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The Hittites: Iron Men

Probably originating from the area beyond the Black Sea, the
Hittites first occupied central Anatolia or Asia-Minor (modern day
Lebanon), making their capital at Hattusa (modern Bogazköy) about
2000 BC. They are said to be war-like people of the Indo-European
ancestry. Early kings of the old Hittite Kingdom, such as Hattusilis I,
consolidated and extended Hittite control over much of Anatolia and
northern Syria. Before their settlement to Anatolia, Labarnas is ruling
over Akkadia but when peoples of Hatti have settled on Anatolia,
Labarnas transferred to it but upon transferring, he was given the
name Hattusilis (Hattusilish) and they named their capital city
Hattushash in honor to Hattusilis.

Agriculture was the main livelihood of the Hittite people. They

domesticated asses, horses, cows, and raised honeybees, they also
planted grapes, apple, pomegranate, trigo, and barley. Aside from
agriculture, the discovery of iron, is the most important contribution
from their civilization. Because of this discovery, it enabled mankind
to progress form Bronze Age to Iron Age. They attained their
economic prosperity because of iron and they regarded iron five times
more precious than gold and eight times more precious than silver.
They subdued and conquered many territories because of their
superior weapons made of iron. Also with this discovery, they were
entitled as the first nation to use iron.
Their leader was called “Great King” or “Great Sun”. He is the
military leader as well as the religious leader. Hittites practice
polytheism wherein they worship many gods aside from their Storm-
God. In addition, all citizens within the jurisdiction of the empire have
rights. Even slaves had the right to own properties.

A representation of the vast Hittite empire

Kadesh was the boundary between the Hittie empire and the
Egyptian empire wherein, the famous Battle of Kadesh (1274 BC)
was fought. And after many battles of these two empire, the Hittites
The Battle of Kadesh

The Battle of Kadesh is the “greatest battle in history” wherein

the largest army that can ever be assembled was raised. The Egyptians
raised 20,000 soldiers while the Hittites with a vast army consisting of
37,000 footsoldiers, 3,500 chariots, and 1,000 more reserved chariots.

Battle of Kadesh I

Hittite and Egyptian (Rameses II’s) camp was only neighbors only
separated by a river. Armies of Re, Ptah, and Set were formed to
battle however, Re advised the army of Ptah and Set to delay their
coming. On the other hand, it is the Hittites oppourtunity to attack,
they destroy the army of Re making way to advance to Rameses II’s
camp but out of nowhere, Egyptian loyalists, called the army of Ne’
Arin came to help the Egyptians and by that the Hittites were
surpeised and they fled to their camp suffering losses even their
highest generals were killed by these Ne’Arins. Armies of Ptah and
Set came late to the battle following the advice of Re, and when they
arrived, the battle was over.

After several encounters

However, after years of conflicts and battles, the Hittites, won

the battle. Making Egyptians suffer a great loss on their armies. But in
order to make peace out of it, the first treaty in history was written, the
Treaty of Kadesh, wherein the Hittite prince agreed to marry the
daughter of a pharaoh.
Code of Nesilim

The Code of Nesilim is the written laws and regulations of the

Hittites wherein death is the major punishment of some crimes. For
example, if a woman is raped outdoors, the suspect is sentenced to
death, however, if a woman is raped inside the house, the woman is to
be put to death. The Code of Nesilim also states that, the Storm-God
will destroy anyone who disobeys the King. All must be united with
the King. In connection to this, the King is a deputy of their Storm-
God therefore they believed that the King is aided by their god, and
upon dying, the King immediately become a god.

Decline of the Hittites

There are no clear explanations about the fall of the Hittites.

Some say they just vanished unknowingly, other books say they
migrated to Phoenicia.

Contributions to Civilization

1. They discovered iron wherein Bronze Age progressed

into Iron Age.
2. They melt irons in order to form their weapons.
3. They were the first to make land titles.
4. The creation and invention of lands and crops as basis for
5. They are the first to use horse-drawn chariots. Their
superb chariot riding skills enable them to successfully
conquer lands they attack.
Phoenicians: The Traders of Antiquity

The trade routes and colony of ancient Phoenicia

Phoenicia was an ancient civilization composed of independent

city-states which lay along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea

stretching through what is now Syria, Lebanon, and Israel.

Phoenicians were great maritime people, they can sail at night by the

aid of the stars, known for their mighty ships adorned with horse’s

head in honor for their sea-god, Yamm. Sidon and Tyre was the most

powerful states in Phoenicia. Phoenicia city-state began to take form

circa 3200 BC and were firmly established by circa 2750 BC. They

are highly regarded in their skill in ship-building, glass-making, the

production of dyes, and an impressive level in manufacture of luxury

and common goods.

The Greeks call them “the purple people” because they were

stained by the purple color of the Murex shell from which they obtain

their dyes. The Phoenicians are originally known as the Canaanites

but because of these shells the Greeks called them Phoenicians, from

the Greek word phoinios meaning “purple”

About 1300 BC, they devised a simplified alphabet of only 22

letters (all consonant) based on the Mesopotamian cuneiform. They

don’t have original works because they are adopter of the achievement

of others.
An image of the Murex shell. (Murex shells comes in varied forms)
A clear translation of the Phoenician alphabet

Phoenicia is the birthplace of the alphabet. Their alphabets is the

basis of most western languages.

A clear translation of the Phoenician alphabet

Phoenicia is the birthplace of the alphabet. Their alphabets is

the basis of most western languages.

Decline of Phoenicia

The glorious Phoenicia came to an end after Persians, led by

Cyrus the Great conquered their land in 539 BC and dividing it into

four Persian kingdoms.

Contributions to Civilization

1. The purple dye.

2. Alphabet.

3. Invention of ships.

4. The discovery of the North Star to gauge direction at night.

5. They were the first to practice the concept of colonization.


Stearns & Adana, et. al. World Civilization: The Global

Experiences, 7th edition. Copyright 2007, 2011, 2015. Pearson
Education, Inc., page 41.
Irapta&Duka, Introduction to Asia: History, Culture &
Civilization, Philippine Copyright, 2005, pages 23-25.
Five Important Phoenician Contribution to Western Civilization.
Edmund El Chidiac Lebanese Culture. Anthony Hooper, Yahoo!
Contributor Network.

Robert A. Guisepi, 2003.

Joshua J. Mark, The Phoenicians, 2009.

Department of Ancient Near Eastern Art, The Metropolitan

Museum of Art.October, 2004.
Zaide & Zaide, World History, 5th edition. Copyright, 2002, 2003,
20004, 2005. All-Nations Publishing Co.,Inc., page 34
An old notebook of History, SY 2011-2012.

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