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Gaaffii Dargaggeessa Sooressa Tokkoo

16 Kunoo, namni tokko gara Yesus dhufee, "Yaa barsiisa! Jireenya bara baraa qabaachuuf hojii gaariin
gochuun anaaf ta'u maal inni?" jedheen. 17 Yesus immoo, "Waa'ee hojii gaarii maaliif ana gaafatta? Isa
tokkicha sanatu gaarii dha; jireenya sanatti galuuu yoo feete garuu, abboommota eegi! ittiin jedhe.

18 Kana irratti dargaggeessichi, "Abboommota isaan kam?" jedheen. Yesus immoo deebisee '''Hin
ajjeesin, hin ejjin, hin hatin, sobaan nama irratti dhugaa hin ba'in! 19 Abbaa kee fi haadha keef ulfina
kenni; namas akka mataa keetiitti jaalladhu!' isa jedhu" jedheen.

20 Dargaggeessichi yommus, "Kana hundumaa raawwadheera; egaa amma maaltu na duraa hir'ate?"
jedheen. 21 Kana booddee Yesus deebisee, "Raawwattee guutuu ta'uu yoo feete, dhaqi qabeenya kee
gurguri, warra deegaadhaaf kenni, waaqa irratti badhaadhummaa in qabaatta! Kottuutii ana duukaa
bu'i!" jedheen.

22 Dargaggeessichi qabeenya guddaa qaba waan tureef, dubbii kana yommuu dhaga'e, gaddee achii in
adeeme. 23 Ergasii Yesus bartoota isaatiin, "Ani dhuguman isinitti hima, namni sooressi mootummaa
waaqaatti galuun rakkisaa dha.

24 Ammas isinittan hima, sooressi tokko mootummaa Waaqayyootti galuu irra, gaalli qaawwa lilmoo
keessa ba'uutu salphata" jedhe. 25 Bartoonni kana yommuu dhaga'an baay'ee na'anii dinqifatanii, "Egaa
eenyutu fayyuu danda'a ree?" jedhan.

26 Yesus immoo gara isaanii ilaalee, "Kun namootaaf hin danda'amu, Waaqayyoof garuu wanti hundinuu
in danda'ama" isaaniin jedhe. 27 Phexros kana irratti, "Kunoo nuyi hundumaa dhiifnee si duukaa
buune'otii, egaa maal arganna laata ree?" jedheen.

28 Yesus immoo, "Ani dhuguman isinitti hima, biyya lafaa ishee haaraatti ilmi namaa ulfina isaatiin
teessoo irra yommuu taa'u, isin warri na duukaa buutan immoo, teessota kudha lamaan irra teessanii,
gosa lsraa'el kudha lamaan keessatti firdii in kennitu. 29 Namni maqaa kootiif jedhee manneen yookiis
obboloota yookiis obboleettota yookiis abbaa yookis haadha yookis ijoollee yookis araddaa dhiise,
dachaa dhibba in fudhata; jireenya bara baraas in argata.
30 Garuu baay'een warra dura jiran keessaa warra hundumaa booddee kan ta'an jiru; warra hundumaa
booddee jiran keessaas warra duraa kan ta'an jiru" isaaniin jedhe.

Waamicha Abba Jaalalaa

The Call of a Loving Father
In 2 Corinthians 6:16-18 we read some of the
most intimate, caring, and loving aspects of
our relationship with God our Father. Here,
our Father calls us out of darkness to come
into His light; He calls us out of uncleanness
to come into His purity; He calls us out of the
yoke of bondage to come into His rest; He
calls us out of lawlessness to come into His
righteousness; He calls us out of idolatry to
come into His presence; He calls us out of
Satan’s domain to come into union with His

When we respond to His call upon our lives

we remove our hands from all that would
defile and our feet from all that would
mislead. Instead, we touch mercy and grace,
we seek all that is pure and holy, and we
follow all that is true and good.
Hear the call of your loving Father:

I will dwell in you — the Father abides in you.

I will walk with you — the Father goes with
I will be your God — the Father provides for
You shall be mine — the Father claims you.
I will welcome you — the Father receives you.
I will be a Father to you — the Father
nurtures you.
You shall be a son to Me — the Father calls
you His own.
You shall be a daughter to Me — the Father
calls you His own.

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