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Get Up

Get up, Don.

Get Up

Get up, Don.

Get up, Ton.
Get ready now.
It is six o’clock.
Wash your face.
Eat your meal.
Drink your milk.
Get up, Ton.
Get ready now.
It is six o’clock.
Wash your face.
Eat your meal.
Drink your milk.
Brush your teeth.
Dress up, Don.
Dress up, Ton.
Prepare your bags.
And go to school early.
Annie and Abby

Annie and Abby are twins. They bought a big apple

for their younger sister, Amy. They left the big apple on
the table and looked for Amy. When they came back,
they saw some big ants eating the apple. Amy cried.
“Stop crying Amy. We will buy you another big apple,”
said Annie. “Come, Amy. We will tell you stories while
waiting for mother,” said Abby.
The Two Friends

Emma and Ella were friends. They used the escalator

to go down the supermarket to buy some eggs,
eggplants, and envelopes. As soon as they arrived
home, Ella cooked their food, while Emma wrote a
letter to her mother. They enjoyed dinner together.
A Birthday Invitation

There was a Hindu woman from India who had an

infant son. She received an invitation from her friend
who lived in Manila. It’s her friend’s birthday.
“I will buy her a pen and a bottle of ink as my gift. She
is fond of writing letters. She will like them,” she said to
Good Food

One day, Onie and Lory were talking about the food
they would like to eat.
Onie said, “I want oranges, okra, and onions. Fruits
and vegetables are good for the body.”
Lory said, “I want candies, soft drinks, and cheese
Onie answered, “But they are not good for the body.
They will make you sick.”
The Umpire

Peter is a baseball umpire. He takes the underpass

when he drives to the baseball park. He wears his
uniform as an umpire when he goes to the game. He
likes to stay under the tree on a hot day. He does not
use an umbrella like women do on very hot days.

One day Bob was very tired. He went to his room to

rest. He saw his ball, bat, bag, and a toy bear on his bed.
His piggy bank where he saves his coins was on the
“Oh what a mess!” sighed Bob. “I need to put my toys
in the box so I can fix my bed.”
Bob did his best to make his room clean. Bob is a
good boy.
Cathy’s Cat

Cathy has a pet cat that sleeps on a couch. She feeds

it with corn soup in a cup. She covers its back with a
coat when it is cold. She brings her pet with her when
she rides in her car.
Cathy loves her pet cat!
Dan’s Dad

Dan’s dad started digging near the door of their house

to plant some seeds. His pets were awakened. The
ducks started to quack, the dogs barked loudly, and the
cats meowed with fear. The loud sounds of the animals
annoyed Dan’s dad so he stopped digging. He prepared
some food for his pets so they would not make noise
anymore when he would dig again.

Girlie is a talented girl. She plays the guitar well. She

attends her guitar lessons regularly. After every lesson,
she practices what she has learned. Her guitar teacher
enjoys teaching Girlie.
“You are very good, Girlie!” her teacher tells her. “I’m
giving you a gift that you will like.”
A Hungry Hag

A boy saw a hag. The hag wears a hat and she has a
big handkerchief on her hip. From her hand hangs a
handbag. She looks very hungry. “I am hungry,” she
pleaded to Harry.
Harry asked the hag, “Would you like a hamburger or
a ham sandwich?”
The hag answered, “Thank you little boy. I prefer
The “J” Family

Jim has a pet jaguar. He feeds it with jam. His brother

Jack loves to eat a bun with jelly. They have a sister
name Jill. Both Jill and Jack love to jog around the oval.
Jim’s father, Joe, has a job as a jockey in a racetrack.
Jim’s mother is a juggler at a circus. All she does is to
juggle the balls around to make children happy.
A Kindergarten School

Teacher Kiko has a kindergarten school. The

kindergarten school has a playground where kids learn
to kick. It has a kitchen where children learn to cook.
The children learn to heat water in kettles.
Everyone loves the school. Kids can kiss their teacher
before the say “goodbye.” Would you like to visit the
school someday?
Lovely Liza

Lovely Liza has a long list of L words like lakes,

lobsters, and leopards. You will also find lollipops,
lambs, leaves, and lizards.
To Lovely Liza, L was the best sound there was, but
later she found out something else was much better.
That’s the sound of Liza’s lovely voice.

