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Concepts to read D9 navamsa chart

1) Analyze your Navamsa lord of 7th lord (From lagan chart)…in lagan chart.
This will give you the information about, what are the qualities which helps you to hold your
relationship or the qualities which you and your spouse cherish and because of which you two are

For example, take Scorpio lagan, Venus becomes the 7th lord (take the corrected lordship from cusp
chart), suppose Venus is placed in Capricorn in d-9, now the lord of this rashi is Saturn, Hence see the
strength, placement, conjunctions of this Saturn in LAGAN chart.

2) See the placement of Navamsa lagan lord in Navamsa chart.

Now observe how the native inherently behaves with his/her spouse.
If it is placed in 6th house: native will tend to fight with his/her spouse.
8th house: native will hide the things from his spouse and will not be transparent.
12th house: The native would be indifferent for his or her spouse.

3) See the placement, strength, conjunctions of the Navamsa lagan lord in lagan chart.
This will give you the information about, how the native behaves with his spouse in front of the whole

4) Spouse should be seen from 7th house of Navamsa chart. How will he/she behaves with the native.

Apply the 2nd and 3rd points likewise.

Few more concepts

1) Kind of relationship between the native and his spouse can also be judged by the intensity of
friendship between the lagan lord and Navamsa lagan lord.

But careful analysis should be done before jumping to any conclusion.

For ex: If a native has Scorpio ascendant and Virgo ascendant is in Navamsa then though mars and
mercury are enemies but if Jupiter happens to be in Navamsa lagan then since Jupiter is the friend of
mars so the bad influence would be reduced an astrologer should be very careful while analyzing

2) If the lord of Navamsa lagan is present in 2nd or 11th house of lagan chart then the spouse will bring
wealth to the family.

3) If Lord of the Navamsa happens to be in lagan or 7th or 9th house of lagan chart then marriage
would be auspicious and stable.

Basics of navamsa chart reading, interpretation and analysis

The lords of 1st, 4th and 7th navamsa of a sign represent the Deva ("Divine beings" and constructive forces); persons born with any of these
navamsas rising in the Lagna are generous, religious, wealthy, powerful and influential. Persons born in the 2nd, 5th or the 8th navamsa
whose lords represent the Naras ("Human beings" and their efforts) are generally kind, good natured, engaged in the pursuits of human
welfare and reputed; and in the 3rd, the 6th or the 9th navamsa whose lords represent the Rakshasas ("Demonic beings" and evil forces) are
selfish,cruel, violent, destructive and possess many negative qualities. Moreover, the Lagna-rasi and the Lagna-lord should not form or
occupy the 6th, the 8th or the 12th bhava in the Navamsa Chart nor the lords of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th of the Rasi Chart associate with
the Navamsa Lagna or its lord.

In the Jaimini System of prognostication the use of seven karakas determined according to the respective degrees of the seven planets is
recommended and their navamsa-occupation is noted its highly important.

Birth in Vargottama Lagna is considered very fortunate and planets in Vargottama are very strong and confer benefic results if they do not
occupy inimical signs. The occupation of own navamsa by a planet is superior to the occupation of its exaltation-navamsa. The planet which
is in its exaltation sign in the Rasi-chart but situated in its neecha-navamsa (debilitated in Navamsa-chart) produces its bad results very soon,
however, a planet situated in its debilitation sign in the Rasi-chart but in its uccha-navamsa (exalted in Navamsa-chart) invariably confers
auspicious results. If at the time of birth planets are placed in inimical signs even if they be in Vargottama they render all Raja yogas useless,
the same is true if many planets are in debilitation. The Rajayogakarakas cease to be Rajayogakarakas if the happen to occupy their
neecha-navamsas. Saturn occupying its own or exaltation sign does not afflict natural benefics or their yoga-formations provided it does not
simultaneously occupy its neecha-navamsa but all planets occupying navamsas ruled by Jupiter usually act as benefics and if situated in a
kendra, in the 9th or in the 2nd house from the lagna make one very learned, famous and even establish a new school of thought or system.
Rahu and Ketu (mythology) do not rule any navamsa-division but a navamsa of Mars is to be found in all signs.

Results of planetary periods (dashas) and sub-periods (antra-dashas) vary in accordance with the particular location of those bhava-lords in
the Navamsa-chart. A planet otherwise strongly placed in the Rasi-chart with reference to a specific bhava or its lord does not produce in its
own dasha/antra-dasha the anticipated good results relating to that bhava in full if it happens to be situated in the navamsa-chart in the 6th,
the 8th or the 12th from the sign occupied by that particular bhava-lord e.g. the lord of the Lagna situated in the 3rd house in conjunction with
the lord of the 3rd gives prosperous, happy and helpful brothers but if in the navamsa-chart the lord of the lagna is in the 6th, the 8th or the
12th from the lord of the 3rd then there may be enmity with brothers or sorrow to them. If the lord of the 2nd house is in conjunction with the
lord of the 10th situated in the 10th house and the lord of the lagna is involved in Rajayoga one secures a high political or administrative
position during the dasha/antra-dasha of the lord of the 2nd house but in case in the navamsa-chart the lord of the 2nd is in the 6th, the 8th
or the 12th from the lord of the 10th then contrary results will be experienced.

Rules for Interpretation

Following are some rules for interpreting a horoscope :

1. A strong planet boosts and a weak planet spoils the traits of its house.

2. A natural malefic is not always bad for everyone, it depends on its position in chart, similarly natural benefic is also not always good.

3. Sun, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, Saturn are natural malefic planets and venus, jupiter, mercury are natural benefic planets.

4. Irrespective of the fact of natural malefics or benefics a planet can be benefic or malefic according to house it owns(understand the
difference b/w natural malefic-benefic and only malefic-benefic).

5. Lords of VIth, VIIIth, and XIIth house are considered malefics.

6. Lords of angular and trine house are considered benefics.

7. A house gets weakened if its Lord is posited in VIth, VIIIth or XIIth house.

8. A house gets strengthened if it is associated with Lord of Ascendant by conjunction or aspect, or occupies an Angular or Trine house.

9. A house that is aspected by its own lord gets strengthened, irrespective of the fact whether the planet aspecting is a natural benefic or
malefic. If the house so aspected or its Lord is also aspected by a benefic planet, the traits of the house get further boosted.

10. As per 9 above, if a natural malefic planet aspects its own house, its traits get strengthened, but it harms the living things represented by
that house.

11. A planet owning two signs and aspecting one of its signs in any house not only strengthens that house, but also strengthens the house in
which it's other sign falls.

12. Among the evil houses, VIIIth is the worst, IIIrd is a mild one, and then come VIth and XIIth.

13. Lord of XIIth house, Sun, Saturn, and Rahu have separative effects on the traits of the house where posited/associated.

14. Venus in XIIth house gives good results, as both, the XIIth house and Venus, represent luxuries and enjoyments of life.
15. A planet who owns an angular (Kendra) house and a trine (Trikona) house is said to be a yogakarak planet. A yogakarak planet, whether
benefic or malefic, always gives good results.

16. The Lord of two angular houses (Kendras - 1st, IVth, VIIth, Xth houses) ceases to be benefic or malefic, when it is natural benefic or
malefic respectively.

17. Any association with the Lords of VIth, VIIIth or XIIth house is bad for that house.

18. Lords of Vth and IXth house always give good results in financial matters irrespective of the fact whether they are malefics or benefics,
but natural benefic Lords of Vth and IXth houses are more beneficial.

19. Excepting Sun and Moon, the Lord of VIIIth house is always bad.

20. Lord of VIIIth house is not considered bad if it is Lord of Ascendant as well.

21. The Lords of IIIrd, VIth, and XIth Houses are considered as bad, specially in matters pertaining to health.

22. If the Lord of IInd or XIIth house is a planet, which owns two signs, it will give the results, good or bad, pertaining to the sign which is
posited in the house other than IInd or XIIth house.

23. When alone, Rahu and Ketu give the results of the Lord of the sign in which they are posited or the effects of the planets with which
associated or conjoined, or the effects of planets which aspect them.

24. Moon is considered malefic if it is within 72° from Sun on either side, i.e. from the 8th day of the Bright Half to the 8th day of the Dark Half
of the lunar month. It is considered to be the most malefic when it has the same longitude as Sun.

25. Mercury when alone, unaspected or with benefics is benefic. When Mercury is associated with or aspected by malefic(s), it is malefic.

26. Every planet throws full influence or aspects the house, sign or planet, which is 7th from it.

27. In addition, some planets have special aspects. Saturn aspects the IIIrd and Xth house. Mars aspects IVth and VIIIth house. Jupiter
aspects Vth and IXth house. Rahu and Ketu also aspect Vth and IXth house.

28. Lord of XIth, whether benefic or malefic, gives results about financial matters according to its strength.

29. Every planet when exalted has maximum strength and when debilitated has minimum strength.

30. If a benefic planet is hemmed in between two malefics, it will also act as a malefic planet. If there are malefics on both the sides of a
house, the traits of that house get spoiled.

31. Strength of Lords of Houses is in the following order :

Lord of Ist, IV, VII, Xth Houses;

Lord of Vth, IXth;

Lord of IIIrd, VIth, XIth

In short, Lord of IVth is stronger than Lord of I, Lord of VIIth is stronger than Lord of IV, Lord of Xth is stronger than Lord of VII, and so on.
These are three groups.

