7II, $c* Jr 7,- -

While you are young and full of blood,
You ought to toil awl labour for a fortune ;
But in old age, bo Happy, while you may,
And render all your latter yeaw clear

" Adolescentes mihi

mpri sic vidontur, ut guma aquao miiltiiutlinu V!K
flamiiiae opprimitur; sonea autom BIO, ut ouni aua ponti) f uulU
adhibita yi, oonsumptuB igais exsfcingulfcut.
X 71.

**Tho death of the young seems to me to resemble theftuddott xtliti'tiaw <>t

a flame with volumes of water; thu old neem xnthor to dltiwi flw
which jflickers out of itself."
Adspioe lat
Florentes CLuondara luxus quas Yertr!t tivbos*
Quippe neo ira deum tantum, neo tela, neo hoates,
Quantum sola nooes animis illapsa, voluptas."
" Look far and
wido, how many flourishing cities has luxury overthrown,
Not the anger of the gods, nor armed enemies aw to to drwlml n U
thou, Pleasure, once thou hast crept into the hearte of mn. M
Adulandi gens prudontiHsIma laudafc
Sermonem indooti, faoiom doforiais amici,"
JUVBJNAI* tfatiws, III*, 86.
" The most
cunning flatterer is ho who praises the conversation of th un-
learned, and the features of the ill-favoured."

" Adulation! foedum crimen

servitutie, maligniteii lalsa gpeoidft Ubor-
tatis inest." IVoXTim* llworn, JT., 1 4
**To flattery there attaches the shameful imputation of servility, to ma*
lignity the false appearance of i&doponde&oo/

(Olmrok ami
(Nam <juae insoitia eat),
Advorsum stknulum calces."
TBBHKOB. Phorvmo, Act 1, go. IX,
a foolish teak
To kick against the pricks/' (Qtorg* O
Aedepol nae nos sumus mulieres inique aeqtto omnos tevliM vlrii,
Fropter pauoas quae omnes faoitmt dignao ut vidcmmur lanta'

le^ I/,, $> 111, L-( ,

"How unjustly
Do husbands stretch their censures to all wive*
For the offences of a fow, whose view
Beflect dishonour oa the rent ! w
(6to?r00 C/olwft)
Acclificarc cams, plonlollo adjungorc inn res,
Luclore par impar, eqtiltaro in arundme lmga
Si quom doloctot barbatum ; amentia voraot,"
HOIIACHJ. Satires* XL, 3,
To ride a wtiok, to build a puper house,
Play odd and even, harness mouse and mouse :

If A grown man professed to find delight

In tilings like these, you'd call him mad outright."

Nil movisse salus rebun." StLius ITALIOUS* Punica, F/Z, 394.
In ov il case, there's safety in inaction."
Aogroto, dum anima cat spos css dicitur."
OiOMito. Ad Atticwi, JX, 10, 9.
As the saying is, while there is life thero is hope."
Aoqua logo neeessitas
Sortlttir insignos ct imos ;

Omne capax moyet urna nomn."

HOBAOB. Odes, III, 1, 14.
M Death takes the mean man with the
prond ;
The fatal urn has room for all. (Comnf/ton.)

**Aquo animo o vita, quum ea non placcat, tatiqnam o theatre,

cxeamus.'* OIOBJIO. J)e Mnibu.% I., 15, 49,
U life IB distasteful to iw, let u$ leave
it as calmly as though we were
leaving the theatre.
Aecmom cat, tonorp per fidom quod creditum eat,
Ne*b0E6 moronti Bit male bonignites,"
FLAUTOS. Cfatelktria, Act IF*., Be, II, 9A.- (BaZfaca.)
Safe to return what onae is given in trust
Is just and right ; elwe the benevolent
Suffers, who did the kindncws.
(llownall Thornton.)
" Aera nlto&t mm ;
TOitis bona quaorit haborl ;

OaBesctmi tarpi tocta relicta gitu." Ovm Amorm, L t 8 51.

Brass shinoa with two ; good garments should be worn ;

Deserted houses soon In rains fall,"

Aesopi ingonlo statuaxa posuoro Attioi, oollooarunt aotorna in basi,
Batera houoriB soiront ut ctraotis viam,
No goneri tribui, sed virtuti, glorlatn."
ffalUs, II, SJ^ilogw, 1.
The Athenians a m statue to the genius of Mo$, and placed
on an imperlsbable pedeatel^to show that the path of honour
h< IH

open to alt,
&** and that glory is the attribute of worth and not of
Aafttuafc in sons
lino in oorde pudot mixboquo insanla luotu
Bt fariia agitato amor ot oonsoia virtuw."
VinoiEf. JBn&id, XXI, 666.
Fieroo boiln in every vein
Indignant shame and passion blind,
The tempout of the lover's inlml,
iie soldtert Wgh diidain/'-^ (
Aetas parentum, pejor avis, tulit
Nos nequiores, mox daturos
Progeniom vitiosiorem," HOBAOM. Oiks HL,
f 0, 40*
' '
Viler thau grandsirca, sire** beget
Ourselves, yet baser, soon to curw
The world with baser offspring yet**
" Minorva."
Aganms, igitur, pingui, ut aiimt,
' '
Let us bring to bear ow plain mother wit,
" virfctis tutum arife omna
Agedtim anteoedat, vestigium."
SBJNKCA, JD Flto B^ato, XIII* 5,
If virtue precede us every step will be

Agnosoo veteris vestigia flammae." Vi&axt, JKntid t IF., 28,
1 '
E'en IE these ashen embers ookl
I feel the spark I felt of old," (Oonfagton*)

" Ah 1 orudele genus, neo fidum femina nomen I

A"h pereat, didioit fallen si ^ua vitum
t I

TteuiJJTrs. JB%fw IIIn 4 (Jl,

" Ah cruel raee ah faithles naxue of woman I

Ah, death to her who learns to dewlm*

Ah miser etsi quis primo perjuria celat,

Sera tamen taoitis Boena Tenit pedibus. n

TiBuroitja, XUkgw* Z 0* 8.
tlahappy man though you at first eoiweal

Your perjuries, yet ptmiahment at last

Creeps on with silent feet,"

"Ah nimium faciles, qui tristia orimina oaedis


Muminea tolli posse putatis aqua. n OVID, Fmti f II, ^ 45,

"Too easy those who think that murder's stain

May be by river water washed away,"
Aleator, qua&to in arbe melior, tanto nequlor."
"A gamester, the greater master he is to his art, the urownj mm he !***
Alia initia e fine." PLINY mm BLDBB, Natwal Hi*toty t
IX t 60.
From the end spring new beginnings/*
" Aliae
nationes servitntem pati possunt populi Bomani res eil
ppri ;

libertas." OIOBBO. PMI^wa, FI*, ff la

Other nations may be able to endure slavery j but liberty is the
birthright of the Roman people,"
" Aliena
nobis, nosfcra plus aliis placent" P0BMMTO STO 0,
We desire what belongs to others, while others covet rftther our powiwiauft/
Aliquls de gente hlrcosa Oentmioiium
Dicafc ; quod satis M
sapio mihi, non ego euro
TBsse quod Arcesilas, aetuxnnosiqne Solones/'
PMRSIITS. Mires, III,, 77.
" Some boarded
May nay
What is enough for me
; I know ;

And I nave no desire to imitate

ArceaiUus or some careworn Solon V
" sues."
Alitet cafeuli kmge olenis, alifcor
s, Act IF, $c* IZ 9.

"Puppies and pigs have a very different smell"

Alitur vltium, vivitquo feegendo,
Bum medieas adhibere maims ad vulnera pastor
Abnegat, aut meliora doos aedot omina poscens."
VXEGXL. G&orgics, IIL t 454:.
Give ills their vent, worse by concealment made,
The while the shepherd, sitting in the shade ,

Both supplicate the heavens above for aid." (J". B. Hose.)

"Aliud male dicer, aliud accusaro, Aoousatio orimen desiderat,

rom ut dofmiat, hominom ut notet, atgnmento probet, toste oon-
flrmot. Malodictio autem aaihil habet propositi praetar oon-
twneliam." OXOBBO* Pro Oamo t III,, 6.
To slander is one thing, to accuae another. Accusation implies definition
of the charge, identification of the person, proof by argument, con-
firmation by witnesses. Slander has no other object than, the injury
of a reputation."

AHtuook silere quod voleg, primus die."
SresracA. Phaedra, 884. (P"hm&ra,}
M If know aught another should not then tell It not yourself/'
you toll,

Alto ost fraofeus artia, alius arMUcii; artift est fooisne auod
artifioii feoisse cum
iruoiu. Perfeoit snurn Phidias, etiamsi
non veBdidit," SfiOTJOA, v* Bmefim$ t IT., 88, &
" Tltero li this diiTerenoe between the products of the artist and of the
craftsman : the artist produces what he himself finds good, the er&fte-
num what is profitable, PMdtae, for instance* finished his work with
the greatest CAW, even thotigh he did not soil it"

Aliuque ot idem.
IToiuoa. Carmm ^culwre, 10,
Another, yet the same,"
Alta sadent oiYilis Yulnera deacttae*'* L0axw, Phwr$aUa t J,, 82,
Deop*9eatod AM tho wo-cmdn deult out in oivU brawls,'*

Altar wmns aquas, alter tibi radat
Tutus wis. Medio maxima toba mar! est."
Ito j&Bwm XbgiM, IT., % S8 (III, 8,
Sweep wlfch one our the wavei, with one the aands ;

Thus sltall yon safety find. The rougbeit mm

" Alter rixatur do lam saopo oaprina
Propugnat nugis armatus." HoBAnm Wpislolop, /. JH,
" Your bltmt follow battlon for a
As though lio'd knock you down, or teko the tow."
(< 'omV
" Altera manu fort lapidom, 1

pattern oatonlafc altora,*

PLAUTUS. Aululana, Act //, <S IZ, 18* .

"He shows us bread in one hand, but hfu* a stone in the othr.

" Altorms non sit, cmi suus esso potoat."

AHONYMOUS, Mabulm Aes(ym& XXL, fa Baw^, t 22, (Printed
with the FaUm of Phmdrm md Awnm^
Mpmti, ,1784.)
"He who can "be his own master, should not serve mother*"
" Amabit
sapiens, oupient oaoteri,"
AFEAOTTO. Qmm, Wmgmmt L (FIX,)*
The wise man will love ; all others will desire*"

Amantium irae amoris intogratio eet,"
TBEBNOBJ. Andria, Ad I1L ^0, JIIn S8,-{<7)^vmf.}
" w
Quarrels oflovers but renew their love -(0^orp Oolmm,)
Amioi, diem perdidi." TITOS. (8wMto*> VIXl> 8.)
"Friends, I have lost a day,"
" Amioitia
semper prodost, amor
at nooet, PuBEitMUS STEW, 500,
ever helpful but love "
"Friendship is , is harmful*
(Vulgatum illud, quia yeram crat, to provorbiuta venifc ;) Amimtfiw
immortales, mortales inimicitias debaro assa,
" There is an old
saying which, from !ta truth, lim immm proverblnl, that
friendships should oe immortal, enmities mortal,'*
Amicos esse fures temporls (monoro solobant)."
BACON. D& Augmmti ^cim^mrum^ fJ//^ t
Friends, they used to say, are the thiwa of tixno."
" Amioum
perdere est damnoruza maximum*'*
^mmurn WJ,
The of all lowes, "
1 '
loss of a friend is the greats
Amiens certus in re inoerta carnito***
EOTIOT. ffragmml toetr^ XLIV* (XVllL),
" The true
friend shows himself when fortune UH Mw/*
Amittit merito proprium, qni altenum

" He
PiuiDiitis, F^ki t t 9 4* 1.
rightly loses his own who covets another's, 11
"Amor et mello et felle eat fecundissuinuH."
PLAUTUS. Cistcllaria, Ad /,, Sc. Z 71."
" Love has
both gall and bouey in
Amor non telia ourat." Vnicuu Eclogue.^ Xn 28,
" Juove <mx'e,*i not for Much trifles,

" Amor sceleratus habeudi." Ovm, Hetamoryhom, 1., 131.

" The criminal love of riches."

Amoto quaoramus seria ludo." HOIUCIS, Satires^ J., 1, 27.
"We wiHtry
A graver tone, and lay our jGKmg by." (Conington.)

Amphitryo, misorrima istaoo misoria est servo bonp,


Apud heram qui vorft lo(|uitiir, si id vi yorum vincifeui:.''

Amphitryo, Act II., /S'c. I, 48. (Sosia.)

Of all grievances
This is most gricvoiis to a trusty servant :

That though m
tell Ma master truth, the truth
Ho ia beat out of by authority/' -(Sonnell Thornton.)
Amphora ooepit
Inatitui, outwnte rota our uroeus exit ?
HOEAOB. De Artc Poettca,
" That
crockery WUH a jar when you began ;
It wuls a pitelior," (6 o
Atnpliai aotatiw npatiuin aibi vir bonus. Hoc ost
y Ivero Ms vita pofio prioro f rui. " MABTIAIJ* Epigram*^ X. 8, 7.
A good man has a double spun of life,
S'or to enjoy past life is twice to live,"'

u An male aarfca
Gratia neq[uloq\iam ooit ot rascindite? "
HoBAOffl. Mpistolm, L, 8, 31.
la that
ugly breach in your good will M
W<j hoped had clotaiod, unhoalod and gftpig still ? (

" "
Aw ueftoiB loBgas regibus ease manus ?
Know you not how long are the arms of kings ?
An quisqwam ost aliua libor, nisi ducoro vltam
Oui lloofc ufe voluit ? Lioafc ut volo vivoro non sum ;

Llbwior Bruio ? " PBESIUS, ^^TM, 7.,

any other free than he who lives

His life as he hw wished t Let mo but live
According to my will ; am I not then
Mow fhe than Bratug I "

Varba blanda eo atiram rara ? dicta doefea pro datls ?

PtAOWB, x!lwma, ^to^ JIJ, ^o. In 21*<
"Bo you think
A smooth pttrsuftKire tongue will paw with its
For ourreut coin ! or tlmt fine subtle speeches
Will puts for
" Awima ost arnica axna&ti ; si atot, nulluH ent ;

Si adost, res nulla 'st, ipstia oat noquam ot iwr.


FLATTTUS, BaccMde, Act //., $0. //., 10* (tVirj/li/.)

A mistress is a lover's life and aowl-
He's a more nothing wlum she in away
And if she's with him hi* estate will IMS
As mere a nothing jut we! he himself
An inconsiderate wrotcn*" (XtmmU
Anlmao, qnibus altera fato
Corpora debentur, Lethaoi ad fluminis undam
Secures latioes, t longa oblivia potant."
Viaait, -(Wiuid, //*, 713.
Those souls who for robirtit
By Fate are destined, drink from Uthe's stream
Draughts of forgetfulness and long oblivion."
"(Apros,) animal propfcer con vi via nataau"
JUYIHA&. /SWIfil, I, 14 L
banquets bom."
The boar, an animal for
" 1
Animasque in volner ponuttt,*
Vrnoxt,. Gtotyiat, IK, 988. (<V *** ^)
They pierce and leave their lives within the wound/*
" Animi oultus 1
ille erat el quasi quidem humanitatia oibui,*
OIOBO* Da Finibm, 7,, 19, 54,
" This mental culture was as it were food to hit higher nature."
" Animi enim omBis mmlV 1
est aotio, et imago animi vuUus, incliti
GIQTOO, D& Qmton* U'l, m/Ml
of the mind, and the mirror of the mind is the fk
1 '
All action is f iti
index the eyes."
Animo vidit, ingenio complexes est, eloquentia illuBtiinavit,
PAJKBBOULXJS. Hutoria Itomana* tL> 60*

" His
intelligence seized on a subject, his genius embraced it, his t-ioqutmo*
illuminated it."
" Animula
vagula, blaadula,
Hospes oomesque corporis,
Quae nuno abibis in foca ;

Pallidula, rigidula, nuduia,

Keo, ut soles, dabis jocos,"
HADBUH* (Atlfas ^partimm^ Bai^ria^ Flto*)
wandering soul,
little, gentle,
Guest and comrade of the body,
"Who departest into $pace,
Naked, stiff and oolourlesa f

All thy wonted jests are done,"

" Animum
(TJt facile intelligi possit) et vidace at audlro, BOE d
quae quasi fexiestrae sint animi."
OICBBO. Tmculanm XfogputaMaiui, I, 4H
" It is the soul which sees and hears not those parts of ttw bmly whtoh

are, in a sense, the windows of the soul,"


" Animus aoqtuia optimum est aorumnao condimoulum,"

PLATOJS, Rmlens, Act IT,, Sc. III., 71. (Trachalio.)
A contented mind is the best aauco for trouble."
Acquam memento rebus in ardtds
Servaro mentem." HOKA.CB, Ote, IX, 3, 1.
' '
An equal mind when storms o'ercloud
Maintain. ( Coninffton, )

Animus hominis divas, non area appollati aolot, Quamvis ilia sit
plena, dum ta inanom vidobo, divitera non putabo/'
OIOBBO. Paradom, FI., 1, d4,
a man's mind and not Ms money clwsfc which is called rich.
It is
Thouffh your coffers be full, while I see you empty, X shall never
consider you wealthy,"
Animus quod perdidit op tat,
At<p0 in praoterita so totus imagine versat."
PBTBONXUS AKBITBB, Myricm, cap. 128,
" The mind
always what is losb,
Dwells ever in the shadow of the past."
Anto seneetutom otiravi *ufe bono vivorom in soneottito ut bone ;

moriar bono auiem mori ost libontor mori."


SKNBOA, Bpfatofae, LXI, 2.

" Before old
ago it was my
care to live well; in old age it IB my care to
die well : for to die well is to die willingly."
Bacchus amat oollis." VIBCH&. Gfeorgics t II., 112.
Bacchua lovm the open hills/ 1

Apox ost autem aenoctutis auctofitas."
CIOISEO* D^ SwwctMfo,' XVII. 60,
" The crovra of old is
age authority*"
Apparent rari nawtes in gurglt vasto*** Viaaift. Mnd^ I,, 118.
"/There in the vast abyw are m&n
The swimmers few and fat between/'

**Aptar! onus viribtisneo pins ooctiparl ^uam oui auilcero

poBaimuB." SMNTBOA. HpiBtokU) OFIII*, 2
The burden should be fitted to our strength, nor should more work bo
undertaken than we can fairly carry through,"

*Apud Ipaos fides obatinata, misorloordia In

promptu, 0ct
omnes alios hostile odium/
TACITUS, JHT&fory, T. tf, (O/ th*
To each other thev show an unswerving fidelity, ad &n ever-ready
charity, but to all who are not of their met the bitterest hostility/'
Apad lustitudinas forrioreplnaK insulaa,
Um vivas hominoB mortui taoraaut bovos."
PtAurus. Aswwria,, Ad L, $o I, 31. (Ifi^amw.)
Why in dub-Mwd, and in Katttechain, f>
When your di4 ox gore your living meu (Bonn&U Tttorton,)
" M
Amid mensam plonam horaini roHbrum doHgH.
Act ,/,, /&. I, l3.'-(
"Tie the man by the beak to a well- tilled

haeret, ut aiunt" OICBEO* D<? Oflciit, l/l* 33,

The water sticks, they say/*
" Acmam a pumioo jxano posfeulas/'
i I tfe, , 48.
" You are
trying to get water from a atone.*'

Aquam herole plorat, quom lavat, profunderc*"

S, Aulularia, Act lln 4?c. IK f 20,
He will even weep ' '

To throw away the water he hw washed w!th,"*"{$0wt*W

Aquila non captat musoas."
PROVBBB. (JUrasmm, Adagforwn, Ghiliwfo*, Omtempttt*

Aqnila non oapit mascas,"


BAOON. y^e Jm"wdKc^m v/ to liar

(Quod did solet,)
Aquilae seneotus."
s, Ac6 III., 5fe* IJ 0*

As tho proverb goes,
The old gd of an eagle," (Gteorg (M
Arcades ambo
Bt oantare pares et respon.dere parati.'*
VIRGII*. Kckgim, vn*> 4,
" 1

Arcadians both, who'll sing and sing in turn/

Arcanum nec^ue tu soruiaberis ullius unqttamj
Oommissumq^iie teges, ot vino tortus ofc ira/'
f IS, 87.
f '
Avoid prying what you're told keep battk,
all ;

Though wm or anger put you on the rack."~"

"Arcus . . .

cesses tendere, mollis erii

Si nunqtiam
Ovm JTroiAw, IK, f L
The bow . *

If it be ne'er unbent, will laie its power/*

Oorrump^es aroum, semper tensum si hatmorig,
At si laxaris, qutina volos erit utilis/*
PHABBBTO, tfabki> III, 14* 10.
"The bow soon breaks be always itrung ;
if it
Unbend it, and 'twill iem you at your notd."
ArduA^nim res famam praeoipifcantem retroYortere/

N D& Augmmtis
BAOOH. $$mUmm> FIX/*, fi

'Tis khard thing to prop up a falling reputation/


Arduaper ptaeocps gloria vadit ifcor,
Hectora quis posset, si felix Troia fuiBBot ?
Publica virfcuti per mala facta via ont"
Ovm. Tristia, IF., 8, 7!
" isthe road aspiring glory treads ;
Had Troy been happy, nono had Hector known ;

But valour's path is hewn through public woes."

M haoo
Ardua res esfc opibus non tradoro moron,"
MARTIAL. Mpigrams, XL, 5, 3.
'Tis a hard task not to surrender morality for riches."
Argon turn aocepi dote import urn vondidi"

PLAUIOB, Asinaria Ad J, /S'c. t

/. 74.
I have taken the money : I have sold my authority for a dowry."
PLATO ws. TrintmmuSt Act IT,, $c 17.
The money goes,"
Argilla quidvis imitaberis uda," HOBAOB. Stgistolae, II., 2 y 8,
" Soft
clay, you know, takes any form you please," ~(Conington.)
" Arma impia sumpsi." ViRGJXi. Mneid, X,L, 81.
" 1 have ta'en ariua iu an "
unholy cause.
" Arma non servant modiim,
Noc tomperari faoilo nee reprisal potest
Strict! ensis via." SISNBGA, Mcrcuk* Fwens, 40T*~-(L^/cw,)
Aruiod hands obnorve no HmitB, None can soothe
Or check the drawn aword'8 fury/'
u Arma tenenti
dat qui justa negat," LUOAN, Phwrsalia, I., 0^8.
To him who cornea in arms
1 '
He all things gives who jutioe would refuse.

oa&o." Vmatt, JS8neidt I*, 1.

"Arm* tog J and the man,"

Armat spina rosas, mella togunt apes,
Cresoitnt diffioili
gaudia* jurgio,
Acca30idik[uo magis, quao vofugit, Yonus,
Quod flonti tuloris, plus sapit, osoulum."
OLAtfDiAHtrs, Jn Nw$tia$ HonoMi, 17., 10,
^Thorns arm the rose, the bees their honey hide,
And lovers' quarrels load to keener joys ;

The love that's half refused tnHamej tie more,

Sweeteit the kiss that's atol'n from weeping maid.
Ars adeo latet arte sna." OVID. Metamorphom, XH &6&
M So art lies Wd
by its own artiftoe*"

Ubiounmie ars ostontatur, voritaft abesso videatur."
Da institutions Orator^ U., 8, 10S*
Wheww art dlaplayi itself, there would aeexa to be &n absence
" Ars aemula naturae," APULBIUS, Mctawwrpto**** 1L* 4.

"Art is nature's rival"

" Arfees serviunfc vitae ; sapientia imperat.**
SBHKCA. JBfcfetoZo*, LXXXV* 80,
u The arts are the servants of life ;wisdom its

" Artibus
ingentiis, quarum tibi maxima euro out,
Pectora mollescunt, asperltasquo fugit,"
OVID, Eptetolat Pmt&, m I 6* 7,
" The nobler
arts, which are thy chiefeat caw,
Soften onr natures and dispel all ructeim"

"Arllfox esfc etiam oni ad xercendam artem instrnman,tfc non sup-

petunt." SBHECA, D B^mftcii, /K, *Ji 8.

A man may well be an


artist though the tools of hi* craft 1 not in hi*
**Arva, boata
Petamus a^va, dMfces et imulas,
Beddit ubi Gererem fcellus inarafea qwotannlH,
Bt imputata floret nsqu vinea," HOBAO. J^wifot, 10, 41.
''Seekwe those blessed fields, those islands rich,
Whore earth, though all untilled, each yar cloth yield
Great stow of grain, and where the vteo, \mpruned
Yet ceases not to bloom,"
Arva nova Neptunia oaede rabesount*"
Vmani. ^7wel FIJI, 60*1
"Neptune's pkins nm rod with new-shed blood.' 1

Asperius EiMl est humili, (juuin surgife lu altum*"
OLAUBIAHUJS. In JKufropium, /., 181,
" None is more aevore
Than tlie low-born, when raised to high oateto,"
Aspioe, ut insignis spoliis Maroelltts opimia
Ingreditur, victoro^ue viros supereminofc oranos f

Lo, groat Marcelltts so him tower, !

With kingly spoils in conquering power,

The warrior host ahovtj " (Conin torn) I

" Assiduus in ooulis

biomlnam fuer^t ; mn mlnm mmmlm mm
homines ipsa satietate faoit, H LITY, XRttorfa, XXX V^ 10*
He waa always before men's eyes; a course of notiou which, Ity iti

onr familiarity with great men, dimlxd8kt ow rwipw-t for

At mihi quod wo
detraxewt invida tnrba. t
Post obitum duplioi fonoro reddet honos
Omnia post obitum fingit majora vetuntas ;
Majus ab exsequiis nomen in ors vonii"
PBOFBBTOUS. JBlkgiu, IK, l t 91 {frr. t i
All that the envious herd has U'on from nw in life
Fame will restore with interest ate death ;
Por after death age all thinp magntft<j,
And greater sounds the buried gnat's nam
Upon men's lips.*'

At non ingonio quaoBitum nomou ab aovo
Excidet ingenio tttat sine morto doexis."

PUOFMRTJUS. Elcgicn, IK, 1, 68 (III., 1 and 2).

" The name
by genius earned dies not with time ;

The lustre shed by genius knows no death."

"At nos hinc alii sitlontoa ibimus Afros,
Pars Soythiara ofe rapidum Orotao venionnis Oaxora,
Bt periitus tofco divisos orbo Britannos." VIKCHL. Mdoguw, I. 65.
Hence some will seek cmt A flic's thirsty shores,
Some Seythitt,
or Oaxes" rapid stream,
Or Britain, that's from all the world shut ofil

" At mmc dosorfcis

cossant Maoraria lucis ;

Auram omnes victa jawx pietate colunt.

Awo pxilsa fides, auro voaalia jura :

Auram lex soquitur, mose sino loge pudor."

PBOPBBTITJS. Elegies, IF., 12 (TIL, 18), 0,
"The groves, deserted, mourn their wonted rites.
" pioty is dead : our God is (I old ;

Byr Gold
Qold is faith destroyed
dcntroycd and juwtico
juwtic bought;
Ljtw is Gold's obsequious follow
obHoqtiioiiH follower,
While modesty is of all law bereft."

"At, pater ut gnati, sic nos debomus ajnici,

Si quod sit vitiium non fastidire," Hoiuon* Satires^ I., 8, 48.
" Come let w leurn how friends at friends should look,
By a loaf taken from a father's book." ((Jonington,)
" At
qui logitimum oupiot fooittso pooma,
Cum tabulis animum oonsoris suxaot honostl."
HoJiAOJU. Eplstola, II, 2, 109.
He who meditate* a work of art,
Oft m he writes, will act the censor's part," (Ooninffton*)
M At
regina doles (quis Mkre possit amaBtom ?)
Praosonsit, motuaque exoopit prima futuros,
Omnia tuta tirnens.
1 '
Viacufc. MwW, L V., 296.
" But Dido sooncan
wight beguile
Love's watchful eye ? perceived his wile ;

She feels each Atirring of the air,

Attd e'e to safety dralH a m^w^'^O
At aimul atras
Yenttira est B^quilias, aliena negotia oentwm
Per oaput et circa eatiunt latuu." HoRiom* Satires, IX, 6, 82*
" But when I
To black Ktoquilto, trouble waits m yet :

For other peopled matters in a. Dwarm

"Bun routtd ttiyhewt, and take my ears by storm*" (

11 11
Awetoritaa in pondere e^t.
FLINT rora KSBBB, Nalwal 1/istory, ZXXFZI, 10.

"Authority is in weight"
" Audaoter haorot."
ealutnniaro, semper alicfuicl
BACOH. De Augwentis j&imtiarum, FIJI,, 3*
" Hurl sure to Ktick*"
your calumnies "boldly ; something is

" Audax omnia perpeli

Gens humana ruit per vetitum nefaa."
HoRiCB. Odm, I, 8 25*
" all their goal to
Daring wia,
Men tread forbidden ground, and rush on Bitt/'*~(Cbnfri#fon.)
" Aude aliquid brevibus G-yaris, et oarcere dignum
Si via ease aliquis ; probitas laudatur ofc alget."
" If
you would be successful, something dare
That shall deserve a little term in gaol ;
For honesty is praised, and left to^ino."
Aude, hospes, oontemnere opos, efc to qiioqu digauna
Finge deo, rebusqu vni non asper egonia,"
VDRGIEU J0iw* FIJI, 864,
*'Thou too take courage, wealth dpiw
And fit thee to asooud the skies,
Nor be a poor man's courtesies
Rejected or disdained." {Ooninfftm*}
Audendo magnus tegitur timor.** LtJOiH, Fh&rsott&t IF1 702,

" A show of daring oft conceals great fear."

" Auditis ? an me ludit amabilis
" UIn 4, 0,
Insania ? HOEAQIU Oto,
You hear m? or is this the play
Of fond illusion ?
Auferre, truoidare, rapere falsis nominibus imporium,
solitudmem faciunt paoem appollant."
Bobbery, murder, outrage are often dignified by the Mit nmm of go
ernment, They make a aolltude wad call It patco."
" Auream mediooritatem
Diligit, tiatus caret obsoleti
Sordibua tecti, oaret invideiada
Sobrius aula.
HOBAOT, OAt ll* f 10, *

" Who makes the

golden mean hii guidt,
Shuns miser s cabin, foul aam dark*
Shuns gilded roofs, where pomp Mid prfdt
Are envy's mwk^" (Qomnffton*)
Auras nostras audita velooius w
quam leota ptaotereunt*
AuaoNitrs, XdyttAa, III., flU
Things that we hear pass quicker from our miml
Than what we read/*
Aureus hano vitam in terris Satumus agebat."
" Thus
golden Saturn lived his life on earth/*

(Tmnno, id quod aiunt,) Auribus tenoo lupum,"
TBSBBHCJGJ. Phormio, Act 111, 80. IX, 21. (Antipho.)
l have, indeed,
As the old saying goes, a wolf by the ears," (George dolman.)
" Auruift
et inutile,
Sumini materiem mail." HORACE, Odes, III, 2&, 48,
4 '

Useless gold, the cause of direst ill."

"Aurum huio olet"

P&AUOTS, Aulularia, Act II., c. //., 89. (ffiuclio.)
"He smells the money."
Aurum irropertum, ofc sio melius situm
Qtiuin terra celat, spemere forfcior
Quam oogsre humanos in usus
Ozone sacrum rapieafce dextra." HOBA.OI, O^s, III, 3 49.
Of strength more potent to disdain
Hid gold, best buried iu the mine,
Than gather it with hand profane,
That for man's greed would rob a shrine." (Oonington.)
Aurum per medios ire satellites
Bt porrumpere amat saxa, potentius
Ictu fulmineo," HQIUQE. Qdcs t III., 16, 9.
"Gold, gold can pass the tyrant's sentinel,
Can shiver rocks, with more resistless blow
Than is the thunder's/' (Conington*)
u Ausoultora
disoe, si nesois loqui."
POMBOKitis BosfOHiUNSis, Asim, fragment L
you do not know how to talk, then learn to listen,"
" Aut amafc aut odifc mulior nil est
; torfeium." P0B*aius SYRUS, 42,
A woman either loves or hates ; there ifl no third course,"
" Aut Oaesar aut nihll.*' Moiio of Qmwr Borgia.
'Blither Csasar or nothing,
Aut nihil aut Oaesar vult dioi Borgia, Quidni ?
Cum simul et Oaesar possit et mm nihil. M
JAOOBO SAHHAZABO. JDa Cesar Borgia (Carmina Poetwum
Xtakntm, Vol.
Osesar or nothing ? We are nothing loath
j?hu to acclaim
Oronar Borgia's both/' mm
u Aufc
ago profeoto ingenio ogregi ad miseriaa
Natua sum, aut illud falsuna eflfc, quod volgo audio
Bioi, diem adimere aegritudinem Itominibus,*'
Hemtowt^rwmmo, Act JII, "
So. I., 11.

**Suro I'm by nature formed for misery

Beyond the rett of human kind, or else
"Ka a fake anylng, though a common one,
That Him assuages grief'." (G-iorye Colmm*)
Aut Insatilt Ixomo, aut tarsus faoii" HOEAOB. SoM^M t
II. , 7, 117
" M
The man is mad, or else he's making varies,
" Ovu> 1

Aut non tontaris, aut porfioo." />** /t/ /*' Awttndi, /,, JJH'J,
" Set not
thy hand to the task* or elno complete it,"

" Aut prodosso vohmi, ant dcilootare poolao ;

Aut simul et jwnmda et idonoa dicers vitiio.**

iloiui'U, lie Art* jPwtoi, Jl.11,
A bard will wish to profit
or to plcjww,
Or, as a i&rtium gu%d do both of thewj/*
t ((^minift^n.)
" Aut virtus nomon man out
Aut deous et pretium rote potit oxporionB vir.*
1 1 OKAOU Wpfotolae L *
, f I T 4L
" Virtue's a inoro name,
Or 'tis high venture that achtovoti high aim.'
- {('A'*j//t*.)
" Auxilia "humilia firma oonsorifliiB faoit" PuBLiuuft BYHUH, 413,
Unity of aim gives strength to the feeblest aid.'*

" Avaritia voro senilis

quid sibi volit non intelligo, PotoMt dnixn ^itkl-
esBo absurdius quam quo xuiuuH viaa rantafe^ co phw vlatioi
re?" OKJMEO. J}0 $meciuti XvllL, t 00,
" mow
I can never understand avarice in an old man. For what otut tot
absurd than to add more and more to the provision for y cmr j oum*y
as you draw nearer to its end ?
" Avaritiam si tollere vultis^ mater ejus estt tollenda, iuxuries.**
CKJBBQ, JD<i Of^or If., 40, 17 L
"If you would banish avarice, you niuat first banteh luxury, the mothur
of avarice,"
Avarus animus nullo satiatur luoro,"

No wealth can satisfy the avaricious mind."
Oresoitamor nummi quantum ipna poouuta
JavwNAT,, Mating XI V. IW. %

" The love of 1

money grows with growing wealth/

"Ave, Imperator, morituri te salutarnt," SuTONiUi F, BL f

" those about to die aolute you."

Hail, Csesar !

" Avia tuno resonant avibus

virgu.Ua oanoris."
YiRaa, Qwrgfot* IT,, HM.
Through every pathless copse resounda the iotag-bird% lay."
" Natura param est*"
Avidis, avidis
1 '
The world itself is too small for the covetous/*
Avidos vioinum funus ut wgros
ExaBimat, mortisque metu sibi patoero oogft ;

Sic teneros ardmos aliena opprobria saopo

Deterrent vitiis/ MOMOi. &*Mw, 7 t| 4,
" Sick
gluttons of a neact-door funeral hear,
And learn self-mastery in the whool of fo$r *

And so a neighbour's scttidal mmj a time

Has kept young minds from running into crimn,"

Balatro, strnpondens omnia naso,
Haoo est oonclitio vivoncli, aiobat." HOXUCB. Satires, 12,, 8, 64.
BnJatvo, with hip perpetual sneer,
Cries Such is life '."(Gonington.)

" Boatnn autom esse sine virtutc nomc

GICBJBQ. De Natura Deorum^ l n IS, 48.
1 '
No one can be happy without virtue,"
" In 1
virtute posita eat vora Micitas/
SMNBCA, DC Vita Bcafa, ^"F/., 1.

True happiness is centred in virtue.

" Boatus onim nemo dici potost extra voritatom projoctus."

Sffi-NBOA. De Vita Bcata, 7., 2,
" No one can be called happy who is living a life of falsehood/'

c *
Boatus est nemo qui ea logo vivit, ut non modo impune, sed etiaxn
oum smnma intorfeotoris gloria inter fici potost."
CTCMBO. PMU$$ica t /,, 14, 35.
" No one is happy who lives such a life that his murder would be no crime,
but would rather redound to the credit of his murderer/'
Boatus illp qui, prooul nogotiie,
prinoa gons mortalium,
Patorna rura bobus oxercot suis,
Solutus omni foonoro," HOBAOB, 3$$Qdes t //. 1.
Happy is he who, for from business cares,
Living tlio life of our flrat aucoatorfl,
Plougtia with his oxen the paternal farm,
Without a thought of mortgage or of debt,"
" Bella 11
gorant alii ;
Protosilatis aaict. H&roid^ X//Z, 84.
" Leave ww to othew 'tis JProtesUaus* part to lore.

" Bella nube

gerant alii, tu, felix Austria, 1

Ham Mara aliis, dat tioi regna Venus/*

footnote to Oh. L of $ir W, Btwlmg Maxwell* 8
M Cloister
Life of Ohwrks the Fifth ",)
Blot Austria, though others war for thec the marriage vow,
Through Mars lot others hold their realm, by Venus' favour
Bella, horrlda bella,
Rt fybrim multo ipumantem sanguine como/

Vinoui. JBJneidt r/. 86,

War, dreadta! war, and Tfber*a
I see incarnadiiwd with blood,

Bellaque matribus
HOBAOI. Odm L t t 1, 24.
** "
Battle, by the mother's aoul abhorred*
" Bellixm autem ita ufe mini aliud nii pax ^uaohita vhtaa*
tur." CICBBO, De ($,'*, /*, 80-8* A

We should so enter upon war as to show that our only tUwiro i
Paritur pax belle/' OOBNHWUS NBFOS* A^wwiwowto^ K*
" Peace is
begotten of war."
" Bellum cum et fominis gororo non soloo; armalits git opwtot,
guom oderim."
QUINTTJS OtJETitis, D^ Eeto Gestiti Almtiulri A/i/ui,
JTJT;, u, 17,

'"Iwar not with captives and women ,

ho whom my hat pwrtmw,
carry arms."

"Bellum est enlm sua vitia nosse." OXOBEO. Ad AUicum t //, 17

" M
It ia a groat thing to know our own vices,

" Bollus liomo ot

magmas vis idem, Gotta, videri ;
Sed qui bellus homo est, Gotta, pusillus homo ost, n
MABTIAL* %i0raww J., 0, 1 (/,, 10, 1
" Poor Ootta tries to seem at once a
great mm,
ft&d a pretty*
But Cotta, sure, a pretty man is nothing etae than petty*

Belua multorum es oapitum,' 1

HOMOB. flptotolatt L t 1, 76.
" Thou art a
many-headed beast."
Berie consultum inoonsultum est, si inimlcis sit tmul,
potest, q.uin, si id inimiois usui 'st oMt mihi."
Miles Gkriosus, Mt J/Z &f n 6. '-(

What is well advised is ill advised,

The foe if it advantage ; it can't Iw
But me it hurteth, if it profit him/'

Bene disoedens dioet
Terraque seourae super oBsa lovis/"
TIBULLUB. JR7&0&1, XL, 4, 49,
Well may yon rest, in peace and froo'cl from oart*
And may the earth lie light ttpon your honoi."
Ossa quieta, preoor, tuta re^uiesoifee in unm,
Et sit humus oineri non onoroga tuo.'*
Ovi Xmof^i III,! 0, 07,
" Calm be
your rest, and undWiwbwl your tomb f

XJpon your ashes may th earth lie light'*

"Sit tibi terra levis, molliau togariu arena/*
MABTUU Mp4gm?m, IX* 80, 11.
Light lie the upon you, soft be tho oapth that
soil oww ymu 1*

Bexxe si amioo fooorls
Ne pigeat iecisse ;
ut potiua pudeat fti non fooerln."
Trmumnm, Act H, tfo. If., 00*-{
To show
A kindness to a friend ie not to bkmo z

'Twere a sliamcs rather not to do lt."*<-(0nn*tt


M Benefacta male locata malefacta arbitror."

BNOTUS* Fragment incertn XLW. (XFL).
Benefits ill bestowed arc rather injuries."

usque laeta stint, diim vidoatur oxsoM posse ubi multum

Benejfieia eo ;

antevenere pro gratia odium redditur/'

TACITUS. Annals, IV"., 18,
Benefits received are a delight to us, an long as we think we can requite
them ; when that possibility is far exceeded, they are repaid with
hatred instead of gratitude. "(Church and Brodri'b'b.)
" Beneficia in
vulgus oum largiri instituoris,
Perdenda sunt mtilta, ut somel ponas bone/*
Quoted by SUHBCA. De Beneficiis, I., 2 1.
When you begin to distribute largess broadcast, you will make many
bad investments for one good one."
" Benefioium
aooiper, libortatem vender est," PuBnmnjs SYEtJS,49.
To accept a favour is to sell your liberty/'
Bonofioium dando aocepit, digno dedit." PUBLILITJS STBTJS, 50.
He accepts a favour who a worthy object."
confers one on
"Beneficium non est, cujus sine rabore momimsse non possum."
SKISTROA. De Bewfic<ii$, II., 8, 2.
" A favour which I cannot recall withoiit a blush is no favour.'*
(Inopi beneficiumt) Bis dat qui dat celoritor/'
To the poor a timely gift is doubly blest,'*
" Bis dat
qui cito dat."
BAOOH* S^wch on taMng MB $lace Chancery m t lt"h> M<x/j/ t 1617.
" He gives twice who gives quickly/'
Bla vinoit qui se vinoit in victoria," PUBLILITJS SIBUS, 64.
" He conquers twice who upon victory overcomes himself." (Bacon,)
" Boootum in orasso jtirares aere natum/*
HOBAOSJ. J/jnstoZae, I/., 1, 244.
" You'd swear
'Twos bom and nurtured in Boeotian air,''"~(0onin0tfoft.)
Bona malls paria non sunt, otiam pari nuniero."
PLINY Tina EM>,EB, Natural History VII. ', t L
"The good thinp of this life never counterbalance the evils, though they
way equal tfwm, in number,"
Bonarum rerum oonsuotudo poasima ost/' PUBMHTO SYEXJS, 70,
" It is a
vary bad thing to become accustomed to good fortune,"
" Boni
pastoris ess tondaro pecui, non deglubora (soripsit),"
TIBJSSETOS, (SmtovviW) XXL, 82.)
" The
good shepherd should shew, but not ftey his sheep/'
" Bonis nocet
quisquis peperoerit mails." PtjBWctiius SYBTO, 6G4*
*BoEis noeet qui malia paroet/' SJJOTOA, Dd Moribus^ 114.
He who 8]MtrM fcho wicked injures th good,**
" Bonis
quod beno fit, hand porii"
P&AUTUS, Mud&nSy Ad FI. tfc. 727., & -"('/
Kindness on good mon is not throwu away." (MttnnoU

Bono irnperatori haud magni fortunam mnmonti^ OH ;^

rationomgue dominarl." Livsr* J?f*sfc>rww A'AV/*, 2#
" Luck is ol littlo momout to the under tho control
great general, for it in
of his intellect aud Ms judgment,'*

Bono ingenio me esse ornatam, quam auro, raulto ma?olo :

Aurum fortuna invonitut, natura ingonium bpnum;

Bonam ogo, quara boatam, mo OBBO niutfo dioi mavolo,**
PLAXJTUS, Poewtus, Act /,, ^c. /! 88,
1 agood dispositiuu far prefer
To gold for gpld'a fhp gift of fortune ; goodtuwa

Of dispOHition is tho gift of nature.

Katber than wealth, may I be blossed with virtue.**

Bono vinoi satins est, $uain malo more injurlani vinooro,"

> XLIl
" It 1
is better to use fair means and fail, tlua fotd and ooaquw/

Bonum est iuglenda aspioer in alieno malo."

Sf BTO^ 78*
4 '
It is good to learn what to avoid by studying the misfortune
Bonum est pauxillum amare sane ; insane non bouuzn
PLATJTOS. CwcMo, Act L> &c. ZTJ, 20.
'Tis good to love a little, and discreetly :
'Tis Bad to love to a degro of matlutw."
Bonus animus in mala re, dimldium est mail,"
P&AOTUS. Pseitdolw, Act Z ^c K 81 ~
" If
against evil fortune you are bold,
Then half the evil's gone,"
Bonus judex damnat Improbanda, won edit,'*
SBKKOA. JTm, 1% 7. D L t

"The upright judge condemns the crime, but clow not hate the* orimhial,"

"Breve enim tempus aetatis, satis longum ent ad btw honontiMUft

vivendumu" OIORO, D AtowtoUi IlX n 70,
Our span of life to brief, but it is long enough for m to live wtl! tat!
" Brevis a natura nobis
vita data est ; at memoria bawa wdclllw viiiw
" Short is the
Oiamo, frhMfypiw, l\ S2 XW
life which nattiro has given w: but the
fwimory of Ufa
nobly laid down is eternal"
" Brvis esse
Ob0ouras fio." HOBAOT, Di Art* m.
" I
prove obscure in trying to be terae/' (

"Brevissima ad divitias per ooixtomptum divitiarum via oat."

SIUNIOA. $lpistolae> ZXT/., 3.
The shortest road to wealth lies through the contempt of wealth,"

" Oadit ira metu." QVED. Amores, II, 18, d.

Fear wipes out wrath,"
Caodimus, inque vicem praobonms orura sagittis;
Vivitur hoc pacto." PBBSIUS, $atvres t IV d&
" Misled
by rage pur bodies we expose.
And while wo give, forgot to ward, the blows ;

This, this is life." (Cn/ard.)

" Oaesarom non
so, regain esso (respondit).'*
JTJLITJS 0-ffiiSAB, (fluetomus, I., 79.)
" I urn no
king, but Ccesar."
Oalamitas virtutis oooasio est." SBOTOA. D& Providentia, /F., 6,
" Misfortune is virtue's opportunity."
Candida de de oandantlbus atra*"
nigris, et
OVID. Metamorphoses, JTZ, 815.
" He makes black
white, and white he turns to black,"

Candida pax homines, truar docet ira feran."

OVIB. De Arte Anandi^ J/J., 502,
Let white-robed peace be man's divinity ;

Eago and ferocity are of the beaat."

(Adjicit deinde, <juod apud Baotriauos vulgo usurpabant :) Oanetn
timidum vphornontitts latraro quani mordere altissima ^naequo ;

tomina minimo sono labi."

QtriHoexiB Ou wos. De ffiebm GftisOs Akmnttri M&gni,

r//., 4, m
The cur's bark is worse than his bite ; the deepest rivers flow most
Cantet, axnat ^uod quis^u ; levant et oarmina extras,**
OiLPtrBHitjs* Eckgws, In 19.
Let each one aing his love, for aong will banish oaro."
Oaptum te nidor suae ptitat ille otilinao."
JUVEKAL* $alires 9 7. 162.
He thinks yon a vile slave, drawn by the smell
Of his wwm kitchen/' (Oi/ord)
Oatmina Paullus emit ;
rocitat sua oarmina Paullus.
Nam <pod omas, pos0i dioore jure tUOTu"
MABTU&. M$4gr<ms t I/., SO, 1,
bnys poems his own poems hell
Patillis ; recite.
For what ho buys is surely his by right,"
" munus "
Oarpo viam t susoepturn perflco I

VfiMUd. MnM, FIn 629.

Kow to the task for which we canie

Come, make we spwd. '*

" Oasta ad virum matrons parondo imperat PUBMUIW Sviw% 1 '

A virtuous wife rales her hushaud by obeying him**


" Causa finita est"

T!he argument is at an end*

(Quae tauten aooenflorifc Iguom)
Causa latet ;
dun laagao
sod aooaor doloron
Pollute, notummie, furens <uid foemina posnit,
Triste per augurmm Teuororum pootora SuoimV

" Wliat cause lias lit so fierce a iiamo

They know ot but tho pwp of ;

From great lovo "wronged, ana wliat

Can make a Tbaflled woman dare,
All this tlioy know, and knowing tread
The paths of presage, vague and drew!*'*

Causa latet ;
vis est notissima (foxxtiu)."
t IF*, 287.
" The cause n
is hidden ; the elect is risible to XL

" Cavendum est tiam, ne major poena, o[Um oulpft ftlt ; fe to

d caiissiB alii pleotante, alii ne appellontur quiftenx"
CIOIBO, D^ ujjlotti, A 95, fl9.

We must take car that the punishment is not in of tlw ariow, icl
that it is mot inflicted on some oly, while otihors Dually guilty a &#t
even brought to trial."

Cavete, per deos immortalea patres oonsoripti, no

pe prwrnontta
paois perpetuam paoem amittafeis."
X 8, M,
" For heaven's sake
beware, lest in tho hope of maintaining j>oiiHf imw^ ws
lose the chance of a lasting peace hereafter."

Codant arma togae, oonoedat laurea land!.*'

dfa) L, S2, 77,
"Let the sword yield to the gow, let the laurel givo place to hcm<wi

"Cedat, opinor, Sulpioi, forum oastiis, otiium ratilitia, itlliii

pmbra soli sit denique in ciritate ea prtmik w>i proper quttxu

ipsa est oivitas oxoniuttx prinoeps.'*

" Let the market

yield to the camp, peace to ww> tho to tho xword Us* pa t

shade to the fluwhme ; let us give the first ulatm in tlw to tlint
which has made the state what it is, the nuw of tho worM. w

"Cede repugnanti ;
oedendo viotor abibis."
Give way to your opponent ;
thus will you g*ta the orowi of vltory/ f

Geclimus, an subitum luctamlo acoendlmus igaem ?


Cedamus, Lovo fit, quod bono fertur, onus,

Vidi ego jaoiatas mota faeo orcsooro flammas,
Bt vidi nullo concutiente inori." OVID, Amoves > /., 2, 9,
By fighting 'gainst desire wo but allumo
The sudden spark of love. Best yield ; fifor thus
The burden ol" our passion lighter grows.
The brandished torch burns with a iloreer flame ;
But cease to brandish it, the fire dies."
Qedunt Grammatici, vincuntur Bhetoros, omms
Turba taoet, nee oausidicus, noc praeoo^loquatur,
Altera nee nralier verborum fcauta oadit vis.

JuvBNAii, jSatires, VI. t 438,

Granunarians yield,
Loud rhetoricians, bailled, quit tlxe field ;

Even auctioneers and lawyers stand aghast

And not a woman, speaks !So
thick and fast
The wordy shower descends. (G^fordL)
Oenfion' te posse reperire nUam mulierem,
Quae oareat oulpa ? an quia non delinquent viri ?**
Hecyra, Act IK, S& IF., ^0, (Laches.)
"l)o you think
To find a woman without any fault ? "
Or is't because the men arc no'er to blame ? (Geary Caiman.)
" Ootifcum doetum hominum oonsilia sola baeo davinoit Pea
Fortuna. Atquo hoo varam est proindo tit <piscpo fortuna utitur,

Ita praecollet, atque oiinde Bapere eum omnos dicimus,"

Pr/AUTUs. P$MtdoJto$> Act XT., So. ///., 12, (Pseudolm*)
" The Fortune
Frustrates the counsels of a hundrea wise heads.
And 'tis but truththe man who knows to use
His fortune, he surpasses all by all :
Is therefore called a man of understanding, (Bennett Thornton*)
Ooreus in vitiwn fleotl, monltoribns asper."
HOBAOB. D& Arte Poetica^ 168.
Pliant as wax to those who lead him wrong,
But all impatience with a faithful tongue/ (Oontogton.)
Oerfca amittimus, dum inoerta petimus/'
PLdtrTUS. Pseudoms, Act I/., $c, XT/., 19.
" We 1000 a certainty and grasp a shadow." (Utonnell Thornton.)
" Oerta res
Me usque quaeroro illara, cheque Mnc
abduota osfc gontium;
Weque miM tilla obsistet amnis, neque mons, nequo adeo pare ;

Hoc oalor, neo ftlgus motuo, nequo ventum ne^uo grandinem ;

Imbrem perpatiar ; laborem subferam, solem, sitim.

Non oonoedam, neque quicsoaBO, usquam nootu neqne intoidius
Brims profeoto quam ant amioam ant mortem invastigavero."
FLAKOTXIS, M&roator, Act K, c> //., 16, (J
"I'm resolved
To seek her over all the world. No river,
Mountain, or sea sball bar my way, I time
Nor heat, nor oold, nor wind, not hail Let win
Descend in torrents and the scorching sun
Pweh me with thirst, I will endure it all
No rest, no respite night or day 111 tke,
Ttti I haw lost my life, or found my love," (BowwW
" Oeriamlnis
(Attila at the battle of Colons*)
Getarum ongim, Cap, XXXIX, (Migm'$ Patrokgia*
*, Vol. 1,1X1%
The joys of battle."

Oertum est est.*'

quia impossible
TM Cams Ghrhti, K
It is certain, "because it is impossible,
" Cfaefo
(Probably the origin of the phrase guia wnpomM ",)

(At) Chartis neo nooent, nee saecula prpsunt
furtsa ;

Solaque non norunt haeo monumenta mori."

*, X. d, It
" No thefts can mar our poems, nor (sentuiiw* ni<! ;

Yet we can build no otter monument

That shall be deathless,"
" OMmaera bombinans in vaouo.'
BABELAIS. Paniagrml^ // 7.
" A chimaera buzzing in a vacuum."

" Oibi famem n

condimentum esse (dioit)*
OIOMEO. De FMIws> //,, SB, DO*
" is the "best sauce."
Cicerone secundo
Non opus est, ubi fantur opes.'
J)e Sello Trqjwu>) ///"., 261,
" "We need no Cicero to
plead our cause,
"When riches speak for us,"
" Oitharoodus

Bidetur, chorda qwi semper oberrat oadom."

"Tlxe harp-player, who for ever wounds the oar
With the same discord, makes the audience joer,"'

Oifcius venit periculum cum oontemnitur*"

" The 1
danger we despise is the quickest upon us/

Oito enim exaresoit lacrima, pra8rfcim ia alienis malls*
GICBBO, De ParMMom Orator^ IT//,* 07,
" Our tears are
quickly dried, especially when they a sltttl m othm
Civis Bomanus sum, n CIOBBO, In Ferrj //, r F* 5T 147,
"I am a Roman citizen."
Olarior est solito post maxima nubila pbebus ;
Post inimicitias olarior eab efe amor."
Pi&rs the Pltwmm (tifoetfa @d) Pom,
XXL> 154.
" The sun shines
brightest affcr heavleit lodi|
And after quarrels love but brighter glow*,"

" Clientois sibi

omnos volunt OHSO mnltos ;

Bonine an niali aint, id baud quaoritant ;