Magi, a male monkey climbed a mango tree. He saw a

mouse eating a big mango fruit.
“Magi, where are you? Here’s your milk now,” said
Mari ran to may and kissed her. Magi drank the milk
and then climbed the mango tree again. He was looking
for the mouse but it was not there anymore.
Nene’s Nose

One day, Nene got hurt. Her nose was hit by a big
falling net. Nanay brought her to the hospital. Nurse
Nena attended to her. While waiting the doctor, The
nurse gave Nene an ice pack.
“What time is the doctor coming?” asked Nanay.
“He is coming at nine in the morning. Please wait for
a while,” the nurse answered.
An Old Man with a Pipe

There was an old man who lived in a farm. Every

morning he would put a pipe in his mouth and start to
read the papers at his table. After a while, he would get
a pail of water to bathe the pigs in the pigpen. After
watching his pigs drink water, he would get a pan to
cook his breakfast. After breakfast, he would get a
pillow and sit on his rocking chair while reading the
Queen Quail
A long time ago, there lived a queen. She was Queen
Quail, the mother of two quails. She took care of her
baby quails. The baby quails would play with her every
day. One day, they sat on the bed covered by a quilted
“We want to play, Mom,” said the quails. The queen
did not want them to play in bed. “No, Its time to
sleep,” said the queen. While the quails were asleep,
the queen sat on the table and held her quill. She wrote
a letter to the king who was far away.
The Rotting Rat

It is raining. Ross is in the den holding a rabbit. He sits

on the chair and looks at the red rose on the table.
“What a bad smell!” He looks under the chair. He opens
the drawer.
“Oh! It’s a rotting rat, Ryan. Ryan, pick up the rat and
throw it away or bury it. It smells bad!” Ryan took it
away. “Thank you, Ryan.”
San and Sam

San and Sam played under the sun. They enjoyed

playing on the see-saw and the swing. It started to rain,
so they ran forward the house. Their socks got wet.
They took them off. After they washed their hands with
soap and water. They prepared their snacks for the
Letter “T”

Tell me, tell me, how our tongue helps us. A tongue
helps us talk. A tongue helps us taste. Teach me, teach
me, how to use a telephone. Just touch the buttons and
listen to the tone. Take me, take me, take me to the
pond. To see a turtle swim in the pond. To see a turtle
climb on the rocks.
Valentine’s Day

It was a Valentine’s Day party!

Victor and Vicky attended the party. Victor wore a
pair of black pants and a velvet vest. He had a violin
with him. Vicky wore a silk dress. They took a van to the
Even visitors was looking at Victor and Vicky when
they arrived at the party.

“Winky, can you get water from the well? We need to

wash our dishes. Take off your watch so it won’t get
wet,” said Ma’am Wanda.
“Yes, Ma’am Wanda,” said the maid.
“I am going out to buy wig. Please close the doors and
windows before you go to the well.”
“Yes, Ma’am Wanda.”

“Max, Max,” called Father. “Help me here.”

“Yes, Father,” answered Max.
Max helped his Father fix the fence. In the house
Xena, the sister of Max, mixed the eggs with the flour to
cook hot cakes for them.
Yani and Yumi

One morning Yani yelled at the maid who was

sweeping the floor. Her mother heard it.
“Yani, why are you yelling?”
“Yumi, our maid, did not buy yarn and the yard-stick I
needed for school. She bought a yoyo instead,” said
“I’m sorry, I forgot,” answered the maid.
Mother said, “Okay, go back to the store and buy
them. Buy her also a picture of a yak and a yacht.
The Zoo

