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Eka Putri Ayunda

Paper Thesis Writing Final Project

The Important of Giving Written Reinforcements

on Student’s Homework to Increase Their


Table of Contents ................................................................................................... i
Eka Putri Ayunda

I. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
II. A. The Concept of Reinforcement ...................................................................... 2
B. Kinds of Reinforcements ............................................................................... 3
C. The Principles of Reinforcement ................................................................... 4
D. The Purpose of Giving Reinforcement .......................................................... 5
III. A. The Concept of Student’s Achievement ........................................................ 5
B. Relationship between Giving Reinforcement with Student’s achievement ... 5
IV. A. The Essence of Using Written Reinforcement ............................................... 6
B. The Technique of Applying written Reinforcement ....................................... 7
V. A. Conclusion...................................................................................................... 9
B. Suggestion .................................................................................................... 9
Bibliography ........................................................................................................... 10

The Important of Giving Written Reinforcements on Student’s Homework to

Increase Their Achievements
Eka Putri Ayunda

I. Introduction
Today, Indonesian education is facing the problem of low quality. In other word,
the quality of Indonesian education does not conform as what we hope. Based on Haz
(2001) the quality of Indonesian education is on the 102nd position of 162 countries.
Meanwhile, neighboring countries, Vietnam in the 101st position and Malaysia on the 48th
and 49th. This condition is very tragic. We have known already that years ago Malaysia
learned much from Indonesia. Many of their young generations studied in Indonesia, but
now the opposite happens, Indonesian young generations study in Malaysia.
The problem above happens because of some problems. The first factor is low
attention which is given by our government toward educational sector. It can be seen
from the limited facilities and budget for education. Second, student’s motivation and
attention in studying English. As a foreign language students think that English is too
difficult to study. It is also caused by many differences between their native language
and English. To improve the motivation of the students is not only the student’s
responsibilities but also the teachers. A teacher in teaching and learning process can
give some reinforcement to improve student’s motivation and attention.
Actually, in teaching and learning process, there will be many kinds of
reinforcements that a teacher can give to his students. It can be verbal, by saying words
or phrases, or non verbal, such as contact, gestures like shaking or nodding teacher’s
head, partial reinforcement which is given to the students who answer the question not
complete, written reinforcement (in written form), reinforcement through gravity activities,
evaluating reinforcement and rapprochements reinforcement. In giving reinforcements
there are also some problems which are made by the teacher. The first problem is lack
of reinforcements that are given by the teacher. The second problem is lack of variation
of reinforcement that are used by the teacher.
Because of that, it is necessary for the teacher to try to give another alternative of
reinforcements that is personal and is not given in front of many students. One of them is
written reinforcement. The teacher should try to give written reinforcement because
people understand that teaching and learning processes are not only conducted at
school, from example at student’s homework. This written suggestion will be useful for a
long time. Wherever students still keep the book or paper, they will be able to read it.
This kind of reinforcement can be given at student’s homework, assignment, or test

Eka Putri Ayunda

As mentioned above, reinforcement is one of important strategies used by a

teacher to attract and increase student’s motivation in learning English. There are many
kinds of reinforcements that a teacher can use. In order to avoid misconception toward
the problem that will be discussed, the writer limits the problem only to the importance of
written reinforcements on student’s homework to improve their achievement.
So, the purpose of this paper is to describe the importance of reinforcements in
teaching and learning process. Because of there are some kinds of reinforcements the
teacher needs to varying in using them. One of them is written reinforcement on
student’s homework. It is hoped that, this written reinforcement will increase student’s
motivation in learning English as a foreign language. So the students will be more
interested in studying English and their achievement will also increase.

