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Diocares, Vince Brian B.


Fermium (Fm)

 Atomic number 100

 Neutrons 157
 Electrons 100
 Energy Level 7
 Atomic mass (257)

g . mol -1

 Electeonegativity unknown

according to pulling

 Density unknown
 Melting point unknown
 Vanderwaals radius unknown
 Isotopes 1
 Electronic shell [ Rn ] 5f

6d 1 7s2

Fermium was discovered by a team of scientist led by Albert Ghiorso in 1952 which studying the radio active debris
produced by detonations of the first hydrogen bomb. The isotope they discovered, fermium-225, has a half-life of
about 20 hours and was produced by combining 17 neutrons with uranium-238, which then underwent eight beta
decays. Today, fermium is produces through a lengthy chain of nuclear reactions that involves bombarding each
isotope in the chain with neutrons and them allowing the resulting isotope to under go beta decay.



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