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Hithadhoo/ Addu LESSON PLAN – 2017

Week: 5 Date: 24.02.2019 Duration:50 min
Lesson No: 1 HSE Legislations & Regulations Class: 11G Subject: HSE
Topic: Lifting equipment and lifting operations regulations 1998

Prior Knowledge (what students already know about the topic):

General meaning of hoisting or lifting

Objectives of the lesson (what students are going to learn at the end of the lesson, need to be SMART,
specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, & time-bound), & must be identified.

At the end of the lesson students will be able to

 Explain Lifting equipment and lifting operations regulations

Materials required Type of activities students will be engaged in

 Chalk and Black board

 Cooperative learning Hands-on/ practical
Peer tutoring Technology integration
Discussion Project work
Simulations Role play
Group work/pairing Others (specify)

The purpose of the regulations was to reduce the risk of injury from lifting equipment used
at work. Areas covered in the regulations include the requirement for lifting equipment to be
strong and stable enough for safe use and to be marked to indicate safe working loads;
10 mins ensuring that any equipment is positioned and installed so as to minimize risks; that the
equipment is used safely ensuring that work is planned, organized and performed by a
competent person;


The regulations define lifting equipment as "work equipment for lifting or lowering loads
and includes its attachments used for anchoring, fixing or supporting it. Equipment covered
would include lifts, cranes, ropes, slings, hooks, shackles, eyebolts, rope and pulley systems
and forklift trucks.

A safe working load (SWL) should be marked. Accessories for lifting such as eye bolts,
40 mins lifting magnets and lifting beams should also be marked. The load itself would be based on
the maximum load that the equipment can lift safely. Lifting equipment that is designed for
lifting people must also be appropriately and clearly marked.

LOLER Inspections Every six months for lifting equipment used for lifting/lowering
persons. Every six months for lifting accessories. Every 12 months for all other lifting
equipment not falling into either of the above categories.

All equipment must be safe and suitable for purpose. The manufacturer must identify any
hazards associated with the equipment in question, they must then assess these hazards to
bring them down to acceptable levels. All personnel must be suitably trained. All
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manufacturers of lifting equipment are obliged to send out instructions for use of all
products. The employer is then obliged to make sure employees are aware of these
instructions and use the lifting equipment correctly. To achieve this the employees must be
competent. Competence is achieved through experience, technical knowledge and training.
Records must be kept for all equipment. All equipment manufactured should be given a
“birth certificate”. This should prove that when first made, it complied with any

Reflection / Remarks

 What went well in this lesson?

 What problem did I experience? Why?
 What could I have done differently?

Feedback by HOD (put a  if the following are evident and cross X if not )
Lesson plan submitted on time
Lesson plan prepared according to the scheme of work
“SMART” objectives are written in the lesson plan
Lesson plan is detailed for successful delivery
Reflection written
Checked by

Head of the Department Date Time Signature

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Ms. Fathimath Jadullah Hameed

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