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Detailed Lesson Plan

TLE – Mechanical Drafting

Grade 9

Content Standard: Identifying the uses and function of drafting materials and
tools or instruments that are needed per job requirement.

Performance Standard: The learners will create a drawing using the materials
and tools or drawing instruments according to their use on a specific drafting


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. identify the uses and functions of drafting materials and tools or
drawing instruments:
b. show appreciation and importance its uses and function of drafting
materials and tools or drawing instruments: and
c. create a drawing using the materials and tools or drawing instruments
according to their use on a specific drafting project.

II.Subject Matter

A. Topic : Drafting Materials and Tools Its Uses and Function

B. Reference: K-12 – Technology and Livelihood Education, (google)
C. Materials: Led screen projector, laptop, drafting tools
D. Skills: identifying, showing and creating
E. Subject Integrated: English
F. Strategies: discussion, slideshow and demonstration
G. Values: cooperation, appreciation, patience and obedience

III. Procedure

A.Preparatory Activities

Teacher`s Activity Students` Activity

Before we start, let us feel the presence

of our Lord and ask for his guidance.
So, Please rise for our prayer!
( Students will stand. )
Good morning class!
Good morning sir!
How was your day?

Not that bad sir.

Good to hear that.
You may be seated and relax yourselves.
Checking of Attendance
Well, Today is a good day
Is there anyone who is absent today?
None sir!
Checking of Assignment
Okay. Then, May I ask if you still
remember our assignment last meeting.
Well, Did I give you an assignment?
None sir!

Before we proceed
What was our lesson yesterday?
Our lesson yesterday is all
about Introduction to
Drafting sir.

Yeah right. What do you understand

about drafting?
It is said that drafting is the
universal language of
industry and modern
Very Good!
Who else had an idea?
Drafting is through the
application of special lines
and symbols that drafter’s
use so that technical
people can communicate
through drawings, ideas
and designs transferred
between draftsmen,
architects and engineers.

Well Done!
I am glad you learned something.

B. Lesson Proper

1. Motivation

Okay class. Now, let’s put ourselves

into a game. The title of this game is
“What’s my Name?”
Are you ready to hear the mechanics?
Yes sir!
But before I tell you the mechanics,
let me first group you into two.
Well! In your nametags, there is a number:
the number that starts from 1 ends to 15
will be the first group and 16 to 30 will be
the second group.
No. 1 to 15, please stand up and
go to this left corner. For no. 16 to 30,
go in the right side corner.
So, are the groups ready?
Yes sir!
The first group represents as a tool &
The second group represents as an
Did you get it class?
Yes sir!

For the mechanics, I have here two

boxes. Inside of this boxes were
objects that represent your group.
What you were going to do is present
one object to the other group and the
other group will be the one to give the
name of that object.
Did you get that?
Yes sir!
Of course! There is a need for a leader.
The leader of the first group is number
7 and the leader of the second group
is number 11. The purpose of your
leader is to deliver the answers of the
group to each and every one.
Why? It is because you will give the
name of the object in chorus. Meaning
to say, all of you should speak the
answer together.
Am I clear?
Yes sir!
You only have 10 seconds in answering
the name of the object.
Okay. Let’s start from the first group.
Please present an object. Second group,
are you ready?
Yes sir!
(The first group presented a tool)
(Second group answered)
(The second group presented an
(First group answered)
(The first group presented a tool)
(Second group answered)
Very Well class!
It has been decided that the winner
of this game is the ______ group.
Let’s give them a clap!
Clap! Clap! Clap!
2. Presentation
Class, Did you have fun? Did you
Yes sir!
Well. Today, we were never be talking
about fun or enjoyment or a game.
We were be talking about these objects!
Now class, what do you think of these
They are drawing tools
used in drafting sir.
Yes. So, what tools are you most
familiar with?
 Ruler
 Pencil
 Coupon bond
I guess you already thought our lesson
Are you ready for the discussion?
Yes sir!
3. Discussion and Analysis

Okay. What is this again?

(Show the object to the students)
Drawing Paper sir.
What is the use and function of
drawing paper?
Drawing paper is
commonly used in
There are various types of drawing
paper. What are those?
Bond Paper and oslo
paper is commonly used
Then, how about these?
Pencil Sharpener sir.
Right! What is the use of the Pencil
It is used when pencils
show sign of dullness.
How about this one?
It is a Masking Tape sir.
Okay. What is the use of the masking
Masking tape is used for
fastening the drawing
paper on the drawing table
or drawing board.
Very Good! Now, can you give the name
and function of these?
It is an eraser sir. Eraser is
used to clean the dirt off
the drawing.
Well Said. How about this tool?
Drawing Pencil. Simply,
used in drawing sir.
Well. How about these?
Do you know what tool it is?
Yes sir. A triangular scale.
Used when reproducing a
drawing in an enlarged or
reduced for some regular
Okay. So, who among you know this
Sir! It is an erasing shield.
Do you know the use of this tool?
Yes sir. It is a useful tool to
protect the rest of the
drawing when clearing uo
smudges, unnecessary
pencil lines and other
Alright. Are you already familiar of the
drawing materials?
Yes sir.
Well. Of course! We also have some
drawing instruments. What do you know
about the drawing instruments class?
Drawing instruments
includes compass and
protractor sir!
Alright! So, What do you think is this?
It is a t-square sir.
What is the use of T-square?
T-square used when
making horizontal lines. It
is also used for guiding
triangles when drawing
vertical lines.
Nice. How about this one?
Can you tell me what is this and its uses?
Yes sir. It is a triangle and
used in making angles.
What about these?
Its a compass. It is used
when drawing arcs and
How about this instrument?
It is a divider. Used when
measurements, dividing
lines and arcs.
And the last one?
I know you are already familiar with
this one.
It is a protractor sir. It is
used to determine
gradations of the degrees
when measuring arcs,
angles and circles.
Good. Are you already familiar of both
drawing materials and instruments in
Yes sir!
4. Generalization

Are you sure about that?

Yes sir!
Then, can you tell me the drawing
materials used in a particular drawing?
Sir. In drawing materials,
there are drawing paper,
pencil sharpener, masking
tape, eraser, drawing
pencil, triangular scale and
erasing shield.
How about the drawing instruments
used in a drawing?
In drawing instruments,
there are t-square,
triangles, compass,
divider, and protractor

So, Do you know the importance of the

drawing tools/instruments? &Elaborate.
Yes sir, without the tools
and instruments we cannot
draw and express our
ideas and designs in such

5. Valuing

Did you enjoy the discussion class?

Yes sir!
Did you learn something?
Of course sir!
So, why is there a need to discuss
this tools?
To be able to use the
appropriate function in
making such drawing or
drafting project.
Very Well Said!
So, do you know how you will be using
this tools in creating such drawings.
Yes sir!
6. Application

Let see. I have sets of drawings here.

You will need a pencil, drawing paper &
a ruler. Do you have those tools?
Yes sir.
Just be seated as I distribute your set
of drawing.

Set A
Set B

Set C

Criteria for Assessment:

V. Assignment

For your assignment, Draw this exercise

I will be giving to each of you. It will be
rated using a scoring rubrics with equivalent
point of 15. )
Is that clear?
Yes sir!

That all for today.

Good day class!


Good day sir!

Prepared by: Jhobhel Christopher T. Galivo

TLE Major

Checked by: Mr. Wilfredo Galabit Jr.

Cooperating Teacher

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