II. A. The Concept of Reinforcement

It is absolutely natural that when someone does something correctly he will often
get appreciation from other people. According to Steward (1978), appreciation gives
positive influences on human life. It can drive people to improve and increase their effort.
Appreciation is also needed in teaching and learning process. We call it
reinforcement. Gallop (1987) says that reinforcement is all kinds of responses given by
the teacher verbally or non-verbally as a part of the teacher’s attitude modification
toward the student’s behavior in order to give information or feedback to the students for
their behavior as stimulus or correction. Based on Maricopa (2002), reinforcement is a
response toward the behavior that can increase the possibility to repeat the behavior
Because of that, reinforcement skill is one of ways that a teacher can do to
motivate students in learning. Giving reinforcement will motivate students to improve
their efforts in learning and develop their result of the learning.
Next, reinforcement can also on form of evaluation when teaching and learning
process are conducted. No one doubts that evaluation that is given by the teacher gives
some effect to student’s motivation. The motivation of many students will increase in
learning because they know that there will be an evaluation and they want to get better
result of studying.
B. Kind of Reinforcements
Eka Putri Ayunda

Actually there are some kinds of reinforcements that a teacher can give to his or
her students. They are:
1. Verbal Reinforcement
Comment in form of praise, support, stimulus and appreciation words that
are used for reinforcing student’s behaviors and performances. For example good, right,
ya, excellent, very good, nice, ect.
2. Reinforcement through gestures
This kind of reinforcement can be in form of the nodding or shaking of
teacher’s head, smile, brow’s knit, pointing thumb upward, cloudy face, clear face,
comfort eye looking, friendly and sharp looking.
3. Reinforcement through touch
Teacher can state his agreement and appraisal toward student’s work or
performance through touching their shoulders or neck repeatedly, shaking hand with
students who reach special achievements.
4. Partial Reinforcement
This kind of reinforcement is given when a student wants to give an answer
of questions, but unfortunately the answer is not fully correct or just a part. In this
situation the teacher should not blame that student directly. Here the teacher can do
many things. For example by saying: “Yes, your answer was right, but you need to make
it complete.” As the result that student knows that his answer is not completely wrong
and he gets stimulus to complete it.
5. Rapprochements Reinforcements
Teacher walks close to the students to state everything about students
such as their attention and pleasure toward lesson, behavior, and performance. For
example teacher stands beside the students, walks close to the students while stating
his respect or encouragements for students. Using special approach for student who
faces problem in learning can also be done.
6. Reinforcements through gravity activities
Teacher can use activities or exercises that students like. It is better if the
activities or exercises that are used as reinforcements have relationship with the
performance that is given reinforcements. For example students who finish the exercise
first or doing the homework well can be asked to help his other friends in lesson.
Eka Putri Ayunda 4

7. Evaluative Reinforcement
Good evaluation in the meaning of increasing student’s efforts in learning
happen when the evaluation is well planned and has close relationship with a short
range goal and long range goal that will be achieved by the students in teaching and
learning processes. So, the evaluation should be done continuously as long as teaching
and learning process is held.
8. Written Reinforcement
Another effort that can be done by a teacher to improve student’smotivation
in order to study more energetic is by giving explanation about student’s homework.
Written reinforcement can be in form of written comment toward student’s homework, or
in form of certificates, respect letters, and other.

C. The Principles of Reinforcements

According to Uzer (1996) in giving reinforcement actively, a teacher should give
big attention toward some principles. The principles are:
a. Warmth and Enthusiasm
The conferral of reinforcements should show warmth and enthusiasm.
Teacher’s attitude and manner include voice, mimic, and gesture will show there is a
warmth and enthusiasm in the giving of reinforcements. The warmth and enthusiasm
make the reinforcement that is given more effective. On other side, sometime the
students get the impression that the teacher is not sincere in giving reinforcement
because it does not accompany with warmth and enthusiasm.
b. Meaningful
Students need to understand the relationship between their behavior and
performance with the reinforcement that is given to them. They should be able to
understand and sure that they deserve to get this reinforcement because it is
appropriate with their performance and behavior. Thus, the reinforcement will be
meaningful for them.
c. Avoiding the Use of Negative Response
Although reprimand and punishment are constantly used to control and
cultivate student’s behavior, but negative responses that are given by teacher in form of
humiliate, rude mockery should be avoided because it will discourage student’s spirit to
develop themselves. Because of that when students cannot give the answer that the
teacher wants, the teacher should not blame them, but give the turn to another student.
Eka Putri Ayunda 5

When the question can be answered by another student, the students who cannot
previously answer the question realize his mistake.

