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Purwokerto Station

Purwokerto station is a railway

station located on the edge of downtown
Purwokerto, Banyumas, precisely in the
Kelurahan Kober, Kecamatan Purwokerto
West. Purwokerto Station is located at a
height of +78 meters above sea level (+78m)
in the management of Operation Area V
Purwokerto (DAOP V PWT). As the largest
station, almost all the trains that pass through
the south path towards Jakarta stop at this

The station was built around the year 1915-1917 in respect of the opening railway lines
linking Kroya Station to Cirebon Station. Although earlier in Kecamatan Banyumas has been passed
by the railway line that connects Bandung - Yogyakarta passing by Staats Spoorwagen (SS) or railroad
track that connects Banyumas to Banjarnegara by Serajoedal Stoomtram Maatschappij (SDS).

With was connected the main line before, making the existence of Purwokerto Station has
strategic value since it has built until now. Dutch heritage purwokerto station buildings including one
of the objects of cultural heritage (BCB) in the city of Purwokerto in particular and in general
Banyumas. As the BCB, the station has an
important value, these artifacts can be used for
several functions including ideological, academic,
and economical. Benefits ideologically among
others, to strengthen self-esteem and national
pride. Academically, the cultural heritage that can
be used by various science include history,
archeology, architecture, geography, geology, and
others. Economically objects of cultural heritage
objects and can be used as a tourist attraction
because of its beauty, uniqueness and diversity.

The station is equipped with a locomotive depot were very clean. This depot is one of the
best in Central Java. This locomotive depot has several diesel hydraulic locomotive and several diesel
electric locomotive. This station is famous for its length which exceeds that of other stations.
'Gambang Banyumasan' who listened to the passengers at the station becomes uniquely owned by
Purwokerto Station. This Stations are always visited by train Pertamina fuel and this station has 5
main lines with 10 platform. Purwokerto station has 5 incoming signals, 5 exit signals, and 5 siding
signals to regulate the trip of the every trains which will entering and leaving in this station. Some
name train who stops at the station is divided into three classes, that is:

1. Executive Class
- Argo Lawu Train
- Argo Dwipangga Train
- Taksaka Train
- Bima Train
- Gajayana Train
2. Executive-Business Class
- Purwojaya Train
- Senja Utama Solo Train
- Senja Utama Yogya Train
- Fajar Utama Yogya Train
- Sawunggalih Utama Train

3. Economy AC PSO (subsidy) dan Economy AC Non-Subsidy

- Kamandaka Train
- Bogowonto Train
- Gajah Wong Train
- Krakatau Ekspres Train
- Kutojaya Utara Train
- Logawa Train
- Progo Train
- Senja Bengawan Train
- Gaya Baru Malam Train
- Serayu Train
- Jaka Tingkir Train
- Joglokerto Ekspres Train

Purwokerto Station is active too in the night. Some trains schedules there were departing in
the evening. Every large station in Java, like Purwokerto Station is 24 hours serving passengers. So,
Are you interest to visiting or made a trip by train to the this station?

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