“Dad, Dad, let us go to the zoo. I want to see a zebra

eating some zinnia,” said Zeno.
“Okay, be good, Zeno. If you don’t get a zero in your
test, we will go to the zoo,” answered Dad. “I will also
repair the zipper of your pocket in your new shirt where
you can put the coins I will give you!”
“Thank you, Dad! I love you!”
The Family
One Saturday morning, Father, Mother, and Ton
woke up early. Father check on the car. Mother
prepared the food. Ton help Mother prepared thing for
trip.“Let’s go. We have to be in Tagaytay at eight in the
morning,” Father said.
They all went to Tagaytay to spend the weekend
together. They went to see the big animals in the zoo.
They also watched the thick fog as they took picture of
the Taal Volcano.
“Oh! What a happy weekend!’ said Ton to himself.
My Dad and Mom

My dad is Dino.
He has a car.
At the back of his car,
Are a map and a jar.

Dina is my mom.
She is very sad.
She broke the jar.
At the back of the car.
The Pals

Jem and Jenny are pals.

Jem has a toy jet.
Jenny has a pet.
They play on the bed.

Ben comes with his red net.

In the net are three pens.
“Come, Jem and Jenny, Let us draw a set of hens.”
The Kid

The kid with a bib hid.

The kid hid in the crib.
The kid got the kit and opened it.
The kid got the big wig.

The kid now has a big wig.

The kid with the wig jigs.
The kid jigs and jigs.
Until his lips hit the crib.
The Nun and Her Pup

The nun is in the hut.

She has a jug and a mug.
She has a bun for her pup.
That runs around the hut.

The nun runs under the sun.

She runs under the sun with a bun.
The pup runs with the nun.
It is fun to run and run.
Let Us Play
Rain, rain, go away.
Little children want to play
In the park they want to stay.

Fly a kite on a windy day,

Ride a bike on a sunny day,
These make the children happy and gay.

Little children, let us hurry

Bike and kite you have to carry
Together we’ll go and be merry.

Climb and slide, Mary

Run and hide, Cory
Playing will make us strong and healthy.

Jay and Jake

Jay wants to play a ball game.
“Jake, Jake, get a ball. Let us race with the ball up to
that gate. Come hurry!”
“No, Jay. I can’t. Dad and I will bake a cake. Let’s play
later,” says Jake.
“Who will bake a cake?” asks Jay.
“Dad and I will bake a cake. Come and see us bake a
cake,” answers Jake.
“Okay, I’ll watch you. Be sure to give me a slice of
your cake. Then we will have our ball game later,” says
Be Happy

We are happy together

Brother, Sister, Father, and Mother,
Come and join the fun
Feel the heat of the sun.

We are happy together

We eat and eat all day
Come, taste our bean and cream
As we talk about our dream.
We are happy together
We watch the bees and the trees
Come, come and be merry
Come, come and be happy

The Kite
Lito had a white paper kite tied to a string. It flew
high in the sky. “It can fly very high,” Lito said. “If it
breaks its string, it will fly even higher.” “No,” said Nino.
“It will fall when it breaks it string.” “Okay, I’ll break its
string. Let’s see if the kite will still fly.”
The kite’s string broke. It didn’t fly higher. It flew
lower and slipped to one side. Soon. It was gliding into
the river.
“You are right, Nino,” said Lito. “The kite can’t fly
without the string.” “And the kite can’t fly without
people who hold the string,” said Nino.
The Goat

Mom has a rose garden. She has a garden full of rose

“Tom, Tom, get a rope. A goat is in the yard,” Mom
“Mom, please call Mr. Paul. That’s his goat. He should
catch his goat.”
“Mr. Paul, your goat is in my yard. Come and catch
your goat.”
Mr. Paul caught his goat. He tied a rope around its
neck and brought it to the barn.
The Cute Baby
Mother is worried. Her cute baby is sick. The baby
needs to be brought to the hospital for a cure.
Mother called up a doctor. “Doctor, Doctor, my cute
baby is sick. Please come!”
The doctor said, “Okay, okay, don’t worry. I’ll be
there to see your baby.”
The doctor treated the cute baby. Mother was very
happy. The cute baby is now smiling and she can now
eat her food.
Mother sings a merry tune to thank God and the good
doctor for healing her sick baby.
Sharing the Road
(by Betsy Franco)

From the window of our school bus

We can see the busy road
There’s a dump truck and a tow truck
And a pick-up with a load.

