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Mi life plan

Although I thought that there is still a long time, the truth is that the future is closer than we
imagine. For this reason it is important since you have a "life project" on which you will
base your life to achieve your goals and objectives. For the realization of this work it is
important to be clear about your vision and mission of life (see previous entry). The
"project of life" implies the equilibrium of all the spheres of the human being, examples of
these family, personal, labor, academic, sexual relations, etc. Below is my life plan in
relation to 5 years, 10 and then 15 years starting today. In 5 years:
In five years I will have 21, that means that I will still be studying. At this age I hope to be
studying at one of the best architecture universities in my country, or why not, the world. I
also hope to be healthy, which means that from now on I have to maintain a balanced diet
and start exercising. Obviously I hope to have a good body, therefore I must take care of
my weight. At 21 I hope to see myself mature and determined, but without leaving aside
my fun side. Affectively, I hope I can better control my emotions, since I will have
completely passed the adolescence stage. With this I hope to have more control of my
stress and despair. In the intellectual requirement, I want to be a person who shows that
he has a lot of knowledge and culture. The worst person there is is the one who notices
their ignorance. I want to travel thoughtfully enough, to know four languages (I'm on the
right track, I just need to learn one more), to be a frequent "client" of theaters and
museums. I also hope to have developed my artistic talent by making drawings and
paintings. I hope never to lose my creativity so necessary for my profession and in the
general life. Morally, I am going to have my values very clear, which I consider
indispensable to have a good life. I will be an honest person, hardworking, fair, kind and
always thinking of others besides myself. In the social requirement, I hope to have many
friends, new and old. My biggest fear is losing friends with the many changes I make but I
will do everything possible to always keep in touch with loved ones no matter where they
are. In conclusion, at 21 I will be studying architecture, always with the best possible
averages. It does not matter where I am but I always hope to be accompanied by loved
and loved ones..

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