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Minerals Engineering 81 (2015) 71–78

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Characterisation of superficial breakage using multi-size pilot mills

M. Yahyaei ⇑, N.S. Weerasekara, M.S. Powell
The University of Queensland, Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC), 40 Isles Road, Indooroopilly, Brisbane, Queensland 4068, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Low energy surface breakage has a high frequency of occurrence and thus plays a significant role in grind-
Received 16 January 2015 ing processes. Yet this superficial breakage is poorly understood, measured and modelled – forming the
Revised 14 July 2015 focus of this work.
Accepted 17 July 2015
Pilot mills of 0.8–1.8 m diameter, designed to provide a predominantly surface breakage environment
Available online 29 July 2015
with efficient removal of the resultant progeny, are utilised to characterise superficial breakage. A new
rate, that of superficial breakage (1/(kW h/m2)), is introduced which measures fractional superficial
breakage rate per energy provided to the surface of the material. This methodology is proposed as being
Ore characterisation
suitable for understanding and characterising the surface breakage behaviour of ores.
Superficial breakage Tests were conducted on two ores with different hardness. Superficial breakage rates varied from 2 to
Ore surface breakage test 16 (1/(kW h/m2)) for the different ores and mill sizes, indicating a good sensitivity to ore type and the
need to understand the applied stress – related to mill size. The results show that a single ‘surface break-
age rate for use in mill modelling is incorrect as the rate of superficial breakage is dependent on the size
of the mill and therefore the inter-particle stressing conditions.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Ess surface specific comminution energy (kW h/m2) R(t) superficial breakage rate (1/(kW h/m2))
m(t) mill holdup at time t (kg) t grinding time (min)

1. Introduction 1.1. Ore breakage characterisation

Treating low grade and more competent ore together with a Although there are inconsistencies in definitions in the litera-
continual increase in energy and operating costs is a principal chal- ture for breakage mechanisms, it is generally agreed that particles
lenge of the mining industry. Since comminution is the most can be broken through single impact, multiple impact, superficial
energy intensive component of mining (Ballantyne and Powell, breakage which includes surface chipping and abrasion, and
2014), optimisation is crucial to keep the operation economically through an accumulation of each or all of these (Carvalho, 2013;
viable. This requires fundamental understanding of the underpin- Powell and Weerasekara, 2009; Tavares and de Carvalho, 2009).
ning mechanisms of size reduction in order to successfully develop Ore characterisation testing relevant to each of these mechanisms
and implement mechanistic models such as the Unified should, therefore, be implemented in order to predict the progeny
Comminution Model (UCM) (Powell, 2006), and the Virtual of rocks when they break under each mechanism. There are a num-
Comminution Machine (VCM) (Cleary et al., 2008). It is, therefore, ber of different approaches in characterising breakage behaviour of
vital to experimentally test breakage mechanisms that occur in full ores.
scale comminution processes. This will facilitate the modelling of The proposed standard breakage characterisation tests and tests
any comminution device using computational modelling in combi- which have been used in research studies can be grouped into sin-
nation with results of sophisticated ore characterisation tests gle particle breakage, breakage in grinding mills and bed breakage.
(Barrios et al., 2011b; Powell, 2006). A selection of these tests are presented in Table 1.
Fig. 1 presents common breakage tests which are in use for
⇑ Corresponding author. characterising ore response at each stage of size reduction together
E-mail address: (M. Yahyaei). with an approximate range of size of particles used in each
0892-6875/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
72 M. Yahyaei et al. / Minerals Engineering 81 (2015) 71–78

