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Epic Heroes & Villains

Ok folks, because you wanted them, you got them now. Here they are, the Z-Warriors! I will
warn you however that I won’t go into too much detail about each character I intend to provide some
specifics on them but not go into a lot of details about them. There are some character’s however that I
do intend to do this with. They are the principle characters of the series: Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta,
Krillin, Goten, & Trunks. These characters are there as examples of the characters. The characters will
be displayed in how they progress through the different sagas. The sagas covered will include: Saiyan,
Namekkian, Android, Cell, & Majin Buu, I will provide a final cover for Dragon Ball GT specifically for
only Goku and Vegeta since they are the primary characters for this saga and are essentially the only
ones ho really gain anything new. Villains will also be included. Also please note that I may leave some
area’s blank, that is I won’t provide any info. This is most often for skills and feats for some minor
characters like Kami, Mr. Popo and others. I leave them open like this since they are NPC’s and
generally the DM should be the one to decide what Skills the NPC would have.

Dragon Ball Saga

In the beginning there was Dragon Ball. Although this saga encompasses
several saga’s of its own its best to just give one over all base evaluation
of it. In Dragon Ball, the principle characters found in it are: Goku,
Bulma, Yamcha, Krillin, Oolong, Puar, and Master Roshi. Other
character’s like Tien, Chiaotzu, Yajirobe, and Piccolo are eventually
introduced, although Tien, and Piccolo are more antagonist and bad guy at
this point than they are good guys. In this setting few normal fighters are
ever above level 5, including soldiers. Main characters in the Red Ribbon
army were around levels 3-6 including the androids. Soldiers were all
level 1 warriors or experts. Goku was level 7-8 when he took on the Red
Ribbon Army (he was also really lucky at times). Most common fighter’s
in the tournaments were only level 1-2 monks, or level 1-2 fighter’s.

Goku (As of before the “Dead Zone”.)

The young Goku was found in the woods as a baby by his adopted
grandfather Gohan. Although Goku lost his grandpa to a monster one night,
he has not changed at all because of this. Goku is a free spirit. Unlike most
beings Goku does not hate anyone. His thoughts are pure as is his heart; he
does not have a single evil thought in his head or heart. Goku has been
known to drop what ever he is doing to help people even if he does not get a
reward out of it. Goku starts his adventures at the age of 11. Even at this
young age, Goku is extremely strong, much stronger than any child his age.
(Goku initially starts off at level 2 as a Martial warrior, with his +1 racial
adjustment. The stats below are for Goku as of before his battle with his
brother Raditz, & his fight with Garlic Jr.) Goku no longer has his tail at
this point in time either.

Personality: Friendly and outgoing. Goku will do anything to help a friend. He’s no genius though,
and is sometimes a bit clueless; he’s always hoping for the best in everyone. He also loves a good fight;
as long as it’s not picking on anyone. At his age Goku is not just clueless but very naive as well.
Women are a curiosity to him, having lived alone in the woods for several years and only having his
grandpa around has sort of stunted his ability to distinguish men from women. Although he could really
care less about who is what, although he has been known to “check” to make sure who is what…at least
when he first encounters Bulma and a spars few other women. After this he catches on that “patting” is
not nice and there are easier ways to tell is someone is a girl or not.

Schticks: Goku is kind of bashful and can eat amazing amounts of food; he seems to always be hungry.

Progression: Starts at level 3 when he first meets Bulma (includes level adjustment). Gains a level just
before getting master Roshi to put out the fire on Fire Mountain, which allows him to learn the
Kamehameha quickly (now at level 4). Gains another level after dealing with Emperor Pilaf (now at
level 5). Trains with master Roshi gaining a boost in stats, also gains 1 level (level 6). After this he
participates in the 21st world martial arts tournament and looses to Jackie Chung (Master Roshi). Takes
on various factions of the Red Ribbon army, gains a level after climbing Korin tower (level 7). Finishes
off the Red Ribbon army Goku has a few other side adventures gathering the Dragon Balls again to wish
back a friend. After getting his friend back Goku spends time training again increasing his abilities even
more (level 8). He fights at the 22nd world martial arts tournament and is beaten by Tien in the finals,
Goku’s level increases (level 9). After this Goku encounters his first major adversary, the Demon King
Piccolo. The two have a massive fight that ends with Goku the victor, but Piccolo survives through
reincarnating his spirit into a new body. Goku trains harder for the next tournament and fights Piccolo
in the finals, Goku wins, his level increases (level 10). After this Goku and Piccolo have their encounter
with Garlic Jr. (Goku does go up a level, but this is not shown in this part.)

Level: 11
Classes: Martial Warrior (10), +1 level adjustment
Species: Saiyan
HP: 108
STR: 21 (+5) DEX: 20 (+5) CON: 19 (+4) INT: 11 (+0) WIS: 13 (+1) CHA: 16 (+3)
Align: LG
SPEED: 105
AC: 25 (+5 Dex, +6 Speed, +4 Feat) DR: 3/--
FORT: +7 REF: +12 WILL: +8
Balance +13, Bluff +5, Climb +10, Concentration +12, Intimidation +5, Jump +16, Listen +3, Swim +9,
Tumble +16, Hide Power +3, Sense Power +4
Hearty Appetite, Physical Training, Power Attack, Dodge
Training: 1) Master Roshi: +1 Str, +1 Dex, done after level 5. 2) Self Training: +1 Dex, +1 Con, done
after level 7.
Martial Warrior: Unarmed Strike (1d6), Combo’s, Focus & Control Ki (Boost Physical Power [+10
max], Aura [Aura Armor], Personal Energy Wave, Deflection), Leap of the Clouds, DR: 1/--, Bonus Feat
(Combat Focus, Point Blank Blast)
Melee BAB (Adjusted): +11/+6 Unarmed: +11/+8 Ranged BAB (Adjusted): +11/+6
Power Level: 173 Power Up: 35

Kamehameha Full R. 535ft +2d10 / 5 Ki +5 ki per Homing, Bending, Area Effect,
(Ka-May-Ha-May-Ha!) additional 1D10 Delay, Continuous Fire, & Counter
(Personal Energy Wave) Blast
Melee Attack Instant Self 5 ki per +1 equivalent Ignore Hardness/Armor
enchantment (+5 max)
Flight Instant Self 10 ki per hour of flight None
Meteor Smash Full R. Self 5 ki per +1d6 to None
unarmed damage
Telekinesis Full R. Line of See Power See Power.

Goku is the owner of the Nyoibo (Power Pole) which he is proficient in wielding, and a magical Nimbus
cloud named Kintoun. The Nimbus Cloud is a unique magically created cloud that only lawful good
people who are also pure of heart can ride. The cloud is large enough to hold 1 medium sized person
and 1 small person. The cloud can be destroyed (HP 20), but it reforms after 1 hour. It can fly at any
altitude and those riding it do not fall off of it easily (the cloud helps hold the person in place during
flight.) The Nimbus cloud has a speed of 200 (can fly at double and triple that speed). It will
automatically come back to catch anyone who falls off, and can be called from any point in the world so
long as the person who it is bonded to calls for it and is at a point where it can get to them. The clouds
owner ship is easily passed on to any one by saying “the nimbus cloud is yours”, or something along
those lines. The Cloud will still come when called by a former owner, especially if they are related to
their current owner. In DB & DBZ there is only 1 nimbus cloud in existence. It is possible however that
with time more can be created. (Creating a Nimbus cloud requires a mage to know the following spells:
Unseen Servant, Tenser’s Floating Disk, Gaseous Form, Fly, and Haste. The key ingredient needed for
this is a cloud.) Goku also has a set of weighted clothing. This clothing provides no amount of
protection and is only a training device. While wearing the heavy clothing, Goku’s speed is reduced by
10%, (he also gains 10% more Xp while using the Physical Training feat when wearing this clothing,
that is until his strength is at 25, at which point wearing the heavy clothing is pointless.) Once the heavy
clothing is removed (full round action) his speed returns to normal and increases by 10% for 1 hour.
After which he must put the clothing on again in order the gain its benefits.

