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A Practical Approach to Defining

O. Allen Alpay, SPE-AIME,THUMS Long Beach Co. ;
& .1,

In conventional engineering practice, mathematical he can. proceed with his projections the practicing
expressions describing the flow of fluids in porous engineer is frequently faced with the need for (1) a
media are applied to reservoirs via various simplify- valid description of certain physical and textural
ing assumptions regarding the physical nature of the variants in the reservoir, such as porosity, permea-
reservoir rock and its contents. These well known bility, stratification, and continuity; and (2) means
assumptions usually consider the reservoir rock to be for enumerating such descriptions.
either entirely homogeneous and isotropic, or allow Numerous investigations of reservoir heterogeneity
for some simple types of anisotropy in certain and its characterization have been made in recent
directions. years. I-9 Most of the methods proposed, however,
It is generally recognized that idealization of rock either are too involved mathematically to be prac-
characteristics in flow calculations is unrealistic in tical in routine applications, or require specific infor-
the face of actual physics! and fextllra] conditions rn.adml Qn the reservoir that is not a!ways easily
encountered in geologic formations. The experience available. Therefore, it appears that few of them
gained from several decades of fluid injection and have had wide use outside research or academic
recovery operations has left no doubt that an overly circles. Meanwhile, as new and more complicated
simplified concept of the reservoir rock is hardly recovery techniques are being introduced by the in-
suitable for a valid representation or appraisal of dustry, the need for a thorough understanding of
reservoir behavior. However, dealing effectively with reservoir anatomy and for a means of characterizing
the characterization of physical and textural vari- its variability in an easily comprehensible and prac-
ation in a reservoir has been an elusive problem be- tical way is becoming increasingly urgent.
cause the reservoir portion that can be investigated The method presented here is intended to fulfill
k,. -..hala. m
:. .usually
. . . ...11.. :“c:””; Gmm”+ :.. . . . . . . .
IU31EUUIUCZUL w wuulpall-
m--,-l.- T+- ,-.h;,x.+;xrc.
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UbSbAIUti Ulti bUS*Ul-

son with the bulk of the reservoir. Moreover, it is tions of physical and textural variation in the reser-
extremely difficult to construct a precise mathe- voir that actually interfere with the flow of fluids,
matical analog of the detailed reservoir rock var- by relying on the investigation of the sedimentary-
iability even when abundant information is available. stratigraphic makeup of the reservoir rock. Although
Still, if the evaluation of reservoir performance in the method may appear to be intended primarily for
various engineering operations is to be reasonably fluid-injection recovery applications, it can be used
realistic, performance calculations must include ade- in all phases of reservoir depletion and development
quate provisions for the extent of control imposed with or without mathematical models. The data,
on flow by the reservoir rock. Consequently, before sources of information, and analytical techniques

Here is a method for evaluating the physical and textural variations in reservoir rocks to
construct a flow model using core descriptions, permeability profiles, and well logs. The
method is a practical and versatile alternative to existing complex analytical techniques.
---- L- ..--_l....L1.
-..J ...-.1----..--1-:..
. . ..A1.
It cm De useu wun ur wtlnuut
. ..
-.. 1..4----

