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International Journal of Pavement Engineering

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Characterisation of unbound aggregate materials

considering physical and morphological properties

Jayhyun Kwon, Sung-Hee Kim, Erol Tutumluer & Mark H. Wayne

To cite this article: Jayhyun Kwon, Sung-Hee Kim, Erol Tutumluer & Mark H. Wayne
(2017) Characterisation of unbound aggregate materials considering physical and
morphological properties, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 18:4, 303-308, DOI:

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Published online: 27 Jul 2015.

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International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2017
VOL. 18, NO. 4, 303–308

Characterisation of unbound aggregate materials considering physical and

morphological properties
Jayhyun Kwona, Sung-Hee Kimb, Erol Tutumluerc and Mark H. Waynea
Tensar International Corporation, Alpharetta, Georgia; bCivil and Construction Engineering, Kennesaw State University, Marietta, Georgia; cCivil and
Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA


The objective of this paper is to evaluate the factors affecting resilient and permanent deformation Received 22 April 2015
behaviour of unbound granular materials, with a focus on the aggregate physical and morphological Accepted 23 May 2015
characteristics. To evaluate the behaviour of base course, repeated load triaxial testing is commonly used KEYWORDS
to establish the stress-dependent resilient modulus properties of unbound aggregate base and subbase Morphology; modulus; shear
materials. Although resilient modulus of aggregates is a critical input into mechanistic-empirical pavement strength; Poisson’s ratio;
design methods, the resilient modulus of unbound base material is often estimated from empirical rutting
correlations with index properties in the AASHTOWare Pavement ME design procedure for its simplicity.
Since actual field stress conditions and resilient modulus stress states are generally quite different from
those generated in the empirical test methods, use of an empirical correlation could lead to an unreliable
prediction of resilient modulus and permanent deformation. In order to properly assess the stability of an
unbound aggregate layer, it is necessary to establish a proper process to understand the factors affecting
fundamental and performance-related properties of unbound granular materials. In this study, aggregate
samples from four different sources were tested for resilient modulus and Poisson’s ratio measurements
using the Precision Unbound Material Analyzer equipment. Morphological or shape properties of
aggregate samples were also measured using an image analysis device. The results demonstrate that
aggregate physical and morphological properties affect aggregate resilient and permanent deformation.
Further, it is suggested that the resilient modulus of the aggregate should not be used as the sole indicator
of rutting performance of aggregate base.

1. Introduction been classified as meeting the same specification as long as the

The quality of the unbound aggregate base layer can have a material meets the gradation requirements even though they
significant impact on the performance of a flexible pavement. may have varying aggregate physical properties affecting per-
An unbound granular layer that is composed of odd-shaped formance. The reason for the current approach might be due to
aggregate particles of different sizes plays a structurally important the lack of accurate and repeatable measurements of the coarse
role, especially for thinly surfaced asphalt pavement subjected aggregate morphology. Therefore, current AASHTOWare Pave-
to the medium- and low-volume traffic loadings by providing ment ME design software does not consider Level I aggregate
load distribution through consolidation, distortion and attrition. base input and only accepts a single value of resilient modulus
During the load distribution process, the resilient and perma- or the empirical relationship to estimate resilient modulus of the
nent deformation response of unbound aggregate base course is unbound materials, in particular the California Bearing Ratio
known to be influenced by many factors such as aggregate type and the Hveem Stabilometer R-value. Since unbound aggregate
and physical properties, density and moisture content, stress level stress conditions in the repeated load triaxial test are different
(pneumatic, pad foot and/or steel drum compaction equipment) from those in the empirical testing methods, use of an empirical
and history, and grading and fines content. Therefore, the low correlation may lead to an inaccurate estimation of resilient mod-
strength of granular materials and resulting excessive deforma- ulus and permanent deformation as the predicted permanent
tion in flexible pavements are expected when poor-quality aggre- deformation (rutting) using the AASHTOWare rutting model
gates are used in a base course. The importance of the base course is heavily dependent on resilient modulus properties. Moreover,
quality, however, is often overlooked in pavement system analysis considering the fact that permanent deformation is more directly
and current practice of pavement design does not consider the linked to a strength property, the predicted rutting may be greatly
effects of physical shape, texture and angularity of coarse aggre- in error when aggregate physical and morphological properties
gate particles on the strength, stability and performance of the are not taken into consideration. The research approach, testing
pavement base layer. Further, different aggregate sources have procedure and results are presented and compared in this paper.