characterisation test (Verret et al., 2011). K80 is the 80% passing nipped between large particles – as in any ball mill. Also, high mill
size in mm. speed (i.e. above 60% of critical speed) and in some tests feed with
It is evident from Fig. 1 that there are at least 9 characterisation a wide range of size distribution (Loveday and Naidoo, 1997;
tests which are commonly used in the design and modelling of Napier-Munn et al., 1996) will promote the probability of body
Autogenous grinding (AG) and Semi-autogenous grinding (SAG) breakage. Fig. 2 illustrates charge motion simulated using
mills. In addition to the standard tests presented in Fig. 1 many Discrete Element Method (DEM) in a 1.8 m mill with 60 mm lifters
characterisation tests have been implemented in research studies having a 60° face angle, operating at 75% critical speed and holding
and should be added if found appropriate. The significant number a charge with a wide size range (i.e. 250 + 6 mm). The schematic
of characterisation experiments is probably due to the complexity shows active comminution mechanisms in such a condition. In the
of the comminution process in AG and SAG mills (Verret et al., high energy impact zone, there is a high probability of particle
2011). Single tests are not capable of providing an adequate under- fragmentation (i.e. Body breakage) due to direct impact of particles
standing of comminution mechanisms and are unable to deliver or small particles being captured between two coarse particles. In
the full and appropriate data required for design and modelling. the low energy impact zone, the dominant mechanism of breakage
Detailed understanding of the individual breakage mechanisms will be surface breakage for coarse particles while there will still be
that occur in each comminution device can possibly reduce the a chance for small particles to undergo fragmentation by becoming
number of characterisation tests that are required to describe the caught between coarse particles.
milling process. This can then provide accurate data required by A slow mill speed can be used to eliminate the high energy
mechanistic breakage models such as the UCM (Powell, 2006), impact zone and a narrow feed size distribution can prevent body
the VCM (Cleary et al., 2008), and other mechanistic grinding mod- breakage of small particles nipped between coarse particles. Fig. 3
els (Carvalho, 2013). illustrates the charge for the same mill as Fig. 2 operating at 40% of
critical speed and a charge with narrow size range (i.e.
1.2. Characterising superficial breakage behaviour 73 + 31.5 mm). The schematic shows the active comminution
mechanisms, and that the dominant one will be surface breakage.
The DWT and JKRBTÒ developed at the Julius Kruttschnitt The authors are trying to understand and model superficial
Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC) are well established for charac- breakage through a new approach conducting a surface (superfi-
terising the behaviour of ores in impact breakage (Morrison cial) breakage grinding test in pilot mills, along with the study of
et al., 2007; Shi and Kojovic, 2007). However, there is no such single particle incremental superficial breakage in the JKRBTÒ.
robust methodology for characterising superficial breakage or These studies are supported by DEM simulations. This should lead
abrasion behaviour of material provided in the literature. to an ore characterisation experiment which can provide data
In the mineral processing context, characterisation methods required for the design and modelling of AG and SAG mills plus
introduced in the literature as an ‘abrasion’ test (Devasahayam, any other devices that apply superficial breakage. This paper
2013; Khanal and Morrison, 2008; Loveday and Naidoo, 1997; introduces the superficial breakage grinding test and methods
Napier-Munn et al., 1996) are often grinding tests with combined implemented to analyse superficial breakage behaviour of
abrasion, superficial breakage and body breakage. Although the rocks. Integration of single particle incremental breakage charac-
proposed ‘abrasion’ tests are designed to promote superficial terisation and modelling superficial breakage forms an ongoing
breakage and abrasion, because they operate in batch mode, and research programme and its outcome will be published in future
thus re-breakage of progeny cannot be prevented. Consequently, papers.
small progeny particles will experience body breakage while being

Table 1
Ore breakage characterisation tests based on test methods.

Single particle Crusher work index (CWI) (Bond, 1947)

breakage JK drop weight test (DWT) (Napier-Munn et al., 1996)
SMC TestÒ (Morrell, 2004)
JK rotary breakage test (JKRBTÒ) (Shi et al., 2009)
Short Impact Load Cell (SILC) (King and Bourgeois, 1993;
Tavares and King, 2004)
Grinding in lab/ Advanced media competency test (AMCT) (Siddall and
pilot mills White, 1989)
Autogenous work index (AWI) (MacPherson and Turner,
1978; McKen and Chiasson, 2006)
SAGDesign (Starkey et al., 2006)
SAG power index (SPIÒ) (Starkey and Dobby, 1996)
AG Pilot Plant (MacPherson and Turner, 1978)
JK Ore Abrasion (Napier-Munn et al., 1996)
Pilot abrasion test (Loveday and Naidoo, 1997)
Rod mill work index (RWI) (Bond, 1960)
Ball mill work index (BWI) (Bond, 1960)
Sign. Plot (Burford and Niva, 2008)
Bed breakage Lab-scale HPGR (McKen et al., 2001)
Static pressure test (SPT) (Bulled and Husain, 2008)
Pilot-scale HPGR (Klymowsky et al., 2002)
HPGR compressed bed breakage test (Dundar et al.,
Crushing compression test (Evertsson and Bearman,
Impact on mono-dispersed unconfined beds (Barrios
Fig. 1. Common breakage characterisation tests and approximate range of particle et al., 2011a,b)
size testing (modified from Verret et al., 2011).
M. Yahyaei et al. / Minerals Engineering 81 (2015) 71–78 73

Fig. 2. Active comminution breakage mechanisms in a grinding test with a standard (high) mill speed and wide feed size range.