32. Following are the yogas for cancellation of debilitation :

i. When the debilitated planet is in angular house (Kendra) from the Ascendent or the Moon,

ii. When the Lord of the sign where the debilitated planet gets exalted is in angular house (Kendra) from the Ascendant or Moon,

iii. The Lord of the debilitation sign of the debilitated planet and the Lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet are mutually in angular
house (Kendras).

iv. When the planet in debilitation is aspected by the Lord of the exaltation sign of that debilitated planet.

v. When the planet which is exalted in the debilitation sign of the debilitated planet is in angular house (Kendra) from the Ascendant or Moon.
What is Upapada lagna and how to find Upapada lagna
Upapada, also known as Gaunapada, is the 'Arudha' of the 12th bhava of the chart.

(Gauna - means one who follows {Anuchara - that which follows - Sloka 2 of Chapter 30-BPHS} Accordingly, the 'Arudha' of the bhava that
follows (12th) the Lagna is, thus, the Gaunapada or Upapada.)

For example suppose lagna is gemini, sign in 12th bhav will be taurus. Now let 12th lord venus is sitting in 10th house which is 11th from
12th house. Than 11th from 10th house will be the upapada lagna that is capricorn in 8th house.

This pada determines the inner nature/attitude of the native towards the spouse. The 'Sambandha' or relationship of the lord of Upapada vis-
à-vis the Lagna lord, by way of placement, will determine whether the native would marry at all or not. If the lord of Upapada goes to the 12th
(the house for sacrifice/Tyaga) therefrom, it indicates a sure sign of denial of marriage. This would also indicate the delays, if any, and the
reasons for such delay in marriage.

Now, how do we see the 'sambandha' of the lord of Upapada with the lord of Lagna?

The rasi/sign occupied by the lord of the Lagna is called 'Paka Lagna'. The Paka Lagna signifies the whims and fancies of the native. While
the natal Lagna determines what is good or bad for the body, Paka Lagna signifies what a person likes or dislikes. Thus, a papa graha
occupying the Lagna will not signify clearly the likes and dislikes of the person as the Paka Lagna would.

Therefore, the relationship between a graha and the lord of the Lagna/Paka Lagna should be studied carefully to determine the likes and
dislikes, whims and fancies etc., of a person. When the sambandha of a graha is not good with the lord of Lagna/Paka Lagna, the graha
tends to reject its significations. This determines the fact that a certain placement of a graha, though it signifies certain naisargik qualities,
loses such qualities in terms of its relationship with the lord of the Lagna/Paka Lagna. This has to be studied carefully to determine whether
the person would marry or not, what the person will like or dislike, what the person will adapt or renounce etc. For example, mere occupation
of Lagna by Shani - a naisargika significator of alcohol and negative things - will not determine the persons liking for alcohol or negative
aspects as his paka lagna would, while the converse is true in the case of benefics.

(Note: However, Brihaspati [Karaka for 'Jeeva' and Dhi Shakti which is the most important quality of man] is the naisargik karaka for Paka

Since Upapada determines the nature/attitude of the person towards the spouse who is a lifelong partner, it is very important that the
sign/rasi of the Upapada is auspicious. It is the auspiciousness of the rasi that determines the purity of nature of the native and how the
person would treat the spouse. Any affliction to the rasi, or if the rasi is inauspicious, to that extent the native's attitude towards the spouse is
affected. This would mean that the compatibility, fidelity, affection etc., which form the basics of good spousal relationship, either become
questionable or it is totally absent depending on the inauspiciousness or affliction of the sign.

Thus, the lord of Gaunapada becomes very important in determining the spouse (family etc.,), spousal attitude of the person, and
happiness/sorrow from spouse. An exalted lord of Upapada will bring to the native a spouse from a noble family, while in the case of a
debilitated lord of Upapada the reverse holds true meaning thereby that the spouse will be from a family below the status of the native.

How to predict using Upapada Lagna

Following are the significations in the case of the lord of Upapada being conjoined with:

1. Surya - the spouse would be from a family enjoying political power, or from a higher caste meaning change in caste (as Sun represents
temples - a place where people of higher learning/caste live/work);

2. Moon - the spouse could be from a wealthy family, or a family with immense popularity.

3. Mars - the spouse could be from a family linked with the Martian qualities like Police, Military, Kshatriya families etc.

4. Mercury - the spouse could be from a family involved in dealing with writing/books, or in accounting professions, or in trade.

5. Jupiter - the spouse would be from a brahmin family, or from a learned family, or from a judicial family.

6. Venus - the spouse could be from a family with a poetic and romantic touch, artistic flair, involved with cattle (like dairying), dealing in
clothes or cosmetics, or anything that is linked with beauty.

7. Saturn - the spouse would be from a lower family, or lower caste, or from a family engaged in menial jobs such as factory workers etc.

8. Rahu - the spouse would be from a family involved in gambling and other such related activities, or from a foreign land.
9. Ketu - the spouse could belong to an ascetic family, or a family that is detached from normal stream of society.

As we know the principle that it is always the 2nd bhava that sustains the previous bhava, determining the effects of the 2nd bhava from
Upapada becomes important in determining the sustenance of the marriage. Any afflictions or inauspiciousness of the 2nd bhava from the
Upapada will indicate the length of marriage i.e., how long the marriage would last and when it breaks what will be the reasons that
determine such a break. From this we get an important principle:- The nature of sign in the 2nd bhava from Upapada is important in
determining the real cause of break in marriage (which could be in the form of death (under various circumstances), legal or illegal
separation, separation due to other ordinary or extraordinary circumstances etc.,).

The following graha placements/rasi in the 2nd bhava from Upapada indicate the broad causes for break in marriage:

1. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to locate a benefic, or it is aspected by or conjunct with a benefic, then the native enjoys good results
(from wife) - [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12].

2. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to locate a papa graha, and/or it is occupied or aspected by or conjunct with a graha in debilitation
(either in rasi/navamsa), then the destruction of wife/marital happiness is bound to happen. [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12].

3. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to locate an exalted graha (either in rasi or navamsa) or should receive aspect by any such graha, then
the person should have many wives. The same is also applicable in the case of Mithun (quality of copulation and many companions) being
the 2nd from Upapada. Even Taurus (owned by Shukra) is known to give plurality of marriage. [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12].

4. If the 2nd from Upapada happens to be occupied by its own lord or if the said lord is in his other house (in the case of dual ownership),
then the death of wife will be at an advanced age. [BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7 to 12].

5. If the graha, which is a constant indicator of wife (either the 7th lord or Sukra) is in own house, the loss of wife will be only at an advanced
stage. (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 13 to 15).

6. If the lord of 2nd from Upapada is 2nd from the Lagna (natal ascendant) and is with a papa graha, then the marriage could break due to
the native's thieving habits.

7. Shani and Rahu in 2nd from Upapada - loss of wife through death and calumny (slander). (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Sloka - 16). If the said 2nd
happens to be Shani's own house (Makar or Kumbh) the wife will have disease in legs; and, if Rahu too joins Shani's own house in 2nd, the
wife is sure to be lame. Shani, Rahu and Surya in the said 2nd will cause distress to bones (Surya rules bones).

8. Mercury in 2nd from Upapada will cause verbal warfare (Budh rules speech) with wife. Even excess speech (unwanted speech) can
damage the marriage. The marriage could break due to extra-marital relationships, as Budh rules Mithun and Mithun signifies such
relationships. Budh also signifies dealing with books and writing. Indulgence in books and writing could lead to a break in marriage. Budh and
Ketu in 2nd from Upapada causes breakage of bones. (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Sloka - 18). Budh and Rahu in 2nd from Upapada will give a
stout body to the wife. (Slokas 19-22). If Mangal and Shani occupy such a 2nd house that happens to be owned by Budh, the wife then
suffers from nasal disorders. (Slokas 19-22). Budh and Mangal in the 2nd from Upapada will cause dental disorders to the wife. (Slokas 19-
22). However, Budh in 2nd from Upapada in wife's horoscope will indicate a strong Rajyog for the husband. This too could be a cause of
break in marriage.)

9. Shukra in 2nd from Upapada could signify break in marriage due to libidinous activities. Rishabh being such a 2nd house indicates many
wives or plurality of marriage, which could also be a cause for break in marriage. (BPHS: Chapter 30 - Slokas 7-12). Shukra and Ketu in 2nd
from Upapada will cause disorder of blood, leucorrhoea. (BPHS: Chapter 30: Sloka 17).

10. Moon in 2nd from Upapada would signify break in marriage (or death) due to problems in the lymphatic fluids that would damage the
physical health of the wife. As Moon rules mind, it could also indicate emotional problems leading to break in marriage. If Shani afflicts such
placement of the Moon, it is sure to cause severe depressions for the wife.

11. Surya in 2nd from Upapada would cause death/separation due to high fevers, bone disorders.

12. Brihaspati in the 2nd from Upapada would cause break due to child birth/childlessness, lack of intelligence, excess weight etc. Jupiter
and Rahu in such a 2nd house will cause dental problems; while Guru and Shani in such a 2nd house will cause trouble in eyes/ears of the
wife. (BPHS: Chapter 30: Slokas 19-22).

13. If Mangal happens to be in 2nd from Upapada, it could cause separation from wife through sudden accidents in combination with Kethu
for certain; blood disorders; death in fights; death due to arms and ammunitions; separation due to fiery temperament; anger and inflexibility
and ego; and other Martian qualities.

However, all these are to be studied from the natal ascendant, Lagna Pada (Arudha of Lagna), the 7th from Upapada and the lords thereof.
(BPHS: Chapter 30: Slokas 22 & 23.5).
(Upaya for delayed marriage: Fasting on the days of the lord - can consume only milk and some fruits.)