WEIGHTED CLOTHING NOTE: Any character can have weighted clothing. The character must
wear an amount of weight equal to about 3/4th their own bodies weight in order to gain any benefits.
Goku’s weighted clothing is comprised of a 50lb shirt, 10lb (each) wrist weights, and 25lb (each) boots.
Goku’s total clothing weight is 120lbs. Goku weighs about 175lbs, so this is about the right amount of
weight for him. While a character wears the clothing subtract 10% from their speed, when the character
applies earned Xp toward the Physical Training feat they gain a 10% increase to the Xp used to increase
the characters abilities. When the clothing is removed (a full round action), the character’s speed returns
to normal and gains a 10% increase that does effect the character’s AC, but the effects only last for about
an hour, after which the character needs to put the clothing back on and continue to wear it for 4 hours
before their body readjusts to the weight again. Once a character’s strength has reached 25, and their
speed has reached 120, they no longer can wear the heavy clothing as their bodies are far too strong for
such a thing anymore. Weighted clothing also provides a DR of 1 for the character against bludgeoning
attacks only. It costs 100gp to get a set of weighted clothing. Weighted clothing can come in any shape
or form desired like turtle shells, a heavy cloak and hat, and so on.
The young teenager that started it all. Bulma was the one to get the
ball rolling (so to speak). If not for her encounter with Goku and
subsequently Yamcha and others, Bulma would have been killed long ago.
Bulma is a genius, and an explorer of sorts. She is driven and determined,
but often enough complains and whines to a vast degree. Bulma is capable
of making any sort of devise that the heroes of dragon ball would ever
need including the Dragon Radar. (Bulma in D&D would be handled a bit
differently of course since technology does not really exist in D&D. I’ll be
leaving some leeway in skills and classes depending on how a DM may
with to use her.) Bulma is very attractive and knows it; she sometimes
uses this to her advantage.

Personality: Fussy, argumentative and boy-crazy. Bulma can have a nasty

temper at times as well and tends to pay more attention to cute looking
guys than anything else. Bulma was about 15 years old when she first
meets Goku. Bulma is also a bit ditzy at times as well and may not notice
subtle changes around her, including things that may have happened to her,
like having her underwear removed while she is asleep by a young Goku
who still doesn’t know the difference between boys and girls…and is use
to sleeping on his grandpa’s lap which he tries to do with Bulma and
quickly discovers that its just not the same.

Schticks: Bulma is often hysteric, and has a motor-mouth.

Level: 10
Classes: Either 10 levels as a Rogue or Expert, or both. If desired she has some levels as a Wizard, but
is geared to making items. Bulma can be played as a “commoner” turned hero which would account for
her levels as an expert. If given levels as a Rogue, you should take away the Back stab ability and give
either bonus feats or a bonus to dealing with devices and items.
Species: Human
STR: 10 (+0) DEX: 15 (+2) CON: 15 (+2) INT: 18 (+4) WIS: 12 (+1) CHA: 20 (+5)
Align: NG
Skills: Dragon Ball often has a variety of technology in it. If desired by the DM, give Bulma these
Skills (all would be class skills for the Rogue and Expert): Craft: Mechanical, Craft: Electronic, Repair,
Knowledge: Technology. Essentially Bulma can use these skills to create items that are capable of
mimicking the effects of some magic items including her Dino-caps, and the Dragon Radar. If not she
should be geared to making magic items like unique pouches of holding which are the Dino-Caps, and
the Dragon radar which uses a Scrying spell of sorts that specifically locates the unique energy of the
dragon balls. The Dragon Radar has a maximum range of 50 miles, and can zoom in on the locations of
dragon balls up to 10 yards away.
Yamcha is one of Goku’s oldest friends. Initially he and
Goku were at odds with each other mainly due to the dragon ball
hunt. However events made these two into friends. Yamcha has a
great deal of respect for Goku and is constantly surprised by
Goku’s growing power. Yamcha is no slouch himself when it
comes to fighting, although he is not as skilled as Goku and many
other fighters that begin to appear. Yamcha is never to thrilled
about the prospect of getting killed but will still jump into such
situations if it means helping a friend. Yamcha is very attractive as
far as the ladies are concerned even with gaining a few scares on
his face. Yamcha’s fame from competing in the world martial arts
tournaments has allowed him to gain carriers in various sports
including baseball. (In the past Yamcha use to carry a sword and a
few other weapons around with him.)

Personality: Carefree, reckless and cocky. Yamcha’s personality

hardly changes, if anything though he becomes more courageous
with time. Yamcha is something of the typical male in terms of his

Schticks: Lady-killer, always seems to be broke, loves baseball.

Progression: Yamcha first comes into things as a level 4 character (Monk 3/Fighter 1). After the
encounter with Emperor Pilaf Yamcha gains a level (Monk 4/Fighter 1). After this point, and hearing
about the world martial arts tournament, Yamcha begins to train (gains 1 level as a martial warrior).
Yamcha progresses slowly from here due to various other things happening to him, or between him and
Bulma. Yamcha gains another level after his matches with Baba the fortuneteller (Monk 4/Fighter
1/Martial Warrior 2). After this Yamcha trains with Master Roshi and learns to control his energy for the
next tournament (Monk 4/Fighter 1/Martial Warrior 3). Yamcha does not progress from here until the
start of the Saiyan Saga.

Level: 8
Classes: Monk (4), Fighter (1), Martial Warrior (3)
Species: Human
HP: 62
STR: 16 (+3) DEX: 16 (+3) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 12 (+1) CHA: 18 (+4)
Align: CG
AC: 18 (+3 Dex, +1 Wisdom, +4 Speed)
FORT: +9 REF: +10 WILL: +8
Balance +7, Bluff +6, Climb +7, Concentration +9, Intimidation +5, Diplomacy +8, Hide +7, Jump +10,
Listen +5, Profession +5, Swim +5, Tumble +9, Hide Power +3, Sense Power +3
Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Initiative
Monk: Unarmed Strike (1d8), Stunning Attack, Evasion, Deflect Arrows, Still Mind, Slow fall (20ft).
Fighter: Bonus Feats (Combat Reflexes)
Martial Warrior: Unarmed Strike (1d6), Combo’s, Focus & Control Ki (Boost Strength [+3 max], Aura,
Personal Energy Wave), Leap of the Clouds, Bonus Feat (Combat Focus)
Melee BAB (Adjusted): +9/+4 Unarmed: +8/+5 Ranged BAB (Adjusted): +9/+4
Power Level: 72 Power Up: 14

Energy Bomb Full R. 400ft +2d10 / 5 Ki +5 ki per Homing, Bending, Area Effect,
(Custom Energy Wave) additional 1D10 Delay, Continuous Fire, & Counter
Melee Attack Instant Self 5 ki per +1 equivalent Ignore Hardness/Armor
(Wolf Fang Fist) enchantment (+5 max)
Energy Blast Full R. 200ft 1d6 per 5 ki Homing

Not the most helpful or courageous character, Oolong does have his uses.
Oolong is a small pig like being (basically a human of sorts in DB & DBZ).
Oolong has the ability to transform into just about anything he wants to, while he is
good at mimicking things, including voices, he ca only keep up the act for 5
minutes after which he needs 10 minutes to rest. Oolong is not that special, and
tends to whine and complain almost as much as Bulma. (Oolong is not so much a
PC as he is an NPC follower. He’s around to comic relief and to help out.)