lips magis quaorltur, quam

Fides quojusinodi ciuoat."
PLAUICS. MemecJvm, Act IF"., $c> II, L~(Mwaecfmu8
All wish to have a number of dependents,
BuHittlo care whether or bad.
they're good
Their riches, not their qualities, they mind."
~~~(J3onnell Thornton* }
" omnes semine
(Denio^ue) Ooelesti sunxus oriundi,"
LtroBETius. De Berwm Natura t JJ., 990,
" All are descended from a
heavenly stock."
Ooelestis ira quos preuait, miseros faoit ;
Humana nullos." SBHIQOA, Hercules Oetaew, 442,
1 '

Unhappy is their lot whom heavenly ire

Pursues ; but none need fear the wrath of man."
" Ooelo Luna sereno
Inter minora sidera." HORAOH, Erodes, zr., 1*
The moon was shining in a cloudless sky
Among the lesser lights."

u mori"
Oogi ^ui potost nesoit
SBNKOA, HercuUs ffwew, iBL(Mega/ra.)
" The
man who will yield to compulsion knows not how to die,"
Gomes atra premit se^uiturque fugaoem."
HOEAOM, Satvr$ JZ, 7, 115, t

The black dog follows you, and hangs
Close on your flying skirts with hungry fangs,*' (Oamngton*)
Oomos faouudus in via pro vehioulo est." PtJBHLius StBtrs, 91.
A talkative companion on a journey is as good as a coach,"
Oommodius ess opinor dupliei ape utier."
TBMHOB,Phormio, Act IT., $c. IZ, 18. (Geka.)
I think it more convenient to have two strings to my bow/'
Oommuni enim Ht vitio naturae, ut invisis, latitantibus, atque incog-
nitls rebus magis confidamus, vohomentiusque oxterreamur."
OJJSAB. De Bello QMU, /Z 14,
It is a common, but natural failing of mankind, in regard to the unseen >

the hidden, and the unknown, to err on the side either of over-con fl
denee> or of undue apprehension,"
Qommuxda ease amioorum, inter ne omaia,***
TEHOffl, AdefyU, Act 7., 8& IT/., Vt.(M<ioio.)
" All
things aw common among friends."
ipse fecit, ipsus ut gestet faber,"
Oomp0de0 quas
AUSONITO. XdylUa> FT. Fowto, 6.
" Let the smith which he himself has macla"
wear tlie fetters

Oompesce clamorem ao sepulcnri


Mitte supervacuos honoras." HQBACIS* Odes, //. 20, 28.

"All clamorous grief were waste of breath,
And vain the tribute of a grave/' (voninffton*)
" orbis
Begis ad exemplum nee sic mfiectore sonsus

Humanos edicia valent, ut vita rogontis,

Mobile mutatur semper cum prinoipe vulgus."
CLATJDIANUS. D& Qiwt/rto Consulate Jflbawrw, S99.
"Tlie world
Js fashionedon the pattern of the Mn^
Men's minds are moulded rather by his life
Than by his laws, and as his fancies change
Bo change the fickle crowd,"
Comprime motus,
Nee tibi quid liceat, sed quid fecisse decebit,
Occurrat, mentemque domet respectus honesti.*
Or/AtTBiANUS. De Quarto Consulatu Honorii, S66,
Eestrain your impulses, and let your guide
Be what is fitting, not what laws allow,
Your mind controlled by reverence for the right*"
" Ooncordia
parvae res cresouiit, disoordia xnaxinaae dil
Jugwrtha, 1*.
1 '
Small communities grow great through harmony, great ones fall to pieces
through discord."
Oonfiteor, si quid prodest delicta fateri," Amores, I/,, 4, 8,
" I will confess if it
; advantages
In aught to own one's faults."
" hoc praetexit nomine oulpam,"
Oonjugium vooat,
&t IFn
" She calls it
marriage now such name ;

She chooses to conceal her shame," (Comnffion.)

Oonsanguineus Leti Sopor." YIBOTIJ. JEtwwJ, F/. 278-
" 1

Sleep, the brother of Death/

Stulte, quid est SODOBUS gelida nisi mortis imago ?
OVID. AmorBSj IX, 9, 4t
fool, -what else is sleep but chill death's liken ws ? rt

" Oonsoia mens recti famae mendaoia risit*" OVID* &a$ti, IVn 81 L
The mind that's conscious of its rectitude,
Laughs at the lies of rumour,"

"Consilia calida et audacia prima specie laeia, traotatu dura, ovontu

tristia esse
(dkit)." Lmr. Histories, XXXK, 88.
"Such rash and impetuous schemes are at first sight alluring, but we
difficult of execution, and in the result disastrous*"

Oonsilia qui dant prava cautis hominibus,
Et perdunt operam, et cleridentur turpiter/*
PHAEtmm Fables, L, 25, 1*

Those who to pnident men give bad advice
But lose their pains, for laughter is their price."

" Oonsiliis nox

apta ducuxa, lux aptior armis."
"Night is the time for counsel, day for arms."

" Oonstat autem jus nostrum ant ex non

soripto aut ex scripto/*
JUSTINIAN. Institutes, /., 2, 8.
"Our law consists of the written and the unwritten.

" Consuetudinis vis at."

OICBEO. Tusculanae DisputaUones, JZ, 17, 40,
" Great is the force of habit"

" Consuetudme
quasi alteram quandam naturam eflftoi."
CICKBO.Da Pinibus, F., 25, 74,
" Habit
produces a kind of second nature,"

" Oonsuetudo rovera

enim, si pradontor et perite induoatur, Hfc

(ut vulgo dioitur) altera natura,"

BAOOH. De Augmcntis flcimtiarum* FJ//, S*
For habit, be guided with care and skill, becomes in truth,
if it
as the well-known saying is, a second nature,' 1

(Quod superest) Consuetude ooncinnat amorem ;

Nam, leviter quamyis, quod orebro tunditur iotU|
Yincitur in longo epatio tamen, atque labascit*
Nonne vides etiam guttaa^ in saxa cadenteis,
Humoris longo in spatio perfcundere saxa ?
LUOBBTIUS. D& M0rum Natwra, IF., 1278*
Close comradeship to warm affection leads ;

Aught that is struck with e'er so light a blow,

Yet offc repeated, must at last give way ;

And falling, drop by drop, in many days

Water at last will pierce the hardest stone/ 1

" Fao tibi consuescati. Nil adsuetudino majus."

OVID. 3)& Arte Ammdi, II., 845.
Accustom her to your companionship. There's nought more
powerful than custom,"
" Consules fiunt
quotannis et novi prooonsules ; 1 '
Solus aut rex aut poeta non quotannis nasoifcur,
FLOBUS* Da Qmtttate Vita, ffragmmt FIIL
"lach year new consuls ana procoMuis are maile; but not very y ia
a king or a poet born/'
** n
(Perhaps the origin of JPoeto nasdt^r, nmjlt <)
" JQQB, tmiua amii
Sed quoMons bonus atquo Udtts
Judox honofiium praobulit uUli ot
Rojocit alto dona nocoutium
Vultu." HOMCI, O&w,
A cotttiul not of ona brief ymr,
But oft &B on the
judgment neat
You "bond the expedient to tht* right,
Turn haughty oyoa from hrilnw
Oontemnuntur ii, <jui nee sibi n&c alien, ni dioitur ; iu ^uHsuH nuliun

labor, nulla indusfcria, nulla oura ost,"

CIOFJHO. Da Offitiit, //- 10, M.
"We despise thoHo who, as the nayiug goen, we no goad eithw to thtm
selves or toany one else who are noifehw khorunw, nor idiwtrlcnui

nor careful"
"Gontemptu famae contemn! vittutos." TACITUS. Anwtfat /I *.,

" To
despise fame is to despise merit. "~-(6V*urc

" Oontiotior
omnes, intentique
Inde toro pater Aeneas sic oraus ab alto ;

Infandum, Begina, jubes renovwe doloram*

Trojanas ut opes et lamentabilo reguum
Eruermt Danai quaeq.ue ipse miEorrlma vidl

Et quoram pars magna fui. Quis talia fando

Myrmidonum Dolopumv axit dtiri miles UHxi
Temperet a laorimia ? Vmam, JKiM t Jf, t 1*
Bach eye was each lip comprt
When thus bogan the heroic* guew :
Too cruel, lady, is tho \mn
You bid me thus revive again ;

How lofty Ilium's throne august

Was laid by Greece iu piteotw <iat y

The woes I saw with those tuui oyuo,

The deeds whereof large part wtw mine
What Argive, when tho tale ww toW,
What Myrmidon of ttternedt mould*
What foe from Ithaoa could hmr,

And grudge the tribute of a twwc I "-((]tminghm t


" Contra nemo est munittiB Batift

potentes j
Si vero acoessit consiliator malefi,ouB
Vis et xiecpitia quid^uid oppugnaiat, ntit,"
FHABDWJS* ffobfa, //,, ft, l,
Against the mighty noue are fully arawd j
Join but with them an evil counsellor,
Opposed to might and malioe nought om ntftmi*

Oomtra verbosos noli oontendoro verb is :

Sermo dattir ounotis, anirai sapientia pauolR."

Mbritot, /., I0
Against a chatterer wiwe no wordy wftr ;
To all is given speech, wisdom to fnw*"

" Ooram
rege suo de paupertate tacentes
Plus poscente ferent." HORACES. Epistolae, I., 17, 43.
Those who have tact their poverty to mask
Before their chief, get moro than those who ask."
Corpus pations mediae, algorls, Yigiliae, supra ^uam ouiqmm crodibile
ost ; animus audax, subdoluSj varius cujuslibet rol simulator ao

dissimulator; alioui appetons, sui profusus; ardens in eupiditafci*

bus satis eloquentiae, sapiontiae parum
; vastus animus im- :

moderata, meredibilia, nimis alta semper cupiobat,"

SALLUST. Cattttna, 5.
Physically, he was capable, in an incredible degree, of doing without
food, warmth, and sleep j mentally, he was daring, crafty, versatile ;
ready at all times to feign a virtue or dissemble a vice hungering ;

after the wealth of others, while prodigal of his own a man of /lory ;

passions ; of some eloquence, but little judgment an insatiable mind, ;

for ever striving after the immeasurable, th@ inconceivable, the inac-
GorrupMssima republioa plurimae leges." TACITUS. Awwls, HX, t
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws."
(Hie dies anno rodounto festus)
Oorfeicem astriotum pice dempvobit
Amphorae fumum bibere institutae
Oonsule Tullo." HOBACB. Odes, /"//., 8, 10.
" So when the
holiday comes round,
It sees me still the rosin clear
From this my wine jar, first embrowned
In. Tullus" yQ8w. (domnffton,)
u Gorro
<iuoque rarior albo," JTJYBNAL, ttaiwes, FJf. ,
" Barer than a white crow,"
Oramberepotlta." JUVBNAL. ttatwes, VIL, 154.
" Twice cooked
" Cras amot
<^ui nun<g[uam amayit, aui^ue amavit eras amot."
P&mgiWtmi Tawens, 1 (Authorship uncertain),
To-morrow let him love who ne*er has loved,
And him who once has loved to-morrow love."
Oras vives : hodie jam vivere, Postbiume, soram, onb.
Ille sapit, CLuiHquis, Posthxxme, vizit liori."
MARTIAL. Ityrigramst F., 58, 7.
" You'll live to-morrow ? BJ'on to-day's too late ;

He is the wise man who lived yesterday*"

Oredat Judaeus Apella,
Non ego," HOBACB. Satvrw, J, 5, 100.
" Tell the crwed Jews aueh miracles as these. '
" Ored
mlhi) bone qtd latuit bone vixit; t l&tra

Fortunam debat quiscjue manero fluam."

OVID. Tmtia> JJZ,
Well doth ho live who lives retired, and keeps
His want* within the limit of his raeam"
" Grade
mihi, mlseris coelostia mutaina parount,
Nee semper laesos et Bine fine promtmt."
OVID. Jityistolae ex Ponfo, ///,, 0, Ski*
" Those who are suffering e'en the gods will Hfrnri,
And grant them at tlie last surcease from jrnla,"
" Grede
miH, quamvis ingentia, Posthume, dona
Auctoris pereunt garrulitate sui,"
MABTIAL. Mpigram* F. t 52, 7,
"Believe me, Postumus, though rich th glfte,
The giver's chatter makes them nothing worth/*
" Grede ratem animam no credo puollls,
Namqu fominoa tutior tmda fide,'*
l&vitafa (3d* Michael MadrianideS) Amttenfatn, 1660,)
Trust thy bark to the winds, trust not thy noul to woman*
More safely canst thou truat the sea than woman's worn/*
" Orede
Feuairieo ; casfcum hand suporat labor ullus amorom,"
Si&ius ITAMOUS. Punic^ III*, 112,
' *
Doubt not a woman's power to aid j no toil
Can daunt a ptire affection,"
" Oredabant hoc
grando nofas, et morte plandum 1*
Si juvenis yetulo non
assurraxerat. JWIHAI*
'Twas a crime
Worthy of death, such awa did years engage,
If maxuxood rose not up to reverend ago."
Oredite posteri," HoRiCB. Qdm, //., ID, &
" Believe "
it, years 1
" Credula res amor otst, Utinam temoraria dioar
Crirainibus falis msimulasse virum OVID. jflmn4 !
t F/ SL
" Love is too to triwt. Would I couUl think
My charges false and all too nwhly mmlo."
" Crescentexn
se^uitur cura poctiiaiam
Majorumque fames." HORAO QdM> III,, 16, 17,
As riehes grow, care follows mtm rapine ;

And tniipst for more." (Oomngton.)

" Oresoit cum amplitndina rerum vis iugonil, IWQ q[ttiquam oittram ofe
illustrem orationom effioer pobest, nisi qul oiwmm in* mmm
venit." fAOIT0S* JO^ Omtotite, JA" F//, J
"The power of genius incroaaea with the wealth of mateiiiil at Iti com-
mand. Ko one can hope to deliver a great nad epoeli -making |Miih t
unless he haa foitnd a subject worthy of his eloqiittnc*."
" Oresoit
indulgens sibi dims hydropn,'* HORACE Ode$ t IL t 2 III
Indulgence bids the dropsy grow," [0nwt$im,)
" Orooodili laorimao*"
Proverbial Mwgrmion* ->>>( ffirmmm* Chitiadto Adagfowm*
" Crocodile's "^SMwwtoWo".)

" Oruda deo ^neid Vl n 304

viridiscjue seneotus," VIBOIL, t
The god a hale and green old age displayed,"
" Grudelis
Luctus, uTbiq^ue pavor, et plurima mortis imago,"
VIRQIL. Mieid, //., 368.
" Dire
agonies, wild terrors swarm,
And Death glares grim in many a form." (Conington.)
" Gui bono fuorit ?
OABSIUS. (Qmted by Cicero, Philip$ica, II., H, 35, and
Pro Milone, XIL, 82.)
"Whom did it benefit ?"
" Gui
prodest scelus
Is fooit," SBNBOA, Medea }
503. (Medea.)
1$^ Benefits by the crime, he is the guilty man."
Oui malus est nemo, quis bonus ease potest?
MABTIAL. $}pigrams t XIL t 81, 2.
If ne'er a man is evil in your sight,
Who then is good ?

Cui non convenieb sua res, ut oaloous olim,
Si pede major Grit, subvortot si minor, urefc." ;

HOBAOB, IBpistolae, /., 10, 42.

Means should, like shoes, be neither large nor small ;

Too wide they trip us up, too strait they gall."

Ou! peooare lioet, peooat minus. Ipsa potestas

Semina ne<iuitiae languidiora faoit." OVID. Amores, III., d, 9,
Ho who sins easily, sins less. The very power
Renders less vigorous the roots of evil."
Quod licet ingratum est, Quod non licet acrlus urit.'*
OVID. Aniores, //., 19, 3.
Wo take no pleasure in permitted joys,
But what's forbidden is more keenly sought."
Nitimur in vetitum semper, cupimusc[ue negata."
OVID. Amores, III., , 17,
What ia forbidden is our chiofest aim,
And things denied we most desire,"
" Sio mihi
peccandi studium permlssa potestaa1 '

Abetulit, atqu ipsum talia voile fugit.

gies, HL, 91.
" The
power to destroy the joy" of sinning
sin a ;

Hay even th will is 'gone,

" Oui Pudor t Justitiaa
Inoorrupta Mdos nuda<g[ua Veritas
Quando ullum inveniet parem? Oto, /., 24, 6.
Piety, twin sister dear
Of Justice naked Truth, unsullied Faith
1 !

When will y find hia peer 1

" Oui
semper dederis, ubi negas, rapere imporas."
H If
you refuse where you have always granted, you invite to tlu*ft"
" ab amico varum audiro
Oujus aufcom auros veritati clausae aunt, ufe

nequeat, hujus salus desporanda c\st,"

"When a man's ears are so closed to tho truth that lit* will wot Iwtwi to it
even from a friend W$ condition is

Ctijus tu fidom in peounia porspexorls,

Vexere verba ei credere ?
TEBBNOH. PJwnnio, Act I., Sc. Un 10, (
" The man wliose faitli in haw tried,
money you
B'ye fear to trust with words I -(Qwrgft dolman.)
" nullius, nisi inBipioniis, in errore per-
Cujusvis hominis ost orrare ;

sevorare." OJOBEO. PhiU^iea, ATI,* fit, 5.


"Every man may err, but no man who is not a fool may p0wist Iti error/
Errare humanum est."
MBLOHIOB X>B POLXGSAO. Anti*Lmt^iim K, 58* $

"To err is human."

" emendari
Oulpa quam poena tempore
prior, quam peooaw WMterlus
AmaU, X*F; f 90.
" In comea before puniBhment, and eorreotlon follows
point of time, guilt
after delinquency." (Church and Brodribb.)
" Cum autem sublatus fuorib ab ooulis, otiam oito transit men to/*
THOMAS 1 BJBMMS. De Invitation* Qhrfati, L, J3JJ, ,t
" Once he was taken from our
sight, his memory quickly pawed out of our
" Oura oaloeatis dentibus yoniam tamen."
PLAUTUS* Gaptwi, ActL So, IL t B^-(Mrg^nUu^) t

"I'll come with teeth well shod," (Bonnet Thornton,)

" Cum eoepit guassata donms subsidero, partes
In proolinatas omno reoumbit onus,
Ounotaquo fortuna rimam facionto dohisoant,
Ipsa suo <3[uodam pondere teota ruunt."
OVID. WWfa, J/., 88*
When that a house is tottering to its Ml,
The strain lies heaviest on the wwkwt p&rt,
One tiny crack throughout the structure spnstl
And its own weight soon brings it toppling cicjwit/'
Cum dignitate otinm.'*
OIOBEO, Ad ffamiUam, Z, 9, 21, (O/. Ik Orator*, J. 1, 1}
" Ease with
"Id g.uodostpraestanfcisBimum, maximeaue opUbllo ottRltnn
sanis et bonis et beatis f oum dignitato olium,**
OicaBO* Pf0 XLYn 08.
That which gta&dfl first;, Atid i most to ba cltlrI by all
lionast, and healthy-minded men, i M

" Cum his viris oquis^ue, ut . . docortandum osfc."

dicifcur, .

QIGJEBO, De Ofmis, III,, 83, 116.

"We must fight them, as the saying is, with foot and horse,"

Cum insanientibus furere." PSTBOHIUS ARBIOTB. Satyncon, Cap. III.
To rave with the insane."

"Cum jam plus in niora periculi quam in ordinibus conservandis

praesidii, oxrmes passim in fugam effusi sunk"
LIVY. Histories, XXX7IIL, 25.

"As the danger of delay

began to outwoigh the security afforded by
ordered ranks, the flight became general"

" Cum lux altora vonifc

Jam hesternum consunipsimus eooe aliud eras
eras ;

Bgerit hos annos, et semper paulum erit ultra,"

PJJSBSXUS. Mires, V. 9 67.
("When dawns another day)
Reflect that yesterday's to-morrow's o'er.
Thus one to-morrow ! one to-morrow !
Have seen long years before them fade away ;

And still appear no nearer than to-day,"


Cum ratlone licet dicas to vivore summa ;

Quod vivis, nulla cum ratione facis*"

MARTIAL. l$pigrain$, IJZ 30, 5.
How can you say you live by roaaon's light.
When there's no reason why yon live at all I

Cum sitis similes, parescjuo vita,
Uxior pessima, pessimus maritus,
Miror non bene oonvenire vobis. ''
MAMIAL, Digrams, VIII. , 85, 1.
You are so like, so equal, in your life,
A husband of the wort, a worthless wife,
I really wonder why you don't agree."

Gttxnque sit exilium, magis est mihi oulpa dolor! :
Bsfc^ue pati poanam, quam moruisso, minus.
OVID, EpistoloB ex Ponto, 1, 1, 61.

"An exile 1 ; yet 'tis the fault that pains ;

The puniahment is J
nought ; that tls deserved
Is all the pang,

Ounotas natio&os at tubes populus ant primores aut singull regunt ;

doleota x iia, et oottsoolata. rei publioae forma laudari faoilius

quam evenire, vl si 0Ynit haud diuturna ease potest"
All nations and cities are ruled by the people, the nobility, or by one
man. A constitution, formed by selection otit of these elements, it is

way to commend but not to produce, or if it be produced, it cannot-

b Ustfng." (Qhwrek md BroMbb)

otiam parum.
"Cupiditali nihil osfc satis, naturae? ttatfH ost
SJBNWCA. AdHctvum Matntm, X, 11.

will satisfy covetousneHS nature ia (satisfied even with too

"Nothing ;


" Cupido dominandi ounctis adfeotibus flagrantior est."

TACITUS, Xnfluzfo, XV,, 58.
"The lust of dominion inflames the heart mow than any oilier
-~(0hurch and rodribb*)
" vires
Gupidum, pater optime,
Defioiunt," HOHIOBL Satim* II, 1, 12,
Would that I could, my worthy sire, but skill
And vigour lack, how great soe'er the will." (
" Our ant tubam tromor ocoupat artus ? " VXBQX&.
" Ere sounds the "
trumpet, why quake and fly V

Our deni^ne fortnnam perioHtareimr ? praosertim ^uum aon

essot imperatoris, consilio suporaro, quam gladio,**
Da Belfe CMK I, 73,
"Why stake your fortune on. the risk of battle ? especially At a victory by
strategy is as much a part of good generalship as victory by TO*

Chir non mitfeo meos tibi, Pontiliane, libellos ?

Ne miM tu mittas, Pontiliano, tuos***
MABTIAL, lttyigr<m89 Vn, t
" You ask me
why I send you not my books ?
Lest you should send me yours, my friend. In turn.**

Quae laedunt ooulum, foatinas doniore ;

Est animum, difers ourandi towipus in

Dimidium facti, qni coopit, habot aaporo audo ; ;

luoipe Qui recto viveridi prorogab horam>


Hustious exspeotat dum deiluais amnis at 1110 j

Labitur et labetur in omn volubiMs aovnm,

1 *

I t
^ t 87,
You lose no time in taking out a fly
Or straw, it may be, that torments your ye ;
Why, when a thing devours your mmd* iiojount
Till this day year all thought of the ooacern ?
Come now, have courage to be wist begin : s

You're half-way over when you onot plungti fa ;

He who puts off the time for mending, staudu
A clodpoll by the stream with folded handfe,
Waiting till all the water 1)0 gone pant ;
But it runs on, and will, while time shall U*t M

dura pii dis sunt, t pi coluere, ooluntw."

OVID. fill, M&tmmp^m^ W5
" Heaven rewards the
pious those who cherish Ckxl

Themselves are cherished."


" Qura quid oxpcdiat prius ost quam quid sit houoafcum,
Bt cum fortuna statgtio oaditque fides,
Nee facile invenias nraltis o millibua unum,
Virtutem protium qui putot ease sui
Ipso decor, recte faoti si praomia desint,
Hon movot, ot gratis poenitet osse probum."
OVID. JSpistolae ex Ponto, IIn 8, 9,
What our care, not what is rfglit
profits, is ;

Faith stands or falls with fortune, ft wore hard

To find but one in thousands who shall seek.
As virtue's guerdon,
but virtue's self.
Even honour, if reward Tor our good deeds
Be wanting, moves us not, and we regret
That no one pays us for our honesty."
" Ourae leves
loquuntur, ingentes stupent."
SHNBOA. Pkasdra, 615, (Phaedra.)
Small troubles voice themselves, great woes are dumb,"
" Ourando fieri
quaedam majora "videmus
Yulnera, quae melrus noutetigisse fnit."
Ovi0. fflpistolae ex Panto, III., 7, 25,
" Some wounds
grow worse beneath the surgeon's hand ;

'Twere better that they were not touched at all."

" Ouriosi sunt Mno
quamplures mail,
Alionas res qui ourant studio maxiino,
Quibus ipsis nulla res osfe, quam procurent, sua,'*
Pj&Auros. StichM$ Act Z, Sc. III., t
41 (6fefciNw0m)
' *
But here are
A world of curious mischief-making folks,
Still busied much in other irien'M affaira,
Having no business of thoir own to mind,"
~~*(J3onnett Thornton.)
" nemo est, quin
Ouriosus sit xnalevolus."
PLAUWS, Stichus, Aet L, Sc, III., 54*~-(<W0$ittts.)
"There's no one pries into th affairs of others
But with the will to do them an ill turn."
Oursu voluori, pondens in novaoula,
Oalvus, oomosa fronto, nudo oorporo,
Quern si oooupariB, tonoaa olapsuin somol ;

Non ipae possit Jupifcor rofvrcvhcmcioro ;

Oooasionem roram aignifioiit brevom," PHAUDBTTS. tables F*, 8, 1.

" Moat swift of
flight, hanging on raaor edge,
Nude, bald, but with a look of hair upon

providentas ([Eid in morte bonl

(Commemorat ut) Oygai , , sii?,

cum oantu et voluptate moriantnr.'*

OIOBEO, T'ti&CMl&na& Dis^utaiioms, SO, *T8. Z ,

"The aw&n, foregeeing how much good there is in death, dies with song
and rejoicing,**
Da epatinm tenuemque moram male oimeta
; ministrat
Impetus." STATHTH. Tktbato, X 704.
" Grant us a brief
delay inumlao in everything

Is but a worthies servant

" Da spatium vitae, multos da, Jupiter, annos " !

JUVMNA&. 8aMr**t X, 188.

" God God grant us
grant us life, many years,"
" Damna tamon celores reparaut ooelestia lunae;
Nos ubi deoidimus
Quo pator Aeneas, quo di^os Tullus ot Anous,
Pulvis ot umbra sumus." UOHAOB, Qdes IT* 7 t r 18.
Yet the swift moons repair Heaven's detriment :

We wlien onco thrust

Whow Kood MnoaB, Tulhw, Anoiw went,
"What are wo?

Dat poenas laudata fides, quum sustinet, inquit,

Quos Foituna promit." LXJOAN, P)mrmU t FIJI,,
" All
praise fidelity, but tlie true frland
Must pay tae penalty, if tbose he Iovs
Lie under Fortune's ban,"

Dat tibi seouros vIHs tegetloula somiios;

Pervigil in pltuna Gains, eoo, jaoet."
Epigrams, IX, 9
" The lowliest cot
will give thee peaceful sleep,
While Oaius tosses on his bed of down,"

Dat veniam oorvis, Texat consura oolumban/* '

" While with

partial aim thoir coiuturo
Acquit the vultures, awd condemn the doven."
"Davus sum, non Oedipus,"
TBiiiflNOJS, Amlria, Act L> Be, 1L > 23, (Afttwt.)
"I'm JDavus and not QSdipua." (George
" De duobns
mails, minus est semper oligondum.**
THOMAS i KBMPIS, JDe JwltoMow OArisii^ III, 13, 8
Of two evils we must always olxooao the toaAt*"
"De meudico male meretur, qul ei dafe quod adit aut quod hi hut:
ot illud quod dafc pordit, 6t ill! produoit vltam AC! mteriam/*
PiiAUOJua. Tnmmmm, Act lL So* II, 6&i*(!fottto.

The beggart timnkn
He scarce deserveB who gives him whwwithii
To buy him meat mil drink for what is givi

Js lot, and only serves to lengthen out

A life of misery/ 1

Be minimis HOB ourat ler*" BAUOH, IMtef OV&XXXlt.
" The law
pays no attention to little

Do quo libelli in celebemmis lociB proponuntur, lime no pcriro qmdom
taoito obsourequo conceditur," QXCSBO, ProQuintio, n 5Q. XV
He who lias once become notorious in the busy centres of life, is not
permitted even to die in silence and obscurity/*
" De vitiis nostris scalam nobis facimus, si vitia ipsa calcarom"
ST. AXJGXJSTINK. Sermo GLXXVIL, 4, (Higntfs Patrologiae
Curms> Fok XXXVIIL and XXXIX., p. 2082.)
If we tread our vices under our feet, we make of them a ladder by which
to rise to higher things.'*
" Decet
indulgere puellae,
Vel quum prima nocet/' OAL^XJBNIXJS. JSGlogim, XXL, 87.
Even if the woman makes the first attack,
It well becomes the man to yield to her."
Decet Tereoundum esse adolescent em."
PLATOJS* Asinarfaj Act 7., Be. Z, 6. (Demametus*)
"It well becomes a young man to be modest." (Bennett Thornton.)
" HOBAOB. De Arte Poetica,
Decipimur specie reoti." 25.
"The appearance of right oft leads us wrong,"
" vitiis imitabile." HOBAOT.
Becipit exemplar Epi$tolae t I., 19, 17.
4 *
Faults are soon copied/' (Oonington.)
Dedecus ille domus sciefe ultimus." JUVENAL. Satires, X, 342.
" Still sure the own
last his disgrace to hear.*' (Gfi/ord.)
" Dediscit ammus sero <juod didicife din,"
SENBOA, Troades, &%^(Andromaehe>)
The mind is slow to unlearn what it learnt early/*

"Hatura tenaoissimi sumus eorana q;uae radibns annis per-

QCTIOTILIAN, D^ Institution* Oratorio,, Z, 1, 5,
Our memory naturally most tenacious of those things which
we learnt in our raw youth."
" Dedit hano
contagio labem
Bt dabit in plures sicut rex totus in agris

Unius scabie cadit ot porrigine porci,"

JtjVBJSfAiu. Satires, IZ, 78.
" Anon from, you, as from its fountain head,
Wide and more wide the -flagrant pest will spread ;

As swino take measles from distempered swin," (Clifford.)

"Doformo sub armis

Vana suporatiitio 0fe j da sola in,pector Virtus
Bellantum vigel" Smitra iTALXoxia. Pmwa, Vn 125,
How odious A thing in armed men
Is superstition ; in true warriors' hearts
No goddess rules but Yalour."
Boformius, Afar,
Omnino nihil est ardeliona sene." MAETIAL, M$%gram> IF. 79, 9.
" is more odious than an
Nothing elderly busybody."

"Degeneres animoa tlmor arguit," VXBQIU sKneid> JK. 13,

" Fear
proves a base-born aoul."~((?0;ft0tf0n.)
"Doi divitcs sunt decs decent opulontiae

Bt faotiones veram nos homuuouli


Salillum animao :
qui quum eartomplo amisimuft
Aoquo mendious atque illo opulent JHHimiifl
Gensetur oensu ad Aokoruntem mortuuH."
P&MOTS. Trimmmus, Act II, Sc* JK flO.-^fcifta)
"Ilie gods alone ar rich to tliem ttlouo ;

Is wealth and power ; but we, poor mortal m&,

"Wlion that the aoul which Is the wilt of life,
Keeping oxir bodies from corruption, leaves u,
At Acheron shall be counted all alike,
The beggar and the wealthi68t."-(/ton7 Thornton.)
" Delendam esse Oarthaginom (pronimtiabat),'*
OATO MAJOB. (fflorus, flpitwne Berum Momanorufn IIn t 15, | 4,)
" 1

Carthage must be blotted out.*

" Delere lioobit

Quod non edideris ; nesoit vox missa reverti.'*

HOMOB* D^ Art Pmiw^t 380.
M home you
What's kept at ejuae.61 by a stroke,
"What's sent abroad you never can revoke/*- (Con4nffion)
Deliberandum est diu quod statueadum samel.'*
PoBULiua BvauB, 116.
"We must give
? lengthy deliberation to what has to be decided once iwd
for all.'
(Qui variare oupit rem prodigialitor unarn,)
BelpMnum silvis appingit, fluotibus aprum."
IlOBAoa Da Arte Potica t SO.
Who hopes by strange variety to please,
Puts dolphins among forests, boara in sow/'-* ((tuning ton)
" Deme suporoilio nubom,
Pleru,tac|uo xnodentus
Occupat obsouri Hpeoiem, taoiturnua acorbi.'*
Hoiuoa. Xptotola*, 1, 18, 94*
Unknit your brow the silent man is tiupo;

To pass for crabbed, the modeat for obaomt, " (C^nii^ ten,)
" Demitto auriculas ut
iniquaa mentis asulltts*
Ctim gravius dorso s-abiit onus,'
HOEAOI* BottoWt I* 9, ^
Down go my ears in donkey fwhion straight ;

You've seen them do it when their load's too gwmt


Demonstratio long optima st experiential,'*
BAQQH, Nomm OrgAnnm^ L t 70,
By far the best proof is experience,"
Bemus, neone, in nostra poiestate est no redder, j Tiro boxio non
licet, modo id facer poasit sine iajuria,"
Oioiao* D OJMii, I, IS, 48,
" Whether
we give or not Is for us to decide, but no hoawt man *
fuse to pay back, provided he ewi do ao without 1
prejudice to otlwm*

Doorum injurias dis curae (scripaU)."
(Tacitus, Annak, L, 73.)
Wrongs done to the gods were the gods' concern,"
~~-(Ghurch and Sradribb.)
Deoscjue precetur t oret
Ut redeat miseris, abeat fortuna euperbis."
HOKAOB. De Arte Poetica, 200.
1 '
The gods implore
To crush the proud and elevate the poor," (Oonington.)
Deprendi miserum
est." HQBAOE, Satires, Z, 2, 184,
" 'Tis sad to be found out,"
Berelicta fertilius reviveaount."
PLINY OJHE BLDBB, Natural History, XXTIF., 4=9 (17),
" Fields left Mlow more than recover their former fertility,"
Berisor vero plus laudatore movetur."
HOBAOB. De Arte Poetica, 483.
False flattery displays
More show of sympathy tuan honest praise/ 1 (Oonington.)
Maledicere, malefaota ne nosoant sua."
THBBKOB. Andria, Prologue, 22.
"Lot them . . .

. . . cease to rail, lest they be made to know

Their own misdeeds," (Georg Caiman*)
" Desine fata deum Hecti sperare preoando.^'
ViBGtc*. j$lneid t VI. , 876,
Hope not by prayers to shake the will of Heaven."
" Desine
quapropter, novitate eiterritus ipsa,
Exspuero x animo rationem : sed magis aori
Judioio petpende, et, si tibi vera videutur,
Dodo mantis aut, si falnum est, accingere contra."

LuoBfixritrs. D0 M&rum Natwra, II. 1 1038,

Do not, ia fear, because the doctrine's new,
Expel it from your mind but weigh it well, ;

Bringing your keenest faculties to bear;

If it seem twe, accept it, but if false,
Gird on your sword to combat it."
Destietudo omnibus pigritiam, pigrltia vetemum parit,"
APULBIUS. Florida, III,, 17.
'Disuse always begets indolence, and indolence lethargy/'
Desunt inopia multa, avaritaae omnia.
In nullum avarus bontis est, in se peBsimus/'
PuatiLitrs SYEtJS, 121, 124. (Quoted together by Sewca,
Epistola*, QVIIL, 9,)
Poverty wants many things, but avarice everything* The miser is no
good to any one, least of all to himself/*

(Nam) Bcteriores sumus llcentia,'


TBBBNOB. HmutontmonmmoSj Act IIL, So, L> H.

**Too much liberty corrupts us aXL."~-((?0ori0 Colmm.)
"Detur aliquando otium
Quiesgue SHINBCA. Jlcrcuks Wurwis, 929.
fessis." (AmphUryon*)
" God
grant the weary some surceaso of toil."
" Bourn
namguo iro per crania
* tracfcusquo maris, coolum^ profundunu"
YIBGXL, (korgic*, IV., Sai.
"Through every land God journeys, and acrowt
The ocean wastes, and through the depths of heaven."
" Bourn
qui non summum putot,
Aut stultum ant rerum esso imporifcum oxistumem."
" He who does not believe that God is above all fa either a fool or lww uc
experience oflife."
u Bens illo fuit, Deus, inolyto Momml,
(Dicendum est,)
Qtii prinoepa vitae rationom invonit oam, q[ttaa
Nuno appellatnr Sapiential'
LuOBiTitJS. Da n&rnm tfatnr&, F. 8,
god indeed was he, most noble MommiuH,
Who first laid down for m
that rule of life
"Which men call Wisdom/*
" Bens nobis haeo otia fecit," VIBOXX* Mcl&gim* I 6*
" From God it is that conies this rest from toil,"

" Beus * . ntillo magis feominom Boparavit a caterfi, ^tittd


' 1
mortalia essent, quam dloondi faoultftto.

God has in no way more strikingly differentiated mm from the t of
creation than by the gift of speech,"

" Bevenere locos laetos et amoena yirota

Portunatorum nomorum, sedesauo beatan*"

Viaaifc, MM, VL, ai8.

They reach the realms of tranquil Wia*%

Green spaces folded in with tro%
A paratlise of
BeTiotae gentes nil in amor vftlent."
PBOPKBTOTS. JBfagitit I/n ? II
" In love a subject race is nothing worth/*

" Boxtrae se
parvuB Iulu
Itaplicnit seqnituraue pattern non paeslbus aeqtils.*
ViitGffi. TL t
Inks fastens to my aide,
HiH steps scarce matching with my stride, "-((tantf #&*!.}
" Bi immortalia virtutom approbaro, non adhiboro dobont."
MBTJELLias (NiMMcras)* (Atilm Mlin^ NwtM Attfaa*, L 9
6, 5,)
The immortal gods are bound to approve virtui*, but uut to prtiyitl* ui
with It,"

" Di nos
quasi pilas homines habent"
PLAOTUS. Captivi, Prologue, 22.
Men are the footballs of the gods."

" Di pia facta vidont." Qvm. Fasti, II., 117.

The gods behold all righteous actions."
14 "
Di, talom terris avertsito postern VIBQIL. I
JEneid, III., 620.
" Yo Gods from such a !
plague protect our land."
Di tibi, si qua pios respeotant numina, si
Usquam justitia est et mons sibi consoia recbi,
Praemia digna ferant" ViBQir*. MneicL, L> 603.
May Heaven, virtue claim its thought,
If justice yet avail for aught ;
Heaven, and the sense of conscious right,
With worthier meed your acts requite," (Conington.)
" Die
miM, an boni quid usquam est, quod qmsqua,rn uti possiet
Sine malo omni aut, ne laborem capias, quum illo uti voles ? "

PMUTUS. Mercator> ActL Sc. I., BL (CJiarinw.) t

Was ever good without some little ill ?
And would you lose the first to gain the last?"
(Bonnell Thornton.)
Diconda taoondaque oalles." PHBBITTB, Balms, IF., 5.
" Thou knowost what
may well be said, and what
Were beat in silence hidden."
" Dicero onim beno nemo
potest, nisi qui prudenter intelligit."
OIOBBO. Brutus, 71., 28.
( *
No one can speak well, unless lie thoroughly tmderstands his subject."
" Dioimus aubom
Hos quoque felioes, qui forro incommoda vifcae,
Nco jaotaro jugum vita didicere magistra."

" Nor those unblest who, tutored in life's school,

Have learnt of old experience to submit,
And lightly bear th yoke they cannot quit.' (Gi/ord.)
"Diois formosam, dioiste, Bassa, puollam,
Istud quod nou ost, dioere Bassa solet."
MABOJIAL. J$$igra/ni$ } F. 45.
" a lovely girl;
Thou Bayest, Bassa, thou'rt

'Tin tiling that is not Bassa's wont to say*"

Dicta dabaut ventis, neo dobita

VALBBIXJS FLAOOUS. Argonmtica, V., 21.
Their words flew wide upon the winds, nor moved the Fates one jot."

Diotuau sapient! sat est,"

PLAUTTO. Pma, Act IK, So. VII, 19, (ffatwto.)
fIBBKOT, Phormio, Act III, So. IZX, 8. (
A word to the wiao is enough,"
(Hew the mpmnm
V&rtm, sa$"*)
Diem, aquam, solem, lunam, noctom, haec argento non emo ;

Cetera, ^uaeque volunms uti, G-raoca mercamur Mo,"

PJGAUTUS. Asinar%a> Act I., So. ZZZ, 4Q ' t

True, I purchase not with money
nor night ;
Daylight nor water, sun nor moon,
Whatever else we want, we buy for ready money/*

" Difficile est longum subito deponere amorom.' 1


'Tis hard at once to tear an old love from the heart."
" Difficile est oommunia dicere,"
'Tis hard, I grant, to treata subject known
And hackneyed, so that it may look one's own/*

" Difficile est saturam "

non scribero ! JUVBNAJD* Satir^ H 80,
Indeed 'tis hardest not to satirise !

" Difficilem n
oportet aurom habere ad osrimina.
" We should turn a deaf ear to accusations/ 1

DifEugiunt cadis
Cum faece siccatis amici." HOEAOU. Ode$* L t 85, 26.
" When the cask drained is
The guests are scattered here and there. * 1

" Donee eris folk multos numerabii amicos ;

Tempera si fuorint nubila, solus aim"

OVID. '/Viaiia, I, , 5,
" While fortune
smiles, you'll count your frfenda by Hcorea ;

The sky clouds over, you will be alone."

Bn ogo non paucis quondam xrumitng amioia,
Bum favit velis aura seounda mois,
Ut fera mmboso tnmuorunt aoquom vento,
In mediis lacera puppe relinquor aquls*"
OVID, Mjrittokk d Ponfo, IX, $, id.
But late surrounded by a host of friends,
The while a favouring Zephyr filled my sails,
Now when the wind-toased waves in raountama rfie,
Lone in my riven bark I face the storm/ 1

" Gum forfcuna manet, vultum servatls amlol."

" M
While your fortune lasts you will so your friond'n ftu.

laud virum Musa votot mori ;

Ooelo Musa boat." HoRAOl, Oto IF*. 8, 27,

'*Kay, trust the Muse she opes the good
; mm* wave*
And lifts him to the gods/' (

" est deoipi qui de reoipiendo cogitavit cum daret."

SBOTOA. De ]3eneficiis t J, 1, 9.
"The man who gives with a view to receiving deserves to be deceived,"
Bimidium donate Lino, quani credere totum
Qui mavult, mavulfc pordere dimidium,"
MARTIAL. Epigrams, Z, 75 (76), 1.
He who will give the half, not lend the whole,
Is he who wishes but the half to lose."

" mutat quadrata rotundis."

Biruit, aedifioafc,
HOBACBJ. IBftistles, I,, 1, 100.
" Builds castles
up, then pulls them to the ground,
Keeps changing round for square, and square for round." (Oonington.)
" Bis aliter visum." ViEait. MmtiL, II., 428.
" Not thus the
gods decreed."

"Bispietas mea
Et Musa cordi est." HORAOB. Odes, L t 17, 13,

A blameless life by song made sweet," (Oonington.)

Bis proximus ille

Quern ratio, non ira movet ; qui faofca ropondens,

Consilio punire potest."
OLATJDIANUS. De Consulatu tfl. MalUi Theodori, 227.
" Nearest the
gods is he
Whom, reason sways, not angor who weighs well ;

The crime, and with discretion learns to mete

The penalty."
Bisoe, docendus adhuo quae oenset amioulus, lit si

Oaecus Her monstirare velit." HOBAOE. Spistolae, I,, 17, 8.

" Yet hear a fellow-student 'tis as though ;

Tho blind should point you out the way to go." (Oonington.)
" est eisdem munerarier
(Nam) Bisciplina
Anoillas primum ad doininas qui adfectant viam."
s^ Act JI. Be. IXL t 59. (Qtitqpho.)
For a rule, with those gallants who wish
To win the mistroHB, tot to bribe the maid," (George Qolman.)
Bisoipulu8 asb prioris posterior dies,"1
To-day Is the pupil of yesterday/
Bisoit eiw oitius meminitqiue libontius illud
Quod quis doridet, quam quod probat et veneratur."
HOBAOB, SJpistolae, IX, 1 262.
For easier 'tis to learn and recollect
What moves derision than what claims respect." (Oonmgton.)
" Bisoite iustitiam moniti, et non temnore Bivos.*'
Yisair*. Mneid, 71,, 620.

Behold, and learn to practise right,


Nor do the blessed gods despite/'

Disoite, o miseri, et causas cognosoitp rorum,
Quid sum-as et quidnam victuri gigmmur."
PKRSIUS. Satires, Ill t 66.
Mount, hapless youths, on Contemplation'*? wings,
And mark the Causes and the Ifind of things :

Learn what we are, and for what purpose born." (f/$ra.)

Disoite quarn parvo lioeat produooto vilam,
Bt quantum natura petat." LIJCAN, Pkanaliti, ZT,, 377.
Learn then how short the IIOWH by which your life
May be prolonged, and learn how groat the claim
That nature makes upon you/'
"Discite sanari, per quern didioistis amaro;
Una ma&us vobis vulnus opexnque forot.
Terra salutares horbas oadomquo nooeEtas
Nutrit, et urtioao proxima saope rosa ont,"
Ovio, Bmiedia Amoru^ 48*
Let him
Who was lore's teacher teach you too love's cure j

Let the same hand that wounded bring the holm.

Healing and poisonous herbs the same soil bews,
And roseand nettle oft grow aide by side/'
" Disoordia demens
Vipereum crinem vittis innexa oruentis.*'
Vnaaa. JBnM, Fl, 280,
* *
And Biscord maddens and rebels ;
Her gmake-locks hiss, her wreaths drip gore/'(GV?u//^w.)
"Discorsconcordia." OYID. Metamorphnm, r, 4113.
" Oonoordia disoors." LtroAN* Pharsalw, t t
1 * "
Discordant concord,

"(Undo et philosophi quidom et poetao) Dlaoordl oonoordit

mundum const aro dixorunt/'
LAOTAOTIUB. Dwina In$tttutionen TL 19, 17. t t

and pools have said that tho world j$ a
concord of discords,
(Bhaebe) dm, res qua diu mortalibns ulla ost,
Yiamus." VittO. Mmid* X t SOL
"Long have we fared through life, old Mend,
If aught be long that death must eaU/'^t

"Divorsisque duobus vitiis, avaritla t luxaria,, olvitatem laboiuro;

quae pestes omnia magna ioiperia everteraBt."
Lmr* RbtoriM, XXXWv t.
" The state is
Btilfering from two opposite vices, avarice MI! luxury two ;

plagues which, in the past, have been the ruin of every groat empire*"
Diversos divorsa juvanfe ; non omnibus annis
Omnia oonvoniunt : res prius apta xxooot."
MAXIMJAHUS. Mkji$$ 7n 108,
"Di/Terent characters have difFerotut Jntorot atid the c$*fMigitg ymw
bring changes in wliat ia becoming; things which were naluUry to
youth, are often injurious in later yearSf"
" Dives
qiii -flori vulfe
Et cito vult fieri. Sod quao revorontia legran
Quis metus ant pudor esl unquam properantia avari ?
JUVENAL. Satires, XJK, 176.
" He who covets wealth, disdains to wait :

Law threatens, Conscience calls yot on he hies,

And thia he silences, and that,
Fear, Shamo
he boars down all, and with loose rein,
Swoops headlong o'er the alluring paths of gain "-( !

"Divina natura dedit agros, ars Iramana aodificavit urbos,"

VARRG. De He Mustica, III., 1.
God's nature gave us our fields, man's art built our cities."

" Divlsum sic breve Hot opus," MARTIAL, Digrams, IF., 88, 8.
"Divide the work and thus you'll shorten it,"
Divitiae grandes h.omini snnt vivre paroe
Aequo animo ; negue enim est usguam penuria parvi,
LUOEBTIUS. !>(? Herum Natiwa, "F., 1118.
" Man's wealth lies in a frugal life
And mind content no poverty can "be

Where wants aie small. *'

" Divitiarum ot formao gloria fluxa atquo virtus olara
fragilis ;

aetomaquo liabotur*" SALLTJSOJ.

CatiUne, I,
"The fame which is based on wealth or beauty is a frail and fleeting
thing ;
but virtue shines for ages with undiminished lustre.'*
" Divitiaruxa 1
exspectaUo inter caussas pauportatis publioae erat.'
TAOXTUS. Annals, XVL, 8.
"The hope of boundless wealth to come was one of the causes of the
general indigence."
" Dixoris notum si callida verbum
Eoddideriti junctura novum," De Arte Poetic, iV,
High and honour to the bard is due
"Whose dexterous setting makes an old word new." (Qonington.)
" Dixerit insanum q,w me, tofeidom audiet atg.ue
Eospicoro ignoto diBoet pondontia tergo."
HOBAOB, Satires, II,, 8, 298.
Now he that calls mo mad gets paid in kind,
ck behind, "
And told to feel tho pigtail stuck
Dixi omnia, qtnim hominem nominavi."
PMHY THE YoxraansB, Spistolae, IF,, 22.
" I have said
everything, when I have named the man/'
(Me) Dootaram hedorao praemia frontium
Bis misoont supotis* HOBAOI, Odes, I,, 1, 29.
" To me fche artist's tho mood, ivy wreath,
Is very heaven," (Oowinpton*)
Booto sormonos utriuH^ue linguae." HQBAQBJ. Odes, III., 8 5,
' '
Learned in both tongues."
" Doctrma sed vim promovet insitom,
Beotigue cultus peotora roborant ;

Utcumque deiecero mores,

Dedecorant bone nata culpae." HOIUCB. Q<m, IF., 4 33.
"But care draws forth the power within,
And cultured niindn are strong for good ;

fail, the plague of

Let manners win
Taints e'en the course of gentle blood" (Otminyton.)

" medioinam a pMlosopMa peto."

O. Acadmioa, I. 8 11.
1 look to philosophy to provide an antidote to sorrow,"

" Est
profeoto animi modioina, philosopWa."
GICEBO* Tuscukkae l)i$ptttatwm$ t III*, 8, 6.
" The true medicine of the mind is
" Boloris omnis privatio reote nominata ost voluptaB."
OICBRO. J)e Mmbm* Iv U, 87*
What we call pleasure, and lightly HO, is the absence of all piu,
" Doltis "
an -virtus, quis in hoste reqnirat ?
Ymaii. MnM) II, 390,
" Who foes we deal,
when with
If craft or courage guides the steel I (<3ont$$tm*)

(Haeo signlfioat fabula) Dominum videroplurimum in m"bm ml***
PHAB3DEUS. MultM, It, 8, 20*
' 4
The storv shows that it is the master's eye which most effectually watch m
over tne master's interests."
" OcxOos et
vestigia domini ros agro saluborrixaas/'
OoJDaMBLLA, 2fo $w$#cfl IK 18, D 1*
It is the ey
to the field."

Majorca fortilissimum in agro ooxiltim dominl

*'0ur forefathers used to nay that nothing made the IWcI to
fertile as the eye of the master,"

" Duas tamen

res, magnas pmesartim, aon odo agew
sed ne oogitando guidem rplioaw qmisc^uaiia poteit."
It is impossible, either in action or in thought, to attend to two thtop
at once, especially if they are of any importance,"
Duas tantum res anxius optat,
Panom ofe OirconsB." JUVBHAG. Saiin^ X f 80*
" Two thingH alono they ametly dwiw,
Bread and the ganm"
" Dubiaim f4alutoBa
qui dat affliotis, negat."

Ho who ItoUln out but doubtful hppet of nnooour
To the afflictod, every hope doilies, '

parons, celsi^uo dominate poll,

Quoeumcpie placuifc nulla parendi mora osfc.

Adsum impigor. Fao nolle, comitabor gomens

Maiusque pafciar, quod pati licuifc bono. "
Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt,
SBOTOA. Spistolae, 0FIZ, 11.
" Lead
me, Father, lord of heaven's Height,
Where'er it pleases thee ; swift 1 obey
And diligently follow. If the path
Be irksome, yet with groans I follow still,
And, good or evil, the same lot endure.
The Fates the willing lead, the unwilling drag/*
" Dulce bellum
BBASMUS. Adagwrum GMUadas." Itngwitia, "
" War is who have had no experience of it."
delightful to those
" Bulce et decorum est
pro p'atriamori :

Mora et fugacem perse^uitur virum,

Neo parcit imbellis juventae
roplitibus timidoq;ue tergo," HOEAOBJ. Odes, IIZ, 2, 18.
" What
joy for fatherland to die !

Death catches e'en the man who flees,

Nor spares a recreant chivalry,
Their coward backs, their trembling knees." ((Jonington,)
(Sternitttr infclix alieno vulnero, ooelumque
Adapioit et) dulces morions romimsoitur Argos."
VroaiL. Mneid, X f
, 781.
Kow, prostrate by an unmeant wound,
In death he welters on the ground,
And gazing on Italian skies, 1
Of his loved Argos dreams, and dies.

Dulcis et alta quios, placldao^ue simillima morti."
VlBGtti*. Jffimid, ?!,, 522.
" A lethargy of sleep,
" Moat like to death, so calm, so deep," (Omington.)
Dulois inoxpertis cultura potentis amici ;
Expertus metuit/' HOBAOB. Epistolae, L, 18, 86.
"A patron's aeryice is a strange career ;
The tiros love it, but the experts fear." (CMngrlott.)
Bum bibimus, dum eorta, raiguonta, puollas
1 '

Posoimua, obropit non intolloota seneotua.

JiavBNAL, SatvreSi IX, 128,
While now for rosy wreaths our brows to twine,
And now for nymphs we call, and now for wine,
Thenoiseless foot of time steals swiftly by,
And ere we dream of manhood, age is nigh/' (Oxford.)
" Dum dttblus fluit hao aut dum timel;
iliac, ancops,
Ne male quid facial, nil bono Quintus agit."
BwiuwnB PASQUIBB (PASOHASros). ^igrmwnata^ II. 68,
Now tills, now that way torn, Quintus, in doubt 1
And fear of doing ill, does nothing well/
" Dum licet, in ro"bus jucundis vivo boatun,
Yive memor guani sis aovi brevis,
1 '
HQIUOT, Satires, XL, 6, 00,

good m
" whilo you may
Then take, } your pleasure

With life so short 'twere wrong to lose a day/*- ((fonMi/faw*}

" Dum loquimur fugerit invida

Actas : carpo diem, quam minimum orodula postoro."
In the moment of our talking, envious time lim obbod away.
Seize the present trust to-morrow e'en as little a you may,"

Dum novus errat amor, vires sibi oolligal tisu :

Si bene nutrioris, tomporo firams orit.
Quern taurum motuis, vitulum mulopro solebas ;

Sub qua mine rooubas arboro, virga fuit.

Nascitur exiguus, sod opes accjuirit eundo,
Quaque venit, multas aooipifc amniu aquas."
"Young Love at first unfolds but feeble wiugw,
But iu bis wanderings use will moke them ntrog,
The bull you tow, you petted as a calf,
The tree that shades you was a sapling once.
Small at its source, the river, as it flows,
Gains strength and volume from each tiny rill,"

Dum novus est, potius coepto pugnemus amori ;

Flamma recens parva spam resedit aqua,"

Ovm, IkwtoMt XVIL, 180.
" If
ye would conquer Love, lie muni bo fought
At liis first onslaught sprinkle but a drop

Of water, the now-Kindled llame expires,"

" Dum pojora tiiuontur
Est in vota locus sors autoxa ubi ponsima return,

Sub podibus timer est, sooura^uo sunitna inalorum."

OVID, Metamorphoses, XTV., 4S8*
" While worse
may yet befall, there's room for pr&yor,
But when our fortiine'a at its lowest ebb,
We trample fear beneath our feet, aud live
Without a care for evil yet to csome."

" Dum vitant stulti vitia in oontraria owrrttnt?,"

Hoiuax. Satires, J.
2 24,
" When fools would avoid a vice, they ran into the oppoiile xtrom,"
" Duuitaxat reram
magnarum parva potosl res
Kxemplare daro, et vesijigia notitiai,
LUOBBTIUS* Da Merum Natura, It Wl
In things wo may find groat OUCH mirrored,
And learn from them the path that bads to kuowtocigtt,"

" Duo guum idem faciunt, saepe ut possls dioero,

Hoc licet impuno faoere huic, illi non licet."
TJHJBBnsrcB, AdetyU, Act K Sc. 07., 37. (Mcw>.)
" When two persons do the self-same thing,
It oftentimes falls out that in the one
Tis criminal, in t'other 'tis not so," (Qeorge Oolman.)
Duplex libelli dos est quod, mum movet :

Et quod prudent! vitam oonsilio monet."

PHAHDRUS. Fables, /., Prologue, 8,
" Two
gifts my booklet brings to laughter moves, ;

And eke instils a prudent rule of life/'

"Durate et vosmet rebus serrate sooundis." VIBGUI/. JffinM Z, 207.

"Bear up, and live for happier days." (Cowngton*)

" Dux fenxina faoti." VIBGIL. 364.
Mneid, I,,
" A woman's daring wrought the deed," (

" Dux vitae, Dia Voluptas."

s. De Berum Natura, II, 171.
Divine Pleasure, ruler of our life,"

E coelo descondit ymfa <rav?V," JUVENAL. Satires, XL, ^7.
" The "
precept know thyself is heaven-born*

" Ba estenim profeoto juounda lans, cjuae ab iis proMsoitur, qui ipsi
in laudo vixerunt." CIOKBQ, Ad Pamiliares, XV*, 6, 1.
1 '

Praise is especially sweet when it comes from those whose own lives have
been the subject of eulogy,'
" Ba tompostate flos pootaruBi fuit
Qui nuno abiorunt nine in oommunetn locuna."
PLAOTUS. CasiMa> Prologue, 18,
" Yet at that
t time, lived many famous poets,
"Who now are gone from hence into that place
Common to m,"(JBonneU Thornton.)
" Boce homo 1 " THB TULOATBJ. St. John, Z1X, 5.
" Behold the man."

Booo iteram OriBpinus ;
ot est mibl saepe vooandus
Ad parties, monstram nulla virtute rodomptum
Avftiis," JUVBNAL, SoM/r^ IF,, 1.
Again Orispinus comes and yet again 1

And oft shall he be summoned to sustain

lite dreadful part the monster of the times
1 ' '

Without one virtue to redeem his crimes/ '

** "
Booe parens vorus patriae ! LXJOAN. PhwsaUa, IX, 600.
" Lo the true father of Ms
Booe spectaonlum digntim ad quod rosplciat intontus oporf sue cta
ecoo par dec dignum, w
fortis eutn fortima mala eottipoaiig,
SBNBSOA. De Providently lL 9.
utique si et provoeavit." t

God, as he gazes upon Ms handiwork, will find BO nobler, wo more g<xl*
like spectacle, than tlio bravo man who lias thrown down the gugo to
Fortune, and stands steadfast amidst her ImfTotmgB."
Booum tibi lupum in sermone ! PraesonB twurionB adoat
PLAXTTTJS. Stichm> Act IF,, $e. Z fl.ffiffignomm.)
" and you may see his tail The prowling bwwt
Speak of the wolf,
Is just upon you/' *(Bwvndl fkorntm.)
u Bdoceantur hio, q.ui Mo nasettntur, fltafeim^ue ab infantia natale
solum amare, fitre^uentar oonsuoscant*'*
a *
Children should he brought up where thuy are bom, and should aoottfttom
themselves, from earliest infancj , to love their native Boil, and make It

their home."
* 4
Eflodiuntur opes, irritamonta maloram.
Jamque noocns ferrum, ferroquo nooontius auruin
OVTD, M'&tamofpJmm, L t 140,
" The earth her atoreit, of
yields up
111 every
The instigators j iron, foe to man,
And gold, than iron deadlier.*'
" non potes necessitates, potoB vmoote."
BBHIfldA* %t>Mk^ XXJF1J'H 8*
" You cannot may overcome it/*
escape necessity, "but you
" mortem timidissimum quomque oon-
Effugit o[uisq.uis confcempserit ;

QUINTUS OTJETIXJS. D Rebus Gtmtw Almm&ri Magni, IF. 14* 515.

" The
only way to escape death is to despise it the coward it ;


Ego cogito, ergo sum."

DJGJSOARCTS* Pnnc^w PMl$o$Mm f
P^ /, | 7.
think, therefore I m"
Ego enim sic In summp imperatoro ^uattuor has tm i
oportere, scientiam rei xailitaris, virfcufc6m auoiorit&tdm, fciHoi*
tatem." OIOTOO,
" In
my opinion there wre four qualifications neewsary for A very grmt
general gkUI in hte profession, coutage, aufchority wici luck/*
Ego meorum solus
TBBBKOB, P^omwo, Act IF< Bo, I. tt. (Qkrmm*)
"IVe no friend at home except myself/' (Gfwrge
" non emo,"
Ego spem ptetio
TIBBNOB, AdetyM, AM IZ, Se. JJ, 11- -(

"I never purchase hope with rea<ly money," {Oeor

" do tu respondoB do c&opiB.**
Ego tibi aliis loquor,
BBABMUS, Adagiornm CMUac
"I speak to you of garlic, and you reply to me about onion*."

Ego veto nihil impossibile arbifcror, sed utounque fata dacrevermt, ita
cuncta mortalibus provenlre,"
Ap0LBitrs. MetamorpJwses, L } 20.
"I believe that nothing is impossible, but tliat anything may happen to
mortal men, if the fates liave so decreed*"
" deum sum
Ego virtute et majorum nostrum dives satis ;

Non ego omnino lucraoi omn.0 esse utile homini existumo."

PX.AUTUS. Ga$twi, Act JI. Sc. II, 74. (Megfo.)
"Thanks to the gods,
And to my ancestors, I'm rich enough,
Nor do hold that every kind of gain
Is always serviceable." (Bonnell Thornton,)

"Egomet mi ignosco." HOBAOB. Satwes, J. 3, 23.

1 find excuses for myself."

Eheu fugaoes, Postume, Postume,
Labuntur anni, neo pietas moram
efc instant! senecfcae
Afieret indomita0c[ue morti," HOKAOB. Odes, II, , 14, 1.
" Postumus
Ah, they fleet away,

Our years, nor piety one hour

Can win from wrinkles and decay,
And death's indomitable power." (Oonington.)

Quam temere in nosmot legem sanoimus inic[tiam I

Nam vitiis nemo sin nascitur optimus ill ost,


Qui xainimis urgetur." HOBAOB. Satires, I,, 8, 66,

"What hasty laws against ourselves we pass !

For none is born without his faults the best :

But bears a lighter wallet than the rest/' (Oowington.)

" Bi mihi, quod xmllis amor sfc modicabilis herbis,
Neo prosimt domino, o^uae prosunt omnibus, artes 1

OVID. Metmrw$hoseS) I., 523.

Alas that wounds of love mo herb can cure,

And that the healing art which all men aids,

Its master nought availelh."
Elati spe ooleris yictoriao et hostium fuga, spperiorumque tomporam
seotindis prooliis, nihil adeo arduum sibi existiraabaBt, quod non
virtute oonsequi possoBt,"
De JBello GtalUco, FI1, 47,

"Mated with the hope of a speedy victory and the flight of their foes, and
with the recollection of their post successes, they considered no task
too difficult to be accomplished by their valour,"

"Elegantiae arbiter,"
TACITUS. Awwl$ TPI., t

The arbiter of fashion."


Bmas non quod opus o0t, sed quod BOOOSS $i

Quod non opus est, asse oarum st.

OATO, (Same, HpistoUe* XOIV., 28.)

"Buy not what you want, but what you need. What you do not want is

40^ at a farthing."
" EmendatiQ pars studiornm loBgo ulalirtsima." t

QUINTIMAN. De ImtMutiom Omtona, X,, 4, 1*

" Correction and revision of what we write is by far tho moat uBoful part of
our studies.'*

Emitur sola virfcuto potesbafl." f ,

> Ctmsmitu /wnorw, 188.

"Virtue alone can purchase power."

" Bodom omnium oculoa vult
(Nee ad instar imperiti medioi) oollyrio
ST. teQMB, Gowmcnt&ry on Kftfwdans, ProuHjtw. -(Migm's
Patrotogiao tinnus, Vol XXV?., 539.)
And does not, like au unskilful" physician, attempt t<> cure tvary one's
eyes with the same ointment.

Diffioilis aditus primes habot," HOEAoa, Satires, I, 55,
In this world of ours
4 '

The path to what we want mo'er rurw

on llowow." ((/<WM^>^.)
Hoiuoa. ^iolm In 4
"Epiouri do grogo poroum," f 10,

A hog from Epietmis' sty.'*

1 '

Bquidom ego ounota imperia orudolla, magia
aoerba quam diuturna
arbitror, neq.uo quomq[uamn muliis motuondam OHHO> quin ivcl oum
ex multis formiao rooidat* SATXUST* Ad 0wtm L
"A sovereignty bwed on cruelty is in my opinion
a (yrlovotw
rather tnan a lasting ono, and no ouo man (san nmko himmif it terror
to many, without that terror recoiling upon hiinsolf."
" n
Equidem herole rrallum pordidi, idoo quia nunquana ullum habul.
PLAXJTUS, Asincvria, ActHL> So. t 82. -(F/itom) uL
" Troth I've lost
none, for I ne'er had ono yet," (Bonndl
Ergo sollioitae tn causa, peptmia, vitao es

Per te immaturum mortis adiiuus itor*

Tu vitiis iiommtim orudeiia pabwla praobos:
Semina ouraruw d oapito orta tun.,"
PjftOPMwu8. fllegiM, m, (lit, 7) t
Money, thou eauseat many an anxious hour,
Through the w untimely twad the path of elcmtli,

On thoo, oh cruel one. man's vices feed j

From thy head spnng the aeeda of all

" mox scepto
Erlpnit oaelo fulmen,
Tuaaow. (In$cn$Um on a 'bmt of Xfayfarmfa
( Condorcet> T% did Mwmw* Twm) j,
Jfowd^ 1786.)
He robbed the heavenn of their thunder, the tyrant of Mi wftm/*
"Erraro molioroulo male cum Platouo . *
quam mm itl
OXGBEO* TttscnlanoB DisputaHnwtt t f 17, SO.
In very truth I would rather bo wrong with Plato than right with iuoh
men as those,"

(Bt) Brrat longe, moa quidem sentenfcia,
Qui imporium oredat gravius ease, axit stabilius,
Vi quod fit, quam illud quod amicitia jimgitur."
TBOTNOT. AdelpM, ActL, Sc, I., 40. (Mew).)
He, I think, deceives himself indeed,
Who fancies that authority more firm
Founded on force, than what is built on friendship."
(George Oalman*)
" Errat rom
si quis oxistiraat faoilem osso donate."
SKOTQA. D& Vita Beata, ZZTF., 1.
" It is a mistake to imagine that it is an easy thing to give."

"Esse, quam vidori, bonus malebat."

SALLUST. Catittna, LIT. (Of Cato.)
It was his aim to be, rather than to appear, good,"
" Bat
aliquod merit! spatium, quod nulla furentis
Invidiae uaensura oapit.*'
Ox^AXJBiAisrus. De Laudibus StiUchonis, I/I., 48.
" Merit
may attain so high a place,
That envy's ravings cannot reach to it,"

" Bst ardelionum

quaedam Bomao natio,
Trepide oonoursans, oooupata in olio,
Gratis anhelans, multa agenda nil agens,
Sibi molesta et aliis odiosissima." PiiABDEtrs. flabUs, II., 5, 1.
There in Borne a race of Imsybodies,
Whoso chiefest occupation's idlonoss j
Who ask for no reward, but puff and pant
And tear excitedly about the town
Making a great parade of business,
A nuisance to themselves, a curse to others,

" Bst miM in manu,

atque nort est, Megaronides.
Quin dioant, non est ;
merlto ut ne dioant, id est."
PLAUTUS. Trimmmus Act L, So. II.,
t 67. (QalUcks.)
" As to this
matter, Megaronides,
I have it inmy power, and have it not.
Beport is none of mine but, that report

May be unmerited, is in my power ," (wBwwwW Thornton.)

"Eat autem gloria laus recto factotum magnorumque in rompubli-
oam fama merltorum, quae quum optimi cujusque, turn etiam
multitudinis testimonio oomprobatur."
OIOEILO. PhiUppica, I., 12, 29.
True glory lies in noble deeds, and in the recognition, alike by leading
men and by the nation at large, of valuable services rendered to the
Bst brevitate opus, ut ourrat sententia, neu so
Impadiat verbis lassas oxwrautibtis aures."
HOBAOB. Satires, I,, 10, 9.
"Terseness there wants to make the thought ring clear,
Hor with a crowd of words contuse the ear,"- (Oaninyton.)
Bst deus in nobis," OVID. Fasti, VL, 5.
" There is a
god within tw,"
"Bet dens in nobis, et sunt oommeroia oooli :

Sedibus aethoriis spirltus Ille vonit."

OVID, Dfi Arie Amandi, Iff., 549.
There is a gocl within us, and the heavens
Have intercourse with earth ;
from realms above
That spirit eometh."
Eet enim amioitia nihil aliud nisi omnium divinaruin huraanarum-
OjU reram cum bonovolontia ob oaritato oonaenaio ; (jua q\iidoxn
fiaud soio an, oxoepta sapientia, quidquam molius sit homini a
diis immortalibus datum." OIOKRO. De AmieUfa, Vln 20.
"What friendship other than the harmony of all things divine ami
human with goodwill and affection? indeed, with tho oxoopticm of
wisdom, I doubt if the gods have given to mankind any choicer gift"
Est eniin animus coolestis ox aliisBimo domioilio dopressns, ot
demarsus in terxam, locum divinae nattirae aotornitaU(mo oon*
trarium." OIOBRO. D Senectufy XX L> 77*
"The divine soul is drawn down from its lofty home, and, 10 to say,
plunged into the earth, an abode which is by itn nature tho antithesis
of divinity and eternity."
" Est enim hoc commune vitium in magnin Hbii<jtt0 oivitatibus, ut
invidia gloriao comes sit," OOBHBOTS NBTOS* Ofei6na, 8,
" In all
great and free commxmities there is this common
fulling, that envy
follows closely upon the heels of distinction.
" Est enim lex nihil aliud nisi recta t a numlno deoruffl traota rafcio

imperans honesta, proHbons oontraria,

PhiMppiw, XL, 12, 28.
What law but a divinely inspired ethical y8tom> tooulcmtiwg morality*
and forbidding all that is opposed thereto f "
" Est enim mentibus hominum veri boni naturaliter
0ed ad falsa devius error abducii**
BO^THJXJS. De Consolation PM$ow$>Mw, IJZ ; Pr&m 1J.
Nature has implanted in the minds of men a genuine dentre for th goexi
and the true, but misled by various deluflionft they often rwoh tlw
wrong goal."
"Est enim quaedam etiam dolendi volupfeas; praoscrtim si In amioi
sinu oefloas, a.ptid vl l&us slfe pavaU, vel
quern laorirais tula
venia." Pawnr THB YoTOaE. Mjm^lm^ VI!l n 10*
"Even sorrow has its oharm, if it b our good forttmt to wcw|> on th
bosom of a friend from whom our tears will draw dithtr oomm<m<ition
or pardon/
M Est et fdeli tuta silentio
Heroes ;
yetabo, qm Oereris sacrum
Vtil^arit arcanum,
sub isdem
Sit trabibus fragilemve meoum
Solvat pbaselon." HOIUG, 0<f XIL> 2 95.
" Sealed have blessings sure to corns
lips ;

Who drags Uleusis' rite to day,

That man stall never share my home
Or join my voyage ; roofg give wny
And boats are wrecked. "~ (Qtmwg

" Bst etiani

quiete et pure et eleganter actae aetatis plaoida ao lenis
senootus." OIGMBQ. De Senectute, 7., 18.
"A life of peace, purity and refinement leads to a calm and untroubled
old age,"

Bst genus hominum qui ess primes se omnium rerum volunt,
Nee stint hos consoctor.
: Hisoe ego non paro me ut rideant ;

Sed his ultro arrldoo, efc oprum ingonia admiror simul.

Quicquid diount, laudo id rursum si negant, laudo id quoque,

Hegat gum ? nego ait ? aio. Postremo imperayi egpmet mini


Omnia adsentarL Is quaostus nune est mulfco uberrinius."

TBKBKOB. JBunuchm, Act II., Sc. II., 17.- (Gnatho.)
"There is
A kind of nien wlio wish to be the head
Of everything, but are not. These I follow ;

Not for their sport and laughter, but for gain

To laugh with them, and wonder at their parts :
Whate er they say, I praise it if again ;

They contradict, T praise that too does any :

Bony ? I too deny affirm ? I too:

Affirm, and in a word I've brought myself

To say, unsay, swear and forswear at pleasure :

And that is now the beat of all professions."

~-(@corge Oolman.)
" Est
ipsa oupiditati tarda coleritas." PUBMHXJS SYKUS, 184:.
To passion oven haste is slow."

Bst modus in rebus, sunt carti denique fines,
Quos ultra oitracjue nequit oonsistore rectum,"
HOBAOB. Satires, I., 1, 106.
Yen, there's a moan in morals life has lines, ;

To north and south of which all virtue pines," (Oomn$ton<)

"Bsi omnino imquum, sod usu rooeptum, q[uod honosta oonsilia vel
male aut prospero oedunt, ita probantur vol ropre-
turpia, prout
honduntur." PMHY THK YonisraBB. JS^istolae, F., 21.
It isa "UBual thing, though ontirely indefensible, in awarding praise or
blame to a policy, to consider not whether it was right or wrong, but
whether it was a success or a failure/*
Bat proowc natura multorum in alienis miseriis,
PLINY THIS E&BBR, Natmal Hi$tory> Z3TFT, 2.
M There are
many who are only too ready to take advantage of the mis-
fortunes of others,"
" Bst
profeoto deus, qui quao nos gerimus auditque et videt ;

Is uti tu me hio habueris, proinae ilium illio ouraverit ;

Bone merenti bene profuent, male merenti par rit"

There is indeed
A God that sees and hews wlxate'er we do ;<

As you respect me, o will he respect

Your lost son. To the well-deserving good
, to the ill-deaervittg m."~-(j5<?fwM# Thornton*)
" Bst si non datur ultra."
quadam prodire tonus,
HOBACB. ffipistalae,, I,, 1,
" Some each may gain,
point of moral progress
Though to aspire beyond it should prove vam/ ~((/<

" Est
quaodam Hero voluptas
OVID. Triatia 1Y. 8, 37.
Expletur lacrimis, ogeriturquo dolor*" t

There is some joy in weeping . for otn tcmrs
Fill up the cup, then wa$h our pain away,"
Bat quoque ounetaruia novitas oariesirna reruwi."
OVH>, Jflpistoloe 6x Ptmto, IT/,, d 5L
In all things novelty is what we prize."
" Natura homlnum novitafcis avida,*

PLINY THE KDBB, Ncttw&l History J//., t 6,

"Human nature is greedy of novelty."
probus, centum qui perfioit aunoH/
Eat vetus atg[ti0
"The bard who makes his century up lias uto
The test we call him sterling, old and

Estne del sedes, nisi torra, et poiittm, et aer,
Bt ooelum et virtus? superos quid quaorimus ultra?
Jupiter esfc quodoumque vides r quodoumquo movoris."
LUOAH. JShttrmli, lX f 57t*
" God has no
throne but earth and wa and air
And sky and virtue. Why in distant roalmn
Seek we the gods ? Whato'er we foel or soe
la Jove himself.'

"Esto, ut nuno multi, dives tibi, paupor amioifu"

Be, like numlmw mor,
Eich to yourself, to your dependent** poor."
" Bsuriens telis inoondor anwris
pauper ;

Inter utrumque malum diligo pauperism.**

OMUi)i4Htrs. d&tytyraww, XXJCK
I sufferfrom the pangi of hunger and of lovt ;
Of the two evils, 1 would rattier starve* 11
Bsuriunt medii, summi satnrantu* et imi*
Errant qui diount ; medium teuuere be^tl,*

TAUBMAHK (Of Wittenberg)* Xmprom$t% on bmng

half-way down the table at a banquet, (fmtbmaf
jp.157. ffrmk/urt, 1710.)
At the top and the bottom they're gorging, while wo are left
between ;

How mistaken those lines of the poet In priiiw of the golden mean* 1*

"Bt genus et virtus nisi cum ro vilior alga ot.'

FamUy and worth) without the tftaff
Of wealth to loan on, are the rwiwt draff."

Indignor ^tiandoqua bonus dormitat Homeras.
Vorum opori longo fas est obropore sorrminu."
HOBACB. Be Arte Poetica, 858.
While 0'on good Homer may deserve a top,
If as he does, lie
drop his head and nap.
Tot when a work is long, 'twere somewhat hard
To blame a drowsy moment in a bard." (Oonington,)
" Efc nomen paois dulce eat ot ipsa res salutaris, sed inter pacem ot
sorvitutein plurimum interest. Pax est tranquilla libertaa,
aervitus postromuxn malorum omnium, HOB. modo bello, sed
morte etiam repellendum." OICBEO. PUUp$ica II., 44, 113. t

" The name of peace is sweet, and the thing itself is salutary, "but between
peace and slavery there is a wide diftforeaoe. Peace is undisturbed
liberty, slavery is the worst of all evils, to be resisted at the cost of
war, nay even of death."
"Et praeteritorum recordatio est acerba et aoerbior exspeotatio re-
lio;uoram. Itac^ue omittamus Itigere,"
OIOBEO. Brutus, 76, 260.
" Sad are our inemorios of the past, and sadder still our
anticipations of
the future, Therefore lot us banish mourning."
Et qui nolunt oooidero ^uemq.uam
Posso volunt." JUVENAL, Satires, X, 96.
Even those who want the will
Pant for the dreadful privilege to kill." (Gtiffwd.)
" Et spos ot ratio studiorum in Oaesaro tantum."
JTJYBNAL. Satires, FIT., 1.
Yes, all the hopes of learning, 'tis contest,
And all the patronage, on Caesar rost"--(C
"Etenlm, Quiriteg, exiguum nobis vitae ourrioulum natura oireum-
soripsit, immensum gloria."
OIOEEO, Pro 0. Eabvrio $)&rduellwnis rao, X, 80.
Mature lias circumscribed the Hold of life within small dimensions, but
has left the field of glory mnmeasured."
Etiam oapillus unus habet umbxam auam," PuBLiiiitrs STBOT, 138,
" The
smallest hair casts a ahadow." (Bacon,)
Etiam coloritas in dosidorio mora est." PCTBLILIXTS SYBUS, 189,
"In desire swiftness itself is delay/' (Bacm*)
" Etiam innooentos cogit mentiri dolor." PUBWLHTS SYBTJS, 141.
Pain makes even the innocent man a liar." (Bacon.)
Etiam oblivisci qui sis intorduia expedit." PUBMLITO SYBUS, 142,
4 '
It is sometimes usefal to forget who yoit we,"
"Btiamsi futurum quid juvat dolor! mo occurrera?
est, Satis oito
doloMs, cum
: interim tibi meliora promitte,"
SBOTOA. Mpistohe, ZIII., 10,
Though sorrow m-ust come, where is the advantage of rushing to meet it?
It will be time enough to grieve when it comes meanwhile hope for ;
better things/
" n
Bx falsis, tit ab ipsis didioimus, vormn offici non potosl
CICKBO. D& Divinatione, IT., 51, XQ0
From, the false, as they have theniselvea taught us, wo can obtain no-
thing true/'
Ex magno certamine magnas oxcitari forme iras/*
Liv*. Histories, IIL, iQ,
"It is when great issues are at stake that men's passions are generally
roused most easily."
" Ex omnibus praemiis virtutis, si essefe habonda ratio praomioram,
amplissimum ease praomium gloriam ease hano unam, quao ;

brevitatcm vitae postoritatis momoria oonnolarekir, auao ofiloccoti

ut absentee adessemus, mortoi vivoroiuuft; hano uontyua onse,
oujus gradibus etiam hominos In ooolum vldoteutur anoondora."
OICBEO. Pro Mitone, X^X K, D7*
"Of all the rewards of virtue, if we are to take any account of rewards, the
most splendid is fame for it is fame alone that can otter us the momory

of posterity as a consolation for tho shortness of life, so that, though

absent, we are present, though dead, we live it in by the ladder of fauie

only that mere men appear to rise to the hoaveiM."

"Ex quo mtelligitiur, quouiam juris natoa ferns all, hoo soouudtma
naturam ess, neminom id agore ut altorius ptaodotur Insoitb.**
CIOEO. 1)& OJflofo, III, 17, 7!i.

"We must understand, therefore, that ainee nature is the fountain of

justice, it is according to natural law that no one vhonld tak wlvaw- 1

tage of another's ignorance to his own profit*

" nemo quioquam
Excogitare potorit quod magis dooorum regent! $il
quam dementia." SBKBOA. X>e dementia, Z, ltl L t t

It is impossible to imagine anything which better becomes it rul*r thaa
Exoutienda vitao cupido est discondumque nihil InteresHe qtiando

patiaris quod quandoqne patiendum ost Quam bona vivaa

refert, non quamdiu," SSJNBGA. JSpkttolae, GL, 15,
We must root out the desire of life, and learn that it mattem nothing
when we undergo what must be undergone In the natural oounu* of
events. What is important is that we should live M well an
not as long as possible."
" Exeat
Qui Tult ease plus : virtus et summa potestas
Non ooQunt ; semper metuet, quean sa7a pudebunt.

LtroAH. PMfMMa, FIJI, in,

Let hinx desert the court,
Who would be pure : virtue and sovereignty
Are rare companions ; he whom cruel deeds
Would shame, aye goes in terror for himself/*
" Exedere animura dolor
iraque damens,
Et qua non gravior mortalibus addita cura,
Spes, ubi longa venit," STATITO. Th$bwi f IL> 319*
" His
With anger'a madness and with grief was torn,
And with the deadliest of all human wo%
Hope long deferred/'

Kxogi momimentum aero peronnius,


Bogaliquo situ pyramidum altius." HGBAQIB* Odes, Zl/., SO, 1.

" And now 'tis done more durable than brass ;

My monument shall be, and raise its head

O'er royal pyramids," (Oonin

Exemplo quodcumquo malo committitur, ipsi

Displicot ancfcori. Prinia est liaec ultio,"
L. Satires, XIII., 1.
Man, wretched man, whene'er ho stoops to sin,
Feels with the act a strong remorse within :

"Ks the lirst vengeance. "(Gfifford.)

** n
Bxemplumque dei cjtdsque est in imagine parva
MANXMTJS, Astvonondcon^ IK, 888.
Every man is a copy of God in miniature."
Bxigite ut mores teneros cen poUice ducat,
Ut si quis oera vultum faoit," JTJVKNAEI, Satw& t FIX, 287.
" Make it a
point too, that, like ductile clay,
They mould the tender mind," (Uiffwd.}
Exigua est yirttis praestaro silontia rebus ;

At contra gravis ost culpa taoonda loq_ui."

OYIB* De ArU Amandi, II., 603.
" To silence ia a trifling virtue,
To Betray secrets is a grievous fault,"
Bkigui numero, sed bollo vivida virtus." Ymaxix Mmi&> Vn 754.
"A gallant band in number few,
In wpirit resolute to dare." (Ooninyton.)
(Quo fit ut) Bxistimatio bona prirna omnium desorat inMioes."
Boiraius. De Consolation PUlosoyfaiae, I,, Pros* 4.

^'When men are wfortunate the first thing to desert them is their good
Bxoriare ali^uis nostris ex ossibus ultor I "
Vmair*. Mnmd, IF,, 625,
" aome from our aahea riae "
May avenger 1

Bxpende Hannibalein ;
quot libras in duoo aummo
Produce the tirn that Hannibal contain^
And weigh tlw mighty dust whioht yet remai0 ;
And is this all [

s* Hintory, V., 0.
" We learn by experience/
Kxporto credits'* Tmom, JKmid, XIn 288.
OYU>. Da Ar to AmmM* III Wl,
Put Mth in om wlio's had txperlonoe,"

"Bxsilium ibi esso putat, ubi virfcuti non sit locus; mortem naturae
fmom ease, nou poenana."
OXOBRO. Pro Mikne, XXX FJI, 101.

"Exile, he thinks, is banishment to a place where virtue is not; death In

not punishment, but nature's end."

it Fama per urbes,
Exteinplo Libyao magnas
Urania, malum qua non aliud volocius ulium ;
Mobilitato vigot, viresqu acquirit eundo ;
Parva metu primo mox
sese attollit in auras,

Ingredituro[u0 solo, et oaput inter nubila oondit.'
Vinoxr.. JSBneid, IK, 17S*
" Now throtigh the townsof Libya's sons
Her progress Fame begins.
Fame than who never plague that runs
Its way more swiftly wins :

Her very motion lends her power :

She llien and waxes every hour.

At first she shrinks and cowers for droad,
Ere long she woars ou high ;

Upon the ground she plants her tread,

Her forehead in the sky."- (Cwwnffion,)
" Bxtrema por illos
Justitia excodens terris vestigia fooit." VxGit. Georgic&, TL 473,
Aatraea, when she iM to Heaven, or oro
She qnitted Earth, left her last footmark here/'(X J

Faoiamus oxporimentum in corpora vili."

ANTOIHB IBISSIBB. Hloges d$ IXcmvm Bf&v&n&i AmH6 1585,
"Antoiw Munt^ Addition.*
Cf 1'
Let us make the experiment on a worthless body,
" Facios non omnibus una,
Neo diversa tamen, ^ualem decet oss sororum."
OVID. MofamorphotMi jr., 13*
" Unlike and
yet alike in form mul fttoe,
As it befits in sisters,"

ITaoies tua eomputat axmos.' J^yHAt. 8Mv*68 VL^ 199.

Tliy years are counted on thy fae.**

Facile esso momento, quo qniB vellt, oodore poiseasfoae xnagno
fortnnao facero ot pararo earn diffioilo atmie atduutn

" It is at moment to surrender a
easy any fortune large ;
to build one tip
is a difficult and an arduous task,"

* The anecdote in which this

phrase oocmra la quoted by Teiiwier IVom tli
Prosopographie of Du Vertlior (Lyons, 1589), but 1 nave bott mmbk to verify
the (Dotation, as the copy of the Prosopographie in the JBxitteh MUHOUIM w

enim teneros adhuo animos componere; difficulter reciduntur
vitia giaaenobiscum crevorunt," SBNBOA, De Ira, II. 18, 2. ,

" While the mind is still easy to mould it

tender it is j
vices wMcli have
grown up with us are with difficulty eradicated."
Facile est iniperiiwn in bonis,"
PLAXJTXJS, Miles Gloriosus, Act III., Sc, I., 17* (Palaestrio.)
"The sway is easy o'er the just and gQQ&,"(jBonneU Thornton.)

"Facile invenies et pejorem et pejus rnoratam, pater,

Quam ilia fuit ; xneliorom nequo tu ropories noqtie Sol vidot."
PLAUTXJS. Stwlms, Act I., Sc. IT.,
" Ton find
A worse wife, sir, and one toomay
of worse morals*
A better, sure, you'll never find, nor could
The sun e'er snine on," (Bonnell Thornton.)

" /Sio vita Facile ozones perferre ac pati :

Cum cjnibus erat cunqne una, iis sose dedere ;
Eorum obseo^ui studiis ; adversus nemini ;

Nunquain praoponens se illis. Ita facillime

Sino invidia laudom invenias, et amicos pares."
TEIWONCB. Andria, Act I., Sc. I., 85. (Simo.)
So did he shape his life to bear himself
With ease ana frank good-humour tinto all ;

Mix! in what company soo'er, to them

He wholly did resign uimsolf and joined ;

In their pursuits, opposing nobody,

Nor e'er assuming to himself and thus ;

With ease, ami free from envy, may you gain

Praise, and conciliate friends." (Oeorge

" Facile
omnes, qiiwm vaJonatis, recta consilia aegrotis damns."
TBBBNCK. Andria, Act IL Sc. Z, 9.(0/imwws.) }

"How readily do men at ease prescribe

To those who're sick at heart.' (George Caiman.)
" Facile GICOTRO. Pro Glwntto, K, 11.
De Dwinatione> II., 42, 87.

"Kasily first"
" FaciliB dcscoBSiis Avemo ;

Nootoe atque dies pafcot aki janua Ditis ;

Rod rovooaro gradum BuporaBcjuo evadore ad auras,

Hoc opus, Mo labor osl," Vinaiii. J3HnM> TZ, 126.
" The
journey down to the abyss
Is prosperous and light ;

Tine palace gates of gloomy Dis

Stand optm day and night:
But upward to retrace the way
And pans iuto the light of day
There comes tho stress of labour."

IPacilis sprovisse modontos
Opfeatum bene credit end qwxmmgue ppriolo t

Holland! tempus," Soros ITAUCCUS* JPwntca, IF., 763*

"No healer's care he claims; no price he deems

Too high to pay for choice of battle's hour,"

"Faoilius onim ad ea quae visa, quam acl Jlla rjuae audit* Bunt, in<mfcte
oculi feruntur," OIOSBO, jDoOratory TIL, 41, 16J).
"The mind's eye is more easily impressed "by what Is Men thwt by what
is heard/'

" Homines
ampllus ooulia fuara aurttws o*odvwfc."
Xtyistulac, YL, 5.

Men are readier to beliere their eyes thaw thdr

a certamixw abstinexe g[tiam aMttooro."

SBNKGA. De Tm, III, 8, S
" It is easier to keep out of a quarrel than to get out of one."
Faoilius in amore finem impetros quwm modwm."
MABOira SBNBCA* Om&rwm'sim, II, % f 10,
"Love is more easily quenched than; moderated.
1 *
"Faclnoroaos majors gnadam Yi ^uam rldlouli vnlnerari volnnt.
OIOBBO* 3)e Qrttfwet I/*, 5H, 5587*
" We demand that the criminal ahotild Tbe attacked with a more powerful
weapon than ridicxtle/'
Facinus quoB Inq,ui3iat aeqnat," LrjOAH- PharMUa, Fn 290.
Crime levels all whom it defiles,**
"Facts da necessitate virfeutem."
ST. JKEOMB* 1^ J&ttow Buflwi, IIL, 2*
" Tou make a vittne of necwsity/*
Facito aliquid oporis, ut sompor to diabolus inveniat ocoupatum."
ST. JBBOHffi, Letter 0X/TFn S 11,- (Mime's /Wn)fcwii
Cnrms, Vol XX IT.. 9S9.)
Mnd some work for your hands to do so that the dwll may
you idle."
"Faciunt, nae, lutelligendo ut nlhil i

Troth, all their knowledge la they nothing Imow/'^
"Facfca fugisj facienda poti^,' 0?ro ffmU$> FJX, 18,
"Yon put aide the wor"k that's done, and awk aome work to <W
"Pactujoi esfc illud, JPiori infoctium non pofcflt."
FJDAUOTS, Aufakwfo t Ad IV^ Sc* Xn ll.'
Tw pwt r
wliat s done cannot bo undone.

"Faotus natoa et oonwtotudiiw oxoroitus volarc oditnn
blandibiia." TACITU, ^wwafe, XW*, 56*-* (O/ J
"He wa formocl by nature nd tmfned by Iwbit to nil fill It^tmi
delusive flattery." (Vhw& and

"Fallaces sunt permultl et leves, et diuturna servifcute ad nimiam

assentationem eruditi,"
CIOEKO, Ad Quintum ffratrem, I,, 1, 5, 16. (Of the Greeks.)
They are for the most part deceitful and unstable, and from their long
experience of subjection skilled in the art of flattery."
" Fallaoia
Alia aliam trudit."
TERENCE, Andria, Act IF,, Sc. IV, t 89,(Davus.)
One piece of knavery begets another. "~~(@eorge Colman.)
" Fallentis semita vitae."
HOEAOBJ. MSpistolae, J., 18, 103.
The patli of my unnoticed life,"

Fallit enim vitium spocie virtutis et> umbra,
Quum sit triste habitu vultuque et veste severam."
Satires, ZIK, 109.
" Thus avarice the
guise of virtue takes,
With solemn mien and face and garb severe,"
" Fallitur
egregio quisq[uis sub princip
Servitium nunq_uam libertas gratior exstat,

Quam sub roge pio."

CLAUDIANUS. De Laudibus StiUchoms, III., 118.
He errs who thinks himself a slave beneath
A great king's sway, for nowhere liberty
More proudly lifts her head, than in the realms
Of virtuous princes."

"IPalsum est nimirum, quod oreditur vulgo, testamenta hominum

speculum ess morum," PLINY THIS YOXJNGHIB. ffijoi&tolae, FIJI., 18.
"It is certainly false, though generally believed, that a man's will is a
reflection of his character."

Falsus honor juvat, et mendax infamia terret
Quern nisi mendaoem etmedioandum ? "
HOBAOB. JSpistolae, I., 16, 89.
Trust me, false praise has charms, false blame has pains
But for vain hearts, long ears, and addled brains." (Oonwgton*)

"Famae quidom ao fidei damna majora esso q[uam q,tiae aestimari

possent," LIVY, Histories, III., 72.
It is impossible to estimate the
injury which may be done to us by an
attack on our credit and our reputation."
Familiate est hominibus omnibus sibi ig&oscere, nihil aliis remitters,
et invidiam rerunx non ad oausam sd ad voluntatem porsonasque
dirigere." YBJDLBIUS pATBjaouLtrs. Histona Eomana, U,, 80.
M Men are
prone to find excuses for themselves, while admitting none for
others, and to throw the onus of ill-success always on the person, and
never on the attendant circumstances,"
Fas ost ot ab hoste doeori" OVID. Metamorphoses, IF,, 4=28,
*Tia right to learn e'en from our enemy/*

"Fas est praotedtos sompor amaro viroa."

Mlegies, III,, 4, 86 (II,, 18,
"Our reverence is due to those wlio have passed on."
" Fata obstant," VIEOID. Jffineid, IF., M(X
1 '
The Fates say us nay."
"Fateor enim duriorem ess conditionom spootatao virfcutis, quana
BBUTUS. (Cicero, ad Brutum, X 16, 10.)
" It I confess, far harder to maintain a good reputation before the world
than in private life."

" Fecere tale ante alii speotati viri

Humanum amare est, humanum autom ignoscere st."
PJJAXJTUS. Mercator, Act II, Sc, II., 47.
" men have done tho samo l>efore.
Many great
*Tis natural to all mankind to love :

Tis natural to all mankind to pardon,"
Fecunda viroram
Paupertas fugitur, totoque arcessitur orbe,
Quo gens quaeque perit," LXIOAH. PhwrsaUa* L t 165*
Poverty, fruitful mother of great men
Is ostracised and shunned on every side,
And thus has fallen many a mighty race/*
*' "
Fecttndi calioes quern non focere disortum ?
MpistaU, I. 5, 19.
" What tongue hangs fire
when quickened by the bowl I** (6 wtwt0tf0n)
" Felices ter et
Quos irrupta tenet copula, nee malis
Divulsus querimoniis
Suprema oitius solvot amor die.
HOBAOH, Oto In 18, 17.

'*Bappy, happy, happy they

Whose living love, untroubled by all strife,
Binds them tin the lant sad day,
Nor parts asunder, but with parting life !

Felicia dicas
Saecula, qua quondam sub
regibus atqu trlbttnia
Yiderunt uno oontentam caroero Bomatti** 1

J0VMA&, SoMm III* 812,

Happy, happy were the good old tixai,
Which saw, beneath their king***, their tritmnen* reign,
One cell the nation'0 criminals contain*'** (Oifford.)
" Felicitas oat fortuna, adjutrix consiliorum bonomm tto
; qulbus qul
utitur, f elix ease nullo paoto potost.
OIGBBO, Epistofa a^ CormUmn N$$otm (ffmymmi IF.)*
Success con0i#fca in good fortune, alllcHi to good dwlgu j
if the littler bt
wanting, succeas is altogether i
EST tfON~~FER LfBMfEfc. 69

" Felix est non videtur sed qui sibi vides atitem, rara
qui aliis :
domi sit ista felicitas."
SENECA. De Remediis Fortwtonm, XVL> 10.
Not whom others think happy, "but he who thinks himself so is truly
the happy man and how rarely indeed is such happiness seen/

" heu nimium felix si litora tan turn

Felix, 1

Nunquam Dardaniae tetigissent nosfcra carinae/'

Mneid, IF., 657.
" Blest lot yet lacked one "blessing more,

That Troy had never touched my shore," (Oonington.)

Felix, qui potuifc rerum cognoscere causas,


Atque inetus onrnis et inexorabile fatum

Subjecit pedibus strepitumque Acherontis avari I
Fortunatus et ille, decs qui novit agrestis,
Panaque Silvanumque senem JSTymphasque sororea 1
Ilium non populi fasces, non purpura regum
Flexit et infidos agitans discordia fratres,
Aut conjurato descendens Daous ab Histro,
Non res Romanae, perituraque regna nequo ille ;

Aut doluit miserans inopem, aut invidit habenti."

VIBO-IX/. Georgics, IT., 490,
happy is the man who may discern
The cause of all that irks the heart to yearn ;
He fears not, he, inexorable fate,
Nor Acherontine waves insatiate ;

And fortunate is he who may behold

The rustic gods, Pan and Sylvanus old,
And sisterhood of Nymphs alike to him ;

The fasces and barbaric diadem :

No more fraternal rage at home alarms

Than the far Dacian, federate in arms ;

He knows not poverty, nor envies pelf

Of bankrupt nations or of Boman wealth." (J".
B. Mose.)

Feminls lugere honestum est, viris meminisse."

Women may mourn the lost, men remember them."
Fere fit malum malo aptissitaum." Livir. Histories, Z, 46.
" One misfortune is generally followed closely by another/'

Fere libenter homines id quod volunt oredunt,"

0-msAB. Da Bello GalUco, ZTZ, 18.
Men are generally ready to believe what they wish to be true."

Quod nimis miserl volunt,
Hoc facile credunt/*
SBOTJOA. Hercules Jfwaws, &Vt.~~(M0g&ra.)
What the unhappy have most at heart they readily believe/ 1
"Fere maxima para raorom hunc homines habont: quod sibi voltmt,
Dum id impetmnt, boni sunt sod id ubi jam pones seo habeut,

Ux boms pessimi ot fraudulontiSHimi

Sunt." PLAUTUS. (Jtiptivi, Act Iln $$, L, 85*-~ (.
" the \vay
It is oft
With most me when, they're suing for a favour,
While their obtaining it is yet in doubt,
They are most courteous hut when oiico they've got
; It,
They change their matiwers, and from'"just hi
Dishonest and deceitful" (Xtonnett

(Constat inter nos quod) Fero totus mundus oxorcoat

Almost the whole world practises th6 dramatic art,"

"Natio comoeda est." JUVISNAID, Satire, III 100,

" Greece "
is a theatre, where all are play era.
"Fertilior seges est alianis sompor in agris."
The heavier crop is aye in others' ftel<l.'

"Fervefe opus, redolentq[ue thymo fragrantia

Yiaaii/p Geor$i$ XK, 169,

Swiftly the work goes on, and redolent of thyme
The fragrant honey's stored,"
"Fiat justitia at ^eroat mundus."
Motto of Ferdinand L (18w$wor of Germany)*
^anUm, "Loci GowtMtnea," XT,,
" Iiet
justice be done tlioxtgli the world perish."
Piat juatitia, ruat ooolum."
NATiUHifflfj WABD. Whe Simple CMUr of Affmimm in Aintrica.
Printed in London A.D, 1647. (1\ 14 o/ llttaton ,#</,, 1H43.)
LOKP MANSFIKLB, Iti^He^ih Wtlkes," tturrvwtf

Let justice be don though the heavoiw ML"
fious, ligonem Hgonam vocal"
Prover Ual m$r&mm* (BVmtt^ Adagwnm
A fig's a fig, a spade a spade he calls."
Fidem qui perdit, q_-uo s seirvet reliouo ? " I?ciBMLiu8 SYKHS, 101*
"He who has lost his credit, what has h left to live upon!
JFidus Achates/' V ittaiL* j&n$id jcwwiw*
" The faithM Achates."

Kos noHlitim tu quoo^ua foatlum,

Me dicent cavis Impositum ilicom
is,undo loqxiacoH
Lymphae dasiliunt tuaa/
HO^AOM* 0^ III,, IS, IS,
" Thou too om
clay shalt win proud omixmuo*
*Mid honoured fountft, while 1 the ilex sif
Orowttteg the oaverzi) whc
Thy tobbling wavelela pring.

Fine tamen laudandus erit, qui morte decora
Hoc solum fecit nobile, quod poriit."
AUSQNIUS. yetrasticha, FIJI, (Of Otho.)
" Yet must we
praise him in his end ; for this
Alone he nobly did : he nobly died."
Finis Poloniae."
KOSCIUSKO, in the Sild/preussische %dtomg" 25$t Oct., 1791
"The end of Poland."

" Fit non Ingemi."

magna mutatio loci,
OICEEO. Pro QuwPio, IIL t
" There is indeed a change of scene, but not of nature."
Goeliun, non animum mutant, qui trans mare currant."
HORACE. JSpistolae, L 11, 27. t

" 'Tis but our

climate, not our mind we change," (Qonington.)
" Fit via vi." VIRGIL. MnM, II,, 4=94.
Force wins her footing." (Oowbngton*)
" Fixus "
Me apud nos ost anincms tuus clavo Oupidinis,
PLAXJTXJS. Aswwiwh Act J,, So. JIT,, 4. (CUaereta.)
"Your heart's locked up with us, and Cupid keeps
The key." (Bonndl Thornton.)

(Ponamus nimios gemilus) ;

Flagrantior aeoLno
Non debet dolor ease viri, nee vulnere major."
JuYBNAii. Satires, XIII. 11. ,
Then moderate thy grief ; tis mean to show
An anguish disproportioned to the blow." (Gfffiord.)

neqnoo Superos, Acheronta movebo."

Flectere si
YiBGir.. JEJmid t FJZ, 812.
" If I cannot bend the move the powers of hell,"
" Floriferis ut
apes in saltibus omnia libant,
Crania nos itidem depasciniur aurea dicta,"
LUGBBTIUS. De Eerwn Natwr& JIZ, 11. t

" Just as the bee in

flowery meads from every blossom sips,
E'en so we feed on every word that falls from golden lips."
Flos ipso civitatis." APULEIUS. MetamorphoseSt IT,, 19,
" The
very flower of the state,"
Flumina pauca vidos magnis de fontibus orta ;

Hurima colleotis mtiltiplicantur aquis."

OVID. B&mMa, Amoris, 97
Few streams you'll find from mighty fountains flow ;

Most gather many waters as they go."

Foentmi habet in cornu, longo fugo dummodo ristim :

Exoutiat sibi, lion hio cuiquam paroet amico."

HOEAOB, Satwe$ t Jn 4, 84,
" so he gains his end,
Beware, ho*s vicious ;

A selilsh laugh, he will not spare a friend,"

" Forma botium fragile ost." OVID. De ArU Amandi^ IT,, 118,
Beauty is a fragile gift"
" Kes eat forma
fugax :
quis sapioan bono
Gonfidat fragili." SBNKCA, Pliaedra, 781, (CJ*ortt&)
Beauty's a floating thing ; the #age will no*w
Confide in aught BO fragile,"

Format onim natura priuft nos mtus act oranem
Fortunarum liabibum juvat ant impel lit ad iram,

Aufc ad hunram maororo gravi dedncit ot augit."

HOBAOW. De Arte Poetica^ 108,
" For Nature forms our
spirits to roooivu
Eacli bent that outward oircuniBtamto can give :
She kiu<Ue pleasuro, bMa reaeiitinont gltw,
Or bows the HOU! to earth in liopol&sH wQQ."~~'((3t
" Formosa faoios muta oommtmdatio oat'* PUBMLUJB SvBtm, 163.
" A. beautiful face is a silent recommendation,"

"Fors dicta rofutot." VmaiL, Jiimd* XTL> 41.

" Ward the omen, heaven, 1 pray.
Forsan at haoc olim meminisso juvabit." VrRaifi. MmM^ I,, SOE*
This suffering will yield us yet
A plowttwat tale to tell."-*-((/(mt^<wiO
" Forsan misoros meliora
soquoatur." Vxncnii. Jflmid^ XHn 168.
A better fate perchance awaits tuo unhappy,"
Forbom animum praostant rebus, 0[uas ttirpitor audont.'
JuviNA'L. Satirw, VT,, 97,
" But sot
pleasure fax thir eye,
Onward they rush, and every tod defy,"- >((fiffwl*)
FortoB oreantur forfcibus ot bonis,* HDEAOB* Oto, I
K 4, M.
(lood sous and brave good mroe approve," (C/<mft^ftm.)

"Fortes fortuna adjuvat."

TmuioNoa. Pkmnio Act L t t Be, IFn 37. (Ifcla*)
"Fortune favoura the brave/*
* *
Andantes forttina juvat." Vntaxr*. Jimid 1 X*, 284,
Audont deus ipse juvat." OvtP* M*t(ww$ho*6$t Z., 506.
Evotitus doouit fortes forfeunam juvaro* * 1

LXVY. JIMorfei, Fill.! d9.

Forduna, ut saepo alias Yirtutom eHt aoouta*"
LIVY. //i^^nef, 1F"4) ST.
B^ortune, m often happens, followed valour,"

"JDooB fortioribus adesso (dixlb)," TACITUS. If^/0fyf 1F.4^

The godn fight on the side of the stronger,*'
"Fora juvab audontea, Oei sontontia vatls, 1*

OLAUDUNua, Myittoleu, IF, 9,

" OhAttoe aids the ltr
bold, us slugti the Oowi bar<l.

" Fortior farna bollaudi inclyto per gentes,

quam folioior, cxii nunquam
tamen vires consilio superfuerant."
Bella Trojano, III., 16.
" A man more brave than fortunate, whose fame as a warrior was world-
wide, yet whose force never outran his discretion,"

"Fortuna amorera pojor inflammat magis."

SENECA. Hercules Oetaeus, &&l.(Deiawra.)
"When fortune frowns, love's flame burns fiercer."

"Fortuna belli semper ancipiti in loco eat."

SENECA. Phoenissae, 629 (267). (Jocas ta.)
"The fortune of war stands ever on the verge,"

"Fortuna multis dat minis, satis nulli."

MABTIAD, Epigrams, XIL, 10, 2
" Fortune to too much, enough to none."
many gives
"Fortuna nimium quern fovet sfeultum faoit,"
PuBLiLiua SYBUS, 167.
"Fortune makes him a fool, whom she makes her darling." (Bacon.)
" Fortuna non animum
opes auferre, potest."
SBKEOA, Medea, 176. (Medea,)
" Fortune us of our wealth, but never of our courage."
may rob
"Fortuna, quae plurimum potest, quum in reliquis rebus, turn
praecipuo in bello, parvis momontis magnas rorum oommuta-
tiones elTioit," GJGSAB, De Bello Cwitt, III., 68,
"All-powerful fortune, in war above all things, produces momentous
changes from very small beginnings."
" Fortuna aaevo laeta
nogotio et
Liulum iiiHolentom ludere pertinax,
Transmutat inoertos lionores,
Nuno mihi, nuno alii benigna,
Laudo manentem ; si celeres cjuatifc
Pennas, rosigno quae dedife, et xnea
Tirtute me involvo, probamque
Pauperiom sloe dote quaoro." HOBAOU. Odes, III., 29, 49.
Fortune who loves her cruel game,
Still bent tipon some heartless whim
Shifts her caresses, fickle dame,
.Now kind to me and now to him.
She stays 'tis well, but let her shake

Thofle wings, her presents I resign,

Cloak me in native worth, and take
Ohiwto Poverty undower'd for mine," (Oonmffton.)
"Fortuna yltrea est ; tuna cum splendet, frangitur,"
Fortune is made of glass ;
when brightest it is most easily broken."

"Fortunaeaaaufragium." AHJOSHJS. Metamorphoses, TX, 5.

MA "
shipwreck of our fortunes.
" ITortimatiambo si quid rnea carmina possunt,

Kulla dies unquam momori VOH oximot aovo."

VBRCH&. JBnMt IX, 440,

Blest pair aught my verse avail,

! if
No day shall make your memory fail
From off the heart of time.*'

(luvidia ) Fragili quaerens illidore dentoxn
Offendet solido." HORAGB, SaHrta, IZ, 1 77*
" When she
fain on living flesh and bono
(Envy) "
Would try her teeth, shall close tliora on a stone. (Oonington* )

"Frangas enim citius quaro. oorrigaH, quao in pravum induruorunt,"

QUINTILIAN. D<? Institution Qrtttoria, L, 8> 12.
'"What has hardened into some distorted form you may break but you
cannot straighten,"

"Frangitur ipsa suis Roma suporba bonis."

PEOMCBTIUS. Elegies, IF., 12, 60 (IJX, IB, 60),
By her own wealth is haughty Borne brought low/'
" ffrons n
oooipitio prior
MAEOXTS OATO, D^ Be Hmtic&, Co$ IF.
The forehead is worth more than the back of the head."
It is tetter to look oftw thmffs than to tun, yaw* 5<$ vpvn tkm>)
Front! Eulla fides. JtJTUNAia, Sa^rM, J/ 8,

Trust not to outward show." (

laodentis in dolore laosi est Urgo oura fruotum ojaa aw*

teris ttou dolondo, ipse doloafc necesso est amissiotto fmotim Hui 11
" He who works you a mischief takes a pleasure in your pata ;
if thewfwt
you spoil his pleasure by betraying no pain, tfie pain is hit who few
lost his pleasure."

Frugi hominem dioi, non multxiin habet laudls in rag fortem ;

turn, soveram, gravom, magiiauimum, largum,

liberalem haoo sut regia laudos, ilia privata

is no great merit in a king s courage, reotitnde f

dignity, magnanimity, generosity, beneficence, liberality; thaw a
kingly qualities, frugality bete rather a private tetioii
Fugaoissimi ideoque taux diu superstites,"
" Prone to
flight, and therefore more likely to survive,**
Fuge magtta ; lioet snb pauper taoto
Beges et regum vifea praeourrere amices.
HOBAOB. J$pi$tola* 9 X 10, $&
" clear of oourta a hoitioly life trautioeutis
Keep :

tThe vaunted bliss of monarchn and thoir Mends, "-(


" ViBGir..
Fugit irreparabile tempus." Georgics, III., 284.
Time flies, never to "be recalled."
" Utendum est aetate, Cito pede labitur aetas.
OVID. DeArt& AmanM, JIT,, 65.
" Use the for it passes swiftly."
" Fuimus
Troes, fait Ilium et ingens
Gloria Teucrorum." VIBGIL. II, 325. MnM,
" We have "been
Trojans : Troy has been :

She sat, but sits no more, a queen." (Cfonington.)

Troja fuit." VIB<H&. Mmid, HZ, 11.
"Troy has been."
Fuit haeo sapientia quondam
PubHca privatis secemere, sacra profanis."
HQBACB. De Arte Poetica, 896.
Twas wisdom's province then
To judge 'twixt states and subjects, gods and mm f
t> >

(0on ingrton.)
Fuit in illo ingenium, memoria, litterae, oura, cogitatio, dili-
gentia: res bello qnamvis reipublioae calamitosas,
attamen magnas; multos annos regnare meditatns, magno
labore, magnis periculis c[uod cogitarat effecerat muneribus, :

monumentis, oongiariis, epulis multitudinem imperitam, de-

lenierat : suos praemiis, adversaries clementiae specie devinx-
erat. Quid multa ? attulerat jam
liberae oivitati partim metu,
partim patientia oonsuetudmem serviendi."
OIOEBO. PMUy)$ica> IT,, &
"He had great natural capacity, judgment, memory and culture; was
painstaking, thoughtful and earnest his military exploits, though

disastrous to his country, were of the first magnitude ; he aimed for

many years at the supreme power, and eventually, after great hard-
ships and no little peril, reached the summit of his ambition; he had
won the affections of the ignorant populace by means of entertainments,
"banquets, largesses, and other public benefactions, while he had bound
Ms immediate followers to him by Ms liberality, his opponents by an
appearance of clemency* In a word, he had so revolutionised public
feeling, that partly from fear, and partly from acquiescence, a state
which prided itself upon its freedom had become accustomed to subjec-
(Sed) fulgente traMt constriotos Gloria ourru
Non minus ignotos genorosis." HOBA.OBS. Satires, Z, 6, 28.
" But
glory, like a conqueror, drags behind
Her glittering car the souls of all mankind." (Ooninfffon*)
Fundanaentum autenx esfe jusfeitia Mes, id est dicfeorum conventor-
umque constantia et verltas,*' OIOIBG,, J)e Qfficiis, J. t 7, 28.
"The foundation of justice is good faith that is to say, a true and un-

swerving adherence to promises and covenants."

" Fundum alienum moultum familiarem deserit,"
ta, Act K, Sc IZ, 24,- (Artemona.)
" He ploughs
d, and leaves Ms own tintill'd."

(Sonmll Thornton*)
" vice coils, acutum
Beddere quae ferrum valet exsors ipsa secandi."
HOBAGB, De Arte Poetica, 801
" Mine be Hie whetstone's lot,
Which makes steel sharp, though cut itself 'twill iiQW
Furo* fit laesa saepins patientia." PUBHMUS Biznm, 175.
Patience too sorely tried develops into madness."
" montem
Furor, iraqne
Praecipitant, pulclurumque mori succumb In armls."
Vraaxfc. JKndd, II,, 816,
Fury and wrath within me
And tempt me to a warrior's grave.'*

lt 1
Gallum in suo sterguilino plurimum posse (intelkxit).*
SBOTCA. Ludus d& Morte Ciaudii, FII., 8
Every cock fights best on Ms own dung-hill"
" Gaudium st miseris socios habere poonaruin.'*
DOMINIOUS E GEAVINA (circ, I860 A,D.), Ohronicon d
m Apulia* $@8ti$* (PtlliGoia,
Oromche &pri
eolta di van$
alia $toria M
E^gno d%
" It NaplM, 1781, V&l III,, jp. 220,)
a joy to the unhappy to have companions in misfortune**

" Solamon misoris socios habuiss dolori8, n

SPINOZA. Ethics, IF,, 7. (Quoted <u an oMjwovwb*)
(At) genus temortale manet, multoB^uo per annos
Stat fortuna donius." Vmam. Gcwgic$, IFn 208,
Deathless their race, and year by year eudnrea
The fortune of their house."
'* n
(Multa fero ut placem) genus irritabilo vatUM,
HOEAOHJ, BpistokM) IL f % 102,
I will do much to keep in peasant mood
That touchy race, the poets."

De nibdlo nihil in nihilum nil posse revert!.

*, 83*
"JPoiMng cm come from mMm. Apt and" plate !

ng Cfcod again !

(Praeterea) Gigni pawlter oum oorpore, et una


Oresoere sentimus, pariterque aenesoere mentexn,"

LtJQBBTim D Mmtm Natora t
III, t
" The
mind, we feel, doth with th "body grow*
And with the body age.*'
" Gloria vinoendi
junota ost cum milito, Oasar,
Caesar, paroendi gloria sola tua ost*'

Thy soldiers, Casar, share in victory *$ ayi,
Of clemency thine only ia the praiae*
" Gloriam
qui spreverit, veram habebit."
LIVY. Histories XXIL> 39,
"True glory is the appanage of Mm who despises glory."
Gradiensque fleas supereminot omnes." VIECHB. <88neid> I., 501.

"Though all be gods, she towers o'er aU."-~ (CMigrfon.)

Graiis ingemum, Graiis dedit ore rotundo
Musa loquL" HOBAOB. De Arte Poetica, 823.
" To Greece, fair Greece, ambitious but of praise,
The muse gave ready wit, and rounded phrase." (Conmgton.)

''Grammaticus, Rhetor, Goomotros, Pictor, Aliptes,

Augur, Schoenobates, Medicus, Magus omnia novit ;

Graoculus esuriens in coelum jusseris, ibit,"


JtiVENAii. Satires, III., 76.

Grammarian, painter, augur, rhetorician,
Kope-dancer, conjurer, fiddler, physician,
AH trades his own your hungry Greekling counts ;

And bid him mount the sky, the sky he mounts."

" Gratia
atque honos opportuniora interdum non cupientibus."
Livy. Histories, JF., 57.
Fame and honour sometimes fall more fitly on those who do not desire
Gratior et pulobro voniens in corpore virtus."
VIBGIL. Mmid, F., 3M.
" Worth
appears with brighter shine,
"When lodged within a lovely shrine/' (Conington.)
" Grattim
est, quod patriae civem populoque dedisti,
Si facis ut patriae sit idoaeus, utilia
Utilis et bollorum, et pacis rebus agendis*"
Satir&s, XIV. 70.
True, you have given a citizen to Borne ;
And she shall thank you, if the youth become,
By your o'orruling care, or soon or late,
A useful member of the parent state." (
Gravior multo poena vidotur, quae a miti viro constituitur."
SBNBOA. De Ckmmtia, L, 22, 3.
A punishment always appears far more severe, when it is inflicted by i

merciful man,"
Graviora quaa patiantur videxi jam hominibus quam quae metuaiat."
Liyy, Histories, IIZ, 39.
"The troubles which have come upon us nlwaya seem more serious thai
those which are only threatening/'
M Gravis Ira
regum est semper." STOGGA, Medea, 497. (Jason*)
Dangerous ever is the wratli of kings,"

" Gutta cavat

lapidom, consumitur annulus usu ;

Efc teritur pressa vomer aduncus humo."

OVID, Jtyistola &x Panto IK, t 10, 5.
By constant dripping water hollows Htoue,
A signet-ring frora UHC alone grows thin,
And the curved ploughshare by soft earth is worn/'

" Habent Irnnc morom plorkue argentari!,

Ut alius alium poscant, readant nomini,
Pugais rem solvant, si quis poseat dnrius."
P&AUTUS. CtmwJio, Act III*, 80. L t 7. (Ttyco.)
'Tiswhat most bankers do borrow of <me

Or of another, but to none repay ;

But if one ask it in a highw tono,

They then discharge the debt in cuffs." (BonneU Thornton,)
*'Habent insidias hominis blanditiae inali.**

"There lurks a snare beneath a bad man's

(Fro captu looioris) habont aua fata Hbolli.'*


TjDJftTDNTiANus MAVBtJs. De Ltiwis, Syllabk el Mctris, L 1280,

" A book's fate tlio reader^ whim,"
hangs tipon
" Habeo
opus magnum in manibus," OICKBO. Acmkmic^ Jn 1, 2,
1 have a great work in hand,"

"Habeogue senootuti magnam grafeiam, qua mihi serxnoniw avidiUtwu

auxit, potionis at oibi sustulit,"
OICMRO, Ik Sewctutrt, A7K. 40,
I feel deeply grateful to old age, which has inorowwl my for mn dmn
versation, and taken away my appetite for drink and &<{,**

"Habos igitur,Tubero, quod ost aocunaiori uiaxlmo optatulum, ootvft-

tentem reum," Oicwao. Pro Liyano> L, 2,
You have therefore, Vubero, what a proHeoutor moat dtwiim
who pleads guilty.**
"Habet aliquid ex iniquo omno magnum exomplum, quad
singulos utilitate publioa repouditur*"
TACWUS, Anmto, JJFn 44,
" There some
is injustice in every great precedent, whicln though
to individuals, has its compensation in the
publl advautnK0,

Habet nim multitudo vim quamdam Mem, wfe, nuomadmo<lum tlhioen
sine tibiis canero, sio orator Bine multitiut'Uuo audiatitci nlomiimi
esse non poaait/
Oiowuo. DC Oraferu, Xl t 8% 888,
So great is the influence of numbtsra, that an otor mow mm bt
eloquent without a crowded audience, than a toe-player nfoy
without a flute,"
Habet has viooa conditio mortalium, ut aflvwua er
advorsis socunda nasoantur." PWNV TKB YOUNG wii*
ranegi/rfc, K*
''Thevici8itxulc0f human existence arw uoh tltat minfortutte ofttii' hw
its origin in
prosperity, and good fortune iu adversity/

" Habet nafcura, ut aliarum omnium rerum, sic vivendi modum."

OIOBBO. &e Sencctute, ZZIIJ., 85.
"Hature has a standard of living, as of everything else,"

Habet pmnis hoc voluptas,
Stimulis agit fruentes ; par volantumi

Ubi grata mella fudit,
Fugit, et nimis tenaci
Ferit iota corda morsu."
BoisTHitrs. De Consolatione PMlosophiaa, TIL, Metrum 7.

" This bane has that it

every pleasure, spurs
Its votaries on then like the winged bee.

When it has poured its honey, takes to flight,

And leaves its sting to rankle in the heart."
u Hae
nugae seria ducerit
In mala derisum semel exceptumcrae sinistre."
HORACE, De Arte Poetica> 4=51.

" Such
bring to serious grief ere long
A hapless bard, once flattered and led wrong. "^((Jonington.)
" Haec animos
aerugo et cura peculi
Cum semel imbuerit, speramus caraxina fmgi "
Posse linenda oedro et levi servanda ouprosso ?
HOBAOB. De Arte Poetica, 330,
0, when this cankering rust, this greed of gain,
Has touched the soul and wrought into its grain,
What hope that poets will produce such lines
As cedar oil embalms, and cypress shrines V(Ooniinffton.)

"Haeo differentia naturarum feantam liabet vim, ut nonnunquam

mortem sibi ipso oonsoisoere alius debeat, alius in eadem
oauBsa non deboat." OICBBO. D& Officiis, I., 31, 112.
This difference in men's nature is so powerful in its operation, that it may
even on occasion be one man's duty to compass his own death, while
the same circumstances would not justify another man in so doing."
Haeo est, in gromium viotos quae sola reoepit
HumanumgtiQ gonus oommuni nomine fovit,
MatriB, lion dominac, riliu ; civesque vocavit,
Quos domuit, noxuquo pio longinqua revinxit."
De Consulate Stittchows, IJZ, 150.
"She alone among nations has received into her bosom those whom she has
as her sons, and not as her
conquered, and has cherished all humanity
slaves ; those whom 8he has subdued she has called her citizens, and
has bound to herself the ends of the earth in the ties of affection.
" Haeo habeo, <pae edi, quae^ue exsaturata libido
Hausit ; at ilia jaoent multa. et praeclara reliota."
OIOBBO. Tuscukvnm Duputatiane, T7"., 85, 101. (JBpitaph on
"What I have eaten is mine, and all my satisfied desires; but I leave
behind me all those splendid joys which I have not tasted."
u Haeo Iraoundos admonobit fabula,
luapune potius laedi quam dodi altori*"
PIMDBTO. JRg&tar, 17., 4, 18.
" 'Tis wiser patiently to suffer wrong,
Than, for tlic aako of vengeance, to become
Another's slave."

"Haeo natura multitudinis est; aut aorvit humiUtor, aufc snporbo

dominatur: libortatoBa, quao media OHti, noc nponiora medico,
neo haboro soiunt," LilVY. Jlistwictt, XXIVn 25,
" Tho masses are so constituted as to be
capable eithw of KlavLsh HithjwMon,
or of arrogant dominion, but the libwty which Urn hctwwu lli^s two
extremes they can neither tolerate in othors nor enjoy

" Haeo plaouit semol, haeo decies ropotita plaooblt.*'

HOHACB, De Arte Po^ica, 861
"One pleases straightway,
ono when it hw jMuwwd
Ten times before the mind will plcant) at liwi" -((li

"Haeo studia adolescontiam ahinfe, sonootutom ol)lootant }

ros ornani;, advornisporfugium ao Holafcium praobont ;

domi, non impodiunt foris, pernoctatit uobiHounx, por( g

rusticantur." OIOMUO* ProArchw, }'//, 1C*

"Such stfldipfl nourish, us in youth, and entortnin w in oM aguj they

embollisli our prospority, and provido for n wfttgo nnd a olit,rt< in
adversity ; ^they are a dolight at home, yot no <tmlnwwmt thna<i ;

they aro with us throughout slocplonB nightn, on todioun f

jfHU'tttt) % in
our country retreats,"

u Haoroat InHxi
pecfcoro volta
Yerbaque, noo placidain mombris dat oura quioteitt**'
vinan/. J^wui^ IV., 4*
Eacli look is pictured in her bteant,
Each word : nor panwon tote hw rut* f

" 1
Hannibal, orodo, orat ad portas/ ClCffiEO* PM%jwa 1 6,
Hannibal was at the gates,"

" Has omms, ubi miile rotam tolvew per iwmos,

Leiliaeum ad fluvium dous vocat agmino
Scilioot inimoxnoros supora et oorivoxa rovi
Buxsus et Inoipiant in corpora vollo revorfci,"
ViBOMi, Mrid) l t TIB,
"All these, when centurioa tea time* told
The wltool of de,stmy have rolled,
The voice divine from far and wide
Oall up to l
That earth wart I they
may pang once more
Remembering not the thingn before,
And with a hliud propwwiou
To fleshly bodies to return.

w Hand igitur leti praeolusa eat janua coelo,

Noo soli terraeque, neo alfcis aequoris undis ;
Sed patet immani et vasto respeofcat Matu."
LUOBETIUS, De E&rim, Natwra, F., 878,
"The gates of death are closed not to the sky,
Nor to the Sun, or Earth, or watery deeps ;

With vast wide-gaping

jaws they open he
For all created things.

" Hand ad nihilum res ulla. "

igitur redifc
LUCKETIUS. De Rerum Natura, L t
Nothing therefore returns to nothingness,"

"Haud ignarus eram, qtiaiituni nova gloria in amis

Efe praedulce decus primo certamine posset."
VIBGIL, Mneid, XI,, 154.
I knew the young blood's maddening play,
The charm of battle's first essay." (Oonmsfton.)

"Haud ignarus surnma soelera inoipi cum periculo, peragi cum

praexnio." TACITUS. Awials, XII. 67. ,

He knew that the greatest crimes are perilous in their inception, but well
rewarded after their consummation." (Chwrtih, am& JSrodrXb.)
" Haud incerta cano." VratHi* MnM % FIJX, 49.

No legends form the subject

of my song,
" Haud solo an pietate adversus decs sublata, j&des etiam et societas
generis humani et una exoellentissima virtus, justitia tollatur. 11
OIOBBO. D^ Natwa Deorum, Z, 2, L
1 am disposed to think that if reverence for the gods were destroyed, we
should also lose honesty and the brotherhood of mankind, and that
most excellent of all virtues, justice."

Haud semper errat fama ; ali<g[uando et elegit."
TACITUS. Agricola, IZ,
" Fame does not err sometimes she chooses well,"
always ;

Haud ullas portabis opes Aoherontis ad undas ;

Nudus ad inferaas, stulte, vehere rates."

PBOFBBOTUS. fflkgies, IF., 4 (UL t 6), 13.
No riches may'st thou bear *cross Acheron's tide ;

Fool 1 naked must thou enter Charon's bark."

Haut f aoilesfc venire illi ubi sitast sapientia :

Spissum est iter ;

apisoi haut possem nisi cum magna miaeria."
SaacTtors TUEMMUS. Om&pn&nts, ffragmmt L (III.)*
No easy task it is to climb to wisdom's throne.
Steep is the path : only thou can'st attain
Through pain and weariness*"
" Hei mihi ! difficile ost imitari gaudia fala;
Difficile cat tristi Pmgoro monto joeum,
Noc bone mondaoi risus oomponHur oro,
Neo beno sollioltis olbria vorba Honatit."
Canning, HL, f> 88,

"Alas ! how hard to fdgn an imiolfc joy ;

How hard to jest when we ate wok at heart ;

111do we shape our lying lips to swilo ;

111, from the careworn,

sound the rovdlor'w words."

Hem, ista virtuft eat, quaudo uauatj qui inalum fort fortifcer.
Fortiter malurn qui patitur, idem pot patitur, b>um*"
Asinaria, Act ZT. i?c. ff., 57,
1 '
Tins is true virtue. He who rwolutolv
Evil endures, shall in the end sou good.'* (Mtmmtl

Hem, parpntxim ost vita vilis HboriH :


XJbi malunt jtfetui, quam verori so al> stiis.'

Fragmenti I, , 4.

"The father's Wa not precioiw to lit ululdrn


Who would be fearad rather than rovtjrencwl*

Heredia fetus sub persona risua mW* PUWMI*ICS Stiws 187, t

" The tears of an hoir are

laughter under a vizard/* (
" Hen Fortuna
qtds cat orudolior fix noft t

To dens ? ut semper gaudes illudcro robu

Humanis " t HOBAOW. $&>iw^ JI*, 8, 61
Fortune, cruellest of heavenly powarn, "
Why make such game of this poor Ufa of ours 1

"Hen, heu !
quam brevibus perount ingontia fati !

/, 49,
Alas, alw witJnu how short a Hpiuut

A mighty nterprle h brought to nought."

" Heu misaranda piaer 1 si qua fata aspe rampaf*,
Tu Maroollus eris" VIRGIL. JRnM> VL> 88S,

"Dear child of pity shouWst thon burst !

The dungeon oars of Fate accurst,

Our own Mwoellus thou

-(Cbmfv^n*) t

Hou piotas, heu prisca Mos, iaviotaque bollo
Bextoral " YiBWL, JKnM, FJ* f 37S.
piety ancient faith
1 I
liana untamed in buttle scathe 1

Heu quam difficile ost orimen non prodoro vultu !

Un 447*

OVID, M8twn&ry1toMi
" Alas ! how difficult it is aot to betray one' guilt by oue' look/*

Heu oiiam difficilis gioriae eustodia, ost/*
1 PtJBMLX0s 8tfto0 188.

How dilUoult is the safe custody of glory/'


Heu quanto minus esb cton rolio[uis versari, quam tui memmisse."

SHENSTONE. On an ornamental urn, inscribed to Miss Dolman,

" Of how little value is the comradeship of those who are while we
may still remember thee,"

Heu, quibus ille
Jactatus fatis 1
quae bella exhausta oanebat I

VIKGHL. JEneid, IV. 13. ,

" What war and "