However, to clear the general afflictions to the 7th bhava and also the kidney, prayer to Lord Shiva is the key. Chanting the Maha Mrityunjeya
Mantra 11 times with milk held in the hand and consuming that milk immediately thereafter helps in removing all poison (toxicity) from the
body. This not only purifies the mind (thought) but also cleanses the kidney, which is signified by the 7th bhava. [Maharshi Attri is believed to
cleansed the body of Lord Shiva off all the poison that he consumed during Sagar Manthana by placing Moon on his (Shiva's) head. Hence
milk (signified by Moon) is believed to cure the afflictions of this house (ruled by Shiva) with the chanting of Maha Mrityunjeya Mantra.

Houses & Qualities

Aries: Lean, thin, muscular body, Rash, violent, ambitious, independent, changes in residence, struggles, travels, few children, early
marriage, prone to injuries, accidents, lose money through impulsive actions, does not accumulate wealth, frank in love, practical views,
dominant, emotional, impatient, aggressive, fiery nature.
Head, brain, face, upper jaw, eyes.
Epilepsy, headaches, vertigo, fire accidents, teeth.
Army, defense, surgeons, chemist, police, law, iron and steel, machines, factories, sports goods, industry.

Taurus: Plumpy, dark hair, well developed body, robust, super health, preserving, obstinate, ambitious of power, slow but steady, patient,
domestic, secretive, lover of arts, nature, beauty; fond of comforts, opposite sex; slow recovery from illness, saving nature, gambling,
materialistic, loyal in love, care for partner, peace-loving, sometimes selfish and vindictive.
Neck, throat, ears, palate, lower jaw, larynx, tonsils
Apoplexy, neck diseases, glandular problems, goitre, diphtheria, tonsillitis.
Any business in finance, agriculture, music, pleasure resorts, cinema, actors, film producers, transport, Income-Tax, ladies' clubs, schools,
fashion and beauty parlours, dealers in ladies' garments, beauty items

Gemini: Tall, slender, visible veins, grey eyes, quick-witted, shy, fond of music, dance, drawing, painting, travel; lack concentration,
argumentative, always engaged in more than one pursuits. diversity in all spheres, good advisor, energetic, ingenuous, changes in life,
influenced by opposite sex, disagreement with father, troubles from children, fault-finding nature, hasty to know the results of his efforts,
wants short-cuts, short travels, females want to be mental companions, cannot remain idle - mentally or physically, males want yes-wives,
flirting nature
Arms, hands, shoulders, lungs, nerves, thymus gland
Asthma, bronchitis, colds, arms fractures, pleurisy, pneumonia, TB, respiratory problems
Businessman, secretary, advocate, journalist, travelling agents, income from more than one resources

Cancer: Stout, average height, awkward appearance, rolling gait, fond of changes, novelty; fickle-minded, fertile imagination, love
intensely, fragile health, sacrifice for their children, honest in finance, not extravagant, ups and downs, wealth through own labour,
monotonous life for romance, lacking in expression, settled family life, sentimental, anger comes and goes, devoted to wives, want homely
girls, interfere in routine household matters, females good mothers, stubborn and moody, if ignored
Breast area, stomach, pancreas
Coughs, cancer disease, stomach problems, dropsy, diseases connected with water
Business in things connected with water, conches, pearls, fish, sailors, Navy, submarine, shipping, import/export, restaurant, caterer, travels,
transport, contractors, irrigation department

Leo: Broad shoulders, large bones, muscles; ruddy complexion, thin waist, wavy hair, baldness in old age, ambitious, generous, warm-
hearted, fearless, harsh temperament, strong-willed, helpful to mankind, organising powers, constructive, inventive, forget others mistakes,
very hopeful, boasting, domineering, commanding, leader, short outbursts of temper, brave, loyal in love, hasty, good health, less money with
age, success in gambling / speculation, ruler, authoritative, fiery in passion, fond of opposite sex, love children, females should not doubt
husbands for this, extroverts, force their desires on others
Heart, spinal column, aorta, coronaries
Eye problems, fevers, cardiac problems, lumbago, palpitations, spinal problems
High position in commerce, Govt; executive jobs, managers of big concerns, corporations, director, captain

Virgo: Tall, slender, dark hair, never pot-belly, appear younger than age, mental abilities, methodical, critical, lacking self-confidence,
intuitive, analytical thinker, conservative, modest, changes in residence, commercial instinct, has an eye for details, speculative, diplomatic,
unsuccessful in love, fault-finding, rarely passionate, limited progeny, careful in money matters, postpone marriage, conservative, modest,
hard taskmaster
Appendix, bowels, spleen, intestines
Appendicitis, digestive disorders, constipation, colic, deafness, dysentery, diarrhoea
Brokers, accountants, lawyers, journalists, engineers, surgeons, works connected with liquid, ITO, examiners, auditor, inspector, success in
earth and its products
Libra: Tall, slender but stout with age, brownish black hair, well formed body, good features, good looking, graceful, fond of dress,
perfumes, art and music, opposite sex, comforts; courteous, hospitable, imaginative, cheerful, just, sexy, passionate, affectionate, charming
manners, extravagant, expert in love affairs, tend to adjust in married life, passions rise and die quickly, limited children.
Kidneys, distillation, urinary track
Urinary disorders, kidney stones, skin diseases
Govt servants, officers, public life, in liquid items, chemists, electric engineers, transport, Navy, painters, writers, musicians, actors, playback
singers, architects, good salesmen

Scorpio: Long hands, average stature, broad face, well-proportioned body, tendency to become stout, quick, keen, shrewd, penetrating
mind, not easily influenced, courageous, sarcastic, practical, interested in occult, chemical research, mystery, intuitive, resourceful,
constructive and destructive abilities, economical, unyielding, cunning, revengeful, cannot save, cannot be subjugated, cannot withstand
criticism, at best in odds, reserved, cannot remain idle, gain through speculation, lucky in getting money, vehicles, wife, business, house,
garden, extravagant, provide comforts to wives, females know how to please their husbands,
Secret parts, pelvic region, bladder, rectum, anus
Back pains, piles, stones in bladder, sex diseases, urinary diseases
Chemistry, medicines, insurance, maternity departments, detectives, iron and steel works, military, naval, surgeon

Sagittarius: Well-developed body, tall, slender, bushy eyebrows, brown hair, hazel eyes, generous, bold, good-hearted, charitable, fond
of travelling, outdoor sports, exercises, outspoken, prophetic, intuition, respectful to law and order, customs,
religion, aggressive, higher education, gains without pains, interested in outdoor life, get good wife, females do not interfere in their
husbands' works, helpful to them, attached with educational institutions, independent,
Hips, thighs, joint dislocation, lungs, nerves
Nervous complaints, paralysis, rheumatic pains, varicose veins, wounds, skin, hair falling
Teacher, preacher, public speaker, bank employee, with religious and educational institutions, editing and publishing, company law, civil
engineering, foreign assignments

Capricorn: Long nose, thick neck, long chin, dark hair, not handsome, short in early age, but grow tall suddenly after 16 years,
hunchbacked with age, defective walk, economical, prudent, calculative, businesslike, secretive, changeable, methodical, good organiser,
patience, steady, serious, contemplative nature, hard worker, self-reliant, either very honest or most dishonest, selfish, work hard even in the
face of obstacles, careful in money, unemotional, slow & cautious in approaching opposite sex, undemonstrative in love,
Joints, knee caps, skin
Colds, skin diseases, leprosy, hysteria, gout
If aspected by benefic Moon, business of kerosene oil, land, animals, irrigation, agriculturist; If aspected by Mars, engineer, cement,
manufacturer, lawyer, brick-kiln owner; If by Mercury, engineer, deep thinker, dealer in scientific instruments, crystal grazing; If by Jupiter,
physician, scientist, gain through large companies, clubs and societies, land and mines, long term contracts; If by Venus, chemical, leader,
hides, cosmetics, beauty items, etc.

Sagittarius: Well-developed body, tall, slender, bushy eyebrows, brown hair, hazel eyes, generous, bold, good-hearted, charitable, fond
of travelling, outdoor sports, exercises, outspoken, prophetic, intuition, respectful to law and order, customs,
religion, aggressive, higher education, gains without pains, interested in outdoor life, get good wife, females do not interfere in their
husbands' works, helpful to them, attached with educational institutions, independent,
Hips, thighs, joint dislocation, lungs, nerves
Nervous complaints, paralysis, rheumatic pains, varicose veins, wounds, skin, hair falling
Teacher, preacher, public speaker, bank employee, with religious and educational institutions, editing and publishing, company law, civil
engineering, foreign assignments

Pisces: stature, plump, short limbs, fleshy, pale, double chin, round shoulders, protruding eyes, soft hair, versatile, good-natured,
emotional, philosophical, loving, lack in self-confidence, timid, cannot be steady, influenced by new ideas, polite, indecisive, over liberal, rely
friends, suspicious but loyal in love, addicted to drinks, like flattery, happy married life, affectionate, good business ability, give loans, save for
old age, do not like to be dependent on children, cannot concentrate, females cannot be steady in their love, hard worker,
Feet, toes, lungs
Digestive disorders, alcoholism, contagious diseases, tumours, TB, nervous disorders
Poets, musicians, planning commission, painters, nurses, caterers, teachers, accountants, bankers, actors, liaison, cinema, occult science,
Managing Director, Chairman, Navy, shipping, dealers in drinks, oils, beverages, cosmetics, chemicals, medical, education

Sun in the houses

Sun in the 1st house: If the Sun be in the ascendant the native will be lazy, of quick temper, proud, cruel, valiant and unforgiving.
Native will be good administrator, fearless, good looking. She/he will have eye problems.

Sun in the 2nd house: Native will have defect in his speech, will be bereft of fame and comforts. Native will acquire wealth from the
king or the thieves by questionable means.

Sun in the 3rd house: The native will be mil of strength, valorous, wealthy and generous but he will be inimical towards his relations.
Scholar, brave, good health, long life. Takes care of his brothers and sisters.

