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are plants used in agriculture, the DNA of which has been modified using genetic

engineering methods. In most cases, the aim is to introduce a new trait to the plant which does
not occur naturally in the species.


1. Insect resistance - have been modified to make them more resistant to insects and
other pests
2. Stronger crops - can be engineered to withstand weather extremes and fluctuations,
which means that there will be good quality and sufficient yields even under a poor or
severe weather condition.
3. Larger production - because all of their examples have the stronger ability to resist
pests. This attribute helps farmers with producing greater amounts of crops or foods.
4. Decreased Use of Pesticides - It has been proven that genetically modified crops do
not need pesticides to become stronger against various types of insects or pests that
may destroy them.
5. New Products - New kinds of crops are being developed to be grown at extreme
climates, such as those present in dry or freezing environments.

1. Allergic reactions - genetically modified crops can pose significant allergy risks to
2. Not 100% Environmentally Friendly - Though it is claimed by many experts that
genetically modified crops are safe for the environment, they actually still contain several
kinds of substances that are not yet proven to be such.
3. Unusual Taste - Genetically modified crops are observed to have unnatural tastes
compared with the ordinary foods that are sold on the market.
4. Not Totally Safe to Eat - t GMO crops contain substances that may cause diseases
and even death to several kinds of species in this world, including us humans.

5. Conflicts - GMO crops can cause a lot of issues in the merchants’ daily life.
How? These products might encourage authorities to implement higher tariffs to
merchants, who would be selling them.
Genetic modification of an animal involves altering its genetic material by adding,
changing or removing certain DNA sequences in a way that does not occur naturally.

1. Higher growth rate in animals – they can grow faster than regular animals
2. Improved disease resistance – they can resist other diseases
3. Increased muscle mass – larger than regular animals
4. Improved nutritional quality - There are added nutrients which makes them healthier to eat
5. Tailor-made animals for desired traits - You can choose the traits for the specific animal.

1. Unintended harm or breeding problems - Animals may be too big for their legs, have
shorter life spans, and there are low survival rates for transgenic animals.
2. Mutagenesis and function disorders - Genetic mutations can occur which may result in
diseases and disorders.
3. Expensive and extensive - it takes a while to find the right way to genetically modify the
animal for whatever purpose.
4. Unintended adverse effects - A gene in one animal may do certain jobs or not that the
other one doesn't.
5. Nature is complex - Genetically modifying animals may have irreversible effects with
unknown consequences.

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