Personality: Oolong is money grubbing, and lecherous. He is also a coward, but sometimes is able to
summon up enough courage to help his friends.

Schticks: Loves money and drooling over women.

Level: 6 (in or around.)

Classes: 5 in expert or Rogue. Oolong is cleaver but not that cleaver. As an NPC Oolong would be an
expert, as a PC he would be a Rogue only with out the Backstab ability. Oolong has a +1 level
Species: Humanoid (human/pig)
STR: 10 (+0) DEX: 13 (+1) CON: 10 (+0) INT: 14 (+2) WIS: 11 (+0) CHA: 13 (+1)
Align: CN initially, but shift to NG.
Skills: Oolong has several skills mainly geared toward impersonations. He has a high Bluff, Intimidate,
and Diplomacy ratings. Other important skills for him are Disguise, and Hide.
Powers: Oolong has 1 unique power, the ability to Polymorph himself into anything he wants, including
monsters, armored warriors, and even scooters. However his strength and dexterity are still
proportionate to that of his original form, although he can increase his size to compensate to a degree
through added mass. (Which does not does not increase his strength score any but does increase his
carrying capacity.) Oolong can also turn into things smaller than his normal form including fish, and
birds. Oolong however can not mimic any special powers or effects of creatures like breathing fire,
although natural weapons can be used, and if in a bird form he can fly. Oolong is also capable of
polymorphing himself into a hodgepodge of combinations of animals and such. For example, he could
easily polymorph himself into a form that has wings but he retains his basic normal form. The only
stipulation is that while he can transform an unlimited number of times he can only do it for 5 minutes as
soon as he uses the power. After that he must rest for 10 minutes, after which he can use his powers
again. In the anime it’s mentioned that Oolong learned this power in a special shape shifting school,
although he flunked out before he could learn how to maintain his transformations for prolong periods of
time. Oolong can only shape shift into a form that is either 1 size category lower than his or 2 catagories
higher. So he can not shape shift into something bigger than a large sized creature. This power gives
Oolong a +1 level adjustment.
Racial Attributes: Oolong is for the most part a pig, he is treats as a human, gaining the normal human
racial bonuses, however he is very short in his normal form and is considered to be a small sized being
and gains the benefits for being one (+1 size bonus to AC, +1 size bonus to attack rolls, & +4 to hide
checks). (Oolong is about only 3ft tall.) Oolongs aging process is also like that of a normal human.
Oolong also has a -2 to his strength do to his size.

Yamcha’s ever present small cat companion. Puar is ever the optimist and
believes that Yamcha is the greatest even though he knows that Yamcha will never be
able to beat Goku in a fight. Puar is small talking cat that can fly and shape shift
better than Oolong.

Personality: Puar seems to be constantly cheerful, mainly due to his high pitched
voice. Puar is ever helpful and willing to help save the day.

Schticks: Fly’s around rather than walking, generally floating around near Yamcha.

Level: 6 (3 Expert)
Classes: Like Oolong Puar is more of an Expert than anything else, although he is not as high in level as
Oolong, he does boast superior powers however.
Species: Feline (Enchanted Cat)
Puar’s physical scores are like that for a common household cat; his mental abilities are far greater
INT: 15 (+2) WIS: 13 (+1) CHA: 14 (+2)
Align: NG
Skills: Puar has several skills mainly geared toward impersonations. He has a high Bluff, Intimidate,
and Diplomacy ratings. Other important skills for him are Disguise, and Hide.
Powers: Puar has the ability to speak unlike normal cats, and can learn a variety of languages if he
wants to. Puar also shares the same shape shifting ability as Oolong. Puar however does not need to
rest and can Polymorph himself at will any number of times. However his forms can boast
proportionate strength for that size and form, unlike Oolong. Puar is however restricted in sizes like
Oolong, and suffers any other problems that Oolong does that has not been mentioned for changes.
Puar’s shape shifting powers are superior to Oolongs as such Puar has a +2 level adjustment. He can
maintain his forms as long as he desires unless he falls a sleep or is rendered unconscious. Puar is also
constantly under the effects of the flight spell, however his speed is that of his normal speed, he can still
move at double, triple and 4x his normal speed when flying. This gives Puar another +1 level
Racial Attributes: Puar uses all of the racial abilities of a cat, including size. However since he is more
than just a cat he is capable to learning and gaining levels in classes. Puar’s normal form has been
permanently alerted slightly allowing him to speak and grasp things.

Master Roshi
The lecherous old turtle hermit, and
martial arts master, known as Master Roshi has
played the roll of hero, teacher, and comic relief.
He is one of the most powerful beings on the face
of the planet, or at least he was until Goku, Krillin
and even Yamcha surpassed his every
expectation’s in a short amount of time. Master
Roshi possess a sharp mind and a great deal of
wisdom, although his lechery sometimes takes
precedence over his insightfulness. Master Roshi
is also considered to be the first martial artist to
truly understand the “Power of Light”. During his
hay-days Master Roshi had only 1 major enemy, a
rival martial artist whose students, Tien and
Chiaotzu, eventually battle his. Eventually however the two student came to respect and like master
Roshi and turned against their teacher. Master Roshi lives out on an island in the middle of the ocean.
His little house is very well equipped for what it is, and is remarkable sturdy. It can also be capsulized
allowing Master Roshi to travel. Master Roshi has a great many friends in the forms of unusual animals
that often help him to travel to the mainland, amongst other things. Roshi is also the only being known
to have drank from a mystic fountain known as the Fountain of Youth. Roshi does not age anymore;
however his physical age remains at where it was when he drank from the fountain. The water of the
fountain has also bestowed Roshi with unusually keen insights into events happening around him.
(Master Roshi is essentially the first Martial Warrior. He is also well over 100 years old, but appears to
be in his 70’s.)

Personality: Crotchety old man, but friendly, he also is more lively than he appears to be.

Schticks: Kind of a geezer, a bit of a lecher, wears a heavy turtle shell on his back.

Progression: Master Roshi does not progress at all through out Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z.

Level: 10 (+2 level adjustment).

Classes: Monk (4), Martial Warrior (4)
Species: Human (Enchanted Human)
HP: 56
STR: 19 (+4) DEX: 19 (+4) CON: 16 (+3) INT: 16 (+3) WIS: 19 (+4) CHA: 17 (+3)
Align: CG
AC: 24 (+6 Dex, +4 Speed, +4 Wisdom)
FORT: +8 REF: +14 WILL: +12
Balance +12, Bluff +9, Climb +9, Concentration +11, Diplomacy +7, Jump +14, Listen +9, Swim +9,
Tumble +14, Hide Power +10, Sense Power +40
Power Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Physical Training
Training: Master Roshi has trained an innumerable of times over his long years improving his physique
rather than level of power. For game purposes though Master Roshi will have a +6 to Str, Dex, and Con.
Monk: Unarmed Strike (1d8), Deflect Arrows, Still Mind, Slow Fall (20ft).
Martial Warrior: Unarmed Strike (1d6), Combo’s, Focus & Control Ki (Boost Strength [+4 max], Aura,
Personal Energy Wave, Deflection), Leap of the Clouds, Bonus Feat (Combat Focus).
Melee BAB (Adjusted): +10/+5 Unarmed: +10/+7 Ranged BAB (Adjusted): +10/+5
Power Level: 97 Power Up: 19

Kamehameha Full R. 535ft +2d10 / 5 Ki +5 ki per Homing, Bending, Area Effect,
(Ka-May-Ha-May-Ha!) additional 1D10 Delay, Continuous Fire, & Counter
(Personal Energy Wave) Blast
Immobilize Full R. 60ft cone See Power See Power
(Energy Webbing)
Melee Attack Instant Self 5 ki per +1 equivalent Ignore Hardness/Armor
enchantment (+5 max)

Water of Eternal Youth: Years ago as Master Roshi was getting up there in age, (before he created the
Kamehameha) he traveled and found a fountain of eternal youth. After drinking form it master Roshi’s
body stopped aging right where it was. Because of this Roshi is immune to the effects of aging.
Additionally the water has bestowed Roshi with an incredible amount of spiritual awareness. (Roshi
gets a +30 to his Sense Power skill checks.) Additionally Roshi’s body appears as it did when he drank
the water. When Roshi powers up his true appearance is reveled, that of a large muscular man. Roshi
also has gained a spell resistance of 10 because of the water. All of this has given Roshi a +2 level
Master Roshi owns his own private and very secluded island. He has a house and various other items as
well. Master Roshi often wears a heavy turtle shell which he can employ as a large shield if necessary,
but for all purposes it acts as weighted clothing for Roshi.