Sun in the 4th house: The native will be very sociable, soft hearted, expert in vocal and instrumental music, conqueror, will enjoy
company of his wife and will be liked by the king. The native will be unhappy, without friends and relations and any land or house. He will
also lose his paternal property.

Sun in the 5th house: The native will be bereft of happiness, wealth and children. He will also be short lived. He will be intelligent
and wise and will be fond of wandering in the jungles, honest, respectable, and short tempered.

Sun in the 6th house: The native will be glorious like a king. He will be famous, wealthy, endowed with good qualities and a
conqueror. The person born will be powerful but will be over powered by his enemies. Suffer from acidic problems.

Sun in the 7th house: The native will act against the interests of the Govt. He will wander aimlessly and get humiliated. The native
will be devoid of happiness from wife.

Sun in the 8th house: There will be loss of wealth, loss of longevity, loss of friends, poor eye sight. The native will always be ready
to do any work entrusted to him. Have no fear for death.

Sun in the 9th house: The father of the native will not be happy, life is full enjoyments, spiritual power.. The native will get happiness
from children and relations, and will pay respect to Brahmins (religious leaders) and God.

Sun in the 10th house: The native will be blessed with children and will have all comfort of conveyances. He will be wise, wealthy,
powerful and of good reputation

Sun in the 11th house: The native will be wealthy, long-lived and happy. He will have command over many persons, that is, he will
be of high status.

Sun in the 12th house: The native will be inimical towards his father. He will suffer from eye troubles. He will be without wealth and
childless. Such a person will do good to evil also, intellectual, saint, yogi. If someone abuses such a person will be trouble and if he praises
this person will be benefited.

Result of sun in various zodiac signs

SUN in ARIES: Enterprising, wealthy, ambitious, strong will power, courageous, born leader, good personality, changing fortune,
impulsive, rash temperament, independent, enthusiastic, helpful to others,

If afflicted, irritable, blunt, dogmatic, ringleader,

SUN in TAURUS: Cautious, lazy, self-confident, diplomatic, fond of nature, art, music, literature, amusement; gain in business,
inheritance, investments, public undertakings, furious when provoked,

If afflicted, obstinate, notorious, bad temper, selfish,

SUN in GEMINI: Intellectual, good scholar, wealthy, reserved, studious, doubtful nature, nothing new in the mind, normally two
professions, fond of home, education, secretarial, clerical work, writings, adaptive attitude, doubtful nature

If afflicted, two love affairs, twins, two marriages, unreliable, talkative, nervous disorders, bronchitis

SUN in CANCER: Ups and downs in life, easy-going, loves mother and family, likes amusements, fertile imagination, harsh, fertile
imagination, retentive memory,

If afflicted, timid, restless, stingy, obstacles in life, unhappy, sickly,

SUN in LEO: Very ambitious, craves for power and authority, stubborn, fixed ideas, generous, independent, organizer, cruel, longevity
for father, sincere in love, short outbursts, frank, outspoken,
If afflicted, proud, vain, harsh temper, dogmatic

SUN in VIRGO: Good in maths, frank, modest, suffer through subordinates, laborious, artistic, thoughtful, active, love arts, literature;
speculates without much gain, not easy-going

If afflicted, sarcastic, narrow-minded, melancholy

SUN in LIBRA: Loves justice, peace, harmony, popular, social, joins clubs, fond of fair sex, disappointments in love, disharmony in

SUN in SCORPIO: Adventurous, extra strong will power keen judgement, occultism, shrewd, reserved, critical, suspicious, prone to
accidents, calculative, blunt, aggressive, bold enterprises

If afflicted, passionate, jealous, loss through superiors, high position but a failure, syphilis,

SUN in SAGGITARIUS: Respected by others, rich, jovial, charitable, loves justice, intuitive powers, mystical, travelling, changes in
residence, fond of travel, voyages, respects saints, elders;

If afflicted, careless, audacious, extravagant, changeable

SUN in CAPRICORN: Stubborn, ignorant, commanding, serious, practical, investigating mind, prudent, obstacles in career, good
reasoning power, successful as head, high position but difficulties, selfish

If afflicted, delays, obstacles, not appreciated, rheumatism,

SUN in AQUARIUS: Poor, unhappy, no materialistic achievements, patient, determined, refined, danger to father, interest in
education and politics, charitable, sincere, loves freedom, studious, trouble through son, trouble from husband,

SUN in PISCES: Learned, well-educated, lawyer, consultant, lover of law and order, leader, industrious, liable to anger, helpful to
others, lacks self-confidence, opposed, not good for father, children, love affairs, hindrances;

If afflicted, prone to drink, troubles, disturbed digestive system, consumption.

Moon in the houses

Moon in the 1st house: If the Moon of the bright half of the lunar month (Sukla Paksha) is in the ascendant, the native will be
fearless, of strong body, wealthy and long lived. Quite opposite will be the results if the Moon is of dark half of the lunar month.

Moon in the 2nd house: If the Moon is in the second the native will be soft spoken and will enjoy all material comforts, but there will
be something wrong with his speech. Native will get all comforts of life and happiness, will have friends and will be wealthy. If there is full
Moon in the second house the native will be very rich but will not be much talkative.

Moon in the 3rd house: The native will be happy on account of his brothers. He will be intoxicated with power and will be cruel,
courageous. He will be educated and will accumulate clothes and grains.

Moon in the 4th house: If the Moon is in the fourth house, the native will be happy and always obey, serve and love his/her mother,
fond of luxuries and women and of sacrificing spirit. He will have good friends, good reputation and will enjoy the comfort of conveyances.

Moon in the 5 : The native will be highly intellectual and will have good sons. He will become a minister of the king. The native will be
timid, educated and will acquire and accumulate clothes and grains. He will have friends and will be wise and full of glory. The native will
enjoy happiness in the matter of children.

Moon in the 6th house: The native will be short lived and stupid. He will suffer from stomach ailments and will be defeated and
humiliated by enemies. The person concerned will have many enemies, will have a delicate constitution and a dyspeptic appetite. His sexual
passion will also be weak.

Moon in the 7th house: The native and his wife will both be very good looking and will love each other. He will be caring, like sweet
Moon in the 8th house: The native will suffer from diseases and will be short lived. The person will have a fickle mind and will be
intelligent, full of glory and lean and will always be in fear from enemies.

Moon in the 9th house: The native will perform pious deeds and will have sons (children). The native will be a devotee of Gods and
obedient to his parents. He will be happy and intelligent. He will also be attractive for members of the opposite sex.

Moon in the 10th house: The native will be conqueror, and he will get success very early in any venture he undertakes. He will do
virtuous deeds. The person will complete to perfection anything he undertakes and will be endowed with virtue, wealth, intellect and valour.

Moon in the 11th house: The native will be a great thinker, long lived, wealthy and will be blessed with sons. He will also have

Moon in the 12th house: The native will be lazy, humiliated, and unhappy and will not be liked by others. The native will always be
troubled by enemies, eye troubles and other afflictions. His money will be spent on good causes. He will be dissatisfied with his uncles and
mother. His efforts will prove abortive.

Result of moon in various zodiac signs

MOON in ARIES: Fickle-minded, likes to travel, fair sex; optimistic, interested in mysticism, occultism; energetic, courageous,
disobedient to superiors,

If afflicted, danger from water, women, changes in occupation, rash, headache, insomnia, eye troubles

MOON in TAURUS: Liberal, intelligent, fond of females, love affairs, professions connected with earth and its products, also with
water; just, gains from inheritance, fair complexion, conservative, gain through females, resourceful, gift for music, singing,

If afflicted, passionate, exaggerating, deaf to reason, trouble from love, sex diseases

MOON in GEMINI: Sympathetic, creative, fond of scriptures, scientific and literary pursuits, likes amusements, loves a mixed sort of
life, reserved, short journeys, social, goes out of home, may have step-mother, step-brother, step-sister; lacks honesty

If afflicted, lack of prudence, caution; confused mind, doubts, bronchitis, asthma, lung consumption

MOON in CANCER: Loves comforts of home, homesick, loves friends, society, likes changes, wise, handsome, wealthy, meditative,
lot of property, emotional, imaginative, ability to act, mimic; expression of thoughts, travel by water, deal in liquids, good in property, land,

If afflicted, shy, timid, fearful, digestive troubles, anaemia, dropsy, fatness,

MOON in LEO: Bold, moral courage, large-hearted, intuitive, honest, generous in financial matters, loves luxuries, fine arts, dresses;
sincere lover, leader, power, authority, responsibility

If afflicted, proud, easily offended, loss through women, heart trouble, impure blood, eye diseases

MOON in VIRGO: Handsome, fond of science, modest, truthful, sweet speech, insight, likes music, dancing, easy-going, irresolute,
many short journeys, analytical mind, practical, changes professions, reserved,

If afflicted, irritation, overstraining of nerves, separation in love, problems in domestic life, weak intestines, colic pain, dysentery, eczema

MOON in LIBRA: Fond of pleasures, amusements, females; affectionate, warm-hearted, respects holy people, early marriage,
attractive with opposite sex, lucky for comforts like house, conveyance; good partnerships, love marriage, loves home, children;

If afflicted, troubles in love and domestic life, wavering mind, delayed marriage, kidney troubles, lumbago, insomnia

MOON in SCORPIO: Firm, determined, self-reliant, wants to be free, cannot tolerate any restrictions, danger through voyages,
separation from parents, conservative, averse to change, many children, unfavourable for mother, loose morals, drunkard, coarse speech,
scandal, loves occultism, mediumship, psychism, dangerous child birth,
If afflicted, disharmony in married life, passionate, sensuous, vindictive