CONTACT  Sung-Hee Kim

© 2015 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
304    J. KWON ET AL.

Table 1. AASHTOWare design inputs.

Design structure
Layer type Material type Thickness (mm) Layer properties
Flexible Asphalt concrete 50 Effective binder content: 10.6%
Air voids: 8%
Flexible Asphalt concrete 75 Effective binder content: 8.7%
Air voids: 8%
Non-stabilised base A-1-a 300 Resilient modulus: 206 and 275 MPa
Poisson’s ratio: 0.25, 0.35, and 0.45
Subgrade A-7–5 Semi-infinite Resilient modulus: 55 MPa
Poisson’s ratio: 0.35
Age Heavy trucks (cumulative)
Initial 300
10 years 621,071
20 years 1,356,100

Table 2. Distress prediction summary.

Analysis cases (Various non-stabilised base properties)

Resilient modulus = 206 MPa Resilient modulus = 275 MPa
Distress type Ko = 0.3 Ko = 0.5 Ko = 0.8 Ko = 0.3 Ko = 0.5 Ko = 0.8
Terminal IRI (in/mile) 164.12 164.81 165.45 161.69 162.28 162.84
Permanent deformation – Total pavement (in.) 0.67 0.67 0.68 0.64 0.64 0.65
Permanent deformation – AC only (in.) 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
AC bottom-up fatigue cracking (%) 23.20 23.74 24.27 20.79 21.42 26.32
AC top-down fatigue cracking (ft/mile) 2165.24 2326.61 2457.88 1328.74 1483.61 1602.48

2.  Effect of aggregate properties on pavement tion of the aggregate base (Masad and Little 2004). The basic
performance – AASHTOWare pavement ME analysis relationship is:
( )
To illustrate the influence of the aggregate properties on pave- 𝜀 | 𝜌 𝛽|
ment performance, a low-volume conventional flexible pavement 𝛿a (N) = 𝛽s1 k1 𝜀v h o |e−( N ) |
𝜀r | |
section has been analysed using AASHTOWare Pavement ME
software version 2.1. Table 1 gives pavement details and Table 2 where 𝛿a (N): permanent deformation for the layer;
summarises predicted distresses. N:number of repetitions; 𝜀v : average vertical strain obtained from there spo
The resilient modulus of the base layer was
𝜀v : average evaluated
vertical at modu-
strain obtained from there sponse model; 𝜀o , 𝜌 and 𝛽: material properties
lus values of 206 and 275 MPa, covering the recommended range 𝜀r : resilient strain.
of an A-1-a material. The coefficient of lateral earth pressure was
varied by considering different Poisson’s ratios. The coefficient of For granular base, the ratio (εo/εr), ρ and β are a function
lateral earth pressure, Ko, was used to compute the combined in of moisture content and resilient modulus. Hence, the perma-
situ and induced stress states within the pavement system. The nent deformation behaviour of the aggregate is only dependent
Ko can be calculated based on the confined Poisson expansion: upon moisture content and resilient modulus. However, pre-
vious research studies indicate that aggregate strength is more
Ko = directly linked to field permanent deformation but not the resil-
ient modulus (Thompson 1998, Tao et al. 2010, Xiao et al. 2012).
where ν is Poisson’s ratio. Moreover, the NCHRP 4–23 study identified shear strength of
Values of Ko recommended in AASHTOWare Pavement ME unbound aggregates as one of the most significant mechanistic
software for typical non-stabilised base course ranged between properties influencing pavement rutting performance (Saeed
0.4 and 0.6. To evaluate the influence of Poisson’s ratio on pave- et al. 2001). The results from previous research studies indicate
ment distress, three different Poisson ratios were assigned and that the resilient modulus of the aggregate should not be used
the resulting coefficient of lateral earth pressure, Ko, was found alone as an indicator of rutting performance of aggregate base.
to be ranged from 0.3 to 0.8.
The predicted pavement distresses presented in Table 2 3.  Laboratory test programme
clearly show that the properties of unbound aggregate base affect The objective of the laboratory test programme was to utilise
pavement performance, especially in relation to asphalt fatigue current laboratory programmes and available technologies to
cracking, while the predicted permanent deformation of the base evaluate the factors affecting engineering properties and per-
course is not sensitive to the base course resilient properties, such formance of unbound granular materials for sustainable use in
as modulus and Poisson’s ratio. pavement engineering. Table 3 summarises the sources and the
The modified Tseng and Lytton model is used in AASHTO- moisture-density test data of aggregate materials used in the cur-
Ware Pavement ME design to predict permanent deforma- rent laboratory testing and characterisation programme.
International Journal of Pavement Engineering   305