One of Goku’s oldest friends, Krillin and Goku have known each
other ever since Goku started training with Master Roshi. Krillin has come
along ways in his time. At first he was something of a rival of Goku’s but
quickly came to respect him and knew that he would never be able to
surpass Goku. Krillin is often the comic relief of sorts for the group even
though he is a more than capable fighter. Krillin values his friendships
above all other things which eventually results in his death, but he is
resurrected by a wish from the dragon balls later on. Krillin has been short
his entire life, a fact he has come to accept, and something he has learned to
use to his advantage. He keeps his head shaved out of habit from his days as a young monk, before he
trained with Master Roshi.

Personality: Determined, stubborn, and a bit easily rattled.

Schticks: Always the peacemaker, hates bad hair & short jokes. The fall guy of the group. Doesn’t
have a nose.

Progression: Krillin is introduced as a level 4 monk. After training with Master Roshi, Krillin’s
strength increases and he starts gaining levels as a Martial Warrior (Gains 2 levels as a Martial Warrior.)
When he faces Jackie Chung he of course looses. After this he goes back and continues to train with
Master Roshi. He is eventually enlisted by Goku and Bulma to help find the dragon balls before the Red
Ribbon army does. (Krillin isn’t in it long enough to gain any levels.) Later Krillin once again helps
Goku look for dragon balls and ends up in a little tournament hosted by Baba, Master Roshi’s sister.
(Krillin’s Martial Warrior level increases to 3.) In the 22nd tournament Krillin has a host of new tricks at
his disposal however he still looses. After this Krillin fights against the Demon King Piccolo, and is
eventually killed, (he does gain a level through all this though.) Krillin is then resurrected by the dragon

Level: 8
Classes: Monk (4), Martial Warrior (4)
Species: Human (Human dwarf [Stunted growth])
HP: 57
STR: 16 (+3) DEX: 16 (+3) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 13 (+1) CHA: 14 (+2)
Align: LG
AC: 18 (+3 Dex, +1 Wisdom, +4 Speed, +1 Size)
FORT: +7 REF: +11 WILL: +9
Balance +9, Bluff +7, Climb +8, Concentration +10, Diplomacy +7, Hide +8, Jump +11, Listen +5,
Swim +9, Tumble +11, Hide Power +4, Sense Power +4
Power Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Physical Training
Training: 1) Master Roshi: +1 Str, & Dex, done after level 6.
Monk: Unarmed Strike (1d8), Stunning Attack, Evasion, Deflect Arrows, Still Mind, Slow fall (20ft).
Martial Warrior: Unarmed Strike (1d6), Combo’s, Focus & Control Ki (Boost Strength [+4 max], Aura,
Personal Energy Wave, Deflection), Leap of the Clouds, Bonus Feat (Combat Focus)
Melee BAB (Adjusted): +9/+4 Unarmed: +9/+6 Ranged BAB (Adjusted): +9/+4
Power Level: 74 Power Up: 15

Kamehameha Full R. 655ft +2d10 / 5 Ki +5 ki per Homing, Bending, Area Effect,
(Ka-May-Ha-May-Ha!) additional 1D10 Delay, Continuous Fire, & Counter
(Personal Energy Wave) Blast
Energy Blast Full R. / 355ft 1d6 / 5 Ki +5 ki per Homing
Action additional 1d6
Multi Image Free / N/A See Power None

Tien Shin Han

Tien is the classic kung-fu fighting monk seen in many
Asian films. Tien is serious and driven to be the best. He has
already bested Goku in the 22nd Budokai, and is well on his way to
becoming one of the most powerful fighters on the planet. Tien
however is no normal martial artist either. He also possess some
psychic abilities. Tien is rarely alone and is often accompanied by
his friend, Chiaotzu, whom he is guardian to as well. Tien is also
no normal human either. Having opened himself to enlightenment
and wisdom, he has gained a mystic 3rd eye on his head which he
can see with as well as his other eyes.

Personality: Stable & Serious. Tien rarely jokes and tends to cut
right to the point.

Schticks: Bald, and has a 3rd eye. Sometimes wears a Big conical
monks hat.

Progression: Tien is level 8 when he is first introduced at the 22nd

world martial arts tournament, which he wins. By the end of dragon ball however Tien progresses to
level 10.

Level: 10
Classes: Monk (3), Psychic Warrior (1), Martial Warrior (6)
Species: Human
HP: 56
STR: 18 (+4) DEX: 16 (+3) CON: 15 (+2) INT: 14 (+2) WIS: 18 (+5) CHA: 14 (+2)
Align: LN
Power Points: 2
AC: 23 (+3 Dex, +5 Speed, +4 Wisdom, +5 Feat)
FORT: +9 REF: +11 WILL: +12
Balance +14, Bluff +8, Climb +13, Concentration +11, Intimidation +7, Jump +12, Listen +14, Swim
+10, Tumble +11, Hide Power +11, Sense Power +11
Power Attack, Dodge, Mystic 3rd Eye, Mobility, Physical Training (Has not used it yet.)
Monk: Unarmed Strike (1d6), Stunning Attack, Evasion, Deflect Arrows, Still Mind
Psychic Warrior: Psionic Combat Modes (Mind Thrust, Thought Shield), Bonus Feat (Rapid Metabolism), 0-
Level Powers (7/day free), Powers (Lvl 0: 2)
Psionic Powers: Lvl 0: Catfall, Float
Martial Warrior: Unarmed Strike (1d6), Combo’s, Focus & Control Ki (Boost Physical Power [+10
max], Aura [Aura Armor], Personal Energy Wave, Deflection), Leap of the Clouds, Bonus Feat (Combat
Melee BAB (Adjusted): +10/+5 Unarmed: (+10/+7) Ranged BAB (Adjusted): +10/+5
Power Level: 115 Power Up: 23

Tri-Blast Full R. 475ft +2d10 / 5 Ki +5 ki per Homing, Bending, Area Effect,
(Personal Energy Blast) additional 1D10 Delay, Continuous Fire, & Counter
Energy Blast Full R. / 230ft 1d6 / 5Ki +5 ki per Bending, Homing
Action additional 1d6
Multi Image Full R. Self See Power. None
Flight Instant Self 10 ki per hour of flight None
Solar Flare Full R. 275ft See Power, 15ki +5 ki Blinding Flash
(Blinding Flash) per 2 rounds effected

A small white skinned, red cheeked, and nose less guy, Chiaotzu is the
prince-emperor of a distant and mysterious land called Miifan. While he is a
formidable fighter, Chiaotzu also possess powerful psychic abilities. Chiaotzu
is also the constant companion of his friend and guardian, Tien. Although not
the most powerful off all of the fighters, Chiaotzu often prefers to sit and
watch Tien fight. At one point when battling the Demon King Piccolo,
Chiaotzu was killed, but later was resurrected by the dragon balls. Chiaotzu is
a very short human in contrast to what some may think. His white face and
red cheeks are nothing more than ceremonial makeup that he wears on a
constant basis giving him the illusion that he is nothing more than a big doll.
Chiaotzu trained under the same master as Tien.

