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Carmem Miranda St. N 326 Mater Domini Bd. Apt 902


Student Assistent Fraunhofer IPT & WZL;

Aachen, Germany.

Dear Fraunhofer IPT colleagues:

I can describe myself as a curious man. I like to discover how stuff works, and then use concepts learned
in my life projects. I have creativity as my strongest skill by far, no matter if it has something to do with
work, academic wise or personal matter, I always try to find the best way to solve the problems I face,
whether in group or by myself, having focus on everything I do. I like to work with other people as well,
not needing to be equal to me, but sharing the same goal. I am a Brazilian student, so I know how
difficult it is, to have a chance like that, to study in a first world country with the best resources available
and experts to work and study with. I have a dream, that someday I will give my family a better life, and
a qualification like studying and working abroad is essential for a good beginning of career.

I have already studied abroad in USA during one year through the “Science without borders” Brazilian
exchange program for students. I enjoyed every second that I could having on my hands good labs and
professors to complement the excellent professors I had in Brazil. It was a cultural experience as well,
what was very nice for me, as I like to live different cultures. I am working as an Maintenance and
Reliability Engineer Intern in Braskem, one of the world’s biggest plastic industries, and I can say that
the experience I am having so far is just enormous. This company opened my eyes for the Industry 4.0
and complemented what was already my passion, IOT. My hobbies include prototyping new systems on
microcontrollers. I try to go to every possible lecture about innovation and it’s unfolding as I see how I
could improve my skills and make more useful things for society. By the way, by fate or not I have started
studying German a few months ago, and I hope that if I have the chance of being chosen, to be with
the best German I can.

Reference Number: 2019-2-12

Best regards,

Raphael Costa Lima Andrade

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