Fig. 3. Active comminution breakage mechanisms in a grinding test with low mill speed and narrow feed size range.

2. Superficial breakage experiment 75 mm. These were then sized into three discrete size fractions of
73 + 63, 53 + 45, and 37.5 + 31.5 mm for the superficial break-
A series of superficial breakage characterisation tests were con- age test. Five size fractions of 26.5 + 22.4, 19 + 16, 11.2 + 9.5,
ducted to characterise the response of two different gold/copper 9.5 + 8 and 8 + 6.7 mm were prepared to conduct single particle
bearing ores named C-Ore and T-Ore using three mill sizes (1.8, impact breakage with the JKRBT in order to characterise the
1.2 and 0.8 m diameters). Conducting tests in different mill diam- response of the rock to impact breakage, and to provide a measure
eters helps to develop an understanding of the effect of stressing of ore hardness (Shi et al., 2009). A total of 1000 particles from each
condition on the surface breakage of the rock. These mills have size fraction were selected to undergo the incremental breakage
special features particularly designed for the study of surface experiments under 5 different energy levels of 0.05, 0.07, 0.2, 1,
breakage during grinding and they eliminate the shortcomings of and 2.5 kW h/t (i.e. a number of 200 particles for each energy level)
existing ‘abrasion’ tests. The test procedure as introduced by (for more details on the incremental breakage test procedure the
Powell (Powell et al., 2010) and described briefly in (Yahyaei
et al., 2013, 2014), is presented below.
Table 2
2.1. Sample preparation Characteristics of tested ores.

Ore name SG (t/m3) Bulk density (t/m3) Hardness index range (A  b)

The samples were obtained from a stockpile of primary crushed
C-Ore 2.70–2.85 1.36–1.40 30–52
material and all +73 mm materials were crushed to below 73 mm T-Ore 2.35–2.51 1.19–1.30 74–140
using a laboratory Jaw crusher by adjusting its close side setting at
74 M. Yahyaei et al. / Minerals Engineering 81 (2015) 71–78

Fig. 4. Surface breakage mill with its product ports in the mill shell (0.8 m mill,
front cover removed) (Yahyaei et al., 2013).
Fig. 5. Water spray implemented to remove product generated (1.8 m mill, viewed
through loading hatch).