perils his from sea !

Hi mores, haeo duri immota Catonis
Seota fait, servare modum, finemgue tenere,
Naturamgue segui, patriaeque impondere vitam,
Nee sibi, sed toti genitum se credere mundo,"
LtJOAN. Pbarsatia, IL, 380.
" This was stern Oato's
rule, his changeless course :
To observe the happy mean, and keep in view
His goal to follow nature, and to spend

His of his fatherland,

life in service

Believing he was born, not for himself,

But for the world at large."

" Hi motus animorum atgue haeo cortamina tanta

Pulverls exigui jaotu oompressa quiesount."
VIBOIL. Oeorgics, IF., 86. (Of bees swarming.)
M Yet all this life and movement,
the strife all
May with a pinch of dust be brought to silence."

" Hie 1 '

amor, haeo patria eat. VIBCHL. ^neid, 17., 847.
There is my heart, my home is there,"- (Ooninyton,)
Hio domus, haeo patria est." VIBGIL. JElnM, FIT., 122.
"Here is our country, here our home." (Qwvtogton.)
Hio domus Aoneae cunotis dominabitur oris,
El; nati nalorum, et qni nascentur ab illis,"
ViBaii., Mneid, IJJ., 97.

"There shall Eneas' house, renewed

For ages, rule a world subdued." (Qonfagton*)

Hio ego qui jaoeo, toneroram lusor amorum,
Ingejiio peril, Naso poeta, meo,
At tibi qui transis ne sit grave, qtaisquis amastl,
Dioere, Hasonis molliter ossa oubent."
OVID, Tristia, III., 8, 73.
M Ovid lies here, the poet, skilled in love's gentle sport ;

By his own talents worked he his undoing.

Oh. thou who pasMt by, if ever thou hast loved,
Think it not shame to wish him calm repose."
" ITic mantis ol>
pafcriam pugnaxuto voluora
Quiquo sacordotOH casti, dura vita mauobat,
Quique pii vafcos, ot Phoobo digna loouti,
Invontas ant qui vitam oxcoluoro por arti,
Quique sui memoros alios focero moroudo ;

Omnibus bis nivea cingutitur tompora viUa."

Vnuirn, Mndd> VL, 660.
Here sees he the illustrioiw dead
"Who %litmg lor their ttountry blwl ;

Priests who whilo wtrilily life n*inil

J^-t'Hiirvoil that lil unMnUnU uiisliunml;
BU1 burds, Iranspurt'nt HMU!S ntid rlcar,
Wliose sons was worthy l*lmimH* iw ;

Invt'iilom who by arts kliiud

rh( c-oinnioH lot of
. human kiml,
With all who {wtiiul Jiunnory won
By HC'i'viccH to othtU'N (lout* :

A f?<Hlly brotlic.rluKxl, hoili^tit

1 '

With coronals of virgin whiti*.

Hie mtirus aenotiij onto,
Nil consciro sibi, mtlla pallcHcoi'O oulpa."
HORACE. K^Mrn^ 7. t 1, GO*
" Be this of braw, your cont of nmil
your n-
Aguiloleas heart, aohook no crime turna pale.
Hio quantum in bello fortuna posait ofc
qtianton adforat
C^KHAB. /> iMo tlatUe^ 17, JI&.

cogwoBci potuit. ,

We have hera an excellent example of the valuo of Ibrtunci, tuitl of the
opportunities it offers in war."

" Hie ultra vires habitus nitor," JUVBNAT/* 1BO

fitoldw, !//,
"Here beyond our power arrayed we go," -((tt/tml)

"Hie viviratis arnlntlusa

Paupertato omnes." JUVINAIJ. Satires* Jl/n 182*
"And BO we ikunt
Frond in distress and prodigal in

Hino Augustus agons Italos 10

Cum Patribiw Populoauo, Ponatibua efc magnis
VIRGIL. MwtiA, Vlll, 678.
" Here ftrom their home
Owsar, leading
Tlx fathers, people, gods of Eotoe,"-
" Hino illae laotimae ! haeo ilia

f BBBNCfl, Andria Act In Be.

t J., O0.*"-(
"Hence were those tears, and hence all ttyat oompiuwion*

" Hino laorimao "

illao i OIOMBO. 2*n> (fadto, -Y.Y F. III.
HOBAOM, M^iMWt /,, III, 41.
" His
ego nee metas rerum nee tompora pono ;

Imporium sine fin dodi." Vinoir*. JK^wl, /n S?a

" No no goal 1 ltw ordain
Theirs is an endk^ baxiudlww n-

Historia vero tostis temporam, lux veritatis, vita memoriao, magistra
vita, tmntia vetustatis, qua voce alia nisi oratoris immortali-
tati commendatur." CICERO. De Oratore, II., 9, 36.
History is the witness of the times, the light of truth, the life of memory,
the schoolmistress of life the herald of antiquity receiving from the
f ;

voice of the orator alone her credentials to immortality."

" Hoc adsrniil st, quasi de fluvio qui aquam derivat sibi :

Nisi derivetur, tamen onrnis ea aqua abeat in mare."

PJGAUTXJS. Trucukntus, Act II., Sc. 7IZ, 12.- (Geta,,)
" *Tis asyou'd turn a stream upon your field ;

Which if you do not, it will all run waste

Into the sea." (Bonnell Thornton.)

" Hoc
cogitate ubi probus est architectus

Ben lineatum si semel oarinam collocavit,

Facile sse navom facere ubi fundata et constituta at."
PLATJTUS. Miles Qloriosus, Act III., Sc. Ill, 41.
When the
If he has skill, has once laid down the keel,
Exact to line and measure, it is easy
To build the ship thus laid and tightly founded/'
(JBonnell Thornton.)
" Hoc in yotis modus agri non ita magntts,
erafc ;

Hortus ubi et tocto vicinus jugis aquae fons

Bt paullum silvae super bis foret." HOBAOB. Satires , II,, 6, 1,
This used to be my wish : a bit of land,
A house and garden with a spring at hand,
And just a little wood." (Oonington.)
Hoc erit tibi argumentum semper in promtu situm ;

Ne quid expootes amioos quod tut ager possies,"

ENNIU$, (Aulw QelUus, Nodes Atticae, II., 29, 6.)
"This rule of life will ever be ready to your hand: never to wait for
friends to do for you what you can do for yourself."
Hoc fouto derivata olades
In patriam populumque fluxit. HOBACE, Oto, III., 6, 19.
" Thence rose the flood whose waters waste
The nation and the name of Rome," (Conington.)
" Hoc genus omno." HOBAOB Satires, I., 2, 2.
" All that class of people,"

**Hoo nabo quodcnnqn dedi."

0. BABIBIUS* (Seneca, de Bmeflcvis, 71., 8, 1.)
" Whatever I have given, I still possess."
Bxtra fortunam est, quidquid donate amiois :

Quas dodoris, solas semper babobis opes.'*

MABTIAL. flgigrcmst V*> ^2, 7.
A present to a friend's beyond the reach of fortime ;
That wealth alone you always will possess
Which you have |?iven away,"
" Hoc mihi solus amator
perpetuo jus ost, quod
Nee oito desisto,noo tomoro incipio."
I'noi'iraicius. Mlegies, III, 12, 85 (IX, 20, 35).
" This
justice must be done me, that alone
Of lovers I am constant when I love,
Yet love not hastily or rashly,"
"Hoc nobis yitium maximum ost quuin amamus tuna perimus ;

Si illud, quod volumus dicitur, palam quum mouiiiuntur,

Terum ease insciti oredimns."
RGAXJTUS. Trucukntus, Act I., Sc, XL QB*(Binarchw,)
" This is our fault when we're too much
greatest :

In love, we're sure to be undone. For if

They tell us what wewish, fools as we are,
The most notorious falsehood we believe," (Bonndl Thvfnttm*)
Hoc patrium consuofaooro filium
eat, pofcins
Sua sponte recte faooro aliono mobti."
TERKNCHJ. Adetyhi, Act L, $c* X, 49.(Mtcio.)
" "Tis this then is the
duty of a father,
To make a son embrace a life of virtue,
Eather from choice than terror or restraint," (CMwp dolman.)
" Hoc
pracstat amieitia propinquitati, quod ex propinquitafco bene-
volentia tolli poteafe, x amioitia non, potent; wublata onlm
benevolentia, amicitiae nomen tollltur, propinquitatiH manfc."
Oxoano* DeAmititut, Vn 10.

"Friendship has this advantage over kinship, that the latter may ox tat
without good feeling, the former cannot if there be no good filling the

very name of frien<fship vanislies, while that of kinahip contl/'

**Hoc quideia in dolor niaxime est providondum, wo quid abjooto,
quid timide, ne quid ignavo, no quid Rorvlliler imiliobri
faoiamus.'* GICJWBO. Tm&ulanae Dispwtotom, I'I, 28,
When in deep sorrow, we must be apeeially o^refwl to do nothing which
savours of dejection or timidity, of cowardice, wrvility or womanish-
Hoc sttstinoto majus ne veniat malum.**
PHA10E0S* Fabks* L t 2, $1*
" Bear the ills lest worse befall ye/

ye have,
" Hoc tibi
pro servitio debeo
Oonari manibus podibus, nootesque ot dies
Capitis periolum adiro, dmm prosim tiW."
TBBEHOB. Itw^na, Act JT*, jSfe. T,, 52*(Dawi*)
1 '
'Tis my duty an your slave^
To strive with might and main, by day and night,
With hazard of my life to do you servioe,"-^/*^ O&lman,)
Hoc vince." BusBBitjs PAMPHIOTS*
"By this conquer,"
(These words, or th&ir GhrMk tiguiwknt,
on thecros which is mid to haw b$m twi fa th$ heewm$
Comtmtim, jmi toffw he gam batik to Mmm$m* Thty or*
wmmonly quoted In

"Hoccin' est credibile, ant momorabile,

Tanta vocordia iimata ciriqnam ut sit,
Tit nialin gauduant, alquo ex inconimodis
Alterius sua ut comparent comraoda ?
Ti'MNCM, Andria, Act IF,, Sc. I. 1. (Gharinus.)
" Ts this to be believed or to be told ?
Can then such inbred malice live in man,
To joy in ill, and from another's woes
To draw bis own delight 1 "(Gfeorffe Colman.)
Homine Imperito nunquani quidquam injustius,
Qui, nisi quod ipse facit, nihil rectum putat."
TBBBNOB. AdefyM, Act I., Sc, IT., 18, (Micio.)
How unjust
Is be who wants experience who believes

Nothing is right but what he does himself "-(George Caiman.) !

" Hominem inaprobuin non aoousari, tutius est quam abBolvi."

LIVY. Histories, XXXIV,, 4.
" It isbetter that a guilty man should not be brought to trial than that he
should be tried and acquitted."
Horninom malignum forsan osso tu credas ;

Ego ease miserum credo, cui placet nemo,"

MABTIAL, J8$igram$, V. , 28, 8.
You think yourself malicious I should say ;

You're most unhappy, if for none you caro."

"Hominem pagina nostra sapit." MABTIAL. J$)igrams> X. t 4, 10,

*' 1'
In humanity my page is deeply skilled.
" Hominem sorvom suos
Domitos habcre oportet oculos ot manus
PLAXJTUS. Miles Gkriosus, Act II., Sc. FT., 80* (Peryplectomenes.)
" A servant should restrain his eyes and bands
And speech too." (ttonnell Thornton.)

Homines, dum docont, discunt."

SBNEOA. JSpistolae, VIL, 8.

"While we are teaching, we are learning."

Homines enim ad doos nulla re propius accodunt qnam salutom
horainibus dando," OIOWKO. Pro JAgario, ZII,, 88.
"At no time does man approach more nearly to the gods than when
engaged in the rescue of his fellow-man."
Homines exdm, quam rcm dostraore non possunt, jactationom ejus
incessunt, Ita, si silonda fecoris, factum ipsum; si laudauda,
quod non siloas ipso, oulpatur."
I^JNY THM YQTOTQBR, S^tolae, I., 8.

When mtm are unable to pull your conduct to pieces, they are the more

ready to fall foul of you for boasting of it. Thus if you do anything
to be ashamed of, they blame the deed; if anything to be proud of,
they blame you for talking about it/*
Homines, quamvis in turbidis robus smt, tamon, si mode homines
aunt, intordum animia relaxantnr,"
OICIBBO. Philtypica, II., 10, 89.
" In whatever trouble men
may be, yet so long as they are men, they
must occasionally have their moments of cheerfulness."
" Homines qui gostanfc quique ausoultanb crimina,
Si meo
arbitratu liceafc, omnes pondeant,
Gestoros linguis, auditores auribuH."
PLAtraxjs. Pseudvlus, Act L t Sc* 7., 11 (Gallipho.)
"You reporter,
And listeners after faulty, by my goodwill
Should both 1)0 hanged, the former by the tongue,
The latter by the ears." (Bonndl Thornton,)
" Horaini homo quid
(Dii inimortalos 1) praostat ; stulto intelligenv
Quid interest I
TBBBHCB. JGunuchus, Act II, So. I/",, l.~-(<7n0#t&)
" Good heavens how much one man excels another
! I

What difference 'twixt a wine man and a fool "((h&rffe OWm<m.) !

" Homini plurima ex homino suni mala."

(At heroules)
PLINY TUB ELDBE, Natural Hi&toryt VTI. 1*
Most of man's misfortunes are due to man/'
" Hominura divomquo vohiptas,
Alma Yomis. n IiXJoaaajixjs. D& Xtenm
" Oentle 11
Yenns, delight of gods and men,
" Homo
antiqua virtuto ao ild.'*
TBIOTOB. AdefaM, Act ITL, So, III, 88 (
A citfeon of ancient faith and virtue." -((Mw/ CW/Mn.)
Homo dootus in se seinpor divitias babot/'
PHAKDHOT, FablM, IK, 2% 1.
" A learned man has always riches in himnoll"
Homo animal bipoa rationalo."
BoJtextJS. J)e Otmsolatim& PhilMOtfhtot, Fn Prom IF.
Man is a two-footed reasoning animal"
" Homo extra corpus est sutim
cju! irasoitur.
"A man who has lost his temper is a man outalde himself."
" Homo homini dous suum oiBoium n
esb, si so!at.
OAKcmrtm BTATIUS. ffragmmt XFJ-
Man is a god to his fellow-man, if he know hi duty."
Homo proponit, aed Bous dinponit,"
"Man proposes, but Clod diftpose**"

" Homo qui orranti oomiter monskat viam,

Quasi lumon de suo lumine accondat, facit,
Nihilominus ipsi lucet, quum illi accenderik"
BNNIUS, (Cicero, de Officw, Z, 16, 51.)
"Who shows the path to one who's gone astray,
But lights the wanderer's lantern from his own,
Yet when 'tis lit, his own lamp's burning still"
" Homo sum human! nihil a mo alienurn puto."

TBBBISTOK. Heautontimorumenos, Act I., Sc. I, 25. (Chremes.)

" I am a man there's
;naught which touches man
That is not my concern,"
Homo totiens moritur quotiens amittit suos."
" A man dies as often as he loses his friends." (Bacon,)
" Homunouli quanti sunt " I PJDAUIUS. Ca$tM % Prologue* 51.
" How men,"
insignificant are
" Honesta quaedam soelera suocessus faoit."
SBNHOA. Phaedra, 606, (Phaedra.)
Some crimes are by success made honourable,"
" Honesti

Spadices glauoique, color deterrimus albis

Et gilvo.*' Vmairi, Gfeorgics, III,, 81.
The colourgrey or chesmit are the best,
Not white or dun." (/, J3, Rose,)
" Honos alit artea," OIOBBO. Twculanae Disputabiones, Z, 2, 4.
Fame is the nurse of the arts/'

"Horae quidem ocdunt, et dies et menses et anni; nee praeteritum

tempiis unquam reverfcitur, nee quid sequatur soiri potest."
GIOTBO. De Senectute, XIX., 69.
The hours pass by, and the days and months and years the time that is ;

past never returns, and what is to come none can tell."

Horrenda late nomen in ultimas
Extondat oras," HOBAOB. Odes, III., 8, 45.
Aye let her scatter far and wide
Her terror." (Conington.)
Horresoo referens." YIBGIL. JEneid, II, 204.
1 quail,
"E'en now, at telling of the tale." (Oowfajytofa)
Hos ego versioulos feoi, tulit alter lionores :

Sio vos non vobis nidificatis aves :

Sio vos non vobis vellera f ertis oves ;
Sio vos non vobis melliflcatis apes :
Sio vos non vobis fertis aratra boves."
YIBGIL. (Tib, Claudius .Donatw, Life of Jwgil.
edition, 1880, p. 17-)
I wrote thcBO lines ; anotlior wears tlie bays ;
Thus you for others build your meats, birds ;
Thus you for others bear your fleece, sheep :
Thus you for others honey make, bees ;

Thus you for others drag the plough, Ma0*

"Hos omnes amices habere oporosum o&t; satis est inimioos non
habere/' SMNBCA. IBpistolae, XJF. 7. t

" It troublesome to have so friends should suffice that we hav

is many ; it
no enemies.**

Hospitium est oalamitatis. Quid verbis opu'st"

Quamvis nialam rem quaerons, illio reporias.

PJXNOTUS. Trinummw, Act II., 8c. IF., 162,- (Sfatiwus*)
"'Tia the abode
Of misery. But without more words, whate'er
Evil you d search for, you might find it here,"

"Hostem adversum opprimoro, stronuo hoxnini hand difficile oBt;

ocoulta porioula nequo facoro, xioqtio vitaro, bonis in promptu
est." SAWDUST. Ad Mn, 7X i

"'Aman of vigour has little difficulty in overcoming a declared wieray;

men of honour, however, while slow to prepare an ambush, we only
too prone to fall into one/'
" HoBtem oton
fugeret, se Fannius ipae poromit,
" '

Hio, rogo, non furor cat, no moriare, mori I

MAIVWA&. Spigrams^ II., 80, 1,

" To avoid his
foe, Fmius himself haa slain,
What maduegR thia from fear of death to die 1

(Toto prlncipatu sue) Hostem generis human!/'
Pr.iOT THB BLDBB, Natwral History FII t f 6,
An enemy of the human race."
" Hostis
OBt, guis^uis mibi
Non monstrat host em/ 1
SBNEOA. Hercules Wwww* 1107*
" He is mine enemy who shows mo not mine enemy,"
" Hue omnis turba acl ripaa oilusa ruebat,
Matres ato^ue viri, dofunota^uo corpora vita
Magnanimum heroum, puon innuptaoqu ptiolia,
Impositi^ue rogis jxivonos anto era parontuin,"
VIHGIL* J5Biwi&) VX* t 805.
Towards the ferry and the shore
The multitudinous phantoms pour j
Matrons and men and heroes dead.
And boys and maidens yet unwwl,'
And youths who funeral flr<flrw have fed
Before their pa-rentis' eye/*-

Hue propins me,


Dtim dooeo Insanire omnes, TO ordine adite."

HOBAO, 5a^lf IT,, I

"How listen while I show you how the rest,

Who call you madman, are themselves poiMeftsed*"
" Huio maxima
pufcaxnus male fuisso nimiam oplntonem !n|en!f
; Hffli0i
"Nothing waa more prejudicial to lik career than the vtodulr high ettimatt
which ww formed both of his mental and his moral cjuwittei/ 1

"Hujus ilia vox vulgaris, 'audivi,' ne quid reo innocent! noceat,

oramus." OXOBBO. Pro Plancio, %XIIL 57. t

It isour earnest prayer that an innocent defendant may suffer no injury
from evidence of that too common class, the * I have heard V
" Humana malignas
Gura dedit legos, et quod natura remittit,
Invida jura negant." OVID. Metamorphoses^ X, 829.
" The wit
of man most cruel statutes has devised,
And nature oft permits what is by law forbid.'*
Humanitati qui se non accommodat,
Plerumque poenas oppetit super biae."
PHIBDEUS. Fabhs, IIL t 16, 1*
" Who
obeys not the dictates of humanity
Oft for his arrogance pays penalty."
" Humano oervioem piotor equinam
Jungere varias inducero plumas,
si velit, et

Undique oollatis membris, ut turpiter atrura

Dosinat in piscem mulir formosa superne :
Spootatum admissi risum teneatis amici ?
HOBA.OB, De Arte Poetica, 1.
Suppose some painter, as a towr deforce,
Should couple nead of man with neck of horse,
Invest them both with feathers, 'stead of hair ;

And tack on limbs picked up from her and there,

So that the Hgure when complete should show
A maid above, a hideous fish below :
Should you be favoured with a private view
You'd laugh, my Mends, I know, and rightly too," (Ooninffton.)
" Humatmm est avidum nimis auricularum."
LUCRETIUS. De Merwm JVatfwra, IF., 594*
" Man suffers from the plague of itching ears."
Humanus autem animus docerptus ex divina mente, cum alio nullo
nisi cum ipso deo, si hoc fas est diotu, comparari potest."
OICEBO. Tuscitlanae Disgutationes, T 88. ".,

" The human

being an offshoot of the divine mind, can be compared
with nothing else, if it be not irreverent to say so, than with God
Hunc, qualem nequeo monstrare, et sentio tantum,
Anxi elate oarons animus facit, omnis acerbi
Impatiens, oupidus silvaram, aptusque bibendis,
Fontibus Aonidum," JTJVBNAI*. Sa$res FIT,, 56.

" He whom I feel, but want the power to paint,

Springs from a soul impatient of restraint,
Aid free from every care ; a soul that loves
The Mtise's haunts, clear founts, and shady groves." (Clifford.)
Huno saltern everso juvonem suoourrero Baeclo
Ne prohibete t Ymatr,i, Georgic&> L, 600.
Oh, hinder not the youth who would, at last,
succour unto this perverted a^e,"
Ibant obscuri sola sub nocte per umbram,
Pexcjuedomes Ditis vacuas et inania rcgna.**
I.. Mmid* 7J. 268
Along the illimitable shade
Darkling and lone their way they made,
Through the vast kingdom of the dead,
An empty void, though tenanted."
Iblt 00 <juo vis qui zonam perdidit"
HOBACBK $pi$tola& t IT., 2, 40,
He makes a hero "who has lost his kit" (Oonington,)

"Id arbitror
Adprlme in vita e-sse utile, ut no quid nimis,"
TBRBNCB, Andria> Act In Sc J., 3,*-($0n&*) f

" This I hold to bo the Golden Bxile

Of Life, too much of one thing's good for nothing,"
((Jeort/e Oolman.)

"Id deraum est homJm turpe, <juod meruit pati,'


PiiABi>BUS. Fabks, III, 11, 7,

What truly disgraces a man is a ptinishment which he has doHwved,' 1

"Id faoere laus est <pod deoet, noaa quod licet,"

SBOTGA* Qdmw> 400*- (Stncca.)
"That your actions are becoming is praiseworthy, not that they euro lawful

"Idem est ergo beate vivere et seoundum naturam."

SKNBOA, De Vita Jtoto, FIJI, 1
" To live i the same thing as to live in accordance with fttwe

" Idem iufioeto ost mfieetior
Simul poemata attigit ; nequo idem wnquam
Aec^ue est beatus, ao poema cum soribit ;

Tam gaudet in se, tamquo so ipse miratur."

CATULLUS* 0mina ZX f (XXIL)> 14.
He is more clownish than the country clown
When he's attempting poetry and yet ;

He's ne'er so happy a$ when writing vena ;

So much he joys and marvels at aimatll**
"Idem velle atque idem nolle, ea demum firma ainioltia 8t lf
SAUCitJST. Catilim, XX
The firmest friendship is based on an identity of likes and dMilm*'
M maturam
Ignavia corpus hobotat, labor firmat, ilia ftonoctuiom hlo
longam adol6HC63atiam roddit/' OTOSTO. 1)0 MtiUdna, I 1.
Inactivity weakens the body, exertion Atreugthens it ; the former himtwtif
on old age, the latter prolongs youth."
Ignavis preoibus fortea repugnai"
OVID* M$tmnor$'hm 9 FIJI,, 78.
** 1*
The prayers of cowardi Fortune ajmrm

Ignavlssimus quisque et, ut res docuit, in periculo non ausuvus,
nimii verbis, linguae forocos.** TACITUS. History, J., 35.
"The most arrant coward, the man who, as the event proved, -would dare
nothing in the moment of danger, was the most voluble and fierce of
speech." (Ghurdi and Brodribb.)
" aurum 1'
Ignis probat, miseria fortes viros.
SENBCA. De Providentia> F,, 9.
" Gold men by
is tried by fire, brave affliction."

"Ignis, quo clarior fulsit, citius exstinguitur."

A. Ad Mardam, de Consolatione, XOII., 4.
" The
more the fire has
brightly the sooner it isburnt, extinguished."
Ignoranti quern portum petat, nullus suus ventus est."
SENECA. jBJpistolae, LXXL, 3.
" If a man does not know to what port he is steering, no wind is favourable
to him."

Ignoscito saope alter! ; nunquam tibi." PUBLILIUS SYBUS, 208.
You may often make excuses for another, never for yourself."

"Ignoscas multa; nihil tibi."

ATJSOHIUS. Sept&m Sapientium Sententiae, CUobulus, 4
Pardon much to others nothing to thyself."

u li vivunt ex corporum vinoulis, tanquam. e oaroere, evolaverunt."

CIOBEO. De BepubUca, 71, 11
" Those who have
truly live escaped from the fetters of the body, as from
a prison."

" Ilia meo caros donasset funere crines,

Molliter et tenera poneret ossa rosa,"
PEOPBETIUS. Elegies, I., 18 (17), 21.
" Her
cherished locks upon my tomb she'd lay,
And fill my grave -with leaves of budding rose,"

Iliamulier lapidem silicem, ut so amet, potost."
P^AtJ-rua, Poenulus, Act I. Sc. JI., 77. (Agorastocks.)
H This woman would constrain a flint to love her."
(Bonnell Thornton.)
Ilia placet tollus in qua ros parva beatum
Me facit, et tenues luxuriantur opos."
MAETIAL, E$igr(m$ $ X, 96, 5.
" That land for me wlwre wiMi a
tiny store
I'd happy be, and whro fmall means are wealth,"

(Quaequo soquonda forent,quaoque evitanda vicissim,)
Ilia pritis oreta, mox haoo carbone notasti ? "
PBESITJS. Satires, K, 108,
" What should be followed, and in turn what shunned,
Host noted, those in chalk, in crayon these ? "
lllam, quiocj[uid agit, juoquo vontigia movit
Gompomt furtim Hubsoquiturqua Decor."
T i u u 'tJB, jW% i>#, I K, 2, 7.
" Whate'er she
does, where'er whe tuniM her step,
Grace is her tire- woman, and her follower*"
Ille dolor solus patriam fugiontilms, ilia
Maoatitia eBfc, oaruisao anno Gixoensibus tmo."
JTTVKNA&. Satires, XIn 52,
Q&& thouglit alone, what time they leave beMml,
Friends, country, all, weighs lieavy on their mhul,
One thought alon," for twelve long months to lone
The dear delights of Borne, the public shows, "~~((JiJfwd.)

egregiam artem o^uassandarum urbium

Illo profoHHUH,"*
SKNUSOA. De Constantia tiapwnt'is, FI. 1.
That professor of the noble art of destroying cities."
" Ille
igitur nunquam diroxit bracchia contra
Torrentoin, noo oivis erat, qui libora posHofc
Verba animi proferre et vitam impondoro voro."
JtrvBNAri. Satires, IK, 89,
ITe'er didhe try the torrent's force to stem,
Nor, as becomes a worthy citizen,
Would he give utterjuxce to his inmoat thoughts,
And speak the truth at peril of his life/'
Ille potens &ui
Laetus^ue deget, oui licet in diem
Bixisse, vixi '." HOBAOB, Qda t I/I,, 29 41,

Happy he
Self-centred, who each night can sny,
My life is lived, " (6

"Ille profeoto
Beddere pewonae soit oonvenientia
HoiiAoa. De Art Poetica^ 815,
" That
man, when need occurs, will soon invent
For every part its proper sentiment/' (6^wir/if^)
quidem digmnn. virtutibus min vitaa termlimm ponuit."
APOLBIW. totomarptofM, JF* ?
"He ended his life to a lamaer befitting hte Tirtues.**

" Ille terrarum miM praetor omnes

Angulus ridet," HOEAOB. OcU^ II, 0, 18*
"That little comer, beyond ail the world
Is full of smiles for me,
Ille,ut depositi proferret fata parentis,
Soiro potiostatas Tbierbarum nsumqtia medendl
Maluit et mtitas agitara inglorius attos, "
But he, the further to prolong
A sickly parent's span,
The humbler art of meaiolne chose,
Tlie knowledge of eaoh hrh that grows,
JPlying a craft unknown to song
An unambitious

" velut pelagi rupoa immota, resisUl"

Like rock engirdled by the sea,
Like rock immoveable is he." (Conington.)

"Illi dura quies ooulos et ferrous urgot

Somnus ; ixi aetornara clauduntur lumina nootom."
VIBGUL. jffineid, XII., 809.
A heavy slumber, ironbound,
Seals the dull eyes in rest profound
In endless night they close." (Oonington.)
Illimors gravis incubat,
Qui, notus nimis omnibus,
Ignotus moritur sibi." SEOTCA, Thyestes 401. t (Chorus.)
Ah, heavily weighs death on him
Who, known to others all too well,
Dies to himself unknown,"

" Illi robur et aes

Circa peotus orat, qm fragilem traol
Comxnisit pelago ratem
Primus." HOEACB, Odes> I. 3, 9.
' '
Oak and
brass of triple fold
Encompassed sure that heart, which first made bold
To the raging sea to trust
A fragile bark," (Oonington,)
" Illio vivere vellem

Oblitusque meorum, obliyisoendua et illis."

HOEAOB. Mpistolae, I., 11, 8,
"Yet there, methinks, I would accept lot, my
My friends forgetting, by my
friends forgot,"- (Oonmgton.)
Illud ingoniorura velut praecox genus non temere unquam pervenit
ad frugem." QUINTILIAH, De Institutione Oratorio,, I., 3, 8.
"That class of intelligence which we call precocious very seldom beara

quod medium
14 1'
Illud est atc^ue inter utrumque probamua.
MARTIAL. Epigrams Z, 67 , (68)
"That we approve which both extremes avoids."

Illud tamoxi in prinais toBtandum est, niMl praeoepta atque artes
yalora, nisi adjuvanto natura,"
QWHOTIAN, D& Inslitutione Oratorio,, Proowwum, 26,
" We must of all put it on record, that without the aid of nature,
neither precept nor practice will be of much service to us."
M Ilium
ego per Eammas et mille sequentia tela
Bripui his Tbumeris, medio<p,e ex hosto recepit"
YiBero. Mneid, 71,, 110.
"Him through the these shoulders bore,
And from the heart of battle tore,'* -(Oonington.)
Ima pornratafc brevis hora suxnxnis/

SJKNEGA.Thycates, 698. -(Chorus.)

"But one short how will change the lot of highest and of lowest/'
" D& Morib^
Imago animi sermo est/* SBRBOA. t 72,
Speech is the mirror of the mind/*

" Imuaane regmim est posse sin rogue patl"

SMOTGA, Thyestes, 470. -(Thymtes*)
" Wide is your nile, if withoxit ruling you have learnt to suffer/*

(Oimota prius tentanda, sed) Immedioabile vulmis
Bnse reoidendum est, n6 pars sinoera fcrahatur/*
OTID. HetamorplioseSi L t 190.
First try all other means, but if tho wound
Heal not, then use the knife, lost to the souud
From the diseased the canker spread/*
Immo id esfc genus hominum posaimum,
In denegando modo quis pudor paululum adest :

Posfe, ubi tpmpus est promissa porfioi,

Turn coacti, uoooasario se aporiunt ;

Et timent ; et tamen res ooglt denogaro/'

Andria, Act IF. Sc l n 5.
Yea, suoh there are, the meanest of mankind,
Who, from a sneaking bashfulneaa, at first
Bar not refuse hut when the time comes on

To make their promise good, then force perforce

Open themselves and fear ; yet must deny/'
Immodiois brevis est aetas, et rara
Quicquid amas, oupias non plaouisso nitais.
MABTUL. Mpigr&mt, FI. f 29, 7.
Short their who know not nelf-reatralnt
life la ;

Pray not to love too much the things you love,"

Immortalia ne spares, monot anirns ot almnm
Quae rapit hora diom," HOBJIOES. Od48 IV.,
9 7> 7*
Ho 'aeaping death,^ proclaims the year that speeds

This sweet spring day/ *

Impedit ira animum, ne possit oeriaer verom."
DroKifaroa OA.TO. Distioha d$ Moribus, IL f 4,
Ajnger so clouds the mind that it cannot perceive the troth/'
Impendendus homo est, deus OSBO ufc possife in ipso/*
MANIUDS. Astronomioon^ lF. f 407*
Man must be so weighed as though there were $ God within him."
"Impansa moEumonfei suporvacua 1
est; memoria Eostei duwbit, ti tit*
(Pliny th$ Younger, MpUtolm^ JX
A monument is a useless expense ; our memory will live, if our life bus
deserved it/'

Imporat ant servlt colleota
pecunia cuicjna.0.
HORACE. fflgistolae, I., 10, 47.
Gold will be slave or master," (Coniny ton.)

"Divitiae meao sunt ;

tu divitiarum as."
SBOTCA. De Vita Beata, XXII. ,
My wealth belongs to me ; you belong to your wealth."
"Divitiao cnim apud sapientem virum in servitute sunt, apud
stultum in imporio."
SBOTOA. De Vita Bea,ta XXVI., 1. }

1 '
Wealth is the slave of a wise man, the master of a fool."
" Ea invasit homines habendi life
possidori raagis quam
possidere videanfcur."
PLINY THE YOUNO-BB. JSpistolac, IX,, 30.
" Men are so enslaved by the lust of gain, that thoy seem to be
possessed by it, rather than to possess it."
" stantem mori oportere."
Imperatorem (ait)
VBSPASIAN, (Smtonim V&sgasim, VII. , M.) 1

" An emperor should die standing."

Imperium oupientibus niMl medium inter summa ot praeoipitia."
TACIOTS. History, II., 74.(Quotmg
"They who aim. at empire have no alternative between complete success
and titter downfall." [Chit/reft and BT

"Imperium facile his artibus rotinetur, quibus initio partum est.

Verum, nbi pro labore desidia, pro contmentia et aectiiitate libido
atque superbia invasero, fortuna simul cum moribus immutatur."
SALLUST. Oabilma, IL
" which it was originally
Sovereignty is easily preserved by the very arts by
created. When, nowever, energy has given place to indifference, and
then as the morals
temperance and justice to passion and arrogance,
change so changes fortune."
(Scriptor honoratum si forte reponis Aohillem,)

Impiger, iraoundus, inexorabilis, acer,

Jura neget sibi nata, nihil non arroget armis.'*
HOBAOB. De Arte Poetica, 121.
If great Achilles ligure in the scene,

Make liim impatient, fiery, ruthless, keen ;

All laws, all covenants let him still disown,

And teat his quarrel by the sword alone." (Ooninff ton,)
Importuna tamen paupories abest,
Heo, si plura velim, tu dare denegos.''
HOBAOE. Odes, IIL 16, 37.
Yet Poverty ne'er comes to break my peace ;

If more I craved, you would not more refuse." (Comnffton.)

Impossibilium nnlla obligatio est."
Jjib. /^,,
* Jwis Oivilis Jlomam, Digesta,
OBLSUS. V(Corpus
Tit. XVZL, 185.)

legal obligation to
There is no perform impossibilities,"
" 1'

Imprimisque nominis est propria vori incjtusitio atque mvostigatio.

CiOttftO. De Offl>ciis t J. 4, IB.
The iirst duty of man i the seeking after and investigation of truth*"
"Improbo amor, quid non mortalia pectora cogls?
VIBOIL. JSneid, IF. 412*
" Curst Love ! -what lengths of tyrant com
Wreak'st not on those of woman bornP (O'wu^&w.)
" aooixsat qui itoruui faoit."
Improbe Hepfcunum naufragium
He accuseth Neptxme unjustly who makes ship wreck a second time,"
Improbus est homo
qui boncfioium soit suixiore, ot roddoro nowoit."
Persa, Act V. Sc. L t 10
PLAUTUS. (Toxilus.) t t

u The man's a knave in

grain, who can receive
A favour, and yot knows not lo return lt,"-~(Bonnell Thornton*)
"Improviaa leti
7i8 rapuit rapiotque gentos." 1 IORAOM. Ode^ IL t 18, 19.
Death witli noifloltw foot
Has Htolen and will steal on all," ((/<wtw#&w.)

"Impudious prorsus rovorentiam mi perdidife, c^uod fraonum esfe

omnium vitiorum."
BACON. I><? Augments $C'kniiarum VL, t 8, ,17,
**Tho profligate, in a word, lias lost his aolf-rcwpoct, which is a <mrb cm
every vice."
Impulverea, nt dioi solet, inoruonta^uo victoria."
GJBLMUS. Nocttw AUiccw,
AtJLtrs K., t
What is called, a dustloss and a hloodloss victory."
" In aetato hominum
Fiunt trariBonnao, uM docipiuutur doliH ;

Atqiie odepol in oaa plorum<{uo oaca iniponitur.

Quam si quis avidus paKcit oficam avarifcor,
Cooipitur iu transonna avaritia aa."
PLAUTUS. JRudens, IT., Sc, Ad
a There aro
many trapn
Laid to ensnare mankind, and whoaoovor
Snaps at the bait i* caught by his own

u In amore liaeo omnia insunt vitia


Suspioionos, inimicitiao, induciaa,

Bcllum, pax rursum."
TBBBNCM, JQwiuchw, Act J., Be, L,
In lovo are all those ills
$upicions, :

WrongHj pocontjilomoutB, war, and pe

INuno) In Ariatippi Eurlinx praocopta relabor
mi mild res, non mo robuB mtbjungoro oowor."
Anon to Aristipptw' wwup I
Hit, M
And say, the world's for me, not 1 for it* *

" In audacos non cat audacia tuta," OVID, Metamorphoses, X, 544.

Against the daring daring is unsafe."
" In causa facili
cuivis licet osse disorfco,
Bt minimao vires frangoro quassa valent,"
OVID. Tristw, III., 11, 21.
"If but the subject's easy wo may all "he wise ;

What stands not firm the smallest force o'erthrowa."

" In civitate
libera linguam montomquo liberas esse dobere
TIBBBIXJS. (Suetonius, Tiberius, III,, 28.)
" In a free state there should be freedom of speech and thought,"
" Iti collooaudo
boneficio et in referenda gratia, si cetera paria sunt,
hoc tnaxime officii oat, ut quisque naaxime opis mdigeat, it a oi
potissimum opitulari ; quod contra fit? a plerisque."
GICBBO. De Offitite, Z, 15, 49.
" In
conferring a favour, or returning a kindness, it is above all things our
duty, other things being equal, to consider where assistance is most
needed; most men, however, take the opposite course."
In corpora si quid ejusmodi ost,
quod roliquo corpori noceat, id uri
secarique patimur, ut membrum aliquod potius quam totum
corpus intoroat sic in roipublicae corpore, ut totum salvum sit,

quidquid est pestiferum arnputetur."

CIOBBO. Philippic, TOT., 5, 15,
" If in the
body there anything of such a nature as to bo injurious to
the rest of the body, we permit it to be burnt cmt, or cut
away, pre-
ferring to lose one of the members, rather than the whole body; so in
the body politic, that the whole may be preserved, it is necessary to
amputate whatever is noxious."
" In dissension
civili, cum boni plus quarn multi valont, expendendos
oives, non numerandos puto."
OICBBO. De RepubUca, VI. ,
" In civil dissensions, whore character is worth more than mere numbers,
we should, I think, weigh our fellow-citizens, and not count them
In oadem re utilitas et fcurpitudo esse non pot ost."
OIOEBO. De Officiis, III., 8, 85.
"It is impossible for the same course of action to be both expedient and
In oo nequo auctoritate neque gratia pugnat, sed quibus Philippus
ornnia castella exptignari posso dicobat, in quao modo asellus
onustus auro possot asoondore."
OICBBO, Ad Atticum, I., 16, 12.
"His woapoua are neither authority nor popularity, bxit rather those re-
ferroff to in the saying of Philip of Maceclon, that no city was impreg-
nable so long AA it could be entered by an ass laden with gold."
" In
flagrant! orimino oomprehensi."
JUSTINIAN. (Corpus Juris Givilis Jtom&ni, Codex IX".,
TiL XUL, 1.)
'* u
Taken in ilagrant violation of the law." (Generally quoted injlagrante

In fuga foeda mors est j

in victoria gloriosa,"
OICMBO. PUiippica, XIV., 12, 88.
" In death is in victory, glorious,"
flight disgraceful ;

In hominom dicendum est igitur, qwim oratlo argumentation ora non

habot." Oioano. Pro Flacco, X. 28. t

" Wo must make a

attack, when there is no argumentative bawl*
" personal
for our speech, {
Whm you have no case, abuse thejpl&intijFs
/Nam) In hominum aetato multa eveniunt liujusmodi ;
Gapiunt voluptatos, oapiunt rursum misorias ;

Irao intervemunt, rodeunt rursum in gratiam ;

Vorura irae si quae forte eveniunt liujusmodi,
Inter eos rurflum si revontutn, in gratiam est,
is tanto amici sunt intor BO, quam prius."
PJDAUTUB. AwpM'tryo, Act III., Sc, II., 57. (Jupitor.)
" For in the life of mon full
many a eliam-o
Befalls them in this \viso and now tluy take ;

Their fill of pleasure, then again of miwry :

Now qxiarrols iutorvone, and now again

They're reconciled : but wlicu than kind of quarrels
Haply ariso botwixt two loving souls,
When reeonoiliatiou*s made again,
Their friendship doubles that they held boforw."

In ingenio g,uog[u0, siout in agro, ^uan^uam alia diu Boranttir atquo
elaborentur, gratiora tamon quae sua sponto naBotttittir."
TACITUS. DC Omt<nibm, VL
Man's mind is like a field; though by sowing and caroful wi
other things may be produced from it, yet w like boat what grows
there naturally."

" In
mala uxoro atquo inimioo, si c^uid auman, sunitUB ot ;

In bono liospito atquo amioo ^uaost^iB ot, quod sumitur ;

Efe quod in divinia robus Ruman, sapionti luoro osfe."

PJDAUTUS. Miles Gloriosus, Aci XIL> Sc. L 79. ( ,

an onarny "Upon
Or a bad wife, whatever you lay out,
That Is eiponse indeed But on a friend, !

Or a. good guest, "whafc you expand is gain :

As also, what is cost in gftorifiooe,


In maxima fortuna minima lioentia eat/'

" The
higher your station, the 1 your liberty."
In mollo aunt linguae sitao vogtrao, at^ue orationas
Laotoquo oorda falle sunt site atquo aoorbo aooto*"

FLAUWS. Trueultwtiw, Act 1, So. IX W,~

Your tongucw drop milk and honey,
1 *

Your hearfct are atooped In gall and van war,"


" In montoin venit

To bovora osso ot mo OBSO asolkim ubi locum conjunctus siom ;

Ubi onus noguoam forro paritor, jacoam ogo aBinus in luto."

PLAUTUS. Aulularia, Act II., Sc. II., 51. (HJucHo,)
Wlien I am coupled with yon,
1 '

Unequal to the load that you can bear,

I the poor ass shall founder in the mire,"
(Bonnell Thornton.)
" solitudinom secedondum cst. "
In. nemora et lucos id est in.
TACITUS. De Omtoribiw, IX.
" We must retire * 9
into the woods and groves, that is to say, we must seek
In nullo quidem morbo plus fortuna sibi vendicare, quam ars, ars
cjuam natura, potest utpote cum, repugnante natura, nihil

medicina profioiat." OBLSUS. De Medicina, III., 1.

" In no disease can fortune claim more than
skill, or skill than fortune ;

so much so that unless nature aids, all medicine is in vain."

" numero ipso
(Opinor gnia) in est quoddam magnum collatumque con-
siliuna; quibusq.ue singulis judioii parum, omnibus plurinram."
PLINT THIB YouifrcniiB. JUpistolae, FIZ, 17,
M In a multitude of counsellors there is a sort of collective wisdom though ;

individually they may be deficient in judgment, yet united they are

In omni adversitate fortunae infelicissimum genus est infortunii
fuisse felioem."
BOBTHITJS. De Gonsolatione Pkilosoph'iae, II., Prosa 4,
" In
every reverse of fortune, the most unhappy condition of misfortune
is to have known happiness."

" In omni onim arte vel studio vel guavis soientia, ut in ipsa virtute,
optimum quidque rarissimum."
OICBBO. De tfimbus, II., 25, 81.
" In art or science, or branch of learning, as in virtue itself, perfec-
tion is but rarely attained."
u In av atque vale."
perpetuum, frater,
CATULLUS, Canmna, WIX. (01.), 10.
" For
ever, brother, fare thee well."
In portusum ingerimus dicta dolium, operam ludimus."
PLAXJTUS. Pseudolus, Ad I., Sc. III., 135.(
"All we say
3s just like pouring water in a sieve ;

Our labour's all in vain/' (Bonnell Thornton.)

" In
pretio pretium nuno est. Dat census honores,
Census amioitias pauper ubiq^ue jaoet.";

Oviix tfasti, I., 217.

" now
the prize. Wealth in its train
Money is

Brings honours, and brings friendships ; he who's poor

Is ever cast aside."
In primoribus habent, ut aiunt, labris." CIOBBO. fragment.
They have it on the tip of the tongue, as the saying goes,"
In priBoipatu ooxmnutaudo
"Nilpraotor domini nnmen mutant pauporos."
PHATSDIOJS. Fables, I., 15, 1.
When states now rulers Beak,
The poor change nothing but their master's name,"
In publiois nihil est loge gravius in privatis firmissimum
: ost tosta-
raentum." GXGISBO. PhiUppfoa, II,, 42, 109,
" In affairs there is nothing weightier than law in private matters
public ;

nothing more binding than a will'*

In re mala, animo si bono utaro, adjuvat,"
PLAXJTUS, Captvoi, Act II., Sc, I,, 8, (Lorarim.)
" Our boat
support and snccour in distress
Is fortitude of mind." (Iknnell Thornton,)
"In robus asporis efc tenui spo, fortinsmna <^uaoquo connilia
tiztissima snnt." LIVY. Histories, XXV, 88. >

"In difficult and desperate cases, the boldest counsels are the

In sapientis quo^uo animo, etiam oum vulnus sanatum ost, oicatrix;
manet." SISHEOA. D& Ira, Z, 16, 7. (^L saying of %mo.)
"Even in the wise man's mind, after the wound is healed, the soar
In soirpo no
PjDAtram M&mcfam, Act IL, S& I, 22. (

"You are looking for a knot in a bulrush."

u ln so hunc numina rebus
magna ruunt ; laetis
Orescendi posucre modum*" LUOAN. Phar&alia, L, 81*
"What beyond measure grows, of itn own mlf will fall ;
Such bounds the gods have set to fortune's increase,

"In se sempor armatiis Furor.*


flercuks Jf'uretw, 98. (Jwiw.)

"In atoriles oampoa nolunt juga forre juvonoi :

Pingue Bolunx lassat, wd juvat ipno labor,"
MABTIAI^ Mpigrmts, JM 107 (108K (

" When the land's
poor the steer the yoke will shirk :
Rich soil may weary, yet the toil's a Joy."
" In suis ut dolori tantam &*,
cfaoque malis ita gerero se oporfeet
quantum posoit, non quantum oousuofcudo,"
SMNMCA. De Tran%uiltitate A*wmi JTK t 0,
"In ouo'a OWBI misfortunes one should so boar oaaaelf tt to giv the win
to sorrow only as for as in necessary, not aa far In eiwtoowry* m

"In tanta tolutatione tor urn Immanarunx nihii ouifl[uam nisi mowi
oertuwx ost; tamou do oo ^uerawtur omneg, in <5[uo uno iwmo
deoipitur." BJKKBCA* Styfatokurt XOXX.,
"Among tho inntuoaorable vioisitutie of human affalra, no oat can be mro
of anything except death : yet ail nmn complain of the on thtag in
which no one ia uecoivod."
In i<3 onmis domus inclinata rootunbit."
VIRGIL. MnM> X1L, 59.
"A house dismantled and decayed,
On you is fain to leau,"
" In
tempore ad earn veni :
quod remrn omnium esb
TBKKNCB. Hemtontmorumenos, Act II, $c. Ill,, 123. (Syrus.}
in time,
I came just
Time, that in raosfc attains IB all in all." ((Jeorge dolman.}
"In tenui labor, at tennis non gloria." VIRGIL. Qeorgics^ IV., 6.
" is the
Slight of not
subject my work, Blight shall be its fame,"
" In tnrbas et discordias
possimo ouiquo plurima vis pax ot quies bonis ;

artibtts indigent," TACITUS. History, JF., 1.

u ln
stirring up tumult and strife, the worst men can do the most, but
peace and quiet cannot be established without virtue,"
(Church and Brodribb.)
(Fidens animi atque) In utranaqn paratus, 1 *
Sen versaro dolos, sou cerfcae ocoumbere morfci.
ViK0iL. Mneid, II. , 61.
Nerved with strong courage to defy
The worst, and gain hip end or die." ((Jonington.}
" In vindioando oriminosa ost ooleriias." PUBLILIUS Btstis, 236.
*In taking revenge, the very haste we make is criminal," (Bacon.)
" In vino voritas."
Proverbial expression. (Jfirasmw, Adagiorum GMliades,
"In wine is truth."
" Incedunt viotao
longo ordine gentes
Quam varia linguis, habitu tarn vestis et armis,"
VIBQIL. JSneid, FIJI., T22.
"There march the captives, all and each,
In garb as diverse as in speech^
A multifonn array," (Oomngton.}
"Inoeptio 'st amontium, Taaud amantinm."
TBRTSNOB. Andria> Act L, Sc, TIL, 13, (Dawus.)
"They are beginning like lunatics, not like lovers."
Inoipe ;
dimidium facti est, coopisso :
Bimidium rursum lioo incipo, ofc
AtJSONius. Epigrammata, LXXXL
Begin half your task the half remains
'tis j ;

Again begin, and all your task is done."

"Indc oaput morbi." JUVBNAL. Satwes, JIZ, 286.
"Hence the seeds of many a dire disease," (GUffvrd,)
"Indo faces ardent, voniunt a dote sagittao.'
ti/reSt VL, 189,

not Cupid, touched liis sordid heart,

And 'twas her dower that winged th* unerring dart,"
" Indo lit ut rare, qui so vixinno boattnn

Dieat ot oxacto oontentus tomporc vita

Oedat uti conviva satur, roporiro quoamus/'
HOBAOSJ. S&tfrea, L) 1, 117
Hence conies it that the man is rarely scon
Who owns that his a liappy life has been,
And thankful for past blessings, with good will
Retires, like one who has enjoyed Ms m
"Inde ilia maxima medicorurn exolamatio est, *vitaia brevem esse,
longam arbom V SENBCA. De Brewit&te Vitoe, L
" Hence that '

greatest of the sayings of the doctors, that Mio is short, but

art ia long V
" In dice noxx
opus est nostris, nee vindice libris :
Stat contra, dicitque tibi tua pagina, fur OB,"
MABTIAI*. Epigrams, J, 53 (54), 11.
My books nor spy nor yet avenger need ;

Thy pages to thy face proclaim thy theft."

Indigaa digna habonda sunt, qinim herus faoit."
s. Qaptivi, Act II,, $c* I,,
Should a master
Commit unworthy actions, yet Ms slaves
Must think them worthy oaea." (Bmndl fflwrntm.)

Indignor qwioqtiatn reprehend!, tton quia crass

Compositum, illepideve puteta, sed quia. nupor."
HoBAOtfi, Hpi$talm t II, , 1 76*
I chafe to hear a poem called third-rate,
JSTot aa ill-written, but m
written late,"

"Indooti diacaBt et amont merainisso periti."

H/^NAULT. Abrtgi Ghronoloyique de Vlfiatoire d France,
A translation, as JtFtnault states, of the following line$
from P&fic'$ ISnsay on Criticism, 741 and 741
Content if hence th* unlcmriiod their want may view,
The learned reilect on what before they knew/'
Indum sanguinoo voluti violatorit oatro
Si quis bur, ant mixta rubent ubi liiia mtxita*
Alba rosa ; tales virgo d&bat ore oolores*'*
Jimid, A7X 67.
" So blushes
ivory's Indian grata,
When sullied with vermilion stain ;

So lilies act in roseate bod

Enkindle with centurions red,
So lltiahed the maid.

'*Inorat tamon simplioitas ao Hboralitas; q,uae, ni adslt modu% jbo

oxitium yortuEtur,'*
TAOIOTS. tiMory* *# 86, (Of HMUm.)
Ho had a certain fi'ftnkuoH and generosity, qualities indeed which turn
to a nmn'ti ruin, tml tempered with aUoretion,^

opens smnma, quia poneto totum

Nesciot hunc ogo mo, si quid componore curom,

Non magis ess volim, cjuani naso vivoro pravo,

Spectandum nigris oculis, nigroquo capillo."
HOBACJE. De Arte Poetica, 34.
" Yet because lie lacks the soul
lie shall fail,
To comprehend and reproduce the whole,
I'd not be he the blackest hair and eye

Lose all their beauty with the nose awry."

" Infmita est velocitaa
temporis, quao, magis apparet respioientibus."
SEOTSCA, fflpistolae, XIJX, 2.

"Infinitely swift is the flight of time, as we see, in especial, when we look

Inteni animi est pati non posse divitias."
SBNHOA. JSpistolae, F., 6.
" It is the sign of a weak mind to be unable to bear wealth."

"Ingenia Humana sunt ad suam cui^ue levandam culpam nimio plus

facunda." LIVY. Histories, XXVIIL, 25.
* *
Men are only too clever at shifting blame from their own shoulders to
those of others."

Ingerdis patuit campus certusque meronti ;

Stat favor." OLAXJBIANUS. De Oonsulalu ffl Malii Theodori, 262,

" Fame's wide field
To talent open lies, and favour sure
Waits upon merit/'
(Negiie, si quis scribat, uti nos
Sermoni propiora, putes hunc essa poetam.)
Ingenium oui sit, cui mens divinior atque os 1'

Magna soniturum, des nominis hujus honorem.

HOBAGB. Satires, J., 4, 43.
" 'Tis not
No :
keep that name for genius, for a soul
Of Heaven's own fire, for words that grandly roll,"
Ingoniuni ingons
Inculto latet hoc sub corpore." HOBAOB. Satires, I,, 3, 33,
"That coarse body hides a mighty mind." (Oonington,)
Ingenium, longa rubigino laesum,
Torpet, et est multo, < fuit anbe, minus/'
OVID. Trfotia, V., 12, 21.
G-roat talents, by the rust of long disuse,
Grow somnolent, and shrink from what they were."
Ingeixuas didioisse Meliter artes
Bmollit mores, noo sinit esso foros*"
OVID. Mpistolae c% Ponto, IT., 9, 47.
By faithful study of the nobler arts, '
Our nature's softened, and more gentle grows*
"tugenvu vulkis piiot iagouuiquo piutom.
Ingenuous grace
Beams from his eyes, and flushes In his face."

"Iniqua mmguam rogna perpotuo manent."

SENKCA, Medea, 195. (Medea.)
"Unjust dominion cannot be eternal."
" rare maximis virtutibus
Fortuna paroit," SEOTJOA. Hercules JZftwena, 829. (Megara,)
"Fortune, the jade, but rarely spares
Those of the loftieat virtue.
Ini^uissima haeo bellonun conditio eni; prospers omnea Bibi vindi*
cant, advorsa uni irapniaBtur." TACITUS. Agricala, XXVIL
Kothing in war
more unjust than that all concerned claim ite BuceoAftCA
for tnemHolves, and throw on some one individual the blame for its

"Iniquuro. est collapsis mantam now porrigore: commune hoc jus

generis ktimam est."
MARCUS SBNBOA* Qofttrover&iae, L t 1, 14,
lt isa denial of justice not to stretch out a helping hand to the fallen ;

that is the common right of humanity/*

" Initia
magistratuum nosfcrotum moliora forme ot finifl inolinat, dum
in modum oandidatorum suflragia couquirimuB,"
TAOITUB, Annals, XV,, 21.
"Out magistrates generally administer their ofltaj better at th*> lnwitudug
of their tenure*, but with less vigour toward** tho end,, when tnoy ar
in the position of candidates soliciting vottw."

" Initium est

salutis, notitia poooati,"
RttNKOA, Spistola*t XX Fill, 9.
"The first step towards amendment is the recognition of error.**

Injusta ab justis impotrari Eon dooot


Justa autom ab 'st

inju&tis peter insipiantia ;

Quippe illi iniqtii jus ignorant, no^ue tonont.

B&AOTtm. Awphitryo, Prokgrn, 85,
" It not to pray the just to do injustice ;
And to asl< justice from the unjust is foolishness,
For the unjust nor know nor practise justice."
Inops, potentom dum wit imitati, perit.**
PXUBDRTO. JPables, I*, S4, L
It is destruction to the weak man to attempt to imitate tha

cjuiaai ogregios adjtmcta Huporbia mores*"

OLATOUHm De Quarto Qonwlatu IJmoni, B0&
Pride sullies tiw uobloftt oliwaoter*

"Iiwani nomoti sapiens forat, aeguus miqui,

Ultra quam satis osfe viHutom si petat ipsam."
HOBAOB. Epistolae, I., 6, 15.
" E'en
virtue's self, if carried to excess,
Turns right to wrong, good sense to foolishness," (Goningtm*)
" Insania sclre se non
potest, non magis qii&m caeoitas se yidere."
"Insanity cannot recognise itself any more than blindness can see itself,"

" Insanire
paret oerta ratione modo<3[ue."
HQBAOT. Satires, II, 8, 271.
"There is a certain method in his madness."

(At nos homfioo cinefactum te prope busto)
InsatiaMliter deflebimus ; aeternum<g[Tie
Nulla dies nobis moerorem e peotore demet, "
LUOBBTIUS. De R&rum Natwa, III. , 918.
" By the dread
pyre whereon thine ashes lie
we mourn thee ceaselessly ; no day to come
Throughout all time shall consolation bring
To our grief-fltricken hearts."

"Insperata acoidnnt magis saepo cjiiam quae speres,"

PLAXJTUS. Mostella^ia Act I., Sc, III, }
40.- (Sca/pha.)
"Things we not hope for oftener come
to pass
Than things wo wish." (Bonnell Carter,)

"Inspicere, tan^uam in speculum, in vitas omnium

Jubeo, atque ex aliis sumere exemplura sibi"
TBBBNOB. AdelpM, Act III. , Sc. Ill,, 62. (Demea.)
" In
short, I bid him look into the lives
Of all, as in a mirror, and thence draw
From others an example for himself." (George Oolman.)
" In star mentis divina Palladia arte
Aedifloant." VIBQIL. Mn&id, II., 15,
"The Danaan chiefs, with cunning given
By Pallas, mountain-high to heaven
A giant horse uproar," (Gonington,)
Integer vitae Boelerisque purus,
Non eget Mauris jaculis ne^ue arcu,
Neo venenatis gravida sagittis,
Fusee, pharetra." HOBAOBS, Odes, I., 22, 1,
"No need of Moorish archer's craft
To guard the pure and stainless liver ;
He wants not, Fusous, poison'd shaft
To store his quiver." (Oonington.)

Intolligisne me
** si tacuissos."
essepliilosoplmm? . . .
BoidTnius* De
Consolationc PMloso^MaBf II,, Prosa 7.
Do you understand that I am a philosopher ? . . I should have so .

understood had you remained silent."

" Inter fmitimos vctus
atquo antigtia simuUas,
Immortalo odium ot> nunquanx sanabilo vulnus
Ardofc atlhuc." JUVBNAL, Satires t XV, r
Between two neighbouring towns a deadly Bate,
Sprang from a sacred grudge of ancient date,
Yet burns ; a hate no Tonionts can assuage.
No time subdue, a rooted rancorous rage." (dttyford.)

' *
(Mioat inter omnes
Juliiim sidus volut) inter
Luna minores," HORACE. Oto, I., 12, 47.

"Great Juto' light

Shines like the radiant moon amid
The lamps of night, "(Oonington,)
" oUam multa
(Saepe audivi) inter os atquo intorvoniro posse/*
M. OATO (OBNSOEiisrusJ (Aulus GdUus, Noctes AtMca
17, 1.)
" between the mouth and the morsel,"
Many things may coin

" sacrum saxum^uo

(Huno ego) inter sto,"
Oa$twi, Act 111, 8c, IK, 84.

1 am standing between the knife and the victim.'*
(Quod ait vtus proyorbium,) inter sacrum ot saxum posiluft
cruoiabar,'* APUiiBius. Metamorphom, XL, 28,
" I was
suffering agonies between the knife and the victim/'
" Inter
spem curamqiip, timores inter ot iras
Omuem credo diom tibi diluxisso supromum ;

Grata suporvoniet quae non sporabittir hora."

HOKACB, Ejwfolae, f. 4, 11
" Lot atxd sorrows, fears and angors bo,
And think <iach day that dawns the lant you'll see ;

For so the hour that grwte you unfortie<m

Will bring with it enjoyment twice aft koon."- (Oani^ftm.)
" Interduro laorimae
pondara voois habont.*'
Ovw>. %istol<w Ponto, JIT., t, ;i58
"BTen tears at times hay all the weight of speech/'
Jnterdnm vwlgus reotaa yidit ; est ubi pecoat."
HOEAOB, S$Mofae> IT., 1, 08,
"Sometimes the public sees like any lynx j

Sometimes, if *tis not "blind, at least It b

Infcoroa duloes pondont cironm oaoulft nati,
Casfea pudieitiam sorvat domus ; xibora "vacca
Laotea domitttmt, plnguosquo in gramino laoto
Inter se adversls Imotantur comibus haodi.*'
VXHGWJ. Gwrgictt IT.,
Meanwhile his children clamber for his kiss,
And chastity assures domestic blim j
Tlifl kino afford exuberance of food,

And his kids fatten in their wimton mood/ 1 (X &


Interea gustus elementa per omrua
Nunquam animo protiis obstantilms." JUVENAL. Satires, XL, 11
" Meanwhile, ere tlio last yet .supply be spent)
They earct for dainties ovory element,,
Awed by no price." (Gi/ord.)
lulererit multum JDavusno loquatur an horos,"
HOBAOB. De Arl& Po&tica, 11&.
" 'Twill matter much if Davus 'tis who's speaking, or a hero."
(This line to generally quoted as above, but the inore correct reading is
wrdbobly J)wu$*\ Coninyton adopts this, awd translates the
line, Gods should not tafk wee heroes"*)

"Interrogas, q.uid petam ex virtute? Ipsam. Nihil onim

molius, ipsa pretrom sui." SBETBOA, De Vita Beata, JX, 4,
You ask what I seek from virtue ? Itself, For virtue has nothing better

to give ;
its value is in itself."

"Ipsa (jnideia virtus sibimet pulcherrima merces."

Sinus ITAHOUS. Punica, XIIL, 663.
Ipsa quidem virtus pretium sibi."
OJDAXTDIANUS* De Consulate M. Mallii Theodori, 1.
" Virtue is indeed its own reward,"

Intratamor mentes usu. Dediscitur usu.
Qui poterit sanum fingero, sanus orit."
OVID. Bemedia Amoris, 503,

By habit love doth enter in our hearts,


By habit too we learn to drive him forth.

He who can feign that he has cured love's wound,
"Will soon bo cured indeed."

"Intret amieltiae nomine tectus amor."

OVIP. De Arte Amandi, I., 720.
" Love will enter cloaked in name." friendship's

"Intus est hostis; cuna luxuria nobis, cum amentia, cum scelere
certandum est." OIOBBO. In GatiUnam, XL, 5, 11.
The enemy is within the gates it is with our own luxury, our own folly,

our own criminality that we have to contend."

"Intuta guae indecora," TACITUS, History, I., 33,

" That cannot be safe which is not honourable."
-(Church and JBrodnbb.l
Invoni portum, Spes ot fortuna valote ;
Bat me lusistxs ; Indite nunc alios,"
JANUS PANNONIUS. JOpigrammato, QLX. BliGnwm,
,1784.) A translation of an epigram m(3d,
fh& Greek Anthokgy,
IX,, 49.
(Quoted by Lasage, Oil Bias, IX,, 10, and Bwton, Anatwny oj
Melancholy, Part 1L, Sec. 111., 6.)
My havon's found, Fortune and hope, farewell ;

Knough yo've toyed with me toy now with others," ;


"Invenias etiam disjecti membra poetae."

HOBAOJHJ. Satires t I., 4, 62,
"The bard remains, unlimb him as you will." (Conington*)
" Invoniat Non omnibus unuxn
quod (|"aisquo vplit.
7 '

Quod placet. Hio spinas colligifc, illo ronas,

PiflTKONitis ABBWBB, Jfyagment XXX K
" each man find what lie doairos all tastes
May ;

Aro not the same. One roses plucks, one thorns."

"Invioti perstant, animoquo suporsunfc
Jam prope post animam,"
SIJDOHIXJS APOLLINABIS, Oorwwa, V. (Migm's Patrologw
Cursm, Vol LV11L, 317.)
a slill they stand, and their high courage*
AH but outlives their life."

"Invidiam, tanguam ignem, summa potero."

LIVY. Jlis^onw, vnt> 81.
Bnvy like fire always makes for the highest points/'
Invidus, iracundus, inors, vinosus, amator ;

Kemo adoo forus osfc iit non mitescero poaait,

Si modo onlturae pationtom oommodet aurora,
Virtue est vitram iugoire, et sapientia prima
Stultifcia oaruisso," HOBAOK. flpistokte, t t 1, 88,
Coward, pickthank, s^itllro, drunkawl, dbauchoo,
Submit to culture patiently^ you'll ttutl
Her charms can hunianiso tho rudent mind*
To fly from vice is virtue to bo free

From foolishness is wisdom's ilrst degroo," (Oonintjtm,)

" Tnvisa
nunciuain imperia rotinontozr diu."
SENBOA. Phowvisnac, GGO (298)* (Ko
An unpopular rule is never long maintained."
"Invitus oa, tanquam vxilnera, attingo; sod nisi taota traofcataqxw
sanari non possunt." LIVY. Histories, XXV12L, 27,
approach those questions unwillingly, as thy wo sore subjccta, but no
euro can bo oifoctod without touching upon and handling {horn."
(Subito adforbur nuntius horribilis,)
Ionics iluoW, postquam illxto Awtiua isaob,
3Tam non lonioe ease scl Hionioa/'
CUwnaitrs. Oormiw, LXXXIL (LXXX1 V,), 11
""We've just hoard the dreadful new*,
That since our Arrins* visit to tho a,
Tho Ionian waves aro now Hionian called."
" dodit ordino Luna
Jpga dioa alioa alio"
Folioos oporum. VIEOIL. Qwrgic&t I 270,
* tr
rho moon, horaclf doth changing indicate
Auspicious day, and thoHe opposed by fate,"-(/, B,
" ost"
Iptfa Bciontia potostan
Knowledge is power/'
Ipse faoit versus, atque uni cedit Homero
Propter millo aBnos." JUVENAL. Satires, FIX, 87,
He scribbles verses, and he llriuks himself
The greatest bard save Homer, to whom he yields,
Because he lived a thousand years ago."
" utram sit an non id quoque nesoit."
Ipse quis sit, sit,
CATULLUS. Garmina, XVIL, 22.
He knows not who he is, nor if ho is,
nor if he is not."

Ipse tibi sis senatus ; quooumque te ratio reipublicao ducet, sequare."
Familiares, X., 16, 2.
" Be to yourself the senate wherever the well-being of the state points the

path, follow there."

"Tpsi illi philosophi etiam illis libellis, quos de contemnenda gloria

soribunt, nomen suum
insoribunt; in eo ipso in quo praedica-
tionem nobilitatemque despioiunt, praedioari de se, ao nominari
volunt." OIOHIIO. Pro Archia, XL, 26.
" Even those
very philosophers who write treatises on the despising of fame,
put their names on the title-page in the very place in which they ;

deprecate self-advertisement and notoriety they take steps to have

themselves advertised and made notorious."
Ipsi medium mgenium, magis extra vitia quam cum virtutibus."
TACITUS, History, Z, 4:9.
(Of Galba.)
"His was of an average kind, rather free from
character vices than
distinguished by virtues." (GhurGK and Brodri&b.)

"Ipsum enirn bonum noa est opinionibus, sed natura,"

OIOBEO, De Legibus, I., 17, 4.6.
" The absolute good is not a matter of opinion but of nature,"
Ira furor brevis est : animtun rege qui nisi paret
Imperat: huno frenis, huno tu compesoe catena."
HOBAOH. Jfijpistolw, L, 2, 62.
" Wrath is a shortrlived madness : curb and bit
Your mind : 'twill rule you, if you rule not it."- (Qonington.)
Ira q:uae tegitur nocet ;

Piofessa pordunt odia vindictae locum."

SBNEOA. Medea, 153. (Nutria),)
DangerouB is wrath concealed ;

Hatred proclaimed doth lose its chance of wreaking vengeance."

"Is demura mihi vivor, atgue frai anima videtur, qui, aliquo negotio
intontus, praeolari faoinoris ant artis bonae famam quaerit."
SALLUST. Catilina, IL
" He
only seems to mo to live, and to make proper use of life, who sets
himself some serious work to do, and seeks the credit of a task well
and skilfully performed."

"Is demran vir oujus animum noque proBpera (fortuna) flatu suo
offorot, BOO advorsa infringofc," JJITY. Histories, XLV., 8.
" Ho is
truly a man who will not permit himself to bo tinduly elated when
, fortune' breeze is favourable, or cast down when it is adverse."
u Is habitus
animorum fuit ut possraum faoinus auderonfe pauoi, plures
vellont, omnes patoronlur, TACITUS. Zlistory, Z, 28.
"Such was the temper of men's minds, thai, while there were few to
venture on so atrocious a treason, many wished it done, and all were
ready to acquiesce." (Church and Rrodri&b.)

"Is minimum egofe mortalis qui minimum eupit"

ANON, (ttibbcck, Sc&nicaa Romanorum Poem Fragments* ex
inocrtis incertorum^ LXV.)
t{ ?
Mongat mortals he's the least in want who least desires.'

Contention voro suis rebus esso, mazimao sunt cortissimaequo
divitiae," CXCBBO. Pwadom, VI., S, 51.
"To 1)0 content with what one has is the greatest and truest

"Hon qui parum habot, sed qui plus oupit, paupor ost."
SJBNBJCJ*. tyristtrtac, II., 6.
*Not he who possesses little, but he who desires more, is the
poor man."
Is maxima divitiis fruotur, qui minimo divitiig indigot.

SBNBOA. Mpistolae }
XI^ t 17.
"He most enjoys wealth who least desires wealth."
Is plurimuta "habebit qui minimum desidorabit***

APTOuras. D Magw> XX,

He will have most who desires least."

JMicem spivi,
qui, quod vollefe, "haberet,
Sod qui por fatum non data non ouporot."
"Not that man's happy who obtains las wish, 1*
But he who wishes not for what fate giv^s not*
Semper inops quicunaquo cupit."
Or>AUi>iANtT8, In Rufinum> Z, KOO.
"He who desires in always poor.**

IB (Solon) quum interrogarotur, our nullum supplioium
eum, qui pardntom neoasset, respondit id nominom m
facturum putaBae.'* OIOBBO, Pro ftoscfo Amerim, XXV., 70.
Solon, when a$kod why ho had not Appointed any penalty fot parrlid(\
replied that he had not thought any man capable of the crimo."
*Mst.a sonilis stultitia, quao deliratio
ajpellari solot,
flonum levium oi,
non omnium, 1'
OiowBo. D$ Bmeciut^ XL, Bll
u Tltat senile stupidity which we call is not eharaetorMto of
dotage all ohl
men, but only of those of small mental capacity.**

"Ittlhaoo oommcmoratfo
Quasi eiprobratio est immomoris botiofioi!/*
Andria, A& I, 80. Z, 10* -(Sosfa.)

forcing your kindness on my memory,

Seems to wproaob me with ingmbituu* M (Gtwyt Chfatw }

Isthaoc in me cudetur faba."
TEBTBNOB. fflunuchus, Act II., Sc. III., QQ.(Panneno.)
" I shall have to serve for the threshing floor."
" Istuo est
sapero, non quod ante pedes modo 'at
Videre, sed efeiam ilia quae futura sunt
Prospicere." TEBBNOB. Adelphi, Act III., Sc. III., &2.(Syms>)
" That is to be
wise, to see
Not that alone which lies before the feet,
But ev'n to pry into futurity." (George dolman.)
Istuo est sapere, qui, ubicumque opus sit, animum possis fleofcere ;

Quod faciendum fortasse sit post, idem hoc nunc si feceris."

TEBENGB. Hecyra, Act IF., Sc. III., 2. (Laches.)
"That man is wise who so can bend his mind,
"When need arises, as to do at once
That which hereafter he will recognise
As having been the proper thing to do."
Ita comparatam esse hominum naturam omnium,
Aliena ut melius videant et dijudicent
Quam sua."
TEBTSNOB. Heautontimorwnenos, Act III., Sc. I., 97.
" that the nature of mankind is such,
Gods !

To see and judge of the affairs of others

Much better than their own." (George Colmcwi.)
" Ita Dis
placitum, voluptatem ut maeror comes consequatur."
PtAtJXTO. Amphitryo, Act II. Sc. II., 5. (Alcumena.) ,

"Thus it pleases Heaven,

That Sorrow, her companion, still should tread
Upon the heels of Pleasure," (Bonnell Thornton.)
" Ita enim finitima sunt falsa veris, eaquo quae percipi non possunt, iis

quae possunt ut tarn in praecipitem locum non debeat se

sapiens oommittere." GIGEBO. Academica, II. 21. ,

"The false borders so closely on the true, and the possible on the
impossible, that the wise man should refrain from venturing on such
dangeroxis ground."
" Ita est
amor, baiista ut jacitur rdhil sic celere est, neque volat;

Atquo mores hominum moros et morosos efFicit

is :

Minus placet, magis quod suadotur quod dissuadetur placet. ;

Quom inopia *st, cupias quando ojus copia 'at, turn non velis
; ;

Ille qui aspellit, is compellit ille qui consuadot, yetat.'*

FiiAUTtra. Mmwwwis,

Acb III., Sc. II* , ^

" it in with love
As with a stone whirled from a sling it flies, ;

Nothing BO quick. Love makes a man a fool,

Hard to bo pleased. What you tjomxadc hiw
He likes wot, and embraces that from which

You would dissuade Mm. What there is a lack of,

That whan 'tis in MR power
will lw covet ;

He'll none on't. Whoso Wd him to avoid

A thing invites him to it interdicts, ;

Who recommends i^(B(mmll Thornton.)

"Ittt major est rnuneris gratia quo minus din
SBOTOA. De lteneficiis> II,, 5, 8,
UA wo
gift is the more grateful, the shorter the time during which are
waiting for it."

plorique mgemo sumus omnos ;
nostsri nosmet poenitet."
toBHGi. PJwrwiOt Act L t Sc, III, 580.

"Sure 'tis in our nature

Hever to be contented, "~-(6feorffe Oolman,)

Ifca sorpifc illud insitum natura malum consuetudine poccandl libera,
finem audaciao ut statuero ipse non possit."
OIOBBO* In Verrm, II., 8, 76, 177.
"The evil implanted in man by nature spreads so imperceptibly, wh<m
tliQ habit of wrong-doing is unchecked, that ho himself can set no
limit to his shamolessuoss.

Ita servom par videfcur frugi sose instituero,
Proindo heri ut slnt, ipse item sit ; yoltum e volbu oomparet ;

Triatis sit, si ibcri sint teistas ; hilaris ait si gaudoanfc."

PIAUWS. Am$Mtn/Q> Act III, Sc. Ill, 4* -

" It
A trusty servant still to fashion him
So as to be himself as is his master,
To sot his face by his face, to be gravo
If he is grave, and merry if he's merry*"

Ila vita 'st homiiaum, quasi quam ludas tessorifl :

Si illud quod maxima opus ost jaotu, non codit,

Illud, quod oocidit forto, id arto ut corrigaa."
TEXIBNCB. Adelphi, Ad IV,, Sc, VIL, 21. (Aftoio.)

"Tholifoof man
Is like a gaming table, If th< caHt
Which most ixcooosary bo not thrown,
That which ohancd sends you must correct by art,"
Ite proaul, Muaao, si nil prodestia amanti."
a JQkgfa, IZ, A, "15,
Muses, avaunt 1 if to the lover ye refuse your aid,"

ILidem divos diapertisso vitam humanam aequom Mt ;

Qui lepldo ingeniafcus ossot, vitam longinqiiam daront ;

Qui improbi onsoTit et soelosti, iiH adiiuoront animam oito,

Miles Qhrioswi) Act III,, 3e Z, l$$*
So it were lat, tho Gotis in human life
Should malce distinction due, and disproportion;
That on the well-disposed they should bwtow
A long extent of yoattt the reprobate

And wicked they should soon deprive of life


Itidem ut tempus anni, aetatem aliam aliud facfcum convenit.
PLAUTUS. Mercator, Act V., 80. IF.,
" For as the several seasons of the
Bring with, them different fruits, in human life
So have our actions their fit seasons too."
(Bonnell Thornton.)

Jacet enim corpus dormientis ut morlui ; viget autem efe vivit
animus." CIOBKO. De Dvuinatione, I., 30, 63.
"The body of the sleeper lies as though dead; but his mind lives and

" Jacta alea esto." JULIUS GJSSAR. (Suetonius, I,, 82.)

"Let the die be cast"

" Jactat
inaequalem Matho me feoisse libellum:
Si verum est, laudat carmina nostra Matho.
Aequales soribit libros Oalvinus et Umber.
Aequalis liber est, Oretioe, qui malus eat."
MABTIAL. Epigrams VII. t , 90, 1.
j> vewrit^ says Matho, an uneven book :
If that be true, then Matho lauds verse. my
Umber writes evenly, Oalvinus too ;

3For even books, be sure, are always bad."

" Jam Antipb.onem adfinem

conyeni, meum,
Oumq.ue eo ex inimicitia in gratiam,
Videte, quaeso, quid pot est peounia."
PLAUTUS. Stichus, Act IZL, Be, L, 7.
" I saw
my father Antipho but now,
And found him whom I left a foe, my friend.
"What will not money do ? (Bonnell Thornton,)

" Jam istuo, Aliquid fiet, metuo."

PIJAUTUS. Hercator, Act II. Sc. IF., ,
26.- (flutychus.)
"I am Something shall be done V
* 1
always afraid of your

Jam, jam nulla viro juranti femina oredat ;
Nulla viri sporet sermones esse Moles :

Qui dum aliquid oupiens animus praegestit apisoi,

Nil motmmt jurare, nihil pronritter parouiat ;
Sed simul ac oupidae mentis satiata libido ost,
Biota ttihil metuere, nihil perjuria cnrant."
CATULLUS, Qwwwm, LXIL (I/XJK), 14&
"Let not a woman trust her lover's oath,
Let her not hope he'll keep his promises 1

ITor while the soul is lusting to posseas,

No oath he fears, no promise but he'll make :
Then when his heart's desire is satisfied,
Little he recks of falsest perjury."
" Jam poscii aquam, jam Mvola tramfort
Ucalogon ; tabulate tibl jam tortia fumanfc.
Tu noscis." JUVKNAL. Satires, I1L, 198,
" 'Midst the loud
Of water water * the scared neighbours Ity
! !

With all their haste can seizethe names aspire,

And the third iioor is wrapt in smoke and fire,
While you, unconscious, doze." (Clifford*)

Jamne quod de sapientibus
igitur laudas, altar
Bidebat, quoties a limmo movorat unum
Prot"aloratq_ue pedeia ; flobat oontrarius altor ?
Sed facilis ouivis rigidi censura oachinni :
Mirauduin est unde ille ooulis sufiecerit humor. *

JUVENAL* Satires, X. 28,t

* 4
And do we, now, admire the stories told
Of the two sages, 80 renowned of old ;

Mow this for over laughed, whcno'or he stept

JBoyond the threshold that, for tevw wept t

But all can laugh : the wonder yet appears,

What fount supplied the eternal stream of toara 1" *((M/mL)
Jamqtie dies, nisi fallor, adest, c[uem semper aoerbum,
Semper honoraton, sic Di voluistis, habobo."
ViBGiii. Mneid, Fn 49.
Ajad now that day has come, to me
For evermore, by Heaven's decree,
Embittered and endeared."

semper raagnorum prima malomm

Saoya fames adorat. LTJOAN. Pharsalw, 1 Fl, SB,
And now, of great disasters aye the closest comrade,
Gaunt famine's nigh at hand/*
Jamqn valo ;
foror ingonti oirousndata nocto,
lidaso^iie MM tendons, heu non ttia, palmass 1

vi t
IF 497*
And now farewell shrouded in; endless night,
Ho longer ihino, alas, I'm borne away,
Stretching in vain to thee my helplew hands,**

Jojumas raro stomaolras vulgaria texxuait."

HOZUQB* Bot,twm t II, 2, 38,
When the
stomach's pricked by hunger ! utings,

"We seldom hear of scorn for common tiling, -^

aoti labores/^ OJCOBBO* De M-Mu^ II, 8S 105*

Delightful are post labours."
" Juoimdioram autom faoiot liborfcatom orvitutis raootdatio/*
CXOBRO. PMlipiiic, XILt W, 80*
Liberty is rendered even more proekras by tho reeolioction of servltadt, 11
Judex damnatut cum nocons absolvitur. " PUBLILIUS SYEtii, SJ47*
"When a guilty man 10 aoqnSttefl, the jtidgo In eonvlotwi

" Judicium hoc omnium mortalium est, fortunam a deo petendam, a

se ipso sumendam osse sapientiam."
CICKBO, De Natura Deorum, IJI., 36, 88.
'It is the universal opinion that we may pray the gods for fortune, but
must provide ourselves with wisdom."
" Judiois ost
semper in causis vet urn so^ui patroni nonnunquam veri- ;

simile, otiam si minus sit yerum, dofondere."

OICEEO. De 0/iciis^ II., 14, 51,
"It is always the judged business in a suit to endeavour to get at the
truth : it may sometimes bo the duty of the advocate to defend a prob-
able hypothesis, even though it be not quite the truth."

Jugularo oivem ne jure qmdom quiscjuam bonus vult mavult 0nim ;

commemorare, so, quum posset pordere poperoisse, q[uam, quum

parcere potuerit, pordidisse." OICEBO. Pro Quintio, XVL, 51.
No honest man
desires to cause the death of a fellow-man, even by lawful
means he prefers always to remember that, when he could have

destroyed, he spared, rather than that when he could have spared, he

Jura invonta metu injusti fateare necesse est,
Tempora si fastosc[ue velis evolvere nmndi"
HOBIOB, Satires, I., 3, 111.
"'Twas fear of wrong gave birth to right, you'll find,
If you but search the records of mankind. ((7w0 ton.)
Jurantem me soire nihil mirantur ut mrnm
Scilicet egrogii mortalem altiqne silenti."
HOBAOB. Satires, IL, 6, 57.

"I swear that I know nothing, and am dumb ;

They think me deep, miraculously mum." (Ooninffton.)
" Juris
peritorum eloquentissimus, oloquentitam juris perltissimus,"
OIOBEO. De Oratore, I., 39, 180. (Of Q. Scaevola,)
" The
greatest orator among the lawyers, the greatest lawyer among the

u Jus ot furi dicitur," SBNBOA.. D& Beneficvis, 17., 28, 5,

" Even to the thief meted out."
justice is
(Verum illud, Ghrome,
Dicimb,) jus saope summa malitia ost.'*
TaBflHOBJ. X-Xeautontimorumenos, Act IV., Sc. K, 48, (Syrus*)
(< 3
Tis a common saying and a true.
That strictest law is oft the highest wrong."
(George Colman.)
Summum jus, summa iirjuria,"
OIOBEO. De Offices, 1., 10, 83,
The strictest law often causes the most serious wrong,"

M Ju0 tarn In Verr&m, XL, 1,

nequam ease Verrinum." OIOSSEO. 4&, 121
So nefarious is Yerrine justice***
Justitia^ex qua virfeute viri boni appellantur, rairifica <paedam nmlti
tudini yidetur; noo injuria; nemo onim Justus ease potoafc, gui
mortem, qnl dolorom, qui oxilium, gui egostatom timel, aut qui
ea, quao sunt his contraria, aoquitati antopcmit."
OIOBBO. De Qfficiis, JZ, 11, 86.
"Justice, the possession of which virtue entitles men to be called good, 10
looked upon by the nuutfios as something miraculous j and rigutly so,
for no one can be just who fears death, pain, exile, or poverty, or who
ranks the opposites of these above equity,"
Justitia sine pradentia taultum poterit; sine justitia valebife
pradentia." OIOBBO* De Offic/vis, IT,, 9, 84.

"Justice without discretion may do much ; discretion without justice w of

no avail."

"Justo et modorato regebantur imperio; neo abnuebant, quod uaum

vinoulum fidoi est, melioribus paroro."
LIVY, Histories, ZZZT., 88.
"They lived under a mat and modorato government, and they admitted
that one bond of their fidelity was that their rulers were the better
" Justum et tenacem propositi virum
Non owitim ardor prava jubentitim,
Koa vultns inatantis tyranni
Monte quatit solida." HOBAOBS. Qd$$, III*, 8 1*
The man, of firm and righteous will,
No rabble, clamorous for tho wrong,
Ho tyrant's brow, whose frown may kill,
Can shake the strength that makes him strong.*'{
" Juvenile vitium
est rogere non posse impetus."
SBNBCA, Troades* S59, (Agamemnon*)
" It is a
youthM failing to be unable to control one's imputes. *

"Labofaotatifc fundataenta reipublicao conoordiam

primtim, ^.uae 0010

non potost, c^tram aliis adimuntur, aliifi oondon^ntur peotmiae ;

cteinde aq[uitatom o^uae tollitur omnis, si habero stram
" ouiquo
non licet. OXOBBO. De Qffi<M> IT. m, 78,
They are uprooting the very foundationi of the state ; flwt, hanaony,
which cannot exist when property is taken by fovoo from ome to be
presented to others ; next, justice, which is destroyed when a man is
not permitted to retain possession of his own,"
" Labitur
occulte, fallit^u volatilis aotas,
Kt niM est anniB velooior." OVID. Htanmj>hom X, t 619,
"Time spreads his wings and glides away unseen ;

Naught's swifter than the years.**

Labor oHt otiam ipsa voluptas.*'
MAmtxm Astronmicon, IV*> 155,
Hven pleasure itself is a toil"

Labor omnia vicit
Improbus, et duris urgens in rebus egestaw."
YiBCHCi. GeorgicS) I., 146.
Unswerving things lias overcome
toil all
And want, that's ever urging, in hard times,
To greater efforts."
" Labor
voluptasque, dissimillima natura, societate quadam inter so
natural! sunt juncta," LIVY, Histories, F., 4.
*'Toil and pleasure, so dissimilar in nature, are nevertheless united by a
certain natural oond of union."

Labore alieno magnam parfeam gloriam
Verbis saepe in se transmovet, cjui habet salem,
Quod in te eat."
TKRBNCU. Eunuchus, Act JIT., Sc, Z, 9. (Qnatho.)
of wit, like you,
The glory got by others' care and toil
Often transfer unto themselves." (Gwwgt Oolman.)
" Lacrimae nobis deerunt
antequam causae dolendi."
SBNBOA. Ad Polybium de Consolattone, JF. 3.
Our tears wiH fail before we cease to have cause for grief."

41 *
Laedere nnncjuam velimus, loaagequ absit propositum illnd, Potius
amioum ^uam dictum perdendi '."
QXJIHTILIAK. D& Institutions Oratorio,, VI. 8, 28,,

a We should to give pain, and should scorn the sug-

always be unwilling
gestion that it is better to lose a mend than a "boi/i mot."
" Laetus sum laudari me, abs te, pater, a laudato viro."
KAEVITJB. Hector Proflciscens, Fragment II.
" Praise from me glad indeed."
thee, my father, a much lauded man, makes

"Languescet alio^ui industria, intendetur socordia, si nullus x so

metus aut spas, et securi omnes aliena subsidia exspectabant,
sibi ignavi, nobis graves." TACITUS. Annals, II. 38. ,

"Otherwise industry will languish and idleness be encouraged, if a man

has nothing to fear, nothing to ho^e from himself, and every one in
utter recklessness will expect relief from others, thus becoming
useless to himself and a burden to me.'* (Qhwch and Brodmbb.)
Lapides logueris,"
PLATJTUB. Aulularia, Act II, Sc. I., $Q.~-(Megadorw.)
You are talking stones."
Largitionom fundum non habere."
OIOEBO. De Offictis, IT,, 15, 65. (Proverbial expression.)
" are bottomless."
Charity's money-bags
Lasoiva est nobis pagina, vita proba est."
MABTIAL. ISpigrams, I,, i (5), 8.
" Licentious
though my page, my life is pure."
Latot anguis in herba." VIBGHL. fflckgues, III,, 93*
" ^here lurks a snake in the
" Latins domando
regnes avidran
Spmttim, quam si Libyam romofcis
Gadibus jungas, et utorquo Poouus
Sorviat uni," HORAOIS, (Ma, 71, 2, 9*
Who curbs a greedy soul may boast
More power than if his broad-based throne
Bridged Libya's sea, and either coast
Were all las own," (Ctoningtvn*)
Laudartras vetorcs, sed nostris utmmr aaanis ;
Mos tsumon est aoque digaus uter^uo coli."
OVID. Fasti, I. 225.
We praise times past, while we
times present tme;
Yet due the worship which to each we give."
Laudato ingentia rura,
Exignum colito." VIIWIL. Qeorgics, IT., 412.
Praise, if you will, largo farms, but till a small one,"
(Difficilis, <iuerulus,} Laudator tenaporiH aetl"
HOBAOB. Ars Poctica, 178.
M Loud in
his praises of bygone days."

"Laudatur a.b Ms, oulpatur ab illis." HOKAOIU, Satiros, Z 2 11.

By some he's lauded and by others blamed."
" Laudis 11
avidi, peouniae Hboralos. SALLUBT. Oatttin<tt VIL
"Greedy of praise, lavish of mouey,"

Laus vora et liiumli saepo oontingit yiro ;

Non nisi potenti falsa." SHNBOI. Th$/e$tes> 211, (Atreus.)

"True praise the lot of him whoso atatioa
is oft is humbk; Mm praise
reaches no oars but those of the powerful."

" Lectio corta

prodost, varia doleotut*"
SiflNKOA. Epfafalae, XLV. t 1.

"Desultory reading is delightful but, to bo beneficial, our nwutinff must

be carefully directed."

"Lector et auditor nostros probat, Auote, libellos :

Sed qiiidam oxaotos osae poota nogat

Non nimiurn euro nam coenae fercula nostra

Malim oonvivis quam plaouiss ooois,'*

MABTUL. Digram, lX t SSI,
Eeader and hearer both my verses praise ;

Some other po<*t orka, They do not scan '.


But what care 1 1 my dinner's always served

To please my guosts and not to please the cooks,*1
Leges bonae ac malis moribus proorcantur*"
MiOftOBius. Satwwtffa, II, IS*
Oood lawn havo their origin in bad morals,"

Leges rem surdam, mexorabilem ease, salubriorem melioromque inopi


quam potenti nihil laxamenti noo voniae iiabore, si modum


excesserls." LIVY. Histories, II., 8.

" Law a which and inexorable, more
is insensible, beneficial and
more propitious to the weak than to tho strong it admits of no ;

mitigation nor pardon, once you have overstepped its limits."

" Lone fluit Nilus, sod cunctis amnibus exstat
Utilior, nullas confessus muramre vires."
OLAUDiANtJB. De Consulate Fl, Maltti Theodorij 232.
Though gently Nilus flows, yet of all other streams
Most service renders he to man, nor aught proclaims
Of his vast might."
" Lenior et melior fis aooedente senecta.
Quid te exempta juvat spinis de pluribtis una ?
Vivere si reote nesois, discede peritis.
Lusisti satis, edisti satis atque bibisti ;
Tempus abire tibi esfe." HOBAOB, Egistolae, II., 2, 211.
Gentler and better as your sands run low,
Where is the gain in pulling from the mind
One thorn, if all the rest remain behind ?
If live you cannot as befits a man,
Make room, at least, you may for those that can.
You've frolicked, eaten, drank to the content
Of human appetite ;
'tis time you wont." (Oonington.)

Lenitor, ex merito gmc<pid patiare, ferendum ost,


Quao venit indigno poena, dolenda venit."

OVID. Heroides, F., 7.
" Witli
patience bear what pains thou hast deserved,
Grieve, if thou wilt, o'er what's unmerited*"
Leo cjuoque aliguando minimarum avium pabulum fuit ; et f errum
rubigo consumit nihil tarn firaram : est, oui periculum non sit
etiam ab mvalido,"
Qtriiraus OUBTITJS. De Rebus GfesUs Alexmdri Magm, 711., 8, 15,
" The lion has oftentimes been the
prey of the smallest birds iron is ;

eaten away by rust: there is nothing so strong as to be free from

danger oven from the weakest."
Quamvis sublimes debent komiles motuere."
TnAEDBUS. JPabkS) I., 28, 1.
" Men however
in high, a station ought to fear the humble."
" Levia
porpossae sumus
Si flenda patimur.'* SBKBOA. Treaties, 420. (Andromache.)
Light are the woes that we have borne
If tears are all our woes demand."

**Levis est dolor, qni oapere oonsilium potest,"

Not deep thy grief, if thou canst take advice."
Levins fit patientia
Quioquid corrigere eat nofas," HQEACB. Oto, I. 24, 19.
' *
Patience makes more light
What sorrow may not heal." -(Oonington*)
(Nam) Levins laedit, cjuidcjiiioL praevidimxiB ante."
DIONYSIXTS OATO, Disticka de Moribus, II., 24,
"Lighter is the wound which is foreseen,"

"Levins solet timere, qui propius timet,"

SBNBGA. Troades, 524:, (Andromache.)
The danger that is nearest we least dread."
" Lex est ratiosumma, insita in natura, qua jubet ea cjnae faeitmda
sunt prohibetque contraria." GIGEBCX De Legibtw, I., 6, 18,
"Law is the highest expression of the system of nature, which ordains
what is right and forbids "what is wrong."
" Lex tmiversi est
quae jnbofc naaci et mori." PUBLIMUS SYBUS, 255.
"Birth and death are a law of the universe."
" Liber
captivus avis ferae oonsimilis ost ;
Semel fugiendi si data est ocoasio,
Satis eat; nunquampost illampossis prendere."
rr^AU-xra. Gaptwi, Act I, Sc* II, 7. (JFI^io.)
" free mad a A man, captive,
la like a bird that's wild : it is enough,
If one you give it opportunity
To fly away; you'll never catch it after,"
~(Homdl Thornton*)
Libera Fortunae mors eat oapit omnia tellus ;

Quae genuit ooelo tegitur, qui non habet wnam."


LTJOAK. Pharm to, 711,810*

Death is no slave to fortune earth recall

All she lias borne ; the sky will cover him

Who has no tomb/'
" Liberae sunt enim nostrao cogiiationes.' J

OIOBBO- Pro Milom, XXII,, 79,

" Our
thoughts are free,"
Oogitationis poonam nemo patito*

tTiJHAH0s, (Oonus fwti CwfaUs Som

Tit XIX, 18.)
"JSTo one can he punished for hit thoughts."
Libertas est animum, superponere mjuriis, ot eum faoare so, quo
solo sibi gaudenda veniant"
SBHBOA. D& Oonstmti >Sapienti$) XJX, 2
" We best preserve DOT liberty by looking upon wronga done us as beneath
our notice, and
relying wpon ourselves alone
for thow things which
roake life agreeable,
Libertas ulbima mundi
Quo steterit ferienda loco." LtJCAN, Phwsa'Ka, 7IL t 581*
Where freedom tow last stand has made,
IThiw must the blow be struck,"

M Libertate modice utantur. Temper at am cam salubrom et

singulis et
eivitatibus esse nimiam et aliis gravem, ot ipsis <jui habeant,

effrenatam et praecipitem esse."

Histories, XXXIV., 49.

"They enjoy^
a moderate degree of liberty, which, when kept within
bounds, is most salutary both for individuals and for communities,
though when it degenerates into license, it becomes alike burdensome
to otners, and uncontrollable and hazardous to those who possess it."

Libertatis restitutae dulce auditu nomen."
LIVT. Histories, XXIV., 21.
Sweetly sounds the name of Freedom, when we hare lost it and regained

"Libidinosa emm et intemperans adolescentia effetum corpus tradit

senectuti." OIOEKO. De Senectute, IX, 29.
"A licentious and intemperate youth transmits a worn-out body to
old age."

" sttdti libertatem vooabant."

(Alumna) Idcentiae, quam
TACITUS. De Oratoribus, XL.
" which fools call liberty."
Lioeret ei dicere utilitatem aliquando cum lionestate pugnare."
OIOBBO, De Officns, IJZ, 3, 12.
He may say, if he will, that expediency sometimes clashes with honesty."
Licet ipsa vitmm sit ambitio, frequenter tamen causa virtutum esfc."
De Institutione Oratorio,, L, 2, 22.
"Though ambition itself be a vice, yet it is oftentimes the cause of

" Licet
ipse mMl possis tentare, iieo ausus,
Saevior b.oc, alios ^uod facia ease malos,"
AVIANUS. Wabulae, XXXIX., 15.
Though naught yourself you can or dare attempt,
You're worse in this, that you make others bad."
Licet suporbus ambules peounia,
Fortujaa non mulat genus." HOEACK. JBpodes, 4, 5.
Though high you hold your head with pride of purse
'Tis not the fortune makes the gentleman."
" Lilia non domina sutit
raagiB alba mea;
Ut Maeotioa n!x minio si certet Hibexo,
Utque rosae puro lacte natant folia."
PBOKBBTIUS. Elegies, JJ,, 3, 10.
Fairer my lady than the lily fair,
Like snow of Azov with vermilion dyed,
Or rose leaves floating in the purest milk."
" Limae labor." HOEACB. De Arte Poetica, 291,
11 1'
The labour of the file.
da tellus ot domus et placets
Uxor, neo^uo harum, quag oolis, arborum
Te praetor iuvisas cuprossos
fjlla brevom dominum Beguetur,'' HOBA.OT. Oto, II,,
" Your
land, yoxxr house, your lovely bride
Must lose you of your cherished trees

None by itn fleeting master's side

Will travel save the cypresses. "-
Livor, inors vitium, mores non exit in altos,
Ut^ue latens ima vipera sorpit humo,
OVID* Spistolm ex Ponfa, IT/., 8, 101,
"Envy, slothful vice,
Ne'er makes its in lofty characters,
But, like the skulking vipor, creeps aixd crawls
Close to the ground,"

"Lojaga oat injuria, longao

Ambages; sed summa sequar fastigia rerum."
ViBOiii. Jfi'neid, r., 841.
And dark the story of her wrong ;

To thread each tangle time would fail,

So learn the summit of the talo." (

" 1
Longae rlnis ohartaec^ue iriae^tiQ*' SodMr*8> I., 5 T 1,04,
" There tho lines I penned,
The leagues I travelled, find alike their end." (O^ni/^on.)
LoBge fugit quisguis suos fugii?."
" He flees far, who flees from Ms relations.**
Longum iter est per praeoepta^ brovo ot oiEoa% per exompla."
SBNJUOA. XtytetQloA, F/n 5.
The path of precept is long, that of example short and effectual"
" In omnibus fere
minus valont praeoepta quam oxpotimenta.'*
Institution Oratorio,, IX, 5, 15,
In almost everything experiment is better thya precept**

'*Lo<jui Ignorabiti, qui teoere riesoiet'*

AusoHitrs. 8&ptm Sap^ntwn Sm>tmtWt Pttewa, 1,
He who does not know how to be silent, will not know how to spoafc."
Luori bonus est odor ox re
Qualxbet." JuvaHAJD. Satins, XIK, 204
Gain smells awoet, from whatsoe'er it springs*" (0\ford)
"Lucus, q,uia, umbra opaoua, param lucoat.*'
Qtfiwnwijim l)e Institution* Qratmo,, X. t 0, B4,
"Lucuft) a grove, te so criled because, from tho denae almde. there te ver?
little light tn we/*


Lupo agnura postulant,"
PLATJTUS. Poenulw, Act III,, Sc. F., 81. (Lycus.)
" From the wolfs
jaws they'd snatch the lamb." (Bonndl Thornton.)
(Ut mavelis)
Lupos apud oves linquere, guam hos custodes
PLAUTUS, Psendolus, Act I, Sc. II., 9.~~-(BalUo r )
" You
may as well leave wolves among your sheep,
As these to guard your house." (Bonnell Thornton.)
Lupo ovem commisisti,"
TEBKHOE. Eunuchus, Act V. 3 Sc. 1, 16. (Thais.)
You set the wolf to keep the sheep." (George Colmm.)
"Lupus in fabula." GICBBQ. Ad Atticum, XIIL, 83, 4.

'The wolf in the fable."

" "
praeclarum custodem ovium, ut aiunt, lupum !

OICHBO. Phili/typica, III., 11, 27.

" What a is the wolf as the
splendid shepherd !
saying goes."
" est homo laomini, non homo, quom ^ualis sit non novit."
PLAUTUS. Asinaria, Act II, Sc. 17., 88. (The Merchant.)
" Man is to
man, to whomsoe'er one knows not,
A wolf and not a mau."(jBonneW Thornton.)
" Macios illis pro sanitate, et judioii loco infirmitas est et dum satis ;

putant vitio oarere, in id ipsum incidunfc vifcium, quod virtutibus

caroat." QUINTILIAN. De Institutione Oratorio,, II., 4, 9.
" Those
people mistake an ascetic appearance for health, and a feeble will
for judgment they think it sufficient to have no vices, and thereby

fall into the vice of having no virtues."

" Macte nova virtu sic itur ad astra."

te, puer ;

VxRGfflD, MnM, IX, 641,

" 'Tis thus that men to heaven aspire :
Go on and raise your glories higher." (Oonington.)
Maecenas, atavis edits regibus,
et praesidium et dulce deous meum HOBACB. Odes, I., 1, 1.

Maecenas, born of monarch ancestors,
The shield at once and glory of my life "(Conington.) !

Magister artis, Ingoniquo largitor
Tonter," PBBSIXIS. Satwes, Prologue, 10.
The Belly; Master, ho, of Arts,
Bestowcr of ingenious parts."- (Gti/ord*)

Magna oat enim vis humanitatis multum valet communio sanguinis.'


Pro Eoscio Am&rino XXIL, 68. y

Strong is the bond of our common humanity ; great is the tie of kinship."

" na st veritas, et
Magna praevalot."
Vtjr.aATB, Third J9?c. of fflsdras, IK, 41,

Great is truth, and all-powerful."


"Magna pars hominum est c[uao non peccalis Irasoitur, sod pee*
cantibus." SfflNjffiOA.. De Ira, IL, 28, 8,
"A. large part of mankind ia angry not with the sins, but with the
Magna quidem sacris quao dat praeoepta libolUs
Vickie Fortunae Sapientia." JUVENAL. Satwres, XIIL, 19,
"Wisdom, 1 know, contains a sovereign charm
To vanquish Fortune, or at least disarm." (

" est voois et silentii

Magna res tempora nosne,"
SMNHOA. De Moribus, 74,
( '
It is a great thing to know the season for speech and the season for
Magna sorvitus est magna fortuna."
SBNBOA. Ad PolyUum d& Consolation, VL, 5.
" A groat fortune is a great slavery.'*
"Misera eat xaagni custodia oonsus."
J u viuNAt. Satirc9 t XXV*> $04.
Wealth, by such dangers earned, such anxious pain,
.Requires more care to keep it than to gain."
Magna Tis est oonsoientiae, et magna in utramque pattern
judioes, ;

ut neque timeant, c[ui xuhil commisermfe, tpoonam semper auto

Qculos yersari ptitent, qui peooarint."
Pro Mikne, ZXIJZ, 6-L
"Great, gentlemen of the jury, the power of conscience, and in both
directions; for it frees the innocent from all foar, and keeps over
before the eyes of the guilty the dread of punishment"

Magnas inter opes inops." HOEAOI. Ode$ t

HL t 16, 28,
"*Mid vast possessions poor." (Conington,)
Magni autem est ingenii aevocare mentem a sensibus ot oogitatioBetti
a consuetudina abduooro/'
OIOERO. Tweulmae Dwputatiwwti) Z, 16, 88*
The power of separating the intellect from the senses, and reason from
instinct, is characteristic of the highest genius,"

Magm interest quos qnis^uo andiat ^uotldio domi; quibusoum

loquatur a puero, quemadmodum patres^ paodagogi, matres
etiam loquantur.*' OIOBBO, Bruiw> L V11L , 210.
"It makes a great difference to whom w listen in otir d&ily home life;
with whom we have been accustomed to talk from boyhood tipwwds,
and how our fathers, our tutors and our mothers speak***

Magm saope ducos, inagni cecidoto tyranni,

IfSt Thobae stetorunt, altaquo Tjpoja fait*
Qnmia verfcuEfcur, Oerfce vertuntur amoros,
Vmoeris aut vinois : haeo in amoro rota ost."
FEOFifiitTJUS, flkgto, XL, 8, 7*
Groat leaders and groat kings have fallen low,
And Thebes once $tood and lofty Troy's no more.
All things are overturned nor can our loves

Mscape tne common lot. Thy fate is now

Defeat, now victory ; thus turns IOT'S wheel*

" non fortuna,"

Magnos homines virtute metimur,
COBNBLIUS NBPOS, flumenes, 1.
" We measure great men by their virtues, not by their fortunes,"
Magnum hoc ego dupo
Quod placui tibi, qui turpi secernis honestum,
Non patre praeolaro, sed vita et pectore ptiro,"
HOBACB. Satires, L, 6, 62.
" 'Tis no
common fortune when one earns
A Mend's regard, who man from man discerns,
Not by mere accident of lofty birth
But by unsullied life, and inborn worth !" (Ooninyton.)
Magnum pauperies opprobrium jubet
Quidvis et faoere et pati,
Virtutisque viam deserit arduae," HQBACH. Odes, JIT,, 24, 42.
Guilty poverty, more fear'd than vice,
Bids us crime and suffering brave,
And shuns the ascent of virtue's precipice." (Gonington.)
(Non dubium quin) Major adhibita vis ei sit, oujus animus sit

perterritus, quam illi, oujus corpus vulneratum sit."

OIOBBO. Pro Caetina, ZK, 42.
" There no doubt that you can apply stronger pressure to a man whose
mind is unhinged by fear, than to one who is only suffering from
bodily injuries."
" est animus inferentis vim quam arcentls."
LIVY. Histories, XXX, 44.
Plus animi est inferenti periculum, quam propulsanti,"
LIVY. Histories, ZZTJIJ., 44.
There is always more spirit in attack than in defence."

"Major privato visus, dum privatus fuit, et omnium consensu capax

imperil, nisi imperasset."
TACITUS. History, L 49. (Of Galba.) ,

He seemed greater than a subject while he was yet in a subject's rank>
and by common consent would have been pronounced equal to
empire, had he never been emperor." (Ohwrcfa <md Brodritib.)
Major rerum mihi nasoitur ordo ;

Majus opus moveo.'* YmGir/. JUneid, 711., 44.

" A task the bard essays ;
The horizon broadens on his gaze." (Qowwgton.)
" Majorum gloria posteris lumen est; neque bona neque mala in
oooulto patitur." SALLTOSO?. Jugurtha, I/JCZXF.
Distinguished ancestors shed a powerful light on their descendants, and

forbid the concealment either of their merits or of their demerits."

" Mala mens, malus animus."

TBEBHOB. A^idria, Act I., #c I., 1ST.

Bad mind, bad heart." (George Column.)

" mala aunt vioina boniB* Erroro sub illo
Pro vitio virtus crimina saope tuiife.'*
OvJtD. JRewedia Atnari$ 828, t

Evil is uoarofii neighbour to the good.
Thus virtue oft, instead of vice, lias been
Arraigned in error."
"Mule onim HO res habet, quum quod virtnte offioi dobot, id tontatw
pecunia." CICERO, De Qfficiis, II, (>, 23,
Things are in a bad way when money is used to effect what should ba
accomplished by valour."
u Male Imperando summum imporium amifci/itur,"
"Bad government will bring to the ground the mightiest empire."
" Malo irato ferrnm committitur," SMNBCA. D<? Ira, I., 19, 8.
" Trust not an
angry man with a sword."
Malo mihi osse malo quain molliter." SKNBCA. Epistolae, 8, &,
" I prefer a life of hardship to a feather-bed existence."
" Male partum, disporii"
PiiAtJTUB. Poemlw, Act IK, Sc. XL, %%.*-~(Synceratu$*)
"What is idly got is Idly spent," (Bomett Thornton,)
"Male parfca male dilabuntur,*'
(Quoted by Cicero, PMUppiG, IX, 27, 05.)
" What is got by evil means is squandered in evil courses,"
" Malo tornatos inoudi roddere WBUB*"
HonAoa. 3)e Arte Poetica, ML
" Take back
your ill-turned verses to the anvil"
" Malo vorum oxaniinat omixis

Corraptus judox." Hoiuon Satores, lln 21, 8.

"The judge who noils his fingers by a giffc
Is scarce tho man a doubtful co&o to sift,** (Qwingtm.)
" Male vivet ^uis^ois nesoiot bone mori."
SBHBOA* De Tfang^MlitaU Awimi, ZJ,, 4,
" know how to die well.**
He will live ill who does not
" Malediotis a malofioo n
nan distat nisi oooasioBO*
QtriFHMAH. De InstUuUom Oratona t
XXL 9, 9
An evil-speaker only wants an opportunity to become an evil-door*"

Malofaocro qui vult nunquain non can$am invonit/

** 1

Puswrdtus Syituft, SOT,

" He who wishes to do you a bad turn will always tod an exouao."
Malim moriri moos quam xnontciioartor ;

Boni miserante ilium huno irridont mall.'* ;

PLAUTUS* Vidukvria ($"ragmmt)<

' 4
Pd rather thoae belong to 010 should die
Than become beggars. Of the dead good mem
Take care but ill mm
jew the beggw*" ()toww# Thornton.)

" Malo benefacere tantundem est

Quantum bono malefaoore.
PLAUTUS. Poenulus, Act III., Sc. III., 20. (The Witness.)
" To serve the
bad, and hurt the good alike
Is dangerous." (Bonnell Thornton.)
Malorum facinorum ministri <^uasi oxprobrantos aspiciuntur,"
TACITUS. Annals, XIV., 62.
Men look on their instruments in crime as a standing reproach to them,

(Church and ErodriUh.)

" Malum consilium consultori pessimum est."
AHON. (Aulus Gellius, Nodes Atticae t IF,, 5, 2.)
" 'Tis who suffers most from bad advice."
the adviser
" Malum consilium quod mutari non potest."
"Any plan is bad which is incapable of modification."
" Malus clandestinus est amor; damnum 'st merum."
Curculio, Act Z, Sc. Z, 49.
PI/AOTTJS, (Palinurus.)
" This same clandestine love's a wicked
thing :
'Tis utter ruin." (Bonnell Thornton.)
" Malus enim oustos diutumitatis mefcus benevolentia
; contraq[ue
fidelis est vel ad perpotuitatem."
CICERO. De OfficUs, JZ, 7, 23.
" Fear an untrustworthy guardian of constancy, but a kindly heart
is is

faithful even to the end of the world."

u Malus ubi bonum se sirnulat, tune est pessimus."
" An man is but he is then worst of all when he pretends to be
ill always ;

a saint/' (JSacon.)
alta ment repostum
Judioium Paridis spretaecpie injuria formae."
JSEneid, Z, 26.
Deep in remembrance lives engrained
The judgment which her charms diadained." (Conington.)

Mantua me geixuit ;
Calabri rapuere tenet nunc ;

Partaenope ;
cecini pascua, rura, duces."
VIBGIL. Epitaph. (Tib. Claudius Donate' Life of Virgil,
included in DetyMn Virgil, ed. 1830, p. H.)
Mantua bore me Calabria stole me the Muses own me. Of pastures
; ;

have I sung, of country life and of war's heroes."


(Uno so praestare, quod) manum ille de tabula non sciret toilers."

PLIOT Tim ELDBE, Natural History XXXV*, 36 (10).
" He excelled in this, that he did not know how to take his hand from his
Manus mamim lavat," SBOTOA. Ludus de Morte OlaudM IX., 9. t

PBTBQNIUS ABBITBK, Satyricon, Cap, 45.

Om 3xato3 washes the other."
Maroot sine advorfiario virtue." HBOTOA. De Pnnridmtia, 21. , 4,

"Valour <iroop without an opponent,*

" Mars
gravior sub pace latot."
OfcAUivuKtw. I)e Sexto Oonsulatu Hojtorii, 307.
" Mar in the of Peace is deadlier nWll."
Mater saeva cupidiunm." HORACE. Odes, IK, 1, 6,

"Cruel mother of sweet love/' (Coningtvn.)

" Matoriae no modum sod porsplce vires
quaere ;

Quas ratio, nou pondus liabet ; ratio omnia vinoli"

MANILIUS. Astrwunicon IK, t
" Book not the measure of matter; fix your gaze
Upon tlio poww of reason, not of bulk ;
For renKou 'tin that all thingft overcomes,"
(0) Matro pulohra iilia pulchrior." KOTUOM. Odes, 1, 16, L
lovo,Her than the lovoly (larno
That bora you." -(<7^wt'n//^'*)
Makes OIJUIOH filiin

In peooato ftdjutricoH, auxilio in patoma injuria

Solent osso,"
XWRBNOM. Meautcm&morwnenosi Ad K, Sc. IL t
38, (Syrus*)
" 'Tls evar found that mothers
Plead for their ons, and in tho fnthor's wrath
Defend them." ((jtowy CVwwsw.)
" Maxima do nihilo nasoitur hifltoria.*

PROPRBTHTS. Ktcgw, IT f 1, 1C*

Cfretit oplcR from small causes oft are born/'
Maxima dobotur puoro rovurentia.'* JUVJCNAU iSWIrt^ A*IK f 47.
a Reverence to children an to heaven Is due."-*(^/yrrf,)
Maxima onim morunx nompor pationtia virtuw."
DiONYBii'H OATO, DwMwde Moribm, I,, 88.
" PaticncB Is the gireateHt of all the virtu<jH,"

"Maxima etrt onim faotao injurtae pooiia feaisHo, nee quis^uarn gravius
adfioito quaui qui acl hupplioium poenitontJao traclitwr."
BIWIOOA. Dn Tra, TTT., 26, 3.
"The severest penalty for a wrong done ! t"ho knowledge that we ure
guilty, nor w any nuffieriiag greater than his who it brought to the stool
of repeutoxtee."
Maxima ont onim vis votuBtefels et

" Great IB the power of antiquity ami of cuBtom*"

** T
Maxiiwa quaoquo clomxiB Borvls OHt plena Bupcrbi&.*
JUVRHAL, 8tm$, Vn 60,
Kvory great houses in full offaftolent domesticH,"
Maximao ouiquo fortunao ininimo orecUnditm osfe,"
Livn, Histoms, ATX, 80.
" when fortune most propiUoun that nlw
It IH is is leant to be trusted/

"Maxhnas vero virtutes jacere omnes neoesse est, voluptate domi-

nante." OIOEBO. De Mnibus, II, 85, 117.
"All the greatest virtues must lie dormant where pleasure holds sway."
" non movetur."
Maximeque admirantur eura, qui pocunia
CICERO. e Officiis, II, 11, 38.
" Above admired who 7*
all is lie is not influenced by money.
Maximum ergo solatium est oogitare id sibi accidisse, quod ante se
passi sunt omnes, omnesque passuri."
SENECA. Ad Pofybium de Consolatione^ I, 3.
" Our
greatest consolation in death is the thought that what is happening
to us has been endured by all in the past, and will be endured by all
in the future,"
" Maximum remedium mora
irae est.*' SBOTCA. De Ira, II.,. 29, 1.
The best remedy for anger is delay,"
" Me constare mihi sola et disoedere tristem,
Quandocunque trahunt invisa negotia Bomam."
HORACE, HJpistolae, L t 14, 16.
" I'm consistent with
myself: yon know
I grumble when to Borne I'm forced to go." (Conington,)
" Mo
Parnasi deserta per ardua dulcis
Raptat amor. Juvat ire jugis, qua pulla priorum
Oastaliam molli devertitur orbita clivo."
VIBGIL. Oeorgics, III, 291.
"Across Parnassus' lonely heights
My ardour hurries me. I love to climb
The hills, and tread the path, untrod before,
That rises gently to Castalia's spring."

Mo quoque felicem, quod non. viventibus illis
Sum miser, et de me quod doluere nihil."
OVID. Tristia, IF., 10, 88.
I too am happy that my misery
' '

Comes not while yet they live to grieve for me."

" Me primum dulces ante omnia Musae,
Quarum sacra f oro ingenti percussus amore,
Accipiant^ cpelique vias et sidera monstrent,
Dofoctus soils varios lunaeque labores,
Undo tremor qua vi maria alta tumescant
ObjicJbus ruptia, rursusqu in se ipsa residant,
CJuid tantum Ooeano properont so tinguore solos
Hiberai, vel quae tardis mora Boctibus obstet."
ViRaiti. Georgics, II., 475.
1 '
And ye sister Muses whom I love
With sacred fervour all the world above,
take me for your seer : give me to know
The ways of Heaven above and Earth bolow,
The paths sidereal, and the moon's new birbh p
The sun's eclipses, and the throes of Earth,
And by what force it is the rising tide
O'erflows the marsh, or how its waves subside;
Why Sol in winter hurries to his rest,
And by what laws are summer nights comprest.'
_(,/. B. Rose.)
Meae (oontoiuloro noli)
Stultlfeiam patiuntur opes tibi parvula res est ; ;

Arta docet sanum eoroitoM toga*"

iroRACTE. Kpistakw, 1, 18, 28*
11 '
Don't v'w with mo/ he say, and lie Kays true ;
My wealth will hear the silly tilings I 'do ;

Yours is a Mender pittance at the best :

A wise man cuts his coat you know the rent*/'- (

"Modicas adhiboro manus."

SBBBHtm SAMOHICUS. I) Medecind, 907,
To touch with healing hand,"
"Medico diligent!, priusquam cone to aegro adhibcrd modioinain, non
solum znorbus cjus, oui modcri volot, sod otiam contiuotudo
valontis efe natura corporis cognoHcenda oat,"
CroiiSBO, D0 Oratore* TL t 44, 186.
A careful doctor, before attempting to prescribe for a patient, must make
himself acquainted not only with the nature of the diwsase of tlw man
he desiroH to cure, but also with his manner of Ufa when in health, and
his constitution."

" Medias acies

medios^uo per iguos
Invonere viam." Vinoiti. Mwitl, VlL t 296,

"Tlirpugh circling ten and stcwly shower

Thoir passage have they found. '

Modio do fpnto lo^orum
Surgit amari aliquid qttod in ipais iloribuu angat.**
IitjCRifiTiuB, De fterum Natttra, IF*, I L27*
K'cn from the fount of every charm thoro
SoMH'-thmg of blttwiiOHS whitsh torturuH 'ituunt tho flo

"Kulla osfc sinoora volupfcas

Sollioitumquo aliq,uid laotis intorvenit."
OVJD. Metamorphoses, VXT*,
No pleasure's free froiu pain ;
iflt all our joy
Something of trouble ever coinen botweau.
" J\fedio tutissiantis ibis*" OVID, II* , 137*
H Most slinlt thou iaread the middle path/*
" lilediooros nomo boaos
pootas novlt, pauol.**
TAOXTTpfs* JDa Of^tonDws, A",
Mediocre poets are known to no one, good poete to but few/*

Modiooribus esso pootis
Kon hominos, BOH Bi, uon oonoossoro oohimnao.

HOBAOIQ. De Art& Poetic^ 372,

(Jodfl and men and booksellers agro
1 '

To place th eir ban on mhUUiug poetry/*"

a Molior tatiormw 00 1 certa
pax <{ii^w, Hpotata victoria,'*
IHVY. llMorm, XXX., 30,
Bettor and safer
is the certainty of peace than th hope of victory/*

Melior vulgi nam saepe voluntas."
VALERIUS FLACCUS. Argonwtica, 17., 158.
" The
people's will 'tis ofttimes best to follow."

(Sed tu) memento ut hoc oleum, quod tibi do, mittas in mare, et
statim quiescentibus ventis, serenitas maris vos laeta
quetur." BHDB. Ecclesiastical History, Bk. III., Cap. XV.
"Remember to throw into the sea the oil which I
give to you, when
straightway the winds will abate, and a calm and smiling sea will
accompany you throughout your voyage."
(Hence the expression, To throw oil on troubled waters".)
Meminimus, quanto majore animo honestatis fructus in oonsoientia
quam in fama reponatur. Sequi enim gloria, non appeti debet."
PLINY THB YOUNGEE. Epistolae, J., 8.
We do not forget that it is far nobler to seek the reward of rectitude in
reputation. We are justified in pursuing fame,
our conscience than in
but not in hungering font."
" Memoriam quoque ipsam cum voce perdidissomus, si tarn in nostra
potestate esset oblivisci qtiam tacero." TACITUS. Agricola t II.
Before it can be in our power to forget as well as to keep silent, we must
have lost not our voice only, but our memory also."
(Saepe audivi, non de nihilo, dici,) mendacem memorem ease
oportere." APULBIUS. De Magia, LXIX.
1 have often heard it said, and with good reason, that a liar ought to have
a good memory."

"Mens ot animus et consilium et sententia civitatis posita esfc in

legibus. Ut corpora nostra sine mente, sic civitas sine lege, suis
partibus, ut nervis et sanguine et membris, uti non potest."
OIOEEO. Pro OluenUo, I/JJ1., 146.
M The mind and the
soul, the judgment and the purpose of a state are
centred in its laws. As a body without mind, so a state without law
can make no use of its organs, whether sinews, blood or limbs."
u Mens humana tantum abest ut speoulo
. . .
piano, aequali et olaro
similis sit (quod return radios sincere excipiat et reflectat) ut
potius sit instar speculi alicujus incantati, pleni superstitionibus
et spectris." BACOH. D& AugmenUs Scientia/rwrn^ F., 4.
So far is the human mind from resembling a level, smooth and bright
mirror, winch receives and reflects images without distortion, that it
may rather be likened to some mirror of enchantment, full of appari-
tions and spectral appearances/'
" Mens immota manet laorimae yolvuntur inanes**'

VIRGIL. JEne/id, IK, 449,

" He stands
immovable by tears,
Nor tenderest words with pity hears," (Coning tm,)
" Mens impudicam non casus solet,"
SBNEOA, Phaed^a^ 749. (Nutrias.)
" 'Tis disposition, and not circumstance
That makes a woman shamelesB."
"Hens sana in corpore sano," JOVENAU Satires, Xn 35(1
A "healthy mind in a healthy body."
(Si to provcrbi a tangunt,)
MenBo xaalum Maio nuboro vulgun ait.'* OVID, Wasti, V., 490.
" 'Tis
III to marry in the month of May."
" durum sustinot aegra nihil,"
Mensquo pati
Ovn>. Jfyistolae ex Ponto, 1, 5, IB.
" A mind diseased no hardship can endure,"
Meusurague juris
Vis erat." LUOAN, PhwsaUa, L t 175,
"Might was the measure of right,

" Mentis HOKAGB,

gratissimus error." JRgisfolae, 12., 2, 140.
" A
most delicious craze," (Gonington.)

"(Ham pol quidom,) Moo animo, ingrato homine nihil impensiu'st;

ivTalofactorom amitti satius, c["aam rolin^tii benefioum.
Nimio praestat impondiosum to, ^uam ingratura dicier,"
Px^Autttjs. JBacchid&s, Act IJX, Sc> XL,
Nothing is in my opinion
So vile and base as an ungrateful man.
Better it is to let a thief eneape,
Than that a generous Mend should be forsaken,
And better 'tis to be extravagant^
Than called ungrateful." (Bonn&ll Thornton.)
Meo cjuidom animo, 01 idem faoiant ceteri,
Opulentiores pauperiorum f lias
Ut indotatas duoant uxoros domum ;

3Stmulto fiat oivitaa concortlior

Kt mvidia nos minoro utamur quam utiiaur,"
PLAUTOS. Aulularia, Act IH, $c, F. 4.
Indeed, wore other men to do the nitnue,

If men of aruple means would take for wives

The dauglttorH of the poorer sort importloned r

There would be greater concord in, tlie state*

We should have less of envy thro we have/'
" Meos tarn
suspiolone quara orimino judioo oaroro oportere,*'
JxjMtys OJBSAR* (Smtotiiw, I. 74,)
in my judgment the members of my household should be free not from
crime omy, btit from the suspicion of crime,'
Marsos prof undo, pulolirior evonit," Hoiuoa. Oto, 1K 4 05.
Plunged in the deep, it mounts
to sight
More splendid, "-^(dQninffton*)
11 1
MoMri se quam^ue suo modulo ao pede varum st/
HOBAOB, Jflgfotoku, J 7* 98,
" For still when all is said the rule stands
That each man's shoe be made on Ms own ksl"

" Mctaontos
Patruae vorbera linguae." HOBACB. Odes, JIT., 12, 2,
Must tremble all the day

At an uncle, and the scourging of his tongue/' (Goningto%.)

Sivo ego
Sou recto hoc volui, ne sis patruusmiM."
HOBACB. Satwes, II,, 3, 87.
" be right
I may perchance, or may be wrong ;

I don't expect in you an uncle's tongue."

" Metu5 domens credcbat

SILIUS Io?ALicms. Punica, L, 149. (O/ Hasdtrubal.)
He thought, the madman, 'twas an honour to be feared,"
Metus et terror est infirraa vincla caritatis
quae ubi removeris, qiii ;

timere desierint, odisse incipient." TACITUS. Agricola,

Fear and dread are weak bonds of affection for when they are removed ;

those who have ceased to fear will begin to hate,"

" Meus hie eat hamum vorat."

PLAUTXJS. Curculio, Act III., Sc. L, 61.- (CweuUo.)

The man's my own, he has devoured the hook/ (Bannett Thornton.)
" Meus miM, snus cuique est cams."
PLAUTUS. Catptm, Act II,, fife. III., 40, (Hegio.)
My son to me is dear;
Bear is his own to every one." (J?onwW Thornton.)
"Suain. puiquo sponsam, miM meara suum cui^ue amorem,

inihimown." AMILIUS. Fragment L

" To each man his betrothed is dear, as mine to me ;

To each his love is dear, as mine to me,"

"Mild autem videtur acerba somper et immatuxa mors eorum qui

iraonortale aliquid parant."
PLINY THB yotTKo-BB. JSpistolae, 71, 5.
1 consider that the death of those who are engaged on some immortal
work is always premature, and deeply to be deplored."
" MiM contuonti se persuasit rernm natnra inoredibile existimare
de ea." PLINY THE EJUDER. Natural History, ZX, 2.
The contemplation of nature has convinced me that nothing which we can
imagine aoout her is incredible."
" MiM enim omnis pax cum civibns, bollo oivili utilior -videbatur."
OIOBBO. PUl^ica, II., 15, 37.
1 consider that peace at any price with our fellow-citizens is preferable to
civil war."
MiM fere satis est, quod vixi, vel ad aotatem vel ad gloriam hue si :

qm& aooesaetit, non tarn miM quam vobis reique publioae

