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Stress is the “wear and tear” our minds and bodies experience as we attempt to
cope with out continually changing environment
1. Exams and Deadlines
2. Increase in financial obligations.
3. Heavy workload
4. Chronic illness or injury
5. Job Promotion

1. Exams and Deadlines:

Every student who aims to become a high-achiever
will experience exam stress. It is very difficult to manage study and Job
simultaneously that’s why I feel stress when the exams are come in. Deadlines
divert my attention towards only one point which is “Deadlines”.

2. Increase in financial obligations:

Due to limited salary, no other source of
income everything is getting out of budget which is a cause of stress for me. Today
increase in Dollar rate and petrol prices, double the price of every goods and
services which increase in my financial obligations.

Less work force and heavy work load in my organization create stress
for me. Often I frequently struggle to keep ahead of deadlines I can't meet. This
limit my thinking ability because I have no time to think and work about better
future for me.

4. Chronic illness or injury :

I feel stress due to chronic illness and injury. These
feelings usually pass with time but long-term or chronic stress causes too much
wear and tear.

5. Job Promotion :
Promotion is good for career but staying on same Job position
or designation for a long time is a source of stress.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, do I deserve a promotion at all?
After too much hardworking and managing work load when you not get
expected promotion it broke down your motivational level and you feel stress.

1. Time Management and Flexible work structure:

Organization should provide a
proper plan and flexible work structure which help employee to manage his study
and office work. There should be no work after office hours it help to decrease
stress and pay attention to both study and job.

2. Proper and Sufficient Raise in Salary and Bonus :

Organization must fulfill the
employee needs and set a acceptable salary packages and bonuses according to
their work performance. Organization give reward to group not to individuals. It
help to decrease financial stress of employees.

3. Workload :
There should be sufficient staff to manage workload. Proper,
experience and eligible staff can do a work timely in this way there is no work
load. All employees are satisfied stress less.

4. Health facilities:
Every employee in a organization care about their health and
health of family. If organization provide a proper health facilities, life insurance
and free medical facilities then employee is satisfied and stress free.

5. Job Promotion Structure:

Organization should a provide a job promotion
structure for the benefits of employees. Employee should know to which level in
the organization he can reached and achieve a position .There is proper job
promotion opportunities for all the employees.


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