Personality: Quiet, childlike, very honest, pretty passive at times.

Schticks: Has a favorite doll named Ran-Ran.

Progression: Chiaotzu progresses very little throughout dragon ball. While he does posses psychic
powers and is a good fighter he is rarely able to stand up against certain other fighters like Goku, and
even Krillin. Chiaotzu is introduced as a Level 4 Psion, & level 3 Martial Warrior.

Level: 7
Classes: Psion (4), Martial Warrior (3)
Species: Human (Human dwarf [Stunted growth])
HP: 21
STR: 13 (+1) DEX: 16 (+3) CON: 10 (+0) INT: 14 (+2) WIS: 14 (+2) CHA: 15 (+2)
Align: LG
Power Points: 15
AC: 21 (+3 Dex, +3 Speed, +1 Size, +4 Feat)
FORT: +4 REF: +7 WILL: +9
Balance +4, Bluff +3, Climb +7, Concentration +10, Intuit Direction +10, Jump +9, Knowledge
(Psionics) +9, Listen +4, Swim +7, Tumble +11, Hide Power +4, Sense Power +4
Inertial Armor, Combat Manifestation, Point Blank Blast, Dodge
Psion: Psicrystal, Psionic Combat Modes (), Powers (Lvl 0: 3+d, Lvl 1: 2+d, Lvl 2: d)
Psicrystal: Personality (Hero), INT (7), Special (Sighted, Empathic Link, Telepathic Link)
Psionic Powers: Lvl 0: Float, Distract, Missive, Lesser Natural Armor
Lvl 1: Feather Fall, Lesser Mind Link, Lesser Concussion
Lvl 2: Levitate
Martial Warrior: Unarmed Strike (1d6), Combo’s, Focus & Control Ki (Boost Strength [+3 max], Aura,
Personal Energy Wave), Leap of the Clouds, Bonus Feat (Combat Focus)
Melee BAB (Adjusted): +5 Unarmed: +3 Ranged BAB (Adjusted): +7
Power Level: 62 Power Up: 12

Dodonpa Full R. 430ft +2d10 / 5 Ki +5 ki per Homing, Bending, Area Effect,
(Personal Energy Blast) additional 1D10 Delay, Continuous Fire, & Counter
Energy Barrier Full R. Self 5 Ki per 10 HP None
Energy Blast Full R. / 230ft 1d6 / 5Ki +5 ki per Bending
Action additional 1d6

The squat man known as Yajirobe is one of the more
unlikeliest of hero’s, even if you put out a want ad. And
even if you did, its doubtful he would answer it. Yajirobe is
pudgy and often is found eating something. His appetite
almost sees to equal Goku’s at times. Yajirobe is often
found on the sidelines of battles hiding and often talking
big…until the enemy see’s him. Yajirobe however is a more
than capable fighter but lacks in courage. However he
always seems to come through in the end. Yajirobe is a
ronin samurai. He is just a bit taller than Krillin but not by much. He is also able to move about with
surprising speed for a man of his girth.

Personality: Loud, braggart, a bit of a coward.

Schticks: Eats too much and hides from battle.

Level: 8
Classes: Fighter (6), Martial Warrior (2).
Species: Human (A short, fat one.)
STR: 16 (+3) DEX: 14 (+2) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 12 (+1) WIS: 11 (+0) CHA: 10 (+0)
Align: CG
Power Points: 15
AC: 19 (+2 Dex, +3 Speed, +3 Magic Clothing, +1 Size)
FORT: +7 REF: +7 WILL: +5
Balance +4, Bluff +4, Climb +9, Hide +10, Jump +10, Listen +2, Swim +9, Tumble +8,
Exotic Weapon Prof. (Katana), Power Attack, Mobility, Deflect Arrows
Fighter: Bonus Feats: Weapon Focus (Katana), Dodge, Weapon Specialization (Katana), Spring Attack
Martial Warrior: Unarmed Strike (1d6), Combo’s, Focus & Control Ki (Boost Strength [+2 max], Aura,
Personal Energy Wave), Leap of the Clouds
Melee BAB (Adjusted): +7/+2 Unarmed: +1 Ranged BAB (Adjusted): +7/+2
Power Level: 50 Power Up: 10
+2 Keen Katana (1d10+2, Critical: 17-20/x2), Yajirobe’s enchanted kimono (AC +3, acts like a pair of
Bracers of Defense), Senzu Beans (Yajirobe is a friend of Korin, and often has a small bag of Senzu
beans on his person.)

The keeper of Korin tower, above which floats Kami’s
Lookout, Korin is an ageless cat of impressive skill and
cunning. He is also the only being on the planet with
knowledge of how to grow the magic Senzu Beans. Korin’s
tower is at first an insanely long pillar of stone sprouting up
from the ground. The tower stretches high into the sky for at
least 8 miles. At the top of the tower is a huge area that almost
seems like it shouldn’t even be able to be supported by 1 long
column. It is here where Korin lives. The tower itself is
broken up into several areas. First there is a ramp leading up
the underside of the tower from the support pillar. This leads
to the training area, a wide open space that is about the size of
a football field (circular), there is guard railing around all of the
tower. It is also here where Korin keeps the “Sacred Water”
(which is nothing more than ordinary water). There are stairs
that lead down to the living quarters. Covering all of this is a
large dome to which a person can get up on. Above the center
of the tower is a ladder which leads up Kami’s lookout. In
order to get to Korin a person must either fly up to him or
climb the tower. Most people who visit Korin are after the
“Sacred Water.” In truth its no more than ordinary water, but
it’s the training involved in trying to get it away from Korin
that is gained (a person must try to take the Jug of water away from him in order to get a drink.) Korin
never needs to sleep but does so when desired. Korin’s tower is a magical construct that is extremely
durable, able to with stand the tests of time, gravity, natural disasters, and other things with ease.
Korin’s roll in things is like that of Mr. Popo; he is a steward to the Guardian of the planet. Because of
this he has been granted some unique abilities.

Personality: Korin is straight forward with people, but has a quirky sense of humor. He is very wise as
well as a good teacher.

Schticks: A small, fat, white cat with a large walking stick that can talk, and fly.

Level: 20 (+2 level adjustment)

Classes: Cleric (13), Martial Warrior (5)
Species: Feline (Enchanted Cat)
Korin’s physical scores are like that for a common household cat, except for his strength score; his
mental abilities are far greater though.
STR: 10 INT: 17 (+3) WIS: 22 (+6) CHA: 15 (+2)
Align: LG
Skills: Personalize Korin’s skills to your liking however he does have a very high Knowledge (Nature),
& Knowledge (Herbalism) skills. With his Martial Warrior Skills, they are focuses on Tumble, and
Sense Power.
Powers/Spells: Korin primarily has spells memorized that aid him in growing his senzu beans. Korin
also knows other spells that deal mainly with protecting himself. In terms of powers as a Martial
Warrior Korin rarely uses these powers except for the ability to fly. Korin is capable of using the
Personal Energy Wave but has never needed to use it, as such its name is unknown. Korin has a Power
Level of 170, and a Power Up of 34.
Racial Attributes: Korin is no normal cat. First off he is much larger than any normal house cat,
second he is able to talk, and third he has eternal life. Korin has lived for centuries and has gained a
great deal of knowledge about the world around him.
Powers of the Steward: Korin is able to sense thing far beyond that of any normal being. Korin has a
+40 to his Sense Power checks. He is also able to perceive events and actions while using his sense
power skill. Korin is also capable of telepathic communication at will. The range of his telepathy is
unlimited, but is only good for 2 way communication.