aooesserit." OIOBBO. P^iZtpjpto, I., 15, 38.
1 have lived as
long as I desire, in respect both of my years and of my
honours if my life he prolonged, it will be prolonged less for mysell

than for you and the state,"

" Mild
cjuanto plura recoiitium son votorumrovolvo, tauto inagiH ludibria
roiruiB, mortaliunx tumcUs in nogotiis obnorvantur, Quippe faimt,
spo, VGttGrafciorte potius omuos dcniinabaniut imporio <juam qimn
fufeuruni prinoipom forfcuna in occulto fcenobat/*
For mypart, tho wider the scope of my
r<jiloctioii on tho present aaid the

past, tlio iuor am I inipr<w.s<l by their mockery of human plans in

every traiiHactioxi. Clearly the very lont man niarked out for empire
by public opinion, expectation and general respect, waa ho whom
fortune was holding in reserve as the emperor of the future."

"Mihi, qiii omnom aotatoin in opfcimia artibus ogi, bone faoere jam ex
consuotudme in naturam vortit."
SALLUST, Jugurtha, hKKXV*
"In my own cose, who have spent my whole life in the practice of virtue,
conduct from habitual has become natural/'

" Militat omniB

amaBB, ot habot nua oastra Oupido ;
Attioe, orcdo mibi, niilitat omnis anmnH.
Quao bello osfc habilia, Vonori quoq[uo ootivonit aetaa ;

Turpe senox miles, turpo semlis amor/' OVID, Anwrtw t

I, f 0, 1,

Kaoh lover in a soldier, and freaueate
The camp of Cupid ; yea, a aoldiw he*
rhore is an ago when man may fitly fight,
And lltly that same age payfl court to venua ;
But an old man in love, or in the etress
Of battle, is indeed a monstrous eight/
Militavi non siuo gloria/' HOKAHB* Odc$ ITL,
t SiO, S.
Good success my warfare blest/' (Ooninffhm.)
Mille hominum BpecioB efe rorata diacolor XIHUS.
Velio suum cuiqno ost, noc voto vivitur xino/*
Ratires, 7* 59,
" Oountlefts tho various Hneeies of
Countless the shtuios wnich
mind from mind ;

!N"o ffeneral object of desire Is Known ;

Koeh hoa his will an<l aoh pxirsuea hi own/'
Minor in parvis Fortima futit,

Levmsqne forit leviora dexis/ SBHIOA, PJiaedra>

Less stern in Portttne when our meaus e small,
(The blows of Providence more lightly fall
On things of little weight."
"Mnrai jura, qnotions glisoat potestas, neo uteudum Imperlo, ubl
logibuB agi possife." TACITUS. Anmki ll/n 09,
Eights are invariably abridged as despotism increases; nor ought we to
fall back on imperial authority, when we can have rwnrim to the

Minus habeo quam speravi ; $od fortaaso plu speravi quam
SH04* Df Ira, JIZ 80 S*
"I have 1 than I hoped for; but, maybt, I hoped for mow tbau
I ought/'

Miraris, cum tu argento post omnia ponas,


Si nemo praestet quern morearis amorem ? mm
HOKACE. Satires, I., 1, 86.
" What marvel
if, when wealth's your one concern,
None offers you the love you never earn ? "(Conington.)
" Miraris
veteres, Yaoerra, solos,
Noc laudas aisi mortuos poetas,
Ignoscas petimus, Vacerra : tanti
Non eat, ut placeam tibi, perire."
MABTIAI"... Epigrams, FIJI, 69, 1.

"The ancients only you admire, Vacerra ;

No poet wins your favour till he dies.

I ask your pardon, but don't think your praise
Is worth so much that I will die for it,"

" Misce stultitiam consiliis brevem


Dulce est desipere in loco/' HOBACE. Odes, 17., 12, 27.

" unwise ; when time allows
Be for once
Tis sweet to play the fool." (Goningtm.)
" et insanire est."
Aliquando jucundum
SBNECA. D Tra/nquilUtate Animi, XVII. ,
" It madman."
is pleasant at times to play the

"Misera est ilia enim consolatio, tali praesertim civi et viro, sed
tamen neoessaria, nihil esse praecipue cuiquam dolendum in
eo, quod accidat universis."
OIOEBO. Ad FamiUares, VI. , 2, 2.
" 'Tis a feeble consolation, especially to such a man and such
yet a citizen,
an inevitable one, that there is nothing specially deplorable in any
individual having to meet the fate which is common to all mankind.

" Miseret te aUoram tui nee miseret neo pudet."


PLAXJTUB. Trinuwmm, Act XL, Sc. 17,, 30. (Sta$imu$.)

For others you've compassion for yourself ;

You've neither shame nor pity." (Bonnell Tfiornton.)

Miserum est aliorum inoumbere famae,
Ne collapsa ruant subduotis tecta columnis."
JUVENAL. Satires, VIIL, 76.

dangerous building ou another's fame,

1 '
Lest the substructure fail, and on the ground
Your baseless pile be hurled in fragments round/* (Clifford.)

Misermn istuo verbum et pessimum est, habuisse et non habere."
PLAUTUS. Etidens, Act Vn So. IT., 84, (Labrax.)
" 'tis a sad word and a vile one, ZM.
T' have had and not to hwoe."-(Bonnett Thornton.)

" Mittere carmen ad hunc, frondes erat addere silvis."

OVIP. Jflpistolae ex Ponto, 17., 2, 18.
To send my poema to him were "but to add
Leaves to the woods."

Modesto et circuraHpocto judicio do tantis viris prommtiamlmtt ost,
ne quod plorisquo aooidit, danment quao nort intoUigunt."
QUINTIMAN. Da Institution Oratorw, A**,, 1, iiO.
Woslioxild be modest and circumspect in expressing an opinion ou the
conduct of such eminent men, lest we fall into the common error of
condemning what wo do not undwatand."
" Damnmi
(Oen&rally quoted, quod non inteUiffunt" .)
" Modus omnibus in rebus, soror, optimum habitu cat,"
P&ATJTUB, Poenul'us, Ad I., So. XL, $8.
" In
everything the gohlen mean is best," (Bonnell Thornton.)
" Molcsta
veritas, si miidem ex ea uasoHur odium, quod eat vononum
amicitiao; Boa obsequium multo moleEtius ^.uod peccatin in- f

dulgons praocipitem amiouin forri si nit,"

OIOBBO. De Amidtia, XXIV^ 89
"Truth griovous indeed,
is to ill-feeling which poiaons
if it gives lurth

friendship; >>ut nioro grievous still is the coraplaiHimeo which, hy

patwing over a friend's faults, permits him to drift headlong to

"MolUssima oorda
Huraano goneri dare se natura fatetur,
Quae laorimas dedit. Haoo nostri para optima sensus."
JXJVBNAL. 8a$r68 t
X K. , 18 L
" Nature, who
gave m
toars, hy that alone
Proclaims she made the feeling heart our own $
And 'tin her noblest boon."
" Monatra evonorunt niilii I
Introiit in aedos ator alienus canis ;
Angtiis per impluvium dooidit do togulis ;
Gallina cecinit." TEUMNCW. P}wrmio> Act IK, So. JF
Omens and prodigies have happened to me.
There came a Rtrunga black dog into my houae !

A snake fell through the tiling a hen crowed j !


" Monstrum
tiorronduin, iwfonn, ingens, cui lumen adamp
Yroatt, Jinm 111 658, t ,

"A monster huge and snapeless, hideous to behold, of sight deprived,"

" Montes auri
TKEBNOB. Pk>nmt), Act I,, 8c XL, 18. (&*&)
Promising mountains of gold."
" Morbortim in vitio facilis medioina roconti,"
GBA.TIUS FALIBOHS, OyncgdidM^ 861,
" The cure is if the malady be recent*"
" Mori est follois anteqaaxn mortom invooot." P0BMLXTO BtEtrs, 645*
Happy is he who dits re he calls for death to take him away*"

Moriemur imiltae,
Sod moriamur," VIBGIL, JffinM, IV., GG9,
" "To die and unrevenged '
! she said,

Yet let me die,' "[don/fagUm,)
Mors hominum felix, quae se nee dulolbus annis
Inserit, et maestis saepe vocata venit."
Bofirantjs, De Consolatione PMlosophiae, I., Mefrum 1 , 13.
Death is a friend to man if while this life is sweet
He comes not, yet in sadness comes when he is called.* 1

Mors inter ilia cat, quae mala quidem non sunt, tamen nabent mail
speciem." SENECA. JSpistolae, LXXXIL, 15.
"Death is one of things which are not evils, yet have the appearance
of evil,"
" Mors sola
Quantula sizxt hominum oorpusoula.'* JUVENAL. Satires, X, 172.
" Death
alone proclaims
The true dimensions of our puny frames," (Gifford.)
'Mors terribilis iis, quorum cum vita omnia exstinguuntur, non iis
quorum laus emori non potost." CIOEBO. Paradox^ JZ, 18.
"Death is Ml of terrors for those to whom loss of life means
extinction ; not for those who leave behind them an undying name,"
Mors ultima linea rorum est." HORACE. E$i$tola&, 1., 16, 79.
"When Death comes the power of Fortune ends." (Oonington.)
'Morsque minus poenae quam mora mortis habet."
OVID. Hercides, X., 82.
" Death is less bitter punishment than death's delay."
Morte magis metuenda senectus." JUVENAL. Satires, XL, 45.
Old age that is more terrible than death."
Morte mori melius, quam vitam ducere mortis
Et sensus membris consepelire suis."
MAXIMIANUB. Elegies, L, 265.
" Better to die the death, than live a life in death,
With all one's limbs and senses dead and buried."

(Nisi naereret in eorum montibus) Mortem non interitum esse omnia

tollentem atque delentem; sed quandam quasi migrationem
oommutationomque vitae."
Tusculcwae Disputationes, I., 12, 27.
Death no annihilation, carrying off and blotting out
everything, but
rather, if I may so describe it, a change of abode, and an alteration in
our manner of life.

"Mos est oblivisci hominibus,

Neque novisse, cujus nihili sit faciunda gratia.*'
PLAUTUS. Oaptivi, Act F., Sc. IIL t B.~~-(Stalagmus,)
The usual way with folks not to remember
Or know the man whose favour is worth nothing."
(Net) . . Muvoat conxicula mum
Furtivis nudata ooloribus." HORACE, jypsiJo&w, I., 8, 19.
(Lest) Folks laugh to sec him act the jackdaw's part,
Denuded of the dress that looked ao smart." ^(Cv

"Hex etiam poctus praecoptis format anxicis,

Aaporii/atis &t invidiao oorrootor et irae."
HOBAOB, ffipistolw, II. 1,
Asyears roll on, he mould** the ripening mind*
And makes it just and generous, HWeot and kind." (

Mplier cupido quod dioit amanti,
In vento ot rapida soriboro oporbot aqua,"
" Write me in air, or in the flowing stream,
A woman's vows to a too ardent lover,"
" Mulier mulieri
inagia ccmgraofc."
TEBBNOE, Wtormto, Act IF,, Sc. K l&.-~(01vrenm.)
n A woman deals much better with a woman.' 1

(George Uolman,)
(Antiquoxn poetam audivi soripsisae in tragoedia)
Mulieres dtaas pejoros esse quam unam. Jftos ita eat,"
"I have been told that in some tragedy
An ancient post has observed,
Two women
Are worse than one', The thing is really so."

Multa ceoiderant ut altius surgerent."

SKHBOA. Epistokw t XQL, 18.

"Many things have fallen only to rise higher,"

Multa ex q,uo fuerint commoda, ojua incommoda aecjuom T

OPiwtiNOM, Hecyra, Act K, 8& III., 4S.-
If anything has brought tts much advantage,
Then must wo bow too what it brings of trouble.*'

Multa ferunt anni vonientos oommoda seotim,

Multa recedontes adimunt," HOBAOB.
"Years, as they como* bring blessings in their train ;

Years, as they go, take blessings back agiUn."*^(/<

" Multa
Dosunt multa. Bono ot oui Deus obtulit
Paroa quod satis est inarm.'* >!OBAOW Qde$, JII*
"Great deaircH
8oit with great wants, 'Tis best when prayer obtains
No more than life nqmym,
"Multa qua impedita natura sunt,
LIT. HiBMM, JXF-, li.
Many difficulties whksh nature throws In ot way, may be imoothed
away by the exercise of intelligence*"

Multa rea&Bcentur qtiao jam oecidero, cadentque
Quao nun<s sunt in nonoro vocabula, si volet usus
Quern panes arbitrmm est ot jus at norma loquondi."
HORACB. DC Arte Poetica, 70.
Yes, words long faded may again revive,
And words may fade now blooming and alive,
Tf usage wills it so, to whom belongs
The rule, the law, the government of tongues/' (Gonington,)
Consuetude vlcit; quao cum omnium domina rerum, turn
maxirne verborum est."
AULUS G-ELLim Nodes Atticae, XII., 13,
"Custom prevailed; custom, which is the mistress of all things,
but especially of words."

Multa senem circumveniunt inoommoda, vel quod

Quaerit efc inventis miser abstinet ao tirnot uti ;

Vel quod res omnes timide gelideque ministrat."

HOBACB, D& Arte Poetica, 169.
Grey hairs have many evils without end ;

The old man gathers what he may not spend ;

While as for action, do he what he will,

'Tis all half-hearted, spiritless and chill." (Oonington,)
Mulfca sunfc mulierum vitia sed hoc e multis maximum est,

Cum sibi nimis placent, nimisqne operam danfc ut placent viris."

PLAUTUS, Poenulus, Act 7., Be. IV., 47, (Adefyhasium.)
"Women have many faults, and of the many,
This is the chief; delighted with themselves,
Too great a zeal they have to please the men."

Gommifekmt eadem divorso crimina fato :

Ille oruoem sceleris protium tulit, Mo diadema."

JUVENAL. Satires, ZIII., 103,
'See different fates attend the self-same crime ;
Some made by villainy, and some undone,
And this ascend a scaffold, that a throne." (Gi/ord*)
Multi famam, conscientiam pauci verentur."
"Fame is an object of admiration to many, honest worth to Init few."

Multi sunt obligandi, pauci oflondendi, nam momoria benonciorum

fragilis ost, injuriarxim tenax/' SENBCA. De Moribus, 128.
"We should oblige as many and offend as few persons as possible, foi
mankind has a very bad memory for services rendered, a most tenacious
one for injuries."

Multimedia nieditatus egomet meoum sum, et ita esse arbitror :

Homiui amioo, qui ost amicus ita uti nomen possidet,

Hisi decs, ei niMl praestaro."
PLAOTUS. BaccMdes, Act III, Sc. II., 1. (
" Fvo turned in in various shapes,
it my thoughts
And this is the resultA friend who is
A friend, such as the name imports, the gods
Except, nothing excels/' (Bonnell Thornton,)
" Multis HORACT,
ille bonis flobilia occidit," Odts, I,, 24, 9,

"By many a good man wept, Quiutilius dies/'~((7flm'ft<7&w.)

" Mulfcis PUBHLIUS Svaus,

mi&atur, qni uni facit injuriam/' 302,
" Ho that one threatens a hundred/'
injures (Bacon.)
u Multis ocoulto crescit res faenoro/' HOHAOB. fflptitolae, L t
1 BO,
" Some
delight to gee
Their money grow by usury like a tr6e/*

Multis parassQ divitias non finis miHoriarum fuit, od niutatio.**
SBHKOA. Hjpistolac, XVIL (quoting fyricuruft).
"Most people find that the acquisition of wealth is aotthoond of their
but simply a now kind of trouble."

Multia res angusta domi ; sed nulla pudorom
Paupertatis haboi. JUVNAL. Satires, Vl n 857,
"There's many a woman knows distress at homo ;

Not one who feels it/


" Multitude
omnis, siout natura marls, per SB immobilis eafe, vcnttiK et
aurao cient/' Livy. Histories, XXYHL* 27.
"The populace is like the sea, motionless m itself, but stirred by <mry
wind, ven the lightest breeze."
" Multo ost verenduna, ne remisniono
magw poona oradokm in patriatU}
q[uata ne severitafce animadversionis niitiis vchomontoB In acorbis*
simoa -bostes fuiase videamur/'
Oiciwto, In Catilimm IK, t 6, 13,

"It would bo far better to rink by the sovwily of tho

appearing vindictive
measures taken against our implacable foes, than by remitting their
well-dcservecl puniahtnent to OAUHO injury to the state,"

Mitltorum disco ajcomplo, quao fata Brqu

Quao fugias ; vita ost nobia alioua magistra/*
OATO. MsUcha <t* Maribus, /!/
" Learn from those wound what to
And what avoid arid let our taaclittra be

The lives of others,"

Mnltonim obtroctatio devioit unlu virtutom/*

OoBsawos Natos Hannibal* I,
" Tho virtue of ono man is not proof against tha diim?Ag0meiiit of many/'
" MultoB in sununa
porioula misit
Vottturi timer ipso mali fortissimus ille est

Qui promptus inetunda pati, si comminua inatent,

Tf^fc differrb
potent/' LUOAN. Ph&ritatto, F/f n 104,
" fu paths of dirost peril many tread
Through foar of ill to cowo ; tho strougwt hi
Who'si ready ayo to grapple with life fate
When it's upon him, ana to drive it back/ 1

(Yerumque illud est guod dicitur,) multos medics sails simul edendos
ease, ut amioitiae munus explelum sit."
CICEBO. De Amicitia, ZZX, 67.
" It isa true that we must eat many measures of salt together to be
able to discharge the functions of friendship."
" Multum crede mihi refert, a lonte bibatur
Quae fruit,an pigro cjuae stupet unda lacu."
MABTIAL. Epigrams, IX., 100, 9.
" It matters much from a running well
"We drink, or from a dark and stagnant pool."
" multum legendum
(Aiunt enim) esso, non mulfca."
"Our reading should be extensive but not diffuse,"
" Multum lo^uaoes raerito omnes habenxnr ;

Nee mutam profecto repertum ullam esse

Hodie diount mulierem ullo in saeclo.
PJQAUTUS. Aululcvria, Act II., Sc. L, 5.(Eun<mia,.)
"I know we women are accounted troublesome,
Nor without reason looked on as mere praters.
'Tis true there never was in any age
Such a wonder to be found as a dumb woman."
(Bonnell Thornton.)
" JMWtum faoit qm multum diligit."
THOMAS 1 KEMPIS. De Imitatione Christi, Z, 15, 2.

"He doeth much who loveth much."

" Mundns yult
SEBASTIAN FBANOK. Paradox Ducenta, Octoginta, COXXXVIIX.
(Ed, A.D. 1542.)
"The world loves to be deceived,"
Quando equidom populus isto vult decipi, decipiatur."
OABPINAL OABAFA (POPE PAUL IT.) (De Thou, Historiae sui
temporis, Bk. XVII., ann. 1556.
Ed. 1609, p. 356, Col. IT., D.)

"Since this people desires to be deceived, deceived let it be."

Munra o[iii
tibi dat loon^leti, Gaure, aouique,
Si sapis ot sentis, Me tibi ait, morote."
Epigrams, Vttt 27.

" Yoix're old and rich

you know, if you have any Benso,

That ho who gives you presents, plainly bids you die."

Musaeo oontingong ouncta lepore."
LUOBBTIUS. De Herum Natura, J., 925.

"Adorning all things with the Muses' charm,"

Mnsca est meus pater, nil potest clam ilium haboti ;

Neo sacrum neo tam profamam ^uidriuam est, gmn

Ibi illico adsit."
PLAUTUB, Mercator, Act II., Sc. IIZ, %.(Qharinus.)
"My father, like a fly, is everywhere,
i&nters all places, sacred or profane, '(Bomett Thornton*)
(Quid rides ?) Mutafeo nomine do to

Fabula narrate." HonAous, Satires, I., 1, 69.

you? Why?
"Tjaiitfhing, ar
Change but tho name, of you the tele is told/' ((^>

'*Nao amioum caHtigaro ob moritatn noxiain,

Immune osfc facinus vorum in aofcato iitiilo,

Et conducibilo."
PjDAUTua Trinumrnw, Ael L, So. Z, 3. (Wagaronidgs.)
'Tis but an irkomc act to twk a friend,
And rate him for his failings ; yet iu life
It is a wholesome and a W!BO eorrofttion/'
limn eJl Tkomttm ,

"Nae ista "horclo magno jam oonatu magtias nugas dixnrit."

Jleautontitnorunwnos, Act, IK, So. T,, 8, (Chrcm4$ t

"Shewill take mighty pain

To bo livorod of soin
cloli mighty triflo," (C^c

Si fcribtiB Antioyris
capui insauabilo nuaquam
Tonsori Lioino oonn3ai8tit,*
HoE^ats. De AT IB PoBtica>f 209,
The inortiHt dimce,
So but he choose, may start up "bard at once,
Whose head, too hot for hellebore to oool,
Was ne'w Htibtnittod to a barbw'g tool,"

Narrate et prisoi Oatowia

Saope mero oalmsso virtus." HOKAOI* Oto, TZZ, 21, 11*
They say old Cato o* and o'er
With wine his honest Iieart would cheGr*"-~(
Nasoenfces morirrrar, finis^ue ab origino pondot."
MANIUUS. Antronornicon) 1F, 16.
When wo are bora we die, our cud is but the pendant of our beginning/*
Hascio^uo vooatur
Incipere ease aliud quam quod fait ante ; morlque
Desinere illud idom." OVID. WttaiMrphoaM, XK 2W
What we call birth
Isbut boginnitig to be something otflo
Tha-awhat w wero before and when wo OQM ;

To be that something, then wo call it death.,"

"Nabo dea, quo fata trahunfc retrabinatque, seqtiamur ;
orit, superanda omnis fortuna fov&ndo est.
VIROIU ^fwwl, K 700.
ief} lot or back ?
Fata cry otn
ours to follow, nothitig Black ;
Wiuvto'w betkla, he only c,i\wn
The Btroko of fortune who
Katia in mum laetitiao soypbls
Pugnare Thraoum osi*' HOEAOI. Ocliw, l
t 27, l t

What, fight with cup* that nhotild givw joy I
'Tin ; leave axwh
To Thraoiarw/'

"Natura enim in suis operationibus non facit saltum."

JACQUES TISSOT, Discours veritable de la w, de la mort et des os
du Gtant Theutobocus. Lyons, 1613. (Included
in the "Varies Historigues et LitUraires" of
Edouard, Fournier, Vol. IX., p. 248.)
"Nature in her operations does not proceed by leaps."
"Natura non facit saltus."
LINNAEUS. PMlosopMa Botanica, 77 (p. 27 of
1st edition).
"Nature does not proceed by leaps."
" Natura fieret laudabile
carmen, an arte,
Quaositum est. Ego nee studium sine divite vena,
JSfec rude quid possit video ingonram alterius sic

Altera poscit opem res, et conjurat amice."

HOBAOB. De Arte Poetica, 408.
"But here occurs a question some men start,
If good verse comes from nature or from art.
For me, I cannot see how native wit
Can e'er dispense with art, or art with it.
Set them to pull together, they're agreed,
And each supplies what each is found to need." (Oonington.)
" Natura hoc ita
comparatunx est, ut, qui apud mulfcitudinem sua causa
loquitur, gratior eo sit, cujus mens nihil, praeter publicum com-
modum, vidot." LIVY. Histories, III., 68.
"Nature has ordained that the man who is pleading his own cause before
a large audience, will be more readily listened to than he who has no
object in view other than the public benefit."
" Natura inest in mentibus nostris insatiabilis
quaedam oupiditas veri
vidondi." OICEBO, Tusculmae Disputationes, Z, 19, 44.
"Nature has implanted in our minds a certain insatiable desire to behold
the truth."

"Natura, quam te colimus inviti quoque."

SENECA. Phaedra, 1125. (Thesew.)
"Nature, how we worship thee, even against our will."

"Naturam aocusa, quae in profundo veritatem (ut ait Democritus)

penitus abstrusorit." OICEBO. Academics, II., 10, 82.
"You must blame nature, who, as Democritus says, has hidden away
truth in the very deepest depths."
" Naturam tamon
oxpellas furoa, usqxto recurret."
HOEAOB, JSpistolae, Z, 10, 24,
"Drive Nature forth by force, she'll turn and rout
The false refinements that would keep her out.' -^(0onington.)
Navis, quae tibi cteditum
Debes Virgilium, finibus Atticis
Beddas incolunioni, precor ;
Et serves animae dimidiuna meae." HOBAOE. Odes, Z, 8, 5.
"So do thou, fair ship, that ow'st
Virgil, thy precious freight, to Attic coast,
Safe restore thy loan ana whole,
And save from death the partner of my &QU\."'~~"(OQnington,)
"No euros, si guis tacilo setmono loquatur;
CouBOiua ipso aibi do BO putat CHIMB, did."
DroNYfuurt OATO* JDiuticha de Moribus, /,, 17.
" Oaro not if some one
whinpers when you're by ;
TIB only the twlf-eouHcious man who thinks
That wo one talka of anything but him."
" et dictum pofcius
(Quapropter) no dicot quidem natee, quota potent, ' 1

aliquando pordot, qtiam minuet auctontatom.

QUINTILICAH. J}& Institutions Qratoria, \'L, 8, 80.
Wo should not give utterance to every witticism which occurs to us, and
we should on occasion IOBO the ohaucc of &,bon wwt, rathor than derogate
irom our dignity."
*Ne e quoyls ligno Morcurius fiat,"
KBASMUS, Adagwrmi Chiliades, *'
Munm opium ".
" Not wood is fit for a statue of Mercury."
Ne prodigua OSBO
Dicatur motuoim, inopi dare xiolit amioo,
Prague quo duramque famem propelloro poasit."
HOEIOB. Satires t JM 2 4.
From foar of bulug called extravagwit,
Hell irom a friend withhold a'on what he needs
To keep at bay both cold and hunger HOW,*'

Ne pndeat, quae nosoieds, te velie dooarl ;

Soire aliquia laus ost oulpa ost, nil disopro voile."


DiQNygiTO GATO. Duticha de Monbus, IF., 29,

"Feel then no Bhamo at the desire to loatn for laudable :

Is knowledge what we blame is not to wish for learning*"


"Ne pueros ooram populo Medoa truoidot/."

UOEAOB, DQ Arie Mtoiica, 185.
"Not in the audience' sight Medea nnwt Hlay
Her children."
Ne scutica dignum horribili seotoro flagello."
HOHAOIB. Sat/ins, /., 8, 119.
"What merits but the rod, punish not with the cat."
JTe aeourus amet, nullo rivals, oaveto ;

Now. ben, si tollas proelia, durat amor" OVID. Amorw, L t 8, 95*

Be sure he has a rival in thy love,
1 '
For without contest love ahall not endure.
"Ne supra orepidam jndioarot (rotor),"
PMNY THIS JCr^au. Natural Hi&tory, XXXV t
, 30 (10),
"The cobbler should not ventur< an opinion beyond his last/*
(Qewrally gw*M, N& sutor %ltra> orqtiitam**,)
**Neo bolua totrior ulla
Quam sorvi rabios in libera iorga farwtts/'
(JLA.UBTANUB. In Mutropium^ I 188.
"NO'Savago beat i lierccr than a mob
Of alavoa, with toy raging 'gainst the fwe. M

" Nee civis erat qui libora posset

Verba animi proforre, et vitam impendore veto."
JUVENAL. Satires, IV., 90.
"Who shall dare thus liberty to take,
When every word you hazard, life's at stake." (Qi/ord.)
" Nee deus intorsit, nisi digmis vindioe nodus
Incident." HORACE. De Arte Poetica, 191.
Bring in no god, save as a last resource." (Qonington.)
u Neo difficile erit videre, quomodo efficacia oum suavitate conjungi
debeat, ufc ofc fortes in fine consequendo et suaves in modo asse-
quendi simus."
CLAUDIUS AQUA VIVA, Ad Ctwandos Animae Morbos (Borne, 1606),
Cap. II, p. 18.
"It will easily be seen how we should combine force and gentleness, so as
to be at once firm in the pursuit of our end, and gentle in the methods
of our pursuing."
" Suaviter in
(Hence the phrase, modo, fortiter in re ")
" Neo dulcia
canning quaeras ;

Omari res ipsa negat, contenta doceri,"

MANILIUS. Astronomicon, III., 39.
" Ask not for
graceful verse all ornament

My theme forbids, content if it be taught."

" Neo ego id quod deest antiquitati flagito potius quarn laudo quod est ;
praesertini quum ea majora judicem quae aunt, quam ilia quae
desunt." OIOEEO. Orator, L., 169.
"I am quite as ready to praise what is found in
as to blame
what is missing ; especially as, in my opinion, its qualities outweigh
its defects."

"Neo enim poterat fieri ut ventus bonis viris secundus, oontrariua

malis." SBNBOA. D& Beneflci/is, IT., 28, 8,
"It was not to be expected that the same breeze would be favourable to
the good, and contrary to the wicked."
" Neo enim sum
assensus veteri illi laudatoque proverbio, quod
monet, mature senem, si diu velis senex esse."
OIOBEO. De Senectute, X. t 32.
"I have never admitted the truth of the old and accepted saying, which
asserts that you will early become an old man, if you have long desired
to be one,"
Noo eventus modo hoc docefc (stultorum iste magister est)."
LlVY. Histories, ZZZI., 39.
" We do not learn this only from the event, which is the master of fools."
" Neo fabellas aniles proferas,"
OIOBBO. De Natwa Deorum, III. 5, 12.
" Do not tell us
your old wives* tales."
" Oorvius haeo inter vioinus
garrit aniles
Ex re fabellas," HOUAOB. Satires, IZ, 6, 77,
Neighbour Cervius, with his rustic wit,
Tells old wives' tales." (Qoninffton.)
Nee forma aoterrmin, axit cnignam cst totuna pormmis,
Loncius aub propiuH mors ana quoinquo inanol."
PROFBUTIUB. Mlegics, 111, 25, 31 (IT,, 28, 57),

"Beauty nor fortune will J> our for aye; 1'

Or near or far Death waits for every wan,
Nee f rons tristo rigous mmiusquo in itioribus hotro* ;

Sed simplex hilarisquo fides, ob mixte pudori

Gratia." STAOTUB. 8ilva&, K, 1, 64,
"No stern
sad brow was his,
That ever-frowned on conduct's smallest slip,
Btxt cheerful, simple honesty, where grace
Mingled with modesty,"
$6e grata esb facies oui (Masimas abest/
MAHTI^L. Epigram* F1Z 25 ,
" is the face where smilc are not."

Hec historic debot egredi voritaiom, et honosto factis veritas Huffioit."

History should not overstep the limits of truth, and indeed, in recording

noble deeds, the truth is sufficient/'

*Nc lusisse pudet, sed non inoider ludum."

HOIUOB. Sljristolae, I 14, 86,
u Ko shame I deem it to have had
my uport ;
The shame had bean in frolics not cut short*'* -({fawinytom*)
Neo me meminisse pigebit Blissa,
Duw memor ips mei, dum spiaritua hos regit artufx
VIIMHL. J&nM, IFn 395*
While memory lasts and pulses beat,
The thought of Dido shall be sweet/ ((yuningkm.)
Neo me pudet ut istos, fateti nosoiro quod nesoiam,"
CIOBBO. Tuswlame Disputation**, I,, 25*
J am not, like some men, ashamed to confess my ignorance when I do
not know,"
" Nee me yis nlla volentem
Avertet, non si teltoem ef undat in imdas,
Dlluvio misoexis, c001x*m<jue In Tartara solvart,*'

Ho violence shall niy will conitrain,
Though earth were scattered in the wain
And Styx with ether blent/'
Nee modus at nllus invastlgandi vori, nisi mvenoris: et

defatigatio turpis ost, quum id <3,uod qxiaortor sit pulohotvimuxxi,*

Oiaaao. D Mnibm t Z, 1, 8.
a There should be no end to the search for truth, other than the finding of
it ;
it is disgraceful to grow weary of waking whom the object of your
sewch is so beautiful*"

Hoc mora, neo yoquies." Y<m, Georgm, III,, 110,
Naught of delay is there, or of repose/*

"Neo posso dari regalibus usquam

Socretum vitiis : nam lux altissima fati
Occulbum niMl esse sinit, latebrasque per ornnes
Intrat efe abstrusos explorat fama recessus."
GLAUDIANTTS, De Quarto Gonsulatu Honorii, 272.

"Kings can have

No secret vices,
for the light that shines
On those who've climbed to Fortune's highest jieaks
Leaves naught in darkness ; every lurking- pi ac 3
Fame enters, and its hidden nooks explores."
"Neo quibus rationibus superare possent, sod quemadmodura xiti
victoria deberent, cogitabant."
0.3BSAB. De Belk Civili, 111., 83.
"They were thinking less of the steps to be taken to secure victory, than
of the use to which that victory was to be put."

"Nee quidquam aliud ost philosophia, si interpreter! yelis, praeter

studium sapientiae." OICBRQ. De OfficiiSj 11, 2, 5.

"Philosophy, if you ask the meaning of the word, is nothing else but the
love of wisdom."

"Neo quidquam dinlcilius, cjuam reperire quod sit omni ex parte in

suo genere perfection." OIOHBO. De Anricitia, XXL 79, ,

"Nothing is more difficult than to find anything which is perfect in every

part after its own kind,"

"Neo satis apparet, cur versus faotitet"

HOBACE. De Arte Poetica, 470.

"None knows the reason why this curse

Was sent on him, this love of making verse." (Qonington.)

"Nee soire fas est omnia," HOBACK. Odes, 17, 4, 22.

'" *Tis we should know."
not God's will that all things

"Neo aemper feriet quodcunque minabitur arcus."

HOBAOEJ. De Arte Poetica, 350.

"And the best bow will sometimes shoot awry. "(Oomngton.)

" Neo solem

proprium natura nee aera fecit
Neo tenues undas," Ovir>. MetainorpJioses t 71., 3d9,
"Not for one man's delight has Nature made
The sun, the wind, the waters ;
all are free/'

" Neo sunt enim beat!, quorum divitias nemo novit. n

APTOEIXJB, Metamorphoses^ 7., 10.

"They have no happiness in wealth, whose wealth is known to none."

" Nee tantum prodere vati,

Quantum scire licet," LXTOAK. Pharsalia, K, 176.

" It is not lawful for the seer to impart;
All that he knows,"

u Hoc tibi nobilitas

potorit suocurroro amanti ;

Nescit amor priscis cedero imagimbuH,"

PitDPBR'was. .Elegies, I., 5, SJ8.

"Thy noble birth will aid thee not in love,

Little recks love of thy forefathers' busts."

"Hoc tumulum euro. Sopalit natura rolictos."

MAECENAS, Quoted by tiewca, JKjtistolac t XC1L, 85,

"Naught care I for a tomb, for Nature buries those who are loft/'

" Nee unquam

Publica privatao cossorunt commoda causao."
C&ATOUNUS, l)e Laudibus StUickonu, /,, 208,
" Ne'er has lie jnit tbe wal Mi
To work for his own beneiit."

*'Heo unquam satis fida pofeontia, nU nimia osi"

TACITUS. History, II,, 92.
" There can never bo a
complete confidence in a power which is exwaN

Nee vora 'virfcus, cum somol

Ourat ropoai dotoMoribus," HOBAOW. Odes, IZ,
"And genuine worth, expelled by foar,
Returns not to the worthless alave*"
" NOG vorbum verbo ourabis rodd0re Hdu&
Iwtorpres." HOBA.OB. D& ArU Po6tica 188* t

"Nor, bound too closely to the Grecian Muse,

Translate the words whoso soul you should transfuse* "*~>(Uviiingfon*)

"Nee yoro
habore virtutom satin ost, quasi artom aliguam, nisi utare,
Ktfii ars quidozn, quum ca non utaro, acicmtia tamon ip0a tonori
potost, virtus in tinu sui tota ponita oet." 1

CIOJBRO* 1)& Ityxtbticxt) 2. 9 2, ^

" It is not w
enough to possess virtue, though it were an art, unit* HB we two
it. For although, if you do not practise an art. you may yet retain it
theoretically, the whole of virtue is centred in the exercise of virtue/

Neo vero me fugit, quam aoorhutn, parontum ncolera Hliorum
OIOBEO, Ad JBrutwm, t t i%, %,

poems ltd.

'It does not escape me that it is a cruel thing for the child wi to HuflVr
for their parents* misdeeds/'

"Necvoro pietas ad versus deos, jaeo quanta Ms gratia deboatur, sine


explication naturae intolligi potosfc.*

OIOTOBQ* D^ ffMbu&i IIln 22, 7S
" It & not possible to understand the meaning of reverence for the gwi$
nor how groat a debt of gratitude wo owe them, unltUM we turn to
nature for an explanation."

**Noo voro suporstitiono tollonda religio tollitur.

OIOBEO. ,D<s X)wintttiff}W) JJ, 72, 148.
" We do not
destroy religion by destroying supewtltion.

"JSTec vixit male, qui natus moriensque fefellit."

HORACE. Epistolae, I., 17, 10.
"Life unnoticed is not lived amiss." (Oonington.)
Nee voluptatem requirentes, nee fugientes laborem."
GICBEO. De Pinibus, V., 20, 57.
"Neither seeking pleasure nor avoiding toil."
"Neoesse cst enim in immeBSum exeat oupiditas quae natural em
modum transiliit." SBNBCA. Epistolae, XXXIX., 5.
" Greed which
has once overstepped natural limits is certain to proceed to

"Necesse est faeere sumtum

qui quaerifc lucrum."
Asinaria, Act I., Sc. III., 65. (Ctorezto.)
" He who'd seek for gain must be at some expense."
(Bonnell Thornton.)
" Ne
dubites, qunm magna impendere parva."
DIONYSIUS OATO. Disticha de Moribm, J., 35.
"Bo not hesitate over small disbursements when you are aiming
at great results."
" Necesse est multos timeat quern multi tlmenfc."
LA.BBBIUS. JEx incertis fabulis, fragment III, (RMeck, Sc&wcae
Eomanorum Poesis Fragmenta.)
" He must fear many whom many fear."
" Multis torribilis oaveto multos."
AUSOHIUS. Septem Sapientium Sententiae, Periander, 5.

**If you are a terror to many, then beware of many."

Multos timere dobet, quern multi timent."
BAOOH. Qrnamenta ItationaUa, 32.
" He of whom
many are afraid ought to fear many." (Bacon*)
"Necessitas ante rationem est: maxime inbello, quo raro permifctitur
tempora eligere."
QtriHT0s OuEMtrs, De Eebm @estis Alexandri Magni, FIJ., 7, 10.

"Necessity is stronger than judgment; especially in war, where we are

rarely permitted to select our opportunity."
" Neoessitas fortiter ferre
dooet, oonsuotudo facile."
SBHBOA. De Tranquillilatc, Ammi, X, 1.

"Necessity teaches us to bear misfortunes bravely; habit to bear them

" Neoossitas non habot

LAHGH/ANJX Piers the Plowmcm (Sheafs ed,), Pass. XIV., 45,
" has no law."
"Necessitas plus posso quam piotas solot."
SBSNBOA. Troades, 590. (Ulysses.)
Necessity is stronger than loyalty."

"Nefas nocere vol malo fratri puta."

SBNBOA. Thmstes, 2l9.~-~(Satelks.)
" a crime to injure a brother, even though he be unbrotherly."
Consider it

"NogHgore quid do so cjuisquo sentiat, nan solutn arrogantly oat, sod

etiam omuino dissoluti." Qrowuo, Da OJficiis, X, 28, 99.
To pay no attention to what m said of one, is a mark not of pride only,
but of complete want of principle."

"Nexxxinom oito laudavotia, nominoxn oito acousavoris ornpr puta to :

oor&m diia testimoniuttx dicoro." SMNBJOA.* D& Morihittt, 76.

" Be not too
hasty cither with praise or blame speak always m thoughj

you were grfing evidence before the judgment-seat of the god**/'

u Nome ad id soro
voait, undo nuaqu&m,
Gum semel Tonils, potorit royerii.' 1

SWNIOA. A&rcukf Wwrens, 809. (Chorus.)

'Tis ne'er too lato to reaoh the point from which,
When ouco 'tiH reached, there ;an 1)0 BO return."

"Nemo autom rogore potost, nisi qui et rogi,"

SJSNKOA. D& 1m, It, W t 4.
Ko one can rule, who cannot also submit to authority."

"Nome sooure praoost nisi qiil iibonter subosl"

THOMAS 1 .KBHMS, DG Imitation Qhiisti, X, 20 t 2,
"No one can safely be in authority
who does not willingly submit
to authority/
Homo doettis imqxi&m mufeationem oonEilii inoontanfcjam dixife OBBO."
CtoBfto. Ad Atttem, X VL> 7, B,
"No wise man ever called a change of plan incoTwiBtency."

''Homo onim est tarn sonox, qnl so annum non putot posso rivor,"
Oicwuo. De Senoctitto, FIX, 34,
" There is no one so old but thinks ho can live a year."

*'JToino eaim potost persOBam dra forre."

SIKWOA* D& Okmmtfa, X, 1, 6.
"No one can wear a maak for very long."
"Hemo est tarn forfeis, qiiin roi novitafco poHurbetur*"
O^SAn. Ik Bdk QaWoo, 71, 89*
"No one is so brave as not to be disconcerted by uuforrateon circum-
Major Ignotarum rrum est terror."

Lovt, Hi^orm, XXFJJX, 44
Greater is our terror of the unknown/*
Btiam fortes yiros aubitis terroxi/*
TAOITOS, Anmls XV^ % 50.
"Even brave men we dismayed by sudden

u Nomo faoilo cum fotunft.o suae conditione oonoordafc/*

Boteaus, De ConsaMiow PMlosojtfwe, $L f Prwa L
" No one is perfectly satisfied with what fortune allota him/*
"Nemo igikir vir rnagnus sine &liqiio itfflafcu diviuo un^uftra fuit"
Orouo. ,De Na,lu%> Demm, IX, 60 ? 107.
"Tlusre wj never a great man without some bmth of the

" Nemo ilHo vitia ridet, neo corrumpere et corrumpi saoclum vocafrar."
TACITUS. Germama, XIX.
"No one there considers vice a thing to be laughed at, nor thinks that
corrupting and being corrupted constitute a glorious age."
" Nemo liber est
qui corpori satvit" SENECA. JSpistolae, ZCIJ., 83.
" No one is free who is a stare to the
" Nemo malus JUVBNAL.
felix." Satvres, IK, 8.

"Peace visits not the guilty mind."

"Nemo parinn diu vixit,qui virtutis perfoctae perfecfco fuaokus esfc

momere." OIOBEO, Tusculanae Dis$utation&s, I., 46, 109.
"No one has lived too short a life, who has faultlessly discharged the
duties imposed by faultless virtue,"

"Nemo repente fuit turpissimus." JUVBKAIJ. Sa1Ar&s t !/, 83.

"None become at once completely vile," (Gi/ord.)

"Nemo secure loquitur, nisi <jui libenter tacet,"

THOMAS 1 KEMPIS. De Imitations Christi, I., 20, 2.
"No one can talk without danger who is not ready also to be silent.'*

"Nemo silens plactrit; arulti brevitate loqnendi.''

AUSOKIUS. Egistolae, ZXF., 44.
" None
by silence please j many by brevity."

"Nemo solus satis sapifc."

PLATTTUS. Miles G-kriosus, Act IIZ, Be. III., 12,
"Two heads are better, as they say, than one.*' ($onndl Thornton,)

"Nemo tarn divos hatmit

fay etttes,
Orastinum nt possit sibi pollicerl,'*
SBOTOA. Thyestes, 619. (Chorm.)
"No man has the gods so strongly on his side that he can promise himself
a to-morrow."
"Nemo tarn sonex est ufc improbe umim diom speret."
SEKEOA. JSgistolae, XIL, 6.
" No one live one day more."
is so old that he may not rightly hope to
"Nemo tarn timidus est ufcmalit semper pender quam semel cadere."
SBNBOA. Epistolm^ ZZZZ., 8.
" No one is so timid as not to prefer one fall to perpetual suspense."

"Nemo unquam impennm flagitio qtiaesifciam bonis artibus exerouit."

TACITTJS. History, I., 80.
"Never yet has any on exercised for honourable purposes the power
obtained by crime.
" Nemo
unc^uam neque poeia negue orator fuit, qui quemqtiam meliorem
wbifcrarotxir." OIOBBO. Aa Atticum, XIV,, 20, 3,
There has never yet been either a poet or an orator who did not considei
himself tKe j
"Nequam illud verbum 'sfc Bene volt,' nisi qui bene facit."

PLAUTUS. Trinummus, Act II. Sc. IV., $Q.-(Stasimus.)


" Best wishes what avails that phrase, unless


Best services attend them?" (Bonnetl Thornton.}

Dimnget infectumque reddet
Quod fugiens semel hora vexit."
HOKACE. Odes, III., 29, 6,
" Nor cancel as a
thing undone ''
What once the flying hour has brought.

"$Teque ego, Quirites, liortor, ut jam malitis cives vestros perperani,

quam recte, feoisse ; sed ne, ignoscendo malis, bonos perditum
eatis. Ad hoc, in republica, multo praestat benefioii quam
maleficii immemorem esse." SALLUST. Jugurthdj ZXXJ,
"I do not ask that you should prefer to see your fellow-citizens pursuing
dishonest rather than honest courses but that you should beware lest,

by pardoning the criminal, you bring destruction upon the law-abiding,

To this end it is far more advantageous to the community that you
should be unmindful of services than of offences."
Keque enim est quisquam tarn mains, ut videri velit."
QUIHTILIAIT. DG Institutione Oratoria, JIZ, 8, 44,
Ko one is wicked enough to wish to appear wicked."

"ITecfue enim fas est homini ounctas divini operis maoMnas, yel
ingenio comprenendere, vel explicare sermone."
BOBTHIUS. De Consolatione Philosophies, IF., Prosa 6.

Man not permitted either to understand fully or to explain
is all the
machinery by which God accomplishes his work."
Itfeque enim ita generati a natura sunras, ut ad ludum et jooum f acti
et ad quaadam studia
yideamur ; sed ad sevaritatem potius,
graviora et majora." OIOBBO. De OfficUS) Z, 29, 103,
" Mature has
not, in man, produced a being apparently fitted only for
sport and jest, but one destined for more serious things, for higher and
nobler pursuits."

Neqiie enim lex aeqnior nil a est

Quam necis artifices arte perire sua."

OVID. De Arte Amandi, I., 655,
There is no law more just than that which has ordained
That who plots others death in his own toils shall die,"

"Necjue enim minus apud nos honestas, quam apud alios necessity
Epistolae, IF., 10.
" Honour is with us as keen an incentive as necessity with others,"

"Heque enim potest cjuisquam nostrum subitp fingi, neque cujusquam

repente vita mutari, aut natura convert!."
OIOBBO. Pro Sulla, ZX"F., 69.
3S"o one of us can suddenly assume a character, or instantly change iiia

mode of life, or alter his nature."


Neque enim quod quisque potest, id ei licet, nee si non obstatur, prop-

terea etiam permittitur." QICBBQ. Philvppica, XIII., 6, 14.

" It is not tlie case that whatever is
possible to a man is also lawful, nor is
a thing permitted simply because it is not forbidden."

Neque enim rectae voluntati serum est tempus ullum."
QUINTILIAN. Do Institution Oratorio*, XII. , 1, 31.
" It is never too late for good resolutions."
Neque enim soli judicant, qui maligne legunt."
PLINY THB YOUNGEB. Epistolae, IX. t 38.
" There are other
judges besides those who take the hostile view."
Neque enim turpis mors forti viro potest accidere, neque immatura
consular!, neque misera sapienti."
In Catilinam, IF, 2, 3,
"Death cannot be dishonourable to the brave man, or premature to him
who has held high office, or lamentable to the philosopher."

"Neque enim ullus alius disoordiarum solet esse exitus, inter claros
et potentes viros, nisi aut universus interitus, aut victoris domi-
natus, aut regnum."
GICBBO, De Harmpicum Responses, XXV,, 54.
"When men of eminence and power are driven to take up arms against
each other, one of two things is certain to happen either both parties

are completely annihilated, or the victor becomes master and sovereign

of the state."

Neque est omnino ars ulla, in qua omnia quae ilia arte effioi possint,
a doctore tradantur." OIOBBO. De Oratore, II., 16, 69.
"There no art of which
is all the possibilities are capable of being im-
parted by a teacher."

"Neque est ullum amicitiae certius vinoulum, quam consensus et

sooietas consiliorum et voluntatum."
CIOBBO. Pro Plcvncio, II., 5,
"There no surer bond of friendship than an identity and community of
ideas and tastes."

Neque imitare malos medicos, qui in alienis morbis profitentur tenere


se medioinae scientiam, ipsi se curare non possunt."

S. SULPICIUS. (Cicero, ad FamiUwes, IF., 5, 5.)
"Bo not imitate those unskilful physicians who profess to possess the
healing art in the diseases of others, but are unable to cure them-

"Neque lao laoti magis est simile, quam ille ego similis est mei."
PLAOTUS. Awvphitryo, Act II., Sc. In 54. (Awvphitryo.)
" One
drop of milk is not more like another than that I
Is like to me." (Borwell Thornton.)

"Neque laus in copia neque oulpa in penuria consistit."

" It is no credit to be rich and no
disgrace to be poor."
"Neque mala yel bona qnae vulgus
P%^^ ^^ 7Xj ^
"Good and evil, again,
are not what vulgar

,vm ut non frustra me
"Neque me quoniam

vixisse poenitet,
natum existimem." CICEBO. .D* Senectute, ZXZTZ, 84.

since my life has been such that I feel I was

"I am not sorry to have lived,
not horn in vain."

Neque praeterquam quas ipse amor

" molestias
Habet addas et illas quas habet recte feras."

TERENCE. Etmuchus, Act I,, $0. I., 32. (Pflnn<5na)

"Do not add to love
More troubles than it has, and those it has
Bear bravely." (George Golman.)

"Necrae auidquara. Me vile nunc est, nisi mores mali."

PLAUTUS. Trinummus, Act L, Sc. I., 10. (Megaronides.)
"There's nothing cheap or common here just now save evil living."

"Neque semper arcmm

Tendit Apollo." HOBAOB. Odes, JZ, 10, 19.
" Not his bow."
always does Apollo bend

"Nervis alienis mobile lignum." HOEACE. Satires, II. , 7, 82.

" A doll that moves when others pull the wires/'

"Ifervos belli, pectmiam (largiri)." OICBBO. PMippica, 7., 2, 5.

Money, the sinews of war."

"Nescia mens honainum fati sortisq.ue jfuturae,

Bt servare modum, rebus sublata secundis."
VIBGIL. JEneid, X, 501.
"0 impotence of man's frail mind
To fate and to the future blind,
Presumptuous and o'erweening still
When Fortune follows at its will "(Gonington*) !

"Nesclo qua natale sotan dulcedine captos

Ducit, et non sinit esse sui."
OVID. JEpistolae ex Panto, Z, 8, 35.

**By some strange charm our native land doth hold

0s captive, nor permits that we should e'er

Forget her."
(Ibam foite Via Sacra, sicnt meus est mos)
Kescio quid meditans nugarum, totus in illis."
HOEACB. Satires, L, 9, 2.
"Along the Sacred Eoad I strolled one day,
Deep in some bagatelle (you know my way)." (Oonington.)
" ISTescio
quid profecto mihi animus praesagit mali,"
TEEEJTCE. Seautontimorummos, Act ZT., Sc. JZ, 7. (Glima.)
My mind forebodes I know not what of ill," (George Oolman.)

"Nescire autem quid ante quam natus sis acciderit, id est semper esse
puerum." OICEBO. Orator, XXXIV., 120.
"To know nothing of what happened before you were born, is to remain
for ever a child."

" Nescire
quaedam magna pars sapienfciae est.'*
HUGO BE Q-EOOT (G-BOTius.) JSpigrams, Bk, I,, Erudita ignorantia,
16, Amsterdam, 1670, #. 229.
" a great part of wisdom."
Ignorance of certain subjects is

"Nescit enim simul incitata liberalitas stare, cujus pulchritudinem

usus ipse commendat." PLINY THB YOUNGER, Epistolae, 7., 12.
Generosity once aroused cannot remain inactive, for it is a quality whose
beauties are enhanced by its exercise."

" Neu foret ulla suis animantibus

regie* orba,
Astra tenent coeleste solum. formaeque deorum,
Gesserunt nitidis habitandae pisoibus undae,
Terra feras cepit, volucres agitabilis aer.
Sanctius his animal, mentisque capacius altae
Deerat adhuc, et quod dominari in caetera posset.
Natus homo est." OVID. Metamorphoses, I., 72.
"Then, that no region of the universe
Should void of life remain, the floor of heaven
Was peopled with the stars and godlike forms,
The seas became the abode of glittering fish,
Earth took the beasts and mobile air the birds.
A holier animal was wanting still
With mind of wider grasp, and fit to rule
The rest. Then man was born."
Neutiquam officium liberi esse hominis puto.
Gum is nihil promereat, postulare id gratiae apponi sibi."
TBBENOE. Avidria, Act IT., 1,
"It is, I think, scarce honesty in him 1
To look for thanks who means no favour/ (George Golman.)
Posoes ante diem librum cum lumine si non ;

Intendes animum studiis et rebus honestis,

Jnvidia vel amore vigil torquebere." HOBAGH. JBjoistolae, J., 2, 34.
" Unless
you light your lamp ere dawn and read
Some wholesome book that high resolves may breed,
You'll find your sleep go from you, and will toss
Upon your pillow, envious, lovesick, cross." (Oonington.)
NiMl amori mjurium est."
PLAUTUS. Cistellwrw, Act L t Sc. Z, 105. (Lena.)
There is naught will give offence to love."
" Nihil autem
potest esse diuturnum, cui non subest ratio licet felicitas :

aspirare videatur, tamen ad ultimum temeritati non sumoit."

QUINTUS OUBTIUS. De Rebm Gestis Alexandra Magm, IF., 14, 19.
"Hothing can be long-lived which is not based on reason :
though fortune
may seem favourable, yet it will in the end leave overweening confidence
In the lurch."
" NiMI composifcum miraouli causa, verum attdita scriptaque senioribua
tradam," TACITUS. Annals, XL, 27,
"This is no story to excite wonder I do but relate what I have heard, and

what our fathers have recorded. "(Qhurch and Brodribb.)

"Mhil debet esse in philosophia comtnentitiis fabellis loci."

GiOBEo. De Divwatione, II, 38, 80*
"There should he no place in philosophy for fanciful stories,"
" Nihil decet invifca
Minerva, ut aiunt, id est adversante et repugnante
natura." CIOERO. De Officiis, I., 81, 110.
Nothing is becoming to us which is against the will of Minerva, as the

saying is: that is to say, contrary to, or repugnant to, nature."

"Nihil enim est tarn contrarium rationi et constantiae quam fortuna."

CICERO. De Divinatione, II., 7, 18.
"Nothing is so unreasonable and inconsistent as fortune."
" Nihil enini honestum esse
potest quod justitia vacat."
GICEEO. De Officiis, I., 19, 62,
" cannot be where is not."
Eight justice

"Nihil enim in. speciem fallacius est, quam prava religio,"

LIVY. Histories, XZ3OX, 16.
" There more often clothed in an attractive garb than a
is nothing that is
false creed."

1" Nihil enim pejus est iis, qtd paullum aliquid ultra primas litteraa
piogressi, falsam sibi soientiae persuasionem induerunt."
QUINTILIAN. De Institutione Oratoria, I., 1, 8.
"There is nothing more detestable than a man who, because he has
learned a little more than the alphabet, thinks that he has been
initiated into the deepest secrets of science."

"Nihil enim rerum ipsa natura voluit magnum effici cito."

QUINTILIAN. De Institutione Oratoria, X, 3, 4,
" Nature herself has never
attempted to effect great changes rapidly."
"Nihil enim semper floret, aetas succedit aetati."
CICERO, PMUppica, JT., 15, 39.
Nothing flourishes for ever j
each generation gives place to its successor."
" Nihil esse tarn sanctum
(dictitat) quod non violari, tam munitam
quod non expugnari pecunia

OICBBO. In Vwrem, L, 2, 4.
" There is no sanctuary so holy that money cannot profane it, no fortress
so strong that money cannot take it by storm."
Parte beatmn." HOEACE. Odes, IL, 16, 27.
" There's
nothing that from every side is blest."
* Nihil est aliud
bene et beate vivere, nisi lioneste et reote vivere, 1 '
OIOBEO. Paradoxa, I,, 15.
"To live well and happily is nothing else than to live honestly
J and up-

"Nihil est, Antipho,

Quin male narrando possit depravarier,"
TERENCE. Phormio, Act IF., 8c. IV. l5.(Geta.)
" No tale's so good
But in the telling you may spoil it, Antipho."

"Nihil est autem tarn volucre quam maledictum: nihil facilius

emittitur, niMl citius excipitur, nihil latins dissipatur."
CIOBEO. Pro Plantio, XXIIL, 57.
"There isnothing swifter than calumny; nothing is more easily set on
foot, more quickly caught up, or more widely disseminated."

"Nihil est enim aptius ad delectationem leotoris, quam temporum

varietates, fortunaeque vicissitudines nobis optabiles
quae etsi
in experiendo nonfuerunt, in legendo tamen erunt jucundae.
Habet enim praeteriti doloris secura recordatip delectationem."
CICERO. Ad FamiUdres, V. , 12, 4.
" There
nothing better calculated to delight yoiir reader than the vicis-
situdes of fortune, and the changes which time brings with it : though,
while we experienced them, they have seemed perhaps undesirable,
yet we shall find pleasure in reading of them. It is delightful when
in smooth water to recall the stormy times that are past."

"Nihil est enim de quo minus dubitari possit, quam et honesta ex-
petenda per se, et eodem modo turpia per se esse fugienda."
CICERO. De Mnibus, III., 11, 38.
" There is
nothing about which we can have less doubt, than that good is
to be sought for its own sake, and evil for its own sake to be avoided."

"Nihil est enim tam insigne nee tarn ad diuturnitatem memoriae

stabile, quam id in quo aliquid offenderis."
OIOEEO. De Oratore^ Z, 28, 129.
" much
Nothing attracts so attention, or retains such a hold upon men's
memories, as the occasion when you have made a mistake."

"Nihil est enim tam miserable quam ex beato miser."

CICEBO. De Pavtitione Oratorio,, XVIL, 6T.
" is so pitiable as a poor man who has seen better days."
" Nihil est enim tammolle, tam tenerum, tam aut fragile aut flexibile,
quam voluntas erga nos, sensusque civium: qui non modo
improbitati irasountur candidatorum, sed etiam in reote factis
saepe fastidiunt." CICERO. Pro Milone, XVI., 42.
" There is nothing so susceptible, so tender, so easily broken or bent, aa
the goodwill and friendly disposition towards us of our fellow-citizens.
Not only are they alienated by any want of uprightness on the part of
those seeking their suffrages, but at times even they take exception to
what has been rightly done.
"Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil
fallaoius ratione tota eomitiorum."
CICERO. Pro Murena, XVIL, 36.
"Nothing is more uncertain than the masses, nothing more difficult to
gauge than the temper of the people, nothing more deceptive than the
opinions of the electors."
" Niiil est miserms quam animus hominis conscius,
Sicut me habet."
PLAUTUS. Mostellaria, Act Iff., Sc. I., 12. (Trario.)
"Nothing so wretched as a guilty conscience,
And such plagues me." (Bonndl Thornton.)
"NiMl esfc miserum, nisi cum putes."
BoJJTEius. D& Consolatione PMlosophiae, IT., Prosa 4.
" is lamentable unless you think it so."
"Nihil est, quod studio et benevolentia, vel amore potius, effici non
CICEBO. Ad Familiares, JIT., 9, 1.
" There is nothing which cannot be accomplished by affection and kindli-
ness, or perhaps, I should say, by love."

"Isfihil est tarn fallax quam vita humana, niMl tarn insidiosuna: non
mehercules quisquam illam accepisset, nisi daretur inscientibus."
SBITECA. Ad Mardam, de Consolatiow, XXIL, 3.
" is more deceptive than human life, nothing more full of snares :
a gift that none would ever have accepted, were it not that it is
it is

given to us when we are ignorant

of its meaning."

tarn incredibile quod non dicendo fiatprobabile niKil tarn


horridum, tam incnltum, quod non splendescat oratione et

tanqnam excolatur." OIOEEO. Paradoxa, Proemium, 3.

"There nothing too incredible to be rendered probable by a skilful


speaker; there is nothing so uncouth, nothing so unpolished, that

eloquence cannot ennoble and refine it."
"Nihil eat toto, quod perstet, in orbe.
Cunota fluunt, onanisque vagans formatur imago."
OVID, Metamorphoses, %Vn 177.
There's nothing constant in the universe,
All ebb and flow, and every shape that's born
Bears in its womb the seeds of change."
"NiMl in bello oporfeere contemni."
COBNILIUB NBPOS. TJvrasybulus, 2.
Nothing in war is unimportant enough to be overlooked."
"MM1 in discordiis civilibus festinatione tutius, ubi facto magis quana
consulto opus est." TACITUS. History, L, 62.
In civil strife, where action is more necessary than deliberation, nothing
is safer than haste." (Church, md
" NiMl in htominum
genere rarius perfecto oratore inveniri potest."
CICEEO. De Oratore, L t 28, 128.
" is more rarely found among men than a consummate orator."
"NiMl magis aegris prodest quam ab eo curari a quo volunt."
MABCUS SEHECA. Sxcerpta Coniroversiarum, IV. ,

"Nothing helps the sick more than to be attended by the doctor of their

"Nihil non aggressuros homines, si magna oonatia magaa praemia

proponantur." LIVY. Histories, IF., 35.
" There is
nothing men will not attempt when great enterprises hold out
the promise of great rewards."

"Nihil peccat, nisi quod nihil peccat."

PLINY THE YOUNGEE. Epistolae, IX, 26.
" He has no
faults, except that lie is faultless."

"Nihil perpetuum, pauoa diuturna sunt."

SENECA. Ad Potybium, de Comolatione t
L t 1.
" is little even of duration."
Nothing everlasting, long

"Nihil potest placere quod non decet."

QuiNimiAN. De InsiAtuHone Oratoria, I., 11, 11.
Nothing can. be pleasing which is not also "becoming."

"Nihil quicquam homlni tarn prosperum divinitus datum, quin ei

tamen admixtum sit aliquid difficultatis, ut etiam in amplissima
quaque laetitia subsit quaepiam vel parva quaerimonia, oonjuga-
tione quadam mellis et fellis." APULBIUS. Florida, IF., 18.
" Never have the bestowed on man so as not to
gods prosperity complete
be in combination with some degree of difficulty, so that beneath our
keenest joys lurks some small discontent, a blending, as it were, of
honey and gall."

"Nihil rerurn mortalium tarn instabile ao fluxum est quam fama

potentiae non sua vi nixa." TAOITUS, Annals, XIII. 19. ,

" Of all human the most and is a

things precarious transitory reputation
for power which has no strong support of its own."
(Chwcli and JBrodribb.)
"Nihil tarn aeque proderit quam qttiescere et minimum cum aliis
loqui, plurimum secum." SENECA. JSyistolae, OF., 6.
" There is
nothing more salutary than quiescence, and little converse with
others, much with oneself."

"Nihil tarn difficile estquin quaerendo investigari possiet."

TEBKNCE. Heautontwwrwnenos^ Act IV. 2, 8. (Syrus.) >

"Nothing so difficult but may be won

By industry," (George dolman.)
* Nihil tarn utile
est, ut in transitu prosit; distringit libroram
multitude." SENECA, j&pistolae, II., 3.
" There is we
nothing so useful that it will be of service to us in passing ;

are only distracted by a multitude of books."

"Nihilne esse proprium cuiquam?'
TERENCE, Andria; Act IF. Sc. III., 1.- (Mysis.) ,

" Can we
securely then count nothing ours ? "(George Colman.)

"Nil aotum oredens, quum quid superesset agendum."

LUCAN. PharsaUa, II., 657.
Thinking nought done, while aught remained undone."

"Nil agit exemplum, litem quod lite resolvit."

HOBACE. Satires, II,, 3, 103.
"'Twill not do
To jshut ime question up by opening two." (Conington.)
" Nil
agit qui diffidentem verbis solatur suis ;

Is est anxious, qui in dubia re juvat, ubi re est opus.*'

PLAUTXJS. JSgidicus, Act I., Sc. II. 9. (Sfaatippocks.) t

" The man that comforts a

desponding friend
With words alone does nothing. He's a friend
Indeed, who proves himself a friend in need."
(Bonnell Thornton.)
" Nil
desperandum Teucxo duce et auspice Teucro."
HOBACE. Odes, I., 7, 27.
'Tis Teucer leads, 'tis Teucer breathes the wind ;

No more despair." (Conington.)

"Nil dictu foedum, visuque haec limina tangat,

Intra quae puer est." JXJVENAL. Satires, XIV. ,
" Swift from the roof where
youth, Fuscinus, dwell,
Immodest sights, immodest sounds expel ;

The place is sacred." (Gifford.)

" Nil
ego contulerim jucundo sanus amico."
HOBACH. SatMres, L, 5, 44.
"While sense abides,
A Mend to me is worth the world besides." (Conington.)
" Nil amo."
ego, quod nullo tempore laedat,
OVID. Amores, II. , 19, 8.
" I lore not that which never me
gives pain."
" Nil erit
ulterius, quod nostris moribus addat
Posteritas eadem cupient facientque minores.

Omne in praecipiti vitium stetit." JUVENAL. Satires, J., 147.

Nothing is left, nothing, for future times,
To add to the full catalogue of crimes ;
The baffled sons must feel the same desires,
And act the same mad follies as their sires.
Vice has attained its zenith."- (Gfifford.)
" Nil fuit
Sic impar sibi." HOBACE. Satires, I., 3, 18.
"So strange a jumble ne'er was seen before." (Conington.)
"Nil liabet infelix paupertas durius in se,
Quam quod ridicules homines facit." JUVEKAL. Satwes, JJJ., 152.
Poverty, thy thousand ills combined
Sink not so deep into the generous mind,
As the contempt and laughter of mankind "
"Nil intentatum nostri liquere poetae."
HOBACE. De Arte Poetica, 285.
" There is no theme our poets have not tried."
" Nil intra est
oleam, nil extra est in nuce duri."
HOBACE. Epistolae, IL, 1, 81.
They may prove as well
An olive has no stone, a nut no shelV- -i lonington.)

" Nil mihi das vivas : dicis post fata daturum.

Si non es stultus, scis, Maro, quid cupiam."
MARTIAL, Epigrams, XL, 67, i.
" me
Living you give nought, but say you'll give when you are dead.
If you're not foolish, Maro, sure, you know what I desire,"

"Nil mortalibus arduum est." HORACE. Odes, I., 3, 37.

" there for man too
Nought is high." (Convngton.)
" Nil non mortale tenemus
Pectoris exceptis ingeniique bonis.
En ego, cum patria caream, vobisque, domoque,
Raptaque sint, adimi quae potuere mihi,
Ingenio tamen ipse meo comitorque fruorque j
Caesar in hoc potuit juris habere nihil."
OVID. Tristia, III., 7, 43.
"All that we own is mortal, save what's good
In heart and brain. Lo I have lost my friends,

My home and country all that could be ta'en


Has been rapt from me, yet my intellect

Is still my own, my comrade and my joy-
There even Csesar's might can naught avail."

" Nil obstet dum ne sit te ditior alter."

HORACE. Satires, L, 1, 40.

"Nought can deter thee, while there lives

A richer than thyself."

" Nil
opus invidia est procul absit gloria vulgi
; :

Qui sapit, in tacito gaudeat ille sinu."

TIBULLUS. Elegies, IV., 13, 7.
"No envy I desire, and I scorn
The plaudits of the mob the wise is he

Who, silent, locks his joy within his heart."

"Nil prodest, quod non laedere possit idem.
Igne quid utilius ? Si cjuis tamen urere teota
Comparat, audaces instruit igne manus."
OVID. Tristia, II., 266.
"Nought aids which may not also injure us.
Fire serves us well, but he who plots to burn
His neighbour's roof-tree arms his hands with fire,*'

(Denique) nil soiri si quis putat, id quoque nesoit,
An sciri possit, qui se nil scire fatetur."
LUCBETIUS. De Berum Naiura, IV., 468.
" Who thinks that nothing can be known, e'en knows not this,
Whether it can be known or no, for he admits
Tliat he knows nothing."

"Nil sine magno

Vita labore dedit mortalibus." HORACE. Satires, L, 9, 59.
" In this world of ours
The path to what we want ne'er runs on flowers." (Qonington.)

"Nil super imperio moveor; speravimus ista,

Dum fortuna fuit ; vincant quos vincere mavis."
VIKGIL. Mneid,, X, 42.
Tis not for empire now I fear ;
That was a hope which once was dear,
But let it
: our "blood is spilt,
Yet give the victory where thou wilt." -(Oonington.)

" Nil donabis oonjuge ; vendes

unquam invita
Hao obstante mail ;nihil, haec si nolet, emetur."
JUVEHAL. Satires, VI. , 212.

"N- Tight must be given, if she opposes nought, ;

If she opposes, must be sold or bought" (Gfifwd*)

"Nrmia est miseria, pulchrum esse hominem nimis."

PLAUTTTS. Miles Gloriosus, ActL, Sc. I., 68. (Pyrgopolinices.)
" What a it is to be too handsome."
plague (Bonnell Thornton.}

" Kimia est voluptas, si diu abfueris domo,

Domum si redieris, si tibi nulla est aegritudo animo obviam,"
PLAUTUS. Sticks, Act IV., Sc. I., 18. (Epignomus.)
"Well, I am now at home,
And being so, one feels too great's the pleasure,
When, after absence, one finds all things well."
(JBonnell Thornton.)
" Nimia illaeo licentia
Profecto evadet in aliq[uod magnum malum.'
TERENCE. AddqM, Act III., Sc. IF., 63. (Demea.)
"Immoderate indulgence must produce
Some terrible misfortune in the end/' (George Colman.)

"Nimiram haec est ilia

praestans et divina sapientia, et perceptas
penitus et pertractatas res humanas habere; nihil admirari,
cum acclderit; nihil, antequam evenerit, non evenire posse
arbitrari." GICEEO. Tuseulanae Disputationes, III., 14, BO.
"The highest, the divine wisdom consists in having investigated and
mastered tie innermost nature of all that pertains to mankind; in
being surprised at nothing which happens, and in believing, before the
event, that everything is possible."
Nil admirari, prope res est una, Numioi,
Solaque, quae possit facere et servare beatum."
HOBAOE. jEpistolae, I., 6, 1.
"Not to admire, Numicius, is the best,
The only way to make and keep men blest. "(Qoningfan,)
" Nimirnm insanus
paucis videatur, eo quod
Maxima pars hominum morbo jactatur eodem."
HORACE. Satires, II., 3, 120.
"Few men can see much madness in his whim.
Because the mass of mortals ail like him."

Nimiram sapere est abjectis ufcile nugis,
Et tempestivum pueris concedere ludum."
HOBACE. Epistolae, IT., 2, Ml.
" Wise men betimes will bid adieu to
And give up idle games to idle boys." ((Jomngtm*)
" Nimis vile st J
virmm atque amor,
Si ebrio atque amanti impune iacere, quod lubeat, licet."
PLAUTUS. Aulul&ria, IV., 10,
"Worthless indeed
Are wine and love, if with impunity
The drunkard and the lover work their will."

"Nimium altercando veritas amittitur." PUBLILIUS SYBUS, 326.

" In a heated
argument we are apt to lose sight of the truth."

"Nimium boni est, cui nihil eat malL"

Fragment Invert., XX.
He is too fortunate who has no misfortunes,"

" Nimium ita Tit nomen cluet,

difficile 'st reperiri amioum,
Cui tuam cum rem credideris, sine omni cura dormias."
PLAUTUS. Trinummus, III., 1, 19. (Stasimus.)
" 'Tis
very difficult to find a friend
More than in name, to whom your near concerns
Having entrusted, you may keep at ease." (Eonndl Thornton^)
" Nimitim enim risua
pretium est, si probitatis impendio coastat."
QUINTILIAN. De Institutions Oratoria, 71., 3., 35.
We pay too much for a laugh if it is at the expense of our honesty,"
Nisi carenti dolorlbus morbisqxie, vita ipsa poena foifc."
PLINY THE EEDEB. Natural History, X2TFIII., 1.
" life is in itself a punishment, save to the man who has neither sorrows
nor ill-health."

Nisi forte rebus cunotis inest quidam velut orbis, ut quern ad modum
temporum vices, ita morum vertantur
nee omnia apud priorea

meliora, sed nostra quoque aetas multa laudis et artium imitanda

posteris tulit." TACITUS. Aimals, III., 55.
Or possibly there is in all things a kind of cycle, and there may be moral
revolutions just as there are changes of seasons. Nor was everything
better in the past, but our own age too has many specimens
of excellence and culture for posterity to imitate."
(Ghwch and JBrodrM.)
" Nisi tu illi drachmas fleveris
Quod tu istis lacrimis te probare postulas,
Non pluris refert, quam si imbrem in cribrmn geras."
PtAUTua. Pseudolus, Act Z, So. Z, 98. (Pseudokis,)
You could weep silver drachmas in her lap,
All you can do to endear you by your tears
Would be but sending water in a sieve."
(Bonnell Thornton.)
" Nisi utile est
quod facimus, stulta est gloria.
Nihil agere, quod non prosit, fabella admonet."
PHIEDRUS. JPabUs, III., 17, 12.
" Unless our deeds bear fruit, their fame's but foolishness -

' J
Do nothing or do good s the burden of my tale."

" Nobilis
egnns umbra guoque virgae regitur :
ignavus ne calcari guide m
concitari potest."
QUIETUS CUBTIUS. De Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magm, FIT., 4, 18*
"A well-bred horse is controlled by the mere shadow of the whip ; a slug-
gish one is not roused even by the spur.'*

Kohilitas sola est et unica virtus." JUVESUL. Satires, VIII. , 20.
Virtue alone is true nobility." (GKford.)
" Nbbis ad belli auxilium
pro nomine tanto
Exiguae vires." YiEaiL. JBDntid, 7IIJ., 472.
"Although a mighty name he ours,
Yet scanty are our martial powers." (Coning ton.)
" Nobis cum semel ocoidit brevis lux,
Kos est perpetua una dorniienda. OATULLXTS. Carmina, K, 5,
"When once the sun of our brief day has set.
There follows but a night of endless sleep,"
Kobis non licet ease tarn disertis
Qui Mxisas oolimus severiores." MARTIAL. Epigrams, IX. t 12, 16.
" We not strive for
may elegance
Who cultivate a sterner Muse."
" Koli adfeotare tibi non est datum,
Delusa ne spes ad querelam recidat."
PHAEDBUS. Pahles, 111., 18, 14.
Strive not to gain what not to thee is given ;
Thus shalt thou ne'er complain of hopes betrayed, '
u Koli homines blando nimium sermone
Vistula dulce canit, volucrem dum decipit auceps."
DIONYSIUB GATO. Disticha de MoribuS) L t
" Trust not a man with too
caressing tongue ;
With sweet-toned pipe the fowler snares the bird,"

" Koli me tangere." THB VTJLGATB. St. Jokn> XX,, 17.

"Touch me not."
Nolo quod cupio statim tenere,
Keo -victoria mi "
placet parata.
PBCCROSIUS AEBIMB. Satyricm, Ccvp. 15,
"I do not care to gain at once what I desire,
Kor is a victory sweet which costs me naught."
" Kolo
viram faoili redimit qui sanguine f amam ;

Huno volo, laudari qm sine morte potest"

MABTIAL. pigrcm&> I., 8 (9), 5.
"Not him I love, who with his life's blood buys his fame,
But him who living earns the meed of praise."

" Nomen atque omen."

PLAUTUS. Persa, Act IV., Sc. IV., 7$.-~~(Toxilus,)
" An omen in the name."

"Non aetate verum ingenio adipiscitur sapientia,"

PLAUTUS. Trinummus, Act II., Sc. II. , &8.(PMlto.)
" Tis not
by years that wisdom is acquired,
But waits on disposition." (Eonndl Thornton.)
*'Non alio faoinore clari homines, alio obscuri necantur."
CICEEQ. Pro Milone, VIL, 17.
We do not inflict the death penalty for one crime on men of note, and for
another on men of no position."

"Non amo nimium diligentes."

SOIPIO AFBICANUS. (Cicero, De Oratore, II., 67, 272.)
" I do not like people to be too assiduous."

"Nocere saepe nimiam diligentiam."

PLINY THE ELDEB. Natural History, ZZXF., 36, 10.
"Too great assiduity is often harmful."
"Non amo te, Sabidi, nee possum dioere <3.uare,
Hoc tantmn possum dicere, nou amo te."
MARTIAL. Epigrams, I., 32 (33), 1.
" I do not love
thee, Dr. Fell,
The reason why I cannot tell,
But this alone I know full well,
I do not love thee, Dr. Fell." (Tom Brown.)
" Non bene conveniunt nee in una sede morantur

Majestas efc amor." OVID. Metamorphoses, II. 846. ,

"There is no brotherhood 'twixt love and dignity,

Nor can they share the same abode."
"Non bene olet, qui bene semper olet."
MAETIAL. Epigrams, IZ, 12, 4.
" Who uses
perfumes has good reasons for it."

"Non cuivis homini contingit adire Corintlrum."

HOBACB. Epistolae, I., 17, 36.
" Corinth town is fair,
But 'tis not every man that can get there." (Q&nington*)
" Non damnatio sed causa nominem turpem faoit."
SENEGA. De Moribus, 123.
" It is not the condemnation but the crime that disgraces a man."
" Non datur ad Musas currere lata via."
PBOPEBTITJS. Elegies, IK, 1, 14 (III., 1, 14).
" There is no royal road to poesy."
"Non dolet Me, quisquis laudari, G-ellia, quaerit,
Ille dolet vere, qui sine teste dolet.
MABTIAL. Epigrams, I., 33 (34), 3,
He grieves not much who grieves to merit praise;
His grief is real who grieves in solitude/

" Non donras et fundus, non aeris acervus et auri

Aegroto domini deduxit corpore febres,
Non animo curas." HORACE. Epistolae, Z, 2, 47.
" Not house or grounds, not heaps of brass and gold
Will rid the frame of fever's heat and cold,
Or cleanse the heart of care." (Gonington.)
"Non eadem est aetas, non mens." HORACE. Egistolae, Z, 1, 4,
" no longer are the same."
My-age, my mind,
" Non eadem ratio est sentire et demere morbos."
OVID, JSpistolqe ex Pcnito, III., 9, 15.
" To feel our ills is one thing, but to cure them
Is different quite."

"Non ego hoc ferrem calidus juventa

Console Hanco." HORACE. Odes, III., 14, 27.
" How had I fired in life's warm May,
In Plancus' year "(Qonington.)

" Non dos dicitur

ego illam mihi dotem dnco esse, quae ;

Sed pudicitiam et pudorem, et sedatum cupidinem,

Deum metum, parentum araorem et cognatum conoordiam."
PliAirTUS. AnyMfayo, Act II. Sc. IZ, 209. (Alcwmena.)

"I hold not that my portion which is called so,

But honour, modesty, subdued desires,
Fear of the gods, affection for my parents,
And friendship with my kindred." (Bonnell Thornton.)
"Non ego ventosae plebis suffragia Tenor _

Impensis cenarum et tritae mnnere vestis."

JSpistolae, Z, 19, 37,
* f
, l stoop not, I, to catch the rabble's votes
By cheap refreshments or by cast-off coats. "(Coning ton.)
" Non enim gazae nejue consnlaris
Sunnnovet liotor miseros tumultus
Mentis efe ouras laqueata oircum
Teota volantes." HORACE. Odes, IZ, 16, 9.
" No
pomp, no lictor clears the way
'Mid rabble-routs of troublous feelings,
Nor quells the cares that sport and play
Bound gilded ceilings* "(Conington.)
" Non enim hominnm interitu sententiae quoque ocoidunt, sed lucem
auctoris fortasse desiderant."
CICERO, De Natwa Deorum, Z, 5, 11.
" A man's utterances not die with him, bnt they lose, perhaps, something
of the brilliancy with which he endowed them."

"Non enim nnmero haec judicantur, sed pondere."

CICERO. De Officiis, IZ, 22, 79.
" Not number but is our test in these matters."
"Non enim omnis error stultitia est dieenda."
CICERO. De Divinatione, IZ, 43, 90.
" We must not a foolish one,"
say that every mistake is

"Non. enim solum ipsa fortuna caeca est, sed eos etiam plerumque
effieit caecos quos complexa est."
CICBBO, De Amicitia>i XF,, 54.
" Not
only is fortune herself blind, but she generally blinds those on whom
she bestows her favours."
"Non enim tarn auctoritatis in disputando, qnam rationis momenta
quaereada sunk" CICEBO. De Natwa Deorum, Z, 5, 10.
" We should in discussion rather seek force of argument than of authority."
Non enim temere nee forbuito sati eb oreati sumus."
CIOEBO. Tusculanae Disputationes, X, 49, 118.
" "We 1'
were not begotten and born for nothing, or haphazard.
"Non esse consuetudinem populi Romani, ullam accipere ab hoste
annato conditionem."
CJESAB. De Bella GalUco, V, t ^(QuAntus Cicero to the Nervii.)
" Itis not the custom of the Boman people to make any conditions with
an enemy under arms,"
" Non est ad astra mollis e terris via.'*
SEHECA. Hercules ffurens, 441. (Megwa.)
" Not smooth the road that leads from earth to heaven."
Non est, crede miiu, sapientis dicere Vivam ',

Sera nimis vita est crastina vive hodie." ;

MAETIAL. Epigrams, I., 15 (16), 11.

No wisdom 'tis to say I'll soon begin to live *.
'Tis late to live to-morrow live to-day." ;

"Non est enim consilium in vulgo, non ratio, non discrimen, non
diligentia :
semperque sapientes ea <juae populus feoisset ferenda,
non semper laudanda, dnxerunt."
CICBBO. Pro Plancio, 17., 9.
"The mob have no judgment, no no discrimination, no con-
sistency and it has always been the opinion of men of sense that

popular movements must be acquiesced in, but not always commended."

Non est jocus ease malignum.
Nunquani sunt grati, qui nocuere sales."
SBFECA. Epigrams, F., 17.
"Malice is not jest;
There's nothing pleasing e'er in wit that stabs,"
" Non est paupertas, Nestor, habere nihil."

Epigrams XI., , 32, 8,

" It is not poverty to nothing have."
est vivere, sed valere, vita." Epigrams, VL, 70, 15.
" It isnot life to live, but to be well."
" Non exercitua neque tlxesauri praeaidia regni sunt, verum amici qruos :

neque armis cogere, neque auro parare queas, oificio et fide

pariuntur." SALLTJST. jPugurtha, JC.
" Neither the
army nor the treasury, but Mends, are the true supports of
the throne; for friends cannot be collected by force of arms, nor
purchased with money; they are the offspring of kindness and
"Non exiguum temporis liabemus ;
sed multa perdidimus."
SENECA. De Brevitate Vitae, I,, 3.
It is not that we have but little time, but that we have lost so much."
"Non facile dijudicatur amor verus et rictus, nisi aliquod inoidat
ejusmodi texnpus, ut, quasi aurum igni, sio benevolentia fidelia
periculo aliquo perspici possit."
CICERO. Ad Familiares, IX, 16, 2.
" It is not
easy to distinguish between true and false affection, unless there
occur one of those crises in which, as gold is tried by fire, so a faithful
friendship may be tested by danger."
"Non facile solus serves quod multis placet."
PuBi/iLitrs SYEUS, 336.
" It is not easy to keep to yourself what many desire."

Non facit nobilem atrium plenum fumosis imaginibus."
SENECA. Epistolae, XLIV., 5.
"It is not a gallery full of dusty family portraits that makes a man a
Non faciunt meliorem equum aurei freni."
SENECA. Epistolae, 2X1. , 6.
A gilded bit does not make a bad horse a good one."
"Non fit sine periclo facinus magnum et memorabile."
TERENCE. Heautontwnorumenos, Act XL, Sc. IJJ., 73. (Syrus.)
"No great and memorable deed is e'er
Accomplished without danger."
"Non fumum ex fulgore, sed ex fumo dare lucem
Cogitat." HORACE. De Arte Poetica, 143.
" Not smoke from fire his
object is to bring ;

But fire from smoke, a very different thing." (Gonington.)

" Non idem
semper dicere, sed idem semper spectare debemus."
CICEBO. Ad Famiticvres, L, 9, 21.
" We are not bound
always to hold the same language, but we are bound
to be constant in our aims."

"Non ignara mali miseris succurrere disco."

VIRGIL. 2Eneid I., 630.
" t

Myself not ignorant of woe,

Compassion I have learnt to show." (Goninffton.)
in Caesare tantum
Nomen erat, nee fama ducis sed nescia virtus ;

Stare loco, solusque pudor non vincere bello."

LUCAN. Pharsalia> I., 143.
" Not name
great in alone, or warlike fame.
Was Csesar but no rest his valour knew,

And nothing, save defeat, he counted shame."

"Non in man tantum aut in proeliis vir fortis apparet; exhibetur
etiam in lectulo virtus."
SEOTJCA. De Remediis Fortwitorum, 71., 1.
"It is not only at sea or in battle that a man's bravery is displayed,
courage is shown even in the bed-chamber."

Non ingenerantur homimbus mores tarn a stirpe generis ac semiuis


quamex iis rebus quae ab ipsa natura loci efc a vitae consuetu-
dine suppeditantur, quibus alimur et vivimus."
CICERO. De Lege Agraria, IL, 35, 95.
" Character is not so much bora with us. as a consequence of heredity and
descent, but is rather the growth of circumstances dependent on
locality and habit, the circumstances
of our life and development."

u Non intelligunt homines, quam magnum veotigal sit parsimonia."

CICEBO. Paradox^ VT., 3, 49.
Men do not understand how valuable a possession is frugality."

Non is solmn gratus debet esse qui acoepit beneficium, verum etiam
is cui potestas accipiendi fuit."
CICEBO. De ProvincOs Consukvribit$ X7JI., 41. t

" G-ratitude should not be confined to him who has accepted a favour, but
should be felt also by him who has had the opportunity of accepting,"
Non laudandns esfc, quoi credit plus qm audit, quam qui videt ;

Non placet, cum illi plus laudant, qui audiunt, quam qui vident ;

Pluris est oculatus testis urnis, quarn attriti decem.

Qui audiunt, audita dicunt ; qui vident plane sciunt,"
PLATTTUS. Trucuhntus, Act II., Be. VL, 0. (Sfaatophanes.)
"I don't commend the man, who rather trusts
His ears than eyes. It discomposes me
"When those are louder in their commendations,
Who've only heard reports, than those who saw
The deeds performed. And one eye-witness weighs
More than ten hearsays. Seeing is believing
All the world o'er." (Bennett Thornton.)
" Non maxumas quae maxumae sunt interdum irae injurias
IPaciunt nain saepe est, quibus in rebus alitis ne iratus quidem est,

Quum de eadem causa est iracundus faotus inimicissimus."

TBBENCB. Hecyra, Act III., Sc. L, 27.(Parmeno.)
The greatest quarrels do not always rise
From deepest injuries. We
often see
That which would never move another's spleen
Bender the choleric your worst of foes." (George Oolman.)
Lis minimis verbis interdum maxima crescit."
DIONYSIUS CATO. Disticha de Moribus, ZT., 11.
"Prom lightest words sometimes the direst quarrel springs."

"Non metuit mortem, qui scit contemnere vitam."

OATO. Disticha de Mvribus, IV. 22. ,

He fears not death who has learnt to despise life,"
" si linguae centum aint oraque centum,
Non, mihi
Ferrea vox, omnis soelerum oomprendere formas,
Omnia poenarum perourrere nomina possim."
MnM, T7!., 625.

"No, had hundred tongues,

I e'en a
A hundred mouths, and iron lungs,
Those types of guilt I could not show,
Nor tell the forms of penal woe." ((Jowwgtm*)
Non minus principi turpia sunt multa supplicia, quam medico multa
funera." SENECA. De Clementia, I., 24, 1.
"Many punishments are no less disgraceful to a prince, than many deaths
to a doctor."

Non missura cutem, nisi plena oraoris, hirudo."
HORACE. De Arte Poetica* 476.
"As leeches stick till they have sucked their fills." (Qonington.)

"Non modo proditori, sed ne perfugae quidem locus

in meis castris
cuiquam fait." CICERO. In Verrem, II., 1, 38, 98.
"Not only no traitor, but no deserter even, has ever found a place in my
"Non nasci homini longe optimum esse (docuit); proximum autem,
quam primum mori."
CICEKO.Tuscultmae Disputationes, I., 4:8, 114.
" He
taught that far the happiest fate for a man was not to be born the ;

next happiest to die very early."

" Non nostrum inter vos tantas

componere lites."
VIRGIL. Mclogws, III., 108.
" In
quarrels such as these not ours to intervene."

"Non omnia eadem aeque omnibus, here, suavia esse scito."

PLAUTTJS. Asinaria, Act IIL, Sc, JJZ, 51. (Libarnw.)
" All
things are not alike pleasant to all." (JBonnell Thornton.)

"Non omnia possumus omnes." VIBGIL. Eclogues, FIJI., 63.

"Some limit must there be to all men's faculties."

"Non omnibus aegris eadem auxilia conveniunt."

CELSUS. De Medicina, IJZ, 1.

"The same remedies do not suit every patient."

"Non omnis aetas,Lyde, ludo convenit."

PLAUTUS. BaccTMes Act J., Sc. t II., 21. (Pistoclenw.)
Not every age is fit for childish sports."
" Non omnis mei
moriar, multaque pars
Vitabit Libitinam." HOBACH. Odes, III, 30, 6.
"I shall not wholly die ; large residue
Shall 'scape the queen of funerals. "(Conington.)
" Cum
volet, ilia dies, quae nil nisi corporis hujus
Jus habet, incerti spatium mihi finiat aevi :
Parte tamen meliore mei super alta perennis
Astra ferar, nomenque erit indelebile nostrum."
OVID, Metamorphoses, ZF., 873.
When the last day takes wing, and bears with it
The worthless clay o'er which alone it rules,
Then ends the span of my uncertain life :
But high above the stars my nobler self
Shall rise eternal, nor shall time efface
My deathless name.'*

"Non oportere quemquam a sermone principis tristem discedere

(dicebat). TITUS. (Suetonius, FIZZ, 8.)
" No one should ever
go away sad from an audience with his sovereign."

"Non parcit populis regnum breve/' STATIUS. Thebais, IL, 446.

" A short w
reign brings no respite to the masses.

Non possideiitem multa vooaveria
Recte beatum : rectius occupat
Nomen beati, qui deorum
Muneribus sapienter uti,
Du.ram.que callet pauperism pati,
Pej usque leto flagitium timet ;

Non illepro caris amiois

Aut patria timidus perire." HOBACE. Odes, T7. t 9, 45.

"The lord of boundless revenues

Salute Mm mot as happy no,:

Call him the happy, who can use

The bounty that the gods bestow,
Can bear the load of poverty,
And tremble not at death, but sin ;
No recreant he when called to die
In cause of country or of ldn>" (Conington*)

" Non rete

accipitri tenditur, neque miluo,
illis qui nihil faciunt tenditur."
Qui male faciunt nobis :

TBBBNCE. Phormio, Act IL, So. IL W.~(Phormio.) 3

"The not stretched to catch the hawk,

Or kite, who do us wrong ; but laid for those,
Who do us none at all," (George Caiman.)

"Non satis est pulchra esse poemata ; dulcia sunto,

Et quooumque volent animum auditoris agunfco."
HOBACB. De Arte Poeiuw, 99.
" Mere
grace is not enough a play should thrill

The hearer's soul, and move it at its will."- (Conington.)

"Non satis est puris versum perscribere verbis."

HOBAOE. Satires, L t 4, 54.

"'Tis not sufficient to combine

Well-chosen words in a well-ordered line." (Conington.)

"Non semper ea sunt quae videntur j deoipit

Frons prima multos, rara mens intelligit
Quod interiore condidit cura angulo."
PHAEDBUS. Fables, IF., 2, 6,

Things are not always what they seem to us ;

How many does the outward form deceive !

Bare is the mind that's skilled to understand

What's carefully concealed behind the mask."
" Non
semper plaoidus perjuros ridet amantes
Jupiter, et surda negligit aure preces."
PJBOPEETIUS, Elegies, III., 7, 4=7 (II, 16, 47).
Not always does Jove calmly smile
At lovers' perjuries, and to their prayers
Turn a deaf ear."

"Non sentire mala sua non est hominis et non ferre non est viri."
SENECA. Ad Polylium, de Consolatione, XVII,, 2,
" Not to feel one's misfortunes is not human, not to bear them is not manly.'*

" Non sentiunt viri fortes in acie vulnera."

CICERO. Tusculanae Disputationes, II., 24, 58.
" In the stress of battle brave men do not feel their wounds."
" male nunc, et olim
Non, si

Sic erit." HORACE. Odes, II., 10, 17.

"Because to-day the Fates are stern,
'Twill not be ever so."

"Non sibi, sed domino gravis est, quae servit, egestas."

LUCAN. Pharsalia, III., 152.
"Dangerous is servile poverty,
Not to itself but to the lord it serves."

" Non sum oocupatus \inquam amico operam dare."

PI/ATJTUS. Mercator, Act II., Sc. II,, 2, 17. (Lysimacfaus,)
"I've always leisure to assist ray friend." (Bonndl Thornton.)
" Non sum eram bonae
Sub regno Oinarae, HOBACB. Odes IV,
t , 1, 3.
Trust me, I am not the same

As in the reign of Cinara, kind and fair." (Coning ton.)

" Non Bunt
longa, quibus nihil est quod demere possis ;
Sed tu, Cosconi, disticha longa facis."
MARTIAL. Epigrams, II. , 77, 7.
" No
poem's too long from which you nought can take ;

with you, Cosconius, e'en a distich's long."

" Non tali auxilio nee def ensoribus

Tempus eget." YisaiL. Mn&id } II,, 521,

"Not such defenders, not such aid as this,
The times demand.'*
Non tam bene cum rebus humanis agitur, ut meliora pluribus placeant ;

argumerjium pessimi turba est."

SENECA. De Vita Beata, II., 1.
" Human afairs are not so well
arranged that the wisest counsels find the
most supporters the opinion of the mob is a worthless
" Non tam portas intrare patentes
Quarn fregisse juvat." LUCAK. Pharsalia, II., 443.
u Less it
delights through op ,__, .

Than first to break them down."


" Non temerarium ubi dives blande appellat pauperem,

Jam iUichomo aurum me scit nabere, eo me salutat blaadius."
PLAUTUS. Aulularia, Act II., Sc. II., 7.- (3uclio.)
" Tis not for
When man speaks kindly to a poor one.
a rich
Now, to be sure, he knows I have got money ;
And therefore he's so wondrous complaisant/*
(Bonnell Thornton.)
" Non tibi illud
apparere, si sumas, potest ;

Nisi tu immortal rere esse argentum tibi.

Sero atque stulte, prius qtiod cautum oporttdt,
Postquam comedifc rem post rationem putat."
PLAUTUS. Trinummus, Act II. , Sc. IF, 12. (Stasimus.)
"You cannot eat your cake and have it too.
Unless you think your money is immortal
The fool too late, his substance eaten up.
Beckons the cost." (Bonnell Thornton.)

"Non tu corpus eras sine pectore." HOBACE. JSpistolae, /, 4, 6.

"No brainless trunk is yours." (Gonington.)
Non tu nunc hominum mores vides ?
Quojusmodi Mo cum fama facile nubitur.
Bum dos est, nullum vitium vitio vortitur."
PLAUTUS. Persa, Act III., Sc. J,, 57. (Saturio.)
"You don't observe the manners of the tunes
Girls, of whatever character, get husbands
Easily here,^-and so they have but money,
All faults are overlooked." (Bonnell Thornton.)

" Non tu cum ex alto puteo sursum ad summum escenderis,

Maximum perioulum inde "
esse, a summo ne xursum cadas ?
PLAUTUS. Miles Q-lorioBUSy Act IV., Sc. IF., 14. (Palaestrio.)
Do you not know
When from the bottom of a well you've mounted
Up to the top, then there's the greatest danger,
Lest from the brink you topple back again ?

(onneU TJwrnton.)
" Non tutum est, q:uod ames, laudare sodali."
OVID. De Arte Amandi t
L t 741.
" "Tis
dangerous to praise aught that you love
Before your boon companion."

"Non ut diu vivamus curandum est, sed ut satis."

SENECA. E^tolae, XGIIL, 2.
" It should be our care not so much to live a long life as a satisfactory one."

"Non, ut intelligere possit, sed, ne omnino possit non intelligere,

QUINTIXJAN. De Institutiow Oratorio,, VIII. , 2, 24.

"It must be our effort, not so much to make ourselves intelligible, as, above
all things, to avoid being misunderstood."
" Non vacat OVID. Tristia, IE, 216.
exiguis rebus adesse Jovi."
" Jove has no leisure to attend to little things."

(Sed) non vidermzs, manticae quod in tergo est."
CATULLUS. Carmina, XX. (XXIL), 21.

"Nought see we of the wallet at our back."

" Peras
imposuit Jupiter nobis duas :

Propriis repletam vitiis post tergum dedit,

JUienis ante peotus suspendit gravem.
Hao re videre nostra mala non possumns ;
Alii simul delinquent, censores sumus."
PHAEDBUS, Fables, 17., 10, 1.

"Two sacks has Jove upon our shoulders placed :

One hangs behind with our own vices filled,

One, with our neighbours' weighted, on our breast.
Thus our own failings are concealed from view ;

Let others stumble, swift we criticise."

" Aliena vitia in oculis

habemus, a tergo nostra stint.*'
SENECA. De Ira, II., 28, 8.
"The vices of others we have before our eyes ; our own are behind
our backs."

" Ut nemo in sese tentat descendere nemo ; ;

Sed praecedenti spectator mantica tergo."

PERSIUS. Satires, IF., 23.
"How few, proper faults explore
alas, their !

While on his loaded back, who walks before,

Each eye is fixed." (Gi/ord.)

"Non vitae, sed scholae discinrus/' SENECA. Epistolae, GVIn 12,

" We but of the schools."
learn, unfortunately, the lessons not of life,

"Nondum Justitiam facinus mortale fugarat ;

Ultima de Superis ilia reliquit humum." OVID. Fasti, I., 249.

" Nor
yet was Justice banished by men's crimes ;
She, last of all the immortals, left the earth.'
"Nondum omnium dienim solem oocidisse."
LIVY. Histories^ XXXIX., 26.
" The sun has not set for all time,"
" Nos
autem, ut ceteri alia oerta, alia incerta esse dicunt, sic ab his
dissidentes alia probabilia, contra alia dicimus."
CICEBO. De OfficUs, IL, 2, 7.
"Where others say that some things are certain, others uncertain, we,
differing from them, say that some things are probable, others

"Nos duo turba sumus." OVID. Metamwphoses t I., 355,

" We two are to ourselves a crowd,"

"Nos honmnculi indignamur, si quis nostrum interiit ant occisus est,

quorum vita brevior esse delbet, quum
Uno loco tot oppidum cadavera
Projecta jacent?"
S. SrjLPicius. (Cicero, ad Familiares, IK, 5, 4.)
"What right have we mannikins to be indignant at the death of one
amongst us, either in his bed or on the battlefield, we whose life should
of right be shorter, when
The corpses of full many a town
Lie prostrate on one site ? "
" NOB.
indignenmr mortalia corpora solvi,
Oernimus exemplis, oppida posse mori."
BUTILIUS NUMATIANUS. De Reditu Buo, I., 413.
Why chafe we at the loosing of those bonds
Which bind the bodies and the souls of men,
When we have proof that cities too may die ? "
"Nos numerus sumus et fruges consumere nati."
HOEA.GB. Epistolae, L, 2, 27.
"But what are we ? a mere consuming class,
Just fit for counting roughly in the mass."
" Nos
omnes, qulbus est alicunde ali^uis objectus labos,
Omne quod est interea tempus, prius quam id rescitum est, lucro est.*
TEEBNCE. Hecyra, Act JIT., Sc. I., Q.(PampMlu$
" For when
Mischance befalls us, all the interval
Between its happening, and our knowledge of it.
May be esteemed clear gain." (George Caiman.)
"Nosse velint omnes, mercedem solvere nemo."
JUVENAL. Satires, FIT., 157.
"All wish to know, but none the price will y>&y"-(
ille Ennius sanctos
Nosiser appellat poetas, quod quasi deorum aliquo
dono atgue munere commendati nobis esse videantur. "
OICEEO. Pro ArcMa, VIII., 18.
" Our Ennius calls poets holy, because they seem to bring us as credentials
a certain Divine gift."

" Nosti mores mulierum


Dum moliuntur, dum comuntnr, annus est.' 7

TBBENCE. Heautontimorumenos, Act II., Sc. II., 10. (Clitvpho.)

" You know the
ways of women ;
to set off
And trick their persons out requires an age." (George Golman.)
Nostra autem respublica non unius esset ingenio, sed multorum, nee
una hominis vita, sed aliquot constituta se'culis et aetatibus."
OIOEEO. De RepubUca, II., 1, 2.
Our state did not spring from the brain of one man, but of many nor ;

was it consolidated in a lifetime, but in the course of generations and

" Nostra sine auxilio
fugiunt bona. Carpite florem,
Qui nisi carptus erit, turpiter ipse cadet."
OVID. De Arte Amandi, IIL, 179.
" Our flee unaided. Pluck the flower,
For if you pluck it not, 'twill fade and fall,"

Hostrapte culpa facimiis, ut malos expediat esse,
Dum mmium dici nos bonos studemus et benignos.
Ifca fugias ne praeter casam, quod aiunt."
TBEBHCB. PJiorwio, Act V., Sc II., 1. (DemipJio.)
" 'TIs our owa fault tliat we encourage rogues,
By overstraining the due character
Of honesty and generosity.
'Shoot not beyond the mark/ the proverb goes."
(George Golman.)
" Nota mala res optuma *st."
PLAUTUS. Triniimmus^ Act I., Sc. IT., 25. (Megaronides.)
" The evil that we know is best."
(Bonndl Thornton.)
u Notissimum
qnodque malum, maxime tolerabile."
Histories, XXIII. , 3.
" Those ills are easiest to bear with which we are most familiar."

"Notatio naturae, animadversio peperit artem."

CICEEO. Orator, LV. 183. t

" Art is born of the observation and investigation of nature."

ego amantium animtim; advertunt graviter quae non censeas."

TBRENOE. Heautontimorumenos, Act IIL, Sc, III, 9. (Chr&mes.) ,

"I know the ways

Of lovers they oft take offence at things

You dream not of "(George Golman.)

" Novi viri
ego ingeniuin
Indocile : fleet! non potest, frangi potest."
SENECA. Thyestes,
"I know the stubborn temper of the man ;
He may be broken but can ne'er be bent.
Noyi ingeninm mnliernm :
Noltint nbi velis ;
libi nolis cupiutiii tiltro."
TBBENOB. EmucMs, Act 17., So, VII. , 42. (Qnatho.)
" I know
The ways of women. When you will, they won't,
And when you won't, they're dying for you." (George Caiman.)

Npvo modo tu, homo, amas si quidem te quidquam, quod f axis, pudet,

Nihil amas umbra es amantum magis, quam amator, Pleusides."


PLAUTUS. Miles Act IIL, Sc, L, 30, (Pervplectomenes.)

"You are new mode,
a lover, man, of a
That you can blush at anything you do.
Go, go, you nothing love. A lover ? no,
The semblance you, and shadow of a lover/'
--(JBonnell Thornton.)

" Nudo detrahere vestixnenta me jubes.
Asww&m, AcsRZy Sc. I., l$.(Libanw.)
"You order me to strip the clolhes from a naked man."
" Nudum hominem
pxinrom malar "Natura pyofudit ;

Insuper excruciat, niyeis qiium dentibus mrnaat."

SiEraus SAJMomcus. D& Medecina, 1038.
"Naked is man of Mother Natures ]>orn;
But soon she tortures Mm, when with white teeth
She arms Mm."
" Nudum latro transmlttit. Efci&ra in oh ASS* via pauperi est/'
SS-TOCA. fiptetolae, 217., 9.

"The footpad lets the beggar pass "by. F ren when the highway is in the
hands of brigands, there is no danger to tke poor man."
" Cantabit vaouus corajoi latrone viator."

" Void of care the

JUVENAL. SMres, X, 22.
beggar trips along,
And, in the spoiler's presence* trolls his song/' (Giford.)
" Nudus amor formae non amafc artificem."'
BEOEERTIUS. Elegies 1 1. , 2, 8.
Naked lop-6
Loves not the "bea.uty that is due to art."

" Num quis, At quod

q[uod bonus vir as-set, gratias. -diis
3 "
egit unquain ?
dives, quod honoratus, quod incolinaxis,
CICBEO. De Natora Deorum, IIZ, 36, 87.
' '
Who was ever known, to thanl the gods for virtue ? But for wealth, for
honour, for safety, many/*
" Nxtm tibi cum fauces urit satis, aurea gmaeils
Pooula ? " KcmcE. Satires, I., 2, 114.

"Surely you do not to drink front golden cups,


When you're half dead with thirst 1"

" Nulla aconifca M"buntur
Fictilibus." IOFBNAL. Satires, X. t 25.

"Kone from earthen bowls deatruetioa aip. (Gti/ord*)

"Nulla dies adeo est australibus huonida aimbis,

Isfon interraissis ut fluat imber a^uis,
Non sterilis locus ullus ita. est, ut non. sits illo m
Mixta fere duris utilia herl>a mlaia.
Nil adeo fortuna gravis miseral)il& fecit,
Ut minuant nulla gaudia parts malum ,**
OVID, frptetolae ex Ponto, J7., 4, 1.
" The south wind ne'er so fast the isdn. clouds brings,
That there's no glimpse of sunsMae 'twixt the showers.
Ko land's so barren tkat we may aot find
Some useful herb amidst the brambles hidden,
No lot has fortune so unhappy ma,(3ea
But some joy's left to ease the stmgofpain."
"Nulla est igitur ezcusatio peccati, si aamcd causa peccaveris."
GIOBBO, De Amicitia, -XX, S7.
It is no excuse for sin that we sinned for a Mend's sake/'
" Nulla est tarn difficilis siet,
facilis res, quin
Quum invitus facias."
TEKEHCE. Heautontimorumenos, Act JF, Sc. FI., 1. (Clifypho.)
Nothing so easy in itself, but when
Performed against one's will grows difficult." (George Golman.)
" Nulla est tarn stulta
oivitas, quae non injuste imperare malit, quam
servire juste." CIOEBO. De RepuUica, III., 18, 28.
"There is no community so foolish as not to prefer unlawful dominion
to lawful servitude."
" Nulla est
voluptas navitis, Messenio,
Major, meo animo. quam quom ex alto prooul
Terram conspiciunt."
PLATOUS. Memaechmi, Act IT., Sc. Z, l,(Menaeclwm$ Sosicles.)
"No greater joy have voyagers, Messenio,
Than from the deep far off to spy out land."
(JBonnell Thornton.)
" Nulla fere causa est in non femina litem
Moverit." JUVENAL. Satires, VI. , 242.
"There's scarce a case comes on but you shall find
woman's at the bottom."
" Nulla fides
regni sooiis, omnisque potestas
Impatiens consortis erit." LUCAN. Pharsalia, L t 92.
'Mongst those who share a throne no loyalty can be.
Dominion's aye impatient of a consort."
" Nulla
mjuria est quae in volentem fiat.*'
ULPIAKUS. (Carpus Jwis CiviUs Romam, Digesta, Lib. ZLFII.,
Tit. X., 1., 5.)
" That no injury which
is is done to a willing person."
" Volenti non fit injuria".)
(Generally quoted,
" Nulla
juventutis est spes ; sese omnes amant."
PLAXJTUS. Captvui, Act I., Sc. II. t l$.(Ergasilu$,)
" of this age are all self-lovers
Young fellows ;
I have no hopes of 'vm."~(Bonnell Thornton.)
" Nulla
lex satis commoda omnibus est: id modo quaeritur, si major!
parti et in summam prodest." LIVY. Histories, ZZZIF., 3.
" No law can
possibly meet the convenience of every one we must bo :

satisfied if it be beneficial on the whole and to the

" Nulla
reparabilis arte
Laesa pudioitia est. Deperit ilia semel." OVID. Heroides, F., 101.
A stain on chastity no art can wash away ;

It dies to live no more."

"Nulla res multitudinem regit, quam superstitio: alioquin

impotens, saeva, mutabilis, ubi vana religione oapta eat, melius
vatibus quam ducibus suis parel"
QUINTUS CUETITO. De Rebus Gestis Alevandri frfagm, IF., 10, 7.
Nothing has more effect upon the mob than superstition : at other times
feeble, cruel, inconstant, once it falls under the spell of some ground-
less belief, it obeys its priests more
willingly than its leaders,"

" Nulla sancta societas

Nee fides regni est.
ENNIUS. (Quoted "by Cicero, de Officiis, I., 8, 26.)
"There is no holy bond, and no fidelity
'Twixt those who share a throne."
" NuIIa sors dolor ao voluptas
longa est ;

Invicem oedunt ; brevior voluptas."

SENECA. Thyestes, 596. (Chorus.)
"Nought allotted us for long ; pleasure and pain
In turn succeed each other, but 'tis pleasure
That swiftest flees."
" Nulla taberna meos
habeat, nee pila, libellos
Queis manus insudet vulgi, Hermogenisque Tigelli ;

Nee recitem qmcquam, nisi amicis, idque coactus,

Non ubivis, eoramve HOBACE. Satires, I"., 4, 71.
"No books of mine on counter stand,
stall or
To tempt Tigellus or some clammier hand,
Nor read I save to Mends, and that when pressed,
Not to chance auditor, or casual guest." (Conington,)
" Nulla
unq[uam de raorte hominis cunctatio longa est.
demens, ita servus homo est ? Nil f eoerit, esto ;
Hoe volo, sic jubeo, sit pro ratione voluntas."
JUVENAL. Satires, VI, , 221.
" When the life of man is in debate,
No time can be too long, no care too great ;

Hear all, weigh all with caution, I advise.

' '
Thou sniveller ! is a slave a man ? she cries.
He's innocent, be't so : 'tis my command," f

My will ; let that, sir, for a reason stand.' ((tt/ord.)

" Nullae sunt occultiores
insidiae, o^uam eae quae latent in simulations
officii aut in aliquo necessitudinis nomine."
OICBBO. In Verrem, IZ, 1, 15, 39.
conspiracy is never more difficult of detection than when it is concealed
under a pretence of duty, or some alleged necessity."
"Nullam ego rem citiorem apud homines ease quam famam reor."
Pr/AUT0s. Fragment.
"There's nothing among men more swift, methinks, than rumour."
"Nnllam invenies quae parcat amanti."
JuvHHAii. Satires, VL, 208.
" To a fond
spouse a wife no mercy shows." (Giford.)
Nullam rem e nihilo gigiii divinitus tmc[tiam."
LUCBETIUS. De Rerum Natura, J., 151.
"Nothing the gods have e'er produced from nothingness."
"Null! ad aliena respicienti sua placent."
SENECA. De Ira, III., 31, 1.
"No one is pleased with what he has, when he looks round at the posses
sions of others."
" Nulli est homini
perpetuum bonum."
PLATJTUS. Curculio, Act I., Sc. III., 33. (Planesium.)
" No
blessing lasts for ever," (JBonnett Thornton,}
"Nulli fortnna tarn dedita est, ut multa temptanti ubique respondeat."
SENECA. De Ira, JII., 6, 5.
" To no one isfortune so enslaved that she will always answer to his prayers
if lie attempts too much,"
" Nulli secundus." APXJLEIUS. Florida, I., 9, 32.

''Second to none.'*
" Nullius addictus
jurare in verba magistri,
Quo m
ounque rapit tempestas, deferor hospes."
HOEACE. 33pistolae> I., 1, 14.
"I've taken no man's shilling ; none
Of all yourfathers owns me for his son ;
Just where the weather drives me, I invite
Myself to take up quarters for the night." (Gonington.}
" Nulliua boni sine sooio
jucunda possessio eat."
SENEGA. Epistolae, VI. ,

"There is no pleasure in the possession of any blessing unless we share it

with another."
" Nullras exitium
patitur Natura videri."
LTJOBBTITJS. De R&rum Nafavra, J., 218.
There is no place in nature for extinction.'

" Nttllo fata loco

possis excludere : quum Mors
Yenerit in medio, Tibure Sardinia est."
MARTIAL. Epigrams, 17., 60, 5.
Go where you will, you cannot shut
The door on Fate when Death draws nigh,

Then far Sardinia is as near

As Tibur."
"Nullurn ad nooendum tempus angustum est malis."
SBNEOA. Medea, 292. (Creon.)
" No time is too short for the
evil-disposed to work their wicked will."

"Hullum bellum suscipi a civitate optima, nisi aut pro fide aut pro
salute." OIOEEO. De EepulUca, III., 23, 34.
War should only^
be undertaken by a highly civilised state to preserve
either its religion, or its existence."

Kullmn beneficium esse duco id, quod cui facias non placet."
Pr*ATTTtrs. Triwummus, Act III,, Sc, III., 12. (Lesbomcus*)
Kought can I deem
A benefit, if it displeases him
On whom it is bestowed. "(Bonndl Thornton,}

Nullnm enim orBcium referenda n

magis necessarium
gratia est.
CICERO. De Offi&As, I., 15, 47.
"There is no duty more obligatory than the repayment of a kindness."
(Dicere enim solebat) nullum esse librum tarn malum, ut non aliq^ua
parte prodesset."
PLINY THE YotrNGER. Epistolae, III., 5. (A saying of Pliny
the Elder.}
"No book is so bad but benefit may be derived from some part of it."

"(Ex quo intelligi potest) Nullum esse imperium tufcum, nisi bene-
volentia munitum." CORNELIUS NEPOS. Dion, 5.
"No sovereignty is secure unless safeguarded by affection."
" Nullum eat
jam dictum quod non dictum sit prius."
TERENCE. Eunuchus, Prologue, 4L
"Nothing's said now but has been said before." [George Colman,}
" Nullum
magnum ingenium mixtura dementiae fait."
SENECA. De Tranguillitate Anwii, XVIL, 10.
"No great genius was ever without some admixture of madness."

"Nullum majus boni imperil instrumentum quam bonos amicos esse."

TACITUS. History, IF., 7.
" There can be no more effectual instrument of good government than good
friends." (Ghwch and JBrodnbb.)
" Nullum numen habes, si sit prudentia nos te ;

Nos faoimus, Eortuna, deam, coeloque locamus."

JUVBNAL. Satires, X. 365.
t (Of. XIV., 815.)
" We should see,
If wise, Fortune, nought divine in thee :
But we have deified a name alone.
And fixed in heaven thy visionary throne." (Oiford.)
" Nullum
quod tetigit non ornavit."
DE. JOHNSON. Epitaph on Goldsmith. (BoswelVs Life of Johnson,
Fitzgerald's ed., 1888, Vol. H.,p. 153.)
"He touched nothing which he did not adorn/'
"Nullum scelus rationem habet." LIVY. Histories, XXVIIL, 28.
"No crime can ever be defended on rational grounds."
"Nullus argento color eat avaris
Abdito terris." HORACE. Odes, IL, 2, 1.
"The shows not fair
silver, Sallust,
While buried in the greedy mine." Conmgton.)
Nullus cunctationis locus est in eo consilio quod non potest laudari
nisi peractum." TACITUS. History, J., 38,
"There is no room for delay in a business which can only be approved
when it is done." (Ghwrch and Brodnbb.)
quern non longinquitas temporis minuat et molliat.
Nullus dolor est
Hoc te exspectare tempus tibi turpe est ac non ei rei sapientia
tua te occurrere."
S. SULPIOIUS. (Cicero, ad Famttiares, IV., 5, 6.)
"There is no grief so bitter as not to be diminished and assuaged by lapse
of time. But it would be unworthy of you to wait thus for time,
instead of calling upon philosophy to aid you."
" Numerantur enim non ponderanturnee aliud in publico
sententiae, ;

consilio potest fieri; in quo nihil est tarn inaequale, quam

aequalitas ipsa." PLINY THE YOUNO-BE. flpistolae, II,, 12,
"Votes are counted, not weighed; the only possible course in a publi
assembly, where nothing is so unequal as equality itself."
"Numero dens impare gaudet." "
YIBGIL, Eclogues, VIIL, 75 (also Ciris," 373).
"Fortune loves the odd numbers."
" Nuno adhibe
Pectore verba, puer nunc te melioribus offer ;

Quo semel est imbtita recens, servabit odorem

Testa din." HOBACE. Epistolae, L, 2, 67.
"Now, while your system's plastic, ope each pore ;
Now seek wise friends, and drink in all their lore ;
The smell that's first imparted will adhere
To seasoned jars through many an after year/' (Conington.)
" Nunc
ego verum illud verbum esse experior vetus :

Aliquid mali esse propter vicinum malum,"

PLAUTUS. Mercator, Act 17., Sc. IV., 31. (Lysimachus.)
" "Ks an old
saying, and, I find, a true one.
That a bad neighbour brings bad fortune with him."
(Bonnell Thornton.)
" Nuno est bibendum, mine
pede libero
Pulsanda tellus." HOEAOB. Odes, L, 37, 1.
" Now drink we
deep now 2
featly tread
A measure." -(Qomngton.)
."ITunc est mens adducta tna, mea Lesbia, cnlpa,
Ato^iie ita se offrcio perdidit ipsa pio,
Ut jam nee bene velle queam tibi, si optima fias,
Nee desistere amare, omnia si facias."

"Thy faults, my Lesbia, have such charm for me,

So far in love of thee I've lost myself,
Wert thou a saint, I could not wish thee well,
Nor cease to worship thee whate'er thy sins."
" Nuno est
profeoto, iaterfici, cum perpeti me possum,
3tfe hoc gaudium contaminet vita aegritudine alio^ua.
TBBENCB. Eunuchus, Act III., Sc. V,, 3, (Chaerea.)
" 'Tis now the time very
When I could suffer to be put to death,
Lest not another transport like to this
Eemain in life to come." (George Golman.)
" Nuno onmis ager, nnnc omnis partuxit arbos ;
Nunc frondent silvae ; rnmo formosissimus armus."
YIBG-IL. Eclogtm, III., 56.
"Now every field, now every tree brings forth,
And now the woods put on their leafy garb j

Now is the year most fair."

Kuno patimur longae paois mala, saevior armis
Luxuria incubuit, victumque nloisoitur orbem."
JUVENAL. Satires, VL, 292.
"Now the evils of long peace are ours ;
Luxury, more terrible than hostile powers,
Her baleful influence wide around has hurled,
And well avenged the subjugated world." (Gi/ord f

"Nunc vero nee locus tibi ullus duloior esse debet patria; nee earn
diligere minus debes, quod deformior est, sed miserari potius."
CICBBO. Ad Familiares, IV., 9, 3.
"No place should now be sweeter to you than your fatherland, nor should
you love it less, but rather pity it more, because of its deformities."

"Nunquam aliud natura, aliud sapientia dicit."

JUVEHAL. Satires, XIV. ,
" Nature and Wisdom never are at strife." (GH/ord.)

"Nunquam desunt consulta duobus."

"Where two take counsel there'll be no Jack of plans."

"Nunquam erit alienis gravis, qui suis se concinnat levem,"

PLAUTUS. Trinummus, Act III., Sc. II., 58. (Lesbonicus.)
"Who bears him gently to his own relations
Will ne'er show hard to others," (Bonnell Thornton.)

"Nunquam est fidelis cum potente societas."

PHAEDRUS. Fables, I., 1.
" Trust not too far the alliance of the strong."

" est ille miser, cui facile est mori."

SENECA. Hercules Oetaeus, III. -(Chorus.)
" He's ne'er
unhappy to whom death is easy."

"Nunquam imperator ita paci credit, ut non se praeparet bello."

SENECA. De Vita Beata, XXVI., 2.
"No ruler can be so confident of peace as to neglect to prepare for war."
Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
VBGBTIUS, De Re MiUta/ri, IIL> Prologue.
"Let him who desires peace prepare for war."
"Nunquam, inquit, sapiens irascitur."
GICBBO. Pro Murena, XXX., 62.

"The wise man never loses Ms temper."

"Nunquam irasci desinet sapiens, si semel coeperit; omnia sceleribus
ao vitiis plena sunt." SENECA. De Ira, II. 9. ,

"The sage will never cease from anger, if once he gives way to it; for
everything round him is overflowing with vice and crime."
Nunquam ita quisquam bene subducta ratione ad vitam fuit,
Quin semper aliqmd adportet novi,
res, aetas, usus,
Aliquid moneat, ut ilia, quae tu scire credas, nesoias,
Et quae tibi putaris prima, in experiundo repudies."
TBEENOB. AdetyM, Act 7,, Sc. IV., 1. (Demea.)
" Never did man
lay down so fair a plan,
So wise a rule of life, but fortune, age,
Or long experience made some change in it ;

And taught him, that those things he thought he knew

He did not know, and what he held as best,
In practice he threw "by." (George Oolman.)
" minus otiosum quam quum nee
(Dioebat) Nunquam se ease, otiosus,
minus solus guana quum solus essefc,"

CICEBO, De Officiis, III., 1, 1. (4 aa^wty o/ flfcipto African

" He used to than in idleness, or alone

say that he was never less idle less
than in solitude."

Ntm$tia,m scelus scelere yincendum

<( eat."
SENECA. De Moribus, 139.
" It is unlawful to overcome crime by crime."

Htmqtiam sero te venisse pufcabo, si salyus veneris,"
OICSBO* Ad FamMar&s, XVL, 12, 6.

"I shall never think that you are late in arriving, provided you arrive

(Apelli Mt alioqui perpetua consttetudo) Hunquam tarn occupatam
diem agendi, ut non lineam dncendo exerceret art em."
THE ELDEB. Natural History, XXXV., 36 (10).
"It was Apelles' constant habit never to allow a day to be so fully
occupied that he had not time for the exercise of his art, if only to the
extent of one stroke of the brush."
(Mence the phrase, Nulla, dies sine linea".)

"Hunquam vacat lasciviri districts, nibilgue tam certum est quam

otii vifcia negotio discuti. SBKECA. Egisto lae; L VI. 9, ,

"Busy men have no time for aimless frivolity, and nothing is more certain
than that the vices engendered by leisure are dissipated by occupation."
" ab utilitate dividitur."
Kunquam vera species
D& Institutions Oratorio^ Fill., 3, 11.

"The truly beautiful is never separated from the useful."

NTisquam est qui ubique est." Epistolae, IT., 2.
"The man who is everywhere is never anywhere."
Nusqtiara minus quam in bello eyentus respondent."
Ijirz. Histories, XXX., 80.
"Nowhere are our calculations more frequently upset than in war,"

" Ktitrittir vento, vento

restinguitur ignis :
Lenis alib flammas, grandior aura neeat,"
OYID. Bemedia Amcris, SOT.
"Wind feeds the fire, and wind extinguishes :