reader is referred to Shi et al., 2009). The ore types and their char-
acteristics are presented in Table 2. The ore hardness index (A  b) Table 3
is calculated for each size range individually and presented as a Mills characteristics and operating conditions.
range in Table 2. Mill diameter Number of product Speed Charge mass at 30%
(m) ports (rpm) filling (kg)
2.2. Test device and procedure 1.8 96 12.9 207
1.2 60 15.8 91
The grinding mills are designed to provide a superficial break- 0.8 40 19.4 34
age environment supressing impact body breakage, with the rapid
removal of abraded product, so as to minimise re-breakage. A 40%
critical speed is set so that rocks slide over each other preventing Table 4
Size distribution of the smoothed particles fed to the second stage of grinding.
higher energy impacts and creating an energy environment where
superficial breakage becomes the dominant mechanism (Yahyaei Size (mm) % Retained
et al., 2013, 2014). The fine products generated during this process C-Ore-1.8 m C-Ore-1.2 m T-Ore-1.8 m
are rapidly removed with a water spray washing them out through
63 18.1 24.0 19.8
20 mm ports located around the periphery of the mill (Fig. 4) in 53 13.7 8.7 15.5
order to reduce the probability of re-breakage of fine products. 45 26.3 23.9 18.5
All mills have an identical length of 0.3 m. Water spray was 37.5 7.2 8.9 11.9
20 L/min in all experiments (Fig. 5). Mill properties are listed in 31.5 21.4 22.6 16.1
26.5 9.9 8.4 13.6
Table 3. 22.4 2.1 2.2 3.2
Superficial breakage testing was carried out using 1.8 m, 1.2 m 19 1.3 1.3 1.4
and 0.8 m diameter mills. Testing in the 1.8 and 1.2 m mills was
carried out in two stages. In the first stage fresh angular particles
in three size fractions (i.e. 73 + 63, 53 + 45, and
37.5 + 31.5 mm) with equal proportion were ground for 10 min. system. A transducer amplifies, filters and sends the load cell sig-
The remaining material in the mill was unloaded, dried and nals to the recording software via a Universal Serial Bus (USB) port.
pffiffiffi The no-load torque for turning the empty mill was measured prior
weighed. It was then sized with a 4 2 series of sieves ranging from
to each test and subtracted from the gross torque to provide the
73 mm down to 38 lm. Thereafter, smoothed material coarser
net torque, which is then converted to power draw. An example
than 19 mm (i.e. 73 + 19 mm) from the first grinding stage was
of the mechanical power of the 1.8 m mill is presented in Fig. 6.
fed to the mill for a second stage of grinding for another 10 min.
Due to mechanical and electrical noise, and the unbalanced nature
Size distribution of feed in the second stage of grinding is pre-
of the charge motion, there is a fluctuation in measured power.
sented in Table 4. However, tests with the 0.8 m mill were con-
Hence, the average of measured power was used (Fig. 6).
ducted in continuous mode (i.e. without stopping the mill after
10 min and sizing the mill content) for 30 min. In both grinding
stages mill products discharged through the ports (Fig. 4) were col- 2.4. Superficial breakage rate
lected at 30 s intervals from the collection chamber below the mill.
The samples collected at each 30 s interval were dried, weighed, Surface breakage is a process which produces significant
and sized in a 4 2 series from 19 mm to 38 lm. All samples from amounts of new surface. Therefore, a new approach was used to
the first 10 min were sized due to the rapid evolution of product calculate specific grinding energy and superficial breakage rates
mass and size distribution in that period. Thereafter the product based on the surface area specific energy. In this research, surface
mass and size distribution was stable, so every second sample area specific energy (or surface specific energy) is defined as
was processed. energy induced to units of surface area of material inside the mill,
yielding units of kW h/m2. The surface area of material in each size
2.3. Measurements fraction is calculated using the relationship between particle size
and its surface area. The relationship used in this work is based
The mechanical mill power input is measured via a load cell on assuming an ellipsoidal shape for particles with an aspect ratio
mounted on a torque arm that anchors the entire mill and drive which varies with particle size, the surface area of material in each
M. Yahyaei et al. / Minerals Engineering 81 (2015) 71–78 75

Fig. 6. Mechanical power for a test using 1.8 m mill.

influenced by mechanisms from previous intervals. As superficial

breakage rate is normalised with the net grinding power and mass
of mill content, it becomes an appropriate criterion for comparing
grinding tests which were conducted using different sizes of mills
and different feed mass, in this work three sizes of mills using dif-
ferent feed mass.

3. Results and discussion

The superficial breakage rate was used to provide a fair compar-

ison between the surface breakage tests in the three mills.

Fig. 7. Relationship between particle size and its surface area. 3.1. Effect of ore type and mill size

size fraction is then calculated using the dimensions of an ellipsoid For all mills, after 6 min all superficial breakage rates converge
by the method of Michaux (2005). It is assumed that all materials from an initially high rate towards a steady state rate regardless of
in the same size fraction have the same dimensions. This is a fair mill size or ore type. Incremental breakage tests using the JKRBTÒ
assumption because materials are sieved with 4 2 series of sieves showed that the A  b value of T-Ore (i.e. 74–140) on average is
and the size of the top sieve is 1.19 times of bottom sieve. The rela- 62% higher than C-Ore (i.e. 30–52) indicating that the T-Ore is
tionship between particle size and its corresponding surface area markedly softer. The superficial breakage rate of the T-Ore started
which is used in this study is presented in Fig. 7. It is acknowledged from 16 and 5 (1/(kW h/m2)) respectively while it was, as
that the calculation of surface area can be improved on, this is part expected, much lower at 4–2 (1/(kW h/m2)) for C-Ore in the
of ongoing investigations. However, a simple and consistent mea- 0.8 m and 1.8 m mills (Fig. 8).
sure provides a robust and practically usable approach that is As illustrated in Fig. 8, the superficial breakage rate gently
well-suited to an applied characterisation method and appropriate decreases as the surface breakage test progresses and it is similar
at this stage of the development of a breakage testing for all mill sizes after 6 min. This initial high superficial breakage
methodology. rate is attributed to chipping. Therefore, as the particles become
Using this approach, incremental superficial breakage rate for smoothed, the superficial breakage rate converges towards a
surface breakage testing is defined using Eq. (1). steady state rate regardless of mill size or ore hardness value
  (A  b) (Fig. 9).
RðtÞ ¼ ð1Þ