JULY, 1972 %W 841

required for its execution are of the most common TABLE l—DATA USED IN THE STUDY
type, familiar to all who are engaged in day-to-day 60 Wells (80-acre spacing)
engineering operations.
41 Full-cored wells
The method was developed some years ago in con- ,A!~ p~~m@-j!@ \
nection with a graduate study’” on the heterogeneity Porosity
per foot of
of the Cardium sands in the Pembina field, with data Fluid saturations )
provided by Amoco Production Co. It has since been
14 Fuii-core microstratigrapnic
applied in various producing regions and found to be descriptions
quite versatile.
108 Logs
39 SP-resistivi~
Area of Study and Data
23 Micrologcaliper
The area of investigation covers approximately 7.5 46 Gamma ray-neutron
sq miles in the south-central portion of the Pembina
individual well production data
field, Alta., Canada. The reservoir rock is the Car-
dium formation of Late Cretaceous and consists of cussion. In f .ct, the method described in the follow-
fine sands-silts-shales (with very little calcareous ad- ing paragraphs is based entirely on this understanding.
mixture, if any) capped with an erratic conglomerate In engineering applications, reservoir heterogeneity
section that may or may not be productive. The gross has a distinct me~ning, but a highly restricted one,
pay thickness varies from 15.5 to 26.5 ft. The over- compared with th~t conceived in the geological sci-
all structural attitude of the region is one of homo- ences, To an engineer, physical variations or litholo-
clinal beds dipping southwest approximately 45 ft/ gic/mineralogic/textural changes that will not inter-
mile. NO faults have been reported in the area. A fere with flow behavior in the reservoir are merely
schematic illustration of the subsurface reservoir academic. The engineer, in carrying out his objec-
geometry of the Cardium, constructed from structure tives, is concerned only with the “effects’. created by
and isopachous maps. is shown in Fig. 1. Table 1 reservoir anatomy as manifestly expressed by flow
gives the type of data used. At the time of the study, behavior in the interwell region. Consequently, this
a water-injection recovery program had been under view will dictate that coverage and characterization
way in the field for about a year. of reservoir heterogeneity in engineering applications
be limited to only those reservoir anatomical com-
Discussion ponents whose effects on flow are critical to the re-
The term “reservoir heterogeneity” is quite often a covery of reservoir hydrocarbons. and will avoid en-
convenient catch-all phrase of uncertain meaning. tirely all nonengineering aspects of reservoir anatomy.
loosely applied to rock variability in an ambiguous Recovery in a reservoir may depend critically on
context. Here, however, it is used primarily in rela- one or all of the following: ( 1) the displacement
tion to flow anomalies or the dynamic aspects of mechanism involved, (2) the vertical and areal cov-
flow in porous media. rather than simply to convey erage attained by the displacing fluid at break-
the anatomic complexity of such media in a geologi- through, [3) the chmge in vertical and areal coverage
cal sense; this use of the term shOuid be re~@Zed ..+...,-A.
ii LLdlllCU
A L..
●L- A:. -l”,.:””
lIIC UIS~lclG1ll&
I1U UllCl
l....enl, +fi.”h..”h

and borne in mind in reading the rest of the dis- and (4) the produced-fluid ratio after breakthrough


Fig: I —BIQck diagram showing the idealized geometry of the reservoir sand in the study area.


