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Kent Lloyd L.

Laboratory report no. 4

Topography is important in different types of profession where

representation of relief or elevation of a certain area is needed. Using ArcMap
in making contour is more convenient and easier than make it or draw it
handly. In laboratory no.4, we are task to make contour using ArcMap. Even
though were using ArcMap, I’m still having a hard time making it.

Selecting the area of interest of a certain place where I refer my contour

and then export it is a very time consuming. I’m having a very hard time in this
part because I thought the PC I used is not functioning anymore so I exit the
application and start again so many times. I asked my classmate why I can’t
export my data and I learned from him that I should use a smaller area of
interest instead, for the bigger the area of interest I will use, the longer I will
wait for it to be exported. So I used a smaller area of interest and still wait for
several minutes for it to be exported. Then I realized that I should not exit the
application for it’s not that it’s not functioning, rather it just loading the data
for it to be exported. After exporting, I was still struggling in beautifying my
contour but it’s kind of easier because I just go to the properties and change
anything there until I’m satisfied with the result.

After all the things needed in my contour, I successfully made it. I’m just
really struggling in the part where patience is really needed. I should have
waited longer not closing the application and start over again so many times. It
really takes time making the contour especially in exporting the selected area
of interest. Patience is a virtue, for if I waited a little longer then, is should have
done it faster.

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