The flames are nourished by a gentle breeze,
Yet, if it stronger grows, they sink and die."
(Numen, oonvivae, praesens agnoscite Numen ;)
Nymphta pudica deuua vidit et erubuit."
EICHIBD CEASHA.W. JSpigrammata Sacra (Cambridge, 1670),^). 30.
Aquae in vitwm versae"
Fail not, ye guests, to recognise your lord ;

The conscious water saw her godj and blushed*"


" caeca nocentum

Oonsilia 1 o semper timidum scelus " ! STATITJS. Thebcvis II. 1 4=89.

"How blind the counsels of wrong-doers !

How timorous aye is crime " S

"0 consuetude peccandil qiiantam habes jucunditatem improbis et

audacibus, qtram poena abfait et licentia consecuta est I

CICEBO, In Verrem, IT. 3, 76, 176, ,

Alas, the habit of evil-doing what pleasure it affords to the depraved

and the shameless, when punishment is in abeyance, and has been

replaced by licence/'

Oupido, quantus es !

Nam tu quemvis confidentem facile tuis faotis facis,

Eundem ex confidente aetutum diffidentem denuo."
PLAUTUS. Mercator, Act V., 80. II., 13, (Chaarinus.)
"God of love,
How absolute thy sway for thou canst
! make
The coward confident, and fright the brave."
(Bonndl Thornton.}
" "
ouras hominura I o quantum est in rebus inane !

PEBSIUS. Satires, L 1. t

Alas, for man \ How vain are all his cares !

And ohj what bubbles his most grave affairs !

M "
curvae in terras animae, et coelestium inanes 1
PEESIUS, Satires, IX, 61.

"0 grovelling souls 1 and void of things Divine I"

Diva, gratum guae regis Antium,
Praesens vel imo tollere de gradu
Mortale corpus, vel superbos
Vertere funeribus honores." HORACE. Odes, /., 3S, 1.

"Lady of Antium, grave and stern 1

goddess, who can lift the low

To high estate, and sudden turn "
triumph to a funeral show !
dura messorum ilia! Epochs, 3, 4.
" "
for the digestion of a Mnd 1

" faciles dare summa tueri

deos, eademque
" LUCAH, 505.
Difficiles 1 PharsaUa^ I.,

"Ye how readily you grant to men

The height of their desire, yet how reluctantly
Do ye preserve it to them 1

Fortunar, viris invida fortibus,


Quaxn non aequa praemia dividis
boaais !

SENECA. Hercules Furens, 5%8,(Chorus.)

"0 Fortune, ever envious of the brave, who ne'er
Bestowest on the good fair meed of favour,"
fortunata ntors, quae naturae debita pro patria est potlssimum
" CICERO. Phifa
reddita { a,, XIV., 12, 31.

Happy the death of him who pays the debt of nature for his country's

" Naturae debitum reddiderunt,"


"They paid the debt of nature."

"Irmno carnis tributum naturae debitum persolyes, mox

futurus liber."
SBNBCA. De Bemediis ffortwtorum, II., 8.
"Soon you will be free, by paying the debt of the flesh to natoe.
"0 fortunatam natam me consule Komarn!
CICEBO, De Suis Temporibus, Fragment. (Quoted by Juvenal,
X,, 122,)
"How fortunate a natal day was thine,
In that late consulate, Borne, of mine ! (Gi/ord.)

"0 fortunate adolescens, qui tuae vixtutis Homerum praeconem

inveneris t

OICEKO. Pro ArcMa, X, 24. (Alexander at the tomb of Achilles,)

" w
happy youth, who found a Homer to herald your virtues I
fortunate 1 nesois quid mail
Btaeterieris, qm nunquam es ingressus mare."
TEBEHCB. Hecyra, Act III., Sc. IF. f 4, (Sosia.)
happy Farmeno !

You little know the dangers you've escaped,

Who've never been to sea," (George Cotnuw*)
" forfcunatos nimium, sua si bona norint
Agricolas, quibus ipsa, procul discordibus armis,"
Fundit humo facilem victum justissima tellus 1

YIBGIL. Georgics, II., 458.

happy, fw too happy, did ye wot,
Ye rustic swains, the blessings of your lot ;
Remote from war, by labour ye are fed,
And the impartial Earth, with daily bread,"- (/. JB. Rose.)
" servum pecus, ut mihi saepe
Bilem, saepe joctun vestri movere tumultus 1
HOEAOE. Epistolae, Z, 19, 19,
Mean, miserable apes the wit you make !

Oft gives my heart, and oft my sides, an ache." (Ooninffton.)

magna vis veritatis, quae, contra hominum ingenia, calliditatera,
sollertiam, contraque fiotas omnium insidias, facile se per se
ipsa defendat ! CICEBO. Pro Caetio, ZJ7I., 63,
"Great is the might of Truth, against whom shall be arrayed the inlelli.
gence, the cunning, tlie ingenuity of man, the well-laid plots of the
whole world, yet she will with ease defend herself/'

" "
major tandem parcas, insane, minori 1

HORACE. Satires, II., 3, 826.

mighty senior, spare a junior fool !
" mihi praeteritos referat si Jupiter annos " 1

VIEGIL. ^Jneid, VIIL, 560.

'An, would but Jupiter restore
The strength I had in days of yore " !
" turn hoc ipso, quod non
miser, quum re, sentis q.uam miser sis."
OrcEEO. Philippica, XIII., 17, 34.
"0 miserable man, both in
" fact, and in this also, that you know not how
miserable you are !

" miseras hominum mentes o pectora caeca

! t

Qualibus in tenebris vitae, quantisque periclis

Degitur hoc aevi quodcumque 'st nonne videre 1

Nil aliud sibi Naturam latrare, nisi ut t cum

Oorpore sejunctus dolor absit, mente fruatur
Juoundo sensu, cura semota, metuque ? "
LUCKETIUS. De Rerum Na.twra, IL, 14.

"Oh, how unhappy are the minds of men,

How blind their hearts how dark the
; path of life,
How full of perils is our earthly span !

Why is't ye do not see that this alone

Nature demands, that when the body's free
From pain, the mind relieved from care and fear
May to the full enjoy emotions sweet ?

mors, amoris una sedamen mali,
mors, pudoris maximum laesi decus,
Confugimus ad te," SENECA. Phaedra, 1196. (Phaedra.)
" who alone can'st still
Death, unholy love,
And throw a veil o'er modesty dethroned,
To thee we fly for refuge."

" morte ipsa mortis tempus indignius " I

PLINY THE YOUNGEB. Epistolae, V 16.

" More cruel than death itself was the moment of death."

" nimium ooelo et pelago confise sereno,

Nudus in ignota, Palinure, jacebis arena 1

VIECHE.. JBneid, V., 870.

"Ah, fatal confidence, too prone
To trust in sea and sky !

A naked corpse on shores

ShaU Palnrurus lie (Comngrton.) !

" "
guam cito transit gloria mundi 1

THOMAS A KEMPIS, De Imitatione CJvristi, Z, 3, 6.

" "
How swiftly passes the glory of the world !

" "
quantum caliginis mentibus nostris objicit magna f elioifcas !

SENECA. De Brevitate Vitae, XIII. , 7,

" How our minds "
are darkened by excess of happiness '
ms I
quando ego te aspiciam ? Satires, II., 6, 60.
my dear homestead in the country when !

Shall I behold your pleasant face again?" (Goninffton.)

" ille
Ob., si angulus "
Proximiis accedat <pii nunc denormat agellum 1

HOBACE. Satires, IT., 6, 8.

Oh, might that nook
Which spoils my field be mine by hook or crook 1 "(ConingicM.)

ignari sumus ante malorum

socii, neque enim
passi graviora.' dabit deus his quogue
u finem."
* 5

"Comrades and friends for ours is strength !

Has brooked the test of woes ;

worse-scarred hearts these wounds at length 3

The gods will heal, like those." (Oomngton.)

stulte, stulte ;
nesois nuno venire te ;

Atque in eo ipso adstas lapide, ubi praeoo praedioat."

PiiAUTUB. Bacchides, Act IK, So. 711., 16. (Chrysakis.)
"Fool, silly fool!
You know not now you are on sale, and stand
Upon the stone where stands the auctioneer."
Bonnell Thornton. )
" "
tempora, o mores I

CICEKO. In Catilinam, L, 1, 2. In Verrem, IT., 4, 25, 56. Pro

Eege Deiotwo* XL, 81. Ad Pwitifices, LIIL, 137.
What times what morals
! !

*'0 vitae PMlosophia dux! o virtutis indagatrix expultrixq^ue vitiomm !

guid non modo nos, sed omnino vita hominum sine te ess*
" OICEEO. Tusculanae Disgutationes, 7., 2, 5.
Philosophy, the ruler of life ! thou that seekest out virtue, and ex-
pellest vice 1 what should we be, what would human life be, without

" vitae tuta facultas

Pauperis, angustique Lares o mtmera nondum 1

Intellecta deum t LtJOAN. PharsaUa, 7., 527-
U for the careless ease
Of poverty for a humble cot
! t

Most priceless gifts of all the gods bestow,

Yet men discern it not"
" vitam noisero longam, felici brevem !
PuBLiiiius SYEUS, 358.
"0 life that art too long to the unhappy, too short to the happy !

(Kanaque) oblita modi millesima pagina surgit, J
Omnibus et orescit muLta damnosa papyro.'
JuvmiL. 8afares, 711., 100.
" He no limit knows

The thousandth page is reached, and still he piles

Sheet upon*sheet3 a curse to aH mankind."

Obseqttiiim amicos, veritas odium parit."
TERENCE. Andfria, Act I., So. I., 41. (Sosia.)
"Compliance raises friends, and truth breeds hate." (Oeorgre Oolman.)
Obstipui, steteruntque comae et vox faucibus haesit."
YIBGHL.JEneid, II., 774, and III,, 48,
heardjp fear-stricken and amazed,
My speech tongue-tied, my hair upraised." (Oonmffton.)

"Occaeeat animos fortuna, ubi vim snam ingraentem refringi non

vult." LIVY. Histories, V., 37.
"Fortune blinds men when she does not wish them to withstand the violence
other onslaughts."

"Occasiones narnqne hominem fragilem non faciunt, sed qualis sit

THOMAS i KBMPIS. De ImitaUone Glwisti, I., 16, 4.
"Circumstances do not make a man weak, but they show what manner of
man he is."
Occupet extremum scabies," HORACE. De Arte PoeHca, 417.
"Devil take the hindmost.
" Oculi sunt in amore duces."
PEOPEETIUS. Elegies, III., 6, 12 (II,, 15, 12)
"In love the eyes are our leaders."
Oderint dum probent." TIBERIUS. (Suetonius, III., 59.)
"Let them hate, provided they approve."
Odero si potero. Si non, mvifcus amabo."
OVID. Amores, III., 11, 35.
" 111 hate thee if Ican. If not,
Unwillingly I'll love."
" Oderunt hilarem tristes
tristemgue jocosi,
Sedatum celeres, agilem gnavumq^ue remissi."
HORACE. Epistolae, Z, 18, 89.
"The gay dislike the grave, the staid the pert,
The quick the slow, the lazy the alert." (Conwyton.)
" Oderunt
peccare bpnijirtutis amore:
Tu nihil admittes in te formidine poenae."
HORACE. Epistolae, I., 16, 52,
" 'Tis love of right that keeps the good from wrong ;
You do no harm because you fear the thong." (Conington.)
" Odi et amo. id faciam fortasse req[uiris.
Nescio: sed fieri sentio, et excrucior."

"1 hate, and yet I love. Perchance you ask me why.

I know not ; but, to my exceeding pain, 'tis true.'*

" quod odL"

Odi, nee possum oupiens non esse
OVID. Amcres, II., 4, 5,

"I hate, and yet must love the thing 1 hate.'-


Odi puerulos praecoqui sapientia."
UNKNOWN POET. (RMeck, Scenicae Bpmanorum Poesis Frag-
menta. Ex Incertis Incertorum, LXIIL)
" I hate
your boys of too precocious wisdom."

"Quod observatum fere est, oelerius occidere festinatam

QUINTILIAN, De Institutione Oratorio,, 71., Proemium, 10.

"It is a matter of general observation that early maturity is

followed by early decay."

" Odia
qui nimium timet
Begnare nescit." SENECA. Oedipus Rex, 716. (Oedipus.)
He knows not how to reign who hatred dreads,"
" Odimus
accipitrem qui vivit semper in armis,
Et pavidum solitos in pecus ire lupos."
OVID. De Arte Amandi, II., 147.
" We hate the hawk that's with talons
aye bared,
And eke the wolf that preys on trembling lambs."

" Odit vexus

amor, nee patitur, moras."
SENECA. Hercules Furens, 592. (Chorus.)
"Trne love doth hate, nor ever brooks, delay."
" Officii fructus sit officium."
CIGEKO. De Fimbus, II., 22, 72.
"Let the reward of duty be duty itself."

* Offioiis et administrationibus non peocaturos praeponere, quam

damnare cum peccassent." TAOITUS. Agricola, ZIX
*It is better to avoid appointing to public offices and magistracies men who
are likely to make mistakes, than to condemn them after the mistakes
are made."

One, jam satis est, ohe, libelle 1

Jam pervenimus usque ad umbilicos."

MARTIAL, Epigrams, IF., 91, 1.
"Come, book, methinks thou'rt long enow,
'Tis time to think of bindings."

Oleum adde camino." HOBACE. Satires, II., 3, 321.
" Throw oil upon the flames."

" Oleum et
operam perdidi."
PLAUTUS. Poenulus, I., 2, 118. (Anoilla.)
" I have wasted time and

"Olim nescio, quid sit otium, quid quies, quid denique illud iners
quidem, jucundum tamen, mhil agere, nihil esse."
PLINY THE YOUNGER. JSpistolae, ?III,, 9.
For some time past I have not known the meaning of leisure, of repose,

of that indolent yet delightful doke


" Omitte mirari beatae

Fumum et opes strepitumque Bomae."
HOBACE. Odes, III., 29, 11.
" Cease
a moment to admire
The smoke, the wealth, the noise of Borne " (Qonwgton.) !

" Omne adeo genus in terris hominumque ferarumque,

Et genus aequoreum, pecudes, pictaeque volucres,
In furias ignemque ruunt. Amor omnibus idem.'*
VIBGIL. Georgics, III., 242.
"Ay, that breathe the breath of life yprove
Alike the unresisted fire of love :

Man, beast, the aqueous tribe, the lowing herds,

And denizens of air, the painted birds." (/. B, Hose.)
" Omne animi vitium tanto
conspectius in se
Orimen habet, quanto major qui pecoat habetur."
JUVENAL. Satires, FIJI., 14=0.
" Vice
glares more strongly in the public eye,
As he who sins in power or place is high/' (Gfifford.)
"Omne bellum (dixit) sumi facile, ceterum aegerrime desinere; non
in ejusdem potestate initium ejus et nnem esse ; inoipere curvis
etiam ignavo licere deponi, cum yictores velint."


"It is always easy enough to take up arms, but very difficult to lay them
down the commencement and the termination of war are not neces-

sarily in the same hands even a coward may begin, but the end cornea

only when the victors are willing."

Omne ignotum pro magnifico est." TACITUS. Agricola, XXX.
1 '
"Whatever is unknown is supposed to be magnificent.
" Omne malum nascens facile inveteratum fit
opprimitur :
robustius." OIOEJEO. PWwppica, F., 11, 31.
" evil at its birth is easily suppressed be of long standing,
Every ; but, if it
it will offer a stouter resistance."
" Omne officium, quod ad conjunctionem hominum, et ad societatem
tuendam valet,
scientia continetur."
anteponendum est illi officio 4n cognitione et
OIOKBO. De Officiis,
^ Z, 4A, 158.
Every duty which, when properly performed, tends to promote the unity
of humanity and to preserve society, should be held more sacred than
that which is confined to the acquisition of information and knowledge.*'
" Omne solum forti patria est, ut piscibus aequor,
Ut volucri vacuo quidquid in orbe patet." OVID. Fasti) Z, 493.
" The sea's vast
depths lie open to the fish ;
Where'er the breezes blow the bird may fly ;
So to the brave man every land's a home."
"Non sum uni angulo natus, patria mea totus Me mundus
est." SENECA. JEpistolae, XXVIII. 4=. ,

"I am not the native of a small corner only the whole world is ;

my fatherland."
"Omne homini natale solum."
STATIUS. Thebais, FIJI., 320.
" The whole world is a man's birthplace."

" Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci,
Lectorem delectando pariterque monendo."
HOKACE, De Arte Poetica, 343.
"He who, mixing grave and gay, can teach
And yet give pleasure, gains a vote from each." (Oonington.)

" Omne vafer vitium ridenti Flaccus amico

Tangit admissus circum praecordia ludit,
Callidus excusso popuTam suspendere naso."
PEESIUS. Satires, L t 116.
" Arch
Horace, while he strove to mend,
Probed all the foibles of his smiling friend ;
Played lightly round and round the peccant part,
And won, unfelt, an entrance to his heart :
Well skilled the follies of the crowd to trace,
And sneer with gay good humour in his face." ((Hfford.)

"Omnes artes quae ad numanitafcem pertinent, habent quoddam

commune vmculnm, et quasi cognatione quadam inter se
continentur." OIOBBO. Pro Arohia, I., 2,

"All the arts which belong to humanity have a common bond of union,
and, so to say, relationship."

"Omnes autem et habentur et dfcuntur tyranni, qui potestate aunt

perpetua in ea civitate quae libertate usa eat."
Miltiades, 8.
All men
are both thought of and described as tyrants, who, in a state
which has been accustomed to freedom, exercise an uninterrupted

(Qnia) omnes bonos bonasque accurare addecet,


Suspicionem et culpam ut ab se segregenl"

PLAUTUB, Trinummus, Act I., Sc. IT., 41. (Megcvrowides.)
For that doth behove all honest men
To keep them both from blame and from suspicion."
(Bonnett Thornton.)

"Omnes enim immemorem beneficii oderunt, eamque injuriam in

deterrenda liberalitate sibi etiam fieri, eumque qui faciat com-
munem hostem tenuiorum putant."
OICBBO. De Officm, II., 18, 63.
"All men detest ingratitude, as being an injury done to themselves, by
the effect it has of discouraging generosity, and the ingrate they look
upon as the common enemy of the poor,"

"Omnes enim, qui gloria famaque ducuntur, mlrum in modum

adsensio et laus, a minoribus etiam profecta, deleotat."
PLINY THE YOTTNGEB. JSpistolae, IF., 12.
"Those who fame and notoriety, take a most extraordinary
live for
delight in praise and flattery, even when it comes from their inferiors,"

" Omnes eodem cogimur omnium ;

Versatur urna serius ocius

Sors exitura et nos in aeternum
Exilium impositura oymbae."
HOBACE. Odes, IL , 3, 25.
"One way all travel the dark urn

Snakes each man's lot, that soon or late

Will force him, hopeless of return,
On board the exile-ship of fate." (Oonington.}
" Omnes homines ad suum quaestum callent, et fastidiunt."
PLAUTUS. Truculentm, Act V., Sc* I., 40. (Phronesium.)
"Every one knows 1'
Nicely to pick and choose for his own profit (Bonnell Thornton.)
" Omnes homines, patres conscrijDti, qui de rebus dubiis consultant, ab
odio, amicitia, ira atque misericordia vacuos esse decet."
SALLTJST. Catiline, LI.
"All those who offer an opinion on any doubtful point should first
clear their minds of every sentiment of dislike, friendship, anger or
" Omnes humanos sanat medioina dolores ;

Solus amor morbi non amat artrficem."

PRQPEETIUS. Elegies, IL, 1, 57.
"All human ills by medicine may be cured ;

Love, love alone, loves not the healing art."

(Nam) omnes mortales deis sunt freti sed bamen ;
Vidi ego deis fretos saepe multos deoipi.
PLAHTUS, Casvna, Act II., So. V., 40. (Otympw.)
"All mortal men rely upon good fortune,
Yet many of them have I seen deceived." (JSonnell Thornton.)
" Omnes quibus res sunt minus secundevQ, magis sunt, nescio ^uomodo,
Suspioiosi ad contumeliam omnia acoipiunt magis
; ;

Propter suam impotentiam se semper oredunt negligi."

TBEENCE. AdelpM, Act 17., Sc. III., 14. (Hegio.)
"They whose fortunes are less prosperous
Are all, I know not how, the more suspicious ;
And think themselves neglected and contemned,
Because of their distress and poverty ."(George Oolman.)

(Quamobrem) omnes, quum secundae res sunt maxume, turn maxumo


Meditari seoum oportet, quo pacto advorsam aerumnam ferant ;

Pericla, damna, exiHa peregre rediens semper cogitet,

Aut filii peooatum, aut uxoris mortem, aut morbum filiae ;

Oommunia esse haeo fieri posse ut ne quid animo sit noYum

; : j

Quidquid praeter spem eveniat, omne id deputare esse in lucre."

TEEBNCB. PJwrmio^ Act II. Sc. In 11. (Denwpho.) ,
Every man,
When his affairs go on most swimmingly,
E'en then it most behoves to arm himself
Against the coming storm : loss, danger, exile ;
Returning, let him ever look to meet
His son in fault, wife dead, or daughter sick-
All common accidents, and may have happened t

That nothing should seem new or strange. But if

Aught has fall' XL out beyond bis hopes, all that
Let him account clear gain," (George Oolman,}
(Yerum illud verbum est, vulgo quod dici solet)
Omnes sibi malle melius esse quam alteri."
TERENCE. Andria, Act II., Sc* V., W,(Byrria.)
" "Tis an old
saying, and a true one, too :

Of all mankind each loves himself the best V (George Colman.)

Omnes tuos nervos in eo contendas."
CICERO. Ad Familiares, XV,, 14, 5.
" Strain
every nerve to gain your point."
" Omni autem in re consensio omnium gentium
lex naturae putanda
est." Tusculana& Disputationes, I,, 13, 30.
"The unanimous agreement of the nations upon any subject may be
considered equivalent to a law of nature."

" ut omnia vendas."

Omnia, Castor, ends : sic fiet
MARTIAL. Epigrams, 711., 98.
Castor, you're buying everything; the end
Will be that everything you'll sell."

" Omnia enim plerumque, quae absunt, vebemenbius hominum mentes

perturbant." C^ISAR. De Bello Gallico, FIT., SL

"It is, as a rule, unseen terrors which have the most powerful effect on
men's minds."
" Omnia enim vitia in aperto leviora sunt."
SENECA. Epistolae, LVL t 10.
"Vices unmasked are always less dangerous."
Omnia fert aetas, animum quoque." VIBGID. Eclogues, IX., 51.
"Age sweeps all things away, even our understanding,"

"Omnia nabeo, neque quidquam habeo. Nihil cum esfc, nihil defit
tamen." TERENCE. Eunuchus, Act II., Sc. II., 12. (Gnatlw.)
"I've everything, though nothing nought possess,

Yet nought I ever want." (Q-eorge Colman.)

"Omnia humana brevia et caduoa sunt, et infmiti temporis nullam

partem occupanfcia."
SENECA. Ad Mcvrcicm de Comolatwne^ XXL, 1.
"All things human are short-lived and perishable, occupying no appreci-
able fraction of infinite time."
Omnia inooasulti impetus coepta initiis valida, spatio languescunt.*'
TACITUS. History, III., 58.
"All movements that originate in thoughtless impulse, however vigorous
in their beginnings, become feeble after a time,"
(Chwcfi and Brodnbb.)

"Omnia jura divina atque humana peryertit propter eum quern sibi
ipse opinionis errore finxerat pdncipatum."
CICERO. De Officiis, I,, 8, 26. (Of Ccesar.)
" He
disregarded all laws, human and Divine, in pursuit of the dominion
which, by an error of judgment, he had allotted to himself."

"Omnia leviora accident exspectantibus."

SEHECA. De Gonstantia Sapientis, XIX., 3.
" All misfortunes will fall more lightly upon us when we are prepared for
" Omnia majors etiam yero praesidia hostium, minora sua, metu
interprets, semper in deteriora inclinato, ducebant."
LIVY. Histories, XXVII.., 44.
" Under influence of fear, which always leads men to take a pessi-
mistic view of things, they magnified their enemies' resources, and
minimised their own."
" Omnia mea mecnm."
CIOEBO. Paradoxa, I., 8. (A saying of Bias.)
"I my worldly goods with me."
carry all
" Omnia mea mecum sunt."
SENECA. De Constantia Sapientis, K, 6. (A saying of Stilpo.)
" Omnia mors
CLATTDIANUS, De Raptu Proserpinae, IL, 302.
" Death makes all things equal."

Omnia mors poscit. Lex est, non poena, perire,"
SEHECA. Epigrams, TIL, 7.
a All
things death claims: 'Tis law, not punishment, to die,"
" Omnia mortal! mutantur lege creata,
Nee se cognoscunt terrae vertentibus annia.
Exutae variant faoiem per saecula gentes,
At manet mcolumis mnndus suaque omnia servat."
MANILIUS. Astronomicon, Z, 613.
" Death's law
brings change to all created things;
Lands cease to know themselves as years roll on.
As centuries pass, e'en nations change their form,
Yet safe the world remains, with all it holds."
" Omnia nmtantur nos et nxutanrar in illis ;
Ilia vices quasdam res habet, ilia vices.*'
LOTHAIB I. OF G-ERMANY. (Matthias Borbomus DeUciae Poetarum

Germanorum, Vol. !.,#. 685,)

(G&nerally quoted, Tempora mutantur" etc.)
"All things are changed, and with them we, too, change j

Now this way and now that turns fortune's wheel."

Omnia non pariter rerum suut omnibus apta."
PROPERTIES. Elegies, IV., 8 (III, 9), 7.
" Not is fit alike for all."
" Omnia non
properanti olara certaque erunt festinatio improvida est, ;

et caeca." LIVY. Histories, XXIL, 39.

"All things will be clear and distinct to the man who does not hurry;
haste is blind and improvident."

"Omnia orta ocoidunt, et aucta senescunt." SALLTJST. Jugurtha, IL

"Everything that rises sets, and everything that grows grows old."

"Omnia, patres conscripti, quae nunc vetustissima creduntur, nova

fuere; plebei magistrates post patricios, Latinos post plebeios,
ceterarum Italiae gentium post Latinos. Inveterascet hoc
quoque, et quod hodie exemplis tuemur, inter exempla erit."
TACITUS. Annals, XL, 24.

"Everything, senators, which we now hold to be of the highest antiquity

was once new. Plebeian magistrates came after patrician ; Latin
magistrates after plebeian ; magistrates of other Italian peoples after
Latin. This practice, too, will establish itself, and what we are this
day justifying by precedents will be itself a precedent."
(Church and Srodribb.)
(Dicunt Stoici) omnia peocata esse paria omne delictum scelus esse

nefarium, nee minus delinquere eum^ qui gallum gallinaceum,

quura opus non fuerit, qnam eum qui patrem
sapientem niMl opinari, millius rei poenitere, nulla in re falli,
senfcentiam mutare nnnquam."
CICEEO. Pro Murena, XXIX., 61.
"The Stoics say that all sins are on an equality; that every fault is a
heinous crime that the man who needlessly wrings the neck of a barn-

door fowl is as much a wrong-doer as he who strangles his own father ;

and that the wise man is never in doxibt, never suffers remorse, never
makes a mistake, and never changes his mind."

"Omnia perversas possunt corrumpere mentes."

OVID. Tristia, II,, 801.
" All when minds are prone to evil."
things may corrupt
" Omnia prius experiri, quam arma sapientem deoet."
TEBEHCB, Etmuchus, Act 17., So. 711., 19. (Thraso.)
" 'Tis the
part of a wise general
To try all methods, ere ne comes to arms." (George Oolman.)
''Omnia profecto qinim se a coelestibus rebus referet ad humanas,
excelsms magnifioentiusque et dicet et sentiet."
CICEBO. Orator, XXXIV., 119.
" When a man turns from the
study of Divine philosophy to the affairs of
humanity, all Ms thoughts and words will be loftier and nobler."
" Omnia Eomae
Cum pretio." JUVENAL. Satires, III., 183.
" There's
naught in Rome that money cannot buy."
" Omnia scelera
etiam, ante efiectum operis, quantum culpae satis est,
perfecta sunt." SENECA. De Constantia Sapienfas, FIZ, 4.
"All crimes are committed, so far as the blame attaching to them is
concerned, before they are actually carried into effect."
" Omnia
tempus alit, tempus rapit usus in arto est." :

OALPUBNIUS. Eclogues, XI. , 32.

"Time is of all things the nurse, and then the destroyer ; short space
he leaves for their enjoyment."
"Omnia vinoit amor; et nos cedamus amori."
VisaiL. Eclogues* X, 69,
Love conquers all ;
let us, too, yield to love,"

" Omnibus
illo nobis commune est iter ;
quid fata defiemus ? non
reliquit ille nos, sed antecessit."
SENECA, Ad Polybium de Consolat-ione, IX, 9.
"The path is one which we must all tread why, :
then, mourn his death ?
He is not lost, but gone before."
" Omnibus in
rebus, voluptatibus maximis fastidium finitimum est."
CICEBO. De Oratore, III., 25, 100,
"In everything we do, all our keenest pleasures end in satiety."
Fit fastidium copia." LIYY. Histories, III., 1,
"From abundance springs satiety."
Nulla est voluptasquae non assiduitate fastidrum pariat."
PLINY THE ELDEB. Natural History, XIL, 40.
"There is no pleasure the constant enjoyment of which does not
breed satiety,"
Omnibus hoc vitium est cantoribus, inter amicos
Ut nunquam inducant animum cantara rogati ;

Injussi nunquam desistant." HOBAGE. Satires^ I., 3, 1,

"All singers haye a fault if asked to use

Their talent among friends, they never choose ;

Unasked, they ne'er leave oS."(Gonmcfton.)
" Omnibus nobis ut res dant
sese, ita magni atque humiles sumus."
TEBENCE. Hecyra, Act III., Sc. III., 20.(PampMIus.)
" *Tis in
the very nature of our minds
To rise and fall according to our fortunes." (George Oolman.)
" Omnino probabilioia sunt, qnae lacessiti dicimus, quam quae priores.*'
GIGEBO. De Oratore, II, 56, 230. ,
" We are more
likely to speak the truth under cross-examination than in
our evidence in chief.
" Omnis ars imitatio est naturae/' SEHBCA. JEpistolae, LXV,
"All art is an imitation of nature."
"Omnis enim res,
Virtus, fama, decus, divina humanaque pulchris
Divitiis parent." HOBACE. Satvres, II., 3, 94=.
" All
things, human and Divine, renown,
Honour and worth, at money's shrine bow down." (Oonington.)
Omnium autem pertuibationum iontem esse dicunt
intemperantiam ;
quae est a tota mente defectio, sic aversa a praescriptione
rationis, ut nullo modo appetitiones animi nee regi nee contineri
gueant." GIOEBO. Tuscidanae Disputationes, IV., 9, 22.
"The source of the passions is want of moderation, which is a revolt
against the intellectual faculties, and so opposed to the dictates of
reason as to destroy all control and restraint of our desires."
Omnium est communis inimious, qui fuit hoatia suorum. Nemo
unquam sapiens proditori credendum putavit."
OICBBO. In Verrem t II., 1, 15, 38.
He a common enemy who lias been a foe to his own people.
is No man
of sense has ever considered a traitor worthy of credence."

"Omnium magnarum artium, sicut arborum, altitude nos delectat,

radices stirpesque non item sed esse iUa sine his non potest."

OICEBO. Orator, 43, 147.

"The arts iix their loftier developments, resemble trees, which please us by
the height to which they have attained, while we pay no regard to their
roots or their trunks ; and yet, without the latter, the former could not

haec esset
"Omnium sapientissimum (arbitrabatur) esse dictum, quod
ima omnis non arbitrari sese scire quod nesciat."
GICBEO. Academica, I., 4, 16.

"The wisest saying of all was that the only true wisdom lay in not think-
ing that one knew what one did not

Opes invisae merito sunt forti viro,
Ouia dives area veram laudem intercipit."
PHAEDEUS. Fables, IV. , 12, 1.

" wealth by the brave man despised

Kightly ;

Full coffers bar the way to honest praise."

"Opinionis enim commenta delet dies, naturae judicia confirmat."

OIGEEO. De Natwa Deorum, II,, 2, 5,
"Time effaces the utterances of opinion, and confirms the judgments of

Omnibus et Hppis notum et tonsoribus esse."
HORACE. Satires, I., 7, 2.

"(He's) known, I take to each wight that drops

Oil on bleared eyes, or lolls in barbers' shops." (Oonington.)

Oportet privatis utilitatibus publicas, mortalibus aeternas anteferre ;

multoque diligentius muneri suo consulere cjuam facultatibus,"
PLINY THE YOUNGEB, Apistolae, 711., 18.
We should prefer public to private, enduring to transitory advantage,
and think more of what we ought to do than of what we can do."

Opposuit natura Alpemque nivemque ;
Diducit scopulos et montem rumpit aceto."
JUVENAL. Satires, X, 152.

"JSature opposed her everlasting mounds,

Her alps, and snows ; o'er these, with torrent force,
He pours, and rends through rocks his dreadful course." (Oi/brd*)

Optat ephippia bos piger, optat arare caballus.
Quam scit uterque, libens, censebo, exerceat artem."
HOEACE. JSpistolae, I., 14, 48*

"The horse would plough, the oz would draw the car.

No ',
do the work you know, and tarry where you are."

Optima autem hereditas a patribus traditur liberis, omnique patri-
monio praestantior, gloria virtutis rerumque gestarum: cui
dedecori esse, nefas judicandum est."
OICBEO. De Officns, I., 33, 121.
"The best legacy a father can leave to Ms children, a legacy worth far
more than the largest patrimony, is the fame of a virtuous and well-
spent life, He who disgraces such a bequest is deserving of infamy."
" Dos est
magna parentium
Virtus." HOBACE. Odes, III, 24, 21.
" Theirs are dowries not of gold,
Their parents' worth." (Conington.)

"Optima quaeque dies miseris mortalibus aevi

Prima fugit." VIBQIH. Georgics, III., 66.

"Ah, how fleetly speeds the little span

Of lusty youth allowed to mortal man !
(/. B, Hose.)

"Optimum est pati quod emendare non possis."

SENECA. E$i$tolae> 0711., 9.
" What can't be cured were best endured."

"Optimus est portus poenitenti mutatio consilii."

GICBEO. Philfyypica, XIL, 2, 7.

"The safest haven for the penitent is altered conduct."

Opum oontemtor, recti pervicax, oonstans ad versus metus."
TACITUS. (Of Helvidiits Priscus.)
History, IV., 5.

"Despising wealth, steadily tenacious of right, and undaunted by danger."

"Orefaveteomnes." f VIRGID. JEneid, F., 71.

"Hush your tongues from idle speech." (Conmgton.)
" Favete
linguis." HOBAOB. Odes, JIZ, 1, 1.
" With silence favour me.

Ornanda enim est dignitas domo, non ex domo tota quaerenda : neo
domo dominus, sed domino domus honestanda est."
CICEBO. De Officns, I., 39, 139.
"Your house may add your dignity, but it will not suffice that
lustre to
you should derive all your dignity from your house : the master should
ennoble the house, not the house the master/'

"Ornat haeo magnitude animi, quae nihil ad oatentationem, omnia

ad conscientiam refert; recteque faoti, non ex populi sermone
meroedem, sed ex facto petit."
How ennobling is that greatness of soul which tries all tilings by the test
of conscience, not of vain parade ; and seeks the reward of great
not in the plaudits of the public, but in the deeds themselves,"
pellis sum misera inacritudine,
"Ossa atque
Neque unquam quidquam me juvat, quod edo domi ;

Foris aliquantillum etiam, quod gusto, id beat."

PLAXITUS. Captivi, Act I., So. I/., 32. (Ergasilm.)
I'm so lean withal, that I am nothing

But skin and bone : whate'er I eat at home

Does me no good ; but be it e'er so little
I taste abroad, that relishes, that cheers me."
(Bonnell Thornton.)
" Otia
corpus alunt, animus quoque pascitur illis :

tmmodicus contra carpit utrumque labor,"

OVID. Epistolae ex Ponto, i. 9 4, 21,

"Leisure the body feeds, and eke the mind :

Both are destroyed by unremitting toil."

"Otia si tollas, periere Oupidinis arcus."

OVID. Bemedia Amoris, 139.

"Destroy our leisure and you break love's bow."

"Otio qui nescit uti, plus negoti habet,

Quam qui est negotiosus in negotio/'
ENHITJS. Iphigmia, Fragment III. (IV.), (Chorus.)
" He's busier who knows not how leisure should be used
Than he who's always busied with his business."

"Ofcium sine literis mors est et hominis vivi sepultura."

SENEGA. Epistolae, LXXX1X, 3.
" Leisure without literature is death or living burial."

"Pacem duello miscuit." HOBAOE, Odes, III., 5, 38,

"'Twixt peace and war distinction made he none,"

"Pacemve hue fertis an arma?" VIBGHL. Mneid, VIIL, 114.

" "
Bring you peace or war ? (Cowfaffton,)

" Pads est comes otiique socia et jam bene constitutae oivitatis quasi
alumna quaedam eloquentia." CICEEO. Brutus, X1L, 45.
is the comrade of peace, the ally of some
"Eloquence leisure, and, in
sense, the foster child of a well-ordered state,"

"Palam blandiuntur clam, si oocasio usquam

; est,
Aquam frigidam subdole subfundunt."
PLAUTUS. Cistellcma, Act I., Sc, I., 36. (Lena.)
"Before the world,
but in private,
"Tis true, they're civil to us :

Whene'er occasion oifers, underhand

They throw cold water on us." (Bonndl Thornton.)
"Palam mutire plebeio piaculum est."
ENNIUS. Tehphus, Fragment II. (IF.).
" 'Tis a crime that must be
expiated for one of the lower orders to murmur

u Pallida mors aequo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas

Begumque turres." HORACE. Odes, I., 4, 13.

"Pale death, impartial, walks his round ;

lie knocks at cottage gate
And palace portal," (Conington.)
" Pallium
Non facio flocoi ut splendeat." JUVENTIUS. fragment. Incert., IL
"I do not care a jot how fine your coat."
Palmam qui meruit, ferat."
DB, JOBTIN. Lusus Poetici, Fill., 20. (Ad Ventos.)
"Let him who has deserved it bear the palm."

" Pandifce
atque aperite propere januam hanc Orci, obsecro !

Nam equidem baud aliter esse duco, quippe quo nemo advenit,
Nisi quern spes reliquere omnes, esse ut frugi possiet,"
PLAUTUB. BaccMdes, Act lit, Sc. L t \.(Lydu$.)
" wide this of hell
Quick, open, open gate ;

For I in truth can count it nothing less.

No one comes here who has not lost all hope
Of being good." (Bonnett Thornton.)
Par negotiis neque supra erat. TACITUS. Awnals, VI., 39
" He was to business, and was not too great for it."
(Church and Brodribb.)
" Par nobile fratrnm." HOBACH. Satires, II., 3, 243.

"A pretty pair of brothers."

" Parce
gaudere oportet et sensim queri,
Totam quod vitam miscet dolor et gaudium."
PHABJDBUS. Fabks, IF., 17, 9.
"Be sparing in your joy, in grief restrained,
For all our life is mingled pain and pleasure,"
Parcendum est ammo miserabile vulmis habenti."
OVID, EpistokM ex Ponto, Z, 5, 23.
" feels a deadly wound."
Nay, spare the soul that
(Hae tibi erunt artes, pacisque imponere morem)
Parcere subjectis et debellare superbos." YiKGrD, JEneid, VL, 853.
"Be thy genius, to impose
Therule of peace on vanquished foes,
Show pity to the humbled soul,
And crush the sons of pride." (Coninffton,)

"Parcite pauoarum omnes/

a diffundere crimen in omnes."
OVID. De Arte Ama,
AmamM, III., 9,
" Blame not the sex at large when but a few have sinned."

faoillime congreg
'ares autem, vetere proverlblo, paribus
GKJERO. De Senect
"As the old proverb says, like readily consorts with like."
Parentes, patriam incolumem, amicos, genus, cognates, divitias ;
Atque haec perinde sunt ut illius animus, qui ea possidet :

Qui uti scit, ei bona ; illi qui non utitur recte, mala."
TEBENCE. Heautontimorumenos, Act I., Sc. IL, 20. (Cfaremes*)
"Parents, a prosperous country, friends, birth, riches j
Yet all these take their value from the mind
Of the possessor : he that knows their use,
To him they're blessings he that knows it not,

To him misuse converts them into curses." (George Colman.)

" Pars beneficii est si belle
quod petitur, neges."
"You confer a part of the favour asked, if you refuse prettily."

" Pars hominum vitiis

gaudet constanter, et urgefc
Propositum pars multa natat, modo recta capessens,

Interdum pravis obnoxia." HORACE. Satires, IL, 7, 6,

"Some men there are take pleasure in what's ill

Persistently, and do it with a will :

The greater part keep wavering to and fro,
And now all right, and now all wrong you go," (Gonington*)
" Pars bonunu"
magna bonitatis est velle fieri
SENECA,. Epi&tolae, XXXIV., 8.
"A the desire to be good.
great step towards goodness ia

(Gemmis auroque teguntur
Omnia ;) Pars minima est ipsa puella sui."
OVID, Remedia Amoris, 841.
"Her beauties all 'neath gold and gems are hid ;

The maid herself s the least of what we see,"

Pars sanitatis velle sanari fuit."
SENECA, Phaedra, ^i.(The Nwse.)
" If desire to be cured, you're on the road to health."
"Parva leves capiunt animos." OVID. De Arte Amandi, I., 159.
"Little things please little minds."

" Parva
saepe scintilla contempta magnum excitavit incendmm."
QUINTUS CUBTIUS. De Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni, VL 3, 11. t

"A small spark neglected has often kindled a mighty conflagration."

" Parvi enim sunt foris arma, nisi est consilium domi."
OICEBO. De OfficUs, Z, 22, 76.
" Of little value is valour abroad, unless there be wise counsels at home."
Parvis componere magna." VIBGIL. Eclogues, I., 23.
" To
compare great things with small."
" Si licet
parva componere magnis,"
YIBQIIJ. Oeorgics, IV., 76.
" Si
componere magnis
Parva mihi fas est." OVID. Metamorphoses, K, 416.
" G-randia si
parvis assimilare licet."
OVID. Tristta, L, 6, 28.

" Parvulum an exspectes nisi quod tamen est

differt, patiaris adversa, :

dolendi modus, non est timendi. Doleas enim quantum scias

accidisse ; timeas quantum possit accidere."
PLINY THE YOUNGER. Epistolae, VIII, 17. ,

"It matters very whether you are undergoing or anticipating ill


fortune, excepting only that there is a limit to grief, but no limit to

fear. For you grieve over what you know has happened, while you
fear whatever may possibly happen."
" Parvum parva HOBACE.
decent." Epistolae, I. 7, 44. %

" Small
things become small folks." (Conington.)
" Pascitur in vestrum reditum votiva
HOBACE. Epistolae, I, 3, 36.
" When safe return shall come to pass,
I've got a votive heifer out at grass." (Cmington.)
Pascitur in vivis livor. Post fata quiescit,
Cum suus ex merito quemque tuetur honos.
Ergo etiam cum me supremus adederit ignis,
Vivam, parsque mei multa superstes erit."
OVID. Amores, I., 15, 39.
" 'Tis on the She
living Envy feeds. silent grows
When, after death, man's honour is his guard.
So I, when on the pyre consumed I lie,
1 '
Shall live, for all that's noblest will survive.
Passibus ainbiguis Fortuna volubilis errat,
Et manet in nullo certa tenaxque loco ;

Sed modo laeta manet, vultus modo sumit acerbos,

Et tantum constans in levitate sua est."
OVID. Tristia, 7., 8, 15.
" With
wavering steps doth fickle Fortune stray,
Nowhere she finds a firm and fixed abode ;

But now all smiles, and now again all frowns,

She's constant only in inconstancy."
" Pastilles Bufillus
olet, G-orgonius hircum."
HOBACE. Satvres> I., 2, 27.
Bufillus smells just like a barber's shop j
Gorgonius like a goat."
Pastor, arator, eques, pavi, oolui, superavi,
Capras, rus, hostes, fronde, ligone, manu."
PENTADIUS. Epigrams, X. (Ad Virgilium.)
"As shepherd, ploughman, knight, I've pastured, tilled, subdued
Herds, farms and enemies, with herbage, hoe and arms."
Pater, avos, proavos, abavos, attavos, tritavos,
Quasi mures, semper edere alienum cibum,
Neque edacitate eos quisquam poterat vincere."
PLAUTUS. Persa, Act Z, Sc. II, 5. (Saturio.) (C/. Captwi,
Act I, Sc. I, 9.)
"My father, grandfather, great-grandfather,
His father, grandfather, great-grandfather,
Like mice they lived, on victuals not their own,
And never were in gluttony exceeded." (BonneU Thornton*)
" Pater
ipse colendi
Haud faoilem esse viam voluit, primusque per artem
Movife agros, curis acuens morfealia corda,
Teo torpere gravi passus sua regna veterno."
VIKGII/. Georgics, Z, 121.
it so to be }
he, the sire, ordained
Nor willed earth's harvests to "be garnered free,
He chaseth sluggardness forth from his reign,
And chastenetli the human heart with pain." (/. J5. Rose,)

" Pati ab igne ignem capere, si quis velit."

CICBRO. De Officiis, I., 16, 52.
" Let who will from yours*"
light his fire

Patria, est, ubicunque est bene."
"Where'er a man is thriving, there's his fatherland."

" Paisriae ViEGit, Mneid, IZ, 294.

. . .
pietatis imago."
" The mirrored likeness of his filial love."

" Pauci ex muMs sunt amici Jioraini, qui certi sient."

PLATJTUS. Pseudolus, Act I., Sc, III, 156. (Pseudolus.)
U 0ut of
many men, we find but few
Who are staunch friends." (Bonnetl Thornton.)
" Pauci
libertatem, pars magna justos dominos volunt."
SALLUST. History, BJc. 17, (Fragment,)
" Few men desire liberty the majority are satisfied with a just master,"

" Paucis carior fdes ZFI.

guato pecunia fuit." SAiiLUST. JugurtUa>>
"There were few who preferred honoxur to money.'
"Paulatim deinde ad superos Astraea recessit."
JUVENAL. Satires, VL> 19.
" At
length Astraea, from these confines driven,
Eegained by slow degrees her native heaven." (Gfi/ord.)
Pauli&per, LydCj est libido homini suo arximo obsequi ;

Jam aderit tempus, cum sese etiam ipse oderit morem geras." ;

PLAUTTJS. Bacchides, Act III,, Sc, III., 12. (PMkxenus*)

"Lydtu, it is not for a length of time
A youth desires to indulge his inclinations.
The hour is near when he will hate himself.
Give him the reins." (Bennett Th&rnton*)
Paulo majora oanamus." VIBGCD. Eclogue^ I?"., 1
" Come let us sing a loftier strain."
Pauper enim non. est oui rerum suppetit usus."
HOEACE. EpistolaB) J., 12, 4,
" With another's store
To use at pleasure, who shall call you poor ?" (Gonitigton.)
Paupeiis est numerare pecus," OVID. Metamorphoses, XIII, 828,
u 'Tis the man who'll ever count hia flock."

" me saeva domat dirusque Cupido

Paupertas :

Sed toleranda fames, non tolerandus amor."

"By cruel poverty and Cupid dire subdued,
I yet can easier hunger bear than love."
" omnium civitatum conditrix, omnium
Paupertas, prisca apud saecula,
artium repertrix, omnium peccatorum mops, omnis gloriae
munifica, cunotis laudibus apud omnes nationes perfuncta,"
Poverty, in the earliest times, was the founder of every state, the inventor
of every art, free from all taint of wrong-doing, the bountiful bestower
of all renown, enjoying the highest estimation among all nations."

Pax optima rerum
Quas homini novisse datum est pax una triumphis

Immmeris potior." SILIUS ITALICUS. Punica, XL, 592.

" than peace 'tis gjiven to man to know
Nought more fair ;

Better one peace than countless triumphs."

Pectus est enim quod disertos facit, et vis mentis,"
QUINTILIAN. De Institutions Oratoria> X, 7, 15,
"It is understanding and mental capacity which make men learned."
Pocuniae alienae non. appefcens, suae parcus, publicae avarus."
TACITUS, History, L, 49.(0/ Galba.)
"Other men's money he did not covet; with his own he was parsimonious,
with that of the State avaricious. "(Church and Brodribb*}
" Pecuniam in loco negligere, maxumum interdum *st lucrum."
TBBENOE. Adelphi, Act II. S& IL, 8. , (Syrus.)
" To seem
upon occasion to slight money,
Proves in the end, sometimes, the greatest gain/*
(George Caiman.)
" Pecuniam si cuipiam fortuna ademit, aut si alicujus eripuit injuria,
tamen dum existimatio est integra, facile consolatur honestas
egestatem." OIGEEO. Pro Qidniio^ XV^ 49.

"If fortune or another's crime has deprived us of our wealth, yet so long
as our reputation is untarnished, our character will console us for our
(Quod aiunt,) pedibus in sententiam meam vado."
APULBIUS. Metamorphoses^ IL, 7.

"I go into the division lobby in support of my opinion."

"Pedibus timor addidit alas/ VIBGIL, JEneid, Fill, 224.
"Terror wings his flight." (Conington.)
" Timor miM alas feceiat."
APULBIUS, Metamorphoses^ TZ, 26.
"Fear turned my hoofs into wings."
" Peior est bello timor ipse belli."
SENECA. Tlvyestes, 572. (Chorus.)
The dread of war is worse than war itself."
" Pelle inoras
brevis est magni fortuna favoris."
SILIUS ITALIOUS. Punica t IF., 732.
" swift the flight of fortune's greatest favours."
Delay not ;

" brevis est occasio lucri."

Accipe quam primum ;

MAETIAL. Epigrams, Fill., 9, 3,

" Take while brief is the moment of profit."
you can ;

" Pellitur e medio

sapientia vi geritur res. :

Spemitur orator bonus, horridus miles arnatur,

Haud doctis dictis certantes, sed maledietis,
Miscent inter sese inimioitias agitantes."
EETNIUS. (Quoted by Aukis Gellws, Noctes Atticae JOT,, 10, t 2.)
"Wisdom is banished from our midst ; the state
By force is ruled. The soldier rough and rude
Is idolised ;
the orator's despised.
Not with wise arguments, but with abuse,
Contending, man his fellow meets, and strife
Stirs up."
" Per haud dubie naturae
quae deolaratur potentia, idque esse quod
Deum vocamus." PLINY THE ELDEH. Natural History, II. 5. ,

"These things clearly proclaim the power of nature, that which we caU
Per soelera semper sceleribus tuimm est iter."
SBKECA. Agamemnon, 116. (Clytemnestra.)
'Through crime to crime the way is ever sure."
" Per varios rerum
casus, per tot discrimina
Tendimus in Lafeium." VIRGIIJ. JBneid t L t 204.
"Through chance, through peril, lies our way
To Laiium." (ConmgtonJ
Per varios usus artem experientia feoit,
Exemplo monstrante viam."
MANILTUS. Astronomicon^ JM 59.

"Experience, after many trials, perfected the art, example showing the
Peragit tranquilla potestas
Quod violenta nequit."
OLAUDIAHUS, De Consulate, Fl< MalUi Theodori, 239.
A peaceful power oft accomplishes
What violence has failed to carry through."
Percontando a peritis." CICERO. Acodemwa, II., 1, 2.
Constantly asldng questions of experts."
" Percontatorem
fugito ; nam garralus idem est :
Noo retinent patulae cornmissa fideliter aures ;
JEt semel emissum volat irrevocablle verbum.
HOSAOE. Epistolae, I., 18, 69.
u Avoid a ceaseless
questioner he burns ;

To tell the next he talks with what he learns ;

Wide ears retain no secrets, and you know

You can't get hack a word you onoe let go." (Oonington.)
Perdidici istaec esse vera damno cum magno meo.
PLAUTUS. HZ, S5.(Argy<ri$ypus,)
Asinaria, Act Z, Sc.
"Yes, to my cost I've learnt that this is trw."~(Bonnell Thornton.)
Perdidit arma, locum virtutis deseruit, qui
Semper in augenda festinat et obruitur re.
HOBACE. JSpistolae, Z, 16, 67.
"The wretch, whose thoughts "by gain are all engrossed,
Has flung away his sword, betrayed his post." (Cbwm
" Pereant
amici, dum una inimici intercidant."
Quoted (with disapproval) by Cicero, Pro JRege Deiotaro, IX., 25,
"Let our friends perish, if only our enemies are destroyed with them."
Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt."
AEDIUS DONATUS. Jerome, Commentary on Ecclesiastes, Cap. Z)
(Higne'sPatrologiaeCursus, Vol XZIU.,390.)
"Perish those who said our good things before we did."
" Perfer et o"bdura I dolor hie tibi proderit olim.
Saepe suous amarus opem,"
tulit lassis
OVID. Amores, IIL, 11, 7,
"Endure your pain In time 'twill benefit,

The bitter draught oft gives the sickly strength."

" Periculosae
plenum opus aleae,
Tractas et incedis per ignes
Suppositos cineri doloso." HORACE, Odes, IT,, 1, 6
" A work of
danger and distrust
You treat, as one on fire should tread
Scarce hid by treacherous ashen crust." (Qonington.)
" Periculosum est credere et non credere."
PHAEDHUS. tfdbks, JIT., 10, 1.
"There is danger both in belief and in unbelief."
"Periculosum est, mini crede, ostendere civitafci quanto plures mail
sint," SENECA. De dementia, X, 23, 2.
"It is a dangerous thing to show a community that the majority of its
members are wicked."
" Perlculum ex aliis
facito, tibi quod ex usu siet."
TERBKQE, Heautontimorumenos, Act JZ, Sc. Z, 9. (ClUi^ho.)
"Draw from others* faults
A profitable lesson for thyself." (George Oolman.)
" Periere
mores, jus, decus, pietas, fides,
Et qui redire, cum pertt, nescit, pudor."
SENECA. Agcmewwm, 113. (Clytemnestra.)
"Morality dead, and justice, honour, faith and piety, and modesty

which, once 'tis lost, will ne'er return."

"Periisse Germanicum nulli jactantius maerent quam qui maxime
laetantur." TACITUS, Annals, IZ, 77.
" The death of Germanicus was
by none more ostentatiously mourned than
by those who most rejoiced at it."
" Perit omnis In illo

Nbbilitas, cujus laus est in origine sola."

SAOJIUS BASSUS. Panegyricus m Gafyurmum Pisonem, 10.
" He loses all
Whose only claim to merit's noble birth."
" amantum
Perjuria ridet
Jupiter, et ventos irrifea ferre jubet." TIBULLUS. Elegies, III., 6, 49.
"Jove laughs at lovers' perjuries, arid bids
The winds to scatter them as nothing worth."
Jupiter ex alto perjuria ridet amantum,
Et jubet Aeolios irrita ferre notes."
OYID. De Arte Amandi, Z, 633.
Permitte divis caetera." HOBACB, Odes, L, 9, 9,
"The future trust with Jove." (Qonington.)
Perpetuus nulli datur usus et heres
Heredem alterius, velut unda supervenit undam."
HORACE. Eyistolae, IL, 2, 175,
Perpetual possession none may claim ;

As wave succeeds to wave, heir follows heir."

" Persicos
odi, puer, apparatus ;

Bisplicent nexae philyra coronae ;

Mitte sectari, xosa quo looorum

Sera moretur." HOBAOB. Odes, Z, 38, 1,
" No Persian cumber, boy, for me ;
I hate your garlands linden-plaited ;
Leave winter's rose where on the tree
It hangs belated." (Conington.)
" Personam tragicam forte vulpes viderat ;

quanta species, inquifc, cerebrum non habet !

Hoc illis dictum est, quibus honorem et gloriam

Fortuna tribuit, sensum communem abstulit."
PHABDRUS. Fables, L, 7,
"A fox
by chance a tragic mask had found <

"Rs beautiful/ says he, but has no brains '.

We use the phrase for those to whom Fortune grants
Honour and praise, but common sense denies."
" tecum tacitus, quid quisque loquatur ;
Sarmo hominum mores et celat et indicat idem."
BroNrsitis GATO. Disticha de Moribus, IF., 20,
"Note carefully what each man says, for speech
Is cloak and index both of character/'
" Persuades
hoc tibi vere,
Ante potestatem Tulli atque ignobile
Multos saepe viros nullis majoribus ortos
Et vixisse probos, amplis et L.onoribus auctos."
tt ~ .
a n
HOBACB. Satires.!., 6, 8.
"Convinced, and truly, too, the wights unknown,
Ere Servius' rise set freedmen on the throne.
Despite their ancestors not seldom came
To high employment, honours, and fair fame."

"(Vere enim illud dicitur) Perverse dicere homines perverse dicendo

facillime consequi." CICEBO. De Oratore, Z, 33, 150.
" It is a true
saying that one falsehood leads easily to another."
Pervigilat nootes totas ; turn autem interdius
Quasi claudus sutor domi sedet totos dies."
PfcAUTUs. Aulularia, Act I., Sc. I., 33. (Staphyla.)
"He lies awake all night, and then he sits
Purring and poring the whole day at home,
Like a lame cobbler in his stall." (Bonnell Thornton.)
" Pessima milli non sua forma placet."
OVID. De Arte Amandi, I,, 614,
" Hi-favoured
though she be,
There's none who thinks not her own form most fair."
" Pessimum inimicorum genus, laudantes."
TACITUS. Agricola, XLL
" Man's worst flatterers.
" Pessimus est vel
quidem pudor parsimoniae vel paupertatis."
LIVY. Histories, XXXIV., 4.
"There is nothing worse than being ashamed of parsimony or poverty."
" Petite
hinc, juvenesque senesque
Firxem animo certum, miserisque viatica cams."
PEBsrcrs. Satires, 7., 64.
"There seek, ye old, ye young, secure to find
That certain end, which stays the wavering mind ;
Stores which endure, when other means decay,
Through life's last stage, a sad and cheerless way. "(Gfifford.)
PMlosophia enim simulari potest, eloquentia non potest."

QUIKTILIAN. JDe Institutione Oratorio,, XII. , 3, 12.

"It is possible to feign philosophy ; impossible to feign eloquence."
PbilosopMa me docuit non tantum beneficium amare, sed etiam
maleficium, magisque judicio impartire quam commodo inservire,
et quod in commune expediat malle quam quod mihi."
APULBIUS. Florida, IL, 9, 38.
"Philosophy has taught me to value not only favours, but even injuries j
to study the dictates of reason rather than my own convenience,
and to prefer what is of benefit to the world at large to what is ad-
vantageous to myself."
bene vivendi
"PhilosppHa, ut fertur, virtutis continet et omcii et
disciplinam." CIOEBO- In Pisonem, XXIX., Tl.

"Philosophy comprises the understanding of virtue, of duty and of right

" Pictoribus
atque poetis
Quidlibet audendi semper fuit aequa potestas.
Scimus, et hano veniam petimusque damusque vicissim."
EOBACE. De Arte Poetica, 9,
" Poets and
painters (sure you know the plea)

Have always been allowed their fancy free.'

I own it ; 'tisa fair excuse to plead ;

By turns we claim it, and by turns concede." (Conington.}

*(Meo judicio,) pietas fundamentum est omnium virtutum."
CIOBBO. Pro Plancio, ZII., 29.
" Filial is the foundation stone of all the virtues."
(Garrulus atque) piger scribendi ferre laborem,
Scribendi recte." HORACE. Satires, I, 4, 12,
Fluent, yet indolent, he would rebel
Against the toil of writing, writing well." (Conington.)
" Pindarum
quisquis studet aemulari,
lule, ceratis ope Daedalea
Nititur pennis, yitreo daturas
Nomina ponto." HOBACE, Odes, IF., 2, 1
"Who fain at Pindar's flight would aim,
On waxen wings, lulus, he
Soars heavenward, doom'd to give his name
To some new $e&"(Qonington.)
"Placeat homini quicquid deo placuit."
SENECA. Eyistolae, I/XZIF., 20.
" Whatever is God's pleasure should be man's pleasure."
" Placet ille meus mihi mendicus suns rex
reginae placet.

Idem aninrus est in paupertate, qni olim in divitiis fuit."

PtiAUTirs, Stichus, Act Z, Sc, IT., 76, (Pinaclum.)
My beggar is agreeable to me,
Her king is to his gueen agreeable,
And she the same in poverty or riches." (Bonnell Thornton,)
Plausibus ex ipsis populi, laetoc[tLe favore,
Ingenium quodvis inoaluisse potest."
OVID. Epistolae ex Panto, III., 4, 29,
"The applause, the favour of our fellow-men,
Fans even a spark of genius to a flame."
" Plenus annis
abiit, plenus honoribus."
PJDINY THE YOUNGEB. Stgistolae, II., 1.
" He is
gone from us, full of years and full of honours,"

Pleraque in stunma fortuna auspioiis et consiliis quam telis et mani-


bus geri." TACITUS. Awnals, XIII., 6.

"The highest rank chiefly worked through its prestige and its counsels
more than by sword and hand," (Ghwch and Brodribb.)
" ubi
Plerique homines, quos, quum nihil ref ert, pudet ; pudendum est,
Ibi eos deserit pudor, quom usus est, nt pudeat."
PLAUTTTS. Epidicus, Act II., Sc. I., 1. (Apoecides,)
"It's thesame with most men they're ashamed

Without occasion when they should be so,


Then shame deserts them/* (Bonnell Thornton.)

M humanis quid^uam bonum norunt, nisi quod
Plerique neque in rebus
fouctuosum sit, et amicos, tanquam pecudes, eos potissimuzn
diligunt, ex quibus sperant se maximum fructum ease captures."
OICEBO. De Amicitia, XXI, ,
"In the affairs of this world many men
recognise nothing as good, unless
it is also profitable, and value their friends as they do their live atocka

proportionately to their expectation of making a profit out of them*"


" divitibus vices,

Plerumque gratae
Mundaeque parvo sub lare pauperum
Cenae, sine aulaeis et ostro
Solicitam explicuere frontem." HOBACE. Odes, III., 29, 13,
" IE
change e'en luxury finds a zest :

The poor man's supper, neat, but spare,

With no gay couch to seat the guest,
Has smoothed the rugged brow of care." (Oonington.)
Plerumque ipsam se fraudem, efeiamsi initio cautior fuerit, detegere."
LIVY. Histories, XLIV., 15.
"A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will
generally, in the end, betray itself."
Plerumque stulti risum dum captant levem,
Gravi destringunt alios contumelia,
Et sibi vicissim conoitant perioulum."
PHAEDBUS. Fables, L, 29 t L
"Ofttimes the fools who raise an empty laugh
Offer thereby grave insult to their neighbours,
And fire a train which ends in their undoing."
Ploratur lacrimis amissa pecunia veris."
JUVENAL, Satires, ZZTZ, 134
"We mourn our money lost with genuine tears."
" Plura
saepe peccantur dum demeremur quam dum ofiendimus."
TACITUS. Annals, XV., 21.
"More faults are often committed while we are trying to oblige than
while we are giving offence." [Ghwch and Brodrfbl)*)
" Plura
sunt, Lucili, quae nos terrent ctuam quae premuut, et saepiua
opinione guam re laboramus." SENECA. Epistolae, XIII., L
"The things which alarm us are more numerous than the things which
in imagination than in fact."
injure us, and we more often suffer

"Plures effioimur quoties metimur a vobis; semen est sanguis

Christianorum." TEBTUDMAisr. Apologeticus, 48.
"The more you mow us down, the more thickly we grow; the blood of
Christians is fresh seed."
" The blood
(Generally quoted, of the Christians is the seed of the Chwrch".)
" Plurima sunt
Non audent homines pertusa dicere laena."
JUVENAL. Satires, V., 130.
Oh, there is much that never can be spoke
By a poor client in a threadbare cloak 1 "(Gifford.)
" Plurimum minimum ipse de se loqui."
SA&LTJST. Jugurtha, VL
"Bo as much as possible, and talk of yourself as little as possible."
"Plus aegri ex abitu viri quam ex adventu voluptatis cepi.
PJDATJTUS. AnypMtryo, Act II., Sc. II. , 11. (Alcumena.)
ta'en of grief
From the departure of husband more
Than I received of pleasure from his coming."
(Bonnell Thornton*)
" Plus aloes JUVENAL. Satires, FI., 181.
guam mellis habefc."
"There's more of gall than honey in your cup."
" Plus araat e natis mater
plerumque duobus,
Pro cujus reditu, quod gerit arma, timet,"
OVID, Remedia Amoris, 547.
( {
The mother of two sons loves him the best
For -whose return from war she, trembling, prays."
"Plus apud me tamen vera ratio valebit cjuam vulgi opinio."
CICEBO. Paradoxa, I., 8.
" Sound me than
argument will have more weight with popular opinion."
"Plus est quam vita salusque
Quod perit : in totum mundi prosternimur aevum."
LUCAN. Pharsalia, 711,, 6iO,
" Tis not mere
life safety that's at stake ;

We are o'erthrown for all eternity."

" Plus ibi boni mores valent
o^uam alibi bonae leges."
TACITUS. Germania, XIX,
" Good morals have there more effect than good laws elsewhere."

Plus impetus, majorem constantiam penes miseros esse."
TACITUS. Agricola,) XV.
"There is more impetuosity and, at the same time, more steadfastness in
those who are unfortunate."
(TJt judicari possit,) Plus in amicitia valere similitudmein morura
qnam afiktitatem." CORNELIUS NEPOS. Atticus, 5.
" In
friendship similarity of character has more weight than kinship."

"Plus oportet scire servom quam logui,"

PJGAUTUS, Miles Gfloriosus, Act -ZZ, /Sc. FM 67. (Palaestrio.)
A servant ought to know more than he speaks." (SonneU Thornton.)
"Plus tibi virtus tua dedit
fortuna abstulib."
CICERO. Ad %'amiliares, F., 18, 1.
" Your virtue has
given you more than fortune has taken from you."
" Poeaa
potest demi, culpa pexennis erit."
OVID. Jflpistolae ex Ponto, J., 1, 64:.
The penalty may be remitted, the crime is eternal,"
(Usus) Poetae, ut moris est, lioentia."
PHAEDETJS. Fables, IF., 25, 8.
" Ms habit is, a poet's licence."
Using, as
Poeticam istud licentiam decet."
SENECA. Natwrales Qvaestiom$> IL 44, 1.

"That befits the poet's licence,"

Pollioitis dives quilibet esse potest."
OVID. De Arie AwmM> J. 444.
"In promises who will may wealthy be,"
Pollicltus meliora." HOBAOB. Odes t I, t 29, 16.
One who gave promise of better things,"

" 1
De Haruspicum XX, 48.
Popularis aura/ CICERO. Besponsis,
"The breeze of popular favour."

"Populi imperium juxta libertatem, paucorum dominatio regiae

libidini propior est." TACITUS. Annals, 71. , 42.
"Popular government almost amounts to freedom, while the rule of a few
approaches closely to a monarch's caprice," (Ghwrch and Brodrffib.)
" falsis
(Virtus,) Populum<jue
Dedocet uti
Vocibus. HOEACE, Odes, IX, 2, 19.
"Soon or late
From lying words
She weans men's lips." (Oonington.)
Populus me sibilat at mini plaudo ;

Ipse domi, simul ac nummos contemplor

in area."
HORACE. Satires, I., 1, 66.
" 'Folks hiss me,' said he, 'but myself I clap
When I tell o'er my treasures on my lap.' (Oowington.)
" Possunt VIRGIL. Mmid, 7., 231.
c[uia posse videntur."
"They can because they think they can." (Gonington.)

"Post inimicitias iram meminisse malorum est."

DioNYSitrs OATO. Disticha de Mortons, II., 15.

"Only the ill-natured remember their wrath when enmity is laid aside."

Post malam segetem serendum est."
SENECA. J3pi$tolae t I/XXXI., 1.

"After a bad crop we must sow again."

Post mortem in morte nihil est, qnod metuam, mail."
PLAUTUS. Ca/ptivi, Act III., Sc. 7., 83. (Tyndarus*)
" There is no evil I need dread in death,
When death is over." (Bonndl Thornton*)

" Post multa virtus

opera laxari solei"
SENECA. Hercules tfurem> 480. -{AnypMtryon.)
"After great labours valour colder grows."
Post te victurae per te quoque vivere chartae
Incipiani;. Cineri gloria sera venit"
MAETIAD, Epigrams, I. 25 (26), 7.

"If after thee thy verses are to live,

Let them begin whilst thou'rt alive. Too late
The glory that illumines but thy tomb."
solent esse."
CIOEEO. PMtypptca, XII., 2, 5.

"Second thoughts, they say, are generally best.

Postquam leges Tbello sillier e coactae,
PeUimur e patriis laribus patimurque volentes
LTJCAN. Pharsaka, I., 277*
"When law is silenced by the might of arms,
We're driven from our home and fatherland,
Jet exile not unwillingly we brave,"
" res mea Janum
Postquam omnis
Ad medium fructa est, aliena negotia euro,
Excussus propriis." HOBAGE. Satires^ IZ, 3, 19,

"Why, ever since my hapless went down

'Neath the mid arch, I go about the town,
And make my neighbours' matters my sole care,
Seeing my own are damaged past repair."- (Conington.)
" Potest melior
vincere, non potest non pejor esse qui vicerit."
SENECA. Epistolae, n 13.XIV
"The better man may win, but he cannot fail to be the worse for his

Potius ignoratio juris litigiosa est quam sclentia."

CJCERO. De Legibtts, Z, 6, 18.
" The more often found with ignorance than with know-
litigious spirit is
ledge of law."

"Potiusque sero quam nunquam obviam eundum audaciae temeribati-

que." LIVY. Histories, IV., 3.
"Resistance to criminal rashness comes better late than never."
Praecepto monitus, saepe te considera."
, 8, L
Take, then, this rule to heart, and learn
By constant searching thine own self to know."
Praecipuum nmnus annalium reor, ne virtutes sileantur, atque pravis
diotis faetisque ex posteritate et infamia metus sit."
TACITUS. Annals, III., 65.
"This I regard as history's highest function, to let no worthy action be
uncommemoratedj and to hold out the reprobation of posterity as a
terror to evil words and deeds." (Oftwrcft and BrodriUb.}
Praecipuum naturae bonum, mortem."
PMHY THE ELBBB. Natural History, FJZ, 56.
"Nature's choicest gift, death."
" Praeferre
patriam liberis regem decet."
SENECA. Troades, 341. (Agamemnon.)
"'Tis a king's duty to prefer his country to his children."
Praefulgebant Oassius atque Brutus eo ipso quod efftgies eorum non
visebantur." TACITUS. Annals, JJZ, 76.
"But Cassius and Brutus outshone them all from the very fact that their
likenesses were not to be seen." (Church and Brodrib'b*)

"Praeterita magis reprehend! possunt quam corrigi."

Lmr. Histories, ZXX* 9 30.
"It is easier to reprobate than to correct our past errors."
" Pravo favore labi mortales
Et, pro judicio dum stant erroris sui,
Ad paenitendum rebus manifestis agi."
PHABDEUS. Fables, 7., 5, 1.
"Applause bestowed perversely oft brings men to shame,
And, while they stoutly hold to their mistaken judgment,
The truth's proclaimed to their discomfiture,,"

" Premife altum corde dolorem."

VIBGIL. JlSneid, L, 209.
Beep in Ms breast Ms grief he hides."
(Sed) pretium si grande feras, custodia victa eat ;

Nee proMbent claves ; et canis ipse taoet."

TIBULLUS. Elegies, II., 4, 33.
"If but the bribe be large, the warder's thine ;
No locks can stop thee ; e'en the watch-dog's dumb."
" Prima est
eloquentiae virtus perspicuitas."
QtjiimLiAN. De Institutions Oratorio,, II., 3, 8.
"The first virtue of eloquence is perspicuity."

"Prima, inquit, craterraadsitimpertinet, secunda ad hilaritatem, tertia

ad voluptatem, quarta ad insaniam."
APULEIUS. Florida, IF, 20.
"The first cup is for thirst, the second for merriment, the third for
sensuality, the fourth for madness."
" Prima urbes divum Boma."
inter, dortms, aurea
AUSONIUS. Ordo Nobilium Urbium, I.
" First home of the gods, is golden Rome."
among cities,

Primaque eorum proelia plus quam virorum, postrema minus quam
feminarura esse." LIVY. Histories, Z., 28. (Of the Gauls.)
"They are more than men at the outset of their battles ; at the end they
are less than women."

" Primo avulso non deficit alter." VIRGIL. Mneid t 71., 143.
"One plucked, another fills its room/' (Oonington.)
" Primus Erichthonius currus et
quattuor ausus
Jungere equos, rapidusque rotis insistere victor."
VIBGIII. Georgics, JJI., 113.
"'Twas Erichthonius conjoined the four,
And rode triumphant on the rapid car." (X J&. Rose.)

Princeps qui delatores non castigat, irritat."


DOMITIAN. (Suetonius^ FIZZ, 9.)

"The prince who does not punish informers encourages them."
Principibus placuisse viris norx ultima laus est."
HOBACB, JBpistolae, I., 17, 35.
" To
gain by honourable ways
A great man's favour is no vulgar praise." (Oonington.)
" Sero medicina paratur,
Prineipiis obsta.
Cum mala per longas convaluere moras.
Sed propera, nee te venturas differ in horas:
Qui non est hodie, eras minus aptus erit."
OVID. Bemedia Amoris, 91.
"Face troubles from their birth, for 'tis too late to cure
When long delay has given the evil strength.
Haste then postpone not to the coming hour
; : to-morrow
He'll be less ready who's not ready now,"
Principle ooelum ac terras camposque liquentis
Lucentemque globum Lunae Tifcaniaque astra
Spirifeus intus alit, totamque infusa per artus
Mens agitat molem et magno se corpore miscet."
VIRGIL. MnM, FZ, 724.
"Know the heaven, the earth, the main,
The moon's pale orb, the starry train,
Are nourished by a soul,
A bright intelligence, whose flame
Glows in each member of the frame,
And stirs the mighty whole." (Conington,)
Principis est virtus maxima nosse suos."
MARTIAL. Epigrams, FIJI., 15, 8.
" 'Tis the first virtue of a prince to know his friends."
" Prisca fides
facto, sed fama perennis." VIR&IL. Jffineid, IX., 79.
" The tale
long since was told,
But fame is green, though faith be old." (Conington.)
Prisco Maecenas docte, Oratino,
si credis,
Nulla plaoere din, nee vivere carmina possunt
Quae scribuntur aquae potoribus." HORACE. E]oistolae t I,, 19, 1.
"If truth there be in old Cratinus' song,
No verse, you know, Maecenas, can live long
Writ by a water-drinker." (Conington.)
Prins te cavisse ergo, quam pudere, aequom fuit."
PiiAUTUS. BacMdes, Act IV., Sc. IX,
" Better it were that
you had taken heed
Before, than now to be ashamed." (Bonnell Thornton.)
PriusqTiam incipias, consulto ; et ubi consulueris, mature facto opus
est." SALL-OST, CatiHne t I.
"Before you act, consider; when you have considered, 'tis fully time
to act."
Priusquam Theognis (ut Lucilius ait) nasceretur."
AULXJS GELLIUS. Noctes Atticae, I., 3, 8,
"Before Theognis was born (as Lueilius says).'*
(Proverbial expression, meaning, "In the very earliest times".)
" Privatus illis census erat
Commune magnum." HORACE. Odes, IZ, 15, 13.
" Each
Roman's wealth was little worth,
His country's much." (Oonington.)
" Pro arls et fools." OIOBEO. Pro Eoscio Amermo t F.
SALLUST. Catitine t LIX.
"Por our altars and our hearths."
" PJCO Ms nos habemus
luxuriam atque avaritiam publioe egestatem, :

privatim opulentiam; laudamus divitias, sequimur inertiam:

inter bonos et males discrimen nullum omnia virtutis

ambitio possidet." SALLTJST. Catiline, LIL

"Instead of this we have luxury and avarice public
indigence side by side

with private opulence we glorify wealth and

; pursue idleness between ;
the worthy and the unworthy we make no distinction all the
prizes of

virtue are awarded to ambition,"


"Pro pecoato magno paululum supplicii satis est patri."

TEEENCE, Andria, Act F., Sc. IZI., 32. (Chremes.)
" For a
great fault a little punishment
Suffices to a father." (George Oolman.)
" Pro
Super! quantum mortalia pectora caecae

Noctis habent 1" OVID. Metamorplwses, 7Z, 71.

" Ye "
gods how dark the night that shrouds the heart of man
! !

" Procul "

procul este, profani
o, VIEGIL, JEneid, VL, 258.

"Back, ye unhallowed \"(Gmington.)

" Odi
profanum yulgus et arceo." HOKACE. Odes, HZ, 1, 1.
"I bid the unhallowed crowd a vaunt." (Gonington.)
Prodigus et stulfeus donat, quae spernit efe odit.
Haec seges ingratos tulit, et feret omnibus annis."
HOKACE. JSpistolae, Z, 7, 20,
"*Tis throw
silly prodigality to
Those gifts broadcast whose value you don't know;
Such tfllage yields ingratitude and will,
While human nature is the soil you till." (Conington,)
" Proditores etiam iis quos antepoaunt invisi sunt,"
TACITUS. Annals, I., 58.
" whom they
Traitors are detested even by those prefer."
(Church md Brodribb.)
" Proeliis non victus."
ambiguus, bello
TACITUS. Annals, JZ, 88. (Of Arminiits.)
"(He) had fought, indeed, indecisive battles, yet in war remained un-
conquered. (Church and Jttrodribb.)
Profecto in aedes meas me absente neminem
Volo intromitti atque etiam aoo praedico tibi :

Si bona Fortuna veniat, ne intromiseris."

PLATJTDS. Aulularia, Act L> Sc. JZ, 20. (Euclio.)
" Be
sure, let no one in, while I'm away ;

I charge you even if Good-Luck should come,

Don't let her in." (Bonndl Thornton.)
" Profecto ut
quisque minimo contentus fuit,
Ita forbunatam yitam vixit maxime,
Ut philosophi aiunt isti, quibus quidvis sat est."
SEXTUS TunpiLiirs. Lindia, Fragment 17. (IX.).
He who with smallest means contentment finds
Will live the happiest life ; so cries the sage,
To whom whate er he has suffices."
" Professoria
lingua." TACITUS, Annak XIIL
t t
"A pedant's tongue." (Chwch and JSrodri&d.)
"Proinde, dum suppetit vita, enitamur ut mors quam paucissima 5

quae abolere possit, inveniat."

PLINY THE YOUNGER. Epistolae, 7., 5.
" Let us then while leave as little as possible fordeath
strive, life
lasts, to
to make a,n end of,"
(Telephus et Peleus, awm pauper et exsul uterque)
Projicit ampullas et sesquipedalia verba."
HORACE. De Arte Poetica, 97
"Peleus or Telephus, suppose him poor
Or driven to exile, talks in tropes no more ;

His yard-long words desert him." (Oonington.)

"Propeestutlibenter damnet, qui cito. Prope esfe ut inique puniat,

qui nimis."
SENECA. De dementia, I., 14.
"To condemn hastily is almost to condemn willingly, To punish ex-
cessively is almost to punish unjustly."
Propemodum saeculi res in unum ilium diem fortuna cumulavit."
QUIHTUS CUETIUS. De Rebus Qestis Alexandri Magwi, 17., 16, 10.
(Of the battle of Arbela.)
"It may almost "be said that into that day fate crowded the events of a
Proprium hoc statuo esse virtutis, conciliare animos hominum, et ad
usus suos adjungere." CICEBO. De Officiis, IL, 5, 17.
"It is Virtue's province to win her way into the hearts of men, and bind
them to her service."

Propter paupertatem hoc adeo nomen repperi ;


Bo, quia paupertas fecit, ridiculus forem :

Nam ilia orones artes perdocet, ubi quern attigit."

PLATJTUS. Stichus, Act I., Sc. III., ZZ.-~((j{elasimus.)
My father, when I was a tiny boy,
Named me Grelasiraus for, from my childhood,

Laughter I raised in all a talent this

I owe to poverty being born poor,
And fated so to live. For poverty,
Whomever she comes to, teaches every art.'

(Bonnell Thornton.)
Prosperum ac f elix scelus
Virtus vocatur." SENECA. Hercules Wwens, 255. (Amphitryon.)
"We virtue call
The crime that brings prosperity and fortune."
" Provocarena ad Philippum, sed sobrium."
VALERIUS MAXIMUS, 7Z, 2, J$xterna t L
"I would appeal to Philip, but to Philip sober."
" Proximus ardet
Ucalegouu" YIBGIL, JEneid t II., 311.
"And now the flames
Spread to Ucalegon's, our neighbour's, house."
Proximus huic, longo sed proximus* intervallo,
Insequitur Salius," VIBQIL. Jfflneid, 7., 320.
"Nearest him where none are near
Young Salius strains in full career." (Oonington.)
"Proximus sum egomet mini."
TBBEHCB. Andria t Act 17., Sc. I. 12. (Oharmus.)
"I am my nearest neighbour,"

" Prudens futuri

temporis exitum
Caliginosa nocte premit Deus,
Kidetque, si mortalis ultra
Pas trepidat." HOBACE, Odes, III., 29, 29
" The issue of the time to "be
Heaven wisely hides in blackest night,
And laughs, should man's anxiety
Transgress the bounds of man's short sight." (Conington.)
" Pudet haec
opprobria nobis
Et dioi potuisse et non potuisse repelli,"
OVID. Metamorphoses, Z, 758.
It shames us that these charges can be made,
It shames us that they cannot be rebutted."
Pudore et liberalitate liberos
Betinere satius esse credo, quam metu."
Sc, Z, 82. (Micio.)
'Tis, in my opinion,
better far
To bind your children to you by the ties
Of gentleness and modesty than fear." (George Colman.)
" Pueri inter sese
quam pro leyibus noxiis iras gerunt.
Qua propter ? quia enim, qui eos gubernat aniraus infirmum t gerunt."
TEEENCB. Hecyra, Act III., Sc. L, 3Q.(Parmeno.)
Observe how lightly children squabble. Why ?
Because they're governed by a feeble mind." (Gfeorge Colman.)
" Pulchra mulier nuda
erit, quam purpurata, pulchrior."
PLA.UTUS. Mo$tellaria } Act L, Sc. IIL t l$l (Scwpha.) t

" A naked
beauty is more charming than
From head to foot in purple," (feonnett Thornton.)
" Pulchrum est benefa n ere
reipublicae, etiam bene dicere haud absurdum
est," SALLITST. CatiUne, HI.
Most honourable are services rendered to the State; even if they do not
go beyond words, they are not to be despised."
44 "
Pulchrum est digito monsferari efe dicier Hie est I

PBBSIUS. Satires, Z, 28,

But, sure, *tis pleasant, as we walk, to see
The pointed finger, hear the loud That's he'c

On every side." (Gfffiord.)

"Punicafide." SALLUSX. Jugwtha, GVIII.
"With Punic faith."

Qua fiumen plaoidum est, forsan latet altius uada."
DIONYSIUS OATO. Disticha de Moribw, IK, 31.
" Where the river flows calmly, there perchance is it deepest."
" 7*
Quadrupedante putrem sonitu quatit ungula campura.
VIBGIL. JEneid, 7IJZ, 596. (C/. Jflneiti, XZ, 875.)
Horny feet
Becurrently the champaign beat
And shake the crumbling ground." (Conmgton.)
Quae belua ruptis,
Cum semel eflugit, reddit se prava oatenis?
HOBACE. Satires, IT., 7, 70.
" What beast that has
escaped its riven chain
Is base enough to seek its bonds again?
Quae caret ora cruore nostro ? HORACE, Odes, II,, 1, 36.
" What coast from Boman blood is free ?

Quae cum ita pugnaret, tamquam quae vincere nollet,
Vicfca est non aegxe proditione sua." OVID, Amores, X, 5, 15.

"She who resists as though she would not win,

By her own treason falls an easy prey,"
Quae enim domus tarn stabilis, quae tarn firma civitas est, quae non
odiis atque dissidiis funditus possifc everti ?
CICEBO, De Amicitia, VII. 23. ,

" There no house so strong, no state so firmly established, that it may

not be levelled to the ground by internal hatreds and dissensions."

" autem in hominibus tanta

Quae est perversitas, ut inventis frugibus
glande vescantur ? OICBBO. Orator, 9, 31.
"What perversity is this hi mankind, that when fruits are to be found they
prefer to live on acorns ?

(Nam) quae indotata est, ea in potestate est viri ;
Dotatae mactant et malo et damno viros."
PLAXJTUS. Aufalaria, Act III., Sc. 7.,
"Maidens that come dowerless
Are ever in their husbands' power, but dames
With ftoll-ffwoln portions are their plague and ruin."
(BonneU Thornton.)
(Nam) quae mortali cuiquam est amentia major,
In Jovis errantem regno perquirere divos,
Tantum opus ante pedes transire et perdere segnem? "
" What
greater madness e'er afflicts a man
Than when he wanders idly through the realms
Of Jove, seeking the gods, and passes by
The task that lies unheeded at his feet "
f ?

Quae natura ^aut fortuna darentur hominibus, in iis rebus se vinci
posse animo aequo pati quae ipsi sibi homines parare
in iis rebus se pati non posse vinci/ 1

GEASSUS. (Cicero, de Oratore, II., 11,

" We
may cheerfully permit ourselves to be excelled in those things which
are bestowed on mankind by nature or
fortune, but not in those which
men can secure for themselves by their own efforts."

"Quae nimis apparent retia, vitat avis,"

OVID. Remedia Amoris, 516.
"If the net be spread
Too openly, the bird avoids the snare/*

"Quae potest ease vitae jucundifeas sublatis amicitiis?
CICEBO. Pro Plancio, XXXIIL, 80.
" What sweetness is left in life if you take away friendship ?"
(Sed) quae praeclara et prospera tantum,
Ut rebus laetis par sit mensura malorum."
JUVENAL. Satires, X., 97.
u Yet what and power bestow,
delight can rank "
Since every joy is balanced by its woe (Gtiford.)

"Quae quidem laudatio hominis turpissimi mihi ipsi erat paene

turpis." OICEEO. In Pisonem, XXIX.) 72.

"Such praise, coming from so degraded a source, was degrading to me, its

" "
Quae regio in. terris nostri non plena laboris ?
, Z, 460.
" (
Is there, friend/ he cries,
a spot
That knows not Troy's unhappy lot.'" (Gonington.)
" modum
Quae res in se neque co&silium neque
Habet ullum, earn consilio regere non. potes."
TBEBNCE. Eunuchus, Act Z, Sc. J., 12.- (Parmeno.)
The thing which hath not in itself
Or measure or advice, advice can't rule." (George Qobwn.)
Quae vera audivi taceo et contineo optime;
Sin falsum, aut vanuna, aut ctum est, continuo palam est ;

Plemis rimarum sum, hao atque iliac perfluo.

Proin tu, taceri si vis, vera dicifco."
TERENCE. Eimuohus, Act J., SG. II., 23. (Parmeno.)
"The truths I hear I will conceal ; whatever
Is false, or vain, or feigned, I'll publish it.
I'm full of chinks, and run through here and there;
So, if you claim my secrecy, speak truth." (George Colman.)

" virtus et quanta, boni, sit vivere parvo

(ISTec meus Mo serrao est, sed quae praecepit Ofellus
Busticus, abnormis sapiens, crassaque Minerva),
Discite." HOBACB. Satires, IL, 2, 1.

"The art of frugal living, and its worth,

To-day, my friends, QMlus shall set forth
('Twas he that taught it me, a shrewd, clear wit,
Though country-spun, and for the schools unfit}.'* (Cowngrton.)

" Mens quae sibi conscla reoti.

Quaenam summa boni ?
PerBicies komini quae maxima ? Solus homo alter."
ATISQNIUS,Septem Sapientum Sententiae, JBias," I.
" What is the highest good ? A heart conscious of its own purity. What
is man's deadliest foe ? His fellow-man.**
Quaeris Aloidae parem ?
Nemo est nisi ipse." SENECA. Hercules Furens, 84. (Juno.)
"You seek Alcides' equal ? He has none
Beside himself."
Qualern commendes etiam atgue etiam aspice, ue mox
Incutiant aliena tibi peccata pudorem."
HOBACE. Epistolae, I., 18, 76.
" Look round and round the man
you recommend,
For yours will be the shame should he offend." (Oonington.)
" "
Qualis artifex pereo 1 NEBO. (Suetomus, 71., 49.)
" What an artist dies in me 1

Qualis dominus, tails et servus."
"Like master, like man."
Quam inique comparatum est, hi qui minus habent,
Ut semper aliquid addant divitioribus 1

TEBENCE. Phorrmo^ Act L, Sc. I., 7. (Davus.)

"Alack, how hard it is
That he, who already poor, should still
Throw in his mite to swell the rich man's heap !

(George Golman.)
" sunt patres in onmes adolesoentes judices
Quam inigiii 1

Qui aequum esse censent nos jam a pueris ilico nasoi senes ;

Neque illarum affines esse rerum quas fert adolescentia."

TEBBNCE. Heautontimommenos, Act IT., Sc. I. l.(CUtvpho.) t

"What partial judges of all sons are fathers !

Who ask grey wisdom from our greener years,

And think our minds should bear no touch of youth."
(George Golman.)
Quam invisa sit singularis potentia et miseranda vita, qui se metu;
quam amari malunt, cuivis facile intellectu fuit."
"We can all understand how hateful is autocratic power, and how pitiabli
the lives of those who prefer to be feared rather than to be lovecL"
^ "
Quam multa injusta ac prava fiunt moribus!
TEBBNOB. Heautontimorumenos, Act I7, Sc. VIL, ll.(Chremes.)
" How
And absolute is custom "(George !
Quam multa sunt vota, o^uae etiam sibi fateri pudet quam pauci

quae facere coram teste possimus 1

SENEQA. De Benefits 71., 38, 5. t

" How
many of our desires we are ashamed to acknowledge even to our
selves How few we dare give utterance to before witnesses "

Quam multum interest quid a quo fiat I"
PLINY THE YOUNGEB. Epistolae, 71., 24.
" What a "
difference it makes by whom the deed is done !

Quam saepe forte temere
Bveniunt quae non audeas optare " 1

TEESNCE. Phormio, Act 7., Sc. Z, BQ.~-~(C1vremes.)

"How often fortune blindly brings about
More than we dare to "
hope for !
(George Oolmtm.)

Quam scitum est ejusmodi parare in ammo cupiditates,
Quas quum res advorsae sient paullo mederi possisl"
TERENCE. Phormio, Act F., Sc. IK, 2. (Antipho.)
" How wise to foster such desires alone,
As, although cross'd, are easily supplied !
"(George Colman.)
Quam vellent aethers in alto
Nuno et pauperism et duros perferre labores 1

YiEGir.. J&neid, 71., 436.

"How gladly now in upper air
Contempt and beggary would" they bear,
And labour's sorest pain !

" unum neges, lioo solum meminerunt,

Quamlibet saepe obligati, si quid
quod negatum est." PDINY THE YOUNGER. Epistolae, III., 4.

" However often

you may have done them a favour, if you once refuse
they forget everything except your refusal."

Quamquam longissimus, dies cito conditur."
PLINY THE YOUNGEB. Epistolae, IX., 30.
The longest day soon comes to end."

Quamquam res nostrae sunt, pater, pauperculae,
Modioe etmodeste melius est vitam vivere ;

Nam si ad paupertatem admigrant infamiae,

Gravior paupertas fit, fides sublestior."
PLAUTUS. Persa, Act III. t 8c. X, 17. (Virgo.)
"Since our pittance is but small, we ought
To lead a frugal and a modest life.
For if to poverty we add disgrace,
Our poverty will be of double weight,
Our credit of no weight at all." (Bonndl Thornton.)
Quando artibus, inquit, honestis
Nullus in urbe locus, nulla emoluments laborum,
Ees hodie minor est here quam fuit, ao eadem eras
Beteret exiguis aliquid proponimus illuo

Ire. fatigatas ubi Daedalus exuit alas." JUVBUAL, Satires , IZX, 21.
" Since virtue
droops, he cried, without regard,
And honest toil scarce hopes a poor reward ;

Since every morrow sees my means decay,

And still makes less the little of to-day ;
I go where Daedalus, as poets sing,
First checked his flight and closed his weary wing," ( Gyford* }

Quando eonveniunt
ancilla, Sibylla, Camilla,
Sermonem faciunt et ab hoc, et ab hac, et ab ilia."
(of Wittenberg), Taubmanniana (Frankfort,
1710), #, 253.
" When with her friends Camilla goes a-walking,
Of this and that and t'other they'll be talking."

"Quando hie sum, non jejuno Sabbato: quando Romae sum, jejuno
ST. AMBROSE. (Quoted by St. Augustine, Letters, XXXVL, 32,
ad Casulanum.)
"When I am here, I do not fast on Saturday when I
; ara in Rome, I fast

on Saturday."
" Cum fueris Romae, vivito more,
Cum fueris ibi"
alibi, vivito siout
AHON. (Jeremy Taylor, Ductor Dubitari'tium, Bk. I.,
Cap. L, 5, 5.)
" When
you're in Rome, then live in Roman
fashion ;
When you're elsewhere, then live as there they live."
(Et)quando uberior vitiorum copia
? quando

Major avaritiae patuit sinus ? JUVENAL. Satires, I., 87.

"Say, when did vice a richer harvest yield ? "
When did fell avarice so engross the mind? (Gti/ord.)
Quanta mea sapientia est,
B malis multis malum quod minimum est, id minimum esb malum."
PX.AXJTUS, Stichus, Ad L t Sc, JZ, 62. (Pinacium.)
Sir, as far
As my poor skill will go, of many evils
That evil which is least is the least evil." (Bonnell Thornton.)
Quanto diutius considero, tanto mihj res videtur obsourior."
OICBBO. De Natwra, Deonm, I., 22, 60, (Simomdes to Hiero*)
" The more I tlink over the matter, the more difficult of comprehension it

seems to me."
" quum vidit in ilia
(Sensit Alexander, testa
felicior hie o[ui
Magnum, habitatorem) quanto
Nil cuperet, Qua,ra qui totum sibi posceret orbem."
JUVENAL. Satires, XIV., 311.
Even Philip's son, when in his little cell,
Content, ho saw the mighty master dwell,
Owned, with a sigh, thathe who nought desired
Was happier far than he who worlds required." (Qifford.)
Quanto quis tanto magis falsi ao festinantes, yultuque
composite, ne laeti excessu principis, neu tristiores primordio,
lacrimas, gaudium, questus adulationem miscebant."
TACITUS. Annals, /., 7.
The higher a man's rank, the more eager his hypocrisv, and his looks the
more carefully studied, so as neither to betray joy at the decease
of one emperor, nor sorrow at the rise of another, while he mingled
delight and lamentation with his flattery. (Ghurch and JBrodribb. )
" sibi
Quanto quisque plura negaverit,
A dis plura f ereb. Ml cupientium
Nudus oastra peto, efc transfuga divitum
Parfces linquere gestio." HOBAOE. Odes, III,, 16, 21.
He that denies himself shall gain the more
From bounteous Heaven. I strip me of my pride,
Desert the rich man's standard, and pass o'er
To bare contentment's side," (Coninffton.)

Quantum mufcatus ab illo
Hectore, qm redit exuvias indufeus AcMlli !

VIBQIL. Mndd, IL t

"'How altered from the man we knew,

Our Hector, -who from day's long toil
Comes radiant in Achilles' spoil." (Gmin/jton.)

Quantum oculis, animo tarn prooul ibit amor."
PROFEBTIUS.Elegies, IV. (III.), 21, 10.
" Far as I from so far
journey thy sight,
Shall love too journey from my mind."

Quantum quisque sua nummorum servat in area,


Tantum habet et fidei." JUVENAL. Satires, IIL t

" Each man shall trusted be so far
As he has money in his coffers stored,"

Quare, dum licet, inter nos laetemur amantes,
Non satis est ullo tempore longus amor."
PBOPEBTIUS, Carmina, L, 20 (19), 25.

"While in each other's presence lovers joy,

No time's too long for love."

Quare religio pedibus subjeota vicissimn
Obteritur, nos exaeqLuat victoria coelo.
LUCEBTIUS. De Benm Natnra t I., 72,

superstition have we trampled down

In turn beneath our feet, and to the heavens
We are exalted by our victory."
Quasi solstitialis herba, paulisper fui^
Eepente exortus sum, repentino oooidi."
PLA.UTTJS. Pseudolus, Act I,, Sc. L> 36. (Galidorus.)
" Short was summer
my life, like that of giass i

Quickly I grew, and quickly withered."

Velut herba, solet,
Baptuso^ue simuL"
Ausomus. Commeworatio Profmorwn, VL t 81,
Like the summer grass,
Which doth but show itelf, and is cut down."

Qusm animum nos adversus pueros liabemus, hunc sapiens adversus11
omnes, quibus efeiam post juventam canosg^ue puerilitas
A. De Constantia Sapientis, XIL }

$ we look upon children, so does the wise man look upon

all those

whose childishness has survived their youth and their grey hairs,"
Quern damnosa venus, quern praeceps alea nudat,
Gloria quern supra vires et vestit et ungit,
Quern tenet argenti sitis importuna famesque,
Quem paupertatis pudor et fuga, dives amicus,
Saepe decem vitiis instructior, odifc et horret."
HORACE. Epistolae, I,, 18, 21.
" Him that gives in to dice or lewd excess,
Who apes rich folks in equipage or dress,
Who meanly covets to increase his store,
And shrinks as meanly from the name of poor,
That man his patron, though on all those heads
Perhaps a worse offender, hates and dreads." (Conington.)
Quem di diligunt
Adolesoens moritur, dum valet, sentit, sapit."
PLAUTUS, BaccMdes, Act 17., Sc, FIT., 18, (Chrysalus.}
" Whom the gods love die young, while still they can enjoy
Health, tastes and senses."

"Quem metuunt odere: quern quisque odifc, periisse expetit.'

ENNITJS. Incertae Fabulae, Fragment XXXVIL (XF.).
" Whom men fear they hate, and whom they hate
They long for his destruction."
" Oderint dum metuant."
Accius, Atreus, Fragment IF. (IX) (Atr&us.}
"Let them hate provided that they fear."
Quem metuit quisque, perisse cupit."
OVID, Amores, II., 2, 10,
" He whom all hate all wish to see destroyed."
Quem res plus nimio deleotavere secundae,
Mutatae quatient." HOEAOE. Epistolae, I., 10, 30.
" Take too much
pleasure in good things, you'll feel
The shock of adverse fortune makes you reel."
Quem Yenus arbitrum
Bicet bibendi ? " HOBACE. Odes, II., 7, 25.
Whom will Venus seat
Chairman of cups ? "(Qonington,)
Quemounc[ue miserum videris,"hominem scias."
SENECA. Hercules ffurens, 463.
One that you see Tinhappy know to be a man."
Qui aliis nooent, ut in alios liberates slut, in eadom sunt injustifcii
ut si in suam rem aliena convertant."
OICEBO. De Officvis, I., 14, 42.
Those who injure some to benefit others are
acting as wrongfully as
they were turning other persons' property to their own use."
Qui amans egens ingressus est princeps in amoris vias,
Superavit aerumnis is suis, aerumnas Herculis."
PLAUTUS. Persa, Act Z, 1, 1. (Toxilus.)
When first a poor man steps into the patli
Of love, he must worse labours undertake
Than Hercules." (BonneU Thornton.)

Qui amat, tanien hercle si esurit, null urn esurit."
PLAUTUS. Casing Act IF., So. If., 2, 16.(8tMno.)
"A man in love,
Though he is hungry, does not think of eating."
(Bonnell Thornton.)
Qui amicus est, amat qui amat non utique aniicus est.
; Itaque
amicitia semper prodest, amor etiam aliquando nocet,"
SENECA. JSpistolae, XZZ7., 1.
" He who is your friend loves you, but he who loves you is not always your
friend. Thus friendship always benefits, but love sometimes injures."

Qui ant tempua quid postulet, non videt aut plura loquitur, aut se

ostentat, aut eorum. quibuscum est vel dignitatia vel comraodi

rationem non habet, aut denique in aliquo genere aut inconcin-
nus aut multus est, is ineptus esse dicitur,"
CICERO. De Oratore, II. > 4, 17.
" He who does not perceive what is demanded by the circumstances, or
says too much, or indulges in vain display, or does not take into
account the rank, or study the convenience, of those with whom he
finds himself, or, to be brief, is in any way awkward or prolix, is what
we call a tactless person."
Qui Bavium non odit, amet tua carmina, Maevi,
Afcqueidem jungat vulpes et mulgeat hircos."
VIRGIL. Eclogues, III., 90.
" Who hates not Bavins will love thy verses too,
Maevius, and he will foxes yoke
And milk he-goats."

Qui beneficium dedit, taceat, narret qui accepit."


SENECA. De Beneficiis, IE, 11, 2.

" Be silent as to services
you have rendered, but speak of favours you have

Qui benefioium non reddit, magis peccat, Qui non dat, citius,"
SENECA. De Beneficiis, L f 1, 13.
" His is the
greater sin who does not return, his the swifter who
does not
bestow, a favour."
Qui blandiendo dulce nutrivit malum,
Sero recusat ferre, quod subiit, jugum."
SENECA. Phaedra, 139. (The Nurse.)
" She who
by fond caress some pleasant sin
Has nourished, all too late to bear the yoke
Eefuses, which on her own neck she's placed."
Qui bona fide deos colit, amat et sacerdotes."
STATITJS. SHvae, V. (Praefatio.)
" Who the gods truly worships loves their priests."
Qui bono sunt genere nati, si sunt ingenio malo,

Suapte culpa ex genere capiunt genus, ingenium improbant,"

PLAUTUS. M&reator, Act V., So. IK, %. (flutyelms.)
" Whenever men of rank are ill-disposed,
Their evil disposition stains that rank." (JBonnell Thornton.)
"Qui cavet ne decipiatur, vix cavet, cuin etiam cavet ,

Etiam euro, cavisse ratus esfc, saope is cautor capons est."

PLATJTTJS. Captivi, Act II., Sc. II. , 5. (Hegio.)
" The
greatest care
Is scarce enough to guard against deceit
And tlie most cautious, even when he thinks
He's most upon his guard, is often tricked." (Bonnell

"Qui cupiet, nietuet quoque ; porro

Qui metuens vivet, liber naihi non erit unquam."
HORACE. Epistolae, I., 16, 65.
Foarmg's a part of coveting, and he
Who lives in fear is no free man for me." (Conington.)
Qui deorum comilium culpet, stultus inscitusque sit,
Quique eos vituperet."
PLAUTUS. Miles Gloriosus, Act IIL Sc. L 141. (Periplectomenes.)
9 ,

" "Whoever blames the counsels of the

And finds fault with them, is a fool and ignorant."
(Bonnell Thornton.)
Qui e nuca nucleum esse volt, frangit nucem."
PLAUTUS. Curculio, Act L t #c Z, 55.(Palinums.)
" He that would eat the kernel breaks the nut."
Qui facit per alium est perinde ac si facial* per seipsum."
BONIFACE YIII. Sexti Decr&talium Liler, Bit. V. t Tit. XX., de
HeguUs Juris, 72.
" He who acts through an agent is responsible as though he acted himself,
Qui fert malis auxilium, post tempus do-let."
PHAEDBUS, Fables, IV., 18, 1.
" Who aids the wicked suffers in the end."
Qui fingit sacros auro vel marmore vultus,
Non facit ille deos : qui rogat ille faeit."
MARTIAL. Epigrams, VIII. 24, , 5.
" Not he makes
gods who fashions sacred images
In gold or marble fair : but he who prays to them,"
Qui fit, Maecenas, nt nemo quam sibi sorteni
Seu ratio dederit, seu fors objecerit, ilia
Oontentus vivat, laudet diversa sequentes ? "
HORACE. Satires, I., 1, l.
" How comes
it, Maecenas, if you cau,
That none will live like a contented man
Where choice or chance directs, but each must praise
The folk who pass through life by other ways ?
Qui fugiebat, rursus proeliabitur."
TEBTUHLIAN. De Fuga in Persecutwne, X.
He who fled will fight on another occasion."
Qui genus jactat suum
Aliena laudat." SENEOA* Hercules Furens, 3&L~(
Who of hia lineage boasts but praises others' merits,"

Qui grate beneficium accipit, primam ejus pensionem solyit."
SENEGA. De Beneficiis, II. ,
" He wlio accepts a benefit gratefully pays back the first instalment of
his debt."

Qui homo oulpam admisit in se, nullus est tarn parvi preti
Quin pudeat, gum purget se."
PLAUTUS. Aulularia^ Act IT7 So. X. 60. "., } (Lyconides.)
" Never was there
A man so worthless, that had done a fault,
But was ashamed, and sought to clear himself."
(Bonnell Thornton.)
Qui homo timidus erit in rebus dubiis, na.uci non erit."
PLAUTUS. Mostellaria, Act 7., Sc. I., 1. (Tranio.)
Things to a crisis come, the timid man
Is not worth e'en a nutshell." (JBonndl Thornton.)

Qui ipse baud ainavit, aegre ainantis ingenium inspicit."


PLAUTUS. Miles Gloriosus, Act III., Sc. Z, 43. (Periplectomenes.)

" He who has never been himself in love
Can hardly see into a lover's mind." (Bonnell Thornton.)
" sibi sapiens prodesse non
Qui ipse quit, nequidquam sapit."
Brains. Medea, Fragment XV.
" Whose wisdom is no service to himself is wise in vain."

"Qui mentiri aut fallere insu^rit patrem

Aut audebit, tanto magis audebit ceteros."
TEEENGB. AdelpM, Act I., Sc. L, 30. (Mido.)
" Whosoe'er
Hath won upon himself to play the false one,
And practise impositions on a father,
Will do tbe same with less remorse to others." (George Colman.)
Qui mori didicit, servire dedidicit."
SENECA. Epistolae, XXVI., 10.
" He who has learnt to die has forgotten how to serve,*'

Qui morte cunctos luere supplicium Jubet,


Nescit tyrannus esse. Diversa inroga ;

Miserum veta perire, felicem jube."

SEKECA. Hercules Furens, 515. (Lycus.)
" Who metes to all the penalty of death
Knows not the tyrant's power. Vary the pain ;

Forbid the unhappy, bid the happy, die/'

"Qui multorum custodem se profiteatur, eum sapientes sui primum

oapitis aiunt custodem esse oportere."
OICEEO. PMlippica, XII,, 10, 25.
" The wise the safety of many is entrusted must
say that he to whose care
first show that he can take care of himself."
Qui, ne tuberibus propriis offendat amicum,
Postulat, ignoscat verrucis illius. Aeguum est
Peccatis veniam poscentem reddere rursus."
HOBACE. Satires, L, 3, 73.
He that has offend
fears his blotches may
Speaks gently of the pimples of his friend :
For reciprocity exacts her dues,
And they that need excuse must needs excuse." (Oonington*)
" SENECA. De Moribus, 132.
Qui nescit tacere, nescit et loqui."
" He who does not know how to
keep silence does not know how to speak."
(Soles) qui nobis pereunt, et imputantur."
MAKTIAL. Epigrams, V., 20, 13.
"The days which we let pass are scored against us.'*
Qui nolet fieri desidiosus, amet." OVID. Amores, I., 9, 46.
" He who would not be him fall in love."
idle, let
" cum
Qui non vefcat peccare, possit, jubet."
SENECA. Troades, 300. (Agamemnon.)
Who does not, when he may, forbid a crime
Commands it."

Qui nunc it, per iter tenebrlcosum,
Illuounde negant redire c[nemc[uam."
OATTJLLUS. Carvima, III., 11.
"Who goeth now, along the shadowy path,
To that bourne whence no traveller returns V
" non
Qui p6r virtutem peritat, is interit."
PLAXJTUS. Captivi, Act III,, Sc. V., 3%.(Tyndarus.)
"Death I esteem a trifle, when not merited
By evil actions." (JBonnell Thornton.)
" se ipse laudat, oito derisorem invenit." PUBLILIXJS SYEXJS, 426.
" He who
praises himself will soon find a scoffer."
Qui se laudari gaudent verbis subdolis,
Sera dant poenas turpes poenitenfcia."
PHAEDBTJS. Fables, I., 13, 1.
Those who are charmed by subtle flatteries, too late
Eepent when they have paid the shameful penalty."
" se metui volent, a quibus metuentur, eosdenx metuant ipsi necesse
est." CICERO. De Offidis, II., 7, 24.
"Those who desire to be feared, cannot but fear those by whom they ar
" terret plus ipse timet sors ista tyrannis
Qui ;

CLAUDTANUS. D& Quarto Consulatu Honorii, 290.
" He who
inspires fear, but fears the more
Himself behold the tyrant's fitting fate "
; !

" sermonem non

Qui seottm loo;iti poterit, alteriua
CICEBO. Tusculanae Disputationes, 7., 40, 117.
"He who can commune witu himself does not seek for speech with

Qui semel verecundiae fines transient, eum bene et naviter oportet
esse impudentem." CICEEO. Ad Familiares, V., 12, 3.
"When once a man has overstepped the bounds of modesty he may as
well become thoroughly and frankly shameless."

" semitam non sapiunt,

Qui sibi alteri monstrant viara ;

Quibu' divitias pollicentur, ab iis drackmam ipsi petunt."

ENNITJS. (Quoted by Cicero, De Divinatione, I., 58, 132.)
Though they know not the path, they'll point the way to others ;

They'll promise wealth, and then they'll beg a trifling loan."

Qui statuit alaquid parte inaudita altera,
Aequum licet statuerit, hand aeqiius fuit."
SENECA. Medea, 198. (Medea.)
"If judgment's given before both sides are heard,
The judgment may be just, but not the judge."
Qui studet optatam cnrsu contingere metam,
Multa tulit fecitque puer, sudavit et alsit ;

Abstinuit Yenere et vino." HOBACE. De Arte Poetica, 412.

" The
youth who runs for prizes wisely trains,
Bears heat and cold, is patient and abstains." (Conington.)
" stultis videri eruditi volunt, stulti ernditis judicantur."
QUINTILIAN. De Institutions Oratorio,, X, 7, 21.
" Those who love to their learning before fools are considered fools
by the learned."
(Populo) Qui stultus honores
Saepe dat indignis, et famae servit ineptus ;

Qui stupet in titnlis et imaginibus." HORACE. Satires, In 6, 15.

"The town,
That muddy source of dignity, which sees
No virtue but in
busts and lineal trees." (Oonington.)
Qui tacet consentire videtur."
BONIFACE Till. Sexti DecretaUum Liber, Bk. V. t Tit. XII., de
Eegulis Juris, 43.
"Silence gives consent,"
" tiinide
Qui rogat,
Docet negare." SENECA. Phaedra, 601. (Phaedra.)
He who asks timidly invites refusal."
Qui utuntur vino vetere, sapientes puto, 1
Et qui libenter veteres spectant fabulas.*
PiiAUTUS. Casina, Prologue, 5.

Who choose old wine to drink I esteem wise ;
So I do those, who come by choice to see
Old comedies." -(Bonnell Thornton.)

Quia vera erant, dicta etiam credebantur."


TACITUS. Annals, I., 74.

"The things were true, and so were believed to have been said."
(Chwrch and Brodribb*)
" me suam amicitiam velle, more hominum
Quia videt facit.
Nam opulentus it petitum pauperioris gratiam,

Pauper metuit congredi per metum male rem gerit ;


Idem quando illaec occasio periit, post sero cupit."

PiiAUTUS. Aulularia, Act II., Sc. II., 68. (Megadorus.)
" He treats me with disdain, because lie sees
I court his friendship. TIs the way of them :
If a rich man seek favour from a poor one,
The poor man is afraid to treat with him.
And by his awkward fear hurts Ids own interest ;

Then, when the opportunity is lost,

Too late he wishes to recover it." (Bonnell Thornton.)
Quicquid agtmt homines, votum, timor, ira, voluptas,
G-audia, discursus nostri eat farrago libelli."
JUVENAL. Satwes, I., 85.
" Whatever
passions have the soul possessed,
Whatever wild desires inflamed the breast,
Joy, sorrow, fear, love, hatred, transport, rage,
Shall form the motley subject of my page." (tfiford.)

Quicquid bene dictum est ab ullo, meum est."
SENECA, Epistolae, XVI. 7 ,

" Whatever has been well said

by any one is my property."
Quicquid delirant reges, plectuntur AcMvi."
HORACE. Epistolae, I., 2, 14.
"Let kings go mad and blunder as they may,
The people in the end are sure to pay." (Conington.)
" Humiles
laborant, ubi potentes dissident,"
PHAEDRUS. Fables, I., 30, 1.
"The humble suffer when the mighty disagree."
Quicquid exspectatum est din, levius accedit."
SEHECA. Epistolae^ LXXVIIL 29, ,

"Whatever has been long expected is less disconcerting when it arrives,"

Quicquid quaeritur optimum videtur."
"That always seems the best which we desire."
Quicumque amisit dignitatem pristinam,
Ignavis etiam jocus est in casu gravi."
PHAEDBUS. Fables, I., 21, 1.
" One who has fallen from his high estate
E'en to the vile becomes a laughing-stock
In his ill-fortune."
Quicumque misero forte dissuadet mori,
Crudelis ille est. Interim poena est mori,
Sed saepe donum." SEKECA. Hercules Oetaeus 933. (Deiamra.) t

"Ah, cruel, who the unhappy would persuade

To flee from death. Death is a punishment
Sometimes and yet full oft to die is gain."

Quicumque turpi fraude seinel innotuit,
Btiamsi verum dicifc, amitfcit fidem." PEAEDBUS. Fables, I., 10, 1.
" Whoe'er has once been
trapped in vile deceit,
E'en when he speaks the truth, is ne'er believed."
" aeternis minorem
Consiliis animum fatigas? HOBAOE. Odes, IL t 11, 11.

"Why with, thoughts too deep

O'erta$& a mind of mortal frame ? "(Conington.)

Quid avarus ?
Stultus et insanus." HOBACE. Satires, II. , 3, 158.
' (
Then what's a miser ? Fool and madman both." (Cfo?wz#/w, )
Quid brevi fortes jaculamur aevo
Multa ? Quid terras alio calentes
Sole mutamus ? Patriae quis exsul
Se Cjuoque fugit ? HOEA.CE. Odes, II. 16, 17.,

"Why bend our bows of little span ?

Why change our homes for regions under
Another sun? What exiled man
From self can sunder ? "(Conington.)
Quid datur a divis felici optatiushora ? "
CATULLTIS. Carmina, ZfZ. (LX1L), 30.
"No gift more prized the gods can. giw
Than one hour's perfect happiness."
Quid de quoque viro, et cui dicas, saepe videto."
HOEACB. Epistolae, L, IB, 68.
" room
if there is
For wanting, what you mention, and to whom." (Qowington.)
" Me promissor liiatu ?
Quid digrmm tanto f eret

Parturiunt montes, nascetnr ridioulus mus."

HOEACE. De ArU Poetica, 138.
" What's
coming, pray, that thus he winds his horn?
The mountain labours, and a mouse is born." (Conington.)
Quid duloius quam habere amioum, cum quo audeas ut tecum omnia
loqui ? Servandus ergo est omni diligentiia raro inventus amious,
est enim alter ego." SJENECA. De Moribus, 20.
" What more
delightful than to have a Mend to whom you can tell every-
thing as you would to yourself? No pains therefore must be spared to
preserve what is so rarely found, a true friend, for he is a second self."
^uid enim est melius quam memoria"
recte factoruin et libertate
contentum negligere kumana ?
BBTJTUS. (Cicero ad Brutum, Z, 16, 9)
What is better than to live in the contentment arising out of freedom and
the recollection of duty well performed, careless of the things of this
Quid enim suasorem
interest inter facti et probatorem ?

CICERO. Phifyopica, II., 12, 29.

What difference is there between him who instigates and 1 im who ap-
proves the crime ?
Quid enim ratione tiraemus
Aut cupimus ? quid tarn dextro pede conoipis ut te
Conatus non jooeniteat votique peracti ?
JUVBNAL, Satires, X. , 4.
For what, with reason, do we seek or shun ?
What plan how happily soe'er begun,
But, finished, we our own success lament,
And rue the pains so fatally misspent *

" "
Quid est enim dulcius otio literate ?
CICERO. Tusculanae Dispiitationes, V,, 36, 105.
"What is more delightful than lettered ease ?"

" de dicendo dicere, quum ipsura dicere nun-

Quid est ineptius quam "
quam sit non ineptum nisi quum est necessarium ?
CICEBO. De Oratore, I., 24, 112.
" What can be more foolish than to talk about talking, when talking itself
is foolish except when it is necessary ?

" est sanotius, quid omni religione munitius, quam domus unius
Quid "
cujusque civium ? CICBEO. Ad Pontifices, XLL, 109.
"What more sacred, what more strongly guarded by every holy feeling
" '
than a man's own home ?

" est tarn incertum quam talorum jactus? tamen, nemo est
Quid quin,
saepe jactans, Yenerium jaciat aliquando, nonnunquam etiani
iterum efc tertium." CICEEO. De Divinatione, IT., 59, 121.
"What is more uncertain than the fall of the dice ? Yet every one will
occasionally throw the double six, if he throws often enough nay ;
sometimes even twice or thrice running."

" est tarn inhumanum quam

Quid eloquentiam, a nafcura ad salutem
hominum et ad conservationem datam, ad bonorum
perniciemque convertere?" CIGEBO. De Offidis, II., 14, 51,
" What more barbarous than to
pervert eloquence, which is a gift of nature
for the salvation and preservation of
" mankind, to the ruin and de-
struction of the good ?

" est turpius senex vivere incipiens ? "

Quid quam
SENECA. Epistolae, XIII., 13.
" What more loathsome
sight than an old man beginning to live ? "
" "
Quid faciant leges, ubi sola pecunia regnat ?
" What "
power has law where only money rules ?
Quid geris, extremis positus telluris in oris,
Cultor arenarum vates ? Ausomus. Epistolae, IF., 8.
"What dost thou, seer, on earth's remotest shore
A p] ough er of the sands ? "

Quid leges sine moribus
Vanae profioiunt ? " HORACE. Odes, III., 24, 35.
"What can laws do which, without
morality, are helpless ?

Quid juvafc errorem mersa jam puppe fateri? "
CLAUDIANUS. In JSutropitim, II., 7.
" What boots it to confess thy fault,
When thou hast wrecked thy bark ?

Quid menfcom traxisse polo, quid profuit altum
Erexisse caput, pecudum si more pererrant
Avia, si frangunt, communia pabula, glandes ?
CLAUDIANUS* De Baptu Proserpinae, III., 41.
" Of what avail the mind from heaven
Of what avail to walk with head held high,
If, like the beasts, men wander in the wilds,
Cracking the acorn for their common food ?

" "
Quid mini opus est vita, qui tantum auri perdidi !

PLAUTUS. Aulularia, Act 17., Sc. IZ. 13.(Euclio.) t

"Oh, what have I

To do with life, deprived of such a treasure "(Bonnett Thornton.)

Quid non ebrietas designat ? Operta recludit ;

Spes jubet esse ratas ad proelia fcrudifc inertem.


Sollicitis animis onus eximit, addocet artes."

HORACE. Epistolae, I., 5, 16.

"Oh, drink is mightysecrets it unlocks,


Turns hope to fact, sets cowards on to box,

Takes burdens from the careworn, finds out parts
In stupid folks, and teaches unknown 3tfts."(Gonington,)
Quid non "mortalia peotora cogis,
Auri sacra fames ? VIRGIN. JEneid) III., 56.
" Fell lust of gold ! abhorred, accurst !
What will not men to slake such thirst 1 (Gonington.)
Quid nostri philosopni ? nonne in his libris ipsis," quos scribunt de
contemnenda gloria, sua nomina iasoribunt ?
CICEBO. Tusculanae Disputationes, X, 15, 34.
" What shall we
say of our philosophers ? Do they not j)ut their names on
the title-page of the very books which they write in depreciation of
vainglory ?
" cum optimi cito consenti-
Quid opus est longis in senatu senfcentiis,
ant?" TACITUS. De Oratoribus, XLL
"What need of long debates in the senate when the leaders are early in

Quid pluma levius ? Pulvis. Quid pulvere ? Yenfcus.
Quid vento ? Mulier. Quid
nmliere ? Nihil."
in " Dcvuison's Poetical Rhapsody

Quoted as "Incerti, Auctoris

(temp. James I. ; reprinted, 1890).*
Thus translated "by Walt&r Damson :
" Bust is lighter than a feather,
And the wind more light than either :
But a woman's fickle mind
More than feather, dust or wind ",
* The last line is also read, probably more correctly,
"Quid vento? Meretrix. Quid meretrice ? Nihil.**
Quid quinque nostrum de se ipse loquatur, non est, sane, non est
require!) dum. Boni viri judicent, Id est maxime moment! et
po&doris," CICBBO. In VaMnium, IV, 9. ,

What each one of us thinks of himself is really not the question. Let
us take the opinion of virtuous men, which will have weight and
Quid quisque vitet nunquam homini satis
Cautum esfc in horas." HORACE. Odes, II. 13, 13.

" The
dangers of the hour no thought !

We give $k&OL"~(Ooninffton.)
Quid, quod nemo mortalium omnihus horis sapit ?
PLINY THE ELDEB. Natural History* FIT., 41.
No mortal man, moreover, is wise at all moments/*

Quid Eomae faciarn ? Mentiri nesoio librum


Simalus est, nequeo laudare et poscere."

JUVENAL. Satires , JJJ., 41.

"But why, my Iriend, should I at Home remain ?

I cannot teach my
stubborn lips to feign ;
Nor, when I hear a great man's verses, smile
And "beg a copy, if I think them v&Q."
11 "
Quid si icdeo ad illos, qui aiunt, quid si mine coeluin ruat ?