to an economic limit. These yardsticks would apply macroscopic level outlined in Sections II A, and II B
either to fluid-injection recovery. or with appropriate of Table 2. The following paragraphs will describe
modification. to most cases of primary depletion. The the characterization of these in relation to the area
task of defining reservoir heterogeneity, then. simply chosen for the study.
consists of isolating those components of reservoir
anatomy that either control or contribute to Items 1 Definition of Stratification Characteristics
through 4 above. The principal reason in defining stratification charac-
A breakdown of reservoir heterogeneity into teristics in a reservoir is the probability of encounter-
classes related to various reservoir anatomical com- ing the so-called “layer-cake permeability” config-
ponents that control recovery in a reservoir is pre- uration that has long been recognized and dealt with
sented in Table 2. In the table some types of hetero- in various recovery models currently in use. In fact,
geneity are identified as the result of the microscopic there is a considerable volume of published material
aspects of sedimentary textures, such as the effects discussing this type of reservoir anatomy and its
that pore-to-pore differences in a reservoir have on effects on injectivity and recovery.”’ lZ Simply
fluid flow. Others are considered to relate to much stated, in the “layer-cake” or stratified permeability
larger scale (macroscopic) relative textural differ- configuration each layer is unique with respect to
ences arranged both areally and vertically in the its range and continuity of permeabilities; hence,
reservoir. Finally. very large (megascopic) hetero- each layer possesses an over-all permeabilityy average
geneities characterized by flow control on a regional and areal extent different from that of its neighbor.
scale are tied in with such major physical attributes Most reservoirs are extensively stratified; conse-
of the reservoir as reservoir geometry, faulting, fold- quently, the condition is quite common.
ing. or natural fracture systems. To simplify a complex concept, it may be stated
Heterogeneity at the microscopic level can be de- that permeability in a sedimentary rock is primarily
termined by laboratory displacement tests on iarge . -1 .-
re]a~eu -.--l. +--.
[U SWl ....-I “,-.”A;t;n”c aw c g~~~~ @)cj
-. >11ICI1l
.--.11 -----
La L,,
the ~~~et.v~~~. qim~lar-lv
. . . . . . . . . .. . surface area. interconnected pore space, grain pack-
conventional structure contour and isopachous maps ing, and the grain size composition, the last one
of the pay interval provide sufficient characterization bein$-perhaps the most critical. On the other hand,
of the megascopic heterogeneities. By the same token. strat]hcation in a broad perspective is frequently the
hyperpermeabilitv trends can be identified. mapped, resuIt of changes in the grain size composition of
and characterized by a combination of methods such the sediment during deposition. (It should be remem-
as pressure transient testing and logging. and by an bered that terms such as “sandstone,” “siltstone,” or
aerial photography technique described in the litera- “shale” technically signify only the average grain size
ture. ” Consequently. the class of heterogeneities that class of the sediment, or the rock.) Thus, it is not
requires the most attention in most cases is at the surprising to find that in many. reservoirs the cGti-
figuration of lithologic stratification is, in essence,
TABLE 2—ELEMENTS OF ANATOMY THAT AFFECT OR analogous to the configuration of permeability strati-
CONTROL FLUID FLOW IN A RESERVOIR fication. Consequently, a three-dimensional descrip-
1. Il.
-1 AL-1:. -1..-:-. l..n.,~,.a-,
tiort 01 LIIC mhuiu~i~ “Uwn ,,’
in a
n .e.,w’.“.l
.acervmir .hnllld
[11. UIGa
Microscopic Macroscopic Megaacopic coincide with the permeability zonation as well.
Heterogeneity Heterogeneity Heterogeneity
Since control of lithologic stratification to a large
Pore-to-pore; i.e., Well-to.well or intra. Formational: either
formational: i.e., fieldwide or regional; extent is furnished by the environment of deposition,
i.e., a reconstruction of the geologic history of the area
A. Pore.size dis. A. Stratification A. Reservoir geometry and the sequence of sedimentary events in the final
tribution characteristics: resting site of the sediments should be the starting
B. Pore geometry (1) Nonuniform (1) Over-all struc-
point in investigating stratification. Furthemlore, as
stratification tural framework; no precise method or tool exists to determine exactly
faults, dipping what a reservoir may look like between two wells.
strata, etc.
reservoir anatomy in the interwell area has to be
C. Dead-end pore (2) Stratification (2) Over-all strati- inferred, by intuition about sedimentary -stratigraphic
space contrasts graphic frame-
work; bar, conditions. from point data or from other informa-
blanket, channel tion that may be known only for a short distance
fill, etc. from the well. Thus a knowledge of the environ-
~, Uwmrnarnmahilitv
!., p”. r ., ., .”-.-...., mental background and depositional history of the
Oriented natural reservoir rock. and a thorough understanding of their
fracture systems
implications, improve the o&is si.gnificaritly ifi filwi
(4) Insulation to of the correct interpretation of the data regarding
stratification characteristics and the question of
B. Permeability continuity.
(1) Nonuniform
permeability Sedimentary Hktory of the Study Area. A detailed
discussion of the sedimentary history of the Cardium
in the Pem.bins area is presented in the lkiatiire.13
It will suffice here to state that the deposition of the
(3) Directional
permeability Cardium sands is believed to have taken place on the