t: grinding time (min)
Dt: grind time interval (min)
R(t): superficial breakage rate (1/(kW h/m2))
m(t): mill holdup (kg)
Ess,t: surface specific energy at time t (kW h/m2)

Surface specific energy (Ess,t) for each time interval (Dt) is calcu-
lated by dividing the measured input energy by the calculated sur-
face area of materials inside the mill at that time interval.
The proposed superficial breakage rate (R(t)) calculates incre-
mental surface breakage for a given time interval. This technique
is used to isolate active surface breakage mechanisms present
within a given time interval, thus preventing them from being Fig. 8. Comparing superficial breakage rate of C-Ore and T-Ore in three mill sizes.
76 M. Yahyaei et al. / Minerals Engineering 81 (2015) 71–78

Fig. 9. Effect of mill size on superficial breakage rate of C-Ore and T-Ore.

As illustrated in Fig. 9, the superficial breakage rate of angular product port is 20 mm, there is no +20 mm material in the product.
particles gently decreases as the surface breakage test progresses Fig. 10 shows that the 1.8 m mill produces more fine (0.1 mm)
and a steady state superficial breakage rate is achieved after about material in comparison to a 0.8 m mill, regardless of grinding time.
6 min for the C-Ore. However, for the T-Ore it required more than Fig. 10(b) indicates that as the grinding time passes the produc-
10 min to achieve a steady state breakage rate. When the surface tion of mid-sized material (1–7 mm) decreases while coarse parti-
breakage test continued with smoothed particles, a steady state cles (7–19 mm) do not change significantly and vary randomly.
condition was observed at the beginning of the grinding test. Considering the findings from Figs. 8 and 9, this could be attributed
This indicates that when the sharp edges of particles were to the fact that a coarse fraction of material is produced from body
smoothed, sliding abrasion is the dominant mechanism of superfi- breakage caused by incremental breakage mechanism hence they
cial breakage. appear randomly in the progeny, while mid-sized material is pro-
For the harder ore (C-Ore), the grinding rate in the 0.8 m mill duced from chipping off the angular pieces of the rocks which
starts at a higher value compared with the 1.2 m and 1.8 m mills decreases as the grinding progresses. An increase in the production
which are 2.8 and 2.1 (1/(kW h/m2)) respectively. This indicates of fine material is due to sliding abrasion which becomes the dom-
that the small mill starts with a higher chipping rate and, as the inant mechanism towards the end of grinding. A similar trend is
mill size increases, the chipping rate drops significantly – an unex- observed for the size distribution of the product of the T-Ore
pected finding. Investigating the charge motion of particles in DEM although the T-Ore produced a finer product as was expected.
simulation revealed that the high chipping rate of the small mill
could be attributed to the charge motion regime. Coordination
number of particles, which is defined as the number of particles 3.3. Generating new surface
in contact with a particle per second, in 1.8 m mill in average is
2.2 per particle while it is 1.2 in the 0.8 m mill. This means that Fig. 11, illustrates the new surface production rate for three mill
particles in the small mill are more subject to low energy impacts sizes for C-Ore and T-Ore, as a function of surface specific input
which result in higher chipping rate. All mills converge to identical energy (Ess). The surface production rate is defined as a fraction
grinding rates after 6 min indicating that the surface breakage of fresh generated surface area per mass of mill charge.
behaviour of these competent rocks in all sizes of mills was almost Fig. 11 clearly shows that over time the surface production rate
the same. This indicates the smoothed particles have reached to a gradually decreases to a steady state value. This is due to the fact
steady surface breakage condition. Similarly, for the softer ore that with time the particles become smoothed and more compe-
(T-Ore) grinding rate in the 0.8 m mill starts at a higher value of tent for abrasion hence the surface breakage rate stabilises at a
16 (1/(kW h/m2)) compared to 7 (1/(kW h/m2)) in the 1.8 m mill. low value. Therefore, it produces less mass of product which even-
But, unlike the harder ore, it does not reach a specific steady state tually leads to a gradual decrease in surface area generation at a
grinding rate regardless of mill size, rather it reaches a mill size steady state rate.
dependent steady state grinding rate with superficial breakage It is evident from Fig. 11 that the 1.8 m mill produces signifi-
rates of 1.6 and 3.1 respectively for the 0.8 m and 1.8 m mill. It also cantly more surface per unit mass of charge which could be
shows that, even though lower superficial breakage rates were ini- explained by the finer size distribution of progeny in this mill. As
tially observed in the 1.8 m mill, once it reaches steady state it has was expected, with softer ore (T-Ore) the amount of surface pro-
double the superficial breakage rates compared to the 0.8 m mill at duction is higher, and the mill size has a significant influence in
steady state. One possible reason for this behaviour of a soft ore increasing the rate.
could be because in a 1.8 m mill, the chipping mechanism will
remain active over the whole grinding time while in a 0.8 m mill
it will smooth the particles significantly quicker and particles will
3.4. Mill size and collision energy distribution
reach steady surface breakage mode.

