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Every Child is Special

This is a good movie and has a good storyline. This movie made me feel that we are all
unique and special in my own way. Maybe this movie is an old one, but the moral lesson of the
story remains forever.
First, it taught me the how important the other people's presence is. No man is an island
indeed, in our life; we need people that will help us to become our best version of ourselves like
what Ishaan's teacher did to him. Small act of kindness makes big impact to someone's life. As a
person, we must not be selfish and greedy of our love and care to other people because we vary
in the situations of our life. Teacher Ram shows how important our teachers are in student's life.
Not all teachers can be like him like what other teachers did to Ishaan. Therefore, for those
aspiring teachers, they must use him as a role model.
In the aspect of family, it shows how important and vital the role of parents in children's
growth. As a parent, they must be the one who should know what the problems of their children
are. Parents should be the first and the one who knows what are going on to the life of their
children and make actions out of it. They must also avoid comparison among their children
because it put pressure on the shoulder of their child. Parents must also consider that leaving
their child alone is not a good idea. Disciplining children must be in a good way and manner
because it might worsen the situation.
We are unique. Yes, Ishaan is unique even though he is different. He suffers a lot of bad
things even he was still in his young age. It is not an easy ride for him. He was bullied,
discriminated, sent far away from his mother and the worst was got depressed. Despite of these
unwanted things, he found himself in the world of art. He might not good in numbers or science
concept but he dominated the field of art that revives his hope and makes him feel that he was
special. God made us different with each other he gave something on us that others do not have,
we have flaws and it all made us special.
In the aspect of love, love is indeed so powerful. When we feel that someone loved us
unconditionally; it makes us exist. Love gives us hope; hope that makes Ishaan to fight. Like
him, we must not let bad things ruin our personality. We must know how to bounce back when
we are down. As we go back, we must also give what we have taken to them, give love and care
because it is priceless.
Lastly, it taught me that there would be and always be a room for improvement and a
door for dreaming. Everyone has their own dreams because we are all free to have it regardless
of our color, eyes, height and even disorders. We must help other people reaching it rather than
holding them down to the ground. We can be all a Teacher Ram to someone's life; I believe that
even in small act of kindness it can make a big difference that makes us special.

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