JULY, 1972 843

seaward margin of a broad sedimentary shelf border- Investigation of Nonuniform Stratification. Of the
ing the Alberta syncline during a period of tectonic available sources of information used in the study,
instability. The variations in the influx of sediments the radioactivity log was found to be the most defini-
and the hesitation in the retreat or advance of the sea tive on the lithologic stratification of the pay zone
caused by tectonic adjustments in the region resulted of the Cardium. The suitability of the gamma ray
in a rather irreguiar distribution of the sediments in iOg for tracing reservoir stratigraphy is to be expected,
the basin, hence. the extremely irregular interbedding considering that stratification within the Cardium is
of very fine sand- and silt-size material within the largely the result of alternating fine sand-silt-clay size
deposits. The mix of environments quite probably material in the section, and that the gamma ray log
ranged from littoral to tidal flat, or deltaic, through- responds to the natural emission given off by UZ38,
out the sedimentary cycle. Th’”, and K’” salts usually concentrated in the fines
contained in sediments. “\
Concept of “Band of Genetic Similarity.” It appears Fig. 2 shows the typical gamma ray log of the
that no single bed would be thick enough to be areally reservoir section compared with the Iithologic de-
continuous under the depositional conditions prevail- scription and the laboratory core permeability profile
ing during Cardium sedimentation. Indeed, an in- of the reservoir interval. The comparison reveals that
vestigation of full cores indicated that most of the the gamma ray log reads the individual units in the
permeable units in the reservoir are thin; therefore section with extraordinary clarity and detail, pro-
their chances of surviving subsequent removal in vided that the time constant for the sonde and the
spots by scavenging currents were not very good. logging speed are compatible with the regional radio-
It is extremely difficult to detect and identify a activity level. Fig. 2 also shows that the reservoir
very thin bed at stratigraphically analogous points in pay section consists of four characteristic lithologic
a reservoir like the Cardium while tracing reservoir intervals, labeled Zones I, II, II, and IV. These zones,
stratigraphy from weii to weii. If, however, a number which constitute the major fiow intervais in the reser-
of thin intervals (microstrata) are taken together as voir, are separated by what appear to be dense, im-
a “band” to encompass a somewhat larger deposi- permeable shale sections. The major zones can be
tional interval during which environmental conditions further subdivided into smaller internals, indicated
appear to have been similar, the task of identification by subscripts a, b. The latter intervals in turn con-
is simplified. Thus, instead of attempting to identify sist of even smaller intervals, each comprising per-
the individual microstrata between wells and risking haps one or more BGS identified by subscript; ~, 2.
misinterpretation of stratigraphy in the reservoir, an Before the gamma-ray-based lithologic breakdown
entire band is identified collectively and the texturally was traced from well to well, a set of correlation
similar microstrata are traced together from well to fences was constructed using the full-core micro-
well within the confines of this band to establish stratigraphic descriptions available at 14 well loca-
their collective continuity. Such a cluster of micro- tions. These fences, together with the permeability
strata with similar textural characteristics — that is, profiles displayed by the 41 cored wells, were used
produced in proximity to one another in both time as a reference for the subsequent gamma ray log
and space — shall be termed a “band of genetic simi- correlations. For added detail, other available types
larity”’ and abbreviated in the rest of this discussion of logs as shown in Table 1 were also consulted.
as BGS. The recognizability and traceability of BGS The thickness of each recognizable and correlat-
in an otherwise very complex. individually untrace- able interval of the smallest order was noted in each
able stratigraphy of uncertain identification and con- ‘well on the log curves. If a particular interval was
tinuity is the essence of the method under con- absent in a well, a zero was entered in its place in
sideration. the record. These thickness figures were later con-



2 0 10 20 30

Z -= = :=:=:-===== ~

Fig. 2—Relationship of gamma ray log to microstratigraphy and core permeability

,a, ,n.,
. ,

in the reservoir.

