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Kareen Luisa Eve D.

Macasaet 11 stem A


There are times that when a person grows old, others won’t cherish them
anymore. But on the other hand, there are still lots of people who care for those who
were abandoned and thought that they were just a burden of this world. They may be
old but they don’t deserve to be treated that way. Every one of us deserves to be loved.
No matter how old we get, what bad deeds we did, and how bad our attitude is. We are
just human beings who deserve love until our last breath.

Last Sunday, we, the stem A and E students, along with our subject teacher, did
some outreach program for old ones and for the kids who were left by their loved ones.
It’s sad to think that there are people who don’t know the importance of a person but it’s
a relief that those who managed the place, cared and showered love for those who
were left behind. The first time I saw the old ones, I was a bit emotional because I
couldn’t believe the fact that they were just there thrown like a used tissue that doesn’t
have a purpose anymore. I cherish both my grandfather and grandmother so much that
I can’t picture myself doing that to them. It’s not just them, there were kids too. But
despite the challenges or struggles life has thrown to them, they can still manage to put
a smile on their faces. It felt really nice seeing their smiles. I do believe that it’s a sign
that no matter how bumpy the road gets, you can still go on until it gets bumpy no more
and be thankful for it.

We made a short but fun program for them. For the kids, we played games, we
danced, we took some pictures, and we introduced ourselves. While for the old ones,
we talked to them and we also listened to the stories about their lives. After we did all
the activities, we prepared food for all of them. We ate altogether happily and that was
the best part for me. I am so grateful that we were there making them happy and that
we became a part of their lives even just for a day. Before the day ended, I have
learned that you can’t just leave a person just because you think that he/she doesn’t
have a purpose anymore. Yes, we do grow old, but that doesn’t mean our love should
fade. Always remember that every person deserves to be happy and leaving them
behind wouldn’t.

Evelyn D. Macasaet

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