MOON in SAGGITARIUS: Practical, determined, energetic, vitality, likes praises, many children, good inheritance, argumentative,
fond of nature, pet animals; fond of religious beliefs, mysticism, occultism, natural teacher, preacher;

If afflicted, self-indulgent, unsteady, changeable, weak hips and thighs, intestinal disorders, asthma

MOON in CAPRICORN: Strong feeling, but no expression, attached to wife and children, clever, artistic, energetic, emotional,
cautious in finances, calculating nature regardless of others' feelings, thirst for social advancement,

If afflicted, separation of wife, partners, selfish, chaotic, kidney troubles, dyspepsia, acid in urine

MOON in AQUARIUS: Courteous, fair, emotional, esoteric, interest in political, scientific and public works; optimistic, interested in
astrology, occultism, secret societies, intuition, sensitive, gain through inheritance

If afflicted, doubtful nature, lazy, can be led astray easily, not good for marriage, mother, constitution; weak eyesight, anaemia, fits, ulcer,

MOON in PISCES: Easy-going, handsome, obstacles in life, romantic, sentimental, easily discouraged, travels by water, change of
residence, romantic, irresolute, not good for love affairs, misunderstandings

If afflicted, venereal diseases, alcoholism, narcotics, weak lungs

Exalted Jupiter in 1st House of Horoscope

A benefic exalted Jupiter in 1st house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good financial prosperity and such natives are likely to
get support from their father or grandfather and they are also likely to receive wealth in inheritance. Such an exalted Jupiter can also bless
the native with very good name and fame and as a result the native can become famous and powerful and in some cases the natives under
a particular influence of this placement of exalted Jupiter also have very good spiritual and religious interests. A positive exalted Jupiter in 1st
house of a horoscope can also bless the native with very good professional skills and such natives can achieve very good professional
success and such natives are particularly seen successful in business. On the other hand a malefic Jupiter in 1st house of a horoscope can
trouble the native with some very serious problems like the native may experience problems in his married life and he may have to face bad
to very bad results in his married life.

A malefic exalted Jupiter in 1st house can also cause serious health issues to the native and some natives under the strong influence of this
malefic placement can suffer from one or more than one serious diseases which can even cause death of the native in extreme cases. This
placement of negative exalted Jupiter can also trouble the native by virtue of having many enemies who keep on causing problems for the
native from time to time and in some extreme cases, such a native can suffer serious physical injuries or even death by virtue of some
planned attacked by his enemies.

Exalted Jupiter in 2nd House of Horoscope

A benefic exalted Jupiter in second house of a horoscope can bless the native with many good things like this placement can make the
native very wealthy and such a native is likely to possess a good to great amount of money. The natives having prosperity and wealth due to
this placement of exalted Jupiter in 2nd house of horoscope usually do not have to work hard to gain this money and wealth and they get this
money and wealth through easy means and easy gains. A benefic exalted Jupiter in 2nd house of a horoscope can also bless the native with
a good to very good married life and some natives under the influence of this placement get married to very rich females who bring a great
amount of financial fortune to the native. The natives under the influence of this placement are also likely to have very well behaved and
good natured wives who are capable of taking good care of the native as well as his family members. An exalted Jupiter in 2nd house can
also bless the native with very good accommodation and luxuries and many natives under strong influence of this placement possess very
good houses, cars and other luxurious things.

On the other hand, a malefic exalted Jupiter in second house of a horoscope can bring considerable to serious problems in the married life of
the native and the natives under the strong influence of this placement are likely to get the wives who are of very suspicious nature and who
keep on troubling the native by virtue of their suspicious nature. This placement can also trouble the native with some health related issues
and natives under the strong influence of this malefic placement are likely to suffer from a serious disease which can trouble them for a very
long part of their lives and some of these natives may even die due to these diseases.
Exalted Jupiter in 3rd House of Horoscope
A positive exalted Jupiter in third house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good financial gains and such a native is likely to earn
good to great amount of money by virtue of his own hard work. A benefic exalted Jupiter in 3rd house of horoscope can also bless the native
with very good warrior skills and such a native may become a renowned warrior or war expert depending upon the overall tone of his
horoscope. Some natives under the strong benefic influence of this placement can go to foreign countries and settle there by virtue of
profession and such natives are also likely to have good creative abilities which can help them achieve success in their lives.

On the other hand, a malefic exalted Jupiter in 3rd house of a horoscope can trouble the native with many kinds of problems and natives
under the influence of this placement can suffer losses and face problems by virtue of their friends, relatives and colleagues. The friends or
colleagues of such natives are likely to cheat them at some point of their life and such friends can even act like enemies at some stage of life
and they can trouble these natives to a great extent. Natives under the strong influence of this placement can also face financial losses by
virtue of some friend borrowing money from them and then refusing to return it, undertaking a guarantee for some loan which has been
availed by a friend and then having to pay that amount as the friend does not pay the loan. The natives under the strong influence of this
placement can waste a big amount of their hard earned money towards their friends and relatives and most of these friends and relative do
not stand by these natives when such natives are in real need of them. A negative exalted Jupiter in 3rd house of horoscope can also trouble
the native with losses which come due to professional failure and such natives may have to face big financial losses more than once in their
lives. In some extreme cases, such a malefic placement can also cause the death of the native in a war or fight and some natives under the
strong and particular influence of this placement can also get murdered by some unknown persons.

Exalted Jupiter in 4th House of Horoscope

An exalted Jupiter in fourth house of a horoscope is again considered very good by many astrologers and these astrologers believe that such
a placement of Jupiter is always very beneficial for the native. But an exalted Jupiter in 4th house of horoscope can cause serious problems
for the native when it is working malefic in a horoscope. A benefic exalted Jupiter in 4th house of a horoscope can bless the native with a
luxurious life and native under the strong influence of such a placement are likely to be born in very rich families where they enjoy luxurious
lives right from their childhood. Such a placement can bless the native with a life of comforts and ease and the natives under the influence of
this placement are seen living an easy life and they keep on getting money and other resources continuously throughout their lives. A benefic
exalted Jupiter in 4th house of horoscope can also connect the native with foreign lands and such natives are likely to receive regular
incomes from a trade established in foreign countries or some kind of import export business. The natives under a particular influence of this
placement live happily throughout their lives and they are also likely to die an easy and peaceful death which means that they are not likely to
die from a chronic disease or any other kind of painful death.

On the other hand, a negative exalted Jupiter in 4th house of a horoscope can cause serious problems in the married life of the native and
the natives under the strong influence of this placement are likely to face serious problems in their marriage and some of these natives may
have to face one or more than one divorces. Such a malefic placement is also bad for property related affairs and the native under this
influence may have to face losses on account of some disputes or litigations related to the residential property of the native. A malefic
exalted Jupiter in fourth house of horoscope can also cause some serious health concerns for the native and the natives under some
particular strong influence of this placement can become mentally unstable and they may have to spend a long time in some mental asylum
for treatment of such disorders.

Exalted Jupiter in 5th House of Horoscope

A positive exalted Jupiter in fifth house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good creative skills or some kind of higher education
and the natives under the strong influence of this placement generally shine in their lives by virtue of their creative skills or higher education.
A benefic exalted Jupiter in 5th house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good financial prosperity and such a native can get very
good recognition for his works and such a native is also capable of making new discoveries and setting new standards in his field of
profession. This placement can also bless the native with very good spiritual progress and the natives under a particular influence of this
placement are capable of connecting to the supernatural and paranormal worlds much easier than the other people. Some natives under the
strong influence of this placement can see great progress in spiritual fields and they can be seen practicing as spiritual gurus, spiritual
healers, astrologers and other people dealing in similar professions whereas some other natives under a particular influence of this
placement can possess very good business skills and as a result they can make big money from business. A benefic exalted Jupiter in 5th
house of a horoscope can also bless the native with very good children and the natives under the strong influence of this placement are likely
to have very creative and spiritually advanced children.

On the other hand, a negative Jupiter in 5th house of a horoscope can bring problems in the love life of the native and as a result the native
may have to experience many broken love relations which keep on giving him more and more pain and some natives under a particular
influence of this placement may not have any love life at all and they are likely to remain single for a big part of their lives. A malefic exalted
Jupiter in fifth house of a horoscope can also cause problems in the education of the native and such a native may have to discontinue his
studies by virtue of some problem. Some natives under a particular influence of this placement can leave their family and go to some Jungle
or some asylum to lead a spiritual life at one point in their lives due to professional failures and family problems.
Exalted Jupiter in 6th House of Horoscope
An exalted Jupiter in sixth house of a horoscope is considered bad by many astrologers but such a placement of Jupiter can also bless the
native with very good results when it is working benefic in a horoscope. A benefic exalted Jupiter in 6th house of a horoscope can bless the
native with good to great professional success and the natives under the strong influence of this placement are likely to achieve great
milestones in their professional lives. This placement can also bless the native with large amounts of money and a life of luxuries and
comforts and many natives under the strong influence of this placement are seen living very luxurious and comfortable lives. A positive
exalted Jupiter in 6th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with good to very good creative abilities and some of these natives can
be seen successful as professional dancers, musicians, actors, stage artists, poets and writers whereas some natives under a particular
influence of this placement can also be seen successful in the fields like astrology, palmistry, psychic readings and other such fields.

On the other hand, a malefic exalted Jupiter placed in 6th house of a horoscope can bring serious financial problems for the native and such
a native may have to face very bad financial circumstances for a big part of his life and some natives under the strong influence of this
placement can face heavy to very heavy financial debts which they may not be able to clear, throughout their lives. Such a placement can
also bring serious medical concerns for the native under its influence and such a native can suffer from one or more than one serious
disease which can make the native spend lots of money towards the treatment of these diseases and in some extreme cases the native may
even die due to one of these diseases. A malefic exalted Jupiter in 6th house can also trouble the native with court cases and litigations and
in some extreme cases of this placement; the native may even have to go to jail due to some court case or litigation.