Chi Chi
She was once a little girl and a princess that Goku had
met when trying to find one of the dragon balls. Chi Chi has
grown up to become Goku’s wife and mother to his son Gohan.
Chi Chi is a loving wife, but doting mother, she wants Gohan
to improve his mind rather than his brawn. This some times
puts her at odds with Goku and eventually Gohan as well. Chi
Chi however knows that her son is special and eventually
relents at times allowing him to train with his father, but only
so he can study even harder later. Chi Chi is anything but
helpless either. As daughter of the Ox-King, one of Master
Roshi’s oldest students, she is a formidable fighter although not nearly at the level of Goku and the
others. Chi Chi, like Bulma, is very attractive, she is also at least 4-5 years younger than Bulma as well.
(Chi Chi is also the only person that a Super Saiyan like Goku really fears. After all he lives with her.)

Personality: Moody, temperamental, and traditional, but very caring and loving.
Schticks: Doting mother, constantly complains about Goku always fighting, hounds Gohan to study
hard and develop his mind.

Level: 8
Classes: Monk 6, Martial Warrior 2.
Species: Human
STR: 13 (+1) DEX: 16 (+3) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 16 (+3) WIS: 14 (+2) CHA: 20 (+5)
Align: LG
Skills: Chi Chi’s skills are some what combat orientated with some focused on Jump, Balance, and
Tumble. Her other skills are orientated toward her life as a mother and home maker.
Power Level: 64 Power Up: 13

Chi Chi’s very large but lovable and amiable father. The Ox-King is still a mighty warrior in his
own right and a fitting father in law for Goku. He is also the only one who can hope to defuse his
daughter’s formidable temper. Ox-King stands in at about 7ft, and is very largely built, but it’s mostly

Personality: A bit of a goof ball, but smart and quick to pick up on things.
Schticks: Always wears a horned helmet, although he has 2 types, one for battle and one for out of

Level: 8
Classes: Monk 5, Fighter 1, Martial Warrior 2.
Species: Human
STR: 20 (+5) DEX: 12 (+1) CON: 17 (+3) INT: 14 (+2) WIS: 14 (+2) CHA: 14 (+2)
Align: LG
Skills: Ox-King’s skills are focused toward combat as well as building.
Power Level: 75 Power Up: 15
When Ox-King goes into battle he wear’s: a heavy armored belt (+2 AC enchantment), Bracers (+2
Bracers of Armor), a red cape (+1 cape of resistance), +1 Battle Ax, and a goggled helmet (low-light
vision 60ft).

Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo is the ever present servant and steward to the various Kame’s who have held the throne
of Guardian of the Earth. This short, very dark skinned man is very soft spoken and incredibly polite.
He dresses in an Arabian fashion, and does not appear to be as strong as he actually is. Mr. Popo tends
to the tree’s and various other plants on the look out. He also helps train new guardians in how to tend
to their roles. Mr. Popo has lived for countless centuries and is obviously immune to the effects of
aging. Mr. Popo always remains at the lookout although he ventures away from time to time at the
behest of the current Kami.
Personality: Mr. Popo is soft spoken, but very honest, he never
lies, he is also very kind and completely loyal to his friends
especially Kami.

Schticks: Arabic clothing, very dark skinned, no nose.

Level: 20 (+7)
Classes: Monk (10), Martial Warrior (3) +7 level adjustment.
Species: Genie/Human (Enchanted)
STR: 25 (+7) DEX: 25 (+7) CON: 12 (+1) INT: 17 (+3) WIS: 30 (+10) CHA: 16 (+3)
Align: LG
Skills: Mr. Popo’s skills primarily are Wisdom and Intelligence based, he does have high Balance, Jump
and Tumble skills. Mr. Popo particularly knows a lot about gardening.
Powers: Mr. Popo’s powers are unknown. It’s easily possible that he can fire off energy blasts and has
his own custom energy wave, although he has never had need to use these powers. Although a skilled
fighter, he has low HP (low rolls) and is a pacifist by nature. (Mr. Popo does have the Physical Training
feat.) Additionally Mr. Popo is a uniquely enchanted human, who is something of a genie. While Mr.
Popo’s powers are not like any actual Genies, he does not age. Additionally Mr. Popo may cast any 7th
level Druid Spell (or lower), but may only cast a number of spells per day equal to his Wisdom score
Modifier +2.
Powers of the Steward: Mr. Popo is able to sense thing far beyond that of any normal being. Mr. Popo
has a +40 to his Sense Power checks. He is also able to perceive events and actions while using his
sense power skill. Mr. Popo is also capable of telepathic communication at will. The range of his
telepathy is unlimited, but is only good for 2 way communication.
Power Level: 70 Power Up: 15
Magic Carpet: Mr. Popo’s magic carpet is much different than any normal magic carpet. It is capable of
flying at a speed of 150 (Can fly at double and triple that speed if Mr. Popo desires.) Additionally Mr.
Popo can “will” the carpet to teleport him and any passengers any place he so desires. (Mainly places
that he has been too, or where he knows someone.) Mr. Popo is capable of summoning the carpet with a
wave of his hand, where it seems to roll out and float in the air. Mr. Popo puts it away in a similar

Kami, Guardian of the Earth

The current Guardian of the Earth, Kami is a very old Namekkian, whose past is unknown.
Kami has lived for centuries watching over the Earth. When he was selected to become the next
Guardian he had to complete a task first. Kami was powerful, but he had a great anger with in him. As
such his task was to separate this festering anger and resentment from himself. Kami did so by splitting
off all of those dark emotions into a clone of himself. Unlike how the multi-image technique works,
Kami’s dark half took on a life of his own and called himself Piccolo. However he and Kami were
linked. Although Piccolo was not nearly as powerful as Kami was, he was sill a threat to normal
mortals. Kami’s link with Piccolo was 2-way in a certain sense. What ever happened to one happened
to the other. If Piccolo were killed, Kami would die as well, and if Kami were killed, Piccolo would die.
In addition to this Piccolo, even though he is less powerful than Kami, has his powers bound to Kami. If
Kami is sealed away, or has his powers hampered in some way, Piccolo is like wise effected. The same
again goes for Piccolo. Once Kami became Guardian of the
Earth he set about creating the mystic dragon balls, powerful
magic orbs, that when brought together would summon the
eternal dragon, Shenron. Even though Shenron was powerful he
was not invincible. Piccolo managed to kill Shenron at one
point, but since Kami had created the dragon balls, and Shenron,
it was a simple mater for him to resurrect the dragon.

Personality: Kami is often blunt and too the point. He also has a wicked sense of humor at times. In
addition to this he is very wise and is often more than willing to impart his wisdom into others.

Schticks: Carries a large wooden walking staff.