D. The Purpose of Giving Reinforcement

In giving reinforcement in teaching and learning process, there are some
purposes that must be achieved. Sunaryo (1989) says that the purposes of giving
reinforcement are as follows:
1. Improving the student’s attention and helping them to learn, if the reinforcement is
given selectively.
2. Giving and improving student’s motivation to learn.
3. Controlling negative behavior of the student and increasing the way of learning
4. Developing student self esteem to manage themselves.

III. A. The Concept of Student’s Achievement

After studying for special period of time, there should be some changes that
happen to students. Slameto (1988) says that if someone learns something, as the result
he will have some changes in his behavior, attitude, skill and his knowledge. The
changes that happen can be regarded as student’s achievement.
There are some opinions about student’s achievement. Based on Prayitno (1973)
student’s achievement is something that is achieved, mastered, or the result of teaching
process. Measurement in this part will show how far something has been achieved by
the students. Here something that is measured is something inside human self.

B. Relationship between Giving Reinforcement with Student’s Achievement

Explanations or comments at student’s exercises are very useful to motivate the
students in order to study better because they realize their mistake and know something
that is right. From those explanation students can know how well they do the homework,
and if it is wrong they know what they should do to improve their next homework.
Comments that are given by the teacher can be in form of reinforcements and
suggestions to make them study better and know what effort they have to do to correct
their mistake. The giving of this comment needs teacher’s patient, time, and energy. On
other side, it will give big advantages, which improve student’s motivation and interest in
Eka Putri Ayunda 6

Stewar and White in Mahmud (1986) state that written comment which is given
by teacher help student to study better when it is personal, critical and constructive. It
means that teacher gives comments about student’s mistake and then the teacher also
gives suggestion or comments about how to correct it and its positive angles.
Because of that, by giving written reinforcements or comments at student’s
homework sheet might improve students learning activity. In fact the student’s
achievements in study automatically will be increased too. It means that it will be better
if the teacher gives written comments at student’s homework sheet before he returns it

IV. A. The Essence of Using Written Reinforcement

Some of the Indonesian students think that English is not an easy subject; it is
difficult to be studied. The higher the level of the class the more difficult the lesson will
be. This fact makes them become lazy to study. When an English teacher comes to the
class it seems that they feel in trouble, and difficulties. As the result although they stay in
class, they only sit and listen to the teacher without concerns much to the lesson.
Sometime the bad one happens, before the English teacher comes to the class some of
the students have disappeared form the class.
We can say that the biggest problem for the teacher is how to improve student’s
motivation and make them love to study English. Hasan (1994) says that motivation is a
power inside someone’s self that encourage him/her to do something. Then Hasan
divides motivation into two main groups, they are:
1. Intrinsic Motivation
This kind of motivation appears as the result by itself in someone own self
without any forces or encouragement from other people, however, it appears
because he wants to.
2. Extrinsic Motivation
This kind of motivation appears because of some influences from other people. It
can be in form of challenge, stimulus, massage, or force. As the result, this
condition makes someone willing to do something or learning.