TEBENCE. Heautontimorumenos, Act IT !, fife. JIT., 41. (Syrus.) 7

"Suppose, as some folks say, the sky should fall." (George Caiman.)

"Quid sit futurum eras, fuge quaerere." HOKAGE. Odes, J., 9, 13,
"Oh, ask not what the morn will bring 1
Quid crastina volveret aetas
Scire nefas homini." STATIUS. Thobais, JIZ, 562.
" Heaven forbids that man should know
What change

to-morrow's fate may bring."

Quid tarn ridiculum quam adpetere mortem, cum vitam inquietam
tibi feceris metu mortis?
SENECA. MpistoUe, XXIV. 23. (A Saying of Epicurus)

"What more ridiculous than to seek death, because through fear of

death you have filled your life with anxiety V
(Nunc itaque et versus et cetera ludicra pono ;)
Quid verum atque deoens euro et rogo et omms in hoc sum ;
Coado et compono, quae raoz depromere possim."
HOBACE, E^istolae, L, 1, 11,

"So now I bid my idle songs adieu,

And turn my thoughts to what is right and true ;
I search and search, and when I
find, I lay
The wisdom up against a rainy fay"~-(Qonington.)

Quid voveat duloi nutricula majus alumno
Quam sapere et fari ufc possit quae sentiat, ct cui
Gratia, fama, valetudo contingat abunde,
Et mundus victus, non deficlente crumena ? "
HOBACE, JSyistolae, 1 , 4, 8
" What could fond nurse wish more for her sweet
Than friends, good looks, and health without a let,
A shrewd, clear head, a tongue to speak his mind,
A seemly household, and a purse well lined " ?

Quidquid Amor jussit, non est contemnere tutum:
Begnat et in domiaos jus habet ille deos."
OVID. Heroides, IV. , 11,
"With safety ne'er may Love's behests be slighted ;

He reigns e'en o'er the gods who are our lords."

Quidquid excessit modum,
Pendet instabili loco." SENECA. Oedipw, 930. (Chorus.)
Whatever has passed the mean
Stands upon slippery ground."
Quidquid in altum
Fortuna tulit, ruitura levat."
SENECA. Agamemnon^ 101. (GJwnts.)
" When Fortune raises
aitght on high,
'Tis that she may in ruin cast it down."
" multum
Quidquid multis peccatur est."
LXICAN. PharsaUa, V., 260.
" A crime which is the crime of many none avenge."
Quidquid praecipies, esto brevis, ut cito dicta
Percipiant animi dociles teneantque fideles ;
Omne supervacuum pleno de pectora manat. 11
HOEACIS. De Arte Poetica, 335,
" Whene'er be concise the soul
you ;

Takes in short maxims, and retains them whale ;

But pour in water when the vessel's filled,

It simply dribbles over and is spilled." (Conington*)
Qnin corpus onustum
Hesternis vitiis animum quoque praegravat una,
Atque affigifc bumo divinae particulam aurae."
HOEACE. Satires, II. , 2, 77.

"Ay, and the body, clogged with the excess

Of yesterday, drags down the mind no less,
And fastens to the ground in living death
That fiery particle of heaven's own breath." (Qomngton*)

"Quin etiam leges latronum esse dicuntur, quibus pareant, quas

observent." CICEBO. De Offidis, II., 11, 40.
" Even thieves are said to have laws which they obey, which they observe.'"
" demserat ;
Quin ipsi pridem tonsor unguos
Collegit, omnia abstulit praesegmina."
PLAUTUS. Aulularia, Act 17., Sc. IF., S3. (Strobilus.)
"When t'other day the barber cut his nails,
He gathered up and brought away the parings."
(Bunnell Thornton .

Quinotili Vare, legiones redde." (Suetoni^ls, II., 23.)
Varus, give me back my legions."

Quippe res humanae ita sese habent in victoria vel ignavls gloriari
*' :

licet ;
adversae res etiam bonos detrectant."
" It is a law of human nature
that in victory even the coward may boast ot
his prowess, while defeat injures the reputation even of the brave."
Quis ant in victoria, aut in fuga copias numerat ?

Qoraius CURTIUS. De Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni t III., 11, 17.

Who counts Ms forces either IB victory or in flight 1
"Quis credat tantas opemro sine numine moles "
Ex minimis, caecoque creatum foedere mundum ?
MANILIUS. Astrononricon, l n 490.
Who these mighty worka
can believe that all
Have grown, unaided by the hand ot God,
From small beginnings ? that the law in blind
By which the world way made
Quis custodiet rpsos
Custodes?" JUVENAL. Satvres, VT., 847.
"Who shall keep the keeper**" (

Quis desiderio sit pudor aut modus


Tarn cari capitis." HOBACB. Odes, L, 24, 1.

" blush to let our tears unmeasured
Why tall
For one so dear ?" (Qoninyton.)
Quis enim generosum dizerit liunc qui
Indignus genere, et praeclaro nomine tantum
Insignis ? Satires, 7IIL,
"But shall we call those noble, who disgrace
Their lineage, proud ot an illustrious race?"

" suum
Quis expedivit psittaco
PUBSIUS, Satires, Prologue, 8.
" Who "
taught the parrot his Bonjour I
Quis habet fortius certamen quam qui nititur vmcere seipsum ?

THOMAS A KEMPIS. De Imitatione Christ^ I,, 3, 8.

" Who has a hardei nght than he who overcome himself ?
is striving to

M maximam illecebram esse peccandi impunitatis spem? '

Quifi ignorat
OICBEO. Pro M^lone XVI. 43. ) ,

" We all know that the greatest incentive to crime ia the hope of im-

Quis legem det amantibus ?
Major lex amor est sibi."
BOETHIUS. De Consolatiom Philosophic^, III., Metrwn XII,, 47.
Wlio can give laws to lovers ? Love to himself
Is highest law."

Quis mel Aristaeo, quis Bacclio vina Falema,
Triptolemo fruges, poma dat Alcinoo ?
OYID, Epistolae ex Ponto, IV., 2, 9.
" Who doth to Aristaeus
honey give,
Or wine to Bacchus, to Triptolemus
Earth's fruits,, or apples to Alcinous ?

" "
Quis memorabitur tui post mortem. ?
THOMAS 1 KEMPIS, De Iwitatione Christi, I., 23, 8.
u Who will remember thee after thou art dead *

Quis nescit primam esse Mstoriae legem ne quid falsi dioere audeat ?
deinde ne quid yen non audeat ? ne quae stispicio gratiae sit in
scribendo ? ne quae simultatis ?
CICBKO. De Oratore, II., 15, 62,
" Who does not recognise that the first law of history is that we shall
never dare to say what is false the second that we shall never fear to

say what is true that everything we write shall be free from any

suspicion of favouritism or flattery^"

" "
Quis post yina gravem militiam aut pauperiem orepat ?
HOBAOB. Odes, I., 18, 5.
Who can talk of want or warfare when the wine is in his head ?"
" an adjioiant hodiernae crastina summae
Quis "
Tempora di superi ? HORACE. Odes, IF., 7 17.
" Can
hope assure you one more day to live
From powers above V(Gonington.}
" "
Quis talent Gracchos de seditione querentes?
JUVENAL. Satires, II., 24.
" Who his could spleen rein,
And hear the Gracchi of the mob complain?" (Gifford.}

"Quis vero divitiorem quemquam pntet quam eum oui niliil desit
quod quidem natura desiderefe? aut potentiorem quam ilium
qui omnia quae expetat consequatur ? aut beatiorem quam qui
sit onmi perturbatione animi liberatus? ant firmiore fortuna
quam qui ea "possideat quae secum, ut aiunt, yel e naufragio
possit efferre ? CIOBEO. De RepubUca, I. 17, 28. ,

" Who can be reckoned richer than he to whom nothing is wanting that he
may legitimately desire ? or more powerful than he who obtains all
that he strives for ? or happier than he who is free from all uneasiness
of mind ? or less subject to the caprices of fortune than he who can,
as the saying is, carry away all he possesses, even from a shipwreck ?
Qtiisnam igitur liber ? Sapiens, sibi qui imperiosus ;

Quern neque pauperies, neque mors, neque vincula terrent ;

B/esponsare cupidinibus, contemnere honores

Fortis et in se ipso totus teres atque rotundas,

Extern! ne quid valeat per leve morari ;

In quern manca ruit semper Fortuna." HOBACB. Satires, IT., 7, 83.

"Who then is free ? The sage, who keeps in check
His baser self, who lives at his own beck ;

Whom neither poverty nor dungeon drear

Nor death itself can ever pnt in fear ;

Who can reject goods, resist desire,


Strong, firmly braced, and in himself entire ;

A hard smooth hall that gives you ne'er a grip,

'Gainst whom when Fortune runs she's sure to trip.*
(Sic) Quisque pavendo
Dat vires famae, nulloq-ue auctore malorum
Quae finxere timent." Luc AN. Pharsalia, I., 479.
f (
Thus each man's terror to the rumour gives
New strength, and causelessly they dread the woes
Which they themselves have fashioned."

Quisque suos patimur Mania exinde per amplum ;

Mittimur Elysium, et pauci laeta arva tenemus ;

Donee longa dies, perfecto temporis orbe,
Concretam exemit labem, purumque relinquit
Aetherium sensum atque aurai simplicis ignem."
JEnM, VL, 743.
"Bach for himself, we all sustain
The durance of our ghostly pain ;

Then to Elysium we repair,

The few, and breathe this blissful air
Till, many a length of ages past,
The inherent taint is cleansed at last,
And nought remains but ether bright,
The quintessence of heavenly light," (Gonmgton.)
Quisquis tabet nummos secura na/viget aura,
3?oitunamque suo temperet arbitrio."
" He who has wealth will sail with favouring breeze,
And mould his fortunes to Ms own desires."
" habitat."
Quisquis ubique habitat, Maxime, nusquam
MARTIAL. Epigrams, FIT,, 73, 6
"He has no home whose home is all the world,"
(Sed) quo divitias base per tormetita coactas,
Gum furor iiaud dubius, cum sit manif esta phrenesis,
Ut loouples moriaris, egentis vivere fato."
J0VBHAL. Satires, JOT., 185.
" But
why this dire avidity of gain ?
This mass collected with such toil and paiu ?
Since 'tis the veriest madness to live poor,
And die with bags and coffers running o'er." (Qiff&rd.)

(Sed) quo fata traliunt virtus secura sequetur :

Crimen erit superis et me feoisse nocentem."

LUCAN. Pharsalia, II. , 287-
" Where the fates lead there will my virtue follow,
Careless of what may come ; upon the gods
The "blame will fall if they have made me sin/'

Quo magis in dubiis hominem spectare periclis
Convenit, adversisque in rebus noscere quid sit.
Nam verae voces turn demum pectore ab imo
Ejiciuntur, et eripitur persona, manet res."
LUCRETIUS. De R&rum Natura, III., 55.
"Thus we should study man when he is girt
With perils, and when fortune frowns on him
Learn what he is for then at length the heart

Will deeply feel, and utter words of truth ;

The mask is torn away, the man's revealed,"

Quo me, Bacche, rapis, tui
Plenum ? " HORACE. Odes, III., 25, L
"Whither, Bacchus, tear'stthou me,
Filled with thy strength ? "(Conmgton.)

Quo mini fortunam, si non conceditur uti ? "
HORACE, Epistolae, I., 5, 12.

"Why should the gods have put me at my ease,

If I mayn't use my fortune as I please
" "
Quo referor totiens ? quae mentem insania mutat ?
VIRGIL. Mneid, XIL, 37.
Why reel I thus, confused and blind !
What madness mars my sober mind ?" (Coningto<n,t )

Quo quis enim major, magis est placabilis irae,
Et faciles motus mens generosa capit.
Corpora magnanimo satis est prostrasse leoni ;

Pugna suum finem, cum jacet hostis, habet."

OVID. Tristia, III., 5, 31.
"The anger of great souls is soon appeased,
And easily the generous mind is moved.
The noble beast, is satisfied
When to the ground his foe he's struck ;
all strife
Is finished when the enemy lies low."

u res cumque cadent, unum et commune

Quo periclum,
Una salus ambobus erit." VIRGIL, Jffineid, IT., 709.

"Now, whether fortune smiles or lowers.

One risk, one safety shall be ours." (uonington.)
Quo teneam vultus mutantem Protea nodo ? M
HORACE, JSpistolae, Z, 1, 90.
"How shall I hold this Proteus in my gripe ?

How hold him down in one endnriug type ?" (Goningion.)

Quocirca vivite fortes
Portiaque adversis opponite peotora rebus."
HOBACE. Satires, II. , 2, 135.
" Then live like of courage, and oppose
Stout hearts to this and each ill wind that blows." (Gonington.)

Quod ad populum pertinet, semper dignitatis iniquus judex est, qui
aut invidet auis favet." CICEBO, Pro Plancio, III,, 7.
" So far as the mob is never an unbiassed judge of a man'*
concerned, it is
or by partiality."
worth, being swayed either by malice

" bonis benefit beneficium, gratia ea gravida est bonis."

PLAUTTJS. Captivi, Act II, Sc. JZ, 108. (Hegio.)
" The favours we confer on honest souls
Teem with returns of service to the giver." (Bonndl T/wrnton.)

" caret alterna requie, durabile non est."

OVID. Heroides, IF., 89,
"That cannot last which knows not some repose."

Yiventi decus, atque sentienti,
Eari post cineres habent poetae." MABTIAL. E$igrams t I., 1 (2), 4.
" The honour
that, while yet he breathes and feels,
Is on a bard bestowed but rarely lives
When he is dust and ashes."
u dubitas ne feceris." PUNY THE YOUNG EB. JSpistolae, I. 18.
Quod ,

"If you doubt the wisdom of a course refrain from it."

Quod fors dedit, hoc capit usus." Eclogues, X., 47.
"What fortune gives habit soon makes its own."
" fors feret, feremus aequo animo."
TBEENCE. Phormio, Act I., Sc. II., 88. (Geta.)
" Whatever chance
I'll patiently endure, "~*-(&ewge Colmm.)

" non
Quod enim ipsi expert! sunt, id docent ceteros."
CICERO. De Orat&re, II., 18, 76.
"They are teaching to others an art in which they have themselves no

Quod est ante pedes nemo spectat ; coeli scrutantur plagas."
E:N;NIUS. IpMgenfa, Fragment Fill. (AcMlles.)
" None looks at what's beneath his feet : Ms gaze
Is fixed on heaven."

Quod latet, ignotum est Ignoti nulla cupido."
OVID. Ike Arte Amandi, III., 897*
We know not wnat's concealed, and have no lust
For the unknown.'*

Quod male fers, assuesce, feres bene."
OVID. De Arte Amandi, II., 647.
"Let what is irksome become habitual, no more 'twill trouble you."
Quod medicorum est
Promittunt medici tractanfc f abrilia fabri
; ;

Scribimus indocti doctique poemata passim,'*

HOBACE, Epistolae, II, 1, 115.
"No untrained nurse administers adraught ;

None but skilled workmen handle workmen's tools ;

But verses all men scribble s wise or fools." (Conington.)

Quod nemo

novit, paene non fit,*

APULEIUS. "Metamorphoses, X, 3.
" What no one knows is as good as non-existent,"

" "
Quod non dant proceres, dabit Mstrio
JUVENAL. Satires, FIX, 90.
"An actor's, patronage a peer's outgoes,
And what the last withholds the first bestows." (Oiford.)
Quod non potest, vult posse, qui minium potest."
SESTECA. Phaedra, Z%Q.(The Nurse.)
" He who's
power's too great,
Desires aye the power that is not his.

Quod non vetafe lex, noc yetafe fieri pudor."
SENECA. Troades 342.t (Agamemnon.)
Though law forbid not, modesty forbids.'*

Quod pulcherrimum, idem tutissimum est, in virtute speni positam
habere." LIYY. Histories, XXXIV., 14=.

"The most honourable, as well as the safest course, is to rely entirely tipon

" non mora."

Quod ratio quit, saepe sanavit
SENECA. Agam&mnon, 131. (The Nurse.)
"Where reason fails, time oft has worked a cure."
Quod regnas minus est qu&m quod regnare merer! s :

Excedis factis grandia fata tuis."

E-UTiLiirs NUMATIANUS. De Beditu Suo, 91.
" That thou dost
reign is less than that to reign th' art worthy :
Thy noble deeds outshine thy lofty state."
- 4

Quod satis est oui contigit, Mo nil amplius optet."

HOBACE. flpistolae, I., 2, 46.
Having got
What will suffice you, seek no happier lot." (Gonington.)
Quod sentimus loquamur, quod loquimur sentiamus concordet sermo :

cum vita." SENECA. Epistolae, LXXV. 4=. ,

" Let us mean what we and say what we mean let our language and
say, :

our life be in agreement."

" deficiant vires, audacia certe
Quod si
Laus erit, In magnis et voluisse sat est."
PBOPERTIUS. Elegies, III., 1, 5 (II., 10, 5),
Though strength "be wanting, bravery at least
Will win you praise. In every high emprise
To have had the will suffices."
"Est nobis voluisse satis." TIBULLUS, Elegies, IF., 1, .

" It is for us to have had the will."

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas."
OVID. JUpislolae ex Ponto, III., 4, 79.
" do
Though strength be wanting, yet the will to
Doth merit praise."
si in hoc erro, quod animos hominum immortales esse oreda,m,
lubenter erro neo mihi hunc errorem, quo delector, dum vivo

extorquere volo. Sin mortuus (ut quidam minuti philosophi

censent) nihil sentiam:
non vereor ne hunc errorem meum
philosophi mortui irrideant."
CTCEBO. De Senectute, XXIII. 85. ,

"If I am in error in believing that the soul of man is immortal, I err

nor have I any desire, whileto eradicate the error
life lasts,
willingly ;
in which' I take delight. But if, after death (as some small philo-
I have no fear that those departed
sophers think), I shall feel nothing,
philosophers will ridicule my error."

Quod siquis vera vitam ratione gubernat,
Divitiae grandes homini sunt, vivere paroe
Aequo ankno; neque enim esfe unquam penuria parvi,"

LucBETitrs. De Berwn Natura, 7, 1115.

" But if a man doth rightly rule his life,
A frugal habit, with a rnind serene,
Is boundless wealth ne'er find we poverty

Where wants are small."

" tarn Graiis novitas invisa fuisset
Quod si
Quam nobis, quid nunc esset vetus ?
HOEACE. Ejoistolae, II., 1, 90.
" Had Greece but been as
carping and as cold "
To new productions, what would now be old ?
Quod tuom 'st meum 'st omne meum est autem tuom."

PLAUTUS. Triwumrnm^ Act II., Sc. II., 48. (Lysiteles.)

" What is
yours is mine, and mine is yours,"- (Bonnell Thornton.)
" vos jus cogit, id voluntate impetret."
TEKENOE. Adelphi, Act III., Sc, F., 44. (Hegio.)
" Grant her then
freely what law else will claim." (George Caiman.)
Quod vulfc habet qui velle quod satis est potest."
" He has what he desires who can limit his desires to what is enough,"
Quodcunque ostendis mihi sic, incredulus odi."
HOBACE. De Arte Poetica, 188.
"If scenes like these before my eyes be thrust,
They shock belief and generate disgust." (Oonington.)

Quoniam non potest id fieri quod vis,
Id veils quod possit."
Andria, Act II., Sc. L, 5.(ByrrUa.)
" Since the
thing you wish
Cannot be had, e'en wish for that which may " (George Colman.) !

" Ut
quimus, aiunt, quando ut volunius non licet."
TERENCE. Andria, Act IV., Sc. V., lQ.(Mysis.)
"As we can, as the old saying goes,
When as we would we cannot." (George Colman*)
" "
Quorsum abeant ? sanin' oreta an carbone notandi ?
HOBACE. Satires, II., 3, 246.
Well, what's their mark ?
Shall it be chalk or charcoal, white or dark ?" (Oiwiin^te.)
" alterum sit optandum, malim equidem indisertam pru-
Quorum si
dentiam, quam stultitiam loquacem."
CICEEO. De Oratore, III., 35, 142.
" If I have to choose between the
two, I would rather have sound common
sense without eloquence, than folly with a fine flow of language."
" metus
Quos cogit
Laudare, eosdem reddit inimicos metus,"
SENECA. Thyestes, 207. (Satellites.)
" Those who
by fear to flattery are driven
By fear are rendered hostile."
" "
Quos ego ViBGiiu JEnetiL, L, 135.
"Whom I
" et oderunt," SENECA. De
Quos laeserunt Ira, II., 33, 1.
" Those whom
they have injured they also hate."
" humani est odisse
Proprium ingenii quern laeseris/*
*'Itis characteristic of humanity to hate those whom you have
Quos viceris, amicos cave credas inter dominion et servum
tibi esse :

nulla amicitia est etiam in pace belli tamen jura servantur."


QUINTUS OUETIUS. De Rebus Gfestis Alexandri Magni, VII,, 8, 28.

"Be careful how you make .friends of those whom you have conquered;
between master and slave there can be no friendship even in peace ;

the laws of war survive."

Quot homines
tot sententiae ; suus cuique mos."
TEEENCE, Phormio, Act II,, Sc. IV., 14. (Hegio.)
Many men and many minds ;

Each has his fancy." (George Colman.)

Quot capitum vivunt, totidem studiorum
Millia." HOEACE. Satires, IL, 1, 27.
" Count the folks in all the world, you'll find
A separate iancy for each separate mind." (Conington.)
" Pectoribus mores tot sunt, quot in orbe figurae."
OVID. De Arte Amandi, I., 769,
"There are as many characters in men
AS there are shapes in nature,"
Quot lepores in Atho, quot apes pascuntur in Hybla
Caerula quot baccas Palladis arbor habet,
Littore quot concliae, tot simt in am ore dolores.
Quae patimur, multo spicula felle madent."
Qvn>. De Arte Amandi, IL, 517,
As hares in Athos, honey-bees in Hybla.
As olives upon Pallas' dusky tree,
As shells upon the shore, so are the pains
Of Love, and all his arrows drip with gall."
Quot post excidium Trojae sunt eruta regna ?
Quot capti populi ? quoties Fortuna per orbem "
Servitium imperiumque tulit, varieque revertit ?
MANILIUS, Astronomicon, J., 506.
"How many realms since Troy have been o'erthrown ?
How many nations captive led How oft ?

Has Fortune up and down throughout the world

Changed slavery for dominion ?

Quoties necesse est fallere aut falli a suis,
Patiare potius ipse quam facias soelus."
SBMECA. Phoemssae, 130 (493). (Jocasta.)
"If we must or deceive, or be by friends deceived,
'Tis best ourselves to suffer, not to do the wrong.'*

Quotusquisque est qui voluptatem neget esse bonum ? plerique etiam


sunnnum bonuin dioimt,"

CICEEO. De Divinatione, JZ, 39, 81.
*'How many people are there who deny that pleasure is a good? Some
even call it the highest good,"
" ''
Quousque tandem abiitere, Catilina, patientia nostra?
CICERO. In Gatilinam, J., 1, 1.
* " How "
far then, Catiline, will you abuse our patience ?
Qutim enim fidem alicujus bonitatemque laudant, dignum esse
* (

' J
dicunt quicum in tenebris mices ."
CIOBEO. De OfficiiSy III., 19, 77.
"When men would praise the fidelity and honesty of any one, they say
that it is safe to p]&y flash-finger with him in the dark '."
(An allumn to the Roman game, micare digitos"*)
" honos
Quum sit praemium virtutiB, judicio studioque oivium delatum
ad aliquem, qui eum sententiis, qui sufiragiis adeptus est, is mihi
et honestns et honoratus videtur."
CICERO. Brutus, LXXXL, 281.
" Since the reward of virtue is
honour, bestowed on a man by the judgment
and the goodwill of his fellow-citizens, I maintain that whoever has
succeeded in gaining their good opinion and their suffrages is an honest
and an honourable man/'
Quum in theatro imperiti homines, rerum omnium rades ignarique,
oonsederant; turn bella inutilia suscipiebant, turn seditiosos
homines reipnblicae praeficiebant, turn optime rneritos cives e
civitate ejiciebant." CICBBO. Pro fflacco, 7JJ., 16.
When ever the assembly has been filled by untried men, without ex-
perience or knowledge of affairs, the result has been that useless wars
have been undertaken, that agitators have seized the reins of power
and that the worthiest citizens have been driven into exile."

Quum sis incautus, nee rem ratione gubernes,
Noli Fortunam, quae non est, dicere caecam."
DIONYSIUS CATO. Disticha de Moribus, IF., 3.
"If thou art rash, rejecting reason's sway,
Say not that Fortune's blind, for 'tis not so/*
Quum tot in hac anima populorum vita salusque
Pendeat, et tantus caput hoc sibi fecerit orbis,
Saevitia est voluisse mori." LUCAN. Pharsatia, F., 685,
" So
many are the nations who depend
Upon thy life for safety, for existence ;

So vast a world has ha&ed thee as its head

That it were cruelty to wish to die."
Eapiamus, amici,
Occasionem de die." HORACE. Epodes, 13, 3,
Friends, let us take the chances each day offers."

" Eara avis." HOEACB. Satires, II., 2, 26.

PEESIUS. Satires, L, 46.
"A rare bird."

"Kara avis in terris, nigroqpie simillima cygno."

JUVENAL. Satires, FI., 165.
"A bird but rarely seen on earth, like swan of ebon hue."

" Eara coronato

plausere fcheatra Menandro ;

Norat Nasonem sola Corinna suum.

Vos tamen, o nostri ne festinate libelli ;

Si post fata veriit gloria, non propero."

MARTTAII. Epigrams, V. t 10, 9.
Rarely the theatre for Menander crowned
"With plaudits rang ; only Corinna knew
Her Ovid therefore, little books of mine,

Haste not if glory comes but after death,


I'll wait awhile for glory."

" Eara
e&t adeo concordia formae
Atque pudicitiae 1 JTUVENAIJ, Satires, X. , 297.
Rarely do we meet, in one combined,
A beauteous body and a virtuous mind "(Gif&rd.) !

" Eara in tenui facundia "

panno ? JUVENAL. Satires, VII. H5, ,

u How should "

eloquence in rags be found ? (Giford.)
" Eara quidem virtus quam non Fortuna gubernet,
Quae maneafc stabili, cum fugit ilia, pede."
OVID. Tristia, F., 14, 29.
" Rare isthe virtue that's not ruled by Fortune,
That stands unshaken e'en when Fortune flees."
Eara temporum felicitate, ubi sentire quae quae sentias dicere
velis, et
licet." TACITUS.
History, L, 1.
" Bare are those
happy times when you may think what you will, and say
what you think.
"Raram facit misturam cum sapientia forma."
Wisdom and beauty form a very rare combination."
" Ran numero vix sunt totidem, quot
qnippe boni ;

Thebarum portae, vel divitis ostia Kill."

JUVENAL. Satires , XIII. , 26.
"The '

good, alas, are few ! The valued file,'

Less than the gates of Thebes, the mouths of Nile !
Raro antecedent em scelestum
Deseruit pede poena claudo." HORACE. Odes, III., 2, 31.
"Though Vengeance halt, she seldom leaves
The wretch whose flying steps she hounds." (Conington.)
" tit sit magna, tamen certe lenta ira deorum est."
JUVENAL. Satires, XIII. , 100.
" But
grant the wrath of Heaven be great, 'tis slow."

" Raro simul hominibus bonam fortunam bonamque mentem dari."

LIVY. Histories, XXX. }
"Good fortune and a good disposition are rarely vouchsafed to the same
" Rarum est felix idemque senex."
SENECA. Hercules Oetaeus, 647. -(Chorus.)
"Old age and happiness are seldom found together."

" Rams enim ferme sensus communis in ilia

Fortuna." JUVENAL. Satires, FIJI., 73.
"Rarely shall we find
A sense of modesty in that proud kind."- (Oi/ord.)

" Ratio niMl

praeter ipsum de quo agitur spectat ; ira vanis et extra
cansam obversantibus commovetur."
SENECA. De Ira, L, 18, 2.
Reason regards nothing beyond the matter in hand anger is aroused by ;

groundless fancies and things which have no bearing on the point at


"Re ipsa repperi

Facilitate mMl esse homini melius, neque dementia."
TEEENOE. AdelpU, Act V., Sc. 17., 6.

There's nothing so advantages a man

As mildness and complacency." (George Colman.)
" Rebus
angustis animosns atque
Forfcis appare ; sapienter idem
Gontrahes vento nimiuni secundo
Turgida vela." HOBACE. Odes, II., 10, 21.
" Be brave in trouble meet
distress ;

With dauntless front ; but when the gale

Too prosperous blows, be wise no less,
And shorten sail." (Coninyton.)

Bebus in angustis facile est contemnere vitam;
Fortiter ille facit, qui miser esse potest."
MABTIAL. Epigrams, XL, 56, 15.
Life, in hard times, 'tis easy to despise

He is the brave man who can live unhappy."

" Bebus me non
trado, sed commodo, nee consector perdendi temporia
causas." SENECA. Epistolae, LXIL, 1.
"I do not give, but lend, myself to business, nor do I hunt for oppor-
tunities of wasting time."
" Bebus secundis etiam egregios duces insolescere.
TACITUS. History, II., 7.
" Even in prosperity."
great generals grow insolent
(Ghurch and Brodribb.)
" Bebus
semper pudor absit in artis."
VALBBIUS FLACCUS. Argonautiea, V., 325*
" When
Fortune frowns cast modesty aside."
Bectius enim (sapiens) appellabitur rex quam Tarquinius, qui nee se
neo suos regere potuit." CICEBO. De Finibus, III., 22, 75.
" The wise man better deserves
the title of king than Tarquinius, who could
not rule either himself or his people."
" Bectius
vives, Lioini, neque altum
Semper urgendp, neque, dum procellas
Oautus horrescis, nimiuni premendo
Lifeus iniquum." HOBACE. Odes, II., 10, 1.
Licinius, trust a seaman's lore,
Steer not too boldly to the deep,
Nor, tearing storms, by treacherous shore
Too closely creep. "(Qonington.)
" Bedde cantionem veteri pro vino novam."
PLAUTUB. Stichus, Act 7., Sc 71., Q.(Stichus>)
"For our old wine
Come give us a new tune." (Bonnell Thornton.)
" Bedeunt Satumia regna." VJEQIL. Eclogues, 17., 6.
"The golden age of Saturn's come again."
" Bedit
agricolis labor actus in orbem,
Atque in se sua per vestigia volvitur annus."
ViBam. Georgics, H, 401.
" The
daily tasks in a full orbit run,
And the year ends where erst the year begun." (/. B. Rose.)
" Befert sis
bonus, an veils videri."
MABTIAL. Epigrams, VIIL, 38, 7.
"It matters much whether thou'rt truly good, or would'st appear so."

Begalis ingenii mos est in praesentium contumeliam amissa laudare,


et his virtutem dare vera dicendi, a quibus jam audiendi pericu-

lum non est." SENECA. De Benefitiis, 71., 32, 4.
" It ishabitual with kings to answer blame for present actions by praise of
the past, and to credit with the virtue of truthfulness those from whom
there is no longer any danger of hearing the truth,"

Begem annis quam munificentia vinci minus

"(Ut ego aestimo,)
fiagitiostim." SALLUST. Jugurtha, CZ.
" In shameful for a king to be overcome by force of
my opinion It is less
arms than by bribery."
" culullis
Beges dicunttir nmltis urgere
Et torquere mero, quern perspexisse laborant
An sit amicitia dignus." HORACE. De Arte Poetica, 43L
" Tis when kings a would-be friend will try,
With wine they rack him and with bumpers ply/' (Conington.)
Begia, crede mini, res est succtirrere lapsis."
OVID. Epistolat ex Ponto, II., 9, 11,
" To aid the fallen is a
kingly virtue.'*

"Begibus boni quam mail suspectiores stint; semperque his aliena

virtus formidolosa est." SALLTQST. Catiline, VIL
" are to mistrust the good than the had
more prone and they are
Kings ;

always afraid of the virtues of others."

" n
Begnare non vult, esse qui invisus timefe.
SENECA. Phoenissae, 293 (653). (Shocks.)
" He who hatred fears has no desire to rule."

"Begum duc-umque dementia non in. ipsorum modo, sed etiam in

illorum, qui parent, ingeuiis sita est."
QUINTUS CUBTIUS. De Eebus Gestis Alcxandri Magni, VIII., 8, 8.
" The
clemency of kings and generals is not dependent only on their own
disposition, but also on that of their subjects and their followers."
Begum timendorum in proprios greges,
Beges in ipsos imperiran est Jovis." HOEACB. Odes, III., 1, 5.

"Kings o'er their flocks the sceptre wield ;

E'en kings beneath Jove's sceptre bow." (Conington.)

" Belicta non bene parmula." HOBACB. Odes, II., 7, 10.
Unseemly parted from my shield."
"Beligentem esse oportet religiosum nefas."

AKON. (Aulus Gellius, Nodes Atticae, IV., 9, 1.)

"To he religious is a duty to be superstitious a crime."

"Belinquendum etiam ramoribus tempns quo senesoant; plerumqu

innocentes lecenti invidiae impares."
TACITTJS. Annals, II. 77, ,

"As for rumours, best to leave time in which they may die away,
it is
Often the innocent cannot stand against the first burst of unpopu-
larity." (Church and JBrodribb.)
"Bern facias; rem,
Si possis recte ;
non quocumque modo rem."
HOKACB. Epistolae, L, 1, 65.
Make money, money, man;
Well, if so be if not, which way you can." (Oonington.)
Unde habeas quaerit nemo, sed oportet habere."
JUVENAL. Satires, XIV., 207.
None question whence it comes, but come it must" (Gi/ord.)

" Bern nosces aptam dimittere noli

tibi quam ;

Fronte capillata, post esfc occasio calva."

DIONYSITJS CATO. Disticha de Moribus, II. 26. t

"Let nothing pass you which will advantage you

"by ;

Occasion wears a forelock, but her scalp is bald."

"Eemissio animum frangit; arctim infcensio."

" Much,
bending breaks the bow ;
much unbending the mind." (Bacon, )
Rempublicam duabus rebus contineri dixit, praemio et poena."
CICEBO. Ad Brutum, Z, 15, 3, (A saying of Solon.)
"A state is regulated by two things, reward and punishment."

"Repente dives nemo facfens est bonus." PUBLILIUS SYBUS, 449.

''No virtuous man ever became suddenly rich."

" liberalis stultis gratus est,

Verum peritis irritos tendit dolos." PHABDBUS. Fables, J. 23, 1.
"Who on a sudden generous becomes
Is welcomed by the fool, but for the wise
In vain he spreads his snares."
" Rerum enim oopia verborum copiam gignit,"
CICEBO. De Oratore, III., 81, 125.
plethora of matter begets a plethora of words."
" Rerum omnium magister usus." CAESAB De Bella Cwili, II., 8.
Practice, the master of all things."

"Ususq^ue magisber,"
OOLUMELI.A. De Cultu Hortorum t

"Usus, magister egregius."

PLINY THE YOUNGEB, Epistolae, I., 20.
" That excellent master, practice,"

" Res amicos mvenit."

PLAUTUS. Stichus, Act IV., Sc. I., Yl.~(AntypJw.)
Fortune finds us friends."
(Haud facile emergunt, quorum virtu tib us obstat)
Res angusta domi."
JUVENAL. Satires, III., 164. (Vide Multis, etc.)
Depressed by indigence, the good and wise
In every clime by painful efforts rise." (Qi/ord.)

"Res est solliciti plena timoris amor." OVID. Heroides, I., 12.
" Love is a that's full of cares and fears."

"Res loquitur ipsa, judices, quae semper valet plurimum."

CICEBO. Pro Milone, XX., 53.
Gentlemen, the case speaks for itself, than which there is no more power-

ful advocacy."

"Res quidem se mea senfcentia sic habet, ut, nisi

" quod quisque cito

potuerit, nunquam omnino

* possit perdiscere.
CICEBO. De Oratore, III., 23, 89,
" It is a fact, as 1 think,
that what we cannot learn quickly we cannot learn
at all."
** finem."
(Si quid agas, prudenter agas, et) respice
ANONYMOUS, tabulae Aesopiae, Z2TJI., 5. (Printed with tlie Fables
of Phaedrus and Avianus, Byponti, 1784.)
'Whatever you undertake, act with prudence, and consider the conse

Respicere exemplar vitae mor unique jubebo


Doctum imitatorem, et vivas Mno ducere voces."

HOBACE. De Arte Poetica, 317.
" life and manners as they lie
Look, too, to
Before you ;
these will living words supply." (Oonington.)
" sua munera cerdo
Respue quod non es : tollat ;

Tecum habita, noris quam sit tibi curta supellex."

PEBSIUS. Satires, 17., 51.
Hence with your spurious claims ! Rejudge your cause,
And flingthe rabble back their vile applause :
To your own breast, in quest of worth, repair,
And blush to find how poor a stock is there. "(6fi/ord.)
" Restabat aliud nisi ooulos
TEBBNCE. Ph&rmio, Act I., Sc. II., 35. (Qeta.)
" remained except to feast his eyes."
Naught else (Oeorge Oolman.)
" Rex est qul metuit niMl,
Rex est qui cupiet mhil.
Mens regnum bona possidet ;

Hoc regnum sibi quisque dat." SENECA. Thyestes, 388. (Chorus.)

king is lie who naught will fear,
A king is he who naught desires ;
Tis a clean heart the kingdom holds,
That kingdom each to himself may give,"
Rex regnat sed non gubemat."
JAN ZAMOISKI. Speech in the Polish Parliament, 1605.
The king reigns but does not govern."
Ride, si sapis." Epigrams, II., 41, 1.
" if thou be wise."
"Rideamus ycAwro "SapUviov" OiOEBO. Ad Familiares, 711., 25, 1.
" Let us
laugh a Sardonic laugh."
" Ridebat
curas, necnon et gaudia vulgi,
Interdum et lacrimas." JUVENAL. Satires, X, 51.
He laughed aloud to see the vulgar fears,
Laughed at their joys, and sometimes at their tears." (Gi/ord,)

(Quanquam) ridentem dicere verum


Quid vetat." HOBACE. Satires, I., 1, 24.

Why truth may not be gay I cannot see." (Oonington.)

" Ridentur mala qui componunt oarmina verum ;

Gaudent soriptores et se venerantur, et ultro,

Si taceas, laudant quicquid scripsere, beati."
HORACE. Egistolae, IT., 2, 106.
" Bad
poets are our jest yet they delight,

Just like their betters, in whate'er they write ;

Hug their fool's paradise, and you're slack

To give them praise, themselves supply the lack," (Goningtm.)
" Eidiculum acri
Fortius et melius magnas plerumque secat res."
HOBACE. Satires, I., 10, 14.
Pleasantry will often cut clean through
Hard knots that gravity would scarce undo." (Gonington.)
" Risu
inepto res ineptior nulla est."
CATULLUS. Carrnwa, XXXVII. (XXXIX.), 16.
"There's naught that's more ill-timed than ill-timed laughter."
" Roma
Roma patrem patriae Oiceronem libera dixit."
JUYENAL. Satires, FIJI., 243.

"Rome, tree Rome, hailed him with loud acclaim,

The father of his country glorious name." (Qi/ord.)

" Romae rus optas, absentem rusticus urbem

Tollis ad astra levis." HOEACE. Satires, IT., 7, 28.
" At Rome
you hanker for your country home ;

Once in the country, there's no place like Rome." (Gonington.)

Romae Tibur amem ventosum, Tibure Romam."
HOEACE. Mpistolae, L, 8, 12.
"Town-bird at Tibur, and at Rome recluse." (Gonington.)
" Rure
ego viventem, tu diois in urbe beatum ;

Oui placet alterius, sua mmirura est odio sors."

HOBACB. Epistolae, I., 14, 10.
" You
praise the townsman's, I the rustic's, state :
Admiring others' lots, our own we hate." (Gonington,)
" Rudis OVID.
indigestaque moles." Metamorphoses, L, 7.
rough-hewn mass, of order void."
" Rura mihi et rigui placeant in vallibus amnes,
Flumina amem silvasque ingloriua." VIEG-IL. Georgics, II., 485.
" Let me in rustic
pictures take delight ;

Well-watered vales, and woods and rippling streams,

Careless of fame, I'd love."

"Sacer intra nos spiritus sedet, maloram bonorumque nostroram

observator et cu-stos." SENECA. Epistolae, XLL, 2.
" There abides in us a
holy spirit, our guardian, who watches over all that
comes to us of good and of evil."
Saepe asperis facetiis illusus ; quae, ubi mulirum ex vero traxere,
acrem sui memorlam relinquunt."
TACITUS. Annals, ZK, 88.
"(Nero feared the high spirit of his Mend,) who often bantered him with
that rough humour which, when it draws largely on facts, leaves a
bitter memory behind it." (Church and Brodntib.)

Saepe ego audivi, milites, eum primum ease viruin qui ipse consulafc

quid in rem sit; ; secundum eum, qui bene monenti obediat qui ;

nee ipse consulere, nee alter! parere sciafe, eum extremi ktgenii
esse." LIVY. Histories, XXII. 29. ,

"I have often heard it said that the first man is he who can decide for
himself what is best to be done, and the second, he who is willing to
take good advice ; the man who can neither decide for himself nor
listen to another is on the lowest level of intelligence/'

Saepe est efeiam sub palliolo sordido sapiential'
GAECH.HJS STATIUS, Fabulae Incertae, Fragment XVIIL (II.),
" Wisdom oft lurks beneath a tattered coat,"

Saepe grandis natu senex nullum aliud habet argumentum quo se
probet diu vbdsse praeter aetatem."
SENECA. D& TrangwlUtate Animi, III., 8
" A man advanced in has often but his to show that he
years nothing age
has lived for a long period,"

Saepe in magistrum scelera redierunt sua,"
SENECA. Thyestes 811. t (Satellites,)
" Crime oft recoils
upon ita author's head."
Saepe minus est oonstantiae in rubore quam in oulpa."
Qumius OTJBTITJS. De Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni, IX, 7, 26%
" Conscious innocence is often more than conscious
perturbed guilt,"

Saepe piget quid enim dubitem tibi vera fateri ?
Oorrigere et longi ferre laboria onus.
Scribentem juvat ipse favor, minuitque laborem
Oumqne suo crescens pectore fervet opus.
Oorrigere at res est tanto magis ardua, quanto

Magnus Aristarcho major Homerus erat,


OVID. Epistolae ex Panto, III, 9, 19,

" 'Us irksome oft why should I not confess
The truth ? to face revision's lengthy toil.
The joy of writing makes the labour less,
And as it grows the work's with genius fired ;

But harder by so much correction is,

Aa Homer greater was than Aristarch/'
Saepe venit magno foenore tardus amor."
PBOPJERTIUS. JBkgies, I., 7, 26.
u Love that comes late in life bears heavy interest,"

legi et audivi nihil mali esse in morte;

"Saepissime efc in qua si
resideat sensus, immortalitas ilia potius quam mors ducenda
sit; sin sit amissus, nulla videri miseria debeat quae non
sentiatur." CICEBO. Ad Familiares, V., 16, 4.
" I have often read and heard that there is evil in death for, if
nothing ;

there is a survival of consciousness, it must be considered immortality

rather than death ; while, if consciousness is destroyed, that can hardly
be reckoned unhappiness, of which we are unconscious."
" Aut nihil est sensus animis a morte relictum
Aut mors ipsa nihil." LUCAN. Pharsalia, III., 39.
" Either the soul's unconscious after
Or death itself is naught."
(Etiam illud adjungo,) saepius ad laudem atque virfcutem naturam
sine doctrina, quam sine natura valuisse doctrinam."
CICEBO. Pro Ar clua ^ VII, , 15.
*'I will go further, and assert that nature without culture can often do
more to deserve praise than culture without nature."
Saepius inoautae nocuit victoria turbae."
CLAUDIANUS. De Quarto Cons^t,latu Honorii, 336.
Victory oft has harmed the thoughtless crowd."

Saepius olim

Beligio peperit scelerosa atque impia facta."

LUCBBTIUS. De Berum Natwra t I., 76.
" Too oft religion has the mother been
Of impious acts and criminal."
Saepius ventis agifcatur ingens
Pinus et oelsae graviore casu
Decidunt turres feriuntque summos
Fulgura montes." HORACE. Odes, II., 10, 9.
With fiercer blasts the pine's dim height
Is rocked proud towers with heavier fall

Crash to the ground and thunders smite


The mountains taR."~(

" Saevis inter se convenifc ursis." JUVEHAE. Satires , XV. ,
" Bears with bears
perpetual peace maintain." (&i/ord.)
Saevit amor ferri et scelerata insania belli,
Ira super." VIBGIL. JEiieM, VII. 461. ,

Bums the fierce fever of the steel,
The guilty madness warriors feel." (Coning ton*)
" Salus
populi suprema lex esto."
THE TWELVE TABLES, De Officio ConsuUs. (Quoted by Cicero,
de Legibus> III., 3.)
" Let the of the people be the paramount law.**
magna parens frugum, Saturnia
Salve, tellus,
Magna virum." ViBGir,. Georgics, IZ, 173.
" Hail and all hail ! thou land Saturnian,

Thou mighty parent both of fruits and men." (J". JB. Rose.)
"Sanctus haberi
Justitiaeque tenax factis dictisque mereris,
Agnosco procerem." JUVENAL. Satires, VIII., 24,
"Dare be just;
Firm to your word, and iaitliful to your trust ;

These praises hear, at least deserve to hear,

I grant your claim, and recognise the peer."
Sapiens nullum denarium intra limen suum admittet male intran-
tem." SEHECA. De Vita Beata, XXIIL, 3.
"The wise man will never admit within his doors a penny of ill-gotten
Sapiens quidem pol ipse fingit fortunam sibi."
PLATJTUS. Trinummus, Act II., Sc. II., 84.~~ (PMlto.y
"A wise man is the maker
Of his own fortune," (Bonnell Thornton.)
"Bes docuit id verum esse quod in carminibus Appius ait,
fabrum esse suaequemque fortunae."
SALLUST. Oratio ad Caesarem, I., 1.

"Experience has shown the of Appius* saying, that every

man is the architect of his own fortunes."

Sui cnique mores fLngunt fortunam."
"Every man's fortune is moulded by his character."

SapiettA virtuti honorem praenaium, hand praedam petit."

(Cicero, de Oratore, III., 26, 102.)
The wise man seeks honour, not profit, as the reward of virtue."
Sapientem locupletat ipsa Natura."
GICEEO. De Mnibus, II., 28, 90.
" Nature herself makes the wise man rich."

"Sapientes pacis causa bellura gerunt, laborem spe otii sustentant."

SALLTJST* Oratio ad Caesarem r I.
" The wise
wage war for the sake of peace, and endure toil in the hope of

Sapientiae aetas condimentum 'st sapiens aetati cibus est."

PLAUTTTS. Trimmimits, Act II., Sc, II, 82. (Lysiteks.) ,

" Wisdom is
The food of age, which lends to wisdom relish."
(Bonnell Thornton.)
Sapientissimum esse dicunt eum, cui quod opns sit ipsi venlat in
mentem: proxime accedere ilium, qui alterius bene inventia
obtemperet. In stultitia contra est. Minus enim stultus est is,
cui nihil in mentem venit, quam ille, qui quod stulte alteri venit
in mentem comprobat." OICBEO. Pro Cluentw, XXXI., 84.
"The wisest man, they say, is he who can himself devise what is needful
to be done: next comes he who will follow the sage counsels of
another. The opposite holds good in folly ; for he is less foolish who
never has an idea of Ms own than he who
approves the foolish ideas
of others,"

Sapientum octavus." HOBACE. Satires, II., 3, 296.
"The eighth of the sages,"
" Sat celeriter
fieri, quidquid fiat satis bene."
AUGUSTUS. (Suetonius^ II., 25.)
"Whatever is done well enough is done quickly enough."
" Jovem quae don at et aufert
(Sed) satis est orare ;

Defc vifcam, det opes :

aequum mi animum ipse parabo."
HQBACB. Epistolae, L, 18, 111.
" Sufficient 'tis to pray
To Jove for what he gives and takes away :
Grant life, grant fortune, for myself I'll find
That best of blessings, a contented mind." (Gonington.)
Satis virilis es, qttamdm nil obviat adversi."
THOMAS A ZEMPIS. De Imitatione Chris ti, III., 57, 1.
" You are a brave man enough, so long as you meet with no opposition."
" Saucms ejurat pugnam gladiator, et idem
Itamemor antiqui vulneris arma capit."
OVID. Epistolae ex Ponto, I., 5, 37.
"The swordsman, when he's wounded, will forswear
The arena then, forgetful
of his wounds,
Will draw the sword again."
Saucius faotus sum in Veneris proelio;
Sagitta Oupido cor meum transnxit."
PLAUTUS. Persa, Act I., Sc. L, 2L(Toxilus.)
"In Venus* battle Fve received a wound,
The god of love has pierced me through the heart."
Scandit aeratas vitiosa naves
Oura neo turmas equitum relinquit." HOBACE. Odes, II., 16, 21.
" Care climbs the
bark, and trims the sail.
Curst fiend ! nor troops of horse can 'scape her." (Qonington.)
" Scelera "
impetu, bona consilia mora valescere.
TACITUS. History, I., 32.
" Crimes
gain by hasty action, better counsels by delay."
(Church and JBrodribb.)
" Scelere velandum est scelus."
SENECA. Phaedra, 729. (The Nurse.)
" Crime must
by crime be veiled."

" Scelus est

jugulare Falernum
Et dare Campano toxica saeva mero.
Convivae meruere tui fortasse perire ;

Amphora non meruit tam pretiosa mori."

MABTIAL. Epigrams, I,, 18 (19), 5.
" It is a crime to
slay such glorious wine,
Mix noxious drugs with growth of fair Champagne.
Your guests, it may be, death have merited,
But not that priceless vintage."
(Nam) Scelus intia se tacitan qni cogitat ullum,
Faoti crimen habet," JUVENAL. Satires, XIII., 209,
"For, in tlie eye of heaven, a wicked deed
Devised is done." (Oifford.)
" Scilicet adversis
probitas exercita rebus
Trisfci materiam tempera laudis habet."
OVID. Tristia, V., 5, 49.
" evil fortune tried,
Yea, honesty, by
Finds in adversity the seed of praise."
" Scilicet est
cupidus studiorum quisque suoram,
Tempus et adsueta ponere in arfce juvat."
OVID. JSjoistolae ex Ponto, I,, 5, 35.
"Each is desirous of his own pursuits, 7 and loves
To spend his time in Ms accustomed art."
"Scilicet; etiam ilium, qui libertatem publioam nollet, tarn projectae
servientum patientiae taedebat."
TACITUS. Annals, IT/., 65. (Of Tiberius.)
Clearly, even he, with his dislike of public freedom, was disgusted at the
abject abasement of his creatures," (Ohwck and Bro&rwb.}
"Scilicet improbae
Crescnnt drvifciae tamea ;

Curtae nescio quid semper abest reL" HOBAOB. Odes, III., 24, 62.
Money, root of ill,
Doubt it not, still grows apace :

Yet the scant heap has somewhat lacking still."- (Conington.)

" Scilicet insano nemo in aiaore videt."
PBOPEETITJS. Elegies, IJJ,, 5, 18 (II,, H, 18).
"Afflicted by love's madness all are blind."
" Scilicet omnibus est labor impendendus."
VIB<HL. Qeorgics, II., 61.
" we
Naught shall gain but at the price of toil."
Scilicet uxorem cum dote fidemque et amicos
Et genus et formam regina pecunia doiiat,
Ac bene nummatum decorat Suadela Venusque."
HORACE. JSpistolae, I., 6, 86.
" A dowried
wife, friends, bea^ity, birth, fair fame,
These are the gifts of money, heavenly darne ;
Be but a moneyed man, Persuasion tips
Your tongue, and Venus settles on your lips." (Gonington,)
" Scire mori sors sed proxima
prima viris, cogi.*'
LUCAH. PharsoMa, IX, 210.
" Man's know how to die,
highest lot is to
Next, how to yield."
u Scite
tamen, quamvis longa- regione rexnotus
Absim, vos animo semper adesse meo."
OVID. Tristia, III., 4, 73.
"Though we be severed by the whole wide world,
Yet art thou ever present to my mind/'

Scribendi recte sapere est et principmm et fons :

Bern tibi Socraticae poterunt ostendere chartae."

HQBACE. De Arte Poetica, 309.
" Of
writing well, be sure, the secret lies
In wisdom therefore study to be wise.

The page of Plato inay suggest the thought." (Gonington.)

(Contra jussa monent Heleni,) Scyllam atque Charybdim
Inter,utramque viam leti discrimine parvo,
Ni teneant cursus." VIRGIL. ^Eneid, ZZZ, 684.
" Helenus the
Who counselled still those seas to fly
Where Scylla and Charybdis lie :

That path of double death we shun." (Gomngton.)

" Inoidis in
Scyllam cupiens vitare Charybdim."
PH. GAULTIBE. Alexandreis, K, 301.
" In to thou fallest
hope Charybdis escape, upon Scylla."
Se, quae consilia magis res dent hominibus, quam homines rebus, ea
ante tempus immatura non praecepturum."
LIVY. Histwies, XXII. , 38.
"He would not anticipate those counsels which are rather bestowed by
circumstances on men, than by men on circumstances/'
" Secreto amicos PUBLILIUS STRUS, 459.
admone, lauda palam."
" Admonish Mends in secret, praise them openly."
" Secunda
felices, adversa magnos probent."
PLINY THE YOTJNGEE. Panegyric, 81.
Prosperity proves the fortunate, adversity the great."

"Secundae res acrioribus stinaulis animum explorant: quia miseriae

tolerantur, felicitate corrumpimur." TACITUS* History, In 15.
Prosperity tries the heart with keener temptations ; for hardships may be
endured, whereas we are spoiled by success."
(Chwch and BroiMtib.)
" Secundas fortunas decent
PLAUTUS. Stichus, Act II,, Sc, L 28. (Dinaciwm,) t

" Pride is the comrade of

fitting prosperity."
Sed neque tarn facilis res ulla est, quin ea primum
magis ad credendum constet itemque
Difficilis :

Nil adeo magnum, neque tarn mirabile quicquam,

Quod non paulatim minuant mirarier onines."
LTJCBBTITJS. De Remin Natum, IT., 1024.
" There's
naught so easy, but when it was new
Seemed difficult of credence, and there's naught
So great, so wonderful, when first 'tis seen,
But men will later cease to marvel at it"
"Sed positum primum nosmetipsos commendatos ease nobis, pri-

mamque ex natura hanc habere appetitionem, ut conservemus

nosmet ipsos." CICBBO. De Finibus, IF., 10, 25.
" Let it first be
granted that we are given in charge to ourselves, and that the
first thing we receive from nature is the instinct of self-preservation,"
Sedet, aeternumque sedebit,
Infelix Theseus." VIRGIL. &neid, VL t 617.
" Ihere in the bottom of the pit
Sits Theseus, and will ever sit." (Gonington,)
Seditione, dolis, scelere atque libidine et ira,
Iliacos intra muros peccatur, et extra."
Epistolae, I., 2, 15.
" 'tis error all,
Strife, treachery, crime, lust, rage,
One mass ot faults within, without the wall.'* (Conington.)
Sedulo curavi humanas actiones non ridere, non lugere, neque de-
testari, sed intelligere." SPINOZA. Tractatus Pottticus, L 4. t

" I have made it

my chief care neither to ridicule, nor to deplore, nor to
execrate, but to understand the actions of mankind."
Sesnius homines bona quarn mala sentire."
LIVY. Histories, XXX. t
Men are slower to recognise blessings than misfortunes."
Segnius irritant animos demissa per aurem
Quam quae sunt oculis subjecta fidelibus, et quae
Ipse sibi tradit spectator." HORACE. De Arte Poetica, 180.
"A '

thing when heard, remember, strikes less keen

On the spectator's mind than when 'tis seen." (Gonington.)
(Tu quoque, ut hie video, non es ignarus amorum.

Id commune malum ;) semel insanivimus omnes."

" Not
ignorant thou of love, our common bane ;

A madness 'tis that each man once has known."

" Semita certe
Tranquillae per virtutem patet unica vitae."
JUVENAL. Satires, X, 363.
" One
path alone leads to a lite of peace ;

The path of virtue."

Semper ad eventum festinat et in medias res
Non secus ac notas auditorem rapit."
HOBACE. De Arte Poetica, 148.
He hurries to the crisis, lets
you fall
Where facts crowd thick, as though you knew them all." (G&wingrton*)
Semper aliquid novi Africam afferre."
PLINY THE BLDEB. Natural History, FIZZ, 17.
" There is always somethuig new out of Africa."
Semper autem in quid senseris, non quid
fide dixerls, cogitandum.'
CICERO. De Qfficiis, L, 13, 40,
uA but in the
promise must be kept not merely in the letter, spirit."
Semper bonus homo tiro est/' MARTIAL. Epigrams, XTI., 51, 2.
The virtuous man is ever a novice in worldly things/'
" "
Semper ego auditor tantum ? nunquamne reponam ?
JUVENAL. Satwes t J,, 1.
M Shall not once attempt to quit the score,

Always an auditor, and nothing more 1" (Giffard*)


Semper em pauper, si pauper es, Aemiliane ;

Dantur opes nulli nunc, nisi divitibus."

MABTIA&. Epigrams^ F., 81, 1,
" If poor you poor you will always be,
For wealth's now given to none but to the rich."
Semper habet lites, alternaque jurgia lectus
In quo nupfca- jacet j minimum dormifcur in illo."
JUVENAL. Satires, VL, 268.
hope no slumbers with your wife
'Tis night; yet ;

The nuptial bed is still tbe scene of strife." (Oi/ord.)

Semper in absentes felicior aestus amantes."
PBOPEETIUS. Elegies, III., 31, 43 (IT., 33, 43).
"When those who love are severed, love's tide stronger flows."
" in praelio maximum est pcriculum, maxime timent
Semper qui :

audacia pro muro habetur." SALLUST. L VIIL

In battle it is the cowards who run the most risk ; bravery is a rampart
of defence."
Semper oculatae nostrae sunt manus '
credunt quod vident.
cujus non dice amplius."
Vetus est Nihili cocio est ; scis ;

PLAUTUS. Asinaria, Act Z, Sc* JIT., 50. (Cleaereta.)

'Within their palm
They never credit aught but what they see.
'Tis an old saying, money down's the thing.
Do you attend to me ? I'll say no more." (Bonnell Thornton.)
Semper tibi pendeat hamus :

Quo minime credas gurgite, piscis eriV

Ovm. De Arte Amandi, IIZ, 425.
Keep thy hook always baited, for a fish
Lurks ever in the most unlikely swim."
Semper tu scito, flamrna fumo est proxima.
Fumo oomburi nihil potest, namma potest."
PLAUTUS. Curculto, Act L, Sc. Z, 53. (Palinurm.)
" Ever remember this. Flame follows close
Upon the heels of smoke. In smoke, indeed,
Things cannot be consiimed, in flame they may."
(Bennett Thornton.)
Semper vero esse felicem, transire vitam,
et sine morsu animi
ignorare est rerum naturae alteram partem."
SENECA. De Providentia, IF., 1.
"To be always fortunate, and to pass "through life with a soul that has
never known sorrow, is to be ignorant of one half of nature."
" Seneotus
ipsa est morbus."
TBEBKCE. Phormio, Act IK, Sc, Z, 9. (Chremes*)
"Old age itself is a disease." (George Colman.)
* Senex cum
extemplo est, jam nee sentit nee sapit,
Aiunt, solere eum rursum repuerascere."
PLAUTUS. Mercator, Act II, Sc. II, 24. LysimacJms.)
When a man reaches the last stage of life, 4
Sans sense, sans taste, sans eyes, sans everything,
They say that he is grown a child again." (Bonnell Thornton.)
" Sensi
ego in optimo filio, tu in exspectatis ad amplissimam dignitatem
fratribus, Scipio, mortem omni aetati esse communem."
CICERO. De Senectute, XIX. 68. ,

I in my noble son, you, Scipio, in your brothers, who had given promise
of the highest distinction, have felt that death is the common heritage
of every age."
" Sensit vetus amore odia non
regnandi falsos in fingere."
TACITUS. Annals , FJ., 44.
**An experienced king, Artabanus, knows that men do not necessarily
feign hatred becaxise they are false in friendship."
(Ckurch and Brodribb.)
" Sentit enim vim
quisque suam, qua possit abuti.
Gornua nata prius vitulo quam frontibus extent ;

Illis iratus petit, atque infensus inurgei"

LUCBETIUS. De Rerum Natura, FM 1031.
" Each feels the strength that nature givew to him.
Before the call's horns show upon his brow,
They have begun to grow ;
with rage he butts,
And seeks to use them."

(Sed quid
Turba Eemi ?) Sequitur fortunam ut semper, et odit
Damnatos," JUVENAL. Satires, X, 73.
" What think the *
people They 1

They follow fortune as of old, and hate,

With all their souls, the victim ol the state." (Giford.)
Sequitur superbos ultor a tergo deus."
SENECA. Hercules Furens, 389. (Megara.)
"The avenging god follows in the steps of the proud."
Sera nunquani est ad bonos mores via ;

Quern poenitet peccasse, paene est innocens."

SENECA. Agamemnon, 243. (Clytemneslra.)
" Tis ne'er too late to follow virtue's
path ;

He who repents of sin almost is innocent."

"Sera parsimonia in fundo est." SENECA. Epistolae, I., 5.
Economy comes too late when the cofters are empty,"
" Seria cum possim, quod delectantia malim
Scribere, tu caussa es, lector amice, mini."
MABTIAL. Epigrams, "P., 16, 1,
"It what I write's amusing, when it might
Be serious, thon, good reader, art the cause,"

"Serit arbores, quae alteri saeclo prosient."

CAECILIUS STATIUS. Synephebi, Fragment II,
He plants trees for the benefit of another generation."
" Serius aut citius
sedem properamus ad unam."
OVID. Metamorphoses, X, 33.
" Sooner or later to one goal we haste."

Serpens, sitis, ardor, arenae
Dulcia virtuti gaudet patientia duris :

Laetius est, guoties magno sibi constat, honestum."

LUCAN. Pharsalia, IX, 401,
Thirst, heat, the desert sands, the deadly snake
Are dear to valour firmness hardship loves :

Virtue's more welcome when its cost is high,"

Serum est cavendi tempus in mediis mails."
SENECA. Thyestes, &87.(Thyestes.)
" Caution comes too late when we are in the midst of troubles."

"Serus in coelum redeas; diuque

Laetus intersis populo Quirmi," HOBACE, Odes, Z, 2, 45,

"Late be thy journey home, and long

Thy sojourn with Rome's family." (Conington.)

" Servare cives

major (virtus) est patriae patri,"
SENECA, Octavia, 456. (Seneca.}
" more virtuous in the father of Ms toil for the well-being
'Tis country to
of its citizens."

Servata semper lege et ratione loquendl"
JUVENA,I, Satires, FZ, 453,
" all the laws and rules of speech,*'
" Si
acum, credo, quaereres,
Acum invenisses, si adpararet, jam diu.
Hominem inter vivos quaeribamus mortuum :

Nam invenissemus jam diu, si viveret."

PLATJTCTS. Menaechmi, Act JZ, && Z, 13. (M&ssenio.)

" Had we been looking for a needle, sure,
"We should have found it long ago if visible.
So search we for a dead man 'mong the quick,
For we had found Mm
long ago if living."
(Bonnell Thornton*)

" Si ad naturam vives, ad opiniones, nunqiiam

nunquam eris pauper : si

eris dives."
SENECA. ISpistolae, XTZ, 7, (A saying of JEpicuncs.)
If you according to nature you will never be poor,
live if according to
fancy you will never be rich."

" Si animus hominem

perpulit, actum est animo &ervibit, non sibi ; :

Si ipse animum perpulit, dum vivit, victor vicfcorum cluet."

PJDAUTUS. Trinummus, Act IT., Sc. JZ, 27, (PMlto.)
" If the will masters him, all's over with him ;

By it he'll be enslaved but if his will


He masters, while he lives he shall be styled

A conqueror of conquerors." (Bonnell %hornton.)
266 si &EN coMMEMimsi FATA DEUM.
" Si bene commemini causae sunt quingue "bibendi :

Hospitis adventus praesens sitis atgue futura

; ; ;

Et vini bonitas et quaellbet altera causa."


P:to SIEMONB. (Manage, Menagiana, ed, Amsterdam, 1693,

p. 139.)
"If on my theme I rightly think,
There are five reasons why men drink ;

Good wine, a friend, because I'm dry,

Or lest I should be by-and-by,
Or any other reason why." (Henry Aldrich.}
" Si bene
quid facias, facias cito ; nani cito factum
Gratum erit ; iagratura gratia tarda facit."
Delay not if a favour you'd confer ;
For what's done quickly gratitude you'll earn,
For tardy favours none will grateful be."
Si oadere necesse sit, occurrendum discrimini."
TACITUS. History, 83. L t

" If we must us go out and meet the danger."

fall, let
(Church and UrocZnW.)
" Si vices rerum, aevum putes,"
computes annos, exiguum terapus ;
PLINY THE YOUNGER. E^nstolae, IK, 24.
"A brief space if you count the years ; an age if you consider the changes
it brought forth."
" Si consilium
Permittes ipsis expendere numinibus, quid
Conveniat nobis, rebusque sit utile nostris ;

Nam pro jucundis aptissima q^uae^ue dabunt di,

Carior est illis homo, quam sibi/ JUVWNAL. Satires, X, 346,
"Would you be wise, then let the gods bestow
On each what's fitting, and will beneht
His state ;
for what is right the gods will give,
Not what is pleading ;
man's to them moie dear
Than to himsett."
" Si enim
pecunias aequari non placet ; si ingenia omnium paria esse
non possunt: jura cerfce paria debent esse eorum inter se, qui
sunt cives in eadom republica."
CICBEO. De RejMtbtica, I., 32, 49.
w If an
equal distribtition of wealth is unpopular, if equality of intelli-
gence is an impossibility, at least there should be equality before the
law among all those who are citizens of the same state."
" Si fata
detnn, si mens non laeva f uisset,
Imjjulerat fenft Argolicas foedare latebras; "
Trojaque nunSstaret, Priamique arx alta inanores!
ViBGiii, JUSntod, II,, 54*
" And
then, had fate our
weal designed,
Nor given us a perverted mind,
Then had he moved us to deface
The Greeks' accursed lurking-place,
And Troy had been abiding still,
And Priam's tower yet crowned the hill." (Cto

Si figit adamantines
Summis verticibus dira Necessitas
Clavos, non animum metu,
Non morfcis laqueis expedies eaput." HORACE. Odes t III,, 24, 5,
" Let
Necessity but drive
Her wedge of adamant into that proud head,
Vainly battling will you strive
To 'scape Death's noose, or rid your soul of dread," (Gonington.)
"Si foret m
terris, riderefe Democrittts, sen
Diversum confusa genus panthera carnelo,
Sive elephas albus vulgi converterefc ora."
HOBACB, Epistolae, II. , 1, 191
Oh, could Demoeritus return to earth,
In truth 'twould wake his wildest peals of mirth,
To see a milk-white elephant, or shape "
Half pard, half camel, set the crowd agape ! (Coninyton.)
" Si Fortuna juvat, caveto tolli :
Si Fortuna tonat, cavefeo mergi."
AOSGNIUS. Septem Scvpientum Sententim, Periander, 6.
" If Fortune aids, beware of undue elation if Fortune thunders, beware

of too deep depression."

" Si Fortuna de rhetore consul.
volefe, fies
Si volet haec eadem, de consule rhetor."
JUVENAL, Satires, FII. 197.
" Fortune is all : she, as the fancy springs,
Makes kings of pedants, and of pedants, kings."

Si fractus illabatur orbis,
Impavidum ferient ruinae." HORACE. Odes, III., 3, 7.
" Should Nature's
pillared frame give way,
That wreck would strike on fearless head." (Conington.)

"Si genus est Hiortis male vivere, terra moratur,

Et desunt fatis sola sepulchra meis."
OVID. Epistolae ex Ponto, III., 4, 75.
" If *tis a kind of death to live
Then earth alone awaits me, and the tomb
Will fill the cup of all ray miseries."

" Si humanum et mortalia temnitis arma,

At sperate
K deos memores fandi atque nefandi."
^ jftiuQ jf$ 512,
"If men and mortal arms ye slight,
Know there are gods who watch o'er right "(Oonington.)
Si illisunt virgae xuri, at mihi fcergum domi est.*'
PLAUTUS. Baechides, Act IT., Sc. IIL, ISL^irysalus )
" His rods are in the fields, my back's at home." (JBonnell Thornton.)
Si incolae bene sunt morati, pulciire muuitum arbitror.**
PLAUTUS. Ptrsa, Act IK, Be. IF., 6. (Virgo.)
Bebut the manners of the people good,
The city's well and fairly fortified." (Bonndl Thornton.)
"Si judicas, cognosce; si regnas, jube."
SENECA. Medea, 193. (Medea.)
" If thou art a judge, investigate ifa king, command."

" Si meliora
dies, ut vina, poemata reddit,
Scire velim chartis pretium quotas arroget annus."
HORACE. Epistolae, II., 1, 84.
" Or is it said that poetry's like wine,
Which age, we know, will mellow and refine ?

Well, let me grant the parallel, and ask

How many years a work must be in cask/' (Qonington.)
Si mortuorum aliquis miseretur et non natorum misereatur."
SENECA. Ad Marciam, de Consolatione, XIX., 5.
" How shall any one who and notalso those who are born ?
pity those die,

" Si natura
negat, facit indignatio versum,
Qualemcunque potest." JUVKNAD. Satvres, I., 79.
" If nature
says me nay, then indignation
Indites such verses as she may."

Si nee blanda satis nee erit tibi comis amanti,
Perfer et obdura ; postmodo mitis erit.
Fleotitur obsequio curvatus ab arbore ramus ;
Frangis, si vires experiere tnas.
Obsequio tranantur aquae, nee vincere possis
Flumina, si contra, quam rapit unda, nates."
Oviz>. De Arte Amandi, II, 1 177t

"If that thy loved one be not kind and sweet,

Be strong, endure in time she'll milder be.

The bough may be bent down by gentleness,

Put forth thy strength, and it will broken be.
By yielding to the current streams are crossed,
But swim against the flood, and thou'rt o'erwhelmed."

" Si
pace frui volumus, bellum gerendum est ;
si bellum omitfciinus, pace
nunquam fruemur." CICEBO. Philippica, FIJ. t 6, 19.
"If we desire to enjoy peace, we must first wage warj if we shrink from
war, we shall never enjoy peace."

"Si quid bene facias, levior pluma est gratia.

Si quid peccatum 'at, plumbeas iras gerunt."
PLAUTUS, Po&nulus, Act III., Sc. VI, t 17. (Advocatus.)
"Serve them, their thanks are lighter than a feather;
Offend them, and their vengeance falls like lead."
(Bonnell Thornton.)

Si quid est aliud in philosophia boni, hoc est, quod stemma non
inspicit : omnes, si ad originem primam revocantur, a dis aunt."
SENECA. Epistolae, XLIV., I.
**If there is any other advantage in philosophy, it is that it does not
investigate pedigrees we are all, if we go back to the beginning of

things, descended from the gods."


" faciundum ost mulieri male atque malitiose,

Si quid
Ea immortalis memoria cst meminisse ot sempiterna ;
Sin bene quid aut fidcliter faciundum est eo dcveniunt ;

Obliviosae extemplo uti riant meminisse nequeunt."


PLAUTUS. Miles Gloriostts, Act III., Sc. III., l&.(Acroteleutium,)

" Trust a
If she has any mischief to promote,
I warrant shell remember ; in that point
Her memory is immortal, everlasting :
Jf anything is to be done by them,
Or good or honest, so it happens straight,
They grow forgetful, and they can't remember."
(Bonnett Thornton.)
u Si
quid inexpertum scenae commlttis, et audes
Personam formare novam, servetur ad imum
Qualis ab incoepto processerit, et sibi constel"
HOBACE. De Arte Poetica, 125.
M If
you would be original, and seek
To frame some character ne'er^seen in Greek,
See it be wrought on one consistent plan,
And end the same creation it began." (Conington.)
" Si vi et metu extortum. honorarium nominari."
quidem potest
CICERO. In Pisonem, XXXV., 86.
How can we describe as an honorarium what is extorted by force or by
" Si
quidquam mutis gratum acceptumque sepulchris
Accidere a nosfcro, dalve, dolore potest,
Quo desiderio vefceres renovamus amores,
Atque olim amissas flemus amicitias ;

Certe non ta/nto mors immatura dolori est

Quintiliae, quantum gaudet amore tuo."
CATULLUS. Carnwna, XCIV. (ZOFI.), 1,
Ii', Calvus, aught may reach
the silent dead,
To gladden them, that from our sorrow springs,
The longing that renews our ancient loves,
And makes our tears to fall for those we've lost i
Sure then Quiutilia less her early death
Will mourn, than joy in all thy love for her."
Si, quoties peccant homines, sua fulmina mifctat
Jupiter, exiguo tempore inermis erit." OVID, Tristia, II,, S3.
" If Jove a bolt should hurl whene'er men
His armoury would quickly empty be."
" SI rixa ubi tu pulsas, ego yapulo tantum."
JUVENAL. Satires, III., 289.
" If that be deemed a quarrel, where, heaven knows,
He only gives, and I receive, the blows." (Gi/ord.}
" Si velis credere altius veritatem
intuentibus, omuis vita snpplicium
est," SENECA. Ad Polybium, de Consolatione, IX, 6.
If we may believe those who are the most earnest seekers of the truth,
all life is punishment."
Si veris magna paratur
Pama bonis, et si successu nuda remoto
Inspicifcur virtus, quidquid laudamus in ullo
Majorum, fortima fuit." LTJCAN. Pharsaka, IX, 592.
" If to the 'tis our desire
truly good
To allot the highest nraise, and if we seek
For naked virtue, stripped of all success,
Sure, what we laud in all our greatest men
Is their good fortune."

"(Nam) si violandum est jus, regnandi gratia violandum. esfc: aliis

rebus pietatem colas." CAESAE. (Snctonius, I., 30,}
"If the law is to be broken, let it be broken for the sake of
sovereignty ;

in other matters cultivate submission to it."

"Si vis me flere, dolendum est

Primuin ipsi tibi." De Arte Poetica> 102.
" Set the
example, pray,
And weep yourself; then weep perhaps I ma,y."(Conington>)
"Si volumus aequi rerum omnium judices esse, hoc primurn nobia
persuadeamus, neminem nostrum esse sine culpa."
SENECA. De Ira, II, 28, 1. ,

"If we desire to judge all things justly, we must first persuade ourselves
that none of us is without sin."
" non
Sibi cavere, et aliis consilium dare,
Stultum esse (ostendemus)." PHAEDBUS. Fables, I., 9, 1.
" "Tis the fool's
part to take no thought for self,
Yet give advice to others/'
" Sibi servire
gravissima est servitus."
SENBCA. NaturaUs Quaestiones, III., Praefatio, 17.
"The most onerous slavery is to be a slave to oneself,"
" Sibi sua habeant
regna reges, sibi divitias divites,
Sibi honores, sibi virtufees, sibi pugnas, sibi proelia !

Dum mihi abstineant invidero, sibi quisque iiabcant quod suum est " I

PLADTUS. CurcuUo, Act I., Sc. III., %2.(Phacdromus.)

"Let kings their kingdoms keep unto themselves,
The rich their riches. Let each man enjoy
His own, his honours, virtues, duels, battles,
So they with envy look not on my joys." (Bonnett Thornton.)
^Sic ab hominibus doctis accepimus, non solum ex malis
minima oportere, sed etiam excerpere ex his ipsis, si quid inesset
^oni." CICERO, De Officiis, III., 1, 3.
"Learned men have taught us that not only with a choice of evils we
should choose the least, but that from the evil we should endeavour to
extract some good."

"Sic ceite vivendum est, tanquam in conspectu vivamus. Sic

tandum, tanquam aliquis in pectus intimum inspicere possit."
SENECA. Epistolae, LXXXIIL, 1.
"We should live as though we were living in the full blaze of publicity,
and think as though any one could look into our innermost con-

" Sic auferre umbram conatur et ingens

Certamen cum xnorte gerit, cuxasque fatigat
Artificum, inque omni te quaerit amare metallo.
Sed mortalis honos, agilis quern dexfcra laborat."
SXATIUS. Silvae, 7, l f 7.

"Thus of its prey to rob the grave he strives,

And wages war with death ; the craftsmen's skill
He wearies, and thy form, would idolise
In every metal ;
but no deathless tame
By mortal skill is given."
" Sic
ego non sine te, nee fcecum vivere possum."
OYID. Amores, IIL, 11 39.
" Thus neither with thee, nor without thee, can I live."

M Difficilis
facilis, jucundus acerbus es idem :

Nee tecum possum vivere, nee sine te."

MARTIAL. Epigrams, XII., 4=7, 1
Captious, yet complaisant, sweet and bitter too,
1 cannot with thee live, nor yet without thee."

" cnim est faciendum, ut contra umversam nafcnram nihil conten-

damns ea tamen conservata propriam nosfcram sequamur ut,
: ;

etiam si graviora atqne nxeliora, tainen nos studia

stnt alia
nostra nostrae naturae regula metiamur."
CICEBO. De Officiis, I., 31, 110,
" In all that we do we should avoid going contrary to nature, bnt with
that reservation we should follow our own bent so that, though other

pursuits may be higher and nobler, we should measure our own by our
own natural capacity."
Sic est vulgus ; ex veritate pauca, ex opinioae multa aestimafc."
CICEBO. Pro Eoscio Comoedo, X, 29,
"The masses are so constituted that they measure but few things by the
standard of fact,most by the standard of conjecture."
Sic fortis Btruria crevit,
rerum facta est pulcaerrima Roma,
Scilicet et
Septeinque una sibi muro circtimdedit arces."
VIBGIL. Georgics, IL, 533.
"Thus strong Etruria grew, thus Eome was made,
Fairest of towns, and with one wall enclosed
Her sevenfold citadel."
" Sic honor et nomen divinis vatibus atque
Garmmibus ven.ifc." HOBA.OES. De Arie Poetica, 400.
So came great honour and abundant praise,
As to the gods, to poets and their fays."(Cmington.)

Sic multa quae honesta natura videntur esse, temporibus fiunt non

honesta," CIGEEO. De Officiis, III., 25, 95.

" Thus are rendered
many things which seem by their nature honourable,
dishonourable by circumstances."
" Sic natura
comprobatum est, ut eum quern laudes etiam ames: porro
quern ames etiam laudari ab illo veils."
APULBIUS. Florida, I., 9.
Jt if?
only natural that him whom you praise you should also love andj ;

further, that you should desire to merit the praises of him whom you

Sic natura jubet ; velocius et citius nos
Corrumpunt vitiorum esempla domestica, magnis
Cum subeunfc animos auctoribus."' JUVENAL. Satires, XTF., 81.
" So Nature
prompts drawn by her secret tie,

We view a parent's deeds with reverent eye ;

With fatal haste, alas the example take,


And love the sin for the dear sinner's sake." (Gifford.)
" amor unus habet decernere
Sic omnis ferro."
VIEGIL. M%M> XIL, 282.
" Each burns alike with frantic zeal
To end the quarrel by the steel."' (Oonington.)
Sic omnia fatis
In pejus ruere, ac retro sublapsa referri."
VIEGIL. Georgics, L t
" Fate so thatordains all should downward tend,
All retrograde, all in confusion end." (./.
J5. Aose.)

Sic qui paupcriem veritus, potiore metallis
Libertate caret, dominum vehet improbus atque
Serviet aeternum, quia parvo nesciet uti."
HOBACE, Epistolae, I., 10, 39.
" So he
who, fearing penury, loses hold
Of independence, better far than gold,
Will toil, a hopeless drudge, till life is spent,
Because hell never, never learn content."-
Sic rerum summa novatur
Semper, et inter se mortal es mutua vivunt.
Augescunt aliae gentes, aliae minuuntur,
Inque brevi spatio mutant ur saecla animantiim
Et quasi cursores, vital lampada tradunt."
LUCKBTITJS. De Eerum Natura^ /I. t 73.
" Thus the universe made new,
ever is
And all that's mortal lives its life in turn.
Some nations grow while others fade away ;
And one brief age another age succeeds,
Like runners handing on the lamp of life."

Sic omnia verti
Oernimus atque illas assumere robora gentes
Ooncidere has." OVID. Metamorphoses, XV. t 420,
"Thus do we see
That all things change, one nation 6
6 strength
While others perish,"

Sic vive cum hominibus, tanquam deus videafe sic loquere cum deo,

tanquam homines audiant." SENBCA, JSpistolae, X, 5.

thy fellow-man as though m the sight of God so speak with
" So live with j

thy God as though in the hearing of men."

Sic volvenda aetas commutat tempora rerum.
Quod fuit in pretio fit nnllo denique honore."
LUOEBTIUS. De R&rum Natura, F,, 1274.
" Thus do the
rolling years change every circumstance ;

What once was priceless now's of little worth."

Sicut ad poenam sufficit meditari punienda, sic efe ad laudem satis eat
conari praedicanda." APULEIUS. JPkrida, IF,, 20.
"Even it is enough to plot what is evil, so, to
as, to deserve punishment,
merit praise, it is enough to attempt what is good."
Sicut fortis equus, spatio quae saepe supremo
Vicit Olympia, nunc senio confectu' quiescit."
ENNITTS. (Quoted by Cicero, de Senectute, F., 14,)
" Like the stout horse which oft has home away
The prize, now, weak with age, he rest enjoys."
" enim leges inter anna." CICEEO. Pro Mikne, IF., 10.
"Amongst drawn swords law is silent."

"Simplex munditiis." . HOBACE. Odes, L t 5, 5.

"So trim, so simple \"(Conington.)

Simpliciter pateafc vitium f ortasse pusillum.
Quod tegitur, majus creditur esse malum."
MABTIAL. Epigrams, III,, 42, 3.
" Seek not to hide a blemish that's "but small.
The fault that's hidden ofttimes greater seems."
Sin aliquem infandum casum, Fortuna, minaris,
Nunc^ o nunc liceat crudelem abrumpere vitam,
Dum curae ambiguae, dum spes inceri/a futuri."
VIBOIL. Mneid % Fill., 578.
But, ah if Fortune be my foe,

And meditate some crushing blow,

Now, now the thread in mercy break,
While hope sees dim, and cares mistake." (Conington.)
" Sincerum est nisi vas,
quodcumque infundis acescit;
Sperne voluptates, nocet empta dolore voluptas ;
Semper avarus eget, certum voto pete finem* ;
Invidus alterius macreseit rebus opimis.
Invidia Siculi non invenere tyranni
Majus tormentum." HOEACB. JBpistolae, L, 2, 54,
"Unless the vessel whence we drink is pure,
Whatever is poured therein turns foul, be sure.
Make light of pleasure : pleasure bought with pain
Yields little profit, but much more ot bane.
The miser's always needy : draw a line
"Within whose bound your wishes to confine.
His neighbour's fatness makes the envious lean :
No tyrant e'er devised a pang so keen,"~-(C709rot00n.)
"Sine anctore propositi libelli nullo crimine locum habere debenfc.
Nam pessimi exempli nee nostri seouli est."

TBAJAN, Ad Plmiwn. (Plwy fh& Younger, JSpistolae, X, 98.)

Anonymous letters should be valueless in respect of the charges they
make, for they are in the worst possible taste, and unworthy ot our
" Libero friget Venus."
Sine Cerere et
Euniichus, Act 17., So. 7., 6.(Chremes.)
" Ceres and Bacchus are warm friends of Venus/'
(George Golman.)

"Sine doctrina vita est quasi mortis imago."

DICXNTSIUS OATO. Disticha de Moribus III., t 1,
" "Without life is but the image oi death."
" Sine iia et studio. 7 '
TACITUS, Annals, I., 1.
" Without bitterness or
partiality." [Chwrch and ftrodribb.)
" Sine labore non tenditur ad nee sine pugna pervenitur ad
requiem :

THOMAS A KEMPIS, De Imitatione Christi, III.,, 19, 4.
" Without toil we make no progress towards repose; without conflict wo
cannot attain to victory."
" facile *st ; meae alae pennas non habent."
Sine pennis volare haud
PLAUTUS. Poenultis, Act IF,, Sc. XL, 49. (Syncerastiis.)
"It is not easy flying without feathers.
My wings are not yet fledged." (Bonnell Thornton,)
" smnma justitia rem publicana modo posse."
Sine geri nullo
CICEBO, De He Publica, II. 44, 70. ,

" Without the most inflexible

justice it is impossible to direct a state."
Singula de nobis anni praedantur euntes ;

Bripuere jocos, Venerem, convivia, ludum."

J&pistolae, IT., 2, 55.
"Our years keep taking toll as they move on ;

My feasts, my frolics are already gone," {(Jonington.)

Singula quaeque locum teneant sortita decenter."
HOBACB. D& Arte Poetica, 92,
Each has its place allotted ; each is bound
To keep it, nor invade its neighbour's ground." (Omiington.)
"Sinfc Maecenates, non Marones."
deertint, Flacce,
MABTIAL. ffijiigrams, FIJI,, 56, 5
While there is one Maecenas left we shall not want for Virgils,"

"Siqua voles apte nubere, nube pari.' OVID. Heroides, IX. f 32.
" If
you'd wed fitly, in your station wed."
" idem
Siquis sperat, jacturas poma rayricas
Sperefc, et in medic flumine mella petat."
Ovn>. De Arte Amandi, L, 7^7.
" He who
hopes this, would hope
To gather apples from the tamarisk,
for honey in the flowing stream."'

" Sit caeca futuri

Mens hominum fati, liceafcsperare timenti !

Pharsalia, II. 14. ,

u Hide from our

eyes what fortune has in store,
And grant that he who fears may also hope."

Sit hoc discrimen inter gratiosos cives atque fortes, ut illi vivl fruan-
tur opibus suis; horum etiam mortuorum (si quisquam hujus
imperil defensor mori potest) vivat auctoritas immortalis."
CICERO. Pro Corneho Balbo, XXL, 49.
"Let us make this distinction between the citizen who is merely popular,
and the citizen who is a power m the state the former will enjoy his :

advantages in his lifetime, the latter will leave behind

him after death
(if indeed any supporter of our empire can be said to die) a deathless
" Sit HORACE. De Arte Poetica, 466.
jus liceatque perire poefcis."
" Leave free to
poets perish as they will." (Conington.)
" Sit mihi fas audita sit numine vestro
loqui ;

Pandere res alta terra et caligine mersas."

VIBGIL. MnM, VL, 266.
" What ear has heard let tongue make known :
Vouchsafe your sanction, nor forbid
To utter things in darkness \i&"*~(0onington.)
" Sit mihi etiam minus, et mihi yivam
quod nunc est,
Quod superest aevi, si quid superesse volunt di."
HORACE. Epistolae, I., 18 r 107.
Oh, may I yet possess
The goods I have, or if Heaven pleases, less !

Let the few years that Fate may grant me still

Be all my own, nor held at others' mll."(Coningtm.)
" Sit mihi verna satur : sit non doctissima oonjux ;

Sit nox cum somno : sit sine lite dies."

MAKTIAL. Epigrams, 1Z, 90, 9*
" Give me a well-fed slave : a wife that's not too clever :
Sound sleep at night, and days Irom quarrels free."
" Socordiam eorum inridere libet,
qui praesenti potentia credunt extin-
gui posse etiam sequentis aevi memoriana. Nam contra, punitis
ingeniis, gliscit auctoritas, neque aliud extern! reges, aut qui
eadem saevitia usi sunt, nisi dedecus sibi, atque illis gloriam
peperere." TACITUS. Annals, IV,, 35.
" One is all the more inclined to laugh at the
stupidity of men who suppose
that the despotism of the present can actually efface the remembrances
of the next generation. On the contrary, the persecution of genius
fosters its influence
; foreign tyrants, and all who have imitated their
for themselves, and glory for
oppression, have merely procured infamy
their victims." (Ghwrch and Brodribb.)

" Sola virtus

praestat gaudium perpetuum."
SENECA. Epistolae, XXTTZ, 3 +

" Virtue alone affords us a continual

"Solem enim e mundo tollere videntur qui amicitiam e vita tolhmt.*'
Amicitia> XIII., 4=7.
" life of friendship is like robbing the world of the sun."
" Solent mendaces luere malefic!.'

PHAEDRUS, Fables^ I., 17, 1.
"The liar -will pay the penalty of crime."
Soles occidere et redire possunt :
Nobis, cum semel occidit brevis lux,
Nox est perpetua una doraienda." CATXJLLUS. Carmiwa, F,, 4,
" The sun but it
may set, will rise again :
But when the brief light of our day has paled
Nought waits us but a night of endless sleep."
Solum ut inter ista certum sit nihil esse certi"
PUNY THE ELDER. Natural History, II., 5.
( '
In these matters the only certainty is that there is nothing certain."
Solve senescentem mature sanus eqtuim, ne
Peccet ad extremum ridendus, et ilia ducat."
HOEACIB. Epistolae, t l t 8.
Give rest in time to that old horse, for fear
At last he founder 'mid the general jeer." (Conington.)
" Solventur risu tabulae
; tu missus abibis."
HOBACK. Satires, II., 1, 86.
Oh, then a laugh will cut the matter short ;
The case breaks down, defendant leaves the court." (Gonington.)
Somne, quies rerum, placidissime somne deorum,

Pax aniini, quern cura fugit, qm corda diurnia

Fessa ministeriis mulces, reparasque labori ! "
Ovir>. Metamorphoses^ XL t 623.
"Sleep, nature's rest, divine tranquillity,
That bringest peace to the mind and chasest far
All care ; that sooth'st our breasts by daily toil
O'er-wearied, and prepar'st for labour new."
Somnia Pythagorea," HOBACE. E$istolae II,, 1, 52.
Pythagorean dreams.**
"Sonmus agre&tium
Lenis virorum non immileB domos
Fastidit umbrosamque ripam,
Non Zephyris agitata Temped HOEACB, Odes, III,, 1, 21,
Sleep knows no pride ;
It scorns not cots of village hinds,
N"or shadow-trembling riverside,
Nor Tempe, stirred by western wmds," (G0mtt0tfo^)
Spaigere voces
In volgum amMguas." VIEGIL, Mnti&, II., 98.
" With
chance-dropped words the people fired." (Conington.}
Spectatum veniunt, veniunt speotentur mfc ipsae."
OVID. De Arte Amtmdi, X, 99.
u The ladies come to see and to be seen."

Sperat infestis, metuit seoundis
Alteram sortem bene praeparatum
Pectus," HOBACB. Odes, II. 1 10, 13.
In sadness hope, in gladness fear
'Gainst coming change will fortify
Your breast." (Comngton.)

"Spes addita suscitat iras."

YIRO-IL. MnM y X., 263.
Hope nerves their drooping hands," (Conington.)
Spiritualis enim virtus Sacranienti ita est ut lux ; et ab illuminandis
pura excipitur, et, si pura immundos transeat, non mquinatur."
ST. AUGUSTINE. In Johannis Evangelium, Traotatus F.,
Gap. Z, 15.
The Sacrament is like xinto light it is received
spiritual virtue of the ;

pure by those who are to be illuminated by it, and though it pass

through the unclean it is not thereby defiled."
Spissis indigna theatris
Scripta pudet reoitare, et nugis addere pondus."
HOBACE. JEpistolae, I., 19, 41.
"Large audiences require
Some heavier metal than my thin-drawn wire." (Gonington.)
Spreta in tempore gloria interdum oumulatior redit"
LIVY. Histories, JZ, 47;
"Fame opportunely despised often comes back redoubled.'

"Stat magni nominis umbra." LUCAN* Pharsalia, Z, 135.

" Remains the shadow of a
mighty name."
"Stat nulla diu mortalibus usquam
Fortuna titubante, fides." SILIUS ITALICUS. Punica, XL, 3.

"Not long man's faith endures when fortune's tottering."

" Stat sua breve et inreparabile tompus
cuique dies ;

Omnibus est vitae sed famam extendere factis,


Hoc virtutis opus." YIEGIL. JSneid, X, 4=67.

" Each has his destined time ; a
Is all the heritage of man :
'Tis virtue's part by deeds of praise
To lengthen fame through after days." (Gonington.)
M Status enim maxime
reipublicae judicatis rebus continetur."
CrcEBO. Pro Sulla, XXIL, 63.
"The solidity of a state is very largely bound up in its judicial decisions."

" Stemmata
quid faoiunt ? quid prodest, Pontioe, longo
Sanguine censeri, pictos ostendere vultus
Majorum ? JUVENAL, Satires, FIIZ, 1.
" Your ancient house
{ '
No more. I cannot see

The wondrous merits of a pedigree :

No, Ponticus ; nor of a proud display

Of smoky ancestors in wax or clay (Gifford.} !
Strangulat inclusus dolor atque exaestuat intus,
Cogitur et vires multiplicare suas." OVID, Tristia, F., 1, 63.
"A secret sorrow chokes us ;
in our breasts
It surges, adding ever to its strength.'
" Strenua nos exercet inertia navibus
atque ;

Quadrigis petimus bene vivere." HORACE. Epistolae, I., 11, 28.

"What active inactivity is this,
To go in ships and cars to search for bliss ?
" Strait insidias femina plorat."
lacrimis, quum
DIONYSIUS CATO. Disticha de Moribus t III., 20.
"When a woman weeps her tears are snares."
" Studium
puerile fatiscit,
Laeta nisi austeris varientur festa profestis,"
AXJSONIITS. IdylUa, IV., 10.
"The energies of youth will droop, unless
School-days by holidays are sometimes varied."
Stulta est dementia, cum tot ubique
Yatibus ocourras, periturae parcere chartae."
JUVENAL. Satires, L t 17.
Since we meet
Such swarms of desperate bards in every street,
'Tis vicious clemency to spare the oil,
And hapless paper they are sure to spoil." (Gi/ord.)
" Sttdtitia
est, pater, venatum ducere invitas canes.
Hostis est uxor, invita quae ad virum nuptum datur."
PI/AUTUS. Sticky Act I., #c. I/.,
u 'Tis
folly, sir, to lead dogs to the chase
Against their will. That wife's an enemy
Who's wedded to her husband 'gainst her liking."
(Bonnett Thornton,)
"Stultitiam simulare loco prudentia summa est."
DIONYSIUB CATO. Disticha de Moribus, II., 18.
'"Tis sometimes the height of wisdom to feign
" Stultorum
incurata pudor malus ulcera celat."
HOEACE. Epistolae, I,, 16, 24.
"Oh, 'tis a false, false shame that would conceal
From doctors* eyes the sores "
it cannot heal !
" Stultum
consilium non modo effectu caret,
Sed ad perniciem qiaoque mortales devocat."
PHABDETTS. Fables, I., 20, 1.
"Not only no result will foolish counsels show
But to disaster oft they doom mankind."
" Stultum
est timere quod vitare non
potes." PUBI/ILIUS SYBUS, 752,
" 'Tis
fooljsh to fear what vou cannot avoi4,"

Stultum faoit fortuna quern vult perdere/' PUBLILIUS SYEUS, 479.
* c
Fortune makes him a fool whom she desires to ruin."
" Ita se res liabet ut
plerumque fortunam mutaturus deus con-
silia corrumpat/'
VELLEIUS PATERCULTJS. Historia Romano,, II., 118.
" It is a fact that, when God would change the course of a man's
fortune, He vitiates his judgment."
Quern deus vult perdere, prius dementat/'
" Whom God will ruin He first senses."
deprives of his
Stultus es, qui facta infecfea facere verbis posfcules."
PLAUTUS. TrucuUntus, Act IV, Sc. II, 17. , -(Astaphium,')
" Indeed
you are
A simpleton, who would with words undo
What is already done/' (jBoTineK Thornton.)

" Sfcultus
uterque locum immeritum causatur inio^ue ;

In culpa est animus, qui se non effugit unquam."

HORACE. Epistolae, L, 14, 12.
" Each blames the
place he lives in. biit the mind

Is most in fault, which ne'er leaves self behind/' (Oonington.}

" Sua cuique exorsa laborem
Fortunamq.ue ferent." ViBGin. j32neidt X., 111.
"Bach warrior from his own good
Shall reap the fruit of toil or chance." (Oonington.)

"Sua quisque exempla debet aequo animo pati."

PHAEDBUS. Fables, J., 26, 12.
" We should bear each his own punishments with equanimity."
" retinere privatae domus, de alienis certare regiam laudem esse."
TACITUS. Annals, XV., 1.
" the glory of a private house to keep its own, it is the glory
it is
of a king to fight for the possessions of others."
(Chwrch and jBrodribb.)
" Suave est ex tollere acervo/* HORACE. L, 51.
magno Satires, 1,

"There's a pleasure, spite of all you say,

Iix a large heap from which to take away/' (Oonington.)

Suave, mari magno turbantibas aequora ventis,
E terra magnum alterius spectare laborem ;

Non quia vexari quemquam 'st jucunda voluptas, 1

Sed quibus ipse malis careas quia cernere suave 'st/
LUCEBTIUS. De Rerum Natura, IIn 1.

"When that the mighty sea's by tempest lashed

To from land to gaze
fury, sweet it is
On one who's fiercely battling with the waves ;
Not that another's peril gives us joy,
But that 'tis sweet when we are free from woes
Which others suffer,"
" Sumifce materiam vestris,
qui scribitis aequam
Viribus, et versate diu, quid ferre recusent,
Quid valeant hiimeri. Cui lecta patenter erit res,
Nee facundia deseret mmc
nee lucidus ordo."
HOBACE. De Arte Poetica, 88.
" Good authors, take a brother bard's advice :

Ponder your subject o'er not once nor twice,

And oft and oft consider if the weight
You hope to lift be or be not too great.
Let but our theme be equal to our powers,
Choice language, clear arrangement both are ours.'*
" Summa Perflant altissima venti.
petit livor.
Summa pettmt dextra fulmina xnissa Jo vis."
OVID. Remedia Amoris, 369.
Envy attacks the noblest. Stronger blow
The winds upon the heights the hand of Jove;

Upon the mountain tops his thunder hurls."

" Summum crede nefas animam praeferre pndori,
Et propter vitam, vivendi perdere causas.'*
JuYEiar,, Satires, VIIL, 83.
" Think it a crime no tears can e'er efface
To purchase safety with compliance base,
At honour's cost a feverish span extend,
And sacrifice for life life's only end." (Gfiford.)
" Sumnmm neo metuas diem, nee optes. n
MABTUL. Epigrams X, , 47, 13.
"Nor fear nor yet desire thy last day."
" Stint
bona, sunt quaedam mediooria, stuit mala plura,
Quae legis Me ; alter non fife, Avite, liber."
MABTIAL. Epigrams, I., 16 (17), 1.
" Here will you read some few good things, while some
Are mediocre, most are bad : 'tis thus
That every book's compiled."
" Sunt et belli sicufe LIVY.
pacis jura." Histories, F., 27.
"The same laws hold good for peace as for war."
" Sunt
gemmae Somni portae, quarum altera f ertur
Cornea, qua veris facilis datur exitus Umbris ;

Altera candenti perfecta nitens elephanto,

Sed falsa ad ooelum mittunt insomnia Manes."
VIBGIL. ^Eneid, FI., 893.
Sleep gives his name to portals twain :
One all of horn they say,
Through which authentic spectres gain
Quick exit into day,
And one which bright with ivory gleams,
Whence Pluto sends delusive dreams." (Oonington.)
"Sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt."
VIBGIB. MnM, L t 462.
"E'en here the tear of pity springs,
And hearts are touched by numan things." (Oonington.)

"Sunt mini intus nescio quot nummi aurei lymphatici."

PLAUTUS. Poewukts, Act L, Sc. II., l3%.(Agorastocles.)
" I have locked I don't know how much money mad to break loose.
3 '

Sunt quos scio esse amicos sunt quos suspioor
; ;

Sunt quorum ingenia atque animos non possum nosoere,

Ad amici partem, an ad inimici perveniant."
PLAUTUS, Trinuwmus, Act L, Sc. II., 54. (Callicles*)
" There
are, I know are friends there are, I think so
; ;

There are, whose dispositions and whose minds

I cannot know, or whether to enrol them
Among my friends or foes."- (JBonnell Thornton.)
Sno sibihuno gladio jugulo."
TEBKNCE. AdelpU, Act V., Sc. 7III., 35. (Demea.)
" I foil him with his own
weapons," (George Qolman.)
" tamen venire poenas."
BOH leves
SuperMae crudelitatique, etsi seras
LIVY. Histories, III,, 56.
" The
punishment of pride and cruelty will be heavy though it may be
long in coming."
Superstitiones paene amles."
CICEKO. Le Natura, Deorum, II., 28, 70.
"Almost old wives' superstitions."
Sus Minervam." CICEBO. Ad Familiares, IZ., 18, 3.
Academica, I., 5.
" To
compare a sow to Minerva."
Suspectum semper invisumque dominantibus qui proximus destinare-
tur.' TACITUS, History, I., 21.
"Bulers always suspect and hate the man who has been named for the
succession. "(Church and JSrodribb.)
Suum cuique." OiCEKa. Tusculanae Disputationes, F., 22.
" To Ms own,"
every one
"Suum ouique decus posteritas rependit."
TACITUS. Annals, IK, 35.
" To
every man posterity gives his due honour." ((Jlvwrch and Brodritib.)
Suum cuique incommodum ferendum esfc, potius quam de alterius
commodis detrahendum*" CICEKO. De Qfficiis, III., 6, 30.
"It is the duty of each man to bear his own discomforts, rather than
diminish the comforts of his neighbour."

"Suum quisque igitur nosoat ingenium, acremque se et bonorum et

vitiorum suorum judicem praebeat; lie scenici plus quam nos
videantur habere prudentiae."
CICEEO. De Offitois, Z, 31, 114.
"Every man should study his own character, and constitute himself a
keen judge of his own merits and demerits else it will be said that

the dramatists have more insight than we,*'

Tacent, satis laudant."
TBBENOE. Eimuchus, Act III., Sc. II., 23.
"Their silence is sufficient praise,"
" Tacita bona 'st mulier semper quam loquens."
PLATJTUS. Rudens, Act IF., Sc. IF,, 70. (Traehalw.)
"It more becomes
A woman to be silent than to talk," (Bonnell Thornton.)
Tacitae magis et occultae inimicitiae timendae sunt quam indictae
atque aperfeae." CICEBO. In Verrem, II., 5, 71, 182.
" There is more to be feared from
unspoken and concealed, than from open
and declared hostility."
" Taciturn vivit sub
peotore vulnus." VIBGIL. JElneid IF., 67.

"The pain lurks uncomplaining in her breast."

Tacitumque a principe vulgus
Dissidet, et (qui mos populis) venturus amatur."
STATIUS. Thebais, I., 169.
The mob in silence leaves their prince's side,
And to the coming ruler gives its love,
As is with mobs the custom."
Talibus ex adito dictis Cumaea Sibylla
Horrendas canit ambages antroque remugit,
Obscuris vera involvens." VIEGIL. JEneidt VL, 98.
" Such doom
presages of divine
Shrills forth the priesteSvS from her shrine,
And wraps her truth in mystery round,
While all the cave returns the sound."
" Talis
hominibus oratio qualis vita."
f uit
SENECA. Epistolae, CXIV^ 1. (Greek Proverb.)
"As was his language so was his life."

" Tarn bonus "

gladiator rudem tam cito accepisti ?
CIOEBO. PUlippica> JZ, 29, 74.
"Has so great a swordsman so early accepted the wooden foil?"
"Tam deest avaro quod habet quam quod non iiabet."
" The miser is as much without what he has as what he has not."
" Tam facile et
pronum est superos contemnere testes,
Si mortalis idem nemo sciat." JUVENAL. Satires, XTJI., 75.
" So
prompt is man to scorn the witness of the gods,
If mortal knowledge it transcends."

"Tam ficti pravique teuax, quam nuntia veri."

" How
VIEGIL. MnM, IF., 188.
oft soe'er the truth she tell,
She loves a falsehood all too well."
"Tam malorum quam bonorum longa conversatio amorem induit."
SENECA, DC Tranquilhtate Aniani, Z, 3.
long intimacy with either good or bad men will assume the appear-
anoe of affection/'

Tamdiu discendum est qnamdiu nescias: si proverbio credimus

'quamdiu vivis V SENECA. Epistolae, I/XXFJ., 3.
" We must we if we believe the
go on learning as long as are ignorant ; or,
proverb, as long as we live."

Tanquam bona valetudo jucundior est eis, qui e gravi morbo recreati,
quam qui nunquam aegro corpore fuerunt; sic haeo omnia
desiderata magis quam assidue percepta deleotaut."
CICERO. Ad Quirifes, I., 4,
"Just as health is more delightful to those who have recovered from a
severe illness than to those who have never been ill, so we take more
pleasure in what we have long wanted than in what we are constantly
Tanta malorum impendet 'l

CICERO. Ad Atticum Fill,, 11, 3*

"We are threatened with a whole Iliad of misfortunes."

Tantae molis erat Bomanam oondere gentem."
VIRGIL. JEneid, Z, 33.
" So vast the labour to create
The fabric of the Roman state." (
Gon ington.)
" Tantaene animis coelestibus irae "
? VIRGIL. 2Eneid, L t 11.
"Can heavenly natures nourish hate
So fierce, so blindly passionate?" (Conington.)
" Tanti tibi
non sunt opaci
Omnis arena Tagi, quodque in mare volvitur aurum,
Ut somno careas." JUVENAL. Satires, IIZ, 5J-.
" But let not all the wealth which Tagus pours
In Ocean's lap, not all his glittering stores,
Be deemed a bribe sufficient to requite
The loss of peace by day, of sleep by night." (Giford.)
" Tanto
major famae sitis est <iuam
Virtutis !
Quis enim virtutem amplectitur ipsam
Praemia tollas?
si JUVENAL. Satvre$> -X,, 140f
" So much the
raging thirst of fame exceeds
The generous warmth which prompts to worthy deeds,
That none confess fair Virtue's genuine power,
Or woo her to their breast, without a dower." (Giford.)
Tanto proclivms est injuriae quam beneficio vicem exsolvere, qtua
gratia oneri, ultio in quaestu habetur."
TACITUS. History, IF., 3.
" So much easier is it to
requite an injury than an obligation, Gratitude
is felt to be burdensome, while there is a profit in revenge."

(Ohurch, and Brodribb.)

"Tantum nimirum ex publicis malis senthnus, quantum ad privafeas
res pertinet : nee in iis quicquam acrius quam pecuniae damn um
stimulat," Livy. Histories, XXX, 44.
"We feel public misfortunes just so far as they affect our private circum-
stances, and nothing of this nature appeals more directly to us than
the loss of money,"
Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum !

LXJCEETIUS. De Herum Natura, I., 95,

" How "
many crimes have in religion's name been wrought !

" Tantum series

juncturaque pollet,
Tantum de medio sumptis accedit honoris.'*
HOBACE. De Arte Poetica, 242.
"So much may order and arrangement do
To make the cheap seem choice, the threadbare new."
" Tantus amor
laudum, tantae est victoria curae,"
ViBcra,. Georgics, III., 112.
"So great our love of praise, so high the value of success."
Tarde, quae oredita laedunt,
Credimus." OVID. Heroides, IZ, 9,

"Where belief is painful we are slow to believe."

" Te enim dicere

audiebamus, nos omnes adversaries putare, nisi qui
nobiscum essent te omnes qui contra te non essent tuos."

CICBRO. Pro Ligario, XL, 33.

"We heard you say that we reckon as adversaries all those who are not
with us, while you count as friends all those who are not against you."
" Te
sine, vae misero ! miM lilia nigra videntur,
Pallentesque rosae, nee dulce rubens hyacinthus,"
CA.LPUBNIUS. Eckgues, IZ., 44.
"Woe's me, when thou'rt not by the lily ; fair
Seems black to me, pale is the rose's hue,
The hyacinth's blushes fade."
Te tribus verbis volo,"
PLATJTTJS. Trinummm, Act 17,, Sc* IZ, 121. (Charmides.)
"Three words with you."
"Temeritaa est damnare quod nesoias."
SBNBCA. EpistoloG, XCL, 21.
" It is rash to condemn
where you are ignorant,"
Temeritas eat videlicet florentis aetatis, prudentia senesoentis."
GICJSEO, De Senectute> 71., 20.
"Rashness ia characteristic of youth, prudence of maturity."
Tempoia certe
Yirtutem non prima negant, non ultima donant."
JOSEPHUS ISCANUS. De Bello 2Vq/ano, Z, 20.
" Virtue in earliest
times was not refused,
Nor granted only in a later age."
Tempore ducetur longo fortasse cicatrix.
Horrent admotas vulnera cruda manus."
OVID. Epistolae ex Panto, Z, 3, 15.
" In time a scar will mark where now's the wound ;

When the hurt's new we shrink from every touch/


Temporibus mores sapiens sine crimine mutat."
DIONYSIUS CATO. Disticha de Moribw, Z, 7.

" The wise man does no

wrong in changing his habits with the times."
Temporis ars medicina fere est. Data tempore prosunt,
Et data non apto tempore vina nocent."
OVID. Remedia Amoris, 131.
" The art of medicine in the season lies ;

Wme given in season oft will benefit,

Which out of season injures."
Tempus edax rerum tuque, invidiosa vetustas,
Omnia destruitis, vitiataque dentibus aevi
Paulatim lenta consumitis omnia morte,"
OVID. Metamorphoses, XV., 234.
" Thou
all-devouring time, thou envious age,
Nought can escape thee, and by slow degrees,
Worn by thy teeth, all things will lingering die."
Tenet insanabile multos
Scribendi oacoethes." JUVENAL. Satires, VII., 51.
"The insatiate itch of scribbling, hateful pest,
Creeps, like a titter, through the human breast ;
Nor knows, nor hopes a cure." (Cfiffurd.)

" Tentanda via est

qua me quoque possim
Tollere humo victorque virum volitare per ora."
VIHGIL. Georgics, IIZ, 8.
I must attempt the path
Whereby I may aspire to leave the earth,
And soar a victor in the mouths of men."

Tenuisque recessit in auras." VIRGIL, Mneid, II., 791.
" She melted into thin air."

" Ter sunt conati

imponere Pelio Ossam,
Scilicet atque Ossae frondosum involvere Olympum."
VIRGIL. Georgics, Z, 281.
"Ossa on Pelion thrice they strive to pile,
And upon Ossa leafy Olympus roll."
"Pelion irnposuisse Olympo." HOBACB. Odes, IIZ, 4, 52.
" To
pile Pelion on Olympus.*'
" Tertius e coelo cecidit Gato." Ju VENAE. Satires, IZ, 4.0.
" Lo a third
Cato, sent thee from the skies." (Gi/ord>)
Teterrima belli
Causa." HOBACE. Satires, Z, 3, 107.
" Most shameful cause of war."

"Tetigisti acu." PLAUTUS. Rudens, Act F., Sc. IZ, 19. (Lalrax.)
"You have touched it with the needle's point."
" You have hit the
(i.e., right nail on the head".)

"Tiberium acerbis facefciis irridere solitus, guarum apud praepoterites

in longum memoria eat. TACITUS. Annals, V., 2.
"He used to ridicule Tiberius with those bitter jests which the powerful
remember so long." (Church and Mrodribb.)

** "
Tibi serviat ultima Thule J VIRGIL. Georgics, L, 30.
" "
May furthest Thule own thy sway !

"Timeo Danaos efc dona ferentis." VIEGIL. MnM, IL, 49,

"The Greeks I fear, and most when gifts they bring."
Timidus vocat se cautum, avarus parcuin." PtiBMLiua SYEUS, 487.
"The coward calls himself cautious ; the miser, frugal."

" Timor et minae

Scandunt eodem quo dominus ; neque
Decedit aerata triremi, et
Post equitern sedet atra cura." HOEACB. Odes, JIT., 1, 37.
"Fierce alarm
Can clamber to the master's side :
Black cares can up the galley swarm,
And close belrr*d the horseman ride." (Qonington.)
Tityre, tu patulae recubans sub fcegraine fagi
Silvestrem tenui Musam meditaris avena ;

Nos paferiae finis et dulcia linquimus arva :

Nos patriam fugimus." VIRCJIL. Eclogues, I., 1.

Thou, Tityrus, beneath the beech-tree's shade,
"With thy shrill pipe dost woo the sylvan Muse ;
"Us ours, alas, to leave these pleasant fields,
To flee the boundaries of our native land."
" Tolle moras iiocuit diff erre paratis."
; semper
LUCAN. Pharsalia, I., 281.
"Hence all delay !

Postponement always harms when all's prepared."

" Tolle
Jam vaga prosiliet frenis natura remofcis."
HOBACB. Satires, II., 7, 73.
" Take
away the danger, in a trice
Nature unbridled plunges into vice." (Conington.)
" Tolle tuas
artes, hodie cenabis apud me,
Hac lege ut narres nil, Philomuse, novi."
MARTIAL. Epigrams IX, , 36, 11,
"Lay then thine arts aside this day thou'lt sup with me

On this condition, that thou'lt tell me nothing new."

"Tollens vacuum plus nimio gloria verticeni."
HORACE. Odes, Z, 18, 15.
Vainglory towering upwards in its empty-headed scorn." -(Coninyton, )

"Tolhmtur in altum
Ut lapsu graviore ruant." CLAUDIANUS. In Rufinivm, L, 22,
" Men are raised on
high that they may fall more heavily."

Tori ens dicendi copia multis
Et sua mortifera est facundia." JUVENAL. Satires, X, 9,
"A full and rapid flow
Of eloquence lays many a speaker low," (Gifford.)
(Proverbiura jaotatur) Totidem hostes esse quot servos."
SENECA. Epistolae, XLVIL, 5.
" So
many slaves, so many enemies, says the proverb."

"Totius autem injustitiae nulla capitalior quam eorum, qui turn, quum
maxime fallunt, id agunt, ut viri boni esse videantur."
OICBEO. De Officiis, I,, 13, 41.
" No is more than that of those when are most
iniquity deadly who, they
at fault, so behave as to seem men of integrity."

"Totum muneris hoc tui est,

Quod monstror digito praetereuntiuin
Bomanae fidicen lyrae ;

Quod spiro et placeo (si placeo) tuum est."

HOBACE. Odes, 17., 3, 21
"Oh, 'tis all of thy dear grace
That every finger points me out in going
Lyrist of the Roman race ; "
Breath, power to charm, ii mine, are thy bestowing !
sua quemque vohiptas." VIRGIL. Eclogues, II,, 65.
"Each man is by his special pleasure led."

"Tranquillas etiam naufragus horret aquas."

OVID. Epistolae ex Ponto, II., 7, 8.

"The man who has suffered shipwreck shudders even at a calm sea."

"(Neratius Priscus) Tres facere existimat collegium."

MABCELLUS, (Corpus Juris Civilis Eomani, Digesta, Lib. L, t

Tit. XVI., 87.)

" Neratius Priscus that three a
thought constituted corporation."

Tritissima quaeque via et celeberriina maxime deoipit."

SENECA. De Vita Beata, I., 2.
" Wemost often go astray on a well-trodden and much frequented road. 11
(Casus multis hie cognitus, et jam)
Tritus et e raedio Fortunae ductus acervo."
JUVENAL. Satires, XIII., 10,
" The case to many's known and quite familiar,
Brawn from the very midst of Fortune's heap."
*Tros Tyriusve mihi nullo disorimine agetur."
VIRGUL^ ^Eneid, I., 674,
"No difference I'll make 'twixt Tyrian and Trojan."
Truditur dies die,

Novaeque pergunt infcerire lunae.' HOBAOB. Odes, II., 18, 15.

" Thus the
day drives out the day,
And on the waxing steals the waning moon."
Tu lene tormentum ingenio admoves
Plerumque duro." HORACE. Odes, III,, 21, 13,

"Tough wits to yoiirJ? mild torture yield

Their treasures. (Gonington.)
Tu ne quaesieris, scire nefas, quern mihi, quern
Fmem di dederint, Leuconoe ;
nee Babylonios
Tentaris numeros. Ut melius, quicquid erit, pati 1

HORACE. Odes, I., 11, 1.

" Ask not what our destined term of years,
('tis forbidden knowledge)
Mine and yours nor scan the tables of your Babylonish seers.

Better far to bear the future, my Leueonoe, like the past." (Conington.)
" Tu ne cede
malis, sed contra audentior ito

Quam tua te Fortuna sinet." VIRGIL. J&neid, 71., 95.

"Yet still despond not, but proceed
Along the path where fate may lead." (Coning ton.)

"Tu nihil invita dices faciesve Minerva.'*

HORACE. De Arte Poetica, 385,
" You will not fly in Queen Minerva's face
In action or in word." (Conington.)

"Tu omnia cum amico delibera, sed de ipso prius. Post amicitiam
credendum est, ante amicitiam judicandum,"
SENECA. JEpistolae, III., 2.
" Deliberate on
every subject with your Mend, but first deliberate about
your friend himself. Confidence follows friendship, judgment must
precede it."

Tu, pro tua sapientia, debebis optare optima, cogitare clifficillinaa,


ferre quaecunqne erunt," CICKRO. Ad Familiares, IX., 17, 3.

"You, with your wisdom, should aspire to what is noblest, meditate on
what is moat obscure, and welcome whatever the Fates allot you."
Tu quos ad studiimi atque usum formabis agrestem,
Jam vitulos hortare, viamque insiste domandi,
Bum faciles animi juvenum, dum mobilis aetas."
VIRGIL. Georgics, III., 163,
ye that take
Pleasure and pains agrarian teams to break.
Whilst they are young and docile let them know
, To bear the yoke, the task to undergo ! (/. J5, Rose.)

Tu vero felix, Agricola, non vitae tantum claritate, sed etiam oppor-
tunitate mortis." TACITUS. Agricola, 7. XL
"Fortunate wert thou, Agricola, not only in the brilliancy of thy life, but
also in the opportunity of thy death."

(Nam) Tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet,
Et neglecta solent incendia sumere vires."
HORACE. Myistolae, I., 18, 84.
" No time for sleeping with a fire next door ;
Neglect such: things, they only blaze the more." (Conington,)
" Tun' id
dicere audes, quod nemo unquam homo antehac
nee potest fieri, tempore uno
Homo idem duobus locis ut simul sit ? "
PLAUTUS. Amphitryo, II., 1, 16. (AmpJiitryo.)
" Dare
you affirm what man yet never saw ?
What never can be 1 that the self-same person
Should at one time be in two different places ?
(Bonnell Thornton.)
" Tun' trium
litteraruin homo
Me ? Fur etiam fur trifurcifer
vituperas ! 1 1

PLAUTUS. Aulularia, Act IL, Sc. IV., 46. (Anthrax.)

" Darest thou abuse
me, thou three-letter man ?
Thou thief thou double thief thou thief of thieves "
! ! !

" Tunica
propior pallio est."
PI/AUTUS. Trinummus, Act V., Sc. II,, 30. (Lmiteles.)
"My coat,
Dear sir, is nearer to me than my cloak."
(Bonnell Thornton,)
"Tuo tibi judicio est utendum: tibi si recta probanti placebis, turn non
modo tete viceris, . . sed. omnes omnia."
OICBEO. Tusculanae Disputationes, II., 25.
"You must use your own judgment on
yourself : if, when you are testing
what is right, you succeed in pleasing yourself, then you have overcome
not yourself only, but all men and all things."

"Turpe est aliud loqui, aliud sen tire; quanto turpius aliud scribere,
aliud sentire." SENECA. Epistolae, XXIV*, 19.
"It is disgraceful to say one thing and think another; how much more
disgraceful to write one thing and think another 1
"Turpe est diffioiles habere nugas,
Et stultus labor est ineptiarum."
MARTIAL. Epigrams IZ, , 86, 9,
"Disgraceful 'tis to treat small things as difficult ;

'Tis silly to waste time on foolish trifles."

" est odisse quern laudes." SENECA. De

Turpe Ira, IIZ, 29, 1.
" It is
disgraceful to hate him whom you praise."

"Turpe, reos empta miseros defendere lingua."

OVID. Amores, Z, 10, 39.
"'Tis base to plead the unhappy prisoner's cause
With eloquence that's bought."
"Turpis amor surdis auribus esse solet."
PBOPBETIUS. Elegies, III., 7, 36 (II. , 16, 36).
" Love that's is deaf."
dishonouring always

"Turpis autem fuga mortis omni est morte pejor."

CICERO. PMUppica, VIIL, 10, 29.
" Dishonourable from death is worse than any death."

"Honesta mors turpi vita potior, et incolumitas ac

eodem loco sita sunt. 1

Bather death with honour than life with disgrace; safety and
dignity are never separated."


Turpis et ridicnla res est elementarius senex; juveni parandum, sen

utendum est." SENECA. Epistolae, XXXVI. ,
"A shame and a mockery is an old man in his rudiments ; youth is th
time for preparation, old age for utilisation."
Turpissimum genus damni est inconsulta donatio,"
SENECA. De Beneficiis, 17., 10, 3.
"No kind of loss is more disgraceful than that which arises from indis-
criminate charity."

*Turpius esse dicebat Favomms philosophus exigue atque Mgide
laudari, quam insectanter et graviter vituperari."
AULXJS G-ELLIUS. Nodes Atticae, XIX., 3, 1.
Favorinus, the philosopher, used to say that faint and half-hearted praise
was more dishonouring than loud and persistent abuse."
" Tuta est
hominum tenuitas ;

Magnae periolo sunt opes obnoxiae."

Fables, IX, 7, 13.