Level: 30 (+2 level adjustment)

Classes: Martial Warrior (20), Guardian (8), +2 level adjustment.
Species: Genie/Human (Enchanted)
HP: 180
STR: 18 (+4) DEX: 14 (+2) CON: 15 (+2) INT: 17 (+3) WIS: 25 (+7) CHA: 15 (+2)
Align: LG
Speed: 171
AC: 46 (+2 Dex, +9 Speed, +8 Guardian, +14 Feats)
FORT: +12 REF: +18 WILL: +23
Skills: Balance +4, Bluff +8, Climb +4, Concentration +30, Diplomacy +11, Intimidation +2, Hide
Power +6, Jump +10, Knowledge (History) +14, Knowledge (Arcana) +14, Listen +6, Scry +14, Sense
Motive +11, Sense Power +24, Swim +2, and Tumble +15
Feats: Power Attack, Dodge, Point Blank Blast, Meditative Focus, Aura Shield, Expertise, Enhanced
Energy Wave, Improved Combat Focus, Armor Skin (x2), Epic Toughness
Class features: Martial Warrior: Unarmed Strike (2d6), Combo’s, Focus & Control Ki (Boost Physical
Power [+20 max], Aura [Aura Armor], Personal Energy Wave, Deflection), Leap of the Clouds, DR:
4/--, ER: (12 points distribute as you like), Bonus Feat (5 Combat Focus, Precise Blast, Mobility, Spring
Attack, Blast on the Run)
Guardian: Divine Power, Create Lookout, Divine Knowledge, Divine Awareness (+60), Create Mystic
Rooms, Create Object (3), Pass Power, Teleportation, Spell Resistance: 41, ER: 5 in all, (20 points
distributed as you like)
Melee BAB (Adjusted): +23/+18/+9 Unarmed: +23/+20/+17/+14/+11 Ranged BAB (Adjusted):
Power Level: 220 Power Up: N/A
Kami has a wide variety of techniques at his disposal, however since he rarely fights, his techniques are
pretty much unknown. Kami is capable of firing off energy blasts, and using a few other different
techniques. He does not have Instant Transmission since his divine teleportation is more powerful.
Additionally Kami knows a special technique to purging ones self of all evil, although this creates a new
beings, it takes a day to do, the new being is the opposite alignment of the other, always evil. If killed
and reborn, they are evil still but are now able to grow as a person and over come their dark hearts. The
original persons level is reduced by 1/3rd. If the two beings fuse back together again, the lost levels are
restored, and the character gains the benefits of the Namek Fusion feat. The restored levels are in the
class that the character had prier to the split, and do not count any new levels gained since that time.
Either person can act as the new body, their minds rejoin and become whole with one persons body as
the primary body. The Namek Fusion feat does not have to be selected for this although both parties
must be willing to re-unite into one body. (Kami was a level 30 martial warrior when he split off
Piccolo, as such when he and Piccolo reunite into 1 form, who ever will be the main body will regain the
10 levels lost.)

DRAGON BALL NOTE: One unique technique Kami has is the ability to create dragon balls and an
eternal dragon. When making dragon balls a character must be a Namek, they also must find 7 perfectly
round stones (can be hand made, or magically created it does not mater). The character then makes a
clay statue of a dragon, it can have any appearance desired by the creator. This small clay statue is the
representation of the eternal dragons form when summoned. The ritual after this is one of mystery, no
one knows exactly what the Namek does to bestow the dragon with power. This can take days, and even
months to complete. (For game purposes the Namek must be able to focus 1,000ki into the statue, and
100ki per dragon ball, all items are infused with this energy together.) (Additionally not all Nameks
have the ability to create dragon balls, although its easy enough for 1 Namek to pass on the ability and
knowledge to do so.) After the total 1,700ki points have been focused in the items, and what ever ritual
is performed, the dragon balls begin to glow blindingly, shoot up into the sky and race off into the sky
away from each other (speed 90, flies for about 4 hours before landing, or may stop sooner if it hits
something.) The dragon balls are indestructible, and no amount of force can break them. The dragon is
a different mater though. All of this allows the dragon to grant 1 wish. The eternal dragon is capable of
granting these wishes initially:
 Can grant only 1 wish per year, (year is based upon the cycle of the planet it was created.)
 Can instantly resurrect any 1 person or group of people (up to 100 billion people with 1 wish if
worded perfectly, although there is a 35% chance that the dragon may not be able to resurrect so
many people at once, and may only be able to do 1/4th that amount) as long as they did not die in
the course of their natural lifespan. (Such as dieing of old age, or from a normal natural disease.)
A person can only be resurrected once with these dragon balls.
 Can grant Eternal Life, and Immortality. With Eternal life the person never ages again from the
point at which they made the wish. With Immortality the person can never be killed, and they do
not age. They gain “Regenerate” at a rate of 10 per round, and can regrow lost limbs, even their
entire body at a rate of 1 inch per hour. Even if the body is utterly destroyed it will always
 Can make grant 1 person instant sovereignty over a region and its people, although whether this
lasts is up to the person and how well they rule.
 Can grant 1 special ability/power to any person (Extraordinary, and/or Super Natural).
 Can grant a single person 1,000 x the character’s current level in Xp. (Allows them to gain
multiple levels at once.)
 Can grant a group of people 500 x the groups average level in Xp. (Allows them to gain multiple
levels at once.)
 Can grant a Martial Warrior 5d10+10 bonus points to their Power Level.
 Can grant any person a single ability score bonus of 1d6+1 points to be added to a single ability
score or to multiple ability scores.
 Can create any single magical item worth up to 760,000gp, or can grant a person that much
 Can teleport anyone or group of people any distance, even if they are all spaced out over an area.
This is a particularly difficult wish though and there is a 35% chance that the Eternal Dragon will
not be able to grant it. The teleportation is with out error and always to a relatively safe place
often not too far from a city.
 Lastly the wish can not go against the alignment of its creator. So if a lawful good Namek makes
the dragon balls the dragon can not kill or harm anyone if wished to do so.
 Only Nameks of Good and Neutral alignment are capable of making dragon balls. Evil beings
do not have the power to do so.
 With multiple wishes a person does not have to make all the wishes at once, they can choose to
save a wish for later. At which point the dragon will disappear and the dragon balls will fly up
into the air and shoot off in 7 directions. (They can be found again after about 60 days.)
 The Dragon’s ability scores are mirrored after those of its creator. Its size is always colossal
(body is generally 1-2 miles long & its tail is anchored to the dragon balls). Strength &
Constitution are equal to the creators x3 Dexterity is equal to the creators, Intelligence, Wisdom
& Charisma is equal to the creators x2. AC is 10, -8 size, + creators level, + natural (determining
the dragons natural AC bonus is equal to ½ the creators level). It’s attack bonuses are equal to
the creators x2 (not their unarmed attack bonuses if any, they are readjusted for the dragons
increased ability scores). The dragon is capable of making a bite attack, can swallow whole, 2
claw attacks, & can grab with those claws (damage for bit, and claws are all equal to those for a
colossal gold dragon.) The dragon floats in the sky high above the dragon balls. The dragon is
not capable to moving on its own however, but can move out to the full length of its body away
from the dragon balls. The Eternal Dragons HP is often not as much as a normal dragon’s. The
eternal Dragon’s Hit points are equal to its creators, x2. The dragon has a DR of 20/+3, and has
all dragon immunities, keen senses, and is completely immune to the breath weapons of other
dragons. Saving throws are equal to its creators x2. The eternal dragon does have 1 power that
no other dragon can posses (aside from its ability to grant wishes), the power to dominate other
dragons. The eternal dragon is much larger than any dragon. It inspires fear to who ever looks
upon it, but not so much so that they can not ask a wish of it. If attacks the dragon will fight
back, especially if another “real” dragon does so. As a full round action the Eternal Dragon can
attempt to dominate the other dragon. The real dragon must make a Will Save against the
Eternal Dragons domination power (effects any dragons that are visible to the Eternal Dragon),
the power has a save DC equal to the creators level, + the dragons own will check. Any dragon
that fails their save will do what ever the Eternal Dragon commands of them, (often to never
bother it again). But should a dragon make the save, they will know that the Eternal Dragon just
attempted to dominate them. The Eternal Dragon may attempt this use any number of times in a
day as they desire, however those that are effected by it suffer an accumulative -5 to their next
Will save each and every time the make their Will save against the Eternal Dragons power. Once
a dragon has been dominated it will always do as the Eternal Dragon has commanded it to, even
if the Eternal Dragon is once again resting after making its wish. The commanded dragon’s
alignment remains the same and it is still able to act as how it would normally would, but it will
not disobey the command of the powerful Eternal Dragon. The Eternal Dragon itself can not be
dominated, it is immune to any and all such things due to its unique nature. Also the Namek can
try to make the Dragon tougher than normal. By spending 200ki into the Eternal Dragon’s
statue, the Namek can increase the Eternal Dragons HP by 100 points. The dragon also has an
intimidation skill of equal to the creators level, + their own ability score adjustments
 A Namek can try making the dragon more powerful at any point in time. They need only focus
an additional 200ki per wish into the dragon statue so that it can grant 1 more wish per year.
However the increase in wishes reduces its over all powers by 3/4th unless the Namek infuses it
with another 200ki. Dragons can only grant up to 3 wishes per year, (resurrection is reduced to 1
person per wish., can still teleport massive groups though) Alternatively the Namek can boost
the existing powers of the dragon by infusing the dragon again with another 200 ki per ability out
lined above that is increased in power (essentially negating the reductions for having more than 1
wish, and/or reduces the possibility that the dragon can not grant the wish asked of it, reduces the
percentage by 5 per 200ki.) Lastly with resurrections, for 200ki the dragon can be made to grant
the same wish repeatedly for a person. (So if someone is resurrected with the dragon balls once
before, they can be resurrected again with them if they were killed a second time, although the
person does have the option of refusing the wish.) If the creator is ever killed the dragon balls
become ordinary stones, although a different Namek can take possession of the dragon balls, by
infusing the dragon statue with 200ki of their own, thus restoring the dragon and the dragon
 Summoning the dragon requires all 7 dragon balls to be brought together, the balls glow and
pulsate when they near each other or are together, but only when in the light, or out in the open,
(they will not glow and pulsate when in a bag.) The creator can choose to have a password on
the dragon balls for 100ki, the password can be in any language that the creator knows, the wish
has to be made in the same language as well though. Otherwise with out a password a person
must utter something aloud along the lines of “I summon the Eternal Dragon,” or, “Arise Eternal
Dragon”. The wording of how the dragon is summoned helps it to know who has summoned it.
If some one does not say “I summon” then the dragon will grant the wish of anyone else present
who happens to speak up. (Oolong did this to counter Emperor Pilaf’s wish to rule the world.)