. -fir.. Ta. --.,
toured by interval on a map of the study area to not entirely objective, although any such breakdown
portray the variation of thickness and areal limits of is understood to be based on multiple control and
the intervals. The maps provided the interpolated overlapping data. In certain instances it may be more
thickness of a given interval at any given point in desirable to rely on a purely mechanical approach;
the interwell region. An example is shown in Fig. 3. that is, dividing the reservoir into a number of layers
of contrasting characteristics using analysis of var-
~~m~~fic=~~on ~Qn!MStS and continuity: In addition iance techniques, then correlating the layers between
to the isopachous map, a “sand index (S1)” map was wells by means of suitable statistical criteria.
prepared for each differentiable interval. The S1 was A few triai runs on an IBM 7090 computer, ..using
-1-- .L. L“Ual>C-llllG
ii5 UK
.-- —- c.. - .~dl. . LILIG
. ..+...le -;” .m,-l
aJIU yucuxbn.tiw
~~~ p~~,wl~a~~i~~ &@ from. a Sm.aii ~rOU~ Of wells
from the gamma ray log by expressing the magnitude according to the zonation method described by Test-
of the gamma ray curve deflection for the interval as erman,l~ resulted in approximately the same strati-
a fraction of the maximum deflection recorded in the graphic configuration as previously determined. This
reservoir. The S1 figures reflect the increase of the was taken as a further indication of the interchange-
fines in the reservoir in either horizontal or vertical ability of the permeability stratification with the
reservoir sections relative to the cleanest part of the lithologic stratification in the Cardium pay zone.
reservoir where the largest gamma ray deflection is
recorded. The deflections were measured from the Characterization of Stratification. The stratigraphic
shale line; hence the smaller the S1, the greater the complexity of the reservoir was expressed by record-
amount of the fine admixture in the interval. ing the total number of the BGS in each well and
The S1, which in this study was found to be a contouring the resulting count on a map of the study
number between 1.00 and 0.40, was used as an area (Fig. 5).
analog both of the permeability contrasts between The figure obtained in this manner represents the
superimposed layers and of the areal variation of variation of “stratigraphic density” in the area; it
average permeability in each interval. The premise does not imply that actual physical boundaries exist
for this was the earlier assumption that permeability in the reservoir where the contours are drawn. How-
in the reservoir is related, for the most part, to the ever, where contours crowd each other, a rapid
increase or decrease of the fines in the section, and change from one predominant lithologic character to
thus the coarse-to-fine ratio, S1, in each interval another (with an associated permeability change) may
would be expected to increase or decrease with per- be inferred. The situation can perhaps be more aptly
meability, or vice versa. An example of the S1 map described as a “microfacies change” between certain
is shown in Fig. 4. wells. An increase in the density of the contour lines
The log curves were used after appropriate cor- in an area portrays an increase in the complexity of
rection factors were applied. Spurious deflections due reservoir stratification.
to ctnticticnl
0.-.10.. u, ~ari~~i~n~ in ?h~ garn.n~~ ~ount were The implications of Fig. 5 may be further supple-
eliminated from the curves by comparing identical mented by a simple statistical quantification of strati-
log sections recorded in the same well in different graphic reservoir complexity. For example, in this
runs. CiiartS. . WI
-- ------ ..-.. - c-. ,.me.,a..+;-m
pIULCdUICS IUI WIIVGIUII~ the iip- ‘-c’-mc- +h-
,,’oLaL.* L.IWq“u
......v-.. -.. ...-j
mnv be made with the S1
parent log readings to true readings are available in because the interfingering of various textural units
logging handbooks. such as shale and sand is reflected both by the lateral
change in the coarse-to-fine particle ratio within an
Statistical Lithe-Textural Model. It is recognized that interval between wells and by the variation of the