" The
insignificant may safety find ; " 1

Great wealth to danger ever is exposed.

Tuta petant alii. Fortuna miserrima tuta est ;

Nam timor eventus deterioris abest,"

OVID. JSpistolae ex Ponto, II. , 2, 31.
Safety let others seek. Nought's safer than misfortune,
Where there's no fear of greater ill to corne."

"Tute hoc intristi ; tibi omne est exedendum,"

TEBENCE. Phormio, Act JZ, Sc. II, 4. (Phormio.)
" You've
baked this cake ;
E'en eat it for your pains,"- (George Oolman.)

(Nam) Ubi amor condimentum inerit, cuiyis plaoiturum credo


Negus salsum, negue suave esse potest quido^iam ubi amor non
Fel guod amarum est, id mel faciet hominem ex tristi, lepidum ; et
lenem." PLAUTUS. Caswa, Act IT., Sc. III., 5. (Statino.)
" The sauce that has
the seasoning of love
Must please all palates. And without a mixfctire,
A little dash of love, no sauce will have
A relish, nor taste sweet upon the palate.
Love changes to honey, sweet to bitter
Clears up the gloom, and
renders straight the man;
Agreeable and pleasant." (Bonnett Thornton.)
" est verbmn,
(Yerum quod memoratur,) ubi amioi ibidem opus,"
PLAUTUS. Truculent, Act IT7 Sc. IV.,

"The proverb's true 'Best Mends are sometimes troublesome'."

(Eonnell Thornton.)
" Ubi "
est autem dignitas, nisi ubi honestas ?
CICEKO. Ad Atticmn, FIT., 11, 1.
u Where we
shall find dignity without honesty f '

"Ubi idem et maximus et honesfcissimus amor est;, aliquanfeo praestat

morte jungi quam vita distrahi."
VALEBIUS MAXIMUS. IF, 4, 3, <(De Amore Conjugali.)
" "When love at once very fervent
is and very pure, it is better to be united
in death than parted in life."

Ubi malos praemia sequuntur, hand facile quisquam gratuito bonus
esfc." SALLUST. History, Bk. L (Fragment.)
When the prizes fall to the lot of the wicked, you will not find many who
are virtuous for virtue's sake,"

Ubi nihil erife
quod scribas id ipsum scribito."
GICEBO. Ad Atticum, IF, 8, 4.
" Even and say
if you have nothing to write, write so."

Ubi non est pudor,
Nee oura juris, sanctitas, pietas, fides,
Instabile regnum est." SENECA. TJiyestes, 215. (Satellites.)
"Where modesty is not, respect for law,
Nor faith, nor holiness, nor piety,
Unstable is the kingdom."

"Ubi uber, ibi tuber." APULMUS. Florida, IF, 18.

" Where the soil's rich, there you'll find the fungus."

"Ubi vinoi necesse est, expetifc cedere,"

QUINTILIAN. De InstihitioTW Oratorio,, FT., 4, 16.
c '
When we cannot hope to win, it is an advantage to yield."

Voluptatem aegritmdo vincat, quid ibi inest amoeni?
PLAUTUS. Mercator, Act IT., Sc. III., 23. (Charinus.)
" What in that whose exceeds the
joy's ? pain pleasure
(JBonnett Thornton.)

Ubicumque homo
est, ibi beneficii locus est."
SEHECA. De Vita Beata, XXIF, 3.
Wheresoever man is, there is an opportunity of doing good."
Udum et molle lutum es, nuno nunc properandus et acri
Mngendus sine fine rota." PEBSIUS. Satires, III., 23.
But you yet are moist and yielding clay :

Call for some plastic hand without delay ;

Nor cease the labour, till the wheel produce

A vessel nicely formed and fit for use." (Qifford.)
" Ultima semper
Exspectanda dies homini, dieique beatus
Ante obitum nemo supremaque funera debet."
OVID. Metamorphoses, III., 135.
"For the last day
Each man must wait. None can we happy call,
Until his corpse is laid within the tomb."
"Ultimum malorum e vivorum numero esire, antequam mpriaris."
SENECA. De Tranqmlhtate Animi, V., 5.
" There is no more dire misfortune than to quit the ranks of the living
before you are dead."
"Ultimus ille dies bello gentique fuisset."
VIKGIL. jfflneid, IZ, 759.
" The nation and the war that
Alike to end had brought (Conington.)

" Una de
multis, face nuptiali
Digna, perjurum fuit in parentem
Splendide mendax, et in omne virgo
Nobilis aevum." HORACE. Odes, III., 11, 33.
"One only, true to Hymen's flame,
Was traitress to her sire forsworn :

That splendid falsehood lights her name

Through times unborn/' (Oonington.}
"Una manu latam viam faciet."
SENECA. De Providentia, II, 10. (Cato on Suicide.)
" With one hand he will make for himself a broad
path to freedom."
" Una salus ntdlam sperare salutem."
VIKGIL. JEneid, II, 354.
" No
safety may the vanquished find
Till hope of safety be resigned." (Conington.)
"Una virtus est, consentiens cum ratione et perpetua oonstantia.
Nihil huio addi potest, quo magis virtus sit; nihil demi, ut
virtutis nomen relinquatur." OICEBO. Paradoxa, III., 22.
"There is but one virtue, which is in consonance with reason and inflexible
rectitude. Nothing can be added to this which will increase its claim
to the title of virtue : nothing can be subtracted if that title is to

"Unde igitur ordiri rectius possumus quam a communi parente

natura? quae quicquid genuit, ... in suo quidque genere
perfectum esse voluit."
CICEBO. Twculanae Disputationes, F., 13, 37.
"How then can we be more ordered than by our common mother
Nature, whose aim has" been that whatsoever she produced should be
perfect after its kind ?

" Uni
aequus yirtuti atque ejus amicis."
HOBACE. Satires, II., 1, 70.
" Kind but to worth and to the friends of worth.
"Unica belli
Praemia civilis, victis donate salutem,
Perdidimus." LUCAN. PharsaMa, IX, 1065.
"The only guerdon have we lost of civil war,
In that we cannot to the conquered safety bring."

"Unicuique dedit vitium natura create."

PBOPEBTITJS. fllegies, III., H (II, 22), 17.
"Nature some fault has grafted on whate'er
, She has created."

Uni versus hie mundus una comniunis deorum atque horainum
ci vitas
existimanda." CICERO. De Legibus, Z, 7, 23.
"The whole world is to be regarded as a state, of which the citizens are
gods and men."
(Jam ego) uno in saltu lepide apros capiam duos."
PLAOTUS. Casina, Act II., Sc. VIII., &Q.(C7taUnus.)
" I now shall catch two boars in the same thicket." (JBonnell Thornton.)
Unum pro multis dabitur caput." VERGED. dEneid, 7., 815.
" One head shall fall the rest to zavQ."(Qomngton.)
" Unus dies hominum eruditorum plus patet quam imperitis longissima
SENEGA. Epistolae, LXXVIIL, 28. (Quoted from Posidonius.)
"More is contained in one day of the life of a learned man, than in the
whole lifetime of a fool."

" Unus Pellaeo juveni non sufficit orbis."

JUVENAL. Satires, X, 168. (Of Alexander.)
" One world the ambitions
yonth of Pella found
Too small." (Oi/ord.)

"Urbem ,
. . excoluit adeo, ut jure sit gloriatus, marmoream se re
linguere, q^uam latericiam aocepisset."
SUETOHIUS, II., 29. -(O/ Augmtus.)
" He so beautified the city as to justify his boast, that he had found Rome
of brick and left it of marble."

" Urbem venalem et mature si invenerit (dixisse

perituram, emptorem
ferbur)." Jugurfha, XXXV.
" He is
reported to have said that the city was for sale, and would come
to an untimely end if a purchaser could be found."
Urbes constituit aetas, hora dissolvit. Momento fit cinis, diu silva."
SENECA. Naturales Quaestiones, III., 27, 2.
"A city that has taken an age to grow is destroyed in an hour. Ashes are
the work of a moment, a forest the work of centuries."
" Urbs
antiqua fnit, Tyrii tenner e coloni,
Carthago." VIBGII*. JSSneid, L t 12.
"There stood a city on the sea,
Manned by a Tyrian colony,
Named Carthage." (Coninffton.)
" Urbs multos dominata per annos.* r
antiqua ruit,
VIBGIL. jffineid, II., 363.
" An ancient down
city topples
From broad-based heights of old renown." (Conington.)
" Urit enim
fulgore suo qui praegravat artes
Infra se positas." HOBACE. Epistolae, II., 1, 13.
He that outshines his age is like a torch,
"Which, when it blazes high, is apt to scorch," (Gonington.)
" solus ferrum
Usque adeo mortemque timere
Ann nescit amor." LUCAN. PJiarsalia, III., 118.
'Tisonly love of gold that knows no fear
Of sword or death.
" Formidinem mortis vicit aurum,
APULEITJS, Metamorphoses, IX, 1'J.

" Gold has

conquered the fear of death."

"Usque adeone mori miserum est ? Vos o mihi Manes

Este boni, quoniam Superis aversa voluntas.
Sancta ad vos anima, atque istius inscia culpae
Descendant, magnorum baud unquam indignus avorum,"
" Is death indeed so sore ?
hear me, Manes, of your grace,
Since heavenly powers have hid their face !

Pure and tmsoiled by caitiff blame,

1 join your company, nor shame
My mighty sires of yore." (Gonington.)
Usque adeone 11
Scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire iioc sciat alter ?
PERSIXTS. Satires, L, 26.
" Is
science only useful as tis shown,

And is thy knowledge nothing, if not known ? " (Gti/ord.)

probatum est, patrea conscripti, leges egregias, exempla honesta
apud bonos ex delictis aliorum gigni."
TACITUS. Annals, XV., 20.
" It iafound by experience, senators, that admirable laws and right pre-
cedents among the good have their origin in the misdeeds of others."
( Church and Erodr$b. )

Usus me genuit, mater peperit Memoria.
Sophiam Yocant me Graii, vos Sapientiam/

AFBANIUS. Bella. (Quoted by Autus Qellws, Nodes

Atticae, XIII. t 8, 2.)
" Practice
my father was, my mother Memory ;

Sophia the Greeks me call, you Sapience."

" Ut acerbum
est, pro benefactis quum mail messein metas."
E$idicus, Act K, Sc. II., 53.
"'Tis a bitter disappointment, when you have sown benefits, to reap a crop
of injuries."

" Ut ad bella
suscipienda Gallorum alacer ac promptus est animus, sic
mollis ac minime resistens ad calamitates perferendas mens
eorum est." CAESAE. >e Bella Gallico,
III., 19.
" While the
Gallic temper is always ready and eager to embark
upon war,
when disaster has to be faced they show themselves to be deficient in
manliness and steadfastness."

" Ut aetas mala, xnerx mala est tergo !

Nam res plurimas pessimas, q_uum advenit, afiert ;

Quas si autumem omneis, mmis longus sermo sit."

PLAUTUS. Menaechmi, Act F., Sc. IL t 6* (Senex.}
" Old is a sad on his back
age pedlar ;
Carrying along a pack of grievances.
It would be tedious to recount them all."

(Bonnell Thornton.)
" Ut ager quamvis non
fertilis sine cultura fructuosus esse potest, sie
sine doctrina animus."
CICEBO. Tmculanae Disputationes, II., 5, 13.

"A mind without instruction can no more bear fruit than can a field,
however fertile, without cultivation."

"Ut ameris, amabilis esto." OVID. De Arte Amandi, II., 107.

If you would be loved, be lovable."

" Ut animus in
spe atque in timore usque antehac attentus fuit,
Ita postquam adempta spes est, lassus, cura confectus stupet."
TEEENCE. Andria, Act II. , Be. Z, 8. (Ckarinus.)
now my mind
Floated 'twixt hope and fear : now, hope removed.
Stunned and o'erwhelmed, it sinks beneath its cares."
(George Coltnan.)
Ut corpora nostra lente augescunt, cito exstinguuntur, sic ingenia
studiaque oppresseris facilius quam revocaveris.*'
TAOITUS. Agricola, III.
Just as our bodies grow slowly, but are destroyed in a moment, so is it
easier to crush talents and tastes out of existence than to call them
back to life."
Ut enim hominis decns ingenium, sic ingenii ipsius lumen est
eloguentia." CICERO. Brutus, XV., 59.
"As genius is man's brightest ornament, so it is eloquence that illuminates
genius itself."

"Ut enim non omne vinum, sic non omnis aetas vetustate coacescit."
CICEEO. De Senectute, XVIIL, 65.
" Keither turns to vinegar with age."
every wine nor every life

"Ut homo J
st, ita morem geras."
TEEESTCB. Adelphi, Act IIL, Sc. III., ll^Syrus.)
"According to the man must be the lesson." -(George Caiman.)

"Ut lacrimae saepicule de gaudio prodeunt, ita et in illo nimio pavore

risum nequivi continere." APUE/EIUS. Metamorphoses, L, 12.
"Just as tears often spring from joy, so, even in the extremity of my
terror, I could not control my laughter."
" Ut natura sic omnis recta
dedit, figura."
PEOPEETIUS. Elegies, III, 10, 3 (II., 18, 25).
" As nature made it every form is fair."
" Ut nihil
pertinuit ad nos ante ortum, sic nihil post mortem pertine-
bit." CICERO. Tmculanae Disputationes, I., 38, 91.
"As we possessed nothing before birth, so will nothing remain to us after

Ut non omnem frugem neque arborem in omni agro reperire possis,
sic non omne facinus in omni vita nascitur."
CICEEO. Pro Eoscio Amerino, XXVI. , 75.
Just as we do not find in every field every fruit and tree, so not every
vice is produced in every life."

u Ut odium et gratia desiere, jus valuit ; petitaque criminibus haud

ignotis sua manu sera magis quam immerita supplicia persolvit."
TACITUS. Annals, "FT., 26. -(Of Agrvppina.)
" When hatred and favour had alike passed away, justice asserted itself.
Pursued by charges universally notorious, she suffered by her own hand
a penalty tardy rather than undeserved." (Church and Brodribo.)

"Ut pictura poesis ; erit quae, si propius stes,

Te capiat magis, et quaedam, si longius abates."
HOKACE. De Arte Poetica, 361.
"Some poems, some paintings, take the eye
Best at a distance, some when looked at nigh." (Coning
" Ut praeco, ad merces turbam qui cogit emendas,
Assentatores jubet ad lucrum ire poeta
Dives agris, dives positis in foenore nummis."
HORACE. De Arte Poetica, 419,
"As puffing auctioneers collect a throng,
Bicn poets bribe false Mends to hear their song :

Who can resist the lord of so much rent,

Of so much money at so much per cent. ?
"Ut, qui deliquit, supplex est ultro omnibus 1

PLAUTUS. BaccMes, Act IF., So. IX, lQL~-(C7wy$afa$.)

" How humble is to all,
And of his own accord, the guilty man "(JBonnell
" Ut
quisque est vir optimus, ita difficillime esse alios improbos suspi-
catur." OICEEO. Ad Quintum Fmtrem, I., 1, 4, 12.
" The better a man
is, the less ready is he to in others.''
suspect dishonesty
"Ut quisque suum volt esse, ita 'st.'

TEBBNCE. Adefyhi, Act III., Sc. TIL,

"As fathers form their children, so they prove" (George
" Ut saepe summa ingenia in ocoulto latent."
PLATTTUS. Captivi, Act L, Sc. II., 62. (
"How greatest geniuses oft He concealed." (Bonnell Thornton.)
Ut satius unum aliquid insigniter, quam facere plurima
ita plurima
mediocriter, si non possis unum aliquid insigniter. "'
PLINY THE YOUNGER. Epistolae, IX, 29.'
"While it is better to excel in one
thing than to attain moderate success
in many, yet we must be satisfied with moderate
success in manv
things if we cannot attain supreme excellence in one."

Ut sementem feceris ita metes."
PINABIUS BU;FUS. (Cicero, de Oratore, IX, 65, 261.)
"As thou hast sown, so shalt thou reap."

(Nam) Ut servi volunt esse herum, ita solet :

Bortis boni sunt ; improbi, qui malus fuit."

PLAUTUS. Mostettaria, Act IV., Sc. I, 16.(Phaniscus.)
" As servants choose to
have their master be,
Such is he. Good to the good, but to the bad,
Cruel and harsh," (Bennett Thornton.]
Ut silvae foliis pronos mutantur in annos,
Prima cadunt ; ita verborum vetus interit aetas,
Et juvenum ritu florent modo nata vigentque."
HORACE. De Arte Poetica, 60.
" When forests shed their foliage at the fall,
The earliest born still drops the first of all :
So fades the elder race of words, and so
The younger generations bloom and grow." (Oonington.)

"Ut quum explicare argument! exitum non potestis,

tragici poetae,
confugitis ad deum." OICEEO. De Natura Deorum, L 20, 53. t

"Like the tragic poets, when you cannot work out your denouement
satisfactorily, you call the deity to your aid."
" Ut vera laus ornat, ita falsa castigat."
SIDOMUS APOLLINAEIS. Epistolae> VIII. 10. (Migntfs Patrologiae

Cursus, Vol LVIIL, 231.)

" True
praise is an honour, false flattery a reproof."
" communem seniorum omnium
Ut vides, KXtfMKriipct, tertium et sexa-
gesimum annum evasimus,"
AUGUSTUS. Epistola ad Caium. (Quoted by AuUts Gellms, Noctes
Atticae, XV., 7, 3.)
"As you see, we have reached the climacteric of all old men, the sixty-
third year."
" Uterne
Ad casus dubios fidet sibi certius ? Me qui
Pluribua assuerit mentem corpua^ue superbum,
An qui, contentus parvo metuensque futuri,
In pace, ut sapiens, aptarit idonea bello ? "
HOBACB. Satires, IT., 2, 107.
"Which will feel
More confidence come woe, come weal
in self, :

He that, like you, by long indulgence plants

In body and in mind a thousand wants,
Or he who, wise and frugal, lays in stores
In view of war, ere war is at the doors ? (Conington. )
Uti possidetis." JUSTINIAN. Institutes, IF., 15, 4.
Eetaining what you hold."
" Utilis interdum est
ipsis injuria passis."
OVID. H&roides, XVIL, 187.
"Offctimes they benefit who suffer wrong."

Utinam lex esset eadem, quae uxori est, viro :
Nam uxor contenta est, quae bona est, uno viro "

Qui minus vir una uxore contentus siefe ?

PLAUTUS. Mercator, Act IF., Sc. FI., 7.(Syra.)

" Would the same law held
good for man and wife !

For since a wife, if she's an honest woman,

"Will be contented with her husband ; why-
Should not the husband also with his wife ?
Utinam populus Bomanus unam cervicem haberet."
CALIGULA. (Suetonius, IV. , 30.)
"Would that the people of Borne had but one neck I

" Utinam tarn facile vera invenire possim falsa convincere."

CICERO. De Natitra Deomm, I. , 32, 91.
" Would that it were as easy for me to find the true as to detect the false !

" non non

Utitur, in re dubia, testibus necessariis,"
CICEEO. De Officiis, II. t 5, 16.
" In a case which admits of no
doubt he is calling unnecessary witnesses."
Ut<pe comes radios per solis ernitibus umbra,
Cym latet He pressus mibibus, ilia fugit :

Mobile fortunae lumina vulgus :

sic sequitur
Quae simul inducta nube teguntur, abit."
OVJD. Tristia, I., 9, 11.
'Neath the sun's rays our shadow is our comrade ;

When clouds obscure tbe sun our shadow flees.

So Fortune's smiles the fickle crowd pursues,
But swift is gone whene'er she veils her face."
Utque in corporibus, sic in imperio, gravissimus est morbus, qui a
capite dlffunditur."
PLDTC THE YOUNGER. Epistolae, IF., 22.
"As in the human body, so in the body politic, the most serious diseases
are those which originate in the head."

" Utrum merito mihi ista

accidunt, an immerito ? si merito, non esfc
contumelia, judicitun est. Si immerito, illi, qui injusta facit,
erubescendum est."
SENECA. De Constantia Sapientis, XVI. ,
" Do or not, deserve such treatment ?
I, If I do, then it is not a disgrace,
but a judgment. If I do not, then it is for him to blush who has
* 1
treated me unjustly.


retro, Satana." St. Matthew, IF., 10.
" Get thee behind
me, Satan."

LIVY. Histories, F., 48. (Brennus at the sack of Rome.)
Woe to the conquered."

Valet ima summis
Mutare, efc insignem attenuat deus,
Obscura promens." HOBACE. Odes, I., 34, 12.
" He
can lowliest change
And loftiest ; bring the mighty down
And lift the weak." (C
Vana quoque ad veros accessit fama timores."
LUCAH. Pharsalia, I,, 464.
Vain rumour to well-grounded fear adds weight."

Vanitaa vanitatnm, et omnia vanitas."
THE VULGATE. Ecchsiastes, I., 2.
"Vanity of vanities, and all is vanity."

"Sanitas sanitation, omnia sanitas."

MANAGE. (Menagiana, $. 166, Amsterdam, 1693.)
" of all is
Sanity sanities, sanity."
Vanitas est longam vitam optare, et de bona vita parum curare."
THOMAS 1 KEMPIS. De Imitatiom Christi, I., 1, 4.
"It is vanity to desire a long life, and to care little whether that life be
well spent."
" Varium nmtabile semper
Femina." VIEGIL. ^neid, IF., 569,
"A woman's will
Is changeful and uncertain $iill"(Goninffton.)
" Vehemens in
utramque partem, Menedeme, es nimis,
Aut largitate nimia, aut parsimonia."
TERENCE, Heautontimorumenos Act JJZ, Sc, X, t 31. (Chremes.)
You run into extremes too niggardly,

Or too profuse." (George Colman.)

" Velocitas 11
juxta formidinem, cunctatio propior constantiae est.
" Haste is next door to
panic, delay is nearer to firm courage."
" Velox consilium
sequitur poenitentia," PUBLILIUB SYBUS, 492.
Hasty counsels are followed by repentance."
Velut aegri somnia." HOEACE. De Arte Poetica, 7.
" Like a sick man's dreams."
" Velut
silvis, ubi passim
Palantes error eerto de tramite pellit,
Ille sinistrorsum, hie dextrorsum abit, unus titriq_ue
Error, sed variis illudit partibus." HOBACE. Satires, JJ. t 3, 48.
Just as in woods, when travellers step aside
From the true path for want of some good guide,
This to the right, that to the left hand strays,
And all are wrong, but wrong in different ways.* 1 (Conington.)
" Venenum in auro bibitur." SEKBCA. Thyestes, &5B.-(Thyestes.)
Poison from a golden cup is drunk."
Veni, vidi, vici." (Suetonws, L, 37.)
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
" Venienti occurrite morbo." PEESIUS. Satires, III,, 64.
" Meet misfortune half
" Venisti
tandem, fcuaque exspectata
Vicit iter durum pietas ? VIRGIL. JSSneid, VL, 687.
"At last ! and are you come at last ?

Has filial tenderness o'erpast

Hard toil and peril sore ? (Oonington, )
Vera gloria radices agit, atque etiam propagatur fiota omnia oeleriter,

tanquam flosculi, decidunt, nee simulatum potest quidquam esse

diuturnum." CICEBO. De Qfficiis, II., 12, 43,
" True
glory strikes roots, and grows : ill-founded reputations, like flowers,
soon wither, nor can anything last long which is "based on pretence."
Verba puellarum, foliis leviora caducis,
Inrita, qua visum est, ventus et unda ferunt."
OVID. Amores, II., 16, 45,
Lighter than falling leaves are women's words,
And nothing worth the sport of winds and waves."

Verbum non aniplius addam." HORACE. Satires, I., 1, 121.
" I will not add another word,"

"Verbum omne, quod non intelleotum adjuvat, neque ornatum, vitio-

sum dici potest."
QUINTILIAN. De Institutione Oratoria, VIIL, 3, 55.
" a blemish which does not make either for intelligibility or
Every word is
(Vulgoque) Veritas jam attributa vino est."
PLINY THB ELDEB. Natural History, XIV. , 28.
" One of the
qualities commonly assigned to wine is truth."
Veritas odium parit."
AUSONIUS. Ludm Septem Sapientwn, Bias, 3.
" Truth is the mother of hatred."
" Veritas visu et
mora, falsa festinatione et incertis valescunt."
TACITUS. A.wnals, II., 39.
" Truth and
gains strength by notoriety time, falsehood by precipitancy
and vagueness, "(Ohwrch and JBrodmbb.)
" Veritatem laborare nimis
saepe, aiunt, exstingui nunquam."
Livz. Histories, XXII., 39.
"Truth, they say, is but too often in difficulties, but is never finally
Veritatem Temporis fUiam esse dixit."
AULUS GELLIUS. Noctes Atticae, XII., 11, 2,
" Truth, is the daughter of Time/'
" Veritatis
cultores, fraudis inimioi."
CICEEO. De Officiis, L, 30, 109.
"Followers of truth, enemies of deceit."

"Veritatis simplex oratio est." SENECA. JUpistolae, XLIX. t


"The language of truth is simple."

Yersiculos in me narratur soribere China.
Non scribit, cujus carmina nemo legit."
MABTIAIU Epigrams^ XZZ, 9, 1.
Ciiina, they say, 'gainst me is writing verses :

He can't be said to write whom no one reads."

"Versus inopes rerum, nugaeque canorae,"

HOBACE. De Arte Poetica, 322.
" Verses of
weight devoid, and tuneful trifles."

" Verterit hunc memento turbinis exit

Marcus Dama." PEHSIUS. Satires, 7., 78.
Let his master twirl this knave about,
And Marcus Dama, in a trice, steps out.* 7 (Gti/brd,)
Verum enim amicum qtti intuetur, tanquam exemplar aliquod intuetur
sui. et egentes abundant, et im-
Quocirca et absentes adsunt,
quod difficilius dictu est, mortui vivunt tantus
becilli valent et, :

eos honos, memoria, desiderium prosequitur amicorum."

CICEBO. DC, Amicitia, FIT., 23.
"He who looks upon a true friend looks upon a sort of copy of himself.
Wherefore the absent are present, the poor are ricb, the sick are made
whole and, more difficult still, the dead live ; so far are they followed
by the respect, the memory, the yearning affection of their Mend."
Verum est aviditas dives, et pauper pudor."
PHAEDBUS. Fdbks, IX, 1, 12.
"But greed is rich and modesty is
yem m. ubi plura nitent in carmine, non ego paucis
Offendar maculis, quas aut incuria fudit,
Aut humana parum oavit natura.
HOBAOB. De Arte Poetica, 351.
" But when I meet with beauties thicldy sown,
A blot or two I readily condone,
Such as may trickle from a careless pen,
Or pass unwatched : for authors are but men." {Conington,}
" Verus amor nullum novit habere modum."
PBOPEETIXTS. Elegies, JIT., 6, 30 (IX, 15, 30).
"True love knows no bounds."

"Veaanum tetigisse timent fugitmfcque poetam

Qui sapiunt." HOEACB. De Arte Poefaca, 455.
" The wise man flees and fears to touch the frenzied bard."

(Me) vestigia terrent
Omnia te adversum speotantia^ nulla retxorsum."
HOEACE. JSpistolae, X, 1, 74.
I'm frightened at those footsteps ; every track
Leads to your home, but ne'er a one leads back."

" Vestis virum facit."

PROVERB. (Erasmus, Adagiorum Chiliadcs,
Divitiaa ".)
"The coat makes the man."
" Vetera
extollimus, recentioruin incuriosi."
TACITUS. Annak, II., 88.
"We extol the past and are indifferent to our own times."
(Church and JBrodribb.)
" Vetus ac
jam primum insita morfcalibus potenfciae cupido cum imperil
magnitudine adolevit erupitque." TACITUS. History, II., 88.
"That old passion for power, which has been ever innate in man, increased
and broke out as the empire grew in greatness,"
(Church and JBrodribb.)
" Vi efe armis." CicfiRQ. Ad Ponlifices, XXIV. }
" force of arms.'*
" Vi victa vis." CICERO. Pro Milane, XL, 30.
" Force overcome
by force."
" Viam
qui nescit qua deveniat ad mare,
Eum oportet amnem quaerere comitem sibi."
PLAUTUS. PoenuluSj Act III., Sc. III., 14, (Lycus.)
" The man who does not know the
way to sea
Should always take a river for his guide." (Bonndl Thornton,)
" Yictrix causa deis
placuit, sed viota Catoni."
LUCAN. Pharsalia, I., 128.
"The gods the conquering cause upheld, Cato the conquered."
Yicturus genium debet babere liber."
MAETIAI. Epigrams^ 71., 60, 10.
"A book, to win its way, must genius show."
"Vide, Parmeno,
Quid agas, ne neque illi prosis, et tu pereas."
TERENCE. Eunuchus, Act F., Sc. 7., 22. (Pythias.)
" Take
care, Parmeno,
What you're about, lest you do him no good,
And hurt yourself."- (George Caiman.)
" Video meliora
proboque ;

Deteriora sequor." , OVID. Metamorphoses, 711, 20.

"I see the better course and I approve ;

The worse I follow."

"Vidifc enim, quod videndum fuit, appendioem animi esse corpus
nihilque in eo esse magnum."
CICERO. De Philosophia, Fragment XCVX.
"He perceived, what indeed was clear, that the body is a mere appendage
of the soul, entirely devoid of great
Vigilandum est semper ; multae insidiae sunt boms." -

Accius. Atreu$> Fragment IX.^(Thyestes.)

"Be ever on thy guard j many the snares that for the good are laid.*'

"Virginibus puerisque canto." HORACE. Odes, JJJ., 1, 4.

"I sing to youths and maids alone." (Ooninffton.)
" Solet hie
pueris virginibusque legi."
OVID. Tristia, II. 370. (Of Menander.) ,

''Him boys and girls alike are wont to read."

Virgo formosa efcsi sitoppido pauper, tamen abunde dotaba esfe."
"A beautiful girl, though she be poor indeed, yet is abundantly dowered."
Virgo pulchra, et quo magis diceres
Niliil aderat adjumenti ad pulcfiritudinem."
TEKENCE. Phormio, Act I., Sc. IL, 54. (&eta,)
" Beautiful she was indeed 1

More justly to be reckoned so, for she

Had no additions to set off her beauty." (George Oolman.)
(Deinde hoc ita fit ut) viri fortes, etiam si cominus
ferro inter se
decertarint, tamen illud contentionis odium simul cum ipsa
pugna armisque ponant." GICEBO. InPisonem, XXXIL, 81.
"Brave men, though they have been engaged in mortal combat, lay aside
their hatred when they sheathe their swords."
" Virtus amicitiam et
gignit et continet, nee sine virtute amioitia esse
tdlo pacto potest." CICERO. De Amicitia, VL, 20.
^Virtue is both the parent and the guardian of friendship without virtue ;

friendship cannot possibly exist."

" Virtus est medium vitiorum, et utrimque reductum."
HOEACE. Epistolae> J., 18, 9.
"Between these faults 'tis Virtue's i>lace to stand,
At distance from the extreme on either hand." (Oonington.)
" Virtus est
praemium optimum ;

Virtus omnibus rebus anteit profecto ;

Libertas, salus, vita, res, parentes,
Patria et prognati tutantur, servantur ;
Virtus omnia in se b.abet omnia adsunt bona, quern penes est virtus.

PLAUTITS. Ampkitryo, Act IL t Sc. IT., 17. (Alcumena.)

" Valour's the best reward :
Tis valour that surpasses all things else :

Our liberty, our safety, life, estate ;

Our parents, children, country are by this

Preserved, protected : valour everything
Comprises in itself j and every good

(Bonndl Thornton.)
Virtus repulsae nesoia sordidae
Intaminatis fulget honoribus,
Nee sumit aut ponit secures
Arbitrio popularis aurae." HORACE. Odes, JIT., 2, 17.
" True Virtue never knows defeat :

Her robes she keeps unsullied still ;

Nor takes, nor quits, h&r curale seat,

To please a people's veering will."
" Virtute ambire non favitoribus
oportet ; ;

Sat habet favitorum semper, qni recte facit,

Si illis fides est, guibus est ea res in mami."
PLAUTUS. Amphitryo, Prologue, 78.
"From merit, not from favour, we should seek
To gain the prize. He who acquits him well
Will find enough to favour him, if they
Are honest, to whose hands th.' affair is trusted."
(Bonnell Thornton.)
u Virtute non sanguine niti."
CLAUDIANUS. De Quarto Consulatu Honorii, 220.

"Virtue, not lineage, should be our boast."

"Virtute pares, necessitate, quae ultimum ao maximum telum est,

superiores estis." LIVY. Histories, IF, 28.
" In valour
you are their equals in necessity, the last and strongest weapon,

their superiors."

" Virtntem incolumem odiinus ;

Sublatam ex ooulis quaerimus invidi."

HOBACE. Odes, III., 24, 31.
"Living worth we envy still,
Then seek it with strained eyes when snatched from sight."
" Virtutem ease puta,
primam compescere linguam :

Proximus ille deo est, qui scit rations tacere."

]3ioKYSi0s GATO. Disticha de Moribiis, I., 3.
" 'Tis the first virtue to control your tongue,
He's nearest to the gods who can be silent."

" Virtutem videant, reliota."

PEESIUS. Satires, III., 38.
In all her charms set Virtue in their eye,
And let them see their loss, despair and die "(Gfi/ord.)

Virtuti sis par, dispar fortunis patris."
Aooirrs. Armorwm Judidum, Fragment X. (XF.).
"Be like thy sire in virtue, but unlike in fortune."
Disce, puer, virtutem ex me verumque laborem,
Fortnnam ex aliis." VIBGIL, JEneid, XIL, 435.
" Learn of
your father to be great,
Of others to be fortunate." (Coninyton.)
" Virtutis enim laus omnis in aotione consistit."
CICBBO. De Officiis, Z, 6, 19.
" GOhe whole merit of virtue consists in the practice of virtue."
" Vis oonsili HOBACB.
expers mole ruit sua." Odes, III, 4, 65.

"Strength, mindless, falls by its own weight." (Cwiingtw.)

"Vita brevis nulli superest, qni tempus in ilia
Quaerendae sibi mortis habct." LTJCAN. PharsaUa, IF., 478.
" Life is so short, there is no time to seek for death."

"Vita data est tttenda data est sine foenore nobis


Mutua, nee oerta persolvenda die."

PEDO ALBINOVANUS. Gonsolatio de Morte Drusi, 369.
" Life is
given to us to be used. It is a loan without interest, and we liave
no date fixed for repayment,"
" Vita enim mortuorum in memoria est posita vivorum."
CICERO. PMlvppica, IX, 5, 10.
" The dead live in the of the living."
"Vita hominum altos recessus magnasque latebras habet."
" The life of men has and lurking-places."
many secret recesses
" Vitae est
avidus, quisquis non vnlt
Mundo secum pereunte mori."
SENECA. Thyestes, 886. (Chorus.*
" is he of life who would not die
When the world's dying with him."

"Vitae postscenia oelant."

LUCBETIUS. De Rerum Natura, IV., 1180
"That part of life they hide which is behind the scenes."
" Vitae summa brevis nos vetat incnoare
spem longani."
HORACE. Odes, I., 4, 15.
" How should a mortal's hopes be long, when short his being's date 1 "
" vitare plagas in amoris ne jaoianaur,
Non ita difficile est, quam captum retibus ipsia
Exire, et validos Veneris perrumpere nodos."
De Eerum Natura, IF.,
" 'Tis shun the snares of love
easier far to
Than, being caught, to break through Venus' bonds,
And from her nets escape."
" Vitavi
denique culpam,
Non laudem merui." HOBACB. De Arte Pcetica, 267.
" Blame I've avoided, praise I have not earned."
" Vitia erunt donee homines sed
neque haec contlnua, et meliorum

interventu pensantur." TACITUS. History, IF., 74.

" There will be vices as
long as there are men but they are not perpetual,

and they are compensated by the occurrence of better things."

(Church and Brodribl).)
"Vitio malignitatis liumanae, vetera semper in lande, praesentia in
fastidio esse." TACITUS. De Oratoribus, XVIII.
u The fault lies with the
spitefulness of mankind, that we are always
praising what is old and scorning what is new."
" Vitium commune omnium

Quod nimium ad rem in senecta attenti sumus."

TEBBNCB. AfolqM, Act F., Sc. VIII., 30. (Demea.)
" It is the common
failing of old men
To be too much intent on worldly matters."
(George Caiman.)
Yitium impotens
Yirtus vocatur." SENECA. Hercules Oetaem, 424.
"Vice that is powerless is christened virtue."

"Vivememor Lethi; fugit hora." PEBSIUS. Satires, F., 153.

"Forget not death, for time is on the wing.'*

" Yive sine
invidia, mollesque inglorius annos
Exige, amicitias et tibi junge pares."
OVID. Tristia, III., 4, 43.
Live without envy, spend thy peaceful years
Unknown to fame, and choose thy peers for friends."
Vive, vale ; si quid novisti rectius istis,
Candidus imperti; si non, Ms ufcere mecum."
HOEACE. E$ stolae, I. t 6, 67,
" Farewell if
yon can mend these precepts, do" :

If not, what serves for me may serve for yo (Conington,)

" Vivendum
recte, cum propter plurima, turn his
Praecipue causis, ut linguas mancipiorum
Oontemrias nam lingua mail pars pessima servi."

JUVENAL. Satires t IX, 118.

" Live thus a reason
virtuously :
many cries,
But chiefly this, that so thou inay'st despise
Thy servant's tongue ; for lay this truth to heart,
The tongue is the vile servant's vilest part." (Gifford.
" Yivere " TEETULLIAH. De
ergo babes ? Idolatria, 7.
" What "
necessity is there that yon should live ?

(Loquor enim de docto nomine et erudito, cui) vivere est cogitare."
CICEBO. Tusculanae Disputationes, F., 38, 111.
speak of a man of learning and erudition, to whom to live is to think."
"Vivere, Lucili, militare est." SEHECA. Epistolae, XQVL> 5.

"To live, Lucilius, is to fight."

" Yivite felloes quibus est fortuna peracta
Jam sua ; nos alia ex aliis in fata vocamur."
YIEGIL. Mneid, III., 493.
" Live and be bleat 'tis sweet to feel 1

Fate's book is closed and under seal.

For us, alas, that volume stern
Has many another page to turn " (Gonington.) !

Vivitnr exiguo melius. Natura beatis

Omnibus esse dedit, si quis oognoverit uti."
OLAUDIANUS. In Bufinum, L, 215.
Best is a frugal life. To all mankind
Nature gives happiness, if but they've learnt
How best to use her gifts."
" Yix sum aniini ita ardoo iracundia."
compos ;

TEEENCE. Act JZT., Sc. II,, 12.

Adetyfoi, (Qeta.)
" I'm
scarcely in my
perfect mind, I burn
With such fierce anger." (George Colmctn.)

" Vixere fortes ante

Multi ; sed omnes illacrimabiles
Urgentur ignotique longa
Nocte, carent quia vate sacro." HOBACE. Odes, IV,, 9, 25.
" Before Atrides men were brave :

But, ah oblivion, dark and long,


Has locked them in a tearless grave,

For lack of consecrating sQng"~~-(Qonington.)
Vixi, et quern dederat curaum fortuna peregL"
VIBGIL. Mneid, IV. ,
My life is lived, and I have played
The part that fortune gave." (Oonington.)
(Sed) vobis facile est verba et componere fraudes.
Hoc unnm didioit femina semper opus,"
PEOPEBTIUS. Elegies, II. , 10 (9), 81.
"Not hard for thee to fashion words and wiles.
This art has every woman made her own."

"Volt placere sese amicae, volt miM, volt pedissequae,

Volt fanmlis, volt etiam anoillis et quoqiie catulo meo

Subblanditur novus amator, se ut guom videat gaudeat."

PLAUTUS. Asinaria, Act L, Sc. III., %l.(Ckaereta.)
" He thinks on
nothing but to make himself
Both pleasing to his mistress and to me ;
The footman, household servants and the maidens ;

Nay, a good lover strokes my lap-dog, that

Whene'er he sees him he may wag his tail."
(Bonnell Thornton.)
(Ergo hercules) Voluptas vivere coepit, vita ipsa desiit."
PLINY THE ELDEB. Natural History, XIV., 1.
" Pleasure to live when life itself is
begins departing."
Voluptates commendat rarior usus." JUVENAL. Satires, XL, 208.
Indulge in pleasure rarely, 'twill be prized the more."
" Vos eritis testes, si quos habet arbor amores,
Fagus et Arcadio pinus arnica deo,
Ah. I quoties vestras resonant mea verba sub umbras,
Soribitur et teneris Cynthia corticibus."
PEOPBETITJS. Elegies, I., 19 (18), 19.
" Bear
witness, if that trees know aught of love,
Ye beeches, and ye pines by Pan beloved,
How oft I've breathed her name beneath your shade,
How oft is * '
Cynthia carved upon your bark."
Yos exemplaria Q-raeca
Nocturna versate manu, versate diurna."
HOBACB. De Arte Poetica, 268.
My friends, make Greece your model when you write,
And turn her volumes over day and night." (Conington.]
" Vox clamantis in deserto." THE VULGATE. Isaiah, XL., 3.
"The voice of one crying in the wilderness."

"(Nee audiendi snnt qui solent dicere) 'Vox populi, vox del'; cum
tumultuositas viilgi semper insaniae proxima sit."
ALCTJINUS. JSvistolae, CLXVI., 9. (Migne's Patrologiae Cursus,
Vol. C,, p, 191, A.)
to those who say, The voice of the people is tlie
"Nor should we listen
voice of God'; for the turbulence of the mob is closely allied to
Recogitans illud proverbimn
Vox populi, vox Dei V
WILLIAM OP MALMESBURY. De Gestis Pontificum Anglorwm,
Lib, L (Higne's Patrologiae Cursus, Vol. CLXXIX.>p. 1451, B.)
"Thinking over the old proverb, 'The voice of the people is the
voice of God V
(In aera sucus
Oorporis omnis abit :) Vox tantum atque ossa supersunt.
Vox manet."
OVID. Metamorphoses, III., 398. (The Story of Echo.)
The tender body vanished into air,
Naught but the voice survived her, and the bones ;

Only the voice remains."

Vulgare amici nomen, sed rara est fides."
PHABDBUS. Fables, III., 9, 1.

"The name of friend is common, but a faithful Mend is rare."

Vulgus amicitias utilitate probat."
OVID, ffipistolae ex Ponto, II., 3, 8.
"The vulgar herd values friends according to their usefulness."
" Yulaera dum sanas, dolor est medicina doloris."
DIONYSIUS CATO. Disticha de Moribus, JF., 4.0.

"When thou art dressing wounds, pain is pain's medicine."

"Vult plane virtus honorem; nee est virtu tis ulla alia merces."
Xtepublica, III., 28, 40,
" Virtue
truly desires honour ;
nor is there any other reward of virtue."
(Tarnen) ad mores natura recurrit
Damnatos, fixa et mutari nescia."
JUVENAL, Satires, XI1L, 239.
"Yet nature, fixed, incapable of change,
Relapses ever into hideous sin."
Araare et sapere vix Deo conceditur,"
EBASMUS. Adagiorum Chihades, " Impossibilia ". (Ed. Aweliae
Allolr., 1606, p. 721.)
"To love and to be wise ie hardly permitted even to God.'

Amious Plato, magis arnica veritas."
EBASMUS. Adagiorum Cliitiades, "Amicitia", (Ed. Aitreliae
Allobr., 1606, p. 126.)
"Plato is my friend, but a greater friend is truth."

(Qf. *fXo5, p. 527.)

"Amor ingenii neminem unquam divitem fecit."

PBTBONIUS ABBITBB. Satyricon, Cap. 83.
1 *
"Love of genius never yet made any one rich.
(Verum est vulgo quod dicltur,) annus
Produoit segetes, non cultus.*'
PALINGENIUS. Zodiacus "Vitae, " Virgo," 363.
" How true the common that our saying, crops
Are to the season, not to culture due/*
Aspero enim et absoiso castigationis genera militaris disciplina indiget j
quia vires armis constant : quae ubi a recto tenore desciverunt,
oppressura sunt, nisi opprimantur."

"Military discipline demands prompt and stern punishments, for the

armed hand is a strong hand, and when once it has turned aside from,
the path of duty, it will oppress, tinless it be suppressed."

Efficifc ergo animus non res."
PALiNGtBNius. Zodiacus Vitae, " Taurus," 407*
" TIs
mind, not money, makes the happy man."
" Bruta fulmlna."
PLINY THE ELDER, Natural History, JZ, 43, 113.
'' ' '

Empty thunderbolts.
(Generally quoted "Brutumfulmen".)

" Caesar non 1

supra grammaticos,'
Caesar is not above the grammarians/'
" Tu enim, non
Caesar, oivitatem dare potes hominibus, verbo
M. POMPOUIUS MABOBLiiUS. (Swtonius> De Illustribus
Grammaticis, XXII.)
"Yon, Caesar, can confer citizenship upon men, but not upon
Ego sum Bex Eomanus et supra grammaticam."
SiaiSMUND I, (At the Council of Constance.)
"I am the king of the Eomans, and above grammar."

Carmine fit vivax virtus, expersque sepulchri
Notitiain serae posteritatis habet."
OVID. Mpistolae ex Ponto, J7,, 8, 47.
""Pis song makes valour live, and 'scape the grave,
Leaving a name to far posterity."
Cave canem." PETKONIUS AEBITEE. Satyricon, Cap. 29.
" Be ware of the
" Cedite Bomani
scriptores, cedite Graii,
Nescio quid majus nasoitur Iliade."
PROPBBTITJS. Ulegies, III,, 32, 65.
" Ye Boman hide
Greek, ye writers, your heads ;

Something is born that with the Iliad vies."

Cito fit quod Dl volunfc."
PETEONIXIS AEBITEE. Satyricon Cap. 76#

"What the gods will is swiftly brought to pass."

" dum flos novus et nova pubes,
Collige, virgo, rosas,
Et memor esto aevum sic properare tuum."
AUSONIUS. Idyllia, XIV., 49. (Rosae.)
" Cull thou and flower are yoxing,
roses, girl, while
Remembering that thy bloom as swift does fade."
Colubra restem non parit."
PETEONITJS AEBITEE. Satyricon, Cap, 45.
"The snake does not bring forth a rope.'*

"Comes est discordia vulgi."

PALrNMtmjs. Zodiacus Vitoe, " Cancer," 743,
"Discord is aye companion of the mob."

Oompendiaria ad diyitias PMlosophorum via est, quae monstrat non
addendum sed oupiditatibus detrahendum."
PETBARCH. JSpistolae de Rebus tfamiliaribus, 711., 10.
" The
philosophers liaye discovered a short cut to riches, which is this:
not to add to our riches, but to subtract from our desires."
Oompendiosam semitam ad virtutem visam ease PhilosopMs, ut tales
effici studeamus quales cupimus apparere."
PETBABCH. Epistolae de Rebus Familiaribus, III., 12.
" The
philosophers have considered it a short path to virtue, that we should1
study to make ourselves in reality such as we would wish to appear/
" Oorcillum est cetera quisquilia omnia."
quod homines faoit,
PETBONIUS ABBITEB. Satyricon, Cap. 75*
" It
is the heart that makes the man, all the rest is rubbish."
(Horatii) curioaa felicitas."
PETBONIUS ABBITER. Satyricon, Ca/p t 118,
"The painstaking felicity of Horace."

" Dandi et
acoipiendi beneficii commercium, sine quo vix vita hommum
constat, perdit et tollit, quisqTiis benemerito parem referre gratiam
negligit." VALEKIXIB MAXIMUS, V., 3, JSxterna 2.
"The interchange of benefactions, given and received, without which the
social lifecan hardly be said to exist, is lost and destroyed by him, who
fails to make adequate return to one who has rendered him a service."

" De multis
nunquam speravi, sciebam enim, quod qul paucorum similis
fieri studet, multis fiet invisus."
PETBABOH, Epistolae de Rebus ^a/mliaribus, I., 5.
" I have never for much from
the many, knowing that he who seeks
to resemble the few, will become hateful to the many."

" decefc novisse at feoisse nefandum est."

(Immo) malum,
PALINGBNIUS. Zodiacus Vitae, Scorpius" 168*
" 'Tis know crime to practise it."
fitting to evil,

"Dedit enim hoc quoque providentia hominibus munus, tit honesta

magis jnvarent." QUINTILIAN, De Institutione Oraforia.
" For Providence
granted this gift also to men, that they should find their
chief delight in innocent pleasures."

Die, hospes, Spartae, nos te hie vidisse jacentes,
Dum sanctis patriae legibus obsequimur."
CICBBO. Tusculanae Disputationes, I., 42, 110, (The Epitaph of
the Three Hundred at Thermopylae. Gf. n |eV, p. 537.)
" Go tell the thou that
Spartans, passest by,
That here obedient to their laws we lie."

" Dii non sumus."

pedes lanatos habent, quia nos religiosi
PBTBONIUS ABBITEB. Safyricon, Cap, 4.

"The gods* feet are shod with wool, because we are not religious."

"Decs laneos pedes habere."

MACBOBIUS. Satwnalia^ I., 8, 5.

"The gods have feet of wool."

(Quod diciimr) deos iratos pedes lanatos habere."
POKPHYBIO. Commentarii inHoratii Garmina, III., 2, 82.

"As the saying is, the angry gods have their feet shod with
" 1'

Diligere parentes prima naturae lex.

" Love for our is the first law of nature."

"Dissuat amicitiam, non discindat."

PETEARCH. JSpistolae de Bebus Familiaribus, XII. ,

"Pick out the stitches of a friendship, if you will, but do not cut it ia
" Doctrina scelesti
Ust gladio insani similis."
PALIHGENIUS. Zodiacus Vitae, " Scorpius" 874.
" in a villain
Is like a madman's sword."
" Ut furiosus habens
gladium, sic
PALIN&ENIUS. %o&iacus Vttae> " Capricorn^' 124.
"A learned rogue is like a madman armed."
"Dum ea Bomani parant consultantque, jam Saguntuin summa vi
oppugnabatur." LIVY. Histories, XXXI, 7. ,

"While the Komans were engaged in these preparations and consultations,

Saguntum had been taken at the point of the sword."
(Hence the proverb : Dum Homcce consutttur, Saguntum expugnatur,)
Dum loqueris, levis pruina labitur."
PBTEONITTS ABBOTEE. Satyricon, Cap. 99*
"While you are talking, the light hoar-frost is vanishing."

Eloquentiae magister, nisi tanquam piscatpr, earn imposuerit hamis
escam, q^nam scierit appetituros esse piscioulos, sine spe praedae
morabitur in soopulo."
PETEOISTDS AEBITBE. Satyricon, Ca/p. 3.
"The master of eloquence is like the angler, who unless he has baited his
hook with a bait which he knows will attract the fish, will stand all
day on a rock without hope of catching anything,"
Eripuitque Jovi fulmen viresque tonandi."
MANILITJS. Astronomicon, L t 104.
" He stole the thunder from the hand of Jove."

(Of. Eripuit ccelo,p. 56.)


"Esfc aotem, ut in sagittando, sio in qualibet operations mortaliuin,

aberrare perfacile, signum attingere is denrain artifioii finis est."
PBEBABCH. JSpistolae de Rebus Familiaribus, IV. 3 2.

As in shooting, so in everything else that men do, it is only too easy to
overshoot the mark ;
the end and aim of the art is to hit the target."

" Est
ordo pulcherrima rerum."
PALINGEOTUS. JKodiacus Vitae, Scorgius," 56,
" Of all most
things order is fair.

Elsto bonus saltern, si non potes ease peritus."
PALINGENIUS. Zodiacus Vitae, " Taurus" 865.
"Be good, at least, if thon canst not be clever.

Et querimur, data tempora vitae
oito si nostrae
Diffugiunt ? urbes mors violenta rapit."
SA^NAZAEIUS. Elegies, IT,, 9. 28
" Since death on cities
lays its ruthless hand, "
Dare we complain that swift our life is sped ?

" Fabula non omnis

spernenda est. Saepe legatur
Utile quid moneat puris comoedia verbis."
PALINGENIUS. Zodiacus Vitae, " Aries," 210.
" Not
every play is vile. Oft comedy
In language pure a moral tale unfolds."
Fatum in amore valet plus quam gaza omnis, et omnis
Nobilitas," PALINGENIUS. Zodiacus Vitae, " Cancer," 162.
"Fortune than boundless wealth or bluest blood
In love is ofttimes stronger."

Hasten slowly."
(Of. ^euSe j8po8As, jp. 495.)

"Fortunae raro est mens bona juncta bonae."

" Good mind is rarely to good fortune joined."

Gaudet stultis natura creandis,
Ut malvis atque nrticis, et vilibus heibis."
PALXNGENIITS. Zodiacus Vitae, " Sagittarius," 580.
"Nature delights in making foolish things ;
Nettles and docks and other worthless weeds."

" Habet enim apud malos quoque multam auctoritatem virtus.'*

QXJIOTILIAN. Declamatwnes, 253.

"Great, even with the wicked, is the authority of virtue."

"Habet hoc virtus . . . ut viros fortes species ejus et pulchritude,
etiam in hoste posita, delootet."
CICEBO. In Pisonem, XXXII. ,
" There is this to be said of
virtue, that its beauty and charm delight us,
even in an enemy."

"Haec enim tacita lex est numanitatis, ut ab homlne consilii, non

fortunae, poena repetatux,"
OICEEO. Pro M. Tullio, Fragment 51.

"It isone of humanity's unwritten lavs, that a man has to pay the
penalty for the intention, not for the results of his actions,"
"Haurit ac^uam oribro
Qui discere vult sine libro."
GBILEE. Navicula Fatuorum, Turba L
"A sieve for drinking serves his turn
Who tries without a book to learn/'

"Hodie mihi, eras tibi."

THE YULGATE. Eccksiasticus, XXXVIII. , 22.
To-day to me, to-morrow to thee."
"Humanae igitur imbecillitatis effioacissimum duramentum est ne-
cessitas." VALEEIUS MAXIMUS, II"., 7, 10,
There is nothing like necessity for stiffening a weak-kneed nature."

"Hie milvo volanti poterat nngues seoare."

PETBONIUS AKBITBK. Sa,tyricon Cap. t
" He was able to cut the claws of a hawk on the
In alio peduolum vides, in te ricinum non vides."
PETEOMUS AEBITEB. Satyrkon, Cap. 57.
"You see the tiny louse on another, you cannot see the big tick on
" Inemendabilis enim est error c[ui violentiae Martis committitur."
"Irremediable is the mistake which violates the canons of war.

" enim dulcis est pugna."

YEaETius. De Re Mititari, Lib. III., 12.
"To those who have not tried it, the battle is sweet."

(Of. Dulce folium inexpertis, p. 51.)

Infirmi et timidi est, nimirum, multa minari,
Verbaque foemineae vires sunt, facta virorum."
PALINGENIXJS. Zodiacus Vitae, " Cancer," 803.
" The weak and timid most to threats are prone ;

In words lies woman's strength, but man's in deeds."

Ingenia nostra rernm contrariarum vioinitate f alluntur."
PETEABCH. Hpistolae de Rebu$ Familiaribus, IX., 5,
"Our minds are confused by the close proximity of opposites,"

Insimulari quivis innocens potest ; revinci nisi nocens non potest."
APULEIUS. De Magia, Cap, L
"Anyone may successfully feign innocence; none but the guilty can be
convicted of crime."

"Inter nam oygnos, anseris ora crepo."

JANUS PANNQNIUS. J&pigramrwta, I,, 49, 16.

"Amongst the swans with voice of goose I cry."

"Is saepe dignus est vinoere qui vincendo fit melior."

PETBARCH. JBpistolae de Rebus Familiaribus, XIV,, 5.
"He deserves his victory who becomes thereby a better man."

Justitia est multis laudata, domestica
PALINGBNIUS. Zodiacus Vitae, Ywgo" 479.
"Justice is praised by many, dwells with few."

" Lectio nimirum esca

animi est ; c[uae si bona prodost,
Si mala sit, non parva solet dare damna legenti."
PALINGBNIUS. Zodiacus Vitae, " Capncorwus," 702.
"Reading is mental food ; good, it does good ;
Evil, it works the reader harm untold."

"Libri quosdam ad scientiam, quosdam ad insaniam deduxere, dum

plus hauriunt o^uam digerunt."
GEILBB, Navicula Fatiwu,m> Turba L
" Books have led
some men to knowledge, but others to madness, when
they swallow more than they can digest"

"Lis est de nomine, non re."

PALINGENIUS. Zodiacus Vitae, " Virgo," 422.
We're fighting merely about names, not things,"

"Magna quippe facundia est, vel potius nulla, quae cogat invitos."
PSJTBABOH. Epistolae de Rebus Fatnilicvribus, XVIIL, 16.
"Great is the eloquence, or rather there is no eloquence which can
3 per-
suade men against their will."
Magna est nam gratia pulchri
PALnsraBHius. Zodiacus Vitae, " Taurus," 253.
Immense is the eiBtect of handsome dress."
Magna quidem mutui doloris solatia."
QtJiurus GTJBTIXJS. De Rebus Gestis Alexandra Magnl, TV., 10, 21.
" It is a great consolation to have a partner in one's sorrow."

" res per ipsas fieri."

(Est proverbium) magnas
PETRARCH. JSpistolae Variae, XLIIL
"The proverb says that great events accomplish themselves."
" Maxima matronae laus latuisse probae."

"Let not the matron chaste 'mongst strangers roam ;

Her nighest praise is that she bides at home."

Maxima pars, pecore amisso, praesepia claudit."
PALINGENIUS. Zodiacs Vitae, " Sagittarius" 827.
"Most, when the steed is stolen, lock the stable door/'

"Maxima pars rerum bona vel mala fertur ab usu."

PALINGENIUS. Zodiacus Vitae, " Scorpius" 931.
"Most things are good or evil as we use them,"

"Medicus enim nihll aliud est quam animi consolatio."

PETBomus ABBITEB. 8atyricon t Gap. 42,
"A doctor is nothing but a sort of mental consolation."

"Mentem peccare, non corpus, et unde ooneilium abfuerib, culpam

abesse." LIVT. Histories, I., 58, 9.
"It is the mind that sins, not the body, and when the intention is absent,
so also is the blame."

" Militia est hominum vita."

PALiNaENius. Zodiacs "
Vitae, Virgo," 458.
"Man's life is a campaign."
" Militiae amor est discedite segnes I
species ;

Non sunfc haeo timidis signa tuenda viris."

OVID. DA Arte Amandi, II,, 233.
"Love is like war ; ye
slothful ones avaunt !
No cowards 'neath Love's standard may enrol,"
(Plus nominis horror
Quam tuus ensis agefc ;) minuit praesentia famam,"
CLAUDIANUS. De Bello Gildonico, 385.
"The terror of thy name outvies thy sword ;
Thy presence but diminishes thy fame."
" Mirabar celerem
fugitiva aetate rapinam,
Et, dum nascuntur, consenuisse rosas."
AUSONIUS. IdylUa, XZ7., 35. (Bosae.)
" What swift destruction flying time doth wreak !

See, even while they open, roses fade."

" Hulto enim
multo^ue seipsum quam hostem superare operosius est.
" It is a harder, a far harder task to overcome oneself than one's enemy.
" N ascitur indigne non nascitur alter,
per <juem
Indigne vivife per quem non vivifc et alter,"
PALI^GEOTUS, Zodiacus Vitae, Cancer," 276.
Unworthy he of birth to whom no child is born,
Unworthy he of life through whom no other lives."

Naturam frenare potes, sed vineera nunquam."
PALINGENIUS. Zodiacus Vitae, "Leo" 694.
Nature may be controlled, but ne'er overcome."
Neque enim militia solum, sed pugaa eat vita hominis super terrain."
PETBABOH. Epistolae de Rebus FomiUaribus, Praefatio.
"Man's life on earth is not so mucli a campaign, as one continual
" L
Nescis quid vesper vehat." MACBOBIITS, Saturnalia, t 7, 12.
"Thou knowest not what evening may bring."
"Nihil agendo homines male agere diseunt."
COLTOELLA. De Be Rustica, XIn Cap. L
"By doing nothing men learn to do evil."
"Nihil ergo homines mortem curant, non quia est, sed quia creditur
PETBABOH. Epistolae de Rebus Familiaribus, VIII. ,
"Men therefore care nothing about death, not because it is, but because
they think it, afar off."

"Nihil est homimim inepta persuasions falsius, nee ficta severitate

ineptius." PETEONIUS AEBITEB. Satyricon, Cap. 182.
"Nothing in a man is more disingenuous than feeble persuasion, or
feebler than feigned severity."

" Nihil est tarn non modera-

praeclarum, aut tarn magnificum, q[uod
tione temperari desideret,"
"There nothing so pre-eminent, or so magnificent, but
is is the better
for being tempered by moderation,"

" Nihil inter mortales

diuturnum, et si quid dulce se obtulerit, amaro
mox fine concluditur." PETRARCH. Hpistola ad Posteros.
"Nothing lasts long in human life, and if something of sweetness have
entered with it, it will quickly have a bitter ending."
" nimiam servitutem
Nimiaque ilia libertas et populis et privatis in
oadit." CIOBEO. De Republic, I., 44,
"That excess of liberty, both with nations and individuals, eventuates in
an excess of servitude/'

"Noli, obaecro, istum turbare."

ABOHIMBDES. (Valerius Maxvmus, PTJZ, 7, Extema, 7>
"Do not, I pray you, disturb that."
" Noli tivrlare cvrculos
(Generally quoted meets")
" Nolit habere
accipitrem qui capiat alaudam et comedat gallinam."
G-EILES. Nawctda Fatuorum, Turba XXVIIL
"He does not keep hawks in order that they
1 *
may catch larks and eat
the poultry,


(Procul dubio) non mundus in tempore, sed cum tempore."

est factus
ST. AUGUSTINE. De CivitaU Dei, XI., Cap. VL (Migne's Pafro-
logiae Cursus, Vol. XLL, p. 322.)
"It cannot doubted that the world was created, not in time, but

together with time."

"Tempus ante mundum esse non potuit."

MACEOBIUS. Commentarii, II,, 10, 9.
"Time could not exist before the world."
" Non est mendaoio imputanda simulatio veri adjutrix."
PETBAECH. Epistolae de Eebus Familiaribus, XXIL t

"The pretence which is an aid to truth cannot be reckoned a lie."

"Non minor virfcus est tueri efeperficere rem inventam quam , , .

invenire." GESNEB. Pandectarum Liber XL, Praefatw,

"There is no less merit in the study and the perfecting of an invention
than in the invention itself."

"Non multmn oportet consilio credere, quia suam habet For tuna
rationem." PETBONIUS AEBITEB. Satyricon. Cap. 82.

"It is of no great importance that we should follow advice, for Fortune

goes her own road."
"Non opus est eo cive reipublicae c[ui parere nesciret."
MANIUS OUEIUS. (Valerius Maximus, "FT., 3, 4.)
The state has no use for the citizen who has not learnt to obey."
"Non potest amor cum timore misceri."
MACEOBIUS. Saturnalia, I., 11, 12.
" Love cannot exist where there is fear."

"Non stilla una cavat marmor, neque protinus uno est

Oondita Eoma die."
PALIN&ENITJS. Zodiacus Vitae, "Pisces" 4GO.
"One drop of water hollows not the rock,
Nor was Rome buMed in a single day."
(Quare) non tutum est facile omnia credere cuivis,
Ille licet magni sit nominis, innranerascjue
Scribendo implerit nigra loligine chartas :
Magni saepe viri mendacia magna loquuntur."
PALmGENius. Zodiacus Vitae, " Aquarius," 513.
Believe not all that any one may say,
Though great his name may be, and numberless
The pages he has filled with inky stain :

Often great men have uttered great untruths."

"Noscenda est mensura sui, spectandaque rebus

In summis minimisque," JUVENAL. Satvrae XL, t 35.
" Each man must know his
measure, and must weigh
His strength for every task, or great or small,"

"Nulla est ergo tanta humilitas, quae duleedine gloriae non tangatur,"
YALEBIUS MAXIMUS, 7111., 14, 5.

"There is no humility so great as to "be Insensible to the charms of glory.'

"Nulla tarn modesta felicitas est, quae maliguitatis dentes vitare

possit." YAMJBITJS MAXIMUS, 17., 7, flwkerna, 2.

"No happiness is too modest to escape the teeth of malignity."

Nullumque habere (Deum) in praeterita jus, nisi oblivionis."
FLUTY THE ELDEB. Natural History, II., 5.

"God has no power over the past, except that of oblivion."

Nunquam autem recte faciet qui cito credit."
PETEONIUS ABBITEB, Satyricon, Cap. 4=3,

"He will never act wisely who believes too readily,"

Nunqiiam enim sero fit, quod salutariter fit."
PBTBABCH. Bpistolae de Rebus ffamiliaribus, VIII. t 4.

"That is never done too late which is done with salutary results."
Nusquam est qui ubique est." SENECA, Egistolae, L, 2, 2.

"He is nowhere who is everywhere."

" fallax natura Deum 1

quae prima dedisti
Aetati nostrae gaudia, prima rapis."
PETEONIUS ABBITEB. Satyricon, Cap. 109.
Deceiving are the Gods the joys that first

They gave to life, they first do snatch away."

" Omne quod dulce est oito satiat."
MACBOBIUS. SatwnaUa, T7X, 7, 15.
Every thing sweet quickly brings satiety."
" Omnes ingeniosos melancholicos esse."
(Aristotelea quidem ait)
CICERO. Tusmlanae Disputationes, L, 33, 80,
"Aristotle says that all men of genius are melancholy.'*
" Omnia nimirum habet qui nihil ooncupiscet*"

"He possesses all things who desires nothing."

" Omnis habet sua dona dies." MABTIAL. 6,

Epigrams, Fill., 78,
Every day has its gift."

Opinionis ortua est memoriae delectus."
MACBOBITJS, Gammentarw, L, 12, 9.
" The
origin of speculation is a defective memory."
Orbem terrarum, quo magis ambio, minus amo."
PETBABGH* JSpistolae de Rebus FatmUaribus, XIXn 14.
" The further I walk ia the world, the leas I love it."

" amore duces."

Oscula, non oculi, sunt in
JANUS DOUSA, Cupidines, IL, Carmen VII.
"Kisses, not glances, are in love our guides."
" Otium enim femes vitioram eat, otia mentem
Ad mala multa trahunt, .otl comes ipsa libido est"
s. Zodiacus Fto, " Leo" 550.
"Ease is the nurse of vice, ease leads the mind
To many ills, ease comrade is of lust."

" Pari vindicta

parentum ao Deorum violatio expianda est."

"The same punishment should attend outrages on parents and on the

" non Deus ast humana libido
Passio, est amor;
Praetendit vitiis, nomen inane, suis."
JANUS PANNONIUS. Epigrcvmmata, L t 173.

"Passion, not God, is love ; hut human lust 1

Doth cloak its vices with this empty name/

"Pessimo, medius fidius, exemplo."

PBTEONIUS ARBITER, Safyricon, Ga$. 104.
"By heavens, an example of the worst I

"Placet Stoioia suo quamque rem nomine appellare."

CIOEBO, Ad Diversos, IX. 22 ,

"The Stoics like to call everything by its right name."

" Plebeia ratione capiuntur,"

ingenia magis exemplis quam
MACROBIUS. Saturnalia, 7IZ, 4, 4.

"Vulgar minds are more influenced by example than by argument."


"Pleracjue vitioruin imitari solent virtutes.'


"Most vices habitually ape virtues."

"Plorabas.cum natus eras; fuit ergo voluptas

Nulla tijbi nasci cur dolet ergo mori ?

JOHN OWEN. JSpigrammata, IZJ., 192.

"At birth thon weepest ;
therefore to be born
Oave thee no joy ; why then dost shrink from death ?
quam non

Plusq^ue voluisse peccare nocuit peccare prof nit.


"More harm was done by the desire to sin, than good by the abstentior
from sin."

"Post multa festa, non succedit bona dies laboris."

R. Navicula J?atuwmi> Turbo, XVIL
"After too much feasting no good day's work follows."

" Prima ilia et maxima peccanfcium est poena, peccasse."

SENECA. Mpistolae, XVI. , 2, 14
"The first and greatest punishment of sinners is that they have sinned."

Prisea juvent alios ego me nuno denique natum

Gratulor : haec aetas moribus apta meis."

OVID. De Arte Amandi, TIL, 121,
"Let others praise times past I joy that I

Thus late was born; my habits suit the age."

"Publica instituta privata pietate potiora judico."

QUBTTUS FABITJS MAXJMXJS. (Valerius Maximus, II., 2, 4.)

"I hold that private affections must give way to the public needs."
M Publica
religions conseorata virtus, nulla privata religione indiget."
"Virtue that has received public recognition, needs no praise from

" omnia animalia, quae sint salufearia ipsis,

nosse, praeter hominem."
PLINY THE ELDER. Natural History, ZXFIZ., 2.
"It is a shameful thing that all animals should know what is good for
them, excepting only man."

"(Scimus) Pygmaeos Gigantum humans impositos, plus quam ipsos

Gigantes videre."
DIEGO ESTELLA. In JSvangelium, secundum Lucam, Cap. X. (JESd.
Antwerp, 1608, Vol. II., p. 15.)
" We know that Pigmies set on Giants' shoulders see further than the
Giants themselves."

" non cognita rebus,

Quae lafeet, inq[ue bonis cessat
Apparet virtus, arguiturque malis.'* OVID. Tristia, IV., 3, 79.
" Virtue that in
prosperity lies hid
Shines forth and waxes strong in evil times,"

"Quae urbs voluptati plurimum tribuit,imperium maximum amisit,"

"The state that has paid the highest tribute to pleasure, has lost the
mightiest empire."
" magno se foenore tollit."
Qui pelago credit,
PETBONIUS ABBITBB. Satyrtoon, Oap. 83.
"Who lendeth to the sea 3
with usury groweth rich,"

Qui servus c[uoourja<3[ue modo est, nulla esse beatus


Parte potesl Asini esfe olitellam ferre libenter."

PALIHGEHIXTS. Zodiacus Yitae, "Leo^* 461,
" Whoso is slave in aught, can ne'er be happy \

Only the ass bears burdens willingly."

Quid enim prodest fori esse strenuum, sidomi male vivitur ? "

'What advantage is there in enterprise abroad, if things go badly at

home ? "
Quid miM cum Fuit aut Fecit ? Nempe Est valet unum
Plus quam mille Fuifc."
PALKSTGENIUS. fiodiacus Vitae, Capricornus" 731.
"For Was or Did what care I ? Sure one Is
Is worth a thousand Wases>"

" enim terrore

Quisquis primum Impetum perfculerit, victor erit ; plures
quam vi superat."
PJETBABCH. Epistolae de Rebus ffamiliaribus, FJJJ., 1.
" Whoever carries
through the first charge will win the day, for he over-
comes more men by terror than by force."
Quod longo usu didicimus, longa desuetudine dediscendum,"
PBTKAKCH. Epistolae de Eelus Familiaribus, 7., 8.

"What we have learnt by long use, we can only unlearn by long disuse."

(Turne,) quod optanti divom promittere nemo
Auderet, volvenda dies en attulit ultro." YiEair/, JSSneid, IX, 6.
Turnus, what no God would ever dare
To promise, time has brought us all unasked."

Saepe pax periculosior bello fuit."
PETEABCH. Epistolae de Rebus Familiaribus, XII. , 2.
"Peace has ofttimes been more dangerous than war."
Saepe pluris fitmt sperata quum possessa."
PETEABCH. Epistolae de Rebus Familiaribus, VXL, 10.
We often set a higher value on our hopes than on our possessions."
" Satius eat initiis mederi fine."
EBASMUS. Adagiorum Chttiades. Serum Memedium. (Ed. Awdiae
Allobr., 1606, p. 1629.)
"It is more satisfactory to be cured in the early stages, than at the end
of an illness."

" Scena autem mundus versafeilis ; histrio et actor

Quilibet est hominum."
PALINGENIUS. tfodiacus Vitae, " Virgo" 648.
The world 's a stage, with often shifted scenes ;
Each man an actor or a mime thereon."

"Se judice nemo nocens absolvitur, nee de se suam potest vitare

sententiam." MACBOBitrs. Commentarti, Z, 10, 12.
"With himself as judge, no guilty man is
acquitted, nor can any on$
escape his own sentence,"

"Securus judicat orbis terrarum, "bonos non ease qui se dividunt ab

orbe terrarum in quacumque parte terrarum."
ST. AUGUSTINE. Contra Epistolam Parmeniani, III., 4, 24. (Mtgne's
Patrologiae Cursus, Vol. XLIIL, p. 101.)
"The judgment of the world is, that they cannot be good who
separate themselves from the world in any part of the world."
" Sero "
sapiunt Phryges.
FBSTUS. De Verborum Significatione. (JEd. Lipsiae, 1839, p. 343.)
" The 11
Phrygians learnt wisdom too late.
Serva me, servabo te." PETEONIUS ABBITEB, Satyricon, Cap. 44.
Help me, and I will help you."
(Ita enim fit ut) si sanitatem sumentium raediocritas observata noa
sauciet, ipse tamen luxus morum sit aegritudo."
MAOBOBIUS, Saturnalia^ VIL, 5, 32.
" So it isthat even if the moderation of those who live luxuriously prevents
injury to the bodily health, still luxury itself is a moral infirmity.
" Sibi
qtrisque dat mores ; conditionem casus adsignat."
MACBOBIUS. Saturnalia, L, 11, 10.
" Each one forms Ms own character his station is assigned to him.
1 '
; by

"Sic loquendum ease cum hominibus, tanquam dii audiant; sic

loquendum cum hominibus, tanquam homines audiant."
MACROBTOS. Saturnalia, I., 7, 6.

"We should so speak with men as though the Gods were listening, and
so speak with the Gods as though men were listening."

" Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris."

MABLOWE. Faustus, Act IL, Sc. I. (MqpJwtcphiUs.)
"It is a consolation to the unhappy to have had companions in mis-

Solet architeotus esse optimus propriorum operum demolitor."
PETBABCH, Mpistolae de E&bus Familiaribus, 7JI., 7.

" The architect is generally the best demolisher of his own buildings."
Speoiosius aliquanto injuriae beneficiis vincuntur quam mutui odii
pertinacia pensantur."

"It ispleasanter to see injured feelings overcome by Madness, than

aggravated by the persistence of mutual hostility,"
Spes et amor duo sunt calcaria forfcia quae nos
Audaces faciunt, contemptoresque laboris."
PALIHGENIUS. Zodiacs Vitae, il Capricornm" 529,
"Two mighty spurs are hope and love, whereby
We bold become, and nothing reck of toil."

"Stultitiae fons est et origo philautia vestrae."

PALINGENITTS. Zodiacus Vitae, Virgo" 191.
"Self-love the fountain is of all your folly."

(Videmus) suam cuique rem esse carlssimam."
PETBONIUS ABBITEK. Satyricon, Cap. 15.
"We see that to every man his own is dearest."
" Temerarium est cum eo lioste non tam victoriam
confligere, qui
appetifc quam certamen."
PETBARCH. Epistolae de Rebus Familiaribus, I., 6.
"It is a rash thing to fight with an enemy who is seeking not so mnch a
victory as a conflict."

"Totidem hostes nobis esse quot servos."

MACEOBIUB, Saturnalia^ I., 11, 13.
Quot servi, tot hostes."
FESTTJS. De Verborum Significatione. (Ed. Lipsiae,
1839, p. 261.)
We have as many enemies as we have servants/*
Triplex est profecto veri judicii venenum Amor, Odium, Invidia." ;

PBTBABCH, Epistolae de Rebus Familiaribw, Praefatio.

Threefold is the poison which vitiates correct judgment ; its components
are Love, Hatred and Envy."

" non putarara."

Turpe esse, aiebat, in re militari dioere :

SCIPIO AFBICAITUS. (Valerius Maximus, VIL, 2, 2.)

" In matters '
I had not thought of it '
is a disgraceful phrase,"

" Ubi desinit pHlosophus, ibi incipit medicus."

MABLOWE. Faustus, Act L, Sc. I. (Faustus.)
" Where the
philosopher ends, the doctor begins."
Ubicunque dulce est, ibi et acidum invenies. "
PBXBONIUS ABBITEB. Satyricon, Cap. 56.
" Wherever there also find bitter."
is sweet, there you will
" Ultimus est vitae
mors aotus amara jocosae :

Gujus vita fuit seria, mors jocus est."

JOHN OWBN. Epigranmata, 264.
" Death the last act of a life of jest,
And but a jest to one of serious life."
Urbem fecisti quod prius orbis erat."
BuTHiius NUMATIAKUS. De Reditu Suo, 1., 66.
" What erst was world thou hast a made."

"Imperium voMs urbis et orbis erit."

SANNAZABIUB. Ep^grammata Z, % 36, 10.

"Thy rule shall be o'er city and o'er world,"


(Oonsuluisti) utrnm priua gallina ex ovo an ovum ex gallina
cceperit," MACBOBIUS. Saturnalia^ VIL, 16, 1.
" You have been came from the egg or
considering whether the fowl first
the egg from the fowl."
" causa praesfcantior omni."
(Quippe) valetudo esfc

PALINGENIUS. Zodiacus VUae, " Leo" 754,

"Health, of a truth, doth before all things come."

Yera incessu patuit dea." YIHGID, <32neid, L ,
" Her
gait betrayed the goddess."
(Sola) vexatio dabit intellectum auditui."
THE YULGATE. Isaiah xxviii. 19.

"Only trouble will give understanding of what is heard."

Yideo barbam et pallium :
pMlosophum nondum video."
HERODES ATTICUS. (Aulus Gellius, Noctes Aiticae, IX, 2, 1.)
" I see the beard and the cloak : the philosopher I do not yet see."
" dum coelum custoditis, *
Yidete ne
terram amittatis.
" Beware lest while you are guarding the sky, you lose the earth."
Yillicus ne plus censeat sapere se, guam Dominum*"
CATO. D& Be Rustica, 7., 3,
"The farm labourer should not think that he knows more than his
" Yinoit malos SKIJECA. De Beneficiis,
pertinax bonitas." VIL , 31.
" The wicked are
conquered by persistent kindness."
" Yirtutis ubezrimum alimentmn est Honos."
" Yalour's most food is Honour."
" Yis tu nosse
hominem, quails sit ? Perspioe amicos
PALINGENZUS. Zodiacm VUae, "
Gapricornm," 92.
"If thpu wouldst know what sort is a man,
Consider well the men he makes his friends."
" Yivacius in animo est quod per oculos, quam quod per aures introit."
PETRARCH. Epistolae de Bebus J?amHia>ri,bu$ XIIL 10. t t

"That which enters through the eyes lives longer in the mind than that
which enters by the ears.

Yiventi mors obrepit, juvenique senectus ;

Horaque dum quota sit, quaeritur, hora fugit.*'

JOHN OWEN. Spigrammata, III., 3.
" Death on the
living creeps, age on the youth,
And while we ask the hour, the hour is fled."
" Vivere
Ut bene vulgus ait, qui nescit dissimulate."
PALINGENIUS. Zodiacus Vitae, " Cancer," 683
He knows not how to live,
As says the saw. who knows not how to feign."

"Yox et praeterea nihil."

"A voice and nothing more,**
Aooius, L. : b. B.O. 170 ; 228, 302, 304. BRUTUS, M. JUMUS: B.C. 85-42; 68,
(Ribleck, Scenicae Romanorum 235.
Poesis Fragmenta.) BUCHANAN, QEO, : 313, 316.
AFRANIUS, L. : fl. eirc. A.D. 100; 10,
82, 291 Ro- CAECILIUS STATIUS: d. B.C. 168 ; 44,
(Ribbeck> Scenicae
manorum Poesis Fragmenta.) 88, 256, 264. (Ribbeck, ticenicae
AMBROSE, SAINT: A,D. 340-397; 226. Romanorum Poesis Fragment.)
ANONYMOUS: 10, 33, 109, 112, 129, CAESAR, CAIUS JULIUS : B. c. 100-44 ;
226, 237, 252, 254, 258, 2/9, 313, 25, 29, 38, 55, 69, 73, 84, 115, 134,
326. 149, 152, 169, 196, 253, 270, 294,
APULEIUS : fl. 2nd century A.D. ; 4, 16, 300, 326.
43, 55, 71, 73, 94, 107, 108, 112, CALIGULA, CAIUS : A.D. 12-41 ; 298.
133, 149, 155, 161, 182, 207, 211, CALPURNIUS SICCTLUS, TITUS : fl. eirc.
217, 245, 272, 273, 291, 294, 295, A.D. 300 ; 25, 41, 198, 244, 284,
303, 315. (
Weber's Corpus Poetarum.)
1652 147.
1591 ;

41, 226, 277, 318, 323. B.C. 125 ; 35.

AUGUSTUS, 0. OOTAVIUS : B.O. 63-A.D. CATO, DIONTSIUS: date unknown;
14 ; 4, 240, 259, 297. 32, 96, 122, 130, 142, 146, 151,
AUSONIUS, DEOIMUS MAGNUS: 4th 166, 171, 210, 215, 221, 249, 253,
century A.D. 18, 29, 71, 93, 103,
; 274, 278, 285, 304, 308. (
112, 124, 151, 153, 217, 223, 227, Corpus Poeta/rum.)
236, 266, 267, 278, 300, 309, 316. CATO, MARCUS POROIUS (CENSORIUS) ;

(Weber's Corpus Poetarwn.) B.C. 234-149; 42, 55, 74, 108,

AVIANUS. FLAVIUS : fl. circ. A.D. 400 ; 325.
123. CATULLUS, VALERIUS : B.C. 87-47
; 46,

92, 101, 110, 111, 115, 140, 166,

BACON, FRANCIS, LORD : A.D. 1561- 176, 184, 191, 232, 235, 255, 269,
1627; 10, 14, 18, 23, 31, 40, 42, 276. ( Weber '5 Corpus Poetarum. )
98, 110, 133, 151. CELSUS, AULUS CORNELIUS : early 1st
BASSUS, SALBIUS ; 1st century A.D. ; century A.D. ; 92, 101, 172.
BEDS, THE VENERABLE : A.D. 673-735 ;
A.D. 67-130; 97.
INUS fl. A.D. 500 58, 63, 79, 88,
; Academic, 50, 78, 113, 145, 200,
101, 107, 139, 152, 155, 160, 241, 208, 281.
325. (DelpJiin Classics, 1830.) Ad Atticum, 3. 7, 22, 99, 125, 150,
BONIFACE VIII., POPE : d. A.D. 1303 ; 153, 283, 290, 291.
230, 233. Ad JBrutum, 150, 235, 253.
BORBONIUS, MATTHIAS ; 197. Ad Div&rsos, 320.
Ad JFamitiares, 36, 53, 111, 137, 189, 193, 201, 215, 231, 235, 268,
159, 160, 170, 177, 183, 185, 186, 282, 289, 305.
196, 214, 233, 254, 257, 281, Pro Archi^ 80, 111, 177, 188, 194,
288. 257.
Ad Pontifices, 190, 236, 302.
Pro Caecina, 127.
Ad Qwintum Fratrem, 673 293. Pro Qaelio, 9, 84, 188.
Ad Quintes, 283.
Pro Qaio Rdbirio perduellionis reo,
Brutus, 45, 61, 126, 202, 248, 295.
De Amicitia, 8, 36, 58, 86, 130, 138, Pro Gluentio, 65, 133, 258.
142, 149, 169, 179, 212, 222, 276,
Pro Gornelio Balbo, 275.
301, 303. Pro Flacco, 100, 248.
De Divinatione, 62, 65, 115, 150, Pro Liriario, 78, 87, 284.
158, 168, 233, 236, 248. Pro Milone, 35, 62, 64, 122, 126,
De Finibus, 7, 12, 28, 31, 50, 101, 159, 167, 240, 253, 273, 302.
116, 131, 148, 150, 151, 159, 192,
Pro Murena, 26, 159, 185, 198.
251, 258, 261. Pro Plmcio, 91, 155, 159, 169, 212,
De Haruspicmn Responds, 1, 155, 223, 244.
215. Pro Quintio, 41, 71, 117, 207.
De Lwperio On. Pompeii, 54. Pro Rege Deiotaro, 74, 190, 209,
De Lege Agraria, 171. Pro Roscio Am&rino, 112, 125, 218,
De 296.
Legibus, 111, 122, 216, 257, 293.
e Natum Deorum, 21, 81, 117, Pro Roscio Oomoedo, 271.
147, 152, 168, 169, 179, 200, 226, Pro Sestio, 36.
281, 297, 298. Pro Sulla, 154, 277.
De Offitiis, 14, 22, 26, 32, 37, 42, 62, Pro Tullio, 3, 314.
75, 79, 98, 117, 118, 119, 123, 128,
Tusculanae Disputatwms, 5, 12, 31,

129, 131, 149, 152, 154, 158, 168, 39, 50, 56, 79, 86, 89, 91, 126,
176, 181, 182, 186, 193, 194, 196, 139, 145, 148, 153, 164, 169, 172,
201, 204, 206, 220, 228, 232, 236, 174, 190, 196, 199, 232, 236, 237,
239, 248, 262, 270, 271, 281, 287, 281, 289, 292, 295, 296, 306, 311,
298, 300, 304. 319.
De Oratore, 12, 20, 36, 66, 78, 85, CICERO, QUINTETS TULLIUS: B.O. 102-
117, 132, 155, 159, 160, 199, 211, 43; 34.

222, 229, 236, 241, 244, 247, 253, OLAUDIANUS CLAUDIUS : fl. circ. A.D.
254, 258, 297. 400 15, 16, 30, 47, 56, 57, 60,

De Partitions Oratoria, 28, 159, 67, 72 79, 82, 105, 106, 109, 112,

De Philosophic, 302. 121, 130, 146, 149, 150, 197, 207,

De Provinciis Consulanbus, 171. 208, 232, 237, 257, 286, 304, 306,
De Republic, 93, 99, 150, 177, 180, 316. ( Weber's Gorpus Poetarum. )
182, 241, 266, 274, 308, 317. COLUMELLA, LUCIUS JUOTUS MODERA-
De Senectute, 6, 13, 20, 24, 58, 59, TUS :
early 1st century A.D, : 50,
78, 79, 89, 112, 123 3 147, 152, 156, 253, 317.
203, 246, 264, 273, 284, 295. CRASHAW, EIOHAED: fl. A.D. 1634;
ad Gorwlvwm, Nepotem,
J&pistola 68. 186.
Fragments, 101, 188. CBASSUS, LZOIKIUS : B.O. 140- 91 ; 222.
In QaWinam, 1, 109, 142, 155, 190, CUBTIUS EuFtrs, QUINTETS: date un-
248. certain ; 22, 25, 54, 121, 157, 166,
In Pisonem, 211, 223, 269, 303, 314. 180, 204, 220, 240, 247, 252, 256,
In Vatinium, 238. 315. (Detyhin Classics, 1830.)
In V&rrm-n, 28, 114, 117, 158, 172,
18^, 187,190, 199,282. DE G-EAVINA, DOMINIOUS: d. circ.
Orator, 147, 157, 178, 198, 200, 222, A. D.
1350; 76.
Paradow, 13, 112, 139, J58, 160, DE POLIQNAO. MELOHIOB : A.D. 1661-
171, 197, 214, 292. 1742; 36.
PWippica, 8,2 , 24, 26, 35, 36, 50, DE THOU, JACQUES ATTQUSTE; AJX
57, 58 r 61, 75, 88, 99, 100, 102, 1553-1617 ; 145.
116, 125, 135, 155, 156, 158, 188, DESOABTES, BiM : A.D. 1596-1650 ;

DICTYS CBEEBNSIS : date unknown ; e Arte Poetica, 5, 11, 20, 24, 27, 28,
73. 41, 42, 43, 46, 49, 61, 72, 75, 76,
DOMITIAN (T. FLAVIUS DOMITIANUS) : 77, 79, 80, 91, 94, 97, 105, 109,
A.D. 52-96 ; 217. 120, 122, 128, 132, 140, 141, 144,
DONATES, AELIUS : 4th century A.D. ; 145, 146, 147, 149, 150, 162, 170,
209. 172, 173, 191, 194, 211, 220, 233,
DOISATUS, TIB. CLAUDIUS: date un- 235, 239, 246, 252, ^54, 261, 262,
known 89, 129.
; 269, 270, 271, 274, 275, 280, 284,
DOKSA, JANUS : 320. 288, 296, 297, 299, 301, 305,
Epistles, 5, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, 24,
ELIZABETH OF BNGLAISD : A.D. 1533- %?, 28, 41, 42, 47, 51, 56, 60, 68,
1603 ;
4. 71, 74, 76, 84, 92, 95, 97, 98, 104,
ENMUS, QUINTUS : B.O. 239-169 ; 10, 107, 108, 110, 111, 121, 131, 132,
23,85,89,165,181,202,208,229, 134, 139, 140, 142, 145, 148, 151,
231, 233, 244, 273. (Ribbeck, 157, 162, 164, 165, 167, 168, 175,
Scenicae Itomanorum Po&sis Fmff- 177, 182, 184, 188, 191, 200, 205,
wienta.) 206, 208, 209, 210, 217, 218, 219,
ERASMUS, DESLDERIUS: A.JX 1467- 224 228, 230, 234, 235, 237, 238,
1536 14, 34, 61, 54, 70, 103, 146,
239, 243, 245, 246, 252, 255, 259,
302, 309, 322. 260, 262, 267, 268, 272, 273, 274,
ESTELLA, DIEGO : 321. 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 288, 293,
EUSEBIUS PAMPHILUS: A.D. 264-340; 301, 303, 306.
JBpodes, 16, 21, 29, 122, 187, 249.
Odes, 3, 7, 8, 13, 18, 19, 21, 30, 32,
FABIUS MAXIMUS, QUINTUS : 321. 33, 34, 35, 40, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51,
FALISCUS, GRATIUS : 1st century B.O. j 52, 55, 58, 63, 68, 70, 72, 73, 85,
138. 89, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 107, 108, 119,
FERDINAND I. OF GERMANY : A.D. 120, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 130,
1503-1564 ; 70. 134, 135, 136, 137, 140, 142, 144,
FESTUS : 323, 324. 145, 149, 150, 154, 156, 158, 162,
FLORUS, ANNAEUS : fl. cire. A,D. 100 ; 163, 168, 172, 173, 174, 183, 184,
31, 42. 187, 193, 195, 201, 202, 203, 209,
FOURNTER, EDOTTARD : 145. 210, 212, 213, 214, 215, 218, 219,
FRANTCK, SEBASTIAN: A,D. 1409-1542; 221, 222, 226, 228, 235, 236, 238,
143. 240, 241, 243, 250, 251, 252, 257,
FROffTCfUs, SEXTUS JULIUS : fL circ. 259, 260, 265, 267, 273, 276, 277,
A.D. 70 ;
96. 285, 286, 287, 288, 292, 299, 303,
304, 305, 307.
GAULTIER, PHILIPPE : 12th century Satins, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 17, 19, 20,
A.D. ;
261. 21, 29, 33, 38, 42, 43, 49, 52, 55, 56,
GEILER: 314,315,317,320. 57, 59, 60, 71, 74, 75, 82, 85, 90,
GELLIUS, AULUS: fL circ. A. ix 150 ;
104, 105, 107, 110, 116, 117, 120,
44, 98, 141, 218, 252, 290, 294, 124, 127, 128, 135, 137, 144, 146,
297, 300. (Delphm Classics, 147, 156, 161, 162, 163, 164, 173,

1830.) 179, 181, 189, 190, 192, 199, 200,

GrESNER: 318. 203, 204, 205, 210, 212, 215, 216,
GBOTIUS (Hu<30 DE GROOT): A,D. 222, 223, 230, 232, 233, 235, 239,
15834645; 157. 242, 244, 247, 249, 254, 255, 259,
276, 279. 285, 286, 29^, 297, 299,
76438 12.
A.D. ;


104. EXETER): fl. circ, A.D. 1190; 28,
cus) : B.C. 65-8. JEEOME, SAINT : A,D. 345-420 ; 56, 66,
Carmen Seculare, 9.
1784; 183. 39-65 ('0 ; 1, 9, 15, 18, 40, 48, 53,
JORDANUS (OK JORNANDES) OF KAV- 60, 62, 66, 68, 83, 102, 116, 122,
ENNA : 6th century A.D. ; 28. 134, 142, 149, 161, 170, 174, 180,
JORTIN, DR. JOHN: A.D. 1698-1770; 187, 190, 214, 215, 239, 242, 243,
203. 249, 257, 260, 265, 270, 275, 277,
JUSTINIANUS, FLAVIUS ANICIUS : A.D. 286, 292, 294, 299, 302, 304.
483-565 ; 31, 99, 297. (Weber* 's
Corpus Poetarum.)
ALIS) : end of
1st century A.D. ; 2, 222.
6, 12, 18, 20, 25, 27, 33, 34, 40, 41,
45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 53, 60, 61, 63, MAOROBIUS, AMBROSIUS AURELIUS
64, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74, 77, 84, THEODOSIUS fl. circ. A.D. 400; :

91, 94, 103, 106, 108, 109, 111, 116, 120, 318, 319, 320, 322, 323, 324,
124, 126, 130, 134, 137, 138, 139, 325.
141, 142, 147,, 153, 162, 164, 166, MAECENAS, C. CILNIUS: circ. B.C. 70-
177, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 9 ;
190, 193, 198, 200, 206, 213, 214, MALMESBURY, WILLIAM OP: A.D.
223, 225, 226, 227, 234, 236, 238, 1095-1143 ;
240, 241, 242, 245, 249, 250, 252, MANILIUS, M. : date unknown ; 63, 96,
253, 254, 255, 257, 258, 260, 264, 118, 130, 144, 147, 197, 208, 240,
265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 272, 277, 248, 312. (
Weber's Corpus Poeta-
278, 280, 282, 283, 285, 287, 293, rum.)
306, 307, 309, 318. ( Weber's GOT- MANLIUS, JOHANNES 70 :

PUS Poetcvrum.) MANSFIELD, LORD A.D. 1705-1793 :


JUVENTIUS: 2nd century B.C.; 203. 70.

(Ribbeck, Scenfoae Romanorum MANTUANUS, JOHANNES (J. B. SPAG-
Poesis Fragment.) NUOLi): A.D. 1444-1516; 262.


KEMPIS, THOMAS A : A.D. 1379-1471 ;

MARCELLUS, ULPIUS: 2nd century
A.D. 287.
36, 40, 88, 143, 152, 153, 189, 191, ;

240, 241, 259, 274, 299. MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER: A.D. 1564-

KOSCIUSKO, THADDEUS: A.D. 1756- 1593; 323,324.

A.D. 43-104 ; 11, 15, 22, 25, 28, 33,
34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 45, 47, 49,
151. 73, 85, 87, 90, 93, 95, 96, 102, 104,
(Ribbeck, Scenicae Romanorum 115, 119, 120, 137, 143, 148, 163,
Poesis JPragmenta. ) 166, 167, 169, 174, 182, 192, 196,
LAOTANTIUS: fl. circ, A.D. 300 48. ; 208, 215, 218, 230, 232, 242, 244,
LANGLAND, WILLIAM circ. A.D. 1330- : 249, 251, 254, 259, 262, 263, 264,
1400 ; (Skeat's Edition. )
28, 151. 271, 273, 274, 275, 280, 28tf, 289,
301, 302, 319. (Weber's Corpus
1707-1777 ; 145.
1,10,16,24,30,37,48,62,64,67, A.D, 1443-1490 ; 21.
69, 72, 77, 80, 87, 102, 105, 110, MAXIMIANUS (CORNELIUS OALLUS) :

111, 118, 119, 121, 123, 127, 130, date unknown ; 35, 48, 149.
132, 140, 142, 145, 147, 152, 158, MENAGE, G-ILLES: A.D. 1613-1692;
160, 176, 178, 180, 186, 191, 197, 266, 299.
199, 211, 213, 216, 217, 245, 250, METELLUS NUMIDIOUS: 2nd century
256, 261, 262, 277, 280, 281, 283, B.C. ;
298, 300, 304, 312, 316. (Delphin
Glassies, 1830.) NAEVIUS, ON. : d. B.C. 202 ; 119.
LOTHAIR I OF GERMANY: A.D. 814- (Ribbeck, Scenicae Romanorum
855 ;
197. Poesis JFragmenta.)

NEPOS, CORNELIUS 1st century B.C. :

249, 254, 291, 294, 300, 301, 304,
22,58, 90, 127, 142,160, 18 >, 188, 306. ( Weber's Corpus Poetarum.)
194, 214, 224, 258. PETRARCH, FRANCESCO : A.D. 1304-
NERO ; A.D. 37-68
224. 1374 ; 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 317,
318, 319, 322, 323, 324, 325.
PETBONIUS AEBITER : d. A.D. 66 ; 13,
34, 37, 46, 70, 110, 124, 129, 166,
224, 234, 236, 242, 250, 309, 310,
Amores, 7, 22, 25, 27, 30, 35, 136,
311, 312, 314, 316, 317, 318, 319,
146, 162, 191, 205, 209, 222 228,
320, 321, 323, 324
232, 271, 289, 300. PHAEDKUS 1st century, A.D. ; 3, 7,

De Arte Amandi, 3, 20, 25, 26, 31,

10, 14, 31, 32, 39, 50, 53, 57, 78,
52, 58, 63, 70, 72, 75, 109, 154,
80, 86, 88, 91, 92, 102, 106, 121,
175, 178, 192, 203, 204, 210, 211,
166, 173, 176, 185, 200, 203, 209,
214, 244, 245, 247, 248, 263, 26S,
210, 213, 214, 216, 230, 232, 234,
275, 276, 295, 321.
235, 253, 270, 276, 278, 279, 290,
JSpistolae ex Ponto, 16, 34, 37, 39, 308.
46, 60, 78, 105, 108, 124, 134, 137, BUFUS 297.
156, 168. 179, 202, 203. 212, 214,
PLAUTUS, T. MAOCIUS: B.C. 254-184.
241, 246, 252, 256, 259, 260, 267,
Amphitryon, 10, 100, 106, 113, 114,
284, 287, 290, 308.
135, 168, 213, 289, 303, 304.
Fasti, 8, 30, 45, 57, 101, 120, 134,
Asinaria, 11, 13, 15, 41, 46, 56, 71,
176, 193.
75, 82, 125, 151, 172, 179, 209,
Heroides, 2, 5, 11, 14, 21, 34, 52, 66,
263, 307.
121, 139, 180, 239, 244, 353, 274,
Aulularm, 10, 14, 19, 66, 101, 119,
284,297. 134, 143, 164, 175, 211, 219, 222,
Metamorphoses. 11, 15, 25, 26, 38, 230, 234, 237, 241, 289.
48, 52, 54, 55, 64, 67, 72, 82, 91,
Bacchides, 5, 12, 134, 141, 172, 190,
92, 96, 99, 118, 132, 144, 149, 157,
202, 206, 218, 228, 267, 296.
160, 167, 172, 174, 204, 206, 219,
Captivi, 36, 45, 55, 59, 70, 89, 102,
221, 255, 264, 272, 276, 285, 291,
104, 108, 122, 135, 139, 180, 202,
302, 308.
205, 215, 230, 232, 244, 296.
Remedies Atwris, 48, 71, 109, 128,
Qasina, 3, 53, 195, 229, 233, 290,
186, 202, 204, 214, 217, 222, 280, 293
Oisteilaria, 7, 10, 157, 210.
Tristw, 3, 15, 33, 36, 46", 60, 83, 99,
Curculio, 24, 78, 129, 135, 140, 181,
105, 131, 163, 176, 198, 204, 206,
230, 263, 270.
260, 269, 278, 298, 303, 306, 321.
flpidicus, 9, 162, 212, 294.
( Weber's Corpus Poetarwn.)
Fragments, 128, 181.
320, 325. Miles aioriosm, 22, 65, 85, 87, 100,
114, 153, 164, 175, 178, 214, 230,
PACUVIUS, M. : B.C. 220-130; 206. 231, 269.
(Ribbeck, Scenicae Romanorwm, MenaecJmi, 14, 29, 102, 180, 265,
Poesis Fragmenta.) 295
PALINGENIUS: 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, Mercator, 6, 27, 45, 68, 115, 143, 174,
314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 320, 321, 184, 187, 229, 263, 291, 298.
322, 323, 324, 325, 326. Mostellaria, 107, 160, 221, 230,
PANNONIUS, JANUS : 315, 320. 297.
PASQUIEE, ETIENNE (PASOHASIUS) : 51. Persa, 14, 45, 98, 167, 175, 205, 225,
PATEROULUS, C. VELLEIUS: B.C. 19- 228 259 267
A.D. 31 ; 12, 67, 279. Po&mlm^ 93, 125, 128, 129, 138,
PEDO ALBINO VANUS : 1st century B.O. ; 141, 192, 268, 274, 281, 302.
305. Pseudolus, 24, 27, 88, 101, 125, 165,
PENTADIUS : date unknown ; 205. 206, 227.
Rudens, 13, 24, 98, 137, 182, 185.
9, 11,25, 37, 45, 48, 76. 93, 125, Stichus, 39, 54, 65, 115, 164, 212,
136, 176, 187, 194, 211/221, 240, 220, 226, 251, 253, 261, 278.

Trwmwws, 15, 22, 40, 42, 57, 90, SANNAZARO. JAOOPO : A.D. 1458-1530 ;

113, 137, 144, 155, 156, 165, 167, 19.

175, 178, 182, 185, 194, 246, 258, SCIPIO AFRICANUS, P. CORNELIUS:
265, 281, 284, 289, A.D. 234-183 ; 167, 324.
Truculentus, 3, 85, 86, 100, 171, 195, SENECA, MARCUS ANNAEUS : b. B.C.
279, 290. 61 ; 66, 106, 160.
Valpy's SERENUS, SAMONIOUS: 3rd century
(Ddphin Classics^
1830.) A.D. 132, 179,

SEOUKDUS) A.D, 23-79 ;
; 2, 4, 8, SiDONitrs APOLLINABIS : A.D. 431-482 ;
17, 23, 43, 50, 59, 60, 88, 90, 129, 110, 297.
135, 146, 165, 167, 186, 199, 208, SIGISMUND I. : 310.
SILIUS ITALIOUS : A.D. 25-99 6, 7, 41,
216, 238, 262, 276, 300, 307, 310, ;

319, 321. 66, 109, 135, 185, 207, 208, 277.

PLINI THE YOUNGER (C. PLINIXJS (Weber's Corpus Poetarum.)
CAEGILIUS SECUNDUS) b. B.C. 61 ; SIRMOND,PERE: A,D, 1613-1692 ; 266.

4, 49, 54, 58, 59, 67, 78, 87, 97, SPARTIANUS, AELIUS date uncertain ; :

101, 133, 135, 141, 148, 148, 154, 12.

155, 157, 161, 182, 183, 189, 192, SPINOZA, BENEDICT: A.D. 1632-1677;
194, 200, 201, 205, 212, 219, 224, 76, 262.
225, 244, 253, 261, 266, 274, 296, STATIUS. P. PAPINITJS: 1st century
298, 305, A.D. ; 40, 62, 149, 173, 187, 193,
POMPONIUS BONONIENSIS : fl. A.D. 90; 229, 238, 271, 282. (
Weber's Cor-
19. (Ribbeck, Scenicae pus Poetarwm.)
PORPHYRIS: 312. LUS) : B.O. 86-34 ; 4, 10, 20, 23,
PROPERTIES, S. AURELIUS: B.C. 50- 25, 99, 191, 224, 259, 293, 298,
15 ; 9, 44
56, 68, 74, 81,
16, 17, 300.
86, 93, 123, 126, 130, 148, 150, 167, SULPICIUS BUFUS S. :
B.C. 106-43 ;
174, 179, 191, 195, 197, 227, 246, 156, 177, 183.
256, 260, 263, 289, 292, 295, 301, SYRUS, P. PUBLILIUS : fl. B.C. 45 ; 1,

307, 310. ( Weber's Corpus Poeta- 4, 8, 10, 19, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 36,
rum. } 42, 43, 46, 47, 59, bl, 70, 72, 73,
76, 82, 88, 89, 93, 98, 103, 116, 122,
128, 129, 138, 142, 165, 170, 190,
204, 232, 246, 253, 261, 278, 279,
118; 4,15,41,44,56,74,95,119,
282, 286, 299. (Ribbeck, Scenicae
123, 124, 125, 128, 138, 146, 154,
Poesis Fragmenta,} Romanwum
155, 158, 161, 165, 175, 186, 192,
207, 211, 217, 233, 291, 300, 311,
RABELAIS, FRANCOIS : A.D. 14834553 ; Affricola, 1, 5, 18, 74, 81, 106, 133,
28. 135, 192, 211, 214, 247, 288, 289,
KABIHOJS, C. : 1st century AJ), ; 31, 295.
85, Annals, 2, 3, 5, 23, 32, 33, 36, 37,
KUTILIUS NUMATJANUS, C. : fl. CITC. 38, 43, 49, 55, 66, 78, 81, 106, 119,
A.D. 417; 177,245,324. 129, 136, 152, 156, 158, 161, 165,
198, 203, 209, 212, 213, 215, 216,
219, 226, 233, 252, 256, 260, 264,
SALLUST (C. SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS): 274, 275, 279, 281, 286, 294, 296,
B.C. 86-34
24, 30, 33, 49, 56, 57,
; 300, 302.
90, 92, 97, 101, 111, 120, 127, 136, JDe Qratoribus, 34, 100, 101, 123, 132,
154, 169, 193, 195, 197, 206, 213, 237, 305.
218, 221, 240, 252, 58, 263, 291, Qermanw, 69, 153, 214, 299.
293, (J)elphin Classics, 1830. ) History, 3, 6, 13, 63, 72, 93, 97, 103,
SANNAFAKIUS : 313, 324. 104, 109, 111, 112, 127, 150, 153,

160, 183, 196, 201, 207, 249, 251, TURPILIUS, SEXTOS : d. B.C. 101 ; 219.
259, 261, 266, 281, 283, 302, 305. (Riftbeck, Scenicae Romanorum
(Delphin Classics, 1830.) Poesis Fragmented.}
1613 ; 60, 225.
TAYLOR, JEREMY: A.D. 1613-1667: CJLPIANUS, DOMITIUS: fl. circ. A.D.
226. 220 ; 122, 180.
TEISSIER, ANTOINE : A.D. 1632-1715 ;

o4. VALERIUS FLACCUS, C. : d. circ. A.D.

TERENCE (P. TERENTIUS AFER) : B.C. 88 ; 43, 133, 251.
195-159. VALERIUS MAXIMUS 1st century A.D. ;

Adelphi, 4, 29, 53, 54, 57, 86, 87, 88, 220, 291, 309. 311, 312, 314, 316,
107, 113, 114, 164, 185, 195, 207, 317, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 325.
221, 231, 246, 250, 281, 295, 296, VARRO, M. TERENTIUS : B.C. 116-28 :

305,306. 49.
Andria, 10, 40, 43, 65, 66, 67, 84. VEGBTIUS, FLAVTUS RENATUS: 4th
86, 87, 92, 96, 103, 112, 127, 157, century A.D. 185, 314. ;

161, 191, 196, 219, 220, 247, 295. VESPASIAN (T. FLAVIUS VESPA-
Mwuchus, 5, 59, 88, 98, 113, 119, SIANUS) : A.D. 9-79 ; 97.
125, 156, 178, 183, 184 196, 198, VIRGIL (P. YIRGILIUS MARO) ; B.C.
223, 274, 281, 302. 70-19.
Heaut&titimorwwnos. 14, 19, 43. 47, Aeneid, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17,
89, 103, 113, 117, 130, 144, 156, 18, 21, 25, 26, 30, 32, 35, 38, 42,
161, 170, 177, 178, 180, 204, 209, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53, 63,
224, 238, 299. 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75,
Hecym, 6, 27, 113, 140, 170, 177, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 89, 90,
188,199,221. 92, 94, 95, 98, 103, 104, 107, 116,
Phormio, 3, 5, 6, 19, 29, 36, 45, 54, 124, 125, 127, 129, 132, 133, 138,
72, 114, 138, 140, 159, 175, 178, 139, 144, 148, 156, 164, 166, 170,
195, 224, 225, 244, 247, 254, 263, 171, 174, 189, 190, 191, 201, 202,
290,303. 203, 206, 207, 208, 215,217, 218,
(Delphin Classics, 1830.) 219, 220, 221, 223, 224,227, 237,
TERENTIANUS MAURUS: 1st century 242, 243, 247, 257, 261.262, 266,
A.D. ; 78. 267, 272, 273, 275, 276,277, 279,
TBRTULLIAIOJS, Q. SEPTIMIUS: 3rd 280, 282, 283, 2 5, 286, 287, 288,
century A.D. ; 28, 74, 213, 230, 292, 293,, 294, 299, 300, 304, 306,
306. 307,325.
TIBALDEO, ANTONIO : A.D. 1463-1537 ; Eclogues, 11, 14, 17, 44, 119, 172,
76. 184, 196, 198, 204. 206. 229, 251,
TIBERIAS CLAUDIUS: B.C. 42-A.D. 37 ; 28?, 287.
43, 99, 191. Fragments, 89, 120.
TIBULLUS, ALBIUS : B.C. 54-18 ; 8, 22. Georgics, 5, 9, 12, 13, 18, 20, 44, 64,
23, 82, 95, 114, 163, 210, 217, 246. 69, 70, 75, 76, 83, 89, 91, 103, 108,
(Weber's Gorpm JPoetarum.) 110, 116, 119, 120, 131, 148, 188,
TISSOT, JACQUES : 145. 193, 201, 204 206, 217, 251, 255,
257, 260, 271, 272, 284, 285, 286,
81 ; 10, 173. 288.
52-117 ;
274. VULGATE, THE: 53 125,166,298 299,
TURGOT, ANNE ROBERT: A.D, 1727- 307, 314, 325.
1781 ; 56.
AB linodisce onmes, 3. AEGBI, 7, 160, 172.
ABNOBMIS sapiens, 223. somnia, 299.
ABSENTES, 1, 2, 263, 301. AEGBITUDINEM dies adimere, 19.
ABSENTIA mentes perturbant, 196. AEGEITUDO, 164, 291.
ABSOLVITUB, Sejudicenemonoeens AEGBOTIS recta consilia dare, 65.
322. AEGROTTJS, 168.
ACCIPITER, 3, 173. AENEAE donms, 83.
ACOIPITEBM, Nolit habere qui come- AENEAS, 32.
dat gallinam, 317. AEONIDUM aptus bibendi fontibus, 91.
AGGUSABI, Non tutius quam. absolvi, AEQUITAS, 118.
87. ABBA, 7.
ACCUSATIO, 9. AEBE perennius^ 63.
AOBEVO, Ex magno tollere 279. AEBUGO, 79.
AOEBVO, Fortunae e medio ductus AEBUMNAB condimentum, 13.
287. AES triplex, 95.
ACHATES, 70. AETAS, 8, 24, 115, 118, 165, 196, 295,
ACHERON, 3. 316.
ACHERONTA movebo, 71. haec moribus apta meis, 321.
ACHERONTIS strepitus, 69. non eadem, 168.
undae, 81. sapientiae condimentum, 258.
ACHILLES, 97. succedit aetati, 158.
Aomvi, Pleetuntur 234. urbes constituit, liora dissolvit.
AOONITA, 179. 293.
ACTIOITE, In virtutis laus, 304. volvenda, 273.
ACTIOIOIS hnmanas intelligere, 262. AETATE, Iri hominum, 100.
AOTOB, Quilibet est hominum 322. AETHEBB in alto pauperiem perferre.
AOONITA, 179. 225.
Aotr tetigisti, 285. AEVTJM breve, 52.
AOUM quaerere, 265. AFFINITAS, 214.
ADOLBSOENS, 6. AFEIOA, Semper aliquid novi ex 262,
ADOLBSOENTIA, 92. AGAMEMNONA, Yixere fortes ante
libidinosa, 123. 307.
ADSBNSIO, 194. AGBLLUM denormat angulns ille, 190.
ADITLATIO, 226. AGEE sine cultura, 295.
ADTBBSA patiarls an exspectes par- AGNUM lupo eripere, 125,
vulum differt, 205. AGBIOOLA, 188, 251,
ADYEESABIO, Sine virtus, 130. AGBIPPINA, 296.


AGRIS alienis seges fertilior, 70. AMIOITIAB venenum veritas, 138.

ALAS pedibus timor addidit, 207. vincula, 155.
ALANDAM, Nolit habere acoipitrem, AMIOITIAS tibi jungere pares, 306.
qui capit 317. AMIOO bene facere, 22.
ALCEOAE, Quaeris parem ? 223. nihil praestare, 141.
ALcnrotrs, 241. Omnia cum- delibera, 288.
ALEA, 115, 228. operam dare, 174.
ALEAE, Periculosae plenum opus 209. AMIOOBUM omnia communia, 29,
ALEATOR, 8. AMIOOS res invenit, 253.
ALBXANDEE, 226. AMIOUM, Absentem qni rodit 1.
ALIENA, 17, 113, 181. castigare, 144.
ALEEOT appetens, smi profusus, 33.
reperire difficile, 165.
ALIENO malo fugienda aspicere, 24. AMIOUS, 10, 85, 90, 119, 162, 204, 212,
ALIENUM appetit, 10. 229, 261, 281, 290.
,, fundum arat, 75. certus, 206.
, ,
Human! nihil a me puto, 89 . est alter ego, 235.
ALHS, De loquor, 54. in re dabia, 162.
ALIQUANDO et insanire jucundum est, verus exemplar sui, 301.
137. AMNEM quaerere comitem, 303.
AUQTJID mail esse propter vicinum AMOR, 5, 7, 10, 11, 31, 33,34, 66, 68,
malum, 184, 73, 98, 109, 126, 137, 146,
fiet, 115.
150, 157, 160, 165, 178, 179,
ALIUM, Qui facit per- 230. 191, 192, 207, 227, 229, 239,
ALMUM quae rapit hora diem, 96. 253, 263, 282, 290, 295, 301,
ALOES plus quam mellis habet, 214. 305, 318, 323, 324.
ALTER, Nascitur in digne per quern AMOB, auri, 294.
non naseitur 316. clandestinus, 129.
AMANS egens, 228, et majestas, 167.
AMANTEM, Quis fallere possit 17. et pauperteSj 60.
AMAKTBS, 10, 178. lionestissimus, 291.
AMANTI arnica anima, 12. ingenii, 309.
parcit rnilla, 181. Major lex sibi, 241.
AMANTIS ingenium, 231. malus, 189.
AMAOTUM perjuna, 174, 210. militia species est, 316.
AMATOE novus, 307. morbi non amat artificem,
AMBAGES, 124, 282. 195.
AMBIGUA, 5. novus, 52.
AMBIS, Quo magia 319. rnillis medicabilis
herbis, 55.
AMBITIO, 218. nummi, 20.
causa virtutum, 123. Omnia vincit 198.
AMENTIA, 7. omnibus idem, 193.
AMENTIOM liaud amantium, 103. non Deus est 320.
AMIGA, 12, 307. post inimicitias clarior, 28.
AMIOI bis tanto sunt, 100. turpis, 289.
causa peccare, 179. ut balista, 113.
instrumentum boni imperil, Venit magno foenore tardus
183. 256.
nomen. vulgare, 308. verus et fictus, 170,
pereant dum una inimici inter- AMOEIS integratio, 10.
cidant, 209. molestiae, 156.
potentis cultura, 51. AMOEE, Nemo in videt, 260.
praesidia regni, 169. Tot stint in dolores, 248.
AMIOITIA, 10, 58, 92, 109, 143, 214, AMPHOEA, 11, 3B.
222,223,229,234,252,276, AFGUIS in herba, 119.
288, 308, 312. AsrauLirs, 190.
propinquitati praestat, 86. ANIMA, 7, 12.
sine virtnte, 303, ANIMAB dimidium, 145 f
in terras curvae, 187, ARBITER elegantiae, 55.
ANIMALIA quae sint salutarl ipsis ARBITRIO suo fortunam temperet, 242.
nosce, 321. ARBORES serit, quae alteri saeclo
ANIMI corpus appendix, 302. prosint, 264.
AROA, 13, 200, 215, 227.
? ,imago sermo, 96.
immortalitas, 246. ARCANUM, 14.
leves, 204. AROBSILAS,
ANIMIS interdum relaxantur homines, AROHITBCTUS, 85, 323.
88. ARCUM, Neque semper tendit
ANIMO bono uti, 102. Apollo, 156.
ANIMOQUB supersunt jam prope post AROUS, 14, 149, 202, 253.
animam, 110. ARDEIIONUM quaedam natio, 57.
ANIMOS teneros aliena opprobria de- ARENA, 22.
terrent -vitiis, 20, ARBNAE, 9, 265.
teneros componere, 65. ARENARUM cultor, 236.
ANIMTJM rege, qui, nisi paret, imperat, ARGENTUM, 15, 137, 175, 183.
111. ARGILLA, 15.
remissio frangit, 253. ARGUMENTATIO, 100.
superponere injunis,122. ARGUMENTUM pessimi turba est, 174.
ANIMUS, 12, 13, 72, 73, 91, 115, 127, ARISTAEUS, 241,
196, 309. ARISTIPPI praecepta, 98.
aequus, 7, 13, 49, 279. ARKA, 15, 31.
bonus, 24. ,, Cedant togae, 26.
coelestis, 58. Inter silent leges, 273.
hominis conscius, 160. ,, sine consilio, 204.
j, perterritus, 127. ARMIS, Oninia priusquara 198,
sine doctrina, 295. ARROGANS, 152.
AmaJJUM munus, 216. ARS, 9, 15, 16, 155, 178, 293.
ANM labuntur, 55. ,, fortuna et natura, 101.
)t praeteriti, 189. bumana
aedificavit urbes, 49.
singnla praedantur, 274 imitatio naturae, 199.
venientes, 140. ARS longa, vita brevis, 104.
ANOTS plenus et lionoribus, 212. ,, medecina temporis, 285.
AKiifUM posse vivere, 152. ARTA decet samim cpmitem toga, 132.
Aiwus, 115. ARTE fortunam corrigere, 114.
,. est duni comuntur mulieres, Necis artifices perire sua,
177. 154.
Nunc fprmosi^simus^ 184. ARTEM fecit experientia, 208.

producit segetes, 309. ARTES, 105, 200.

sua per vestigia voMtur, 251. ,, commune vmcnlum habent,
ANTIQtIITAS, 147. 194.
APBUDIS, 186. ,, Honos alit 89.
APES, 15, 71, 79. , ,
omnes paupertas perdocet, 220.
APPARATUS, Persicos odi, puer 210. ARTIBUS honestis nullus locus, 225.
APPETITIONEM ex natura habemus ut ARTIPEX, 16, 224.
conservemus nosmet ipsos, ARTIPICIUM, 9.
261. ABUNDINE, Equitare in longa, 7.
APTISSIMA dabunt di, 266. ARTA, 16.
AQUA, 9, 14. ASELLUS auro onustus, 99.
fluminea crimirta tolli, 8. et bos, 101.
AQUAB potoribua quae scribuntur ASPEBITAS, 16, 140.
carmina, 218. ASSENTATIO, 67.
AQUAM frigidam subfundunt, 202. AfiSENTATORES, 296.
AQUILA, it ASTRA, Ad via, 196.
ABATOK, 205. ASTRABA, 206.
AEBITKE bibendi, 228. ATRIITM imaginibus plenum, 170.

AUCTOBIS lux, 168, BELLUM, 21, 22, 51, 73, 84, 106, 151.
AUCTOBITAS, 13, 17, 99, 146, 169, 160,185,186,215,257,280,
275. 285.
AUDAOIA, 99, 246. civile, 135, 292.
,, pro muro habetur, 263. pacis causa, 258, 268.
AUDENTES fortuna juvat, 72. pax rursum, 98.
AUDI alterain pattern, 233. pro fide ant pro salute, 182.
AUDITA loqui, 275. sumi facile, 193.
,, velooius quam leeta prae- BELUA, 22, 146, 222.
terennt, 18, BENE est cui Bens obtulit quod satis
AUDITOR, 120, 262. est, 140.
"AuDm," 91. BEKEPAOEBE malo periculam, 129.
AUGUBIUM, 26. BBNEFICH, Dandi et accipiendi 311.
AUGUSTUS, 84. ,, imniemorem omnes oderunt.
AUEA popularis, 215, 303. 194.
AUBAE particula divinae, 239. ,, locus, 291.
AUEAS, Tenuesque recessit in 285. BEMIPIOIUM, 23,99, 171, 182, 204, 229,
AUBEA dicta, 71. 236, 244, 283, 294.
AUKBM, Demissa per 262. ,, reddere, 98.
AUBES, 2, 18. BENEVOLENMA, 86, 129, 160, 183.
patulae, 208. BENIGMTAS, 7.
j, quod per iatroit, 325. BIBEHDI cansae quinque, 266.
AUBI amor, 294. BIPES, 88.
montes, 138. BLANDITIAE, 66, 78.
sacra fames, 237. BoifA segnius quam mala sentiunt
AUBIOULABUM nimis avidus, 91, homines, 262.
AUBO ingenium malle, 24. BOOT ran, 250.
AUBUM, 11, 17, 19, 170, 237. ,, regibus suspeetiores, 252.
ferro nocentius, 54. veri cupiditas, 58.

ignis probat, 93.

Boms uti, 204.
AUSTBIA, 21. BOOTTAS, 204, 325.
AuxmtA, 20. BONUM, 111, 181.
AUXILIUM malis ferre, 230. nihil nisi quod fructuosum,
AVARITIA. 20, 98, 218, 226. 212.
sine socio, 182.
AVABUS, 49, 235, 282, 286. ,,

Semper eget, 273. Bomrs esse quam videri, 57.

AVEDITAS esto si non potes esse peri-
dives, 301.
Avis, 222. tus, 313.
Eara 249. Bos et asellus, 101.
AVOBXJM baud indignus, 294. BEEVIS est occasio lucri, 208.
Avus, 205. esto, 239.
BBEVITAS, 57, 153.
BACCHO quis vina dat ? 241, BBITANNI, 17.
BACCHUS, 13, 243, 274.
BABBAM, Video 325.
BBATI possidentes, 355. (Sub wee CAOOETHES scribendi, 285.
Sovvat.) CABOITAS, 107.
BEATUM, Ab omni parte 158. CAEDES, 16.
BEATUS, 21, 173. CAESAB, 75.
, ,
ante obitum nemo dici, 291.
Ant ant nihil, 19. 4

BELLE negare, 204. ,, non snpra grammaticos, 310.

BELLI, Pecnniam nervos 156. CAESABE, Spes in 61,

timor, 207. CALAMITAS, 25.

BELLO, Ssepe pax periculosior fuit, CALAMITATIS nospitinm, 90.
322. CALOAB, 166.
CALCEUS, 35. CERTAMEN, 28, 66, 81.
GAUGES, 68. CERTUM nihil ease, 276.
CALUMOTARE, 18. CEARTAE, Periturae parcere 278.
CAMPI steriles, 102. Spcraticae,
CAMPUS patuit ingeniis, 105. victurae, 215.
CAETEM, Cave 310. CHORDA qui semper oberrat eadem, 28.
CAETTABIT vacuus coram latrone viator CIOATRIX, 102, 284.
179. CIOER.O, 255.
CANTIO riova pro vino vetere, 251. CESTARAE, Sub regno 174.
CAOTORES, 199. CINERI gloria sera venit, 215.
CAPAX imperii nisi imperasset, 127. CIRCENSIBUS caruisse, 94.
CAPILLUS umbram habet, 61. ClTHAROEDUS, 28.
CAPITE, A morbus gravissimus CITO factum gratum, 266.
diffunditur, 298. pede labitur aetas, 75.
CAPITUM, Belua multorum es 22. CIVEM jugulare, 117.
CAPTIVIS bellum gerere, 22. CIVBS, 79.
CAPTIVUS, 122. , , expendendos non numerandos,
GAPUT morbi, 103. 99.
CARBONE an creta notandi, 93, 247. CIVILIS vulnera dextrae, 9.
CARCERE uno Roma contenta, 68. Cms, 28, 147.
CARINA bene lineata, 85. CIVITAS, 99, 134, 222, 293.
CARITATIS vincla, 135. ClVITATES, 123.
CARMETA, 25, 74, 145, 147, 218, 301. CIVITATIS mens in legibus, 133.
levant curas, 25. CIVITATUM conditrix paupertas, 207.
mala, 255. CLADES, 85.
CARPE diem, 52. CLAMANTIS, Yox in deserto, 307.
CARPITE florem, 178. CLAVOS figit adamanttaos dira neces-
CARTHAGO^ 293. sitas, 267.
CASTELLA expugnari, 99. CLEMENTIA, 250, 252.
CASTRJS forum cedat, 26, regent! decorum, 62.
CASUS. Conditionem adsignat, 323. CUENS, 29.
CATENIS se reddere. 222. COELUM, 29, 77, 238.
CATO, 83, 285, 303, ,,
JDum custoditis, 325.
CATULI, 9. non animum mutant, 71.
CATULO subblanditur novus amator, COELI commercia, 58.
307. scrutantur plagas, 244.
CAUSA, 26, 128, 167. COGITARE, Yivere est 306.
facilis, 99. COQITATIONEM a consuetudine abdu-
sua loqui, 145. cere, 126.
Teterrima belli 285. COGHTATIONES liberae, 122.
Victrix dels plaotdt, 303. posteriores, 215.
CAUSAE dolendi, 119. COGITATIONIS poena, 122.
CATJSARUM series, 1. COGITO ergo sum, 54.
CEOIDERUSTT ut altins surgerent, 140. COLLAPSIS manum porrigere, 106.
CEDENDO victor abibis, 26. COLLEGIUM, Tres faciunt 287.
CELERITAS in desiderio mora t 61. COLLIS, Apertos Bacchus ainat 13.
CELERIUS occidere festinatam maturi- COLLYRIO, Eodem omnium oculos
tatem, 192. vult ctuare, 56.
CENSOR, 17. COLUBRA vestem non parit, 310.
CENSUS, 101, 218. COLUMBAS accipitri credere, 8.
CERDO, 254. COMES, 29.
CERERIS sacrum, 58. COMMBNTA opinionis delet dies, 200.
CERES, 2, 16, 274. COMMISSUMQUE teges, 14.

COMMODA, 140. CONVIVA satur, 104.

ex ineommodis alterius, 87, CONVIVIA, 12.
publica, 150. COPIA, Laus in 155.
COMMUNIO sanguims, 125. rerum verborum copiam
COMMUTATIO, 73. gignit, 253.
COMOEDIA, 313. COPIAS numerate, 240.
COMPEDES, 29. COPULA irrupta, 68.
COMPOS animi, 306. COBDA, Curis acuens mortalia 206.
CONCOBDIA, 30, 180. molHssima, 138.
CONDIMENTUM, 13, 258. COBINTHUM, Adire 167.
CONFITENTEM reum liabes, 78. COBNIOULA, 140.
CONJUGffi invita, 161 COBNUA, 264.
CONJUG-IUM, 30. COBPOBA, In velle reyerti, 80.
CONJUX, 275. lente augescunt, eito exstin-
CONSCDSNTIA, 126, 133, 141, 201. guuntur, 295.
CONSCIUS ipse sibi, 146. COBPOBE, Ingenium inculto sub
CONSENSIO gentium lex naturae 196. 105.
CONSENSUS, 20. COBPOBI quod noceat uri, 99.
CONSENTIBE, Qui tacet videtur, 233. servire, 153.
CONSILI, Vis expers, 301 COBPOBIS natura, 132.
CONSILIA, 261. COBPOBUM vmcula, 93.
fortissima tutissima, 102. COBPUS, 33, 76, 77, 172.
honesta, 59. animi appendix, 302.
CONSILIATOB maleficus, 32, Extra qui irascitur, 88.
CONSILIO, Arma sine 204. sine pectore, 175.
CONSILIUM, 30, 31, 101, 121, 140, 183, COBBEOTOB, 5.

223, 270. COBBIGEBE, 122, 256.

malum, 129. GOBBUMPES arcum, 14.
publicum, 183. COBTICIBUS, Scribitur Cynthia 307.
stultum, 278. COBVUS, 33.
unde conditium abfuerit, 316. CBAS, 238, 241.
velox, 299, tibi, 311
CONSTANTLY, 158, 214. CBASO?INUM sibi polliceri, 158.
CONSTANTIAE minus in rubore {juam CBATEBBA, 217.
in culpa, 256. CBEATI, Non temere mns, 169.
CONSTAKB sibi, 131. CBEDBBE, 209.
CONSUESOEEE, 5. CBEDIT qui cito S19.
GONSUETCTDINE,Ex in naturam, 136. CBEDO quia impossibile, 28.
CONSUETUDINIS VIS, 130. CBEDUNT, Homines quod vplunt 69.
CONSUETUDO, 31, 151, 171. CBEprDAM, Ne supra judicaret, 146.
bonarura rerum, 23. CBESOIT amor nummi, 20.
peccandi, 114, 187. CBETA an carbone notandi, 93, 247.
valentis, 132. CRIBBO, 311
,, verborum domina, 141. CBIMEN non prodere vultu, 82.
CONSUL, 31, 32. .
, paucarum in omnes diffundere,
Fies de rnetore - 267. 203.
CONSULE Pianco, 168. CBIMINA auscultare, 88.
CONSULTO, Prius quam inoipias 218. eadem diverse fato, 141.
CONSUMITUB annulus usu, 78. fluminea tplli aqna, 8.
CONTEMPTUS, 32. CBIMINE ab uno disce omnes, 5.

divitiarum, 25. CBOOOBILUS, 34.

CONTENTUM suis rebus esse, 112. CBUMENA, 239.
CONTENTUB minimo, 219. CBUOB, 222.
parvo metuensque futuri, 297. Cm prodest scabs, 35.
CONTUMELIA, 3, 9, 195, 213, 298. CULINA, 25.
CONVERBATIO, 282. CULPA, 35, 105, 214, 305.

CULPA, Nemo sine 270. BEI sedes, 60.

GULPAE, Dedecorant bene nata 50. BELATOBES, 217.
CTJLPAM in se admittere, 231. BELICTA fat- ri, 30.
OULTOB arenarum, 236. BELIBANT reges, plectuntnr Achivi,
,, potentis amici, 51. BELIBATIO, 112.
CULTUS animi, 12. BELPHINUS, 42.
reeti, 50. BEMENTIA, 1, 183.
,, Segetes non producit 309. BEMOCBITUS rideret, 277.
CULULHS, Multfc urgere 252. BEMONSTBATIO, 42.
CUM grano sails, 4. BENABIUS, 258.
CUNQTA fluunt, 160. BENTES, 179.
CuffCTATiG, 183, 299. BEO, Quicquid placuit, 212.
CUPIDIMS arcus, 202. BEOBUM atque hominum civitas, 293.
clavus, 71. 3J consilium, 230.
CUPJDINUM, Mater saeva 130. iralenta,250.
CUPIDITAS, 38, 151. BEOS facere, 230.
fortioribus adesse, 72.

CUHDITATI tarda celeritas, 59. ,, Homines ad accedunt, 87.

Cupmo, 38, 136, 168, 187, 207. BEBISOB, 232.
,, potentiae, 302. BESIDEBIUM, 240, 269.
CUBA, 34, 38, 39, 80, 168, 259. BESEDIOSUS, 232.
peeuli, 79. BESINAT in piscem mulier formosa
, ,
Post equitem sedet atra 286. superne, 91.
,, semota metuque, 189. BESPEBANDUM, Nil 162.
CUBAS, Levant et carmina 25. BETEBIOBA sequor, 302.
CUBSOBES, 272. BEUM, Gonfugitis ad 297.
CUKSUS, 39. fallax natura 319.
GUBTAE nescio quid semper abest rei, BEUS, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 221, 266.
260. audit et yidet, 59.
CUSTODES, Quis custodiet ipsos 240. ex machina, 833.
CusfODlA glpriae, 82. Homo homini 88.
pretio victa, 217. in homine, 96.
GUSTOS multorum, 231. in nobis, 57, 58.
GUTEM, Ad vivam tondere, Naturae potentia 208.


GYGNUS, 39, 315. Bi quod volunt, 310.

BABIT deus his quoque finem, 190. BlADEMA, 141.
BAMKANT quod non intelligent, 138. BICEBE de dicendo, 236.
DAMISTABE quod nescis temeritas, 284. BIOTA docta, 11, 45, 119.
BAMNATIO, 167. BIOTEM, 45, 119.
DAMMIM, 3, 40. , , Quicquid bene est meum est ,

DANAI, 32. 234.

DATUS an heros, 109. BIDUOIT scopnlos, 200.
DBA incessu pativit 325, BIEM, Summum nee metuas nee
DEBITUM naturae, 188. optes, 280.
DEOET, Quod non quod licet, 92. BIES, 46, 116.
DEOIES repetita placebit, 80, felices, 110.
DEOOB, 94. longissimus cito conditur, 225.
BEOUS post cineres, 244. omnis habet sua dona 319.
BEDEOUS, 41. optima prima fugit, 201.
BEFENSOBIBTJS, Non istis, 174. Truditur die, 287.
BEI exemplum homo, 63. ultima exspectanda, 291.
memores landi atque nefandi, ultimus, 292,
267. BIFFIOILE quod invitus facis, 180,

BIFFICILIS, facilis. jucundus, acerbus, BOLOR ac voluptas invicem cedunt.

271. 181.
BIGITO, Monstrari 221, 287. inclusus, 278.
BIGOTTAS, 234, 290. ,, medicina doloris, 308.
,, ex domo, 201. mentiri cogit, 61.
BIGNUS vindice nodus, 147. proderit ohm, 209.
Bns gratias agere, 179. BOLORBM longinquitas temporis min-
BILIGENTES nimium, 167. uit 183. r

BIMIDIUM, 47. BOLORIS medicina philosophia, 50.

facti coepisse, 103. praeteriti recordatio, 159,
mail, 24. Solatia, 315,
BISCE, puer, virtutem ex me, 304. BOLOS versare, 103.
BISOENDUM quamdiu vivas, 283. BOLUS, 50.
DISCIPLINA, 47, 309. BOMINUM, Inter et servum nulla
BISCIPLINAM virtutis philosophia con- amicitia, 247.
tinet, 211. BOMINUS, 50, 223.
DISCIPULUS, 47. BOMO, Ex dignitas, 201.
BISCORDIA, 30, 48, 103, 155, 310. BOMUM redire, 164.
BISCORDIAE civiles, 160. BOMUS, 1, 103, 124, 164, 201, 222.
BISCRIMINA rerum, 208. casta, 108.
BISOUNT, Bum docent 87. ,, Quid sanctius qnam 236.
BISERTOS peotus facit, 207. BONA, 34.
DISJECTI membra poetae, 110. BONARE, 57.
BISSENSIO civilis, 99. BONATIO inconsulta, 290.
BISSIDIA, 222. BORMIESTTIS corpus. 115.
BISSOLUTUS, 152. Bos, 168, 175,260.'
BISTIOHA longa, 174. est magna parentium virtus,
Bras mania regna, 92. 201.
BlUTURNITAS, 129. BOTE, A sagittae, 103.
BIUTURNUM niml inter mortales- 317. imperium vendidi, 15.
BTVERSA, Laudet- sequentes, 230. BRAOHMIS, Nisi fleveris argenteis,
BIVBS, 49. 165.
area veram laudem. intercipit, BUBIA, Amicus in re 162*
200. BTJCES, 251.
,, blande appellat pauper em, BUCUNE volentem fata, nolentem
175. trahunt, 51.
,, Kepente nemo factus est BTJELLO, Pacem miscuit, 202.
bonus, 253. BULGE est desipere in loco, 137.
,, tibi, pauper amicia, 60. ,, omne quod est, 319.
BITOIAE, 25, 49, 97, 105, 112, 149, ubicunque est, 324.
204, 260, BUM anima est spes est, 7.
,, meae sunt, 97. BUOBUS homo
loeis ut simul sit, 289.
,, miseriarum mutatio, 142. numquam desunt consulta,
BIYITIAS, 88, 311. 185.
BiviTns omnia pa,rent, 199. Buos apros uno saltu capiam, 293.
BITOIORIBTTS aliquid addere, 224. Bux, 53.
BOCILES imitandis turpibus sumus, 2.
BOOTBINA, 50, 312. B nihflo nil gigni, 181.
Sine animus, 295, EBREETAS, 237.
Sine vita, 274. EBRIUS, 1.
Sine natura 257. BBUR, 104.
BOOTTIS iniquus, 312. EDAOITAS, 205.
BOLIITDI voluptas, 58, EFFIGIES, 216.
BOLIUM, In pertusum 101. EFFREIUTA libertas, 123.
BOLOPES, 32. EGESTAS, 119, 174.
BOLOR, 50, 61, 71, 74, 86, 102, 121 3 EGESTATEM honestas consolatur, 207.
217, JSGO, Alter- 235 f
ihi proxiimis, 220. ,
ELEGANTIA, 55. PABELLAE aniles, 147.
ELEMENTA per omnia gustus quaerunt, FABELLIS, Mhil in philosopMa com-
109. mentitiis loci, 158.
ELBPHAS albus, 267, FABEB gestet compedes, 29.
ELOQUEKTIA, 12, 202, 211, 217. 236, PABBUM suae quemque fortunae, 258.
295. FAB0LA, 144.
ELOQUEHTTSSIMTJS juris peritoium, 117. FABULAE veteres, 233.
ENSIS, Stricti via, 15. FAO tibi consuescat, 32.

EPHEPHAj Optat bos piger, 200. FACETIAE acerbae, 285,