Exalted Jupiter in 7th House of Horoscope

An exalted Jupiter in seventh house of a horoscope is considered very beneficial for marriage and married life of the native by a large
number of astrologers whereas in reality, this placement of exalted Jupiter can cause serious problems for the married life of the native when
it is working malefic in a horoscope. A benefic exalted Jupiter in 7th house of a horoscope can bless the native with a good married life and
such a native is likely to lead an undisturbed and happy married life. This placement of exalted Jupiter can also bless the native with good to
very good professional success and the natives under the strong influence of this placement are likely to do better in jobs compared to
business. A benefic exalted Jupiter in 7th house of a horoscope can also help the native in getting favours form his seniors or bosses and
such a native is likely to see good results and success in his job by virtue of these favours.

On the other hand a malefic exalted Jupiter in 7th house of a horoscope can cause serious problems in the married life of the native and
such a native may get married to someone with altogether opposite personality and due to this fact, such a native may have to suffer great
misunderstanding and problems in his married life and particularly in the earlier years of his marriage. Such a placement of malefic exalted
Jupiter in 7th house of a horoscope can also trouble the native with increased expenditures which can trouble the native from time to time
and some natives under the strong influence of this placement may have to face very bad financial situations due to these increased
expenditures. A negative exalted Jupiter in 7th house can also make the native leave his wife and family at one point of time due to serious
misunderstandings and problems in married life and such a native may choose to go to some asylum to lead the life of an ascetic. This
placement can also bring social disgrace for the native in some cases and such a native can also have some health problems.

Exalted Jupiter in 8th House of Horoscope

An exalted Jupiter in 8th house of a horoscope is considered very bad by many Vedic astrologers and it is believed that such a placement
always brings problems for the native. But in actual practice, an exalted Jupiter placed in the 8th house can bring very good results for the
native when it is working benefic in the horoscope of the native. A positive exalted Jupiter in eighth house of a horoscope can bless the
native with good knowledge and wisdom and some natives under a particular influence of this placement are seen having deep interest in the
fields of paranormal and supernatural and some of these natives can adopt one of these fields as their professional field and they can shine
in these fields. A benefic exalted Jupiter in 8th house of a horoscope can bless the native with great status and great powers and such a
native is likely to possess a chair of power or authority by virtue of his profession or by virtue of some special knowledge possessed by him.
Such a placement can also bless the native with good to great supernatural powers and some natives under the strong influence of this
placement can achieve great powers and they can connect to other worlds in order to benefit from them.

On the other hand, a malefic exalted Jupiter in 8th house of a horoscope can bring serious problems in married life of the native and in some
cases the marriage of such a native can be delayed to great extents and such a native may be able to marry very late in his life. Such a
negative placement can also affect the lifespan of the native in a malefic way and as a result the natives under the strong influence of this
placement may have a lifespan shorter than the average lifespan and some natives under a particular influence of this placement can die an
unnatural death. A malefic exalted Jupiter in 8th house of a horoscope can also cause professional delays and this placement can also make
the native addict to alcohol and drugs and as a result, such a native may suffer from some serious disease.

Exalted Jupiter in 9th House of Horoscope

A positive exalted Jupiter in ninth house of a horoscope can bless the native with good to great amount of money and wealth and some
natives under the influence of this placement benefit from their parental wealth and particularly the wealth from their father’s side. Such a
placement can also bless the native with good to great professional success and such a native is likely to achieve very good financial results
from his profession and at the same time, he is also likely to have a good reputation in the society. A benefic exalted Jupiter in 9th house of a
horoscope can bless the native with very good spiritual and religious interests and some natives under strong influence of this placement can
become famous and successful in one of these fields. This placement can also be very favorable for political gains in some cases and as a
result some natives under the strong influence of this placement can gain great positions of power through politics and some natives under a
particular influence of this placement can become very popular political or religious leaders who have a huge number of followers.

On the other hand, a malefic exalted Jupiter in 9th house of a horoscope can impart some bad characteristics or bad habits to the native and
the native may have to see a downfall in his life due to these bad habits. For example, some natives under a particular negative influence of
this placement can become overconfident or proud by virtue of their knowledge and power and they can commit serious mistakes by virtue of
these characteristics and due to these mistakes they may have to face a big loss in terms of money, reputation, power and position. The
natives under influence of such a malefic placement should always keep a check on their overconfidence and ego and they should always
keep company of some wise people who can advise them when they are likely to make mistakes. In some extreme cases, the natives under
the strong influence of a malefic exalted Jupiter in 9th house may have to face a very bad reputation and public disgrace by means of their
involvement in a scandal being exposed and such natives may have to lose their reputation, power and success forever. This placement can
also cause some health related problems for the native.

Exalted Jupiter in 10th House of Horoscope

A positive exalted Jupiter placed in tenth house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good professional success and such a native is
likely to earn good to great amount of money and wealth by virtue of his own efforts and skills. Some natives under a particular influence of
this placement can go to foreign lands and achieve success, money and wealth in these lands whereas some other natives under this kind of
influence can benefit from professions which are associated with foreign countries or which are associated with travels. A benefic exalted
Jupiter in 10th house of a horoscope can bless the native with success in professional fields like legal fields, medical fields, consultancies
and some other similar kinds of fields which require great mental and speech abilities in order to succeed.

On the other hand, a malefic exalted Jupiter in 10th house of a horoscope can cause serious concerns for the natives under its influence and
some of these natives may have to suffer loss of wealth, property and reputation by means of court cases and litigations which they may
have to face from time to time in their lives and in some extreme cases the natives under the strong influence of this placement may have to
face very big losses or they may have to spend some time in jail due to a court decision going against them. A negative exalted Jupiter in
10th house of a horoscope can also cause serious concerns related to the peace of mind of the native and as a result, the natives under the
strong influence of this placement may have to face medical problems like anxiety, restlessness, insomnia or difficulty in sleeping or some
other medical problems related to nervous system. Such a placement in a horoscope can also trouble the native on account of financial
debts which the native may not be able to pay for a very long time in his life.

Exalted Jupiter in 11th House of Horoscope

A positive exalted Jupiter placed in eleventh house of a horoscope can give very good results related to the financial aspect of the native and
the natives under the strong influence of such a placement are likely to witness good to great financial gains by virtue of their good luck, very
good professional skills and good convincing ability. Such placement of benefic exalted Jupiter in 11th house can also bless the native with a
very good married life and the wife of such a native is likely to belong to a family much richer than the family of the native and she is also
likely to bring financial success and fortune to the native. The natives under the strong influence of this placement are seen achieving a lot
more after their marriages and many natives under the strong influence of this placement are likely to get very supportive wives who also
possess a good understanding of business and who keep on giving good advice to the native. A benefic exalted Jupiter in 11th house can
bless the native with a very good public reputation and as a result the native may witness great success by means of this good public

On the other hand, a malefic exalted Jupiter in 11th house of a horoscope can trouble the native by virtue of ill health of his mother and such
a native may have to spend a big amount of money, resources and time towards the treatment of his ill mother from time to time. Such a
malefic placement can also trouble the native with unwanted and unexpected problems and such a native may have to try again and again in
order to achieve success in many spheres of his life. A malefic exalted Jupiter can also affect the married life of the native in a negative way
and some natives under a particular influence of this placement may get very unsupportive wives who have very harsh and doubtful nature
and who keep on troubling the native with baseless and non sense questions. This placement can also cause some health related issues to
the native under its influence.

Exalted Jupiter in 12th House of Horoscope

A positive exalted Jupiter placed in twelfth house of a horoscope can bless the native with good education and very good creative abilities
and some natives under the strong influence of this placement can possess multiple talents. Some natives having this placement in their
horoscope can go abroad for the purpose of higher education and then they can settle there after completing their studies. A benefic exalted
Jupiter in 12th house of a horoscope can bless the native with good to very good spiritual advancement and some natives under the strong
influence of this placement can witness great spiritual achievements and some of them may possess supernatural powers.
On the other hand, a malefic exalted Jupiter in 12th house of a horoscope can make the native suffer due to many problems in his married
life and problems in his professional life and some natives under a particular negative influence of this placement may have to remain jobless
or without a profession many times in their lives despite possessing very good professional qualifications and skills. Such a malefic
placement can also trouble the native on account of his children as such a native may not be able to produce healthy and lucky children and
the children of such a native may become a cause of concern for the native by virtue of failures in their married life, professional life, bad
company or health problems. The natives under the strong influence of this placement have a strong tendency to resign from their family life
and take up the life of an ascetic and practice their spiritual interests and some natives under such influence are seen forsaking their families
forever and devote their life to spiritualism particularly in the later parts of their lives. An exalted Jupiter in 12th house of a horoscope can
also make the native wander here and there for no solid reason and such a native may have to spend much money and much time of his life
traveling from one place to another without any constructive and solid results.

Exalted Venus in 1st House of Horoscope

A positive exalted Venus in first house of a horoscope can bless the native with good to very good facial features and some natives under a
particular influence of this placement can have a very beautiful and attractive face. A benefic exalted Venus in 1st house of a horoscope can
render very good creative and artistic skills to the native and such a native is likely to shine in the field of fine arts or some other kind of
creative fields. This placement can also bless the native with a long lifespan and the natives under the strong influence of this placement can
live longer than an average person. A benefic exalted Venus in 1st house can also bless the native with very good spiritual interests and
such a native can see very good results in the fields of spiritualism, paranormal and occult and some natives under the strong influence of
this placement can adopt one of these fields as their life time practice.

