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Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior “You can't be BULLYING

among school aged children that involves a
real or perceived power imbalance. Bullying
is an aggressive behavior that involves an
against bullying
imbalance of power or strength. Bullying is
repeated over time and can take many forms,
without actually
such as hitting, punching, or shoving
(physical bullying); teasing, taunting, name-
doing something
calling, or sexual remarks (verbal bullying);
intimidation using gestures, spreading
about it”.
rumors, or social exclusion (psychological or
social bullying).

"Bullying means repeated and aggressive • Physical bullying

behaviour by a pupil where, (a) the behaviour is
• Verbal bullying
intended by the pupil to cause, or the pupil
• Social bullying
ought to know that the behaviour would be
likely to cause, harm, fear or distress to another
• Cyber bullying
individual, including psychological harm or Bullying is subject to statutory definition and
harm to the individual’s reputation, and (b) the where it is defined in statute, it would be that
behaviour occurs in a context where there is a statute definition which would apply within
real or perceived power imbalance between the the relevant jurisdiction.
pupil and the individual based on factors such
as size, strength, age, intelligence, peer group
power, economic status, social status, religion,
ethnic origin, sexual orientation, family
circumstances, gender, race, disability or the
receipt of special education."

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