the manner of zoning a reservoir described above is coarse-to-fine ratio vertically over the stratigraphic

o 2000 4000 o 4000
- -

Fig. 3—lsopachs for Subzone lVt, in the study area. Fig. 4-Variation of SI in Subzone IV,.

JULY, 1972 845

section in a given well. Thus additional contour maps describes whether a distribution is peaked (lepto-
of S1 were prepared on the basis of three statistics: kurtic), or contains a sag in the middle with perhaps
1. The mean value of the S1 (=) in well profile, two modes (platykurtic). A strongly peaked distribu-
2. The standard deviation of the S1 (SI~) in well tion with a single mode has a high kurtosis and is
profile, typical of a statistically homogeneous population.
--, -. . . O,.... fil,,fil,, a. L..ta.,..”a”an,,. n. -;WDA.t. t;ct;cnl nnn-
3. The kurtosk of the S1 (>1),) m weii profiie. &ullvGISGIY, llGLCIU&llLUU> US lllIALU DLUL, aLL%UA y“s-

The areal variation of each of these statistics is ulation has a bimodal, sag-in-the-middle type of dis-
shown in Figs. 6 through 8. The formulas used in tribution with a characteristically low kurtosis.
the computation of the mean, standard deviation, The choice of these two latter statistics was
and kurtosis are given in the Appendix. prompted by the premise that an increase in the
The mean S1 in Fig. 6 shows what percentage of number of shale stringers in BGS sets in the section
the section is “flow conductive” sand, A high mean would likely result in greater variability for the S1,
S1 is indicative of the predominance of sandy units hence a larger standard deviation for the well or the
in the reservoir at that locality, therefore, it is indica- interwell area. However. this situation theoretically
tive of a higher permeability. By the same token, a should be accompanied by a bimodal distribution for
low mean S1 is indicative of a section of predomi- the S1 for that weii (or the interweii area) with one
nantly low permeability. In Fig. 6, note that the peak in the sand and the other in the shale range if
center of the investigation area is penetrated by a the over-all textural contrast among BGS is pro-
“shale wedge,” flanked on both sides by an increas- nounced; hence, a low kurtosis figure. If the over-all
ingly more sandy section. It may be inferred from textural contrast in a cross-section of the reservoir is
a comparison of Fig. 5 — which shows the variation not pronounced, however, it is feasible that a given
of the number of individual strata in the section — standard deviation will be associated with a higher
with Fig. 6 that the central wedge may indeed be a kurtosis vaiue. ‘Hence, the variation of standard devi-
low-permeability bank restricting flow communica- ation must be interpreted in the light of the com-
tion between the east and west halves of the area. panion variation in kurtosis.
(The low individual layer count for the central area According to Figs. 7 and 8, the most pronounced
in Fig. 5 indicates that stratigraphic interfingering variability of S1 is in the western half of the area,
prevalent on each side of the wedge does not con- indicating perhaps a high degree of interfingering of
tinue through it.) Figs. 5 and 6 further convey that sand and shale. This further confirms the implications
the far western portion of the area is also a region of Figs, 5 and 6. Apparently the reservoir anatomy
of io-w-stratai ~~unt _ a region that this ti~le appears rhancn=c
-,. M..5-0 frm-tl I clear , nrdnminantlv
. . . ... &-.--. winch, character
=.--- ....... ...., ----- -.. —....
to be predominantly sandy. in the far western end to a predominantly shaly char-
Being highly sensitive to the extreme highs and acter in the center of the area, then begins to acquire
lows of the data, the mean is a rather poor indicator new sand stringers toward the far eastern portion.
of the character of a distribution. Accordingly, other In a more qualitative vein, composite interpreta-
statistics such as standard deviation and kurtosis tion of Figs. 5 through 8 leads to the construction of
must be used to supplement it. Fig. 9, which suggests that in terms of anatomical
---- Of tmri-
Standard de~iaticm is a ~etiei%ii iiieasure rnmnlpy
-“... s-.-....,
itv there
. ..v. v
. ..-
~~~~~~i sectors in the 2wL%3 d %,