EQTJES, 205. FAOETIIS asperis illusus, 256.
EQTJITABE in arundine longa, 7. FAOIES, 64, 72.
EQUITEM, Post sedet atra cura, 286. ,, deformiiS, 6.
EQTJOS, Primus currus et quatuor ausus FAOILIS cuivis rigid! censnra cachinni,
jungere 217. 116.
EQTJUS, 166, 170. FAOINOEIS, Praeclari fama, 111,
, ,
lust ar mentis 1 07 . FACINUS, 66, 112, 167, 296.
senescens, 276. ,. Non sine periclo magnum,
EBIPITTJB persona, manet res, 243. 170.
EBBOB, 299. FACTA, Tires sunt rirorum, 314.
Non omnis stultitia, 168. FAOUFBU, 249, 280 315. r

,, quiviolentiae marfcis com- FALEEUM jugulare, 259.

mittitnr, 314. FALLAOIA, 67.
EBTJDITI, Qui stultis videri volunt, FALLEBE aut falli, 284.
stulti, 233. FALSA veris fLnitima 113. t

EBTJDITOBTTM nnus dies, 293, FALSIS, Acclinis animus, 3.

Esr, vale unum plus quern mille fuit, Ex verum, 62.

322, FAMES, 116, 207.
EVB^TTTM, Ad festinat, 262. Ann sacra 237.
EVENTTTS, 186. Cibi condimentum 28.
t , stultorum magister, 147. majorum, 34,
Ex beato miser, 159. FAMA, 64, 67, 73, 81, 141, 181.
fumo dare Incem, 170. perennis, 218.
EXOEDIS factis grandia fata tiiis, potentiae, 161.
245. virtutis praemium, 62.
EXBMPLA, 124. vana, 299.
., Citrus corrumpunt domes- FAMAE, Aliorum incumbere 137.
tica, 272. ,
3 Contemptu contemn! vir-
EXIMPLABIA Graeca, 307. tutes, 32.
e> 142. ,, mendacia, 30.
Pessimo, medius fidius 320. ,, Quisque pavendo dat vires
,63,78, 107, 161, 198, 254. 242.
ii regis, 30. sitis, 283.
EXISTIMATIO mtegre s 182. FAMAM praecipitantem retro vertere,
ExirnJM, Nullius- Natura patitur, 14.
182. , , Eedimit qui sanguine 166.
EXPEBtEMTA, 63. FABBAGO HbeJli, 234.
,, artem fecit, 208. FASTI, 117.
EXPEBIMENTUM in corpore vili, 64, FASTIDIO, Praesentia in 305.
EXPEBTI, 244. FASTIDHCTM:, Voluptatibus maximis
EXPBOBBATIO, 112. finitimum, 199.
EXSILIUM, 63, 215. FASTIGIA rerum, 124.
aeternum, 195, FATA, 51, 68, 144, 266.
ExSPEOTATtTM diu, 234. FATI, Sit caeca futtiri mens Jiorninum
EXSUL, 235. 275.
ExtDBA fortunam est, quidquid donatu FATIS, Brevibus pereuntingentia 82
amicis, 85, FAYETE linguis, "201,

FAVITOR, 304. ,
FAVOR pravus, 216. FLUMEN, 71.
FEL et mel, 10, 100, 161, 290. ,, Qua placid um latet altius
FELICBM scivi, 112. unda, 221.
FELICITAS, 68, 175, 311, 319. FLUMINE, In mella, 274.
,, caliginem mentibus objicit, FOENORE, Sine mutna vita, 305.
189. FOEKUM, 71.
FELICITATE corrmnpimnr, 261. FoEircrs, 256.
FEMINA, 8, 26, 34, 53, 69, 278, 307. FONS, 71.
litem raoYit, 180, FORMA, 72, 148, 211.
,, Varium et mutabile semper ,, Cum sapientia 250.
299. FORMAE artifex, 179.
FEHOTS, Bellum cum non gero, 22. ,, atque pudicitiae concordia,
FENESTRAE animi, 12. 249.
FEROR ingenti circumdata nocte, 116. FORS, 72.
FERRI amor, 257. juvat audentes, 72.
FERRUM, 57. FORTUNA, 3,27, 54, 68, 72, 73, 82, 92,
128. 97, 101, 106, 109, 117, 122,
iratp committere,
,, rubigo consumit, 121. 126, 130, 136, 144, 148, 164,
FESTA, 278. 179,182,183,208, 214,220,
post mulfa 320. 222,239,242,243,244,248,
FESTJNATIO improvida, 197. 249, 264, 267, 277, 279, 287,
Fious, 70. 304, 306 307, 318.

FIDEI danina. 67. animos occaecat, 191.

,, vinculum, 118. ,, ars et n tura, 101.
FIDES, 7, IS, 70 74, 75, 148, 182, 227,
} bona, 219, 250.
262, 277. eaeca, 169.
feminea, 34. ftdt quod laudamus, 270.
paiacis carior quam pecunia, j, In bello, 84.
206. In maxima minima licentia,
punica, 221. 100.
FIDIOEN, 287. meote et ratione dominata,
FrauRA, Omnis recta 295, 24.
FIGURAE, Quot in orbe 247. miserrima, 296.
FILHS matres adjutrices, 130. ,, non mutat genus, 123.
FINE, Initia e 8. siimina, 212.
Fnfis, 3, 71, 124. ,, viris
inyida foriabns,
, ,ab origine pendet, 144. volubilis, 205.
FISTULA dulce canit, 166. FORTTJNAE, Oedere possessione magnae
FLAGELLUM, 146. 64.
FLAGITIO additis damnum, 3. conditio, 152.
FLAGITIUM leto pejus, 173. t , flatus, 111,
FLAMMA, 27. vicissitudines, 159.
fumo proxima, 263. FORTUNAM, Fingit sibi, 258.
,, vetas, 8. ,3
Bitra manere, 33.
FLATUS fortunae, 111. Mores fingunt 258.
FLEBILIS, 142. J? mutaturiis deus, consilia cor-
FLEOTI non pottjst, fraagi potest, rumpit, 279.
178. ,, Noli dicere caecam, 249.
FLERE, Est quaedam -
voluptas, 60. FORTUNTATITS, 69.
FLETUS heredis, 82. FORUM castris cedat, 26.
FLOOGI, JSTon facio 203, FRATRI nocere, 151.
FLOS, 71. FRAUDES componere, S07.
,, poetarum, 53. FRAtnotrusNf ISSIMI, 70.
FLUMIBTA, Altissima^- minimo sono FRAUS, 213, 235.
labi, 25. FREHI aurei, 170.
FRONDES addere, silvis, 137. GLADIO, Stilus cedat 26.

74. ,, Suosibi jugulo, 281.

,, multos decipit, 173. GLANDES, 222.
FRONTS capillata post est occasio GLORIA 15, 57, 75, 76, 77 82, 103, 119,
calva, 253. 127, 133, 194, 215, 286.
213. Dei, 4.
FBONTEM, Sollicitmn explicuere
Libelli de contemnenda 111,
FRUGES consumers nati, 177, 237.
FD-GA, 100, 240. mundi, 189.
turpis, 289.
Nova in armis, 81.
FTJGAX, 29. post fata, 249.
FUGIAS ne praeter casam, 178. Spreta in tempore 277.
FUIT ant fecit, 322. stulta, 166.
FULGORE Urit suo, 293. vera atque ficta, 300.
FULMEN, Eripuitque Jovi 312. GLORIAE comes invidia, 58.
FULMINA bruta, 310. GLORIAM, Nee generi tribui, sed virtuti
Jovis, 269.
FUMO, Ex dare lucem, 170. GRAGOHOS, Quis tulerit 241.
,, Flamma proxima, 263. GRAEOULUS esuriens, 77.
FUMUM et opes strepituinque Eomae, GRAII, 77.
192. GRAMMATTOtTS, 27, 77.
FUNDUM, Largitionem non habere, 310.
119. GRATIA, 77, 99, 114, 283.
Levior pluma est 268.
FUNDUS, 168. ,,

FUR, 104, 117. Male sarta 11.

FUBOA, 145. ,,
Pro odiumredditur, 23.
FUBES, Amicos esse temporis, 10. referenda, 99, 182.
FUEENS quid femina possit, 26. GBATIAM reddere, 5.
FTTEOE, 1, 76, 102 ,, In redire, 100.
arma mmistrat, 2. GRATIAS diis agere, 179.
FUTURA prospicere, 111. GURGES, 13.
GUSTOS, 109.
GADES, 120. GUTTA, 78.
GALLINA cecinit, 138. GUTTAE in saxa cadenteis, 31.
ovo 325.
GALLOBUM animus, 294. HABENDI cupido, 11, 97.
GALLUS, 76, HABITUS nitor, 84.
GAEETTIJTAS, 34. HABTJISSE et non habere, 137.
GAUDIA, Oertaminis 28. HAMUM vorat, 135.
falsa, 82. HAMUS, 263.
76, 184, HANNIBAL, 80.
perpetuum, 275. HANNIBALEM expende, 63.

GAZAE, 168. HECTOR, 227.

GELASINUS, 148. HEOTOEA, quis nosset, 15,
GENERE, In suo perfectum, 149, HEDERA, 4y.
292. HBBBA solstitialis, 227.
GENERIS, Hostis human! 90. HBBBARUM potestates, 94.
GENIUS, 302. HEROULIS aerumnae, 228.
GBNS humana, 18. HEREDITAS optima gloria rerum gesta-
GE\EES, Variant faciem 197. rum, 201.
GENUS, 7, 60, 76, 204. HEEES, 82.
et ingenium, 229. ,, heredem supervenit, 210.
humanum, 267. HEROUM, Corpora magnanimum 90,
,, qui jaotat suum, 230. HBRUS, 11, 104, 114, 297.
GLADIATOB saucius ejurat pugnam, Hio niger est, 1.
259, spinas colligit, 110,

Hmous, 205. HUMANA negligere, 235.

HIRUDO, 172. omma caduca, 196.
HISTORIA, 85, 130, 148. HUMANI nihil a me alienum pnto, 89
HISTORIAE, Prima lex, 241. HUM ANITAS, 125.
HlSTRIONlA, 70. HUMANCTM amare est, 68.
Hoc opus. Melabor est, 65. HUMILES, 121.
,3 volo, sic jubeo, 181. ,, laborant ubi potentes dis-
HODIE mini, 314. sident, 234.
HOMERUS, 111. HUMILI, Asperius nihil est quum
,, Quandoque bonus dormitat surgit in altum, 16.
61. HUMILMAS, 319.
Virtutis praeco, 188. HtDROPS, 34.
HOMINEM, In~- dicendum est, 100.
,, In dubiis spectare convenit, IDEM" semper spectare debemus, 170.
243. IDONEA, Sionil et jucunda et 20.
occasiones fragilem non faci- IGNATIA, 92.
unt, 191. IG-NEM ab igne capere, 206.
,, vistunosce 325. ,, luctando acoendere, 27.
HOMINES id quod volunt credunt, 69. laNES suppositos cineri dol ^so, 209.
immntarier ex amore, 5. IGNIS, 93, 110, 163.
,, Magnos virtute metimur, ,, Nutritur vento 186.
127. IG-NOBATIO juris litigiosa, 216.
Vivos mortui ineursant IG-NOSOERE humanum est, 68.
boves, 13. ,,
Sibi nihil alhs remittere, 67.
HOMINIS mail blanditise, 78. ILIUM, 75.
HOMINUM natura, 113. ILLE crucem sceleris pretium tulit, nic
,, Quantula -
corpuscula. 139. diadema, 141.
HOMO, 4, 87, 88, 89, 157, 262. IMAGINES, 233.
Dei exemption, 63. IMAGINTBDS, Atrium plenum fumosis
,, liomini lupus, 125. - 170.
,, triura litter arum, 289. ,, Nescit amor priscis cedere
HoMUNCULxrs, 89, 177. 150.
HONBSTA expetendajper se, 159. IMAGO, 12, 96.
,j mora turpi vita potior, 289. praeterita, 13,
HONESTAS, 123, 154, 207, 290. vagans, 160.
HOETESTUM, Turpi secerais 127. IEBREM in cribrum geras, 165.
HONOR falsus, 67. ,, perpetiar, 27.
HONORAKIUM, 269. IMITANDB, Bociles turpibus sumus,
HONORBM, Virtuti 2.
praemium petit,
258. IMITATORES, servum peeus, 188.
HONORBS, 30, 73. IMMEMOR beneficii, 194.
HONORIS, Patere cunctis viam, 7. IHMORTALES amicitias debere esse, 10.
HONOS, 16, 89 325. f IMMORTALITAS, 246, 257.
,, praemium. virtutis, 248.
IMPAR sibi, 162.

HOEA, 89. IMPENDIOSUM quam iagratum dicier,

felix, 235. 134.
306. IMPERARE, Injuste quam servire
,, ?ugit
,, Quae non sperabitnr 108. juste, 180.
HORTUS, 85. IMPERATOR, 23, 91.
HOSHTIITM, 90. IMPERATORE, In summo quattuor res
HOSTB, !Fos est et ab doceri, 67. inesse oportere, 54.
HOSTES, Quot servi tot 324. IMPEBIA crudelia, 6*
HOSTIS, 50, 90. ,, invisa, 110.
Communis inimicus qui fuit IMPERIOSUS sibi, 242.

suorum, 199. IMPERIUM 57, 97, 118, 127, 1283 164,

xntus eat, 109, 183.
IMPBBIUM flagitio quaesitum, 153. INGBNIUM auro malle, 24.
in bonis, 65. ,,
et genus, 229.

,, sine fine dedi, 84. medium, 111.

IMPETUM, Quisquis primum per- Nullum magnum sine mix-
tulerit, 322. tura dementiae, 183.
IMPETUS, 118, 214, 259. Plausibus incaluisse, 212.
mconsulti, 196. INIMIOITIAE occultae, 282.
IMPOSSIBLE, NiMl 55. Pessimura
, genus lau-
IMPUDIOA, 133, dantes, 211.
iMPinra potius laedi quam dedi alteri, ,
80. ,, Alia e fine, 8.
IMPUTANTUR, Qui nobis pereunt et INJURIA, 3, 124, 142, 180, 283, 297.
232. INJURIAB, 171.
IN hoc signo vinces, 86. INJURIAM, Malo more vincere, 24.
medias res, 262. INJUSTITIA, 228, 287.
vento seribere, 140. INNOCENS, 315.
vino veritas, 300. INNOCENTBS recenti invidiae impares.
INANE, Quantum est in rebus 187. 252.
INOENDIUM, 204, 288. INOPS, 106, 112, 126.
INCEPTIO, 103. INSAKI martis amore, 2.
INOHHTS in Scyllam cupiens vitare INSANIA, 49, 107.
Charybdiin, 261. Amabilis 18.
iNcoFcnsmrs, 229. INSANIEB, 90, 137.
iBrCOffSTAMA, 152. INS ANUS, 164.
INOBEDIBILB, NiMI tarn quod non INSIGNITBB, tTiium
quam plurima
dicendo flat probabile, 160. mediocriter, 296.
INOEEDXILUS odi, 246. 3, 181.
INOUDI reddere versus, 128. Multae suntbonis, 302.
I^DAGATKIX Philosopliia virtutia INSTITUTA, Publica 321.
190. INSTJLAE divites, 16.
INDEX, 104. INSULAS, Apud fnstitudinas ferricre-
INBTGNATIO, Facit versum, 268. pinas 13.
INDOTATA, 222. INTEMPERANTIA, Omnium pertur-
INDUCIAE, 98. bationum fons 199.
INDUSTEIA, 119. INTENTATUM, Nil Hquere poetae,
INBPTIAEUM, Stultus labor est 289. 162.
INEPTUS, 229. INTER minora sidera, 29.
INEBTIA 278. INTERITUS, Mors non est 139.
INFAMJA, 225. INTERVALLO, Longo 220.
INFANDUM, Begina, jubes renovare INVAUDO. Periculum ab 121.
dolorem^ 32. INVESTIGATIO, Veri 98.
INFEOTUM reddere, 154, INVIDIA, 57, 67, 74, 110, 134, 163. 273,
INPIOBTUS, 92. 306, 324.
INFIRMITAS, 125. gloriae comes, 68.
, Infelicissimum genus est ,, recensj 252.
fuisse felicem, 101. INVISA, 29.
A, Plebeia 320. INVITA Minerva, 158, 288.
4 Summa in occulto, 296, IPSA qnidem virtus pretium sibi, 109.
INGBNH, Amor 309. IPSE dixit, 338,
3 ,
Humani est odisse quem IRA, 14, 25, 62, 96, 111, 171, 221, 250,
laeseris, 247.
INQENIO, atet sine morte decus, 17. coelestis, 29, 283.
INGENIOSL 319. ,, Lenta deorum est, 250.
, 12, 77, 100, 105, 126, 145, regum, 77.
163, 281. IRAOUNDIA, 306

Amantium 10. LABOEBS, Juoundi acti 116.

,, Maximum remedram. mora LABOS, 177.
LABBJS, In primoribus 101.
est, 131.
IBAM meminisse, 215. LAO, 123.
ferrum lacti simile, 155.
IRATO, Male committitur, ,,
128, LAOESSITI, Qnae dieimus, 199.
ITER omnibus conimunej 199. IJAORIMA, Cito exarescit 28.

,, tenebricostim, 232. LAOEIMAB, 32, 34 84, 108, 119, 138,

JACTATIO, 87. de gandio, 295,
JANTJA Orci, 203. Stint rerum, 280.
JOCUM, Tristi fingere mente 82. verae, 213.
Joocrs, 12, 154. volvuntur inanes, 133,
Nan st esse maligmim } 169. , Pertusa 213.

JOOUNDA, Simul et et idonea dicere, LAETIECA, 144.

20. In q-uaerimonia, 161.
JOCUNDUM, Illud nihil agcre, 192. LAFA, Alter rixatnr de caprina, 10,
nbi praeco
JUDAEUS, Credat 33. LAHDB, In eo adstas
JUDEX, 24, 32, 116, 117. praedieat, 190.
corruptus, 128. LAPIS, 110.
LAPSIS, Regia res est suecurr re ?&2.
JlTDroiO utendum, 289.
Paridis, 129. LATEBBAE, 305.
J0GUM, 229. , 179.

JtTNOTOBA, 284. NUM leges, 239.

Callida 49. LAUDANTES, 211.
JuPiT!B 269. LAUDARI a laudato, 119.

est q^uodcumque vides, 60. rge,.

IjAtTDATio hominis turpissimi, 223.
JTJBA, 136.
slbi nata, 97. LATJDIS Quem etiam., 272.
Omnia diviua atqueltumaiia, ,, regiae, 74.
196. LATJDIS, Probitas tristi materiam
habet, 260.
paria, 266 tempore
LAITEBA, Concedat laudi, 26.
J0BIS, Mensura vis erat; 134.
Jus, 106, 117, 246, 296. , 53, 120, 273. .

De alienis certare regia 279.

scriptum et non scrip tuin, 31.
Maxima matrona 31 6.
JUSTITIA, 64, 70, 81, 118, 158, 176,
274,315. LECTIO, 120, 315.
JUSTITIAE fundamentum fides, 75. LECTOR, 120.
LEGEM, Fecessita<? non nabet lol.
tenax, 258.
JUVBNOA, Votiva 205. LBGrENDUM, Mnltum 143.
LEGES, 33, 133, 136, 236.
bello siluere coactae; 215.
St 180. Bonae 214.
ex delictis aliornm
KALBUDA Graeoae, 4.
-^-., 91.
Silent inter arma, 273.
LABOB, 92 118, 119, 151, 163, 223,
r ,

251, 274. LsaiOKES redde, 240.

immodieus, 202. LENIS alit flammas, grandior awa
., Intemii 103. necat, 186,
Ijmae 123. LEO, 121, 243.
Omnibus eat LEPOBK? Mnsaeo 143.
260. LETHABUM ad fovium Etetis evocat, 80.

LABOEKM, Alterius spectare 279. LBTHE, 12.

Scribendi ferre 212. LBTHI, YM
memor^ 3vv.
, sitijn, 27. LKTI, Janna 81.

LETUM, 30. LIVOB, Summa petit 280.

LEVE fit quod bene
fertur onus, 27. Loci, Mutatio 71.

LEVITATE, Constans in 205, LOOUPLES, Ut moriaris egentis vivere

LEX, 17, 58, 102, 120, 121, 122, 180, fato, 242.
245, 257, 298. LOCUHJETI, Munera qui dain- senique,
Consensio omnium gentium 143.
naturae, 196. LONGAS, An nescis regibus esse
est nou poena perire, 197. manus, 11.

prima naturae, 312. LONGO intervallo, 220.

Tacita humanitatis, 314, LOQUAOBS mulieres, 143.
LIBELLI, 78, 120, 126. LOQUENDI, Ratio 265.
Duplex dos est, 53. LOQUENBUM, Sic esse cum nomini-
Nostri est farrago 234. bus, 323.
Sine auotore propositi 274, LOQUI, Aliud aliud sentire, 289.
LIBELLUS inaequalis, 115. Secum 232.
LIBER, 238, 280. LUORO, Pecunium in loco negligere,
victurus, 302. int^rdum est 207.
LIBERALIS, Repente 253. LUORUM, 55, 151.
LIBERALITAS, 104, 157, 221. Lucus a non lucendo, 124.
LlBERI, 221. LUDERE par impar, 7.
LIBERTAS, 8, 67, 80, 116, 122, 206, 215, LUDIBKIA rerum mortalium, 136.
260, 272, 317. LUBUS, 11, 148, 154, 165, 172.
LIBEROJATI viam faciet, 292. LUNA, 108, 110.
LEBERTATIS falsa species, 6. LuNAEj Novaeque pergunt interire
LIBIDO, 97, 206, 320. 287.
Exsaturata 79. LUPO, Oredis ovile 3.

regia, 215. LUPUM, Auribus teneo 19.

LIBRI, 315. LUPUS, 125, 192.
LIBRO, Qui discere vult sine 314. ,, in sermone, 54.
LIBRORUM, Distringit nxultitudo, LUSISTI satis, edisti satis, 121.
161. LUTUM, Udum et molle es, 291.
LIBRUM, Nullum esse- tarn malum Lux aptior armis, 31.
ut non aliqua parte pro- ,, per immundos transiens non
desset, 182. inquinatur, 277.
LIBYA, 120. LUXURIA, 109, 184, 218.
LICENTIA, 100, 123, 187. Luxus, 6.
,, Nimia 164. LTMPHAB, Locqtiaces desiliunt tuae,
,, poetica, 214. 70.
LICTOR consularis, 168.
LIGNUM, Nervis alienis mobile 156,
LIGONEM ligonem vocat, 70. MAOHINAE, Divini operis 154.
LILIA, 123. MACIBS, 125.
LIKEA, Nulla dies sine 186. MACRITUDQ, 202.
LINGUA empta, 289. MAOULIS, Non ego paucis offendar
libera, 99. 301.
,, mali pars pessima servi, 306, MAECENAS, 125, 230,
professoria, 219. MABCSNATES, 274.
LINGUAM, Oorapescere 304. MAGISTER artis, 125.
Lis, 5, 161, 172. ,, eloquentiae, 312.
,, minimis verbis interdum MAGISTRATES, 106.
maxima crescit, 171. MAGNA, In se ruunt, 102.
LITBM, Mulla causa in qua non femina MAGNIHCO, Omne ignotum pro 193.
moverit, 180. MAGNIS componere p^arva, 204.
LITBBIS, Otium sine 202. ,, In et voluisse sat est, 246.
LITTTO, Nimium premendo iniqnum, MAGNUM opus, 78.
251. MAIO, Mense malum nubere, 134,
LIVOE, 124, 205, MAJESTAS et amor, 167.

MAJOB ignotarum rerum est terror. MEL, 15, 70, 79, 214, 241.
152. et fel, 10, 100, 161, 290.
MAJQBES, 127. MEOTS quicquid erit, pati, 288.
MALA, Homini plurima ex nomine MELLA e flumine, 274.
88. MEMINISSE, 83.
MALEDICTIO, 9. ,, Forsan et liaec olim juvabit,
MALBDIOTUS, 159. 72.
MALEFACTA, 23. MEMOEIA, 24, 96, 133 3 269, 286.
MALEFACTOR, 134. beneficiorum fragilis, 141,
MALEFICUS, 128. ,, Peperit Sapientiam, 294.
MALI, Aurum summi materies 19. , ,
Vita mortuorum in vivorum.
Mors habet speciem, 139. 305.
,,Venturi timor ipse 142. MENAOT3EE, 249.
paria non sunt, 23. MENDAOIA, 30.
E multis -
minimum eligere, MENDATIO, Simulatio veri 318.
40, 226, 270. MEKDIOABIBE, 128.
Ne ignoscendo bonos per MENDICUS. 212.
ditum eatis, 154, MENS, 133, 134, 189.
MALITIA, 117. agitat molem, 218.
MALOBUM /AI&, 283. bona, 313.
MALUM, 69, 86, 114. ,,
Bona cum bona fortuna, 250.
,, Blandiendo nutrivit 229. ,, conscia recti, 30, 45, 223.
,, decetnovisse 311. ,,
divina. 91.
nascens, 193. libera, 99.
MALTJS, 35. ,,
Mala malus animus, 127.
videri vult nemo, 154. ,, nescia fati, 156.
MANTIOA in tergo, 176. ,, regnum bona
possidet, 254.
MANUS, 129. MENSA plena, 14.
Medicas adhibere 9, 132. MEUTSTJA, Noscenda est sui, 318.

,, Oculatae nostrae sunt 263. MSNTEM, Aequam memento rebus in

MABCELLUS, 16, 82. arduis servaro 13,
MAEE, 9, 133, 188. ,, Gigni pariter cum corpore
MAEIS, Multitude siout nattira 142. 76.
MABMOB, Non stilla una cavat 318. ,, Magni est ingenii sevocare
MAEMOEEAM, Urbem se relinqiiere, a sensibus, 126.
qnam latericiam accepisset, ,, mortalia tangunt, 280.
293. MENTIEI, Cogit - dolor, 61.
MAES, 2, 21, 130. MEEOEDEM solvere, 177.
MATEEIA, 286. MESSIS in herba, 5.

MATEIS, non dominae ritu, 79. ,, Pro benefactis, mali 294.

MATEONA, 26. MESSOEUM, dura- ilia, 187.
MATUEE fieri senex, 147. METUI, Malunt quam vereri, 82.
MATTJEITAS, Festinata 192. ,, Se~- quam amari malunt,
MAUEIS, Npn eget jaculis, 107. 224.
MAXIME divitiis frtx6tnr qiii miiiime METUS, 25, 117, 129, 135, 197, 247.
indiget, 112. MEUM et tunm, 246.
MEDEA, 146. MILKCABB, Vivere est 306.
MEDIOI, Mali 155. MILITIAE, Otram cedat, 26.
MEDIOINA, 50, 101, 138, 195, 217, MINEEVA, 8, 158, 281, 288.
MEDIOTEJS, 132, 172, 316, 324. MINIMUM cum aliis loqui, plurimum
MEDIOOEITAS, 18, 323. seetim, 161.
MJBDITAEI, Ad poenam sufficit ,, eget qui minim umcupit, 112,
punienda, 273. MINISTBI, Malorum facinorum 129.
MEDIUM probamus, 95. MINUS valent praecepta quam experi-
tenuere beati, 60. menta, Iz4.
MIRACTJLI, Nihil composition causa, MORI, Ne moriare 90.
158. , , Saevitia est voluisse 249.
MISOUIT utile dulci, 194. , Usque adeone miserum est ?

MISER, 189,
Ex beato 159. MORIBXJS, Leges bonae ex malis pro-
MISBEA est magni custodia census, 126. creantur, 120.
MISBBIA fortes probat, 93. MOEIRI, Malim meos quam mendi-
MlSERICORDIA, 13. carier, 128.
MISBEIS coelestia numina parcunt, 34. MORITUBI te salutaut, 20.
,, succurrere disco, 170. MORS, 13, 29, 30, 35, 51, 55, 64, 71,
MISBRUM veta perire, felioem jube, 98, 100, 102, 03, 122, 138,
231. 139, 144, 148, 171, 172, 182,
MIXTO insania luctu, 7. 185, 197, 203, 219, 231,
MOBILE vulgus, 30, 234, 238, 241, 260, 269,
MODULO, Metirisequemque suo 134, 289, 305, 313, 317,
MODUM, Servare 83. 325.
MODUS, accidit universis, 137.
104, 107, 121, 138, 156, 223,
239. adolesceatum, 6.

Est in rebus, 59. amons unum sedameu mali,

MOEROR, 107, 113, 189.
MOLES, Budis indigestaque 255. <
immatura, 135, 155.
MOLLITER, Male esse malo quam Praecipuum naturae bonum
128. 216.
MOMBHTIS, Parvis magnas eommuta- pudoris maximum laeai decus,
tkmes efficit fortuna, 73. 189.
MOMENTO fit cMs, diu silva, 293. Turpis 155.
,. turbinis exit Marcus Bama, MoRflAiJBUs, Ml arduum, 163.
301 MORTALIUM, Mamo omnibus horis
MONSTRUM, 138. sapit, 288.
nulla yitute redemptum, 53. MORTE, Oertamen cum gerit, 271.
MONTEM rumpit aceto, 200. NiMl raali in 215, 257.
MONTES, 138. jungi, 291.
MONUMENTI, Impensa 96. MORIBM, NJiil post pertinebit, 296.
MORA, 148, 245, 259, 286. ,, omniaetati esse comnauuemj
,5 mortis, 139. 264.
Bemedium irae - 131. ,, sibi con^ciscare, 79.
MORAS, Odit verus ainor 192. MORTIS contemptus, 54.
Pelle 208. ,,
Genus est male rivere, 267.
MORBI, 168. metus, 20.
MOKBO, Venienti occurrite 300. Morte ipsa tempus indig-
MORBTO, 101, 138, 164. nins, 189.
Gravissimua eat qui a capitd Opportunitas 288,
diffanditur, 298. ,, Tempus quaerendae 304.
MORBM geraa r 206. MORUM similitudo, 214.
MORES, 171, 175, 224, 236, 258, 285. Moa, 139.
boni, 214. Mom, Compnme 30.
maH, 156. MTJLIER, 6, 93, 140. 143, 177, 237,
tempora, 190. 282.
, , Opibus non tradere 15, Aut amat aut odit 19.
,, perversae, 198.
Sermo et celat et iudicat, n nuda, 221.
210. ,,
sine culpa, 27.
Sibi quisquis dat 323. MtTLiBRis memoria, 269.
MORI, Bene~~ 13, 128. McrLiEjauH ingenium, 178.
in armis, 76. Yitia, 141.
Interim poena est sed saepe Faciliiu? eat facere quam
donum, 234. din, 4.

MULTIS, Quidquid peccatur imiltum NATURA, Neque potest subito cujus

est, 239. quam converti, 154.
terribilis caveto muitis, 151. KiMl voluit magnum effici
MULTITUBINEM regit superatitio, 180. cito, 158.
MULTITUDXNIS natura, 80. ,, Procax multorum in alienis
MULTIT0DO, 78, 142, 145. miseriis, 59.
librorum, 161. Eepuguante nihil medicina
MTOTOS timere debet, quern multi proticit, 101.
timent, 151. ,, sine doctrina, 257.
MUNDI, Origo 1. NATUBAE, Ars aemula 16.

MUNDITIAE, 27-3. Ars imitatio 199.

MUNPO, Nee sibi sed toti genitum se Debitum 188.

credere 83. judicia, 200.
MtJHDls, 143, 293, 318. notatio, 178.
Patria mea tottis hie est, potentia, deus, 208.
193. NATUBAM, Ad vivere, 265.
Scena autenx 322. ,, JBx consuetudine in vertit,
MUNEBA, 143. 136.

,, acceptissima, 2. ,, Secu&dum vivere, 92.

MUNEBIS gratia 114. NATUBABUM differentia, 79.
MtraiFicENTiA vinci, 252. NATUS, Non frustra 156.
MUNITUM, Si incolae bene sunt morati ,, Plorabus cum eras, 320.

pulchre- arbitror, 267. NAUFBAGIO, E omnia efferre, 241.

MUNUS perace, 25. NAUFBAGIUM, 73, 98,
MUEOS Intra peccatur, et extra, NAUFBAOUS, 287,
262. NAVES, Scaudit aeratas vitiosa cura?
Mus, 205, 235. 259.
MUSAE, 114, 131. ._j, 145.
dubites, quum magna im-
,, severiores, 166. petis,
MUSAS, Ad via, 167. pendere parva, 151.
M0SOA, 14, 143. quid expectes amicos quod
H0TA8 agitare inglorius artes, 94. tuteagerepossies, 85.
M0TATIO consilii, 152, 201. quidnimis, 92.
HOB M sis patruus milti, 135.
loci, ingenii, 71.
MYBIOAS, Jacturas poma speret, ,, sutor ultra crepidam, 146.
274. BTBOflibinecalteri, 82.
MYBMIDOISTES, 32. NEOESSITAS, 7, 54, 151, 154, 267, 304,

NASOI, Lex universi est quae jubet NECESSITATE, Faeis de virtutem, 66.
et mori, 122. NEOIS artifices arte perire sua, 154.
, . Kon homini longe optimum, NEPAS, 18, 151.
172. NEGATUM, Hoe solum meminerunt
KASO vivere pravo, 105, quod est, 225,
NATIO comoeda est, 70. NEOOTIA, 131.

NATUBA, 72, 79, 95, 140, 145, 149, ,, Aliena-17, 116.

179,182, 189, 222, 258, NEGOTIIS, Par nee supra, 203.
NEKJOTIO, Negotiosus in 202,
265,271, 272, 286, 292,
295, 306, 309, 313, 317.
adversante, 158. NEPTONIA arva; 16.
Avidis parum est, 20.
Be niMl incredible exiati- NEBVI, 156.
mare, 135. NEEVOS, Omnes in eo contendas,
Divina dedit agros, 49. 196.
et sapientia, 185. NESCIBB, Nee me pudet fateri 148,
fortuna et ars, 101. NESOIS, Quae tu seire credis 185,
horoinum novitatis avida, 60. NIQBK, Candida de 25.
Juris f ons, 62. NIBIL agendo, 317.
agere quod HOE prosit, 166, OAXES, 17.
de nihilo, 76, 101. OBITUM, Dicique beatus ante nemo
concnpiscet, 319.
qui debet, 291.
NIHILUM, Haud redit ad res ulla, OBLIGATIO, Impossibilium nulla est,
81. 97.
NIL admirari, 164. OBLITUS meorum obliviscendus et illis,
conscire sibi, 84. 95.
,, cupientium nudus castra peto, OBLIVIA longa, 12.
226. OBLIVISOI qui sis interdum expedit,
,, movisse, 7. 61.
NILUS, Lene flint, 121. OBSEQXJIO tranantur aquae, 268.
Nix 123 OBSEQUIUM, 138, 191.
NOBIUTAS, 150, 166, 313. OBSCTJRUS fio, 24.
CUJTIS laus in origine sola, 210. OBTREOTATIO, 142.
NOCENS, 116. OOCASIO, 128, 208, 234, 253.
NOOERE saepe nimiam diligentiam, OCCASIONEM, Bapiarnus de die, 249.
167. OCOASIONES, 191.
NOOET, Bonis qui malis parcet, 23. OOCIPITIO, Frons
prior, 74.
NODUM, In scirpo quaeris, 102, OcEAM) properent se tinguere soles,
NOMEN, 166, 277. 131.
indelebile, 172. OCULATUS testis, 171.
NOMINE, Praeclaro tantum insignis, OOTJLI, 56, 191.
240. Animi indices 12. -

NON putaram, 324. OOULIS, Homines amplius quam

qui parum habet pauper, 112. auribus credunt, 66.
rex sed Caesar, 25. Sub posita negligemus, 4.
NORMA loquendi, 141. OctJLOS pascere, 254.
NOSTRA nosmet poenitet, 114. quod per introit, 325.
,, Pereant qui ante nos dixe- mere, 87.
runt, 209. OCULUS domini, 50.
NOTA, Mala 178. ODERINT dum metuant, 228.
NOTATIO, Naturae 178. GDI profanum vulgus, 219.
Semper aliquid Africam ODIA in longum jaciens, 2.
afferre, 262. professa, 111.
S, 60, 152, 246. ODISSE, Humam ingenii est quern
Nox, 116. laeseris, 247,
CoEsiliis apta ducum, 31. Turpe est quern laudes, 289.
est perpetua una dormenda, ODIUM, 3, 191, 192, 324.
166. cum armis ponunt, 303.
NUBE pari, 274. Pro gratia 23.
NXJOLECTM, B nuce Velare -
esse, 230. fallacibus blanditiis,
NUDO detrahere vestimenta, 179. 66.
NUGAE, 10, 79, 144, 156, 289. Veritas parit, 300.
canorae, 301. ODOR, Lucri 124.
, Abjectis 165. ODOREM, Servabit testa diu, 184.

addere poiidus, 277. OFPA, 108.

NULLA dies sine linea, 186. OFPIOII fructus officium, 192.
est siEcera voluptaa, 132. ,, simulatio, 181.
NUMEN, 240. OFMOIUM, 192, 193.
NUMERO, In ipso coEsilium, 101. OLEA, 162.
JSTUMERUS impar, 184. OLEUM, 192.
NUMMATUM, Beue decorat Suadela ,,
mittas in mare, 133.
VeEUsque, 260. OMEN, 167.
NtTMMi lymphatici, 281. OMNE capax moyet urna nomen, 7.
NUMMOS contemplor in area, 215. in praecipiti vitium stetit, 162.
NUTRIOULA, 239. supervacuum pleno de pectore
Nux, 162, 230. manat, 239.

OMNEM crede diem tibi diluxisse OSTBNTATIO, 201.

supremum, 108. OTII vitia negotio discuti, 186.
OMNIA tuta timens, 17. OTIO, Quid dulcius literate, 236.
,, verti cerniraus, 272. OTIOSUS, 186,
vertuntur, 126. OTIUM, 6, 192, 202, 320.
ONUS, 27, 101. Cum dignitate 36.
Aptari viribus debet, 13. ,, militiae cedat, 26.
OPERA, Post multa virtus laxari , ,
sine literis, 202.
solet, 215. OVES, 23.
OPES, 28, 73, 126, 200, 201, 290. Ovo, Ab 1.
Contemnere 18.
,, Dan tux nulli nisi divitibus, PABULUM, 121.
263. PACE, Mara gravior sub 130.
irritamenta malomin, 54. PAOIS causa belluni gerendum, 258,
5, Stultitiam patiuntur 132. 268.
Tenues 93. Longae mala, 184.
OPINIO, 199, 271. ,j Spe praesentis perpetuarn
, ,
Nimia ingenii atque virtutis. pacem amittere; 26.
90. PAEDAGOGI, 126.
OPINIOISTB, Saepius quam re labora- PAGINA, 87, 1043 119,
mus, 213. Millesima 190.
OPINIONES, 111. PALLIOLO, Sub sordido sapientia,
,, Ad
vivere, 265. 256
OPINIONIS, Ortus 319. PALLIUM, 203, 289.
OPPIDA, CermimiB posse mori, 177. PALMA, 203.
OPPIDUM cadavera, 177. PAK, 69.
OPPQRTUOTTAS mortis, 288. PANBM et Oircenses, 50.
OPTIMUM quidque rarissimum, 101. PAROENDI gloria, 76.
OPUS divisum, 49, PARENDO imperare, 26,
,, Quod non est asse carum PARENS pakiae, 53.
est, 55. PARENTEM qui necassat, 112,
ORATIO, 34, 160. PARENTES, 8, 82, 204.
Talis qualis vita, 282. PARENTIUM, Dos est magna virtus
,, Veritatis simplex 301, 201.
OEATIONEM regere, 87. PARETSWM scelera filiorum poenis lui,
ORATOR, 85, 153. 150.
ORATORB, Nihil rarius perfecto 160. PART, Nube 274.
ORBIS, 30. PARIES cum proximus ardet, 288.
fractus, 267. PARITUR pax bello, 22.
Bebus cunctis inest velut PARMULA, Relicta non bene 252.
165. PARBTASI, Aidua 131.
OROT janua, 203. PARS, 204.
ORDO, 127, 313. PARSIMONIA, Magnum vectigal 17L
ORE rotundo, 77. ,, Sera in fundo est, 264.
ORIQO mundi, 1. PARSIMOKIAE pudor, 211.
ORKATUS, 300. PARTURIUNT montes, 235.
Os, Inter atque offam, 108. PARVA, 204, 205.
magna soniturnm, 105. PARYO uti, 272.
OSCULA, 320. vivere, 223.
OSOULUM, Quod flenti tulerls plus PASSI graviora, 190.
sapit 15. PASTILLOS olet, 205.
OSSA, 202. PASTOR, 9, 205.
Molliter cubent, 83. PASTORIS, Boni ease tondere
quieta, precor, tuta requiescite non deglubere, 23.
in urna, 22. PATER, 205, 206.
Terra sit super levis, 22. patriae, 255, 265 $

PATIENTIA, 76, 122, 130. PELAGO qui credit, 321.

Gaudet duris, 265. PELIO Ossam imponere, 285.
Quo usque tandem abutere PELIOK imposuisse Olympo, 285.
nostra, 248. PELLABUS juvenis 293.
PATBEM, Fallere 281 PENDENT circum oscula nati, 108,
PATBES, Iniqui in adolescentes PENDEBE, Semper quam semel
judices, 224. cadere, 153.
PATBIA, 83, 185, 204, 206. PENITUS toto divisos orbe Britannos,
,, Omne solum forti 193. 17.
,, Pro
mori, 51, 188. PENSIO, 231.
PATBIAE parens, 53. PENUBIA, Neque culpa in 155.
, , quis exsul se quoque fugit, 235 . , , Neque enim eat parvi, 246.
PATBIAM, Ob pugnando, 84. PEBOONTATOB, 208.
, ,
Praeferre liberis 216. PEBFEB et obdura, 268.
PATBONTTS, 117. PEBFIOE, Aut non tentaris aut 20.
PATBUA lingua, 135. PEBFUGA, 172.
PAUPEB, 112, 206, 234. PEEICULA occulta, 90.
PAUPEBEM, Ubi dives blande appellat PEBIOULO, Non fit sine facinus
-175. magnum,170.
PAUPEBES, 102. PEBIOTJLUM, 28, 175, 209.
PAOTEBTO, 97, 127, 173, 241, 272. ,, Plus animi inferenti 127.
PATJPEBTAS, 33, 162, 169, 207, 225, 263. PEEITI, 208.
civitatum couditrix, 207. PEBJTJBIA, 8, 115, 210.
et amor, 60. PEBPET0TTM, Nihil 161.
omnes artes perdocet, 220. PEBSQNA, 210, 243.
publica, 49.
,, PEBSONAE, Redder e convenientia
PAHPEBTATISpudor, 211, cuique, 94.
PAUPEBTJM tabernae, 203, PEBSONAM ferre, 152.
PAX, 22, 25, 61, 102, 135, 185, 202, 207, PEBSPIOUITAS, 217.
280, 322. PEBVEBSITAS, 222.
certa, 132. PHEBUS, Clarior post nubila 28.
,, una triumphis innumeris PHIDIAS, 9.
potior, 207. PHILANTIA, 324.
PEOCANDI, Consuetude 187. PHILIPPUM, Ad sed sobrium, 220.
peccatis irascitur, PHILIPPUS, 99.
sed 126. PHILOSOPHI, 111, 237.
PEOOARE voluisse 320. PHILOSOPHY, 149, 158, 211.
PECOATA, Omnia paria, 198. , ,
Doloris medicina 50.
PEOOATI notitia, 106. stemma non inspicit, 268,
PEOOBE amisso, 316. ,, Vitae dux, 190.
PECTOBA caeca, 189. PHILOSOPHUS, 107, 324.
Fortia adversis opponite
, , 244. PHBENTESIS, 242.
praeceptis format amicis, 140. PHBTXI aries, 5.
PEOUMA, 56, 115, 120, 128, 131, 156, PIAOULUM, Palam mutire plebeio
158, 206, 207, 236. 202.
Amissa 213. PlSOATOB, 312.
aut imperat aut servit, 97. PlCTOB, 211,
PECUOTAB damnum, 283. PIOTUBA, TTt poesis, 296.
sime parcus, publicae avarus, PIETAS, 81, 82, 151, 212, 300,
adversus Deos, 150.
PEOTJS, Numerare 206. PIETATE, Vir gravis, 2.
PEDES, DU 311, 312. PIETATIS, Patriae imago, 206,
,, Quod ante 113. PlNDABtrs, 212,
PEDIOULUM in alio, 314. PrNGtri Minerva, 8.
S, Tacitis Poena venit 8, PLATONE, Brrare cum 50,

PLATTSIBUS ingenium incaluisse, 212. POBTAE, Somni 280.

PLEBEIO palam mutire, 202. POKTTTS, Optimus -
poenitenti mutatio
PLEBIS, Ventosae suffragia, 168. consilii, 201.
PLENTJS rimarum sum, 223. POSSESSA pluris fiunt sperata quam
PLOSTELLO adjungere mures, 7. -~322.
PLTTRIMA mortis imago, 35. POST equitem sedet atra cura, 286.
PLXFRIMUM habebit qui minimum de- POSTEBI, Credite 34.
siderabit, 112. POSTERMAS, 5, 162, 281.
PLTJRIS est oculatus testis unus, quam POSTSCENIA vitae, 305,
decem, 171. POTENT, Cum societas, 185.
PLUS attimi est inferenti periculum, POTBOTEM imitari, 106.
127. POTENTBS, 32.
POCULA aurea, 179. POTBNTIA, Nimia 150.
POEMA, Sanctum vetus omne 5. ,, Singulans 224.
POBMATA, 17, 92, 173, 245. POTENTIAE cupido, 302.
,, ut vina, 268. ,, Fama 161.
POENA, 77, 121, 130, 214, 273. POTOSTAS, 56, 136,
Deseruit pede claudo, 250. , , impatiens consortis, 180.
maxima peccantium 321, ,, Tranquilla 208.
,, Ne major quam culpa sit, POTIUS amicum quam dictum perdendi,
Tacitis venit pedibus, 8. PEAEOEPTA, 124.
POENAE formido, 191. Nihil valere, nisi adjuvaiite
} , remissio, 142. natura, 95.
POENAS oppetit superbiae, 91. PEAEOO, 190.
POBNITENTIA, 130, 299. ,, Vrrtutis Homerus 188.
POENITET, Quern peccasse paene est PRAECOX, Ingeuioriim genus, 95.
innocens, 264. PEAEMIA, Magna conatis magaa 160.
POESIS, Ut pictura 296, PBAETERITA, 319.
POETA, 5, 53, 110, 120, 144, 153, 211, PRAETERITOS amare, 68.
244, 275. ,,
referat si Jupiter annos, 189.
dives, 296, PEETIDM, 198, 217.
,, nasciturnon fit, 31. in pretio, 101.
,, vesanus, 301. PEINOEPS, 217.
POETAE, 20, 162, 244. PEINCIPATU oommutando, 102.
,, deorum aliquo dono commen- PRINOIPATUS, 196.
dati, 177. PEINOIPI turpia multa supplicia} 172.
,, licentia, 214. PBINCIPIS sermo, 173.
,, medicares, 132. vutus nosse suos, 218.
tragici, 297. PRINCIHTTM, 217.
POB^AS, Miraris veteres 137. PEISOA gens mprtalium, 21.
POH, Bommator 51. PRO pakia perire, 173.
POLHOITIS, Dives 214. PBOBATOB et suasor, 235.
POLO, Mentem traxisse 237. PBOBITAS, 260.
POLONIA, 71. ,, laudatur et alget, 18.
POKDERE, Auctoritas in 17. PROOEBBM, Agnosco 258.
,, Non numero haec judicantur, PBOOEBBS, 245.
sed 168. PROOUL negotiis, 21.
PoPULirs, 173, 215. PRODIGUS, 146, 219.
,, dignitatis iniquis judex, 244 PRODITIO, 222.
, ,
tftinam Romanus unam cer- PRODITOB, 172, 199, 219.
vicem haberet, 298. PROELIO, Saucius in Veneris 259.
,, vult decipi, 143. PROELIUM, 217, 219.
POPULI, Vox 308. PROIANI, 219.
POETAE patentes, 174,
PKOPOSITI, Tenax 118. Qui HOB est hodie eras minus aptus
PROTESIJDAUS, 21. erit, 217.
PBOTEUS, 243. ,, poterit sairam fingere, sanus
PRQXIMI, 1. erit, 109.
PROXIMOBUM odia, 3. terret pins ipse timet, 232.
PBUBENTIA, 118, 284. QUID, Multum interest a quo fiat,
indiserta, 247. 224.
Stultitiam simulate 278. , ,
non mortalia pectora cogis, 98.
PRUINA, 312, Quis fallere possit amantem, 17.
PsiTTACtrs, 240. , ,
talia fando temperet a lacrimis,
PUBLICA privatis seeernere, 75, 32.
., virtutiper niala factavia est, QUOBUM pars magna fui, 32.
15, QTJOT capitum vivunt, totidenx studio-
PTTDICMIA, 108, 168, 180. rum millia, 247.
PUDICITIAE, Bara est concordia formae
atque 249. KABIBS, 168.
PUDOB, 7, 17, 142, 209, 211, 212, 221, BABA avis, 249.
245, 251, 291. EAMO, 24, 157, 158, 169, 245, 250.
laesus, 189. ,, Lex est summa, 122.
mains, 278. ,, Plus vera valebit quam
pauper, 301, vulgi opinio, 214.
PUDOBI, Ne'as animam praeferre BE, Bonus animus in mala 24.
280. REBUS, Noa vacat exiguis adesse
204. Jovi, 176.
M:, Verba foliis leviora, Qui de dubiis consultant,
300. 195.
PUER, 106, 162, 221. BEOOHDATIO et exspectatio, 61,

PUEBILITAS, 227. BEOTUM:, Msi quod

ipse facit, nihil
PtiEBOj Maxima debetur reverentia, putat, 87.
130. BEGUBXJS, Longas esse manus, 11.
PUEBTJLQS. Odi praeooqui sapientia, BEGIS ad exemplum, 30.
192. BEOES, Belirant 234.
PUBRTTM-, Semper esse 157. in ipsos imperium est Jovis,
PWNA, 243. 252.
dulcis est- 314. BEGKA iniqua, 106.
PtJLOHKtiM, Miseria esse hominem BEGNANDI gratia violandum est jus,
nimis, 164. 270.
PULTKRIS exigui jacta, 83. BEGNABB, Odium qui timet nescit,
PUMICED Aquam a postulas, 14. 192.
PUOTTIS ingeniis gliscit auctoritas, REGNI, Praesidia amioi, 169.
275. KEGNUM, 96,
PTTSILLTJS homo, 22. breve, 173.
PUTEO ex alto, 175, Ubi non est pudor, instabile
PYGMAEOS, Gigantum tumeris im- 291.
positos, 321. REI novitas, 152.
REIPUBHCAE benefacere, 221.
A, 278, fundamenta, 118,
UABQtJE ipse miserrinia vidi, 32. RELIGIO, 150, 227.
QUAERIMOMA, 161. P^P^it impia facta, 257.
Q0AESTTTS, 100, 1S5. Prava 158.
QtrALis ab iacepto procosserit, 269. Tantum potuit suadere
QUASI cursores vital lampada tradunt, malorum, 284.
272. BELIGIOSUS, 252,
QtraM dens vult perdere prius demen- BUM, JNlmium ad attenti, 4, 805.
tat, 279. ,, perficiere itiventam, 318.
Qui desiderat pacem praeparet bellum, Quocunque modo 252,
18l BEMUS, 9.

RMASOENTTJB vocabula, 141. SAEOLO, Alteri prodesse, 264.

Bverao succurrere 91.
REQUIES, 244, 274. SAEOLUM, Corrumpere et corrumpi
RES, 35, 142, 252, 253, 254. vocatur, 153.
angusta domi, 142, 153. SAEOULI res in unum diem fortuna
angustae, 250. cumalavit, 220.
,, Consilia dant hominibus, SAaiTTAE, 103.
261. SAGITTIS, Praebemus crnra 25.
est forma fugax, 72, SAGUTNTUM, 312.
magnas per ipaas fieri, 315. SALTS, Cum grano 4,
parva, 93. Multos raodios edendos, 143.
BBS, Pertractatas humanas habere, SALSE dicere, 146.
164. SALTUM, Natura non facit 145.

, ,
Rerum magnarum parva potest SALTJS, 106, 182, 292.
exempltim dare, 52. dubia, 50.
secundae, 228, 251. populi, 257.
RESPUBLICA, 99, 111, 253, 274, 277, SALUTABITEB, quod fit, 319.

318. SALUTEM, Nullam sperare 292.

aliquot constituta seculis, 177. SANOTIIIS Ms animal, 157.
RESTEM, Colubra non parit, 310. SANGUINE, Virtute non niti, 303.

BETIA, 222. SANQUIS, 21, 166.

RETBOBSUM, Vestigia nulla 301. Christianorum, 213.
REVERENTLY fraenum vitiorum, 98. SAOTTAS, 125, 204,
Maxima debetur puero 130. ,, sanitatum, 299.
REVOCARE gradmn, 65. SAPEEE, Istuc est- 113.
10, 198, 242, 251, 258,
REX, 31, 74, 77, 216, 251, 252, 254. SAPIENS,
Non sed Caesar, 25. ,3 Nunc[uam irascidesinet, 185 ,

reginae placet, 212. ,, Nunquam irascitur, 185.

RHETOR, 27, 267. SAPIENTES, 116.
RIOINUM in te, 314. SAPIENTIA, 16, 75, 81, 102, 117, 126,
REMOULDS homines facit paupertas, 157, 164, 167, 208, 258,
162. 288, 294.
RIMABUM, Plenus sum, 223. Cum forma, 250.
RtSTFM teneatis amiei, 91. et natura, 185.
295. Omnis non arbitrari sese
RISTJS, 71, 213, 255, 276,
,, pretium, 165. scire quod nesciat, 200.
Qui captat hominum, 1. 192.
RTVALIS, 146. Sub palliolo sordido 256.

ROMA, 74, 193, 255, 271, 318. SATELLITES, 19.

Aurea 217, SATIETAS, 16.
ROMAE, Cum fueris Romano vivite SATIS, 246.
more, 226. eloquentiae, sapientiae parum,
Omnia cum pretio, 198.

I, 8, 312. est, quod vixi, 135.

28. Quod- est cui contigit, 245.
ROSA quo locorum sera moretur, 210. SATUBNTA regna, 251.
BOSAB, 15, 110, 123.
ROSAS, Collige virgo 310. SCABIES , 191.
RTJBIOO, 105, 121. SOELEBA, 198, 208.
RUDEM tarn cito accepisti, 282. Honesta successus facit, 89,
RUPES inimota, 94. In magistrum redienxnt,
BTJBA, Laudato ingentia 120. 256.
Bus, 190, 255. Parentum 150.
Romae optas, 255. SOELUS, 35, 81, 183, 259, 260.
coactum, 3.
226. Nunquam seelere vincen-
dum, 186.
SA<JEBDOTES, 84, 229.
Pro! L virtus vocatur, SEPTJLTUEA, Homirds vivi 202,
SERIA, Amoto quaeramus lndo, 11.
Semper timidum 187. SBEIES, 284.
SCENA, 269. ,,
Causarum 1.

SOENIOI, 281. SEEMO, 225.

SCEOLAE discimus, 176. , ,
Coneordet cum vita, 245 .

SCEEOTIA potestas est, 110. , ,

datur cimctis, 32.
SCIENTIAL, Falsa persuasio, 158. ,, Imago animi 96.
SCINTILLA., 204. ,,
celat et indicat, 210.
SCIRE aliqtiid laus eat, 146.
SEBMONEM docti laudat, 6.

nefas, 288. SBBMOKES. Docte utriusque linguae,

SCBIBENDI ferre laborem, 212, 49.
SOBIBIMUS indocti doctique poemata SEEMONIS aviditas, 78.
SEBO^ Potius quam nunquam, 216.
passim, 245.
SCOTOA, 146. >( venisae, 186.
SCYLLA. et Gharybdis, 26L SEBPEWS, 2o'5,
SCITHIA, 17. SEBTI, Lingua mail pars pessima
SEOUNDA, 261. 306.
SECTJBOS latices, 12. rabies, 146.
SEDITIO, 2, 262. superbi, 130.
SEGETEM, Post malam serendum, SEBYITIUM, 86.
215. SBBTTTUB, 6, 8, 61, 126, 270.
SEGETES, Annus producit 309. SEBYITUTIS recordatio ? 116.
SEIPSUM, quani frostem superare, 316. SEBVOS, Totidem hostes esse quot
,, vincere, 240. 287, 324
SEJAITUS, 2. SEBTUM, Inter dominum et nulla
SEMEL emissum volat
yerbtim, 208.
amicitia, 247.
11, 87, 114, 214, mmodo t 297.
SEMEN est sanguis Christianoruni, 213. ) qui quocunque est,
SEMINE, Coelesti sumus omnes 321.
oriuudi, 29. SISQXJIPEDALIA verba, 220.
SEMPEE inops quicumque ciipit, 112. SEVEEITAS, 142.
metuet quern saeva pudebnnt, Si tacuisbes philosoplms mansisses,
62, 107.
SEUATOS, 111. SIBI malle melius esse quam alteri,
SEJIEOTA, 121. 196.
SENEOTUS, 13, 35, 51, 55, 59, 78, 92, SIBYLLA, 282.
96, 139, 263, 305, 325. SlO itur ad astra, 125.
Aqmlae- 14. , ,
vos non vobis, 89.
SENEOTUTIS, Apexa-actoritas, 13. SIQNO, In hoc vincea, 86,
SENEM, Multacircumveiiitiiat iuconi- SiaNUM, attingere, 313.
modo, 141. SlLENTIUM, 58, 63, 117.
SENEX, 6, 34, 147, 152, 256, 263. SILEBE, Almm quod voles, primus
Elementarius 290. sile, 9.
3, felix, 250. SlLBX, 93.
vivere incipiens, 236. SILYANUS, 69.
SBNSUS aetlierius, 242. SlMPLIOITAS, 104.
,, comnxuniSj 250. SlMULTAS, 108.
SBNTENTIA, 207. SiMtiLAiOB ac dissimulator, 33.
SENTENTIAB, 247. &M? pro ratioue voluiitas, 181.
NOB occidunt, 168. , ,
tibi terra levis, 22.
Numerautur non ponder- BITTS, 265.
antur, 183. SOCIETAB, 193.
SBNUM mors, 6, Cum potetite- 185.
SBPBLIT natiira relictos, 150. 4 ,generis humani, 81.
SBPULOHEI mitte supervacuos lionores, Socioa, habuisse doloris, 323.
30. SOCOBBIA, 119, 275,

SOORATIOAE chartae, 261. STANTEM, Imperatorum mori opor-

SOL, 276. tere, 97.
omnium dierum, 176. STAT fortuna domus, 76.
SOLAMEN miseris socios habuisse STEMMA, 268, 277.
doloris, 76. STEBQUILINUM, 76.
SOLATIA, doloris, 315. STILUS gladio eedat, 26.
SOLATIUM, 131. STOICI, 198, 320.
SOLI umbra cedat, 26. STOMAOHUS, 116.
SOLITUDINEM faciunt: pacem appel- STUDIA, 56, 80, 157.
lant, 18. Ad grariora generati sumus,
SOLITUDO, 101. 154.
SOLOIST, 112. STUBIORUM, Oupidus quisque
SOLONES, 9. suorum, 260.
SOLTJM natale, 54, 156, 193. STUDIUM, 274, 278.
Pingue 102. sine divite vena, 145.
SOMNI, Sunt geminae portae, 280. STULTI, 52.
SOMNIA, 276. ,, risum dum captant levem,
Aegri-299. 213.
SOMNUS, 275,276,283. STULTIS, Qui~~ videri eruditi volunt,
,, ferreus, 95. stulti, 233.
mortis imago, 30. STULTITIA, 132, 168, 258, 278,
SOPHIA, 294. ,, loquax, 247.
SOPOR, 30. ,, senilis, 112.
SOEORES, 64. STULTITIAM, Misce consiliis, 137.
SOBS, 195. STULTO intelligens quid interest, 88,
sua in odio, 255. STULTUS, 73, 270, 279.
ubi pesaima rerum, 52. SUADELA, 260.
SPARM, 311, SUASOR et probator, 235.

SPE, Dupliciutier, 29. SUAWTER in modo t 147,

SPECIES, Quanta cerebrum non SUB judice, 5.

habet, 210. SUBJBOTIS, Parcere203.

Vera186. SUBLIMES, 121.
SPEOTANDUM nigris oculis, 105. SUOOESSUS, 89.
SPECULUM, 107, SUDAVIT et alsit, 232.
incantatum, 133. SUES, 9,
SPEM inchoare longam, 305. SUFFRAGIIS adeptus, 248.
pretio non emo, 54. SUMMUM jua, summa injuria, 117.
Quidquid praeter eveniat SUMTUM, Facere 151.
esse in lucro, 195. SUMTUS, 100.
, 7, 136, 277, 295, 323. SUPERBIA, 91, 97, 106, 261, 281.
Delusa 166. SUPERBOS, Sequitur ultor, 264.
et Fortuna valete, 109. SUPEROS contemnere testes, 282.
Invirtute posita, 245. SUPERSTITES, 74.
incerta futuri, 273. SUPERSTITIO, 150, 180, 281,
reliquere omnes, 203, SUPERVACUUM, 239.
ubi tonga venit, 62. SUPPLIOIA, Sera magis quam immerita
victoriae, 55. 296.
SPIOULA felle madent, 248. SuppLion. Paululum satis est patri,

SPIBITUM, Avidum domando 120. 219.

SPIBITUS. 58. SUPPLIOIUM Vita est, 269.
intus alit, 218, Sus, 281.
, ,
Sacer intra nos sedet 255.
, SUSPIOO, 4, 98, 194.
SPLENDIDE mendax, 292. SUSPICIONS, Tam quam crimine
SPOLIA opima, 16. carere, 134.
SiPONTE, Gratiora quae sua nascun- SUTOR, 146, 211.
tur, 100. SUUM cuique, 135, 136, 270, 277, 279,
SPRETAE injuria formae, 129, 281,
TABULAE Solventur risu276. TREMOR, Unde terris, 181,
TALORUM jactus, 236. TRISTBS, Odenmt hilarem 191.
TE, N"ou sine nee tecum vivere TROIA, 15.
possum, 271. TROJA fuit, 75, 126.
TECUM nabita, 254, TROS Tyriusve milii nullo discrinxme
TBLLTJS, Magna parens frugum 257. agetur, 287.
TEMERITAS, 284. Tu Marcellus eris, 82.
TEMPORA, 281 TUBER, 291.
mutantur, 197. T0OTOA, 289.
0-190. TURBA, 16.

TEMPORIS, Laudator aeti, 120, Argumentum pessimi 174.

Perdendi causae, 251. Fos duo sumus, 176.
velocitas, 105. Bemi, 264.
Veritas-filia, 300. TUEBARB, Noli, obsecroistum, 317.
TEMPORUM, Historia testis 85. TURPE senex miles, 136,
TEMPUS, 10, 103, 170, 183 198, 318, TURPITUDO et utilitas, 99.
Breve aetatis, 24. TURRES, Celsae graviore casu deeidunt
,, edax rerum, 285.
fngit, 76. TYBRIS, 21.
praeteritnm, 89.
,, TYRANNI, 56, 126, 194, 232.
quid postulat, 229. TYRANKUS, 118, 231.
TENEBRIS, Quieum in mices, 248.
TENERIS, In eonsuescere, 5. UBI tu pulsas ego vapulo tautum, 269.
TENUITAS, Tuta est 290. UBIQUE, Nusqnam est qua efctt, 186.
TEBGO, Hanticain 176. qui est. 319.
TERGUM mihi domi, 267. UoALEGOisr, 116, 220.
TERBAM, Ex alto conspicituit, 180. ULTIMA Tnule, 286.
TESSERAE, 114. ULTIO, 63, 283.
TESTA, 184. ULTOR, Bxoriare aliquis nostris ex
lESTAMBNTUM, 67, 102. ossibus 68.
TESTS, Sine dolet, 167. UITRA vires, 84.
TESTES, 298. UMBILIOOS, Pervenimus ad 192.
TESTIMOOTUM, Coramdiis dicere, 152. UMBRA, 298.
THEATRO, Quum in imperiti homines es aniantum, 178.
consederant, 248. ,, Magni nominia- 277.
THEATRUM, 7. soli cedat, 26.

THEOGOTS, 218. UKGUES, Milvo volanti aecare, 314.

THESEUS, 262. UNGULA, 207,
THULE, Ultima 286. UNGUEM, Ad factus homo, 4.


TIBICEN, 78. UNUM pro multis dabitur caput, 293.
TIMOR, 122, 207, 286, 299. URBES, Luxus quas verterit 6.

TIMOR, Audendo tegitur 18. URBIUM, 4rtem quassandarum pro-

Venturi ipse mali, 142. fessus, 94.
TINNITUS auxium, 2. URBS, Quse voluptatis plurimum
TIRO, 262, tribuit, 321.
TITULI, 233. ,, venalis, 293.
TOGA, 26. QROEUS, 11.

TONSOR, 144. QRNA, 22, 122.

TONSORIBUS, JSfotiim- 200. Omnramversatur $erius
TORMENTUM, 288. ocms
sors exitura, 195.
TORRENS, 287. URSIS, Saevis inter se convenit 257.
TOTCTS teres atqiie rotundas, 242. Usu, Quod longo didiciraus, 322.
TRANSEKJTAE, 98. TJsus, 7, 109; 141, 244,294.
TRANSITU, Nil tarn utile ut in prosit ,, in arto est, 198.
161. omnium magister, 253,

Usus perpetinis, 210.

YERBUM reddere yerbo, 150.
Voiuptates commendat rarior YEREOtrNBIA, 233.
307, YERI inquisitio, 98.
UT quinine qua-ndo ut volumus HOE Nee modus ullus investigandi
licet, 247.
nisi inveneris, 148.
UTEKDUM rt aetafce, 75. YERIS, Finitiraa stmt falsa 113.
UTILB, Miscuit dulci, 194. YERISIMILE, 117.
UTILITAS, 123, 186, YERITAS, 15, 103, 125,138, 148, 271,
et ttirpitado, 99. 300, 301, 309.
UTILIMIBTT&, Oportet privatis pub- Altercando amittitur, 165.
licaa anteferre, 200. odium parit, 191.
UxQR, 298. YERITATEM, BeatusBemo extra 21.
in vita, 278, Natura in profundo ab-
Plains 124. strusit, 145.
UXOKES iadotatae, 134. YERIMIS, Historia lux 85.
Magna vis 188.
VALERE, Norn virae sed vita. 169. VERNA, 275.
VALETUDO, 239, 283, 325. YERRINTJM, Jus 117.
VANITAS, 2&, VERSIOULI, 89, 301.
VAS, Sinceium nisi 273. YERST7S, 111, 149, 173, 301.
VATE, Carent qxiia sacro, 307. facit, 19.
VATES, 149, 278. ,, Incudi reddere 128.
VATIBUS, Honour divinis 271. VERUK, 117.
VATUM, Genus irritabile 76. Ex falsis effici non potest,
VBOTIGAL, Magnanx parsimonia3 171.
VBOORDIA, 87. ,, Quod volumus esse credi-

VBHIOULUM, 29. mus, 86.

VBLOOITAS, S99. VESPER, Neacis quid vehat, 317.
VBNBBIS perrnm^ere nodos, 305. VESTIGIA nulla retrorsum, 301.
proeLium, 259. VESTIKENTA, Nudo detrahere 179.
VBOTA, 121, VESTIS, 302.
petinwisqu edamusque
vicissim, 211. VBTERA semper in laude, 305.
reddera tarsus, 232. VETERES, Miraris poetas, 137.
VENTER, 125. VBTUSTAS, 16, 285.
VBNTUS, 93. VETUSTATE, Non omnis aetas coa-
seenndus, 147. cescit, 295.

VENUS, 15, 31, 6S, 288. VETUSTATIS, Historia nuntia 85.

,. Sine Cerere et libero friget VETUSTISSIMA, Quae nunc cred-

274 untur, nova fuere, 198.
VEXAKO, 325.
VERA, Apud henim qui loquitur,
VIA, 29, 303.
298. Ad Musas- 167,
Yiitias dicendi, 251. Obsessa 179.
VBBBA bkn4a, aarnm, 11. tritissima, 287.
foemlnte rires stint, 314. VIAM insiste domandi, 288.
libera, 147. Qui erranti monstrat 89.

Sesqtdpftdalia 220. Qul semitam non sapiunt,

VuBBia. Laudan gaudent subdolis, monstrant 233.
282, VIATICUM, 20, 211.
VEBBOIBITM aetaa, 297. VICES, Gratae divitibus 213*
Comsuetudo domina 141. }J Habet has conditio morta-
? ,

253. lium, 78.

VERBOSI, 82. rerum, 266,
VIRBTJM, 300. Vionsrus, 184.
IrrevocaMe 208. VIOTIS donare salutem., 292.
sapienti, 45. VICTOR virura volitare per ora, 285.
VICTOBIA, 100, 24:0, 257, 274. VIBTUS, Spectata 68.
Bis vincit qui se vincit in ,,
Ultra quam satis est 107,
23. VIBTUTB, Beatus sine nemo, 21. <

incruenta, 98. ,,
Homines metimur, 127.
Nee mi placet parata, 166. Homo antiqua 88.
VICTOBIA sperata, 132, ,,
In spem positam habere,
nti, 149.
VICTOBIAB cura, 284. Mea me involvo, 73.
VICTOBIS dominatus, 155. VIBTUTBM, Facis de necessitate 66.
VIOTRIX Fortunae Sapientia, 126. semitam ad 311.
VIGOR femineus, 34. VIBTOTBS, 111, 131.
Viixiotrs, 325. ,, maximae, 106.
VINA, Quis post militiam crepat, ,, Pleraque vitioram imitari
solent 320.
VINCANT quos vincere mavis, 164. VIRTTJTI honorem praemium. petit, 258.
VINOENDI gloria, 76. VIBTUTIS amor, 191.
VINOEBE, dignus est 315. ,,
Calamitas occasio, 25.
VIHOULA corporum, 93. Honos praemium 248.
VENDICANDO, In criminosa celeritas, ,. Omnia praemia ambitio pos-
103. sidet, 218.
VINEA, 16. , , Proprium conciliare animos,
Vnsro, In veritas, 300. 220.
YINUM, 14. ,,
viam deserit arduae, 127.
vetus, 233, 251. VIBTUTUM, Ambitio causa 123.
vile, 165. ,, Pietas fundamentum omnium
VIPEBA, 124. 212
VIB fortis, 170. Vis, 134, 148, 302.
,, foxtis cum fortuna mala com- est notissima, 26.
positus, 54. etnequita, 32.
mitis, 77. improvisa leti, 98.
VIBES, 121. VITA, 7, 11, 33, 114, 185, 203, 219,
,, acquirit eundo, 64. 304,305,307.
,, exiguae, 166. bona, 299.
VIRGA, 166. brevis, 24, 104, 177.
VIRGO, 303. ,, Concordet sermo cum
collige rosas, 310. 245.
formosa abunde dotata, 303. Cujusquam repente mutari,
VlBGTJLTA, 20. 154.
VIBI, Boni judicent, 238. ,,
est valere, 169,
fortes, 174. fallax, 160,
VIBIBUS, Aptari onus debet, 13. fortunata, 219.
VIROS, Etiam fortes suMtis terreri, ,,
liominis super terram, 317,
152. .,,
militia est hominum 316.
VIRTUS, 5, 7, 8, 15, 32, 55, 56, 60, 109, quasi quum Indus tesseris,
128, 150, 166, 190, 214, 215,
232,243,249,262,275,284, , ?
sine doctrina, 274.
292, 303, 304, 308, 310, 313, ,, supplicium, 269.
314, 321. ,,
Talis oratio qualis 282,
aeterna, 49. tranquilla, 22.
,, Conacia 7. Taria, 3.
crimlna tulit, 128. VITAE 62.
est vitium fugere, 110, ,, Pignum virtutibus ter-
in mu mi posita, 150. minum posuit, 94.
N"escia stare loco, 170. ,, Exiguum cxirriculum, im-
Nuda 270. mensum gloriae, 61,
Pulchro in corpore 77. ,, Fallentis semita 67.
Sine adversario 130. Sollicitae causa pecunia 56.

VITAE tuta facultas pauperis, 190. Vixi, 94.

VITAI lampada tradunt, 272. VOLBNTI non fit injuria, 180.
VITAM contemnere, 171, 251. VOLQUS, 2.
ducere mortis, 139. VOLUISSE sat est, 246.
,, impendere vero, 94. VOLUNTAS, Est laudanda 246.
misero longam, 190. ,, Kecta 155.
Propter vivendi perdere VOLUNTATE, NiMl obscurius homi-
causas, 280. num, 159.
,, vera ratione gubernat, 246. VOLTJPTAS, 6, 50, 53, 79, 118, 119,
VITIA, 52, 111, 153. 131, 151, 181, 199, 287, 291,
Aliena 176. 307.
,, in aperto leviora, 196. , ,
Nocet empta dolore 273.
,, regalia, 149. ,, Sincera 132.
,, suanosse, 22. ,, summum, bonum, 248.
VITIIS nemo sine nascitur, 55. VOLOTTATEM maeror consequatur,
Pars horninum gaudet, 204. 113.
VITIORTJM, Virtus est medium 303. VOLTITATIO, 102.
VITIUM, 118, 193, 292, 305, 306. VOTA quae sibi fateri ptidet, 224.
,, Cereus in- flecti, 27. Von, Poenitet peracti, 236.
,, In praecipiti stetit, 162. Vox, 42, 307, 308.
,, maximum, 86. et prseterea nihil, 326.
VITIUM non fastidire, 17. ,,
faucibus haesit, 191
,, quod tegitur majus creditur, Perrea 171.
273. VULG-I, comes est discordia 310.
,, quod virtutibus caret, 273. gloria, 163.
,, specie virtutis, 67. ,, opinio, 214.
,, vivit tegendo, 9. voluntas, 133.
VIVAMUS. Non ut diu sed ut satis, VtlLGO, est incertius 159.
175. VULGUS, 23, 108, 156, 169, 219, 271,
VIVE hodie, 169. 276, 282, 308.
VIVEISDI, Haec est conditio 21, Mobile 30, 298.
,, modus, 79. VTJLNEBA, 9, 110, 174.
VIVENDUM est tanquam in conspectu, VTJLNTTS, 12, 284, 308.
270. ,,
Immedicabile 96.
VIVEEE. 13. 306. ,, Taciturn vivit sub pectore
Bis 11. 282.
nescit, 326. VTJLTF composite, 226.
. . Nihil aliud bene nisi honeste VTJLTTJS, Imago animi 12.
158. ,,
instantis tyranni, 118.
parce aequo animo, 49. ,, Qui fingit sacros 230.
,. si recte nescis, discede peritis,
121. ZONAM perdidit, 92.
VIVOBUM, E numero exire, ante-
quana moriaris, 292.
ABSENCE, Conspicuous by their 216. ALEXANDER, 226, 293.
makes the heart grow fonder, at Achilles' tomb, 188.
263. ALTARS, For our and hearths, 218.
ABSENT, Maligning friends, 1. AMBITION, 218.
yet present, 260. ,, the cause of virtue, 123.
ACCUSATION, 46. AMENDMENT, The beginning of is
and slander, 9. the recognition of the fault,
ACHERON, 3, 81. 106.
ACHILLES, 97, 188. ANCESTORS, 205, 277, 294.
ACQUITTAL of the guilty, 57. Distinguished 127.
ACTIONS, Man's, 314. ANGER, 25, 76, 88, 96, 128, 215, 250,
ACTOR'S patronage, 245. 306,
ADULTERATION, 259. A wise man's 185.
ADVERSITY, 260, 261. Concealed 111.
,, Brave man struggling with ,, Bemedy for131.
54. short madness, 111.
Courage in 250, 251. ANIMALS know more than man, 321.
ADVICE, Bad 31, 129. ANNIHILATION, Death not 139.
Good 256. ANOTHER yet the same, 9.
ADVOCATE, 117. ANOTHER'S, To plough land, 75.
JGsop, Statue of 7. ANTIQUITY, History the herald of
AFRICA, Always something new from 85.
262. Praise of 137, 147.
AFFECTION, 34, 160. APELLES, 186.
Fear a weak bond of 135. APPLAUSE, 212.
True and false 170. APPLES to Alcinous, 241,
AFFECTIONS, Private 321. APPROVAL or instigation, 235.
AFFLATUS, The Divine 152. ARCADIANS both, 14,
AFFLICTION, 93. ARCHITECT best demolisher, 323.
AGE, 325. ,, of his own
fortune, 258.
brings wisdom, 4. ARGUMENT, 26, 214,
G-lorious 153. conceals truth, 165,
, ,
He that outshines his 293. ,, rather than authority, 169.
My habit suits the 321, ARMINIUS, 219.
Beverence to 34, ARMOURY, Jove's empty, 269.
The golden 251. ARMS, 15, 198, 302.
Worldly-mindedness in 4, ARRANGEMENT, 284.
AGRIPPINA, 296, ART, 15, 16, 89, 178, 200.
AIR, Melted into thin 285. imitation of nature, 199*

ART, Intelligence without 145. BEAUTY due to art, 179.

long, life short, 104 Faked, 221.
,, Mute inglorious- 94. BECOMING, 161.
Possibilities of 155, BJBBS, 12, 71, 83.
softens rude natures, 16, 105. BEGGARS, Alms to 40.
without nature worthless, 95. ,, Better dead than 128.
ABTIST, 16, 244. fear not the foot-pad, 179,
j, and craftsman, 9. BEGINNING and end, 3, 144.
ARTS, All related, 194. BEGINNINGS, JVom the end spring new
Poverty a teacher of the 8.
220. BEGUN, Well half done, 38.
ASCETICISM, 125. BEHOLD the man, 53.
Ass and ox coupled, 101. BELIEF, 284.
Ass, Only an bears burdens will- Danger alike in and unbe-
ingly, 321. lief, 209.
ASSEMBLY filled with untried men, BELLY, The 125,
248. BENEFACTIONS, The interchange of
ASSIDUITY, Excessive 167. 311.
ASTROEA, 206. BENEFIT, Public 145,
ATTACK, More spirit in than in de- BENEFITS, 22, 182.
fence, 127. BENEVOLENCE, 7.

AUCTIONEER, 190. BIRD, A rare 249.

AUDITOR, 262. BIRTH, 172.
AUTHORITY, 17. a change, 144.
,, Argument rather than 169. and death, 122.
,, founded on force, 57. At thou weepest, 320.
55 the crown of old age, 13. Noble- 150.
AUTOCRACY, 224. without wealth, 60.
AVARICE, 20, 43, 48, 67, 79, 218, 226, BIT, A gilded 170.
242, 273, 305. BITTER, Something of lurks amongst
,, Senile 20. the flowers, 132.
AVENGER, 63, Sweet and 324.
BLAME, 3, 105, 152.
BACCHUS, 13. BLESSINGS, Fleeting 181.
BACKWARD, Looking 105. Lost- 137.
BAD, Benefits bestowed on the 129. shared with friends, 182,
BANQUETS, 12. .. to those who can use them,
BARBERS' shops, 200. 204.
BARD, The frenzied 301. Unhoped for 224.
BARK worse than bite, 25. BLEST, Nothing is on every side,
BATTLE, Charm of the first 81. 158.
, ,
Choice of opportunity in 66 . BLIND leading the blind, 4=7, 244.
is sweet, 314. BLINDNESS, 107.
., Joys of 28. of mankind, 189.
Bisk of 38, Fame bought with 166.
The Gauls in 217. BLOT, A or two I readily condone,
Venus' 259. 301.
BATTLES, Indecisive 219. BLUSHES, 104.
BEARD, I see the 325. BOAR, The 12.
BEAST, The many-headed 22. BOASTING, 87.
BEAUTIFUL, Every woman in her BODY, A slave of the 153.
own eyes, 211. and soul, 12.
The 186. The an appendage of the
BEAUTY, 72, 148, 303. soul, 302.
and virtue, 249. The drags down the mind,
and worth, 77. 239.
M and wisdom, 250. The fetters of the 93.
BOEOTIAN air, 23. CAREER, A open to talent, 106.
BON-MOT, 119, 146. CARTHAGE, 293.
BOOK, Who tries to learn without a ,
must be blotted out, 42,

3H. CASTALIA, 131.

BOOKS, 53, 78, 182, 192, 280, 302, 315. CATILINE, 1, 248.
,, Unequal 115. ., Character of 33.
BOOKSELLERS, 132, CATO, 83, 144, 285, 302.
BORN, Best not to be 268. CAUSATION, The chain of 1.

We are not haphazard, 169. CAUSE, The and end of things, 48.
BOURNE, The whence no traveller The
is hidden, the effect
returns, 232. apparent, 26.
Bow, 14, 149. The conquering 203.
Not always Apollo "bends his ,, To plead one's own 145.
156, CAUSES, Great events from small
Overstraining breaks the 14, 130.
253. CAUTION, 9, 230, 265.
BOWLS, Earthen 179. CENTURY, The events of a in one
BRAINS, 210. day, 220.
BRAVE, Fortune favours the 72. CERTAINTY, 176, 276.
sons from brave parents, 72, CHALK or charcoal, 247.
BRAVERY, 170. ,, or crayon ,93.
,, a rampart, 263. CHANGE, 126, 160, 197.
BREEZE, Favouring- 147. All things 272, 273.
., of popular favour, 215. Luxury in 213.
BREVITY, 57, 153, 239. CHARACTER, 210.
leads to obscurity, 24, ,, and rank, 229.
BRIBERY, 217, 252. consoles us for poverty, 207.
BRICK, 293. , ,
Each forms his own 323.
BRITAIN, 17. .
, Every man should study his
BROTHER, 151. 281.
BUBBLES, Human affairs 187. Similarity of 214.
BUILDING, Architect, best demolisher ,, the growth of circumstances,
of his own 323. 171.
BULLRUSH, A knot in a 102. To assume a 155.
BURDEN fitted to our strength, 13. CHARCOAL or chalk, 247.
BUSINESS, 202 251.
3 CHARGE, Whoever carries the first
Other's 17. 322.
, , Indiscriminate 290.
CAESAR, 197, 310, Enmity under the guise of
Character of 75. 10.
,, In our hope, 61. CHARMS, Disdained, 129.
No king but 25. CHARYBDIS, Scylla and 261,
CAESAR'S wife, 134. CHASTITY, 180.
CAKE, Eat your 175. CHILD, To remain a- 157.
You've baked your 290. To whom no is born, 316.
CALF, The fatted 205. CHILDHOOD, Second 263.
CALUMNY, 18, 159. CHILDREN, 296.
CANDIDATES, 106. Buled by kindness, 221.
CAPTIVES, Escaped 122, 222, CHRISTIANS, The blood of the 213.
I war not with 22. CHURCH, The seed of the 213.
CARE, 168. CICERO, 255.
Black- 286. CIRCUMSTANCE, The demands of 229.
climbs the bark, 259. CIRCUMSTANCES, 26L
ever present, 29. ,, alter cases, 271.
Song banishes 25. CITIES, Destroyer of 91
Wine 4rowns & overthrown by luxury, 6.

CITIES, Poverty the founder of 207. CONSENT, Silence gives 233.

Koman 28. CONSEQUENCES, Consider the 254.
useless who has not learned to CONSISTENCY, 131, 170, 269.
obey, 318. CONSOLATION, 131.
CITY, A for sale, 293, CONSOBT, Dominion impatient of a
,, Thou hast made a 324, 181, 185.
,, Thy rule shall be o'er the CONSPICUOUS by their absence, 216.
321 CONSPIEAOY, 181.
CITY'S, A strength is in the virtue CONSTANCY, 86, 129.
of its citizens, 267. ,, in ill-fortune, 24.
CIVIL war, 9, 135, 155, 160. ,, in love, 27.
CLAIMS, Spurious 254. <
CLAY, Yielding 15, 291. Varieties of 37.
CLEMENCY, 76, 117, 142, 252. CONTAGION, 41.
CLEVER, Be good if thou can'st not CONTEMPT, Familiarity breeds 16.
be- 313. CONTENTMENT, 13, 49, 219, 226, 230,
CLIMATEEIO, 297. 235,241,245,246,259,272.
CLOAK, X see the 325. Rarity of 104.
COAT, A fine 203. ,, the greatest riches, 112.
,, A threadbare 213. CONVEESE with one's self, 161.
Cut your' according to your COEINTH, Not every man can get to
cloth, 132. -167.
The makes the man, 302. COEPOEATION, Three constitute a
,, The nearer than the cloak, 287,
289. COBBEOTION, 56, 144, 256.
COBBLEE, Let the stick to his last, Unwelcome 5.
146. COEEUPTION, 153.
COCK on his own dunghill, 76. COUNSEL, Valour worthless without
COMBAT, Life a 306. 204.
COMEDY, 313. COUNSELLOES, The multitude of 101.
talkative 29. COUNSELS, Foolish 278.
COMPANIONS in misfortune, 76. Hasty 299.
COMPLAISANCE, 138. Father of Ms 53, 255.
,, from the rich, 175. life, 21, 255.
COMPLIANCE, Base 280. To die for one's 51, 173,
COMEADBS in misfortune, 76, Town and 255.
CONCEIT, 153. COUEAGE, 102, 103, 110, 244 259. 7

and prudence, 250.
CONCOED of discords, 48. COYETOUSNESS, 10, 38, 230.
CONDEMN, They what they do not COWAED, 240, 268.
understand, 138. The brave in words, 93.
CONDEMNATION, 167. COWAEDICB, 18, 92, 93, 263.
Hasty 220. CBAFTSMAN and artist, 9.
CONDUCT, Altered 201. CBAYON or chalk, 93.
CONFESSION, 237. CBEATION, 157, 240.
CONFIDENCE, Overweening 157. CEEDIT, 70,
CONFLAGRATION, 204. CEEDULITY of lovers, 86.
CONQUEB, By this 86. GBBEDS. False 158.
CONQUEEED, I came, I saw, I 300. CEIME, 24, 153, 167, 183, 186, 198,
CONSCIENCE, 126, 133, 141, 201. 208, 214, 259, 260, 315.
A clear 30, 84, 223. ,,
and punishment, 171.
A guilty 160. ,, disgraces, not condemnation,
CONSCIOUS, The water saw its God 167.
and blushed, 186- Impunity the greatest incen-
CONSCIOUSNESS after death, 257. tive to 240,
CRIME. Instruments in 129. DEAD, The silent 269.
levels all, 66. ,,
Who will remember thee
recoils on its author, 256. after thou art ? 241.

,, Successful 89, 220. DEAF, Turn a ear to accusations, 46.

The of many, 239. DEAREST. Every man to his own,
,, The same but a different 324.
fate, 141. DEATH, 29, 35, 40, 54, 95, 100, 122,
, , timorous, 187. 138, 139, 172, 182, 189, 197,
CRIMES, Great 81. 219,231,238,260,289,292,
CRIMINALS, Pardon of 154. 294, 306, 313, 317, 325.
CRISIS, 262. a jest, 324.
CRITICISM, 17. A noble 128.
CRITICS, 155. and birth, 122, 144.
CROCODILE'S tears, 34. Call none happy till 291.
CROP, After a bad sow again, 215. ,,
comes to all alike, 7.
,, heavier in our neighbour's ,, Dishonourable 155.
field, 70. Fear of 90.
CROPS due to the season, 309. for on j 's country, 51, 173, 188.
CROSS-EXAMINATION, 199. impartial, 203.
CROW, A white 33. in flight, 100.
CROWD, We two are a 176, inevitable, 96, 98, 131, 148,
CRUELTY, 281. 267.
CULTIVATION, 295. makes all equal, 42.

CULTURE, 50, 110, 309. Nature's choicest gift 216.

food to our higher nature, 12. No time in life to seek for
without nature, 257. 304.
CUP, Many a slip 'twixt and lip, not a punishment, 64.
108, Nothing evil in 257.
CUPID, 103. Nothing remains to us after
,, holds the key, 71. 296.
CUPS, The four 217. of men and cities, 177.
CURE easy, 138. Only is certain, 102.
CURED, What can't be 201. Opportune 288.
CURIOSITY, 39, 91. Premature 6, 135, 155.
CUSTOM, HI, 224.
5, Sleep and 30, 51.
Power of 130. sometimes punishment, some-
CYCLE, A in all things, 165. times reward, 5^34.
CYPRESS, 124. ,, the common heritage, 264,
to live unhappy, 2(37,
DAINTIES, 109. United in 291.
DANCING, 184. universal, 81, 137.
DANGER, 28, 122, 170, 238. unmerited, 232.
DARING, 99. Wage war with 271.
conceals cowardice, 18. Why dost thou shrink from
DAY, Events of a century crowded 320.
into one 220. DEBT of nature, 188.
I have
lost a 10. DEBTS, Eepayment of 7.
The last 280, 292. DEED, The will for the 246.
,, The longest ends at last, DEEDS, Man's strength in 314.
225. , , memorable 170.
DAYS, Auspicious, 110. DEFEAT, 170.
one who has seen better Honourable better than dis-
159. honest victory, 24.

,, Not but gone before, 199. DEITY, Call the to your aid. 297.
Eeverence due to the 68. DELAY, 183, 259, 286, 299,
, , The illustrious 84. Pange? in 7

DELAY, Death's 139, DRAMATIST, 281.

Love loathes 192. DREAMS, 276.
A man* s
sick 299 .

DEMQGRITUS, 267. The two gates of 280.

DEPENDENTS, 29. DRESS, The effect of handsome 315.
DESERTER, 172. DRINK, The power of 237.
Moderate 225. Tive reasons for 266.
DESPAIR, 162. DRUNKARD, An absentee 1.

Safety In 292, DUTY, 192, 235.

DESPOTISM, 186, 275. Public and private 193.
DEVIL take the hindmost, 191.
EAGLE, 14.
DICE, 236.
DIE,The is cast, 115. EARS less trustworthy than eyes, 66 .

DIFFERENT characters have different tingling, 2.

interests, 48. EARTH, beware lest you lose the 325.
DIO-ESTION, 187. May lie light upon thee, 22.
., and
love, 167. EASE, 320.
Ease with 36. Lettered 236.
Fallen 234. -with dignity, 36.

DISCIPLINE, Military 309. ECONOMY, 264.

DISCONTENT, 114, 152, 161, 255. EDUCATION, 54, 110,
DISCORD, 30, 48, 310. EGG, The fowl from the 325.

DISCRETION, 118. EGGS, From the to the apples, 1.

in love, 24. ELECTORS, 159.
DISHONOUR and expediency incompa- ELEGANOI, 166.
tible, 99. ELEPHANT, 267.
DISPARAGEMENT, 142. ELOQUENCE, 12,34, 117, 202, 287, 295,
in- 315.
DISSENSIONS, States destroyed by
ternal 222. bought, 289.
cannot be feigned, 211.
DISTICH, E'en a *s long, 174. , f

DISTURB, Do not that, 317. comes after wine, 68.

in rags, 249.
DISUSE, 43. ,,

Talents rusted with 105. ,, misused, 236.

Do as you would be done by, 1. The master of 312.

nothing or do good, 166. n The power of 160.

DOCTOR, A careful 132. EMPEROR, An should die standing,

a mental consolation, 316. 97.
begins where Philosopher EMPIRE, 79, 97, 164.
ends, 324. based on cruelty, 56.
Many deaths disgrace a 172. END, From the spring new begin-
, ,

DOER, To hate the yet approve the nings, 8.

deed, 191. ENDURANCE, 209.
DOG, Beware of the 310. ENEMIES, 209.
Dolce farmente, 192, As many as we have ser-

DOMINION, 180. vants, 324.

.. impatient of a consort, 181, Open 90.
185. Secret 282.
Lust of 38. ENEMY, A common 199.
^n of the human race, 90.
Unjust perishes, 106.
DONE. What is cannot be undone, , ,
Learn from the 67.
within the gates, 109.
3, 66, 154, 279.
who is seeking a conflict, 324.
DOOR, Lock the stable 316.
DOWEY, 175, 222. ENJOYMENT, Unforeseen 108,
., Authority bartered for a 15. ENMITY under the guise of charity, 10.
The true 168. ENOUGH, 245, 246.

ENTEEPEISE abroad, 322. EYES. Ears less trustworthy than
EOTEBPRISES, Great 160. 66.
ENVY, 16, 57, 110, 124, 131 163, 205, , ,
That which enters through the
270, 273, 306. 325.
attacks tie noblest, 280. The the index of the mind,
the comrade of distinction, 58. 12.
EPITAPH of Virgil, 129. ,,
To cure all with the same
EPIOUBTJS*, A hog from sty, 56. ointment, 56.
EQUALITY, 183, 266. To feast the 254.
EQUANIMITY, 13, 279.
ERR, To is
human, 36. FACE, The the mirror of the mind,
EVENING, What the may bring, 317. 12.
EVENT, The the schoolmaster of FAILINGS, Keprove our own 47.
fools, 147. FAILURE, 59.
EVENTS, Great accomplish them- FAITH, Ancient and virtue, 88.
selves, 315. ,, War for the 182.
EVERLASTING, Nothing is 161. FALL, Danger of a 175.
EVERYWHERE is nowhere, 186, 319. Pride before a 257, 264, 286.
EVIDENCE, Hearsay 171. ,, to rise again, 140.
EVIL, 193, 311. FALLEN, Aid to the 252.
,, By doing nothing, man learns FALSE, The a neighbour of the true,
to do 317. 113.
Death lias the appearance of FALSEHOOD, 5, 215, 282.
an 139. leads to falsehood, 211.
Growth of 114. Splendid 292.
Instigators of 123. FAME, 77, 81, 133, 141.
known 178.
is best, Another's 137.
,, neighbour of good, 128. bought with blood, 166.
EVIL-DOING, The habit of 187. despised, 32, 277.
EVILS, Of two choose the lesser, 40, Posthumous 16, 215.
226, 270. the nurse of the arts, 89,
EVIL-SPEAKING and evil-doing, 43, 128. The thirst for 283.
EXAMPLE, 142, 270, 320. FAMILIAEITY breeds contempt, 16.
better than precept, 124. FAMILY portraits, 170.
Draw from others an for FAMINJB, 116.
himself, 107. FABM, Praise a large but till a small
Vulgar minds influenced by one, 120.
330. FASHION, The arbiter of 55.
EXAMPLES, Bad easily followed, 2. FATE, 51, 144, 174, 266.
Home 272. FATHER, 219.
EXCESS of virtue, 107. ,,
A feared, 82.
EXCTJSE, By tarns we claim by turns ,, of his country, 53, 255, 265.
concede, 211. The duty of a 86,
for evil, 128, To deceive a 231.
EXCUSES, 55, 67, 93. FATHEBLAND, 156, 185.
EXILE, 37, 64, 215. The whole world our 193.
EXPECTED, The long 234. FAULT pains, not punishment, 37.
EXPEDIENCY and dishonour incom- FAULTLESS, Nothing 55, 270, 292.
patible, 99, FAULTS, 213.
,, and honesty,
123. He has no except that he is
EXPERIENCE, 68, 208. faultless, 161.
,, the "best proof, 42. Hidden 273.
EXPERIMENT, make the on a worth- ingrained, 74.
less body. 64. , Others' 176,
EXTINCTION, 139, 182. soon copied, 41.
EYB, The of the master, 50. ,, A great man's 217.

FAVOUR, Popular 215, 303. FORTUNATE, Too who has no misfor-

To refuse a prettily, 204, tunes, 165.
FAVOURS, 225, 229. FORTUNE, 52, 73, 82, 92, 96, 106, 109,
promptly conferred, 266. 117, 122, 126, 136, 139, 144,
,. well bestowed, 244. 148, 157, 182, 187, 239, 242,
FEAR, 25, 38, 42, 127, 135, 197, 247, 244,264,267,279,287,304,
299. 306, 313.
,, He whom many- 232. ,, Architect of his own 258.
FEARED, An honour to be 135. blind, 169.
FEARLESSNESS, 267. blinds men, 191.
FEASTING after too much 320. Breezes of 111.
FEELINGS, Injured 323. Call not blind, 249.
FEIGN, Who knows not how to 326. Changes of 43, 228, 248.
FETTERS, of the body, 93. changes with morals, 97.
Self-forged 29. favours the brave, 72.
FIDELITY, 40, 75, 118, 258, 277. Fickleness of 3, 130, 158,

FIELDS, Fallow 43. 205.

FIGHT, Live to another day, 230, goes her own road, 318.
FILE, 123. Good and good disposition,
FIRE, 93, 116, 163, 288. 250.
and smoke, 170, 263. Good mind rarely joined to
Gold tried by 93. good 313.
FIRMNESS, 265. In good expect reverses,
FITTING,The gods give what is 266.
FLAME, An ancient 8. Large 64,
FLAMES, Throwing oil on the 192. makes him a fool whom she
FLASH-FINGER, To play in the dark, would ruin, 279.
248. not a goddess, 183.
FLATTERERS. 59, 211. or skill, 101.
FLATTERY, 6, 43, 66, 67, 166, 194, 226, Power of 27.
232, 238, 247, 296. Reliance on 195.
FLEECE, Golden 5. Vicissitudes of 78, 159,
FLIGHT, 289. FORTUNES, He moulds his to his
FLIES, The eagle does not catch 14. own desires, 242.
FLOCK. The poor man counts his FOUR-IN-HAND, 217.
FOWL, The egg from the 325.
FLOWER, Pluck the before it fades, FOWLER, 166.
178. FRAUD, betrays itself, 213.
of the state, 71. FREEDOM, 11, 260, 292.
FLOWERS, Bitterness amongst the of speech, 249.
132. restored, 123.
FLY, 143. FRIEND, 144, 162.
,, Those who survive, 74. A a second
self, 235.

FOLLY, 258. A in need, 162.

FOOL, 147, 270, 279. ?j
A,_ our most valuable posses-
Fortune's 73. sion, 141.
To play the 137. Leisure to aid a 174.
FOOT with and horse, 37. The true a copy of oneself,
FORCE, 71. 301,
A state ruled by 208. The true rare, 165, 206.
and gentleness, 147. FRIEND'S, To siu for a sake, 179.
FOREBODING, 156. FRIENDS, 90, 290.
FOREHEAD, 74. Absent- 1.

FORELOCK, Take time by the 253. All things common among

FORESIGHT, 113, 122. 29.
FORGETFULNESS, 61, 95, 139. Choice of 288.
FORTITUDE, 102, 190, 288. Fortune finds us 253.
FRIENDS, Judge a man by his 325. GIFT, Every day has its 319.

Let out perish, if our ene- providence granteth to men,
mies perish with them, 209, 311.
Seek wise 184. GIFTS, 47, 57, 143.
Supporters of the throne promptly given,
169. take their value from the
vanish with our wealth, 46. giver, 2.
FRIENDSHIP, 10, 58, 89, 92, 119, 127, GIRAFFE, 267.
138, 143, 155, 214, 223, 229, GLADIATOR, 20, 259, 282.
261, 276, 281, 288, 312. GLORY, 57, 119.
False 264. of God, 4.
of the world, 189.
higher than kinship, 86.
Love in guise of Posthumous- 249.
,. The name of is common, Steep is the road to 15.
308. The chariot of 75.
without virtue, impossible, The custody of 82.
303. True 77, 300.
FEUDALITY, 74, 171, 223, 246, 297, Vain 286.
306. GLUTTONY, 205.
FUNGUS, 291. GOAL, One forall, 264.

FUTURE, Fear of the 142, GOD, 4, 44, 240, 266, 319.

Heaven hides the 221. in creation, 60.
The- 275. Live as in the sight of 273.
FUTUEITY, 113, Man is a to man, 88.
the image of 63.

GAIN, smells sweet, 124. ,,

the power oi Nature, 208.
Spend to- 151. There is within us, 57, 58.
Thoughts engrossed by
209, GODDESS, Her gait betrayed the 325.
GAINS, Hidden 296. GOD'S pleasure, 212.
Ill-gotten 258. GODS, Counsels of the 230.
G-ALBA, 111, 127, 207. , ,
Love rules the 239.
G-ALL and honey, 161, 214, 290. ,, Scorn the witness of the
GAMES, Childish 7. 282.
Idle 165. The all-seeing 45.

the omniscient 3.

GATE, The ivory 280. ,,

The watch o'er the right,
GATES, Open 174. 267.
The two of sleep, 280. The maker of 230.
GAULS, The 217, 294. What the will, 310.
GAT, Mingling grave and 194. ,, Whom the love, die young,
GENERAL, The qualifications of a 228*
54. Wrongs done to the 43.
GENEEALS, Great grow insolent in GOLD, 19, 138, 237.
prosperity, 251. a god, 17.
GENERATION, The next 264. Ass laden with 99.
GENEROSITY, 157, 253. Buried 19.

Danger of 104. Love of 237, 294.

GENIUS, 34, 105, 183, 295, 302, 309. master or slave, 97.
,, Applause fans to a flame, the cause of evil, 19.
The power of 19,
Characteristics of 126. tried by fire, 93,
immortal, 17. GOLDEN cups, 179.
GENTLEMAN, 170. The mean, 18, 60, 83, 92,
A not made by fortune, 123. 95, 138.
A to the finger tips, 4. GONE, Not lost but before, 199.
GENTLENESS and force, 147, 268, GOOD, Absolute 111.
GIANT'S, Pygmies on shoulders, 321. Be if not clever, 313.

GOOD, Desire for natural in man, HADES, 92.

58. HAIR, The smallest casts a shadow,
Kings mistrust the 252. 61.
,, No without evil, 45. HAND, Healing 132.
,, Nothing unless profitable, washes hand, 129.
212. HANDSOME, A plague to be too 164.
The are few, 250. HANNIBAL at the gates, 80.
The in life never counter- The dust of 63.
balances the evil, 23. HAPPINESS, 21, 68, 69, 291, 319.
the neighbour of evil, 123. darkens the mind, 189.
to be sought for its own sake, in knowledge, 69.
159. in old age, 250.

GOODNESS, Desire for 204. in submission, 45.

Feigned -251. Lost 101.
GOODS, carry all my with me, 197. One hour's perfect 235.
GOOD-WILL, 11. HAPPY, Call no man till he dies, 291.
GOOSE, With voice of 315. HARMONY, 30.
GOSSIP, 225. HARVEST in the blade, 5.

GOVERNMENT, 118, 128. No without toil, 206.

Popular 215. HASTE,197, 259, 299.
GRACE, 94. seems slow to passion, 59, 61.
GRAMMAR, King of the Bomans and HASTEN slowly, 313.
above 310. HATE and love, 191.
GRAMMARIANS, Caesar not above the Men those whom they fear,
310. 228.
GRASS, Like summer 227. Men those whom they have
GRATITUDE, 5, 23, 99, 171, 182, 231, injured, 247.
268, 283. HATRED, 192, 324.
GRAVE, Mingling and gay, 194. ,, laid aside with the sword, 303.
GRAVITY, 255. ,, masked, 2.

GREAT, To compare things with of relations, 3.

small, 204. proclaimed. 111.

GREATNESS incompatible with pretti- Truth the mother of 300.
ness, 22. ,,
Who fears has no desire to
GREED, 120, 151, 301. rule, 252.
GREEK wit, 77. HAVEN, 109.
GREEKLING, The hungry 77. HAWK, 173, 192.
GRIEF, 71, 119, 121, 391. ,,
to cut the claws of a 314.
assuaged by time, 19, 183. HAWKS, 317.
Deep-seated 217. HEAD, The most serious diseases
Ostentatious 209. originate in the 298.
Pleasure in 58, 60. HEADS, Old on young shoulders,
Solitary- 167. 224.
GROWTH, Excessive 102. HEALTH, 169, 204, 239, 283, 325.
,. slow, destruction rapid, 293, of body and mind, 134.
295. HEAR both sides, 233.
GUESTS, 120, 153. HEARSAY, 5, 91, 171, 262.
GuiLT and punishment, 36. HEART, A clean the kingdom holds,
,, Conscious 256. 254
To betray in one's looks, 82. A feeling 138.
GUILTY, Acquittal of the 87, 116. and home, 83.
Darkness shrouds the of
H, The letter 110. man, 219.
HABIT, 23, 31, 151, 244, 245, 285, ,,
The makes the man, 311.
becoming nature, 136. HEAVEN, Lord of 51.
second nature, 31. The road to 169.
HACKNBYED subjects, 46.
The will of 43,

HEAVEN, The wrath of 250, 283. HORSE, The old- 273, 276.
HEAVENLY origin of man, 29. The Trojan 107.
HECTOR, 227. HORSES, Colours of 89.
HEIR follows heir, 210. HOUR, Ones' perfect happiness, 235.
The tears of an 210. HOUSE, A great 130.
HELL, The road to 65. Master in his own 1.
The gates of 203. ,, The master ennobles the
HELP, 323. 201.
HEN, A crowing 138. HUMAN, An enemy of the race, 90.
HERCULES Hercules* only equal, 223. HUMANITY, 91, 125, 262.
The labours of 228. My page is skilled in 87.
HEREDITY, 171. HUMBLE, Danger from the 121.
HINDMOST, Devil take the 191. Spare the 203.
HISTOBY, 85, 148. The exalted, 16.
The function of 216. HUMILITY, 319.
HOAR-FROST, 312. HUMOUR, Good 64.
HOLIDAYS, 278. ,, Bough leaves a bitter
HOME, 124, 126, 164, 242. memory, 256.
Distress at 142. HUNGER the best sauce, 28, 116.
if things go bad at 322. HUSBANDMAN, Happy the lot of the
Sanctity of 236. 188.
HOMER, A to herald your virtues, HYPOCRISY, 226, 287.
sometimes nods, 61.
HONESTY, 148, 248, 290. I do not love thee, Dr. Pell, 167*
and expediency, 123, IDLENESS, 119, 186, 232.
Laughter at the expense of IDLY got, idly spent, 128.
IGNORANCE, Confession of 148.
unrewarded, 18. part of wisdom, 157.
HONEY and gall, 161, 214, 290.
To condemn in 284.
to Axistaeus, 241. ILIAD, An of misfortunes, 283.
To look for in the river, 274. Something that with the
HONORARIUM, 269. vies, 310.
HONOUR, 154, 248, 258, 325, ILLNESS, 322.
,, among thieves, 239. ILLS, 168.
,, is virtue's reward, 308. ,, intensified by concealment, 9.
,, Posthumous 244. IMAGINATION, We suffer more in
preferred to money, 206. than in fact, 213.
,, The path of open to all, 7. IMITATION, 188.
HONOURS, 212, 313. IMMORTALITY, 246.
The empty of the tomb, 30, a gift of the Muses, 46.
HOOFS, Fear turned my to wings, IMPETUOSITY, 214.
HOOK, 135. IMPOSSIBLE, Nothing 55, 164.
, , Keep thy baited, 263. therefore certain, 28.
HOPE, 50, 54, 136, 277, 295, 305, 322, IMPULSE, 40, 196.
323. IMPUNITY, 165.
deferred, 62. INACTION, Safety in 7.
To lose all 203. INACTIVITY, 92, 278.
,, While there is life there is~- INCONGRUITY, 91.
HOPES betrayed, 166. INCONSTANCY, Constant only in 205.
HORACE, 194, 311. INDECISION, 47, 51.
HORN, The gate of 280. INDEPENDENCE. 152, 272.
HOESE, 165, 170. INDIGNATION, 267.
The would plough, 200. INDOLENCE, 43.
The galloping 221. INDULGENCE, Immoderate 164.

INDUSTRY, 119. JUDGMENT, Poison which vitiates cor-

INEQUALITY, 119. rect 324.
INEXPERIENCE, 87. JUSTICE, 64, 106, 117, 118, 158, 274,
INFIRMITY, Luxury a moral 323. 296.
INFORMERS, 85, 217. dwells with few, 315.
INGRATITUDE, 98, 112, 134, 194, 219, Fidelity the basis of 75.
294, Nature the fountain of 62.
INJURED, Men hate those whom, they though the world fall, 70.
have 247. Verrine- 117.
INJURES, Who- one threatens a
hundred, 142. KALENDS, The Greek 4.
INJURIES sometimes beneficial, 297, KEEL, Laying the 85.
INJUSTICE, 78. KEEPERS, Who shall keep the 240.
Any one can feign 315. KINDNESS, 22, 24, 323, 325.
INSANITY, 1, 37, 107. KING, 251, 252.
INSIGNIFICANCE, 290. A fears nought, 254.
INSINCERITY, 289. Duty of a 216.
INSTIGATION or approval, 235. I am no but Caesar, 25.

The reigns but does not
INSTRUCTION, 295, govern, 254.
INSULT, 213. The- sets the fashion, 30.
,, Adding to injury, 3. KINGDOM unstable, 291.
INTELLECT, 163. KINGS beneath Jove's sceptre bow,
,, without art, 145. , } Long are the arms of 11.
INTELLIGIBILITY, 175. The wrath of 77.
INTENTION, 273. KINSHIP, 125, 214.
INTIMACY, 282. ,,
stolen 15.
Is, One worth a thousand wases. KNIFE. Between the and the victim,
322. 107.
ISLANDS, The of the blest, 16. KNOW thyself, 53.
ITCH, The of scribbling, 285. KNOWLEDGE, 146.
IVORY, The gate, 280, , 3
Forbidden 288.
IVY, 49. is nothing if not known, 294.
is power, 110.
The price of 177.
JAR, A seasoned 184.
JESTS, Bitter 286.
JEWS, The 13, LABOURER, The farm 325.
JOVE, He stole the thunder from LABOURS, Past 116.
312. LAMB, Wolf and 125.
JOY and sorrow, 132, 223. LAMP, The of life, 272.
Be sparing in 203. LAMP-OIL, Waste time and 192.
Beneath lurks discontent, LAND, The sight of 180.
161. LANGUAGE, 282.
hard to feign, 82. and life in agreement, 245.
,, Tears of 295. The of truth is simple, 301.
JOYS, that first the Gods gave to life, The law of 141.
319. LANGUAGES, 49.
JUDGE, 24, 117, 268. LAST, Each man's shoe made on his

Corrupt 128. own 134.

Upright 32. Let the cobbler stick to his
With himself as
322. 146.
JUDGMENT of Paris, 129. LATE, Better than never, 216.
LAUGH if you be wise, 254. LICENCE, 123, 187.
.Poetic 214.
LAUGHTER, 276, 295.
and truth, 254. LICENTIOUSNESS in youth, 123.
at a friend's expense, 71. LIFE, 11, 13, 23, 48, 114, 135, 175,
at the expense of honesty, 270, 273, 276, 279, 282,
165. 299, 304, 305, 317.
Ill-timed 255. a campaign, 316,
Sardonic 254. a combat. 317.
LATISHNESS, 120, a loan, 305.
LAW, 55, 58, 91, 102, 122, 136, 236,
a punishment, 165, 269.
291,298. An evil 156.
cares nought for little things, and language in agreement,
40. 245.
, , Flagrant violation of the 99. Contempt 171.
Love owns no 241. Desire of 62.

Necessity has no 151. easier to the lightly burdened,

silent 4.
amongst arms, 215,
273. has its seasons, 115.

The supreme 25 7. Homely 74.
To break the for the sake in death, 139,
of power, 270. is full of snares, 160.
Universal 122. is short, art is long, 104,

Unwritten 31. is thought, 306.

LAWS, 120, 214. Leaving calmly, 7.

Good 120, 294. like a gaming table, 114.
human and divine, 196. long to the unhappy, 190.
3 ,
numerous in a corrupt state, Man's 316, 317.
33. My 307.
is lived,
.. The life of a state is in its not in vain, 1, 56.
133. Shortness of 24, 52, 61, 277.
LEARN, Desire to 146, Such is 21.
Never too late to 283. The arts the servants of 16.
while teaching, 87. The lamp of 272.
LEARNING, in a villain 312. The lessons of 176.
Life without 274. unnoticed, 151.
LEAVES to the woods, 137. Wisdom the ruler of 16.

LEECHES, 172. without learning, 274,

LEGACY, 201. LIGHT, passing through impunity, 277.
LEGAL knowledge, 177. LIKE master like man, 224,
LEISURE, 192, 202. to like, 203.
in old age, 6. LIKENESS, 37.
Vices engendered by 186. LILY, Fairer than the 123.
LESSER, Of two evils choose the virtue not 304.
270. LION, 243.
LESSONS from others' faults, 209. LISTEN, learn to 19.
of the schools, not of life, 176. LISTENERS, 85.
LETHE, 12. LITERATURE, Greek 307.
LETTERS, Anonymous 274. LITIGIOUSNESS, 216.
LIAR, A should have a good memory, LIVE, I cannot with thee nor yet
133. without thee, 271.
LIBERTY, 116, 122, 123, 206, 242. to-day, 169.
Excess of 317. LIVING, To quit the ranks of the be-
Less in high stations, 100. fore death , 292,
the birthright of a Roman LOQUACITY, 27, 32, 34.
citizen, 8. Loss of friends, 10.
under a monarch, 67. LOST, Not but gone before, 199.

LOUSE, 314. LOYALTY, 151.

LOVE, 10, 11, 27, 33, 44, 46, 55, 68, 73, LUOK, Good 23, 219.
93, 98, 109, 113, 126, 150, LUNATICS, Not lovers but 103.
160, 184, 189, 192, 198, 227, LUST, 320.
229,232,253,263,268,272, LUXUBY, 48, 109, 184, 218, 323.
295, 301, 318, 320, 323, 324, Avarice the mother of 20.
,, A j)oor man in 228, the destroyer of cities, 6.

,, A rival in 146. LYING, 61.

All creation subject to 193.
An old man in 136. MACHINERY, God's 154.
,, and desire, 10. MADNESS, 1, 49, 76, 90, 102, 164, 183,
and dignity, 167. 222.
and hate, 191. Love a 262.
and poverty, 60, 207. MAECENAS, 274.
and war, 21. MAGISTRACIES, 106.
,, cannot be deceived, 17. MAGNANIMITY, 243.
changes men, 5. MAID and mistress, 47.
,, Clandestine 129. MAIDENS, Beautiful 303.
Constant 68. MAJORITY, Laws for the benefit of the
,, Countless the pains of 247. 180.
credulous, 34. MALICE, 87, 182.
Discretion in 24, and might, 32.
Dishonourable 289. MALIGNITY, 169, 319.
fervent and pure 291. disguised as independence, 6.
fortune in 313. MAN, 88, 89, 318.
in absence, 284. and wife, 298.
in guise of friendship, 109. Birth of- 157.
is madness, 262. girtwith perils, 243.
loves not to be cured, 195. God's image, 63.
more easily quenched than ,, Heavenly origin of 29.
moderated, 66. man's enemy, 88, 223.
., Naught offends 157. ,, must be weighed, 96.
of gold, 294. Old 147.
owns no law, 241. proposes but God disposes, 88.
Eenewal of 98. the wise 198.
rules the gods, 239. 'tis the heart makes the
The mother of 130. 311.
that comes late bears heavy tried by affliction, 93.
interest, 256. ,, When the life of is in de-
To and bewise, 309. bate, 181.
,, turns gall to honey, 290. MANKIND, 267.
,, worse than poverty, 207. All that concerns is my af-
,, worthless, 165. fair, 89.
Young 52. Blindness of 189.
LOVE'S bow, 202. Snares for 98.
,, teacher is love's healer, 48, ,, The nature of 164.
LOVER and soldier, 7, 136. To understand 262.
The constant 86. Variety of 136.
The never hungry, 229. MANNERS, 4.
The new 307. MANY, The 311.
The semblance of a 178. MANY-HEADED, The 22.
LOVERS, 12, 114, 115. MARBLE, 293.
,, blind, 260. MARCELLUS, 16, 82.
,, credulous, 86. MARINER, The first 95.
Not but lunatics, 103. MARK, To miss the 149.
LOVERS' perjuries, 174, 210. MARRIAGE, 263, 274.
,, quarrels, 10, 15. unlucky in May, 134.
MABS in the garb of Peace, 130. MIND, A great in a coarse body, 105.
MASS, A shapeless 255. A healthy in a healthy
MASSES, The 108, 175. hody, 134.
The temper of the un- A diseased, 134.
certain, 159. , 3
A suspicious looks ever on
the black side, 4.
MASTBB, A just 206.
and servant, 104, 114, 247, ,. A tender easy to mould,
297. 63, 65.
In his own house, 1, ,, An open 195,

Like like man, 224. n Bad bad heart, 127.
of himself, 10. Body drags down 239.
The eye of the 50. ,, Byes the index of the 12.

MASK, 152, 173, 210. good, 313.

The is torn away, the man ,, makes the man happy, 309,
revealed, 243.
Out of sight, out of 227.
Tenacity of the youthful 41
MATRON, The chaste, 316.
, ,

plethora of 253. The divine 91.
MAT, 'Tis ill to marry in the month The face the mirror of the -
of 134. 12.
H, Say what you 245. The darkened by happiness,
The goldsn 189.
18, 60, 83, 92,
95, 188.
The like a field. 100.
S, 35. The that sins, 310.
MEASURE, Each man must know his the windows of the 12.

--318. without instruction, 295.

MBBEAj 146. MINDS, Little things please little
MEDICINE, 94, 285.
MEDIOCRITY. 296. ,, prone to evil, 198.
MEMORY, 61, 141, 148, 305.
So many men so many 247.
A liar needs a good 133. Vnlgar 320.
manly, mourning womanly, MINE, What is is fchine,246.
69. MIEBOE, Enchanted 188.
mother of wisdom, 294. MISBB, 20, 282, 286.
., of past misfortunes, 159. MISERLINESS, 14, 240.
of the lost, 83. MISERY, The abode of 90.
Woman's 269. xmrecogmaed, 189.
MEN footballs of the goda, 45. MISFORTUNE, 25, 59, 63, 165, 177, 197,
Great often ntter great un- 290.
a test of friendship, 10,
truths, 318.
89. Anticipation of 205.
So many so many minds, Companions in- 76, 328.
247. ..
Courage in 174.
,. We should so speak with Meet- half-way, 300.
323. MISFORTUNES, An Iliad of 288.
IteANDEB, 303. follow one another, 69.
MERCY most becomes a king, 62. Learn from others* 24.
MERIT not favour, 303. Memory of past 159.
Public are felt privately,
MICE, 205.
MIDDLE, The path, 132. 283,
MIGHT and malice, 32. MISTAKE in war, S14.
the measure of right, 134. Not every is foolish, 168.
MIGHTY, Hone are safs against the MISTRESS and maid, 47.
32. MITE, A to swell the rich man's
MILDNESS, 250. store, 224.
MILK, like as two drops of 155. MOB, 146, 169, 244, 271, 282, 308.
Mnro, 18, 156, 237, 309. Discord the companion of the
A false 3. 810,

MOB, Plaudits of the 163, 201. NATIONS, An agreement of the is

254. equal to a law of nature,
The follows fortune, 264, 196.
The nature of the 80. NATURE, 95, 101, 145, 149, 150, 182,
MOCKBRY of human plans, 136. 258,271,272,292,309,313,
MODERATION, 59, 239, 251, 317. 317.
Want of 199. ,, A weak knee'd 314.
MODESTY, 209, 233, 245, 251, 291, ,,
and wisdom agree, 185.
301. Art the imitator of 199.
dethroned, 189. As made it every form is
in youth, 41. fair, 295.
MONEY, 15. 56, 131, 207, 236, 260, Difficulties of surmounted
281, 309. by intelligence, 140.
,, All things worship 199. effectschanges slowly, 158.
Few prefer honour to 206. gives us the country, 49.
,, grows apace, 260. Habit second 31.
Loss of 283. Human 113.
,, lost we mourn with genuine is God, 208.

tears, 213. Laws of 92, 196,

,, Make honestly if possible, Nothing in incredible, 135.
but make 252. Observation of 178.
The power of 115. Repugnant to 158.
,3 Nothing sacred to 158. The debt of 188.
,, the sinews of affairs, 156. the first law of 312.
MONOTONY, 28. To live according to 265.
MONSTER of vices unredeemed, 53. without culture, 257.
MONUMENT, 63, 96. NATURE'S rival art, 16.
MOON, 29, 108, 110. NATURES. Rude are softened by art,
MORALITY, 15, 236. 105.
MORALS, 214. NECESSITY, 54, 151, 154, 267, 304, 314.
Fortune changes with 97. ,,
a teacher, 45.
MOTHER of two sons, 214. Make a virtue of 66,
wit, 8. NECK, Would that the people had but
MOTHERS, 130. one 298.
MOURNING, 240. NEED, Public 321.
Ceaseless 107. NEEDLE, To look for a 265.
,, womanly, memory manly, 69. NEIGHBOUR, 184, 288.
MOUNTAIN, The in labour, 235. I am my nearest 220.
MOUNTAINS of gold, 138. NEPTUNE'S plains, 16.
MULTITUDE, The of counsellors, 101, NERO, 66.
MURDER, 8. NERVE, Strain every 196.
MURMURS, Open 202. NEW, Something from Africa, 262.
MUSE, A sterner 166. ,, What is is hard to believe,
MUSES, 114, 131. 261.
MUST, As we when as we would we NIGHT, A of endless sleep, 166.
cannot, 247. Endless 116.
the time for counsel, 31.
NAIL. To hit the right on the head, NILE, The 121.
285. NOBILITY, 240.
NAKED came we into the world, 179. ,, True 166.
To strip the clothes from the NOBLE birth, 210.
179. only in death, 71.
NAME, A deathless 172. NOTHING from nothingness, 76, 181.
A mighty 166. He who desires 319.
,, Change but the 144. returns to nothing, 81.
, ,
The shadow of a mighty 277. NOTORIETY, 41, 111, 194, 221, 287.
NAMES, We're fighting about 315, NOVELTY, 43, 60, 246, 298.

NOVICE, 262. PAINS, Misspent 236.

NOWHERE, He is 319. PAINTING- and poetry, 296.
NUMBERS, Odd 184. PAIR, A pretty 203.
The influence of 78, PARDON, 68, 154.
PARENTS, Love for our 312.
OATHS, Lovers' 115. Outrages on 320.
OBEY, Learn to beiore you can rule, PARIS, The judgment of 129.
152. PARNASSUS, 131.

OBLIVION, 12, 307, 319. PARRICIDE, 112.

OIL on the flames, 192, PARSIMONY, 146.
on troubled waters, 133. PART, Destroy the to save the whole,
OLD age, 13, 35, 52, 59, 78, 92, 121, yy.
136,152,256,263,290,295. PARTIALITY, 274.
age and happiness, 250. PARTNER in one's sorrow, 315.
age, Evils of 141. PASSION, 59, 320.
age more terrible than death, PASSIONS roused by great issues, 62.
139. The source of the 199.
age the time for leisure, 5. PAST, Praise of the 120, 302, 305.
An man beginning to live, ,,
The mind lives in the 13.
236. PATH, The middle 132.
Praise of times, 120, 302, To point the 89.
305. PATHS, Many wrong 299,
j, wives' tales, 147. PATIENCE, 80, 121, 122, 130,
OLIGARCHY, 215. sorely tried, 76.
OMENS, 138, 167. PEACE, 25, 130, 132, 202, 207, 322.
ONE, From learn all, 3. A long 184.
for many, 293.
life and slavery, 61.
OPINION, 200. atany price, 26, 135.
Popular 156, 214. In prepare for war, 297.
The of good men, 238. The lawsof 280.
OPPORTUNITIES for doing good, 291. Virtue leads to 262.
Lost 234. War to secure 22, 258, 268.
Proximity of 314. PEDANT'S, A
tongue, 219.
OPPORTUNITY, 39, 151, 249, 253. PEDIGREES, 268, 277.
consummate 160. PELION, Pile Ossa on 285.
ORATORS, Conceit of 153. PENALTIES, Equal 167.
ORATORY, 78, 85. PENALTY, 214.
ORDER, 284, 313. PIOPLE, The good of the 257.
ORIGINALITY, 269. The suffers for its rulers'
ORNAMENT, 147. faults, 234.
Excess of204. , ,
The voice of the is the voice

OSSA, Pile on Pelion, 285. of God, 308.

OTHERS, The affairs of 113. This desires to be deceived,
To covet the possessions of 143.
8. PEOPLE'S, The will, 133.
OWN, To every man his 135, 270, PERFECT, Everything after its kind,
281. 292
Ox and ass coupled, 101. PERFECTION, 101, 149.
PERFUMES, 167, 205.
PAGE, The motley subject of my PERJURIES, 8.
234 Lovers' 174, 210.
The thousandth 190. PERSEVERANCE, 20,
PAIN, 74, 162. in love, 268.
and pleasure, 179, 181, 291. PERSUASION, Feeble 317.
is pain's medicine, 308. PBTARD, Hoist with Ms own 154,

PETER, Robbing to pay Paul, 228. POETS, Bad- 255,

PHILIP, To appeal from drunk to- born not made, 31.
sober, 220. bring a divine gift, 177.
PHILOSOPHER, Where Doctor begins Conceit of 153.
ends, 324. honoured, 271.
PHILOSOPHERS, The laughing and cry- Mediocre 132.
ing 116. Eich 296.
PHILOSOPHY, 149, 158, 190, 211. Tragic 297.
,, an antidote for sorrow, 50. POETS' self-esteem, 5.
cares nought for pedigrees, POISON which vitiates correct judg-
268. ment, 324.
ennobling, 198. POLAND, The end of 71.
PHRIXUS, The ram of 5. POMP, 168.
PHRYGIANS, The 323, POOR, Bich and 234.
PHYSICIAN heal thyself, 155. The- 102.
Pias and puppies, 9. POPULACE, 142.
PIETY, 150, 212. POPULARITY, 159, 275.
the keystone of virtue, 81. POSSESSION, Perpetual 210.
The reward of 38. POSSESSIONS, We value our hopes
PINDAR, 212. higher than our 322.
PITY, 137, 280. POSTERITY, 281.
PLAGIARISM, 209. POVERTY, 33, 43, 84, 97, 112, 169, 173,
PLATO, 261, 309. 174,206,207,225,253,263.
,, Sooner wrong with than a teacher of the arts, 220.
right with such as these, Guilty 127.
56. in wealth, 126.
PLAY, Not every vile, 313. Love and 60, 207.
PLAYS, Old and old wine, 233. no disgrace, 155.
PLEASANTRY, 254. Bidicule worse than 162.
PLEASURE, 6, 53, 119, 131, 151, 287, the best gift of the gods, 190.
307. the founder of cities, 207.
a toil, 118. the mother of great men, 68.
and pain, 179, 181, 291. To be ashamed of 211.
bought with pain, 273. POWER, 56, 270.
God's should be man's A reputation for 161.
212, Excessive 150, 245.
has its bane, 79. obtained by crime, 153.
or profit in poetry, 20. ,,
Peaceful succeeds where
Sorrow the comrade of 113. violence fails, 208.
the greatest good, 248. The passion for 302.
The state that has paid PRACTICE the best master, 253.
tribute to 321. .,
The merit of virtue is in its
PLEASURES, Delight in innocent 304.
311. PRAISE, 53, 119, 120, 305.
end in satiety, 199, Faint 290.
PLUMES, Borrowed 140, False- 67.
PLUTUS, 103. .. from those we love, 272.
POEMS, 173. Hasty 152.
a deathless monument, 28. Silence is 281,
POESY, No royal road to 167. The seed of is in adversity,
POET, 110, 144, 244. 260.
POET'S. A licence, 211, 214. PRECEDENTS, 78, 198.
POETRY, 20, 145, 147, 301. PRECEPT, 124.
Ancient-^ 5, 60. PRECOCITY, 95, 192.
,, and painting, 296. PREJUDICE, Freedom from 195.
., mellowed by age, 268. PRETENCE, The which aids truth,
POETS, 53, 76, 275, 278. 318,
PRICE, The of knowledge, 177. RAGS, Eloquence in 249.
PRICKS, To kick against the 6. Wisdom in
PRIDE, 74, 84, 106, 261, 281. RANK and character, 229.
before a fall, 257, 264, 286. RASHNESS, 30, 284.
PRIESTS, Who worships the gods, READING, 143, 157, 315.
love their 229. Desultory 120.
PRINCE, 173. REASON, 157, 245, 250.
Many punishments disgrace a ,,
should rule, not anger, 47,
1.72, REASONING, Man a animal, 88.
The virtue of a
first is to REBIRTH, 12.
his friends, 218. RECIPROCITY, 232.
PRISON, Rome with one 68. RECOMMENDATION, 224.
PROFIT, 195. REIGN, A short 173.
Short the time for- 208. Boundless 84.
PROFITABLE, Nothing good unless Worthy to 245.
PROMISE, To better things, 214. RELATIONS* hatreds bitter, 8.
PROMISES, 96, 262. RELAXATION, Mankind needs 88,
Great and small results, 11. RELIGION, 150.
Rich in 214. and superstition, 252.
PROSPERITY, 251, 261. ,, in the name of
PROUD, Crush the 203. 284.
PRUDENCE and courage, 250. ,, the mother of crime, 257.
PUNIO faith, 221. REMORSE, 63.
PUNISHMENT, 146, 219, 253. REPENTANCE, 201, 264, 299.
)y disgraceful only when de- the greatest punishment, 130,
served, 92. REPORT, 57.
Equality of 26. REPOSE, 148, 274.
" Excessive 220. Nothing endures without
Fear of 191. 244.
more severe from a merciful REPROOF welcome to the good, 5,
man, 77. REPUTATION, 67, 68.
, Repentance the greatest
130. A falling 14.
slow but sure, 8, REPUTE, Good 63.
PUPPIES and pigs, 9. RESOLUTIONS, Good 155.
PURGATORY, 242. RESOURCE, A last 147.
PURITY, 273. RESULTS, What is done with solitary
needs no arms, 107. 319.
PURPOSE, Strength of 118. RETIREMENT, 33.
PURSE, Pride of 123, Early 282.
PURSUITS, 271. RETURN impossible, 152.
Bach has his own 260. REVENGE, 103.
Man born for noble 154. REVERENCE, 130.
PYGMIES on giant's shoulders, 321. REVISION, 256.
REWARD, 253.
QUARRELS, 171, 172, 269. RICH and poor, 234.
Children's 221. Complaisance from the 175.
,, Lovers'
10, 15. RICHES, 34, 163.
QUARRELSOMENESS, 10. consist in mind and not in
QUESTIONER, 208. money, 13.
QUICKLY, To learn 254. Short cut to 311,
QUIESCENCE, 161, the best advocate, 28,

RICHES, The wise man has in him- SATAN, Get thee behind me 298.
self, 88. SATIETY, 199, 319.
RIDICULE worse than poverty, 162. SATIRE, 46.
RIDICULOUS, The easily remem- SATURDAY, I fast on 226.
bered. 47. SCENE, Change of not of nature, 71.
EIGHT, 117, 158, SCENES, Behind the 305.
Love of 191. SCHOOLS, Lessons of the and not of
RIOT, 2. life, 176.
RIVAL, 146. SCIENCE, Secrets of 158.
RIVER calm where deepest, 221. SCRIBBLER, 111.
RIVERS, Great from small fountains, SCRIBBLING, The itch of 285.
71. SCYLLA and Charybdis, 261.
ROAD, A royal 167. SEA, 295.
,, A well trodden 287. Dangers of the 188.
The that all must tread, 195, ,,
The populace like the 142.
199. Who lendeth to the 321.
ROCK, 95. SEASON, Art of medicine in lies, 285.
ROGUE, A learned 312. SECOND childhood, 263.
ROGUES, Encouragement to 178. thoughts, 215.
ROMAN, A citizen, 28. to none, 182.
When at Rome, do as the SECRETS, 14, 208.
do, 226. To betray 63.
ROME, 74, 217, 271. SEDITION, 2, 241.
,, He of brick, and left
found SEE, To and to be seen, 276.
of marble, 293.
it SEED of the Church, 213.
not built in a day, 318. SEEING is believing, 263.
,, The wealth, the noise of SEER, 149.
193. SELF, 279.
ROPE, The snake does not bring forth A friend is a second 235.
a 310. A slave of 270.
ROSE, The last of summer, 210. To commune with' one's 232.
ROSES, Cull girl, 310. Victory over 23, 240.
,, fade while they open, 816. Who from can sunder ? 235,
RUDIMENTS, An old man in his 290. SELF-ADVERTISEMENT, 111,
RULE is easy over the good, 65. SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS, 146.
,, Learn to obey before you can SELF-CONTROL, 30, 87, 94, 96, 118, 120,
152. 242, 265.
,, Unpopular 110. SELF-ESTEEM, Poets' 5.


RUMOUR, 64, 181, 252, 299. SELF-KNOWLEDGE, 95.
,, gains strength from terror, SELF-LOVE, 324.
242. SELF-PRAISE, 232.
SELF-PRESERVATION the first law of
SACRAMENT, 277. nature, 261.
SAFETY in despair, 292. SELF-RELIANCE, 122.
SAGE, The eighth 259. SELF-SATISFACTION, 215.
SAINT, A pretended 129. SENSE, Common 247, 250.
SALE, A city for 293. SENTENCE, No guilty man can escape
You are for 190. his own 322.
SALT, A grain of 4. SERVANT. 214.
To eat together, 143. Master and 104, 114, 247,
SANDS, To plough the 236. 297.
SANITY of sanities, 299. ,,
Self -restraint in a 87.
SARDANAPALUS, 79, 501. SERVANT'S, A tongue, 306.
SARDONIC smile, 254. SERVANTS, 11.
SERVANTS, Insolent ISO. SLEEP, Night of endless 166, 276.
SERVICE, A in passing, 161. The two gates of 280.
bad memory for 141. SMALL things become folks, 205.
SERVITUDE, 180, 231, things mirror great, 52.
The memory of 116. ,,
To compare great things with
Feigned 317. SMILES, 148.
SEX, Blame not the 203. SMOKE, No without fire, 263.
SHADOW, The of a mighty name, SNAKE, A in the grass, 119.
277. the does not bring forth a
, To lose a certainty for a rope, 310.
27. SNARE, The bird avoids the 222.
SHAME, 212. SNARES, Life full of 160.
False 278. Many for the good, 302.
SHEAR your sheep, not flay them, 23, SOLDIER and lover, 7.

SHEEP, Wolf and 3, SOLITUDE, 101, 186.

SHIPWRECK, 287. , They make a and call it
A second 98. peace, 18.
SHIPWRECKED fortunes, 73. SONG banishes care, 25.
SHOOTING, 313. ,,
makes valour live, 310.
SHOWS, The public 94. Swan 39.
SIBYL, The Cumaean 282. SONGS, Old wine and new 251.
SICK, The 160. SORROW, 61.
SIDES, Hear both 233. Bear manfully. 86.

SIEVE, Pouring water into a 101, Hidden 278, 282.

165. ,, Keep within bounds, 102.
SIGHT, Out of out of mind, 227. the comrade of pleasure, 113.
SILENCE, 58, 117, 124, 126, 153, 201, SOUL, 12.
232, 304. A poetic 91.

gives consent, 233. Greatness of 201.

in woman, 282. Half of my- 145.
is praise, 281. , , Immortality of the 246.
SILVER, 183. ,, Speech the mirror of the- 96.
Weeping drachmas, 165. ,,
The body an appendage of the
SIN, 269.
that's permitted is less at- ,,
The divine in man, 58.
tractive, 35. The human springs from
The desire to 320. the divine man, 58.
Unwilling 317. The of nature, 218.
SINEWS of war, 156. SOULS, Grovelling 187.
SINNERS, 126. Sow, The would rival Athene, 281.
The greatest punishment of SPADE, Call a a 70.
321. SPARK, A small neglected, 204.
SINS, All are equal, 198. SPARTANS, Go tell the 311.
The of the fathers, 150. SPECULATION, Origin of 319.
SKILL or fortune, 101. SPEECH and silence, 124, 126, 153,
SKIN and bone, 202. 232.
SKY, If the should fall, 238. Freedom of 99.
Let justice be done, though given to all, 32.
the fall, 70. Tears have the weight of
SLANDER, 1. 108.
and accusation, 9. the cloak and index of char-
SLAVE, Whoso is- in aught, 321. acter, 210.
SLAVES, So many so many enemies, The gift of 44.
287. ,, The mirror of the soul, 96.
SLEEP, 40, 95, 115, 275, 276, 283. The rules of 265.
and death, 30; 51. SPEND to gain, 161.

SPIRIT, There is a holy within us, SWEET and bitter, 324.

255. SWIMMER, 4, 13.
SPORT, Untimely 148. SWORD, 128.
SPORTS, Childish 172. and gown, 26.
SPRING, 20, 184. ,, None can restrain a drawn
SPUR, 165. 15.
STAGE. All the world a 70, 322.
STATE, 208, 277.
A free 99. TABLE, A well-filled 14.
A regulated by reward and TACT, Want of 229.
punishment, 253. TALE, A spoilt in the telling, 159.
Foundations of the 118, TALES, Old wives' 281.
injured by clemency, 142. TALENT, A career open to 105.
Services to the 221. TALENTS, Ruined by his 83.
The life of a is in its laws, ,, rusted with disuse, 105.
133. TALKING, 236.
The is not the work of one ,,
While you are 312.
lifetime, 177. TAMARISK, Apples from the 274.
Well-being of the 111. TARGET, To hit the 313.
STATUE, 235, TASK, The daily 222.
STEADFASTNESS, 214. TEACHERS, Inexperienced 244.
STEED, When the is stolen, 316. TEACHING, Learn while 87.
STILL waters, 25, 121. TEARS, 119, 138.
STOICS, The 320. A woman's are snares, 278.
STOLEN kisses, 15. are soon dried, 28.
STONE, Love from a 93. Crocodile's 34.
Water from a 14. Genuine 213.
worn by
water, 78, have the weight of speech,
STONES, You talk 119. 108.

STORIES, Fanciful 158. Idle- 133.

STRENGTH in unity, 20. of joy, 295.
STRIFE, Lust of 2, 257. TENACITY of the youthful mind, 41.
STRINGS, Two to one's bow, 29. TERROR, 207.
STUDIES, Literary 80. ,,
adds strength to rumour, 242,
STUPIDITY, 278. TERRORS, Unseen 196.

sore 110. THANKS, 157.
A equal to your strength, THEOGNIS, Before was born, 218,
280. THESEUS, 262.
Justice for the 117.
SUCCESS, 59. ,,

Men spoiled by 261. THIEVES, 239.

The value of 284. THINE, What is is mine, 246.
SUCCESSOR, A THING, The that is not, 45.
always suspect, 281.
SUFFERING, 34. THINGS are as we use them, 316.
Past is present joy, 72. ,,
are not what they seem, 173.
SUICIDE, 79, 292. ,,
heard are sooner forgotten
than things read, 18.
SUN, 176, 276.
The- freeto all, 149. Little 176.
SUNSHINE after storm, 28. THINK, I am, 54.
therefore, I
THOUGHT, had not
I of it, 324.
SUPERSTITION, 41, 150, 180, 227, 252.
SUSPENSE, 153. The wish father to the 69.
SUSPICION, 134, 281, THOUGHTS free, 122.
Free from 194. THREE-LETTER, A man, 289.
, ,The honest less prone to $96. THRESHING-FLOOR, 113.
SWAN, Black, 249. THRONE, Friends the supporters of a-*

SWANS, Among the 315, THULE, 286.

THUNDEB, 312, TRUTH in the abyss, 145.
THUNDEBBOLTS, Empty 310. ,, No happiness without 21.
TIBERIUS, 286. Search for 98, 148, 149.
TICK, Big on yourself, 314. The might of 188.
TIME, 200, 316, 318. Wine is 103.
All devouring 285. TUMULT, 103.
all iu all, 103. TUBNUS, 322.
assuages grief 19., TWICE, He gives who gives quickly,
flies, 55, 75, 89, 105, 118,
306. Two boars in one thicket, 293.
Friends are thieves of 10. heads better than one, 153.
gives and takes away, 140. In places at once, 289.
lost, 170. TYRANNY, 194, 231, 232.
the healer, 245.
the nurse and the destroyer, UNBELIEF, 209.
198. UNCLE'S, An tongue, 135.
Waste of
192, 251. UNDONE, What's done can't be 3,
TIP of the tongue, 101. 66, 154, 279.
TODAY, 314. UNEXPECTED, The 107, 152.
TOIL, 119, 151, 163, 274. UNFORTUNATE, The suspicious, 195.
Unproductive irksome, 102. UNITY is strength, 20.
Youth the time for 6. UNIVERSE, Nothing constant in the
TOMB, 30, 150. 160.
TOMORROW, 33, 37, 52, 158, 169, 238, The made new, 272.
241, 314. UNKNOWN, The 29, 244.
TONGUE, A pedant's 219. The as good as non-existent,
,, A servant's 306.

The tip of the 101.
TOBRENT, To stem the 94.
UNTRIED, Poets have left no theme
TOWN and country, 255. 162.
Early 5. UNWRITTEN law, 81.
TRAITOR, 172, 199, 219. USE, 7.
TRANSLATION, 150. What we have learned by
TREASON, Acquiescence in 112. 322.
TREES, Family 233. UTTERANCES do not die, 168.
TRIFLES, 79, 144. UTILITY, 186.
Tuneful 301
Waste of time over 289. VAISr-GLORT. 237.
TROUBLE, 325. YALOUR, 130, 170, 215, 245, 303, 310,
amidst joy, 132. without counsel worthless-,
,, Contentment a sauce for 13. 204.
TROUBLES, Meet your half-way, VANITY of vanities, 299.
217. VARUS give me back my kg m, 240,
more serious when threaten- VENGEANCE, 80. 139, 268. 28
ing, 77. Halting- 250,
small and great, 39.
TROY, 75.
VENUS' battle, 259.
TRUNK, A brainless 175. VERRINE justice, 117.
TRUST, 36, 227. VERSE-MAKING, 19, 149.
TRUTH, 5, 36, 94, 125, 138, 148, 251, VERSES, 120, 301.
298, 300, 301, 318, All men scribble 245.
and laughter, 254.
Ill-turned 128.
breeds hate, 191.
VICE, 52, 53, 204, 296, 305, 320,
concealed by argument, 165. Base the house of 320.
greater .friend than Plato, 309.
., Impotent *
is cajfed
" ' virtue,
n history the light of 85. 306,

VICE in high places, 193.

WALLETS, The two 176.
,, The of having no virtues, WALLS. Faults within and without the
,, unmasked, 196. WAR, 21, 22, 51, 106, 285.
VICES, Make a ladder of your 41. ,, Calculations in easily upset,
The of kings, 149. 186.
VICISSITUDES, 78, 102, 266. Civil 9, 99, 135, 160, 292.
VICTORIES, How to use 146. easy to begin, difficult to end,
VICTORY, 76, 164, 216, 240, 257, 193.
274. Fear of 207.
Bloodless 98. for faith or existence, 182.
by yielding, 26. In peace prepare for 297.
Death in 100. Necessity in 151.
ends in sovereignty 155. or love, 21.
,, He deserves his 315. Peace often more dangerous
Hoped for 132. than 322.
unbought has no charm, 166. Peace the goal of 258, 268.
VINEGAR, 295. The fortune of 73, 84.
VIOLENCE, 148, 208. The laws of 280.
VIPER, Envy a 124. The sinews of 156.
VIRGIL, 129. 205.
WASES," One is worth a thousand
VIRTUE, 5, 20, 32, 44, 49, 56, 81, 82, 322.
103, 110, 125, 131, 150, 166, WATOH-DOG, 217.
211, 265, 270, 275, 284, 292, WATER, 143.
303, 304, 305, 314, 321. from a stone, 14.
Ambition a cause of 123. hollows stone, 78.
Ancient faith and 88. in a sieve, 165.
Beauty and 249. The conscious 186.
j, better than wealth, 24. To throw cold 202.
Excess of 107. WATER-DRLNKEB, 218.
Great the authority of 313. WATERS, Still run deep, 25,
Honour the reward of 62. WAX, Pliant as 27.
258, 308. WEAK, Banger from the 121.
in courts impossible, 62. WEAL, The public 150.
its own reward, 109. WEALTH, 49, 60, 101, 105, 112, 132,
leads to peace, 262. 149, 168, 215, 218, 242, 279,
Make a of necessity, 66. 290.
Men measured by their not a change of trouble, 142.
their fortune, 127. begets wealth, 263.
None happy without 21. Contempt of 18, 25, 200,
not ruled by fortune, 249. 201.
,, our guide, 8. Equal distribution of 266.
,, Short path to 311. Growth of 142.
Thank the gods for 179. in contentment, 49.
The power of 2, is slavery, 126.
The practice of 150. Love of 11.
unrewarded, 225. no credit, 155.
VIRTUE'S, Misfortune is opportunity, the source of evil, 54.
25. WEALTHY, Gifts to the 143.
VIRTUES, Kingly 74. ,,
To grow rapidly 253.
Vices ape 320. WEAPON, Foiled with Ms own 281.
VlTELLIUSj 104. WED in thy station, 274.
VOICE, 307, 308. WEIGHED, Men must be not counted,
A and nothing more, 326. 99, 168.
VOTES counted, not weighed, 183. WELL begun is half done, 103.
,, To catch the rabble's 168, WEPT by many, 142.
Vows, Woman's 140. WHETSOITE, 76.
WICKED, Help to the 230. WOLF, 54, 125, 192.
The conquered by kindness, and lamb, 3, 125.
325. WOMAN, 27, 41, 53, 140, 177, 269, 276,
To spare the injures the 278.
good, 23.
A shameless 133.

WICKEDNESS, 154. changeable and uncertain, 299.

Deceitfulness of 307.
WIFE, 164, 275.
A virtuous rules her hus- faithless, 8.
band, 26. Fury of a baffled 26.

WILDEENESS, The voice of one crying loquacious, 143.

in the 307. loves or hates, 19.
WILL, 148. Nothing lighter than 237.
Feeble 125. Silence in 282.
Master of Ms 265. wed against her will, 278,
Take the for the deed, 246. WOMAN'S faults, 141.
WILLS, 67, 102. nature, 178.
WINDS, Favouring 93. word, 34.
WlOT, 144, 241, 243, 259. WOMEN, Two worse than one, 140.
,, drowns care, 2. WONDER, 164.
Old 33, 232. ,,
A story to excite 158,
Old and new songs, 251. WOOL, Gods have feet of 312,
produces eloquence, 68. The God's feet shod with
to Bacchus, 241. 311.
To test by 252. WORD, A to the wise, 45.
Truth in 103,300. WORDS, 141.
worthless, 165. A plethora of 253.
WINE-OUP, 144, 392. Age of 297.
WINGS, Fear his flight, 207. Soft better than gold, 11.
WlRE-PtTLLERS, 156. to the winds, 45.
WISDOM, 44, 110, 117, 126, 164, 231, Unnecessary a blemish, 300.
258. Women's 300.
,, and beauty, 250. Women's strength in 314.
and nature agree, 185. Yard-long 220.
,, banished, 208. WORK, 66, 129.
,, comes with age, 4. best divided, 49.
given to few, 32. Do the thou knowest, 200.
Ignorance a part of 157. The value of 111.
,, the ruler of life, 16. to avoid temptation, 66.
WISDOM'S throne hard to attain, WORLD, 319, 324.
81. created with time, 318*
WISE, None always, 238. One too small, 293.
One day in the life of a man, The glory of the 189,
293. The judgment of the 323.
The man, 258, 285. WORLDLY-MINDEDNESS, 4.
The man a king, 251. WORTH, 292.
To love and be 309. ,,
and beauty, 77.
WISELY, He will never act 319. WORTHLESS men, 32.
WISH, The father to the thought, WOUND, An incurable demands the
69. knife, 96.
WISHES/ Good 154. WOUNDS, 284.
WIT, Mother 8. in battle unfelt, 174.
WITHIN, A god us, 57, 58. WRATH, Divine 29, 283.
WITNESSES, Unnecessary 298. ,,
of Heaven, slow, 250.
WIVES, 6. WRONG, Fear, of 117.
Dowerless 222. WRITING, The itch of 285.
Poor 134. The secret of well, 261 .
WOE, Every joy balanced by 223. The toil of 212.

YEAB, The circle of the 251. YOUNTG, Teach the idea, 238.
YEARS, Declining 67. Whom the gods love die 228 .
Full of and full of honours. 168.
212. flees quickly, 201.
past, 189. licentious, 123.
The rob us as they fly, 274. Reverence for 162.
YIELD when you cannot conquer, 291. the time for labour, 6.



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