Table 3. Aggregate properties.

Sample ID Classification Source Maximum dry density (kg/m3) Optimum moisture content (%)
1 Crushed limestone Iowa 2,050 5.8
2 Crushed gravel Idaho 2,146 5.4
3 Crushed limestone Texas 2,050 10.0
4 Crushed limestone Texas 2,307 5.0

To evaluate the relationship between angularity and surface and confined within eight-curved wall segments simulating the
texture (ST) of the particles and modulus and permanent defor- elasticity of surrounding material in situ. Vertical load is applied
mation susceptibility, aggregate samples collected from various in four stages, with 1000 load applications during each stage; the
sources were tested. All the aggregate samples were scanned four vertical stress levels used are 20, 40, 80 and 160 kPa at a fre-
for particle morphological/shape indices which include the flat quency of 10 Hz. Vertical and horizontal stress and strain are all
and elongated (F&E) ratio, angularity index (AI), and ST indices monitored during the test. The horizontal strain in the specimen
using the second generation of the University of Illinois Aggre- is measured using a strain gauge located in the confining band.
gate Image Analyzer (UIAIA), which will be described in the next The friction between the walls and the specimen is corrected
section. The aggregate samples were then prepared and tested using a coefficient of friction of 0.5.
according to the British Standard (BS. EN 13286–7:2004) for The resilient moduli obtained from PUMA based on the
the evaluation of resilient modulus using the Precision Unbound ­British Standard (BS. EN 13286–7:2004) were compared with
Material Analyzer (PUMA). All of the samples were first air- the measured resilient modulus in accordance with the AASHTO
dried and then moisture-conditioned in the laboratory to achieve T-307 procedure. In the AASHTO T-307-99 (2002) procedure,
the optimum moisture content. Samples were prepared using specimen are subjected to a series of load pulses at a variety of
the modified Proctor procedure (ASTM D1557) to achieve a axial stresses and confining pressures (15 specific combinations
150-mm-diameter by 150-mm-tall cylindrical test specimen at of stress levels), and recoverable deformation resulting from
the targeted density level. these load pulses are measured. The quick shear test was also
performed in accordance with AASHTO T-307 at a confining
3.1.  University of Illinois aggregate image analyzer pressure at the end of the resilient modulus testing without
In this study, the image analysis device, UIAIA, was used to removal of the sample from the testing platen. The quick shear
quantify imaging-based morphological indices, i.e. F&E ratio, test is prescribed in AASHTO T-307 as a simple shear controlled
AI and ST index, of the coarse aggregates. Previous studies have by rate of axial deformation (1% axial strain per minute up to
shown that there is a correlation between imaging-based particle 5% strain).
shape indices and resilient behaviour, strength and stability of
aggregates (Pan et al. 2006, Tutumluer and Pan 2008). Imaging 4.  Test results and discussion
technology has been successfully used as a research tool in the The resilient modulus, axial deformation and Poisson’s ratio for
last decade for quantifying aggregate particle shape properties those aggregate samples are presented in Table 4 along with mor-
(Tutumluer et al. 2005, Al-Rousan et al. 2007). Each availa- phological index results of the aggregate samples.
ble imaging system uses a specific mathematical procedure in The low end of AI is 0 for a perfect sphere and the high-end