ability in a distribution. Kurtosis, on the other hand, investigation:

Sector I Very low heterogeneity; essentially

Sector II Moderate heterogeneity; essentially
sand, interbedded with shale.
Sector HI Extreme heterogeneity; highly inter-
bedded sand and shale.
Sector IV Low heterogeneity; essentially shale.
Sector V Moderate heterogeneity; essentially
sand, interbedded with shale.
Sector VI .Moderate to high heterogeneity; essen-
. ..
tially shaie, interbecfcied with sand.

At present, this breakdown has no quantitative

significance in terms of recovery from a reservoir.
‘HO-wever, it f-uilikk V~iti~bi~ ifif+igiit ifit(j the &f’t3~-
all nature of reservoir anatomy in the Cardium. For
instance, one of the striking implications of Fig. 9 is
that the sectors are aligned in a more or less NW-SE
trend. This trend parallels the ancient shoreline, and
perhaps is the result of redistribution of the sediment
o 2000 4000 by longshore currents, tidal movement, or estuarine
channeling along the axis of the depositional basin.
Fig. &Variation of stratigraphic complexity in the study
A corollary to this would be for areal permeability
area. Contours denote the BGS count. anisotropy to follow the same trends in the reservoir.


Indeed, this was later confirmed by the isopermea- removes Item II A(1) and, partially, Items H A(3)
bility maps prepared for each BGS. and ]1 A(4) in Table 2 from further consideration.
Another observation is made in the light of the The BGS isopachous maps, together with the S1 con-
solution-GOR distribution in the area, shown in the tours, provide quantitative coverage of Items 11 A(3)
upper right-hand corner of Fig. 9. It appears that and H A(2), respectively, and 11 A(4), collectively.
the variation of GOR is generally coincident with The definition of areal permeability variation, Item
the distribution of stratigraphic complexity in the 11 B in Table 2, can be handled by simple contour
reservoir, with a higher GOR in high-SI sectors (Figs. maps as before. Core permeability data after suitable
6 and 9). It is also interesting to note that the major statistical reduction can be contoured for each BGS,
Uulx change
c-l 1-..,-
~.tirv>a~,die G{ :~e !&&,. -..,.-:””
-11 in.rer
““-.. --. .”0

permeability region in the center of Fig. 6. viously determined. A sufficient number of permea-
bilities must exist in a sufficient number of wells so
Conclusion that contours can be drawn with reasonable con-
The identification of the BGS sets on the gamma ray fidence. However, experience has shown that where
log (or on other types of logs) with the aid of the core permeability is scarce, other reservoir properties
control provided by Iithologic descriptions of the correlating with permeability can be substituted to
section and core permeability profiles in key wells develop a permeability variation analog for each BGS.

o 2000 4000 o 4000


Fig. 6--Variation of cross+ sectional mean sand index, Fig. 8-Variation of cross-sectional kurtosis of
sand index, Sl~, in the study area.
~, in the study area.

o 2000 4000
o 2000 4000
Fig. 7—Variation of cross-sectional standard deviation Fig. 9—Regions of relative anatomical complexity in the
of sand index, SIO, in the study area. reservoir and the associated production anomaly.

