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Wafiy, It was our great pleasure to have you in our An-Nur child Education and

care centre. You were with us very short time but masha Allah how much you
have grown! You have started to make great progress in all areas of our
programme and started to communicate with your friends and teachers.
You are such an intelligent and clever boy, I enjoyed working with you. You could
complete very hard and complicated puzzles that I never seen any child in your
age could do. AlhamdulilAllah.
Wafiy , we are feeling sad to say goodbye to you. May Allah subhanataala shower
his blessings on you in your life and all through your learning journey.
We wish you all the best. Love from all your teachers: Rosy, Liz, Nur, Suzan. Fauzia
and Fatemeh. Written by – Teacher Rosy. July 2019

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