To understand the stressing mechanisms of surface breakage

3.2. Appearance function of superficial breakage tests and explain the experimental results, DEM simulations were
implemented to characterise the collision environment in each
Fig. 10 compares size distribution of the progeny for C-Ore surface breakage test. Numerical modelling was conducted using
tested in 1.8, 1.2, and 0.8 m mills collected at 1 and 19 min inter- EDEMÓ software with non-spherical (clumped) particles for angu-
vals. Fig. 10(a) presents the size distribution as cumulative percent lar rocks (i.e. first stage of grinding experiment) and with spheres
passing while Fig. 10(b) presents the product size distribution as representing smoothed particles for the second stage of the grind-
percent retained on each sieve using 4 2 sieve series. Since the mill ing experiment (Weerasekara et al., 2014).
M. Yahyaei et al. / Minerals Engineering 81 (2015) 71–78 77

Fig. 10. Effect of mill size and grinding time on product size distribution of C-Ore, (a)% passing and (b)% retained.

Fig. 11. Comparing surface area production rates of (a) C-Ore and (b) T-Ore in three mill sizes.

Fig. 12. Effect of mill size on impact to abrasion ratio of (a) 63–73 mm and (b) 31.5–36.5 mm angular particles.

Fig. 12 compares the ratio of impact to shear (normal to tangen- 4. Conclusions

tial) in the three mill sizes in whole collision energy levels for par-
ticles in the size ranges of 63–73 mm and 31.5–36.5 mm. A new approach was applied to characterise superficial break-
Fig. 12 indicates that the ratio of impact to shear for both size age of ore through utilising three sizes of specialist surface break-
fractions is higher in the 0.8 m mill in all collision energy levels. age mills. The proposed superficial breakage rate, which is based
This clearly explains the experimentally observed higher chipping on mass generated per energy given to the available surface area,
rate in the 0.8 m mill as well as coarser progeny size distribution. enables a comparison of the performance of mills with different
Therefore, the lower superficial breakage rate and finer progeny sizes and energy input. Change in the slope of superficial breakage
in the 1.8 m mill could be attributed to the surface breakage mech- rate, along with evolution of size distribution of progeny, indicates
anism in the bigger mill. One possible explanation for higher two distinct mechanisms of surface breakage. The first mechanism
impact to abrasion ratio in the 0.8 m mill could be the charge is chipping; this is the dominant mechanism of mass removal for
motion regime which provides more low energy impacts rather fresh angular particles. The second mechanism is low energy incre-
than shearing in comparison to the 1.8 m mill. This is confirmed mental surface breakage; this is the dominant mechanism of
through observation of charge motion in DEM simulations. breakage for smoothed particles. The study of the impact of mill
78 M. Yahyaei et al. / Minerals Engineering 81 (2015) 71–78

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