JULY, 1972 847

Areal permeability variation maps can be used to data furnished for the preparation of my 1963 doc-
estimate a permeability value for any portion of the toral dissertation on which this paper is based. Sin-
reservoir. For instance, each reservoir block of a cere thanks are extended to E. H. Mayer of THUMS
—...- Long Beach CQ: for reading the manuscript.
givctl size m each element of syrnmet~ in a ‘e!!
development pattern can be assigned, by interpola-
tion, a different permeability on the basis of the con- References
tours. Quantifying areal textural variation hi this ~. ~~[~hin.nn , C.-. F. MSd Polasek, T. L.:
,.....”... C-. .A. .. .1.. .. ~ndoe
“Identification, Classification and Prediction of Reser-
manner may provide an uncomplicated means to voir Nonuniformities Affecting Production Operations,”
evaluate areal coverage in recovery calculations. J. Pd. Tech. (March, 1961) 223-230.
Furthermore, the contours in such maps depict the 2. Kruger, W. D.: “Determining Areal Permeability Dis-
alignment of the permeability trends in a reservoir; t&~$; by Calculations,” J. Pet. Tech. (July, 1961)
hence, they could be used in fluid injection programs
to align the injection wells with such trends for better 3. Elkins, L. F. and Skov, A. M.: “Some Field Observa-
tions of Heterogeneity of Reservoir Rocks and Its Effect
areal sweep, on Oil Displacement Efficiency; paper SPE 282 pre-
As stated at the beginning, megascopic and micro- sented at SPE Production Research Symposium, Tulsa,
Okla., April 12-13, 1962.
scopic heterogeneities are evaluated on a routine basis
by already standardized methods, which are beyond 4. Coats, K. H., Dempsey, J. R. and Henderson, J. H.:
“A Practical Method for Determining Reservoir Descrip-
the scope of this discussion. Conversely, the evalua- tion from Field Performance Data,” Sot. Pet. Eng. J.
tion of directional permeability (Item II B(3) of Table (March, 1970) 66-74.
2), which results mostly from preferred fabric orienta- 5. Morineau, Y., Simandoux, P. and Dupuy, M.: “Study
tion in sedimentary rocks with elongate grains (and of Heterogeneities in Permeabilities of Porous Media,”
paper 16, 2nd Assoc. Rech. Tech. et Prod. Colloquim
which should not be confused with areal permeability Trans., Rueil, France, May 31- June 4, 1965.
variation) can be made on oriented cores and need 6. Zeito, G. A.: “Interbedding of Shale Breaks and Reser-
not be discussed here. ~;g Heterogeneities,” J. Per. Tech. (Oct., 1965) 1223-
Experience in various fields including such West
Texas carbonate reservoirs as the San Andres, Gray- 7. Bennion, D. W. and Griffiths, J. C.: “A Stochastic Model
for Predicting Variations in Reservoir Rock Properties,”
burg, and Upper Clearfork indicates that the ap- Sot. Pet. Eng. J. (March, 1966) 9-16.
proach to heterogeneity definition outlined here is
~pp!i~ab!e with, ~r-mrn~riate mnrlificatiorss trs most reS-
8.DUPSY, M, P.: “Some New Mathematical Approaches
yy. ~ ----- . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..- ._ ;~~ Het,wnm.r,.ml<
.“, ..- .-. .,=.,-.--”- POI-OUS Medium Flow Studies,” paper
ervoir rocks except those formed in place by organic SPE 1840 presented at SPE 42nd Annual Fall Meeting,
growth. Of course, the choice of iogs may differ from Houston, Oct. 1-4, 1967.
one case to another. Application is not restricted to 9. Nelson, R. W.: “In-Place Determination of Permeability
Distribution for Heterogeneous Media Through Analysis
fluid-injection recovery, but is valid in all phases of ;~-~;ergy Dissipation,” Sot. Prt. Eng. J. (March, 1968)
reservoir exploitation, including field development.
The method, although highly conventional, is not 10. Alpay, O. A.: “A Study of Physical and Textural
upstaged by currently available pressure transient Heterogeneity in Sedimentary Rocks,” PhD dissertation,
Purdue U.. Lafayette, Ind. (June, 1963).
. methods nor has it been ‘outmoded bv. the
11. Alpay, O. A.: “Application of Aerial Photographic Irr-
advent of numerical reservoir simulation in recent terpretation to the Study of Reservoir Natural Fracture
years. Until itiOie is known oil the ~itY31di’~ tT~flSit3tlt C.,., . . ..a. Sp~ 2557 Pre~en!ed at SPE. 44th _An-
a.... *>.~=~~,
characteristics of certain anatomic configurations, nual Fall Meeting, Denver, Colo., Sept. 28- Oct. 1,
transient analysis will be limited to a complementary
12. Craig, F. F.$ Jr.: “Effect of Reservoir Description on
role in reservoir description. Simiiariy, a thoroug% Performance Predictions,” J. Pet. Tech. (Oct., 1970)
understanding of the anatomical framework in a 1239-1245.
reservoir is an important first step in constructing a 13. Michaelis, E. R.: “Cardium Sedimentation in the Pem-
realistic mathematical model of reservoir behavior. bina River Area,” J. Alberta Sot. f’ef. Geo[. (April,
Anatomic investigations in a reservoir should, 1957) 5, 73-77.
ideally, be carried out before operational decisions 14. Testerman, J. D.: “A Statistical Reservoir Zonation
Technique,” J. Pet. Tech.(Aug., 1962) 889-893.
are made. Aside from eliminating hindsight, a thor-
ough familiarity with reservoir anatomy acquired in APPENDIX
the planning stages of an operation not only will Computation of Mean, Standard
provide the means to combat the detrimental aspects Deviation, and Kurtosis
of reservoir heterogeneity, but also supply the infor-
mation bv. which some anatomical attributes of the z fj(sIj)
~l=j . . . . . . .. (A-l)
reservoir can be made to work to our advantage. n
A -1.-a..,l
Am I; fj(~~j – =)2
twswu w1eu51mer1is
I wish to express my deepest gratitude to the man- SI. = . . . . . (A-2)
agement of Amoco Production Co. for releasing the i n
Original manuscript received in Society of Petroleum Engineers x jj(SIj – =)4
office Aug. 2, 1971. Revised mansucript received March 27, 1972. sIk = i . . . . . . (A-3)
Paper (SPE 3608) was presented at SPE 46th Annual Fall Meeting,
held in New Orleans, Oct. 3-6, 1971. ~ Copyright 1972 American
n S1.4
Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Enginaera, Inc. -T


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