calculating a validated index to evaluate form, angularity and range is 700–800° for very angular. The ST index often takes
texture properties of aggregates. Among the most widely used values up to 1 for smooth gravel and higher values above 1 for
techniques in aggregate shape characterisation, the ratio F&E, increasing angularity and crushed faces or corners and jagged
AI and ST index were recognised as key indices from national edges in the case of 100% crushed stone (Tutumluer et al. 2000,
studies such as NCHRP 4–30 and the TPF-5(023) pool fund. Rao et al. 2002, Pan et al. 2006, Al-Rousan et al. 2007). The aggre-
These indices were determined using the UIAIA (Tutumluer gate samples 1, 3 and 4 have AI values that are greater than 400
et al. 2000, Rao et al. 2002, Pan et al. 2006). The UIAIA uses three indicating that the samples consist of subangular aggregate parti-
orthogonally positioned cameras to capture three-dimensional cles. The aggregate samples numbers 1 and 4 also have ST values
shape properties. The AI and ST indices are determined based greater than 2.0, while sample 3 has an ST index value below 2.0.
on the particle image outlines obtained from each of the top, These values indicate that the samples numbers 1 and 4 consist
side and front views. The enhanced UIAIA uses a colour image of very rough-surfaced aggregate particles and sample 3 consists
threshold scheme to provide an objective and accurate measure- of rough-surfaced aggregate. The aggregate sample 2 has an AI
ment of aggregate particle size and shape properties in a rapid, value less than 325 and ST index values below 1.7. The results
reliable and automated fashion when compared to traditional indicate that the crushed gravel sample (sample 2) consists of
manual methods/tools. rounded and smooth-surfaced aggregate particles and crushed
limestone which consists of angular and rough surface textures.
3.2.  Precision Unbound Material Analyzer The results presented in Table 1 clearly demonstrate the
A newly acquired, innovative triaxial cell testing machine, influence of the AI and ST indices on resilient modulus of
named PUMA, was used in this study for determining the resil- the aggregates. Aggregate samples consisting of angular and
ient modulus of the aggregate samples in the laboratory. The rough-surfaced particles (crushed limestone samples 1, 3 and
PUMA equipment is shown in Figure 1. The samples compacted 4) achieved higher modulus strength than the aggregate sam-
in 150-mm-diameter and 150-mm-height triaxial cell system ples which consist of relatively rounded and smooth-surfaced
306    J. KWON ET AL.

Figure 1. The Precision Unbound Material Analyzer.

Table 4. Test results.

Sample ID
Test Properties Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4
UIAIA Angularity index (AI) 411.33 325.11 425.21 458.09
Flat and elongation ratio (F&R) 2.64 1.95 2.06 2.28
Surface texture (ST) 2.27 1.39 1.88 2.50
PUMA Modulus (MPa)
Load cycles and axial stress (kPa) Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4
1–1000 cycles @ 20 159 81 169 187
1000–2000 cycles @ 40 167 93 172 178
2000–3000 cycles @ 80 187 110 190 187
3000–4000 cycles @ 160 232 142 254 241
Accumulated total axial deformation (mm)
Load cycles and axial stress (kPa) Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4
1–1000 cycles @ 20 1.0 1.3 0.8 0.9
1000–2000 cycles @ 40 1.8 2.9 1.4 2.0
2000–3000 cycles @ 80 3.4 4.9 2.3 3.4
3000–4000 cycles @ 160 5.7 7.3 3.5 5.7
Poisson’s ratio
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4
Average value 0.09 0.12 0.12 0.09