One of the ways that the teacher can use is by giving some appreciation for the
effort that the students have done. One of the most important strategies that can
motivate the students is giving reinforcement.
Eka Putri Ayunda 7

Actually there are many kinds of reinforcement that the teacher can use. From all
of them, verbal reinforcement is the common one that the teacher usually uses.
Unfortunately, sometime it does not give a good effect to the students. It unexpectedly
can give bad effect, because it can make the student who is given the reinforcement
feels shy. Because of that the teacher needs to use another kind of reinforcement that is
personal and is not known by his classmates. Here the teacher can use a written
This kind of reinforcements will give some advantages to the student. First, the
student will not be shy because this kind of reinforcements is personal. None of his
classmates will know about the teacher’s opinion toward his homework. Second, it will
give a long time effect to the students because as long as he still keeps the book, he will
always be able to read it. Because it is in written form of course it only can be given on
student’s work sheet, such as student’s homework.
Therefore, we can conclude that giving written reinforcement gives positive effect
on the students in learning. Reinforcement that is given by the teacher will increase the
student’s motivation in learning. The students who have good motivation in learning will
learn actively and be more motivated in learning. The effect of their good motivation in
teaching and learning process that is the good result of learning can be achieved. At last
their achievement will keep increasing.

B. The Technique of Applying Written Reinforcement

In implementing the written reinforcement the teacher has to give some written
homework to the students. Because the teacher shall give a kind of reinforcement in
written form of course he should give it on student’s book or homework sheet.
In conducting a teaching-learning process the teacher can use the same
technique as he usually does. He does not need to make some changes in the
classroom, because in giving the written reinforcements the teacher does it out of the
classroom. As usual the teacher teaches based on the curriculum. After one meeting it is
suggested that the teacher gives the students a homework. The homework that is
assigned will help the students much. It happens because in doing the homework the
students will brush up or remember the material that has been taught them. It is better
for the teacher to ask the students to make the homework by them selves. When they
make the homework by them selves, the teacher can know the weaknesses of the
Eka Putri Ayunda 8

In the next meeting, the teacher should collect the homework. Then the teacher
corrects the homework to see whether there are some mistakes. The teacher should
make the correct answer of the mistake. After that he should give some comments about
the mistake, and suggestion how to improve it in the next time. At last the teacher gives
the written reinforcement. For example: Good! Your work is better that before. Your
answer is correct but you should add on…. I’m happy to see your work, keep it up.
Eka Putri Ayunda 9

V. A. Conclusion
Based on the discussion above, the writer can take some conclusion. First,
motivation gives big influences on student’s success. It can be seen from their
achievement in study. That is if student’s motivation is high they will reach a good
achievement. Second, one of the ways that the teacher can use to improve student’s
motivation is by giving reinforcement. The teacher should have a variation in giving it
because sometimes verbal reinforcement does not give good effect. Here the teacher
can use other kind of reinforcements that are personal like written reinforcement. Third,
written reinforcement is comment and reinforcement that are made in the written form.
Forth, this kind of reinforcement can be used not only in English subject but also in other
subject. Fifth, through written reinforcement the teacher can give some comments to
make student’s work become better and better. It will not give bad effect because no
other students will know the comments and the effect of written reinforcement will be for
a long time, as long as the students still keep the book where the reinforcement is given.

B. Suggestion
Related to the purpose of this paper, the writer wants to suggest to teachers,
especially English teachers, to give written reinforcement on student’s homework
because it can improve student’s motivation. If their motivation has been increased, their
achievement will increase too. Then the teacher should also become more patient
because giving comment and written reinforcement on student’s homework need much
time and work.
Eka Putri Ayunda 10

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Hasan, Chalijah. 1994. Dimensi-Dimensi Psikologis Pendidikan. Surabaya: Al-Ikhlas

Haz, Hamzah. 2001. Bebaskan Siswa SD dan SLTP dari SPP. Haluan 19 October


Mahmud, M. Dimiyati. 1986. Psikologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Depdikbud Dikti P2LPTKn

Maricopa. 2000. Negative Reinforcement University. Retrieved on June 21, 2003 from


Prayitno, Elida. 1989. Motivasi dalam Belajar. Jakarta: Depdikbud

Slameto. 1997. Belajar dan Faktor yang Mempengaruhinya. Jakarta: Rinela

Soenarwan. 1992. Psikologi Pengajaran. Jakarta: Depdikbud

Sunaryo. 1989. Strategi Belajar mengajar dalam Pengajaran. Dirjen Dikti. Jakarta

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