Demon King Piccolo (As of before the

“Dead Zone”.)
The being known as Demon King Piccolo, was once
just as old as Kami, however when Goku flew up at him, he
knew that his time was short. Using the last of his energy he
quickly reproduced an egg and passed his spirit into the egg
just as the young Goku flew right through his body. The egg
flew off, and Piccolo was soon reborn in a newer younger body
that quickly aged to adulthood. A few years later, Piccolo and
Goku would fight again in the next world martial arts
tournament to see who was the strongest of either of them.
Goku won, although Piccolo grew only more resentful of
Goku. Piccolo initially starts off literally as Kami’s exact opposite in personality. He was cruel and
would kill with out a second thought, however, after Goku destroyed his old body, Piccolo’s actions at
self preservation in fact allows him to begin his life anew. Its when he encounter’s Goku’s son that the
evil king Piccolo begins to change for the better.

Personality: Grim, dangerous, laconic (kind of has a Clint Eastwood, “Dirty Harry” persona.)

Schticks: Wears a heavy turban & cape. Hates Goku (and talking) about equally.

Progression: When Piccolo is first introduced he is a level 7 Martial Warrior. After being reincarnated
Piccolo begins to train and his level increases (level 8 Martial Warrior). After loosing to Goku a second
time Piccolo continues to train.

Level: 10
Classes: Martial Warrior (8), +2 Level Adjustments.
Species: Namekkian
HP: 83
STR: 21 (+5) DEX: 19 (+4) CON: 19 (+4) INT: 15 (+2) WIS: 16 (+3) CHA: 13 (+1)
Align: LE
SPEED: 104
AC: 20 (+4 Dex, +6 Speed) DR: 1/--
FORT: +6 REF: +10 WILL: +9
Balance +9, Bluff +6, Climb +10, Concentration +11, Intimidation +8, Jump +12, Listen +19, Swim
+10, Tumble +11, Hide Power +6, Sense Power +6
Physical Training, Power Attack, Ranged Strike,
Training: 1) Self: +1 Str, +1 Dex, done after level 5. 2) Self Training: +1 Dex, +1 Con, done after level
Martial Warrior: Unarmed Strike (1d6), Combo’s, Focus & Control Ki (Boost Physical Power [+8 max],
Aura [Aura Armor], Personal Energy Wave, Deflection), Leap of the Clouds, DR: 1/--, Bonus Feat
(Combat Focus, Point Blank Blast)
Melee BAB (Adjusted): +11/+6 Unarmed: +11/+8 Ranged BAB (Adjusted): +10/+5
Power Level: 149 Power Up: 30

Demon Light Beam Full R. 505ft +2d10 / 5 Ki +5 ki per Homing, Bending, Area Effect,
(Personal Energy Wave) additional 1D10 Delay, Continuous Fire, & Counter
Melee Attack Instant Self 5 ki per +1 equivalent Ignore Hardness/Armor
enchantment (+5 max)
Flight Instant Self 10 ki per hour of flight None
Meditation N/A Self N/A See Power
Create/Control Material Full R. N/A N/A See Power

Shenron, the Eternal

The Eternal Dragon, Shenron, is in fact not
a true dragon. Shenron is in fact a magical being
born in part of the planet’s spirit. It is sentient and
capable of making decisions. However it is bound
to certain rules. Shenron must grant 1 wish when
summoned, to whoever requests it. The wish of
course can not go against the alignment of Kami,
and the dragon will refuse to grant any wish that
is made of it. There is also times when a
particular wish may be beyond the dragon’s
power, possibly because the person on the
receiving end of the wish refuses to accept it. The
dragon will not force a wish upon a person, but the dragon does grow impatient if a wish is not made
promptly. The dragon often give a person about 10 minutes to make up their mind before growing too
impatient. At which point the dragon balls fly up into the air and shoot off in all directions. Although
powerful Shenron has been killed once, by the then Evil King Piccolo. (Critical hit, energy blast to the
head, very high damage, expenditure of almost all of his energy, additionally the dragon could not attack
him due to his connection with Kami, and as such
was all but helpless against the attack. The
dragon lost more than ½ it’s HP in a single hit and
failed its Fort save. Kami later resurrected the
dragon easily. [In game though Piccolo was a
DM controlled villain, as such it’s a simple mater
for the DM to state that Piccolo kills the dragon if
its meant to be apart of the plot. The DM does not
actually have to roll to hit or even roll damage for
something like this, but they should keep in mind
that Piccolo expended all of his energy to do it.])

HP: 360
STR: 54 (+22) DEX: 14 (+2) CON: 45 (+17) INT: 34 (+12) WIS: 50 (+20) CHA: 30 (+10)
Align: LG
Speed: N/A, (342 flying; good)
AC: 49 (+2 Dex, -8 size, +30 Creator Level, +15 natural)
FORT: +37 REF: +34 WILL: +52
Melee BAB (Adjusted): +60/+50/+40 Ranged BAB (Adjusted): +40/+30/+20
WISHES: Shenron can only grant 1 wish per 356 days. (At this point in time.)
Dragon Balls: Each dragon ball has a number of red stars in them denoting what dragon ball it is. The
Earth dragon balls are about the size of a baseball. They begin to pulsate and glow when brought
together out in the light.

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