There’s a fire truck! Police car!

Now I see the ice cream man!
There’s a mail truck and a sports car
And a white delivery van.

There are cars and trucks and bicycles,

A giant city bus
We can see them out of the window
As they share the road with us.
Special Friends in Town

Ding-dong, Ding-dong
Special friends in town
And who do you think they are?
The dentist, the baker, the computer parts maker
The teacher, the nurse, and me.
Ding-dong, Ding-dong
Special friends in town
Now let me tell you who they are-
The policeman’s here,
The firefighter’s there,
The mailman’s next to you.

Ding-dong, Ding-dong
Special friends in town
So how many do you see?
Librarians, bus drivers, doctors, and grocers.
We’re all a community.
The Farmer in the Dell

The farmer in the dell (2x)

Hi ho the dairy ho!
The farmer plants the seeds.

The firemen on the trucks (2x)

Hi ho the dairy ho!
The firemen put out fires.
The vendor in store (2x)
Hi ho the dairy ho!
The vendor sells a lot.

The baker in the shop (2x)

Hi ho the dairy ho!
The baker bakes the bread.

Who Am I?
(by Stephanie Calmenson)

I looked at your teeth

To see if they are all right
Then gave you a toothbrush
To help keep them white.
Who am I?

Is your hair getting shaggy

Come in take a seat
I’ll cut it and comb it
To make it look neat
Who am I?

Climb aboard my yellow bus

We’ll ride to school and then
When your school day’s over
I’ll drive you home again.
Who am I?

You’ll find me in your classroom

When the school bell rings
I’m always there to help you
So you can learn new things.
Who am I?

The Fox and the Crow

A crow sat in a tall tree holding a piece of cheese in

her mouth.
Along come a hungry pig. “The crow will laugh when
she sees my funny face,” he said. “And when she
laughs, she’ll drop her cheese,” But the crow didn’t
even smile.
Along came a hungry little elephant. “Drop the cheese
to me, Crow,” said the elephant, “or I shall give you a
shower bath.” But the crow didn’t drop the cheese.
“Whoosh!” The elephant’s trunk gave the crow a good
“Drop the cheese to me and you may have this pot of
honey,” called a big brown bear. He lifted a pot of
honey for the crow to see. But the crow didn’t drop the
cheese. She was about to eat the cheese when a wise
little fox come along.
“Oh, beautiful crow,” he called. “You are so lovely. A
bird with such charming feathers must sing a pretty
tune. Please sing for me.”
Now the crow had never been told that her voice was
pretty. But she thought it was. She opened her beak
and sang an ugly “Croooow!”
Down came the cheese into the fox’s mouth. Poor
Ton and Ray

One day, Ton and Ray went to play with clay. They sat
on the bench under the shade of a big tree. They had
cake and milk. Ray saw a big cat.
Ray shouted, “Shoo! Stay away! Shoo!” But it was too
late. The cat had eaten the cake. Nothing was left for
Ton and Ray. They went home very hungry and angry.

The Girls

Ethel stayed at home with Marie and Ana. They had

macaroni for lunch. They baked a cake for dessert. They
ate in the living room and happily told stories and jokes
to one another.
After lunch, Ethel got mad with Marie for pushing
Ethel’s tray. Marie said, “I’m sorry.” Ethel shook hands
with her. They became friends again.