On the other hand, a malefic exalted Venus in 1st house of a horoscope can trouble the native on account of physical problems and health
related issues right from his childhood and some natives under strong influence of this placement can have weak to very weak bodies and
some of them can suffer from various health problems and disease particularly during their childhood years. A malefic exalted Venus in 1st
house of a horoscope can also make the native take excessive interest in the pleasures of senses which can bring serious consequences for
the native. Some natives under a particular influence of this placement possess very strong sexual urges and such natives come in contact
with many women in order to satisfy their excessive physical desires and in doing so they can waste a big amount of their money and they
can also suffer from some health problem or disease due to this habit. In some extreme cases, the natives under this kind of influence can
get afflicted with some serious and sexually transmitted disease or they may have to face a very bad reputation or defame by virtue of their
involvement in some sexual scandal. A negative exalted Venus in 1st house of a horoscope can also cause mild to serious problems in
married life of the native.

Exalted Venus in 2nd House of Horoscope

A positive exalted Venus in second house of a horoscope can make a strong Dhan Yoga and accordingly it can bless the native with big
amount of money and wealth. The natives under the strong influence of a benefic exalted Venus in 2nd house generally get good to great
amount of wealth or an established business from their father or their paternal family. Such a placement can also bless the native with a very
good mother and the natives under the strong influence of this placement are also likely to benefit on account of wealth which is passed on to
them by their mother or their mother’s family. Many of such natives are likely to be born in rich to very rich families and they are likely to gain
from their father as well as their mother’s family. Such natives are generally blessed with a very loving father and a very loving mother and
the parents of such natives keep on supporting them till their death, financially as well as by other means. A benefic exalted Venus in 2nd
house can also bless the native with very good professional success and some natives under the strong influence of this placement can also
become very famous and popular among the people as the such a placement of benefic exalted Venus can also form a powerful Raj Yoga in
a horoscope which can bless the native with a position of power and authority.

On the other hand, a malefic exalted Venus in 2nd house of a horoscope can cause many problems in professional sphere of the native and
such a native may have to face professional difficulties many times in his life and in some extreme cases, a native under the strong influence
of this placement may have to face a complete professional failure at some point in his life. This placement can also make the native suffer
from bad reputation which may follow some professional failure or which may follow the alleged involvement of the native in some kind of
scandal. A negative exalted Venus in 2nd house can also trouble the native with financial losses and increased expenditures and this
placement can also trouble the native with problems in his married life.

Exalted Venus in 3rd House of Horoscope

A positive exalted Venus in third house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good professional success and the natives under the
strong influence of this placement are likely to shine in professional fields which are related to writing abilities, speech abilities and creative
abilities. Some natives under a particular influence of a benefic exalted Venus in 3rd house can also settle abroad permanently on
professional basis whereas some other natives under this influence may practice in professions which are related to foreign countries and
the native may have to travel to these foreign countries for professional purposes. The natives under the strong influence of this placement
are likely to do better in business than in service or job and some of these natives can make great amounts of wealth and money from
business and especially the ones which are related to some foreign country. A benefic exalted Venus in 3rd house can also bless the native
with very capable, hard working and understanding children and such children support the native through thick and thin and as a result the
native can become stronger with their support.
On the other hand, a malefic exalted Venus in 3rd house of a horoscope can trouble the native on account of his bad relations with his
brothers or relatives and such a native may have to face serious problems due to something bad done to him by his relatives. This placement
can also bring serious problems in the married life of the native and a native under the strong influence of this negative placement may have
to face many problems in his married life by virtue of serious misunderstandings with his wife as well as his wife’s family members and in
some extreme cases the native may have to suffer from a divorce which is finalized after much drama from both sides. A malefic exalted
Venus in 3rd house of a horoscope can also cause problems in the professional sphere of the native and as a result the native may have to
face a professional failure at one point in his life and then he may have to change his profession or relocate to a different location

Exalted Venus in 4th House of Horoscope

An exalted Venus in fourth house of a horoscope is considered very good by many astrologers and it is believed that such a placement of
Venus is always likely to bless the native with good results whereas in actual practice, this placement of Venus can bring some very bad
results and it can trouble the native with a number of problems when such a Venus is working malefic in a horoscope. A benefic exalted
Venus placed in 4th house of a horoscope can bless the native with good to great financial prosperity and such a native is capable of making
great fortunes by virtue of his creative abilities, professional skills, patience and perseverance. Some of these natives are also likely to get
very good support from their mothers and their mothers can play a very important role in their professional as well as all around success. A
benefic exalted Venus in 4th house can also bless the native with a beautiful and caring wife and such a native is likely to lead a happy
married life and he is also likely to get good support from his wife. Some natives under a particular influence of this placement shine in
professional fields which require creative talents and accordingly some of these natives can be seen working as actors, musicians, writers,
models and other people practicing in similar fields. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Venus placed in 4th house of a horoscope can
bring serious problems for the native and such a native may have to go through a troubled childhood and he may not be able to get a fair
share of the love of his mother and in some cases where such a placement is supported by some other factors in the horoscope, the native
may have to spend a big part of his childhood away from his mother.

A negative exalted Venus in 4th house of a horoscope can also cause serious problems in married life of a native and some natives under
the strong influence of this placement may have to live far away from their wife for a very long time. Such a malefic placement can also
disturb the peace of mind of the native and can keep the native bothered about one thing or the other and in some extreme cases this
placement can also make the native forsake his wife and family and seek refuge to some asylum or some Jungle. A malefic exalted Venus
can also cause some health related issues and in some cases where this placement has a strong influence, the native may have to suffer
from some serious disease which can be some kind of disease related to nervous system or some kind of psychological disorder and the
native may have to stay in hospital for a long time for treatment of such disease.

Exalted Venus in 5th House of Horoscope

Government job but danger to reputation. Unhappiness from opposite sex and happy from mother. Lead a luxuries life, Unhappiness from
father because of wife and get his job by giving money.

A positive exalted Venus in fifth house of a horoscope can bless the native with a very good married life and such a native is likely to get a
beautiful, wise and religious wife. The natives under the strong influence of an exalted Venus in 5th house are likely to marry with their own
choice which means that they are likely to marry someone they love after a long period of courtship with them. The natives under the strong
influence of this placement are very good at social skills and accordingly they are likely to perform very good in the professional skills which
require interaction with people. Such natives can become very good salesmen or other people related to the marketing field and they can
achieve good professional heights by virtue of their marketing abilities. A benefic exalted Venus can also bless the native with very good
spiritual progress and such a native is likely to be inclined towards visiting holy places and doing pilgrimages throughout his life and some of
these native can plan to spend the last years of their life in some holy place of religious or spiritual importance.

A malefic exalted Venus in 5th house of a horoscope can bring serious problems in love life of the native and the native may have to face
social disgrace or some litigation or court case due to one or more of his love affairs and some natives under the strong influence of this
placement may have to perform their marriage with their lover after running away from their families and after doing so, they may have to
face legal litigations or they may have to stay away from their families for a very long period of time. A negative exalted Venus in 5th house of
a horoscope can also create problems regarding the birth of children and it can especially cause delays and some health related issues
when this placement is found in the horoscope of females. Such a placement can also have adverse effect on the education of the native and
some natives under the strong influence of such a placement may have to discontinue their studies due to lack of interest or due to some
unfavorable circumstances. This placement of exalted Venus can also trouble the native with some health related issues and some natives
under the strong influence of this placement may suffer from a serious and permanent disease which cannot be cured.

Exalted Venus in 6th House of Horoscope

Weak body, heavy expenses on health and frustrated. Support from maternal family. Great use of secrete power.

A positive exalted Venus in sixth house of a horoscope can bless the native with an attractive personality and such a native is generally
capable of attracting the opposite sex very easily. A benefic exalted Venus in 6th house can also bless the native with very good social skills
and such a native is likely to have a big social circle which can help him achieve success in life. Such a placement can make the native
successful in the fields like modeling, acting, singing and other such fields and some natives under the strong influence of this placement can
reach great professional heights in one of the above mentioned fields for example, a native under the strong influence of this placement can
become a very successful, famous and popular actor or actress and he or she can make big amount of money and wealth by virtue of his or
her profession. A benefic exalted Venus in 6th house can also bless the native with success in fields like medical profession, cosmetic
industry, hotel industry and some other professional fields.

A malefic exalted Venus in 6th house of a horoscope can trouble the native on account of legal litigations, court cases and defame due to the
native being exposed in some kind of scandal. This placement can also affect the marriage and married life of the native in a negative way
and some natives under the strong influence of this placement are seen marrying very late in their lives whereas some other natives under a
particular influence of this placement can experience serious problems in their married lives and they may have to undergo more than one
divorces and they may also have to go through long legal litigations and drama to get their divorces finalized. A malefic exalted Venus in 6th
house of a horoscope can afflict the native with one or more than one disease which can keep on troubling the native every now and then
and the native may have to spend much time and many resources towards the treatment of such diseases and in some extreme cases, one
of these diseases may prove fatal for the native. This placement can also trouble the native with problems in his professional sphere and in
some extreme cases the native may have to go to jail on account of some litigation or court cases which shows up from his professional

Exalted Venus in 7th House of Horoscope

Lucky by birth, wealthy father, beautiful, good life span and high sex appeal. Interest in astrology and other secretes sciences, have
supernatural power. Native will have occult experiences.