particles (crushed gravel sample 2). This is due to the high angle test set-ups. It is important to note that the lateral movement of
of internal friction and aggregate particle contact with the angu- aggregate specimen is constrained in the PUMA set-up result-
lar and rough texture of aggregate particles. Similarly, sample 2 ing in higher stiffness in the axial direction. Aggregate moduli
has accumulated higher deformation than samples 1, 3 and 4. obtained from these procedures show a similar trend; the aggre-
The resilient modulus of each sample measured according gate sample 2 has the lowest moduli compared to samples 1, 3
to the British Standard (BS. EN 13286–7:2004) was compared and 4.
with resilient modulus measured following the AASHTO T 307 The average Poisson’s ratio of aggregate samples generally
procedure at the bulk stress state of 80 and 160 kPa (Figure 2). ranged from 0.09 to 0.12 as shown in Table 4. Poisson’s ratio
For the loading of the specimen in the PUMA test, only cyclic should be the same in all directions (x, y and z) for isotropic mate-
axial loading and constant confining pressure are performed. The rials, while the Poisson’s ratio is different in each direction (x, y
constant confining pressure varied from 1 to 5 kPa. Therefore, and z) for orthotropic materials. Unbound aggregate material
just the vertical stresses from PUMA and bulk stresses from the T exhibits stress-dependent and direction-dependent (anisotropic)
307 procedure are used to compare the resilient modulus results behaviour. Unbound aggregate materials have greater modulus
at approximately similar stress states. The results show that the in the vertical direction than horizontal direction, which can be
British Standard resilient modulus values are greater than those adequately modelled using cross-anisotropic, stress-dependent
determined by use of the AASHTO procedure. The difference in modulus characterisation models. Kim et al. (2005) predicted
moduli could be attributed to different specimen geometries and a level of (inherent) anisotropy (ratio of horizontal to vertical
International Journal of Pavement Engineering   307

Figure 2. Comparison of stiffness modulus and resilient modulus.

Figure 3. Shear strength properties of crushed limestone samples.

modulus) ranging from 1.0 to 0.4. If cross-anisotropic behav- samples have similar modulus, but the accumulated axial defor-
iour of the aggregate samples was taken into consideration with mations are quite different. Samples 1 and 4 experienced about
a modular ratio (vertical modulus/modulus in the horizontal 60% more axial deformation than sample 3.
direction) of 0.3, the average Poisson’s ratio of the tested samples Aggregate sample 3 has a higher shear strength and accumu-
ranged from 0.3 to 0.4, which is a typical Poisson’s ratio range lated axial deformation and is much less than samples 1 and 4.
used in pavement design. This indicates that there is a need to develop a realistic permanent
The results show that there is no clear correlation between deformation model for an unbound aggregate layer considering
Poisson’s ratio, resilient modulus and accumulated axial deforma- shear strength characteristics of aggregate base to better pre-
tion. This result indicates that there are certainly other aggregate dict the ability of a base course aggregate to resist permanent
properties affecting the strength and permanent deformation deformation. In general, shear strength of aggregate depends on
behaviour, such as the vertical/horizontal modulus ratio, grada- gradation. However, the influence of particle size distribution is
tion properties, especially those passing the No. 200 sieve, and not considered in the rutting model in AASHTOWare Pavement
achieved specimen compaction densities and moisture contents. ME software. Without a proper assessment of the properties of
The quick shear test results of the crushed limestone samples unbound aggregate base, any prediction of permanent deforma-
1, 3 and 4 are shown in Figure 3. It should be noted that all these tion susceptibility will remain highly unreliable.
308    J. KWON ET AL.

5. Conclusions BS EN 13286-7, 2004. Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures. Cyclic

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influence of Poisson’s ratio on aggregate modulus and permanent response and AASHTO 2002 design guide for properties of unbound
deformation characteristics was also evaluated in the experimen- layers, ICAR 504–1. Austin, TX: International Center for Aggregates
tal programme. The results demonstrate that the aggregate resil- Pan, T., Tutumluer, E., and Anochie-Boateng, J., 2006. Aggregate
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Disclosure statement approach Transportation Pooled Fund Study TPF-5 (023). Federal
Highway Administration, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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