The Picnic

Nit and Fe went to a farm. They had a picnic. They

took with them a basket, a blanket, and a ball. The
basket had buns, ham, and milk in it. They set the
basket on the blanket. Then they played with the ball.
After playing, they prepared to eat their food.
Nit ate a lot. But Fe could not eat. Nit asked Fe why.
Fe said she did not tell her mother about the picnic. So
they went home fast to tell Fe’s mother about the picnic
in the farm.
Father and Ben

It was nine o’clock. It is time to go to bed. Ben was

already in bed when many people started to make noise
outside their house. There was a fire!
Ben got up and said to his father, “I want to watch the
fire, Father. I can’t go there myself. Please come with
me.” Father said to Ben, “No, you can’t watch the fire.”
Then Ben asked his father, “Can I get a ride?” Father
said he couldn’t because it was late and he might get
hurt. Ben didn’t try to go out of the house. He obeyed
his father and went to sleep.
A Bad Dream

Last night the stars were shining bright. Dan got up

and saw many bright stars. He turned off the light
before going to bed. He lay on his bed. He slept.
Dan had a bad dream. In his dream, he saw a big
monster. He heard its deep, loud sigh. He covered
himself with his blanket. He woke up. He remembered
he forgot to pray before he slept. He knelt down and
prayed. After praying he was able to sleep again.
Out in the Rain

Ton said, “Look at the sky! It looks like it will rain. I

want to go out in the rain. Will you go out with me?”
“I will go out with you,” said Ray. “I will go out in the
rain, too. I will get my umbrella.”
“I will get my umbrella, too,” said Ton. Ray said, “I
will put up my umbrella. Ton, put up your umbrella,
too. It is raining. The wind is blowing.”
“The wind is blowing hard, Ray. Look, the wind is
blowing my hat away. Hold on to me. Hold on to your
“The wind is blowing my hat away, too. Look, the
wind is blowing my umbrella down,” said Ray. “Let us
go back home.” Ton said, “Look at my umbrella. I want
to fix it. Can I fix it?”
Ray said, “You can’t fix your umbrella. I can’t fix my
umbrella either. Let me ask Father and Mother to fix
“What happened to you? What happened to your
umbrella, Ton? What happened to your umbrella, Ray?”
asked Mother.
Ton said, “The wind blew them up and down. We
went out in the rain. We’re sorry.”
Ray said, “Let us ask Father to fix the umbrellas.”
“Father, can you fix the umbrellas?” asked Ray.
Father said, “I will see what can I do with them.”
Ton and Ray said together, “Thank you, Father. Thank
you, Mother.”
Ton said, “I will not go out in the rain anymore.”
Ray said, “I will not go out anymore when the wind is
blowing hard.”
Mother said, “Children, stay home when it rains. Stay
home when the wind is blowing hard.”

Time To Eat
“It is time to eat!
Ton! Ton!” called Moter
“Have you set the table?
Is it ready now?’

Father said, “Is the fish cooked?”

Is it ready, Ray?
We have fruits and vegetables.
Are they ready, too?
Can we eat now?
“Yes, Mother,” said Ton.
“The table is ready.
The fruits and vegetables are ready.
We can eat now.”

“Good, good,” said Father.

“Let us eat now. The fish looks good.
The fruits and vegetables look fresh.
Come, Ton. Come, Ray. Come, Ana.
The table is ready.
Let us eat now.”
“Wash your hands, Ton,” said Mother.
“Wash your hands, Ray and Ana.
Wash then clean.
Let us get ready.
Let us get ready to eat.”

Ton and Ray said, “Let us all go to the table!

Let us all eat now. Come, Mother. Come, Father.”
“Let us pray,” said Father.
“Let us pray to our Father in heaven.
Let us thank Him.
Thank You, God, for our food.”

“Thank You for all of these,” said Mother.

“Thank You for our family,” said Ton.
“Thank You for everything,” said Ray.

Father, Mother, Ton, Ray, and Ana ate with a smile.

They all ate happily.
Daniel and the Lions

There was once a good and kind man named Daniel.