A positive exalted Venus in seventh house of a horoscope can give very good results regarding the marriage and married life of the native
and a native under the strong influence of such a placement is likely to marry a rich wife who is also very supportive towards the native. A
benefic exalted Venus in 7th house can also take the native to foreign countries and some of these natives can settle abroad on permanent
basis which can happen after their marriage and in some cases, such natives can go abroad on the basis of their marriage which means they
can marry someone from a foreign country. This placement can also give very good results regarding the professional success of the native
and some natives under the strong influence of this placement can shine in professions which require some kind of creative ability and
imagination power. For example, some natives under the strong influence of this placement can become very good dress designers,
architects or interior decorators whereas some other natives under this kind of influence can become successful in the field of jewellery,
gemstones and other such fields. Natives with a benefic exalted Venus in 7th house of their horoscopes are likely to get good support from
their father as well as a good support from their wife.

A malefic exalted Venus in 7th house of a horoscope can cause loss of money and health on account of excessive indulgence of the native
in physical as well as other materialistic pursuits and as a result, some natives under a particular influence of this placement can waste a big
part of their money and wealth for fulfillment of their physical as well as other materialistic desires. This placement can also cause problems
in married life of the native which can be due to bad spending habit of the native or his wife in some cases whereas in some other cases the
native may have some baseless doubts about his wife which can cause problems in the marriage.

Exalted Venus in 8th House of Horoscope

Have property, varied vehicles, luxuries house, happy, lives in governmental house, will have public fame, masculine and talented.

A positive exalted Venus placed in eighth house of a horoscope can make the native succeed in professional fields like astrology, palmistry,
numerology, yoga and meditation teaching etc. A benefic exalted Venus in 8th house can bless the native with a profession or well settled
business which has been passed on to native by his father or grandfather and some natives under the strong influence of this placement can
inherit big business empires from their paternal family. This placement can also bless the native with a long life and many natives under the
strong influence of this placement are seen living a life longer than average human life. A benefic exalted Venus in 8th house can also make
the native attractive and charming in such a way that it becomes difficult for the natives of opposite sex to resist his charm and attraction and
some natives under this influence can also achieve professional and financial gains by means of their attachment or affairs with some very
rich and powerful females. This placement can render all kinds of physical pleasures to the native and when supported by the other factors in
horoscope, the natives under this influence can live a very luxurious and comfortable life.

A negative exalted Venus placed in 8th house of a horoscope can cause serious problems in the marriage and married life of the native and
such a native can face a broken marriage by virtue of his extramarital affairs being exposed to his wife. Such a malefic placement can also
involve the native in excessive sexual pursuits and as a result the native may have to face financial losses and in some cases the native may
have to face a bad reputation due to his involvement in some kind of sex scandal. A negative exalted Venus in 8th house of a horoscope can
also cause medical concerns for the native and some natives under the strong influence of this placement can suffer from serious diseases
and in extreme cases this placement can even cause death of the native due to some fatal disease and such a native can also die in a fight
or war with a weapon.
Exalted Venus in 9th House of Horoscope
Unhappiness to mother and some useless friends. Accidental danger from vehicle and house, short life span of mother. Don’t want to fight
with enemies.

A positive exalted Venus in ninth house of a horoscope can bless the native with great amount of wealth and a position of power which is
usually passed on to the native by his father as the father of such a native is likely to be very rich and powerful person. Such natives also get
a good support from their mother and they have strong family values. A benefic exalted Venus in 9th house can render great success in
business and it can also render a position of power or authority to the native under its influence. This placement is also good for marriage
and married life of the native and such a native is likely to lead a happy married life. A benefic exalted Venus in 9th house can bless the
native with great wealth in the form of big and luxurious houses, top class cars and vehicles and many other kinds of luxuries and such a
native is also likely to travel to foreign countries primarily for the purpose of enjoyment and some natives under the strong influence of this
placement can own one or more than one permanent residences and luxurious vehicles in more than one countries of the world. This
placement can also bless the native with a good health and a sound peace of mind and such natives are also likely to be religious by nature.

On the other hand, a malefic exalted Venus in 9th house of a horoscope can bring serious problems in married life of the native and a native
under the strong influence of this placement can marry someone who has an altogether different nature and interests and due this reason, a
clash of natures and interests is always there which keeps on disturbing the married life of such a native. Such a placement can also trouble
the native on account of problems which come from the side of paternal family of the native like the native may have to spend much time and
many resources to solve the problems or towards the treatment of diseases which his mother or father may be suffering from. A malefic
exalted Venus in 9th house can also bring bad reputation to the native in some cases and such a native may also have to face false
allegations more than once in his life.

Exalted Venus in 10th House of Horoscope

Problems in achieving knowledge, expressing talent, royalness and decrement in expenses. Will have support from father and will enjoy
varied luxuries. Children will have short life span. Will be highly intelligent and have technical and creative abilities.

A positive exalted Venus placed in tenth house of a horoscope can give good to excellent results related to the professional sphere of the
native under its influence and some of these natives are seen achieving great milestones in their professional spheres. A benefic exalted
Venus in 10th house of a horoscope can take the native to foreign lands for the purpose of higher studies and some of these natives may
permanently settle abroad after completing their studies. This placement can render very good academic education as well as creative skills
to the native and such natives can be seen successful in professional fields which require creative abilities and which also require travelling
to different places or countries at the same time. A benefic exalted Venus in 10th house of a horoscope is very good for fertility especially in
case of females and female natives under the strong influence of this placement are capable of conceiving and delivering very healthy
children. Some natives under a particular influence of this placement can also shine in the fields like astrology whereas some other natives
under such an influence can achieve success in fields like graphic designing, interior decoration, textile business and many other kinds of
professional fields. A particular influence of this placement can also make the native successful as models, actors, air hostesses, TV anchors
and other similar kind of professionals.

On the other hand, a negative exalted Venus in 10th house of a horoscope can bring problems in professional life of the native and a native
under the strong influence of this placement may have to encounter many obstacles in his professional sphere and this placement can also
cause various kinds of financial losses to the native which usually come from professional sphere. A malefic exalted Venus in 10th house of
a horoscope can also cause mild to serious problems in the marriage and married life of the native and some natives under such influence
may have to suffer from long separation or divorces which in some cases can be due to the fact that such natives are so busy with their
professional life that they are not able to give any time to their marriage and as a result their marriage can fail. Such a placement can also
give bad results regarding the birth of children and such a native can also have children who do not support him and in some extreme cases,
the children of such a native may become his opponents

Exalted Venus in 11th House of Horoscope

Thinks of being an authority, progress under your kingship, happiness to father, father always scolds you, seems powerful to enemies, happy
life, progress near end of life and freedom to mother.

A positive exalted Venus in eleventh house of a horoscope can bless the native with great financial prosperity and it can also bless the native
with big gains from his profession. Many natives under the strong influence of a benefic exalted Venus in 11th house are likely to be very
charming and attractive and they are able to use these qualities very well to climb the ladder of success by charming the people around them
and gaining favours from them. The natives with such a placement can especially get very good results from people belonging to opposite
sex. For example, a native under the strong influence of this placement can get married to someone belonging to a very rich family and as a
result such a native can become very rich in a very short time whereas some other natives under the strong influence of this placement can
get attention from very rich and powerful members of opposite sex which they can use for their own benefit. A benefic exalted Venus in 11th
house can make a native so clever and charismatic that such a native can benefit even from his enemies. This placement can also give
gains through legal cases and litigations and some natives under a strong influence of this placement can become very rich by virtue of a
court decision going in their favour.

On the other hand, a malefic exalted Venus in 11th house of a horoscope can cause serious problems in married life of the native and a
native under the strong influence of such a placement may have to suffer from high emotional drama in his married life, a long separation
from his wife, a court case filed against the native by his wife, a divorce and many other problems related to marriage and married life. Some
natives under the strong influence of this placement may also have to spend some time in Jail by virtue of their wife filing some criminal case
against them and some of these natives may have to give a big amount of their wealth to their wife due to a court decision going against

A malefic exalted Venus in 11th house can also trouble the native with problems in professional sphere, problems coming due to legal
litigations and in some extreme cases, the native under the strong influence of this placement can suffer from a fatal disease for which the
native may have to spend much money and resources and he may also have to suffer much physical as well as mental pain and such a
disease can take his life in the long run.

Exalted Venus in 12th House of Horoscope

Native will get parental wealth but will lose it, wife will increase your expenses, heavy expenditure, and ruler of kingdom, there will be more
women at your work place.

A positive exalted Venus in twelfth house of a horoscope can bless the native with a beautiful wife who may be of a foreign origin and who
can take the native to some foreign country on permanent basis where the native can become financially much stronger and more capable. A
benefic exalted Venus in 12th house of a horoscope generally gives good results regarding the marriage and married life of the native and
such a native is likely to lead a happy married life. This placement can also bless the native with very good professional results and such
natives can settle in some foreign land on permanent basis. A benefic exalted Venus in 12th house of a horoscope can also give very good
results in the fields of spiritualism and paranormal and some natives under the strong influence of this placement can choose one of these
fields as their profession or lifetime practice.

On the other hand, a negative exalted Venus in 12th house of a horoscope can cause problems in the married life of the native and such a
native may have to face very odd kinds of problems in his married life. For example, a native under the strong influence of this placement
may get married to a woman who is sexually much more or much less active than the native and this difference in sexual drive between the
native and his wife can start the problems in married life whereas some other native under the strong influence of this placement can get
married to a women who is not loyal to the native and who may cheat on the native and in some extreme cases, the wife of such a native
may run away with some other person which can bring social disgrace and mental pain for the native.

A malefic exalted Venus in 12th house of a horoscope can also trouble the native with expenses which are much more than the overall
income of the native and some natives under the strong influence of this placement are likely to get wives who are skilled at the art of
wasting money in useless pursuits and they can trouble the native a lot with their bad spending habits. Such a native may also have to spend
big amount of money on some disease or problem related to his wife or some other family member of his wife.

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