Daniel was not only good but he is also very wise. That’s
why Darius, the King of Babylon, chose him to be one of
his assistants.
The king had many assistants but Daniel was the first
and highest assistants because he was the best. Because
of this, the other assistants were jealous of Daniel. They
wanted to get rid of him and get his position, but they
couldn’t find anything wrong with Daniel because he
was really good and loyal to the king.
Daniel was a Jew and he believed in God. King Darius
and his assistants were not Jews. They did not believed
in the God of Daniel. So, the assistants tricked King
Darius into making an order that would not be good for
Daniel. The order was that no one should adore anyone
except the king. Daniel found this out but he did no stop
praising and adoring God.
The assistants came to Daniel’s house and caught him
praying. They had him arrested and brought to King
Darius. They asked the king to throw Daniel into a cave
full of lions as punishment. King Darius was sad. He
didn’t want to have Daniel killed but that was the law.
King Darius said to Daniel, “I hope that your God will
protect you.”
Daniel was not afraid. He knew in his heart that God
would help him. Daniel was thrown into the den full of
The next morning, King Darius hurried to the lion’s
den to find out if Daniel was still alive. But there was
Daniel – unhurt.
“Daniel,” the king said, “Your God really protected
“Yes, my king.” Said Daniel. “Last night, He sent His
angels to shut the mouths of the lions so that I would
not be harmed.”
King Darius was very happy and because of this, he
started to believe in God and asked his people to do the
David and Goliath

A long time ago, there was a young shepherd named

David. He was a good and obedient son. He loved God
very much and prayed to Him always.
At that time, David’s country was at war. Their
enemies were people from a nearby country. One of the
enemy soldiers was a giant named Goliath. Goliath was
tall and strong and was a good fighter. He never lost a
fight. All the soldiers of David’s country were afraid of
Goliath. He bragged that nobody could fight him.
David decided to fight Goliath even if he was not a
soldier. He prayed that night for God’s help. David
believed that God would help him defeat Goliath.
The next morning, David and Goliath met for the
fight. When Goliath saw David, he laughed because
David was so small and he didn’t even have a sword. All
he had was a sling and a stone.
“I’ll kill you easily, little boy,” laughed Goliath as he
ran towards David with his big sword.
David said a prayer and used his sling. He fired a
stone at Goliath. The stone hit the giant on the
forehead and he fell to the ground. When the enemies
saw David defeat Goliath, they were scared and ran
David and his people thanked God for His help. They
won the war and David became a great hero in his
The Story of Miriam

A long time ago in Egypt, there lived a group of

people called Hebrews. Although Egypt was not their
real country, many of them lived there. They were so
many that the king of Egypt was afraid that if the
Hebrews become too many, They might fight the
Egyptians and become leaders of Egypt. So the king
gave an order that all baby boys who were born of
Hebrew mothers would be killed. The Hebrews were so
scared. Everyone would be put to death if they did not
So, it happened that a Hebrew couple had a baby boy.
With the help of their daughter Miriam, they hid the
baby boy for three months. Finally, they could no longer
hide the boy.
The mother put the baby boy in the basket and hid
him behind the tall grasses along the river. She then
called Miriam and told her to look after her brother.
Miriam was scared. She was afraid that if the
Egyptian soldiers would come, they would kill her and
the baby. But she had to be brave to protect her baby
brother. So she hid behind the tall grasses near the river
while looking after the baby.
After sometime, a group of women came to the river.
Among them was the princess, the daughter of the king.
She came to take a bath in the river. Miriam recognized
her and pushed the basket towards the princess. When
the princess saw the basket in the river, she asked her
maids to fetch it. When she opened it and saw the baby,
she knew that was a Hebrew. She took pity on him and
said, “What a beautiful baby he is! I wonder who can
help me take care of him?”
Hearing this, Miriam came forward, “Princess, would
you like me to find a woman who can take care of
“Yes, go and find one,” the princess answered.
Miriam got her mother and the princess gave the
baby boy to her to take care of him until he grew up.
And so because Miriam was brave and wise, she was
able to let her baby brother grow up in the care of their
real mother.
When he grew up, the princess named the baby
And so because Miriam was brave and wise, she was
able to let her Moses grow up in the care of their real
mother where he was much loved.

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